Last words Princess Mary facing Pechorin. What's new we learn about Pechistin in the chapter of Princess Mary? And again the ball

Last words Princess Mary facing Pechorin. What's new we learn about Pechistin in the chapter of Princess Mary? And again the ball
Last words Princess Mary facing Pechorin. What's new we learn about Pechistin in the chapter of Princess Mary? And again the ball

End of Pechorin magazine. Princess Mary.

Before us - the back of Pechorin, in which the days of recording are marked. On May 11, Pechorin records his arrival in Pyatigorsk. Finding an apartment, he headed towards the source. On the way, he called his acquaintance with whom he once served. It was a Juncher Grushnitsky. Pechorin saw him like this: "He is only a year in the service, wears, according to the special kind of smartness, a thick soldier sinel. He has a St. George Soldier's Cross. It is well complicated, Swagl and Chernovolos; He is in appearance can be given twenty-five years, although he is hardly twenty-one.

He throws his head back

When he says, and rushes a mustache with his left hand, for the government relies on the crutch. He says soon and persecuted: he is from those people who have ready-made magnificent phrases for all occasion of life, which just does not touch and which are important to be draped into unusual feelings, sublime passions and exceptional suffering. Effect - their pleasure. "

Grucnitsky tells Pechorin

about the people who make up the Pyatigorsk public on the waters - "Water Society" - and calls the Lithuanian and her daughter Mary, the most interesting of all Princess. To attract the attention of the girl, the Gruchnitsky drops the glass from which healing water drank. Seeing that because of the sore feet, he cannot raise a glass, Mary helps him. Grucnitsky is happily confident that Mary provides him signs of attention, Penoring contesimates a friend, it is unpleasant that he was distinguished by him, and the other.

In two days, Pechorin meets Dr. Werner, an interesting and clever man, but extremely ugly: he "was slightly tall, and Hood. And weak as a child; One leg was shorter than the other, like Bairon; In comparison with the body of his head, it seemed to be enormous: he cut her hair under the comb ... his little black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. In his clothes were noticeable taste and tidy; Its thin, housing and small hands were conquered in light yellow gloves. His crust, tie and vest were constantly black. " Although, according to Pechorin's own words, he did not know how to be friends, with the Werner they became buddies. In a conversation with the insightful Werner, it turned out that the doctor perfectly understands the intentions of Pechorina, who was going to dispel boredom on the waters by playing the "comedy". It turned out that the princess, intrigued by the appearance of Hushnitsky, decided that he was demoted for a duel, and Princess remembered the face of Pechorin, whom she met in St. Petersburg. Werner told the Pechorin in detail about both ladies, about the diseases and character of the mother, about the habits and affection of the daughter. He also mentioned that today Lithuanian saw their relative, to describe her appearance, Pecherin guess in her, the love of which "in the old" occupied his heart.

In the evening on the Pechorin Boulevard again

sees Mary. The young people around her and mother spinning, but Pechorin, entertaining the officers acquaintances, gradually collects everyone around him. Mary becomes boring, and Pechorin suggests that tomorrow is a pears, who does not bring eye from the girl, will look for a way to meet her.

Pechorin notes that he called the hatred of Mary that his ingenious behavior when he pretends that he would not notice her and in every way prevents her - for example, in her eyes it would break the carpet like her, - brings his fruits. Mary is becoming gentle with the Hushchnitsky, who only dreams to quickly wear an epolutes. Pechorin discourages a friend, explaining that he is mysterious in the soldiers of the soldiers' coin and attractive for the princes, but the Huschnitsky wants nothing to understand. Pechistan is explained to the pear, as it should behave with young prince, who, like all Russian ladies, loves her to entertain. Grucnitsky excited, and Pechorin understands that the buddy is in love - he even had a ring on which the name of the princed and the date of their acquaintance was engraved. Pechorin puts out the ideas to become a pears attorney in his heart matters and then "enjoy".

When in the morning Pechorin

later, the usual came to the source, the audience was already separated. Alone, he began to wander around the alleys and unexpectedly faced faith, whose arrival of Werner spoke. Faith flinched at the appearance of Pechorin. He learned that she was married again that her husband, a relative of Lithuanian, rich and this marriage had to be faith for the sake of the well-being of her son. Pechorin did not heal about the old man, "she respects him, like his father, - and will deceive, as a husband ..." He gave faith the Word, which would like to meet Lithuanian, will care for the Mary, so that faith cannot be suspected.

Because of the thunderstorm Pechorin and Vera

some time remained in the grotto, and in the soul of Pechorin again got a familiar feeling: "Does not youthful with his beneficial storms want to go back to me again, or it's only her farewell look ..." Passover with faith, Pechorin returned home, jumped up on horse And went to the steppe: "There is no female gaze, whom I would not forget at the sight of curly mountains, illuminated by the southern sun, at the sight of the blue sky or the noise of the flow falling from the rock on the cliff."

Completing the trip, Pechorin

suddenly came across the cavalcade of the riders, ahead of whom the Grushnitsky and Mary were driving. The pearshnitsky over the soldier coin hung the checker and a couple of pistols, and in such a "heroic closure" looked ridiculous. He led to a serious conversation about the dangers that lie in the Caucasus, about the empty secular society, which he was alien to him, but the Pechorin unexpectedly left him to meet him. Mary was afraid, thinking that in front of her Circassians, but Pechorin boldly replied to the girl that he was not more dangerous than her cavalier, and the pearshnitsky remained dissatisfied. In the evening, Pechorin collided with the Huschnitsky, who enthusiastically told the friend about the merits of Mary. Pechorin to unintelligently unheated, assured him that he will spend tomorrow evening from Lithuanian and will drag on prince.

Pechorin recorded in the journal, which still did not meet Lithuanian. Faith, which he met at the source, reproached him in the fact that he did not go to the only house, to Lithuanian, where they could openly meet.

Pechorin describes the ball held in the Hall of the Noble Assembly. Mary made a big impression with his clothes and the ability to hold on. Local "aristocrats" could not forgive her and one of them expressed displeasure to her cavaller. Pechistan invited Mary to dance, and the girl barely hid her celebration. They walked for a long time, Pechorin began a conversation with Mary about his recent audacity, for which he immediately apologized. Suddenly, in one of the groups of local men, laughter and shushukani rang out. One of the cavaliers, very suitable, tried to invite Mary to dance, but Pechorin, reading an incredible fright on her face, firmly took a drunk hand and asked him to retire, saying that Princess promised his dance to him. Mary looked gratefully at his Savior and immediately told his mother. Princess Lithuanian, looking for Pechorin, thanked him, reproaching that they still are not familiar.

The ball continued, Mary with Pechorin again had the opportunity to talk. In this conversation, as if by chas, Pechorin said the girl that the Grunitsky junker, and she was disappointed.

Grushnitsky, finding Pechorina on the boulevard, rushed to thank for the help of the ball and asked him to be his assistant in the evening: he wanted the buddy, more experienced in what women concerned, "noticed everything" to solve the attitude of Mary to him, the Pearhrick. Pechorin spent the evening at Lithuanian, engaged in mainly faith. The singing of the Princess he listens to be scattered, and according to her disappointed form hesitates that the wombing of the Grushnitsky is already boring.

deals in the further execution of its "system". He entertains Mary with amazing cases from his life, and she increasingly harms to the pear, answering his tender words with a skeptical smile. Pechorin intentionally leaves them together, barely pearshnitsky approaches the girl. Finally, Mary does not withstand: "Why do you invent that I am more fun with the pears?" I replied that I sacrificed the happiness of a friend with my pleasure. "And I", "she added." Pechorin with dellanously a serious view stops talking to Mary and decides not to talk to her a few more days.

Pechorin sets himself a question, why "so persistently achieves love of a young girl", which never marries, and does not find a response.

