The most popular gifts from Vietnam. What to bring from Vietnam - Unusual souvenirs and gifts

The most popular gifts from Vietnam. What to bring from Vietnam - Unusual souvenirs and gifts
The most popular gifts from Vietnam. What to bring from Vietnam - Unusual souvenirs and gifts


Souvenirs and unusual gifts that can be brought from Vietnam's trip

New ideas that bring from Vietnam: souvenirs and unusual gifts that will surprise you

Naturally, the first unusual gift in this list will be a bottle of snake tincture.

This is an alcoholic beverage created on the serpentine poison and decorated very original: inside the glass container, the volume of 0.5 liters and the real snake is more satisfying. In addition to the snake, there are also scorpions, frogs and various lizards in such bottles. The price depends on the animal placed inside and from volume. It is believed that such tinctures help from many ailments. But tourists acquire them mainly like souvenirs, since not everyone will decide to try this exotic taste.

For those who do not like alcoholic beverages, you can buy pictures from Silka. These are real works of art that will delight eyes.
Another of quite original gifts can be allocated as follows:

Nonla is a traditional cone-shaped hat made of palm leaves and protecting local residents from the Sun.
Jewelry from pearls. But it is worth remembering that it is better to buy such decorations in proven stores so as not to run into the fake. Natural pearls are grown on oyster farms located on the shores of the Chinese Sea. It is here that you can buy beautiful and relatively inexpensive jewelry from a real pearl.
Painted national masks made by hand and looking very ... original.
Lanterns from bamboo and silk will become an excellent addition to the interior and will decorate your home.
Ointment, as well as balms based on serpentine poison. Here, they can already be safely applied. Such ointments will suit more adult relatives and the elderly.

For children, you can buy products from bamboo and mahogany - these are various caskets, frames, figurines; And also patchwork toys and key rings from crocodile feet.
For girls and ladies, you can bring products from Silka, Fair, painted dishes (if you are not afraid to break it on the way).
And for men, you can choose belts, bastards or a purse of genuine leather.
Well, of course, none of the tourists can pass by the traditional shoes of Vietnam - Vietnamese. They are here the most common running goods, popular among visitors.

Also from Vietnam you can bring tea and coffee. Of course, you need to know where to choose good varieties of these drinks. And it is best to buy tea and coffee in specialized stores in major cities such as Dlag. There, there are also whole plantations of coffee, where you will not only sell the highest quality drink, but also spend a tour and get acquainted with the intricacies of growing coffee beam.

All souvenirs and Vietnam gifts are quite real money, and you can even bargain for the thing you like, as it is very appreciated in the countries of the East. But it should be remembered that there are goods and items that can not be taken out of the country, and which will not miss Russian customs. This is primarily local currency. It is also impossible to export from the country: antiques, rare animals and stuffed animals, some fruits (watermelons, coconut, jackfruit and durian), weapons, more than 300 grams of gold and precious stones, corals and shells, as well as gas and electric souvenirs, and Even fish sauce "Social Mom".
So be careful in purchasing souvenirs in Vietnam. And certainly please all your acquaintances, close and expensive people, a part of this country.

Welcome to you, dear readers blog about Nha Trang site. In this article, we want to disassemble the question about shopping in Nha Trang, and in particular, that you can buy in Nha Trang. What tourists are carrying from Vietnam as a gift to their homeland? Review relevant for 2019.

A new online store for shopping in Nha Trang with delivery to the hotel has opened. Prices for goods Look at the link

In connection with the increased flow of tourists from Russia, more and more people are asked about to bring with them from Vietnam, and is there any shopping in Nha Trang? We will tell about it in this article. Magnets are, of course, good, but when it comes to something significant or useful, then the question is "what is still buying in Nha Trang?" It becomes very relevant.

What to buy and is there a shopping in Nha Trang?

Mountains of rags and Chinese souvenirs are bought out in the Nha Trang market at the "Hurray". Did you go to Vietnam? And how do you bike a 10-year old about Adidas and Nike and their plants for sewing sportswear? Many tourists still ask guides and passersby on the streets, where is the Adidas shop still? And when they find - they are horrified with prices, as they are often even higher than in Russia. In general, throw this bike from my head. There is no more such in Vietnam!

Shopping in Nha Trang is available! And if you guide the following 7 main directions, then you will surely drive valuable and high-quality things from Vietnam at uniquely low prices. Shopping in Nha Trang We broke on 7 main directions, specifying nuances and details, without which you can not do if you really want to make profitable purchases.

About "where to buy?" We will just talk a little in this article, and the main places and shops for buying valuable goods and souvenirs read in a special detailed review of Nha Trang shops. We will inform about him in a special letter that those who have already read became popular with tourists.


The first thing is worth talking about - pearls. Many people know that in Nha Trang you can buy pearls at low prices and good quality. There are questions "Where?" And "how to choose?". In this blog we have already described how to choose a real pearl. Read more, read about it in the article about. Pearls in Nha Trang are sold at every corner and all sellers assume that he is real. To buy a really good pearl, first of all, you need to choose one of the following paths.

How do Pearls buy in Nha Trang?

The first way is to buy pearls in the tourist area in one of the shops with beautiful shop windows on the streets of Tran Phu, Nguyen Thien Thuat or Hung Vuong. The advantage of this path is that you will definitely provide all certificates for the purchased pearls. Minus - you pay 2-2.5 times more expensive than if you go on the second path.

The second way is to go to the pearl in non-tourist places, in shops where there are no beautiful shop windows and sellers trying to talk in Russian. There are many such shops in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cho Lady market, or on some streets around the quarters around the market. Plus this path in price - it will be 2-2.5 times lower than in the tourist area, and minus is that if you go alone, then you can add a poor-quality product or fake. You can use this option if you have a familiar guide or Vietnamese, which will accompany you to the store and which will have your own interest, but you will not be snugged with a poor product, and the price will be much lower.

Pearl shops in Nha Trang

If you do not want to use the guide services, but you want to buy a quality product and at an affordable price, then we recommend the following stores: (These stores were selected for tourist reviews about the service, price and quality products)

Princess Jewelry.

The store has a large network throughout the city. Pretty large collection of decorations. Promotions are held, discounts and gifts.

Here is the address of the store:
24B Hung Vuong (opposite Galina Hotel)
32 Biet Thu Street
96 Tran Phu.

This is not necessary, but if you suddenly want to thank us for useful information, then before payment, tell me that you learned about the store from the Internet from Uncle Vani.And you will do good discount. Typically, sellers always ask about it.

Cream, ointment, tincture, cosmetics

Who does not remember the famous Vietnamese "star"? There is practically no such Russian man who did not use it at least once. But besides the "asterisks", in Vietnam there is a huge number of diverse ointments using natural herbs and having a widely healing effect.

Making shopping in Nha Trang, be sure to replenish your aid kit with such ointments as the "White Tiger" and "Kratratoratsan" (or their analogues "Hon Lin Cat - Red Cobra" or Ointment "Natoks"), which will help get rid of different pains and, first of all, will help you defeat pain In the joints.

Many tourists often pay attention to the so-called tinctures on snakes sold in a variety of pharmacies and Vietnamese lavecons. Friends, remember - no one will never put in a bottle with a tincture of a real cobra or another rare snake! This is prohibited by law, and especially such goods can not be exported beyond Vietnam and imported into the territory of the Russian Federation. But you should not try to take out other animals in any form - usually problems arise with it.

