A talented man is talented in everything. How to find and develop talent? How to find and develop your talent

A talented man is talented in everything. How to find and develop talent? How to find and develop your talent
A talented man is talented in everything. How to find and develop talent? How to find and develop your talent

/ / Who can be called a talented person?

Talent is what is given to a person from birth. We have heard a talented writer, actor or thinker many times. What does it mean to be talented? For me, a talented person is the one who can verify a person in a word or its work in something, change the worldview, make it seem to think. Creators for me are absolutely talented people. Can you be artisans talented? Maybe. If something is easily given to them, they can embody the Creator on the first time. But if you think, is it talent? The gift is over - come up with something new, become an innovator. Are there any images of talented people in the literature?

"Mozart and Salieri" is a famous tragedy of Pushkin, where the talented Mozart is opposed and the Salieri envy him. Salieri can not think of anything: he chose the craft instead of art. This hero believes that it is shameful to be an artisan, because everyone can learn this. Even the blind musician is able to play the plays of a talented Mozart, and the work of a simple artisan, it turns out, is useless. Salieri envies Mozart, his talent, which was undeservedly sent to this genius of music. Pushkin shows readers that it is meaningless to look for the nature of the talent, because he is given by God. Salieri seem to understand that it is impossible to become talented if removed from its own way of real genius. The gift can not be obtained through the atrocities.

In the novel "Master and Margarita" True Talent is. Bulgakov and calls this character in such a way that there was no doubt in his gift. The novel written by the master should have become an immortal literary product, but it was condemned.

First, the Master's novel was written not by order, and secondly, contradicted Soviet propaganda. People who have not had talent and have not even seen it in other writers, just envied the gifted master.

True talent is not a rhyme flying and not a beautiful folding of words in the sentence. Talent is works where hidden meaning and morality. Unfortunately, critics in this novel are not used to see it. These writers are presented here writers, whose the main task A visit to the restaurant when massaged.

Talented people are like Masters and Mozart. They make all the soul, they cannot write their works on the orders and someone's pointed. Creativity and present art is not a conveyor, but deep inner work Over yourself and on the word. To write and compose for money is the humiliation for a talented person, because genius is important recognition and attention. It is believed that the "talented man is talented in everything." I agree with this statement, because the geniuses have such a sensual perception of the world, which can create beautiful in any fields of art.

When doctors explain the causes of diseases, they are often called next factor - Genetic predisposition. Physiologically, a person is transmitted from parents a predisposition to the emergence of certain diseases. They can develop, and may not appear, which largely depends on the motive factors. Or maybe a person to transmit talents, abilities, mental properties?.

From parents, children are transferred not only by the pathology of the physiological level, but also the ability. Of course, psychologists claim that ingenious man The brilliant kid is not always born, as well as ordinary people Periodically appear talented children. You can talk not about the transfer of talent, but about the predisposition of the child to be talented. Only its upbringing and living conditions will contribute or not to contribute to the occurrence of talent.

The parents may have a baby who talented in something else than his mother and dad. It is necessary to keep the fact that a person can be talented if the right factors will contribute to this.

What is talent?

What is talent, about which many speak and some dream? Talent is a predisposition, potential initially incorporated ability. What will be talented man, laid in it initially, from birth. Typalent is usually manifested in respect of one sphere of life. This is distinguished when a person shows gifted abilities to everything.

Talent is a congenital predisposition. This does not mean that a person will definitely be talented. Many people are most likely talented, but they did not find what is gifted, therefore are usual. Accordingly, its talent should be found, develop, increase. A person has a predisposition to be talented. However, he will be talented or not, it depends on whether he will develop his skills and acquire experience.

The talent is detected when a person faces the subject, in the process of interaction with which he will show his gifted. If a person never encounters this subject, it means that he does not know what is talented.

Other signs of detection of talent is:

  1. Inner trepidation and lifting of mood when a person is engaged in activities in which talent has.
  2. A person shows abilities, fast learningability, good adaptation to activities.
  3. Man demonstrates almost immediately nice resultsdespite its inexperience.
  4. There is an internal attraction to the subject of activity.

