Periodization of 19th century literature. The specifics of the literary process in Russia in the last third of the 19th century

Periodization of 19th century literature.  The specifics of the literary process in Russia in the last third of the 19th century
Periodization of 19th century literature. The specifics of the literary process in Russia in the last third of the 19th century

Russian national culture in the 19th century reached heights in art, literature, in many areas of knowledge, defined by the word "classic". Russian literature of the 19th century is deservedly called the “golden age.” Even an ignorant of literature will not be able to argue. world literature... The "Golden Age" gave us many famous masters... The 19th century is the time of the development of the Russian literary language, which took shape for the most part thanks to. It began with the flowering of sentimentalism and the gradual rise of romanticism, especially in poetry. There were many poets during this period, but the main figure of that time was Alexander Pushkin. As it would be dubbed "star" now.

His ascent to the Olympus of literature began in 1820 with the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila. And "Eugene Onegin" - a novel in verse, was called an encyclopedia of Russian life. The era of Russian romanticism was opened by his romantic poems “ Bronze Horseman"," Bakhchisarai Fountain "," Gypsies ". For most of the poets and writers A.S. Pushkin was a teacher. The traditions laid down by him in the creation of literary works were continued by many of them. Among them was. Russian poetry of that time was closely connected with the social and political life of the country. In their works, the authors tried to comprehend and develop the idea of ​​their special purpose. They called on the authorities to listen to their words. The poet of that time was considered a prophet, a conductor of divine truth. This can be traced in Pushkin's poem "The Prophet", in the ode "Liberty", "The Poet and the Crowd", in Lermontov's "On the Death of a Poet" and many others. In the 19th century a huge impact all world literature was rendered by the English historical novels... Under their influence, A.S. Pushkin writes the story “ Captain's daughter».

Throughout the 19th century, the main artistic types were type " little man"And the type of" superfluous person ".

From the 19th century, literature inherited a satirical character and journalism. This can be traced in " Dead Souls"," The Nose ", in the comedy" The Inspector General ", by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "History of one city", "Lord Golovlevs".

Becoming Russian realistic literature takes place from the middle of the 19th century. She reacted sharply to the socio-political situation in Russia. A dispute arises between Slavophiles and Westernizers about the paths of the country's historical development.

The development of the genre of the realistic novel begins. A special psychologism can be traced in the literature, philosophical, socio-political problems prevail. The development of poetry dies down somewhat, but, despite the general silence, the voice, which in the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia?" illuminates the hard and hopeless life of the people. -

The end of the century gave us,. In literature, pre-revolutionary sentiments run like a red thread. The realistic tradition began to fade, replaced by decadent literature, with mysticism, religiosity, and also a presentiment of changes in the socio-political life of Russia. Then everything grew into symbolism. And a new page has opened in the history of Russian literature.

On the works of the writers of that time, we learn humanity, patriotism, we study ours. On this "classic" more than one generation of people - Humans - has grown up.

In order to understand well the peculiarities of Russian culture on turn of XIX-XX centuries, you need to have an idea of ​​the nature of domestic law, economics and politics of this period. This is key. The role of Russian culture cannot be overestimated. Thanks to Peter's reforms, an absolute monarchy was established in the empire, as well as the legislative registration of the bureaucracy. This was especially reflected in the "golden age" of Catherine II. Developments early XIX century The century marked the ministerial reform of Alexander I. In practice, it was carried out in order to strengthen the feudal-absolutist order. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the new "spirit of the times". First of all, one can trace the reflection of the Great French Revolution on the entire Russian culture.

The love of freedom is one of its archetypes. She is praised by all Russian poetry, from Tsvetaeva to Pushkin. After the ministries were established, there was a further bureaucratization of management. In addition, the central apparatus of the Russian Empire was improved. The establishment of the Council of State is an essential element of Europeanization and modernization of the entire system. Its main functions are: ensuring the uniformity of legal norms and the centralization of legislative affairs. Golden period Russian culture of the late 19th - early 20th centuries developed very intensively. This process was strongly influenced by advanced Western European thought and world revolutionary progress. The close relationship of Russian culture with others also affected. This was the period when French utopian socialism and German classical philosophy developed. These ideas have become very popular on the territory of the state. Russian culture at the beginning of the 19th century was strongly influenced by the legacy left over from previous generations. It is thanks to him that new sprouts of creativity have sprung up in literature. This also applies to the fields of culture, painting and poetry. The works of F. Dostoevsky, P. Melnikov-Pechersky, N. Leskov and N. Gogol are permeated with the traditions of Old Russian religious culture... Also, one cannot fail to note the creativity of others. literary geniuses, whose attitude towards Orthodox movements was more controversial. We are talking about A. Blok, L. Tolstoy, A. Pushkin and so on. An indelible seal can be traced in their work, which testifies to their Orthodox roots. Also, we must not forget the skeptical I. Turgenev. In his work "Living Relics" the image of national holiness is presented. Also of great interest is the Russian art culture that time. We are talking about the paintings of K. Petrov-Vodkin, M. Vrubel, M. Nesterov.

