OGE: arguments for the composition "What is the power of the Spirit? Five stories about strong people History about the power of will and spirit.

OGE: arguments for the composition
OGE: arguments for the composition "What is the power of the Spirit? Five stories about strong people History about the power of will and spirit.

Life is worth fighting for her, not passing in no trouble. In the struggle and there is its meaning. Today we have collected for you unique stories about people who have overcome all the difficulties sent to them by the fate.

    Jack London "Martin Eden"

Novel outstanding american writer Jack London About the dream and success. Simple sailor in which it is easy to know Jack, Long, full of deprivation path to literary immortality. Will occasion Martin Edenit turns out in a secular society. And now, two goals are relentlessly facing him: the fame of the writer and possession of his museum - a beloved woman. But dreams are unpredictable and insidious: it is not known when they come true, and will it bring it Eden long-awaited joy.

    Nudzhud Ali "I am 10 years old and I am divorced"

This book describes the real story of a little Yemenka, who dared to challenge the traditions, demanding a divorce with her forcibly with her husband. And she got it! In the country where half of the girls get married before reaching eighteen years old Nudzhud. I became the first one who decided on it. Her act found a response in the hearts of people around the world and excited the international press. Nudzhud. I decided to open our story to people.

    Solomon Northap "12 years of slavery. The real story of betrayal, abduction and power of the spirit "

In 1853, this book flashed American society, becoming a harbinger of civil war. After 160 years she inspired Steve McQueen (46) and Brad Pitt (51) on the creation of a film sedella who received many awards, including " Oscar" For itself Solomon Nortapa The book was confession about the most dark period of his life. The period when despair almost strangled hope to break out of the chains of slavery and return freedom and dignity that he was taken away.

    Abdel Sell "You changed my life"

Genuine history of the main characters of the most popular French film " Unprofitable" (or " 1+1 "). This is a story about the amazing friendship of two people whose paths should never cross - a paralyzed French aristocrat and the unemployed Algerian emigrant. But they met. And forever changed each other's life.

    Gin kwk "Girl in translation"

Kimberley Mom emigrated from Hong Kong in America and found themselves in the heart Brooklyn, in New York slums. Now all hope is only on KimberleySince mom does not know English at all. Soon u Kimberley Boots a double life. In the afternoon she is an exemplary American schoolgirl, and in the evening there is a Chinese slave that runs on a small factory. She has no money for new clothes, cosmetics and other girls joys, but she has abilities and incredible dedication. She is confused and frightened, but believes in itself and is not going to retreat.

    Erich Maria Remarik "Spark of Life"

One of my favorite books of your favorite writer. What do you think, what remains in people who are slaughtered in the swirl of war? What remains in people who have given hope, love and even life itself? What remains in people who have no just nothing left? Total is a spark of life. Weak but negascics. Remarque will show you a spark that gives people a strength to smile on the threshold of death. Spark light - in pitch darkness.

    Hossaine "Thousand Shining Suns"

In the center of Romana, two women who were victims of shocks destroying the idyllic Afghanistan. Mariam is an illegal daughter of a rich businessman, who since childhood has known what is misfortune. Leila, on the contrary, is a beloved daughter in a friendly family that dreams of an interesting and beautiful life. There is nothing in common between them, they live in different worlds that were not destined to cross, if it were not for the fiery squall of war. From now on Leila and Mariam are connected by the most close bonds, and they do not know who they are enemies, girlfriends or sisters. They only know that alone they do not survive.

    Jodjo Moys "See you with you"

Sad story about impossible love. The main heroine Lou Clark loses its work in the cafe and is satisfied with the nurse to the lying sick. Will Treinar hit the bus. He has no desire to live. How the life will change after this meeting, none of them can guess.

    John Green "To blame the stars"

In 2012, John Green's novel struck the whole world. This is a story about teenagers who suffer from severe illness. But they are not going to surrender, remaining still restless, explosive, rebellious, equally ready for hatred, and to love. Hazel and Ogastus challenge fate.