Talented man It stands out against the background of the rest, who also started to interact with one or another item.

Talent can be revealed, unless to start doing the work to which the person is predisposed. This contributes or does not contribute to some factors:

  • Economic. The larger the money from the person, the more opportunities he has to try themselves in various matters, places and under any conditions.
  • Freshness of view. It is necessary to see the talent, which manifests itself in what you see more than other people.
  • Training. In the learning process, you can also note certain inclinations.

A talented person has a special handwriting in the fact that he is engaged. It always reaches the best results, compared with other people, as using ordinary techniques, and retreating from them and even creating their approaches in the case.

Talent should be developed, otherwise it will remain just hobbies. Many people are keen on something - this is the sphere where they could be talented if they improved their skills. In the meantime, a person is only internally feeling gusting to the matter where he gets easily easily.

It should be understood that the talented people surrounding are negatively perceived. Your talent should be developed. However, others often interfere with this: relatives, friends, neighbors, teachers, all society. Often, a person has such abilities who are unnecessary, unacceptable or even dangerous to society. That is why the man's talent that is not needed by anyone is trying to "stupid".

This should be known to talented people. Sometimes you have to go against society to develop your abilities, or abandon your own gift for the peace of mind.


In 1980, types of talents were allocated, which today there are about 30. Here are the most important of them:

  1. Verbral-linguistic - whisk of the words and mind, the ability to beautifully express their thoughts.
  2. Digital - skill to operate in numbers: programmers, mathematics, etc.
  3. Spatial - skills spatial orientation, for example, artists and designers.
  4. Physical - the ability to own your body and feelings: dancers, singers, etc.
  5. Personal, or emotional.
  6. Interpersonal - ability to contact with other people.
  7. Talent ambient - The ability to fit into nature: farmers, etc.

How to find your talent?

Who you are? What do you? What are able to? What qualities do you have? How attractive to the surrounding people? Are you so bad or good, how do other people say about you? All this in common is called "personal opinion", and in more scientific circles - "way of your own I".

You are beautiful, static, know how to communicate with other people, make new acquaintances, attract representatives of the opposite sex, shine with the mind and help people. Or you are a loser that is capable only to sit on the neck from your parents, walk with friends and discuss new items computer games. Is that you? Actually?

Tell me, please, all that you say about yourself, was once told by your parents, teachers, friends, colleagues, former loved ones or this collective image Is the result of your observations for yourself? As it often happens, all the fact that a person thinks about himself is once said to him by other people.

  • Once, Mom said that "I am untidy," and still man continues to be untidy.
  • Once the teacher said that "I am the smartest", and now a person feels suffering, if there is a companion who is smarter than him next to him.
  • Once a grandmother said on the street that "I laugh too loudly," and now a person is either not laughing at all, or each time hesides how it does it loudly.
  • Once the head said that "my hands are not growing out of that place," and now a person for some reason cannot fulfill his work as high quality as he did before.

In other words, you once someone said something and you believed that you really are such a person.

But see what these people themselves are: some complain about a small salary, others are unhappy in their personal life, the third decided that their life was over, the fourth challenged themselves by the gods and all-knowing. In other words, unhappy, compacted, weak losers Once they expressed how they look at you, and you believed it. You are not "untidy, the smartest, loudly laughing, etc.", and some particular person looked at you so that I saw this quality, although this may not be at all. Perhaps on some day you felt bad and were untidy. Maybe once you tried and flashed with your knowledge. Perhaps someone spread their grief on you and called you a loser. Maybe the boss was in a bad mood and decided to rise due to the fact that he humiliated you. But it was a single case. It was another person who decided to see what he was used to see absolutely in all people.

But it is not you! What other people talk about you are often not true. All their words are dictated by the desires of you to prick, cheer up, understand that you are worse than them, or again cause pity for you. In other words, you were deceived as consciously and unconsciously. And you all believed, especially in the words of our parents, who were often tired and annoyed, or teachers who were unhappy with their work and wages.

