Who in Russia live well. "Peasant woman" ("To live in Russia,"): The history of the chapter in Russia live well part of the peasant

Who in Russia live well. "Peasant woman" ("To live in Russia,"): The history of the chapter in Russia live well part of the peasant

"Not all between men find a happy, swell-ka Bab!" - Wanderers decide. They are advised to go to the village of Wedge and ask Korchagin Matreus Timofeevna, whom everyone called the "governor".

Wanderers come to the village: that neither the hut - with a subproof, as a beggar with a crutch; And with a straw roofs, a cattle is fed. Standing like a cozov, poor houses. At the gate of the wanderers meets Lacia, which explains that "the landowner for the border, and the ruler at death." Some men catch small fish in the river, complain that there were more fish more. Peasants and yard disappear who can: one yard tormented by the door: copper handles unscrewed; Another carrying the tiles of some ... Gray yard suggests buying foreign books, angry that they refuse: what are you smart books?

You have peteens signs yes the word "is prohibited", that there is enough to read on the poles! Wanderers are heard as a beautiful bass sings a song in incomprehensible language. It turns out that the singer of Novo-Arkhangelskaya, his Malorus savory the Lord.

To be held him in Italy, yes left. " Finally, the wanderers meet Matreus Timofeevna. Mature Timofeevna Osanoy woman, wide and dense, thirty-axis years.

Beautiful; Hair with a smarter, eyes are big, strict, eyelashes richest, Surov and smoothed. Wanderers tell why they went to the road, Matren Timofeevna replies that she had no time to talk about his zhiany - it is necessary to eat rye. Wanderers promise to help her remove rye, Matrena Timofeevna "became our wanderers to open the whole soul." Chapter 1 To marriage I fell happiness in girls: we had a good, non-drinking family. Behind the father, behind the mother, like Christ for the sinus, residential ...

There was a lot of fun, but a lot of work. Finally, "improved the narrowed": on Mount - Flashing! Philipp Korchagin - Petrik, according to the skill of the live shop. Father poured with the shuts, promised to give daughter. Matrena does not want to go for Philip, he persuades, says it will not be offended. In the end, Matrain Timofeev is agreed. Chapter 2 Songs Matrena Timofeevna falls into someone else's house - to the mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

The story from time to time is interrupted by the songs about the serious proportion of a girl who got married "in someone else's side." The family was a big, grumpling ... I got with the girl holi in hell! The husband went to work, to be silent, I was advised to endure ... as ordered, it was done: I went with anger on the heart, and I didn't leave the word to anyone. In winter, Phillip came, brought silk handkerchiefs yes, rolled on Santochki in Ekaterinin, and the grief was not like! .. Wanderers are asked: "I really didn't say?

"Matrain Timofeevna replies that only once, when the sister of her husband arrived and he asked her shoes, and Matrena Timofeev was lazy. Philip's Annunciation again goes to earnings, and the son was born to the Kazan Matrery, who was called Demushki. Life in the house of her husband's parents has become even more difficult, but Matrain suffers: no matter what they do - I work, no matter how firing is. From the whole family, the male is one Savely, grandfather, the parent of the Svetra-father, regretted me ... Mattress Timofeevna asks Wersion, whether to tell about Santa Savelia, they are ready to listen. Chapter 3 Savely, the Bogatyr Svyatruzky with a big scent griva, tea, twenty years of non-trivial, with a big beard, grandfather on the bear looked ...

He spacked him, in fairy tales, one hundred years. The grandfather lived in a special hill, the family disliked, did not allow him into his corner; And that was angry, hitting his "branded, religious" his native son. Savely will not get angry, goes into his brighter, reads the sacrolrs, is baptized, but suddenly will say fun: "Heart, yes not a slave" ... Once Matrena asks Savelia, for which his name is branded and relieving.

Grandfather tells her his life. In the years of his youth, the peasants of his villages were also serfs, "Yes, we didn't know any landowners, we didn't know the rules then.

We didn't rule the barbecues, we did not pay around, and so, when it would come true, I will send it three years. " Places were deaf, and no one could get there on the chains and swamps. "The landowner is our chalash-nicks through the trails of animals with the regiment - the military was - I tried to approach us, but the skis turned!

"Then the shagishni sends an order to appear, but the peasants do not go. The police had granted (drought) - "We tribute to her with honey, fishing," when I arrived another time - "animal skins", and for the third time they did not give anything. The old lapties shook, the holey Armenians and went to Slashnikov, who stood with a regiment in the provincial city. They came, they said that there is no lifting. Shalashnikov ordered them to smoke them. Shalashniki Porol firmly, had "Onuchi Sprinkle", get money and bring the floor of the heads of "Lobankov" (semi-imperials). Shalashnikov immediately dot, even drank together with the peasants.

Those moved to the opposite way, two old men laughed that the storubluble papers were engaged home in the lining. Cancelled Shalashnikov canceled, and not ahti received great revenues. Soon the notification comes that the shahamniks are killed under the boat. Heir revealed: The German sent to us. Through the forests are dense, the shelters came through the swamp on foot! And first was quiet: "Pay how much you can".

Can't anything! "I will notify Barin." - Privacy! .. - Those ended. The German, Christian Christian Fogel, meanwhile he entered the confidence in the peasants, says: "If you can't pay, work." Those are interested in what work. He responds that it is desirable to turn the grooves of the swamp, cut out where the trees are scheduled.

The peasants did, as he asked, see - turned out to be a view, the road. Dragged, yes late. And then there was a cortex of the Korezhsky peasant - he ruined to the thread!

And Dral ... as the slanders himself! Yes, he was simple: thrown off with all the military power, think: kill! And the Money Sun - fall off, nor give neither tick swollen in the dog's ear. The Germans - the grip is dead: until it constitutes the world, without going away, sucks! This life lasted eighteen years. The German built the factory, ordered a root of the well.

