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Victor Pelevin is all about him. Watch what is
Victor Pelevin is all about him. Watch what is "Pelievin, Viktor Olegovich" in other dictionaries

Date of Birth: 22.11.1962

Popular modern Russian writer. Pelief books are translated into all major world languages, including Japanese and Chinese. The plays for his stories are successful in the theaters of Moscow, London and Paris.

Viktor Pelievin was born in Moscow on November 22, 1962. In 1979 he graduated from the Moscow secondary English specialschool number 31 (now the gymnasium. Koptsova No. 1520). This school was located in the center of Moscow, on Stanislavsky Street (now Leontievsky Lane), was considered prestigious, he also worked as a teacher and teacher of English Mother Victor - Efremova Zinaida Semenovna. His father, Oleg Anatolyevich, also worked as a teacher - at the military department in MVTU. Bauman. In 1985 he graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute with a degree in Electromechanik, studied in the Litin Institute, but was expelled. For several years, I was an employee of the magazine "Science and Religion", where he was preparing publications on Eastern Mysticism. The first published work is the fairy tale of "sorcerer Ignat and People" (1989). Pelief books are translated into all major world languages, including Japanese and Chinese. The plays for his stories are successful in the theaters of Moscow, London and Paris. FRENCH MAGAZINE turned on Viktor Pelevin to the list of 1000 most significant modern workers of world culture.

Writer Viktor Pelevin so long and skillfully mystified the public that he even told the view among his young fans that there was no real pellevin, and the novels writing to this name almost a computer.

One of the leading authors of modernity is Viktor Olegovich Pelevin. The writer's creativity will be covered in this article. In it, as in the mirror, reflected the realities of the world. Despite numerous details, the author knows how to focus on the most significant and important. Thanks to her talent, our compatriot acquired world fame. Let's find out which works of the writer have become a real revelation for grateful readers.


Victor Pelevin, whose bibliography will be presented in our article, appeared in Moscow, in 1962. His Dad - Oleg Anatolyevich Pelevin - Worked by the teacher of the military department at the University of Bauman. In the past, he was a personnel officer. Mom of the future writer - Zinaida Semenovna Pelevine - at one time he was heading the department of one of the central groceries of the capital. She had access to all deficit products at the time. However, despite this, Pelevins lived to be unbified. They juts with her grandmother in a communal apartment, in the house on Tver Boulevard. Only the 1970s they were lucky to move to a separate three-room dwelling in North Chertanovo.

Search for your destination

In 1979 he graduated from training in the middle English special school Victor Pelevin. The bibliography of the writer indicates the extensive knowledge that the author received in childhood. The educational institution in the center of Moscow was considered very prestigious. After it, the graduate opened ample opportunities. First, the future writer gave documents to the Moscow Energy Institute. There he was listed at the faculty of electrification and automation. The educational institution was successfully completed in 1985. After that, Pelevin began working as an engineer at the Department of the Native Institute. The service in the army did not go around. He gave his duty to his homeland in the aircraft.

In 1987, Viktor Olegovich entered the graduate school of MEI, but he lasted there for only two years. He felt that the writhe was his calling, and decided not to resist this. In 1989, he becomes the student named Gorky. Future celebrity attends a correspondence course, but quickly disappointed in training. In 1991, he was expelled as "lost communication" with the highest educational institution. Strange wording is still a matter of living discussion from the writer's fans. Who has lost the connection of Pelevin with a university, or the institute with a future entity is unknown. However, the writer never regretted that he left the Litin Institute.

Start of a creative path

Despite disagreements with teachers, it was in the literary university Viktor Olegovich who met his future associates - Albert Egazarov and Viktor Quulé. Young Prose and promising poet founded his own publishing house. His name changed several times - first "day", then - "Raven", and after - "Myth". For this publisher Pelevin, the bibliography of which is rich and difficult, prepared a three-grade American Mystic Castaneda. He actively helped his comrades, collaborated with them, which undoubtedly helped him to gain the necessary connections in the publishing environment. The writer willingly published even to wide fame among readers.

First literary experiences

From 1989 to 1990, our hero works by the staffing correspondent to Face to Face. In addition, Viktor Pelievin is published in the magazine "Science and Religion". The writer's bibliography began with a small story printed in it. He was called "sorcerer Ignat and people" and did not make a special impression on readers.

But in 1992 the author loudly declared himself. He released a collection of stories called "Blue Lantern". At first, this creation was ignored by critics, but a couple of years later, Pelevin received several prestigious literary premiums for it - a small bucker, "Interpresson" and "Golden Snail".

The appearance of novels

Not only by the stories were engaged in Viktor Pelevin. The author of the author is known for his novels. The first - "Omon Ra" - was printed in the magazine "Banner" in 1992. He was immediately nominated for the same edition published the novel "Life of Insects" in 1993. This was consolidated by Viktor Olegovich the title of a talented and promising writer. The author not only wrote interesting works, but also knew how to "give delivery" excessive critics. So, in 1993, the Essay "John Falez and the Tragedy of Russian Liberalism" appeared in the "independent newspaper". It was so strong and convincing that it was later mentioned in the media as "software". 1993 marked for a writer another fateful event - he was taken to the Union of Russian journalists.