Thus, who you are - is your personal opinion or opinion based on all that you heard in your address from the mouths of others? It should be understood that ideal people There is no much of what you have been said about you yourself is not true, as those surrounding persecuted their selfish goals, speaking to you or another opinion. For example, parents often try to cause a feeling of guilt in the child so that he finally began to obey them, and at the same time they say these words that can cut into the head and forever determine whether their child will consider themselves a good one or it will become a pathological loser. People tell you what can provoke you to certain actions. That is, you tell you a lie about you. And you believe in their words and then you live with the thought that in something bad or good, not noticing how you infringe upon themselves, limit or look stupid, building out of yourself those who are not in fact.

What are you really capable of? Who are you really? To answer all these questions, you need to look at yourself as if you never heard about yourself. You are a stranger, an unknown person, which you see first. And to understand who you look in the mirror, in which body you live, what qualities, abilities and opportunities you have, you need to get acquainted with yourself. At the same time, to fully forget about everything you heard themselves from other people. All their words - illusion, myth, deception. In fact, you do not know who you are really capable of. To do this, you need to get acquainted with yourself.

Learn yourself as you really are. This will allow you to finally understand what your advantages actually are and what flaws you have. Moreover, you will finally understand what to be a woman with lush forms or an unavigible man is not so bad. Yes, you are not like everyone else, but it yourself does not hurt. This does not like someone that you are a full woman or an unavigible man. Does it hurt you personally? Do you personally interfere? This understanding will relieve you from many complexes and excitement. You will learn to love yourself only because you finally understood that you personally do not annoy your thin voice or ignorance of absolutely all truths of life. You allow yourself to be inept, non-standard and unusual, because you personally do not prevent you from feeling calm.

Get acquainted with yourself:

  1. You will see that you have a lot of advantages that have not been noticed before - they need to use, develop, appreciate.
  2. You will see that much of what was previously considered to be your disadvantage, is actually your distinctive feature. Yes, you are different from other people, but it allocates you among them, especially if you personally treat it normally.
  3. You will see your true shortcomings. And it may be so much less than before you have seen. And now you decide, you need to change these shortcomings in yourself or not. Now you will have a clear understanding of what direction you want to change your drawbacks, because you will be guided by the principle "I will be so comfortable", and not "I was so told other people."

Understand that you yourself do not know, while you think the opinions that started collecting from childhood to understand who you are and what you are capable of understanding. This is the opinion of other people, but not yours. And these people could be mistaken somewhere, in something to deceive, and sometime and take advantage of you to feel on a par with you more significant and successful. And what do you think about yourself without taking into account the opinions of other people? How do you yourself look at yourself, forgetting everything that others told you? Remember that what you yourself think about yourself, defines your capabilities. If you think you are a loser, then you will continue to do everything to be a loser. But as soon as you realize that you are not a loser, you will immediately feel the power to achieve what was not allowed to achieve yourself before.

  1. What are your dreams? Remember all your desires, starting from childhood.
  2. Choose the dreams that say about what you would like to be.
  3. What professions attract you? Who would you like to work?
  4. Add to the list those classes that are your favorite hobbies.
  5. Specify which hobbies and work you have positive emotions. To do this, visualize how you are engaged. Leave those that you really interest you, inspire.
  6. Group remaining activities in one.
  7. How can you combine existing abilities with the types of activities that you are interested in?


More exit B. real life and contact with various people, objects, phenomena. The more you try and find out, the more chances you recognize your talent. If you have not yet revealed it, it means that you have not yet encountered that activity in which you would show yourself. Look for!

What is talent, people are guessing long. Some consider it as a gift of God, and someone sees the result of hard labor in the giftedness and work on themselves. Is it possible to develop certain abilities and from what the existence of a gift in a person depends?

Talent - What is it?

Talent is called certain inherent individuals from birth. They develop with the acquisition of experience and, directed in the right direction, form skill. This term Comes from the New Testament and means the gift of God, the ability to do something new and unique. Simply put - this is the ability of a person to do something better than others. When and how does talent manifest?

