Aura pink color value. Orange and yellow aura - solar shades of a thin body

Aura pink color value. Orange and yellow aura - solar shades of a thin body
Aura pink color value. Orange and yellow aura - solar shades of a thin body

With the word "aura" we present for themselves something mystical and unattainable for an ordinary person. Our mind is not able to fully cover the entire essence of this concept. Only after a long and in-depth penetration in the secrets of the energy forces of the Universe can be understood in the meaning, as well as the power of our aura.

It is believed that aura man - This is a cocoon of energy surrounding the whole body. The cells of our body allocate their own strength, which has individual features: color, shape. The ability to see radiation possess elected people.

We are all different. This also applies to the aura. From the set of qualities, emotions, thoughts, its density and color depends on its capabilities. The determining point in this is the activity of the chakra of a person.

The first references to Aure are found in the memos of ancient times. It can be said that with the advent of the mind, people immediately found out that there is an energy field for everyone. This field comes from the body and is luminous radiation.

To see him could be those who possessed the abilities to clairvoyance. In subsequent years, a lot of scientific works are folded about aura. It was used in their creations famous artists and masters.

Gradually developing science gave a clearer explanation for a previously mystical concept. Scientists have determined that the human aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living organisms. In other words, the human aura is his.

As already mentioned, the individual features of a person give impetus to the formation of radiation characteristics. That is, the color of aura, its density, as well as the direction of rays depends on the state of the body, from current experiences and on the level of development.

Due to its unique properties of the human aura, it is capable of protecting us from negative impact.

This is a protective mechanism that repels bad thoughts, envy, damage. But not always this mechanism works. What does it depend on?

We ourselves destroy our aura, without even suspecting it.

When we annoy, quarrel with close, in our energy protection there are cracks or even holes.

To avoid similar events, you need to follow your behavior, for your thoughts and internal content.

During conversations, it is not necessary to bore your vitality, it is better to be restrained and deliberately pronounce words.

Like fingerprints, the human aura is completely unique.

There are similar on each other, but there are no same. The Spirit individually accumulates and absorbs the effects of the universe, therefore the energy radiation is unique.

Some auras have the accumulation of painful energy, maliciousness and destruction. To protect against adverse effects of them, it is necessary to monitor the state of balance.

Who can see a man of man?

With discussions on the composition and appearance of Aura, many disputes arose. This happened due to the fact that it is visible only by highly sensitive parts that have a connection with space. Some people see some of the radiation and prove that the entire essence of the aura is manifested.

Due to the insufficient development of mental vision, they are not able to fully cover the gentle and excellent fullness of aura. They are visible only the rude component. Without thinking about the failure of the facts, they are completely confident that their vision is a real essence.

In fact, the human aura has a huge number of forms and manifestations. It has a balance and harmony. The level of sensitivity of nature and the subtle organization of the mind make it possible to know the power of radiation.

Recently, the theory has emerged that the energy field is a continuation of the material body. But this fact is not very appropriate. After all, we do not believe that the sun's rays are the physical part of the shining. So in this case.

The human aura comes from the beginning of the human body, but is not part of these principles. All we have seven began (chakras). Each has its own energy.

Rays that proceed from seven began, similar in nature with X-ray radiation. Ordinary people are not able to see them. Those who have the highest spiritual organization and developed mental feelings are able to distinguish the aura, emanating from six beginnings.

But the last beginning is only available to the highest forces, a person is not able to achieve such a high level. The sensuality of mental sensations can be gradually developed, strive for the highest sources of knowledge and skills. But you should not be guided only by your vision and draw conclusions about Aure and its composition. To master the truth, you should listen to people who have reached the vertices in unity from the Universe.

How to see aura of man

There are special exercises to help reveal the ability of Aura's vision. First of all, you can analyze your own energy radiation and know yourself. You will also become available information about Aurachers around you.

Aura man has several layers. The first, which is closest to the body, is bright and easy to see it. Almost everyone who fulfilled recommendations, was able to determine this layer. It is called essential.

Following the astral shell. Its appearance differs from the first layer. The density is much smaller, it is scattered. Astral shell can see not everyone. The clear boundary between the layers never happens. They constantly interact, interfere with colors, go from one position to another.

Take advantage of the person close to you to whom you trust. Let it help you perform the following steps. Ask him to get up near the wall. It is desirable if the background surface is bright and homogeneous, ideally completely white. Extra patterns, drawings, posters will distract and interfere with concentrately execute instructions.

