The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story Matrenin Yard. Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of Matrenin Yard

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story Matrenin Yard. Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of Matrenin Yard


The theme of the story is the description of the life of the patriarchal Russian village, where it is reflected, as the prosperous egoism and the prediction is diskwilling Russia and "Rushat communications and meaning." The writer raises the serious problems of the Russian village of the early 50s. (her life, customs and morals, the relationship between power and man-worker). The author repeatedly emphasizes that the state needs only working hands, and not the person himself: "She was alone around, and since it began to hurt - they let her go from the collective farm." Man, according to the author, should do his own business. So Matrena's sense of life finds in work, it is angry with the unfair attitude of others to the case.


Raised problems in the story are subordinate to one goal: to reveal the beauty of the Christian-Orthodox heroine worldview. Using the example of the fate of a rustic woman to show that life losses and suffering are only brighter to show the measure of human in each of the people. But Matraine is dying - and this world collapses: they take her home on a log, her modest belongings will be divided with greed. And there is no one to protect Matrenin Yard, no one even thinks that with the departure of Matrery leaves something very valuable and important, not delegate and primitive estimates.

"We all lived next to her and did not understand that there is she the same righteous, without which, according to the proverb, is not worth the village. Not a city. Neither the whole earth is ours. " The last phrases expand the boundaries of the Mattage yard (as the personal world of the heroine) to the scale of humanity.

Basic heroes

The main character of the story, as indicated in the title, is Matrain Vasilyevna Grigoriev. Matrena is a lonely disadvantaged peasant with a generous and disinterested soul. She lost her husband in the war, buried his six and raised other children. Mattress gave her own pupil the most expensive thing that was in her life - a house: "... I didn't feel sorry for her the hube, standing without a case, as in general, the work of his own nor his good ...".

The heroine suffered a lot in life, but did not lose the ability to empathize with other joy and grief. She is unselfish: sincerely rejoices to someone's kind crop, although it never happens in the sand itself. All wealth of Matrena make up a dirty white goat, a chrome cat and a large flowers in the tub.

Matrena - the focus of the best features of the national character: it is stronger, understands the "education" of the storyteller, respects him for it. The author appreciates its delicacy in Matreya, the lack of annoying curiosity to the life of another person, hard work. She worked for a quarter of a century in collective farm, but because not at the factory, it is not relying her pension for herself, and it was possible to seek only for her husband, that is, for the breadwinner. As a result, pensions did not achieve. It was extremely difficult to live. She mined grass for a goat, peat for heat, collected the old pegs, pulled by the tractor, dragged a lounge for the winter, pulled potatoes, helping to survive and those who were near.

The image of mature and individual details in the story are symbolic. Matroin at Solzhenitsyn - the embodiment of the ideal of the Russian woman. As noted in the critical literature, the appearance of the heroine is similar to the icon, and the life is the lives of saints. Her house symbolizes the Ark of the Biblical Noah, in which it is saved from the World Flood. Mature's death symbolizes the cruelty and the meaninglessness of the world in which she lived.

The heroine lives according to the laws of Christianity, although her actions are not always understandable to others. Therefore, the attitude towards it is different. Matreus surrounded sisters, Zolovka, a receptional daughter Kira, the only girlfriend in the village, Faddey. However, no one estimated her to dignity. She lived poorly, slaughter, lonely - "lost an old woman", exhausted by difficulty and illness. Natives almost did not appear in her house, and the chorus condemned Matreus, that it was ridiculous and stupid, on the other free all his life. I mercilessly used all Matrenina kindness and sophisticated - and they tried together for it. Among the people around her, the author belongs to their heroin, loves her and son Fadzery, and her pupil of Kira.

Solzhenitsyn's surname today is associated exclusively with his novel "Archipelago Gulag" and his scandalous glory. However, he began his writer's way as a talented Novofilist, who portrayed the fate of ordinary Russian people of the mid-twentieth century in his stories. The story "Matrinin Dvor" is the most striking example of Solzhenitsyn's early creativity, which reflected the best writer talents. Multi-lighted Litrecon offers you his analysis.