The origins of their work lie in Orthodox icon painting. Ancient church singing has become a striking phenomenon in the history of musical culture. This also includes the later experiments of S. Rachmaninoff, P. Tchaikovsky and D. Bortnyansky. Major contributions Russian culture of the late 19th - early 20th centuries absorbed the best achievements of other peoples and countries. However, she did not lose her identity. In addition, there was a significant impact on the development of other cultures. As for history European nations then she left a considerable mark. Primarily, it comes about religious Russian thought. It was formed under the influence of the West. In turn, Western European culture was influenced by theology and philosophy. This is especially true in the first half of the 20th century.

A significant contribution to the development of Russian culture was made by the works of M. Bakunin, N. Berdyaev, P. Florensky, S. Bulgakov, V. Soloviev, and many others.

We must not forget about the "thunderstorm of the twelfth year." We are talking about a strong impetus to the development of Russian culture.

Patriotic War is inextricably linked with the growth of national identity and the formation of "Decembrism". It also influenced the traditions of Russian culture. V. Belinsky wrote that that year shocked the whole country, while at the same time aroused national pride and consciousness. Features of the historical process Its pace was noticeably accelerated. This is due to the above factors. Differentiation was in full swing different areas cultural activities. This is especially true in science. The cultural process itself also became more complicated. Greater mutual influence was noted different spheres... In particular, this applies to music, literature, philosophy, and so on. Also, it should be noted that the processes of interaction between the constituent elements have intensified. national culture... This is its official part, which was guarded by the state, and the area of ​​the masses (that is, the folklore layer). The latter comes from the bowels of the East Slavic tribal unions. This layer was formed in Ancient Russia. He fully existed throughout national history... As far as the bowels of the official state culture are concerned, the presence of an "elite" stratum can be traced here. She served the ruling class. This primarily applies to the royal court and the aristocracy. This layer was quite susceptible to foreign innovations. In this case, it is advisable to mention the romantic painting of A. Ivanov, K. Bryullov, V. Tropinin, O. Kiprensky and other well-known artists XIX centuries. Influence of the 18th century.

In the first half of it, there appeared raznochintsy intellectuals. By the end of the century, a special social group... We are talking about the serf intelligentsia. It included poets, musicians, architects and painters.

If at the beginning of the century the leading roles belonged to the noble intelligentsia, then at the end - to the commoners. People from the peasants began to join this stratum. This was especially felt after the abolition of serfdom. The educated representatives of the democratic and liberal bourgeoisie could be attributed to the commoners. It could not be said that they belonged to the nobility. Rather, they can be attributed to the peasantry, merchants, bourgeoisie and bureaucracy. This confirms such important features of Russian culture as the beginning of its democratization processes. Their essence lies in the fact that not only members of the privileged estates became educated leaders. However, leading place still belonged to them. The number of scientists, composers, artists, poets, and writers from the underprivileged strata increased. In particular, this applies to the serf peasantry, and mainly from the circle of commoners. Fruits of the XIX century The art of Russian culture continues to develop actively. Literature is becoming its leading field.

First of all, the influence of progressive liberation ideology can be traced here. In fact, many works of that period are filled with revolutionary, military appeals, as well as political pamphlets. This is the most important value of Russian culture. She was a great inspiration to the advanced youth. The reign of the spirit of struggle and opposition was felt. He permeated the works of progressive writers. Thus, literature has become one of the most active forces in society.

You can take, for example, the richest world classics and make a comparison of Russian culture. Even against its background, the literature of the last century is an exceptional phenomenon. Tolstoy's prose and Pushkin's poetry can be called a real miracle. It is no coincidence that Yasnaya Polyana became the intellectual capital. A. Pushkin's contribution It is difficult to say what the culture of Russia would be without him. A. Pushkin is the founder of Russian realism. Suffice it to recall "Eugene Onegin". This novel in verse he was named by the famous critic of the encyclopedia of Russian life. This is the highest expression of realism in the works of genius. Also to outstanding examples this direction literature include the story "Dubrovsky", "The Captain's Daughter", the drama "Boris Godunov". As for the world significance of Pushkin, it is inextricably linked with the understanding of the universal significance of the tradition, which was created by him. He paved the literary path for A. Chekhov, L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky, I. Turgenev, N. Gogol, M. Lermontov. It has become a full-fledged fact of Russian culture. In addition, this road is the most important moment spiritual development humanity.