Grushnitsky produced into officers, and he decides to put on the epolutes rather, hoping to impress the Mary. Werner dissuade him, recalling that many officers crowded around the princesses. In the evening, when society moved for a walk to failure, Pechorin began to gloom at the expense of others than Mary frightened. She made a remark, and in response, Pechorin told her the story of his life: "I became moral cripple ... one half did not exist, she dried, evaporated, died, I cut it off ..." Mary was shocked, she became sorry for Pechorin. She took him by his hand and no longer let her go. The next day, Pechorin saw the faith that was angry with jealousy. Pechorin tried to convince her that she did not like Mary, but faith was still sad. Then in the evening, Knyagini at the table, Pechorin told the whole dramatic history of their love, calling the acting persons you were-digitized names, describing in detail how she loved her, as worried, as he was enthusiastic. Finally, the faith fell to the company, began to listen and, it seemed, I forgave the Pechorin of his coquetry with prince.

peachnitsky came running to Pechorin, beside himself from happiness. He was in a new form, walked in front of the mirror, was poured by the spirits, preparing for the ball. Hushnitsky ran to meet Mary, and Pechorin, on the contrary, came to the ball later. He hid between those who stand, watching the Mary reluctantly talking to Hushnitsky. He was in despair, begged her to be kindly, asked about the reason for the change of him, but here Pechorin approached. He did not agree with the Mary that the Soldier Schinel Grushnitsky more to the face, and to the displeasure of the Pereshnitsky, noticed that his new form was sick. Mary danced with different cavaliers, Pechistan got only a Mazurka. Finally, Pechorin realized that Grushnitsky was a conspiracy around him, in which they were involved in the officers offended by Pechorin. Conducting Meries to the carriage, Pechorin chaserly kissed her hand. The next day, on June 6, Pechorin records that Vera went with her husband to Kislovodsk. He made a visit to Lithuanian, but the princess did not come to him, affirming the patient.

When Pechorin finally saw Mary

She was pale usual. They spoke about the attitude of Pechorin to her, and he asked for forgiveness, which did not save the girl from what "happened in his soul." Talking Pechorin upset Mary to tears. When Pechorin returned home, Werner was questioned to him, whether he was married to Mary. Pechorin with a smile dispelled Werner, but I realized that rumors about him and the princes and that this is the work of the hands of Hushnitsky. Pechistan, after faith, moves to Kislovodsk, where he often sees with his former beloved. Soon, Ligovsky arrive here. On one of the horseback walks, Mary began his head and it became bad. Pechorin, supporting the princess, hugging behind the waist, touched her cheek lips. Princess can not understand his attitude towards himself. "Or you despise me or love me," she says Pechistin and the first confesses to love. Pechorin affects it with its cold.

Grushnitsky, desperate to regain his love

Meri, bobes offended by the oversized officers to take revenge on him. Hushchnitsky should have found a pretext and call Pechorin on a duel. For a duel, it was decided to charge only one pistol. Pechorin becomes an inadvertent witness to this conversation and decides to teach the Hushnitsky. Merie, meeting Pechorina again, tells him about his love and promises that he persuades his relatives not to hinder their marriage. Pechorin explains Mary that in his soul there is no love for her. She asks him to leave her one. Later, thinking that he was experiencing to women, Pechorin explains his indifference by the fact that once the fortune teller predicted his death from an evil wife.

Kislovodskoe society is engaged in funny news: the magician of the Apfelbaum comes. Princess Lithuanian is going to go to the presentation without daughter. Pechorin receives a note from faith that her husband went to Pyatigorsk, and spends the night of faith. Saying her, Pechorin looks into the window of Mary, but he is seen here a Hushnitsky and the captain, whom Pechorin offended sometime on the ball. In the morning, the town is full of conversations that the Circassian attacked the Lithuanian house, but Grushnitsky loudly talks about the night visit of Pechorin to Mary. At that moment, when he had already given honestly, he was Pechorin in the Mary room at night, Pechorin himself entered. He very calmly demanded from the Pereshnitsky to refuse his words: "I don't think that the indifference of women to your brilliant advantages deserved such a terrible venge." But "the struggle of conscience with pride" from Grushnitsky "was short-lived." Supported by the captain, he confirmed that he said the truth. Pechorin announces that he will send to the pear of his second.

Pechorin instructed the Werner, his second, as soon as possible and secretly arrange a deal with a duel. Returning from the Grushnitsky Werner told Pechorin, which heard officers persuaded the Publishing of Pechorin, but not risking their lives. Werner and Sing Pereshnitsky discussed the conditions of the duel. Werner warns Pechorin that only the Pushnitsky gun will be charged, but Pechorin asks the doctor not to give the form that they are known.

On the night before Duel Pechorin

ponders his life and compares it with the state of a person who misses the ball and "... Does not go to bed just because there is no more of his carriage." He argues about the meaning of his life: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born? .. And right, she existed, and, right, there was a high appointment, because I feel in my soul of my power, immense ... But I did not guess this destination, I got carried away by the bait of passions of empty and ungrateful passions; From the horror, I came out firm and cold as iron, but lost forever of noble aspirations - the best color of life ... My love did not bring happiness to anyone. Because I did not sacrificed for those who loved; I loved for myself for my own pleasure; With greed absorbing their feelings, their tenderness, their joy and suffering - and could never be satisfied. "

All night before the fight he did not climbed the eye.

The next morning, calming down, he accepted a bath with Narzan and became Bodr as if she was going to the ball. Werner cautiously asked Pechorin, whether he was ready to die and wrote the will, he answered that he would remember that on the eve of death only about himself. Having met the opponent, Pechorin feels calmly. Grushnitsky, on the contrary, is worried and whispering with the captain. Pechorin offers the conditions under which the secundants could not be punished for a duel. The condition was that it would shoot the gorge and from the body of the killed Werner will get a bullet to write off the corpse to the attack of Circass. The Grushnitsky was in front of the choice: kill Pechorin, refuse to shoot or be with him in equal terms, risking to be killed. Werner persuaded Pechorin to say that they know about the infirmity of the intent of Grushnitsky, but Pechorin firmly decided to see whether the Pereshnitsky could make meanness by shooting in unarmed.

The first fell to shoot a pear. He shot and easily wounded Pechorina in his knee. Pechorin's turn and he, looking at the Husknitsky standing in front of him, experienced mixed feelings: he was also angry, and annoyed, and despised standing, who could hurt him stronger and then Pechorin would have lying at the foot of the rock. Finally, I suspected the doctor, he clearly demanded to charge his pistol, thereby discovering that he knew in advance about the conspiracy against him. The captain shouted that it was against the rules and that he charged the pistol, but Gruchnitsky stood gloomy and ordered to fulfill the request of Pechorin, recognizing that they were preparing meanness. Pechorin was last suggested that he was aware of the lies, reminding that they were friends, notice answered: "Shoot! I despise myself, and I hate. If you do not kill me, and you will scream at night from behind the corner. We are on Earth together there is no place ... "

Pechorin shot

When the smoke was dissipated, the pearshnitsky was no longer on the cliff. His bloody corpse lay down at the bottom. Arriving home, Pechorin receives two notes. One was from Werner, who reported to him that the body was brought to the city and that there is no evidence against Pechorin. "You can sleep well ... If you can ..." - wrote Werner. Pechistan revealed the second note, worried much. She was from faith that reported that he admitted her husband in his love for Pechorin and leaves forever. Realizing that it may forever lose faith, Pechorin rushed to the horse after her, drove the horse to death, but faith never caught up.

Returning to Kislovodsk,

Pechorin fell asleep heavy sleep. He was awakened by Werner, who had just walked to Ligovsky. He was Hmur and opposed the hands of his hands. Werner warned him: the bosses guess that Grushnitsky died on a duel. The next day, Pechorin receives an order to go to the fortress N. He goes to Ligovsky to say goodbye. Princess decides to talk to him: she invites him to marry Mary. Having left with a girl alone, Pechorin breastplate himself, he just laughed at her, she should despise him, and, therefore, he cannot marry her. He rudely said that the princess should explain this mother, Mary replied that he hates him.

