Saltykov Shchedrin is a very brief biography. Short Biography Saltykov-Shchedrine Most importantly

Saltykov Shchedrin is a very brief biography. Short Biography Saltykov-Shchedrine Most importantly
Saltykov Shchedrin is a very brief biography. Short Biography Saltykov-Shchedrine Most importantly

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin is a famous Russian writer, journalist, editor, state official. His works are included in the mandatory school curriculum. The fairy tales of the writer are not for nothing, they are called in them - they are not only a caricature riddenness and grotesque, thereby emphasizes that a person is a protrusion of his own destiny.

Childhood and youth

Genius of Russian literature from the noble family. Evgraf Vasilyevich's Father was a quarter of a century older than spouses Olga Mikhailovna. The daughter of the Moscow merchant married at 15 years and left behind her husband in the village of Spas-corner, which was then located in the Tver Province. There, January 15, 1826, the youngest of six children was born on a new style - Mikhail. In total, there were three sons and three daughters in the family of Saltykovy (Shchedrin - part of the pseudonym eventually) and three daughters.

According to the descriptions of the researchers in the biography of the writer, the mother, with time the estate of the manor who has turned out of a fun girl in the power mistress, shared children on pets and caught. The little Misha was surrounded by love, but he sometimes fell into a rogue. At home was constantly crying and crying. As Vladimir Obolensky wrote in the memoirs about the Saltykov-Shchedrin family, the writer described his childhood in the conversations, once said that he hated "this terrible woman," leading to a mother.

Saltykov knew French and German languages, received a brilliant initial home education, which was allowed to enter the Moscow Nobility Institute. From there, the boy, who manifested non-real adjudications, came to full state security into a privileged Tsarskoye Lyceum, in which education was equivalent to university, and graduates were assigned ranks according to the rank table.

Both educational institutions were famous for produced the elite of the Russian society. Among graduates -, Prince Mikhail Obolensky, Anton Delvig, Ivan Pushchin. However, unlike them, Saltykov from a wonderful smart boy turned into an untidy, foul language, often sitting in Karzer, a boy, who never appeared close friends. Unfortunately Mikhail Symbols nicknamed a "dusk lyceum."

The atmosphere in the walls of the Lyceum contributed to the work, and Mikhail in imitating the predecessors began to write poems of liberal content. Such behavior was not left unnoticed: the graduate of the Lyceum Mikhail Saltykov received the rank of college secretary, although he had a higher-titular adviser in his studies in his studies.

At the end of the lyceum, Mikhail settled to serve in the Office of the Military Office and continued to compose. In addition, fascinated by the works of the French Socialists. The themes raised by revolutionaries were reflected in the first "confusing business" and "contradictions".

That's just with a source of publication, a beginner writer has not guessed. The Magazine "Domestic Notes" at that time was under the unlawful political censorship, was considered ideologically harmful.

By decision of the supervisory commission, Saltykov was sent to a link to Vyatka, to the Office for the Governor. In the link, in addition to the official work, Mikhail studied the history of the country, translated the compositions of European classics, went a lot and communicated with the people. Saltykov almost remained to be labeled in the province, albeit himself to the adviser to the province of the provincial rule: in 1855, the imperial throne was crowned, and about the ordinary reference simply forgotten.

Peter Lanskaya came to the rescue, the representative of the noble nobleman, the second husband. With the assistance of his brother, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Mikhail was returned to St. Petersburg and gave place a place of special instructions in this department.


Mikhail Evgrafovich is considered one of the brightest satirists of Russian literature, masterfully owning the Esopov language, novels and the stories of which did not lose topical. For historians, the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin is the source of knowledge of the morals and customs common in the 19th century Russian Empire. Peru of the writer belongs to such terms as "dullness", "soft-length" and "delicacy".

Upon returning from the link Saltykov, the experience of communicating with officials of the Russian depthion was reworked and Nikolai Shchedrin published a cycle of the provincial essays, recreation of the characteristic types of residents of Russia. The writings waited for a great success, the name of the author, subsequently writing a lot of books, first of all will be associated with the "essays", researchers of creativity of the writer will call them a sign in the development of Russian literature.

