Astafyev biography for children. Brief biography of Viktor Astafieva

Astafyev biography for children. Brief biography of Viktor Astafieva
Astafyev biography for children. Brief biography of Viktor Astafieva

Astafiev Viktor Petrovich (1924 - 2001) is a well-known Soviet writer, Prose, Essuraist. Winner of state premiums of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Brief biography - Astafiev V.P. For children

Option 1

Viktor Astafiev was born on May 1, 1924 in the village of Osseanka (Krasnoyarsk Territory). He quickly lost his mother (she drowned in Yenisei), brought up his grandmother and grandfather's family, then in an orphanage. He ran away from there, wandered, hungry ... The boy turned out to be an orphan with a living father, who after the death of his wife soon started another family and did not care about his son. This writer will tell about the "Theft" and "Last Bow" posts. Shortly before the Great Patriotic War, he graduates with the FZO School, will work at the railway station, and in the fall of 1942 he will go to the front. Three times wounded, contused, he will still survive, will create a family. He will tell about the difficult post-war years in the story of the "funny soldier."

In these hard years, V.P.Astafyev with his family lives in the Urals - it was easier to find a job. The first story "Civilian man" about the fate of the Svintsev Moti's fate was published in the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker" in 1951. And from now on all his life V.P. Astafiev dedicated literature.

The main theme of the writer's creativity was military and rustic prose. One of the first works was written in school as an essay. Then he turned him into the story "Vatukino Lake". Astafyev Victor was often published in the magazine "Change". In 1953, the first book of the writer "to the future spring" was published. Since 1958, Astafiev Victor was listed in the Union of Writers of the USSR. Since 1959, he studied in Moscow, then moved to Perm, and after Vologda. Since 1980, settled in Krasnoyarsk.

About two years was listed by the People's Deputy of the USSR. V.P. Astafyev died on November 29, 2001 and was buried in his native village.

Option 2.

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev was a Soviet writer. He was born in 1924 in the Krasnodar Territory. Victor was born the fourth of children in his family. Father Victor was put in prison when Vitya was still a child. Once, when his mother went to her husband, the boat on which she was, turned over. She died, drowning. Victor was at that time a seven-year-old child. When the Father was freed from under the conclusion, he fell into the hospital.

About Victor has no one to take care. The boy wandered down the streets. Soon he got into the orphanage. After graduation, he was on duty at the station "Yenisei" and amounted to train. One of the main these creativity is rustic. The very first work of Astafieva was written in school. It was an essay. Then the author rewrote it and designed as a story.

In 1942, Viktor Astafiev went to the front. The second main theme of his work is military. The author in his stories shows a look at the military actions of a soldier, worker. Book images Astafieva are partly autobiographical.

Viktor Petrovich received military training. In 1943, he was sent to the army in the spring. During the war, Astafyev Victor was a connector and driver. Viktor Petrovich learned the end of a strong injury.

In 1945, Astafiev Victor went to the Ural Mountains. He changed a lot of work from a locksmith to the teacher. Then Victor married. And in 1951, Astafeva hired at the Chusovsky Worker. There he printed his story. Published Victor Stories in different genres. In 1958, Astafeva was accepted in the Union of Writers. The writer was also in Perm, then in Vologda and Krasnoyarsk.

The author in his works often depicts the sad side of life. He writes about the hungry years, about teenagers with their cruelty, about marginal, about violence. Astafyev Victor wrote many stories for children. The works of Viktor Petrovich were very popular in Russia. And they were transferred to different languages. Threads that affected the author remain popular to this day.

Astafiev Victor died in 2001.

Option 3.

Born on May 1 in the village of Osseanka of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the family of a peasant. Children's and youthful years have passed in their native village, in labor and nonsense concerns.

The Great Patriotic War called on Astafieva to the front. He was seriously wounded.

After the war, he works as a mechanic, a subsidized worker in the Chusovo region of the Perm region. Begins to write small notes, which were printed in the newspaper "Chusovsky worker". In 1951, a story "Civil man" was published. In 1953, the first collection of stories "to the future spring" came out.

In 1959 - 61 Astafiev Victor studies at the highest literary courses in the literary institute. M. Gorky. From that time in the magazines of the Urals,

Perm and Sverdlovsk regularly appear butterfect, psychologically deepened works by V. Astafieva: the story of "theft" (1966), "the war rattling somewhere" (1967), the cycle of autobiographical stories and the conference on childhood "last bow" (1968 - 92, final Chapters "Zabbit Head", "Evening meditation") and others.

The focus of the writer is the life of a modern Siberian village.

The annual travel of Astafieva in native places served as the basis for writing a wide prosaic canvas "King Fish" (1972 - 75), one of the most significant works of the writer.

In 1969 - 79 Astafiev Victor lived in Vologda, in 1980 he returned to his native village near Krasnoyarsk. Here he worked on such works as the "sad detective" (1986), the story of "Lyudochka" (1989), journalistic - "all of their hour" (1985), "Smear Staff" (1988). In 1980, the drama "Forgive me" was written.

In 1991, the book "My Born" (Roman, Story, Stories) is coming out; In 1993 - "Pier after victory"; In 1994 - "Russian Diamond" (stories and records).

In recent years, the writer has created a novel "Curseds and killed" (the beginning of the publication - 1992), the second book of the Roman - "Bridgehead" (1994), the story "I want to live" (1995). Astafev Victor last years lived and worked in Krasnoyarsk.

Biography - Astafiev V. P., by year

Option 1

Writer, Oddenon-Russian and Dwedomist - Chronological Table Astafieva will tell about all these hints of the author of many military-patriotic and rustic works. Novels, stories and collections of writer stories are distinguished by the freshness of the literary language and the brightness of the image of reality through the eyes of a "simple person". As a man is not easy fate, Viktor Astafiev knew how to talk about the same hard workers as he himself.

The story of his life is incredibly interesting, extraordinary and largely very tragic. This will confirm the biography in which you can find all the main dates of Astafieva's life. Such material is interesting for both schoolchildren and everyone who is not alien to Russian literature. To learn about the writer a lot of new things, it is enough to go into the appropriate section of our site and explore its chronological table.

1924, May 1 - Born in the village of Osseanka, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Father - Astafiev Pyotr Pavlovich (1901 years.). Mother - Põllitsin Lydia Ilinichna (1901 years). Brought up his grandmother, mother drowned in Yenisei, when Astafyev was 7 years old. He graduated from 6 classes in the city of Igarka, where he lived with his father and a stepmother.

1936–1937 - Smellor, then a deddddomian.

1941–1942 - Studies at the railway school.

1942–1943 - He is studying at the Infantry School in Novosibirsk.

1943 - sent to the forefront and until the end of the war serves as ordinary in infantry parts;
gets heavy wound, contusion;
He was awarded the Order of the "Red Star" and the Medal "for the courage".

1945 - after the hospital marries MS Koryakina (participant in the Great Patriotic War, the writer, the author of 12 books, including the "Father", "on foot from the war", "Lipa Century") and together with his family lives in the Urals (G. Chusovoy, since 1963 - Perm), where it works as a utility worker, locksmith, storekeeper.

1951 - Publication of the first story of Astafieva - "Civilian man" - in the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker".

1951–1955 - Astafiev Victor is a literary officer of the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker". For four years, the newspaper has published more than two hundred correspondence, articles, essays, over two tens of stories.