"Chapaev and Void"

Victor Pelevin, whose biography and creativity interests many fans, regularly published in the magazine "Banner". In 1996, a work was printed in it under the intriguing name "Chapaev and Void". Critics called him the first domestic "Zen-Buddhist" novel. The author himself positioned him as "the first novel whose action occurs in absolute void." Progressive creation received several prestigious nominations at once. For example, the Writer was awarded the "Wanderer-97" award. And in 2001, he also entered the lists of applicants for the world's largest literary award called International Impac Dublin Literary Awards.

Universal fame

In 1999, fans got the opportunity to read a new work that Pelevin wrote. The writer's bibliography was decorated with a fresh literary masterpiece - Roman Generation P. The total of 3,500,000 million copies of this book were sold. She received all sorts of awards and became a cult. For her, the author was presented to the German literary award of Richard Schönfeld.

Then followed the five-year break, after which a novel with the long name "Dialectics of the transition period came out. From nowhere to nowhere. Within two years, the work was nominated for all sorts of awards: in 2003 - the Prize of Apolone Grigorieva, in 2004 - "National Bestseller", etc. After that, in 2006, published Roman Empire V. He was published by Eksmo publishing house. The text of the book readers were able to find long before the release. Publishers argued that the theft had occurred, but some decided that it was a non-standard marketing stroke.

Strange names

It is famous for its originality Viktor Pelevin. The bibliography of the writer is filled with novels with briefs, concise and attracting titles. In the fall of 2009, Roman "T" came out. Thanks to this work, the author became the laureates of the Russian Literary Prize "Big Book" and becomes the third in the list of applicants. Readers unconditionally recognized his leader, however, the jury adopted an independent decision.

At the end of 2011, Viktor Olegovich presented a S.N.F.F.F.F.F.F.F. F .. This work was awarded the "E-Book" award. It is possible that such strange names are a sign of the quality of a large artist. Studying an unusual abbreviation, each of us is trying to penetrate its meaning. And often it turns out to be wider than a simple name from two or three understandable words.

Creative concept

The heroes of the pelleva novels often depend on drugs. The author in every way emphasizes that he does not eat similar substances, although in youth and experimented with them to expand his own consciousness. What for? The answer lies in the philosophical concept, which Viktor Pelevin adheres to. Features of the writer's creativity are closely connected with Zen Buddhism. The fact is that the surrounding world seems to be adherents not objective reality, but a product of individual perception. Doubt not only the existence of realities, but also the personality itself. For example, Peter in Chapaev and emptiness in a psychiatric clinic is treated from "split a false person." This author hints that both incarnations of the patient are unreliable in the same way. How to find out what is the true nature of the world? The path to enlightenment lies through mental knowledge, repulsion from the usual framework of world-uponymia and searching for Nirvana. Sometimes to eliminate the rigorous boundaries of reality, psychotropic substances are used. The author in no way calls for drug use. He simply offers to look at the world around the world.

The most famous works

Posted by great many stories, the ages and novels Viktor Pelevin. Works, the list of which is presented below are the most famous:

  • "Relator and Six Pale" (1990);
  • "Reconstructor" (1990);
  • "Prince of Mamurn" (1991);
  • "Move from Nepal" (1991);
  • "Tuben of the Upper World" (1993);
  • "Yellow Arrow" (1993);
  • "Zombie" (1994);
  • "Ivan Kublakhanov" (1994);
  • "Sacred Book of Werewolf" (2004);
  • "Horror helmet" (2005);
  • "P5: Farewell songs of Pindostan's political pygmeys" (2008);
  • "Pineapple water for an excellent lady" (2010).

Theatrical performances

Repeatedly put in the theater of the work of Viktor Pelevin. The writer's work was interested in many brilliant directors. So, in 2000, Pavel Ursul was raised by the play "Chapaev and Void". The audience were able to see him in the clowning theater named after Durora Teresa. A year later, the same novel appeared on the stage of the Kiev theater Dah in a completely different version. The formulation is known as "... fourth extra ...".

In 2005, at the Net Theater Festival in the center on a passionate was successful, the interactive performance of from Zhivil Montvilite. It was created by the novel by Pelevin "Helm Helmet". The director became famous for the production of "Tuben of the Upper World" based on the works of Viktor Olegovich. She saw the light on the scene of the Pushkin Moscow Theater. In the theater center, the premiere of the play Sergei Shchedrin "Crystal Mir" took place on passionate. The formulation of the disposal of the story of Pelevin.