In stories with special warmth, simple people-hard workers are described. Creating images of the nobles and officials, Mikhail Evgrafovich led not only about the foundations of serfdom, but also focused on the moral side of representatives of the highest estate and the moral basis of statehood.

The top of the creativity of the Russian Prosaik is considered the "history of one city". Satyric story, full of allegory and grotesque, contemporaries not immediately appreciated. Moreover, the author at first accused that he mocks the society and tries to blame the historical facts.

In the main heroes, the city holders showing a rich palette of human characters and public lows - bribes, careerists, indifferent, obsessed with absurd goals, frank fools. The easiest people act as blindly obeying, ready to all sort gray mass, which acts decisively, only being on the edge of death.

Such farewell and cowardice Saltykov-Shchedrin ridiculously ridiculed in the "Pisur Promudrome". The work, despite the fact that is referred to as a fairy tale, is not addressed to not children. The philosophical washed out of the story about the fish, endowed with human qualities, was concluded that the lonely existence, closed only on his own well-being, was negligible.

Another fairy tale for adults is a "wild landowner", a living and cheerful work with a light zinizism raid, in which a simple people-worker is openly opposed to self-director.

The literary work of Saltykov-Shchedrin received an additional signpitation when the prose began to work in the editorial office of the Patriotic Notes magazine. The general management of the publication since 1868 belonged to the poet and publicist.

At the personal invitation of the last Mikhail Evgrafovich headed the first department engaged in the publication of fiction and translated works. The bulk of its own essays Saltykov-Shchedrin also published on the "Notes" pages.

Among them - the "shelter of the MONREPO", according to literary crowns - tracing of a family life of a writer who became the vice-governor, "Provincial Diary in St. Petersburg" - a book about the adventurers not translated in Russia, "Pompadura and Pompadurshi", "Letters from the province."

In 1880, a separate book published an epoch-witty novel "Lord Golovy" - a story about the family, in which the main goal is to enrich and idle lifestyle, children have long turned into burden for the mother, in general, the family lives not by the law of God and not noticing Togo moves to self-destruction.

Personal life

With his wife Elizabeth, Mikhail Saltykov met in the Vyatka link. The girl turned out to be a daughter of the direct chief of the writer, Vice-Governor Apollo Petrovich Bottin. The official made a career in the field of education, economic, military and police departments. At first, the experienced servant was afraid of freezing Saltykov, but over time, the men became friends.

In the family of Lisa called Betsy, the girl called the writer, who was her older than 14 years old, Michel. However, soon the bolt was transferred to Vladimir in service, and the family went behind him. Saltykov was forbidden to leave the limits of Vyatka province. But, according to legend, he twice broke the ban to see the beloved.

It was categorically opposed to marriage with the Elizabeth Apollonian mother of the writer, Olga Mikhailovna: Not only is the bride too young, so also dowry for the girl is not solid. The difference in the years caused doubts about Vladimir Vice-Governor. Mikhail agreed to wait one year.

Young people got married in June 1856, the groom's mother on wedding did not come. The relationship in the new family was difficult, the spouses often quarreled, the difference of characters was affected: Mikhail - straight, quick-tempered, were afraid of his house. Elizabeth, on the contrary, soft and patient, not burdened with knowledge of sciences. Saltykov did not like the chemistry and coquetry of his wife, he called the ideals of the spouse "not very demanding."

According to the memoirs of Prince Vladimir Obolensky, Elizabeth Apolloovna in the conversation took the unptipad, made comments that are not related to the case. The stupidity promonted woman put the interlocutor in a dead end and angry Mikhail Evgrafovich.

Elizabeth loved his beautiful life and demanded the appropriate financial content. In this, the husband, who served before the title of the Vice-Governor, could still contribute, but constantly brought himself into debt and called the acquisition of property by a non-galberry act. From the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin and the studies of the writer's life, it is known that he played on the piano, dismantled in wines and heard an expert on abnormative vocabulary.