1950-E. - publishes in Perm books of stories for children ("to the future spring", 1953, "lights", 1955; the final collection of "Zorkina Song", 1960), the novel about the transformation of the backward collective farm "melting snow" (1958).

1958 - becomes a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

1959–1961 - Learn to the highest literary courses in the literary institute. in Moscow.

1968 - The autobiographical book "Last Bow" (Abstafiev Victor works over it since the late 1950s. Before the early 1990s).

1971 - Tale "shepherd and a shepherd. Modern pastoral.

1976 - Roman "Tsar Fish" (State Prize, 1978)

1980 - Returns from Vologda to native places, lives in Krasnoyarsk and the village of Ovseanka.

1979–1981 - In the publishing house "Young Guard" comes out the collection of writings of Astafieva in 4 volumes.

1989 - For the outstanding writer activities, Astafyev was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor.

1989–1991 - People's Deputy of the USSR. Secretary of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1991), Vice-President of the Association of Writers "European Forum";
Honorary Citizen of the cities of Igarka and Krasnoyarsk;
Actual Member of the International Academy of Creativity, Honorary Professor of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University.

1991 - For the story of "Smear Staff" (1981), Astafyev was awarded a state bonus.

1992–1994 - Roman "Curses and killed" (KN.1-2, 1992-94, not over; in March 2000
The writer announced the cessation of work on the novel.

1998 - Tale "Cheerful Soldier."

1999 - Astafev Victor was awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree.

Option 2.

1931 - After the death of the mother, he was brought up in the grandmother's family, then with his father and stepmother moved to Igarka and soon finds himself in an orphanage.

1942 - There is a volunteer to the front.

1943 - awarded the medal "for courage".

1945 - Demobilization. Leaving to the Urals, in the city of Chusovoy. Works as a mechanic, teacher, storekeeper.

1951–1955 - Work in the editorial office of the newspaper "Chusovoy worker", which was published in 1951. The story of the civilian person (later this story will be called "Sibiryak").

1953 - Exit the first book of stories for children - "to the future spring."

1956 - The output of the story "Vastekino Lake."

1957 - Specialary Perm Regional Radio.

1958 - Accepted into the Union of Writers of the USSR.

1959–1961 - Study on higher literary courses in Moscow.

1962 - Moving to Perm.

1969 - Moving to Vologda.

1971 - The story "shepherd and shepherd", conceived back in 1954, published in the journal "Our Contemporary", №8.

1975 , December 23 - Behind the Book of the "Pass", "Last Bow", "Theft", "Shepherd and Custle" awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR named after M. Gorky in the field of literature (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR 23.12.1975 No. 674)

1976 - In the magazine "Our contemporary" in rooms 4.5 and 6, first fully published a story in the tsar-fish stories, (except for the story "Damka", published at the same time in the weekly "Literary Russia"), in 1978 awarded the State Prize THE USSR.

1977 - In Moscow, a collection of the "Young Guard" is published in the publishing house "", where the "last bow" and the first book edition of the "king fish" are placed. Circulation 150 thousand copies.

1978 , October 19 - for the story in the stories "Tsar-Ryba" awarded the State Prize of the USSR of 1978 in the field of literature. (Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and Council of Ministers of the USSR 19.10.1978 № 852)

1979–1981 - In the publishing house "Young Guard" comes out the collection of writings of Astafieva in 4 volumes.

1980 - Return to the Motherland - to Krasnoyarsk.
In Moscow, in the Publishing House "Soviet writer" in the series "Library of Works Awarded State Prize of the USSR", there is a narrative in the stories "King Fish".

1981 - Moscow comes in Moscow. V.P.Astafieva "Sleep about the White Mountains" on the story "Tsar-Fish".
August 7 - Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for merits in the development of Soviet culture, literature, art was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

1989 - Awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor.

1989–1991 - was the People's Deputy of the USSR.

1992–1994 - the novel "Cursed and killed" is printed (BN. 1-2, not over; in March 2000, the writer announced the cessation of work on the novel).

1999 - awarded the Order "For merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree.

Full biography - Astafev V. P.

Option 1

Viktor Astafiev is a famous Soviet and Russian writer. Winner of state premiums of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Member of the Writers Union. His books were transferred to foreign languages \u200b\u200band were published by multimillion editions. He is one of the few writers who, during his lifetime, recognized as a classic.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Astafiev was born in the village of Oatsean of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the family of Peter Astafieva and Lydia Pylishly, he was a third child. True, his two sisters died back in infancy. When Vita turned 7 years old, his father was put in prison for "wounded". To get to him on a date, the mother had to be transferred by the boat through the Yenisei. Once the boat turned over, but the Lydia could not be saved. She clung to the scythe for an alloy bon. As a result, her body was found only in a few days.

The boy brought up her grandparents on the maternal line - Katerina Petrovna and Ilya Evgrafovich Pylishlycins. About the years, who lived with them, he recalled with warmth and kindness, later he described his childhood in the grandmother's house in the autobiography "Last Bow".

When Father was freed, he married the second time. Victor took to him. Soon, their family was smoked, and Peter Astafiev, with her new wife, the newborn Son Kole and Vitea were sent to Igark. Together with his father, Victor was engaged in fishing. But after the end of the season, the father seriously fell ill and got into the hospital. The step of Vitya was not needed, it was not going to feed someone else's child.

As a result, he found himself on the street, unreserved. Soon he was placed in an orphanage. There he met Ignatia Christmas. The teacher himself wrote poems and managed to consider literary talent in the boy. With it, Viktor Astafieva's literary debut took place. His story "Alive" was published in the school journal. Later, the story was called "Vastekino Lake".

After grade 6 began to study at the factory-factory learning school, after which he worked as a Coupler at the railway station and duty.

In 1942, Astafev Victor went to the front volunteer. Training took place in Novosibirsk in the automotive division. Since 1943, the future writer fought in Bryansk, Voronezh and steppe fronts. He was a driver, television and artillery intelligence. In war, Victor was contused and was wounded several times. For the merits of Astafeva, the Order of the Red Star was awarded the Order of the Red Star, and he also awarded the medals "for the courage", "for victory over Germany" and "For the liberation of Poland".


Returning from the war to feed the family, and at that time he was already married who he just had to work. It was also a black-upper, and a mechanic, and a loader. He worked on the meat processing a watch and washer carcass. The man did not get any job. But, despite the post-war life, the desire to write from Astafieva never disappeared.

In 1951, he signed up in a literary circle. He was so inspired after the meeting that he wrote a story "Civil man" in one night, later he reworked him and published under the name "Sibiryak". Soon Astafieva noticed and offered work in the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker." During this time, he wrote more than 20 stories and a lot of essay articles.

He published his first book in 1953. It was a collection of stories, he was called "to the future spring." Two years later, he published the second compilation - "lights". It includes stories for children. In subsequent years, he continued to write for children - in 1956, the book "Vastekino Lake" was published, in 1957 - "Uncle Kuzya, Fox, Cat", in 1958 - "Warm rain".

In 1958, his first novel comes out - "melting snow". In the same year, Viktor Petrovich Astafiev became a member of the Writers of the RSFSR. A year later, he was given a direction to Moscow, where he studied at the literary institute on courses for writers. At the end of the 50s, his lyrics became known and popular throughout the country. At that time, he published the story "Starodub", "Pass" and "Starley".

