Towel - Ancient Charm. The towel played an important role in folk

Towel - Ancient Charm. The towel played an important role in folk
Towel - Ancient Charm. The towel played an important role in folk

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Of all the items of Russian life at one of the honorary places - towel. Their decoration in the Russian village has always attached special importance. These patterns and today are striking harmony and beauty. Most often they are hot-red, with a strict embossed pattern, which will distinguished on silver flares. How much taste, skills, labor! Any little thing says that we are truly a truly big art.

Unfortunately, we almost do not know anything about him. Where is his origins? How and when did these amazing patterns originate? Why exactly they, not any others? What finally meant the "decorated" towels for our distant ancestors? All this is a modern man of non-doom. Therefore, our look only slides on the surface of things, and the essence of ancient art remains a mystery. So let's try to penetrate it. Although a little - one is only one step ....

Russian masters - our great-grandmothers - loosely owned by complex techniques of manual weaving and embroidery. Today you have to collect this skill literally on the grains, according to tiny old flasks. In museums, tremble over each exhibit - do not give hands! But far from all possible to understand photos. And one more sadness - almost no left of those who could convey this skill. This is not just a piece of fabric - this is the centuries-old experience of our ancestors, this is stored in the images of faith or even their worldview. Illiterate (in our understanding) Russian women at a very simple weaving machine created fabrics subordinate to all laws of geometry.

Getting Started, a survey of high school students was conducted, which showed that students are not familiar with the use of ancient towels in folk rites, their role in everyday life of our ancestors. Know the colors and material used for the manufacture of northern towels (Appendix No. 1). Students do not know the species of northern embroidery, patterns that embroidered on the towers.

The relevance of the choice of the topic: Unfortunately, in many modern families, ancient fabrics are not preserved in many modern families, the Northern Embroidery craftsmanship is transmitted from generation to generation, traditions, rites of the native land are forgotten.

Purpose: study the vintage towels, which are preserved in my family.

✓ Examine literature on this topic;

✓ Get acquainted with the history and peculiarities of the North Folk Embroidery;

✓ To get acquainted with the technology of making a towel-tower;

✓ Consider the ritual role of towels in traditional culture;

✓ Analyze ornamental motifs of northern embroidery;

✓ Sew the towel using the motifs of the northern embroidery.

Object of study: Russian folk towels-tanks.

Subject of study : The ritual value of the tumors, the features of the northern embroidery.

Chapter 1. History of the Rushnikov, Northern Embroidery

1.1. Ritual ritual meaning of the rushnik

The word Rushnik comes from the root of "Rush" - to break, tear, that is, the tower of a torn piece of cloth, in our today's understanding - a cut. In Slavic languages, the root with this meaning we find in words meaning a shirt, rubbish. The question arises: why pray, and not cut? The fact is that weaving appeared long before the invention of metal scissors. Cryli for the need, making, incisive something sharp and then the cloth pumped up on the thread. Consonance with the word hand gives a reason for the erroneous interpretation of the word "Rushnik" as a towel for hands. However, wiring is used for wiping - these are pieces of cloth small length. The present rushnik about 35-40cm and has a length of 3-5 meters and more, richly decorated with embroidery, fastening, ribbons, lace, braid. Such a decorative product is impossible to wipe hands.

The towers in Russia had primarily a ritual-ritual value, and not domestic. There existed a large number of rags, each of which carried its sacral meaning and had a clear destination (Appendix No. 2). In the old days it was one of the most important things in the life of things and accompanied a person from birth to death, as if noting the main moments of his fate. Special towel otiraili newborn. During the wedding rank of the bride and the bride, they set the bride and tied up with a towel, symbolizing the marriage bonds. A man died - his coffin was covered with a towel. The towel was often expected to work or buy.

Strong red patterns on bleached canvas towels - favorite decoration of the interior of the northerni. The towels were decorated with a red corner, wrapped the thing, windows, later became them to decorate the frames with photographs, wall mirrors, the bread-salt was brought on them, the ritual dishes were covered with them. One of the old wedding customs was the show of the bride of his needlework. A peculiar exhibition of her works was arranged in the house, according to which the bride's skill and diligence were tried.

There were special mundane towels created by the collective efforts of residents of the village of one day or one night. According to G. Maslov, such works of tetales as a sign of resistance "unclean strength". They were created on the occasion of any disaster: epidemics, droughts, hail. Communication with agrarian magic was expressed quite definitely, first of all, in the content of motifs.

1.2. Features of northern embroidery

The Folk Embroidery of the Arkhangelsk region has a lot in common with the embroidery of other northern regions of Russia and at the same time differs from them with their originality, a color solution, compositional techniques for the construction of patterns.

For embroidery, they took a thin linen or hemp bleached domain canvas, on top of which embroidered the tissue threads, which made it possible to accurately repeat even the most complex patterns. Embroidered with linen or woolen threads of their preparation, painted specially cooked natural dyes. With the advent of factory fabrics and threads in the embroidery began to apply both bridal cotton, silk and wool threads.

