The scenario of the ecological fairy tale for children about the careful attitude towards nature. Scenario of the ecological musical mini-fairy tale "Wonders of the Spring Forest

The scenario of the ecological fairy tale for children about the careful attitude towards nature. Scenario of the ecological musical mini-fairy tale
The scenario of the ecological fairy tale for children about the careful attitude towards nature. Scenario of the ecological musical mini-fairy tale "Wonders of the Spring Forest

Based on the ecological fairy tale N.A. Yazhova

"Gray cap and red wolf"


Red wolf, gray hat,

Christmas trees, crow, squirrels, beavers, flowers, butterflies.

Forest scenery

Singing birds sounds, includes a red wolf with a red book,

considers all right in the forest.

Wolf Oh, my forest, my marvelous forest,

Was once to heaven,

Birds flew fun

In the glades, flowers bloomed,

What happened to him now?

Everywhere to slush, garbage, dirt ...

Who is to blame for this?

The wolf sighs, sits on the pennies, opens the red book.

Oh, even wolves in the Red Book brought!

What future is waiting for me?!

He sighs again, a crow appears to the music.

Piece "Birds and Crow" (A.Kravtsovych)

Crow Hey, you, red, sit here,

birds listen, and a gray hat

again to visit my grandmother

gathered. I have already all animals and

birds in the forest warned

and you too hurry, you

love her to raise. Would ate

her immediately and the case with the end is not

it gives up her upbringing, she has a bad heredity!

The wolf sighs, the crow flies it.

He sighs! She scored again full package Any pies, olives, sodes, then again scatters everything in the forest.

Wolf flies again.

Well, okay, I'm time, and you sit, wait !!!

The crow flies under the same music.

With the song comes out gray hat.

Song "Song of the Red Cap" (E. Mashchechkova)

Seeing the wolf, she pulls out chewing gum And throws a fantasy.

Wolf pick up, please wrap. Here should be clean!

A gray hat pretends that the wolf does not hear and begins to shout.

S.Sh. Hey, you!

The wolf raises the fantasy and goes behind a gray hat.

Wolf and do not shout, please, there is birds

give chicks, do not frighten them.

S.Sh. How do you bother me, nothing with

your birds will not happen, but

i want to sing, maybe my soul

sings. And why only you

guard? Here, grandma told

how good it was before - everywhere I was hunted, and no one regretted them!

Wolf listen, hat, you again carry my grandmother with a creamy olive in the cellophane bag, it is harmful for the elderly, in it the ho-wood-te-r-on a lot. Your grandmother needs vegetarian food, and all these packages are then lying throughout the forest.

Here, Mole recently told how he got out at night fresh air Raise and, almost suffocated, I thought that the air in the forest was over!

S.Sh. Well, and me here and? I never saw this crotch and see I do not want!

Wolf But he now wants to see you, because at night he climbed his nose into the package that you threw the last time, barely got out of it.

S.Sh. Next time, it will look where your nose to poke. And in general, I have no time.

Gray hat turns and leaves, the wolf goes behind her.

Wolf Eh, hat, and who only brought up you?

Tribes go to the music.

Dance "Christmas tree"

(A.Varlamov, Aranzh. J. Last "Red Sarafan")

Enters gray hat,

while she says, squirrels run away and hide behind the Christmas trees.

S.Sh. Where did I bother? I used to never go here, what dense twigs have these Christmas trees, you need to break them.

S.Sh. Begins to break the branches, proteins run out of the Christmas trees.

1 squirrel cap, do not break the twig in the Christmas trees,

they hurt them, and they help different

animals hide from heat and from

2 protein and we live on these trees, we have

here is a house if you break them

now we will have no place to live and keep

reserves. Listen to.

Dance "Squirrel" (V.Shansky)

S.Sh. And how can I get to my grandmother?

Squirrels go along the river.

Christmas trees and proteins leave, simultaneously with them to the music included beavers.

Excerpt from the song "Song about repair"


S.Sh. Who are you? And what are you doing here?

Beavers We are Bobras!

1 beaver we are accustomed to live only in

clean water, and our river near

cities flow.

2 beaver she is very polluted, so we and

we clean it.

3 beaver And we are still builders, we build your

house - Khatka, we are accustomed to live clean.

