Sleep washing the floors in the parent house. What dreams of washing the floors: at home or in a public place? The main interpretation of different dreams - what dreams of washing floors

Sleep washing the floors in the parent house. What dreams of washing the floors: at home or in a public place? The main interpretation of different dreams - what dreams of washing floors
Sleep washing the floors in the parent house. What dreams of washing the floors: at home or in a public place? The main interpretation of different dreams - what dreams of washing floors

The dream in which you wash the floor can be interpreted in different ways, as it comes into account there are many details. This dream talks about the need to streamline the main aspects of your life: work, relationship. If in a dream you wash the floor yourself and carefully, you will be waiting for success in affairs and career increase. Almost all dreams converge in the opinion that this dream symbolizes the approximation of important changes in life or fateful events. If the floor washed with clean water - the changes are favorable, dirty water always carries a negative imprint.

According to Miller

By the dream of Miller, the floors in a dream foreshadows significant changes in life, the possibility of career changes. Wash the floors in your own house means building a career exclusively with your own efforts in compliance with all formalities, rules and complete supervision. Careful floor washing foreshadows success in affairs, if in a dream to the process of cleaning you do not make proper efforts or even challenge the case without finishing it, you should not expect an increase in service. Also, Miller's dream book warns that the floor washing in someone else's house or another person can say that the desired position will be occupied by a more fortunate and frustrated colleague.


This dream considers positive, and by Vanga's dream book, wash the floors, according to his interpretation, means a successful career and promotion. However, it is provided that you will avoid unnecessary disputes, strictly fulfill all the orders of your superiors, and there will be condescension to the shortcomings of the leadership.

On junoon

The point of view of the Dream of Juno on the issue, what dreams of washing the floors is somewhat different. Wash the floor in a dream - to unforeseen guests.

In flowering

Unlike previous interpretations, Tsvetkov's dream book is more pessimistic. According to his interpretation, the sleep in which the floors have to wash, can mean the death of a loved one or at least the separation.

By Freud.

Freud's dream book interprets floor washing in a dream as a need to understand relationships with a loved one. In addition, such a dream can symbolize the desire for new sensations and diversity, as well as to fill new meetings in the near future.

Tell about your dream to friends
save not to lose

Deciphering dreams in which floor washing occurred, most often reduced to the fact that your service position will change soon. And it will change in the direction of increasing.

Wash the floor in a dream - It is to be ready for career growth, and this event should be expected in the near future. In any case, this dream signals you about change in life. It is important that water is it was clean.

If the floor washing occurs in your home, then the changes will occur with you, in addition to changes in work, it may be changed in personal life.

Wash the floor in someone else's house

You soap the floor in someone else's house, such a dream means that your actions will lead to a change in the lives of other people you have an impact and are authority.

Wash the floor at work in a dream

The floor that you soap in a dream you have at work - It means you do not get moral satisfaction from your activities, you can be a fraudulent performer on whom all ungrateful work falls out, although your employer has such a state of affairs.

If you prefer the floor instead of washing, you follow, from such a dream, you should do that you do not fulfill your duties.

Sleep dreamed of a woman

A similar dream with a woman who dreamed of a woman symbolizes that she would like more comfort and warmth in the house, improve in-day relationship, you want with households of spiritual intimacy and trust.

Not the whole floor, but only a stain

If you wash not the whole floor, but rub the stain, including the bloody, then this dream is changed in insincerity, you betray yourself as you actually try to seem better.

Soap floor unfamiliar man

In your sleep soap Paul Someone else - be careful, intrigues are wearing you, and you can lose your place at work.

Wash in a dream clean floor

In addition, it must be remembered that if you are soapy in a dream clean floor, then such a dream is a kind sign, while the washing of dirty sex foreshadows troubles or illness. With which you soap the floor? It foreshadows the troubles suitable by colleagues from envy, be careful, do not make mistakes, otherwise your career growth will not happen as soon as you want it.