Almost all the well-known seams owned northern masters. The most ancient vintage samples are made by two-sided seam "Painting". In the embroidery combined only 2 colors: silver linen canvas and hot-red pattern of pattern. Later began to embroider a "set". The widespread the countable "deaf" seams, whose pattern is carried out on the whole tissue: "painting", "set", "cross", "counting smooth". Less were less common - "white stitch" and color to translate, where embroidery goes on matter with previously withdrew threads. And only at the beginning of the 20th century, free tambourine seam appears in the northern masters' products.

Chapter 2. Main Part

2.1. Color role in embroidery, symbolism and semantics

Live need for beauty, the desire to decorate their home, finally, the strength of traditions forced women to "choose" patterns on towels, which carried deeply symbolic meaning. Patterns were transmitted with the skills from generation to generation, from Mother to her daughter. Let's start with the fact that they decorated the towel so generously, of course, it's not by chance. They did not only for beauty: according to an old belief, these patterns carried the power of good and defeated against all evil. This is what kinda conversation, which happened at the time, transmits us by B.A. Fishermen in her book. One rustic girl was preparing his god, and his mother carefully followed the work. Seeing that young Tkachkha's towels put two rows of triangles to the top, she stopped her: "You can't do that, daughter! Dragons teeth are obtained. You put the soles of the sole to the sole - the sun rays will be released. And they will shine to you while the towel itself is. " True, after all, it is interesting? As if not a towel decorated, and the magic fairy tale told ...

B. A. Rybakov in the book "The paganism of the ancient Slavs" suggests that "the roasting product is deeply symbolic, multivalued. Created according to the laws of art, it not only decorates everyday life, but also is a symbolic reminder of invisible connections connecting every person with God, his coming, ancestors. Patterns embroidered towers are an encrypted story about the life of the people, nature, people. " At the beginning of the XIX century, embroidery creators still remembered the semantic meaning of Ukraine, the rite of reading patterns was alive.

Among the ornamental motives of Northern Russian embroidery should be isolated zoomorphic, vegetable, household, geometric and cult. Zoomorphic motifs are represented by stylized images of birds and animals. The image of the rooster and chicken are most common in a tambour, strainer embroidery, as well as in the gold-and-extensive products of the Russian North. Plant motifs in the embroidery ornament were represented by trees, flowers, as well as herbs and fruits.

Among the usual motives of folk weaving and embroidery, crosses and rhoms are especially common - endless varieties are mandatory for any woven ornament. What could they mean? (Appendix No. 3).

The background on the tissues of the craftsmen called the "Earth", as Linen Canvas personified the mother to the earth. It's not by chance that she is white - our ancestors tied this color with the concept of good, and who in the world is kinder than the mother? If the canvas itself has a direct weave of the threads, the pattern seems to cover its oblique mesh and creates the impression of movement! Before us is a visible image of fire, which comes back on the silver plain of the Earth and its transforming. This is the most common and most important image of patterned weaving and embroidery. The ancient Slavic legend says that everything in the world began to live after the fire caught fire in the ground. Doesn't they say and decorate? For the work of the masters sat only in spring, but before the start of field work. By creating his fiery patterns, the peasants as if they asked the sun shining all the stronger and hotter and rather to drive from the ground to Stupua and the darkness so that she gave the joy to people rich fruits. That's what secrets are stored patterns of ancient towels. And it seemed just beautiful.

2.2. Distinctive features of towels of different locations

Our ancestors perceived the roaster as a canvas, on which the red thread was depicted past, present and future. Having visited the Museum of the Great Ustyuga, School of Crafts of Solvychodsk, considering sets of cards of artistic museums, reading the necessary literature, was concluded: despite the fact that the works of folk art, which is a towel, have common features, yet each of the districts, Areas have their own distinctive features.

For example, a cargapole towel is colorful, multicolored, decorative. The curtains of the southern regions of the Arkhangelsk region and bordering it the Vologda region are rich in embroidery of a geometric character, they are characterized by horizontal and vertical symmetry. For towels of the northern regions of the Arkhangelsk region are characteristic of zoomorphic and vegetable motif .

2.3. Characteristic of vintage rushniks

In my family, fortunately, 4 vintage towels were preserved, which were performed by my great-grandmother. These towels carefully keep my grandmother Tamara Vasilyevna. From the memories of my grandmother: "First, the fabric canvas, and then for the embroidery, the towels sat down. With 5-7 years of peasant girls forced to comprehend this needlework, preparing herself to the wedding. Embroidery patterns were transferred from mother to her daughter . What do they mean? So who knows about that. But I remember exactly what it is necessary. It was not easy to embroider patterns, it was worthwhile for both the girl. Distribute even one thread - the error is immediately evident. And the case is moving soon. By the ability to embroider judged about the hostess. " Also, from a conversation with a grandmother, they learned that embroidered towels served as a faith of home and families, carried the energy of good, happiness, wealth, well-being and love.

In our work, consider the ritual role of the preserved tumors and the symbolic value of embroidery.

Towel number 1.: Linen towel with sewage factory lace (230 x 36 cm). Embroidery is made with red and black threads on a white background in the technique "Cross". The plant pattern is made in strict geometric style, small bushes are embroidered. It is one of the most common motifs of the Vologda embroidery, where they loved to embroider berries: cranberries, lingonberries, rowan, called northern grapes.

