Common language of Latin America countries. Latin America's population: the number and composition

Common language of Latin America countries. Latin America's population: the number and composition
Common language of Latin America countries. Latin America's population: the number and composition

Latin Americans are citizens of Latin American countries, do not confuse them with Latin Americans in the United States or Hispanic American and Latino Americans or neglecting Latinians, the largest national-linguistic minority in the United States. Latin Americans are often attributed to all residents Latin America With the exception of countries where English, German and Dutch dominates. In contrast to residents french colonies Equals to Latin Americans, including Haiti, Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Dominicans and Grenada. Latin Americans unites the total past, historical origin, Reliability to the Spanish and Portuguese Empire of the 16-18th century, Latin Americans today are the descendants of Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors.

Religion of Latin Americans

Latin American Catholics, in most of them, the difference from the Anglo-Saxon population of the United States and Canada, which is Protestants. It is worth noting that in religious Latin America today the percentage of atheists, agnostics or representatives of other religions and sect is growing. It grows in particular Islam, which came here with the inhabitants of India and Arabs. Pretty Muslims in Mexico, as well as on the territory of the United States in Texas and California.

Races and ethnic groups in Latin America

Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors turned out to be more friendly people compared to the British, Anglo-Saxons were completely completely cut out indigenous population On the territory of the modern US and Canada, and here, where the Spaniards were hosted with the Portuguese, the local tribes were slowly threatened with the Europeans, the result of which lamino-American, the result of a racial-cultural mixing. Today, the racial-genetic composition in Latin America varies significantly by countries with combinations of European, African, Indian and even Asian genes. After all, not only Spaniards and Portuguese arrived in Latin America, but also Jews, Arabs, Gypsies, Negro-slaves from Africa, in the 19th and 20 century there were people from other European countries, including from Germany, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Croatia.

About 80% of the Latin Americans are methius, the result of the mixing of Indians and White Europeans. The indigenous residents of Latin America today represent the majority of the population, only in Peru and Bolivia, in Guatemala, the Indians are two fifters population, in Mexico 14%, but in absolute numbers it is the most numerous part of the Indians in the Western Hemisphere. The Indian population remained in every country of Latin America, but with the exception of the above countries, they do not exceed 10% of the total population.

In Latin America, many Asians, the first Asians appeared were natives of the Philippines, however modern descendants - These are the former Japanese and the Chinese, and mostly live in Brazil and Peru, the Chinese minority is actively growing in Panama today. For some counts in Brazil, about 2 million Chinese and their descendants live.

Latin America resides the most numerous Japanese community of 1.5 million people, about 100 thousand ethnic Koreans in Argentina and Mexico. About 1.47 million Asians live in Peru, for example, in this country the president was Japanese. The main population of Martinique Afro-Belo-Indian origin. In Guadelupe, there is a 14% led from East India.

Blacks got into Latin America as slaves since the 16th century, most of them were sent to the countries of the Caribbean region and in Brazil, so in Brazil today more than 10 million population of black, in Haiti more than 7 million, many blacks in Puerto Rico, on Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Panama and Colombia. Mixed black and white population got the name of Moutique, their significantly more than clean black.

Population of Latin America

The most populated country in the Latin American region is Brazil 192272890 people, then Mexico is 112322757, Colombia 48219645, Argentina 40134425, Venezuela 33221865, Peru 29461933, Chile 17063000, Ecuador 13625000.

Metisa Latin Americans

In Ecuador, 78% of the population of metis, in Peru 72%, Nicaragua 66%, Salvador 64%, Mexico 60%, Bolivia 60%, Honduras 56%, Panama 55%. Less than all methives in Uruguay 6%, Brazil 18%, Argentina 20%, Chile 26%.

White Latin American

The most white country in Latin America is Uruguay, where 78% of the population identifies themselves as white without any other impurities. Next comes Argentina 68%, Chile 60%, Costa Rica 46%, Brazil 45%, Paraguay 35%, Venezuela 30%, Colombia 29%, Guatemala 17%, Panama 15%, Honduras 14%, Dominican Republic 12%, Salvador 10%, Mexico 10%, Nicaragua 8%, Peru 7%, Ecuador 6%, Bolivia 4%.

Black Latin American

Blacks are most in the Dominican Republic of 27%, Brazil 15%, Panama 11%, Venezuela is 7%. There are practically no blacks in Bolivia, Mexico, Chile, at least the percentage is very low, exactly the same distribution of mulatto.

Asians Latin American

The most presented Asian population in Panama 4%, 2% in Honduras and the Dominican Republic.

Indians Latin American

In Guatemala, 44% of the population Indians, in Bolivia 27%, Mexico 15%, Honduras 12%. There are practically no Indians in Argentina and Uruguay, here they are only about 1%.

Latio Latin Americans

Latin American speaks well in Romance languages, and in general, all the languages \u200b\u200bthat occurred from Latin, including Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French. Again, it is not necessary to confuse Latin Americans in the United States and Latin Americans living in Latin America, the difference in the fact that naturalized Latin Americans are already talking in English, the more already the first generation born in the United States does not have romanies completely.

Most countries of Latin America arepanic, in Portuguese speaks the largest country in the region - . In Netherlands, in French in, in English in Guyana, Belize, Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica.

60% of the Latin America's population in their first language considers Spanish, 34% Portuguese, 6% of the population speak other languages, such as Kechua, Maya, Guarani, Aimar, Naiathl, English, French, Dutch and italian. In Portuguese, they speak only Brazil (Brazilian Portuguese). Spanish is the official majority of the rest of Latin America, as well as in Cuba, Puerto Rico (where it is equal along with English), and the Dominican Republic. In French, they speak Haiti and in French overseas departments in, Guiana, the French Overseas Community, also speak French. Dutch is official language in and . Dutch is kindred german language, Therefore, these territories are not necessarily considered part of Latin America. Mexico is the only country that can boast a wide variety of indigenous languages \u200b\u200bthan any other Latin American country, the most common Indian language in Mexico is Nasual.

