How to draw a hare's paws in stages. How to draw a hare pencil phased

How to draw a hare's paws in stages. How to draw a hare pencil phased
How to draw a hare's paws in stages. How to draw a hare pencil phased

The scheme of this bunny is quite detailed and, I hope, it will be understood. He is positive and cheerful.

Scheme 2.

This hanged, probably, plays with someone in hide and seek. What do you think? But he is so funny and funny that he wants to redraw.

Scheme 3.

And this ears as if something frightened. To regret it, protect. Beasts, especially so small, defenseless. They need our help.

Scheme 4.

Cheerful, funny bunny. Apparently, somewhere stole a carrot and looking for a secluded place where it would eat. Oh, good idea! You can draw a bouquet of flowers instead of a carrot. Get a wonderful greeting card.

Scheme 5.

Isn't it a cute creation? They are so pretty. I'm just delighted with these animals. Draw such a haunted - enjoyment and pleasure. What do you think? \u003d)

Scheme 6.

I look at the bunny with the following scheme and the impression that I go through the woods, and there is a small, fluffy creation to me!

Scheme 7.

What a tiny defenseless bunny! He is so cute - I really want to press him with himself very much!

Scheme 8.

Let's play? Pears draw easier than hares, so let's start with them. And then add ears, legs, tails - and we have already a whole haray of the family!

This lesson fell into the lung category, which means that in theory, a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can help young children to draw a bunny. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, I can recommend a lesson "" - he will require greater dooms from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What do you need

In order to draw a bunny, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take a mediated special paper: novice artists will be much more pleasant to draw on such.
  • Compared pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each you need to use for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Shelf for rubbing hatching. You can use conventional paper twisted in the cone. She Lego will rub the hatching, turning it into monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Phased lesson

Draw the characters of films, cartoons and stories are much simpler than those of people and animals. It does not need to adhere to the rules of anatomy and physics, but each character is unique in its own way. The authors created them on special occupations that need to repeat quite accurately. But if you want, when you get a bunny to draw - you can always make your eyes a little more. It will give greater cartoons.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to draw your attention to the lesson "". It will help to increase your workshop or just deliver a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using contours. You will be enough to repeat something, and only what is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present it. What do draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to make sketches not with contours, but rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: Create an outline as few thick strokes as possible. The thicker the outline will be - the more difficult it will be erased later.

The first step is more precisely zero, you always need to place a sheet of paper. This will give you to understand where it will be the drawing specifically. If you place the drawing on the half of the sheet - the second half you can use for another picture. Here is an example of the markup of the sheet in the center:

Bunny can draw on a blank sheet of paper, sitting next to the computer and looking at the steps-tips in the monitor.

And you can print 2 A4 sheets with step-by-step instructions, and practice directly on them.

Drawing sequence:

3. Place your eyes bunnies and eyebrows.

5. Below, we draw oval the size of a little more head - this is a torso.

6. There are bangs or abnormalities between the ears - a bunny will look prettier to him. Torn the front paws.

7. Draw the rear (in the figure - bottom) legs. We can sign a bumbish bumbish.

8. Color the resulting bunny.

Here is such a simpaty, we "drawn":

If your child is afraid to visit a dental doctor, you can accompany the process of drawing a story that there are such white and strong teeth because it constantly visits children's dentistry. And it is not completely afraid, although it is considered that all bunnies are panties. And all because it is absolutely nothing to be afraid.

Now you know how to draw a bunny and hope that you could repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is as interesting and fascinating. Share with your friends this lesson in Soc. networks.

In this lesson, you can gradually draw a hare. We accustomed to believe that the hare is white, but the hare's fur color depends on the time of year. In the summer and in the spring, the hare gray fur, as if the rabbit and only in the winter the hare changes his painting and becomes white so that the fox or wolf could easily distinguish against the background of white snow. You can not paint the hare with colored pencils, and draw a white hare. This drawing of a hare is made on the tablet, but it can be used to draw a hare Simple pencil.