So, a person stands in front of you at a distance from 45 to 60 centimeters in front of the wall. Follow the lighting - there should be no direct sunlight, as well as avoid artificial sources. You are three meters from the object.

The state of the object is very important, so tell him that everything is in equilibrium and tranquility: thoughts, breathing, muscles. Let him sway a little body.

Your eyes should be concentrated not on the physical embodiment of the object. Try to look at the wall, as if through the body.

Gradually around the body you will notice the blurred light. Its width is about one centimeter. This is the first layer - the etheric aura of a person.

Do not be surprised and stop. The next step will be a vision of light behind the object. It is painted with yellow or silver color. Not everywhere there will be a homogeneous structure, aura rather changeable and not symmetrical.

It happens that the first time is difficult to catch the light around the body. It depends on the person himself. Some distinguish colors instantly, others only after a few exercises.

To develop a mental organization, you should work with different objects.

If you regularly work on your sensuality, soon you will clearly distinguish the light band with a width to half a meter. Most likely, it will be scattered, and the color will be darker than the first strip. This is the next layer - astral.

How to see your own aura

Consider your aura in front of the mirror at a distance of the half meter. Behind you should not be any distracting items. Let it be a wall. If there is no such possibility, hang the usual white sheet.

Follow the muscles, breathing - everything should be calm and measured. Slightly swing. Look at the background behind you, concentrate on it.

Over time, you consider a weak and thin line of light that swinging with the body. So that the lighting helps better see the aura, make sure that the light is natural, not bright, not direct.

It doesn't matter what you will be dressed.

Gradually, you can change the basic colors of the aura. You can watch this variety. Thanks to the new ability, you will have the opportunity to harmonize the wardrobe with your aura.

Colors of man aura. Value of flowers

It has long been proven that each color has its own characteristics and unique characteristics. That is why, by analyzing the colors of the aura, it is possible to come to the appropriate conclusion about the emotional state of a person, about his health, and mental equilibrium.

The value of the flowes of Aura.

  1. Purple

Complies with personalities that are well-disassembled in spiritual spheres that have contact with the highest start. People with such aura can easily know the secrets of their body, comprehend the truth of the surrounding world and are disclosed to absorb super-grooves. The location of purple color falls on the pituitary area.

  1. Blue colour

These are people who have big knowledge in science. Their mental organization is quite thin and rasa. Harmonious with the natural forces of nature. Blue color is distinguished near the bustic gland.

  1. Blue

It is located in the brain, respectively indicates a high level of intelligence and powerful logical abilities. Depending on the shade, one can judge the nature of a person. Lighter tones mean that the personality has a clean soul and thoughts. But the dark talk about unnecessary reflection on different topics, about suspicion.

  1. Green color

This color has people harmonious and calm. Such nature often become doctors, they like to bring joy to people. Only here the dark tones of green color indicate the dishonesty of man. It can be seen in the neck area.

  1. Yellow

If the color is bright, sunny, then the person is such. These are people who can raise the mood at any minute, to enter the situation of cheerfulness and love. And if the color is dark, then here you can talk about the enviousness of nature. You can see it in the chest area.

  1. Orange color

Located in the stomach area. Speaks about the good general condition of the body, about physical fitness. If the color is mightily, then you can judge the low development of mental abilities.

  1. Red color

He indicates a quick-tempered and passionate nature, loving life. People who have the color of the aura have a darker red shade, possess an angry character, often quarrel. Its location falls on the field of the sexual system.

Features of man aura

  • All the colors of the aura have their own characteristics. The color of the aura is brighter and cleaner, the cleaner of the man's soul. Dark and muddy elements, on the contrary, talk about the negative in the shower and low desires in thoughts.
  • The situations that surround us directly affect the aura. The more happiness, joy around, the better our energy becomes. Aura man absorbs everything and absorbs.
  • If you have the ability to see Aura, you can find out a person in advance.
  • From what people you will communicate, the composition and color of the aura depends.
  • To preserve the aura of unharmed, watch your behavior and in your own words.

How to see aura in 10 minutes?

In this video, the Master Reiki Evgeny Dolgoruky will teach you to see a man's aura in 10 minutes.


Let your aura shines with all the colors of the rainbow!

Arthur Golovin


Aura is a halo around a person who can tell about his moods, desires and even goals. What does Yellow and Orange Aura testify about?

