The ratio of Tolstoy to war briefly. GDZ - Image of war in the novel l

The ratio of Tolstoy to war briefly. GDZ - Image of war in the novel l
The ratio of Tolstoy to war briefly. GDZ - Image of war in the novel l

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Presentation on the topic: Tolstoy attitude to war and peace

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Many people wonder how the attitude of Tolstoy to war was. It's easy to understand it is quite simple. You only need to read the novel "War and Peace". In the process it will become quite clear that Tolstoy hated the war. The writer believed that the murder is the most vile of all possible crimes, and it is impossible to justify anything. Not noticeable in the work and enthusiastic attitude towards military exploits.

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Although there is one exception - an excerpt about the Shenagraben battle and actions of Tushina. Depicting the Patriotic War, the author admires the cohesion of the people. People had to unite in order to oppose the enemy together. What did Tolstoy think about the war? Let's deal with. Riding the materials in which the events of 1812 were reflected, the writer realized that, despite all the crime of war with its numerous deaths, blood rivers, mud, betrayal, sometimes people are forced to fight. Perhaps this people would not cause harm in other times, but if the jackal is thrown on it, he, defending it, finishes him. However, during the murder, he does not feel any pleasure from this and does not think that this act is worthy of admiration. The author shows how much the soldiers who were forced to fight with the enemy loved their homeland.

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The attitude of Tolstoy to war, of course, is interesting, but even more curious that he spoke about our enemies. The writer with disregard responds about the French, who are more baked about their own "I" than about the nation - they do not differ in special patriotism. And Russian people, according to Tolstoy, is inherent, nobleness and self-sacrifice in the name of the salvation of the Motherland. Negative heroes in the work are also those persons who absolutely do not think about the fate of Russia (Guests of Helen Kuragin) and people who hide their indifference behind the patriotism (most of the nobles, not counting some decent personalities: Andrei Bolkonsky, Rostova, Kutuzov, Bezuhova). In addition, the writer frankly belongs to those who enjoy the war - Napoleon and Dolohov. So should not be unnatural. The war in the image of Tolstoy is so terrible, which is surprising how these people can receive pleasure from battles. How cruel need to be for this.

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The writer in the souls are those people who, realizing that war is disgusting, mean, but sometimes inevitably, without any Paphos, they get up to protect their country and do not get any pleasure, killing opponents. This is Denisov, Bolkonsky, Kutuzov and many other faces depicted in episodes. Hence the attitude of Tolstoy to War becomes clear. With a special trepidist, the author writes about the truce when the Russians show compassion for the crippled French, humane attic to the prisoner (Kutuzov's order to soldiers on the outcome of bloodshed - to regret the defeated opponents who have received frostbite). Also, the writer is close to the scene in which the enemies show humanity towards Russians (interrogation of Nudomov Nu Marshal Davu). Do not forget about the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work - cohesion of people. When the world reigns, people, figuratively speaking, unites in one family, and during the war there is a disagreement. The idea of \u200b\u200bpatriotism is also present in the novel. In addition, the author extols the world and negatively expresses about bloodshed. The ratio of Tolstoy to war is sharply negative. As you know, the writer was a pacifist.

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What does Tolstoy speak about the Patriotic War? He claims that this is a crime. The writer will not share the soldiers on defenders and attackers. Countless people revenge so much atrocities, but in different times it would not have broken in a few centuries, and what was the worst, no one in this period did not regard it as something intolerable. That was the war in understanding the thick: blood, dirt (both in direct and figuratively) and the inconsistency, leading to the horror of any conscious person. But the writer understood that bloodshed is inevitable. Wars were throughout the history of mankind and will be up to the very end of its existence, nothing can be done about it. But our duty is to try not to allow atrocities and bloodshed so that we ourselves and our families live in a world, which, however, so fragile. He must be protected by all their might.

