Where Kafka lived. Franz Kafka - Biography - Actual and Creative Way

Where Kafka lived. Franz Kafka - Biography - Actual and Creative Way
Where Kafka lived. Franz Kafka - Biography - Actual and Creative Way

(1883-1924) austrian writer

This is probably the most strange figure in the European literature of the XX century. Jew by origin, Prazhanin at the place of birth and residence, the German writer in language and the Austrian - according to cultural tradition, Franz Kafka experienced indifference to his work during his lifetime and no longer found the time when his canonization occurred. True, both are somewhat exaggerated. It was noticed and appreciated such well-known writers as Gesse, T. Mann, B. Brecht and others.

Three unfinished novel Franz Kafki became available to readers after his death. Roman "Process" was published in 1925, "Castle" - in 1926 and "America" \u200b\u200b- in 1927. Nowadays his heritage is ten volumes.

The biography of this person is amazingly rich in events, at least events external. Franz Kafka was born in the family of Prague Wholesalers with haberdashery goods, the Jew for Nationality. Welfare gradually grew, but the concepts and relations inside the family remained the same, meshchansk. All interests were focused on their business. The mother was in trouble, and his father continuously boasted those humiliations and troubles, which he had undergone before he had gone out into people, not the fact that the children who received everything in an undeservedly, for nothing. The nature of the family relationships can be judged at least for such a fact. When Franz wrote a "Letter Father" in 1919, he himself did not dare to give him a recipient and asked for a mother. But she was afraid to do it and returned a letter to his son with several consolation words.

The Meshanskaya family for every future artist who still fits himself with a stranger in this environment, is the first barrier that he must overcome. Kafka could not do this. He never learned to resist the environment alien to him.

Franz graduated from German gymnasium in Prague. Then in 1901-1905 he studied at the university jurisprudence and listened to lectures on the history of art and Germany. In 1906-1907, Kafka passed an internship in the law office and the Prague City Court. From October 1907 served in private insurance society, and in 1908 he was improved in this specialty under the Prague Commercial Academy. Although Franz Kafka had a doctoral degree, but occupied modest and low-paid positions, and since 1917, he could not work at all in full force, because he fell ill with tuberculosis.

Kafka decided to dissolve the second engagement with Felicia Bauer, quit from service and move to the village to his sister Ottle. In one of the letters of this period, he transfers his rolling state:

« In secret, I believe that my disease is not at all tuberculosis, but my general bankruptcy. I thought I could still stay, but it was impossible to stay anymore. Blood does not come out of the lungs, but from the wound caused by the usual or decisive blow of one of the wrestlers. This wrestler was now supported - tuberculosis, support so huge, which finds, say, a child in the folds of the maternal skirt. What does another want? Didn't the struggle reached the brilliant end? This is tuberculosis, and this is the end».

Franz Kafka was very painful with which he was constantly dealt with in life, - injustice, humiliation of man. He was devoted to genuine creativity and bowed to Goethe, Tolstoy, considered himself a student of Clay, a fan of Strindberg, was an enthusiastic admirer of the Russian classics, not only Tolstoy, but also Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Gogol, which wrote in his diaries.

But at the same time, Kafka, as it were, "second vision" saw himself from the side and felt his dissimilarity at all as a deformity, his "alien" perceived as a sin and curse.

Franz Kafka tormented the problems that were characteristic of Europe began the beginning of the century, his work is directly connected only with one, albeit a very influential direction of literature of the 20th century - modernist.

Everything that Kafka wrote is his literary designs, fragments, unfinished stories, dreams, which often did not differ from his novel, and sketches of the novel, similar to dreams, reflections on life, about literature and art, about read books and seen performances, Thoughts about writers, artists, actors - all this is a complete picture of his "fantastic internal life." Franz Kafka felt unlimited loneliness, so painful and at the same time welcome. He was continuously tormented by fears - before life, before non-free, but before freedom too. Franz Kafka was afraid to change anything in his life and at the same time he was treated with her usual way. The writer with such a piercing revealed the unceasing struggle with himself and with the surrounding reality that much in his novels and novels, which, at first glance, it seems the fruit of bizarre, sometimes sick fantasy, receives an explanation, discovers its realistic background, reveals as a purely autobiographic .