After answering, Pechorin left the city and not far from Essentukov noted the corpse of his drunk horse. Seeing birds already sitting on her cereal, he sighed and turned away.

About the story with Mary Pechorin remembers the fortress. He compares his fate with the life of the sailor, who is accustomed to the difficulties of his craft and languishes idleness on the shore, looking for a sail on the sea stroy, "approaching the deserted pier ..."

Roman "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov is considered one of the best works of classical Russian literature. You can talk about it for a very long time - interesting topics for discussion more than enough. Today we will focus on one of them - we will try to understand what Pecherin's attitude towards Mary was.

Character of Pechorina

First, it should be understood in the character of the main character. It is impossible not to admit that this is a person, in its development above society surrounding it. However, he failed to find applications to his talents and abilities. 1830 - a difficult period in Russian history. The future of young people of that time was "Il empty, il dark." Lermontov in Pechorin captured the features of the young generation of those years. The portrait of his hero is made up of the vices of all time. It seems like two people. The first one is valid, and the second observes his actions and argues about them or, or rather, condemns.

Negative character traits

In Pechorin, you can see many negative features, including egoism. Although Belinsky could not agree with this. He said that egoism "does not blame himself," "does not suffer." Indeed, Pechorin suffers from the fact that it is bored among people belonging to the "Water Society". The desire of it to escape is that the hero is squandering himself to various small things. Pechorin risks life, looking for oblivion in love, substituting Chechen bullets under themselves. He is very suffering from boredom and realizes that he lives as he lives, wrong. The hero is ambitious and malicious. Wherever he appears, misfortune happens everywhere.

Why did the hero deceive Mary?

A deep mental wound, this hero struck the Duke of Mary. He deceived this girl, betrayed her love for him. What purpose he pursued? Essentially your own satisfaction. In this completely different were Pechorin and Princess Mary. Relations between heroes are characterized by the fact that Princess seeks to make a happy lover, and he is only thinking about himself. However, Pechorin is well aware of which ungrateful role played in the life of this girl.

Development of relations between Pechorin and Mary

In order to understand how the true attitude of Pecherin to Mary was, briefly follow the history of the development of their very unusual novel. Mary is a young and beautiful daughter of Prinjean Ligovsky. However, it is too naive, as well as excessively trusting to other people, including Pechorin. At first, the girl did not pay attention to the main character, but he did everything to interest her. He lasted Mary fans to himself, telling them funny stories. After Pechorin won her attention, he tried to make a good impression of stories and stories from his life on the princess. His goal was that the girl began to see an extraordinary person in it, and he achieved his own. Pechorin gradually conquered the girl. During the ball, he "saved" the princess from drunk nahala, whoed to her. The caring attitude of Pecherin to the Princess Mary is not left unnoticed by the girl. She believed that the hero was sincere in his actions. However, the girl was brutally mistaken. He just wanted to conquer her, she was another toy for him. One evening they went for the walk Pechorin and Mary. The relationships of them by that time have already developed enough for what happened during her. Princess felt bad, moving through the river. Pechorin hugged her, the girl was leaning at him, and then he kissed her.

Was Pecherin in love with Mary?

Pechorin argued and tried to convince himself that the hobby of Merie did not mean anything for him that he would seek the love of this girl only for his own pleasure. However, in fact, the attitude of Pecherin to Mary was somewhat different. The hero's soul was eager for real love. Pechorin begins to doubt: "Do I really fell in love?" However, he immediately catches himself to think that attachment to this girl is "a pathetic habit of the heart." The love of Pechorin to Mary was died in the bud, since the hero did not allow her to develop. And sorry - perhaps he would have gained happiness, happily.

Thus, the peopinger ratio to Mary is contradictory. The hero assures himself that she does not like her. In front of the duel, he says to Werner, which made only a few ideas from life storms, but did not make a single feeling. He admits that he has long lived his head, not a heart. Own actions and passions, he weighs, disassembles "with strict curiosity", but "without participation." At first glance, how refers to Pechorin to Mary, confirms this representation of the main character about himself, which testifies to cruelty, the ruthless coldness of his game. However, the protagonist is not so impassive, how tries to seem. Several times he feels that he got carried away, even becomes excited. The main character reproaches itself for the ability to feel: After all, he assured himself that, for him, happiness is not in love, but in "saturated pride." His nature distort the inability to find a high goal in life and the eternal breakdown with others. However, Pechorin vainly believes that it will bring happiness to this "saturated pride." And Mary, and faith love him, but it does not bring him satisfaction. Yes, and relations with these heroons are developing not only by the will of Pechorin.

While the hero sees in the princess spoiled by the worship of the secular young lady, he brings pleasure to insult the pride of the girl. However, after the soul appears in it, the ability to sincerely suffer, and not just play love, the main character changes his mind. However, the author does not complete the history of the happy finals - remain lonely Pechistan and Princess Mary. The relationship of these two heroes has not led to anything. Reject the feeling of Merie it causes fear, not indifference.

How should Pechorina refer to Pechorina?

Probably, Pechorin forever spoiled the life of this girl. He disappointed her in love. Now Mary will not trust anyone. Pechistan can be treated in different ways. Of course, he is scounded, unworthy of the love of another person and even respect for himself. However, it is justified by what he is a span of society. He was brought up in an environment where true feelings were made to hide under mask indifference.

Does Mary deserve their fate?

And what about Mary? It can also be treated in different ways. The girl saw the persistence of the main character. And from this concluded that he loves her. Mary heard which strange speeches uttered this hero, and realized that this is an extraordinary person. And she loved him, neglecting the laws of society. After all, Mary first dared to say about his love. This means that she believed that the hero would answer her reciprocity. However, he was silent.

What was to blame for Mary

We can assume that Mary itself is to blame for everything, as it was simultaneously naive and arrogant, confident in herself and blind. There is no rejo. devotion in it inherent in faith, there is no sincerity and passionate power of love Balla. But the main thing is that she does not understand Pechorina. The girl fell in love at all of him, but a fashion hero. Her feeling for it can be compared with a feeling of a pear - Mary sees the same thing in such different people: the tragedy of frustration of Pechorin is no different for her from the disappointment mask of the Pereshnitsky. If the protagonist did not come to the waters, most likely, the girl would be fell in love with Grushnitsky, married him, despite the resistance of the mother, and would be happy with him.

What Mary justifies

However, is it possible so unconditionally blame the heroine? After all, she is not to blame that young she is looking for a hero and is ready to find him in the first counter. Like any woman, Mary dreams of having a lonely and strong person for whom she is ready to become a whole world, heat him and console him, bring him peace and joy. In this sense, there were Pechorin and Princess Meries in this sense. Relations between them are characterized by the fact that everyone played its role. And if the hero invented her himself, the heroine played the natural role of a woman, the purpose of which lies in love.

Perhaps, does not appear in her sovereign in her life, she would have gained his happiness. The girl would have lived all his life with the illusion that Grushnitsky is a special creature that she saved him from loneliness and misfortune to his love.

The complexity of human relationships

The complexity of human relationship lies in the fact that even in love, which is the greatest spiritual proximity, people are often incapable of understanding each other. In order to preserve calm and confidence, we need illusions. The Mary with Grushnitsky could have preserved the illusion of the need for her beloved, and there would be a quiet homely focus, love and devotion to the princes. Something similar may have happened if Pechorin and Mary were not separated. The relationship between them, of course, was unlikely to last long because of the nature of the main character, but the misunderstanding and in this pair, of course, would also have a place.

In the novel, the "Hero of our time" shows a portrait of not one person, but a whole generation made up of vices. The main role was assigned to Pechorin, but it was the other characters of the novel with whom he had to intersect in life, allow you to better understand the inner world of this person, the depth of the soul.

Relationships of Pechorin and Princess Mary is one of the bright plot lines of the novel. They started at ease, ending rapidly and tragic. Once again, showing Pechorin, as a person with a stale soul and a cold heart.


