Help, please write an essay on the topic: "The path of spiritual quest for Evgeny Bazarov". The cooking "Bazarov -" New Man "

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Help, please write an essay on the topic: "The path of spiritual quest for Evgeny Bazarov". The cooking "Bazarov -" New Man "

The nihilism of the hero "In the present time it is useful than just a denial - we deny" Nature is not a temple, and the workshop, and the man in it is a worker "" The decent chemist is twenty times more useful than the poet "" Rafael Stringle is not worth a copper ... "" ... We are with you The same frogs, just in the legs go ... "

Meeting with single. Love in the life of the hero "In conversations with Anna Sergeyevna, he even more former expressed his indifferent contempt for all romantic; And left alone, he was aware of the romance with indignation in herself ... He caught himself on all sorts of "shameful" thoughts, for sure that his demon teases. " "So know that I love you stupid, insanely ..."

Changing the worldview of the hero "And I'm thinking: I'm lying here under a stack ... A narrow place, which I occupy, before that tiny in comparison with the rest of the space, where I am not and where there are no cases before me; And part of the time I managed to live, so insignificant before the eternity, where I was not and there would be no ... And in this atom, in this mathematical point, the blood draws, the brain works, it wants something too ... what a disgrace! "

How is the bazaars disclosed in death? "I need Russia ... no, it can be seen, not needed." "Cecido with me. Hit under the wheel. And it turns out that there is nothing to think about the future. The old thing is death, but every vent ... and after all, I also thought: a lot of things, I don't die, where! The task is, because I am a giant! And now the whole task of the giant - how to die decently, although no one is doing to this ... "

How is the bazaars disclosed in death? "He became a man, instead of being the embodiment of the theory of nihilism, and, as a person, he expressed the desire to see a favorite woman" (Pisarev) "die as the bazaaries died, it is like to make a great feat ..." (D.I. Pisarev)
Conclusions What way is Evgeny Bazarov? Nihilism Hero. Love Hero Change of worldview: a thought appears about insignificance human life. Bazarov feels like an "atom", "mathematical point" in the face of eternity. The death of the hero. "He became a man, instead of being the embodiment of the theory of nihilism ..." (Pisarev)
Used sources of Turgenev I.S. Selected Works / Rate: G. Belenyk, P Nikolaev, A.Oscharenko et al. -M.: Art. lit., Pisarev D.I. From the article "Bazarov" // Turgenev I.S. Selected Works / Rate: G. Belenyk, P Nikolaev, A.Oscharenko et al. -M.: Art. lit., with Internet resources (illustrative material).

Turgenev's novel appeared in the press in those years when new trends began to be replaced by the old life, when in the environment of Russian youth, not satisfied with the life sets of "fathers", there was a revaluation of values. Finally, when in the literature to change the hero of the past years, the nobleman, the hero of the difference came.

The novel begins with the fact that in the estate of Kirsanov, along with the son of Nikolai Petrovich, Arkady, comes his friend, Evgeny Bazarov. His unusual appearance (Balahon, Bengnebard), the junction of the manner hold on to be alarming the inhabitants of the estate. And when Arkady declares that his friend is a nihilist, hidden dislike Paul Petrovich Kirsanova goes into an open confrontation. So the conflict is tied in the novel.

FROM light hands Democratic criticism, in particular Pisarev, it is believed that the main alignment of the Roman Forces is reflected in the confrontation between Bazarov and Paul Petrovich, since they are precisely the controversy on various topics. However, as it is not difficult to notice, the elder Kirsanov turns out to be an insolvent opponent in the main hero. All the words of Pavel Petrovich are only "words", they are not supported by any action, so that the reproaches relatively idleness, abandoned by Bazar Pavlo Petrovich, is definitely fair. Believers, as Pisarev celebrates rightly, Paul Petrovich does not have, as a conviction he is trying to "pull" principles, and the principles understood on their manner. All "prisoners" Kirsanov are reduced to the observance of external decency, to efforts aimed at reckoning with a gentleman. The form without content is the essence of Pavel Petrovich.

However, as you know, the opposites converge. Despite the external confrontation, bazaars and Pavel Petrovich are very similar. Kirsanov, essentially, the same doctrine, like bazaars. Pavel Petrovich in everything interests only the outside of the things - he interprets about Shiller, about Goethe, although it was unlikely to read them, his judgments are arrogant and superficial. But the same can be said about Bazarov! The same addiction to external effects, the same "inorganicity" with its surrounding world.