His digging nine people, including Savely. Having worked until noon, we decided to relax. The German appeared here, began to scold the peasants for idleness. The peasants shouted the Germans in the pit, Savely shouted "Rady!", And Fogel was buried. Next was the "Katorga and the Pleets pre-; Did not extended - anointed, bad laugh there!

Then ... I ran from the cautious ...

Caught! Not stroked here on the head. " And life was not easy. About twenty strict cowards.

About twenty settlements. I caught money, the Tsarsky manifesto came to his homeland, attached this journal and I lived here for a long time.

The "peasant" picks up and continues the theme of noble cloak. Wanderers fall into the ruining estate: "The landowner in the border, and the ruler at death." The crowd released to the will, but absolutely not adapted to the work of the yard dismounts the Merzzo good. Against the background of shining ruins, collapse and mismanagement, the labor peasant Russia is perceived as a powerful creative and life-affirming element:

The wanderers sighed easily:

They after the nourishing courtyard

Beautiful showed

Healthy, singing

Crowd of Reznov and Znits ...

In the center of this crowd, embodying the best qualities of the Russian female character, appears before the wanderers of Matrena Timofeevna:

Osanoy woman

Wide and dense

Years of thirty axis.

Beautiful; hair with a smarter

Eyes big, strict,

Eyelashes richest

Surov and smoothed.

On her white shirt,

Yes Sarafan short

Yes sickle over the shoulder.

The type of "magnifier Slavic", the peasant of the Midground strip, endowed with restrained and strict beauty, fulfilled self-esteem. This type of peasant was not widespread. The history of life Matrena Timofeevna confirms that it was formed in the conditions of sorry fishery, in the edge, where most of the male population went to the city. On the shoulders of the peasant, there was not only all the severity of peasant labor, but also the whole measure of responsibility for the fate of the family, for the upbringing of children. The harsh conditions were honed a special female character, proud and independent, accustomed everywhere and to rely on their own strength. The story of Matrena Timofeevna about their lives is based on the laws of epic narration for the folk epic. "The peasant woman", "N. N. Skatov notes, is the only part, all written from the first person. However, this story is by no means not only about her private share. The voice of Matrena Timofeevna is the voice of the people. That is why she often sings what it says, and sings the songs that did not invented with Nekrasov. The "peasant woman" is the folklore part of the poem, it is almost completely built on populatory images and motifs.

Already the first chapter "before marriage" is not just a story, but as if the traditional rite of the peasant waldness, which is held before our eyes. Wedding bouquets and ponts "on the outstands are equipped", "Thank you hot bowl", "ordered the birthday of the father" and others are based on truly folk. Thus, telling about her marriage, Matroin Timofeevna talks about marriage of any peasant, about all of their great set.

The second chapter is directly named "Songs". And the songs that come here, again the songs are nationwide. The personal destiny of the Nekrasovskaya Heroine is expanding all the time to the limits of the community, without ceasing at the same time being her own destiny. Its character, growing out of nationwide, is not completely destroyed in it, her personality, closely associated with the mass, is not soluble in it.

Matrena Timofeevna, having achieved her husband's liberation, did not turn out to be a soldier, but her bitter meditation on the night after the news of the upcoming recruitment of her husband allowed Nekrasov "add about the situation of the soldier."

Indeed, the image of Matrolena Timofeevna was created so that she, as it were, all had experienced and visited in all states, in which a Russian woman could be. "

So reaches necrops of the enlargement of an epic nature, seeking to through the individual shielded the commander of his features. There are complex domestic connections between individual parts and chapters: what is only scheduled in one of them is often deployed in another. At the beginning of the "peasant", the topic of the noble cloak declared in the "landowner" is revealed. The story marked in the monologue about the fact that "what price Popovich is bought by the priesthood", picked up in the description of the children's and youthful years, Gregory Dobrosaklon in "Pira - for the whole world".

Plan Revet Ochaw

1. The argument of the men about that "who lives fun, freely in Russia."
2. Meeting with Pop.
3. Drunk night after the "yardonki".
4. History of Yakim Naked.
5. Searches for a happy man among men. Story about Yermil Girin.
6. The men meet the landlord of Obolt-Owdorev.
7. Searches for a happy man among women. The history of Matrena Timofeevna.
8 Meeting with an eccentric landlord.
9. Parable about the holp of the approximate - Yakov faithful.
10. A story about two great sinners - Ataman Kudyar and Pan of Glukhovsky. The story of "peasant sin."
11. Thoughts Grisha Dobrosaklon.
12. Grisha Dobrons - "People's Intercession".


Part I.


The poem begins with the fact that seven men met on the pillars, and they arched, "who lives having fun, freely in Russia." "Roman said: landowner, Demyan said: An official, Luka said: the ass. Kupchina Tolstopusoma! - said the Rubins brothers, Ivan and Metrodor. The old man steamedly rebelled and Milns, in the ground, Lyubaychi: Wiel Choir, Minister Sovereign. And I said: king. " They slept all day and did not even notice how night came. The men looked around themselves, realized that they were far away from home, and decided to rest before the restart. Only they managed to get under the tree and drink vodka, as their dispute had a new force, it came even to a fight. But here the men saw that a small chick, dropping out of the nest, was sung. A steam caught him, but the foam appeared here and began to ask the men to let her chicks, and for it she told them where the tablecloth-self-bare was hidden. The men found a tablecloth, disheveled and decided that they would not return home until they would know, "who lives happily, freely in Russia."

Chapter I. Pop

The next day, the peasants went on the road. At first they met only the peasants, the beggars and the soldiers, but they did not ask the men, "how they are easily, it is difficult if it lives in Russia." Finally, in the evening they met pop. The men explained to him that they have a concern, which "from houses has already lived, starting us with work, beat off from food": Is Popovskaya's sweet life? How are you free, happily live, honest father? " And pop starts your story.