In the article:

Orange and yellow aura - what will tell the color of the thin body

Orange Aura - the value of the solar color of the thin body

What does the orange color of the aura say? This is a color of sadhisans, attractive and repulsive. Orange proud, sometimes excessively, but this is due to their independence. Independence in everything - opinions, life positions, actions. Such people often have a deep influence on people around them. Even a mimolet meeting with such a can leave a deep mark.

that is inseparable from orange, talks about ambition. It is limited, so the vanity is far away. Orange in general - the color of high goals and great hopes. Orange lies to communicate, due to which success is trying to achieve. Find out people for future people, bring contacts, links. Sometimes they are too compliant, literally climb out of leather. It can push some people. May cause mistrust and doubts.

Marriage and work Orange Aura refers as to any other business. With full self-dedication. They literally invest in them all their souls. Some such things can be considered as signs of concern. And it is worth saying that this feature of the face is a frequent companion of Orange Aura. Before nervousness, turning into irritability.

Often, their desire for testing can be turned orange in the risky adventurer. By braving with your courage, they love to compete. Especially in those sports where physical danger is present. These are people close to reality. In their adventures of orange, natural ingenuity and an inventory helps. They are always on the verge, ready to run away from a quarry at any time.

If Orange and find the second half, then the same as they themselves. To go to the adventure together to come together, find an equivalent companion in each other. And if there are children, then you should not wait for a large emotional response. It is difficult for them to establish a connection with the child. Orange can confine themselves to maintaining purely physical comfort.

In general, the Orange Aura and its meaning say that you are extremely energetic person. It often acts only on intuition, ill thinking about the next steps. If the colors are clean, then it is also high goals. Little pays attention to short emotional influences - great ambitions close them.

There is little about shades of this color while little that can be said - the topic is poorly studied. The thing is that orange is so powerful that literally displays everything else. It bubbles the energy that breaks through and into real life.

Do you know what a aura is? What color do you have? In the article you will find answers to these questions and not only. Aura is a manifestation of the spirit and soul of man. This is how it interprets various esoteric beliefs and oriental religions. She is not learning scientific disciplines, it is not an object of the material world. However, this concept is often used as part of a variety of false-scientific directions. For example, in alternative medicine, the concepts of biopoles, grooves.

Scientific interpretations

In esoteric and religious legends of Aura, this is a radiance surrounding the human body, which is often considered as a sign of mystical, special force.

In secret books, it is described as visible only in the extrasensory perception of an oval shining appearance, in painting - halo, Nimb. In New Age, parapsychology, Ezoteric Aura refer to the halo, consisting of several interconnected multicolored layers.

In the treatises of the Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Catholic) Christian art of Nimb, the Aure has no relationship: in the east he means the enlightenment of the face of the saint, and in the West - the award that the wonderworker received for righteousness. Orthodox Christians believe that the nimb on icons is an image of a martyr emitted.

Structure Aura.

It is the eastern philosophy of Hinduism that represent the structure of the Aura in the most detailed. In a variety of schools, they celebrate from five to seven "tel" or "shells". The most commonly distinguished astral (essential), emotional (emotion sphere), mental (the area of \u200b\u200bthoughts), casual (karmic, or causal), atmospic (true, or higher I) and Buddhic (soul) body.

According to the eastern religious philosophies of violations of the form or integrity of "shells", lead to the appearance of diseases, and the methods of their liquidation are meditation, breathing exercises and other yoga methods.

Modern research

Value interests many. Modern energy, or alternative, medicine and parapsychology developed so much that pseudo-native models of human systems began to appear. In addition, experts seem to have established a functional connection between the layers of the aura, chakras and the common state of the patient or the activities of the endocrine system.

Scientists are trying to create an apparatus that could detect and register aura on the basis of the Kiryan effect: they plan to influence the psyche by the electromagnetic radiation generators. Russian and foreign specialists constructed diagnostic computer complexes, allegedly based on the photos of human aura. Such actions are characterized as pseudo-native.


The existence of AUR science has not been proven. But many sources represent the photos on which people around whom multicolored halo shrug. However, a picture made in reality is impossible to distinguish from professional installation.


So what is Aura? This is an energy cocoon in which there is a person. It should be noted that colors are only different parts of the spectrum. In fact, here you can talk about frequencies or wavelengths. After all, we perceive them only as a color - red, green and so on. For example, many can easily see the red color, and blue - no.

Aura shows the state of human health. When an individual is sick hopelessly, she starts dull and sometimes disappears before a person died.