Lermontov's contribution He can be called the successor and younger contemporary of Pushkin. First of all, it is worth highlighting the "Hero of Our Time". One cannot fail to note its consonance with the novel "Eugene Onegin". Meanwhile, "A Hero of Our Time" is the pinnacle of Lermontov's realism. His work is highest point evolution of poetry after Pushkin's time. Thanks to this, new paths for development were opened. domestic prose... Byron's work is the main aesthetic landmark. Russian romantic individualism implies the presence of a cult of titanic passions.

Also, this can include lyrical expression and extreme situations, which are combined with philosophical self-deepening. Thus, it becomes clear Lermontov's gravitation towards lyroepic poem, romance and ballad. Love occupies a special place in them. Also, do not forget about the "dialectic of feelings" - Lermontov's method of psychological analysis, which made a significant contribution to subsequent literature. Gogol's research His work developed in the direction from romantic forms to realism.

Gogol's creations contributed a lot to the development of Russian literature. As an example, we can take "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". The concept of Little Russia is embodied here - a kind of Slavic Ancient Rome... It is like a whole continent on the map of the universe. Dikanka is its original center, the focus of national destiny and spiritual specifics. In addition, Gogol founded " natural school". This is about critical realism... Russian culture of the 20th century was marked by worldwide recognition Gogol. From that moment on, he became an active and growing element of world literary progress. His work has a deep philosophical potential, which is indicated gradually. Tolstoy's contribution His brilliant work deserves special attention.

It marked a new stage in the development of world and Russian realism. First of all, it is worth highlighting the power and novelty of Tolstoy's creativity.

Here a lot depended on the democratic roots of his activities, moral searches and world consciousness. Tolstoy's realism is distinguished by a special truthfulness. Also, one cannot fail to highlight the directness and frankness of tone. The consequence of this is the sharp detection social contradictions and crushing power. "War and Peace" is a special phenomenon in world and Russian literature.

This is a unique phenomenon of Tolstoy's art. We are talking about an ingenious combination of a multi-figured epic "fresco" and psychological romance on a grand scale. The first part of the work was published a long time ago. During this time, several generations of readers have changed. Nevertheless, "War and Peace" continues to be actual work for all ages. Y. Nagibin, modern writer, called this work the eternal companion of man.

It is dedicated to the disastrous war of the 19th century. It affirms the moral idea of ​​the triumph of life over death. Russian culture of the 20th century betrayed this colossal significance. Dostoevsky's explorations It remains to be amazed at their titanic character. Dostoevsky is a great Russian writer. His moral research is somewhat different from Tolstoy's. This is primarily manifested in the absence of an analysis of epic proportions. That is, there is no description of what is happening. We have to "go underground". This is the only way to see what is really happening. Thanks to this, there is an opportunity to look at ourselves. Dostoevsky had an amazing ability, which was to penetrate to the very essence human soul... As a result, they were given a description of modern nihilism. This attitude of mind was indelibly characterized by him. Readers are still fascinated by the inexplicable accuracy and depth.

As for ancient nihilism, it was inextricably linked with Epicureanism and skepticism. His ideal is noble serenity, as well as achieving peace of mind in the face of the vicissitudes of fortune. Alexander the Great at one time was deeply impressed by nihilism Ancient India... His entourage felt the same. If we take into account the philosophical attitude, then this is somewhat similar to the position of Pyrrho of Elis. The result is the contemplation of emptiness. As for Nagarjuna, for him and his followers, nihilism represented the threshold of religion. The current trend is somewhat different from the past. It is still based on intellectual conviction. It is not a blessed state of equanimity or philosophical dispassion. Rather, it is about a failure to create and assert. This is not a philosophy, but a spiritual flaw. The main stages of the heyday of the musical art XIX the century was marked by the intensive development of literature. Along with this, the musical culture of Russia sparkled brightly. At the same time, she was in close interaction with literature. Thus, Russian artistic culture was intensively enriched. Completely new images appeared. Rimsky-Korsakov's aesthetic ideal is at the heart of his musical creativity. The beauty in art is an unconditional value for him. His operas are filled with images of the highly poetic world. This clearly shows that art has a dual power. It transforms and conquers a person. Rimsky-Korsakov combines this function of art with his idea of ​​the quality of a means for moral improvement. This cult inextricably linked with the romantic assertion of the Human Creator. He is involved in a confrontation with the alienating tendencies of the past.

