Big forehead sign of what. High forehead - how to visually hide with hairstyles with bangs or without a man or woman

Big forehead sign of what. High forehead - how to visually hide with hairstyles with bangs or without a man or woman
  1. Oval face: The forehead is slightly wider by the lower jaw, the cheekbones are expressed, the face is gently narrowed to the chin.
  2. Round face: Length and width of the face are approximately equal, wide cheekbones, relatively low forehead and narrow jaw.
  3. Rectangular face: High and bright pronounced forehead, lean chin, wide cheekbones.
  4. Square face: equal height and width of the face, low forehead and wide cheekbones, pronounced jaw line.
  5. Triangular face: Wide lines of forehead and cheeky, narrow chin.
  6. Pear-shaped face: Wide jaw, Larba Larch in short line cheekl.
  7. Rhombid face: Wide cheekbones and equal lengths of the forehead and jaw.

How to determine your type of face

Fashion first

We will need a large mirror, feltaster or marker (better so that it is well laundered). Remove your hair from the face and go to the mirror. Do not forget to straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Looking straight in front of her, circle the contour of his face, without taking into account the ears and hair volume. At the same time, try not to move so that the drawing is as accurate as possible. Finished? Go aside, and evaluate the resulting figure.

Method of the second

Measure the forehead centimeter, cheekbones and jaws in the widest part, as well as the distance from the forehead to the chin vertically. Compare the resulting indicators: What is the biggest line? What is the narrowest? As far as the face is longer vertically than horizontal? Title answers with a description of each type of face.

Remember that the face, ideally inscribed in a certain form, can be found rarely. More often there are variations of the main seven types. Determine which form is as close as possible to yours, and follow the recommendations selectively.

Oval face

Stars with oval faces: Cindy Crawford, Gwyneth Paltrow, Charlize Theron

Considered an ideal. Correcting other facial forms, we will strive for oval contours. Any haircuts and styling are suitable for the happy owners of the lyrics, you can safely experiment with makeup and bending eyebrows. As part of, by itself.

Round face

Owner of Round Persons: Kirsten Dunst, Drew Barrymore, Christina Ricci

If you have such a form of face, congratulations! You will look younger than the longest of your peers. Soft, smooth features of a round face give tenderness and femininity of your appearance. But to look even better, you need to harmonize the contour of the face: visually pull it out vertically.


You will fit:

  • Flipped straight hair released on the sides of the strand. They will hide cheekbones and cheeks.
  • The volume or starts on the top of the top will extend the face.
  • Kosy cheek, braid sample, asymmetric haircut distract attention from rounds.
  • Soft waves starting below the chin lines if you want to sculpt the hair.

Do not fit:

  • Fully cleaned in a high bundle or tail hair. This will attract attention to open cheeks.
  • Volumetric lush hairstyles and large curls above the chin line. They visually expand their cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Rounded haircuts like Kare will make a friend more round.
  • Straight checklings will reduce forehead and fighsess face.

Form brow

A short eyebrows with a high approach will look at the face of a round form. Long thin eyebrows can add excess widths.


When makeup, you pay special attention to the darkening of the temples and the area under the cheekbones. Do not relocate with light shades under the eyes and in the upper part of the cheekbone.

Rectangular face

Famous rectangular faces: Kobi Smolders, Sandra Bullock, Andy McDaull

Rectangular (also called extended) Face form is similar to oval, but with more pronounced cheekbones and high forehead. To balance the rectangle, it is necessary to smooth out sharp angles, visually reduce the line "forehead - chin" and expand the cheekbones.


You will fit:

  • Graduated haircut or curls along the contour of the face. This will soften the features.
  • Kudri in the area of \u200b\u200bcheekbone or extended sides. This will help increase the cheekl line.
  • Covered or thick cheeky to the eyebrows will hide a high forehead.
  • Hair length just below the chin. This will help expand a narrow elongated face.

There are no straight lipped on the sides or taught their hair, as well as high hairstyles. They stretch their face even more.

Form brow

Embrellas give horizontal shape. This visually expand the contour of the face.


You can use a little cunning: two tonal cream, one on the tone is darker than the other. Darken the foreheads and chin areas, and apply a brighter shade to the middle part of the face. Do not forget to grow well, not leaving a sharp color transition. Finally, allocate the top of the cheekbone, adding a little highlyera.

Square face

Stars with square faces: Paris Hilton, Olivia Wilde, Helena Bonham Carter

Women belonging to this type can be proud of their beautiful cheekbones and a clear linen of chin. And to look well, it is enough to sweat out the face vertical and soften his features.


You will fit:

  • Hairstyles with soft and smooth lines and flower transitions.
  • Gentle rounded curls and curls laid on the sides of the face.
  • Soft asymmetric checkell or skill, laid out. It visually softens and distract attention from a heavy chin.
  • Long straight hair lengthen the face and hide sharp cheekbones.
  • Volume or starting on the top will raise the forehead and pull the vertical "forehead - chin."

Do not fit:

  • Straight lines in a haircut: your face and so rich in clear lines, do not overload an image.
  • The hair on the chin and above, especially trimmed according to the ruler, focus on the chin and take it, and also add the excess volumes.
  • Straight long or short cheek will hide forehead and rooted face.