Nevertheless, Elizabeth and Mikhail lived together all his life. The wife rewritten the works of her husband, turned out to be a good mistress, after the death of the writer competently ordered inheritance, thanks to which the family did not feel need. The daughter of Elizabeth and the son of Konstantin were born in marriage. The children did not show themselves how they were upset of the famous Father, and their loved ones. Saltykov wrote:

"Unfortunate will be my children, no poetry in the hearts, no rainbow memories."


The health of the elderly writer, who suffered from rheumatism, severely undermined the closure of "domestic notes" in 1884. In the joint decision of the Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Folk Enlightenment, the publication was recognized as a distributor of harmful ideas, and the staff of the editorial board - members of the Secret Society.

The last months of the life of Saltykov-Shchedrin spent in bed, guests requested to transfer: "I am very busy - dying." Mikhail Evgrafovich died in May 1889 from the complications caused by a cold. According to the Writer's testa, they buried next to the grave at the Volkovsky cemetery of St. Petersburg.

  • To the aristocratic boyars' salts, according to the same way, Mikhail Evgrafovich does not apply. According to others, his family is the descendants of the non-tidy branch of the genus.
  • Mikhail Saltykov - Shchedrin came up with the word "softness".
  • Children in the Writer family appeared 17 years old marriage.
  • There are several versions of the origin of the pseudonym generin. The first: a lot of peasants with that last name lived in the estate of Saltykov. Second: Shchedrin - the surname of the merchant, the participant of the split movement, the case of which the writer investigated due to official duties. "French" version: One of the options for the translation of the word "generous" into French - libéral. It is an excessive liberal chatter exposed to a writer in his works.


  • 1857 - "Gubernsky Essays"
  • 1869 - "The story about how one man's two generals proceeded"
  • 1870 - "The history of one city"
  • 1872 - "Provincial Diary in St. Petersburg"
  • 1879 - "Shelter MONREPO"
  • 1880 - "Lord Golovy"
  • 1883 - "Promotud Piskar"
  • 1884 - "Karas idealist"
  • 1885 - "Konya"
  • 1886 - "Crowber's Crown"
  • 1889 - "Poshekhonna Older"

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov (subsequently joined the pseudonym "Shchedrin") was born 15 (27) January 1826 in the Kalyazinsky district of Tver province, in the village saved the corner. This country exists and today, but applies already to the Taldom district of the Moscow region.

Study time

The father of Mikhail was the college adviser and the hereditary nobleman of Evurga Vasilyevich Saltykov, Mother - Nebelin Olga Mikhailovna from the Moscow merchants family who received the nobility for great donations to the army during the war of 1812.

Evgraf Vasilyevich, after the retirement, tried from the village not to leave anywhere. His main occupation was reading religious and semi-mounted literature. He considered it possible to interfere with church services and allowed himself to call the priest Vanka.

The spouse was the younger Father for 25 years and kept all the farm in her hands. It was a strict, quarrel and even in some cases cruel.

Mikhail, the sixth child in the family, was born when she was not and twenty-five years old. For some reason, it was His she loved most of all other children.

The boy grabbed the knowledge well and the fact that other children were given with tears and beating a ruler, he sometimes remembered just for rumors. From four years he was taught at home. At 10 years of the future writer sent to Moscow for admission to the Nobility Institute. In 1836, Saltykov was enrolled in an educational institution, in which Lermontov studied to him for 10 years. According to their knowledge, he was enrolled immediately in the third class of the Noble Institute, but according to the impossibility of early release from the educational institution - was forced to learn two years in it. In 1838, Mikhail, as one of the best disciples, was translated into the Tsarskoyel Lyceum.

