The unity of the internal and external beauty arguments. By the text of V.A.Sushellinsky "Our ideas about the ideal of beautiful are embodied in external human beauty." (The problem of the true beauty of a person) (EGE in Russian)

The unity of the internal and external beauty arguments. By the text of V.A.Sushellinsky
The unity of the internal and external beauty arguments. By the text of V.A.Sushellinsky "Our ideas about the ideal of beautiful are embodied in external human beauty." (The problem of the true beauty of a person) (EGE in Russian)

In external human beauty, our ideas about

the ideal is beautiful. External beauty is not only the anthropological perfection of all body elements, not only health. This inner spirituality is a rich world of thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for people and to themselves ... The higher the elastic development and the overall level of human spiritual culture, the brighter the inner spiritual world is reflected in the external features. This glow of the soul, according to Hegel's expression, is increasingly manifested, it is understood and felt by modern man. Internal beauty is reflected in the appearance ...

The unity of internal and external beauty is aesthetic expression

moral dignity of man. There is nothing gallopped in that

a person seeks to be beautiful, wants to look beautiful. But, it seems to me that it is necessary to have moral right to this desire. The morality of this desire is determined by the extent to which this beauty expresses creative, the active essence of man. Brighter than the beauty of a person manifests itself when he is busy with his favorite activity, which in its nature emphasizes something good in it, characteristic of his personality. At the same time, its external appearance is insured by internal inspiration. It is not by chance that the beauty of the discolon of Miron was embodied at the moment when the voltage of the internal spiritual forces is combined with the voltage of the forces of physical, in this combination - beauty ...

External beauty has its own internal moral origins. Favorite creativity makes a person beautiful, transforms the features of the face - makes them subtle, expressive.

Beauty creates anxiety, care is what is commonly called "the flour of creativity." As the mountain is put off on the face of indelible wrinkles, and creative concerns are the thinnest, most skilled sculptor, making his face beautiful. And, on the contrary, the inner emptiness gives the appearance of the face of the expression of stupid indifference.

If the inner spiritual wealth creates human beauty, then inactivity and the more immoral activity this beauty is lying.

Immorative activities urgent. The habit of lying, hypocrite, trust creates a wandering look: a person avoids looking into the eyes to other people; In his eyes it is difficult to see the thought, he hides her ... 4 envy, selfishness, suspicion, fear of what "I do not appreciate", "all these feelings gradually harden the features of the face, give him disgusting, dislike. Being yourself, to go through your dignity - this is a living blood

genuine human beauty.

The ideal of human beauty is at the same time the ideal of morality. The unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection is that harmony, which is said so much.

The little prince uttered very wise words that not every adult will understand: "Zorko is one heart. You won't see the most important eyes." He meant that the appearance says nothing about man. The main thing is that he has in the shower. A handsome person may be absolutely immoral, and an unattractive personality with high moral principles.

FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Svidrigaylov looks like pleasure. Appearance does not produce his terrible inner world: the hero is ready to do everything for its slightest whim. At first glance, it is impossible to see in Svidrigaylov Tirana and the rapist.

Very otherwise you can say about the Marmalade Sona. Because of his lifestyle, she is pale, thin, intimidated. But this appearance hides a truly beautiful inner world.

Oscar Wilde "Porterf Dorian Gray"

Being a young man, Dorian gives a desire: he asks for a portrait written by Bazil Hollorian instead of him. The desire comes true. Beauty becomes the main source of the power of the young man. Dorian Gray does not change over the years. His appearance does not spoil immoral deeds. Behind the excellent appearance of the young man hides an immoral creature, for which there is nothing saint. People who do not know what this person is capable of, do not see anything bad in it. Beauty only externally hides moral ugliness. It turns out the appearance of deceptive.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Helene Kuragin is beautiful, but it does not make it a good person. This woman is immoral, selfish, mercenary, stupid. Attractive appearance has nothing to do with the moral qualities of the heroine.

The appearance of Marya Bolkonskoe can not be called attractive. The true beauty of this person is manifested in high moral principles and moral actions. Heroes capable of seeing real beauty did not give the values \u200b\u200bto the appearance of the princed Mary.

In external human beauty, our ideas about the perfect idea are embodied. External beauty is not only the anthropological perfection of all body elements, not only health. This inner spirituality is a rich world of thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for people and to themselves ...