In 1962, Astafeva moved to Perm, during these years the writer creates a miniature cycle that prints in various magazines. He called them "stunned", in 1972 he published the book of the same name. In its stories raises important topics for the Russian people - war, patriotism, rustic life.

In 1967, Viktor Petrovich wrote a story "shepherd and shepherd. Modern pastoral. He thought of this work for a long time. But it was hard to print her with difficulty, a lot was crossed out for reasons of censorship. As a result, in 1989, he returned to the text in order to restore the former type of story.

In 1968, Viktor Astafyev wrote a story "". In the narrative event unfold in 1933. The orphan boy is experiencing the highest winter in his life. Good luck to his family brings a puppy, saved from the Luta of death in a snowdrift.

In 1975, Viktor Petrovich became the laureate of the State Award of the RSFSR for the works of "Last Bow", "Pass", "Shepherd and Custle", "Theft".

And next year, it was published, perhaps, the most popular book of the writer - "Tsar-Fish". And again it was subjected to such a "censored" editor that Astafyev Victor even got into the hospital after tested stress. He was so sad that she never concerned the text of this story. In spite of everything, it was for this work, he received the USSR State Prize.

Since 1991, Astafiev Victor worked on the book "Cursed and killed." The book came out only in 1994 and caused a lot of emotions from readers. Of course, it was not without critical comments. Some surprised the courage of the author, but at the same time they recognized his truthfulness. Astafyev Victor wrote a story on an important and terrible topic - he showed the meaninglessness of the repression of wartime. In 1994, the writer receives the State Prize of Russia.

Personal life

With his future wife, Maria Koryakina Astafiev Victor met at the front. She worked as a nurse. When the war is over, they got married and moved to a small town in the Perm region - Chusovoy. She also began to write.

In the spring of 1947, Mary and Victor had a daughter Lidiya, but six months later, the girl died from dyspepsia. In her death Astafiev Victor Vinyl Doctors, but the wife was sure that Victor himself was the cause. Which earned little, could not feed the family. A year later, they were born daughter Irina, and in 1950 - Son Andrei.

Victor and Maria were very different. If he was a talented man and wrote at the behest of his heart, then she did it to a greater extent for his own self-affirmation.

Astafyev Victor was a man's man, he was always surrounded by women. It is known that he and extramarital children - two daughters, about the existence of which he did not tell his wife for a long time. Maria him insanely jealously, and not only to women, but even to books.

He did not leave his wife once, but he returned each time. As a result, they lived together for 57 years. In 1984, their daughter Irina died suddenly, and the remaining grandchildren - Vitu and Polina - brought up Viktor Petrovich and Maria Semenovna.


In April 2001, the writer was hospitalized with stroke. Two weeks he lay in intensive care, but as a result, the doctors discharged him, and he returned home. He became better, he even independently read the newspaper. But in the fall of the same year, Astafev Victor again fell into the hospital. He was diagnosed with diseases of cardiac vessels. In the last week, Viktor Petrovich Olemp. The writer died on November 29, 2001.

I buried him near his native village, a year later, the Museum of the Astafyev family was opened in Ovsyanka.

Option 2.

Russian writer Viktor Petrovich Astafiev was born on May 1, 1924 in the village of Oatsean of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Early having lost his mother, brought up in the family of grandparents, then in an orphanage.

In 1942, Viktor Astafyev graduated from the FZO railway school, then he worked for four months by the trains at Bazaja Station near Krasnoyarsk.

During the Great Patriotic War, Astafyev went to the front volunteer, fought with a simple soldier, was injured. The frontal merits of Astafieva are marked by the Order of the Red Star, the medals "for courage", "for the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.", "For the liberation of Poland".

Returning from the front, Astafyev settled in the Urals. He worked as a mechanic, a subsidized worker, teacher.

From 1951 to 1955, Astafiev was a literary employee of the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker". In 1951, his first story "Civil man" was published in this newspaper. In 1953, the first book of Astafieva "before the future spring" was published in Molotov (now - Perm). In 1955 - published the second book of the Writer called "Sparks".

From April 1957, Astafiev is a special correspondent for the Perm Regional Radio. In 1958 he saw the light of his novel "melting snow".

In 1959-1961, Viktor Astafiev studied on the highest literary courses in Moscow. At this time, his stories began to be printed in the capital, including the magazine "New World", headed by Alexander Tvardovsky.

The end of the 1950s is marked by the flourishing of lyric prose Viktor Astafieva. Tale "Pass" (1958-1959) and "Starodub" (1960), the story "Starfall" (1960), written in just a few days, brought a wide fame to the writer.

Extremely fruitful for the writer were the 1960s: the story "Theft" (1961-1965) was written (1961-1965), the novels who later the story in the stories "Last Bow". In 1968, the story "Last Bow" came out in Perm a separate book.

By 1965 began to develop a cycle of the trees - lyrical miniature, think about life, notes for himself. They were printed in central and peripheral magazines. In 1972, the "slave" published a separate book in the Publishing House "Soviet Writer".

Since 1973, stories have appeared in the press, which later appeal the famous narration in the tsar-fish stories. For the first time, the "king fish" was published in the book "Boy in the White Rubach", published in the publishing house "Young Guard" in 1977.

From 1978 to 1982, Astafev worked on the fault of the "Seed Staff", published in 1988.

In 1980, the writer moved to their homeland - to Krasnoyarsk. A new period of his creativity began here. In Krasnoyarsk and in oatmeal - the village of His Childhood - they have written novels "Sad Detective" (1985) and "Cursed and Killed" (1995), the story "I want to live" (1995), "Oberton" (1995-1996) and " Cheerful Soldier "(1997), stories" Medvezhya Blood "(1984)," Life to live "(1985)," Vimba "(1985)," Sveta "(1986)," Blind Fisherman "(1986)," Pescaresk Georgia "(1986)," Turnish from the Pacific Ocean "(1986)," Blue Field under the Blue Heavens "(1987)," Smile of the Wolf "(1989)," Born me "(1989)," Manochka "(1989), "Conversation with an old rifle" (1997).

In parallel with artistic creativity in the 1980s, Astafiev was engaged in journalism. Documentary stories about nature and hunting, essays about writers, reflections on creativity, essays about Vologda and where the writer lived since 1969 to 1979, about Siberia, where he returned in 1980, amounted to collections: "Ancient, eternal ..." (1980) , "Memory Staff" (1980), "Everything Hour" (1985).

In 1997-1998, in Krasnoyarsk, the publication of the collection of writings of Viktor Astafieva in 15 volumes was carried out, with detailed comments by the author.

Viktor Astafev was the People's Deputy of the USSR (1989-1991), Secretary of the Union of Writers of the USSR, Vice-President of the European Forum Association of Writers.

Astafyev - Hero of Socialist Labor (1989), Cavalier of the Order of Lenin (1989), Labor Red Banner (1971, 1974, 1984), Peoples Friendship (1981), "For merits to the Fatherland" II degree (1999).

The writer's work was noted by the State Prize of the RSFSR named after M. Gorky (1975), the State Prize of the USSR (1978, 1991), the Russian independent Prize "Triumph" (1994), the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1995, 2003 (posthumously)), the Pushkin Alfred Foundation Prize Wheems (1997), award "For the honor and dignity of the talent" of the International Litflow (1998), the Apollo Prize Grigoriev Academy of Russian Modern Literature (1999).