In Peru, the language of the Indians of Kechua is the official language. There is no official language in Ecuador. In Bolivia, Indian languages \u200b\u200bAimara, Kechua and Guarani have official status along with Spanish. Guarani, along with Spanish, is the official language of Paraguay. In, Spanish is the official language. Colombia recognizes all the indigenous languages \u200b\u200bon which local residents say.

Other European languages \u200b\u200bthat are common in Latin America - English, there are some groups in Puerto Rico, as well as in neighboring countries, which are not considered Latin America, this is Belize and Guyan a. German in South Brazil, South Chile, part of Argentina, Venezueus and Paraguay. Italian in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Uruguay. Ukrainian and Polish in the southern part of Brazil, in the southern part of Argentina. Yiddish and Hebrew in the vicinity of Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo. Japanese in Brazil and Peru, Korean in Brazil, Arabic in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela, Chinese throughout South America. Creoles are distributed in Caribbean.

Latin America is called Latin? ". After all, in fact, the same part of the mainland South America, and the term "Latin" creates associations with Europe and ancient Rome. We will try to answer all these questions in this article, contacting historical facts and geography.

History of Latin America: Colonization and appeal to a new faith

Countries that are part of Latin America were created as a colony european states. From the XVI century, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands actively captured the Earth. In the middle of the XIX century, the formed young states fell into financial dependence on the United States. Some island countries have become the colonies of the United States.

Since the beginning of the XIX century, wars began independence from colonializers. One of the first countries that freedom gained were Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. Practically without bloodshed was Brazil - the former Portuguese colony. The Cuban Revolution of 1959 is widely known. Then the independence has gained island states. The modern boundaries of Latin America were installed only in the 40s of the XX century.

Latin America countries until the 20th century were called differently: "Indoamer", " Spanish America"," MEO-American ". Big delusion will think that Latin America is geographically and geographically equal to South. It includes:

  • Mexico (country in North America).
  • West India (Islands).
  • Mainland South America And his island states.
  • Countries on the cage of Central America.

This list includes Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Guiana, Saint-Martin, Argentina and other states. Thus, the name "Latin" will not explain geographically. Its origin is associated with the colonization of this region by Europeans.

The term "Latin America" \u200b\u200bis fixed in the 30s. XX century. Invented his French emperor Napoleon III. So he decided to call those parts of the continent, whose territory were inhabited by immigrants from the Iberian Peninsula and France from XV to the XVI centuries.

Today it is an informal name of a group of countries that firmly gained in scientific and public circles.

The type of colonization of these countries is called Latin. The conquerors were carriers of romance languages \u200b\u200btaking their beginning from Latin. Therefore, most residents of this region speak three languages \u200b\u200bbelonging to this group: Spanish, Portuguese or French. In this, the main difference between Latin America from the North, which the Anglo-Saxons was mastered and put on english.

The second reason for the name "Latin America" \u200b\u200bfollows from the first: planting someone else for indigenous peoples of the tongue passed simultaneously with their appeal to another religion - Catholicism. It is not by chance that the Spanish conquistadors, the first time landing on the shore of the future Spain, the first thing was served Mass. Services in Catholicism are held on latinmaybe therefore, Catholics in Russia used to be called "Latynians".

The introduction of peoples to Christianity was one of the main tasks set by Columbus King and Queen. After several centuries, Latin America remains a stronghold of the Catholic Church.

Who are Latin Americans?

The most interesting thing is that Latin Americans are not all residents of Latin America, as it may seem at first. These are people speaking in Spanish and Portuguese and living both on the territory of Latin America and in the USA, Great Britain, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Canada and other countries. Latin Americans are usually emigrants. In a number of states, they are negligiously called latinos. Their number is 600 million people, but this figure is approximate.

The term "Latin America" \u200b\u200bis often used to designate all southern countries America. In Brazil, the Hispanic-speaking countries of their mainland are so called. But knowing exactly why Latin America is called Latin, it is already impossible to make a mistake in the name of the group of countries in which they speak the languages \u200b\u200bof the Romance Group.

With all due respect to a number of state and official languages \u200b\u200bof Latin America, it is not necessary to forget that local dialects exist in almost every state of this region. They were formed with the active assimilation of immigrant communities into the local culture. In addition, answering the question what language in Latin America Over the centuries, it is necessary to point out numerous Indian languages \u200b\u200band dialects, especially since many of them are of great interest for linguists and ethnographers.

Let us dwell, for example, on consideration of one of latin America languages. This is a unique language of the Indian-Sapoteks living on the territory of modern Mexico. The uniqueness of the language is not only that it has as many as three dialects by 450 thousand people, they are used, but also in the fact that ancient Sapotek writing is not decrypted so far. At the same time, even the representatives of the peoples themselves cannot give an unequivocal answer to the fact that there are those or other characters of an ancient language. Today, the sapps went to Latin.

What language in Latin America The most and least common from among the European? More than 233 million Latin American speak spanish. It is state-owned in Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile and other countries of the continent. Got the least distribution french. It is exploring no more than 250,000 people in Guiana, also the island countries of the Caribbean. European distribution latin America languages Shows what states and what scales the colonization of the continent was carried out for three centuries. The second largest use among European latin Latin America is Portuguese. At the same time, it is state-owned only in Brazil. However, Brazil's population is a very large figure, so more than 190 million people speak Portuguese in Latin America.

English is also considered official language of Latin America such as Guyana and Falkland Islands. By the way, Falkland remains a place for a fairly serious political conflict between Argentina and Great Britain. Here at the beginning of the eighties even walked active martialctions between the troops of the British Crown and Argentine regular army, during which the Argentines suffered a serious defeat.