4 beaver And we heard about you from the red wolf, that you make a cumulative in the woods and litter!

S.Sh. I will no longer make noise and litter in the forest, let's help you.

Bobras come on!

Dance "Masters"

(V.Shinsky "Song of Repair")

S.Sh. Well, I helped you, but I once, I hurry to my grandmother, I still need her big bouquet Colors nick.

Beavers go under the same music as they entered

simultaneously include flowers.

1 flower as sweetly we slept in the dew honey,

2 flower we dance day meeting new,

3 flower reappear to the sun petals

4 flower and stretch higher from the ground.

Dance "Colors"

(I.Gladkov "Good Fairy")

S.Sh. What luck is that I went on this road! In other places you will no longer find such beautiful colors. I Narva a huge bouquet for grandmother, and she will be very glad!

S.Sh. Wants to disrupt the flower, the wolf comes out.

The wolf can not tear live flowers, better do for grandmother a flowerbed, and she can admire the flowers and butterflies from the window.

While the wolf says, the butterflies run away.

Butterflies we are butterflies - chaluny, fun dance,

Pucked by colors, got into a fairy tale!

1 Butterfly

In my legs, I wear pollen, from flower to fly to the flower.

I pollinate flowers and help them help.

2 Butterfly

I myself look like a flower, my wings, like petals.

I fly in the idle day and over the field and the river.

3 Butterfly

And above the apple tree, and above the drain,

over daisies I have a river

In the dance fly fellow

Easy moths.

4 Butterfly

I look like a little bit on a miracle,

There is no mile in nature.

And no wonder sings me a song

In the mornings of the blue stream!

Dance "Butterflies"

(I.Bach Waltz "Joke")

After the dance, the butterfly get up between flowers,

On the foreground Red wolf and gray hat.

Wolf Forest Flowers Let Grow in forest house, They are more here, otherwise they will become the same rare as me!

During the words of the wolf, all the characters of the fairy tales come out

and lined up.

S.Sh. If I lay a flower, if you break the flower,

If all, and I, and you will collect flowers together,

All heroes will empty all the cleans, and there will be no beauty!

Final song

"So that the forests could bloom"

(on the melody of the song from k / f « New Year's Adventures Masha and Viti ")

Environmental fairy tale for preschoolers "Let's live together!"

Goals and objectives:
- development of cognitive interest in nature;
- upbringing careful, humane attitudes towards nature, sense of responsibility for all living on Earth;
- Development moral qualities Personality, feelings of the partnership, willingness to come to help friends;
- Attraction to Russian folk art.
Activities: Musical, educational and research.
Forms of organization - Subgroup, steam room.
Forms of realization of children's activities - singing, orchestration, dance improvisation. The hall is decorated under the forest glade. The music of Gladkov M \\ f "Plasticine Crow" sounds. The forest glades include animals, flowers, mushrooms, gnomes and sing:
One simple fairy tale,
And maybe not a fairy tale
Or maybe not a simple
We want to tell you.
How the animals lived, birds,
Trees, flowers, insects
Did not think they did not guess
What trouble from people to wait ...
Sounds song "The day opened at the dawn."
All characters diverge on the clearing and take tools.
Loving - narrator (stayed in the center): All forest inhabitants lived very friendly, never quarreled. So they had great mood.
Morning, the sun gets up,
The day is wonderful
Multicolored flowers
Disseminate petals.
Hears from all sides.
Orchestra of children's tools "Polka Trick Tric" Strauss Music.
Lesove: Everyone watched your health, every morning I had to charge.
A wolf coach runs out, invites everyone to charge under the song "Hey, Legembok, well, get up! ..."
After charging under the song "Forest Gnome", the forest residents begin to engage in every business.
Suddenly he is distributed loud music "Khali-Gali" gr, Outwashing fraudsters. The tag of the tape recorder includes hooligans. All forest residents are hiding behind trees and bushes; Yozh, Fox, Bear and Wolf go to dressing.
The hooligans are torn flowers, the rods are harvested from the bushes of the leaves, kicking the mushrooms. Suit the picnic, scatter after it all around: tin cans, bottles ... play a big ball in football. Torn flowers spread around the glade and go. Sounds Romance Muses. Sviridova.
Beasts are gradually chosen from shelters, roaming the meadow among the scattered garbage.