War 1812 glance L.N. Tolstoy
L. N. Tolstoy was a member of Sevastopol Defense. In these tragic months, he understood the shameful defeat of the Russian army, realized how terrible war, what suffering she carries people, as a person behaves in war. He was convinced that true patriotism and heroism manifests itself not in beautiful phrases or bright expansions, but in honest accomplishment of debt, military and human, despite everything.
This experience affected the novel "War and Peace". Two wars are drawn in it, which are largely opposed to each other. War in someone else's territory for alien interests was in 1805-1807. And the true heroism of the soldiers and officers showed only when they understood the moral purpose of the battle. That is why they stood heroically under the Shenbang and disgracefully fled under Austerlitz, as Prince Andrei recalls on the eve of the Borodino battle.
The war of 1812 in the image of Tolstoy is completely different. The death hazard was hung over Russia, and those forces that the author and Kutuzov are called the "folk sense", "hidden warmth of patriotism" took into force.
Kutuzov on the eve of the Borodino battle, circling his position, saw the militia who put on white shoes: they were ready for death for their homeland. "Wonderful, unmatched people," Kutuzov said with excitement and tears. In the mouth of the national commander invested the tolstone words that express his thoughts.
Tolstoy emphasizes that in 1812, Russia was saved not individual personality, but the efforts of the whole people as a whole. In his opinion, in the Borodino battle, Russian moral victory was obsessed. Tolstoy writes that not only Napoleon, but all the soldiers and officers of the French army experienced the same sense of horror before the enemy, who, having lost half of the troops, stood at the end of the battle just like at the beginning of it. The French were morally broken: it turns out that Russians can be killed, but not to win. Adjutant reports Napoleon with hidden fear that French artillery beats up, and the Russians continue to stand.
What was this unshakable power of Russians? From the joint actions of the army and the entire people, from the wisdom of Kutuzov, whose tactics - "patience and time", whose bet primarily in the spirit in the troops. This force developed from the heroism of soldiers and the best officers of the Russian army. Remember how the soldiers of Prince Andrei regiment themselves, put in the reserve on the targeted field. Their position is tragic: under the incredible horror of death they cost more than eight hours without food, without a case, losing people. But the prince Andrei "to do and order was nothing. Everything was done by himself. The dead were taught for the front, the wounded believed, the ranks were closed. If soldiers were tightened, they immediately returned themselves. " Here is an example of how the execution of debt develops into a feat.
This force was out of patriotism not in words, but in fact, the best people from the nobility, such as Prince Andrei. He refused to serve in the headquarters, and took the regiment and during the battle he received a deadly wound. And Pierre Duhov, a purely civilian man, rides in Mozhaisk, and then on the battlefield. He understood the meaning of the phrase, which heard from the old soldier: "They want to fulfill all the people ... one end to do. One word - Moscow. " Pierre's eyes are given a picture of the battle, the heroism of artilleryrs on the Battery of Raevsky.
This invincible force developed from the heroism and patriotism of Muscovites, who leave their native city, no matter how sorry to leave their property to death. Let us recall how Rostov left Moscow, trying to take the most valuable from the house on the baudes: carpets, porcelain, clothing. And then Natasha and the old graph decide to give the supply of the wounded and all are swearing and leaving the enemy to plunder. At the same time, the insignificant Berg asks for one conclusion to take the wonderful wardrobe from Moscow, which he bought it, ... Even during the patriotic lift, never goes without bers.
The invincible strength of the Russians developed from the actions of partisan detachments. One of them is described in detail in detail. This is Denisov's detachment, where the most necessary person is Tikhon Shcherbat, Folk Avenger. Partisan detachments destroyed the Napoleonic army in parts. On the pages of the IV Tom there is an image of the "club of the People's War", which climbed the entire formidable and majestic strength and nailing the French until their invasion ended, while in the soul of the people, the feeling of insult and revenge was changed by a feeling of contempt and pity for the defeated enemy.
Tolstoy hated war, and he draws not only paintings of battles, but also the suffering of all people in war, whether enemies or not. The late Russian heart suggested that you can regret frostous, dirty, hungry French captured. This is the feeling and in the soul of the old cutuz. Turning to the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky regiment, he says that while the French were strong, we beat them, and now you can regret, because people are also.
In thick patriotism inseparable from humanism, and this is natural: ordinary people have always been not needed.
So, Tolstoy draws a war of 1812 as a folk, domestic, when all the people rose on the defense of the Motherland. And he made this writer with a huge artistic force, creating a grandiose-epic romance, which is not equal in world literature.