It is by this time its first literary experiments belong. Saltykov became the first poet on the course, although then, and subsequently understood that poetry was not his lot. During study, he became close to M. Butashevich-Petrashevsky, who had a serious impact on Mikhail's views. After moving the lyceum to St. Petersburg (after which he began to be called Alexandrovsky), Saltykov began to attend a collection of writers from Mikhail Langov, where he met V. G. Belinsky, whose views were close to him more than others.

In 1844, Alexandrovsky Lyceum was over. The future writer was assigned the CHin X class - the College Secretary.

Office of the Military Ministry. First stories

In early September of the same year, Saltykov signed the obligation that he was not a member of any secret society and under any circumstances would not enter any of them.

After that, he was taken to the service in the office of the Military Ministry, where he had to stop after the lyceum of 6 years.

Saltykova plotted a bureaucratic service, he dreamed of dealing only by literature. "Study" in his life becomes theater and especially Italian opera. Literary and political impulses, he "flies" at the evenings, which organizes Mikhail Petrashevsky in her house. He is adjacent to Wessengers, but those who preach the ideas of the French Socialists-Utopists.

Dissatisfaction with his life, the ideas of Petrashevtsev and dreams of universal equality lead to the fact that Mikhail Evgrafovich writes two stories that coolly change his life and perhaps - it is they will turn the work of the writer in the direction in which he remained known and so -na. In 1847, he will write "contradictions", next year - "confusing case". And although they did not advise his writer to publish them, they, one after another, appeared in the journal "Public Notes".

Saltykov could not know that in the days of preparation for the press of the second story, the chief of gendarmes Count A.F. Eorlov presented to the king report exactly about the magazines "Contemporary" and "domestic notes", where they spoke that they have a harmful direction that Monarch commanded the creation of a special committee for strict supervision for these magazines.

Usually a slow bureaucratic car of the autocratic power worked this time very quickly. Three weeks arrived (April 28, 1848), as a young official of the office of the Military Ministry, the thinker, full of joyful hopes of Saltykov was sent first to St. Petersburg Gaptweight, and then in a link to the distant city of Vyatka.

Vyatka reference

For 9 days on horseback Saltykov, more than one and a half thousand kilometers did. Almost all the way the writer was in some kind of stupor, absolutely not understanding - where and why he rides. On May 7, 1848, the top of the postal horses entered Vyatka, and Saltykov realized that there was no chance or mistake and in this city it would be until the sovereign wishes.

He starts the service with a simple scribe. The writer categorically cannot terms come up with his position. He asks Mother and Brother to pat for him, writes letters with influential friends in the capital. All petitions of relatives Nicholas I rejects. But thanks to the letters of influential people from St. Petersburg, Governor Vyatka more closely and benevolently looks at the referencing writer. In November of the same year, he gives him a senior official of special assignments under the governor.

Saltykov holds a huge job, helping the governor. Many tangled cases put in order, demanding about officials.

In 1849, the report on the province, which is not only provided to the Minister, but also the king. Writes for vacation in native places. Again, send the petition to the king of his parents. But everything turns out to be unsuccessful. Maybe even for the better. Because it is at this time that the courts are held over the Petrashevs, some of which ended with execution. And Saltykov at the end of May, according to the provision of the governor, becomes the ruler of his office.

By the beginning of 1850, the writer receives an instruction from the Minister of the Interior - to conduct an inventory of immovable property of the cities of Vyatka province and prepare their considerations for improving public and economic affairs. Saltykov did everything that is possible. From August 1850 he is appointed advisor to the provincial rule.

In the following years, Saltykov himself, his relatives and friends, Vyatski governors (A.I. Cherled and next to him N.N. Semosov), Orenburg Governor-General V.A. Perovsky and even Governor General Eastern Siberia N.N. Muravyov turned to the king with petitions about mitigating the fate of Saltykov, but Nikolai I was adamant.