Lesove: Somehow it is especially quiet and sad passed the rest of the day in the forest.
Beasts gradually fall to bed. Sounds "Morning" music. Grill.
Lesowing: And the next morning ...
Wolf coach runs out, whistles in sports whistle, inviting everyone to exercise: Hey, Legembok, well, get up!
Beasts who are lame, who holds behind the paw. The main characters are bound by wounds.
Hedgehog: My poor spout! Painfully like! I was looking for mushrooms in the forest, I found a jar and stuck in it.
Bear: And I dug root in the ground, poured a glass with glass myself!
Wolf: Decided the water in the river to eat, who would know how much you can harm! Nails with a dozen swallowed, stuck in the throat, tolerate no strength!
A fox: And I am now with a broken head. Yes, where are you beasts to find peace! So just I walked in the forest, something slipped on something and fell!
Little gnomic: Where can banks from? Glass from where? And nails, and packages? What a miracle?
Squirrel: Not a miracle is, but people are simple and very big, and small growth!
ladybug: Just again, they go here a gurboy, it would have to get to your legs with you.
Sounds the phonogram "Voice of Nature". All forest inhabitants again scatter on their refuge.
Common hooligans and sit in the glade on the grass.
First hooligan.: How did the tape recorder broke. In silence, are we going to relax? Well, poultry, quickly soldered us, yes painful and pogroms!
Second hooligan: Why don't new flowers bloomed, alone dried lying?! Almost collapsed!
Third hooligan.: And I would sing a sweet berry now, but no one can see! What are everyone hugged in the grass?
The ladder comes to them.
Lesove: There will be no reserved forest share with you with his gifts. See what happened after yesterday's visit.
Patients are published.
Hedgehog: My poor nose ...
Bear: How the paw hurts ...
Wolf: And in the throat of nails ...
A fox: The head hurts - here is the grief!
They overlook all the forest inhabitants and speak together: we are not different with you, do not come to us more!
All forest inhabitants fell out of the hooligans, gradually narrowing the circle.
Hooligans in turn. First: forgive us beasts!
Second: We are so guilty!
The third: We hurt you ...
Fourth: And so paid!
Juligans all together:
We will all save
And the lesson will not forget
And he will continue to promise
We will be good!
The final of the Symphony No. 40 of Mozart sounds. Hooligans cleaned garbage.
Beasts in turn say:
- Now remember the rules of behavior in the forest!
-Not Sori, not Shumi, do not kill!
-Not of RVI flowers with oakhaps, do not ruin anthills, do not throw stones in frogs, do not ruin the nests of birds!
-The forest there is nothing superfluous, everything is interconnected and everything complements each other!
All together: remember?
We promise you, I promise
Forest do not spoil, do not break
And the beasts do not offend.
We will be friends with the forest,
We will love him.
We will be Birds, insects, animals,
From this we will become only kind,
We decorate the earth gardens, flowers,
Such a planet needs us with you.
The third:
Let's take care of the planet,
There is no other such in the world,
Dispel the clouds and smoke
Withdrawn it will not give it to anyone.
All performed the song "Multicolored Planet".
Let's seek to
So that we loved and beasts and birds.
And trusted everywhere we
How closest to your friends!
Common dance for the song gr. Barberry "If a friend is not laughing."

Nina Nikolaevna Kiselevova
Scenario of the ecological fairy tale for preschoolers "Grandfish Garden"

They themselves were praised, the granddaughter was fed.

Dared to the bug with a cat, remained the mouse of the crumbs.

After breakfast, the case: Grandma B. the garden went,

Grandfather is preparing for fishing, granddaughter jumps on the rope,

Cat with a bug, well, play and hug each other.

I found the crust mouse, dragged her to mink.

Brought his own in the nest, just began to gnaw her

Suddenly Grannyka runs, still scrapped "

Grandma: "Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!"

Grandfather: "Something happened?"

Grandma: "Yes.

Jablodka grew by us, just not it now,

At night, the wind flew, our apple tree broke. " (Crying).

Grandfather: "Yes, you can't grieve, it is necessary to clean the bitch.

Let's fry the kebabs - the bitch will come in handy.

Everything will be fine with us, the place is now for the bed.

If the stump we will remove, make a bed together. " (Swinging stump).