Victor Astafiev was married to the writer Maria Astafieva-Koryakina (1920-2011). In marriage, three children were born: the daughters of Lydia (born and died in 1947) and Irina (1948-1987), son Andrei (born in 1950).

In 2002, a memorial house-museum of Astafieva was opened in the village of Osseanka, in 2006, a monument to the writer was established in Krasnoyarsk.

Option 3.

On May 1, 1924, in the village of Ovseanka, that on the shore of the Yenisei, near Krasnoyarsk, in the family of Peter Pavlovich and Lydia Ilinichny Astafiev was born Son Victor.

At seven years, the boy lost his mother - she drowned in the river, clinging to the scythe for the base of the bones. V.P. Astafyev will never get used to this loss. All to him "I can not believe that moms are not and never will be." His grandmother Ekaterina Petrovna becomes the intercession and cormalization of the boy.

With his father and Macheh, Victor moves to Igarka - he was sent here with his family the declined grandfather Paul. "Wild earnings", for which the Father expected, did not turn out, the relationship with the stepmother did not work out, she spokes the burden in the face of the child from the shoulders. The boy is deprived of the priority and livelihoods, vagrants, then falls into the orphanage. "An independent life I started immediately, without any preparation," he will later write V. P. Astafiev.

School teacher Siberian poet Ignatius Dmitrievich Christmas notes in Victor a tendency to literature and develops it. An essay about the beloved lake, printed in the school journal, will unfold later in the story "Vastekino Lake."

After graduating from the boarding school, the teenager earns his bread in the Kureka Machine. "My childhood remained in the distant plague," W. P. Astafyev wrote. "Child, according to Grandfather Paul," Not Helded, not lasting, dad with mom throws, "also somewhere, more precisely - rolled back from me. Alien and everyone, a teenager or a young man took a military pore in the adult labor life. "

Collect money on a ticket. Victor leaves to Krasnoyarsk, and the FZO is also coming. "I didn't choose a group and profession in the FZO - they choose me," a writer will later tell me. After graduating from studying, he works by the compiler of trains at Bazaja Station near Krasnoyarsk.

In the fall of 1942, Viktor Astafiev volunteer goes to the army, and in the spring of 1943 he hits the front. Fight on Bryansk. Voronezh and steppe fronts, who then united in the first Ukrainian. The front biography of Astafyeva's soldier is marked by the Order of the Red Star, Medals "For Cooking", "For the victory over Germany" and "For the liberation of Poland". Several times he was heavily injured.

In the autumn of 1945, V. P. Astafyev is demobilized from the Army n along with his wife - the ordinary Maria Semenovna Koryakina comes to her homeland - the city of Chusovoy in the West Urals.

As a state of health, Victor can no longer return to his specialty and to feed the family, it works with a mechanic, a black-strength, a loader, a carpenter, a washer of meat carcasters, a meat processing plant.

In March 1947, a daughter was born in a young family. In early September, the girl died from severe dyspepsia, - the time was hungry, the mother did not have enough milk, and the food cards were nowhere to take.

In May 1948, Astafiev was born daughter Irina, and in March 1950 - Son Andrei.

In 1951, hitting a literary circle in the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker", Viktor Petrovich wrote a story "Civilian" for one night; Subsequently, he will call him "Sibiryak". Since 1951, but 1955, Astafiev works as a literary employee of the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker.

In 1953, his first book of stories goes to Perm - "to the future spring", and in 1955 the second - "lights". These are stories for children. In 1955-1957, he writes the novel "Maude Snow", publishes two more books for children: "Vastekino Lake" (1956) and "Uncle Kuzya, Chicken, Fox and Cat" (1957), prints essays and stories in Almanaci "Prikamye ", The magazine" Change ", the collections of" hunting were "and" Timeths of Time ".

From April 1957, Astafev - Special Forces of the Perm Regional Radio. In 1958 he saw the light of his novel "Melt Snow". V.P. Astafieva is adopted by the Writers of the RSFSR.

In 1959 he was sent to higher literary courses at the Literary Institute named after M. Gorky. Two years he studies in Moscow.

The end of the 50s is marked by the flourishing of lyrical prose V. P. Astafieva. Tale "Pass" (1958-1959) and "Starodub" (1960), the story "Starfall", written in one breath in just a few days (1960), bring him wide fame.

In 1962, the family moved to Perm, and in 1969 - in Vologda.

The 60s are extremely fruitful for the writer: the story "Theft" (1961-1965) is written (1961-1965), the novels, which later the story in the stories "Last Bow": "Zorkina Song" (1960), "Geese in the Poliens" (1961), " Smell Sena "(1963)," Trees are growing for everyone "(1964)," Uncle Philipp - Ship Mechanic "(1965)," Monk in new pants "(1966)," Autumn sadness and joy "(1966)," Night Dark-dark "(1967)," Last Bow "(1967)," War rattling somewhere "(1967)," "(1968)," Babushkin Holiday "(1968). In 1968, the story "Last Bow" comes out in Perm a separate book.

In the Vologda period of life V. P. Astafyev, two plays were created: "Cherry" and "Forgive me." The performances set over these plays were a number of Russian theaters.

Back in 1954, Astafyev conceived the story "Shepherd and Cinema. Modern pastoral "-" Favorite your brainchild. " And I carried out my idea almost after 15 years - at three days, "absolutely awesome and happy", writing a "draft of one hundred and twenty pages" and then grinding text. Written in 1967, the story was difficult to press and was first published in the magazine "Our Contemporary", No. 8, 1971, the writer returned to the text of the Tale in 1971 and 1989, restored for censorship for reasons.

In 1975, for the story "Pass", "the last bow," "theft", "shepherd and shepherd" V. P. Astafyev was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR named after M. Gorky.

In the 60s of the years B. P. Astafyev was written by the stories "Old Horse" (1960), "What are you crying, spruce" (1961). "Hands of the wife" (1961), "Sasha Lebedev" (1961), "Anxious Sleep" (1964), "India" (1965), "Mitya with excavator" (1967), "Yashka-elk" (1967), " Blue Twilight "(1967)," take me yes remember "(1967)," Clearly during the day "(1967)," Russian Diamond "(1968)," without the last "(1968).

By 1965 began to develop a cycle of the trees - lyrical miniature, think about life, notes for himself. They are printed in central and peripheral magazines. In 1972, the "stake" overlook a separate book in the Publishing House "Soviet writer" - "Rustic Adventure". "Prestovitsa", "How to treat the goddess", "Stars and Christmas trees", "Tour", "Native Birchings", "Spring Island", "Brees", "In order for the pain of everyone ...", "Cemetery", "and the rush" . Dome Cathedral, "Vision", "Berry", "Sigh". A writer is constantly drawn by the Writer's genre in his work.

In 1972, V. P. Astafiev writes his "joyful brainchild" - "ODU Russian Garden."

Since 1973, the stories have appeared in the press, who later appear for the famous story in the stories "Tsar Fish": "Boy", "Drop", "Golden Cargo", "Fisherman Ched", "Tsar-Fish", "Black Feather flies" , "Ear on Boganida", "Pomy", "Turukhan Lilia", "Sleep about the White Mountains", "no answer to me." The publication of chapters in the periodicals - the journal "Our contemporary" - was with such losses in the text that the author from chagrins was going to the hospital and with those norms never returned to the story, did not restore and did not make new editions. Only many years later, finding in his archive yellowed the page with the time of the censorship of the head "Noriltsi", published it in 1990 in the same magazine called "Lack of Hearts". For the first time, the "king fish" was published in the book "Boy in the White Rubach", published in the publishing house "Young Guard" in 1977.