  • Victor Pelevin, whose life and creativity are unique, does not like to give interviews. He has no own blog and accounts in social networks. He spends most of the time in solitude. On the Internet you can find only a few of its old photographs. By his behavior, the writer is very similar to Sallinger.
  • Upon completion of training at the university, Viktor Olegovich worked in which is located in Moscow in the forest street. By graduate student, he developed an electric drive system with an asynchronous engine for urban trolley buses.
  • A book called "Pelevin and Generation of Empty" was released about the life of Pelevig. Her authors - Sergey Polotovsky and Roman Kozak - collected all the well-known facts about Victor Olegovich and summed up them. The book includes memories of teachers, acquaintances and friends of the writer.
  • Many phrases, who at one time pronounced or wrote Pelevin, went into the people. For example, the words of Vasily Ivanovich from Chapayev and emptiness: "Here is my commander's salary."


They deserve close attention of the books that Viktor Pelevin wrote. Creativity briefly set out in this article will certainly be included in the Gold Foundation of World Literature. A man who managed to look at the world in a different way and convey this vision to readers, for many remains a mystery. I would like to hope that over time the author will delight us with new interesting works and covered with statements. Because such talent is given to a little, and its fruits are intended for all of us. Studying the writer's books, we are deeper by the world in which we live.

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin - he is called the hero of our time. Modern Dostoevsky. It is an opinion on the inclusion of Pelevin in the school curriculum.

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin (born on November 22, 1962, Moscow) - Russian writer, author of Romanov "OMON RA", "Chapaev and emptiness", "Generation P" and "Empire V". The laureate of numerous literary premiums, among which "Small Buker" (1993) and "National Bestseller" (2004). Viktor Olegovich Pelevin was born on November 22, 1962 in Moscow in the family of Zinaida Semenovna Efremova, who worked as the director of the groceryom (according to other data - the school teacher of English), and Oleg Anatolyevich Pelevin, the teacher of the military department of the MSTU. Bauman. As a child, he lived in the house on Tver Boulevard, then moved to the area of \u200b\u200bChertanovo. In 1979, Viktor Pelevin graduated from the middle English special school number 31 (now the gymnasium. Koptsova No. 1520). This school was located in the center of Moscow, on Stanislavsky Street (now Leontiev Lane), was considered prestigious. After school, he entered the Moscow Energy Institute (MEI) at the Faculty of Electrification and Automation of Industry and Transport, which graduated in 1985. In April of the same year, Pelevin was adopted as an engineer of the Department of Electric Transport MEI. It was also mentioned that he served in the army, in the air force, but the years of his service were not called
In 1987 (according to other data - in April 1985), Pelevin entered the full-time graduate school of MEI, in which he studied until 1989 (the dissertation on the project of the electric drive of the city trolleybus with an asynchronous engine did not defend). In 1989, Pelevin entered the literary institute. Gorky, at the correspondence department (Seminar of the prose of Mikhail Lobanova). However, and here he studied for a long time: in 1991 he was expelled with the wording "for a separation from the institute" (Pelevin himself said that he was expelled with the wording "as a lost relationship" with a university). According to the writer himself, studied in the literary institute did not give him anything.
During the studies in the Litin Institute, Pelevin met with the young Prosaik Albert Egazarov and the poet (later - literary critic) Viktor Kulé. Egazarov and Kulue founded their publisher (first it was called "Day", then "Raven" and "MiF"), for whom Pelevin as the editor prepared a triplet of the American Writer and Mystic Carlos Castaneda.
From 1989 to 1990, Pelevin worked as a regular correspondent for Face to Face magazine. In addition, in 1989, he began to work in the journal "Science and Religion", where he was preparing publications on Eastern Mystizm. In the same year, the story of Pelevine "Soldun Ignat and People" was published in "Science and Religion" (you can also find information on the network that the first story of the writer was published in the journal "Chemistry and Life" and was called "Grand Ignat and People") .
In 1992, Pelevin released the first collection of stories "Blue Lantern". At first, the book was not seen critics, but a year later, Pelevin received a small bucker premium for her, and in 1994 - Interpresson and Golden Snail Prizes. In March 1992, in the magazine "Banner" published Roman Pelevine "Omon Ra", which attributing the attention of literary critics and was nominated for a bucker premium. In April 1993, the following Roman Pelevin was published in the same journal - "Insect Life".
In 1993, Pelevin published in the "independent newspaper" Essay "John Falez and the Tragedy of Russian Liberalism". This essay, the official response of the writer on the disapproving reaction of some critics on his work, was subsequently mentioned in the media as a "program". In the same year, Pelevin was admitted to the Union of Journalists of Russia.
In 1996, the Roman Pelevine "Chapaev and Emptiness" was published in the "Banner". Critics talked about him as the first in Russia "Zen-Buddhist" Roman, the writer himself called this his work "The first novel whose action occurs in absolute void." The novel received the "Wanderer-97" award, and in 2001 he entered the short list of the world's largest literary award International Impac Dublin Literary Awards.
In 1999, Roman Pelevine "Generation P" came out. All over the world, more than 3.5 million copies of the novel were sold, the book received a number of premiums, in particular, the German Literary Prize named after Richard Schönfeld, and acquired the status of a cult.
In 2003, after a five-year break in publications, Roman Pelevine "Dialectics of the transition period was released. From nowhere at anywhere "(" DPP. NN "), for which the writer received the Apollo Grigoriev Prize in 2003 and the National Bestseller Prize in 2004. In addition, "DPP (NN) entered the Andrei White Prize short list for 2003.
In 2006, the EKSMO publisher released Roman Pelevine "Empire V", which entered the "Big Book" prize short list. The text "Empire V" appeared on the Internet before the publication of the novel. Representatives of Eksmo argued that this happened as a result of theft, but some assumed that it was the marketing course of the publisher.
In October 2009, Roman Pelevine "T" came out. The author of the book became the laureate of the fifth season of the National Literary Prize "Big Book" (2009-2010, the third prize) and became the winner of the reader's vote.
In December 2011, Pelevin issued a novel "S.N.U.F.F." in the publishing house "EXMO". In February next year, this work received the "e-book" award in the nomination "Pass of the Year".
Literary critics, in addition to Buddhist motives, noted the prison of Pelevin to postmodernism and absurdism. The impact on the creativity of the writer of the esoteric tradition and satirical science fiction was also mentioned. Pelief books are translated on the main languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including Japanese and Chinese. According to some reports, FRENCH MAGAZINE turned on the Pelevine to the list of 1000 most influential figures of modern culture. According to the results of the survey on the website in 2009, Pelevin was recognized as the most influential intellectual of Russia.
As the media noted, Pelevin is known for the fact that it is not included in the "literary party", practically does not appear in public, very rarely gives interviews and prefers communication on the Internet. All this has become a reason for different rumors: it was stated, for example, that the writer does not exist at all, and under the name "Pelevin" a group of authors or a computer works. For example, Alexander Gordon in the program "Closed Show" (Ether 17.02.2012) made doubt about the very existence of such a person as writer Pelevin. In May 2011, there was information that Pelevin would personally attend the Super National Prize Ceremony. It was especially noted that this was to be the first appearance of a writer in public. But contrary to the expectations of Pelevin did not come to the ceremony.
The media indicated that Pelevin is often in the East: for example, he was in Nepal, South Korea, China and Japan. It was noted that the writer does not call himself a Buddhist, but engaged in Buddhist practices. According to the testimony of people who know the writer personally, their passion for Buddhism Pelievin manage to combine with the practicality of "in monetary issues".
Pelevin has repeatedly emphasized: despite the fact that his heroes are taking drugs, he himself is not a drug addict, although in his youth and experimented with expanding consciousness with substances.
Pelevin is not married. According to the beginning of the 2000s, he lived in Moscow, in the Chertanovo region.