Andrei Bolkonsky dreamed of glory, no less than the glory of Napoleon, so it goes to war. He wanted to become famous thanks to the war, making a feat. After participating in Shenagraben and Austerlitsky battles, Bolkonsky completely changed his attitude towards war. Andrei realized that the war was not so beautiful and solemn, as he represented. On the Austerlitsky battle, he reached his goal and made a feat, lifting the banner of the murdered subpenser and with the call: "Guys, ahead!" - led the battalion for himself in the attack.

After that, Bolkonsky wounded. Lying on the ground and watching the sky, Bolkonsky realized that there was wrong life values.

Pierre Duhov belonged to the war with great interest. During the Patriotic War, Pierre completely changes its attitude to Napoleon. Previously, he respected him and called the "liberator of peoples", but learning what kind of person it was, Pierre stays in Moscow, wanting to kill Napoleon. Lyuhov is captured and experiencing moral flour. Having met Plato Karataev, he greatly influenced Pierre's worldview. Before participating in hostilities, Pierre did not see anything terrible in war.

For Nikolai Rostov, war is an adventure. Before his first participation in the battle, Nikolai did not know how terrible and terrible war. During his first battle, at the form of people falling from the bullets, Rostov was afraid to go to the battlefield because of the fear of death. During the Shenagraben battle, having received wound in hand, Rostov leaves the battlefield. The war did Nicholas more brave and courageous man.

Captain Timokhin Real Hero and Patriot of Russia. During the Shenagraben battle, without a feeling of fear, he ran on the French with one saber and from such courage, the French had disastened the weapons and ran away. Captain Timokhin is an example of courage and heroism.

Captain Tushin in the novel was depicted by a "little man", but he made great feats. During the Shangraben battle of Tushin, masterfully commanded the battery and did not let the French. During hostilities, Tushin felt very confident and brave.

Kutuzov was a great commander. He is a modest and fair person, the life of each of his soldiers had great importance for him. Even before Austerlitsky battle, at the military council, Kutuzov was confident in the defeat of the Russian army, but he could not disobey the will of the emperor, so he began the battle, was doomed to failure. This episode shows the wisdom and thoughtfulness of the commander. During the Borodino battle, Mikhail Illarionovich behaved very calmly and confidently.

Napoleon is the complete opposite of Kutuzov. War for Napoleon is a game, and soldiers are the pawns with which he controls. Bonaparte loves power and glory. His main goal in any battle is a victory, despite human losses. Napoleon was worried only the result of the battle, and not what I had to sacrifice.

In the cabin at Anna Pavlovna Sherler, the highest sections of society are discussing the events of war with France and Napoleon. They consider Napoleon a cruel man, and the war is meaningless.