But still a real tincture on snakes exists, and to find it - it is not necessary to go to the ancient Shaman in the deaf Vietnamese village. This tincture is often the locals themselves, offering in their shops and small cafes. Usually, the drink is contained in a plastic barrel, at the bottom of which rolled snake rings are tightly furnished: a variety of species, but still you are unlikely to meet there at least one rare and expensive instance.

Also, about Vietnam, there are many other types of tinctures and specific decoctions - among them, for example, a tincture on geccons and sea skates, as well as herbal collection "Amacong", consisting of a variety of healing roots, herbs and even wood bark!

Distinctive feature of all Vietnamese ointments, balsamov and tinctures The fact that they are made solely on a natural basis. Due to this, a powerful healing effect is achieved. Glory on these drugs spread far beyond the limits of Vietnam himself and more and more people all over the world apply these funds. At the same time, many traditional Vietnamese drugs are extremely undervalued, because Pull out the buyer with its specificity, which in no case should not scare you - because all this was created by people to strengthen their own health.

Of course, in one article of all the advantages of Vietnamese traditional medicine, it is not described, so if you need more detailed and deep information on this issue - we recommend consultation with Russian-speaking specialists who work in a variety of tourist Vietnamese pharmacies throughout the city. A little about them tell you below.

"Famous coffee Luchak" - is it worth taking?

About this, to put it mildly, the unusual grade of coffee goes many stories - one controversial is another. In fact, everything is much easier than many think: Coffee Luvak really exists, and it can even be found in Vietnam. But here there are our pitfalls ...

First of all, it is worth saying that Coffee Luvak is a specific, exotic type of coffee, which is obtained by fermentation of coffee beans in the stomach of a small animal, similar to a kunit. It is just called Luvak, or "Chon", as its locals call. It is believed that passing through the intestinal tract of this animal, the coffee beano acquires special flavoring and aromatic properties, saturated with certain acids.

And as they tell on numerous forums on the Internet, a cup of drink from such a grain can cost as much as 50-60 $!

Here in Vietnam, you have the opportunity to try and purchase this coffee in much lower prices than those that you can find on the Internet. And there is a very simple explanation for this - when the Coffee Luchak is mentioned somewhere several thousand dollars per kg - it's about the wild Luvak, which is incredibly difficult to produce. To create it, very many factors must be successfully coincided, which determines its fabulous cost. In Vietnam, the locals were able to simplify the process of producing such coffee, by creating farms where hundreds of such animals live, and, with the help of a special diet, produce kilograms of the coffee product of the same name. Hence large volumes, and a fairly low price for an exotic type of coffee.

Trying such coffee, as well as to get acquainted with his fluffy manufacturers, within the framework of the excursion to the mountain city of Dalat, when visiting the eco-park of PRANN.

Green tea from Vietnam - how good is it?

Green tea is the traditional Vietnam National Drink. Tea trees were brought from China at the time of formation of the first Vietnian state, and thanks to the appropriate climate and mountainous terrain, they perfectly fit here. Remember the main thing that if you were offered to taste tea, you should not refuse. This is not accepted here.

Artichokes have long been grown in the mountain province of Lam Dong, in the outskirts of the city of Dalat. Therefore, prices for products from the artichoke are lower in this area.

But still, personally for me, there is nothing better than a cup of green tea with lotus. A charming aroma and a rich taste will not allow you to forget this drink. It tones the body and displays negative toxins from it. Be careful, look at the packages of the date of manufacture. Freshness is extremely important in the above-mentioned products.

In Nha Trang, there are many tea shops specializing in Vietnamese tea, as well as offering some Chinese varieties. In most of them, sellers are working consultants who will definitely prompt and help you choose a drink for you to taste.

We will recommend that you always carefully approach the choice of tea drink, do not allow you to lure themselves low price or exotic product - because often tea with "mango", "jasmine", or different "dairy ools" are only a flavored parody of real delicious fermented tea. In order not to get on the bait of the unscrupulous manufacturer - we recommend first to look for the inscription on the front side of the pack. hUONG."What does flavor or fragrance mean.

From yourself we can recommend you products long Dinh. - In her quality we managed to see personally! Growing his tea on the sun-flooded alpine slopes of Lam Dong, the professionals are collecting only the most juicy and young tea bush leafles, so that you enjoyed the most complete taste and aroma of the drink.

Long Dinh It offers a large range of green and roasted (black) premium quality tea. Their products can be found both in some teascasters of the city and in Showerum our partners, companies "La Viet Coffee" and on the website of the online store

P.S. Also in the city there is a good chain of Vietfarm stores, which sell a large selection of tea without "wood".

Here you can buy such tea, and more than ten species (dairy, lotus, jasmine, ginger, etc.). Also, besides tea, there is a good choice of coffee for weight dry roasting, without oil. All products are packaged for you in a special professional-mediated package, which is also searched.

Store Address: 123 NGUYEN THIEN THUAT See location on the map

Tell the seller that you learned about the store from Uncle Vanya, and you will make the highest discount in the city - 15%.

Alcohol products

In Vietnam, there are quite a variety of alcoholic products of the most different quality, both for the domestic market and for export. In addition to traditional alcoholic tinctures, they produce rum, wine, beer and local vodka.

At the same time, the Vietnamese themselves do not really complain to alcohol stronger than beer, putting strong drinks on the table only on a special occasion.

For example, local wine - many think that thanks to the French, there are still "the very", authentic winery producing a worthy product. In fact, there is nothing left of the famous French quality here. Most of the wine products are produced on an industrial scale, counting on mass consumption by tourists. The quality of these drinks leaves much to be desired, as well as taste.

But no one says that there is no good wine here at all. First of all, in Nha Trang there is a lot of wine stores, where many excellent world wines are represented. In addition, the search for good and looking behind, you may well find a private collection of local small wineries located in the vicinity of Dalat. Prices for such wine are usually more than modest, and the taste may well satisfy the attractive lovers of this drink.

The quality of most types of local alcoholic beverages is at a completely acceptable level. For example, a local rum - besides the cheapest varieties, this drink is very soft and produced on completely natural raw materials (which grows in a huge amount of plantations around the city, of course about sugar cane). And rice vodka "Hanoi", which is the official main firm drink of Vietnam, is not inferior in the quality and softness to our premium varieties.

Most importantly - do not be lazy to compare prices in different places, in order not to give too much blend earned for not the most expensive product.

And of course, we must definitely warn you that you should not take alcohol, allegedly infused on different fruits, coffee and cocoa, but sold in the factory container. None of the Vietnamese will complicate their lives and really insist on the mango or chocolate - it is much easier to add to the bottle of the flavor, which makes most of the romework manufacturers with "non-classical" tastes. And even if a similar drink is sold to spill in the tourist neighborhood - Believe our experience - most likely it is an aromatized cane distillate ...

There are several of the most famous brands of Vietnamese strong alcohol. For example:

  • Rum Chauvet.
  • ASIA rum
  • Vodka Hanoi.
  • Vodka MEN.

No need to search for a specialized alcohol - these drinks you can find almost in any city store.