The history of writing the story "Matrenin Dvor" is a series of interesting facts:

  • The story was based on the memories of Solzhenitsyn about his life after returning from the work camp, when he lived in the village of Maltsev, in the house of the peasant of Matriyn Zakharov. She became the prototype of the main heroine.
  • Work on the work began in the summer of fifty ninth in the Crimea, and was finished in the same year. The publication was to take place in the magazine "New World", but the work passed the editorial commission only from the second time, thanks to the assistance of the editor A.T. Tvardovsky.
  • Czensors did not want to pass the story with the name "not worth the village without a righteous" (it was the first name of Solzhenitsyn's work). They saw in it an unacceptable religious subtext. Under pressure from the editorial office, the author changed the name to neutral.
  • Matrenin Dvor became the second work of Solzhenitsyn after the book "One Day of Ivan Denisovich". It gave rise to a lot of disputes and disagreements, and after the author's emigration, it was forbidden, as well as all the books of the dissident writer.
  • The readers saw the story only in 1989, in the recruitment era, when the new principle of the USSR policy was entered into force - publicity.

Direction and genre

The story "Matrinin Dvor" was written in the framework. The writer is committed to a reliable image of the surrounding reality. Created images, their words and actions breathe reliability and naturalism. The reader can believe that the events described in the story could actually happen.

The genre of this work can be determined as a story. The narrative covers a short period of time and includes the minimum number of characters. The problem is local in nature and does not affect the world as a whole. The absence of any specifics only emphasizes the typical of the events shown.

Meaning of the name

Initially, Solzhenitsyn give his story the title "It's not worthwhile without the righteous", which emphasized the basic thought of the writer about the high-dimensional main heroine, which selflessly sacrifices for themselves for those surrounding and this fastens fierce poverty together.

However, in the future, in order to avoid Soviet censorship, Tvardovsky advised the writer to replace the name on less provocative, which was done. Matrenin Dvor is the reflection of the junction of the work (the death of the heroine and the division of its property), and the indication on the main topic of the book is the life of the righteent in the village, exhausted wars and the robbing policies of the government.

Composition and conflict

The story is divided into three chapters.

  1. The first chapter is assigned to the exhibition: the author represents us his hero and tells us about Matrius itself.
  2. The second chapter takes place when the main conflict of the work is exposed, as well as the climax when the conflict reaches the highest point.
  3. The third chapter is assigned to the final, in which all plot lines are logical.

The conflict in the work is a local character between the righteous old manor and the surrounding, which uses its kindness for their own purposes. However, the artistic features of the story create a feeling of typical of this situation. Thus, Solzhenitsyn gives this conflict the All-Russian philosophical character. People have boosted because of unbearable living conditions, and only units are able to preserve kindness and responsiveness.

Essence: What about?

The story begins with the fact that the narrator, spending ten years in the link in the labor camp, settles in the village of Peatoprodukt, in the house of Grigoria Matriol Vasilyevna.

Gradually, the main character will learn the whole history of the life of Matrius, about her unsuccessful marriage, about the death of children and her husband, about her conflict with the former fiance - Faddey, about all the difficulties that she had to go through. The narrator penetrates with respect for the old woman, seeing that support in it, on which not only the local collective farm is holding, but also all Russia.

At the end of the story, Matriot under the pressure of the Faddey family gives his daughter Kira, which she brought up, as his part of her hut, bequeathed to her. However, helping to carry disassembled upside, dies. The relatives of Matriol are sad only at the bottom, rejoicing the possibility of dividing the inheritance of the old woman.