Another European language of Latin America is the Netherlands. It is spoken by about half a million people, the main mass of which lives in the state of Suriname.

At the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries, active immigration flows from Europe in Latin America were observed. This imposed his mark on the development of Latin America. So in an Argentine alone over the past hundred years, a special language appeared, which is the mixing of Spanish and Italian. This is due to the fact that several million ethnic Italians live on the territory of Argentina today, many of which were assimilated with the local Hispanic population.

Not alien Latin America and Russian, because it lives here a large number of The descendants of immigrants from Russia, who fled from the horrors of the revolution and civil war.

Also see:

Racheting Culture of Latin America

If it comes to the culture of Latin America, the first thing that comes to the mind of the resident of other continents is various Indian rites, brazilian Carnival, Argentine Rodeo and, of course, football, which can be called a real Latin American religion.

Indigenous peoples of South America

Considering the indigenous population of South America, it is worth noting that the Latin American continent is the region of the planet, where the Indians give not only to live freely and develop, but also to hold responsible leadership posts.

Manuel Galich ::: History of Precucumbian Civilizations

Chapter I.

"Our problems are extremely confusing and unusual" ( Simon Bolivar)

The ancestors of the current Latin Americans should first be considered the Indians, since only with time immemorial times inhabited the continent's unknown old world. In addition, Europeans and even Africans have become predecessors of those who live there today. Europeans arrived as conquerors and colonialists - in the era of the emergence of capitalist relations they needed all greasy wealth. The Africans were taken there as slaves for the production of these wealth - brought there, where, as a rule, there were no already Indians who fled from oppression or exterminated invaders. Thus, as a result of mixing these three ethnic components during the XVI-XVIII centuries. And the Latin Americans arose.

In those days, the dominant position in society occupied a minority, which consisted solely from Europeans and their descendants born in America. The latter was called Colais. Numerous methome variants of Europeans and Creoles with Indian women and black women were in an unequal, oppressed position. New ethnic formations received the names "crossed" and "Tusklomer". They were given the most mocked and contemptuous nicknames. In this "art" especially succeeded in New Spain and Peru, where the nicknames were invented depending on the origin (from Indians, Spaniards, Negroes, Metisov, Mulatov, Sambo) or in accordance with the proportion of composite racial signs. A lot of examples have been preserved: "Mauriskos", "Albino", "Mavr", "Turn-back", "Sambigo" (from Sambo), "Voron" (descendant of the Chinese and Indianca), "Lesse" (or "Red-black Metis ")," Belo-Poogi "," Coyote "(i.e. gray-brown), "Head", "neither then," Cequinteron "," Potwinteron "," White Man "," Civilized "(i.e., the son of Europeans and Indianca)," Chinese "(any leaving from Asia) . This repulsive sociology reveals the nevertheless complex ethnosocial essence of the continent inherited from colonialism.

The turning look of Bolivar is deeply comprehended all the essence of the new man, formed in the colonies of Spain and Portugal. Life itself has become the source of its material social and political assessments. Therefore, his warning that sounded from the Tribunes of the Angostrian Congress on February 15, 1819, has an incredit value not only for South America, but also for the entire region, which is called Latin America today. "Impossible with accuracy to indicate which family of human we belong. Most of The Indian population was destroyed, the Europeans were mixed with the Americans and Africans, and the last - with Indians and Europeans. Born in the Lon of one mother, but different blood and origin, our fathers are foreigners, people with different color skin. In the same speech, but a few earlier the liberator said:

"Our problems are thus extremely tangled and unusual."

In the XIX and XX centuries. "Our problems" became even more difficult. This has contributed to this, the arrival of those who should be called "new Europeans", as well as immigrants from the Middle East - Arabs, Jews, Indians, Chinese and Japanese. Of course, their descendants also became "Latin Americans", as the descendants of the Indians, "old Europeans" and blacks. Statistics show that European immigrants in Argentina, Uruguay, to the south of Brazil and South Chile, who arrived in the middle of the last century, settled in vast territories. None of the former and new American colonies remained without replenishment. Number of Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Germans, British, French, Jews and others ethnic groups continuously increased. This immigration carried out from 1850 to 1930 amounted to 12 million people. Especially many Italians settled in Rio de la feet. But far from everyone knows about drama, comprehended by them and other Europeans in the south of Brazil, where in the coffee plantations instead of black work force began to mercilessly exploit white slaves.

From the very beginning of the immigrants from Asia suffered the same fate as the Italians moved to Brazil. Black slaves often replaced the Chinese. So, in 1849-1874 80 thousand people were exported to Peru for collecting reed and mining guano On the Islands Chincha. For such works, the Chinese were brought to Cuba, where many of them were involved in the fight for independence. Mexico is still stored by the memory of the repristed in 1911 in Torreon, during which 300 Chinese killed.

Most of the Latin American governments at one time accepted discriminatory laws against the Chinese and the so-called Sirio Lebans. However, the first fate spared more than the second. Japanese, for their part, preferred to settle in Brazil and Peru. In these countries, 190 thousand and 29 thousand Japanese reside, respectively. In Brazil, there was even a new type of Latin American - nise, or the Japanese-Brazilian.

As for Indians, they were brought to America with British colonialists, under the oppression of which residents of India, Antille Islands and Guyana languished. The Swedish researcher M. Murner, who collected a large material on this issue in the book "Mixing races in the history of Latin America", so described this process:

"No part of the world has seen such a gigantic mixing races as Latin America and Caribbean region After 1492. "

In other words, this means that the most complicated worldLatin America, called Latin America, turned out to be a world in which all or almost all ethnic groups of humanity were mixed directly or through intermediate carrier mediation. Indian and African starts came directly from Indians and Africans. Latin went indirectly, through the Spaniards, Portuguese and French, through the Roman seizure of Gaul and Spain. Therefore, in the veins of the Latin Americans there is the proportion of blood of Celts, Arabs, ready and galls. The influence of the East and Asia is manifested in different countries Different, depending on the number of immigrants and the area of \u200b\u200btheir origin.