As for the well-known world alcoholic brands - with the acquisition of drinks of their production in Nha Trang should be careful. Due to the presence of great demand, many stores unfairly sell fake and counterfeit products. Such drinks are unsafe to use, so we strongly recommend that you drink foreign alcohol only in establishments, and in stores buy only local products!

As mentioned above, the locals for the most part prefer to drink beer than strong alcohol. Therefore, the beer here is performed by excellent quality. Moreover, all the beer of local production is made from rice - after all, the ingredients usual here simply does not appear in nature.

The most famous brands of beer in Vietnam:

  • Saigon Bia.
  • Ha Noi Bia
  • Bia 333.
  • Bia Tiger.

If we talk about the spill beer - here the tastes of our compatriots and Vietnamese begin to vary greatly. After all, Vietnamese love very light beer, and do not have their own culture of bars and pubs. Therefore, the draft beer here is sold freshly brewed, in iron bottles, in special establishments called "Bia Hoi". Such beer cafes also offer a large range of different snacks to beer and often become in places of mass watching of sports broadcasts. So we unambiguously recommend to visit such places to all lovers of such a holiday!

  • bockerel
  • barrel wine
  • plastic packaging
  • the largest selection of elite alcoholic beverages In the city, which are cheaper than in DutyFree
  • free tasting

The store is really nicely decorated and most importantly has pleasant prices. Be sure to come if you need good alcohol.

Also, for readers of our blog, there is an opportunity to get 5% discount in the network of leather goods Anh Thu.To do this, click on the button below and show our coupon to the seller in the store.


Silk products

Today, in Vietnam, a very large number of factories, where Vietnamese craftsmen sew products are not worse than in famous fashion houses (which, by the way, often sew their products here), with amazing accuracy copying products according to identical stakes. In Nha Trang, there are quite a lot of small shops with author's clothing from young Vietnamese designers.

But first of all, Vietnam attracts with its silk products - clothes and silk patterns. Shopping in Nha Trang gives you the opportunity to choose all kinds of dresses, bathrobes, scarves, as well as pajamas and shirts. By the way, you can order a product to order, individually, according to your standards.

Note: Traditional Vietnamese pajamas called AO BA BA. And the classic female outfit is a tunic with cuts on the sides and pants - is called AO Dai.

Master from the company XQ create magnificent embroidery on silk canvas, not only sewing clothes to order and traditional Vietnamese outfits, but also creating amazing masterpieces of painting.

Moreover, girls work (and in the company XQ only the representatives of the beautiful gender) directly in the exhibition halls, among their own works, so that customers could clearly see the difficulties of their hand working.

Silk paintings are incredible works of art, over which they work from several months to several years. There are special specimens over which the master works half-life or a lifetime. Of course, the last copies are priceless and give to exceptional people, the other specimens are available to everyone and at very diverse prices - on average, such pictures can be bought at a price of 40 to 20,000 dollars, depending on the size, the number of parts and colors of silk yarns, which were Used in production.

Clothes from environmental materials

There are small companies in the production of everyday and beachwear from environmentally friendly materials in Vietnam. There are several stores with one such company in Nha Trang. They are called "Bamboo" and how you most likely guessed, absolutely all products in their store are made from a green bamboo.

Possessing incredible strength and flexibility, bamboo fibers are the perfect material for creating clothes. Their special structure, allows tissues from bamboo to breathe, which is really indispensable in the summer. And such material is absolutely hypoallergenine and does not irritate the skin!

Everyone wants to bring memorable gifts from vacation, which will refresh the forgotten impressions after the rest. Buy souvenirs in Nha Trang is not a problem. The main source for the purchase of presents is the night market, which is located in the city center, next to the local house of culture. He won the glory of places with not high quality products.

Higher demand for tourists enjoy magnets, key rings, figurines, vases with Vietnam symbols. Do not forget about buying national hats, referred to as the people like Kon. Agree, the first association, which occurs at the mention of Vietnam, is this headdress.

By the way, the Vietnamese filter is already known to you, called "Finn" - a great option for gift souvenir to all coffee lovers!

Tree and stone products

Various caskets, figurines and even whole sets of furniture from different rocks of stone and wood are greatly popular in Vietnam. Here, the real masters of their case are engaged in creating such works of art since ancient times. We definitely recommend the work of local craftsmen - it is difficult to come up with a more authentic souvenir than the classic piece of decoration of the wealthy Viienma house!

Traditional painting

Nothing transfers the special spirit of Vietnam as the plots of everyday peasant life among the natural beauties of this country, made in the special technique of painting with a wood lacquer. Under the skillful hand of the artist, the paint can change the color several times, gradually hiding under the layers of varnish.

Many such works are made by incrusting a variety of stones into the surface of special polished wood. So here is created truly masterpiece and large-scale work, sometimes affecting the imagination. Often such works of art can be seen and purchased in large Buddhist temples - creating such work the monks themselves earn their lives.


At the moment, in Vietnam, consistently high demand for Apple, Samsung, Lenovo, HTC, Sony and other brands. The whole thing in price. In Vietnam, it is indeed lower on average by $ 30-50 than in Russia, but certainly before buying you need to compare these prices.

In a great way to purchase electronics in Vietnam at a low price is the site - a site similar to our AVITO, Slando, etc. Often, on the expanses of its directories, you can find phones, cameras and laptops at a price of 10-15% less than in Russia.

Also, we recommend buying equipment in Vietnam from official dealers. This is the yellow stores Thegioididong ( and FPT Shop. There are a lot of them all over the city. The most convenient for tourists is probably not far from the railway station and Vincom Mart.

But besides the recommendations, we would also like to warn you, dear readers from unscrupulous vendors offering defective, and, as a result, unsafe to use the goods. So try to choose equipment in official dealers stores. or at least on large and decently looking market counters. Also, be sure to check the entire electronics for the health of "without departing from the box office", in order to avoid possible excesses.


You can also use the following services:

1. Optics

Lilia shop. Address: 66 Hung Vuong (Second line, opposite the night market)

2. Our electrical nurse travel guide

In our application dedicated to the city Nha Trang, you will find all the necessary tourists. Including the location of shops, shopping centers and restaurants, as well as many useful links and instructions!

If you do not like to overpay, but I also don't want to bargain too, then use the guaranteed discounts from our partners. It is very simple, show the coupon and get a discount.

When a person goes to another country, one of the questions you are interested in is that you can bring yourself from there to my loved ones and friends. In this article we will analyze in detail what things can be brought from Vietnam for useful use as a souvenir or gift.

Coffee and tea

Tea and coffee is a traditional choice. Vietnam - one of the largest coffee suppliers in Asia. From Vietnam you can bring:

Coffee Nguyen Chung (Nguyen Trung)

Good Vietnamese coffee based on Arabica, famous for its mild taste, because of which he wants to drink several cups.

Trung Nguyen Buon Me Thuot S Special

Trung Nguyen Premium Blend

G7 Black Coffee.


Let it not be something recognizable by Vietnamese, good coffee will never hurt. In Vietnam, you can find its very good quality.

Sang Tao number 3.


Most of the robusts are grown in Vietnam. Many people do not like this variety because of too simple taste with pronounced bitterness. But in Robusta, it contains twice as many caffeine than in Arabica (that in the early morning will turn into a big plus), and the best drinks are obtained from the combination of Arabica and Robusta.

Sang Tao №1. Trung nguyen.