This music elevates everything human. Its goal is to bring salvation from the "terrible delusions" that are inherent in the bourgeois age. This is another meaning of Russian culture.

It brings benefits to society and gains a great civic purpose. P. Tchaikovsky's work made a huge contribution to the flourishing of Russian musical culture. He wrote many wonderful works.

The opera "Eugene Onegin" was experimental in nature. In addition, the author himself interprets it as "lyrical scenes". The pioneering essence of opera lies in the reflection of new cutting-edge literature. Russian culture of the early 20th century It should be noted that at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. quite complex historical and political events... It is thanks to them that the Russian culture of the early 20th century was enriched with a variety of forms and directions. She acquired new trends that required an understanding of the emerging social and moral issues... It should be said that by the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was a country with big amount illiterate population. Education system included three levels: higher, secondary and primary.

XIX century spawned a large number of talented Russian prose writers and poets. Their works quickly burst into and took their rightful position in it. Their influence was influenced by the work of many authors around the world. The general characteristics of Russian literature of the 19th century became the subject of study for a separate section in literary criticism. Undoubtedly, the prerequisites for such a rapid cultural take-off were the events in political and social life.


Major trends in art and literature are influenced by historical events... If in XVIII century social life in Russia was relatively measured, the next century included many important vicissitudes that influenced not only further development society and politics, but also on the formation of new trends and trends in literature.

The war with Turkey, the invasion of the Napoleonic army, the execution of oppositionists, the abolition of serfdom, and many other events became striking historical milestones of this period. All of them are reflected in art and culture. General characteristics of Russian literature of the 19th century cannot do without mentioning the creation of new stylistic norms. The genius of the art of words was A.S. Pushkin. This great century begins with his work.

Literary language

The main merit of the genius Russian poet was the creation of new poetic forms, stylistic devices and unique, previously unused plots. Pushkin managed to achieve this thanks to comprehensive development and excellent education. Once he set himself the goal of achieving all the heights in enlightenment. And he reached her by his thirty-seven years. Pushkin's heroes became atypical and new for that time. The image of Tatiana Larina combines the beauty, intelligence and features of the Russian soul. This literary type there were no analogues in our literature before.

Answering the question: "What is the general characteristic of Russian literature of the 19th century?", A person with at least basic philological knowledge will remember such names as Pushkin, Chekhov, Dostoevsky. But it was the author of Eugene Onegin who made a revolution in Russian literature.


This concept dates back to the Western medieval epic. But to XIX century it took on new shades. Having originated in Germany, romanticism has penetrated into the works of Russian authors. In prose, this trend is characterized by a desire for mystical motives and folk legends. In poetry, there is a desire to transform life for the better and the glorification of folk heroes. The opposition and their tragic end became fertile ground for poetry.

The general characteristic of Russian literature of the 19th century is marked by romantic moods in the lyrics, which were quite often found in the poems of Pushkin and other poets of his galaxy.

As for prose, new forms of the story have appeared, among which the fantastic genre occupies an important place. Vivid examples of romantic prose - early works Nikolai Gogol.


With the development of this direction, Russian literature of the 19th century begins. General prose is about sensibility and emphasis on the reader's perception. Sentimentalism penetrated Russian literature as early as the end of the 18th century. Karamzin became the founder of the Russian tradition in this genre. In the 19th century, he had a number of followers.

Satirical prose

It was at this time that satirical and journalistic works appeared. This trend can be traced primarily in the work of Gogol. Starting your career with a description small homeland, this author later moved on to the all-Russian social themes... Today it is difficult to imagine what Russian literature of the 19th century would be without this master of satire. The general characteristic of his prose in this genre is reduced not only to a critical view of the stupidity and parasitism of the landlords. The satirist writer "walked" through almost all strata of society.

A masterpiece of satirical prose was the novel "Lord Golovlevs", dedicated to the theme of the poor the spiritual world landlords. Subsequently, the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin, like the books of many other satirical writers, became the starting point for the birth of

Realistic romance

The development of realistic prose took place in the second half of the century. Romantic ideals proved to be untenable. There was a need to show the world as it really is. Dostoevsky's prose is an integral part of such a concept as Russian literature of the 19th century. The general description briefly represents a list of important features of this period and the prerequisites for the emergence of certain phenomena. As for Dostoevsky's realistic prose, it can be characterized as follows: the stories and novels of this author became a reaction to the mood that prevailed in society in those years. Depicting prototypes of people he knew in his works, he tried to consider and solve the most topical issues society in which he moved.