In my house

Wash the floor in your home - to business success. You are very lucky in the fact that you are working at this time. It promises successful completion and good profits. The main thing is not to rush, try to conduct business measured and clearly so that there are no doubt about the work.

At school

Floors in school - to raise the career ladder, considerable success in studying / work. This dream is Sulit positive changes in the fate of the dream And she predicts him a financial encouragement from higher people, managers.

If soaps floor in the entrance

To the appearance of desire improve your housing conditions. Soon, you want to move to a new apartment or even the house and start to save money for this purpose. Unfortunately, it is still destined to be fulfilled.

Paul in the house of mother-in-law

See coekwhich you soap the floor - to the appearance of a large number of people unpleasant to you in your life, from which will not be able to hide. You will be chased irritation and anger because of the obsession and the unprincipledness of the environment that is constantly near.

Wash to the threshold

At the threshold - Such a dream says that now you need support. In the past, there was a lot of bad things that I would like to forget and not remember more about these troubles. It is though negative, but experience, he will still serve his service when it takes.

At the dead grandmother

Offers conflicts in the family. There will be a detachment, where, in fact, will not be guilty, but at the same time each of the family members will hurt the other. So that this does not happen, all controversial situations need to be found immediately, in place, without launching even for a day.

Outdoor floors

On the street - To grief, experiences. A close person will have some trouble that will not leave you indifferent. You have to send all your strength to help this friend, pay special attention to the fact that it does not remove himself from communicating.

Kitchen floor

On which the floor washed to the speed of change in love relationships. You have to meet a person in which you immediately fall in love. This passion will absorb you both completely, so much that you will start to lose your head and commit inconceivable actions for the beloved.

Sleep, where you do wet cleaning, may seem insignificant. What dreams to wash the floors in the house? You might think that it does not matter, because you dreamed of what you did during the day. But actually it is not. Let's see the dream book: Wash the floors in a dream - what is it for? Anyone who will dream of this dream, fate will help in promotion at work, will give rise to the harmony and good luck!

The distance in which you wash the floors with clean water, foreshadow you good luck in business issues.

It is of great importance where you wash the floor (in your or someone else's house, at Mom or at the mother-in-law, at a friend or a friend, a colleague or a stranger), what floor (dirty, clean), what water after washing in the bucket. Try to remember in the details so that we helped the properly to express the dream, because if you miss something out of mind you can misinterpret it.

A good sleep value may be at the following important points:

  • Water that washed floors, clean;
  • Sleeping person feels a positive and pleasant attitude;
  • In a dream there should be no discomfort and negative mood;
  • The result of labor should be visible to the eye (the floor becomes clean)

This is what he says about the negative meaning value:

  • Muddy, black and dirty water - a bad sign;
  • Sleep sees that the floor washes a completely different person in his house. This means that he will definitely take advantage of your blessing (for example, it can hang you at work and be elevated instead of you).
  • The most bad sign: sleep to the dead man. It often comes true in cases if the house is seriously ill.

Where exactly did you make cleaning in a dream?

If you dreamed of washing the floors in your home, you can forget about all troubles, you easily get rid of them. Especially good, if you will help relatives or friends in a dream - in real life they will help you deal with problems, you will be surrounded by care and attention. All small turmoil will leave without a trace. Perhaps the annoying neighbor will move or you will be able to replace the old armchair, in any case you can breathe deeply, because all your concerns will leave. It's time to change!

If you are removed in the house of other people's people, then your actions will affect their fate.

Dream Interpretation: Wash the floors in someone else's house interprets as the fact that your actions will affect the fate of the hosts of the house if they are familiar to you in reality. Perhaps you are already influenced by these individuals or are for the owners of the house authority. You help them change for the better or cope with any difficulties. If people who help you are particularly unpleasant, people are laughing at you, you should beware of offers about work, no benefit will be a failure.

If you wash the floor with your second half, you should not be addicted to your partner, such relationships do not alienate anything good. Perhaps he or she uses you for mercenary purposes, you need to beware of any sentences (especially financially). Do not be upset, you need time to understand "Who is who," may have been influenced by the negative emotions of his friends or parents.