Very exotic option, but the characteristic and pure Vietnamese. The process of production of this coffee is as follows: Fresh grain eats the animal called Musang, after which it is digested in his stomach, the surrounding coffee is the flesh. The gastric juice of Musangov splits the squirrels that give coffee bitterness. The grains find the animal among the litter, clean and sell. They say he has very good taste. But a rare tourist pulls the purchase of a large number of this coffee and wants to drink it. So most he will just lie in the bag as a characteristic souvenir from Vietnam.


Tea that can be brought from Vietnam, this is a green top grade Thai Nguyen, loved by both tourists and Vietnamese, Blao, as well as a well-known high-quality Ulong. In general, Vietnam is mainly brought by green tea, although the black can also be found on the shelves. Many are advised to bring drinks with additives, a very high assessment is given tea with lotus flowers, which has a very strong aroma and a pleasant soft taste. This variety leaves a long aftertaste.

Tea Thái nguyên.

Exotic fruits

A good choice - ( separate article). It must be remembered that they will remain fresh just a few days, so it is important to give them and eat, as soon as you returned home. Best exotic fruits:

  1. PyathatyaShe is a dragon heart or a dragon fruit. A large beautiful fruit of bright pink color with "scales", green at the ends. Inside it is white, with a large number of small grain, similar to the grain Kiwi. Pophaiya does not have a pronounced taste, but there is it very nice, due to the consistency of the pulp. In the end, they can simply admire. Be sure to bring this fruit if there are people who are involved in a carving of fruits and vegetables in a circle, or just creative people: Pophaiya is ideal for this!
  2. Maracuy. It has a delicate taste with pleasant sourness. Sometimes in supermarkets it is sold with a bag of white crystals. ATTENTION: it is not sugar! This supplement is unrealistic sour, she should sprinkle a fruit only if a person wants to test himself in resistance.
  3. Guava. This green fruit resembles a punch form. The pulp of his dark red, to taste soft and sweet.
  4. Longan., or the eye of the dragon. Little fruits with dense brown leather and translucent white color pulp, a large inedible bone. Fruit has a very pleasant and fresh grape flavor.
  5. Young coconut. Young coconut has nothing to do with those to which we are accustomed. This big walnut contains a lot of milk, straight and extremely illuminating. Perhaps there is nothing that would rather quench thirst. The pulp in it on the contrary is not enough, it has a peculiar taste and consistency of jelly. It is recommended to try everyone who rides in Vietnam or Thailand. To carry it in the plane can not!
  6. Litchi. Little bright red fruit with white pulp. To taste reminds Longan.
  7. Papaya. A large fruit of green color with a pumpkin-orange pulp, to taste like a melon. Papaya in essence can be found at any time of the year, but in the south of Vietnam she ripes before all.
  8. Mango. Vietnamese mango differs from Thai, Indonesian and Filipinsky. It has a sweet taste and gentle thick consistency.
  9. Ordinary fruits. Even oranges brought from Vietnam speak, tastier and sweeter than those can be found in our country.

Fruit Vietnam. Party 1.

Fruit Vietnam. Party 2.

Spices for every taste

As in any country of Asia, in Vietnam, full of high-quality spices are both familiar to everyone and exotic. Spices - always useful thing that you can buy both yourself and as a gift. In addition, many of them are inexpensive. By the way, tourists advise purchasing to spices in the Viet Farm store, about 40 species are sold there. So, what can be brought from Vietnam:

  1. Black, red and white pepper. Unsredition classic. By the way, successful combinations are also sold in Vietnam: black pepper with lime, red with salt, and even red pepper, mixed with flimsy dry shrimps. It is better to take peas pepper, the ground quickly loses its qualities. You can buy sets from different varieties of pepper, they are beautifully packed and become an excellent gift.
  2. Vietnamese Chile. It has a pleasant spicy taste. This pepper is better not to use people suffering from stomach disorders. The smaller and thinner (that is, younger), the pen, the sharper. Many advise him to bring it.
  3. Badyan, or Anis. Beautiful seasoning, possessing a unique aroma, resembling the smell of the root of licorice / laccic marmalade. Anise can be put on a plate, good, it is very beautiful, to use instead of chewing gum or brew tea with him (for example, Moroccan).
  4. Ginger. Classic christmas cookies.
  5. Turmeric, indispensable when cooking meat.
  6. Cinnamon In pods and hammer.
  7. Seasoning to soup pho.
  8. Other spices, known in Russia: Cardamon, Fennel, Basil, Mint, Kinza, Schuput.
  9. Lemongrasswhich in Vietnam add everywhere.
  10. Lemon sorghum.
  11. Lotus seeds.

Vietnamese alcohol

Vietnamese alcohol is not very expensive, the range is represented wide. Strong drinks should take proven brands, Vietnamese are not too good.

Local saigon beer

Dalat Wine Vang Dalat

Vietnamese rum ISC RUM

1. Beer - Green and red Saigon. Red stronger and has a brighter taste. If you plan to buy in Vietnam alcohol, it is better to take Tiger beer, characterized in that it is almost no hangover from it. You can also take draft vietnamese beer with good taste.

2. Wine - White and red Vang Dalat. This is a Vietnamese classic that local residents drink.

3. Rum - Brown ISC.

4. Strawberry wine in Malat.

Attention: The tastes for alcohol in humans differ very strongly, and many believe that the drinks listed above cannot be used. It should be noted that in Vietnam there is no "pearls" like Italian wines, so, perhaps, alcohol is only worthwhile connoisseurs.

Asian cosmetics

About Vietnamese cosmetics speak a little, and it is strange, because it is characterized by good quality. Almost all it is made from natural materials, such as turmeric, aloe vera and snail extract. Some products of Vietnamese production can be found in Russia, but at a much higher price. We read tourist reviews and found out that you can bring from Vietnam:

  1. Gel for washing ACNE 25+ from Mentholatum. It cleans the skin very well, contains small granules for lightweight peeling. It is recommended to those who love to ride on a bike or motorcycle, for road dust pollutes the skin very much.
  2. Mask fillet from E100. There is an option with turmeric, aloe vera and cucumber. It is easy to apply, quickly freezes and is very easily flushed, it has an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and tightening effect, exfoliates dead skin particles.
  3. Mask fillet with activated carbon. Perfectly removes dirt from the pore (black dots), deeply cleanses the pores. It also helps to get rid of acne and inflammation.
  4. Collagen face mask from marine algae seeds. Sold in the form of packaging with seeds, it is enough for 20 masks. As already understandable, consists of natural raw materials. The skin becomes clean and moistened, irritation and redness less noticeable. Helps from small wrinkles. She is very interested in preparing, as it is better to read in detail. The main thing is that it can not be washed off into the sink, algae germinate from seeds, and zoom is formed!
  5. Various creams with snail mucus. Perfectly moisturize the skin and have a small rejuvenating effect. These tools are usually added extracts from plants. Learn these cream is easy: the snail will be shown in one or another packaging. The most popular - Thorakao brands,
  6. At the same brand, Thorakao, there are very good and inexpensive shampoos. Special attention should be paid to the shampoo from the pods of saponins and natural excerpts from herbs. There is no chemistry at all. He strengthens his hair, stimulates their height, nourishes and moisturizes, helps well from the split tips. The manufacturer claims that the shampoo is harmless even for children.