In 1978, for the narration in the stories "Tsar-Fish" V. P. Astafiev was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.
In the 70s, the writer again appeals to the topic of his childhood - new chapters are born to the "Last Bow": Published "Pier after victory" (1974), "Burunduk on the Cross" (1974), "Karasina Dissoli" (1974), " Without a shelter "(1974)," Forty "(1978)," Protositive Potion "(1978)," Gori, Gori clearly "(1978)," Soystic candy "(1978). The tale of childhood is already in two books - it turns out in 1978 in the Publishing House "Contemporary".

From 1978 to 1982, V. P. Astafyev is working on the fault of the "Sea Staff", published only in 1988. In 1991, the writer was awarded the State Prize of the USSR for this story.

In 1980, Astafyev moved to their homeland - to Krasnoyarsk. The new, extremely fruitful period of his work began. In Krasnoyarsk and in Ovsyanka - the village of His Childhood - they are written by the novel "Sading Detective" (1985) and such stories like "Blood Blood" (1984), "Life to live" (1985), "Vimba" (1985), "Sveta" "(1986)," Blind Fisherman "(1986)," Catching Pescase in Georgia "(1986)," Turnish from the Pacific Ocean "(1986)," Blue field under the blue skies "(1987)," Wolf's Smile "(1989 ), "My born" (1989), "Lyudochka" (1989), "Conversation with an old rifle" (1997).

In 1989, V. P. Astafyev was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor.

On August 17, 1987, the daughter of Astafiev Irina dies suddenly. She is brought from Vologda and bury in the cemetery in oatmeal. Viktor Petrovich and Maria Semenovna take the Little grandchildren of Vitu and Field.

Life in his homeland stirred up the memories and gave the readers new stories about childhood - the chapters are born: "Premonition of the Label", "Break", "Strayapukhina Joy", "Pestruha", "Legend of Glass Krinka", "Concent", and in 1989 " The last bow "comes out in the publishing house" Young Guard "already in three books. In 1992, two more chapters appear - "Zabbit Head" and "Evening Things". The "life-giving light of childhood" demanded more than thirty years of creative work from the writer.

At the homeland V. P. Astafyev, his main book about the war was created - the novel "Curses and killed": part of the first "Thistle pit" (1990-1992) and part of the second "bridgehead" (1992-1994), who took a lot of forces from the writer and health and caused a stormy reader's controversy.

In 1994, "For the outstanding contribution to the domestic literature", the Writer was awarded the Russian Independent Prize "Triumph". In 1995, V. P. Astafyev was awarded the State Prize of Russia for the novel "Cursed and Killed".

From September 1994 to January 1995, a master of the word works on a new story about the war "So I want to live", and in 1995-1996 it writes - also "military" - the story "Oberton", in 1997 he completes the story "cheerful Soldier ", started in 1987, - War does not leave a writer, worries memory. Cheerful soldier is he, wounded by the young soldier of Astafiev, returning from the front and tested to civilian civil life.

In 1997-1998, in Krasnoyarsk, the edition of the Essays Assessment V. P. Astafieva in 15 volumes, with detailed comments by the author.

In 1997, the writer was awarded the International Pushkin Prize, and in 1998 he was awarded the Prize "For the honor and dignity of the talent" of the International Litflow.

At the end of 1998, V. P. Astafyev was awarded the Award named after the Apollo Grigoriev Academy of Russian Modern Literature.

25 interesting facts from Astafieva V. P.

Soviet and Russian writer Viktor Astafiev was a man of rare talents. For his life, he wrote a lot of works, vividly describing the village life, and did it so talented that a person familiar with her did not appear to agree with the truthfulness of the description. The impersonal image, on behalf of which the story is conducted in many of his books, allows you to even better get into the role of the hero and feel all the events described on yourself.

Facts from Victor Astafieva's biography

  • In fact, the future writer was the only child in the family, since both of his sisters died in infant age.
  • Viktor Astafieva's father was convicted of indestructible charges two years after the birth of the Son. He reunited with him only after getting out of prison.
  • When Astafyev was only 7 years old, his mother drowned his mother, heading for a date with her husband serving his prison time.
  • After a serious illness of the father of the future writer, actually kicked out of the house. At one time he lived in an abandoned hairdresser, and was subsequently sent to the boarding school.
  • I studied at the factory school, the young Victor found his first job at the railway station.
  • He wrote his first work even during school learning. Later it was published under the name "Vatukino Lake".
  • When the Great Patriotic War began, Viktor Astafiev went to the front volunteer, despite the fact that he was not subject to call, like all the railway workers.
  • War of Astafiev Viktor Petrovich finished the rank of ordinary, despite the fact that in two years the service received 4 awards, including the courage and the first-star Order of the Red Star.
  • In marriage, the writer was born three children, and he overturned two more girls.
  • At the front, Viktor Astafiev was seriously injured. Subsequently, this affected his condition - he was very bad forged hot weather.
  • Since the end of the 50s, he was a valid member of the Writers of the USSR. His wife, by the way, too. For his life, she published 16 books.
  • Viktor Astafieva's wife, Maria, published his story-autobiography, which described in particular delicate moments. The writer asked her to abandon the publication, but the spouse refused. In response, Astafev Victor wrote a "funny soldier", which outlined his view on the events described in the autobiography.
  • Viktor Astafev wrote only three novels, but from under his feather there was a lot of leads.
  • A complete collection of his writings consists of 15 volumes.
  • Also Astafyev Viktor Petrovich wrote two scenarios for movies. And his own works were shielded 4 times.
  • His signature in 1993 under a letter to support the overclocking of the Russian parliament, but the writer claimed that she was forged, and he did not sign this document.
  • Victor Astafiev lived with his wife 57 years old - most of his life.
  • Its works were translated into several dozen major languages, and were published in more than 30 countries.
  • The brilliant writer worked in different genres, and even wrote one play, but it was not particularly popular.
  • The early works of Viktor Astafieva are dedicated to the village life. He began to write about war after reading the romanticized book on the military theme, which outdressed him to the depths of the soul. The writer decided that he had to show everyone that the war was terrible, and there was nothing romantic in it.
  • His first story was published only in 1951.
  • The last two years of the existence of the USSR Astafyev Viktor Petrovich was the People's Deputy of the Soviet Union.
  • A writer is buried in the cemetery near the village of oatmeal of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in his native edges.
  • During his life, Viktor Astafyev received 10 medals and orders, as well as 8 literary premiums.
  • The name of Astafeva is worn by a library in Novosibirsk, an oil tanker, schools in several cities and villages and a museum in Krasnoyarsk.

Viktor Petrovich Astafyev (1924 - 2001) is a famous Soviet writer, Prosaisa, Esseist. Born on May 1, 1924 in a small village of oatmeal of the Yenisei province (Krasnoyarsk Territory).

Start of life path

V.P. Astafev lived a difficult life filled with experiences, life difficulties, testing era. Victor was the fourth child in the family, but his senior sisters died back in infancy. Father the child lost another age. The breadwinner, like the grandfather, was planted for political reasons.