Form brow

Do not forget about competent eyebrows: Choose a rounded form or horizontal spreads.


Use a simple admission: Lightly a face on the central vertical (the middle of the forehead - the nose is the middle of the chin) and slightly darken along the edges (sides of the forehead - whiskey - cheekbones).

Triangular face

Stars with a face of a heart: Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon, Victoria Beckham

Wide and high forehead are usually considered a sign of mind. And if you have a triangular face form, you can be proud of an attractive pointed chin. And yet we strive for oval, remember? And because our goal is to visually narrow the widest line, the forehead line.


You will fit:

  • With the volume below the line of cheekbones (ideally, so that the widest part is at the chin level). This instantly balances the upper part of the face.
  • Wide straight or oblique cheeky.
  • Hair of any length with spars, spinning to the chin: they will expand it visually. Ideal for you length - below the chin and above shoulders.
  • Of the short haircuts, an elongated asymmetric bob will look at the best.

Do not fit:

  • Volume in the top of the head. Care, highlighted strands, taped cheese, cool curls of the temples are weighted.
  • Styling on behalf. They will open your elegant cheekbones and chin, amplifying imbalance.
  • Short haircuts opening face completely.

Form brow

Rounded arcuate eyebrows will look good. They will distract attention from a narrow chin.


In everyday makeup, it will be enough just to darken the chin tip and the forehead along the edges.

Pear-shaped face

High-shaped owners: Kelly Osborne, Rene Zellweger, Queen Latifa

A different such contour can be called a turned triangle. With the help of hair, eyebrows and makeup correction, we will expand the forehead line and squeeze the chin.


You will fit:

  • The volume on the top of the top, the raised cheeve and the starts will play on the arm and balance the severity of the lower person.
  • The side oblique probor distracts from the vertical of the face and chin.
  • A high lush bundle with casually released strands will focus on the top of the head.
  • Kosy elongated checkell equilibrate forehead and chin.
  • Curious below the chin curls with the volume above the temples are also perfect.

Do not fit:

  • Highly cleaned hair (horse tail, smooth beam) focus on the severity of the lower part of the face.
  • The volume at the level of cheekbones or chin visually will make the forehead narrower.
  • Direct sample - a smooth line in the middle of the face - overly allocate the nose and chin.

Form brow

Exceived forehead lean horizontal eyebrows.


Using a tone or highlight, lightly light the upper part of the face.

Rhombid face

Stars with diamonds: Taylor Swift, Lisa Kudrou, Sophie Loren

The form of a rhombus is often referred to as a diamond. From oval it is characterized by a narrower forehead and chin and outstanding cheekbones. So, it is necessary to expand the upper part of the face, distract attention from the average and hide excessive length.


You will fit:

  • Kosy elongated cheek and side sample. This visually will increase the forehead and reduce the stretch of the face.
  • The volume above the temples and lower cheekbones will allow to balance outstanding cheekbones.
  • Magnificent cheek, laid straight or side, shorten the elongated face vertical.
  • High lush styling with the strands of the forehead left along the cheekbar and burn the cheekbones.

Do not fit:

  • Volume at the level of cheekbone will further expand the average part of the face.
  • The direct probor will visually increase the length of the face.
  • Short haircuts above the chin (especially without Cheka) emphasize his fragility and will strengthen the advantage towards cheekbones.
  • Smooth flat checkell will make the top of the face less.
  • Expanded volume on the top visually lengthens the face vertically.

Form brow

Girls with a diamond face should try eyebrows with climbing and clutter tips.


In makeup, it is enough to smooth out the discreter of the dark color side pieces of cheekbones.

Each face is beautiful and unique. Know your features and die not only to hide them, but also profitable. Sometimes you can follow the recommendations with an accuracy of the opposite to highlight the uniqueness of the features of your face.

forehead: sloping, steep, straight

The forehead is one of the most visible parts of the face. It is difficult not to pay attention when you meet. The form of forehead carries information about the nature and style of thinking of a person, about what approaches it uses in solving problems.

What techniques, operations, skills and strategies use a person in his life, most often you can find out if you analyze in detail the upper part of the head, ranging from the hair growth line and ending the eyebrows.

There are 3 types of forehead:

  1. Cool or convex.
  2. Rejected back or lowered.
  3. Without any deviations back and roundings (that is, straight).

Each type can have its own characteristics: with overclocking arcs without, the presence of volitional cones, etc. Consider more separately all types of LBs.

First Type - Convex forehead:

Determines people who seek in solving problems to show originality and e. In such people, it is characteristic of non-interference with systems and frames. Everywhere they are looking for alternative approaches where they will not be limited to choices. People with a round forehead seek to seek the best solutions to the tasks themselves.

The too convex forehead may testify to the evil, venibal, often not far away, but there is a very practical individual. And the steep and convex in the middle is a serious mind of a person. The convex high forehead says about the true wisdom of its owner. And the one seems to hang over the nose, testifies to good memory and thirst for knowledge. Wide and convex only in the edges gives out a rich imagination, but also painful imagination.