The assertion of Bolivar remains faithful and today. The ethnocultural heritage of the Latin Americans in a much lesser extent can be considered Latin, rather than an aboriginal. In addition, there are other components in this heritage. The liberator said: "South America", and Marty - "Our America". These words most fully reflect the complexity of Latin American reality, as both of them are truly comprehensive. When the inhabitants of the continent talk about themselves: "We are Latin Americans," they do not even think about the accuracy of this term, do not feel the values \u200b\u200bhidden in it.

It is known that in the culture of North America, including the United States and Canada, does not include an integral element that is called Latin American. However, in both countries, the Latin population is presented quite fully. In addition, the border between two America is neither racial nor linguistic nor religious. Its a sign can not be a political device. It does not coincide with the borders established in the process of clashes between the rival European colonizers and the changed later conquisites of the new type - Yankees in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada and the United States.

This border passes along the contour, outlined by economic differences caused by conquested and European colonization. They determined the subsequent development of new American societies. "North America began with a plow, and Spanish - with hunting PSA"I noticed Marty. He managed to surprise exactly and exciter to characterize the essence of European rivalry of the XVI and XVII centuries, as a result of which British colonies were formed in the north of America, and in the south - Portuguene-Spanish.

The farmer - Bourgeois and Protestant arrived on the north. It was a representative of Europe, which already entered the path of capitalist development. And in the south appeared an adventurer who came out of knight's novels and fascinated by endless internecine wars - characteristic representative Europe, mired in star and inquisitorial persecution. Plow and hunting dog - two different ways of colonization. They identified the starting points, from which the border between North America and South originates.

Hence the abyss between the two America - the exploitative and exploited, if we speak more definitely. "Continental unity" and "Western Hemisphere", about which American political scientists are stipulated, are nothing more than the grandiose absurdity, invented, repeated and spread around a century back of the North American imperialists and praised by their classes and relevant governments. And therefore, there are still those and others, it is necessary to remember clear again and again, inspired by Marty in Valington in the alarm days of the First Pan American Conference 1889-1890, about the "difference in origin and interests between two continental factors" and about "The relationship between the two nationalities of America in its past and present." It is possible to quote it to the infinity of this bright, penetrated by the performance of Marty.

The question of the border between the two Americas, born European colonization, is closely associated with another important problem - about the territories that were or continuing to remain Anglo-Franco-Dutch colonies in the Caribbean and Guyana. A narrow ethnic criterion increasingly gives their inhabitants from Latin Americans. But events and processes experienced modern world, in particular, the American continent, - from an open war to colonialism, neocolonialism, imperialism and backwardness, which is ultimately the same thing - oblige us to re-think about the fate of the peoples inhabiting these territories. Nothing, except for various colonial origin, does not distinguish them from the residents of the rest of Latin America. The reality of our world strongly and inevitably leads to close unity of all who fight for the liberation of the continent from mutual disasters: colonialism, neocolonialism, imperialism and backwardness. For victory in this difficult battle, first of all, it is necessary to overcome the disconnection generated by various reasons.

This is the "intricacy and extraordinary complexity of our problems." Peoples and cultures that are inheritance and at the same time modern and future wealth of the continent are diverse and numerous. It is impossible, forgetting about someone or underestimating someone, not distorting or not to falsify common to Latin American "birth certificate." Thanks to this complexity, the manifold "our problems" cannot be fit on one palm. They must be attempting to embrace both hands in order to argue almost all the land and the whole history of mankind. And therefore we will take our journey to the most distant past of the American continent. As they say in the myth of Cetzalcoatle, we turn to the search for "our progenitors and ancestors who gave rise to people in ancient times." We are talking about the Indians.

Tribes of Israel, Atlantis and Semi-Hydra

The origin of the ancestors of Latin Americans still continues to remain a mystery in many ways, despite the fact that over the past decades in this area, science has achieved significant success. At the same time, the archive finally passed the ridiculous fantasies of some chronicists of the early rankolonial period. So, according to one of them, the continent was inhabited by Jews - the descendants of Noah, or the ten knees of Israel, disappeared in the VIII century. BC e. After Assyrian conquest. According to another, the first immigrants in America became the Phoenicians, Hanaan or some other people from Asia Minor. To move to another continent, they allowed, for one version, exceptional seaworthy abilities. Others believed that these tribes were forced to flee under the onslaught of a powerful enemy - such, for example, as Alexander the Great.

Exactly the same, deprived of all a hint of truth, is an extremely seductive myth, according to which the distant ancestors of Latin Americans took place on the territory of the modern continent on the ground, which existed about ten and a half thousand years ago. This is a myth of Atlantis, heard Solon from some Egyptian priests. Later, Plato retold him in Timea and Cities. A special impression makes a guessed about the continent, located on the other side of the vast sea, which absorbed the once Atlantis. This thought never came to mind the great admiral, despite the fact that he managed to discover the Earth mentioned in myth. He did not guessed the importance of his discovery until death.

Geology data suggests the likelihood of the existence of an annex ancient land connection between Europe and Africa, on the one hand, and the American continent on the other. According to one of the theories, there is quite likely to exist in the very long time of the largest island of Atlantis, which disappeared later as a result of the cataclysm. Supporters of others believe that it could be about the existence of a huge mainland that united Europe, Asia and America. This hypothesis is based on the similarity of the profiles of both hemispheres, whose coastal contours perfectly coincide, if they mentally remove the Atlantic Ocean and combine the American East and the EURO-African West. With the help of the card and scissors, each can connect and dilute the continents as it actually did a powerful forces of nature in time immemorial.