This opponent is the leader of Nihilists - Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, although he does not enter into verbal battles with bazaarov. All his globility, devoid of external strife behavior, but at the same time mental latitudes, oppose the all-negious nihilists. Nikolai Petrovich could argue with the bazaarov, but he perfectly understands that his arguments will not be convincing for Bazarov, nor for his brother.

Showing the initial definition of Bazarovsk ideas, Turgenev introduces to the tissue of the narration of two more characters - Sitnikov and Cushin. It is not by chance after the death of Bazarov he does not have any more followers. On the fruitless basis of nihilism only such parodies of people like Kukshin and Sitniks grow.

However, the bazaars are not the Kukshin and Sitnikov. He is a strong person. His personality is capable of self-development, and this is what he is interested in Turgenev. The entire path of the Bazarov described in the novel is the refutation of his ideas. Bazarov denies art, poetry, because it does not see any proc. It was the Bazarov that makes fun of Nikolai Petrovich on the cello, condemns Arkady for the admiration of the beauty of nature. He is not able to understand all this.

However, it is not all lost for him, and this is manifested in his love for Odse. Bazarov turns out to be a man, not a soulless car, which is capable only to put experiments and cut the frogs. The beliefs of Bazarov come into a tragic contradiction with his human essence. He cannot refuse their beliefs, but can not and strangle the man. For Bazarov there is no exit from the created position, and that is why he dies.

The death of Bazarov is the death of his ideas. In the face of the inevitable death of the bazaarov, the entire secondary to leave the most important thing. And this main thing is that Human is that there is in it - love for one. It is noteworthy that both Double Opponent, Pavel Petrovich, Turgenev holds the same way: putting on the line of life and death, makes it throw away all the dogmas, "princeps" and leave the human, true - Love for Brother, Benches, the desire to do something for Others.

Turgenev at every step refutes judgments and Bazarov, and Pavel Petrovich. So, the bazaars declares that "Nature is not a temple, and the workshop", and immediately follows the magnificent landscape. Pictures of nature, which are saturated with a novel, looks up to the reader in a completely reverse. It turns out that Pushkin and a game of cello in absolute measurement is much more important than the useful activities of Bazarov and the aristocratic principles of Pavel Petrovich.

IN latest scene - Description of the rural cemetery and parents coming to the grave of the Son - eternal Nature, whose tranquility has encouraged Bazarov, gives Nigilist last calmness. All the secondary, which came up with a person, remains aside. Only Nature, which Bazarov wanted to turn into a workshop, and parents who gave him life surround him.

So, the internal evolution of the main character of Turgenev shows the failure and initial vanity of nihilism ideas, proves that there can not grow anything positive on the fruitless basis. And, leading to his hero to universal values, approves the deputy humanistic ideas In the life of any person.

In the novel "Fathers and Children" Parents of Bazarov - bright representatives older generation. Despite the fact that the author pays not so much attention to them as, say, Brothers Kirsanov, images of Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vsessievna are not accidental. With their help, the author most fully indicates the relationship of generations.

Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov - Father of the main character of the novel. This is a man of old quenching, brought up in strict rules. His desire seems to seem modern and progressive looks cute, but the reader understands that he is rather more conservative than Liberal. Even in his profession, Lekary, he holds traditional ways, not trusting modern medicine. He believes in God, but tries not to show his faith, especially before his wife.

Arina Vaseievna Bazarova - Mother Eugene, simple Russian woman. She is little educated, heavily believes in God. The image of a fussy old woman created by the author, even for that time looks old-fashioned. Turgenev writes in the novel that she had to be born two hundred years ago. It causes only a pleasant impression that does not spoil her piety and superstition, nor her good nature and primeness.

Relationship between parents and bazaarov

The characteristic of the baza carriar's parents clearly shows that for the two these people there is nothing more good than their only son. It is in him that the meaning of their lives is concluded. And it doesn't matter at all, Evgeny is near or far, all thoughts and conversations are only about a hot loved one and a beloved child. From each word blows care and tenderness. Old men really talk about the Son. They love him blind love, which cannot be said about Evgenia: the attitude of the Bazar to the parents love is difficult to call.