Grandfather: "I can't talk".

Grandma: "Wait, I will help" (Swing stump).

Grandfather: "Rassed the stump a little, you need to click my granddaughter, a cat".

Grandma: "Call and bug too. Maybe she will help? "

"Granddaughter, where are you? Residence, grandmother with grandfather help! "

Granddaughter: "I'm already running, run, you certainly help you". (Swing stump).

Steel to rake, the roots began to detonate.

The mouse also jumped, the roots of the snack

For each other, they took firmly, pulled out stump as repka.

He took a dream for a shovel "...

Grandfather: (digging) "Look, guys!

And under this old thing, we all find a lot m.:

Bricks, iron, jars, chips, coins, flasks.

Garbage quickly, send to the garbage!

I still ride the ridge and scatter. " (Grandfather works, everyone comes back).

Grandfather: "And now I want to know, for whom, what is planted here?"

Grandma: "I am perhaps eggplants".

Cat: "I, of course, Valerian".

Grandfather: "Tomatoes love me".

Granddaughter: "Strawberries for me".

Bug: For me, the cucumber seite. "

Mouse: "Rye for a mouse do not spare!"

Mouse Mouse marks, grandmother seeds planting,

Cat with a cloth puts off their land. "

Dedka: "I say I all: "Thank you!", Grocery did beautifully. "

Mouse: "So the work has ended. In the heart of the joy of some kind of ".

Cat and bug: "We will always be joying with joint work.".

Publications on the topic:

Environmental fairy tale "Grandfather Garden" Children love fairy tales. I bring to your attention a tale presentation on ecological topics. Children meet with their familiar heroes.

Formation of ecological culture of preschoolers (consultation for parents) For parents "Being the whole nature is the glow of beauty? To say instant: Stop! Perhaps all nature is a mosaic of colors? May be,.

The formation of the ecological culture of preschoolers Nowadays, the problems of environmental education have been published on the fore, and they are paying more attention. Why have these problems become relevant?.

Formation of the foundations of ecological culture from preschoolers. Topic: "Formation of the foundations environmental culture"We are all children of nature. And from the small years, a person must know her and certainly learn to love.

The need to form the foundations of the environmental culture of preschoolers At the dawn of his youth, humanity was part of Nature. It now remains, although it does not always recognize this and attitude towards nature is wearing.

During the "booking week" we spend literary leisure, Introducing children with the work of children's writers and poets. Scenario literary.

MBDOU D / s №8 "Raduga" Likino-Dulevo prepared the teacher of Slankina Elena Yuryevna Objective: Cause interest in the works of A. S. Pushkin,

Municipal pre-school educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 55 of the general developmental type"

Open musical activity

"Forest fairy tale"

(for children of middle and older preschool age)


Music leader

Markova L.V.

g.O. Elektrostal


    Relevance ................................................ 3 p.

    The goal ....................................................................... .. 4 pp.

    Tasks ......................................................... 4 pp.

    Conclusions ………………………………………………. 5 pp.

    Scenario ................................................... ... 6 pp.

    Musual applications ........................................ 12 pp.

Music and environmental session for preschoolers

Music teaches to love, appreciate, compassion.

And therefore environmental education

preschoolers through music is

more successful and productive education.


Organization music classes in modern technologies preschool education requires the musical leader of improving practical activity by finding new forms and methods of construction educational activities Children. Environmental education Child B. children's garden And at home - this is not only the impulse of love and careful attitude towards nature. This is the knowledge of the child itself as part of nature, the feeling of the integrity of being, the unity of everything alive on earth. Without raising the feeling of admiration for nature, respect for its feasibility, wisdom and beauty is impossible to form a conscious human culture. And, the first steps in this direction will certainly need to be done in preschool age when the child is open, having trusting and susceptible to everything that surrounds him.

Environmental education ensures the formation of spiritual and moral values. Awaken interest in preschoolers to nature, show them its beauty through direct communication with animals and plants, game and, of course, through beautiful world Art - music, painting. Bright colors, beautiful melodies attract the child, awaken the imagination, fantasy, associative thinking, the desire to create, learn.

Musical education In this regard, it has special opportunities, since music is, first of all, the language of feelings, emotions and its essence is identical to nature itself. After all, everything in the world surrounding the world sounds, sings: this is the murmur of the stream, and the ringing of drops, and whistle wind, and the noise of the waterfall, and, of course, the singing of birds.