"He has no shelter, shelter. Therefore, it is provided to arbitrarily from what we are protected from. He is like naked among dressed, "Kafki's friend wrote, Czech journalist Milena Esenskaya.

Kafka was guarding the work of Balzac. Once he wrote about him: "Balzaka was inscribed on Costa:" I break all the obstacles. " On my: "All obstacles break me." Overall, we have a word "all".

Currently, Kafka's work is written more than about the work of any other Writer of the 20th century. This is most often explained by the fact that Kafka is considered a writer-prophet. He somehow incomprehensiblely managed to guess and even at the beginning of the century wrote about what will happen in the next decades. Then the plots of his works seemed purely abstract and fictional, but for some time it turned out a lot of what he wrote, and even in a more tragic form. Thus, the oven furnaces surpassed the most sophisticated torture described by him in the novel "in the penalty colony" (1914).

Exactly the same, it would seem abstract and unthinkable in his absurdity, the trial, which Franz Kafka portrayed in his "Process" in his novel, when an innocent person was sentenced to death, many times repeated and repeated until now in all countries of the world.

In another novel - "America" \u200b\u200b- Franz Kafka quite accurately predicted the further development of technical civilization with all its pluses and minuses, in which a person remains lonely in the mechanized world. And the last roman Kafka "Castle" also gives a fairly accurate - with all the grotesque image - a picture of the All-Russian bureaucratic apparatus, which in fact replaces any democracy.

In 1922, Kafka was forced to retire. In 1923, he made a long-conceived "escape" in Berlin, where he intended to live as a free writer. But his health has deteriorated sharply, and he was forced to return to Prague. He died in the suburb of Vienna in 1924. Buried the writer in the center of Prague at the Jewish cemetery.

Expressing the last will to his friend and degrees Max Brod, Kafka repeatedly repeated that, apart from five published books and prepared for the press of new novella, "everything without exception" should be burned. Now it is pointless to discuss, well or badly did M. Brod, who still broke the will of his friend and published all his handwritten heritage. The case is done: everything that was written by Franz Kafka, published, and readers have the opportunity to judge the work of this extraordinary writer, reading and rereading his works.

Franz Kafka (it. Franz Kafka, July 3, 1883, Prague, Austria-Hungary - June 3, 1924, Klosternoyburg, First Austrian Republic) - One of the prominent German-speaking writers of the 20th century, most of whose works were published posthumously. His works, imbued with absurd and fear of the outside world and the highest authority, capable of awakening the right disturbing feelings in the reader, is a unique phenomenon in world literature. Kafka was born on July 3, 1883 in a Jewish family living in the area of \u200b\u200bJosefov, the former Jewish ghetto of Prague (now the Czech Republic, at that time, part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire). His father - Herman (Genha) Kafka (1852-1931), took place from the Czech-speaking Jewish community in South Czech Republic, from 1882 he was a wholesale trader with haberdashery goods. Surname "Kafka" of Czech origin (Kavka means literally "dank"). On the corporate envelopes of Hermann Kafki, which Franz often used for letters, is depicted as this emblem, with a shuddering tail, a bird. Mother of the writer - Yulia Kafka (nee etl Levi) (1856-1934), the daughter of a wealthy brewer - preferred German. Kafka himself wrote in German, although Czech knew the same beautifully. He owned well and in French, and among five people whom the writer, "not claiming them to compare with them in power and mind," felt "his blood brothers," there was a French writer Gustave Flaubert. The remaining four: Franz Grillparter, Fedor Dostoevsky, Heinrich von Clayst and Nikolai Gogol. Being a Jew, Kafka nevertheless practically did not own Idishev and began to show interest in the traditional culture of Eastern European Jews only at twenty years under the influence of tours in Prague, Jewish theatrical troupe; Interest in Hebrew's study arose only by the end of his life. In 1923, Kafka, together with nineteen-year-old Daja Dimant, moved to Berlin in the hope of moving away from the influence of the family and concentrate on writing; Then he returned to Prague. Health at this time deteriorated: because of the aggravated tuberculosis, he was experiencing severe pain and could not take food. June 3, 1924 in the sanatorium under Vienna Kafka died. The cause of death probably became exhaustion. The body was transported to Prague, where it was buried on June 11, 1924 at the new Jewish cemetery in the Strahnice district, in the common married grave.