It turns out that there is no rest in his life, nor wealth or honor. There is no rest, because in a big county "Botting, dying, born to the world does not elect a time: in Znitvino and in Senokos, in the deaf night autumn, in winter, in the frost, and in the flooder. And always pop must go to fulfill your duty. But the most difficult, admitted pop, watch how a man dies and how his relatives cry over him. There is no ass and honor, because in the people it is called the "Cretaceous Breed"; Meet the ass on the road is considered a bad admission; About the priest, "Fairy Tales of Balagorn, and Songs are obscene, and all hulu," and about the family Popovskaya many jokes are folded. Yes, and the wealth of the ass is hard to do. If in former times, before the cancellation of serfdom, there was a lot of landlords in the county, in which weddings constantly managed, christening, then only poor peasants remained, who cannot generously pay the ass for his work. Pop himself says that he has a "soul will turn around" to take money from the poor, but then he has nothing to feed his family. With these words, pop leaves from men.

Chapter 2. Rural Yardonka

The men continued their journey and got into the village Kuzminskoe, to the fair, decided to search for happy here. "Wanderers went along the becks: admire with handkerchiefs, Ivanovo sieves, whites, new shoes, kimryak tramples." At the shoemaker, they meet an old man with a barn, which admires gantry shoes, but does not buy them: he promised his little granddaughter to buy shoes, and other family members are different gifts, but drank all the money. Now he is ashamed to appear on his eyes granddaughter. The gathered people listening to him, but can't help, because no one has no extra money. But there was one person, Pavel Veretnikov, who bought Bavil's boots. The old man was so fearful that she ran away, forgetting to even thank Veretennikova, "But the peasants were so deceived, so glad, as if everyone knew the ruble." Wanderers go to Balagan, in which they watch comedy with parsley.

Chapter 3. Drunk Night

The evening comes, and the travelers leave the "Buried Selo". They go along the road, and everywhere they meet drunk people who return home after the fair. From all sides to the wanderers, drunken conversations, songs, complaints about hard life, cries of fighting.

Road pillar meets Travelers Pavel Veretennikov, around which the peasants gathered. Veretnikov records songs and proverbs in their book, who sing to him the peasants. "Smart peasants are Russians," says Veretnikov, "one is not good, that they drink to dive, in Riva, they are lying in the ditch - it's a shame!" After these words, a man is suitable for him, who explains that the peasants drink because of a severe life: "There is no measure to go Russian. And Mount Our Merily? There is a measure? Wine browsing the peasant, and the grief does not valit? Work does not valit? " And drink the peasants to forget that in the charm vodka drown their grief. But then the man adds: "We have a drinking non-drinking family on our family! Do not drink, and also worn, it was better to drink, stupid, and the conscience is so. " To the question of Veretennikova, as his name, the man answers: "In the village of Bosov, she lives, he works to death, he drinks to death! ..", and the rest of the men began to tell the Veretnikov history of Yakim Nazhogi. He once lived in St. Petersburg, but he was put in prison, after he decided to take a lot with a merchant. He was risening to string, and so he returned to his homeland, where he took him. Since then, he has been frightened on the sun under the sun. He bought his son a picture-ki, who walked on the hut, and loved to look at them. But once there was a fire. Well, instead of saving money clustered for them in a lifetime, saved a picture, which then hung in a new hut.

Chapter 4. Happy

Under the lime began to converge people who called themselves happy. A decek came, whose happiness was "not in the soles, not in gold," and "in complacency". Raby old woman came. She was happy because she had a big turnip. Then the soldier came, happy because "that in twenty laws was, and not killed." Mason began to tell that his happiness is concluded in the mold, with which he earns money. But here the other mason approached. He advised not to boast with his power, otherwise it may be grief to go out of this, which happened to him in his youth: the contractor began to praise him for the power, but once put on the stretcher as many bricks that the man could not stand such a nose and after that completely Zalenor. Came to the travelers and the yard man, Laki. He stated that his happiness is that he has a disease that only noble is suffering. Different people have come to boast their happiness to their happiness, and eventually the wanderers carried their sentence with peasant happiness: "Uh, happiness Menietic! Leaky, with patches, humpback, with calls, fall home! "

But the man came to them who advised them to ask about happiness from Ermila Girin. On the question of travelers, who is this Yermila, the man told them. He worked Ermila on a mill, which did not belong to anyone, but the court decided to sell it. Bidding were arranged, in which Ermila began to take a merice of Altynnikov. In the end, Yermila won, only he immediately demanded money for the mill, and the Ermila had no such money with him. He asked to give him half an hour, ran to the square and appealed to the people with a request to help him. Yermila was a person respected in the people, so every peasant gave him so much money as he could. Yermila bought the mill, and a week later came to the square again and gave all the money lend themselves. And everyone took so much money as he gave him a debt, nobody assigned to him, even another ruble remained. The gathered began to ask why Yermila Girin was in such an honorable. The narrator told that in Yermil's youth was a writer in the gendarm corps and a peasant who applied to him helped with advice and affair and did not take a penny for it. Then, when a new prince arrived in the victuchin and dispersed the gendarme office, the peasants asked him to elect Yermil's parramilrome, as they trusted him in everything.

But here Pop interrupted the storyteller and said that he did not tell the whole truth about Yermil that he had a sin: instead of his younger brother, Yermila gave to the recruits of the only son of the old woman, who was her breadwinner and support. Since then, the conscience did not give him peace, and one day he almost hanged himself, but instead I demanded that he was judged as a criminal to all the people. The peasants began to ask the prince to take the old woman from the recruits from the recruits, he would hang from the conscience from the recruits. In the end, the old woman returned the son, and Brother Yermila was given to recruits. But the conscience of Ermil was still tormented, so he refused his position and began to work on the mill. During the rebellion in Votchin, Yermila was in the urgent ... there was a cry of Lacey, who sequels for theft, and Pop did not have time to tell the story to the end.