Main characters and their characteristics

The image system in the story "The Material Dvor" is set forth the multi-lone literagon in the table format.

heroes of the story "Mother's Dvor" characteristic
matryna normal Russian peasant. Good, responsive and submissive old woman, all his life sacrificed for others. After her fiance - Faddey, was missing, under pressure the family went for her husband for his brother - Efim. Unfortunately, all her children died, without living and three months, so many began to consider Matrön "thowned." Then Matrona took on the upbringing of Kira - the daughter of Faddey from the second marriage, and sincerely loved him, having taught her part of her hut. She worked as a task and devoted all his life to people, pleaseing small.
kira simple rustic girl. To the marriage was brought up with Matroi and lived with her. The only person except the narrator who sincerely grieves the dead. She grateful to the old woman for love and kindness, but it treats his family coldly, because it was simply given to a puppy someone else's woman.
faddey sixty-year-old Russian peasant. He was a favorite fiance Matrena, but he was captured during the war, and for a long time he could not hear anything. After return, Matreus was having for the fact that she did not wait for him. He married a second time on a woman who was also called Matrery. The authoritarian head of the family, not shy away to use gross power. A greedy person seeking to accumulate wealth at any cost.
narrator Ignatich

a kind and responsive person, observant and educated, unlike villagers. First, in the village, he is not taken due to the dubious past, but Matrena helps him to join the team and find the refuge. The author is no coincidence that indicates the exact coordinates of the village, emphasizing that he was forbidden to approach the city at a distance of 100 km. This is the reflection of the author himself, even his middle name is similar to the patronymic of the hero - Isaevich.


The subject of the story "Maternal Dvor" is universal and is food to reflect all generations of people:

  1. Life of the Soviet village - Solzhenitsyn depicts the life of Soviet peasants, as a heavy test. Rustic life is heavy, and the peasants themselves are most of their rude, and their morals are cruel. A person has to make tremendous efforts to stay in such a hostile atmosphere. The narrator emphasizes that people are depleted by eternal wars and reforms in agriculture. They have a slave position and no prospects.
  2. Kindness - The focus of kindness in the story stands for Matrius. The author sincerely admire the old woman. And, although in the end, the kindness of the heroine surrounding enjoyed for mercenary purposes, Solzhenitsyn does not doubt what exactly it is necessary to live - to give themselves everything for the benefit of society and the people, and not stuff the bags with wealth.
  3. Responsiveness - In the Soviet village, according to the writer, there is no place of responsiveness and soulfulness. All peasants think only about their survival and do not care about the needs of other people. Only Matrena was able to preserve the kindness and desire to help the neighbor.
  4. Fate - Solzhenitsyn shows that often a person is not able to control his life and should obey the circumstances as Matrena, but he has a soul of man only, and he always has a choice: it is always a choice: it is too much a choice: it is always a choice: it is always a choice: it's not a choice: it is too much a choice: it is always a choice: it's not a choice.
  5. Righteousing "Matrena, in the eyes of a writer, looks like an ideal of a righteous Russian man who gives all the benefit of other people, in which the entire Russian people and Russia holds. The topic of righteousness is revealed in the actions and thoughts of a woman, in her difficult fate. Whatever happens, she does not lose and do not complain. She regrets only others, but not himself, although fate does not indulge her attention. This is the essence of the righteous - to maintain the moral wealth of the soul, passing through all the life tests, and inspire people to the moral feat.


The stories of the story "Matrenin Dvor" is a reflection of the problems of development and formation of the USSR. The winning revolution did not make the life of the people easier, but only complicated her:

  1. Indifference - The main problem in the story "Matrenin Dvor". The villagers are indifferent to each other, they are indifferent to the fate of fellow villagers. Everyone tries to take someone else's penny to the hands, earn more too much and live. All the concerns of people only about material succeeding, and the spiritual side of life is indifferent to them as well as the fate of the neighbor.
  2. Poverty - Solzhenitsyn shows the unbearable conditions in which the Russian peasants live, which fell severe testivation and war tests. People survive, not live. They do not have medicine nor education or civilization. Even the morals of people are similar to medieval.
  3. Cruelty- Peasant life in the story of Solzhenitsyn is subordinate to purely practical interests. In the peasant life there is no place of kindness and weakness, he is cruel and rude. The kindness of the main character is perceived by fellow villagers as "Candidian" or even a lack of a mind.
  4. Greed - The focus of greed in the story protrudes Faddey, who is ready to disassemble her hut during the lifetime, to multiply his wealth. Solzhenitsyn condemns such an approach to life.
  5. War - The story mentions the war that becomes another heavy test for the village and indirectly becomes the cause of Matrena and Faddey's long-term discord. She crips the life of people, robs the village and ruins families, taking the best of the best.
  6. Death "The death of Matrena is perceived by Solzhenitsyn like a catastrophe of a national scale, because with her the idealistic Christian Russia dies, which the writer admired.