Interview with Viktor Pelevin
This has not happened for several decades - so that the writer after the first serious publication, which is called, woke up by the famous and then quickly and confidently entered world literature.

After that, there were a small buter, awarded for the best debut, the novels "Insect Life", "Omon Ra", translated into tens of languages, and the last Roman "Chapaev and Empty", who has already published in the prestigious "black" series " Vagrius. "

Pelevine today is 34 years old, and he is his own direction, the course, semitranslation brother and green lamp. He encourages the goods outlook: Irony and touching seriousness, democracy and elitism (in such people who are burning for the Russian intelligentsia, as Buddhism and Samurak Code of honor, Pelevin is simply indecently formed). But in general, the Pelevin somehow do not want to determine. He wants to read, retell, quote. About himself, Viktor does not like to tell, and indeed with journalists try not to meet.

He refused to talk with me, but in writing answered questions, as the statute: neatly, accurately and on time. I did not become photographed - well, it does not like, "but I found a card for us, which myself like himself.

At one time, Viktor Erofeev on my request to characterize your literary generation - those who go for the "metropole professors" - said that there is no generation there, there is one Pelevin. At the same time he cut you, of course. Your comments.

I am not very clear that this is the "literary generation." There is such a folk etymology of this word: "Generation" is a group of people who become somewhat at the same time. Well, I want to take over the obligations of this kind. Tie a physical age of a person with what he writes is somehow very police officers. It is angry why writers need to be grouped by age, and not by weight, for example. As for the fact that Viktor Erofeyev ruling me, - it's a shame, of course, but what to do. Existentialists are complex people.

Do you think about yourself: a guru or a blobist?

As for the word "Guru", then my friends at one time had such a verb in the go - to "go." Crowing was considered one of the most vile classes in life. I need to be accused of this. Belletist I do not think too. I have to say in truth, there is no particular need to count yourself.

How do you feel about talking about the fact that Pelevin almost suggests a new religion?

I did not hear such conversations. Hyika religion I did not offer anyone, but if anyone got carried away or even believed, then I would ask immediately pass contributions to the repair of the temple. I need to focus the floor, cross the wallpaper, change a couple of doors - and there is little money.

One of the fashionable topics today is the attitude of a believer person to other religions ...