    Ruben David Gonzalez Gally "White on Black"

When it seems to you that life is unjust and everything goes wrong, just open a book Gallaband not long to stay in the world of people with disabilities. Their optimism and a completely non-standard look at the usual things will become a real medicine for you.

    Mikhail Rereter "Down"

History of the main character Bones consonant " Man of rain" It is written for people who are not indifferent, for those whose soul has not yet been finally finally. Kostya Never pretend and no one wants evil. But he knows how to enjoy life as few of us. A child with an impected soul and rich, but so not like our inner world with you.

    Daniel KIZ "Mysterious History of Billy Milligan"

24 separate individuals live in it, different in terms of intelligence, age, nationality, sex and worldview. Billy Milligan. - The real and most mysterious and crazy character in our history, a kind of nature experiment over man.

Also see our other selections with fascinating books:

"Jewish Warsaw is a story about the human spirit" - a new permanent exposition in the memorial museum of Beit Lohamia Ha-Getata (Ghetto, Hebrew Fighters).
Why did you decide to open the exhibition in the museum exactly about Warsaw? After all, this topic is sufficiently lit in in many museums, so why another exhibition?
Not at all in the light of the new law adopted in Poland. The exhibition was planned and created much earlier adoption of the law - just so symbolicly coincided ...

The history of the Jews of Poland and the story of the Jewish Warsaw is the history of the founders of the Kibbutz and the history of the founders of the museum. It is difficult to separate the life of a person from what is happening around him, from what is happening with his place of residence, especially when war and millions of human lives go under the wheels of history.
The uniqueness of this exhibition is that it shows a Jewish view of life in Warsaw before the catastrophe and during the disaster. This is a story about the everyday life of the Jews, about their faith and their survival.

The story of the exhibition begins long before the arrival of the Nazis to power and capture Poland.

With the help of a variety of documentary evidence, the exhibition talks about life, although usually this kind of exhibition is stories about dying ... Without an understanding of Jewish life before the war, her aspirations, hopes and expectations, we will not be able to understand the size of the destruction of a culture from which there is no left trace.
We return to the Jewish street in Warsaw 1935. , with its political and ideological trends. Who only did not have :: Hasida and Mitagdim; educated and assimilated; Members of the Zionist youth movements; Members of nonionist youth movements ... The exhibition seeks to show all the difficulty and inconsistency of the Jewish life of those times.
Assimylated, orthodox, workers and socialists fought for the education of their children, believing that they would give the following generation the possibility of a better life.

Plate "Mizra" Misrah movement (Mizrahi - Religious Zionist Organization and Movement), Warsaw 1920g.

Traditional Jewish education.

And in parallel with this ...

... Joint struggle for improving the situation of workers.

Different aspects of Jewish life are represented by the stories of people who represent the range of opinions and experiments.

The topic of repatriation in Eretz Israel is one of the important aspects of the Jewish life of the pre-war Warsaw.

Congratulations to Shanov (Happy New Year) Repatrian Floating on the ship in Eretz Israel, Warsaw 1925.

Greeting card Shana Goods (Happy New Year), Warsaw 1930g.
Depripants are depicted on the road to Eretz Israel.

Preparation for agricultural activities on the educational farm in Gorokhov, Warsaw 1937.

Certificate of repatriation issued by the trade union A-Schomer A-Tsair in Poland, 1924g.

The exhibition presents diaries, letters, photographs, films, various subjects and documents from the archives of the Lohamia Haheta Museum. Including the exhibits from the "Collection of Korchak", the Zionist youth movements and the Archive of the Ghetto "Onega Sabit". A lot of documentaries and photos of the time are used.

For the first time, materials from the archive of the museum, which never exhibited. The Korchak Collection includes letters and other materials from the orphanage.

Technically, the exhibition is focused on the younger generation and tries to speak his tongue: a lot of interactive showcases, where you touch the image of one of the artifacts shown, you get information and a story about it. There are separate interactive stories about the Jewish Theater and Cinema, Jewish newspapers, sports ...