The mother of the future writer died when a little Viktor was barely 7 years old. He rose a difficult teenager, deprived of parental care and care. Some time was under the auspices of a native grandmother, but after serious misconduct at school, he was obliged to send to an orphanage. Victor ran away from the pursuers, for a long time, waving as homeless.

Testing adult life

At the end of the school, the FZO, the young Astafev settled to work the trainers of trains. However, labor weekdays very soon changed by the horror of war. Despite the railway reservation, Victor in 1942 is sent by a volunteer to the front. There, former hooligan and a rowdy show all his nature of the hero and a patriot. He was also a driver, and a connection.

It distinguished himself in the Gaubic Artillery, where he received a hard wound, and then contusion. Merit to the patrols were supported by a number of major awards: the Order of the Red Star, "for the courage", "for the victory over the fascist Germany."

Demobilization of the Nastagla Hero is in the rank of "Private" at the end of hostilities in 1945. The former soldier moved to the town of Chusovoy (Perm region). Here he created a family with Maria Koryakina, who gave birth to a spouse of three children. In addition, Astafyev became the adoptive father of two more daughters.

Towards fate

Victor tried himself in many works: from the locksmith and the storekeeper to the teacher and the duty officer at the station. The turning point came when the writer settled in the editorial board "Chusovsky worker" (1951). Here he was first able to introduce the public with his works. Two years later, his first book "to the future spring" comes out.

On 5 years old, it took the young writer to become part of the Writers of the USSR, from 1959 to 1961, Victor is studying on the highest literary courses. Then followed the year of long movements with Perm to Vologda, and then to Krasnoyarsk. From 1989 to 1991, the writer was listed in the United Nations.


Key topics of creativity Astafieva - military-patriotic direction and romance of rustic life. The first work written in the school was the story "Vastekino Lake". Many years later, the writer transformed his children's work in a full-fledged publication. From the early ages, the most famous are "Starodub", "Starley", "Pass".

Edward Kuzmin at one time characterized the "Language" of Astafieva, as a living, but clumsy, filled with inaccuracies, but with the incredible freshness of the perception of reality. Siberian writer wrote like a simple soldier, often describing workers, warriors, simple rural residents.

Special filing, the ability to be talked to express, revealing his personal experiences with his reader, Marshal D. Yazov said. About the peaceful life of Astafiev wrote severely, not covering all the household bitterness and the tragedy of the "little man."

Viktor Astafiev died in 2001 in Krasnoyarsk.

Victor was born on May 1, 1924 in a small village of Ovseanka of the Yenisei province (now - Krasnoyarsk Territory).

Even in a brief biography of Astafieva, many tragic moments can be listed. Another when Victor was a child, his father was arrested, and his mother died during one of the trips to her husband. Childhood Victor Astafiev spent with her grandmother and grandfather. About this time the writer has many bright memories, which he later described in autobiography.

After Victor's father came out of prison and married once again, the family moved to the city of Igarka Krasnoyarsk Territory. When the father hit the hospital, and the new family turned away from Victor, he was literally on the street. Sliding for two months, was sent to the orphanage.


In 1942, Astaphiev voluntarily went to the front. In the Novosibirsk Infantry School, he learned the military business. And in 1943 he went to fight. Changes several activities, until the end of the war was a conventional ordinary soldier. During the service of Astafiev, the medal "for courage" was awarded, the Order of the Red Star Order.

When the war ended, Astafev married the writer Maria Koryakina, together with her settled in the city of Chusovoy Perm region. Living there, he changed several professions: was a mechanic, a teacher, a storekeeper, worked on a local meat processing plant. However, in addition to the work, Victor was interested in literature: even he was a permanent member of the literary mug.

Literary career

For the first time, the story of Astafieva was printed in 1951 ("civilian man"). In the same year, Victor began to work in the newspaper "Chusovsky worker", this place did not leave 4 years. For the newspaper Astafiev, many articles, essays, stories, his literary talent began to disclose everything more fully. In 1953, the book of Astafieva "to the future spring" was published.

And in 1958, an important event occurred in the biography of Viktor Astafieva - he was accepted into the Union of Writers. To increase their literary level, Astafiev studied at the highest literary courses from 1959 to 1961.

If you briefly describe the works of Viktor Astafieva, we can say that they illuminate the military, anti-Soviet, rustic theme.

For all the time of its activities, Astafyev wrote many works. For example, the novels "to the future spring", "melting snow", "cursed and killed" (the novel was awarded the Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art). Among his leads: "Starodub", "Slushny Autumn", "So I want to live", "From Pacific Light", "Cheerful Soldier", "Vastekino Lake", "Tsar-Fish".

In the collection "Last Bow" included autobiographical stories of Astafieva about life in the Siberian village, which he wrote for children.


On May 1, 1924, in the village of Ovseanka, that on the shore of the Yenisei, near Krasnoyarsk, in the family of Peter Pavlovich and Lydia Ilinichny Astafiev was born Son Victor.

At seven years, the boy lost his mother - she drowned in the river, clinging to the scythe for the base of the bones. V.P. Astafyev will never get used to this loss. All to him "I can not believe that moms are not and never will be." His grandmother Ekaterina Petrovna becomes the intercession and cormalization of the boy.

With his father and Macheh, Victor moves to Igarka - he was sent here with his family the declined grandfather Paul. "Wild earnings", for which the Father expected, did not turn out, the relationship with the stepmother did not work out, she spokes the burden in the face of the child from the shoulders. The boy is deprived of the priority and livelihoods, vagrants, then falls into the orphanage. "An independent life I started immediately, without any preparation," he will later write V. P. Astafiev.

School teacher Siberian poet Ignatius Dmitrievich Christmas notes in Victor a tendency to literature and develops it. An essay about the beloved lake, printed in the school journal, will unfold later in the story "Vastekino Lake."

After graduating from the boarding school, the teenager earns his bread in the Kureka Machine. "My childhood remained in the distant plague," W. P. Astafyev wrote. "Child, according to Grandfather Paul," Not Helded, not lasting, dad with mom throws, "also somewhere, more precisely - rolled back from me. Alien and everyone, a teenager or a young man took a military pore in the adult labor life. "

Collect money on a ticket. Victor leaves to Krasnoyarsk, and the FZO is also coming. "I didn't choose a group and profession in the FZO - they choose me," a writer will later tell me. After graduating from studying, he works by the compiler of trains at Bazaja Station near Krasnoyarsk.

In the fall of 1942, Viktor Astafiev volunteer goes to the army, and in the spring of 1943 he hits the front. Fight on Bryansk. Voronezh and steppe fronts, who then united in the first Ukrainian. The front biography of Astafyeva's soldier is marked by the Order of the Red Star, Medals "For Cooking", "For the victory over Germany" and "For the liberation of Poland". Several times he was heavily injured.

In the autumn of 1945, V. P. Astafyev is demobilized from the Army n along with his wife - the ordinary Maria Semenovna Koryakina comes to her homeland - the city of Chusovoy in the West Urals.

As a state of health, Victor can no longer return to his specialty and to feed the family, it works with a mechanic, a black-strength, a loader, a carpenter, a washer of meat carcasters, a meat processing plant.

In March 1947, a daughter was born in a young family. In early September, the girl died from severe dyspepsia, - the time was hungry, the mother did not have enough milk, and the food cards were nowhere to take.