Towel number 2.: linen towel with sewing factory lace (230 x 34 cm). Embroidery is made with red and black threads on a white background in the technique "Cross". The vegetable pattern is made by rhythmic repeating colors, which are the central pattern. There is a boundary ornament - rhythmicly repeated leaves.

Towel number 3.: linen towel with sewing factory lace (measuring 260 x 36 cm). In the central pattern, repetitive geometric symbols are depicted: rhombus, ovals, which, according to the semantic value, denote abundance, fertility, life, heat. Only diamonds are present on the edge patterns. Between the edge and central pattern of the stripper, the straight red lines, between which the zigzag symbol is located. The symbolic meaning of this pattern is at the top: the sky with clouds, below: the ground impregnated with water.

Most likely, ritual towels №1, №2 and №3 are ordinary. Such tumors were used in various rites, for example, when drought or livestock began.

Towel number 4.: Linen towel with sewn openwork lace manual (260 x 40 cm in size). Embroidery is made in red, black and beige threads on a white background (most likely beige threads were used due to lack of red threads). In the central pattern, the whole plot of feasts will be embroidered: dancing man and woman, and a man playing on a balalaica under the rowan jumped. In the upper edge of the pattern embroidered inscription: "Varuska's fees on my pirushk". In the lower edge pattern, a number of crosses and alternating rhobics are embroidered, which means earthly solid and abundance, fertility. I believe that this is a wedding ritual towel, which was embroidered to the sister or girlfriend of the bride. Therefore, it is a wedding friendly rushnik who presented witnesses - friend.

2.4. Making a ritual towel

Exploring patterns on vintage towels, we decided to perform a ritual towel using the motifs of northern embroidery. Linen fabric was chosen for work, Kanva (to relieve work), threads of Moulin of red and black color, bright braid. Embroidery towel counting seams (painting, set, counting surface), a cam seam, learned the technologies of their execution. Embroidery patterns on a ritual towel, we picked up certain motifs based on their meaning.

As a result, it turned out a flaxed towel with an astringent openwork lace (160 x 34 cm in size). On the canvas embroidered rhombus, crosses, straight and zigzag lines, deer horns. These symbols denote fertility, heat, sun, abundance, life, health. At the ends of the towel embroidered a female figure, which protects against wars and protects against misfortunes, and roosters that worshiped in Russia, like a bird, meaning, running darkness and welcoming sunrise.

Thus, in my family, another towel appeared, which can be used in various family and religious holidays (wedding, christening, name days, carnival, etc.) and transmitted from generation to generation.


When performing work, they studied the history and role of color in the northern embroidery, symbolism and semantics, the ritual meaning of the towels, the characteristic features of the Towels of the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions, were investigated by four vintage towels, the ritual towel was performed on the old reasons. The study uses information from the Museum of Museum of the Great Ustyug, Solvychydsk city craft schools, my grandmother's memories, literature on this topic.

Conducted studies suggest that in ancient Russian culture a special role is taken by towels with an ornament inflicted on them. Ancient ornament has never concluded a single idle line: each child here has its meaning, is a word, phrase, expression of famous concepts, ideas.

Unfortunately, the current generation is not enough informed about folk traditions, rites, does not know the species and features of the northern embroidery. We recommend in schools to conduct mugs on the study of folk crafts, on which students will comprehend their roots. So, there is hope that in the rapidly changing world, the memory of ancestors will remain, which will not let you forget your story. In our school, the course "Northern Embroidery" was conducted, which was interesting to students. Rushnik in Russia has always been considered the key to happiness. Currently a lot of different towels. Their coloring, size, shape, material is diverse. But the towel, made with her own hands, is always interesting, unusual. Looking at the immediate and mysterious embroidered patterns, rightfully get aesthetic pleasure and beautiful, good mood.

The material of this research work can be used in the work of the Creative Association of the Master, the mug "skillful hands", exhibitions of decorative and applied creativity, in the development of elective courses and training seminar studies on history, traditions, rites of the towel-tank, the features of their execution.


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    Eremenko T.I. Needlework - 3rd ed. / T.I. Eremenko. - M.: Legplerombytizdat, 1992. - 151 p.

    Kristtaleva V.S. Knitting crochet patterns / V.S. Cristalev. - M.: Legplerombytizdat, 1987. - 168 p.

    Lebedeva A.A. The value of the belt and towels in Russian family-household customs and rites at 19 - 20 V. / A.A. Lebedeva. - M, 1989

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    Tsipileva I.V. Technology. Northern Folk Embroidery / I.V. CIPILEVA. - Arkhangelsk, 2001. - 59 p.

Appendix No. 1. Student Answers

    Do you know what role the towels played in everyday life?

The most frequent response of students of 8-10 grade: "Our towels are used to decorate the peasant life."

2. Will the old towels who created your great-grandmothers worked in your family?

3. What materials were used to make towel-tanks?

All respondents responded that linen fabrics were used.

    What patterns embroidered on the towers?