In the first decades, Mikhail Kutuzov was glorified in the country, then the romantic Decembrists. This is clearly evidenced by Russian literature of the early 19th century. A general description of the end of the century can be found in a couple of words. This is a revaluation of values. It was not the fate of the entire people that came to the fore, but its individual representatives. Hence the appearance in prose of the image of the "superfluous person".

Folk poem

In the years when the realistic novel took over dominance, poetry faded into the background. The general characteristics of the development of Russian literature in the 19th century allows us to trace the long path from dreamy poetry to true novel... In this atmosphere, Nekrasov creates his brilliant work. But his work can hardly be attributed to one of the leading genres of the period mentioned. The author has combined several genres in his poem: peasant, heroic, revolutionary.

End of the century

At the end of the 19th century, Chekhov became one of the most widely read authors. Despite the fact that at the beginning creative path critics accused the writer of coldness towards current social topics, his works received indisputable public recognition. Continuing to develop the image of the "little man" created by Pushkin, Chekhov studied the Russian soul. Various philosophical and political ideas that were developed in late XIX century, could not help but affect the lives of individuals.

IN late literature In the 19th century, revolutionary sentiments prevailed. Among the authors, whose work was at the turn of the century, Maxim Gorky became one of the brightest personalities.

The general characteristics of the 19th century deserve closer attention. Each major representative of this period created his own art world, whose heroes dreamed of the impossible, fought against social evil or experienced their own little tragedy. AND the main task their authors was to reflect the realities of a century rich in social and political events.

At the beginning of the XIX century. a two-level culture is noted: the verbal-mental level is combined with the level of immediate being. This time is characterized by the coexistence of four literary directions... Classicism and sentimentalism still live from the last century. New time forms new directions: romanticism and realism.

At the beginning of the 19th century. many magazines directly or indirectly were the press organs of the literary societies that arose at that time. Thus, under the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts, the "Scroll of Muses" (1802–1803), "Periodicals of the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts" (1804), as well as "Journal of Russian Literature" (1805) by N. P. Brusilov, "Northern Herald" (1804-1805) and "Lyceum" (1806) by II Martynov, "Flower Garden" (1809-1810) by AI Benitsky and AE Izmailov; at the Conversation of lovers of the Russian word - "Readings in the Conversation of lovers of the Russian word" (1811-1816); at the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature - "Competitor of Enlightenment and Benevolence" (1818-1825) and "Nevsky Spectator" (1820-1821). A kind of "home" enterprise, designed for an undemanding audience, but at the same time, Blagonamerenny (1818–1826) by A. Ye. Izmailov was quite popular. From magazines beginning. 19th century long life was destined only to NI Grech's “Son of the Fatherland” (1812-1852), created in polemics with the “Vestnik Evropy”: its subtitle stated that it was “a historical, political and literary journal” ( the last word appeared in subtitle in 1814). The spirit of the struggle against "Gallomania" was also imbued with the "Russian Bulletin" (1808-1820, 1824) by S. N. Glinka and " Domestic notes"(1818-1830) P. P. Svinin. Important place in literary life first third of the 19th century , especially the 1820s occupied almanacs that successfully competed with magazines: "Polar Star" by K. F. Ryleev and A. A. Bestuzhev, "Mnemosyne" by V. F. Odoevsky and V. K. Kyukhelbeker, "Northern Flowers" by A. A. Delvig and O. M Somova, and many others. dr.
Commercial editions of the encyclopedic type appear- the so-called. "Thick magazines", the first of which was "Moscow Telegraph" (1825-1834) N. A. Polevoy. It was followed by "Moskovsky Vestnik" (1827-1830) by MP Pogodin - the organ of a circle of wisdom, "Telescope" (1831-1836) by NI Nadezhdin, "European" (1832) by IV Kireevsky, closed by the authorities in the second issue, "Library for Reading" (1834-1865), created by O. I. Senkovsky, "Moscow Observer" (1835-1839) and others. readable magazine of this kind were Otechestvennye zapiski (1839–1867) by AA Kraevsky, whose fame in the 1840s was created by articles by VG Belinsky (in 1868–1884 the magazine was published by other persons).

Specific feature public life early 19th century was organization of literary societies, which was an indicator of the relative maturity of literature and the desire to give it the character of a public matter. The earliest of them was the "Friendly Literary Society" that emerged in Moscow in January 1801, which grew out of a student circle of pupils of Moscow University and the University Noble Boarding School - brothers Andrey and Alexander Ivanovich Turgenev, A.F. Voeikov, A.S. Kaisarov, V. A. Zhukovsky, S. G. Rodzianki. According to the senior participant, poet and teacher of Moscow University AF Merzlyakov, in this society “young people, united by acquaintance and friendship, composed, translated, analyzed their translations and works and thus improved themselves on hard way literature and taste ”. One of the initiators of the society, Andrei Turgenev, began his literary career as a convinced "Karamzinist".