In May 1948, Astafiev was born daughter Irina, and in March 1950 - Son Andrei.

In 1951, hitting a literary circle in the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker", Viktor Petrovich wrote a story "Civilian" for one night; Subsequently, he will call him "Sibiryak". Since 1951, but 1955, Astafiev works as a literary employee of the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker.

In 1953, his first book of stories goes to Perm - "to the future spring", and in 1955 the second - "lights". These are stories for children. In 1955-1957, he writes the novel "Maude Snow", publishes two more books for children: "Vastekino Lake" (1956) and "Uncle Kuzya, Chicken, Fox and Cat" (1957), prints essays and stories in Almanaci "Prikamye ", The magazine" Change ", the collections of" hunting were "and" Timeths of Time ".

From April 1957, Astafev - Special Forces of the Perm Regional Radio. In 1958 he saw the light of his novel "Melt Snow". V.P. Astafieva is adopted by the Writers of the RSFSR.

In 1959 he was sent to higher literary courses at the Literary Institute named after M. Gorky. Two years he studies in Moscow.

The end of the 50s is marked by the flourishing of lyrical prose V. P. Astafieva. Tale "Pass" (1958-1959) and "Starodub" (1960), the story "Starfall", written in one breath in just a few days (1960), bring him wide fame.

In 1962, the family moved to Perm, and in 1969 - in Vologda.

The 60s are extremely fruitful for the writer: the story "Theft" (1961-1965) is written (1961-1965), the novels, which later the story in the stories "Last Bow": "Zorkina Song" (1960), "Geese in the Poliens" (1961), " Smell Sena "(1963)," Trees are growing for everyone "(1964)," Uncle Philipp - Ship Mechanic "(1965)," Monk in new pants "(1966)," Autumn sadness and joy "(1966)," Night Dark-Dark "(1967)," Last Bow "(1967)," War rattling somewhere "(1967)," The photo on which I don't "(1968)," Babushkin Holiday "(1968). In 1968, the story "Last Bow" comes out in Perm a separate book.

In the Vologda period of life V. P. Astafyev, two plays were created: "Cherry" and "Forgive me." The performances set over these plays were a number of Russian theaters.

Back in 1954, Astafyev conceived the story "Shepherd and Cinema. Modern pastoral "-" Favorite your brainchild. " And I carried out my idea almost after 15 years - at three days, "absolutely awesome and happy", writing a "draft of one hundred and twenty pages" and then grinding text. Written in 1967, the story was difficult to press and was first published in the magazine "Our Contemporary", No. 8, 1971, the writer returned to the text of the Tale in 1971 and 1989, restored for censorship for reasons.

In 1975, for the story "Pass", "the last bow," "theft", "shepherd and shepherd" V. P. Astafyev was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR named after M. Gorky.

In the 60s of the years B. P. Astafyev was written by the stories "Old Horse" (1960), "What are you crying, spruce" (1961). "Hands of the wife" (1961), "Sasha Lebedev" (1961), "Anxious Sleep" (1964), "India" (1965), "Mitya with excavator" (1967), "Yashka-elk" (1967), " Blue Twilight "(1967)," take me yes remember "(1967)," Clearly during the day "(1967)," Russian Diamond "(1968)," without the last "(1968).

By 1965 began to develop a cycle of the trees - lyrical miniature, think about life, notes for himself. They are printed in central and peripheral magazines. In 1972, the "stake" overlook a separate book in the Publishing House "Soviet writer" - "Rustic Adventure". "Prestovitsa", "How to treat the goddess", "Stars and Christmas trees", "Tour", "Native Birchings", "Spring Island", "Brees", "In order for the pain of everyone ...", "Cemetery", "and the rush" . Dome Cathedral, "Vision", "Berry", "Sigh". A writer is constantly drawn by the Writer's genre in his work.

In 1972, V. P. Astafiev writes his "joyful brainchild" - "ODU Russian Garden."

Since 1973, the stories have appeared in the press, who later appear for the famous story in the stories "Tsar Fish": "Boy", "Drop", "Golden Cargo", "Fisherman Ched", "Tsar-Fish", "Black Feather flies" , "Ear on Boganida", "Pomy", "Turukhan Lilia", "Sleep about the White Mountains", "no answer to me." The publication of chapters in the periodicals - the journal "Our contemporary" - was with such losses in the text that the author from chagrins was going to the hospital and with those norms never returned to the story, did not restore and did not make new editions. Only many years later, finding in his archive yellowed the page with the time of the censorship of the head "Noriltsi", published it in 1990 in the same magazine called "Lack of Hearts". For the first time, the "king fish" was published in the book "Boy in the White Rubach", published in the publishing house "Young Guard" in 1977.

In 1978, for the narration in the stories "Tsar-Fish" V. P. Astafiev was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.
In the 70s, the writer again appeals to the topic of his childhood - new chapters are born to the "Last Bow": Published "Pier after victory" (1974), "Burunduk on the Cross" (1974), "Karasina Dissoli" (1974), " Without a shelter "(1974)," Forty "(1978)," Protositive Potion "(1978)," Gori, Gori clearly "(1978)," Soystic candies "(1978). The tale of childhood is already in two books - it turns out in 1978 in the Publishing House "Contemporary".

From 1978 to 1982, V. P. Astafyev is working on the fault of the "Sea Staff", published only in 1988. In 1991, the writer was awarded the State Prize of the USSR for this story.

In 1980, Astafyev moved to their homeland - to Krasnoyarsk. The new, extremely fruitful period of his work began. In Krasnoyarsk and in Ovsyanka - the village of His Childhood - they are written by the novel "Sading Detective" (1985) and such stories like "Blood Blood" (1984), "Life to live" (1985), "Vimba" (1985), "Sveta" "(1986)," Blind Fisherman "(1986)," Catching Pescase in Georgia "(1986)," Turnish from the Pacific Ocean "(1986)," Blue field under the blue skies "(1987)," Wolf's Smile "(1989 ), "My born" (1989), "Lyudochka" (1989), "Conversation with an old rifle" (1997).

In 1989, V. P. Astafyev was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor.

On August 17, 1987, the daughter of Astafiev Irina dies suddenly. She is brought from Vologda and bury in the cemetery in oatmeal. Viktor Petrovich and Maria Semenovna take the Little grandchildren of Vitu and Field.

Life in his homeland stirred up the memories and gave the readers new stories about childhood - the chapters are born: "Premonition of the Label", "Break", "Strayapukhina Joy", "Pestruha", "Legend of Glass Krinka", "Concent", and in 1989 " The last bow "comes out in the publishing house" Young Guard "already in three books. In 1992, two more chapters appear - "Zabbit Head" and "Evening Things". The "life-giving light of childhood" demanded more than thirty years of creative work from the writer.

At the homeland V. P. Astafyev, his main book about the war was created - the novel "Curses and killed": part of the first "Thistle pit" (1990-1992) and part of the second "bridgehead" (1992-1994), who took a lot of forces from the writer and health and caused a stormy reader's controversy.

In 1994, "For the outstanding contribution to the domestic literature", the Writer was awarded the Russian Independent Prize "Triumph". In 1995, V. P. Astafyev was awarded the State Prize of Russia for the novel "Cursed and Killed".