  1. A person can be gifted since birth and exercise his uniqueness since childhood ( bright example - Mozart).
  2. Individual can express himself in adulthood, like Van Gogh or Gaug.

Talent in psychology

Man talents are treated in psychology as a set of abilities. What is talent, very much described in the XIX century a politician Carlo Dossi's political figure is in equal parts:

  • instinct;
  • memory;
  • will.

However, scientists assure that such isolated ability is not talent, even if it is pronounced. This proves surveys of people with a phenomenal memory conducted in the first half of the twentieth century by the Moscow Group of Psychologists. The outstanding mnemic abilities of the subjects did not find use in any areas of activity. Memory is just one of the factors of success, but not at least the development of diving depends on fantasy, will, interests and.

Are there any talented people?

Among scientists and critics do not defeat disputes about what talent is and whether he is inherent in everything. Here opinions are divided into diametrically opposite:

  1. Everyone is talent, because any individual is good in a specific area. You can use specific methods with your extraordinary abilities and develop them using exercises.
  2. The genius is the wing of the elect, God's spark, which arises rarely and is absolutely unpredictable.
  3. Any talent is not easy work and daily exercises. The abilities of a person are revealed over time, come with experience.

Signs of a talented man

There are several signs of a person possessing any gift:

  1. Creative people possess large quantity Energy in the area of \u200b\u200binterest to them and are covered by the idea of \u200b\u200bdays.
  2. Gifted personalities - at the same time introverts and extroverts.
  3. The uniqueness of talented people is manifested in the fact that they are modest and at the same time.
  4. For the sake of your favorite case, such individuals are ready to sacrifice the career.
  5. An extraordinary personality is not always gifted in all areas, and often in any one. Talent and genius should not be confused, because in the second case, the personality is considered gifted in all areas. In other words, genius is the highest stage of creative manifestations of personality.

What are the talents?

Scientists identify certain types of talents depending on the types of intelligence:

  • linguistic (they possess lingules, journalists, writers and lawyers);
  • logical and mathematical (mathematics, scientists);
  • music (musicians, composers, linguists);
  • spatial (architects, designers, artists);
  • bodily-kinestical (dancers, athletes);
  • interpersonal (politicians, actors, directors, merchants);
  • emotional, or intrapersonal (inherent in all professions, this is what a person speaks of himself);
  • there is also a hidden talent that the individual is subconsciously or consciously does not develop, sometimes due to the lack of self-confidence, sometimes - because of the fear of getting out of the comfort zone.

How to become talented?

Millions of mind fighting to find out how to find out their talent. The disclosure of outstanding abilities implies their identification of abilities, accumulation of experience and full use. The stages of disclosure of unique tissues are as follows:

  1. Before finding his talent, a person feels certain inclinations to some sphere: I wondered about the news related to this area, accumulates knowledge, collects material.
  2. Stage more deep immersion In the topic, attempts to copy other people's work.
  3. Attempts to create something unique, unique. If authorships are born at this stage or the ideas unspoken earlier, it means that the talent was born.
  4. Full exploitation of identified abilities.

How to raise a talented child?

Potential congenital talent of a child depends on his parents. When adults are trying to consider their offspring as a continuation of themselves, they require too much and give too intense installations. Then the child does not develop and does not forms its needs, but only satisfies slept dreams And the unrealized desires of their mom and dad. Therefore, to educate a gifted child, you need to listen to what interests it. The identified personal predisposition of the baby and should be developed.

The most talented nation in the world

In trying to determine, the representative of which country is the most talented, people led a lot of disputes, first of all because it is difficult to determine which criteria for uniqueness can be taken as a basis. If a high intelligence take the main criteria of giftedness, then judging by the laureates Nobel Prize The most extraordinary people of the world live in the following countries:

  1. The United States - more than a third of the laureates live in this state.
  2. United Kingdom - Every year, British scientists conquer the championship in any area.
  3. Germany - the German car is trying to be the first in everything, including in the field of discoveries.
  4. France - in the field of art, literature, painting this state is no equal.
  5. Sweden - closes the five of the birthplace of Alfred Nobel.