Illustrated newspaper for children and adolescents "Yaton Katan" (small newspaper, IVR.) "In Hebrew, 1929.

After the war, the Jews emigrated to different countries, part came to Eretz Israel.
Jewry seeds were sown in children's souls in which children were brought up to the war to the war: in youth Jewish movements, in Jewish education, in prayers in the synagogues of Ishiva in Eretz Israel, sports associations and newspapers in Hebrew, all of this played a role in choosing life Ways.

The war broke into the Jewish life of Poland, the splits of it into two parts: before and on time.

So I portrayed an artist's unknown to me, in the picture not participating in the exhibition, but photographed by me in the museum.

The capture of Warsaw is devoted to an interactive department. We not only see the siege, bombing, shelling on the screens, we feel part of what is happening.

I made some little video from this section.

In the "Ghetto" section, with the help of video films, life is shown under the occupation and isolation for almost two years, between October 1940 and July 1942, when the wall was built, separating the ghetto from the rest of the city and people did not know what was happening behind the walls of the ghetto , I did not know what would bring a new day.

Ghetto borders 15.11.1940.

Many testimonies and diaries written at the time illustrate the happening. The story of the events of those days is conducted on behalf of real people who lived in the ghetto. This is a story about daily life in the ghetto and the problems of this life: a colossal gap between rich and poor in ghetto, questions related to respecting religious rites and Saturdays, Jewish holidays.

Old movies and photos say that not to describe words. Part of these people remained only in the photos, they have no graves, no names ...

Summer of 1942, deportation of three hundred thousand Jews, two-thirds of the ghetto population, in the death camps.

The exhibition does not end with a disaster. She is still in the process of creating.

The exhibition will be completed by the foundation of the kibbutz and the birth of the first child. The circle closed when children who grew up in rich European bourgeois houses that were destroyed in a catastrophe, built new homes in Eretz Israel, in Kibbutzha and began a new life ..

"We are obliged to fight for our future" - the message of the exhibition, which is suitable for both Jews and not Jews.

I have already told about the undergoing exhibition in the memorial museum Beit Lohamay Ha-Ghettatot

The trouble is not knocking on the door - it breaks into life without demand, not explaining why and why. She knocks down, deprives the ability to think and feel. To cope with the fatal changes, it is impossible to give up, you need to stock up the courage and the limitless power of the Spirit. Unfortunately, many people hit the tragic situation and plunge into hopeless depression and not finding the strength to take a new reality.

Maybe there will be examples of people who were able to argue with the fate and get out of this fight the winner.

Baby Nick was born in the pastor family and nurses. He came to our world without hands and legs and many times asked his parents, what is his goal in life. According to Nika Vuychich, to defeat fate and believe him helped him the infinite love of parents, faith and sense of humor. As it matured, the nickname did useful skills, learned to clean my teeth on their own, swim, print on the keyboard and much more. Today he lives a full life, has a family and two children.

But his main goal was the opportunity to help people find the power of the Spirit and believe in their strength. Nick Vuychich awakens optimism in humans and instills hope in them. To do this, he travels around the world with stories about his life, reads lectures, advocates various audiences. When the most brave teeth ask Nick, why he has no hand and legs, he always confesses himself: "Oh! To blame for cigarettes. "

This very beautiful and incredibly cheerful woman is painted in minutes for 2 months ahead. She is a beloved wife, mother of two daughters and an active public figure. Ksenia rides throughout the country with motivational lectures and leads master classes on makeup. And she is a paralyzed disabled person, until the end of his days chained to a wheelchair.

In 2008, Ksenia as a result of the automotive accident received a strong injury of the spine, which had previously deprived her opportunities to walk. During the tragedy, she was pregnant and, according to her, love for her husband and a tiny creature in her belly helped her to experience the consequences of the accident and to find himself "new", because the old life left irrevocably.