Main idea

In his story, Solzhenitsyn displaced the life of the Russian village of the middle of the twentieth century without any embedded with all his underfoot and cruelty. This village is opposed to Matrön, living the life of a real Christian. According to the writer, it is at the expense of such dedicated personalities as Matrius, and the whole country has been living, scored by poverty, war and political miscalculations. The meaning of the story "Matrenin Dvor" is the priority of eternal Christian values \u200b\u200b(kindness, responsiveness, mercy, generosity) over the "everyday wisdom" greedy and mired to the peasants. Freedom, equality and fraternity could not be replaced in the minds of the people of ordinary truths - the need for spiritual development and love of neighbor.

The main thought in the story "Matrenin Dvor" is the need for mulling in everyday life. People will not be able to live without moral values \u200b\u200b- kindness, mercy, generosity and mutual arms. Even if everyone is losing them, there must be at least one keeper of the treasury of the soul, which will remind everyone about the importance of moral qualities.

What does it take?

The story "Matrenin Dvor" promotes Christian humility and self-sacrifice that Matrius demonstrated. It shows that such a life is not for everyone under power, but emphasizes that this man should live. This is a morality laid by Solzhenitsyn.

Solzhenitsyn condemns greed, rudeness and egoism reigning in the village, calls people to be kinder to each other, live in peace and harmony. This conclusion can be made from the story "Matrenin Dvor".


Alexander Tvardovsky himself admired the work of Solzhenitsyn, calling him a real writer, and his story was a true work of art.

To today, Solzhenitsyn re-read his "Righteous" from five in the morning. My God, writer. No jokes. The writer, the only concerned expression that he lies "on the basis of the mind and heart. Neither the shadow of the desire to "get into the apple", to crack, facilitate the task of the editor or critic, - as you want, so turn out, and I will not come out with my own. Unless I can go further

L. Chukovskaya, who rotated in journalistic circles, was characterized by the story:

... What if Solzhenitsyn will not print the second thing? She loved me more first. That stunning courage, shakes the material, - well, of course, and literary skill; And "Matrius" ... A great artist is already visible here, the human, who returns to us the native language, who loving Russia, as the block, is said, deadly insulted by love.

Matrinin Dvor caused a real explosion in a literary environment and often mirror opposite reviews. In our days, the story is considered one of the most prominent prosaic works of the second half of the twentieth century and a vivid example of the creativity of early Solzhenitsyn.

Analysis of the story A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor"

A.I. Solzhenitsyn's glance at the village of 50-60s is characterized by severe and fierce truth. Therefore, the editor of the new world magazine A.Ttvardovsky insisted to replace the time of the story "Matrenin Dvor" (1959) from 1956 for 1953. It was an editorial move in the hope of proving the publication a new product of Solzhenitsyn: the events in the story were transferred during the times to Khrushchev thaw. Too much impression leaves the pictured picture. "Owned the leaves, the snow fell - and then melted. They plowed again, they sowed again, they said again. And again the leaves flipped out, and snow fell again. And one revolution. And another revolution. And the whole light turned over. "

The story is based on the case that reveals the nature of the main character. According to this traditional principle, I build your story and Solzhenitsyn. Fate cast a hero-storyteller to a station with a strange name for Russian places - peatproduct. Here, "stood before and overcame the revolution with dense, unproductive forests." But then they cut them down, brought down the root. In the village no longer baked bread, did not trade any edible - the table became Sudden and Poiel. The collective farmers "to the most white flies are all in the collective farm, all in the collective farm," and the hay for their cows had to be recruited from under the snow.