Top Talented People People

It is difficult to say what the most talented people of the world, since the types of gifts are very much. However, it is possible to make a list of outstanding charismatic personalities who have made a huge contribution to the development of mankind:

Films about talented people

Gifted personals have always been interested in society, so there are many films about geniuses, great scientists, doctors, composers, writers, whose uniqueness could not remain unnoticed. Movies about talents and extraordinary personalities are inspired, thirst for activity. These films can be divided into two subgroups.

Films, which describes the actually existing or existing talented people of the world:

  • "Pianist" Polansky's novel (2002), describing the life of Vladislav Spielman;
  • "Pirates of Silicon Valley" Martin Berk (2009) about the conquest of the world by Bill Gates and Steve Jobs;
  • "Jobs: Empire of temptation" Joshua Michael Stern (2013);
  • "Universe Stephen Hawking" Jame Marsha (2015).

Missed art filmswhere to one degree or another is considered talent:

  • "Mind games" Ron Howard (2001);
  • "Umnitsa Will Hunting" Gas Van Senta (1997);
  • "Perfumer" Toma Tykver (2006);
  • "Scam Thomas Krauna" John Mortyrnana (1999).

Books about talented people

There is an extensive reservoir of literature, both art and biographical, about welderkindah and outstanding Personswho hardly achieved recognition and glory:

  1. Ivan Medvedev. "Peter I: good or evil genius of Russia": Fascinating and impartial about who in fact was a talented person.
  2. Georg Brandes. "Genius Shakespeare. King tragedy ": dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the writer detailed description his life path and creativity.
  3. Irving Stone. "Thirst of Life": The most famous chronicle of Vincent Van Gogh's life, his thorny hard way to recognize.
  4. Cesare Lammbromo. "Brilliance and insanity": Original view of the Italian psychiatrist scientist on the nature of the genius.
  5. Cyrus Bulychev. "Genius and Harvesting": fantastic story About the attempt to capture the world by teleportation of the soul.
  6. Dina Rubin. Handwriting Leonardo: A story about an incredibly gifted woman who rejects the gift of heaven and just wants to be ordinary.

Works in which extraordinary personalities are referred to, help people who have not yet developed their abilities, gain themselves, raise self-esteem, get out of the comfort zone, find the idea that would capture the mind and actions and better learn world history. It is useful to get acquainted with some of the works presented. Even for general development.

Theme lesson: "I talented baby…»


Talk about the intrinsicness of the human "I

During the classes.

1. Message of the lesson goals.

Today, we learn at the lesson: Slide number 1 ..

§ What is talent?

§ What kind of people do we call talented?

§ Can we call ourselves talented people?

§ What can manifest human talent?

§ What can height be achieved?

2. Opening conversation Teachers.

· What is a person different from other creatures?

It is distinguished by a person from other creatures. Language and communication is distinguished by a person from all living things.

· We are all very different. Have you heard that Dima Bilan won the Eurovision contest?

Dima Bilan is a talented person? What?

How did he get victory?

· IN television transmission "Stars on the ice" skaters establish records. Are these people talented?

What does their talent manifest?

· Can you call any records?

· What person can be called talented?

· What is talent?

3. What is talent? Slide number 2.

Talent - outstanding innate qualities, special natural data.

Talented - possessing talent showing talent.

S. I. Ozhegov. Vocabulary.

4. Record in notebook.

Talent. Talented.

5. Portrait of M. Yu Lermontov.

§ Poet,

§ Writer,

§ Artist,

§ Musician.

Is it possible to attribute all this to one person?

· Show self-portrait. M.Yu Lermontov

· Show M.u Lermontov aged 4 years.

(His mother just died. Grandma ordered his portrait by the artist, since the photo did not do).

· What in hand in a boy? (Sheet of paper and chalk).

· Is it by chance? (No, the boy loved to draw.)