41. War in understanding and image of Tolstoy. This life is life without shackles and restrictions. This is the supremacy of feelings and mind over a secular etiquette. Tolstoy opposes the "life of false" and "life is true." All beloved Heroes of Tolstoy live "real life." Tolstoy in the first chapters of his work shows us only the "life of false" through residents of a secular society: Anna Sherren, Vasily Kuragin, his daughter and many others. A sharp oppression of this society is the family of growth. They live only with feelings and may not comply with universal decency. So, for example, Natasha Rostov, who ran into the hall in his name and loudly asked what dessert will be served. This is, according to Tolstoy, and there is a real life. The best time to understand the insignificance of all problems is a war. In 1812, everything was rushed to fight with Napoleon. In war, everyone forgot about their quarrels and disputes. Everyone thought only about the victory and about the enemy. Indeed, even Pierre Duhov forgot about her disagreements with Doolokhov. The war pulls out all the unreal, false in the life of people, gives a man the opportunity to open to the end, feeling the need, as her Nikolai Rostov and Husar his squadron feels, feel at the moment when it was impossible not to start an attack. Heroes who do not seek to specifically be useful to the general course of events, but live their normal life, are the most useful participants. The criterion for real life is real, sincere feelings. But there is in thick heroes who live according to the laws of the mind. Such is the Bolkonsky family, except may be Mary. But these Heroes Tolstoy refers to the "real". Prince Andrei Bolkonsky is a very clever man. He lives according to the laws of the mind and does not obey the feelings. He rarely obeyed etiquette. He could safely move away if he was not interested. Prince Andrei wanted to live "not for one heather." He always tried to be helpful. Also, Tolstoy shows us Pierre Zuhova, on which the living room at Anna Pavlovna looked disapprovingly. He, in contrast to others, did not welcome the "no one who is not the right aunt." He did not because of disrespect, but only because he did not consider it necessary. Two benefactors are connected to the Pierre: Mind and simplicity. Under the word "simplicity", I mean that it can freely express his feelings and emotions. Pierre was looking for his destination for a long time and did not know what to do. To understand, a simple Russian man helped him - Plato Karatayev. He explained to him that there is nothing better than freedom. Karataev became for Pierre the personification of the simplicity and clarity of the main life laws. All the favorite Heroes of Tolstoy love life, in all its manifestations. This life is always natural. Tolstoy loves the depicted life and heroes living by her. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "War and Peace" unfolds against the background of events who shook the whole of Europe, the most important of them are detailed in the work. Tolstoy pays special attention to the overseas campaign of the Russian army and the Patriotic War of 1812. The nature of these wars is completely different. The goals of the foreign hike with soldiers are not quite understandable, the inconsistency of the actions of the allies leads to many failures, the adverness of military leaders turns into a terrible defeat in Austerlitsky battle, but the spirit of troops and soldiers' courage are manifested even in these conditions, especially when it comes to saving the entire Russian army with a small squad of Bagration Shenagraben battle. In the image of the events of the war of 1812, the main attention of Tolstoy was focused. A description of the Borodino battle, the former major battle of this war, becomes a genuine semantic and composite center of the book. To this episode, like a focus, all the threads of the novel stretch. The writer created an unsurpassed epic picture of preparations for the battle and the battle, in which soldiers and civilians participate, representatives of all classes, no wonder, one of the episodic characters of the novel says that, defending Moscow, to the enemy "wants to fulfill the world." On the Borodino field, there are feelings of patriotism and heroism of the participants of the battle, awareness of the common goal and the importance of the moment, the moral qualities of the heroes of the work. The Cathedral efforts of all participants in the Borodino battle lead to the main result: despite the loss and the need to leave Moscow for the sake of rescue the army and Russia in this battle, the Russian victory was obsessed with a moral victory, predetermined the general victory of the Russian army and the entire campaign. Tolstoy and as an artist, and as a historian emphasizes the meaning of this battle and its consequences for the French army, which in Moscow turns into the army of marauders, and then inconsolaptly dies in the Moscow campaign. The image of the events of the twelfth year would be incomplete without the description of the partisan war, which takes a deeply significant image of the "club of the People's War" in the novel. Genuine patriotism, the feeling of offended national pride cause the ethimal folk resistance to the enemy. The actions of the regular army and partisan detachments are converted into the heroes of ordinary people, invisible in peacetime. Among the characters of the novel, a number of such "imperceptible" heroes - Captain Tushin, Tikhon Shcherbatoy, Old Town Vasilisa, etc. There is no WT side from military events and a peaceful population contributing to a common cause. The residents of Smolensk, Muscovites leave their city before the entry of the French, do not humble with the onset of the enemy army. Tolstoy determines the war as an event, "nasty human mind and all human nature." This definition is fully justified, as the war not only contradicts the mind and nature, but also shares people to the warring army, and Russian society also in relation to the events that happened. Petersburg light is only masked by patriotic speeches, being away from the theater of hostilities and not being mentally captured by the events. In the army among the majority of genuine patriots and heroes there are officers who think only about promotion, ranks and crosses. Most of all the anti-abnormality of the war is noticeable when compared with the natural course of the "common, rooev" life of people. In the second volume of Roman among reasoning about the transformations of politicians, Tolstoy expresses the cherished thought, which became one of the foundations of his philosophical views. This is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe eternal feasibility and value of real human life, about its independence from all external: "Life meaning, the real life of people with their essential interests of thought, science, poetry, music, love, friendship, hatred, passion, walked as always Independently and beyond political intimacy and hostility with Napoleon Bonaparte and beyond all possible transformations. "