The character of the main character of the story, Matrena, the author reveals through the tragic event - her death. Only after death "I flew in front of me the image of Matrena, which I did not understand her, even living with her side by side." Throughout the story, the author does not give a detailed, specific description of the heroine. Only one portrait item is constantly emphasized by the author - "radiant", "kind", "apologizing" smile Matrena. But by the end of the story, the reader represents the appearance of the heroine. The copyright attitude towards Matrena is felt in the phrase tonality, the selection of paints: "Frozen Seine's frosty sun, now frozen, now shouted, - and raged this swelling face of Matrery. And further - already a direct author's characteristic: "In those people, there are always good faces who are in Ladakh with their conscience." The smooth, singer, the original Russian speech of Matrena, who starts "in some low warm grill, like grandmothers in fairy tales", is remembered.

The world-around Matrinus in her dark outbreak with a large Russian oven is like the continuation of herself, a piece of her life. Everything is organically here and naturally: and the cockroaches fucked by the partition, the rustle of which resembled the "distant ocean noise", and the quilegi, chosen by Matrey Cat sick, and the mice, which in the tragic night of the death of Matrery so rushed behind the wallpaper, as if Matrain herself "Invisible Thought and forgiven here with His His. " Favorite ficuses "Fil the loneliness of the hostess of a silent, but a live crowd." Those the most ficuses that I saved once Matrena during a fire, without thinking about a scanty fit good. The "frightened crowd" froze the ficuses in that terrible night, and then forever were made out of the hut ...

The story of the life of Matrena, the story of the narrator does not unfold immediately, but gradually. Many grief and injustice had to her bull on her century: broken love, death of six children, loss of her husband in war, hellish work in the village, severe unfortunately disease, bitter offense on the collective farm, who squeezed all his strength from her, and then wrote off as unnecessary , leaving without a pension and support. The fate of Matrena concentrated the tragedy of a rustic Russian woman is the most expressive, blatant.

But she did not call this world, retained the good location of the Spirit, a sense of joy and pity to others, still a radiant smile enlightens her face. "She had a faithful tool to regain a good location of the Spirit - work." And in old age, I didn't know the Mattress of the rest: it was enough for a shovel, then it went with a bag on the swamp of herbs for your dirty and white goat, then went to the other women to steal the taper from the collective farm for the winter extract.

"Matcher was angry with someone invisible," but evil on the collective farm did not hold. Moreover, in the first decree, the collective farm was to help, not getting, as before, nothing for work. Yes, and any far-relative or neighbor did not refuse to help, without the shadow of the envy, then telling the rest of the rich neighbor's potato harvest. I had never been to her work in a burden, "no work, nor my best sorry Matrena Never." And they unscrupiantly used all those surrounding Matreninia inevitable.

She lived poorly, slaughter, lonely - "lost an old woman", exhausted by difficulty and illness. Natives almost did not appear in her house, fearing, apparently that Matrena would ask for help. The whole chorus condemned her that she was funny and stupid, on the other free working, forever in a man's deeds (after all, and under the train came, because she wanted to relieve the men to pull the sleigh through the move). True, after the death of Matrain, sisters immediately flew away, "captured the hut, goat and oven, locked her the chest on the castle, two hundred funeral rubles were gone from the lining of the coat." Yes, and half a century girlfriend, "The only one who sincerely loved Matren in this village," in tears came running with the tragic news, nevertheless, leaving, took the knitted blouse Matrena, so that she did not get sisters. Zolovka, recognizing Matrey simplicity and cordiality, spoke of this "with contemptuous regret." I mercilessly used Matrenina Dobrya and softening - and condemned together for it.

A significant place in the story writer takes the scene of the funeral. And it is not by chance. In the house of Matrena, all native and acquaintances were gathered for the last time, in whose surroundings she lived her life. And it turned out that Matroin goes out of life, so with anyone, and I do not understand anyone, I don't pay anyone. On the memorial dinner drank a lot, they said loudly, "I'm not at all about Matrey." According to custom, "eternal memory", but "the voices were hoarse, rosets, females drunk, and no one in this eternal memory had no feeling in this eternal memory."