If you wash the floor with your girlfriend - you are trying to draw in a dubious adventure, for which you have to pay yourself. On the other hand, all profits will get to you (especially if you wash the floor with your own hands). If your girlfriend helps you in cleaning, then you will share the results equally. It is very important that you yourself feel for your friend: if you have a good relationship and you are not in a quarrel, then you help consciously, regardless of the circumstances. If you do not trust your girlfriend, we fear it, she will use you for your own purposes.

If you wash the floor in your friend, maybe he needs your support, he feels lonely. Be sure to hold your friend if you wash the floor, and it stands with your soul. If your friend is impatient in a dream, hurts you, then the problems that you help him solve will remain at the same time (the solution does not depend on you).

If you wash the floor at your mom - you need to find out how things are at your parents, perhaps they have problems. If you asked you to wash the floor in a dream, it means that it is shy to do it. In a dream, when you come to the parent house and pick up a rag from your mother - you will try to solve all your parents. When your mother walks on the washed floor, it means that it is pleased with your help. Nothing good, if mom is dissatisfied with your work, in the present, it is distressed with your actions, dissatisfied with your actions towards your family.

If you are removed in the house of mother-in-law, wait for the appearance of trouble.

If you see that you wash the floor in the house of the mother-in-law, then wait for the appearance of enemies. Soon there will be people who will annoy you. From their presence you will experience indignation. With his obsession, these persons will bring you out of themselves.

If you wash the floor in the grandmother's house, which died, get ready for conflicts in the family. A scandal will occur, at the end of which everyone will remain "right." Harmony will overtake everyone. To get out of this unpleasant situation, find out once. Time plays not for you. Do not postpone the disassembly more than one day.

What dreams to wash the floors at work - if you see that you wash the floor at work, then know: you will not get moral satisfaction from what you do. Most likely, you are a person who is unconditionally and badly fulfills his plus other people's duties. At the same time your boss, the specified state of affairs suits. If you sweep the floor broom in a dream, then in reality you are a bad worker.

If you wash the floor of the colleague - 'that individual does not take tricks! She is trying to throw working responsibilities on you, but you should not worry in vain, now it will be difficult to do, because you are warned by the highest forces. You need to show vigilance, do not succumb to colleagues on provocations. If you wash only a small area in the house, it will not have time to download you. In a dream, when you get together together, in reality you will become a good team.

What dreams of washing floors in school - your career will rapidly go up. In your life there will be good changes. In addition, you can please the upcoming financial well-being.

Wash in a dream floors in the entrance means that the idea of \u200b\u200bimproving housing will soon be sorted in your head. You may want to build a house or buy a better apartment. In fact, let's start even to postpone money. The only chagrin: the dream will soon come true.

If you see that the floor is in the open sky, then know: you will soon have grief. A close man will fall into the trouble, which is raising your soul. You will have to make every effort to help close.

What part of the floor do you wash?

If you see that you wash the floor close to the threshold or threshold itself, then know: there is no support in your life. Past goes for you on the heels. And no one can distract you from it and help forget.

Sleep, wash the floors in which you had to be in the kitchen - unambiguously to love. Changes in the relationship will occur: you will experience new love or suddenly will grow up the old spark. In fact, you will soon lose your head and you will be ready for unreal actions.

If you see that simply rub the spot from the floor, then in reality you betray yourself for another. You are lying, you are insincere, he exposes you in it.

Manual cleaning means serious changes will occur in life.

How does the dream dream of washing the floors in a dream with hands? All that we make hands in a dream, denotes a stubborn, patient work. You went to goal for a long time and deserved a reward. If during washing there are no difficult stains and traces, then you can easily handle your problems. When you long and stubbornly rub the stain (especially if it is bloody), there is some kind of deceiving in your life, which prevents the achievement of the goal.

What material was the floor made of?