At first glance, the relationship between the Bazarov with parents warm and affectionate is difficult to call. You can even say that it does not appreciate the parent warm and care. But this is far from that. He sees everything and notes, even experiencing response feelings. But here to show them openly, he is not what, he does not know how, he simply does not consider it necessary to do it. And the surrounding does not allow this.

Bazarov negatively refers to any attempts to make the joy of his presence. Bazarov's family knows it, and parents try to hide their true feelings, do not show it increased attention And do not show your love.

But all these qualities of Eugene are showing. But he understands this hero too late, only when already under death. Nothing can be changed and return. Bazarov understands this, because he asks Odintsov not to forget his old people: "There are no such people with fire with fire with fire." These words from his mouth can be compared with recognition in love for parents, just in a different way he can not express it.

But the absence or manifestation of love is not the cause of misunderstanding between generations and the education of Bazarov is a bright confirmation of this. He does not refuse his parents, on the contrary, she dreams that they understood him and share his beliefs. Parents try to do it, but still, remain faithful to their traditional views. It is this discrepancy and leads to the problem of eternal lack of understanding of children and fathers.

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Evgeny Bazarov: the ambiguity of the image.

Turgenev's novel appeared in the press in those years when new trends began to be replaced by the old life, when in the environment of Russian youth, not satisfied with the life sets of "fathers", there was a revaluation of values. Finally, when in the literature to change the hero of the past years, the nobleman, the hero of the difference came.

The novel begins with the fact that in the estate of Kirsanov, along with the son of Nikolai Petrovich, Arkady, comes his friend, Evgeny Bazarov. His unusual appearance (Balahon, Bengnebard), the junction of the manner hold on to be alarming the inhabitants of the estate. And when Arkady declares that his friend is a nihilist, hidden dislike Paul Petrovich Kirsanova goes into an open confrontation. So the conflict is tied in the novel.

With a light hand of democratic criticism, in particular Pisarev, it is believed that the main alignment of the Roman Forces is reflected in the confrontation of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, since they are precisely the controversy on various topics. However, as it is not difficult to notice, the elder Kirsanov turns out to be an insolvent opponent in the main hero. All the words of Pavel Petrovich are only "words", they are not supported by any action, so that the reproaches relatively idleness, abandoned by Bazar Pavlo Petrovich, is definitely fair. Believers, as Pisarev celebrates rightly, Paul Petrovich does not have, as a conviction he is trying to "pull" principles, and the principles understood on their manner. All "prisoners" Kirsanov are reduced to the observance of external decency, to efforts aimed at reckoning with a gentleman. The form without content is the essence of Pavel Petrovich.

However, as you know, the opposites converge. Despite the external confrontation, bazaars and Pavel Petrovich are very similar. Kirsanov, essentially, the same doctrine, like bazaars. Pavel Petrovich in everything interests only the outside of the things - he interprets about Shiller, about Goethe, although it was unlikely to read them, his judgments are arrogant and superficial. But the same can be said about Bazarov! The same addiction to external effects, the same "inorganicity" with its surrounding world.

This opponent is the leader of Nihilists - Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, although he does not enter into verbal battles with bazaarov. All his globility, devoid of external strife behavior, but at the same time mental latitudes, oppose the all-negious nihilists. Nikolai Petrovich could argue with the bazaarov, but he perfectly understands that his arguments will not be convincing for Bazarov, nor for his brother.

Showing the initial definition of Bazarovsk ideas, Turgenev introduces to the tissue of the narration of two more characters - Sitnikov and Cushin. It is not by chance after the death of Bazarov he does not have any more followers. On the fruitless basis of nihilism only such parodies of people like Kukshin and Sitniks grow.

However, the bazaars are not the Kukshin and Sitnikov. He is a strong person. His personality is capable of self-development, and this is what he is interested in Turgenev. The entire path of the Bazarov described in the novel is the refutation of his ideas. Bazarov denies art, poetry, because it does not see any proc. It was the Bazarov that makes fun of Nikolai Petrovich on the cello, condemns Arkady for the admiration of the beauty of nature. He is not able to understand all this.

However, it is not all lost for him, and this is manifested in his love for Odse. Bazarov turns out to be a man, not a soulless car, which is capable only to put experiments and cut the frogs. The beliefs of Bazarov come into a tragic contradiction with his human essence. He cannot refuse their beliefs, but can not and strangle the man. For Bazarov there is no exit from the created position, and that is why he dies.