The first meeting of Pechorin and the Princess Meri occurred in Pyatigorsk, where Grigory was sent after the next military assignment. Princess, together with his mother, passed a course of treatment with the mineral waters of Pyatigorsk.

Princess and Pechorin constantly rotated in a secular society. The general circle of friends brought them on one of the meetings. Grigory warmed up interest in his person, deliberately teasing the girl, ignoring her presence. He saw that she drew attention to him, but Pechorin is much more interesting to watch her behave further. He knew women perfectly and could calculate a few steps forward than the acquaintance end.

He did the first step. Pechistan invited Mary on the dance, and then everything should have followed the script developed by him. He delivered an unprecedented pleasure to take another sacrifice, allowing her to passionately. The girls fell in love with the handsome of the military, but quickly bored and he was pleased with himself, with a sense of complete self-satisfaction, put another tick in the service list of love affairs, safely forgetting them.


Mary fell in love with a real. The girl did not understand that the toy in his hands. Part of the insidious heart feather plan. Pechistan was profitably familiar with her. New emotions, feelings, reason to distract the public from the novel with faith, a married woman. He loved faith, but they could not be together. Another reason to take for rent for Mary, cause jealousy from Hushnitsky. He was in love with a truly, but feelings remained unanswered. Mary did not love him and could hardly love. In the current love triangle, he is clearly superfluous. In retaliation of unrelated feelings, Grushnitsky dismissed the dirty rumors about the novel of Pechorin and Mary, spoiling her reputation. For his nasty act, he soon paid. Pechorin caused him to a duel, where the bullet reached the goal, the liar quickly said.

The final

After what happened, Mary began to love Pechorin even more. She believed that his deed was noble. After all, he defended her honor, granting that she was slandered. The girl was waiting for Gregory confessions, tormented from love and embraced her feelings. Instead, he hears bitter truth that he never loved her and the more not going to marry her. He reached the goal by smaking the heart of the next victim of his love charms. She hated him. The last phrase heard from her was

"…I hate you…".

Once again, Pechorin arrived brutally towards close people, overlooking their feelings and trampled love.

The novel "Hero of our time" was conceived by a young poet in 1836. It was assumed that the action would happen in the modern author of St. Petersburg.

However, the Caucasian reference of 1837 made its own adjustments to the initial plans. Now the main character of Lermontov, Pechorin Grigory Aleksandrovich, is in the Caucasus, where it falls into very difficult situations. From different characters, the reader hears their brief content. "The hero of our time" ("Princess Mary" including) turns into a study of the soul of a young man trying to find his place in life.

The composition of the novel is somewhat unusual: it consists of 5 stakeholders, the associated pepperin. The most voluminous and significant for understanding the nature of this character is the chapter "Princess Mary".

Features Tale

"Princess Mary" in the novel "The hero of our time" is essentially confession of Pechorina. It is diary records made during their stay in Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk.

According to contemporaries, her main characters had real prototypes, with whom Lermontov was personally familiar, which gives the accuracy to the depicted. So, the main character, named by the story, could be written off from the sister N. S. Martynov or a familiar poet on Pyatigorsk E. Klinberg. The image of the Pechorin itself is extremely interesting. "The story" Princess Mary "is a summary of its monthly stay on mineral waters. During this time, he fascinated the young, naive girl, set up against himself all the officers, killed the old acquaintance for the duels, forever lost the only woman who loved.

Pechorin's arrival in Pyatigorsk

The first record in the diary of the main character is marked by the eleventh of May. On the eve arrived in Pyatigorsk and removed the apartment on the outskirts, at the Mashuk himself. He was attracted to the wonderful appearance, which opened on the city and somewhat smoothed the shortcomings of the new housing. In the raised, enthusiastic mood, Pechorin is sent in the morning of the next day to the source to see the water society here. The pricky comments that he addresses the ladies and officers occurring along the path, characterize him as a man of stinging and certainly seeing disadvantages. It is the beginning of the story "Princess Mary", the short content of which will be presented on.

The loneliness of the hero who was standing at the well and watched for people passing by people, interrupts the Hushnitsky, with whom he once fought together. Juncker, just a year former in service, wore a thick chinel, decorated with a heroic crossed - he tried to attract the attention of the ladies. He looked sad older than his years, which also considered dignity, the figure skater was also attractive. Its often included high-tech phrases that attached to him the appearance of a passionate and suffering person. At first glance it might seem that these two were good friends. In fact, their relationships were far from ideal, which the author of the diary speaks about: "We will ever encounter it ... and one of us is uncomplicated." Pechorin, at their acquaintance, they solved fallands in him, for which he disliked. So the action is tied, which will unfold for a month, and trace the entire chain of events will help the reader of the Pechorin Diary - this is their summary.

"The hero of our time" ("Princess Mary" is not an exception) is interesting for the uniqueness of the character of the main character, which is not accustomed to dust even before himself. He openly laughs over the Huschnitsky, who throws the phrase in French at the moment when the mother and daughter are leagisy, than, of course, attracts their attention. A little later, rubbed from an old friend, Pechorin observes another interesting scene. The junker "by chance" drops the glass and everything can not raise it: the crutch and wounded leg prevented. The young princess quickly flew to him, she served a glass and also pierced, convincing that the mother saw nothing. He was delighted Grushnitsky, but Pechorin immediately cooled his fervor, noting that she did not see anything unusual in the behavior.

So you can describe the first day of the hero in Pyatigorsk.

Two days later

Morning began with a meeting with Dr. Werner, who came to visit Pechorin. The latter considered him a wonderful man and even assumed that they could become friends if only Grigory Alexandrovich was able to such a relationship in principle. They loved talking to each other on distracted topics, which could not be seen in the story "Princess Mary." The brief content of their conversations characterizes both as people of smart, honest and uncompromising.

This time, they gradually moved to the meeting of the former colleagues that occurred on the eve. The words of Pechorina that "the tie is", and he will not be bored here, immediately caused a response from the doctor: "Grushnitsky will be your victim." Then Werner reports that the House of Ligovsky has already become interested in new holidaymakers. He tells the interlocutor about the princess and her daughter. Enjoyed enough, with contempt, it applies to all young people, likes to talk about passions and feelings, unlikely responds about Moscow society - this appears from the words of Dr. Princess Mary. A brief content of conversations in the house of Ligovsky also makes it possible to understand that the appearance of Pechorina caused interest in the ladies.

Mentioning Werner about the Knagini's relative, pretty, but really sick, makes the hero make to grieve. In the description of the woman, Grigory Alexandrovich learns the faith that he once loved. Thoughts about her do not leave the hero and after the care of the doctor.

In the evening, during a walk, Pechorin again faces prince and notices how much she took possession of the Huschnitsky. This ends with another day of Pechorin, described in the diary included in the story "Princess Mary".

On this day, several events occurred with the peopling. The plan developed by him relative to the princes began to act. His indifference caused a response in the girl: at the meeting she looked at him with hatred. They reached the hero and the epigrams folded with it, in which he received a very not flatteament.

Pechorin lured to him almost all of her adorable: free treats and champagne turned out to be better than a cute smile. And at the same time, he was constantly late for the Hushnitsky, which was already in love with the ears.

Continue the summary of the chapter "Princess Mary" follows the description of the first casual meeting of Pechorin and faith at the well. Their feelings that broke out with the new force determined the following actions of lovers. Pechistan needs to get acquainted with the elderly husband of faith, enter the house of Ligovsky and take adoption for Prince. It will give them the opportunity more often to meet. The hero appears somewhat unusual in this scene: it appears hope that he is really capable of a sincere feeling and will not be able to betray a beloved woman.

After parting Pechorin, unable to sit at home, it is sent to the steppe. Return from the walk gives him another unexpected meeting.

A group of vacationers moved along the road, wateted between shrubs. Among them were the Grushnitsky and Princess Mary. The summary of their conversation can be reduced to the description of the senses of Juncker. Pechorin in the Circassian outfit, unexpectedly appeared from the bushes, violates their peaceful conversation and causes anger from a frightened girl first, and after embarrassment.