However, none of those mentioned theories can serve as an explanation of the origin of the first inhabitants of America. After all, both the cataclysm and the "exposure" of two worlds, called old and new light, and the formation of the Atlantic Ocean could only take place - as far as fantasy allows - in the tertiary period ending over a million years ago. However, in those long-standing times on Earth there was not yet a person, but only his ancestor - ramupitto which anthropologists are defined as the first man-like monkey. She was the most ancient predecessor of the human being, who lived about 14 million years ago. About 5 million years ago, various types of higher human primates, moving on two legs, appeared, - australopitetse, and only about 1 million years ago an ancient fossil person arose, the creator of the cultures of the early Paleolithic, - petetecanthrop..

Thus, from the point of view of the science of Earth the theory about the intercontinental Atlantic Bridge, which existed in ancient time, looks quite believable. However, the assumption of travels at that time of people from one continent to another is devoid of all grounds. Such people on our planet then did not exist.

Relatively recently emerged science called American, in a short time Reached very significant success. She rejected not only such fantastic theories as the biblical version or Platonic myth, but also the hypothesis of those who were recently considered a classic American.

So, will continue the review of scientific achievements in the field of studying the origin of the "American" person. Naturally, all offered constructions are based on data archaeological finds, chronological studies, comparisons, deduction and hypotheses, proven or formulated in accordance with well-established research methods and annually refineed dating. Nevertheless, I would like to warn: every new discovery - and they occur in the Americans almost every day - forces the revision of existing estimates, and therefore many of the conclusions made to the pores are preferable to be considered conditional. Everything is clear that new studies often clarify, but sometimes refute the previous conclusions, which were considered to be true before the time. At the same time, thanks to this process, the treasury of our knowledge about the American continent is constantly enriched.

Writing in the XVI century. In Spain, his work "Decada of the New World" P. Martir de Angleric was extremely crushed on this:

"Like a hydra, which reiterates cut-off heads, and at the end of one story, others come to mind. I wanted to close the door to Mexican problems, but a new messenger arrived, and I was forced to open it again. "

We are experiencing the same problems, working on our book, with the only difference that everything happens even more sharply and rapidly than in the times of P. de Anglery. After all, the hydra constantly nourishes itself with the data of new methods - such, for example, as a radiocarbon. And this allows you to increase the number of her heads not at seven, but hundreds of times!

The method of radiocarbon dating (carbon-14, or C-14) is based on the phenomenon that every organism is animal or vegetable - accumulates in tissues a certain amount of Radioactive coal, which is constantly contained in the earth's atmosphere. When the body dies, accumulated radioactivity begins to decrease by arbitrary self-evaluation of constant intensity: in 5720, half of radioactivity is lost, and in 11,440 years - 3/4 of it. Thus, with a sufficient degree of accuracy, it is possible to determine the date of termination of the existence of a living organism or the antiquity of organic remains.

French researcher P. Riva wrote in 1957 in the work "The Origin of Man in America":

"The only disadvantage of the new prehistoric chronometer is its limited time. The ancient object under study, the smaller it contains radioactive coal. Therefore, calculations become less accurate, especially considering the imperfection of the current technology. In this regard, it is impossible to date the materials whose antiquity exceeds 35 thousand years. You can even say that since 15 thousand years old, the establishment of age implies a large proportion of inaccuracy. "

This dating method developed by North American scientists J. R. Arnold, E. K. Anderson, U. F. Libby, relies on the auxiliary data of another system of establishing an absolute chronology, known as the dendrochronological method. It is based on counting the annual rings of certain types of trees, such as sequoia or California pine. Today, these trees are or rather, the rings on the cuts of their trunks - allow you to clarify the dates of the radiocarbon method. When the latter discrepancies with the data of dendrochronology, it was proved that since 700 N. e. The radiocarbon method can give an error of up to 70 years. At the same time, it allows to date the items whose age reaches 50 thousand years. This is one of the visual examples of how in front of Professor Riva and North American scientists arose one of the Hydra heads discovered by Martyr Den England. Another one of her heads may seem information from the Clacrhahn prepared by the reprint of the book K. Visler "Indians of the United States of America":

"There is another method of assessing age, based on the time required for the complete divergence of once related languages. With the help of a thorough and detailed study, you can identify connections that once existed between now absolutely inconsistent languages. "

And here we are again forced to turn to the problem of the origin of the "American" person. Consider the state of this issue, although the available data is constantly obsolete and each time is pushed back into the past new information.

Merger Center of Ras and Peoples

Within almost half a century, from the last quarter of the past to the first quarter of the present - in the center of the rapid discussion of specialists there were theories of autochthonic origin of the population of America, which had two main directions: polygenistic and monogenic. According to the first, human genus could arise simultaneously or in different epochs both on one and several continents immediately. In accordance with the second, humanity originated in America and from there spread throughout the planet. The Argentinean scientist F. America became his father and the creator of this theory, which decided that the cradle of all mankind should be sought in argentine Pampe. But since modern science Already refuted these hypotheses, we will not borrow the reader with their detailed presentation and analysis.

However, it seems to be incorrectly finally close this topic without making the following remarks: one of the most weighty arguments against the point of view of supporters of the theory of autochthonic origin of the "American" person is the absence of large anthropoids in the archaic fauna of the continent. Joker could reject this argument, presenting the individuals specific to Latin America of large anthropoids - notorious "Gorillas". True, with the only reservation that they belong not to the Quaternary period, but to our century and are an extremely dangerous and peculiar fauna, very far from the classifications of evolutionists.