In this "cocoon" you can see not only health and illness, but also thoughts, emotions, most peculiar to its owner. The prevailing colors of the halo determines the most important aspects of the individual.

Aura is a material object that constantly changing his kel. Each person has the main color of the halo, which does not change throughout his life.

Color Aura.

How to install your own color aura (value)? By date of birth, many know how to do it. Each corresponds to a certain number. You can find out the ball of your halo if you sum up all the date of birth dates: year, month and day. If you are born 16.11.1986, the amount of numbers will be calculated in this way: 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 \u003d 33, 3 + 3 \u003d 6. And 6 corresponds to blue color - this is a basic Your aura.

If the result was a two-digit number (11 or 22), it remains unchanged. The correspondence of the numbers of the color of the aura is as follows:

  • figure 1 - red;
  • yellow - 2;
  • orange - 3;
  • green - 4;
  • blue - 5;
  • blue - 6;
  • purple - 7;
  • pink - 8;
  • bronze - 9;
  • silver - 11;
  • golden - 22.

Red Aura.

What is the Red Aura? Its value is known to a little. Red is the color of purposefulness, ambition, freedom and human optimism. Such an aura speaks of cheerfulness, sensuality, aggressiveness of nature. The state of apathy and indifference is incompatible with its owner. These data mean that a person can succeed in sports. However, such a victory should not elap such a victory in life.

Red - the color of ambitious, and therefore the owner of the Red Aura on the shoulder of high goals, he can choose for himself worthy. Having reached it, you can be proud of. If you succeed, the basic background of your aura will increase in the volume and will acquire shine. Choose consciously people to communicate so that they can encourage you. Foolish people with low self-esteem better avoid - they will negatively affect your aura, moving the goal to an indefinable distance.

Yellow Aura.

What is good Yellow Aura? The value of this halo is pretty interesting. Yellow Aura points to creative nature, its carrier is capable of self-expression in society and inclined to intellectual achievements.

In the presence of such a person, inaccessibility and coldness melts, he can charming. If you do not notice this behind you, you should think about your wrong behavior. You need to work on our own openness. With the help of born eloquence, you instantly raise the spirit of any company. Since you are very sociable, you will suit the professions of the consultant, teachers, seller, adviser and other, where you will show society benefit to others.

Orange aura.

What else can aura can tell? The value of orange halo is great interest. This color is talking about emotions and health. Orange Aura gives a person community, carefulness, kindness, suddenness. Now take a look at yourself: how much are you suppressed, irritable, oppressed? Or maybe you are not able to show yourself as you would like this?

If any of the above is present in your life, you need to urgently make adjustments to it. You need to realize that you dedicate your time of useful and constructive activities. Have fun of helping others. Take yourself as you really are. Emotionally communicated with like-minded people, you will get the greatest joy.

Green aura.

Do you have a green aura? Want to know it? Owners of such a halo are compassionate and sentimental, perfectly adapt to any circumstances. These people love to communicate with friends, so they are optimists. If they have a failure, in all of them, as a rule, they blame others.

Green - the color of the universe and all the lives. He is opposite to red, so the owners of such aura are discreeting in actions. This vibration gives its owner with stability, which is identical to the strength of nature, gaining imperceptibly, but non-stop. The person of this type is a conformist, but in his own way. As soon as he feels his rightness, nothing is able to resist his plans.

The green color of the aura has an amazing. Holders of a green "cocoon" sometimes observe such quality as the gullibility, "greenhouse". But it causes even greater favor of people. You just do not need to be sprayed on trifles. You must concentrate on action, since you have to this ability. If you help others, your aura will become brighter. Charity is diverse, for example, you can establish a humanitarian mission and deal with the rights of citizens.

Blue aura.

So, we continue to find out the value of the aura in color. The blue color of the halo symbolizes the desire for the search for truth, tendency to travel and teaching. This keler indicates clear thinking, imagination and creative deposits, but also does not exclude the presence of adventurism.

The owners of the Blue Aura are happy to explore the culture of different ethnic groups, they inspire new impressions. These people are forever young, capable of glorious things. Sometimes they can not relax, leading a very active lifestyle. Because of this, they receive serious stress.

The owners of the Blue Auura are unlikely to be leaving those who will send their reserve for dubious goals. Such people have gifts that need to be disposed of with the mind: so you can achieve a lot.