Soon, disagreements arose between members of the society in relation to Karamzin. Under the influence of Schiller, the radical-minded Andrei Turgenev and AS Kaisarov began to assert the romantic idea of ​​nationality and high civic consciousness in literature. At the end of March 1801, Andrei Turgenev delivered a speech at a meeting of the "Friendly Literary Society" in which he condemned Karamzin and his followers for the absence of "high" content in their verses, for lack of publicity and "imitation". Karamzin “too inclined us to softness and sophistication, - said A. Turgenev. - I will say frankly: it is more harmful than useful to our literature ... It is harmful because it writes beautifully in its own way; let the Russians continue to write worse and not so interesting, if only they would study essential subjects, they would write more original, more importantly, not so much applied to petty childbirth. " The radical sentiments of Andrei Turgenev and Andrei Kaisarov were not shared by the successive "Karamzinists" Vasily Zhukovsky, Alexander Turgenev, Semyon Rodzianka. They adhered to more moderate views, focusing their attention on moral problems, cultivating personal rather than public virtue in the spirit of Karamzin. In the fall of 1801, the society disintegrated, many of its members left Moscow.

On July 15, 1801, the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts opened in St. Petersburg as a circle of young like-minded people. His interests were not limited to literature alone. The society included sculptors (I. I. Terebenev, I. I. Galberg), artists (A. I. Ivanov), scientists archaeologists, historians, physicians (A. I. Ermolaev, I. O. Timkovsky, D. I. Yazykov, etc.). "The society chose literature, science and art as the subject of its exercises," wrote V.V.

TO late XVIII century, when the possibilities of classicism were exhausted and sentimentalism came to replace it, the need to enrich the language with new lexical means and systematize its former vocabulary began to be clearly felt. The largest representative of Russian sentimentalism was striving to fulfill this task. N.M. Karamzin... As a result of his literary and journalistic activities and artistic creation a large number of borrowed words were introduced into the Russian language.

In an effort to change this situation, Karamzin introduced into his poems and prose a lot of new words he had composed based on the French equivalents. These words began to be widely included not only in literature, but also in the living speech of educated people and later began to be perceived as indigenous Russian words: taste, style, shade, influence, moral, aesthetic, enthusiasm, melancholy, touching, interesting, entertaining, significant , concentrated, refined, erudition, need, industry, etc. With the help of these words it was possible to quite accurately express new concepts that appeared in literature, subtle states of mind and moods.

But it should be noted that not all of Karamzin's contemporaries agreed with the direction in which he proposed to reform the Russian language. His most vivid opponent was the writer and philologist Admiral L.S. Shishkov, who then headed the Russian Academy. His main dissatisfaction was that a large number of borrowed words were introduced into the Russian language. Shishkov expressed his position in the work "Discourses on the old and new syllables of the Russian language", which was published in 1803. In the future, each of the opponents had their own supporters and opponents - "Shishkovists" and "karamzinists"", Between which a fierce polemic unfolded.

Shishkov's supporters concentrated in the Russian Academy led by him and the literary society he created under the name " Conversation of lovers of the Russian word"(1811-1816). The "Conversation" included people of different political and literary predilections, among whom were both outstanding writers and poets (G.R.Derzhavin, I.A.Krylov, etc.), and secondary, long forgotten writers of that era. Karamzin's supporters have created their own literary association, which was named " Arzamas"(1815-1818). The composition of "Arzamas" was very heterogeneous: it included writers and poets K.N. Batyushkov, V.A. Zhukovsky, young A.S. Pushkin and his uncle and others.

The residents of Arzamas called the members of the "Conversation" archaists and conservatives, and there was much that was fair in this. Shishkov's demands boiled down to the fact that it is necessary in the Russian literary language to use only Old Slavonic and primordially Russian roots and forms of words and to abandon foreign borrowings. But already to his contemporaries, the replacements proposed by Shishkov seemed simply ridiculous: "galoshes" for "wet shoes", "theater" for "disgrace".

19th century is one of the most significant in Russian literature. It was this era that gave the world the names of the great classics who influenced not only Russian, but also world culture. The main ideas inherent in the literature of this time are the growth of the human soul, the struggle between good and evil, the triumph of morality and purity.