Second Type - Downstairs:

The distinguishing properties of these people are a wonderful and fast response in everything, mind, clarity of thinking and determination. They prefer to use only proven procedures and methods in order to avoid empty spending time. Based on past experience, these people are able to quickly navigate in modern conditions, applying in practice already spent schemes for solving tasks. Moreover, personality with such a forehead is perfectly adopting the experience of other people using the best technologies that they could see in the practice of their social environment.

Having a flexible character, the owners of the lower, or round, the forehead are easily adapted to changing circumstances, while they manage to avoid not acceptable for them compromises. Sometimes they are too much appreciated by becoming driving. Being open to all new, strive forward and achieve success with constant support for loved ones. It is possible to take an excessive rush to their weaknesses in some cases and love to suck.

Third type - right forehead:

the form of the forehead is reflected on the character of the person himself: it is a progressive straightforward process. Such a person is difficult to quickly assimilate information, especially if it is applied inconsistently. To understand everything and comprehend, he needs time. If you make it think and quickly, then it can "break." As a narrow-minded nature, such people are often not launched with the boss and therefore prefer to create their own business, often because of this is extremely risking. A straight-strip person loves to interfere with everything and often gets involved in the struggle for their rights than repels supporters.

The strong quality of this person is that it can almost permanently remember the information if she was laid in his head in his head, which is called, on the shelves. The straight and narrow forehead indicates the straight matters and the kindness of its owner.

If we consider the distinctive features of the LB forms listed above, then the bright element will be abrasion Dougi.. A person who possession of them prefers to come on "right" and proven action schemes. It can be easily introduced into a stupor if the rules mentioned earlier. The optimal environment of this person is the stringent rules and the system of "military" approach. He himself strictly fulfills all the prescriptions and the same waiting for his people around him.

Lack of abnormal arcs

it assumes a flexible, adaptable character. Adaptation and spontaneity are one of the main qualities of people having a flat forehead without any protrusions above the eyebrows. Such people are almost always open to new ideas, ideas. They are looking for solving tasks based on the availability of those tools that are currently available. If, solving the problem, such a person does not find the instrument you need, it will easily adapt any other item that can solve the task. Such people always avoid hard systems and verified methods, leave clearly designated procedures.

Finally, the second largest element of the forehead is the so-called Wallast Shishkwhich is located between the eyebrows. It is a certain fleeting thickening, testifying to the huge force of will and considerable decisiveness. The space between the eyebrows in itself characterizes the volitional level of a person how great it is

Recognize a person, "reading" his face, considering his sophisticated or not very traits. This is a distinguished experience. You can not afraid of a person, learn a lot of interesting things about him. When conducting a dialogue, carefully listening to the interlocutor on his face, you can determine the tendency of this person to lie, for example, or right.

Form face

Oblong face. It has a rectangle shape, the forehead width is equal to the width of the chin. Specifies about intelligence, sensitivity, equilibrium. A person with such a form of face is calculated and judged, sometimes organizing talent, and pronounced dedication. Triangular face. High and wide forehead, outstanding cheekbones, small, pointed, slightly faded chin. In the zone between the cheekbones and the chin there is little flesh. A person with such a form of a person has a small sensitivity. Often it is a sign of high giftedness. At the same time in the character there are cunning and notion. Sometimes such people are prone to betrayal, do not have attachment and devotion.

Trapezoid face. It has a lot in common with triangular, but here is characterized by a wide forehead and slightly narrowed (but not pointed) chin. A person with such an intellectual face form, is sensitive, artistic, while he is not peculiar to the spirit of a fighter. Women - optimists. They live happily, creating a pleasant atmosphere for others.

A square face usually belongs to harsh, courageous, often a heartless person. Often such people are intractable, rude, Tugodumes, persistent. In communication, they are straightforward and frank. The brightest feature is determination, a tireless thirst for success. Of these, good performers are obtained, although they themselves are persistently reaching leadership. Women with such a form of the face are distinguished by the desire for dominance.

Round face is associated with good nature, softness, peacefulness. Often such people are gourmet. They love comfort, a good company and do not seek to fame. At the same time, they are not alien and ambition. If a person with a round face of the face is a high nose, protruding cheeks, burning eyes - he is purposeful. Of these people can go enviable leaders and commander.

A pointed head means a person of non-permanent, windy, stupid, envious, not capable of sciences.

A small head with a long sip means a man of a smart, bonion.

A small head and a long neck means a stupid, weak and unhappy person.

A copper forehead is called a man who is not surprised by anything, reckless, bold and not embarrassing.

Between a wide and round forehead there is a difference. If the round clove of the high, commensurate head of the forehead occupies whiskey and forms a bulge, not covered with hair, is a sign of mental superiority, ravine to the honors, pride. Such people are also distinguished by generosity.

If there is a deepening in the middle of the forehead and it is frowning, it is frowning, it is a sign of cruelty, relaxed by virtues: generosity and courage, mind and sanity.

Very large, but the round forehead without hair jams a man of brave, but prone to lies.

Long forehead with a long face and a small chin means cruelty and thirant.