One of the important and complex tasks raising children, which is the basis for the development of their abilities finely feel the world, feel its beauty and feasibility, understand your responsibility for ensuring that this beauty and order are not destroyed and life on earth continued.


With the help of music to raise in children aesthetic feeling of beautiful, love for nature, kindness. To form in the minds of children of a modern environmentally friendly picture of the world, feelings of respect for their natural surroundings.


    Development of cognitive interest in nature

    Formation creative potential preschool children

    Education of gentle, humane attitude towards nature, sense of responsibility for all living on earth

    Development of moral qualities of personality, sense of partnership, willingness to come to help friends

    Formation of the singing and dance skills of preschoolers


The use of music in the environmental education of preschoolers leads to wonderful results. Music reveals before children bright images, affects children's souls, has a big impact on moral and emotional feelings. The sooner we bring the child to the world of music, the more successful the tasks of environmental education will be solved. Education through music is education on a sensual level, it is an opportunity to reach the soul and heart of each, while little manWho once grows up and in his hands will be a huge responsibility before the future generation. The more thought we will convey to our children: "A person is part of nature", the longer the life on earth will continue! IN musical works The enormous educational potential is laid. Music teaches to love, appreciate, compassion. And therefore, the ecological education of preschoolers through music is a more successful and productive upbringing.

Ecological script musical fairy tale "Forest fairy tale"

Words and music Markova L.V.


Adults: Lead


Children : Mushroom Lesovik







Decorations "Forest paintings", trees, grandmother's house, costumes of heroes, music center.

Structure occupation

Children under the music of songs "Forest, Forest, Miracles!" Name in musical Hall. In the hall there are scenery-trees - trees, birchings.

Lead Hello, dear guys! Today we will play a fairy tale. Yes, not a simple, but musical!

Roil around nature!
Awakened from sleep.
With blue sky
Spring came to us with the sun.

(Sounded phonogram spring Forest. Children-artists are hiding behind the trees. The rest of the guys go to the fore, and show all actions together with the music director)

Music and sound sketch "Spring"

MUZ. Hand-L.

Spring has come. Harvested Spring Sun (High Sound "A-A-A")

From the hill, ran the stream (chatting the tongue)

And filled to the edges a big, deep puddle (low sound "U-U-y")

Selected from under the bark of a bug (downstairs cams, low sound "g")

And small bugs (at the top of the decree. Finger, high sound "s")

Playing wings and flews whoever (wings brushes - "KRSH")

On high birch, a small cuckoo (high "ku-ku")

On the other birch, she answered a big cuckoo (low "ku-ku")

And on a huge oak, Filin was swolling (long "Wow)

Claw small birds-small (Chick-Chirik)

(Comes Mushroom Mushroom for the middle of the hall)

MUZ. Hand-L. Look, guys, a mushroom-leavik came to us! Let's listen to what he will say to us ....

Mushroom Lesovik In the forest, the spring I invite you to sneak with juice. Very glad to my guests, my little friends!

Lead Thank you, Mushroom Lesovik, for the invitation! Our guys are going to go to visit her grandmother. And the grandmother lives far, far away in the wagon, you need to go to her on the forest track ... So we worry, is it dangerous in the forest children to walk in one, without adults?

Mushroom Lesovik Do not be afraid! The main thing in our forest is politeness!

Waiting for you to visit a friend green, waiting for birch trees, sticky, maples. Pines, ate to heaven, a green friend, it ... ..

Chorus FOREST!

Song "Forest, Forest, Miracles!"

MUZ. Hand-L. Our children went to visit the grandmother. The path is far away, the path is not close, on forest paths, in forest paths.

(Children walk to the music for the girl to the music. First they go cheerfully, vigorously, to the music of Marsha)

MUZ. Hand-L. They go further, the forest is all the thicker .... They walked and got lost .... Stopped, looked around ....

(Children slow down the step in accordance with the nature of the music. Show surprise. Lost)

Watch, and from a tree on a tree, someone flies!(A bird runs out)

Children sing: Bird, bird, tell me, bird, bird, tell me how to find a walkway, to a grandmother in a guide?