During the evening walks, pleasures are found. Hushchnitsky with sympathy reports that the relationship of the princes to Pechorin is finally spoiled. In her eyes, he looks sucking, brazen and narrowed, and this forever closes the doors of their house before him. It is clear that the words of the hero that he at least tomorrow can be in a family, perceived with sympathy.

Incident on the ball

The next post is May 21 - very insignificant. It only indicates that in the week Pechorin never met Ligovsky, for which he was a faith of faith. On the 22nd, the ball was expected, on which the princess Mary will be.

The summary of the story from the novel will continue the incident that made adjustments to the established course of events. On the ball, where the churchhnitsky was closed while the entrance was closed, Pechorin gets acquainted with Prince and even protects her honor in front of a drunken Mr. It was clearly a plan, arranged by the Dragun captain, and another long-time acquaintance of Gregory Alexandrovich. During Mazurka, Pechorin captives the princess, as well as, as if by the way, reports that the Grushnitsky is a junker.

The next day, together with a friend who thanked him for the act on the ball, the hero goes to the house of Ligovsky. The main thing is that it is necessary to note here: he raises discontent printed in that he insufficiently listens to her singing after tea, and instead enjoys a calm conversation with faith. And at the end of the evening, the Tryurf of Grushnitsky is observed, whom he chooses the gentle of the princess Mary as a tool.

Lermontov M. Yu.: Short content of Pechorin's entries on May 29 and June 3

Within a few days, the young man holds the chosen tactics, although from time to time sets his question: why he so hard seems to love the young girl, if he knows that he never marries it in advance. Nevertheless, the Pechistan does everything in order for the pearly to bother Mary.

Finally, the Juncker appears in his apartment happy - it was produced into officers. In just a few days, a new uniform will be sewn, and he will appear before the beloved in all its glory. Now he no longer wants to embarrass her look at his chinel. As a result, it was Pechorin that accompanies the princess during the evening walk of water society to failure.

First, the sickness about all acquaintances, then evil statements to their address and a long, implanting monologue of "moral cripples", as he calls himself. The reader notices how Princess Mary is changing under the influence of heard. A brief content (Lermontov does not at all germs) a monologue can be conveyed so. The society made Pechorina to those he became. He was modest - he was attributed to the lucavia. He could feel evil and good - no one loved him. Put himself higher than others - they began to humiliate. As a result, the lack of understanding learned to hate, pretend and lie. And all the best qualities that were originally inherent in him, and remained buried in the soul. Everything that remains in it is despair and memories of the deceased soul. So the fate of the printed was predetermined: tomorrow she wishes to reward her waters, to which he treated as much as coldness.

And again the ball

The next day there were three meetings. With faith - she reproached Pechorin in the coldness. With Huschnitsky - his uniform is almost ready, and tomorrow he will appear in it on the ball. And with Prince - Pechorin invited her to Mazurka. The evening was held in the house of Ligovsky, where the changes that happened to Mary were noticeable. She did not laugh and did not flourish, and the whole evening was sitting with sad species and carefully listened to the extraordinary history of the guest.

Continue the summary of the "Princess Mary" description of the ball.

Grushnitsky shine. His new uniform with a very narrow collar decorated the bronze chain with Lornet, large epoles, reminding the wings of the angels, and the like gloves. Skyrplay boots, caps in hands and curly curly curls complemented the picture. All his appearance expressed complacency and pride, although from the side of the former Juncker looked pretty funny. He was absolutely sure that it was him that he would have to make a couple of Princess in the first Mazurka, and soon it was impatiently removed.

Pechorin, entering the hall, found Mary in the Society of Grushnitsky. Their conversation was not glued, since her view wandered all the times on the sides, as if he was looking for someone. Very soon she looked at his companion almost with hatred. News that Princess dancing Mazurka with Pechorin, caused anger in a new officer, who soon resulted in a conspiracy against the opponent.

Before leaving to Kislovodsk

June 6-7 it becomes clear: Gregory Aleksandrovich achieved his own. Princess is in love with him and suffers. To the top of everything becomes news brought by Werner. In the city, they say that Pechorin marries. Ansunion in the opposite caused the doctor only a grin: there are cases when marriage becomes inevitable. It is clear that the rumors dissolved the Pereshnitsky. And this means one thing - the isolation is inevitable.

The next day, Pechorin, the complete determination to complete the case, leaves for Kislovodsk.

Entries 11-14 June

The first three days the hero enjoys local beauties, seemed to be faithfully before. In the evening, the top of the 10th appears, it does not appear - it does not bow and leads a rampant lifestyle. Gradually, all Pyatigorsk society, including Ligovsky, is moved to Kislovodsk. I'm still pale and also suffers the princess Mary.

Summary - Lermontov gradually summons the action of a story to climax - the rapidly developed relations between officers and the peopist can be reduced to the fact that everyone will rise against the latter. The side of the Grushnitsky takes the Dragun captain, who had personal scores with the hero. Completely by chance Grigory Alexandrovich becomes a witness to the conspiracy planned against him. The essence was as follows: Grushnitsky finds a pretext to call Pechorin on a duel. Since the pistols will be discharged, the first one does not threaten anything. The second, according to their calculations, should be flown under the condition to shoot six steps, and his honor will be stained.

Complementing meeting and duel

Events May 15-16 have become a junction of everything that happened with the peopling during the month on mineral waters. Here are their summary.

"Hero" of our time ... Lermontov ("Princess Mary" in this regard plays an important role) more than once makes you think about the question: what is he really? Egoistical and aimlessly living life Pechorin often causes the author and the reader. The condemiousness sounds the phrase of Werner in a note, transmitted by Gregory Alexandrovich already after a duel: "You can sleep well ... If you can ..." However, in this situation, sympathy is still on the side of Pechorin. This is the case when it remains honest to the end and with himself, and with others. And hopes to awaken the conscience in the former friend, which turned out to be dishonest and capable of low-cost and meanness towards the Pechorin, but also to the princes.

In the evening, on the eve of the duel, the whole society was gathered to watch the arrival of the magician. The houses left the princess and faith, to meet with which hero went. The whole company, who planned his humiliation, launched a unlucky lover and raised the noise in full confidence that he visited Mary. Pechorin, who managed to escape and quickly quickly go home, met Dragun captain with comrades lying in bed. So the first attempt of officers failed.

The next morning Gregory Aleksandrovich, who went to the well, heard the story of Grushnitsky, who allegedly witnessed how he was chosen in the evening, through the window from the princes. The quarrel ended with a challenge to a duel. As a second, Pechistan invited Werner who knew about the conspiracy.

The analysis of the content of the story of Lermontov "Princess Mary" shows how controversing was the main character. That's the day before the duel, which could become the last in his life, Pechorin could not sleep for a long time. He is not afraid of death. Another important thing: what was his purpose on earth? After all, he was not born. And so much untrained forces in it still left. What will remember him? After all, no one has understood it to the end.

The nerves calmed down only by morning, and Pechorin even went into the bath. Cheerful and ready for everything, he went to the place of duel.

The proposal of the doctor to finish the whole world caused from the dragoon captain, the enemy's second, the grin - he decided that Pechorin Strestil. When everyone was ready, Grigory Aleksandrovich put forward the condition: shoot on the edge of the rock. This meant that even a slight injury could lead to fall and death. But it did not make the Grushnitsky admit to the conspiracy.

The first fell to shoot the opponent. He could not cope with the excitement for a long time, but the contemptuous exclamation of Captain: "Coward!" - forced him to click on the trigger. Light scratch - and Pechorin still retained not to fall into the abyss. He still had the hope of forming the opponent. When Grushnitsky refused to recognize slander and apologize, Pechorin made it clear what he knew about the conspiracy. A duel ended with the murder - Grushnitsky only in the face of death was able to show hardness and unshakable.