1. Before drawing a hare Let's make simple contours

To draw a hare divide the sheet of a sheet by 9 identical squares. Lines make barely noticeable so that it is easy to remove them easily. Now it will be easier for you to draw three circumference, with the help of which we gradually and beautifully draw a hare sitting on the grass.

2. contours of the paws hare

After you made the initial contours, the lines dividing the pattern on the squares can be deleted and continue to draw a hare without them. Now you need to draw a few circles for the paw. Since they are completely easy to draw them, I will not comment on this step.

3. We start to draw a hut muzzle

Let's first finish drawing the paws. Please note that the rear paws at the hare are quite long and in the figure they almost touch the front paws. Draw all these contours exactly as on my drawing, just not strongly pressing the pencil, as we will delete some of them. On the head loop, draw the area for the muzzle and two mug for the ears.

4. General contour of the torso and head

If you have drawn all the contours before this stage, now we will make a pencil over the pattern and a bunny will appear like a magician in the circus, just not out of the hat, but on paper, in the form of a picture. Draw at the beginning of the contours of the ears of the hare first, then add the eye contour and then circle the pencil all our "geometry". Start bothering your head to the back leg. Draw the contour of the tail and do not forget to draw a stomach hare and add a line in front. Now you can delete all the extra lines and look drawing hare Almost finished.

5. Latest touches pictures

To completely draw a hare It is necessary to draw it in the details of its muzzle and depict a pencil fur skin. Look, as I painted the muzzle of the hare, and repeat also. Be sure to check the eye drawing.

6. Realistic hare drawing

To tell in detail what you need to do at this stage will take a lot of time, I think you yourself know. But to draw the hare is realistic, it is necessary to draw it exactly in the details. Carefully draw the pupil, nose, mouth, ears and, of course, mustache.

7. Drawing a hare on the tablet

If you decide to paint with colored pencils, you can use this picture made by me on the tablet. To revive a picture of a hare, you can draw the surrounding landscape, for example, green grass and sky.

Externally, the rabbit from the hare is almost no different. Therefore, the drawings of a hare and rabbit can be used to draw these animals.

Agree, the squirrel resembles a hare. The same big front teeth, the rear paws are more than the front. But the rabbit has a very small tail, (so that Lisa could not grasp him), and the protein is fluffy and ears with tassels.

Lessons "How to draw a hare" "Drawing Hamster" are intended for children. I hope you will get a hamster from the first time without mistakes.

Lisa for the hare is the most dangerous and cunning enemy. To protect yourself from the chase Fox, the hare even "refused" from the tail and is forced to change the color of his fur in the winter. And even his paws have such great no accident. The rear leg of the bay can easily "knock out" fox.

Look, how does the kangaroo do not hare? The same huge ears, the front paws are small and jumps a kangaroo as well as hare. Probably, after the drawing of the hare, the kangaroo will quite easily draw.

A cat in boots from the beloved fairy tale or a favorite cat, rabbits, hares often become characteristics of children's drawings. But in order to correct the cat, let's go a little.

Drawing a kitten with a simple pencil looks too faded, it is desirable to add some color at least colored pencils. There are no kittens and they are the most unexpected paintings.

This cute fluffy animal is often found in children's fairy tales, folklore and is distinguished by agility, intelligence and resourcefulness. In nature, these animals lead the night lifestyle and their enemies abound. It is necessary to flee or hide, intensely fightened traces. On one fun legend, God was so carried away, creating a beautiful long ears with a hare, which was not enough on the heart of the material, and it turned out to be tiny and therefore cowardly. But from this hare do not cease to be loved by the characters and heroes of popular cartoons. Let's try to draw a pencil hare in stages.

  1. To draw a hare pencil, first "Build" it from the most simple geometric figures. Torso shows a large horizontal oval, the same oval will draw the head, rear powerful paws and long ears. Usually, the hare is depicted sitting and seemed to be wary, at any time ready to jump.