Ksenia Bezuglova advises people in difficult situations, to immerse themselves in the work, not leaving any free minute to whine and regret oneself. Ksenia itself became the ruger of the disabled wheelchairs, lobbies Maternity issues, in 2012 became Miss World among the disabled.

Who said that only those who have ideal opportunities won in this life? The talented actor and pets of women Sylvester Stallone partially paralyzed face and language.

These are the consequences of generic injury and he always knew about them. But this did not prevent him from dreaming about the career of the actor and to achieve the fulfillment of his dreams. Yes, and good actors are not perfect handsome handsome, but those who can play.

Everyone in love with a person is a situation when he is deprived of the opportunity to deal with - a catastrophe. This happened in the life of the professional dancer Evgeny Smirnov when he lost his legs as a result of the accident.

But Eugene did not give up and decided to continue to dance! To do this, he needed to re-shifting all the brake dance movements, learn to move in a new way and keep balance.

Today, he, as before, performs on stage with amazingly beautiful rooms, demonstrating dedication and willpower.

Baby Maideline was born in Australia with Down syndrome and as soon as a little matured, firmly stated that he wants to be a model. Who would have thought that she would achieve her! Today she advertises handbags, sportswear, wedding dresses and participated as a mannequin at fashion week. According to Mom Maideline, her daughter was able to achieve his own, because she loved herself, believed in himself and did not see obstacles to the realization of his dreams.

Maideline's road to the world of fashion and beauty was not easy and took time, she had to seriously do fitness and lose weight by 20 kg. But now this redhead and smiling girl walks along the podium and removed for the gloss, regularly participates in shows and photos of sessions. Instagram became the starting platform for Maidelin, who brought fame and attracted the attention of model agencies to her. But nothing would happen without the irrepressible desire for Maideline Stuart to fulfill his cherished dream.

Andrea Bocelly

The blindness closes the visual world from person, makes the colors and images inaccessible for him. But the absence of vision maximizes the development of hearing and touch, makes a person thinner and rank, opens his heart for feelings.

Perhaps, thanks to his lack, the Italian singer Boocles could find the way to the heart of each listener, fill his songs with meaning and positive. Andrea Bocelley is pleased with his life, a lot speaks, married and raises four children.

The body and face of this dark-skinned woman are flawless, but the beauty is so unusual, which fascinates and does not allow you to look. Having a magnificent figure and a beautiful face, Chantal dreamed of becoming a model and once gained determination to make skin flaws with its advantage. Well, the world of fashion has already stopped living in strict standards and was ready to accept it.

Today, Chantal is a famous fashion model, which, in addition to shooting in Gloss, performs lectures to schoolchildren and unites people suffering from this skin disease.

Olesya always loved the sport and professionally engaged in swimming, reaching the level of the Master of Sports. Resting with a girlfriend in Thailand, they fell into an accident. Girlfriend died, and Oles amputated left hand. Such a tragedy is able to put a cross not only in a sport career, but also throughout. But not at this time!

As soon as Olesya fastened after surgery, she resumed swimming classes. Thanks to good results, she fell into the Paralympic national team of the Russian Federation and won 2 gold medals. In everyday life, Olesya prefers to do without a prosthesis, everything fulfills the right hand and not at all confuse about this.

These are stories about ordinary people, the same as we are with you. Despite the fact that life and problems in all the characters are different, they are united by one general quality - faith in itself and a passionate desire to achieve the goal that helps to overcome all obstacles.

Once in a difficult situation, do not allow fear to paralyze you, look at the obstacles not as a problem, but as an opportunity to increase, but failure as an experience. Let faith in their strength become the foundation of your upcoming success.

Inspiring an example of strong people, you can succeed already because you do not lose faith in yourself. Remember that in the most difficult situations there is a solution. And there are people who proved - success is achievable, just sometimes for this you need to work.