The most repetitive answers: different, geometric, solar signs, cocks.

    In modern society, whether towels are used in any traditions


The most popular answer: "Yes." Several people explained that the towel was used at weddings, with christening and at a meeting of honored guests.

    What types of embroidery were used to make a towel in the north? Almost all the respondents found it difficult to answer, several people called "Cross".

    What color gamut was the masters for the manufacture of the towers?

All respondents responded that masters used two colors: red and white.

Appendix No. 2. Varieties of the towers

Types of Rushnikov

Purpose of Rushnik

Overseas Rushniki

Such towers were attributed to the coated protective properties. They were created exclusively during the light day, when the evil forces of darkness could not damage them. Such tumors were used in various rituals.

Greeting rushnik

Small, with a modest embroidery, they were given on the road to those who left the native house, going to the journey: soldiers, merchants, travelers personified a wish of a light path and a quick return.

Major Rushnik

The obsession took the newborn

Baptist Rushnik

On this towel, the child carried in the temple and wipe after dipping in the font. After the christening, the first children's shirt could sew from this towel, and they could keep before the wedding, or even before the funeral.

Easter towers

They were intended for baked kulukhai, they are often present abbreviations of the KH (Christ Sunday) and egg symbols.

Grocery rushniks

Designed for baked bread.

Rushnik Blinnik

They gave them to the carnival in gratitude for the treats of the owners.


So called the trench, framing the icons.

Wedding rushniks

Since ancient times, the manufacture of wedding trees was considered the responsibility of the bride. It was believed that embroidering the wedding trench, the bride embroiders his family future.

Appendix No. 3. Symbols and semantics in the northern embroidery.

Image, symbol

Symbol name

The semantic value of the pattern

End of the XIX century. Tarnogsky district.

Woman with raised hands

Protects from wars and protects against misfortunes.

The beginning of the XX century. Sokolsky district

Images of roosters and chicken are often found in a tambour, embroidery

Rooster in Russia revered as a bird, meaning, running darkness and welcoming sunrise

Bars personified courage, courage

Charm, defense

The beginning of the XIX century. Babushkinsky district.

Solar chariot

Middle of the XIX century. Belozersky district.

The tree of Life

Wish of an abundant life

Middle of the XIX century. Nikolsky district.

Rhombus is a snowy field symbol

Symbol of fertility

Middle of the XIX century. Krasnoborsky district.

Birds on trees

Intermediaries between the world of living and the world of the dead.

Mid XIX century. Thenogsky district.

Live Sun.

Gives warmth, life

Heavenly and earthly solid

In the arid summer asked for rain

At the top: sky with clouds; Below: land impregnated with water

The beginning of the XIX century Tarnogsky district.

Bird of happiness, the image of the firebird, on which "feather like a heat burns"

Friendly life, unity of her husband and wife

Today I want to tell about the tanks, the history of the emergence, values \u200b\u200band folk traditions in Russia, with them related. I am extremely interested in the history of folk embroidery, I will tell you and I will show my photo. We will never know who began to be the first to embroider, but arising in antiquity, the art of embroidery with a cross, has become a favorite needlework of Russian women. Folk traditions associated with the favorite creativity cause me a special thrill, the desire to learn more.

Rushnikov - History

At different times, snapped cannabis, cotton, flax, silk and natural hair. Not so long ago, in the territory of Russia, archaeologists have discovered fragments of clothing related to the IX-XII centuries embroidered with gold.

Embroidered needlewomen towels, bedstones, hats, casual clothes and festive outfits.

But the cross-embroidered towels is not only the subject of life. For many centuries, embroidery has become inextricably linked with the old rites and customs of the Russian people. Each trench has had its meaning.

The value of the tumors - Photo

From early childhood, girls trained the art of embroidery, and by 13-15 years they became real craftsmen. Embroidery was tried as far as the future bride and hardworking. Girls embroidered themselves, and during the walling, future relatives carefully considered him.

No wedding in Russia did not do without the tumors, the traditions were observed.

Youngs met punishable, rolling on the embroidered with red and golden towel threads. During the wedding, the young became on the wedding white trench. The hands of the bride and the bridegroom tied the "Union" Rushnik, who embroidered the names of the bride and groom, the words "Council and Love", "for happiness." As a symbol of life path, according to which husband and wife go together.

Wedding towel shuffled in the family were passed from generation to generation, from Mother to her daughter.

Embroidered cross towels were decorated with icons, these were long domain cans with patterns at the ends, or embroidery along one side. The shit was embroidered usually with a predominance of blue color - the colors of the Virgin. Be sure to embroidered two initial letters on behalf of B.M. (Virgin Mother) or I.S. (Jesus Christ).

There were special bread towels-bread jams. Bread was put on them, because to put bread on a uncoated table was considered a big sin.

Business towels talked about prosperity in the house, protected housing from evil forces. They were hung in the doors, decorated the doors, windows, corners.

Embroidered towels for christening necessarily embroidered the godmother. She embroidered them in bright and bright colors so that the child's life was happy and joyful. Black color has never been used.