During the Vyatka reference, Mikhail Evgrafovich prepared and held an agricultural exhibition, wrote several annual reports for the governors, held a number of serious investigations on violations of laws. He tried to work as much as possible to forget the surrounding reality and gossip of provincial officials. Since 1852, living has become somewhat easier, he fell in love with the 15-year-old daughter of the Vice-Governor, who later will become his wife. Life stopped presented in solid black color. Saltykov even engaged in translations from Vivienne, Tokville and Shereuyl. In April of the same year, he received the title of collegiate assessor.

In 1853, the writer managed to achieve a small vacation in native places. Having arrived home, he understands that relatives and friendly connections are largely broken, and almost no one is waiting for his return from the link.

On February 18, 1855, Nikolai I died. But no one remembers about Mikhail Evugufovich. And only the case helps him get permission to leave Vyatka. The Lansky family arrives in the city of state affairs, the head of which was the brother of the new minister of the Interior. Having become acquainted with Saltykov and, imbued with hot sympathy for his fate, Peter Petrovich writes a letter to his brother with a request for an intercession for the writer.

November 12 Saltykov is going to another business trip by province. On the same day, the Minister of Internal Affairs comes out with the report to the emperor about the fate of Saltykov.

Alexander II gives the highest permit - Saltykov to live and serve where he wishes.

Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "Gubernsky Essays"

In February of the next year, the writer adopt to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in June - is appointed with the minister official for special instructions and in a month they send to Tver and Vladimir province to verify the work of the militia committees. The ministry at this time (1856-1858) also hosts a lot of work on the preparation of peasant reform.

The impressions of the officials of officials in the province, often not just ineffective, but also frankly criminal, the ineffectiveness of the laws regulating the economy of the village and the frank ignorance of local "fate vertices" found their brilliant reflection in the "provincial essays" of Saltykov, published by him in the magazine "Russian Bulletin "In 1856-1857, under the pseudonym generin. His name has become widely known.

The "provincial essays" sustained several editions and marked the beginning of a special appearance of literature, called the "accusatory". But the main thing in them was not so much a show of abuses in the service, how much "outlines" of special psychology of officials, both in the service and in everyday life.

Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote essays in the era of Alexander II reforms, when the hope of the intelligentsia was revived on the possibility of deep transformations in society and the spiritual world of man. The writer hoped that his accusatory work would serve to combat retardation and vices of society, which means to help change life for the better.

Gubernatorial destinations. Cooperation with magazines

In the spring of 1858, Saltykov-Shchedrin is prescribed by the Vice-Governor to Ryazan, in April 1860 they translate to the same position in Tver. So frequent change of place of service was due to the fact that the writer always began his work with the dismissal of thieves and bribes. Local Finnish Julia, devoid of the usual "feeding bags," used all the ties to send the king's slahius to Saltykov. As a result, the dismissal vice-governor was appointed for a new service place.

Work for the benefit of the state did not interfere with the writer to engage in creative activities. During this period, he writes a lot and printed. First in many magazines ("Russian Bulletin", "Contemporary", "Moscow Bulletin", "Library for reading", etc.), then only in the "contemporary" (for small exceptions).

From the written Saltykov-generous during this period, two collections were compiled - "innocent stories" and "Satira in prose", which were published by individual editions three times. In these works of the writer, a new "city" of silly appears, as a collective image of a typical Russian provincial town. His story Mikhail Evgrafovich will write a little later.

In February 1862, Saltykov-Shchedrin is resigned. The main dream of him is to establish a two-week magazine in Moscow. When it does not manage to do, the writer moves to Petersburg and at the invitation of Nekrasov becomes one of the editors of the contemporary, which is experiencing large personnel and financial difficulties at this time. Saltykov-Shchedrin takes a huge work and performs it with glitter. The magazine circulation is raised sharply. At the same time, the writer organizes the edition of the monthly review "Our social life", which becomes a number of the best journalistic publicists of that time.

In 1864, due to intra-home differences, Saltykov-Shchedrin is forced to leave the editorial office of the contemporary.

He arrives again to the service, but in less "dependent" from politics agency.