Day Pechorin brought a letter from which he learned that Vera had left. The vain attempt to catch up with her ended unsuccessfully. He realized that she lost his beloved woman forever.

This can finish the summary of the "Princess Mary". It remains only to add that the last explanation of Pechorina with the main heroine was short and straightforward. Multiple words turned out to be enough to put the point in their relationship. At the moment when the first serious feeling of the girl was extruded, she was able to preserve the dignity and not humiliate to hysterics and sobs. Her secular manners and a contemptuous attitude towards others hid a deep nature, which he could see Pechorin. Learn to trust people and love - this is what the princess Mary should do in the future.

The characteristic of the literary character develops from his actions, thoughts, relationships with other people. Pechorin appears in the lead a man ambiguous. On the one hand, he perfectly analyzes the situation and evaluates its consequences. On the other hand, he significantly appreciates his life and easily plays the fate of others. Achieving the goal is that it entails bored and not applicable to its talents of a person.

Pechorin and Grushnitsky in the novel M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

The main character - Pechorin - the personality is bright, however, to reveal many of its qualities helps the appearance on the scene of the Grushnitsky.

The confrontation of Pechorin and Pereshnitsky is shown in the chapter "Princess Mary". The story is conducted on the face of Pechorin. He is inclined to analyze situations, people and himself, so his story is more or less considered objective. He knows how to make characteristic features in people and in two-three words pass them. But at the same time all flaws and flaws are ruthless.

There are both heroes as old buddies.

Pechorin is confident, judged, selfish, mercilessly peeled (sometimes over measures). At the same time, he sees the pears through, and laughs at it. And he, in turn, is too exalted, enthusiastic and verbose. He speaks more than doing, and too romantizes people (first of all - himself). Nevertheless, this dissimilarity and rejection of each other do not interfere with them to communicate and spend a lot of time together.

They almost simultaneously saw the princess Mary for the first time. From that moment on, a thin crack passed between them, which eventually turned into the abyss. Grucnitsky is a provincial romantic - the prince is not joking. The eternal enemy of Pechorina - boredom - forces him to bring him a princess into rabies with various small leans. All this is done without the shade of hostility, but exclusively from the desire to have fun.

The behavior of both heroes in relation to the princess Mary does not cause special sympathy. Grushnitsky - a hollow, he loves beautiful words and gestures. He wants life to resemble a sentimental novel. That is why he attributes to others those feelings that he would like them to experience. He sees life in some foggy haze, in a romantic halo. But there is no false in the feeling of him to Princess, though, maybe he exaggerates him somewhat.

On the other hand, Pechorin is a sensible person who studied women, besides Cynic. He is amused with Mary. He gives pleasure to this game, as it gives pleasure and observing the development of the relations of the Hushchnitsky and Princess. Pechorin, in contrast to the Pereshnitsky, perfectly foresee the further development of events. He is young, but managed to be disappointed in humans and in life as a whole. Send the princess Mary for him was not difficult, it was worth only seemingly incomprehensible and mysterious and being bold.

Pechorin leads a double game. He resumed his relationship with faith. This woman is undoubtedly stronger and tougher than Princess Mary. But love for Pechorin broke her. She is ready to trample his pride, reputation. She knows that their relationships are only pain and disappointment. And still strives for him, because otherwise can not. Faith is capable of much stronger feelings than Mary. Her love is stronger, and the grief is hopeless. She self-disseminates for love and does not regret it.

Grushnitsky will never cause such feelings. He is too soft and does not have bright features of character. He could not make Mary love himself. He lacks energetic and self-irony. His pompous speeches can only make an initial impression. But speeches begin to repeat and become in the end unbearable.

The more Princess is fond of the peopling (after all, it is much more interesting with him than with an alcoholic boy), the wider becomes. The abyss between him and Grushnitsky. The situation is heating, mutual dislike grows. Prophecy of Pechorin, that they someday "will face a narrow road," begins to come true.

Duel is the dissection of the relationship of two heroes. She approached inevitably because the road became too narrow for two.

On the day of Duele, Pechorin is experiencing a cold malice. He was trying to deceive, and he could not forgive this. The sad, on the contrary, is very nervous and is trying to dismiss inevitable with all their might. He behaved lately unworthyly, the rumor bluntly about Pechorin, and tried to put it in black light in every way. You can hate a person for it, you can punish it, despise, but it is impossible to deprive his life. But it does not worry Pechorin. He kills the Pereshnitsky and, without looking around, leaves. The death of the former buddy does not arouse in it any emotions.

So the story of Pechorina and Pereshnitsky relations is ends. You can not judge who is right, and who is to blame. And it is unknown who are more sorry for: the deceased Grushnitsky or who left Pechorin. The first will never be able to carry out his romantic dreams as well. The second of them never happened. Pechistan is better to die, as he does not see the meaning of his existence. This is his tragedy.

In the novel of the "Hero of our time", Lermontov raised his task comprehensively and multifaceted to reveal the identity of the contemporary, show the portrait of the "time hero", "composed of all of our generation, in full development, as the author said in the preface to the novel. All plot lines are reduced to the central image: Pechorin and Grushnitsky, Pechorin and Werner, Pechorin and Vinch, Pechorin and Maxim Maximych, Pechorin and Highlanders, Pechorin and smugglers, Pechorin and Water Society. In this case, the special line represents love plots present in almost every of the parts of the novel. After all, one of the main features of the contemporary, according to Lermontov, this is the "premature old age of the soul", at which "... reigns in the soul of some kind of secret, / when the fire boils in the blood." Such and Pechorin: He is not able to love selflessly and devotedly, egoism ruins the best and kind of feelings. That is what manifests itself in his relationship with all the heroons of the novel - Bala, faith and, of course, prince Mary.

The story of how Pechorin seeks the location and love of this girl, makes up the scene base of the part of the "Princess Mary". It is here that with a deep psychologist, Lermontov shows the secret motives of Pechorin's actions, which always strives and to rule in everything, while maintaining their own freedom. People he makes toys in her hands, causing to play according to its rules. And as a result, the broken hearts, suffering and the death of those who met on his way. He really is like a "executioner in the fifth act of the tragedy." This is how his role in the fate of Mary. The girl belonging to Pechorin, the highest light, Princess Mary absorbed many of the morality since childhood and the morals of her environment. She is beautiful, proud, impregnable, but at the same time loves worship and attention to himself. Sometimes, it seems spoiled and capricious, and therefore the planned Pechorin plan its "seduction" at first does not cause a strong condemnation from the reader.

But we notice other qualities of Mary, hiding behind the appearance of a secular beauty. She is attentive to the Pereshnitsky, who considers the poor, suffering from a young man. It does not endure the squeezed barraffsis and the vulgarity of officers constituting "Water Society". Princess Merie shows a strong character when Pechorin begins to carry out its "plan" of the conquest of her heart. But the trouble - Pechorin admits that he does not like "women with character." He does everything to break them, conquer himself. And unfortunately, Mary fell his victim, like others. Is it guilty of this? In order to understand this, you need to see what Pechorin plays, winning its location. The key scene is a journal of Pecherin with Mary on a walk from the failure. "Having adopted a deep-touched species", the hero "profess" before an inexperienced girl. He tells her about how everything from childhood saw in him vices, and as a result he became a "moral cripple." Of course, there is a particle of truth in these words. But the main task of Pechorin is to cause the girl sympathy. And indeed, her good soul is touched by these stories, and as a result - she loved Pechorin for his "suffering." And the feeling it turned out to be deeply and seriously, without the verge of coquetry and narrowing. And Pechorin - he reached his goal: "... After all, there is an immense pleasure in possession of a young, barely blossomed soul!" - Cynically notices the hero. The last scene of the explanation of Pechorin and Mary causes acute sympathy for an unfortunate girl. Even the Pechistan himself "became sorry for her." But the verdict is merciless, the cards are disclosed: the hero announces that he just laughed at her. And the princess remains only to suffer and hate it, and the reader is to reflect on what cruel can be a person absorbed by egoism and thirst to achieve his goals, despite anything.