Facial features

Eyebrows. Ideal are extensive, long eyebrows. Remember the challenged sobular eyebrows? In general, the proportional development of eyebrows (form, color, density) indicates a balance of emotions, mind and character. The pleasant form of eyebrows says that their owner gets familiar with others. Thick eyebrows by external end end rise up? This is a sign of generosity of the soul and courage. Such a person is considered born for success. Furious external ends indicate shyness. When the structure and color of such eyebrows seem lifeless, it is believed that it is from the exhaustion of internal energy. If men have smooth and long eyebrows, protruding against the background of pleasant skin, then he will hear the intellectual. A woman with such eyebrows is considered a coquette, you can wait for anything from it. Short but thick eyebrows talk about explosive nature. Bristy eyebrows always indicate a plumpness, stubbornness, uncompromising. Thick heavy binding eyebrows mean an irrevocable desire for dominance. A woman with such eyebrows has a strong character, she does not fit the role of a household. Highly located eyebrows are talking about purposefulness. Eyebrows sitting too low - about the opposite. If a woman's eyebrows with a corner in the middle is a sign of independence and mysteriousness.
P.S. The presence of tweezers and changing modes on the form of eyebrows makes it difficult to diagnose.

Eyes - soul mirror. A man with beautiful attractive eyes has health, will, mind, temperament. Such eyes emit light and heat, well protected by centuries, have an expressive rainbow sheath. Big eyes talk about the sensitivity of the soul, courage, sometimes about the desire for leadership. Small eyes often belong to sullen, closed inconspicuous people, often distinguished by an amazing constancy. A large rainbow shell is a sign of softness and tranquility, a little says the imbalance of internal processes, which adversely affects the relationship with others.

Eye color

Black, brown, green - energy. Blue - sensitivity. Light brown - shyness. Gray - loyalty.

Green eyes are a female color, the color of love, softness, harmony. This is the color of Neptune. Green-eyed people are capable of great returns, it is true, it comes not only good, but also a bad influence.

Light tones (except yellow) - indicate a shortage of vitality, insufficiency of will.

Brown eyes are a male color - a pluto color. People with such an eye are capable and give and get energy, but the action of the planets in their horoscope are always associated with the manifestation of Pluto.

Types of eyes:

1. Dragon's eyes are large with live glitter. Such eyes are endowed by a person who enjoyed power.

2. An extended, almond eye shape, sometimes with curds bent upwards - Phoenix's eyes. This is a sophisticated nature.

3. Large eyes with folds on eyelids - Lion's eyes. They endowed leaders.

4. Elephant's eyes are narrow, elongated with double, and even with triple centuries. Characteristic for obese people. Such people are calm in character.

5. Tiger eyes are round with yellowish glitter. Belong to brave nature.

6. Sheep's eyes are narrow, small, with a black and yellow iris.

7. Large eyes with a triangular incision and proviscial centuries - the eyes of a horse.

8. Eyes with a breakfast of the upper eyelid and the dim rainbow shell - the eye of the vapor.

9. Eyes with an overly large rainbow shell - wolf's eyes.
The best information reads the eye of a person who is over 40. Some different eyes belong to a passionate person.


Both eyes on one horizontal line - a favorable sign. The eyes are beveled down by the book: Men - determination; In women - insufficient. If the upper eyelid is slightly omitted - this is a sign of maturity, strongly lowered upper eyelids in men - energy depletion. Big lower eyelid - a sign of rapid life. Too sequence of the lower eyelid speaks about the continuity of the impulse. Swollen both centuries - fatigue from life. If the outer corners of the eye are immelled in the network of diverging wrinkles - this is a sign of insight. Somewhat different in the form of eye belongs to passionate person. The older man, the more reliable information reads with his eyes.

A man with a rounded tip of the nose and decorated wings becomes a strong person. Long nose - a sign of pronounced individuality. Long nose, well balanced with eyes, mouth and chin testifies to a strong nature. Short nose - speaks about the openness of the soul and optimism. A bone long nose - a pride indicator and arrogance, failure; A bone, long nose with a pronounced Gubrice often belongs to a gloomy man.

The perfect is considered a high and smooth bridge, characteristic of healthy people. A man with a tip of a nose that resembles a "suspended drop" is usually cheerful, therefore thriving. If the tip of the nose resembles the beak of the eagle, then such a person is permeable, heter and, often, is malicious. Full, large, bulbous tip of the nose - a sign of heartiness and warmth. Raised, with the nostrils, the nose denotes the peculiar, incontinence, licentiousness. The forked tip of the nose is a certificate of timidity. Too little nostrils - pliability. Wide nose wings - self-conceit. Red nose - dishonesty. Dark spots on the nose - a sign of physical unhealthy. A small hubber on a straight nose with narrow nostrils - prediction. Nose with inflating nostrils - inability to own themselves.

For women, beautiful mouth is small; For a man - proportional. A woman with a big mouth is considered courageous, which is not very pleasant for men. Persons with a little mouth are concerned about the struggle for survival, they are often endowed with a weak character. The thin line of closed lips is talking about character fraud. A man with a big mouth and falling corners of the lips has a strong will, it is difficult to influence it. The permanent mouth (horse's mouth) is a sign of incredulsion. A small mouth in the form of an arc (the corners of the lips tend to rush down) belongs to sensitive nature. Convex lips - evidence of success. Symmetric, without distortion Opening of the mouth speaks of balance of emotions. If facial wrinkles are descended to both sides of the mouth from the eye - this is a sign of difficult life. If wrinkles go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips, then this is a sign of cunning. The upper lip opens over the bottom - indecision; Lower is protruded - selfishness. A person who has one of the sides of the mouth descends - stubborn. Wrinkles over lips - aging. A big suction cup on the upper lip - a sign of the inappropriate childhood. Wrinkles, deeply crashed into the lips talking about prosperity in youth and deprivation in mature years. Spoiled teeth and language - indicators of poor health.