Blue aura

Blue Aura value has ambiguous. Blue color - humanity, nobility, caring. Owners of such a halo are confident, too responsible. People are subconsciously understood and stretch to them.

A man with blue aura should not ignore entertainment and rest, since too serious attitude towards his charity will not give him to take care of himself. Blue is a mixture of hotness and sensitivity, which in his passionate desire to do everything true, contrary to everything, can choose the wrong direction.

Blue Aura constantly changes his tone. If you have such a halo, you need to determine the constant shade and try to keep it. All tones of this color have some degree of devotion. Blue Aura helps a person understand the value of joint efforts to follow this all life.

Violet aura.

And if a person is a purple aura? We now find out the meaning. The purple kel corresponds to the teacher, intuition, clairvoyance, spirituality. People with such a halo are excelicing, have a rich spiritual world. They are able to show delicacy and tact in helping others. They draw support in a difficult period of life from their faith.

These people do not like others to ask for help, they always rely only on their own strength. If there is no unity between personal qualities and natural gifts, their aura dies and decreases in the amount. Fortunately, they can update it. If you discovered the indifference to others, try to express easier and accessible.

Violet Aura gives her owners artistic, literary data, these people are distinguished by creative abilities and wealth of imagination. There are few halo, so they involuntarily feel special. Their "Violet" occupation is the transformation of illusions into reality.

Pink aura.

Pink color means hard work, materialism, purposefulness. People of this aura are very caring and gentle as pink rays. However, these qualities do not interfere with it, if necessary, defend a personal point of view. They never get tired to take care of loved ones and love to act according to personal principles.

If the positive reserve of the base background is not implemented, the saturation and brightness of the color of the aura is weakening. If you find a personal dependence on others, then you will surely feel the need for action in order to assert yourself. Find a true lesson for the soul. Move the monotonous weekdays, free yourself from the burdensive comfort and create something that you often thought about.

Pink background can give timidity and indecision. Then you should work on your confidence and ability to freely express your own intentions.

Bronze Aura.

Bronze color expresses humanism, self-sacrifice. People with a halo of such a concern, gentle, decisive. They gladly help people and do it removed and relaxed, as they appreciate emotional independence. Bronze Aura owners positively look at life. They are capable of becoming happy. However, they sometimes think that those surrounding them are underestimated. Therefore, they necessarily need to devote a certain time to personal needs.

Silver aura.

In Silver Aure, a tendency to fantasies and dreaminess is expressed. This halo is responsible for humanism. People with silver aura are endowed with imagination and impeccable intuition, they have a high spiritual level. Their distinctive quality is honesty, nobility, credulity.

Aura becomes lifeless and sulfur if the behavior comes against the color of the main background. To restore it, a person needs to be aware of his abilities. Trust intuition, appreciate yourself. Perhaps you should make an effort and start acting non-standard.

Oleet gold color

Golden color symbolizes infinity. It testifies to the presence of non-standard qualities of the human soul, bold plans and responsibility. These people are successful, they have high goals. When the task is made, they are overwhelmed with happiness. Carriers of the Golden Aura emit powerful energy that others feel. They are leaders from nature.

Aura colors can tell about the character of a person, about his habits and even his thoughts! Read what each color means!

And today we will talk about what the colors of the aura mean and how you can use this valuable information.

What are the colors of the aura?

If you keep a look at the radiance emanating from a person or object for a long time, it can be noted that it has a specific color tint.

This shade may be different, and he is able to tell you very and very much!

Aura colors allow you to determine:

  • mental state of man;
  • state of his health;
  • character and dominant thoughts;
  • activity of this or that energy center.

Below is the interpretation of the main colors, which may have an aura, and their connection with human chakram. .

1. White color auras

  • Gotability, pure consciousness.
  • Neutrality.
  • The development of Ajna Chakra (third eye) is located between the eyebrows. In this case, it is responsible for the manifestation of the will and concentration of attention.

2. Blue color auras

  • A tendency to serve to other and worship a certain ideal.
  • The development of Vishuddha Chakra is in the throat (thyroid gland). The Gorl Center is responsible for obtaining clean, elevated knowledge and the desire for the ideal.

3. Blue color aura

  • High religiosity.
  • Close trouble from society and people.
  • Feeling of inner guilt, egoism.

4. Violet color aura

  • High spirituality: a tendency to meditation and knowledge of the absolute.
  • The development of Sakhasrara Chakra, which is located on the painter. She is responsible for contact with the highest worlds.