  • Unstable surface (maybe he swings) - review your environment. Be careful, even the closest person can betray your feelings.
  • Reliable hard floor - you are lucky. There are people who can support you. You can always hope for them, in any difficult situation;
  • The holey floor - alert, you lose calm, happiness, and acquire trouble;
  • Wood flooring - you have a desire to establish bad relationships with people;
  • If you wash the floor with clean water, then you are trying to wash off all gossip from your line;
  • Tiled floor - your life is full of systemic and stability;
  • Paul Dark Palette - Examine yourself. You take care of unnecessary and unimportant things. Your excitements are groundless.
  • Paul light palette - you are the right, adequate person. It is possible that in the future there will be pleasant and joyful changes.

Before the beginning of cleaning, he was clean or dirty?

The floor is dirty and all in the garbage - to the problems. If you are already done for a long time, and the dirt still need a lot to retreat, wait, perhaps your problem can not be solved yet. If you quickly cope with the garbage, and the floors then sparkle with glitter - you are well done, you will handle the troubles without assistance.

Wash clean floor - this is a good sign, especially for women. He means support for loved ones, preservation of a homely hearth, peace in the house. Family quarrels will be allowed, conflicts will be exhausted. For the future mother, washing clean floors means a good course of pregnancy and light childbirth.

And what water did you see in a dream?

Water after washing clean, transparent - rapid deliverance from the disease, a successful contract, a truce with the enemy. If someone helped you wash the floor, and in his bucket the water is dirty, you need to interrupt the attitude with this person, he tries to defame you.

Water turbid or dirty in your bucket - During everyday troubles, do not forget about your health, you may have sick or have a bad effect of others. In a dream, where you wash the floor at home, dirty water means that you get rid of old prejudice and look at the world with new eyes. You will handle the upcoming disease without much losses.

You watched the process from

  • Hebrew dream book. View from the side how the floors wash - do not come to the aid to help you. See how the stains rub or clean the garbage from the floor - someone will correct your mistakes. Communicate with a cleaner in a dream - bring someone trouble.
  • Psychoanalytic dream book. You will have to seriously work and suppress the desire to argue with an authoritarian authority if you want to achieve really good results. This period will not be delayed for a long time, but at a competent approach will bring fruit.
  • Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov. In a government house - to wait for bad news from afar. At the funeral - a forced period of downtime, but soon you will convince everything omitted. Woman washes the floor with his hands - promising business offer, premiums and awards in the service.

Sleep interpretation in popular dreams: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

There is another opinion, wash the floors in a dream to what dreams. If a person sees such a dream, he dreams of the comfort and warmth of his hearth. They fully mastered the desires about spiritual proximity and trust with loved ones. And now let's look at the most relevant dreams of our time and find out what they think about the interpretation of this dream their famous authors.

Miller's dream book - you will get big profit

Psychologist Gustav Miller supported the traditional opinion that the floor washed to a big profit. As Miller's dream book says, wash the floors to the brilliance, all your achievement will get another person. When you dreamed that you wash the floor at work, and the leaders see it, you will be waiting for the promotion on the service staircase.

Dream Vanga - Career is close in the career

Providian spoke about this dream as a joyful event. She puts success in a career. At the same time, noted that success will necessarily come if you adhere to good relationships with the bosses. You need change and go towards them. If someone helps you in cleaning, then you should listen to this person. When a person follows how you clean, you do not trust you.

From Freud - you are ready for new love

If you are rubbed already clean, then this is good. You are fine in life.

Great psychoanalyst compared the washing of floors with relations between loving people. According to his interpretation, sleep meant that people need to put everything in their place (put the points "over I"). It is likely that someone wants new love relationships.

In privacy, you lack your own partner. You want new sensations, feelings. If your young man in a dream does not want to help you, we are afraid to think that he does not need change, he opposes them. You are tired of monotony, you need to think about a new partner.

Nostradamus's dream book - it's time to make a decision

Solutions accepted by sleeping will have a huge impact on others. Also, sleeping will begin to be changed in personal life.