In Vietnam, traditional medicine is very developed. To this day, people are treated with tincture of herbs and preparations from exotic ingredients, such as snake blood and stuffed deer horns. Such a product will accurately bring a special local spirit to your home. Is it worth being treated what will be written in this article, we do not take talk. For serious questions, it is better to consult with a qualified physician, and the means of traditional medicine do not replace traditional medicines.

Alcohol tinctures on fairly terrible things are very common in this country. For example, you can find a jar with a hung cobra, compressing in the teeth of scorpion, with a chick or rat. The seller will argue that such drugs are very useful for health, and also that they scare the evil spirits. Unfortunately, such a colorful thing is unlikely to be able to carry home, so we will turn to something more traditional.

Most popular drugs in tourists:

  1. Cebracon. - improves the brain activity and the work of the cardiovascular system. Makes a person more carefully, improves memory, increases the ability to concentrate. Helps from insomnia. Some use it as a prophylactic agent after strokes. It will be useful to those who have heavy work and constant stress.
  2. Glucosamin. - contributes to the restoration of cartilage ligaments and tissues after injuries. It works well on sore joints. In Glucosamin, many active substances, you need to accurately calculate the dose of the drug.
  3. Song Hao. - Increases sexual attraction of both men and women. This direction is particularly popular in Vietnamese medicine, similar drugs are made from natural ingredients and have high efficiency.
  4. Eva Hoi Xuan. - A good drug when climax.

Ointment and balms:

Vietnamese asterisk. Golden Star


Ointment "White Tiger"

  1. First of all, it is many famous balm "Star" (In fact, he is called "Golden Star", on this name it is worth looking for in Vietnam). Now it can also be purchased in the form of a pencil or ointment, even inhalations with him are made. Used in colds, migraines, bite various insects and similar. Sold at a very low price, so you can be purchased for many years ahead.
  2. Cobratoxan. - remedy for diseases of the joints, with stretch marks and pain in bundles and back, as well as radiculitis. The main component is cobra poison, helping ointment quickly penetrate the muscles.
  3. "White Tiger" - His action is similar to Cobratoxan, while still heats up muscles, improving blood circulation.


Vietnam is famous for the variety of pearls and products with them presented in the market. You can buy an unusual pearl and just keep it in a box as a memory of the journey or buy a full-fledged decoration. There are bracelets, necklaces and earrings in different price categories (depending on metal, quantity and quality of pearls, their size, color, degrees of gloss and coincidence in the set (bracelet or necklace), etc.).

Also in Vietnam, products with precious stones are sold, the most popular - topaz. Decorations with topaz can be purchased several times cheaper than in Russia.

Before buying jewelry with pearls and natural stones, we recommend to read about how to distinguish them from fake. In any country, in this regard, you can only trust the largest stores.

Attention! On jewelry, you need to have a certificate that is obliged to issue a store after making a purchase. Without a certificate, problems may arise at the airport.


In Vietnam there are most shops familiar to us, so you can always buy clothes there for casual socks. There are Reebok shops, Nike and Adidas. Quality, if you buy in corporate stores, at the level, and the prices are lower. However, we will tell about more colorful clothes.

  1. Vietnamese Shelk. In Vietnam, the manufacture of clothes from natural silk is well established. It makes everything - dresses, ties, scarves. It is better to buy silk in special stores, since in the markets there is a risk of finding an artificial silver, issued for natural.
  2. Cotton. Cotton in Vietnam is almost not grown, it is imported. From cotton, the clothes of famous brands are sewn, which can be very profitable here.
  3. Ostrich leather and crocodile. Out of ostrich and crocodile leather, clothes, bags and clutches are made here. They are not so expensive, while they are characterized by good quality. On the market, however, there is a risk of buying fake. However, before buying such a product, it is worth thinking about whether he needed you: every purchase encourages the killing of animals without any need for need, for many are carrying such bags purely as a souvenir, and not for the sake of any advantages of these materials in front of artificial leather .
  4. Specialized clothes. Vietnam produces narrow-controlled sportswear, for example, for snowboarders and surfingists. It has high quality.


Art connoisseurs can bring pictures from Vietnam.

  1. Silk. Silk paintings are a unique product of Vietnam, the finest work, which the whole world appreciated. Such a picture will definitely remind of the country. You can purchase it, for example, on the XQ Gallery in Hoi Anya.
  2. Sand. This art is not traditional for Vietnam, it appeared here quite recently. He is associated with the name of the artist and Lan, which in the whole life collected in Vietnam 33 shades of sand. From the sand here they make both copyright paintings and copies of famous canvases.
  3. Lumpy. Such pictures are created in three stages: the drawing is cut on the tree, then paints from natural materials are harvested, special paper "ZO" is made and the picture is printed on it. All drawings are simple and understandable, transmit household or folklore plots.
  4. Varnish. Bright, brilliant lacquer paintings will decorate any interior.

Attention! You must give the certificate to the picture. Without her there will be problems at customs!

National souvenirs

The most popular souvenirs are a naughne Non's pointed hat, the National AO Dai costume from Natural Silka, as well as known to many woven slippers. Figurines and caskets from bamboo and mahogany, as well as from natural stone, are often brought.


You can buy wonderful tea sets or vases from Vietnamese ceramics. Beautiful drawings, unusual patterns, variety of colors and good quality - what distinguishes these products. Such a gift will definitely not dust on the shelf. The purchase can be combined with a trip to the ceramics production center and look at the work of the real masters of your business.

Technique and electronics

Vietnam is actively buying household appliances and products of Samsung, Apple, Lenovo and HTC. The reason for this is $ 30-100 lower than in Russia. The only problem may become a bad phone firmware, because of which the Russian language will be built incorrectly. However, it is easy to fix. We recommend purchasing equipment only in official stores to avoid the purchase of fake or poor-quality goods.

Where to buy?

In Nha Trang, there are many shops - both large and small outlets. There are official stores of large brands, such as Adidas, Nike or Apple. There are many tourist products.

Also presented in abundance. Here you can buy cheap clothing, fresh fruits, fragrant spices and, of course, souvenirs. There are markets on which you can buy almost everything that interests you in Vietnam.

So, from all of the above what and where it is worth buying:

  • Coffee and tea - in shopping centers, in the markets (if you know the real price and are not afraid to bargain), as well as in specialized stores (there is a section with discounts);
  • Exotic fruits - On the street in tents or shopping centers. In the markets we fear me, as fruit lie almost right on the road, where the bikes go.
  • Spice - Shopping centers and markets.
  • Alcohol - shopping centers, markets (cheaper) and specialty stores like Alco House (large selection, there is a discount coupon);
  • Cosmetics - in pharmacies stores located in shopping centers;
  • Medicines and drugs of traditional medicine - in pharmacies (there are discount coupons);
  • Jewelry - in jewelry stores like Princess Jewelry (there is a coupon);
  • clothing - in official brand stores (better quality), in markets (specific and exotic outfits);
  • Pictures - in the markets or on;
  • National souvenirs - here only the markets are definitely;
  • Ceramics - also markets;
  • Technique and electronics - We recommend buying only in large stores and official resellers.