I remember, in childhood, in our house there was a tower, from old age he became thin, the mother cut out the middle and sewed. How many years he was, and who embroidered, I don't know, and I'm terribly sorry. Interestingly, your family has towers and traditions associated with them ? And do you know the history of the emergence and meanings of them?

information] Interesting needlework:

In each family in the bathroom, the kitchen hangs a towel. Rather, not one, but a few towels: for face, hands, feet, body, dishes. This home attribute is so accustomed that people simply do not think about his uniqueness. The main function of the towel is to eliminate moisture residues, and it is noteworthy that in thousands of years there is no alternative to him. Yes, the history of the towel is measured by thousands of years, from the most time when people just mastered the cultivation of crops.

Lyon in ancient Egypt was considered the most sought-after culture

The very first raw materials for the fabric in the ancient civilizations became flax. It was cultured to obtain fibers in ancient Egypt, Babylon, Assyria. Linen tissue is considered the most old one with age at least 10 thousand years. The ancient weavers created such a thin fabric that through her 5 layers the body was shouted, and linen clothing was dragged through the ring.

By the way, Lyon has good bactericidal properties. Neither bacteria nor fungi on it live. He perfectly absorbs moisture and dries quickly. All these advantages and made Lyon popular thousand years ago. It is easy to guess that the first towels began to do from flax, and this practice remained unshakable for tens of centuries.

The countries of the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia used linen towels. And the thrust for water procedures arose on these lands 5 thousand years ago. There was a whole culture of the ablution, which was constantly improved. But all the ancient peoples in the damage to the purity of the body shared the Romans.

For them, the ablution was a kind of cult. Water procedures were available to all: both rich senators, and simple citizens, and legionnaires, and slaves. In the cities of the Roman Empire, the aqueducts were packed and the terms were built so that the Romans could enjoy water treatments at any time.

And after the ablution, citizens of the empire wiped the bodies and faces with linen towels. In addition to the term, people were sinking and in the morning, and therefore it was impossible to do without towels. It should be noted that in ancient Egypt in the process of mummification, the mummy was wrapped in long linen towels, impregnated with a special resin composition.

Thus, Lyon for a long time occupied the leading position in the culture of the ablution. But in the Middle East, someone occurred to the head of the towels on the same technology in which the fabrics are carpets. And terry towels appeared on the light. They were soft, darous, and for the first time they began to use in Turkey. At the same time, a cotton came to shift.

It must be said that the Turkish culture of water procedures has not been inferior to Roman. The hot bathing was an important component of the daily life of Turk Osmananov. It is quite clear that there was nothing to do without a towel in Turkish baths. Lovers to wash in a bath with a whole set of a wide variety of towels. For the head, shoulders, chest, legs, feet were their pieces of fabric. It was the Turks that turned the towel into a luxury attribute, pleaseing not only the body, but also eyes.

Machine-made terry towels widely spread in Europe and in the East in the XVIII century. Cotton fabric is softer, gentle and water-absorbing than linen. And the terry patches during wipe created a pleasant massage effect and did not irritate the skin. Thus, the history of the towel reached a new, more progressive level.

Waffle towels

It is noteworthy that the Turks have come up with another kind of fabric for wiping - a waffle towel. Woven it for the first time in the city of Bursa in the XVIII century. There were extremely professional masters who had different techniques of weave threads. So they came up with a canvas, resembling a modern confectionery product - waffles. We used skeptical clothing manufacturers to the new original fabric, but the towels from her began to be in demand.

The very first waffle towels were hand-made. For one day, the master created 2-3 such things. Accordingly, the price was higher than that of linen towels. The latter were out of competition until the end of the XIX century. Only after 1890, when weaving production was completely mechanized, coarse linen products began to take their positions. Terry and waffle towels made of cotton floated the market and became dominated on it.

But in our days, Lon and the Halfs are no longer the main components from which towels are made. Synthetic fibers and microfiber came to replace the simulator with a capillary structure. Such microfibrous towels are extremely soft, lungs and perfectly absorb moisture. Applied in practice and disposable towels from nonwoven spanlais material.

And how did the history of the towel develop in Russia? Slavic Lyon was considered the main cloth. It was from him that the most famous Slavic towel was made - the tower. It was used in various rituals: at weddings, at the birth of children, at the funeral. But slices of linen fabric for wiping the face, hands, dishes were called wipging or rubbing. The towel is not intended for such purposes. He served as a cult thing.

Slavic towers with patterns

Depending on the purpose, the towers were different. ZaporzhennyHe was taken to the path of merchants and pilgrims. MalnayaIn which the newborn child was wrapped. BaptismalThey wiped the baby after the font. Weddingapplied at weddings. Basely, it is used in our day. It is on such a tower that bread with salt at a meeting of expensive guests.

A classic flax trench has been in a width of 40 cm and 3 meters long. This cloth decorated with a variety of embroidery. They applied birds, animals, fabulous animals. Pictured crosses, plants, geometric shapes. Until the XVIII century, patterns on the tanks had a sacred meaning. But gradually he began to lose, and the usual patterns came to replace. They did not carry any ritual component in themselves, but only pleased people with a variety of figures and coloring. Nowadays, the beauty of the towel is paying much attention, as it is aesthetic pleasure that goes to the fore.