"It's not entirely clear, however, how they crossed the sea: they crossed it on this side, as if there were no sea; They crossed it on the stones placed in the rows in the sand. For this reason, in the memoirs, they were named "stones in a row", "sand under sea water" - names, data [of the terrain, where] they (tribes) crossed the sea; Water was divided when they passed. "

Corporate Also preserved poetic legends in famous "Annals", telling about the fate of their main characters - Gagavitsa and Sakkkuha:

"So they said: from the east came to Tula (Tulan), from the other side of the sea; And came to Tulan to be conceived and born by our mothers and our fathers. "

Yes, and the entire passage along Beringi must, very much looked like mythical wanderings of inconsistencies:

"Then they came to the seashore. There are all the tribes and warriors on the sea coast. When they saw him, the hearts were squeezed. There is no way to cross it; "No one has ever crossed the sea," all the warriors from seven tribes said between themselves ... and they told the ancestors of Gagavitz and Sakklet:

"We tell you! For work, our brothers! We arrived not to languish on the shore and not be able to contemplate our homeland, which we said, we will see, we, warriors, our seven tribes. Deciding now to go now. "

So they were told, and immediately all overwhelmed with joy ... So passed on the sands, stretched at the ridges, when the depth of the sea and the surface of the sea was already revealed ... Rushed then and moved in the sand; Those who walked at the end were entering the sea when we went out on another shore. "

Something similar was to happen in reality. The avant-garde of the immigrants from Asia was already on Alaska while the airship had not left Chukotka. It brings to certain thoughts and similarity of the names of the points of their exit and arrival: Welen - on the old continent and Wales - In the new. They almost come into contact with each other - just like the noses of those who collided bear and jaguar. Yes, and the peninsula themselves - Asian and American - are really similar to two opposing heads.

It is possible that exactly how it is described in "Popol-Wuh," the distant ancestors of the "American" man looked:

"And their attires were only animal skins; They did not have good fabrics to dress; Animal skins were their only clothes. They were poor, they did not possess anything, but they were people who were wondering in nature. "

"They could no longer carry a cold or hail; They trembled, and their teeth were knocked; They are completely numb and were barely alive; their hands and legs were shaking; And they could not keep anything in them when they came. "

"But the tribes did not die, they came, although they died from the cold. There were a lot of hail, it was black rain, there was a fog and indescribable cold ...

And they approached, each tribe trembled and hung from the cold ... The devastation was the devastation of their hearts, their mouths were firmly compressed, and the eyes were hung. "

From Asia to America, together with a person, and possibly salting from him, Mammoths, Big Bison, Sabelle Tigers, Horses, Camels, Wolves and Other Liberty were moved. Indeed, Paleontologists claim that out of 54 famous representatives The Quaternary Fauna of America 48 had an Asian origin.

When did it happen, more precisely, when did the great resettlement begun "on the other side"? These geology data indicate that the last of four ice periods - The one that Europeans call vurmsky, and North American - wisconsin- She lasted about 60 thousand years. During this time, the sea level fell several times. For the first time, it happened 50-40 thousand years ago, when its level fell 115 m. The second time - 28-10 thousand years ago - this level decreased by 120 m. So Bering Most I was found at least twice, and then people could move on it "on the other side."

It means that from the point of view of geology the possibility of such migrations is quite reasonable. Archeology I. modern methods Research allow us to recreate the picture of the period when all this happened. Already in the late 1960s, scientists had no doubt that the American continent began to settle 38-40 thousand years ago.

So, America's ancient inhabitants were in Alaska, more precisely, in the very place that one of the researchers dubbed the "sports field of the University of Alaska." How did the first migrants moved to the south? The geological and logical response to this question is that they passed on a kind of corridor, which really existed between the Alaska and the United States. 25-13 thousand years ago, he was "closed" with huge glaciers, but three times "opened", which coincided with the departures of glaciers, dragging the Bering Bridge.

If you can say exactly, getting from the north to the south it was possible between 50 and 40 thousand years ago, between 28 and 25 thousand years and, finally, between 13 and 10 thousand years ago. You can imagine caravans of the wanderers, with difficulty overcoming the gorge punishing among the ice walls, in search of lands with a less harsh climate, which would provide them with survival. The otherwise, those who have retired for one reason or another could be locked in an ice trap. Those who still survived, began to adapt to harsh conditions - may have founded their settlements eskimi and aleuts. But most likely they became much later aliens.

Advanced troops of migration waves continued their own hard way South, closer to the warm lands of the Equator, in search of their "Promised Land", where it was possible to settle forever. The journey turned out to be extremely long - it captured many generations of immigrants. All this time, the languages \u200b\u200bon which they said were shared on increasingly numerous branches, significantly distinguished each other. This is well aware of those who do gLOTTHONOLOGY . Some authors write about the existence of linguistic similarity between the languages \u200b\u200bof the population of both banks of Bering Strait. The tribes sought to leave the cold lands as soon as possible and towards the sun - where the soft and warm climate is where the soft and warm climate.

Myths from the Chronicles of Guatemalan Indians retained a poetic image for us, reminiscent of the situation just described:

"Each of the tribes continued to be awake to see the star, which is the Sun Herald. This sign of the dawn they carried in their hearts when they went from the east, and with the same hope they left the place that was on a big distance from here. So this is stated now ...

Soon we scattered in the mountains; Then everyone, every tribe, was gone (hereinafter follows a long listing of places that are difficult to identify modern geography). Then there were mountains and valleys where they went, left and returned. We do not praise, but only remind and never forget that in reality passed on numerous places, - so in antiquity our fathers and ancestors were spoken ...

Then all [Others] Peoples arrived: People from Rubina, Kazheli, people from Cykinah and the people, who now wears the name Yaki (mean Mexicans, Ancient Toltec, the people of Naão, who, joining the South Maya, served as the formation of the Indian peoples of Guatemala, As A. Recinos explains).

And there has changed the speech of peoples; Their languages \u200b\u200bhave become different. They could no longer understand what heard each other after arrived in Tulan. They also divided: there were those who went to the East, but the majority came here. "

GLOTTOKHRONOLOGY is an important help the theories about the resettlement of the first inhabitants of America and the dissemination of their languages. They scattered on a very extensive region, which allows us to try to reconstruct the ways of initial migrations.