What can not be taken from Vietnam

There is a list of the fact that it will not take out from Vietnam. It:

  1. If there is no certificate: jewelry, paintings, antiques, manuscripts and historical documents.
  2. Gold and precious metals for weight more than 300 g. This requires permission from the National Vietnamese Bank.
  3. Any weapon, even souvenir.
  4. Exotic plants.
  5. Narcotic substances (of course).
  6. Stuffed lizards, turtles, scorpions, crustaceans and insects, eggs of rare animals and birds, bird nests and corals.
  7. Liquid whose volume exceeds permissible.
  8. More than three glass bottles of alcohol per person.
  9. Shells, but this rule has long been around and do not find out problems.
  10. Durian, Coconut and Watermelon can not be jammed in an airplane. They will have to enjoy on earth.

To these prohibitions, it is better to take carefully, as large fines are provided, for example, the provision of 15 centimeters of coral is fined by $ 500.

We tried to tell about the most popular goods that tourists are carrying home in the first place, but this is not all. So that you do not buy, remember, the most important thing is the memories that will remain with you for many years, so try to score them more.

For any traveler, shopping becomes an integral part of the trip. This is not only the acquisition of souvenir products as a present for loved ones, but also the purchase of allocable products for home, health and other needs. In the Vietnamese lands, the level of shopping is good enough, although less developed than in neighboring Thailand. There is a country that to offer inrogen guests. What is better to bring from Vietnam when the eyes run away from the proposed diversity of goods?

You need to focus on three key criteria:

  • where tourist rests;
  • what amount it has;
  • what in priority - souvenirs or useful things.

Despite the similarity of gift products, each Vietnamese region has peculiarities, for example, when decorating the same goods. There are many markets in the state, prices are available here. Little magnets can be purchased for 10-15 rubles, painted plates - 60-100 rubles, a kilogram of high-quality tea - from 150 rubles. Country activitieside - Vietnamese Dong.

Tea and coffee

These drinks are brought from Vietnam first. The price value and quality ratio is impressive - you can get a high-quality product for a little money. Coffee of this state is highly quoted in the global market. Few people know that the power ranks second on the planet for coffee exports.

The main grade grown here is Robust, a kilogram will cost $ 25. For similar in weight, the packaging of Arabica or Moka Bourbon buyer will give 18 dollars. Grade called Green for sale $ 30. The most expensive variety is Coffee Luvak or Chon. Gourmets leave enthusiastic reviews about it - for its preparation, coffee beans are passed through the stomach of Musangov's animals. They are processed by enzymes, which becomes a highlight of an unusual taste.

In Europe, about 50 euros will take about 50 euros for a cup of natural chon. Vietnamese are asking for a kilogram of such a variety of $ 1,800. On the store shelves will be able to meet Chon for $ 45, but this is not a natural product. It is made from grains, artificially treated with enzymes.

Tea is no less popular here. Vietnamese appreciate the green drink. Its average cost is from $ 4 if additives are present, the fee will increase by 2.5. The most popular grades of green tea are Thai Nguyen and Blago. A drink with jasmine, ginger and cinnamon is distinguished by a strong aroma and a unique taste, and additive from the lotus, mountain herbs, chrysanthemums. One of the most fertile regions of Dalat is famous for tea with ATISO artichokes.

An excellent addition to such a gift will be the brewing device worth 1 dollar. And for sweet tooths, you can buy candy for local production with peanuts and nugu, from the lotus seeds, covered with caramel or fruit chips. It is worth paying attention to therapeutic teas that contribute to the improvement and therapy of some diseases.

Shoes, clothes and silk

Clothes can be divided into two groups: the one that is sold in corporate stores, and the one traded in the markets. Brand outfits with a discount will not be able to succeed, it will not be done in boutiques. But cost and so lower than in other states. For example, a T-shirt from "Nike" or "Adidas" can be found for $ 10, sports shoes - for $ 15. Blue Exchange and Nino Maxx are allocated from local producers.

On market shelves will also get to buy a quality product, but there is probability to stumble upon a fake. Therefore, it should carefully choose a thing. The advantage of market trading is the ability to bargain. With a skillful conversation with the seller, the clothes will cost 4-5 times cheaper than similar in Russian markets.

From the shoes it is worth highlighting traditional flip flops. They are suitable not only for socks. It is also an excellent souvenir bought in the country that came up with them. Cost - about 1 dollars.

What to bring from Vietnam to the revealed fashionistam? Of course, silk and local suits from this material. They are called AO-Dai. Silk is characteristic of high quality and low for this state cost. The meter will cost about $ 80. Such a fee is characteristic of natural material. In the markets there is a risk of stumble upon a fake, so it is desirable to explore how to distinguish the fake silk from the original. The production factory is located in the Dalat, where excursions are organized. In the nearest studio, you can turn a bought cut into a chic outfit.

True commemorative gifts from Vietnam - silk paintings. In the Halong Bay, the canvas are embroidered right when buyers, in the store. It is hard to believe, but it is really solely handmade. But for it will have to pay a considerable amount. A small picture will arrive in almost a hundred of American units.

The nuance associated with the purchase of clothing - it is not always possible to choose the appropriate size, especially those who are located to completeness. Vietnamese in most miniature people. Tourists with non-standard forms are better to go to Khanoe or Dananga, where European sizes are offered. And lovers get dried to warmer, should be sent to the northern areas, as there are practically no such goods in the south of such goods.


What are brought from Vietnam and other tropical countries first? Of course, fruit fruits. The choice of this treats in the country is very rich, the cost is low. Moreover, they are grown right there that distinguishes their tasteings from analogues on Russian counters.

It is not necessary to apply for them to the markets. For travelers, traders will be expelled. But in supermarkets you can not only buy inexpensive fruits, but also to ensure their transportation. For the convenience of transportation, they are sold in special plastic containers. Purchase fruit is better a day before your departure so as not to be spoiled.

Exemplary prices per kilogram of fruit fruit (indicated in $):

  • mango - from 1 to 3;
  • papaya - about 1;
  • rambutan - from 1 to 2;
  • pomelo - 70 cents;
  • guava - about 1;
  • noina - 1.5.

Medicinal preparations and cosmetics

Medicines are not pills from headache or pressure, but alcohol tinctures and ointments. Traders such balms on the street set. They are attributed to various attending properties. This is quite unusual gifts, because the base of the tincture often becomes a snake, scorpion or lizard.

Often, such drugs are sold on spill. The price ranges from 2 to $ 10. The ointment of the fat tiger and Python contributes to the removal of pain in the muscles and cost 30 rubles. We are in demand and balsams from herbs for which the tourist will pay lower than in Russia 2-3 times. In addition, the popularity of drugs that increase potency is noted.

Cosmetics will especially delight travelers. Its feature in the use of natural components, vitamins and minerals. Unrefined coconut oil, shampoos with soap-tree seeds, powder with pearl powder and many other lotions and creams.

Souvenir products

Nurse is famous for memorable gifts. His resort arrangement led to the presence of a set of goods on marine topics - shells, pebbles, corals. It will also be possible to purchase ceramic and bamboo products, products from ivory, figurines, Vietnamese musical instruments.

Men enjoy crocodile leather products or snakes - belt, wallet, bags. Souvenir from Vietnam, without which almost no one leaves - Local Hat Non. It is with wide fields and pointed at the top. The most interesting options for decoration hats are observed in the Hue region. They are not only expanded, but also insert entire images or poems.