Around us a lot of things to which we are so accustomed to that you often do not give them any meaning. First of all, it concerns a towel - a person uses it constantly throughout his life: from infancy and until death. In the Foundations of the Art and Historical Museum there are a large collection of tumors.

Often there is an opinion that the word " rushnik"Comes from the well-known word" hand ", that is, the towel is a hand towel. However, this is not the case, the fabric for wiping the hands was called a towel, a manual, wiping and even a handbrake, but not a torn. The latter compared to the hand towel is decorated with more refined and expensive decor: embroidery, braid, ribbon and lace. Thus, initially the towber - a torn piece of fabric, which was decorated with embroidery and used in rituals and rites. The fact that a piece of the canvas was broken, and not cut off, it is quite logical, because weaving arose much earlier than the knives and scissors appeared in everyday life. In order to carve out the root of the desired shape (in a width of 35-40 cm, and in length from 3 to 5 meters), a cut-off with a sharp stone was made on the canvas, and then the tissue was already rushing his hands.

Predated Rushnik was considered a multivalued and symbolic product. They were decorated with life, but besides that, the root worker in itself a certain reminder of related links with ancestors. After all, if you look at the embroidered patterns, you can safely assume that it is not just beautiful drawings, but an encrypted story about the life of ancestors. There was a large number of the species of the towers, each of which carried its meaning and had a clear destination.

Ordinary The tumors embroidered during one daylight. Such towers were attributed to the coasters, protective properties. They were created exclusively during the light day, when the evil forces of darkness could not damage them. Such tumors were used in various rites, for example, when drought or livestock began. Such trenches never have a fabric in advance, but only on the day of use in rite.

If you remember the well-known promotion "Tablecloth", which is now negative, then before, thus, the travelers wished the happy path. And is associated with special zaporozhnaya Pewshniki. Small, with a modest embroidery, they gave on the road to those who left the native house, going to the journey: soldiers, merchants, travelers. Zaporochny Rushnik personified a wish of a light path and a quick return.

On the malnaya Rushnik of the obsession took the newborn, and embroidered into the christening baptismal Rushnik, on which the child carried in the temple and wipe after dipping in the font. After the christening, the first children's shirt could sew from this towel, and they could keep before the wedding, or even before the funeral. After death, therents were accompanied by a person and under his burial - they carried the coffin on them, hung on the grave cross.

Special festive palists embroidered on the large annual holidays. For example, on the carnival in gratitude for the treats of the hosts of the house gave rushnik Blinnik. Easterthe towers were intended for baked cakes, breads and looked like biased towers, but they differ in the ornament - the abbreviations of the KH (Christ Sunday) and egg symbols are often present on them. " Bodikik»Called the towel, framing icons.

Wedding The towers numbered about 40. But the main ones were considered only five: parental trench unionrushnik, " bodikik», wedding Rushnik I. basely Rushnik.

Since ancient times, the manufacture of wedding trees was considered the responsibility of the bride. Our ancestors perceived the roaster as a canvas, on which the red thread was depicted past, present and future. It was believed that, embroidering the wedding trench, the bride embroiders his family future, so it was allowed for embroidery only with good thoughts and a good mood.

Of all the above, it follows that the Rushnik played in the life of the Slavs an important role, accompanied by a person from birth to death, was an important element in everyday life and preserved to the present day.

District Conference of Scientific Research

History about towels

Russia, Chelyabinsk region,

Chebarkulsky district, D. Melnikovo

Zavarnoyna Elena, Lukina Anastasia

Zyuzin Anna

Scientific leader: Zavarnoyna A.A

Teacher of additional education



  1. Introduction ........................................................................... 3.
  2. From the history of towels .................................................... . four
  3. Embroidered towels Evgenia Grigorievna ............. . 7.
  4. Towels in the dowry ................................................... 9
  5. Conclusion .................................................................................. 1 0
  6. Description of the practical part .................................... .. 11
  7. The materials and literature used ................... 12
  1. Introduction

Every day we surrounds a large number of things about the origin of which we even never think. Among this number of things there is such an object as a towel. In every modern house there are a large number. We wipe your face and hands with towels, go to the shower, in the bath. Also a towel is the necessary thing in the kitchen.

We decided to conduct a study where such a necessary subject of daily life came from our modern house as a towel. In our work, we used the material of the Russian hut encyclopedia, as well as the stories of local residents.

Purpose of work:

To find out where it came to us such a necessary object of life as a towel in the life of the Russian village.

Research tasks:

  1. Find and explore the literature in which the origin and use of towels is mentioned.
  2. Conduct a survey of local residents for an old use of towels.
  3. Find vintage embroidered towels.
  4. Restore one of the found towels for maintaining and transmitting future generations.

From the history of Towels

It is assumed that the towel occurred from the wedroom belt. The surface of the belt made in the weaving mill increased, and the horizontal ornament began to push out more ancient - vertical. Gradually, the belt became wider and turned into a canvas. The simplest shape of the canvas is a towel.

A towel is a cloth-white fabric, home or less frequently made by embroidery, tanning pattern, ribbons, colored tape stripes, lace, sparkles, braid, fringe.