Thin - the scrupulousness of the owner.

Convex full lips - life success.

Horizontal lips - sign of emotional balance.

The upper lip appears on the bottom - it gives an indecision, if on the contrary, then the sign of selfishness.

Small lips mean that man is prudent, prudeman, smart.

Large lips and at the same time the lower disgusting of the lip means windproofs, fools, evil people.

The thin line of closed lips is talking about character fraud. The permanent mouth is a sign of incredulsion. A small mouth in the form of an arc (the corners of the lips tend to rush down) belongs to sensitive nature. Convex lips - evidence of success. Symmetric, without distortion Opening of the mouth speaks of balance of emotions. If facial wrinkles are descended to both sides of the mouth from the eye - this is a sign of difficult life. If wrinkles go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips, then this is a sign of cunning. The upper lip opens over the bottom - indecision; Lower is protruded - selfishness. A person who has one of the sides of the mouth descends - stubborn. Wrinkles, deeply crashed into the lips, talking about prosperity in youth and deprivation in mature years. Spoiled teeth and language - indicators of poor health.

Well-decorated, harmonious and beautiful ear testifies to health. Neforming and pallor speak about the opposite. Too big ears - flaws in person, too small - sign of disadvantage. The ear without well-decorated the lobe is an imbalance of personality. Long urchie - carelessness. Alignmented urchie - cheepingle. People with very large urine - wise men. If the pump is slightly fed forward - souvency. If the internal rim of the ear is drawn - restraint, if it is imposed - incontinence. Pink Ear - Health. Moles inside the ear - disadvantage.

Facial bones

High and convex abnormal arcs testify to the will and internal strength. Low the location of the facial lines is the absence of will and strength. Wide bone and major chin talk about a strong character, and the launched jaw on psychological troubles. Weakly outlined chin - a sign of softness. Easy splitting of such a chin is the power of passion; Significant split - the desire for solitude. Wide cheekbones - trick; Heavy jaw - the controllability of passions, often, excessive self-conceit. High, smooth forehead - sign of gifted; Low - closets and frost, if such a forehead is also flat - stubum. High and convex forehead means the mind and wisdom.

In conclusion, it should be noted that physiognomy is based on percentage of probability. And this means that there are no postulates in the above-mentioned correlations of appearance and individuals. Each person is unique, unique and unpredictable. Do not hurry to draw conclusions!

High forehead is not only a sign of the mind and a distinguishing feature of the aristocrats, but also a feature of the person who, with an illiterate choice of haircut or laying, can significantly worsen the appearance of its owner. This directly concerns those girls who have the upper part of the face visually moves the hair growth line. To find out which hairstyles and haircuts are suitable for big forehead, let's turn for help to stylists.

How to balance face proportions

There are two main ways to fix the imperfect proportions of the face with a big forehead: visually reduce it and shift the focus on other parts of the person.

What helps to adjust the face shape with a high forehead: Table

For girls with a wide forehead optimal, the hairstyle with hair length before the chin is considered. It may be, or. Such haircuts focus on the chin level, thereby correcting the imbalance of proportions. However, it is not enough to simply visually adjust the form of the forehead, you need to evaluate how new hairstyle is combined with other features of the face.

For people with a small chin, you should choose haircuts with an emphasis on the ears.

The haircut with the volume in the region of the EU, the triangular shape of the face correct

For an elongated and rectangular face, lush styling will be suitable, which will create an additional volume.

Lush styling visually expand a narrow face

Video: Haircuts for girls with a narrow face

The owners of pronounced cheekbones are ideal for hairstyles, focusing the chin area.

Hairstyle with an emphasis on chin equilibrate the upper and lower parts of the face

It is more difficult for those girls who, in addition to the high frontal part, more and weighted chin. In this situation, you have to adjust at the same time two points. Fix the proportions of the square-form persons will help:

  • haircuts with the effect of "torn strands" in the zone from cheekbones and uneven volumetric cheesecakes;
  • And long side flames.

An excellent example of the competent use of these techniques is the daughter of Bruce Willis Rumer Willis. The photo shows below, as using properly selected haircuts and styling, it smoothes its features.

Thoughtful hairstyle will make a big forehead

Examples of hairstyles, haircuts and staining for high forehead: photo

Consider successful options that will help visually reduce the forehead and improve the proportions of the face.