Roman "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov is considered one of the best works of classical Russian literature. You can talk about it for a very long time - for discussion more than enough. Today we will focus on one of them - we will try to understand what Pecherin's attitude towards Mary was.

Character of Pechorina

First, it should be understood in the character of the main character. It is impossible not to admit that this is a person, in its development above society surrounding it. However, he failed to find applications to his talents and abilities. 1830 - a difficult period in Russian history. The future of young people of that time was "Il empty, il dark." Lermontov in Pechorin captured the features of the young generation of those years. The portrait of his hero is made up of the vices of all time. It seems like two people. The first one is valid, and the second observes his actions and argues about them or, or rather, condemns.

Negative character traits

In Pechorin, you can see many negative features, including egoism. Although Belinsky could not agree with this. He said that egoism "does not blame himself," "does not suffer." Indeed, Pechorin suffers from the fact that it is bored among people belonging to the "Water Society". The desire of it to escape is that the hero is squandering himself to various small things. Pechorin risks life, looking for oblivion in love, substituting Chechen bullets under themselves. He is very suffering from boredom and realizes that he lives as he lives, wrong. The hero is ambitious and malicious. Wherever he appears, misfortune happens everywhere.

Why did the hero deceive Mary?

A deep mental wound, this hero struck the Duke of Mary. He deceived this girl, betrayed her love for him. What purpose he pursued? Essentially your own satisfaction. In this completely different were Pechorin and Princess Mary. Relations between heroes are characterized by the fact that Princess seeks to make a happy lover, and he is only thinking about himself. However, Pechorin is well aware of which ungrateful role played in the life of this girl.

Development of relations between Pechorin and Mary

In order to understand how the true attitude of Pecherin to Mary was, briefly follow the history of the development of their very unusual novel. Mary is a young and beautiful daughter of Prinjean Ligovsky. However, it is too naive, as well as excessively trusting to other people, including Pechorin. At first, the girl did not pay attention to the main character, but he did everything to interest her. He lasted Mary fans to himself, telling them funny stories. After Pechorin won her attention, he tried to make a good impression of stories and stories from his life on the princess. His goal was that the girl began to see an extraordinary person in it, and he achieved his own. Pechorin gradually conquered the girl. During the ball, he "saved" the princess from drunk nahala, whoed to her. The caring attitude of Pecherin to the Princess Mary is not left unnoticed by the girl. She believed that the hero was sincere in his actions. However, the girl was brutally mistaken. He just wanted to conquer her, she was another toy for him. One evening they went for the walk Pechorin and Mary. The relationships of them by that time have already developed enough for what happened during her. Princess felt bad, moving through the river. Pechorin hugged her, the girl was leaning at him, and then he kissed her.

Was Pecherin in love with Mary?

Pechorin argued and tried to convince himself that the hobby of Merie did not mean anything for him that he would seek the love of this girl only for his own pleasure. However, in fact, the attitude of Pecherin to Mary was somewhat different. The hero's soul was eager for real love. Pechorin begins to doubt: "Do I really fell in love?" However, he immediately catches himself to think that attachment to this girl is "a pathetic habit of the heart." The love of Pechorin to Mary was died in the bud, since the hero did not allow her to develop. And sorry - perhaps he would have gained happiness, happily.

Thus, the peopinger ratio to Mary is contradictory. The hero assures himself that she does not like her. In front of the duel, he says to Werner, which made only a few ideas from life storms, but did not make a single feeling. He admits that he has long lived his head, not a heart. Own actions and passions, he weighs, disassembles "with strict curiosity", but "without participation." At first glance, how refers to Pechorin to Mary, confirms this representation of the main character about himself, which testifies to cruelty, the ruthless coldness of his game. However, the protagonist is not so impassive, how tries to seem. Several times he feels that he got carried away, even becomes excited. The main character reproaches itself for the ability to feel: After all, he assured himself that, for him, happiness is not in love, but in "saturated pride." His nature distort the inability to find a high goal in life and the eternal breakdown with others. However, Pechorin vainly believes that it will bring happiness to this "saturated pride." And Mary, and faith love him, but it does not bring him satisfaction. Yes, and relations with these heroons are developing not only by the will of Pechorin.

While the hero sees in the princess spoiled by the worship of the secular young lady, he brings pleasure to insult the pride of the girl. However, after the soul appears in it, the ability to sincerely suffer, and not just play love, the main character changes his mind. However, the author does not complete the history of the happy finals - remain lonely Pechistan and Princess Mary. The relationship of these two heroes has not led to anything. Reject the feeling of Merie it causes fear, not indifference.

How should Pechorina refer to Pechorina?

Probably, Pechorin forever spoiled the life of this girl. He disappointed her in love. Now Mary will not trust anyone. Pechistan can be treated in different ways. Of course, he is scounded, unworthy of the love of another person and even respect for himself. However, it is justified by what he is a span of society. He was brought up in an environment where true feelings were made to hide under mask indifference.

Does Mary deserve their fate?

And what about Mary? It can also be treated in different ways. The girl saw the persistence of the main character. And from this concluded that he loves her. Mary heard which strange speeches uttered this hero, and realized that this is an extraordinary person. And she loved him, neglecting the laws of society. After all, Mary first dared to say about his love. This means that she believed that the hero would answer her reciprocity. However, he was silent.

What was to blame for Mary

We can assume that Mary itself is to blame for everything, as it was simultaneously naive and arrogant, confident in herself and blind. There is no rejo. devotion in it inherent in faith, there is no sincerity and passionate power of love Balla. But the main thing is that she does not understand Pechorina. The girl fell in love at all of him, but a fashion hero. Her feeling for it can be compared with a feeling of a pear - Mary sees the same thing in such different people: the tragedy of frustration of Pechorin is no different for her from the disappointment mask of the Pereshnitsky. If the protagonist did not come to the waters, most likely, the girl would be fell in love with Grushnitsky, married him, despite the resistance of the mother, and would be happy with him.

What Mary justifies

However, is it possible so unconditionally blame the heroine? After all, she is not to blame that young she is looking for a hero and is ready to find him in the first counter. Like any woman, Mary dreams of having a lonely and strong person for whom she is ready to become a whole world, heat him and console him, bring him peace and joy. In this sense, there were Pechorin and Princess Meries in this sense. Relations between them are characterized by the fact that everyone played its role. And if the hero invented her himself, the heroine played the natural role of a woman, the purpose of which lies in love.

Perhaps, does not appear in her sovereign in her life, she would have gained his happiness. The girl would have lived all his life with the illusion that Grushnitsky is a special creature that she saved him from loneliness and misfortune to his love.

The complexity of human relationships

The complexity of human relationship lies in the fact that even in love, which is the greatest spiritual proximity, people are often incapable of understanding each other. In order to preserve calm and confidence, we need illusions. The Mary with Grushnitsky could have preserved the illusion of the need for her beloved, and there would be a quiet homely focus, love and devotion to the princes. Something similar may have happened if Pechorin and Mary were not separated. The relationship between them, of course, was unlikely to last long because of the nature of the main character, but the misunderstanding and in this pair, of course, would also have a place.

Below is the history of the relations of Pecherin and Princess Mary in the "Hero of our time" novel: Mary love to Pechorin, the relationship of heroes, etc.

Relationships of Pechorina and Princess Mary in the novel "Hero of our time" Lermontov

Acquaintance Pechorin and Princess Mary

Pechorin and Princess Mary are first found in Pyatigorsk, where Pechorin comes after a military assignment. Princess Mary with Mother is treated on waters in Pyatigorsk.

Pechorin and Princess Mary are both rotated in a higher society. They have common acquaintances in Pyatigorsk. But at the same time, Pechorin is not in a hurry to get acquainted with Prince Mary. He deliberately teases her to warm her interest:

"... We are still unfamiliar with you," she added, "but admit, you are some kind of wine: you are doing everyone so that it doesn't seem like ..." (Mother Princess Mary, About Pechorin)

In the end, Pechorin meets the prince Mary on the ball, inviting her to the dance:

"... I immediately approached the princess, inviting her to walke her, using the freedom of local customs, allowing to dance with unfamiliar ladies ..."