Chapter 5. Planner

The next morning met landowner Obolt-Owduev and decided to ask if he lives happily. The landowner began to tell that he is "family famous", his ancestors were still known three hundred years ago. I lived this landowner in the past times "like Christ for the sinus", he had honor, respect, a lot of land, several times a month he arranged holidays that "any Frenchman" could have been hunting. The peasants of the landowner kept in rigor: "Someone I want to eat, who I want to be a execution. Law - my desire! Fist - my police! " But then he added that "Karala is loving" that the peasants loved him, they celebrated Easter together. But the travelers only laughed at his words: "Cole knocked them on, what, do you pray in the Barsky house? .." Then the landowner began to sigh, which was such a carefree life after the cancellation of serfdom. Now the peasants no longer work on landlord lands, and the fields fell into decay. Instead of hunting horn in the forests, a knock of the ax is heard. Where the Barsky houses used to stand before, people are being built now. After these words, the landowner was crying. And the travelers thought: "The big chain broke out, broke off - loosened: one end of Barina, another man! .."


A happy person's travelers have decided to look for both women. In one village, they advised them to find Matrey Timofeevin and ask her. The men went on the road and soon reached the village of Wedge, in which Matrain Timofeevna lived, a osanistic woman, wide and dense, thirty-axis years old. Beautiful: hair with smarter, eyes are big, strict, eyelashes richest, Surov and smoothed. On her shirt, yes, Sarafan is short, and sickle over the shoulder. " The men turned to her: "Tell us in Boreski: What's your happiness?" And Matrain Timofeevna began to tell.

Chapter 1. Before marriage

In the girls Matrena Timofeevna lived happily in a big family, where she loved her. Nobody walked early, allowed her to sleep and gain strength. From the age of five in the field brought, she went beyond cows, wore a breakfast Father, then learned the hay to clean, and got used to work. After work, she, together with his girlfriends, sat for a hidden, sang songs, danced on the holidays. From the guys Matrena hid, did not want to fall from the maiden will in the unfortunate. But still she was writing the groom, Philip, from distant edges. He became woven to her. Matrona first did not agree, but the guy came to her heart. Matrena Timofeevna admitted: "While we traded, it should be, so I think, then it was happy. And more hard time! " She married Philip.

Chapter 2. Songs

Matrena Timofeevna sings a song about how Rodni Groom is pounced on the daughter-in-law when she comes to a new home. No one loves her, everyone is forced to work, and if they do not like the work, they can beat. It also happened with the new family of Matreina Timofeevna: "The family was a big, grilling. I got with the Great Will in hell! " Only in her husband, she could find support, and it happened that he beat her. Matrain Timofeevna Put the husband, who hits his wife, and his relatives do not want to join it, but only be veins even more beat.

Soon, Matrena was born the son of Demechka, and now it was easier for her to demolish the reproaches of the mother-in-law and mother-in-law. But with her again the trouble happened. The Lord Governor began to pester to her, and she did not know where to escape from him. Only Grandfather Savely helped Matrene with all the troubles to cope, only he loved her in a new family.

Chapter 3. Savely, Bogatyr Svyatrus

"With a big cross grivy, tea, twenty years, not a striking, with a big beard, a grandfather's grandfather", "Arc spin at the grandfather", "he was spacened, on fairy tales, one hundred years." "The grandfather lived in a special hill, the family disliked, not allowed to his corner; And she was angry, hitting his "branded, religious" slander his son. " When the mother-in-law began to be angry with Matreus, she, together with his son, went to Savelia and worked there, and Dymechka played with his grandfather.

Once Savelius told her the story of his life. He lived with other peasants in impassable swampy forests, where neither the landowner nor the police could get. But one day the landowner ordered them to appear to him and sent the police behind them. Peasants had to obey. The landowner demanded the longeon from them, and when the men began to say that they had nothing, ordered them to carve them. Again the peasants had to obey, and they gave their money to the landowner. Now every year the landowner came to assemble the lifts from them. But the landowner died, and his heir sent a manager to the German. At first, the German lived calmly, jerked with peasants. Then he began to order them. Peasics and did not have time to come to his senses, as they gave the road from their village to the city. Now they could safely ride them. The German brought his wife and children to the village and began to rob in the peasants yet church than the previous landowner robbed. The peasants endured him eighteen years. During this time, the German managed to build a factory. Then he ordered to dig a well. He did not like the work, and he began to scold the peasants. And Sovelius with their comrades buried it in a pit died for a well. For that, he was sent to Katorga, where he spent twenty years. Then he returned to his homeland and built a house. The men asked Matreus Timofeevna further to talk about her bare life.

Chapter 4. Delushka

Matrena Timofeevna took her son to work. But mother-in-law said that she leaves his grandfather Savely, because with a child would not work much. And she gave the Demechka grandfather, and he herself went to work. When he returned home in the evening, it turned out that the Savely tried in the sun, he did not coal over the baby, and that was flooded with pigs. Matrena "Club rolled", "the invarord was told, called, walked Demechka - yes it was too late." Gendarms arrived and began to interrogate, "Do you agree with the peasant Saveli killed you a child?" Then he came to open the child's corpse. Matrena began to ask him to do this, sent it to all the curses, and everyone decided that she had lost their mind.

At night, Matrena came to the warm son and saw Savelia there. At first she shouted at him, Vinila Demos in death, but then they began to pray together.

Chapter 5. Wolfitsa

After the death of Dymechka Matren Timofeevna did not talk to anyone, the Savelia could not see, did not work. And Savely went to repentance in the sandy monastery. Then Matrena, together with her husband, went to the parents and began to work. Soon she had more children. So four years have passed. Parents died at Matrena, and she went swimming at the grave of the Son. She sees the grave of the priest, it stands on it, and the Savely is lying on the ground. They talked, Matrena forgave the old man, told him about his grief. Soon the Savely died, and he was buried next to the demo.

Passed four more years. Matrena has come true with his life, worked for the whole family, only the children were offended by their offense. Came to them in the village of Bogomolka and began to learn how it is necessary to live in God. She forbade under long days to feed the children with breasts. But Matrena did not obey her, she decided that let God punish her better than she would leave their children hungry. Here is the grief and came to her. When her son Fedota was eight years old, the father-in-law gave him to the shepherds. Once the boy did not boot behind the sheep, and one of them stole a wolf. For this village older wanted his stroke. But Matrain rushed to the foot of the landowner, and he decided to punish his mother instead of his son. Matreus carved. In the evening she came to see how she sleeps her son. And the next morning did not seem to her husband, and went to the river, where she began to cry and call on the defense of his parents.