In my opinion, this is a contrived problem. The truth, to which they come through religion, has nothing to do with the mind, so, for example, for a Christian (not a formal, and believer) there is no particular sense to be interested in Islam. There will be no "information", which would supplement the Bible and helped "understand" something deeper. A revolution, confusion arises in the head, and instead of trying to live according to commandments, a person will deal with senseless speculation on one who is such Jesus is the prophet of Isa or the Son of God. If a person is lucky and he has faith, it is best to just follow her, taking her as it is. And do not bring anyone to anyone, except for the Lord. As for the issue of mutual relations of world religions, then it is up to three blurred bulbs. "Religion" means "communication", and this connection can only build himself, in denominations, or not. But in general, I am embarrassing from questions about a religious topic. You have to talk about the divine, and yesterday I drank with girls. Somehow uncomfortable.

HARKTICS. You seem to have been hidden what you are experimenting with them?

To drugs, especially addictive, I treat sharply negatively. I saw how dying from them. I myself do not use drugs (although, of course, I know what it is) and I do not advise anyone. It does not lead anywhere and does not give anything except exhaustion and disgust for life. Indeed, I am quite often writing about drugs, but this is because they, unfortunately, have become an important element of culture. But to make out this conclusion that I myself use them, just as stupid, how to assume that the author of criminal militants packs kills people and robs banks.

Small buoy. How to have been involved (who pressed, etc.)? How do you feel about this premium?

I got a small buoy completely unexpected for myself and found out about it by phone. They said that "OMON RA" will fall into the short list, and instead I gave me a premium for the "blue lantern". I quickly calmed down "OMONA RA" - a year later, he fell into the "Independent Foreign Fiction Prize" short list - this is an English premium for translation literature. Hich is not worse than a buoy. As for the Russian bucker premium, I am not close to those crumbs that give it, and I can say anything. It seems to me that with her the same thing happens as with everything else in Russia. There is - or in any case, there was a tendency to give it not for a specific text, but in length of years and the aggregate of the deed. But it is not surprising - we generally have very little decent literature and a lot of "literary process".

When I read the "riot police", I had to break myself: the cosmos is still one of the few indisputable achievements of the Soviet period, and suddenly - the mockery of this. And how did it write? (For those lucky who still have to read this thing: Whether it is a parody of the sociality or a thin allegory, but there, for example, the exhaust stages of the carrier rocket shoots not automatic, but a suicide bummer; suicide bumps twist the pedals of the lunost, etc. .).

I am struck by such a reaction to Omon RA. This book is not at all about the space program, it is about the inner space of the Soviet person. Therefore, it is devoted to the "heroes of the Soviet Space" - it was possible, probably guess that there is no Soviet space outside the atmosphere. From the point of view of the inner space of the personality, the entire Soviet project was space - but was the Soviet cosmos achievement, a big question. This is a book about whether Castaneda called the word "tonal". Many Western critics so understood. And for some reason we decided that this is a proven anti-Soviet provocation. By the way, when our rocket crashed, flying to Mars, I was very upset. And then I called one journalist from Hyu York (I was in Iowa at that time) and said that the rocket was crashed because the fourth step was separated. In his opinion, the daughter bombers who had to separate it, refused to do this from ideological and mystical considerations - a country in such a state as Russia, simply does not have the right to launch objects into space.

In general, I know very little about you - only reading books. You present me such an international playboy: I received a grant, I went talked about my work with some Vittorio Strada or Wolfgang Kozak ... Tell me about yourself what you think.

And why, Evgeny, do you think that you should know something about me? I also know little about you, and nothing, ok. From me the same international playboy, as from Russia democracy. And the grant, about which you say, does not mean that I was given money. It's just a trip to America by literary program. I had two books there (I saw them in bookstores in ten cities, from Hyu-York to Los Angeles) and there was a very good press, even a great article in Hyu-York Times -Dali, which rarely happens. And these books are not well sold. I come very cute letters from American readers. Two two more books come out, and now they are going to print "Chapaeva", which I honestly surprises pleasantly.

Now they say that, they say, the mascult is nothing, people will be found, the pendulum will swing and return interest in the bolt culture ...

Mascism is a big culture, we want it or not. And the interest of people appears only for something interesting. We also have the following: There are many people. who believe that they should be of interest, because they continue the Russian literary tradition and represent "real literature", "big culture", Mainstream. In fact, they do not represent anything but their heartburn. And hardly the pendulum swam in their direction without any new chief. And the Russian literary tradition has always developed through his own denial, so those who are trying to "continue" it have nothing to do with it. The question today is otherwise - is it possible to write a good book, which will become part of the Maswear? I think yes, and there are many examples.

Glory did not spoil Viktor Pelevin?

I practically do not communicate with people from literary circles, so I don't feel any glory, nor their hatred. Sometimes I read about myself articles. It happens that there is some newspaper fool, upset. But after half an hour passes. That's all. And my friends are not interested in literature, although my books are worshiped. It happens, someone will come to visit the black "Saaba", you will show him your book in Japanese, and he will tell you: "When you, Victor, do you do it?". In general, I like to write, but I do not like to be a writer. And this, unfortunately, everything is more difficult to avoid. If you do not follow yourself, the writer ego brightens, and everything that laughed two years ago, it begins to seem serious and significant. It seems to me that a very big danger - when the "writer" is trying to live instead of you. Therefore, I do not particularly love literary contacts. I am the writer only at the moment when I write something, and my rest of life does not concern anyone.