Difference from the previous century

Giving a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it can be noted that the previous century was distinguished by a very calm development. Throughout the previous century, poets and writers glorified the dignity of man, tried to instill high moral and ethical ideals. And only at the end of the century, more daring and daring works began to appear - the authors began to focus on human psychology, his experiences and feelings.

The reasons for the flourishing

In the process of working on homework or a report on the topic "General characteristics of Russian literature of the 19th century", a student may have a logical question: what caused these changes, why was literature able to achieve such high level development? The reason for this was social events - this is the war with Turkey, and the invasion of Napoleonic troops, and the abolition of serfdom, and the public reprisal against the opposition. All this served to the fact that completely new stylistic devices began to be used in literature. Working on a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it is worth mentioning that this era rightfully went down in history as the "Golden Age".

Direction of literature

Russian literature of that time was distinguished by a very bold formulation of questions about the meaning of human existence, about the most pressing socio-political, moral and ethical problems. She takes the meaning of these questions far beyond her own historical era... Preparing a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, one must remember that it became one of the most powerful means of influencing both Russian readers and foreign ones, gaining the fame of an influential force in the development of enlightenment.

Phenomenon of the era

If you need to give a brief general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it can be noted that a common feature of this era was such a phenomenon as "literary centrism." This means that literature has become a way of communicating ideas and opinions in political disputes. It turned into a powerful tool for expressing ideology, defining values ​​and ideals.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether this is good or bad. Of course, giving a general description of the Russian literature XIX century, one can reproach the literature of that time for being too “preaching”, “instructive”. After all, it is often said that the desire to become a prophet can lead to inappropriate guardianship. And this is fraught with the development of intolerance to dissent of any kind. Of course, there is some truth in such reasoning, however, giving a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it is necessary to take into account the historical realities in which the writers, poets and critics of that time lived. AI Herzen, when he found himself in emigration, described this phenomenon as follows: "For the people who have been deprived of freedom of speech and self-expression, literature remains almost the only outlet."

The role of literature in society

Practically the same thing was said by N. G. Chernyshevsky: "Our literature still concentrates the entire mental life of the people." Here it is worth paying attention to the word "bye". Chernyshevsky, who argued that literature is a textbook of life, still admitted that the mental life of the people should not be constantly concentrated in it. However, “for now,” in those conditions of Russian reality, it was she who assumed this function.

Modern society should be grateful to those writers and poets who, in the most difficult social conditions, despite the persecution (it is worth remembering the same N.G. spiritual principle, adherence to principles, active opposition to evil, honesty and mercy. Considering all this, one can agree with the opinion expressed by N. A. Nekrasov in his letter to Leo Tolstoy in 1856: "The role of a writer in our country is, first of all, the role of a teacher."

Common and excellent in the representatives of the "Golden Age"

Preparing materials on the topic "General characteristics of Russian classical literature 19th century ”, it is worth mentioning that all representatives of the“ Golden Age ”were different, their world was unique and peculiar. It is difficult to bring the writers of that time under any one general image. After all, everyone true artist(this word is understood as a poet, a composer, and a painter) creates his own world, guided by personal principles. For example, Leo Tolstoy's world is not like Dostoevsky's. Saltykov-Shchedrin perceived and transformed reality differently than, for example, Goncharov. However, the representatives of the "Golden Age" also have a common feature - it is responsibility to the reader, talent, a high idea of ​​the role that literature plays in human life.

General characteristics of Russian literature of the 19th century: table

The "Golden Age" is the time of writers of completely different literary trends. First, we will consider them in a pivot table, after which each of the directions will be considered in more detail.

genreWhen and where did it arise

Types of works

RepresentativesMain features


17th century, France

Ode, tragedy, epic

G. R. Derzhavin ("Anacreotic Songs"), Khersakov ("Bakhariana", "Poet").

National and historical themes prevail.

The genre of ode is predominantly developed.

There is a satirical focus

SentimentalismIn the second half Xviii in. in Western Europe and Russia, most fully formed in EnglandStory, novel, elegy, memoirs, travelN. M. Karamzin (" Poor Lisa»), early work V. A. Zhukovsky ("Slavyanka", "Sea", "Evening")

Subjectivity in assessing world events.

Feelings, experiences are put in the first place.

Nature plays an important role.

A protest is expressed against the depravity of high society.

The cult of spiritual purity and morality.

The rich inner world of the lower social strata is asserted.


Late 18th - first half of the 19th century, Europe, America

Story, poem, novella, novel

A. Pushkin ("Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Boris Godunov", "Little Tragedies"), M. Yu. Lermontov ("Mtsyri", "The Demon"),

FI Tyutchev ("Insomnia", "In the Country", "Spring"), KN Batyushkov.