Bird (He speaks) Very simple! Fly from this tree, here on that birch(Shows hands toward windows). And with this birch, fly on big oak. (Shows the other way). From the top of the oak you will see the grandmother's house.

Children sing Thank you, the bird!

Girl Only we do not know how to fly. Better we still ask someone.

MUZ. Hand-L. And the children went on ...

(Children walk to music on the hall next. The bird runs away for the scenes, takes off the costume and joins children)

* Music runs frog

Children sing Frog, tell me, frog, tell me how to find a walkway, to a grandmother to a guide?

Flagsonok Kva-ah-ah! Kva-ah-a-! Very simple! First jump from the bump on the bump(jumps, shows). Kva! ... Then step slowly so as not to fail(Pershesia). KVA! And when the swamp will go, Babushkin will find a house!

Children sing Thank you, frog!

Girl Only we do not know how to jump on the swamp, better we will ask someone else!

(Flagschonok runs away and joins children, children go to the music behind the girl)

* Moth flies under the music, it turns, dancing.

Children sing Mothek, tell us, moth, tell me how to find a walkway to the grandmother to the waggered?

Butterfly Very simple! You need to fly and spin, and then you can find yourself on the flower clearing (spinning). And next to the flower cleaner and stands the grandmother's climbing!

Children sing Thank you, moths!

Girl Only we do not know how to fly and spin! Better we still ask anyone!

* Under the music slowly slowly goes snail.

Children sing Hey, snail, tell me, hey, Snail tell me how to find a walkway, to a grandmother in a guide?

Snail (sighing) tell the dooooomoralogo. Louuuuchche I spent you there. Click me

Children sing Thank you, snail.

Girl Only we have no time to crawl, we'd better ask someone else!

(Snail leaves to change clothes. Children under the music go further behind the girl)

Musical hand Our children are tired of walking through the forest. And soon the sun hides, the evening will come and will be dark in the forest. Suddenly, they saw the guys to the glade with flowers, and someone flies on the clearing!

* Music flies bee

(While children ask a bee, the grandmother leaves and sits down at the table with a samovar)

Children sing Bee, beach, tell me, bee, bee tell me how to find a walkway, to a grandmother to a guide?

Bee Zhu-zhu-zhu, show. I am a grandmother for an hour care honey. Follow me!

(Children under the music go bey, she leads them to grandmother)

Muz.ruk-L. The guys quickly found a wagon where their grandmother lives. That was joy! And their grandmother met, rejoiced and hugged!

(Children get up near the grandmother. She strokes them on their heads, smiles)

My grandmother's song

Main Found the guys their grandmother and did not get lost in the forest. Because they were friendly, together in the forest went, they helped each other and were not confused - asked in the forest inhabitants, how to find a path to grandmother! Here is a fairy tale. And who listened - well done!

(children under the music sit on chairs)

Muz.ruk-L. Guys, today we sang and danced, we walked around the forest. I will ask you to draw houses of the forest inhabitants, whom we met today in our fairy tale. And come up with your fabulous forest history. Bye!

Children overlook the hall.

Ekaterina Vanina
Music and ecological fairy tale for children of senior preschool age "On a visit to the dandelion"

Purpose: Formation of ecological culture of preschoolers.


Developing tasks. Develop cognitive interest to the world of nature, develop logical thinking, Attention, the ability to make simple conclusions and conclusions.

Educational tasks. Rail in children environmental behavior, responsible, careful, emotional and positive attitude towards nature.

Educational tasks.To form in children elementary environmental knowledge, teach children the rules of behavior in the forest.

Leading: Hello children! Hello, viewers! Hello, dear parents! A lot of people live on Earth. We all want to play on blooming glades, breathe fresh air, swim in pure water bodies. But every year it becomes more and more difficult to do it. WINE TO OWN - our incorrect behavior. We offer to your attention a musical and ecological fairy tale "On a visit to the dandelion".

Children perform musical and rhythmic movements "Go to the campaign".

We go hike,

Many discoveries are waiting for us,

We walk each other

Forest and green meadow (Children marching).

Fine wings flashed

The butterfly field flute.

One two three four

Flew, skidded (Children "fly like butterflies").

Bridge to the side shot,

And under it, the streams laughed.

On the socks we will go,

On the shore fell (Children go on socks).