Chapter 6. Difficult Year

Two new troubles came to the village: at first the lack of town year came, then recruit. The mother-in-law began to marry Matreus for sticking to trouble, because in Christmas put on a clean shirt. And then her husband wanted to give to recruits. I did not know Matrena, where to go. She herself did not eat, everyone gave her husband's family, and they also scolded her, evil looked at her children, as they were extra mouths. So I had to "send kids to the world" to send money to other people's money. Finally, her husband was taken away, and a pregnant Matrena remained alone.

Chapter 7. Governor

Her husband was taken to recruits not on time, but no one wanted to help him return home. Matrena, which the last days stopped her child, went to seek help from the governor. She left home at night, without saying anything to anyone. Came to the city in the morning. The Swiss in the Governor's Palace told her to try to come after two hours, then the governor may be, it will take it. A monument to Susanin saw on Matrena Square, and he reminded her Savelia. When the coach arrived at the palace and governor came out of it, Matrena rushed to her feet with plenty of intercession. Then she felt bad. Long road and fatigue affected her health, and she gave birth to a son. The governor helped her, herself baptized the baby and gave him a name. Then helped save her husband Matrena from recruit. He brought Matrain her husband home, and his family bowed to her legs and obeyed her.

Chapter 8. Babia Parable

Since then, Matren Timofeevin the governor. She began to live as before, worked, the children raised. One of her sons was already taken to recruits. Mattress Timofeevna said: "It's not about the battles to look for a happy babomy": "The keys from the happiness of female, from our free volatus, abandoned, lost from God yourself!"


Travelers went to the banks of the Volga and saw the peasants work on the hay. "We have not worked for a long time, let's ask!" - asked wanderers from local women. After work, they sat down to a stack. Suddenly you see: three boats swim on the river, in which music played, beautiful baryni is sitting, two pretty barin, children and an old man. As soon as the peasants envied them, they immediately began to work more diligently.

The old landower came ashore, bypassed all the hayfield. "The peasants lowered low, the burmart before the landowner, like the demon before the Sautrena, Julil." And the landowner scolded them for the work, ordered to cut the already harvested hay, which was so dry. Travelers were surprised why the old landowner behaves with the peasants, because they are now free people and are not under his power. Old man Vlas became telling them.

"The landowner is our special, wealth is exorbitant, the rank is important, the genus is venelish, the whole century Cuiled, Duril." But they canceled the serfdom, and he did not believe, he decided that he was deceived, even with the governor, it was scorn in this regard, and in the evening his strike was enough. His sons were frightened that he could deprive their inheritance, and consisted with the peasants to live as before, as if the landowner was still their master. Some peasants happily agreed and continue to serve the landowner, but many could not agree. For example, Vlas, who was then the burmist, did not know how he would have to fulfill the "fool orders" the old man. Then the other peasant asked him to make a burmist, and "the old things went." And the peasants were going together and laughed at the stupid orders of Barin. He, for example, ordered to marry a seven-year-old widow on a six-year-old boy so that he contains her and built her a new home. I ordered the cows not to wash when they pass by the Baroic House, because they will be a landowner.

But here I found a peasant Agap, who did not want to obey Barina and even reproached other peasants in obedience. Once he walked with a log, and towards him a barin. The landowner understood that the log of his forest, and began to scold Agap for theft. And the peasant did not suffer and began to laugh at the landowner. The old man was enough to blow, thought that now he would die, but he instead issued a decree to punish Agap for disobedience. All day went to Agap young landowners, their wives, a new burmart and vlas, persuaded Agap to pretend, they saw him all night. The next morning locked it in the stable and punished him to shout, as if he was beaten, and in fact he sat and drank vodka. The landowner believed, and he even sorry was the peasant. Only Agap after such a quantity of vodka died in the evening.

Seed wanderers to look at the old landlord. And he sits surrounded by sons, daughter-in-law, yard peasants and lunch. He began to ask, whether the peasants will soon gather the Baroic hay. The new burmart began to assure him that the hay would be removed in two days, then stated that the men would not go anywhere from Barin that he was their father and God. Such a speech liked the landowner, but suddenly he heard that in the crowd, someone out of the peasants laughed, and ordered to find and punished guilty. I went the burmist, and he himself thinks how to be. He began to ask the wanders to make any of them confess: they are people in-law, he can not do anything. But the travelers did not agree. Then Kuma Burmister, the tricky woman, fell in the feet of Barina, began to say, say that this is her the only fearful son laughed, thus stunned the Barin not to scold him. Barin cleared. Then he fell asleep, yes in a dream and died.

PIR - for the whole world


The peasants staged a holiday on which the whole behavior came, they wanted to celebrate the acquired freedom. Peasants sang songs.

I. Gorky time - bitter songs

Cheerful. The song comes in the song that the cow from the peasant took a barin, the chickens took away the Zemsky Court, the king's sons took into recruits, and the daughters took the Barin to his daughters. "To nice to live people in Russia Holy!"

Barshorn. A poor peasant Kalinushki has a spin in wounds from beatings, he has nothing to wear, there is nothing to eat. Everything that he earns has to give Barina. Only and joy in life - come to the zabak and get drunk.

After this song, the peasants began to tell each other as hard with the barbecine. One remembered how their launcher Gertrude Alexandrovna ordered them to wave mercilessly. And the peasant Vakenty told the following parable.