5. Aura Color Sea Wave

  • Religiousness and fearness.
  • The development of Vishuddha Chakra (thyroid gland) and Anahat Chakra (located in the chest). This combination is responsible for finding new knowledge in the context in the help of others.

6. Green aura

  • Sympathy, credulity and light adaptability.
  • The development of Anahata Chakra, located in the chest area. Responsible for love for people and everything essentially.
  • Template to self-knowledge.

7. Brown Aura

  • Depressiveness, selfishness, desire for self-insulation.

8. Hying color aura

  • The ability to deception and sorts, trick.
  • The development of Molandhara Chakra, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crotch or tailbone. Responsible for security and providing everything necessary.

9. Orange Aura Color

  • Energy and sexuality.
  • Strong intelligence and logical thinking.
  • The development of Molandhara Chakra, located in the center of the perineum,

10. Dark orange color auras

  • Weak intelligence.
  • Great imagination and intuition.

11. Red Aura

  • Proudness, passion.
  • High sense of justice.
  • The development of the manipur of the chakra, which is two fingers above the navel.

12. Burgundy color aura

  • High emotion, lack of control over emotions.
  • Easily settle doubts.
  • Irritability.

13. Scarlet color aura

  • The desire for pure love, developed unconditional.

14. Yellow Aura

  • High intelligence, tendency to arts and family life.
  • Development of Svadhishthan Chakra: located in the area of \u200b\u200bPaho. Responsible for creativity and talents, creating a family, worldly love and sophisticated sexuality.

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Aura - an invisible shell invisible eye, which surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (

Website Typing Info continues to talk about the types of aura and then we will talk about Orange and Yellow Auro.

The color of the Swadhistani (yellow activity + red passion) is a delightful and repulsive at the same time. Speaks about something divine, valuable, this is the sign of power. It is found in the auers of strong personalities, passionate, with pronounced protection "I".

Orange - the color of a high aspiration. People with this vibration proud and independent, but still their direct manner of behavior and approach they have a strong influence on other people. In Orange Aure, there is a red energy, but it is noble and, usually, is not sufficient and limited from the sensory side, its only goal is ambition. This interferes with orange nature, as it indicates the absence of heat. Orange temperament sociable, because he wants success. Orange people climb the skin to win the popularity that can make people incrsive them. Orange rejects resistance to simple resourcefulness and ingenuity. Orange people get what they want, if they are vain, then satisfy their vanity. Whatever their course was, they justify him for themselves, which gives them confidence, but often limit their horizons. If orange is your color, then you must learn to understand your own restrictions. You must realize that not only intelligence and logic are appreciated in life. So that people love you, before you yourself should love them.

Color of heat, creativity, emotions, joy, courage, directness, compassion, sociability, wisdom.

May reflect the birth of a new awareness, especially the subtle spheres of life.

Dirty shades can reflect pride, vanity, fisiness, concern or suppression.

As a marriage and work, people with an orange aura give themselves completely. Sometimes this constant self-dedication is regarded by others as anxiety. These people are well oriented in any new situation. Most often they occupy senior posts. This color always means pride or ambition. It is often adjacent to nervousness and irritability.

Orange color contributes to the improvement of the respiratory system, stimulates the work of the stomach, thyroid and gland, relieves the spasms of vessels, muscle cramps, contributes to the growth of bones.

Orange - sophisticated, seekers of acute sensations. They love competitions where physical danger is present, realists. Love to challenge and go beyond any restrictions. They like to build plans of the following adventures, they boldly go there, where the man's leg did not go. Incredibly inventive, energetic and confident.

Orange usually do not show interest in family and marriage because they are engaged in their adventures. But if they find another half, then these people also have courage and courage are ready to divide their adventures. Orange succeed every time they overcome obstacles, reach the tops of the mountain, perform another risky trick, go through fire and stay alive. With children, they do not associate emotional communication. They take care only about the good standard of children's life.

Telerament - a combination of choleric and a sanguine.

Yellow Aura. Color manipuras, the most extracerted color indicates love for life. The most controversial on its symbolism is from positive to negative, depending on the shade, connects the poison and healing at the same time. Very good color denoting the possession of the mind.