Facial Adjustment With Chelok

As already mentioned, Chelinka is a wonderful way to hide a wide forehead. Depending on the type of hair, they can be of various shapes, lengths and lungs:

  • long Curtain Curtains: This option is perfect for those who like to make hairstyles, and not to wear hair away;
    Light negligence in the hairstyle puts the right accents
  • dense checks of any form: oblique, straight or arched. This option is ideal for holders of thick chapelurs;
    Tight cheeky hide big forehead
  • ripped or graduated checks of any length and shape. They will suit girls with thin hair;

    Ripped cheeky copies perfectly with the task of distracting the attention of his forehead
    Graduated Chelki will give dynamism
    Extended uneven cheeky soften the contours of the face
  • very short cheeky, visually approaching hair growth line. Most often, such cheeks are made for short haircuts, but there are exceptions. It is worth noting that a short check in combination with straight long hair will make the upper part of the face even more noticeable, so it is not necessary to resort to such a reception.

    Short Checkler - effective admission for visual decrease in forehead

Asymmetric female haircuts

This species is characterized by the fact that the length of the hair on one side is significantly shorter than on the other. Asymmetric hairstyles can be both with cheese, so without them.

Haircuts with asymmetry will never leave the podiums and streets, because they are easy to execute and leave the scope for creativity.

In the braid you can braid all hair, and you can leave the part of the hair away
Using braids, you can create and everyday, and festive hairstyles

Another excellent option to divert attention from the top of the face - to heat the braid. It does not matter the length of the hair and the preferred variant of weaving, but, as in the previous method, they should be swallowed, covering the frontal zone or even lowering it to its middle.

Spit-rims create romantic images

When the haircuts are mentioned with an emphasis on cheekbones, many immediately remember the classic bob. And this option is really ideal in order to adjust the form of the face: the main focus of such a haircut falls on the cheeky zone. Bob is performed both on short hair and on long. The proportions will be balanced due to the volume created by the master.

Without exaggeration, Bob is one of the most popular salon hairstyles. There is a legend that the first haircut made a dancer Iin Castle in 1915.

Cascade from the middle of the face shifts focus on cheekbones

Expustion of accents by staining

If you can not pick up the perfect haircut to adjust the big forehead, you can do it with staining. Depending on the type of face, you need to focus the zone of cheekbone or chin by a sharp transition of color. For example, using the "Shatus" or "Ombre" coloring technique. And the sharper will be the contrast between the colors, the more reliable will be hidden your flaw.

Contrast painting attracts look

Having created the volume in the chin area, you can also visually reduce the height of the frontal part, harmonizing the proportion.

Haircuts, focusing chin can be both with cheese, and without them

Screws twisted into large waves or small curls create a beautiful volume, distracting attention from the top of the face.

Ways to lay waves set, choose the most gentle
Styling with curls unusually feminine

Haircuts and hairstyles that should be avoided

Care remember that focusing this part of the face and only exacerbate the problem will be:

  • smooth hairstyles, especially with a tight beam or horsepail;
    Choose a smooth laying or a tight bundle of a girl with a wide forehead will be a mistake such, more will break the proportion of the face
  • straight smooth hair, which are smoothly lying along the face. Please note that the problem is especially aggravated when the hair is divided into a straight sample. Deep braid sample, on the contrary, will help hide a big forehead.

    Girls with a high forehead should be preferred by a spinner straight

Characteristics of the forehead and prediction of fate

Wrinkles on the forehead, like lines on the palms, relate to the planets and carry certain information that reflects the nature and ability of a person. The uppermost wrist is located at the edge of the hair and falls under the patronage of Saturn and patronize children. Below it is located the wrist of Jupiter, showing the predisposition to religiosity. Next, Mars is followed - this patronage of the military. Below is the wrinkle of the Sun, which is particularly favorable to the rulers. Even below, the smelute of Venus is the feature of the lords. Mercury's wrist, following her, talks about susceptibility to disease and suffering.

In various schools, different units of wrinkles, including such as shown in the figure.

Five equal over the length of wrinkles in the middle of the forehead speak of a big mind, directness and principle both in the family and in the service. Such a person is a devotee, sissing for the sake of happiness of the near.

Deep and smooth Saturn's wrist celebrates sexual champion. If the wrinkles of Jupiter and Saturn are curved in the form of a bow, then their owner is ambient. In the case when these two wrinkles are winding, they belong to man in dishonest, liar. The breakfast in the center of the wrinkle of Jupiter indicates a great spiritual strength. For travelers is characterized by one and only straight wrist. If the only wrinkle wriggles a snake, such a person is strong and soul, and the body. The versatility of interests and talents indicate two equal deep wrinkles over the eyebrows. If there is a lot of small and thin Morshins above the eyebrows, then it speaks of poor health.

Fig. 36. Distribution of wrinkles on the forehead according to European astrological principles: 1 - Saturn line; 2 - the line of Jupiter; 3 - line of Mars; 4 - Line of Venus; 5 - line of the sun; 6 - line of the moon; 7 - Mercury Line

Over the right eye is the line of the sun, above the left - the moon, and above the nose - Mercury.

Each of these lines from the right to the left is divided into 60 equal parts, which is a year; The middle of the nose shows half of this number or years. When these lines are debts, straight, do not intersect with outsiders, warts and stains, then show the following:

Saturn line:responsible for the house building, indicates people skillful in the craft.

Jupiter line:indicates a scholarship and wealth.

Marsa line:mitality, location to medicine and bloodshed.

Venus line:location to music, fuse, merry and pleasure.

Sun line:predicts happiness, wealth and knowledge.

Moon line:love for travel, to trade, animal hunt, etc.