The death of Bazarov is the death of his ideas. In the face of the inevitable death of the bazaarov, the entire secondary to leave the most important thing. And this main thing is that Human is that there is in it - love for one. It is noteworthy that both Double Opponent, Pavel Petrovich, Turgenev holds the same way: putting on the line of life and death, makes it throw away all the dogmas, "princeps" and leave the human, true - Love for Brother, Benches, the desire to do something for Others.

Turgenev at every step refutes judgments and Bazarov, and Pavel Petrovich. So, the bazaars declares that "Nature is not a temple, and the workshop", and immediately follows the magnificent landscape. Pictures of nature, which are saturated with a novel, looks up to the reader in a completely reverse. It turns out that Pushkin and a game of cello in absolute measurement is much more important than the useful activities of Bazarov and the aristocratic principles of Pavel Petrovich.

In the last scene, the description of the rural cemetery and parents coming on the grave of the Son, the eternal nature, whose tranquility encountered Bazarov, gives Nigilist the last calmness. All the secondary, which came up with a person, remains aside. Only Nature, which Bazarov wanted to turn into a workshop, and parents who gave him life surround him.

So, the internal evolution of the main character of Turgenev shows the failure and initial vanity of nihilism ideas, proves that there can not grow anything positive on the fruitless basis. And, leading to his hero to universal values, approves the primacy of humanistic ideas in the life of any person.

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The tragedy of the image of Bazarov in Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

The image of Bazarov in Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children".

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» we are talking about eternal problem In the relationship between two generations. This conflict always existed and will not disappear until one generation replaces the other again and again. But since this series continues, while there is a human race, then every new generation, becoming "fathers", should leave behind "children" who can continue the genus. To raise myself a replacement, you need to go along the way chosen by the "fathers". There are a lot of roads, but in the end they are driving up to two: the course "For the continuation" and life "for yourself."

For continuation, some conditions are needed. The first is where parents love each other and children with delicate love. The second is much more prosaic - the ability to keep the farm, some household and labor skills. To live "for yourself," you can not have anything or have a certain random goal-dream.

In Turgenev, the "fathers" Arkady and adequately lived life, without turning out the "continuation" from the path.

"The spouses lived very well and quietly: they almost never parted, read together, played four hands on the piano, sang duets; She put flowers and watched the bird courtyard, he occasionally went to hunt and was engaged in the economy ... "

So the parents of Arkady lived, the life of the Bazar's parents was little difference from the life of Kirsanov. These are just the two conditions that are necessary for the successors. But "fathers" have already chosen and passed their way. Now it should make "sons".

Bazarov - a representative of the progressive young generation, follower of the newest course - nihilism. According to "Sons", the same as Bazarov, "Nihilist is a person who does not adhere to any authorities does not take a single principle for faith ...". Bazarov denies everything in a row: art, poetry, science as a theory, soul, feelings, recognizing "only what can be certified by one of five senses", what seems favorable with a purely material point of view.

Bazarov used to express his opinion regardless of the desire of others, often in coarse and sharp form, he does not depend on anyone and does not obey anyone, except, of course, his own person. For him, his whims, needs and desires are important. It looks like a cruel, non-issuing egoism. The Bazavarovskoe indifference to others, bordering the contempt, is an irresistible barrier for someone who decides to go closer to him. Bazarov needs small people around him, because "no gods are burning", and more - no one. Such a person cannot create a family - he has nothing to do with it, for him this is an excessive burden, useless troubles that take up all his life. Bazarov diligently avoids situations that are threatened by its independence. He loved a woman, but it was not that gentle, sentimental love that binds two spouses, it was a "passion like an angry" - anger on himself, for the fact that he could not cope with his feelings, and that that He tied him to their invisible cuims, awakened something that goes beyond the "five senses". Self-liked, who likes so much, provoking the "object" of love for fear and pity, - is it capable of creating a full-fledged, normal family. Did he be able to prepare himself with a dismissive attitude to her parents as well as his person, which he pays so much attention, will subsequently treat in the same way. Ambitious, proud and independent, bazaars cannot become a worthy family man, a loving spouse and father and a good owner.

It is quite another thing -. Undoubtedly, he is a much less strong personality, but for him personal freedom is much less significant. Arkady easily falls under someone else's influence, and although he supports Bazarov, stating that he is also a nihist, his life position Very very different from Bazarovsk. Arkady becomes unemployed when he notices the contempt of Bazarov to the "fathers", he is able to talk about art, and the judgment does not differ in such a sharpness.