The death of the heroine is the beginning of the collapse, the death of moral obscures, which Matron's moral, which was fired. She only lived in the village in his world: she sat down his life with difficulty, honesty, kindness and patience, while maintaining his soul and internal freedom. In a popular wise, judged, who knows how to appreciate the good and beauty, smiling and sociable, Matrain managed to resist evil and violence, retaining his "courtyard", his world, a special world of righteous. But Matraine is dying - and this world collapses: they take her home on a log, her modest belongings will be divided with greed. And there is no one to protect Matrenin Yard, no one even thinks that with the departure of Matrery leaves something very valuable and important, not delegate and primitive estimates.

"We all lived next to her and did not understand that there is she the same righteous, without which, according to the proverb, is not worth the village. Neither the city. Not our whole earth. "

Gork finals story. The author acknowledges that he, who has breeding with Matrey, does not pursuing any mercenary interests, nevertheless I did not understand it. And only death revealed the magnificent and tragic image of Matrena. The story is a kind of author's repentance, bitter repentance for the moral blindness of all surrounding, including him. He worsens his head in front of a person's disinterested soul, absolutely unrequited, defenseless.

Despite the tragedy of events, the story is set aside on some very warm, bright, piercing note. He sets the reader to good feelings and serious reflections.

"Matrenin Dvor" Analysis of the work is the topic, idea, genre, plot, composition, heroes, problems and other issues are disclosed in this article.

"It is not worthwhile without the righteous" - this is the initial number of the story. The story echoes many works of Russian classical literature. Solzhenitsyn seems to transfers any of the heroes of Leskov in the historical era of the 20th century, the post-war time. And the more dramatic, the fate of Matrena in the middle of this setting is tragic.

The life of Matrain Vasilyevna, it would seem normal. She dedicated her all her work, selfless and hard work in the peasant -ansky. When the construction of collective farms began, she went there, but because of his illness, he was released from there and now at-injected when others refused. And she worked not for money, I never took money. Already later, after her death, her sink, who settled the narrator, will be evil to remember, and more precisely to her strangeness to her.

But is it really a fate of Matrena? And who knows what it is like - to love a person and, without waiting for him, marry another, unloved, and then see his narrowed through some months after the wedding? And what then live with him side by side, to see him every day, feel guilty for his life and his life? The husband did not love her. She gave him six children, but none of them survived. And she had to take on the upbringing of his beloved daughter, but already someone else's. How many spiritual heat and kindness accumulated in it, so much she loudly lived in her receptional daughter Kiru. I experienced Matrena so much, but did not lose that inner light, which her eyes glowed, slowed down a smile. She did not hold any evil to anyone and only was upset when she was offended. She is not angry at her sisters, who appeared only when everyone in her life was already blah. She lives what is. Therefore, nothing has accumulated anything other than two hundred rubles for the funeral.

The turning point in her life was the fact that she wanted to take the hill. She didn't feel sorry for good, she never regretted him. It was scary to think that they would break her house in which her whole life flew as one moment. For forty years later, she was here, he moved two wars, revolution, flying echoes. And for her to break and pick her up the hill - it means to break and destroy her life. For her it was an end. Not accidents and the real finals of the novel. Human greed robs Matreus. It hurts to hear the words of the author that Faddey, because of whose greed and started the case, on the day of death and then more and later Matrena is already thinking about the left-handed room. He does not regret it, not crying for the one who so hotly loved once.

Solzhenitsyn shows that epoch when the dwellings returned to the head, when the property became the item and purpose of life. The author is not in vain asking why things are called "good", because it is essentially evil, and terrible. Matrena understood it. She did not chase along the outfits, dressed in the village. Matrena is the embodiment of the true folk morality, the morality of the universal, on which the whole world holds.

So it remained Matroin not understood by anyone, no one for a truly mournful. Only Kira one cried not by custom, but from the soul. Feared for her mind.

The story masterfully written. Solzhenitsyn - Master of the subject detail. From small and, it would seem, a special volumetric world is built by him. This world is Zrimim and notice. This world is Russia. We can accurately say at what point the country is Talnovo village, but we are pre-red we understand that in this village - all of Russia. Solzhenitsyn connects the overall and private and concludes this in a single wise image.