In his room, grandmother asked to use the floor with a piece of matter so that the boy could draw his paintings in the big form. And when Misha has grown, grandmother gave him to learn to artist.

· Show the picture M.u Lermontov "View of the Cross Mountain".

And M.Yu Lermontov was good musician, but his music did not reach us. I played the piano, on the violin, sang Aria from the opera.

That's the talent. And he is born in orphanage. May manifest itself in many ways.

6. Talk about yourself and about your comrades.

Who has what talents, what are they manifested? Listen to children.

Slide number 3."Where can a man talent manifest?

§ In science.

§ In sports.

§ in painting and drawing.

§ in music and singing.

§ in modeling.

On his "palm" - the drawing paints the circles on the finger with pencils of different colors.

What we now have. Each of you have some kind of talent. And someone has several of them.

7. Speeches and presentation of some children.

§ Awards for the Olympics have:

§ Anya R. Soots well.

§ are engaged in modeling:

§ Tanya S. sings perfectly and dances.

§ Remarkably draw:

§ Doggyly execute the chastushki:

§ Successes in sports have:

§ Observe musical instruments

Our class - class of talented children

8. "How to help talent grow?" Slide number 4..

§ Work a lot, work, read.

§ Talented person need to praise more often

Then I ask you guys, remember when and for what you praised in last time another person, and how did he react to it?

9 .. "How do you understand this expression" buried talent in the ground "

(give to stall talent)

10 .. "A talented person is ..."

§ capable;

§ Hardworking;

§ modest;

§ Clever;

§ interesting;

§ Loving book and reading well;

§ inquisitive;

11. On their pages, put the qualities of your qualities that you have.

Homework.Write a mini-essay on the topic "How I will help grow my talent."

12. Modesty - Sister Talent.

Petya took the first place in the city of chess. When he came to class, the guys asked him to tell how he had achieved such success. Petya answered very briefly on questions of friends, but he did not tell anything. "Talked!", "Thought the guys, and some were even offended.

What would you do on the place of Petit?

What rules need to be performed to be modest:

§ talk about yourself only the most necessary;

§ not to boast what happened and what will happen;

§ Do not talk about yourself well, but about others bad.

13. Summing up the lessons.

You from Lord dana talents,

You will increase them, I will not go into the ground.

How to do it, you know only yourself,

But honest should be that way your way.

And when before the Lord appeared

You will have to debts give,

Your work will be renounced

With you will forever grace.

Inna Vysotskaya.

14. Concert of children.

It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of the German writer Lyon Feakhthanger "Man talented, talented in all areas." Agreeing, we will have to admit that talented musician writes no less talented poems, and in free from music and verses, the time creates ingenious picturesque canvas. A person's passion otherwise is also called a hobby. I think that there are no such people in the world who would not have their own hobbies. Turn to the facts, in particular, to the piping of the biography famous writers and poets.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol experienced a passion for needlework. Knit on the spokes of scarves, crown the sisters of the dress, the belt tilt, the neck scarves sewed to the summer.

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was generously endowed with Nature not only by a poetic gift, but also the talent of the painter. Artistic abilities The future poet was already manifested in childhood when he began to draw watercolor and sculpt whole compositions and scenes from wax. Lermontov did not receive any systematic art Education. His household teacher was an artist Alexander Stepanovich Solonitsky. Being an organic part of the whole creativity of the poet, drawings and paintings by Lermontov thematically close to his poetic creatures. At the same time, a number of drawings, watercolors and paintings have a plot community with literary works Lermontov.