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin is one of the most important Russian writers of a new generation, now called the classics of domestic postmodernism. The author of the novels "Holy Book of Werewolf", "Chapaev and Void", "Omon Ra", "Ampir V", dozens of leads and stories. In his books, surrealism, occult motives and deep philosophical meaning are finely and ironically echoed with modern realities, thanks to which his novels invariably find a response from readers, with a look forward to the release of a new Pelevin book every fall. Personal information writer is reluctant. In this material we tried to collect all the well-known facts from his biography.

Childhood and family

Viktor Pelevin was born in November 1962 in the intelligent metropolitan family. His father Oleg Anatolyevich taught at the Military Department of MSTU. Bauman. Mom Zinaida Semenovna, an economist for education, was the director of the gastronoma (according to other data, he taught English at school).

When Viktor was still not ten years old, the parents of the future writer moved to the Moscow region of Chertanovo, where the rest of the childhood writer was held. Thanks to the relations of Father, Victor was defined in the prestigious English special school number 31, located in the very center of Moscow. In this place, Pelevin Jr. studied foreign languages, mastered the filology aces. Teachers described it as a capable, but somewhat arrogant child, poorly fallen with peers. Among the main hobbies of Viti was a bike. Love for Etmo's type of transport He retained and in adulthood, preferring to his cars.

Despite the strong friendship with the word, after graduating from school in 1979, Pelevin chose not a philological specialty. He began to study the foundations of the structure of passenger transport at the Moscow Energy Institute. Later in an interview, he argued that he did to "stop" from the army, "to serve in which it was like to spend two years in prison." The first year of study was given to him playing, the young man was listed among the most promising disciples. During the years of student, he joined the Komsomol, since the prospect of obtaining the stamp of the "enemy of the people" he did not sit down.

After graduating from studies in MEI in 1985, Pelevin settled on the Department of Electric Transport in the Native University as an engineer. Some sources occur in information that Viktor Olegovich served in aviation troops, but the specific years of service are not specified anywhere. In 1987 (in other sources, 1985), he entered the graduate school, where the next two years was held, but the final project (the electric drive of the city trolleybus with an asynchronous engine) never defended.

In 1989, Victor entered the literary institute. Gorky. For one purpose - promote useful dating. During his studies in the literary institute, Pelevin met with two young writers - Albert Jazorov and Viktor Quulé. Soon, friends founded the Myth's own publishing house (was originally called "Day"). Victor as the editor prepared for the publishing house three-volume carlos Castaneda, the North American author who studied the esoteric practices of the Indians, and also participated in work on some less large-scale works.

Viktor Pelievin in the program "Main Hero"

Some time later, Victor Pelevin also began to work in the magazine "Face to Face", and then in the publication "Science and Religion", which was preparing various publications related to oriental mysticism. In 1989, the story of "sorcerer Ignat and People" was published in the latter of these journals, which became the debut writer's work of Pelevine.

Creativity Viktor Pelevina

In 1992, the first collection of stories "Blue Lanar" came out from under Viktor Pelevin's pen. His first story entered there, the works of the "Middle Luxury" problem (which subsequently lay down the "Holy Book of Werewolf"), written in the style of consciousness "Ontology of Childhood" and "Water Tower", "Blue Lantern" (was shielded in 2000 Year - a short "anything terrible"), short-range stories "Nika" and "Sigmund" and other early work.

In 1993, Pelevin received a small bucker premium for his work, and some time after some other awards. In the spring of 1992, the light saw the light and another work of the author - Roman "Omon Ra", who instantly got into the list of works nominated for the bucker premium. A similar way was the case with another novel - the "life of insects", which appeared on the shelves of bookstores in 1993.

In 1996, the light saw another book of Pelevin - "Chapaev and Emptiness". Many Russian critics immediately did not fail to call her the first book written in Russia, written in accordance with the philosophy of "Zen-Buddhism". The author himself called his romance story, which passes in full void. One way or another, this book has become very successful. In 1997, Roman received a prestigious "Wanderer" award, and several years later, was included in the Nominees of the International Impac Dublin Literary Awards.

However, the present zenith of Creativity Pelevin was the novel "Generation P", which was sold worldwide in the amount of 3.5 million copies, and also received a huge variety of premiums in Russia and Europe.

Victor Pelevin and Generation P. Special.