In the very heart of Canada, there are territories of five tribes (Iroquais tribes of Seneca, Kayyuga, Onondag, Oreida, Mogauca) North American Indians. There are no time the currently studied clans of the family clans occupied a huge region, stretched from Idaho to Mexico and Guatemala. At first, these tribes attributed to various groups, but later linguistic studies allowed us to prove that they all belong to one family. Certificate available from us allow us to classify sometimes, it would seem, dubious linguistic groups, uniting them under the general name asteko-Tanoan , or, as often accepted, uTO-ASEKA, UTO-Naia.

At one time we will turn to the outstanding, and to the modest representatives of these tribes, which, by a member of the definition of one specialist, were divided into "poor and rich relatives." To the poor, for example, treated shoshone, and rich, of course asteke. Here I would also like to add that the relationship between these tribes was noticed by another Spanish missionary P. de Ribas, who put forward in the XVII century. Very original theories that are just now confirmed by linguistic studies. Even earlier, in the XVI century, the Spanish Jesuit X. De Actuate wrote in his work "Natural and moral history of India":

"Most recently discovered the Great Earth, called New Mexico, where, as they say, there are many people speaking in Mexican."

Thus, modern science and ancient myths mutually intersect and complement each other. It is impossible to agree with the thought of K. Visler about the loss of memory by the American Indian:

"He was unknown everything that belongs to his own past. Therefore, it was necessary to restore the forgotten native history. "

No, it is incorrect! It is quite obvious that the memory of the Indian was not so bad.

, Great Britain and other countries due to economic and political emigration. Due to the fact that French is also Romanesque, the French-speaking peoples of the Caribbean (Haitisians, Guitans, Martinicians, Guades, Guaters, Guyaers, Martinicians, Guaders, Also, are also a Dominicians and Grenaduses), although those living in more northern latitudes of Frankocanades, as well as mostly assimylated by the English-speaking environment Kahulov Louisiana to Latin Americans are usually not attributed.


Combines all Latin Americans primarily their historical origin. The formation of Latin American peoples began during the Great geographic discoveries In the western hemisphere and the development of two early European colonial empires - Spanish and Portuguese, to a lesser extent also French. The period between 16-18 centuries was determined when European conquistadors conquered significant territories of South America and entered into intensive contacts with the local autochthonous population.


The dominant, although far from the only role in the process of ethnogenesis of the Latin American peoples played the romance peoples of the so-called old Romania and / or Latin Europe, so modern Latin Americans are called neoroman peoples, and their area of \u200b\u200bresidence is neoroman (New Roman). They consider their relatives or speak well in the Romance languages \u200b\u200bthat originated from Latin (from where and the name). The exception is only some of the US Latin Americans, the natives of this country, which, while maintaining Latin American culture and self-consciousness, moved into English or fully Americanized. Another distinctive feature is the commitment of most Latin Americans to Catholicism, although in lately The number of atheists, followers of Protestant churches, other religions and various sects increased. Highlights the Latin American and their concentration in the regions with a hot equatorial, tropical and subtropical climate.


Most Latin Americans are believers Catholics. A small part is Protestants.

Racial diversity

Unlike the North American colonies of Great Britain, where the autochthonous Indian population was undergoing almost a magnitude genocide, in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies of the mass concentration of the autochthonous population (Mexico, Peru) became simultaneously both the centers of Spanish culture, putting the beginning of the process of racial-cultural mixing. Therefore, modern Latin Americans are distinguished by a peculiar racial-genetic composition with a predominance of mixed origin people with a largest combinations of European, African, Indian and even Asian genes. At the beginning of the XVI century, in addition to the Spanish and Portuguese Men-Idalgo, the Gypsies, Jews, Arabs-Morci, were brought here, the ears of Africa were brought here. European colonists from others, mostly Catholic countries (French, especially numerous Italians, Germans, Croats, etc.) appeared later, and the influx of immigrants from Spain and Portugal (the end of 19-th. 20 centuries) appeared again.

Therefore, now the racial-genetic composition varies significantly by countries. So, conventionally designated white Latin Americans constitute the majority of the population (over 80%) in Argentina and Uruguay, but only about half of Brazil's population (53.7%) and less than 10% of the Population of Mexico. In Mexico and Chile, 2/3 of the population are methis: in Chile with a greater admixture of European, in Mexico - with Indian blood, although the proportions vary greatly through cities and provinces within each country. For example, at the average Mexican, 58% of European genes (mostly Spanish), 39% - Indian and about 3% - African. Moreover, unlike the United States, the racial categories are bending and transparent, the same person can attribute themselves to several categories and move from one to another throughout their lives depending on their social status, education, circle of communication, etc. So much of the conditionally white population of Argentina has a significant admixture of Indian (about 1/3) and even African blood. The same applies to conditionally white Brazilians. Although open institutional racism and segregation in Latin American countries has never been, more European (bright) features are perceived as more desirable compared to Indian and African.


The total number of Latin Americans is about 600 million people. The largest Latin American peoples: Brazilians - about 190 million people (2008, estimate) and Mexicans are about 150 million people. (g., Evaluation). They follow Colombians (45 million) and Argentines (40 million). A large emigrant group of US Latin Americans is highlighted, which is over 15% of the country's population or 45 million people ().

see also

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Latin American

- He was married for a long time? She asked, - honestly?
Pierre gave her honest word.
- Is he still here? She asked quickly.
- Yes, I saw it now.
She was obviously not able to speak and made his arms signs to leave her.