Modern dream book - you want changes

Psychologists who worked on a modern dream book consider this sleep by manifestation of weakness, crying about help. Your subconscious requires changes in the outside world, you must start changing yourself. Perhaps it is worthwhile to do its physical form, look like other eyes on your environment and change the circle of communication, change the appearance. When the changes burst into your life you will be satisfied with yourself and atmosphere in the house.

Hebrew dream book - you will be addicted

Humiliation, dependent position. You will fall into unwanted dependence on other people's people, you will find yourself something. If you pay money for washing floors - in gratitude for the service from you will require an exorbitant fee.

Chinese dream book - you will help familiar

Modern sonnign yogis - you meet with bureaucracy

Contact government agencies to receive documents. See your dirty hands or stains on clothes - tedious bureaucratic procedures. Getting a fee for washing floors in a dream - to face the incompetence of civil servants, failures in work.


In any case, see in a dream that you wash the floor is a good omen. Perhaps soon you will smile good luck, you will handle problems at work, your work will be valued by surrounding people. You will gain peace of mind and peace in a relationship with your second half.

What does the dream foreshadow in which you soap the floors? Human dreams open the veil of the future. In dreams, tips come to us, our subconscious is woven into the amazing world of our dreams. Therefore, it is important to know what can foreshadow one or another dream. If today you have dreamed that you wash the floors, what can this dream mean?

In order to determine what a dream of one or another dream is, there are interpretation of dreams. In various dreams interpreted in different ways.

Let's look at the first dream book. "My floors" or wash the floor means, according to the interpretation of a popular dream interpretation of Vanga, success in a career. If you dream that you wash the floors, it means that ahead of you is waiting for a big achievement in work, an increase in the career ladder. In addition, this dream is a warning reminiscent of what you need to follow the distance with your boss and in no way enter with higher people in confrontation and disputes. Otherwise, all your achievements will come to no - this is how the dream book says. Wash the floors means both what you should listen to the point of view of your colleagues around you, to show condescension to imperfection and shortcomings in your bosses.

If you dreamed that the floors in your home washes another person, it may mean that someone secretly tries to bypass you through the career stairs. You can probably interpret this dream and so that someone else will get something that rightfully should be yours in the professional sphere. If you dream that the floor under you fails, that you fall into the abyss, then this means that someone unsuccessfully seeking to spoil your reputation. Also, according to other interpretations, the spaced floor means a loss, failure, and even, perhaps, is a harbinger of misfortune.

Remember that the floor is a symbol of your support in life. Therefore, if you see a good, strong floor - it means that you are firmly standing on your feet and you, accompanying luck in achieving your if in your sleep the floor appears in front of you in an abandoned state, it is definitely or swinging, it can foreshadow The fact that you are willing to betray the people close to you who you trust. Dirty floor in a dream, which you do not sweep and do not wash, symbolizes frustration, misfortune.

New sex to see in a dream - to the upcoming updates in your life. And what it is better, the most significant changes for you will be for you. But if you dream that you yourself fill the new floor at home, it can mean a disease of someone from family members, in family relationships.

The meaning of sleep, where you wash the floor gives another dream book. Wash the floors, according to the interpretation of the ancient dream interpretation of Veles, means the loss of a person close to you, separation with loved ones, such a dream can even foreshadow the death of relatives. Another fairly widespread dream book "Wash the floors" treats as an emergence of unexpected and unforeseen guests in your home.

The interpretation of such sleep can be found in the famous dream book Miss Hasse. If you look into this dream book, the "wash the floors" does not have any interpretation. However, according to the interpretation of Dream Dream Hasse, wash something at all foreshadows the transition of everything negative in positive. Your sadness and sadness can suddenly turn into joy for you.

If in a dream you install the floor, then by the dream of Miss Hasse, it means the appearance of a gossip around your person. Revenge Paul at home, according to Freud's interpretation, means that you want to understand relationships, feel fatigue from the routine of existing relationships, crave new sensations and feelings, and probably just this dream and foreshadows their emergence in your personal life. In any case, a dream in which the chief emphasis is placed on the floor, is of great importance. It is worth paying attention to various dreams, consider sleep from various sides and in no case do not focus on bad interpretation!