Floored mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes of all over

And approach the swamp (Children clap your hands).

Let's switch the Bar

And on the bumps - jump jumps!

And once, and two, behind the water! (children perform jumping ahead)

Leading: On the clearing, near the forest, the little yellow dandelion rose. Every day he watched cheerful butterflies, hardworking bees, singing birds, chips in green skirts and mighty oaks. And I envied him very much.

Dandelion: Everyone has friends, and I am completely alone.

Leading:The dandelion missed, and the day from the day was becoming more sad and sad. But in one sunny day, a spiny hedgehog rank.

Under the song "Little Hedgehog" runs the hedgehog. Children perform the song "Little Hedgehog."

Hedgehog: What should I give a birthday to my girlfriend - red fox?

Leading: Suddenly hedgehog saw a dandelion and said ...

Hedgehog: What beautiful flower! Here I will give it.

Leading: Hedgehog went to the dandelion and wanted to disrupt him, but suddenly noticed transparent droplets on leaves.

Hedgehog:You are crying?

Dandelion: How don't I cry? Everyone has friends, and I am completely alone.

Hedgehog: Want, will I be your friend? Let's go with me, I will introduce you to my friends!

Dandelion:Thank you, I really want to go with you!

Leading: The dandelion smiled and shook the fun in the green hands, but immediately he sirred.

Dandelion:I do not know how to walk ...

Hedgehog: No problem! I will give you and take you to my friends.

Leading: Said this hedgehog, but changed his mind ...

Hedgehog:No, you will be hurt. Better I invite my friends to the clearing.

Children perform musical and rhythmic movements "Walk - play".

We are walking with the guys

We guys play.

One, two, three, four, five

Bunny went out (In the circle goes "bunnies").

We are walking with the guys

We guys play.

One, two, three, four, five

Takes out to walk ("Bears" goes into the circle).

We are walking with the guys

We guys play.

One, two, three, four, five

Wolves went out to walk ("Wolves" goes into the circle).

We are walking with the guys

We guys play.

One, two, three, four, five

Fox went out (Foxes go to the circle).

Leading: So the dandelion appeared a lot of friends, and he was not at all sad.

Children perform the "Friends" dance from the repertoire of the Barbarika group.

Leading: The day after day, the time flew, the flower grown up. Summer warm rain watered him, and the sun helped rise above and above.

Children perform the musical and rhythmic movements "Evil Tuchka".

Leading: Communicating with his new friends, the dandelion learned a lot of interesting things about the life of forest animals. And they found out a lot about him. For example, if the dandelion hides its yellow petals, then the evening came and it's time to return home. And once, having come to the clearing, the beasts did not recognize their friend.

Chanterelle: Dandelion, what is your beautiful air hat!

Leading:I really liked everyone new outfit Dandelion, and it became so fun that I wanted to dance.

Children in pairs perform musical and rhythmic movements for the song "Dandelion" (by Sl. And music. K. Kostin).

Leading: A light summer breeze, seeing dancing animals, also got into dance and so slept that he filmed all the guns from a new dandelion cap.

Dandelion:Oh, where is my beautiful hat? How am I without her?

Leading:The dandelion was very upset, and the wise oak calmed him down.

Oak:Do not worry, it always happens ...

Wears dandelion.

Yellow Sarafanchik.

Grows up - dressed up

In a white dress.

Light, air,

Obedient breeze.

Leading:The day after day passed summer. Once, a clear sunny day of Hedgehog with his friends came to the clearing and did not know her at all. She was all in yellow dandelions. These are the gunki that faded the breeze sprouted and turned into yellow dandelions.

Children and their parents draw small ones on the asphalt with yellow dandelions.

Dandelion: I'm so joyful! Now I have even more friends. And the glade became more fun and even more beautiful!

Hedgehog: How cool that I did not break you, dandelion! If I Troin Flower ...


If you break the flower.

If all: and me, and you.

All animals:

If we break the flowers -

That will be deserts

And trees, and bushes.

And there will be no beauty.

And there will be no kindness.

If only me and you -

If we are taking flowers.

Leading: So our fairy tale came up to the end - the fairy tale is not simple, but environmental. Her characters showed us how to become a different nature. I invite all guests and participants of the event to take a walk through the forest clearing.

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