After the release of this book, Viktor Pelevin acquired the status of a cult author. His new novels were always enthusiastically met by fans of the author's creativity, as well as literary critics. Repeatedly creativity of the famous Moscow writer even became the subject of detailed consideration of Russian and European literature. So, in particular, in his novels, esoteric, postmodern and satirical lines were noted. In addition, it is impossible not to note the big impact on the pelvic novels of the buddhist philosophy. Victor Pelevin has repeatedly included in various publications and Internet portals in Russia and Europe, in the number of the best writers and thinkers of modernity. His books are translated into many languages \u200b\u200b(including oriental). Several writer novels, including the cultural work "Generation P", were decorated.

Personal life Victor Pelevina and other facts

Viktor Pelevin is not married. His love connections, like, in fact, and other features of his life were and remain secret for seven seals. The famous writer almost never speaks publicly and communicates with its fans only through the Internet. This fact served as the basis for criticism to the author, as well as doubts about its existence. So, in particular, many famous critics (including publicly) expressed assumptions that such an author as Viktor Pelevin is not at all.

In turn, novels and other literary works published under this name are created not by one writer, but a certain group of authors. Supporters of this theory were even more established in this opinion after the announced appearance of the writer at the Super Nacable Prize ceremony did not happen.

Pelevin himself does not comment about their existence.

Victor Pelevin has been considered one of the most beloved Russian intellectual writers for many years. If you consider almost a thirty-year career, then on his account is not so many works. It is usually not in a hurry with the publication of his works, except that recently gives out the book per year.

The basis of his creativity is a combination of buddhism philosophy, social satire and a bright description of the life of the most ordinary people. For a rare exception, its works are not related to each other, you can see only small mutual refills.

But even with the general topic, each pellevin book is unique, and the shape and feed differ greatly. Therefore, before taking for reading, it is better to familiarize yourself with our guide for the work of the writer.

At the beginning of the nineties, the first books of Viktor Pelevin conquered the audience with a frank satire on the theme of the collapsed Soviet Union.


The Soviet schoolboy Omon curvozov enters the program for the preparation of the first expedition to the moon. It just turns out that there are no automation in Soviet missiles, all the steps are packed by manually sitting in them, which are dying. But the country is ready to go to such victims in order to get ahead of the whole world.

Pelevin openly raises many social problems. Under the blow he fears in a flying school named after Maresev's cadets, legs are cut off, and in the Infantry School named after Alexander Matrosov graduates firming out of the machine gun so that everyone proves loyalty to the Motherland. And at the same time the author laughs over: suddenly, the truth is all the automatic missiles manage people. Or maybe the flights themselves were not at all.

Insect life

At first glance, this is the history of the everyday life of ordinary people of the beginning of the nineties. But every hero looks like some insect. Father can teach the Son only to roll a huge ball in front of him, as if it is the only goal of his life; frivolous moths pulls all the time to fire; Foreign Mosquito flies to our country to try local blood, but almost torture, leaving an alcoholic.

In the works of Pelevin, especially in early work, the characters often not those who seem to at first. People may be chicken or heroes of games. But insects are one of his brightest allegories. After all, the monotonous everyday life of a person looks like their monotonous existence.

Concentrated philosophy

Chapaev and emptiness

The young poet decade of Petr Emptiness goes along with Vasily Chapaev to the front. But at night he dreams that he is a patient of psychiatric hospital in Russia of the end of the nineties. And the patient of psychiatric hospital dreams that he is a decadent poet in Chapaev division.

This book is often called the main work of Pelevin. In it, he formulated all his main ideas, although most of them (as well as the Fabul book itself) - rethinking the philosophy of Buddhism. But that's not all. If you first read "Chapayev and emptiness", then in all other works of Pelevin will be sent references to this book.

Horror helmet. Creature about Tales and Minotaur

All heroes of this book wake up in the same rooms, where, in addition to the simplest furniture, there is only a keyboard and screen. And they can only communicate with the chat. Everyone outside the door is a strange labyrinth, but none of the heroes can remember how he got here. Or they just say so, because the interlocutors cannot check the truth of the words of each other - they see only the letters on the screen.

About the "horror helmet" one can say that this is concentrated Pelevin. If you want to briefly familiarize yourself with the main topics of his books or refresh the memories of the author's philosophy - it is best to take up this work, especially since it is written in the form of an online chat.

Books for beginners

If it seems that previous books are too complex for the first acquaintance, there are several options from which to start the easiest way. This does not mean that they will be uninteresting to read those who are already familiar with the creativity of the author. But many thoughts in them are filed fairly simple and explained in more detail.

Holy Book Werewood

The book tells the story of the love of the ancient fox-island name named A Huli (the name simultaneously beats the translation of the Chinese "chanterelle" and Russian curses) and the Wolf-Wolf of Alexander Gray. According to the ancient custom, all the foxes should earn only prostitution for life, and he is a high-ranking official of the FSB.

This book is sometimes called "Chapaev and Void" for young people. " Indeed, despite the differences in the plot, the ideology in these works is approximately one, and even the fifth PSA paw, which leads to the disappearance of everything that it comes, is an explicit analogue of the clay machine gun Chapaev.

Interestingly, the prehistory of Alexander can be recognized from the old story of Pelevin "The problem of the pillar in the middle lane". It is also curious that the official soundtrack from the songs mentioned in the work was released to the novel. The disk was sold along with the book.