The female floor will be nice to get a jewelry. In addition to beautiful jewelry and presents with precious stones, the Vietnamese are famous for their pearls. It is grown on oyster farms. The thread will cost $ 15-20, the chain is in 10, and the earrings and at all in 5. Also girls will like caskets, hairpins and pins.

When the question arises, to purchase in Vietnam, the features of the export should be taken into account. At customs will not be released with watermelon, coconut or Durian. Alcohol should be no more than 40 degrees, and it is better to leave checks on the shell.

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Shopping in Nha Trang: What to bring from Nha Trang, where to buy souvenirs and trendy brands. Markets, outlets, famous Nha Trang shopping centers. Expert advice and tourist reviews about shopping in Nha Trang on "Tourism Sounds".

  • Burning tours in Vietnam
  • Tours on May around the world

Nha Trang, along with Saigon, is considered one of the best cities in Vietnam for shopping. Here there is both an Asian flavor in the form of markets and modern shopping centers, which sell well-known world brands at prices below European and Russian, as many of them have their own sewing factories in Vietnam.

In Nha Trang, it makes sense to buy clothes made of natural silk and flax, inexpensive Chinese electronics, natural and artificially grown pearls, leather accessories of ostrich and crocodile and the means of traditional medicine.

Shopping time

In Nha Trang, as in all major cities of Vietnam, shops work around 7: 30-8: 00 until late evening - up to 22: 00-23: 00, only some small private shops are closed earlier.

There are no breaks for lunch, and there are round-the-clock supermarkets in the tourist neighborhoods.


In Vietnam, there are no seasonal discounts in the usual understanding. It reduces the prices of goods only if it is no longer taken at full cost, or it has some defect. Often, discounts sell goods that have expired expiration, for example, cosmetics. In shopping centers, this is rarely found, and in the markets - the usual thing, especially on tourist ones.

Estimates such natural sales at any time of the year. Send the store where they declared a sale, very easily: there will be the inscription DAI HA GIA ("very low prices") and a crowd of people at the entrance. Saying time in such a queue is not worth: We spend a lot of time, and discounts there will be a maximum of 25-30%. Given that the prices in Vietnam in principle are rather low, the benefit is dubious.

In Vietnam, it is customary to bargain, this is one of the local traditions. However, merchants in Nha Trang are already spoiled by tourists and prices reduce very reluctantly. Before going to shop, it makes sense to find out how much about or other goods are about. If you "wind up" a maximum of twice, then these are not very greedy vendors, and you can try to negotiate if in three or four, then it is most likely meaningless.

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What to buy in Nha Trang

  • clothes and shoes
  • technology and electronics,
  • natural cosmetics
  • drug medicine drugs
  • jewelry,
  • meal and drinks.

Clothes and shoes

Vietnam Along with China is considered the largest sewing workshop in the world. Here we sew your Nike, Adidas collections and other popular brands of clothing and shoes, so prices for goods of these brands in Vietnam are slightly lower than in the rest of the world.

It is worth paying attention to Vietnamese clothing. These are inexpensive, but high-quality products from natural silk, flax and cotton. In local stores and markets, you can find both T-shirts, dresses and tunics and national women's clothing - "Aozay". This outfit is a long shirt-dress on a shape with cuts and pants from the same material and the same coloring.

The best selection of silk in Nha Trang in the Silk & Silver store, only natural silk is sold there, the range is rich, and the prices are adequate. You can buy finished clothes - dress, tunic or national Vietnamese suit, or order individual tailoring, sew here not only from silk, but also from cotton, flax and other natural fabrics. Another proven place where they trade with high-quality natural silk - shop with XQ Hand Embroidery silk factory.

Clothing store from Ecological materials Bambou is popular both among the locals and tourists. It sells clothes from bamboo fibers - it is hypoallergenne, durable, and also bright and original design. Sellers are generous for discounts, feel free to ask them, especially if you are going to buy more than one T-shirt.

You can order an individual tailoring in Atelier Hoang Yen. Here is a large selection of fabrics - natural cotton, silk flax, etc., and sewing very well and quickly - the order will be ready for a day, and it will even bring you to the hotel, this is included in the price of sewing.

In Nha Trang, it makes sense to buy products from crocodile, snake and ostrich skin. On the embankment there are several shops from the leather products factories, and despite the location in the tourist neighborhood, prices there are minimal. Pay attention to the Caocuero store, this small family-owned company is engaged in tailoring accessories from Australian leather - buffalo, pork, sheep, etc. The quality is excellent, the dressing is very soft, and the technology of manual stitching makes products much more durable than those crosslinked by machinery. There is an individual sewing service, sewing very quickly - for vacation you can definitely have time.

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Technique and electronics

In Vietnam, as in all countries, near China, you can buy inexpensive, but high-quality gadgets: laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. In Nha Trang, the price of original equipment is below the Russian approximately 10-15%, fakes (sometimes high-quality) are still worth Cheaper, but buy them only at your own risk.

If you do not want to risk, the electronics is better to buy from official dealers. In Nha Trang, this, for example, thegiodidong stores, see them easily - they have bright yellow signs - and FPT Shop. Shops are dispersed throughout the city, there are several branches in the center, one of which is located near the train station.

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Natural cosmetic

Cosmetics in Nha Trang are sold everywhere, but safer to buy it in specialized stores and shopping centers, since in the markets and in souvenir shops is often an overdue product, in the calculation of us that the tourist will not pay attention to the shelf life.

In the cosmetic stores of Nha Trang, it is worth buying coconut oil of cold spin, aloe gel and cosmetics with a snail mucus. The secret of the snail is the ingredient miraculous and is part of a lot of Asian cosmetics. It has a high content of natural collagen, elastin and glycoic acid - everything you need to preserve the elasticity and youth of the skin. With snail mucus make creams, lotions and disposable fabric facial masks. No less popular cosmetics with pearl powder, which whitens the skin and slows down the processes of aging, and agents from acne with activated carbon and turmeric root extract.

A large selection of Vietnamese cosmetics at low prices can be found in the Sapphire store, in shopping centers, as well as in the cosmetic departments of supermarkets. In addition, in Nha Trang, you can buy another cosmetics of Asian production at prices are much lower than Russian. A good assortment of Japanese and Korean cosmetic means offers Magic Beauty shop, and The Face Shop trade only Korean cosmetics.

A large selection of cosmetics of famous world brands (Bourjois, Calvin Klein, Sisley, Bvlgari, etc.) in the NHA TRANG Center shopping center, prices there are about the same as in Moscow, so in this case the benefit is dubious.

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Drug medicine drugs

In Pharmacies, Nha Trang can buy all sorts of funds from folk Vietnamese medicine. The famous "Starchik" balm and tiger balm, tincture with mulberry - from insomnia, means with lichen mushroom extract - for visual acuity and hearing, warming ointment "Cobra", as well as tincture for men "Cobra and Scorpio" on rice vodka.

A tincture to strengthen the potency is allowed to export no more than 2 bottles, but there are good news: this cobra in the bottle can be poured alcohol until it dissolves completely.

All this can be bought on any pharmacy in Nha Trang, for example, in "777", there are low prices, and there are branches in the city center.

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From Nyachung you need to carry pearls, it is grown here, so the pearl decorations are high-quality and cheap, and the choice is large. Pearls are sold in stores and markets, in stores are a bit more expensive, but there are many fakes on the market.