About the cold of the approximate - Yakov faithful. He lived in the light of the landowner, very stupid, even his daughter was driven out when she married. This Barina was a faithful servant of Yakov, who loved him more than his life, did everything to deliver Barina pleasant. Never requested anything about the yaks of his owner, but here he gone his nephew and wanted to marry. Only Barina's bride liked, so he did not allow Yakov's nephew to marry, but he gave it to recruits. Yakov decided to take revenge on his Barina, only the revenge of him was the same Khopovskaya, as well as life. Barina had a leg hurt, and he could not walk. Yakov took him to the dense forest and hanged himself in his eyes. Barin spent the whole night in the ravine, and the overtrails found his hunters. He did not recover after what he saw: "You will be, Barin, Hall of approximate, Jacob faithful, remember to the Judgment Day!"

II. Wanderers and Bogomoles

There are different Bogomols in the world. Some of them are just covered by the name of God to get started at someone else's account, since the Bogomoltsev is customary to take in any house and feed. Therefore, they most often choose rich houses in which you can eat well and overeat something. But there are both real bogomers who bear the Word of God into the peasant house. Such people go to the poorest house so that God's mercy salas him. Ionushka belongs to such the Bogomolets, who led the story "On two great sinners."

About two great sinners. Ataman Kudyar was a robber and destroyed and robbed many people. But here he tortured his conscience, so so he could neither eat or sleep, but only recalled his victims. He dismissed all the gang and went to pray to the coffin of the Lord. It is strange, it prays, it does not make it easier for him. A sinner returned to his homeland and began to live under a century oak. Once he hears a voice that tells him to cut the oak to the very knife, which he used to kill people, then all sins will be set. For several years, the elder worked, but he could not drink oak. Somehow he met Pan Glukhovsky, about which he was told that he was a cruel and evil person. To the question of Pan, that the elder does, the sinner said that he wants his sins so much. Pan began to laugh and said that his conscience does not torment at all, even though he thwarted a lot of lives. "Miracle with the hermit of Stalloslav: Mad anger felt, rushed to Panu Glukhovsky, knocked his knife in his heart! Only Pan is bloody fell head on the saddle, collapsed trees tremendous, the echo all the forest shocked. " So Salted Kudyar his sins.

III. And old and new

"Great noble sin" - began to say the peasants after the story of the ion. But the man of Ignatius Prokhorov objected: "Great, and everything is not to be against the sin of the peasant." And told the following story.

Peasant sin. For courage and courage, Admiral-Widovets received eight thousand souls from the sovereign. When he came to Admiral to die, he called to himself a headman and handed him a casket, in which he lay free to all the peasants. After his death, a long-range relative came and, promising the golden mountains and free, who has grown the casket with him. So eight thousand peasants remained in the Barkaya Kabala, and the older committed the greatest sin: betrayed his comrades. "So he, the sin of the peasant! And really, the scary sin! " - Men decided. Then they sang the song "Hungry" and again spoke about the landlord and peasant sin. And here Grisha Dobrozlonov, the son of Dycachka, said: "Snake will give birth to serpent, and a fasten - sins of the landowner, the sin of Jacob's unfortunate, sin Gleb gave birth! No crepi - there is no landowner, before the loop of the adjusting zealous slave, there is no crepe - No, the yard, suicide of the imaginary villain, there is no crepe - the Gleb will not be in Russia! " Everyone liked the speech of the boy, began to wish him wealth and smart wife, but Grisha replied that he was not wealth to him, but to "every peasant lived freely, having fun on all Saint Rus."

IV. Good time - good songs

Under the morning, travelers fell asleep. Grisha with his brother led his father home, on the way they sang songs. When the brothers laid his father to sleep, Grisha went walking around the village. Grisha is studying in the seminary, there it is badly fed, so he is thin. But he does not think at all about himself. All his thoughts are engaged only by their native villages and happiness of the peasant. "His fate prepared the path of nice, the name is a loud of folk upright, Cahotku and Siberia." Grisha is happy because it can be an intercession and take care of ordinary people, about his homeland. Seven men were finally happy, but they did not even guess happiness about it.

The poem written about the people and for the people is looking for somewhere deep in the consciousness of the peasant crowd the concept of happiness, she is written by a folk language, simple, but at the same time great, full of songs, sayings and folk wisdoms.

In his poem, N.A.Nekrasov did not simply looms the picture of destroying Russia, poor, dirty, Nishchenskaya, with her unfortunate people, he tries to figure out through the sorrow and suffering the peasants as much as they are happy and happy at all?

In the part of the "peasant woman", we can observe the topic of the ruin of places and estates, cloaking

Landowners. Traveling wanderers will work on the ruined, embedded estate. Pestracial yard, free from serfdom, not particularly accustomed to heavy Batractic work, disappear by the remaining good of their Mr.

But still against the background of this blatant chaos and destruction, Russia is labor, the peasant-mighty, invincible.

In the center of the episode of this work, one of the representatives of the Labor Element, the peasant Matrena Timofeevna, a strong and mighty character, about such women they say, the horse will stop the horse, in the burning hut will come.

Woman endowed with simple, but still attractive

Slavic beauty, proud, strong and unshakable. Her fate is not easy. She worked in the edges where the male population is rare. All the unbearable gravity of labor in the yard, in the house and in the field lay on her fragile shoulders. In addition, you need to feed the family and look after the children.

These tough conditions have formed a special female character, characterized by clearly expressed pride and independence, a sense of self-sufficiency, habit only to rely on their strength.

In this part of the poem, the narrative is conducted from the first person. The difficult fate of the Russian woman is not a single manifestation in the people's masses.

Matrain talks about his marriage, richly squeaking his speech by songs, sayings yes, as if bringing his sorrowful and serious fate with the fate of many, the same as she are peasants.

Her fate is one and its own and at the same time common, similar to thousands of others. But in spite of the generalization, her character is not lost in the folk crowd, he is proud of it before.

Nekrasov shows the image of a Russian woman who stood up everything in the most difficult situations, strong spiritually and beautiful physically, struggling with misfortunes, which are incessant to the sorces and misfortunes that collapsed from all sides.

Could such a woman be happy?

The answer lies in the stitching:

"Share you! - Russian women's dat!