Yellow color shows intellectuality. This color of the Sun and Eastern mystics enjoy them to recognize evil, just like the sun's rays dissipate darkness. In a more practical sense, Yellow means a scientific mind overcoming ignorance. Yellow also means artistry. As your color, Yellow gives you wisdom and makes you a creative person, but to what extent is this question. If yellow has a larger, light tone, then with such yellow wisdom is limited to caution. This indicates a shy nature, prone to acceptance of the desired for valid, too timby to take the risk that will lead to success. Bright yellow, in contrast, indicates a person who will take advantage of the case with confidence and victory. Dull yellow notes a self-analytical person, too dealing with self-analysis, to best take advantage of the opportunities. Worst of all yellow-brown, literally dirty. If such a color finds you from a response, time to think about the best shades of your beloved yellow color.

If the intelligence is directed down, especially in the case of selfish goals, then yellow has muffled shade. But when it comes to higher and ineistering purposes, it becomes golden, slowly turning into beautiful and clear siny lemon colors.

Yellow pure in Aure is a sign of victory, wisdom, interest, dirty - ambition, envy and bile. On the one hand (pure tones) is activity, strength, fame, clear thinking and intelligence, on the other (dirty tones) - lie, deception, concern, uncertainty, and tensions, jealousy, madness, prostitution. Pale - yellow around the hair line can indicate optimism. Yellow pure color can reflect the mental activity, the ability to trainee, high intelligence, curiosity, originality, striving for communication, gaiety, lightness, wisdom, strength of ideas and spiritual development. This color shows the strength of the awakened extrasensory abilities. The color of youth, happiness, abundance.

Seeing yellow in aura yellow, you need to remember that there is a yellow, carrying life (clean, warm shades), but there is a yellow color of death (dirty shades). The hands of contempt did not accidentally stained in yellow. On plague houses put a yellow cross.

Yellow in combination with green may indicate vigilance, observation, but also on drug addiction, toxicizing or other addiction. This combination is found in those who want to show themselves and conquer recognition.

Clean Yellow Aura meets in persons who need the need to change the situation. Meets people with demonstrative behavior. Leads to scenic successes. There is a desire to play various social roles, successfully express yourself, like others.

Dirty yellow aura indicates expressed emotional instability, overexcitation, anxiety and insecurity, wrecked hope and expectations, fear of loss of position, reputation, fear of disappointment and loss of influences.

Yellow and red (more yellow).

Clean tones. The desire to expand the activities and influence. Man is overflowing with expectations and hopes. Able to work, can simultaneously engage in successful several cases.

Dirty tones. If they appeared after the same clean - it suggests that a person overestimated his capabilities, developed too violent activities, significantly expanded the spheres of its activities, so much that he sprayed himself and in pursuit of ten hares missed everyone.

If dirty tones are found for the first time - disappointment, stress led to alarm, doubts in success, - to detect his own inconsistency. A man himself covers his way to success, since it is not able to cope with the failures independently (which are all). Highly in his trouble accuses others than himself, although all the failures are often associated with the fact that he himself gives them too much importance, "stuck" on them, knocking itself from the rut. Any failure causes a strong sense of helplessness, which prevents promotion to the target target. He considers himself deprived, since it is waiting for the receipt (and not achievement, earning) of the benefits that the world is obliged to him (as he believes) to give. This position is characteristic of oral individuals who perceive the world as an inexhaustible maternal breast.

Yellow and green. Clean tones. Acute observation, searching for new paths that would open great opportunities and would allow as much as possible. The desire to show yourself and get recognition. Activity, and vigilance.

Dirty tones. Passivity, anxious uncertainty. Conflict between hope and necessity, sometimes lack of hope, disappointment, doubt. Important solutions are postponed.

Yellow and brown. Clean tones. The need for physical comfort, restoration of forces. Dissatisfaction with the situation. Different somatic diseases due to the inability to solve the psychological problems that try to hide.

Dirty tones. Despair, anxiety, abundance of problems. An attempt to hide anxiety, anxiety under the guise of carelessness and moderation in themselves led to stress. Powdly indifference hides disappointment. The feeling of own inferiority. High, contempt for criticism. Excessive control over desires only strengthens stress.

Yellow color stimulates the work of lymphatic vessels, the production of hormones, contributes to digestion.

Yellow - these are open people their life is abounding with bright moments. They are smart, sensitive, and sometimes supersensitive. These people stronger fortunately and their perseverance are achieved by His. Asking believe that life is designed to receive pleasure from her.

They want to like and be loved by everyone. Energetic, intuitive. This is creative people who are loving power who can concentrate strength and will and direct it where it is most effective.

Temperament - Sanguine.