The writing

Each of us throughout life develops its concept of norm, the concept of morality, the concept of beautiful and, as you know, how many people are so many opinions. What makes the true beauty of a person? On this issue, we invite us to think in our text V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Analyzing this problem, the author offers our attention story from the life of the sculptor Mirone, whose "discobol" became the classics of ancient art and at the same time the most "popular" work of the Creator, and someone even calls this statue of the vertex, "apotheosis" of all creative sculptor's work . The writer draws our attention to the fact that this artwork personifies true human beauty, since this sculpture of a person with a disc in hand is an image of a person depicted in the process of activity, completely harmonious with it. The author brings us to the idea that the features of this figure are so beautiful because the appearance of this character is "insane internal inspiration" and is depicted through the tension of the internal spiritual forces and the forces of physical. In other words, V.A. Sukhomlinsky focuses on the fact that the extraordinary beauty of this figure was a combination of anthropological perfection and inner harmony, spirituality.

It is truly beautiful that person whose internal and external beauty performs in a solid tandem and forms a harmonious image. The writer believes that the true beauty of a person is first of all from the depths of its inner world - morality, activities, spirituality, creative and aesthetic start. It matters, of course, the anthropological perfection, human health - and only both of these factors, the external beauty, cleanliness of thoughts, the unity of actions and feelings in the coupe form a whole, harmonious image, which is, in fact, "beauty" in the general understanding .

It is impossible to disagree with the thought of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Indeed, a person is beautiful in harmony of feelings, actions, thoughts and, of course, appearance. In the event that a person is engaged in the fact that he gives him sincere pleasure, it takes care not only about the external, but also about inner beauty, develops his spiritual world, does not spend time on immoral activity, values \u200b\u200bits dignity and remains himself - only in this The case can be called truly beautiful.

M. Gorky in the story of the "old woman Izergil" introduces the reader with the "beautiful" in all respects hero. Danko, being a way romantic, initially represented as a strong, beautiful, independent person, but his entire inner beauty reveals in his actions. Saving a miserable, evil, hypocritical crowd of people from death, he did not think about his own salvation - all his actions were aimed at helping people. Realizing that it is impossible to get out of the forest in the pitch darkness, Danko got his burning heart from the chest and illuminated the way to them, giving them the opportunity to live and taking this opportunity. This hero was beautiful not only externally, but also internally, and his altruism and flaming heart became that confirmation.

A truly beautiful and protagonist of Roman D. London "Martin Eden". The writer reveals his image against the background of several layers of the population - Martin has grown among the working class, and the formation of it happened at the moment when he conducted close communication with the educated, bourgeois family. However, in real "his" he was not with anyone with a drunkenness and debauchery, it was contraved to him the lower class, however, those who at first seemed to him an example, as a result were hypocrites and were smart and deeply at first glance. The hero itself was always morally clean and radiated the inner strength and harmony than and could conquer the heart Ruth, and discovering the huge world of books, it became, besides, developing mentally, fueling and cultivating its innate potential. The outer beauty of Martin in a coupe with confidence, morality and writing activities created a harmonious, truly beautiful image that attracts and fascinating the reader from the very first lines.

In conclusion, I would like to say again that beauty does not only happen external, there is only an internal one, this is the totality of everything that is in a person framed by harmony of thoughts, actions and feelings.

In external human beauty, our ideas about the perfect idea are embodied. External beauty is not only the anthropological perfection of all body elements, not only health. This inner spirituality is a rich world of thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for people and to themselves ... The higher the moral development and the overall level of human spiritual culture, the brighter the inner spiritual world is reflected in the external features. This glow of the soul, according to Hegel's expression, is increasingly manifested, it is understood and felt by modern man. Inner beauty is reflected on the external
appearance ...

The unity of internal and external beauty is the aesthetic expression of the moral dignity of man. There is nothing galloping in the fact that a person seeks to be beautiful, wants to look beautiful. But, it seems to me that it is necessary to have moral right to this desire. The morality of this desire is determined by the extent to which this beauty expresses creative, the active essence of man. Brighter than the beauty of a person manifests itself when he is busy with his favorite activity, which in its nature emphasizes something good in it, characteristic of his personality. At the same time, its external appearance is insured by internal inspiration. It is not by chance that the beauty of the discolon of Miron embodied at the moment when the voltage of internal spiritual forces is combined with the voltage of the physical strength, in this combination - the apotheosis of beauty ...

External beauty has its own internal moral origins. Favorite creativity makes a person beautiful, transforms the features of the face - makes them subtle, expressive.

Beauty creates anxiety, care is what is commonly called "the flour of creativity." As the mountain is put off on the face of indelible wrinkles, and creative concerns are the thinnest, most skilled sculptor, making his face beautiful. And, on the contrary, the inner emptiness gives the appearance of the face of the expression of stupid indifference.

If the inner spiritual wealth creates human beauty, then inactivity and the more immoral activity this beauty is lying.