At the head of the government chambers

Since November 1864, the writer has appointed a manager to the Penza State Chamber, two years later - on the same position in Tula, and in the fall of 1867 - to Ryazan. A frequent change of places of service is due, as before, by the addiction of Mikhail Evgrafovich to honesty. After he began to conflict with the supervisors of the provinces, the writer was translated into another city.

During these years, he works on the "silly" images, but almost nothing publishes. For three years, only one of his article "Testament My Children" comes out, published in 1866 in the "contemporary". After the complaint of the Ryazan Governor Saltykov, they propose to resign, and in 1868 he finishes the service in the rank of a valid Stat adviser.

The following year, the writer will write "provincial letters", which will form their observations of life in those cities where he served in the salted chambers.

"Domestic notes." The best creative masterpieces

After the retirement of Saltykov-Shchedrin accepts the invitation of Nekrasov and comes to work in the "Domestic Notes" magazine. Until 1884, he writes exclusively for them.

In 1869-70, the best satirical work of Mikhail Evgrafovich is written - "the history of one city". In the "domestic notes" were also published: "Pompadura and Pompadurshi" (1873), "Lord Tashkent" (1873), "Cultural people" (1876), "Lord Golovy" (1880-81 ) and many other well-known works.

In 1875-76, the writer spends in Europe on treatment.

After the death of Nekrasov in 1878, Saltykov-Shchedrin became the editor-in-chief of the magazine and remains to the closure of the publication in 1884.

After the closure of "domestic notes", the writer begins to be printed in the "Bulletin of Europe". Here are the last masterpieces of his work: "Fairy Tales" (the last of the written, 1886), "Fucking letters" (1886), "little things of life" (1887) and "Poshekhonskaya Starina" - finished in 1889, but issued after death Writer.

Last reminder

A few days before the death of Mikhail Evgrafovich began writing a new work "Forgotten words". He said to one of his friends about what he wants to remind people about the forgotten words "conscience", "Fatherland" and those like it.

Unfortunately, the idea failed. In May 1889, the writer once again fell ill with a cold. The weakened organism resisted shortly. April 28 (10th) 1889 Mikhail Evgrafovich died.

The remains of the Great Writer and now rest on the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Interesting facts from the life of a writer:

The writer was a tary fighter with bribers. Wherever he served - they expelled mercilessly.

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin was born 15 (27) January 1826 in the village of Spas-Corporation of the Tver Province in the ancient noble family. Primary education The future writer received at home - a serf painter, sister, priest, governess was engaged with him. In 1836, Saltykov-Shchedrin was taught at the Moscow Noble Institute, from 1838 - in the Tsarskostsky Lyceum.

Military service. Link to Vyatka.

In 1845, Mikhail Evgrafovich ends the lyceum and enters the service to the military office. At this time, the writer is fond of French socialists and Georges of Sand, creates a number of notes, the "conflict", "confusing case").

In 1848, in a brief biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin, a long period of reference comes - for the liberty, he was sent to Vyatka. There, the writer lived for eight years, first served as a stationery official, and after he was appointed an adviser in the provincial board. Mikhail Evgrafovich often traveled on business trips, during which he collected information about provincial life for his works.

State activities. Mature creativity

Returning in 1855 from the reference, Saltykov-Shchedrin entered the service to the Ministry of the Interior. In 1856-1857, his "provincial essays" were published. In 1858, Mikhail Evgrafovich was appointed by the Vice-Governor of Ryazan, and then Tver. In parallel, the writer was printed in the magazines "Russian Bulletin", "Contemporary", "Library for reading".

In 1862, Saltykov-Shchedrin, whose biography had previously been connected more with a career than with creativity, leaves civil service. Having stopped in St. Petersburg, the writer is arranged to work as an editor in the magazine "Contemporary". Soon his collections "innocent stories", "Satira in Prose".

In 1864, Saltykov-Shchedrin returned to the service, taking the position of the manager of the Kazny Chamber in Penza, and then in Tula and Ryazan.