  2. Now we will try these ovals to give the shape of the animal. The muzzle will be slightly pointed down at the bottom, and the torso is a little curved in the neck area. The hares have big eyes, in the frame of bright short wool, movable spout, a short tail, like a drop. Draw strong rear legs and see how they differ from the front. The animal rear legs repel when running or jumping, so they are very developed and in size much more and longer than the front. Animal ears are also similar to the elongated drops, they are narrowing at the base.

  3. Denote short strokes direction of wool. It must be done necessarily that the drawing does not work flat. On the chest and stomach, the wool is softer and aimed down, on the head and on the rest of the torso, as it were, "fits" the body of the animal, the strokes go on the back to the tail, gradually and smoothly dropping to the bottom at different angles. Sharching the darkest patterns of the drawing - the right ear and the right front paw.

  4. Now, by the preliminary guide strokes, draw the hare's wool with a soft pencil. Leave the brightest sections - inside the left ear, near the nose and around the eye. The eye is also cautiously catchy, leaving small circles inside - it will be glare. Try showing the hare inside the shade inside the eye. At the base they will be the most dark and gradually to the top of the line become easier and thinner.

  5. The first four stages were, in essence, a preliminary sketch. Only now the drawing begins. The mild pencil (softness is 6-9b), start toning the whole drawing. Try to remember all the time where there are light and shadow to understand which areas you need to draw more densely, and which you can not touch any. Light leave the outer part of the left ear of the hare, the area near the nose, approximately the middle of the body and the top of the hip of the back leg. Make the right front leg, rear, eyes and the foundation of the right ear. A little darker it is necessary to make the back of the back above the tail and on the neck.

  6. If everything turned out with a tonality and does not seem flat, then all these sites make even more contrasting. For the final drawing, take sharply sharpened soft pencil and carefully pass through the entire image. Draw a dark nose (a hare is grungy and wet, it means that some tiny sites will be lit, so the nose is not hatching). Inside the left ear, do thin hairs, darker draw the outline of the ears. On the stomach, the wool is very soft and fluffy, showing rare strokes at different angles, but do not get carried away, it should remain fairly light. The toughest and short wool will be on the back, especially where it moves to the tail. Pour and appreciate the entire picture. The main emphasis should be on the head of the hare, expressive and brilliant eyes. Around the nose on the white plot. Put small dots and draw your mustache.

Draw a hare pencil is quite simple, difficulty can be depicting his wool. But if they take a little bit, then every time it will be better and better. This skill must be useful to you for drawings of different animals, so it is properly to draw wool to learn.

Hello, dear readers!

There is a lot of requests to make a lesson. This cute animal is found in fairy tales, and in folk proverbs. He is madly loved by all the children, it is for a cute and fun appearance. Bane can be found on all holidays, from children's matinees, to adult corporate events.

As usual, the drawing process will take place in stages, for more proper work.

Stages of work

We make a common simple contour

As usual, we begin with the contour of our future work. Here we approximately lay out the pattern on the proportions, roughly outlining your head, ears and torso. According to these control points in the future and will be distinguished separate elements with their subsequent drawing.

Select features of the picture

Now we need to build more "live" and the realistic form of our bunny. For this, we, as it were, smoothing our contour from the previous stage. We begin to draw ears, frills and foot.

Give the form and basic detail

Now you can simply throw the location of the Items of the face of our character - nose, eyes and mouth. I also advise at this stage to get rid of the remaining contour lines, i.e. Just carefully remove unnecessary.

Almost done

The penultimate stage - proceed to the detail and elaboration of the elements. We can start drawing fur for giving our hare more realistic. Also finish working with the face. Do not forget to remove excess contours and markup lines.

Ready drawing hare

Let's finish our creativity. At the last stage, it is worth paying more attention to the details - drawing the wool, the selection of eyes and the nose, the paws, ears. I also advise add a small shadow for more.

Congratulations! You step by step drew our beautiful hare. An animal, as for me, came out very nice and kind, according to a real children's favorite. You can print it and give a child to paint with paints or pencils.

Phased paintings of the hare

Option 1

Option 2.