Famous creative individuals at the beginning of their creative career often suffer collapse. Walking in the depths of the centuries for examples will not need. So, a cult director Steven Spielberg found popularity not immediately. He made two failed attempts, seeking to enter the film school and twice his candidacy was rejected with the words "too badly". By the way, the stubborn director still finished this institution after 37 years. In addition to global recognition, it has a bachelor's degree.

Examples of well-known politicians also suggest that strong character helps to achieve a lot. For example, Winston Churchill It was recognized as the greatest British in history - so the survey conducted by the Air Force in 2002. And although it has already passed a pretty time from this survey, on the scale of history, the personality of this policy cannot be overestimated. But we are interested in not so much its political activity as a grand work on yourself. After all, he became the prime minister only in 65, and this was preceded by serious labor. Overcome difficulties, this person called realized opportunities.

Not only in the world of politicians can meet people who are strong in spirit. Sometimes the vocation and favorite business helps to stay afloat. Famous scientist of modernity, physicist theoretics Stepheng Hawking - This is an example. After establishing the diagnosis, the doctors believed that he would live only 2 years. However, now his name for many on hearing, he made a lot of discoveries, engaged in popularizing science, writes books, was married twice and made a flight in weightlessness. And all this - under paralysis, who first left him moving only a finger on his hand, and today - only one muscle cheek.

Chemist Alexander ButlerovAs a student, and at all arranged a fire at the university, where he studied then. The reason was the unsuccessful experiment of the unlucky researcher. In the punishment, he was given a sign "The Great Chemist", with which it was necessary to go before all students. But years later, he really became a great chemist.

And the inventor of the light bulb Thomas Edison Ended 1000 unsuccessful attempts before its invention earned. At the same time he did not consider them to failures. He argued that simply found 1000 ways, as you can not make a light bulb. This person was ready to sort out 6000 materials to find the right one, and differed not only by working capacity, but not a bright desire to please the hands.

It is not necessary to be a famous singer or a mastted writer to inspire people go ahead. If we talk about the heroic resistance of the circumstances, you need to remember Nika Vuily. This man was born in general without hands and without legs, with one small process instead of his legs. After difficult childhood and attempts by suicide, Nick took the case, and today he advocates in front of huge audiences, telling people that any life, even accompanied by difficulties, has tremendous value. He, like Stephen Hawking, has an excellent sense of humor. The first periodically voiced by itself in shows and projects with the help of an artificial synthesizer of speech, and the second comes up with funny nicknames for its limb. With us you can read to read the biography of Nika Vuily.

Giuseppe Verdi Not received to the Milan Conservatory, where he was advised to find a teacher from urban musicians, if he still wants to make music. After years, the same conservatory struggled for the right to wear the name of the famous musician.

Composer Ludwig van Beethoven I received an unambiguous verdict from my teacher: "hopeless." And at the age of 44 Lech he lost his hearing. But neither one nor the other disgusted him from music and did not prevent it from writing it.

Sometimes the talent needs to be disclosed, and for a long time they do not see others. For example, in the biography of the singer Fedor Shalyapina There is a rather funny episode. Being crammed in finances, he went to look for earnings - a journalist and singing in the choir. With him, together at the happiness of his friend Alexey Peshkov, whom we know how Maxim Gorky. The paradox is that Shalyapin took in the newspaper, but they rejected vocal data, and Peshkov's future writer was accepted to sing, but the talent for writing did not find any. Fortunately, life nevertheless put everything in its place.

Attentive readers could notice that only men were represented on our list. But this does not mean that history did not know strong women. We prepared . Remember that the will, the desire to achieve in the life of the height and at the same time be a worthy person does not depend on the age or from the floor, or from anything else. Try, spit, but do not be afraid of errors. And do not forget to click on the buttons and

The artist cannot be a loser;

be an artist Luck in itself.

Charles Horton Kuli.

This story about how the will to life and the strength of the Spirit can carry any obstacles on its path and help to fulfill the dream, whatever difficult it seems.

Fate is constantly experiencing a person on his life path. Some people, being healthy, leave in front of the slightest difficulties and complain about life. Others without complaints and justification overcome the most difficult tests and find their place in life.