Pierre did not stay dinner, and immediately left the room and left. He went to find it on the city of Anatola Kuragin, with the thought of which he had poured out all the blood to his heart and he had difficulty translating his breath. On the mountains, the Gypsy, Comoneno - it was not. Pierre went to the club.
In the club, everything went on with their ordinary order: guests who gathered to dine were sitting with groups and greet Pierre and talked about urban news. Lackey, saying hello to him, reported to him, knowing his acquaintance and the habit that the place was left in a small dining room that Prince Mikhail Zakharych in the library, and Pavel Timofeich did not come yet. One of the familiar pierre between the conversation about the weather asked him, did he hear about the abduction of the Kuragin Rostova, which is spoken in the city, is it true? Pierre, shook, said it is nonsense, because he is now only from growth. He asked everyone about Anatol; He said alone that he did not come yet, the other that he would have lunch now. Pierre was strange to look at this calm, indifferent crowd of people who did not know what was done in his soul. He walked around the hall, waited until everyone was leaving, and without waiting for Anatol, did not have dinner and went home.
Anatol, whom he searched, on this day dined with Dologov and consistent with him about how to fix a spoiled business. He seemed to be seen with Rostova. In the evening, he drove to her sister to talk about the means to arrange this date. When Pierre, having traveled all over Moscow in vain, returned home, Camnediner reported to him that Prince Anatol Vasilich at the Countess. The living room of the Countess was full of guests.
Pierre not healthy with his wife, which he did not see after arrival (she was more than ever hated him at that moment), entered the living room and seeing Anatoly approached him.
- Ah, Pierre, - said the Countess, coming to her husband. "You don't know what position is our anatol ..." she stopped, seeing her husband's head lowered low, in his brilliant eyes, in his decisive gait, then the terrible expression of rabies and the strength she knew and experienced after a duel with Doolokhov.
"Where you are debauchery there, evil," said Pierre wife. "Anatole, let's go, I need to talk to you," he said in French.
Anatole looked back to her sister and rose me, ready to follow Pierre.
Pierre, taking his hand, pulled to himself and went out of the room.
- Si Vous Vous Permettez Dans Mon Salon, [If you allow yourself in my living room,] - Shelen said the shopot; But Pierre, not answering her came out of the room.
Anatole walked behind him by the usual, alloyed gait. But on his face it was noticeable concern.
Entering into his office, Pierre shut the door and turned to an anatoly, without looking at him.
- Did you promise the growth of Rostova to marry her and wanted to take it?
"My dear," answered anatole in French (as the whole conversation was), I do not consider myself obliged to answer interrogations made in such a tone.
Pierre's face, and before pale, distorted with rabies. He grabbed his big hand Anatoly for the collar of the uniform and began to shake out of the side as long as the face of Anatol did not take a sufficient expression of fright.
"When I say that I need to talk to you ..." Pierre repeated.
- Well, it's stupid. BUT? - said Anatol, feeling torn off with a cloud of a collar.
"You are a scoundrel and a bastard, and I don't know what to refrain from pleasure to hear the head here," said Pierre, "saying so artificially because he spoke French. He took a heavy pressepier in his hand and raised threateningly and immediately hurried him in place.
- Have you promised to marry her?
- I, I, I did not think; However, I never promised because ...
Pierre interrupted him. - Do you have any letters? Do you have letters? - repeated Pierre, moving towards an anatoly.
Anatole looked at him and immediately, shouting his hand in his pocket, took out a wallet.
Pierre took the letter submitted to him and pushing the table standing on the road fell on the sofa.
- Je Ne Serai Pas Violent, Ne Craignez Rien, [Do not be afraid, I do not use violence,] - said Pierre, answering the frightened anatoly gesture. "Letters - Once," said Pierre, as if repeating the lesson for himself. - Second, - after a minute silence he continued, again getting up and starting to walk, "you should leave Moscow tomorrow.
- But how can I ...
- The third, - not listening to him, continued Pierre, - you never have a word should not talk about what was between you and the Countess. That, I know, I can not forbid you, but if you have a spark of conscience ... - Pierre has been silently several times around the room. Anatole sat at the table and frowned biting his lips.
- You can not finally understand that in addition to your pleasure there is happiness, the calm of other people, that you are ruining the whole life from what you want to have fun. Sun with women like my spouse - you are in your right, they know what you want from them. They are armed against you by the same depravity experience; But to promise a girl to marry her ... to deceive, steal ... how you do not understand that it is just as haired, how to nail the old man or a child! ...
Pierre fell silent and looked at Anatol no longer an angry, but questioning look.
- I do not know this. BUT? - said Anatol, encouraging as Pierre overcomed his anger. - I don't know this and I don't want to know, "he said, without looking at Pierre and with a light shake of the lower jaw," but you told me such words: it was a subtle and the like that I comme un homme d "Honneur [like an honest person ] I will not allow anyone.
Pierre looked at him with surprise, unable to understand what he had to.
"Although it was with an eye on the eye," continued Anatol, "but I can't ..."
- Well, do you need satisfaction? - Pierre said mockingly.
- At least you can take back your words. BUT? If you want me to fulfill your desire. BUT?
"I take, I take it back," Pierre said, and I ask you to excuse me. Pierre glanced unwittingly on a torn button. - And money, if you need to go on the road. - Anatole smiled.
This expression is a timid and a subsection smile, familiar to him in his wife, exploded Pierre.
- Oh, seal, heartless breed! He spoke and left the room.
The next day, Anatole went to St. Petersburg.

Pierre went to Marie Dmitrievna to report on the execution of her desire - about the exile of Kuragin from Moscow. The whole house was in fear and excitement. Natasha was very painful, and as Mary Dmitrievna told him a secret, she was on the same night as she was announced that Anatole was married, poisoned as arsenic she was quietly delivered. When swallowing him a little, she was so frightened that he woke her sony and declared her what she did. During the necessary measures taken against poison, and now she was out of danger; But all the same weak so that it was impossible to think to carry her to the village and was sent to the Countess. Pierre saw a confused graph and a swollen Sonya, but could not see Natasha.