Many people wonder how the attitude of Tolstoy to war was. It's easy to understand it is quite simple. You only need to read the novel "War and Peace". In the process it will become quite clear that Tolstoy hated the war. The writer believed that the murder is the most vile of all possible crimes, and it is impossible to justify anything.

Cohesion of people

Not noticeable in the work and enthusiastic attitude towards military exploits.

Although there is one exception - an excerpt about the Shenagraben battle and actions of Tushina. Depicting the Patriotic War, the author admires the cohesion of the people. People had to unite in order to oppose the enemy together.

The people are forced to defend

What did Tolstoy think about the war? Let's deal with. Riding the materials in which the events of 1812 were reflected, the writer realized that, despite all the crime of war with its numerous deaths, blood rivers, mud, betrayal, sometimes people are forced to fight. Perhaps this people would not cause harm in other times, but if the jackal is thrown on it, he, defending it, finishes him. However, during the murder, he does not feel any pleasure from this and does not think that this act is worthy of admiration. The author shows how much the soldiers who were forced to fight with the enemy loved their homeland.

In the novel

The attitude of Tolstoy to war, of course, is interesting, but even more curious that he spoke about our enemies. The writer with disregard responds about the French, who are more baked about their own "I" than about the nation - they do not differ in special patriotism. And Russian people, according to Tolstoy, is inherent, nobleness and self-sacrifice in the name of the salvation of the Motherland. Negative heroes in the work are also those persons who absolutely do not think about the fate of Russia (Guests of Helen Kuragin) and people who hide their indifference behind the patriotism (most of the nobles, not counting some decent personalities: Andrei Bolkonsky, Rostova, Kutuzov, Bezuhova).

In addition, the writer frankly belongs to those who enjoy the war - Napoleon and Dolohov. So should not be unnatural. The war in the image of Tolstoy is so terrible, which is surprising how these people can receive pleasure from battles. How cruel need to be for this.

Noble people and humane actions in the novel

The writer in the souls are those people who, realizing that war is disgusting, mean, but sometimes inevitably, without any Paphos, they get up to protect their country and do not get any pleasure, killing opponents.

This is Denisov, Bolkonsky, Kutuzov and many other faces depicted in episodes. Hence the attitude of Tolstoy to War becomes clear. With a special trepidist, the author writes about the truce when the Russians show compassion for the crippled French, humane attic to the prisoner (Kutuzov's order to soldiers on the outcome of bloodshed - to regret the defeated opponents who have received frostbite). Also, the writer is close to the scene in which the enemies show humanity towards Russians (interrogation of Nudomov Nu Marshal Davu). Do not forget about the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work - cohesion of people. When the world reigns, people, figuratively speaking, unites in one family, and during the war there is a disagreement. The idea of \u200b\u200bpatriotism is also present in the novel. In addition, the author extols the world and negatively expresses about bloodshed. The ratio of Tolstoy to war is sharply negative. As you know, the writer was a pacifist.

Crime to which there is no excuse

What does Tolstoy speak about the Patriotic War? He claims that the writer will not share the soldiers on defenders and attackers. Countless people revenge so much atrocities, but in different times it would not have broken in a few centuries, and what was the worst, no one in this period did not regard it as something intolerable.

That was the war in understanding the thick: blood, dirt (both in direct and figuratively) and the inconsistency, leading to the horror of any conscious person. But the writer understood that bloodshed is inevitable. Wars were throughout the history of mankind and will be up to the very end of its existence, nothing can be done about it. But our duty is to try not to allow atrocities and bloodshed so that we ourselves and our families live in a world, which, however, so fragile. He must be protected by all their might.