Last years of the writer's life

Since 1868, Mikhail Evgrafovich resigns, actively engaged in literary activities. In the same year, the writer becomes one of the editors of the "domestic notes", and after the death of Nikolai Nekrasov, it is held by the post of responsible editor of the magazine. In 1869 - 1870, Saltykov-Shchedrin creates one of the most famous works - "the history of one city" (summary), in which he raises the topic of the relations of the people and power. Soon the collections of the "Signs of Time", "Letters from the province", Roman "Lord Golovy".

In 1884, "domestic notes" were closed, and the writer begins to be printed in the journal "Journal of Europe".

In recent years, Saltykov-Shchedrin's creativity reaches climax in Grotesque. The writer publishes the collections "Tales" (1882 - 1886), "little things of life" (1886 - 1887), "PE SPEEKHON STARY" (1887 - 1889).

Mikhail Evgrafovich died on May 10 (April 28), 1889 in St. Petersburg, buried on the Volkovsky cemetery.

Chronological table

Other biography options

  • During training in Lyceum Saltykov-Shchedrin published his first poems, but quickly disappointed in poetry and left this occupation forever.
  • Mikhail Evgrafovich made a popular literary genre of a socio-satirical fairy tale, aimed at exposing human defects.
  • The link to Vyatka became a turning point in the personal life of Saltykov-Shchedrin - there he met his future wife E. A. Obolin, with which he lived 33 years.
  • Staying in Vyatkinskaya link, the writer translated the works of Tokville, Vivien, Sheryuyl, did notes about the Bekcary book.
  • In accordance with the request in the will, Saltykov-Shchedrin was buried next to the grave
(1826 - 1889)

Literary pseudonym - Shchedrin (1826-1889) - Prose, publicist, critic.
Great Russian Satir Saltykov-Shchedrin was born and grew up in a rich landlord family, but the house had an atmosphere of miserism, mutual hostility, hypocrisy and inhumanity.
He studied Saltykov, first at the Moscow Nobility Institute and as an excellent student was sent to St. Petersburg, in the Tsarskoyel Lyceum. In 1844, Saltykov graduated from a lyceum and entered the service to the Military Ministry.
In his first works, the writer opposed social inequality. Hero his story "confusing business" (1848) The social system of Russia was presented in the form of a huge pyramid of people, at the basis of which the poor were pushed by unbearable life. Nicholas I found in the story "The desire for the spread of revolutionary ideas", so in 1848 the young writer was exiled to Vyatka, where he spent 8 years. Only after the death of the king, in 1855, the writer was able to return to St. Petersburg.
In 1857, a new book of the writer was published - "provincial essays". The work was directed against the landlord of the oppression and official arbitrariness.
In the 60s, Great Satiri resolutely opposed the autocracy in his wonderful book "The History of One City" (1869-1870), in which it was striving to destroy the faith of the people in the "good king". In this work, Shchedrin drew a terrifying picture of people's cure, grief and poverty (see "The Story of One City").
From 1868 to 1884, he prints all its works only on the pages of "domestic notes". Readers of the journal are acquainted with the cycles of satirical stories and essays Saltykov: "Pompadura and Pompadurshi" (1863-1874), "Letters about the province" (1868), "Time signs" (1868), "Lord Tashkent" (1869-1872), " Refinitely speeches "(1872-1876)," On the medium of moderation and accuracy "(1874-1877)," Refuge Montreo "(1878-1879)," Letters to aunt "(1881-1882)," Lord Golovyov "novels (1875 -1880) and "modern idyll" (1877- 1883). Saltykov creates a kind of satirical encyclopedia of Russian life.
Fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin are most popular. His first fairy tales were printed in 1869: "Wild landowner", "as one man's two generals proceeded."
Fairy tales - the result of perennial vital observations of the writer. In them, he acts as a defender of people's interests, an expressant of folk ideals, advanced ideas of his time (see "Fairy Tales M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin").
Among the works of the Great Satirik, his novels "Lord Golovy" (1875-1880) and "Poshekhonskaya Starina" (1887-1889) occupy a special place. In the novel, the "Lord Golovy" show three generations of the gorgeous family. People of this family, unsuitable to work, spiritually empty, hate and fear each other. There is a unproved family war. Golovsky Lords ruffles their warehouse of life with a full idleness and parasitism. Here they do not regret nor patients or weak nor dying. (See "Lord Golovy").
In the novel, "Poshekhonskaya Older", the writer painted the terrible paintings of serfdom, and in the book "The little things of life" (1886) Shchedrin showed the tragedy of the life of "small", ordinary people.
Many Shchedrian Satirical Types have experienced their era, and their creator. They became nominal, denoting new and at the same time having their long-standing social phenomena of Russian and global life.
Throughout the life of Saltykov-Shchedrin retained faith in his people, his story. "I love Russia to pain cardiac and can't even think of himself somewhere except Russia."