Rugberry - a piece of white delicate fabric for wiping face and hand, after washing, as well as for wiping after washing in the bath. Unlike the towel, the hands-made was short and little decorated.

Rushnik, also, as a towel. From the pipe of the white canvas, the strip of 4 meters long, and the name of the duty officer.

Rushnik in the house king. Each towel is a pattern, each pattern - its meaning.

The prayer with an embroidered prayer hung over the icons in the red corner.

The baptismal towel, embroidered to baptize the child.

Fresh bread from the furnace was planted - on a branch towel, his poppies embroidered on the field.

The handicraft towel embroidered young people.

The young in the church on the wedding towel knees got up, such towels crosses and doves embroidered.

The towels were honored in Russia, from grandfather was transferred to grandson, they pulled out of the fires. Beautiful trees were expanded for years. More than two hundred lower case seams of embroiderers knew. To quickly by the holiday - embroidered one-sided, and the girl to the wedding - bilaterally embroidered. The embroidery knots could not be left, it was believed that they could lead to a quarrel.

Small flaws were also impossible to turn off, so as not to make a mess into fate.

Red hut is not angles, but pies. The corners are also red russian hut.

Towels were used for festive decoration of horses. They were hanging on the walls, mirrors, icons to large holidays, such as Easter, Christmas of Christ. In addition, the towels were postned during weddings, on a baptized dinner, on the day of meals on the occasion of return from military service or the arrival of the long-awaited Rodney.

Towels were usually made at home and very rarely acquired in shops or fairs. Each peasant girl could cut the hard white canvas needed for towels and ornament it as it was taken in her village.

According to custom, the towels were the necessary part of the girlish bold. Towels decorated horse arc in a wedding train. Long canvas quilted at the entrance to the church, they walked on it. "Generated towel", that is, we visited the weddings of the mother and grandmother, the Swash covered the shoulders of the bride. The towel was used by the bride as Fata. The head thrown on his head should protect her from a bad eye, damage in the most responsible moment of life. The towel was used in the rite of "connections of the young" in front of Vintsy: they were associated with the hands of the bride and groom "forever, for years, long

The towel was gifted by a grandmother - an obsession, who took birth, Kumu and Kum, who were kingdom. The towel was present in the rite "Baby Kasha", which occurred in a few days, after the birth of a child. They were covered with a pot of porridge, the joint eating of which was considered as the consolidation of the related union and the inclusion of a newborn in it.

However, a special role was played by a towel in the funeral - memorial ritual. Embroidered towels hung over the head of the deceased, which was put in the red corner. It should have remained hanging under icons for forty days. Towels tied to horse arc in a funeral train. They were lowered into the grave of the coffin.

All these actions with a towel were widespread in the Russian village, they were based on the ancient mythological representations of Slavs. The towel performed as an overlap, the sign of belonging to a certain family-kindly generic team, comprehended as an object that embodied the souls of the "parents" ancestors who carefully observed the lives of living.

Such a symbolism of the towel excluded the use of it for wiping hands, face, gender, dishes. For this purpose, enjoyed a handicraft, wiping, woolbelt, etc.

Embroidered towels Evgenia Grigorievna

To find any facts, later towels, we went to visit the residents - Old-timers of the village of Melnikovo and the village of Herbatches.

The first whom we visited, there was a resident with. Herbalists Shumihina Evgeny Grigorievna.

Yevgeny Grigorievna, Yevgeny Grigorievna, passed in the village of Tuman, the Kirov region. In her family, the cloth for towels manufactured themselves. The canvas of the tibe of such a width, which was necessary for the manufacture of a towel. Evgenia Grigorievna showed us a dominant canvas made on a weaving mill, her mother. Astrakhantseva Anna Fedorovna, born in 1910 (lived d. Tumanov, Kirov region). The exact date of manufacture of the canvas Evgeny Grigorievna does not remember, but assumes that it was about 40 to years. Ready canvas decorated with embroidery and lace.

Embroidered towels house decorated. Before large holidays (Easter, Christmas, etc.), the huts were definitely bleached, or only after that the towels dispublished around the hollow. The most beautiful towels were postponed in the red corner. The towels also decorated the mirrors, old photos or simply hanging around the walls of the hut.

To the wedding, the girl should have embraced a large number of towels. By the number of towels and the beauty of the embroidery, they were judged by the skills of the bride and the delight of the family. The towels brought into the groom's house, and hang out on the walls so that people could admire the bride to appreciate her taste and hard work. At the wedding, the bride gave her mother-in-law towels and mother-in-law, relatives and friendships of the groom, as well as girlfriends.

From a long time, and for the current times, the towels remain white, without embroidered patterns of the towel. The coffin was carried on the towels, giving the last tribute to the deceased, they lowered the coffin in the grave. After the funeral, the towels were distributed to fever, and the embroidered towel was hung on the cross, and left the cemetery.

On weekdays, simple towels without embroidery used on weekdays. And only in rare cases, in large holidays, guests could come with an embroidered towel, but embroidery on such a towel was quite simple. Towels used in the kitchen for wiping the dishes were also not ornaments with embroidery.