Next written Nekrasov Head - "Peasant woman" - It also seems to be a clear retreat from the scheme planned in the Prologue: the wanderers are trying to find happy among the peasants. As in other chapters, stained plays an important role. He, as in the "Follow-up," becomes an antithesis to further narrate, allows you to detect all new contradictions of "Mysterious Rus". The chapter begins with the description of the ruined landlord estate: after the owners reform, they threw the estate and yard on the mercy of fate, and the yard ruin and break the beautiful house, once a well-kept garden and park. The funny and tragic sides of the life of an abandoned courtyard are closely intertwined in the description. Yard - a special peasant type. Divorced from the familiar medium, they lose the skills of peasant life and the main among them - "the habit of work is noble." The forgotten landowner and not able to feed themselves with work, they live in that they are plundered and selling the owner's things, heat the house, breaking the arbors and accurate balcony columns. But there are truly dramatic moments in this description: for example, the story of a singer with a rarely beautiful voice. The landowners were taken out of him from Malorus, they were going to send to Italy, but forgotten by their troubles.

Against the background of a tragicomic crowd of torn and hungry courtyards, the "jorany", even more "beautiful" seems to be "a healthy, singing crowd of reapers and jeep", returning from the field. But even among these state and beautiful people stand out Matrena Timofeevna, "Illen" "governor" and "happy". The story of her life, told by herself, and occupies a central place in the narration. Dealing this chapter, the woman-peasant, Nekrasov, it seems, not only wanted to open the reader the soul and the heart of the Russian woman. The world of a woman is a family, and talking about themselves, Matrena Timofeevna tells about the sides of the people's life, which was still indirectly affected by the poem. But they exactly determine the happiness and misfortune of women: love, family, life.

Matrain Timofeevna does not recognize himself happy, as not recognizable any of the women. But short happiness she knew in his life. The happiness of Matrena Timofeevna is the maiden will, parental love and care. Her maiden life was not carefree and easy: since childhood, from seven years she performed the peasant work:

I fell happiness in girls:
We had a good one
Non-drinking family.
Behind the father, behind Mother,
Like Christ for the sinus
I lived, well done.<...>
And on the seventh behind the bruss
I myself run in the herd,
Father wore breakfast,
Grazers gravel.
Then mushrooms and berries,
Then: "Beri River
Yes, hay stew! "
So I arrived at the case ...
And a kind worker
And sing-dance hunter
I was a frill.

"Happiness" she calls the last days of the Great Life, when her fate was decided when she was "traded" with a future husband - argued with him, "dreamed" will and in married life:

- You become a good, kind well done,
Against me straightforwardly<...>
Think, seey:
To live with me - do not repent,
And I do not cry with you ...<...>
While we traded,
Should be so i think
Then it was happy.
And more hardly when!

Her married life, indeed, is performed by tragic events: the death of a child, a cruel spanking, voluntarily accepted the punishment to save the Son, the threat to remain a soldier. At the same time, Nekrasov shows that the source of misfortunes Matrey Timofeevna is not only a "fastener", the powerful position of the fortress woman, but also the powerful position of the younger bed in a large peasant family. Insightedness, triumphant in large peasant families, the perception of a person primarily as an employee, the non-recognition of his desires, his "will" - all these problems opens up the story-confession of Matrena Timofeevna. Loving wife and mother, she is doomed to life unhappy and dyeing: for fellowship, the family of her husband and unfair apartments of the elders in the family. That is why, even having free from the serfdom, becoming free, it will grieve about the absence of "Volushka", and hence - and happiness: "The keys from the happiness of female, / from our free volatus / abandoned, lost / from God himself." And she says not only about himself, but about all women.

This is a disbelief in the possibility of happiness, a woman shares and the author. It is not by chance that Negrasov excludes from the final text of the chapter of the line about how happily changed the heavy position of Matrena Timofeevna in the family of her husband after returning from the governors: there is no story in the text, nor saying that she has become "whirlpool" in the house, nor about "Copened" the "grumpy, brandy" family of her husband. Only strings were left that the family of her husband, recognizing her participation in the salvation of Philip from the soldiers, "bowed" to her and "obeyed" before her. But the head of the "Babian Proverbs" ends, asserting the inevitability of unfortunately for a woman and after the cancellation of serfdom: "And there is no keys to our female volyusha / all!<...> / Yes, you can hardly please ... "

Researchers noted the design of Nekrasov: creating the image of Matrena Timofeevns, he sought to the broader generalization: Her fate becomes a symbol of the fate of every Russian woman. Carefully, thoughtfully chooses the episodes of her life, "Conducting" his heroine along the path, according to which any Russian woman passes: a short carefree childhood, grafted with childhood labor skills, maiden will and a long powerless position of a married woman, workers in the field and in the house. Matrena Timofeevna is experiencing all possible dramatic and tragic situations that fall into the proportion of peasants: humiliation in the family of her husband, the victims of the husband, the death of a child, the bilge of the manager, whipping and even - albeit not for long - the share of the soldens. "The image of Matrena Timofeevna is created like this - writes N.N. Skatov, - that she, as it were, and visited and visited all the states, in which a Russian woman could be. " Materina Timofeevna Matrée Timofeevna, I cry, most often "replacing" her own words, her own story, are even more expanding the story, allowing to comprehend and happiness, and the misfortune of one peasant as a story about the fate of a fortress woman.

In general, the history of this woman draws life in God's laws, "in Bozki", as Nekrasovsky characters say:

<...> Tolend and not pour it!
All the power, god of this,
I believe in work,
All in the kids love!

And the more terrible and unfair are unhappiness and humiliation, which fell into its share. "<...> In me / no bone rollaznaya, / no vengeneck of nonsense, / Blooding is not disgraced<...>"This is not a complaint, but an authentic result of the Matrey Timofeevny. The deep meaning of this life is the love of children - Nekrasov is approved with the help of parallels from the natural world: the story of the death of the Dormushka is preceded by crying about the nightingale, whose chicks burned down on a tree burning in a thunderstorm. The chapter telling about the punishment taken to the salvation of another son - Philip from the spanking is called "Wolf". And here is a hungry wolf, ready life to sacrifice the sake of the WC, appears as a parallel to the fate of the peasant woman, Lighter under Roga to dismiss the Son's punishment.