Mercury line:love for sciences, eloquence, merchant, brokerage and southemistry.

If these shorts, curves, crossed, in spots or warts, then they mean misfortune. The bent lines show the variable knob, the same means if these lines are separated or diverge.

The curve or round line of Saturn shows an evil and unhappy person; The slingshot in it is threatened with misfortune, and such a person is more harmful than it is useful.

When branches are visible from the jupiter line up and down - the man threatens the danger from the water and this feature shows the impermanence of character.

Lob in Chinese

Chinese forehead physions was placed in the upper face area. When analyzing this site, the physiognomist may have to say at first glance, probably more about the fate of a person than about his character. According to the Chinese, the history of man's life for the period from 15 to 30 years is inscribed on the forehead.

Ideally, the bone structure of the forehead should be wide, but it should not be overly issued. The platforms on both sides of the forehead should descend down without the effect of sharp fades. The skin must be tight enough and have a healthy shine.

Among Chinese physiognomists, as to some extent and in the West, it is believed that the forehead indicates mental abilities. However, the physiognomist must be careful, analyzing the "mighty" forehead. As in the case of the five most important features, the "mighty forehead" should be well balanced and be in proportion to other features of the face.

If the forehead is so big that it is overly issued, it may mean both genius and idiocy. Such cases can be estimated only in combination with other features of the face.

Chinese physiognomists give the following human characteristic, depending on the form of the forehead.

If a forehead is narrow and lowFollowing back, this indicates a weak reason.

Forehead flowed in width and height(Fig. 37 g) - a big mind.

Low bed(Fig. 37a) - an energetic nature, a cruel, prone to a crime, replete with low-lying instincts.

Forehead wide and convex in the corners(Fig. 37b) is a rich fantasy, sore imagination.

Cool forehead, convex in the middle- Serious mind.

Crescent forehead(Fig. 37B) - Nature is closer, routine, moderate in qualities, with hidden disadvantages.

Fig. 37. Forms of forehead according to Chinese physiognomy school

Fig. 38. Forms of the forehead according to Japanese physiognomy school

According to Japanese physiognomy school foreob having a tipped pyramid(Fig. 38, No. 2), - the melancholy-tricky nature, false and stupid, selfish, prone to break.

Lob straight and little wide- straightforwards, kindness and nearest.

Foreob quadrole(Fig. 38, No. 4) - generosity.

Highly developed forehead- Extensive, supervisory mind.

Too big forehead- Lacility, immobility.

The forehead is too convex(Fig. 38, No. 3) - Nature evil, narrow, life-practical.

The forehead is too flat- Soft temper, and sometimes limited mind.

The forehead is too wide- Hot, hot-tempered nature, arrogance.

The forehead is too small- Mobility (usually poverty of spiritual strength).

Forehead with convex musical cones(Fig. 38, No. 7) is the musical gifold and wealth of the inner world.

Small, short forehead- Disadvantage.

Forehead in the view of the Europeans

Lob smooth, without wrinkles- carefit, cheerful temper.

Lob with horizontal wrinkles close to eyebrows, - Deep mind.

Lob with horizontal wrinkles, close to hair, - Cruelty, proudness.

Lob with deep wrinkles in the form of folds- mediocre mind, tape.

Forehead with wrinkles, divergent in all directions, - Eccentricity, originality.

Lob with perpendicular wrinkles towards the base of the nose- Deep mind.

Forehead with horizontal, parallel and low-charming wrinkles- Calm mind, honesty.

Lob with perpendicular wrinkles- Large mind, energy, proudness, ambition.

Forehead with deep zigzag wrinkles- Failure in matters.

Low forehead, bony, with deep zigzag wrinkles- Shamelessness and all sorts of vices.

Forehead with deep and wrong wrinkles in all directions- Gusty mind, sharpness, failure and rudeness.

Some people achieve maturity to twenty years, others to thirty. As physions believes, it depends on the fate of a person. Typically, intellectual maturity develops as experience gained. What with a large number of problems we face, the more intense we are forced to develop and use our abilities to solve them. In the course of this, marks and lines appear on the face, well-known facial readers as wrinkles.

In physiognomy, it is believed that the lines between the forehead and chin reflect the fate of the person. Some lines can be clearly expressed, others are only slightly.

Fig. 39. Location of wrinkles

People who have a heavier life, usually have deeper wrinkles. But this is all: the groove is not a firm rule, since many young people prematurely acquire deep wrinkles. When studying a person, the analysis of these phenomena can discover relative to the nature and fate of a person.

Of course, on each site of the person there is a large number of different lines. We will explore here only the main ones. For example, through the forehead usually pass from one to six lines (Fig. 39a).

Incorrect lines are thin, short, wavy and scattered on the forehead (Fig. 39b) - characterize insufficient concentration, poor health and human helplessness in life. Such people have a tendency to evil acts. If even such a person rises to a high position, all the same his mind will be noted suspicion. If these lines are very deep, it may indicate a premature death.

Incorrect lines, but rough and more distinctly expressed and also scattered on the forehead (Fig. 39B), indicate the collapse of plans, disgust and the inability to achieve intended goals. Such people also suffer from domestic troubles.