A real pearl to distinguish from a fake is not difficult. Genuine pearls of uneven shapes and heavy weight. If the pearls are perfectly round and lungs, then it is probably plastic covered with pearl paint. Suspiciously low price should also alert.

The best pearls in the city - in Angkor Treasure, it is at the same time a hemological center where the pearls are grown on special plantations, and a jewelry store. Here you can buy not only pearl decorations, but also gold, silver and different precious stones.

Several good jewelry stores are located in the tourist area on the streets of Tranphu, Nguyen Thien Thuat and Hungvuong. In each trading point there is a quality certificate, and sellers usually speak English. In the market of the Cho ladies, there are also several jewelry stores, but they are already designed for local residents. Prices there are about 2 times lower than in the tourist area, but with communication and the choice there may be problems - they say here mostly only in Vietnamese, so it is better to take a spent from the local.

It is also worth paying attention to the Princess Jewelry shop, where there are not only pearls, but also gold, silver and a large selection of sapphires and other gems.

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Food and Drinks

Vietnamese coffee is considered the best in Southeast Asia, buy it better in specialized stores, but also in conventional supermarkets for sale good coffee beans. The price depends on the variety, for example, very good coffee CHE PhIN 4 is a mixture of arabica, robusts, cavoco and excel (one of the main components of elite coffee mixes). Vietnam tea is not as popular, but there are interesting herbal and flower fees.

One of the best coffee and tea stores in Nha Trang - Vietfarm. There are coffee for weight coffee, more than 10 kinds of tea (with jasmine, dried ginger, lotus, etc.), as well as spices (excellent lemgrass, cardamom, anise, etc.), nuts, dried fruits (for example, dried mango) and candy.

From strong drinks, rice vodka and rum are interesting. The best is considered to be the chauvet brand, it is better to drink clear only dark, as it is usually a terrible hangover, and it is suitable only for cocktails.

Dalatskoe wine is sold in wine shops and supermarkets, it is inexpensive and quite good - for example, Merlot Dalat is not worse than French.

A good choice of elite alcohol - in the Alco House store. There sells barrel and wine, live beer, prices for some positions are lower than in Duty-Free. Free tastings are held regularly, and before buying usually give first to try.

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Nychang shops

Full-grade shopping in Nha Trang is visits to pearls, silk, codyl and ostrich skin, cosmetics and electronics. All this is sold in stores in the tourist neighborhood on the streets of Tranphu, Nguyen Thien Thuat and Hungvuong. The same range can be found in shopping centers in the Cho Dame Market area, you can save up to 50%.

Behind fresh fruits, seafood, spices and souvenirs it is better to go to the markets, but with pearls, gold and genuine leather there should be careful - a lot of fakes.

Shopping centers Nha Trang.

  • Nha Trang Center is a huge 4-storey shopping complex located in the very center of the city - on the embankment. Here you can find both local Vietnamese and numerous large world brands (prices as in Russia or lower), on the fourth floor there are large Fudcourt, billiards, bowling, 4D cinema, slot machines and entertainment zone for children.

Previously, in Nha Trang was another major shopping center - MaxImark, but according to February 2018 he closed.

  • Coop Mart - Unlike the Nha Trang-Center, where tourists go, this shopping complex is designed primarily on local residents. It is located outside the center, and prices are significantly lower there than in stores in tourist areas. On the ground floor we sell equipment and electronics, jewelry and products, on the second - clothes, shoes and accessories, and the third is located Fudcourt, stationery store and entertainment zone.
  • Lotte Mart is one of the new shopping centers in Nha Trang, opened in the summer of 2016. This is a major shopping complex of the South Korean network, so there are many Korean goods (including the famous Korean cosmetics). The shopping center takes two floors, the first is a grocery supermarket, cooking, several separate stores of Korean products and Fudcourt (including the company's Fast Food network), on the second - clothing stores, children's goods, cosmetics and alkarket. From the curious - there is a buffet of cooking soup: you choose the ingredients and for a fixed amount you yourself cook yourself soup.
  • Big C is a huge hypermarket located near the city center. According to the range and scale, it resembles Auchan: there you can buy products, household goods, household appliances and phones, cheap clothes and toys, stationery, etc. Jewelry and pearls there are no, only jewelry. There are Fudcourt with local cheap fast food, and on the first floor there is a mini amusement park and bowling.
  • The subway - in Nha Trang there is a shop of the world-famous network of hypermarkets. The range is slightly different from the Russian - here you can find spices, sauces and other local products at low prices, as well as inexpensive electronics. In the seafood department there is a big beautiful aquarium with fish and sea shoes.


* Cho Dam - The largest and most common tourist market in Nha Trang, it is even included in sightseeing tours of the city. Here we trade to all: fruits, seafood, clothing (cheap consumer goods), ceramics, souvenirs, household goods and souvenirs. Since the place is tourist, prices here are above the middle city, and the sellers are not particularly conspiracted, although it is accepted trading in Vietnam everywhere.

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* Moi ks - Unlike Cho Lada, this market is more focused on local residents, despite the fact that he is located in the tourist neighborhood. The range here is slightly more modest, but the choice of fruit is huge, and for seafood and fish, too, it is better to come in the morning - to buy the freshest. Here you can also buy spices, but it is better to go for souvenirs to another place.

* Night market - Located next to the embankment, and is designed primarily for tourists. Here they sell souvenirs, pearl decorations (often fake) and other souvenirs, mainly expensive and not very high quality. However, they usually go here not for purchases, and hang out: to eat in a diner, drink beer, watch outdoor performance and stroll.

* North Market ("Wine High") - Located far beyond the city center, rare tourists come here, and the prices are the lowest in Nha Trang. In this market is not so beautiful, as on other, fruits, spices and fish are often lying in the same pile - no one cares about the beautiful and convenient design of the adjustment here, but this is the most real non-neuristic and very cheap Vietnam.

More information about the Nha Trang markets is told on this page.

Tax Free.

In Vietnam, you can return to 10% spent on the purchase of money, but this is not very simple, as stores working with the Tax-Free system in the city (and in the country) a bit.

To do this, you need to spend at least 2000,000 VND in the store, fill the special check at the checkout and present it with the passport and purchases at the airport before departure to Russia. Money will be returned immediately in cash or will be transferred to the map minus 15% - this is the cost of the return service.

There are no VAT Return Point of Return Airport, they are only at Hanoi and Saigon airports, but there is an option to return the money already after arrival in Russia. This can be done in the Czech Bank in Moscow and in the VTB 24 Bank (return the funds within six months after the purchase).

Best Places for Shopping

All articles about shopping on "subtleties"

  • Austria Vienna
  • England London
  • Vietnam: Nha Trang. , Ho Chimina
  • Germany: Berlin, Dusseldorf and Munich
  • Georgia: Tbilisi, Batumi
  • Hungary: Budapest
  • Greece (Shub tours): Athens, Crete, Rhodes, Thessaloniki
  • Israel: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
  • Spain: Alicante, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia, Madrid (and its shops), Mallorca, Malaga, Tarragona and Salou
  • Italy: Milan, Bologna, Venice, Rome, Rimini, Turin, Florence and Factory Shubs in Italy
  • China: Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai
  • Netherlands: Amsterdam
  • UAE: Dubai
  • Poland: Warsaw and Krakow
  • Portugal: Lisbon, Porto and Madeira
  • Baltic: Vilnius,