Immorative activities urgent. The habit of lying, hypocrite, trust creates a wandering look: a person avoids looking into the eyes to other people; In his eyes it is difficult to see the thought, he hides her ... Envy, egoism, suspicion, fear of what "I don't appreciate me," all these feelings gradually hardened the features of the face, give him disgusting, dislike. Being yourself, to go through your dignity - this is a living blood
genuine human beauty.

The ideal of human beauty is at the same time the ideal of morality. The unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection is that harmony, which is said so much.
(By V.A.Sushellinsky)

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In the text proposed to us, V.A. Sukhomlinsky raises the problem of human beauty.

Commenting on text, you should pay attention that the author brings us to the thought that every person wants to look beautiful and in this "There is nothing galloping." In the same time the writer seemsthat people should have a "moral right" to this desire, determined by his attitude towards a loved business.

In the second part of the text V. Sukhomlinsky argues about the origins of human beauty. He notes "Creative care" and morality are "the most skillful skill sculptors" creating a person's appearance.

I fully share the point of view


  • 1 of 1 k1 Formulation of the problems of the source text
  • 3 of 3 k2
  • The true beauty of a person does not depend on its appearance
  • Beautiful one who makes moral actions
  • The most important thing in man is sometimes impossible to see the eyes
  • External beauty is not always a reflection of the rich spiritual world of the person
  • It happens that people, externally apparent attractive, make absolutely immoral deeds
  • A man with a truly beautiful soul of his presence creates a special one, with nothing comparable atmosphere


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". In childhood, Natasha Rostov, one of the heroines of the Great Roman Epopea, was not beautiful. ATTENTION, chained to it, is impossible without inner beauty: both in childhood and in adulthood, she was distinguished by life, vitality, a clean soul. Another heroine that should be paid attention to - Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. In appearance, she clearly inferior to beauties, only her eyes were beautiful. But people who can feel real beauty, appreciated its internal qualities. Marie Bolkonskaya and Natasha Rostova can be opposed to Helen Kuragin: in society admired her beauty. But this beauty is only external. In fact, Helen Kuragin is stupid, worm, selfish, calculating, mercenary man. The outer charm of the heroine does not compensate for its immoral behavior.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor". Matrena is completely ordinary appearance. The only particle of the appearance, attracting the attention - her wonderful smile. But for us it is not an external beauty, but internal. Not for nothing, the author writes that the face is well only with the one who is in Ladakh with his own conscience. Matrena is a person from whom the inner light is going, peace of mind. It is much more important than the external appeal.

FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment." Svidrigaylov, a rather rich and well-kept person, is not really not distinguished by good spiritual qualities: he is ready to go to any meanness for his own whim. Physical beauty and ugly inner world are not combined with each other: at first, in this tyrant and the rapist you can see a beautiful person. The opposite image of Sony Marmaladeova. Due to malnutrition, poverty appearance of the girl suffers greatly: the pale, thin, intimidated, wears terrible clothing. But the inner world of Sony Marmaladeova is beautiful, despite her lifestyle and appearance.

O. Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray." In this product, the problem of internal and external beauty is the main one. At the beginning of the work we see in Dorian, the sin of a timid, smooth and incredibly beautiful young man. Beauty is his source of power: whatever hero does, the appearance does not change. All changes affect only the portrait of a young man painted by Bazil Hollard. Gradually, Dorian Gray turns into an inhuman, immoral monster, who committed a lot of disgusts, including even the murder of the artist. He is still beautiful as many years ago, only the portrait shows the state of his soul. Dorian Gray wants to commit to the terrible image of himself and dies, linked the dagger in the portrait. External beauty was destructive for him.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince". The wise thoughts of a small prince can a lot of learning even adult. Our hero said: "Zorko is one heart. You won't see the most important eyes. " And you can no doubt say that he is right. True beauty inside a man, in his soul, in his correct deeds.

A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". In the work, we do not see the description of Peter Greens. It does not matter, whether he is beautiful. All the beauty of this person is expressed in his moral qualities, noble deeds. Peter Grinev - a man of honor who did not allow himself to betray his homeland, throw a beloved girl in danger. His actions are beautiful, which means it is beautiful and he himself.

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". The fact that a person cannot be judged by appearance, proves the image of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the work. He was called to German Muller when he was in captivity. Eashable, hungry Andrei Sokolov could not be beautiful at that moment. All his beauty manifested itself in moral actions: Sokolov refused to drink a German weapon for the victory, called the enemy did not eat, despite the hunger and the lack of forces. According to these actions, you can judge that the person is beautiful to the soul.