Empire V.

The most ordinary young man of the novel suddenly turn to. That's just in life, they are very different from those that are shown in the movies. Now the hero is the name of the frame, and he must learn the main vampire sciences: glamor and discourse. Vampires since ancient times manage people using them at the same time for nutrition and ministry. Although you actually suck vampires are not blood, but bargos.

Pelevin does not disregard any relevant theme, and in this novel he addressed the world of glamor and money. Although metaphorically, through the theme of vampires, he disassembled in the life of the regulars of elite parties, who consider the whole world with their servant.

This novel is also great for the first acquaintance with the author. He may be a bit simpler than some other works, but here a lot of action. And those who liked the theme of vampires, you can immediately begin for the continuation - "Batman Apollo". As an independent book, it is rather immense, but as the finale of the story of the frame - quite nothing.

What if the emperor Paul I was not killed by conspirators, and managed to move into another world created by Franz Anton Mesmer? In idyllum, he became the first caretaker guarding his world. Since then, there have been a lot of caretaker, and here the main hero of the book should take this honorable post, but he will have to learn a lot about the very essence of life, doubt his own reality and find love.

Before reading this book, it is worth knowing: "Career" is a two-volume member, consisting of the books "Order of the Yellow Flag" and "Iron Cupid", they need to read in a row. But the main thing is the most lyrical and calm work of Pelevin. Many critics, surprised by the lack of social topics and sarcasm, began to say that this novel is completely empty. But in fact, here Pelevin first openly began to talk about the search for eternal. And if you think about it, then this topic has slipped from him before, but in S.N.U.F.F. Or "love for three tskerbrins" was covered with irony.

Short stories

In addition to the Romanov, Viktor Pelevin sometimes writes a story and stories, uniting them into small collections. Often they are related to each other, but you can read them in any order.

Yellow boom

This book contains the story "Yellow Arrow", "Prince of Mamurn" and "Restress and Sixpal". They are combined with a common topic - trying to break out of everyday life and somehow change. In the first work, all people are shown by train passengers, in the second - characters of computer games, and in the third - chic groups on the Lunacharsky poultry farm.

In addition, the book has a whole collection of stories, some of which came out before under the general name "Blue Lantern". Many love the short works of Pelevin. They do not immerse the reader in too complex worlds, but always perceived brightly and unexpectedly.


To be more accurate, then this book is called "PPPP", and if even more accurate, then "farewell songs of political pygosiev Pindostan." Five small stories for completely different topics. The prostitute is hired to work by emerging karyatide in a brothel for oligarchs, a group of friends listens to the story from Egyptian mythology, the official makes the "lying police" from the dust of his colleagues, scientists find out that money attracts money, and young assassin understands that the promised paradise is a deception. All this is short, tough and very witty.

Pineapple water for excellent lady

The book consists of two rates and three stories that many at the time of the exit called the return of Pelevin to their old style. The first work of the Burning Bush operation tells about how Semyon Levitan, who has a deep penetrating voice, with the help of secret technologies begins to communicate with George Bush - the younger, convincing that he is Glasa God.

The second story "Al-Eufesbi's anti-aircraft codes can be considered the harbinger of the novel S.N.U.F.F., because it is described here as a former FSB employee managed to break the artificial intelligence of combat drones with the help of slogans written in the sand. It was these drones that became the prototypes of flying camcorders.

Stories in this compilation only complement the basic stories, but they will be very pleasant to read if they did not have enough themselves.

Return to the Old Style

Although since the release of "Generation" P "" The style of Pelevin has changed, not only "pineapple water" is considered written in the style of the classical works of the author. It periodically produces novels that remind his first famous books.


Count T. (Allusion on the lion of Tolstoy) is sent on the journey to the Optio desert, although he himself does not remember why. In the way, he will have to meet not only with people who are trying to prevent him from achieving his goal, but also by the creators themselves - the authors of the book about graph T. in parallel you can learn about the fate of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky - a character of a computer game where the zombie should be killed.

The dual nature of the main heroes, multiple religious references and repeated intersections with Chapaev and Empty create the feeling that Pelevin says about what I wanted to say in the nineties, but then I did not have time.

Malfusale lamp, or the extreme battle of Chekists with Masons

Three generations of the noble family Mozhaisk are regularly served by Fatherland in the XIX, XX and XXI centuries. The first part may seem too tightened and even bored: there is a lot of financial analytics. But further, Pelevin returns to his favorite madness and ralling with movements in time, brazing aliens and reptiloids, as well as zones where newspapers are published in the form of tattoos. And in the finals, he can even explain why the first part was so boring.

New 2018.

Secret views on Mount Fuji

In the new book, Pelevin promises to tell about the difficulties of start-ups in Russian realities, painfully the difficult return of Russian oligarchs home and about the history of this female success. Judging by the annotation, the author again takes over the most relevant and the topics discussed themes: from meditation to feminism.