One-only horizontal line passing through the middle of the forehead (Fig. 39 g) is a sign of excellent and noble life. Such a person seems to be successful in all its endeavors, and especially in young age. However, if the line is too close to the eyebrows, that is, "too low", it may indicate an early misfortune in life.

Two or three lines crossing the forehead (Fig. 39d) are considered a good sign. The forehead with two lines is very often from succeeding and resourceful people. The forehead with three lines indicates a high degree of artistry and literary talent.

If three lines on the forehead intersect in the middle of the short perpendicular line (Fig. 39e), then this is a sign of nobility, especially favorable fate, long life and high position related to power.

Three long lines without breaks, going through the forehead, forming a large arc (Fig. 39zh), indicate a person of great popularity.

Such a person enjoys great respect and has a wide range of friends. People of this type live a relatively calm life, without any adversity.

The lines of unusual outlines crossing the forehead (Fig. 39s) indicate that a person will raise an outstanding position. However, if other features of the face are weak, it means life, complete deprivation.

Rare lines in the form of a rhombus (Fig. 39a) indicate a long life and loud fame. This is often found among writers, artists, musicians and other creative personalities.

Hair line for Chinese standards

The forehead should be considered, given its shape, width, height (from the hair line to eyebrows), wrinkles, hair line (front and on both sides), shine. The forehead should not be distortion or from congenital defects, or from other reasons. The uneven forehead on the left side points to the loss of the father at an early age, with the right - to the loss of the mother.

When determining the width and height of the forehead, a line is carried out, one inch above the eyebrows (Fig. 39a). The measurement is made from the lower right line of the hair through the front of the forehead to the bottom left hair line. In most cases, the length of this line is from 12.5 to 20 cm. Of course, there are foreheads are narrower and broader, but they are considered "abnormal."

Ideally, the width of the front of the forehead lies in the range from 7.5 to 10 cm (Fig. 39b). Then there is a slope to the temples on both sides of the face. The slope should be smooth and soft. Individuals with such foreheads are able to achieve success and prosperity.

If there is a sudden slice of the slope, then this indicates poverty and misfortune. Wide forehead with a high hair line and when the meat is delivered to the bone testifies to the mind and outstanding position.

Conversely, a narrow forehead with a low hair line indicates mediocrity.

As a general rule, the hair line should defend a 5-8.7 cm from the eyebrows, but should not excessively exceed the length of the nose or the lower zone (Fig. 39B). Moreover, this length corresponds only to the natural line of hair, but not hair line created by cosmetics, wig or plastic surgery.

Many individuals begin to lose their hair and become bald at young age. But this retreating line should not be considered as part of the forehead.

Horizontally, the perfect forehead must have a length of 15 to 16.5 cm.

Thus, the standard of good forehead is an open area without a hair length from 12.5 to 20 cm and a width of 6.2 to 15 cm.

The hair line is closely related to the forehead form. If the forehead is angular, then the hair line will be the same (Fig. 39 g). A person with his forehead of this type will probably be practical, gifted, sociable.

He has a disciplined, practical mind.

However, he does not have an artistic vein. A woman with such a forehead prefers a business or professional career, not homework.

The angular forehead, which both side lines of hair converge, making the top hair line much shorter than that of the previous type, indicates that a person has a unlucky family setting. Such a person obeys pressure from the part and may be in continuous stress.

In such cases, a person must try to correct this negative situation, taking a more confident and bold position (Fig. 39d).

The M-shaped hair line (Fig. 39e) is a sign of artistic temperament and great sensitivity.

Such people are able to navigate as artists, musicians, writers and scientists. Giving the will of his passion, such a person can detect an angry anger and joy.

He is also indifferent to the future, he has no business intelligence, and he prefers a bohemian lifestyle.

Women with hair line, similar to M-shaped, but significantly less and more pointed (Fig. 39zh), belong to the chaste and virtuous type. They are sensitive and value consistency in relationships. They also love home duties.

Often, women have a round hair line (Fig. 39s). This indicates the liberated spirit and independently thinking mind. Corner hair lines can be found in enterprising women, in women employees. Such women are always ready to compete with men on equal.

An uneven hair line, with prudent edges (Fig. 39a), forming a toothed contour, indicates difficult childhood and on a neurotic person in later years. Often such a person is sullen and rude and rebels against society.

Most people with a gear hair line have a low intelligence. But again it is necessary to make a warning. Such a conclusion is not applicable to people who have a good form, wide and fairly smooth, despite the wrong hair line.

Facts from history indicate that many rebellious people, despite the gear hair line, had a high intelligence.

Fig. 40. Areas of distribution of abilities among the irregularities of forehead and skulls on European phrenology

1 - physical love;

2 - instinct of conservation of the form;

3 - kindness;

4 - spirit of contradiction;

5 - trick;

6 - a tendency to theft;

7 - pride;

8 - ambition;

9 - care;

10 - teaching;

11 - market instinct;

12 - memory to faces;

13 - the memory of words;

14 - the ability to membership speech;

15 - feeling that determines the attitude of sounds;

16 - feeling that determines the ratio of numbers;

17 - mechanical. instinct;

18 - metaphysical mind;

19 - poetic talent;

20 - imitation;

21 - a tendency to religiosity;

22 - unshakable

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