Why starting you started cleaning in someone else's house? Probably, only in a hopeless situation, when they would have to be published to the position of breakage. It is easy to guess: what will take such actions. The vision predicts conflicts, troubles, vitality.

However, a number of disintegration details allows you to interpret a similar plot quite positive. For example, sometimes a dream book prophesate to strengthen the influence of sleeping on others, an increase in its authority.

Time of Action, Initiatives

If you remember in whose Domishka, then consider that in reality this character will be able to provide protection, provide the possibility of a rapid take-off on the career ladder.
Now there is no time to sit, folded up and thinking, so what else is such a plot. It's time to act decisively and boldly. Dream interpretation reminds the famous phrase of one of the leaders: the delay of death is like! She will have to be quite high in this situation.

A little criticism will benefit

Sleep and see that we can fly a mop or cloth in someone else's home, where the floors are covered with a layer of dirt? It seems that you personality is quite decisive, rational, accustomed to achieving your own ways and methods. But sometimes such an assertiveness is alarming and annoying others.

In a dream, washing other people's floors with dirty water? Then admit that in reality you often sin by creating the visibility of active activity. But in fact, spend time in your pleasure, obviously without overloading yourself with work.

About hypocrisy, the desire seems much better than you actually say a dream, which happened to rub a dirty spot from the floor. In principle, this is the natural desire of every person, but some individuals clearly replay, pretending to be sorting than angels. However, many people feel false and lie, and behave with you wary. Get rid of the habit of "being cutting", the dream book advises.

Where exactly did you work?

It is true to interpret the night dreams will help information about: in whose home was carried out wet cleaning.

  • For example, wash the floor among the parents, - a bad sign that anticipating misfortunes and troubles.
  • If you made a working fee in the dwelling of the mother-in-law, then in reality to communicate with people who will annoy, nervous.
  • You are able to put an end to some kind of enmity, quarrel, that's what you had a dream that my bed was in the house of dead grandmothers and business.
  • And if we are confident that the floors of the floor in the apartment of someone from relatives, know, in reality you are able to help them, resolve the problem important to them.
  • Did you choose that we can fly the mop in an old abandoned mansion? Then very soon celebrate a housewarming or moving to another address, warns the dream book

Vain attempts

In the dreams under the authorship of Gustav Miller, the floor washing in someone else's home is very bad sign, breaking for a dream of disappointment, failure. Say, he dreamed of promotion? Alas, but a vacant position will take the lucky colleague.

Alas, but the difficulties are inevitable!

Attack, hard and even humiliation will have to experience a person who saw himself in a dream washing the floor in the dwelling of an unauthorized person. Moreover, if the room seemed familiar, then it was there all the troubles will happen.

If you were used in the dream of a mop, then accept the need to restrain feelings and emotions. Dream interpretation predicts a series of conflicts and quarrels that will arise on the basis of small misunderstandings, and that they do not exceed the grand scandals, it is better not to get involved in these straps, to maintain at least the visibility of calm.

A huge number of small problems, but the troublesomests have to be solved and at home and to the service, that's what I had a dream that washed by the floor with my hands. And the reason for this is one - you postponed for too long "for later" many questions, now the hour of payback has come for such inaction and frivolity.

For business benefits

But not everything is so sad. A dream interpretation can radically change, depending on the nature of the sleeping person. So sometimes floor washing anticipates the fact that the dreams will show outstanding leadership qualities, will, resourcefulness.

It is sometimes a dream that the rivals (rival) are preparing in the dwelling of the rival (rival) indicates that in reality you will be able to stand up for yourself and for your happiness, without becoming a victim of the goose and other enemy Caorrow.

And still wet cleaning in someone else's apartment shows that you have a gift of convictions, influence. And if you wish, you can even manage the fate of people.

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