From September 1994 to January 1995, a master of the word works on a new story about the war "So I want to live", and in 1995-1996 it writes - also "military" - the story "Oberton", in 1997 he completes the story "cheerful Soldier ", started in 1987, - War does not leave a writer, worries memory. Cheerful soldier is he, wounded by the young soldier of Astafiev, returning from the front and tested to civilian civil life.

In 1997-1998, in Krasnoyarsk, the edition of the Essays Assessment V. P. Astafieva in 15 volumes, with detailed comments by the author.

In 1997, the writer was awarded the International Pushkin Prize, and in 1998 he was awarded the Prize "For the honor and dignity of the talent" of the International Litflow.

At the end of 1998, V. P. Astafyev was awarded the Award named after the Apollo Grigoriev Academy of Russian Modern Literature.

"No day without a line" is a motto of tireless worker, a truly popular writer. So now on his desk - new stalks, a favorite genre - and new ideas in the heart.

Viktor Astafiev (1924-2001) is a well-known Soviet and Russian writer, front-line, master of rustic and military-patriotic prose, twice the winner of the USSR State Prize. The harsh years of childhood and participation in the war left a huge impression in the soul of the writer. In his work, he will not return to these topics. The works of Viktor Petrovich have always distinguished the realism and advantage of the narrative of the fate of simple front-line and the workers, which he described a living literary language.

Childhood and youth

Victor Astafiev Native Siberian. He was born on May 1, 1924 in a small village of oatmeal of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. When Vitya was still very young, a wave of repression began, which his father fell. Mother died during one of the trips to him, and a seven-year-old boy took a grandparents to upbringing. Despite the tragic course of events, this period of life left the future writer in the soul of the future writer, which were set forth in the first part of the autobiography.

After returning from the conclusion, Peter Afanasyev creates a new family, it is decided to go to earnings in Northern Igark. By that time, Viti had a summary brother Nikolai.

Soon there was an unpleasant episode, which caused to quickly grow up the future writer. Returning after the next Putin, his father hit the hospital, and the boy remained in the care of the stepmother. But she did not want to take care of him, so Victor spends several months in an abandoned hairdresser. Such life has affected the behavior at school, and Astafieva is sent to the boarding school. Remembering about this time, he will write: "I started my own life at once, without any preparation".

One of his teachers in the boarding school was the local poet I. Christmas, who looked at Victor's ability to literary creativity and to develop them. As a result, one of the school works will later turn into a story "Vastekino Lake".

War and Labor Days

After the release from the boarding school, Astafyev moved to Krasnoyarsk, where he enters the FZO. At the end of study, he works at the station by the train. After the beginning of the war, Viktor Petrovich is sent by a volunteer to the front and participates in combat operations at the Kursk arc, in the battle for the Dnieper, in the liberation of Poland. Having passed the entire combat path in the rank of ordinary, he was wounded several times and awarded the medals "For the victory over Germany", "for courage", "for the liberation of Poland."

The first steps

In 1945, the future writer made marriage with Maria Koryakina. Demobilized by the already married man, Viktor Petrovich moves to the small homeland of the wife in a small Ural Town Chusovoy. Here he is trained in the school of working youth and worries in the production of black-workers, a mechanic, a carpenter, a loader and even the washer of meat carcass. In 1951, he is arranged in a local newspaper, where his debut story "Civilian" was printed. For 4 years, Victor works as a litts student in this edition, parallel with writing.

In 1953, the Collection of Viktor Petrovich's story "before the future spring" is published in Perm, and two years later, the children's book "Overactions". Children's theme will continue in the following works - "Vastekino Lake" and "Uncle Kuzya, Chickens, Fox and Cat." In 1957, the writer comes with a special correspondent to the state of the regional radio, and the next year his novel "Melt Snow" was published dedicated to collective farm topics. These works found their reader and focused on critics, which made it possible to enter the Union of Writers of the RSFSR.

Creative flourishing

In the late 50s, Viktor Petrovich creates a series of lyrical stories that made him the real name - "Pass", "Starley", "Starodub". At that time, he was sent to study in the capital to higher literary courses, upon returning from which the family of Astafyyeva moves to Perm. The Perm period was fruitful in the activities of the writer. A lyrical story "Last Bow", imbued with the ideas of the struggle of love and war, a military collection "Custrian and the Shepherd" and the story "Theft" as a memory of his internship childhood. A separate collection of works "Last Bow" Astafyev dedicated to the fate of people who ended up on his life path in the difficult years of adolescence and junior.

In 1969, Astafyevs are leaving in Vologda. Here Viktor Petrovich writes the plays "Forgive me" and "Cherry". In the 70s, one of the most famous works of the writer is created - a collection of stories "Tsar Fish", which became the fruit of deep reflection of the author about the responsibility of a person for the world and his constant desire to be in harmony with himself. Despite the criticism and censorship constraints, this product brought Astafyev State Prize of the USSR in 1978.

Siberian period

In 1980, Viktor Astafyev returns to his small homeland, where it will live to his last days. An inspired by his native Siberia wrote a lot of stories - "blind fisherman", "I was born", "Blood Blood" and many others. In 1985 he saw the light of the novel "Sadling Detective". After a missing death of his daughter, Viktor Petrovich returns to the stories of childhood, published in the collection "Last Bow".

Here, in a small homeland, it was written, perhaps the main book dedicated to the war - "cursed and killed," taking a lot of strength and health. In it, the author is once again going through the nightmare of the war, infecting the reader of the incredible energy of the fight against the "crime against mind". In addition, the novel marked by the State Prize of Russia, in the 90s they are created to be a story "I want to live" and "OPERTON", the writing of the work of "Cheerful Soldiers" was completed.

Singer of the Russian village

All the creativity of the Great Writer is imbued with the village and military-patriotic theme. His hero is a simple soldier (which he himself was), on which the army holds, but which they scold for all the prejudices. His style is distinguished by the truthful, in something harsh, on the face of the foul description of life. Themes chosen by Astafyev are always witness, he did not like the compromises and always tried to speak with his reader's pupil. The writer one of the first raised the topics of teenage crime, the existence of marginal layers in the Soviet society, incredibly accurately identified the problem of cruelty and violence.

Viktor Petrovich was a master of a living literary language, so his works were loved to publish abroad. Over hundreds of books of the famous Word Wizard were translated into 22 languages \u200b\u200band found their reader in 28 countries of the world. In 1998, a 15-volume full collection of works was released in Krasnoyarsk, which made it possible to comprehend the whole huge creative path of the writer.

Personal life

With his wife Maria Koryakina Viktor Petrovich met at the end of the war. With a difference of two years, the couple are born by children - at first the daughter of Lydia, who died in infancy, then another daughter Irina and, finally, the younger son Andrei. After the suspicious death of the middle daughter, the spouses took themselves to upbringing two grandchildren.

Over time, Maria Semenovna was fascinated by literature and began to write stories. Spouse treated this with a certain irony: "There is time, so let him write his books". Nevertheless, its stories and stories consisting of personal memories began to actively publish and enjoyed a certain popularity. In 1978, the writer accepted the Writers' Union. Having written a total of 16 books, she will continue to remain secretary and a nurse of her husband.

In 2001, the writer suffered two heavy strokes. He needed medical assistance abroad, and family friends turned to the assistance to Krasnoyarsk parliamentarians. They did not allocate funds by motivating the refusal to some chauvinism of the author. As a result, Astafieva was sent home from the hospital, where he died on November 29, 2001. The great writer is buried in the cemetery near the native village.