He wrote landscapes, was fond of creating portraits, showed himself as an outstanding cartoonist. The picturesque and graphic heritage of Lermontov make up: 11 paintings performed by oil, 51 watercolor, 50 drawings on separate sheets, two albums - one relating to the time of stay of the poet in a Junker school containing about 200 drawings, and the other belonging to 1840-1841 GG, in which there are about 20 drawings and sketches that displays his battle life in the Caucasus inscribed in it in 1840 and life 1840--1841 Finally, about 70 sketches that are in the manuscripts of the poet. (Attachment 1)

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy, the Father of the Russian intelligentsia was an extraordinary person and hobbies chose strange. For example, Lion Tolstoy loved to bargain in a plow and plow. This representation collected a mass of zoo. Another famous nobleman with joy mastery boots for relatives and friends. Unusual hobbies The writer was not combined with his aristocratic origin. The witness of the outstanding cycling hobby of Graph Lion Tolstoy was the manor "Clear Polyana", currently being memorial and natural Reservewhere it will be possible to make a fascinating journey on those routes that remember the Great Russian Writer. Soon he has already traveled freely not only in the Moscow streets, but also made moving from Moscow and Casual Polyana in Tula. The quality of our roads and now leaves much to be desired, but 100 years ago it was necessary to be a real extremal to successfully overcome them, especially in a solid age.

He was fond of horse riding, walked well, ran skiing, the sports routine always reigned in his house, he loved her hunt very much, always switched off with physical work To mental, any exercise tried to do with a joke. And rods of firewood, and kits, horse riding, tennis, and a game of Volan, and checkers with chess, and a crockety, and fast skates, and two-hundred-meters hiking - all these side classes helped him feel the joy of life and the extraordinary beauty of nature, Which, according to L. Tolstoy, will wake up dead. Lev Nikolayevich did not stop wondering the novelty all his life and welcomed it sincerely, both in her three years and eighty-two. (Appendix 2)

The famous poet and the thinker Goethe soul did not care in small fragrant colors - violets. The legendary German was not just admired by these flowers - he raged them, and very interesting way. Goethe liked to walk around the surroundings of Weimar. During such walks, the poet always took the seeds of violets. He sow flowers everywhere where he saw a suitable place. Soon, the suburb of Weimar was literally dressed up with blue fragrant flowers, which still call "Goethe flowers".

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov loved to collect brands. About 15,000 brands collected by the writer are stored in the House-Museum in Yalta. Chekhov sent and received a lot of letters and postal cards, which contributed to the replenishment of his collection. In the memoirs of contemporaries and correspondence Chekhov, it is possible to find a lot of confirmation of how carefully did Anton Pavlovich treat the correspondence received, which great interest showed to postage stamps. Later in memory of Chekhov went out stamps and other philatelic materials in the Soviet Union, Russia and others foreign countries. (Appendix 2)

Conclusion: A man, enthusiastic and fondant, lives as if several lives, and it is truth.

Leonardo da Vinci - artist, inventor, writer, long-lived ...

Leonardo da Vinci - outstanding italian artist, scientist, engineer and an anata, one of the prominent representatives of the art and science of the Renaissance. In addition to the world famous world, Leonardo left a manuscript on many areas of knowledge: engaged in mathematics, hydromechanics, geology and physical geography, meteorology, chemistry, astronomy, nerd, as well as anatomy and human and animal physiology. He playedly played on Lira. When the Leonardo case was considered in the court of Milan, he appeared there exactly as a musician, and not as an artist or inventor. Now he is perceived by many as the inventor "total in the world."

All Life Leonardo went through Europe, working on one mighty patron, then another. In addition to its main classes (painting, sculpture, architecture, engineering), the master did, it would seem completely unworthy for the genius - entertained by the aristocrats of singing, the game on Little, recited the poems of his own essay, was engaged in the organization of celebrations. Leonardo left behind about 13,000 pages of various manuscripts - notes, diaries, drawings, treatises, canons, "Codes". It must be said that the works of the master were not ordered, although the author tried to somehow systematize them, numbering the pages.

However, Da Vinci was not only scientists and an artist, but also a gifted narrator, a storyteller. He wrote and poems, sonnets, Madrigals, who have not reached us. Some Leonardo fairy tales became part of the Italian folklore and are perceived now as folk art. (Appendix 3) These stories are a certain mixed genre: there are many stories that resemble a fable or parable with clear morality, but there are simply any household humorous sketches, but come across with works about various animals, whose habits Leonardo knew very well , watching the nature of the whole life, and stories about fantastic creatures.