Saltykov-generin is not only a talented writer, but also the organizer who tried to be useful for the Motherland and serve it. He was born in Tver province 27 january 1826 His childhood he spent in the estate of his father. It was reflected in his works.
Mikhail had excellent education, so 10 years he enters the Moscow Institute and holds there 2 of the year. After that, translated into the Tsarskostsky Lyceum. The creativity of such great writers as Belinsky and Herzen had a great influence on the liceist.
After graduating from Lyceum B. 1844 Year, the young man becomes an assistant secretary and comes to the service in the Military Ministry. But his other life was attracted. He liked to communicate with scientists, writers, philosophers. He began to visit Petrashevsky "Friday," where frankly imagined the antiquity. This led to the search for the standards of a fair society. Shchedrin reveals acute social problems in its first works "contradiction" and "confusing business." The authorities frightened by the French revolution turned their attention to the writer and sent it to Vyatka.
There in 1850, he receives the place of advisor in the provincial board. This gives the opportunity to Saltykov often driving around the cities and see the world of officials and the life of peasants from the inside. The impression received from these trips was reflected in the writer's writers in the form of satirical comments.
When Nichola I died in 1855, Mikhail was allowed to live where he wants, and he goes back to St. Petersburg again.
In 1856. -1857 For years, his work "Gubernsky essays" is published. All reading Russia calls Generin's heir to Gogol.
Saltykov-Shchedrin took Vyatka vice-governor in his wife. It combines civil service with writing activities.
FROM 1856 by 1858 The year Mikhail worked at the Ministry of the Interior. Engaged only by special instructions. At that time, it was there that was the center for the preparation of the peasant reform.
In 1858. -1862 Hg he lived in Ryazan, later-in Tver. He served as Vice-Governor. The writer gained to his team formed, and necessarily honest young people.
During these years, Saltykov publishes articles in which peasant problems are reflected.
Saltykov resigns in 1862 year and moves to Petersburg. It falls into the editorial board "Interlocutor" at the invitation of Nekrasov. At this time, the magazine is experiencing great difficulties. Shchedrin takes all the responsibility, all writer and editing articles. He devotes his main attention to the ferris of "our public life", which overcomes monthly. It subsequently became the monument of Russian journalism 1860 of the year.
IN 1864 The year of Saltykov leaves the composition of the editorial office due to disagreements that appeared inside the team. Disputes concerned questions of the tactics of public struggle in the changed conditions.
Returning to the municipal service, the writer becomes at the head of Kaznaya Chambers, moving from Tula to Ryazan, and then in Penza. He carefully monitors life flowing in cities. This becomes the main story "Letters about the province."
her pamphlet-grotescas Saltykov frankly mocked over the supervisors of the provinces. This was due to a frequent change of cities and places of his service. After the next complaint in the Ryazan Governor Saltykov, in the rank of the Stat, the existing advisor is dismissed. The writer is returned to Petersburg again and becomes one of the editors of the "Domestic Notes" magazine.
It is completely given to writing activities. During this period, the "history of one city" appears - the peak of his satirical art.
In recent months of life, the writer worked fruitfully. The writer B. 1889 year.