Arkady, with its soft nature, turns out to be capable of a gentle feeling. He wants a family coziness and warmth, so in his lips a confession in love sounds like a proposal of "Hands and Hearts", while Bazarov does not stutter about marriage. Arkady "" Kate already began to obey, and she felt it and did not resist. " Such a young couple, like Arkady and Katya, will live all life soul in the soul, create a cozy family nest And it will fuss, knowing that their debt is fulfilled and their descendants already live their own lives.

Two "Son" - Arkady and Bazarov - went on different ways. Arkady elected the published and natural Path "Continuing", and Bazarov was removed to live life "for himself", but the love of a woman broke his confidence in own powerAnd the example of Arkady and Kati further convinced him in the uselessness of his person. Such creatures, with intentionally distorted ideas and concepts about the world around and without the possibility of leaving after themselves a noticeable trace (after all, it is possible to make something, only having a reliable support, and what the bazaars could rely on - on their denial of anything or on Own "I", which no longer justified the hope of Bazarov), in fact, are to some extent useless and unnecessary. In this situation, the death of Bazarov from ridiculous negligence is very symbolic. An unnecessary element is removed from life, it remains that it should exist. Arkady has a reliable support - the wife and the consciousness of what he loves, which means that someone needs. And let Arkady do not have any high goal and the will of the will to achieve it - he is on the right track, and behind him is the future.

In Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Yevgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov appear to the reader friends. But soon it becomes clear that their relationship resembles the chatting of the teacher with the student.

From the first pages of Roman Arkady said not his thoughts. Here, for example, how he met with his father: "What is the air here! How nice smells! " And immediately silent, because the bazaars were driving behind, and said the opposite: "... it's all the same, wherever a person is born." Arkady Romantic, he admired nature native region"Walk" kissed his father, filled with emotions. But Evgeny, a teacher, a man, friendship with which Arkady values. And this teacher is different in nature: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker." Arkady tries to please the Bazarov, although he himself "loved nature ... Although I didn't bother to confess to this," he considered his duty to hide his feelings, because "no wonder he was a nihist!"

What did heroes do on arrival in Maryino? "Arkady Siberates, Bazaarov worked," "Pourgeyev.

Bazarov got up early, walked on a swamp behind frogs for experiments. Knowledge, like a teacher, Arkady has no. Bazarov advised him how to bring order in the father's manor, spoke about the poplar, christmas trees, chernozem, he worked, knows how to understand people: "... Cattle is bad and horses broken, the buildings also poured, and workers watch the sloths." Arkady did not understand the meaning of the words of Eugene, and answered: "Strict you today." Bazarov-worker, tireless in his experiments, is entirely absorbed by the favorite profession, and Arkady is far from the teacher.

Bazarov laughed at Nikolai Petrovich's game on cello. Arkady reluctantly, but agreed with Eugene, so he took Tomik Pushkin from his father and gave the philosophical book of the German materialist.

Bazarov considered: "Rafael is not worth a copper." And Arkady enjoyed the game of Kati on the piano and Sonata Mozart.

Most recently, the bazaars with cynicism spoke of pretty women. And suddenly blushes, he says a lot, behaves unnaturally, Arkady could not understand this change in his teacher. Eugene understood himself and gave himself a report in what happened, so I called Beliborda's love. Arkady chose a family, quiet happiness from Katya, the same fate could wait for the Bazarov, but he did not want: "... Better stones beat on the pavement than letting a woman to take hold of at least the tip of the finger ...". The arcadery-tender soul, he is timid, does not know how to hate sensitive. Eugene tells him that he was not created for the "bitter tart, bobly" life. By the way, Arkady fell in love with Odintsov, not because he liked she, but because she liked Bazarov.

Arkady imites the teacher, gives himself to Nihilist, but often forgets about nihilism, about his new role, He is closer to the liberals of Kirsanov-seniors, in noble happiness, he forgot about nihilism.

The paths of the heroes were separated, because they never converged. They do not have the features of similarity, except for a trembling attitude towards parents. Attitude towards marriage, art, nature, to future life classes, professions - everything will be called heroes. Arkady needs the author to brighter to show such strong personalitylike bazaars.

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Updated: 2017-12-10

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