The epigraph to this article was a quote, read by me on the social network, on the page of an amazing person, whose name is Ildar Apegeleev. In this tank, the phrase contains a deep meaning with which it is impossible to disagree.

Ildar - Self-taught artist from Kuibyshevsky district (Aul Bergul). Happy smile, rear view and sea of \u200b\u200benergy. And still faith in God, in itself and its limitless opportunities. So people see our hero. It is a volitional, talented and strong spirit of the young man, managed to achieve his goal, contrary to the existing difficulties in his life path ...

At birth, a young man received a generic injury, the functionality of the hands was completely disturbed. Ildar Pali, he is a disabled person of the group, because of his illness, his hands do not fully function, so their work is performed. Ildar everything has to make legs, or rather, fingers. He is very talented, sociable and kind young man who has many friends. The guy loves to play football and computer games. But the favorite occupation was and remains drawing. Despite the disease, Ildar tries to live fully. In everything he supports a loving family.

Initially, he looked filues from plasticine, created various crafts from paper, and even learned to embroider. Soon the amazing world of painting was opened in front of our hero ...

In 2013, Ildar Aucheleev received a diploma of the first degree and the electric stove of the "Dream" for his exhibition of paintings. With its participation in the festival of creative people with disabilities "Talent and the Will" and such a stunning success, Ildar produced real Furior in his native aul Bergule. Nobody expected the first participation in the regional competition will be the beginning of a new life for the young man.

The initiator of the guy's participation in the prestigious regional competition "Talent and the Will" was Dina Faizulin, the head of the center of the Tatar National Culture of the Kuibyshevsky district. Having learned that the young man wrote pictures with his fingers, Dina decided by anything to help him feel like the right society. Ildar's parents supported this idea. The cultural and leisure center of the Kuibyshevsky district has allocated funds and transport to travel. And here the six paintings of Mom and his son were lucky to Novosibirsk. By the way, the name of its drawings is coming up with itself - and they very accurately reveal the meaning and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. For example, the "corner of the ponday", "free in the steppe", "Native Edge", "Little Dream" ... Each painting radiates good, light, love, happiness and faith. Of course, there are always parents next to his son - their support and understanding helps him to achieve the results that he has today.

Savia Apcheneeva, Mom: " Very grateful to Dene and the rest, who helped our son to take part in the competition. He's as if the wings grew up behind his back. Draws and draws. Here the neighbors now ask him to write their portrait. One already order Ildar performed, I liked everything. It works over the second».

The happy is the person who is for what to fight, which is what to seek. It is necessary to cow yourself. If a person wants to achieve something in life He must assume goals and seek them. Life is overcoming. Overcoming your fear, laziness, weaknesses, external circumstances. We live if we persistently learn to win.

Recall the history of a person who inspires thousands of people does not give up, despite pain, despair and seeming hopelessness. For example, he instills faith and hope in the heart of millions of people around the world.

The power of the Spirit, the power of the will is a real force. Victory on themselves is real victories. The life of a strong person is a real life.

Ildar refers to the number of people who do not surrender in front of life tests, thanks to his persistence, talent and tremendous will, we have the opportunity to contemplate beautiful paintings and inspired by the creative success of the artist ...

Every person must remember that in every difficulty he is not one - with him the one who created it. The one who sees everything and hears, even what a person is silent, the one who knows his soul. Regardless of which grief we are experiencing and no matter how abandoned, you feel, with each - Most High.

The Quran says:

He replied: "Don't be afraid of you both! There is no doubt that I [Lord of Worlds] - Next to you, I hear and see. [I will not give you to offend you, at the right time help will be near you]. *

Corrected Quran, 20:46

Believer, taking into account the absolute "online" awareness of the Creator, and even more so - his control and power over everything and everything, should never despair and do everything in itself to achieve happiness and in the earth and in eternal!


Mahalla number 1

* With comments Sh. Alautdinova