The central place in the head of the "peasant woman" occupies a story about Savelia, Bogatyr Svyatarus. Why is Matrey Timofeevin trusted a story about the fate of the Russian man, "Holy Sanuary", his life and death? It is in many ways because Nekrasov is important to show the "Bogatyr" Savelia Korchagin not only in his opposition to Shalashnikov and the manager of Fogel, but also in the family, in everyday life. His big family "grandfather" Savely - pure and holy man, was needed, while he had money: "As long as there were money, / loved grandfather, holly, / now in the eyes spit!" The inner loneliness of Savelia in the family strengthens the drama of his fate and at the same time, as the fate of Matrena Timofeevna, gives the reader to learn about the life of the people.

But it is no less important that the "story in the story", connecting two destinies, shows the relationship between the two outstanding people, for the author himself was the embodiment of the ideal folk type. It was the story of Matrena Timofeevna about Savelia makes it possible to emphasize what has brought into generally different people: not only an opposite position in the family of the Kurchagin, but also the common characteristics. Matrena Timofeevna, the whole life of which is performed only by love, and Saveli Korchagin, who made a lot of life, "stone", "Lutee Beast", are similar in the main thing: with his "angry heart", with his understanding of happiness as "Volushushka" as spiritual independence.

Matrain Timofeevna does not accidentally consider Savelia lucky. Her words about the "grandfather": "The lucky was also ..." - not bitter irony, because in the life of Sovelius, full of suffering and tests, it was that Matrain Timofeevna itself appreciates above all, - moral dignity, spiritual freedom. Being a "slave" of the landowner by law, Saveli did not know spiritual slavery.

Savely's youth, according to Matrena Timofeevna, called "prosperity," although he survived a lot and offense, and humiliation, and punishment. Why is the past, he considers "fertile times"? Yes, because, fenced by the "bunks" and "forests with drechy" from their landowner Salashnikov, the inhabitants of the crooks felt free:

We are only disturbing
Bears ... yes with bears
We coped with us easily.
With a busty yes with horns
I am scary,
According to the protected trails
I go: "My forest!" - shout.

"Beneference" did not overshable and the annual spanking, which was satisfied with his peasants of the shahalnikov, dying the rods of the lifts. But the peasants are "proud people", stalking and pretending to be wishes, they could save their money and, in turn, "trembled" over Barin, who did not manage to take money:

People gave out weak,
And strong for the behavior
Stood well.
I also flowed
I gave up, I was thinking:
"Like a Derie, a dog son,
And all the souls do not beat
Leave anything "<...>
But the merchants lived ...

"Happiness", which Soveneli says, is of course illusory, is the year of free life without a landowner and the ability to "touch", surprive during the spill and save earned money. But other "happiness" peasant and could not be released. Nevertheless, even such "happiness" soon lost a burgeh: began for the men "Katorga", when the manager was appointed Fogel: "I ruined before the thread! / And Doul ... as slanders himself! /<...> / German - the grip is dead: / until it stops the world, / without going down, sucks! "

Savely glorifies not patience as such. Not everything can and should endure the peasant. Savely clearly divides the ability to "be larched" and "Thread". Ladut - it means to give in pain, do not make pain and morally obey the landowner. Throwing - it means to lose dignity and agree with humiliation and injustice. Both - Makes a man "slave."

But Savelia Korchagin, as anyone else, is clear and the entire tragedy of the memories patience. With him, the narrative includes an extremely important thought: about the strength of the hero of the peasant-hero. Savely not only glorify the richness of Russian, but also grieves about this bogatyr, humiliated and mutilated:

And therefore we endured
What we are warriors.
In that richness is Russian.
Do you think Matreushka,
A man is not a bogatyr?
And his life is not rational,
And death is not written
In battle - and boat!

The peasantry in his reflections appears as a fabulous bogatyr, sought and humiliated. This warmer is more sky and land. Truly, the space image appears in his words:

Hand circles are twisted
Iron legs areged
Back ... forests dense
Passed her - broke.
And chest? Ilya Prophet
On the fiery chariot ...
All tolerate the boys!

The sky is holding a boat, but he is worth the great flour to this work: "Pulling a terrible / lift, he raised, / Yes, in the ground he left his chest / from Natugi! According to his face / not tears - blood flows! " Does it make sense in this great patience? It is not by chance that Sovelius disturb the thought of inquisitive life, the defective strength: "I lay on the furnace; / Faced, he was thinking: / where are you, power, do it? / What did you come in handy? / - Under the rogging, under the sticks / on trifles left! " And these bitter words are not only the result of their own life: it is grieving on a ruined folk strength.

But the author's task is not only to show the tragedy of the Russian hero, whose strength and pride "on the little things left." It is not by chance that the name of Susanina - Hero-peasant appears at the end of the story about Savelia: the monument to Susanin in the center of Kostroma reminded Matree Timofeevna "grandfather". Svetel's ability and in slavery to preserve the freedom of spirit, spiritual independence, not to submit a soul - it is also heroism. It is important to emphasize such a comparison feature. As noted by N.N. Skatov, a monument to Susanin in the story of Matrena Timofeevna is not similar to the real one. "The real monument created by the sculptor V.M. Demoust-Malinovsky, "the researcher writes," turned out to be a monument to the king than Ivan Susanin, who was depicted knee-free near the column with a bust of the king. Nekrasov not only siled that it is worth a man on his knees. In comparison with the rebellion of the Savel, the image of the Kostroma peasant of Susanin received a peculiar art for the first time in Russian, essentially antimonarchical understanding. At the same time, comparing with the hero of the Russian history Ivan Susanin imposed the last touch on the monumental figure of the Korean hero, the Svyatourus Peasant Savelia.