Evgenia Grigorievna showed us a few towels.

One of the towels is made "tambourine embroidery" with a hook. Evgenia Grigorievna told, ... that it was embroidered with her mother at the age of 8-10 years, when they still lived in the Kirov region. On this towel, Yevgeny Grigorievna learned the art of embroidery. Embroidery is made by threads of light tones on a bright red fabric field, which is inserted into the white base of a towel treated with factory lace. The age of this towel is approximately 60 years.

The next towel was embroidered a little later. The fabric embroidery is made by the "complex cross" seam, the edges of the towel are decorated with a fillet knitting, made using a hook. The towel was used to decorate horses.

Another towel shown to us by Evgenia Grigorievna looks quite modest. Embroidery on it is made with a seam "Simple Cross" and stretched into a narrow line located along the edge of the canvas. It is possible that it is such towels that were used to wip the face and hands. All towels shown to us by Evgenia Grigorievna are made of household canvases.

We found a very interesting towel from Lebedeva Anna Ivanovna, lived in the village of Russian Tcha, Krasnoarmeysky district, Chelyabinsk region.

The towel was made specifically for decorating the icons of the red corner. The edges of the cloth towels are interconnected. At the bottom of the towel ornamented by two embroidery bands. Embroidery made with a suture "complex cross". Between the stroke stripes and the bottom of the towel inserted patterns of the fillet knitting, on the sides also there is an embroidery. The base of the towel is made of factory production fabric.

Towels in dowry

Evdokia Petrovna pulled a few towels from the far shelf. "Previously, young people walked a little, the girls sat at home, they were engaged in needlework, preparing their own dowry.

My friend of St. Valentina (born in 1935) helped each other to collect dowry. The girlfriend embroidered well, and I knew how to crochet lace. When I got married, a girlfriend embroidered me two towels as a gift, and I knit them with crochet. "

The towels represented by Kashigina Evgenia Petrovna are embroidered with a double-sided smooth seam, the base of the towel is made of the fabric acquired in the store, the edges of the towel are treated with a fillet knitting. The towels were made around the 1957th year, to the wedding of Evdokia Petrovna.

Evdokia Petrovna unfolds another towel. "This towel belonged to my mother-in-law Kashigina Natalia Mikhailovna (193.00). The mother-in-law told that the towel was embroidered for a wedding rite and turned her from her mother. And Natalia Mikhailovna's wedding was unusual, it took place just that day, when V.I. Lenin died. Mourning was declared in the country, all entertainment events were banned. But since everything was ready for the wedding, then parents decided not to cancel the wedding. The wedding was modestly, quiet, without excess noise and fun, in a family circle.

A towel belonging to Kashigina Natalia Mikhailovna is most likely made of fabric purchased in the store. Embroidery on the towel is made with a "simple cross" seam, in traditional colors for the old embroidery: red and black. In the center of the embroidery depicts a crown with the initials inside. We suggested that the crown with the letter initials inside, gives the right to assume that the towel is really relevant to the wedding rite. Venia is made with a suture "complex cross", also in red - black colors. The edges of the towel are treated with lace of factory production.

Evdokia Petrovna's towels has another interesting feature, for many years they have been in great demand among the inhabitants of our village. A rare wedding passes without towels Evdokia Petrovna. At some weddings, the towels are told witnesses, accompanying the bride and groom, and sometimes they serve salt bread at a meeting of young people.

In about the years in the 60s, the factory production towels began to enter the village life, gradually pushing the embroidered, they firmly entered the modern life of a person. But the culture of using towels has been preserved. With large soft and beautiful towels, we go to the shower, bath. Towels are simpler, we wipe your face, and for hands and in the kitchen we use waffle towels. But the old embroidered towels are not forgotten in our modern life. They are still used in the holding of modern weddings. The towels remain unchanged and in carrying out a funeral rite.

Conclusion: Thus, the towels occupied a special place in the culture of the Russian village, they accompanied the person all his life. On the towel took a newborn, a man was accompanied on the towels on the last path. Especially much should be towels in the girlfriend girlfriend. Each old towel is read in its own way, it has its meaning, but they all carry solar energy of joy, happiness, good, love and well-being.

Description of the practical part

In the practical part of our work, we tried to restore one of the towels found by us, belonging to Kashigina Natalia Mikhailovna. During this work, we mastered the decorative seams used in the embroidery "Simple Cross", used the skill of the fillet crochet.

Before proceeding to work, we studied the pattern on the towel and suggested that the drawing was performed on the thread account without using the canvas.

Then we tried to transfer the pattern of paper into the cell as accurately as possible, fixing it slightly and making it more symmetrical.

The basis of the towel was used cotton calico acquired in the store. In order to embroider the pattern of the drawing more correctly and accurately, the towels were sewn at the edges of the canvas.

The drawing on the towel is made in traditional red - black colors.

Towel edges are decorated with knitted lace. Lace is connected in the technique of "chockeling".

Embroidery on the towel made Zyuzin Annv and Lukina Anastasia. Crochet on the edge of the towel performed brewing Elena.