Pechorin decides to "drag" for the prince Mary for fun:
"... women would have to wish, so that all men knew them as well as I ..."
"... they are not afraid and comprehended their small weaknesses ..."
Experienced Pechorin heart know how to fall in love with the princess Mary:
"... But I guess you, sweet princess, beware! ..."

"System" Pechorin System

Pechorin achieves love Princess Mary on her "system", which he knows by heart. He already checked this system on other women:

"... All these days I have never retretched from my system. The princess begins to like my conversation ..."
"... Tomorrow she wants to reward me. I already know all this by heart - that's what is bored! .."
Finally, the Pechorin plan works and inexperienced Princess Mary falls in love with him:
"... Do you know, she is in love with you to madness, poor thing! .."

At the same time, Pechorin himself does not like the princess Mary:

"... why am I so stubbornly achieved love a young girl, which I don't want to share and on which I never get married .."
"... as I searched for my chest at least a spark of love for cute Mary, but my efforts were in vain ..."

Why does Pechorin striking intrigue from prince Mary?

Pechorin is climbing intrigue from prince Mary for two reasons. First, for the sake of entertainment to get new emotions. Pechorin likes torturing the princess Mary. He admits that he is like a vampire in this:

"... But there is an immense pleasure in possession of a young, barely blossomed soul! .."
"... she will spend the night without sleep and will cry. This thought delivers me an immense pleasure: there are moments when I understand the vampire ..."

Secondly, Pechorin "Mills" for Prince Mary to distract the attention of the public from his relationship with a married lady faith, his long-standing beloved:

"... Vera often happens to prinugini; I gave her the word to get acquainted with Ligovsky and drag out for prince, to distract attention from her. So, my plans were not upset, and I will be fun ..."

Love triangle and Pechistan Duel with Pereshnitsky

Junker Grushnitsky, Friend of Pechorina, passionately falls in love with the princess Mary. But she does not respond to him:

"... it's decisively thoroughly to her ..."
In St. Sunday, the in love Grushnitsky dismisses rumors about the princess Mary and Pechorin. For these rumors, Pechorin raises a friend on a duel, where he kills him:
"... You defended my daughter from slander, shot for her, - Deforee, risked life ..." (words of Prinjean Ligovsky about Pechorin)

Relationships of Pechorina and Princess Mary after a duel

After the duel of Princess Mary suffers from love for Pechorin. She is waiting for him reciprocity and confessions in love. But Pechorin is recognized to her that he just laughed at her feelings:

"... Princess," I said, "Do you know that I laughed at you? .. You have to despise me ..."
"... You see, I play in your eyes the most miserable and nasty role ..."
Pechorin is not going to marry the princess Mary:
"... so you don't marry Mary? Do you love her? .. And she thinks ..."
Princess Mary hates Pechistan for playing with her feelings. In the end, for participating in Pechorin's duel, they are sent to serve in the fortress N. Mary and Pechorin part breaks forever:
"... I hate you ..." she said ... "
This ends the history of the relationship of Pecherin and Princess Mary in the novel "Hero of Our Time": Love Princess Mary to Pechorin, the relationship of heroes, etc.

Bal, Mary and Faith in the fate of Pechorin

Top of all creativity M.Yu. Lermontov, the natural conclusion of his short creative path is the novel of the Hero of Our Time. The main task that stood in front of the author when creating this work was to draw the image of the modern young man to him. Through the nature of the main character of Roman Grigory Pechorina Lermontov transfers the thoughts, feelings, the search for people of the 1930s of the 19th century.

With great psychological accuracy, a sense of love is shown in the novel. This feeling is imbued with many pages of the work. A love theme in the novel is inextricably linked with female images: Bella, Prince Mary, Veria, Undine Girl. Female images of the novel, bright and original, serve, first of all, in order to "learn" the Nature of Pechorina.

Bal, Vera, Princess Mary ... At different stages of the Hero's life, they played an important role for him. This is completely different in the nature of the woman. But they have one common feature: the fate of all these heroines was tragic.

Of all the women's images of the novel, the biggest sympathy causes Bal's Cherkushka, simplicity, the grace and femininity of which also celebrated V.G. Belinsky. Bal touches the purity of his nature, the sincerity of desires, female pride and power of feelings. In comparison with its hot sincere love, the instant hobby of Pechorin seems to be shallow and frivolous. But Bal was, according to Belinsky, "half-day daughter of free gorges." Her frequency nature could not bring the imagination and passion of Pecherin for a long time.

In the life of Pechorin, there was a woman he loved truly. This is faith. By the way, it is worth thinking about the symbolism of her name. She was his faith in life and himself. This woman understood Pechorin completely and took it entirely. Although her love, deep and serious, brought faith only suffering: "... I sacrificed myself, hoping that someday you would evaluate my sacrifice ... I was convinced that there was hope in vain. I was bitterly! "

What is Pechorin? He loves faith, as he can, as his crippled soul allows him. But the elder of all the words about the love of Pechorina says his attempt to catch up and stop the beloved woman. He drove the horse in this pursuit, the hero falls next to her corpse and begins to ride unrestrained: "... I thought my chest would break off; all my hardness, all my coolness - disappeared as smoke."

Princess Mary is outlined by Lermontov in more detail than faith. Belinsky notes that this is the "Girl Notepowing." Her trouble is naive romanticism, which determines the attitude of Mary to people. She can only like all mysterious and mysterious.

The imagination of the heroine first prevented Grushnitsky. He attracted a girl with his spectacular phrases and alleged misfortunes. Then Mary loved Pecorin when he appeared in front of her as a romantic hero. Gregory Alexandrovich seemed even more mysterious, incomprehensible and bold. Mary sincerely believed that Pechorin was secretly passionate about her.

In his love, Princess Mary, as it were, the aphoristic words of Pechorina: "Women love only those who do not know." Lermontov with a deep psychologist showed all the stages of the development of the feeling of the girl to Gregory Alexandrovich. At first it was a female insult that they did not pay attention to her, she was not seen. Then the princess Mary was naively convinced that she "won" Pechorin. Even later, the girl began to fight her hobby, feeling that involuntarily began to experience to Pechorin. As a result, she still admitted the hero in his love. It is a pity that the words of Mary led to the bitter meeting of the heroes, which "initiates a strong participation to it and pour her image to the brilliance of poetry." Mary "fell victory unrequited, silently suffering, but without humiliation" feelings.

Pechorin gets acquainted with Prince in Pyatigorsk, on mineral waters. He begins to drag out for Mary from boredom. Brospopriceing with Prince, Pechorin, not wanting, penetrates her delicate feelings. Confirmation of this is his confession to her that he is a moral cripple: "I became moral cripple: one half did not exist, she dried up, evaporated, died, I cut it off and threw it ... But now I woke up my memories about her ... "

We feel that in these words there is a large proportion of truth. Pechorin himself doubts whether it plays or sincerely feels. In any case, his soul comes to life for a while. After all, it is no coincidence, seeing the printed sincere response to his explicit lie, the hero becomes a shame. And later, without seeing the princess all day, Pechorin is confused, he does not understand what happens to him: "Returning home, I noticed that I lack something. I did not see her! She is ill! I really fell in love really? .. what nonsense! "

In the end, the hero decides to leave the Mary alone. To facilitate their parting, he says Princess, that all this time just laughed at her. Another story of love in the life of Pechorin ended pain and disappointment.

Each of the female images of the novel is unique and unique. But all of them have something in common - a detrimental passion for the mysterious, unknown - to Pechorin. And only one girl did not succumb to the charm of the hero of the novel. This is Undine from Taman Tale.

All women in the "Hero of Our Time" novel just wanted to be happy. But happiness is the concept of relative, today it is, and tomorrow ...