  1. The narrator is satisfied with the teacher in Talnovo. Mattroin Vasilyevna is settled.
  2. Gradually, the narrator learns about her past.
  3. Faddia comes to Matrene. He bites the hubby that Matrena promised Kira, his daughter, brought up by Mat-Rena.
  4. When transporting a cut through the railway tracks Matre-on, her nephew and the husband of Kira dying.
  5. Because of the hut and property of Matrena, disputes go long. And the raz-tale moves to her slander.

History of creation

After the final liberation from the camp (1953) and references (1956), A. I. Solzhenitsyn settled in the village of Maltsev Vladimir region. The writer lived in the house of M. V. Zakharova, who became a prototype of an artistic image. This period of his life Solzhenitsyn and dedicated the story of Matrenin Dvor.

The story was written in the second half of 1959 at the end of 1961 Solzhenitsyn gave Matrenin Dvor to the editorial office of the New World. A. Teddovsky (chief editor) at first refused him. However, after the publication of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich", the editorial was decided to "let" Matrene (1963).

Meaning of the name

The author's name is "not worth the village without the righteous." Tvardovsky on the editorial discussion considered it too edging and suggested its version - "Matrenin Dvor". Solzhenitsyn was not against.

The change in the name of the story slightly reduced its semantic meaning. On the other hand, Matrenin Dvor focuses on the fate of a lonely peasant woman. The Matrena House is a symbol of the traditional lifefriend of life based on good and mercy. In a broad sense, he personifies the whole of Russia, which has become an object for conducting a "socialist experiment".


The main topic of the story is the destruction of the Russian village.

Solzhenitsyn idealized pre-revolutionary patriarchal rus. He believed that the Soviet authorities inflicted an irreparable blow not only on strong peasant farm, but also by national self-consciousness.

The image of Matrena is a miraculously surviving fragments of the old world. A lonely poor woman looks like an anachronism among the rest of the villagers, concerned about the accumulation of "good." Celestially, frankly laughing over the simplicity and reliability of Matrena. As soon as the ends meet the peasant's ends with the joy is ready to provide any help, without requiring boards.

The narrator immediately felt sympathy for Matrey and her modest economy: "Fifteen across the sand", ficuses, "perturbing cat" and "dirty-white goat." Matraine is badly carrying his heavy cross. Without receiving a pension, it helps the collective farm. The only sin of a woman is to theft of peat, but all residents of the village are forced to study.

During the lifetime of Matrins on her modest property, three sisters and Faddey are glad. The "insatiable" old man forces it to immediately give a separate doors, which becomes the cause of the tragedy.

Mature's habit of interpreting into "peasants" (i.e., to assist everything without exception) led her to terrible and ridiculous death. The narrator is striking the calculating "mourning" of the deceased, which is hidden by material interest. Even the only girlfriend Matrena, whining, does not forget about the "knitting gray" promised to her. Of all those who gathered for a commemoration, only the reception Matrenina daughter Kira is sincerely crying.

Only after the death of Matrena, the narrator realizes that all of her incredibly difficult, disinterested labor life was the proof of true righteousness. Contrary to a contemptuous attitude of fellow villagers without such righteous, it will not be able to resist the village "neither our whole earth".

Similar Matrees of the righteous and in Tsarist Russia looked "white corners". But in the USSR they turned into real rogues, which there is no place in a clearly regulated social system. The official condemnation of the accumulation turned into an empty slogan. Under conditions of mass poverty of the peasantry, the greed of Faddey is no longer convicted and approved by fellow villagers, as to lose property (good) "in front of people is shameful and stupid."


In the early period, Solzhenitsyn's creativity for quite understandable reasons has not yet dared to openly criticize the Soviet power. Matrenin Dvor is considered one of the first works that "Rustic prose", who set the problem of the disastrous onset of a new era under the flag of scientific and technological progress.

After the link, the storyteller wants to "get lost in the most interior of Russia", but he sees with amazement that such a "quiet corner" is no longer just found in a long-suffering country. The name of the station - peatproduct (real station and village in the Vladimir region) looks like a great Russian language.

Progress steadily invades the most deaf villages: electricity, railway, peatpool. However, all this does not make it easier for peasant life, but imposes new responsibilities and creates difficulties.