The subjective prevails over the objective.

Looking at reality through the “prism of the heart”.

The tendency to reflect the unconscious and intuitive in a person.

Gravitation towards science fiction, conventions of all kinds of norms.

A penchant for the unusual and the sublime, a mixture of the high and the low, the comical and the tragic.

The personality in the works of romanticism strives for absolute freedom, moral perfection, for the ideal in an imperfect world.

RealismXIX in., France, England. Story, novel, poem

Late A. Pushkin ("Dubrovsky", "Belkin's Tales"), N. V. Gogol ("Dead Souls"), I. A. Goncharov, A. S. Griboyedov ("Woe from Wit"), F. M. Dostoevsky ("Poor People", "Crime and Punishment"), L. N. Tolstoy ("War and Peace", "Anna Karenina"), N. G. Chernyshevsky ("What is to be done?"), I. S . Turgenev ("Asya", "Rudin"), M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin ("Poshekhonskie stories", "The Gogolevs"),

N. A. Nekrasov ("Who lives well in Russia?").

In the center literary work- objective reality.

Realists seek to identify causal relationships in events.

The principle of the typical is used: typical characters, circumstances, and a specific time are described.

Usually realists turn to the problems of the present era.

The ideal is reality itself.

Increased attention to the social side of life.

Russian literature of this era was a reflection of the leap that was made in the previous century. The "Golden Age" began mainly with the flowering of two currents - sentimentalism and romanticism. Since the middle of the century, the direction of realism is gaining more and more power. This is the general characteristic of Russian literature of the 19th century. The sign will help the student to navigate the main trends and representatives of the "Golden Age". In the process of preparing for the lesson, it should be mentioned that the further socio-political situation in the country is becoming more and more tense, the contradictions between the oppressed classes and common people... This leads to the fact that in the middle of the century the development of poetry dies down somewhat. And the end of the era is accompanied by revolutionary sentiments.


This direction is worth mentioning, giving a general description of Russian literature of the early 19th century. After all, classicism, which arose a century ago before the beginning of the "Golden Age", primarily refers to its beginning. This term is translated from Latin means "exemplary" and is directly related to the imitation of classical images. This trend arose in France in the 17th century. At its core, it was associated with an absolute monarchy and the establishment of the nobility. It is characterized by ideas of high civic themes, strict adherence norms of creativity, established rules. Classicism reflects real life in ideal images that gravitate towards a certain pattern. This direction strictly adheres to the hierarchy of genres - the highest place among them is occupied by tragedy, ode and epic. It is they who illuminate the most important problems for society, are designed to reflect the highest, heroic manifestations of human nature. As a rule, “high” genres were opposed to “low” ones - fables, comedies, satirical and other works that also reflected reality.


Giving a general description of the development of Russian literature in the 19th century, one cannot fail to mention such a direction as sentimentalism. The voice of the narrator plays an important role in it. This direction, as indicated in the table, differs increased attention to the experiences of a person, to his inner world. This is the innovation of sentimentalism. In Russian literature, a special place among the works of sentimentalism is occupied by "Poor Liza" by Karamzin.

Remarkable are the words of the writer who can characterize this direction: "And peasant women know how to love." Many have argued that the common man, commoner and peasant, is morally superior in many ways to a nobleman or a representative of high society. Landscape plays an important role in sentimentalism. This is not just a description of nature, but a reflection of the inner experiences of the heroes.


This is one of the most controversial phenomena of Russian literature in the "Golden Age". For more than a century and a half, there have been disputes about what lies at its basis, and no one has yet given any recognized definition to this trend. Representatives of this trend themselves emphasized the originality of the literature of each individual people. One cannot but agree with this opinion - in every country romanticism acquires its own features. Also, giving a general description of the development of Russian literature in the 19th century, it is worth noting that almost all representatives of romanticism fought for social ideals, but they did it in different ways.

Representatives of this movement dreamed not of improving life in its particular manifestations, but of a complete resolution of all contradictions. Many romantics in their works are dominated by the mood of the fight against evil, protest against the injustice reigning in the world. Also, romantics tend to turn to mythological, fantasy, folk tales. In contrast to the direction of classicism, a serious influence is paid to the inner world of a person.


The purpose of this direction is a truthful description of the surrounding reality. It is realism that matures on the basis of a tense political situation. Writers are beginning to turn to social problems, to objective reality. The three main realists of this era are Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Turgenev. The main theme of this direction is everyday life, customs, events from life. ordinary people from the lower classes.