Franz Kafka. - One of the outstanding German-speaking writers of the 20th century, most of whose works were published posthumously. His works, imbued with absurd and fear of the outside world and the highest authority, capable of awakening the right disturbing feelings in the reader, is a unique phenomenon in world literature.

Kafka was born on July 3, 1883 in a Jewish family living in the ghetto of the city of Prague (Bohemia, at that time, part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire). His father - Herman Kafka (1852-1931), took place from the Czech-free Jewish community, from 1882 he was a merchant to haberdashery. Mother of the writer - Julia Kafka (LEV) (1856-1934) - preferred German. Kafka himself wrote in German, although Czech knew also perfectly. He also owned by French, and among the four people whom the writer, "not claiming them to compare with them in force and mind," felt "his blood brothers," there was a French writer Gustave Flaubert. The remaining three: Grillparter, Fedor Dostoevsky and Heinrich von Clayst.

Kafka had two younger brothers and three younger sisters. Both brothers, without reaching and bilateral age, died before Kafka turned 6 years old. Sisters called Ellie, Valley and Ottla. In the period from 1889 to 1893 Kafka visited the elementary school (Deutsche Knabenschule), and then the gymnasium, which was completed in 1901 by passing the exam for the certificate of maturity. Having finished the Prague Karlov University, he received a doctorate degree (Head of the work of Kafka over the dissertation was Professor Alfred Weber), and then he entered the service official in the insurance office, where he worked in modest positions to premature - on illness - retirement in 1922 Work for the writer was a secondary occupation. In the first plan there was always literature, "justifying all its existence." In 1917, a long tuberculosis began after pulmonary hemorrhage, from which the writer died on June 3, 1924 in the sanatorium near Vienna.

Asceticism, insecurity, self-seater and painful perception of the surrounding world - all these qualities of the writer are well documented in his letters and diaries, and especially in the "letter of the Father" - a valuable introspection in the relationship between the Father and the Son and in children's experience. Chronic diseases (psychosomatic or nature - this is a controversial question) was intimidated by him; In addition to tuberculosis, he suffered from migraine, insomnia, constipation, injections and other diseases. He tried to counteract all this naturopathic ways, such as a vegetarian diet, regular gymnastics and the use of a large number of unpasteurized cow's milk (the latter may have caused the cause of tuberculosis). As a schoolboy, he took an active part in the organization of literary and public meetings, made efforts to the organization and promotion of theatrical performances on Yiddish, despite concerns, even from his closest friends, such as Max Broad, who usually supported him in everything else, and contrary His own fear to be perceived repulsive both physically and mentally. The surrounding Kafka made an impression by his boyish, neat, strict appearance, calm and unmatched behavior, as well as his mind and an unusual sense of humor.

Café relations with their despotic father are an important component of his creativity, which also poured through the insolvency of the writer as a family man. In the period between 1912 and 1917, he cared for the Bullin girl Felicia Bauer, with which he was engaged twice and twice the engagement. Communicating with her mainly through the letters, Kafka created its image that did not fit the reality at all. And in fact they were very different people, which appears from their correspondence. (The second bride kafki became Julia Vhork, but the engagement again was dissolved soon). In the early 1920s, he had love relationship with a married Czech journalist, the writer and the translator of his works - Mylena Esenskaya. In 1923, Kafka, together with nineteen-year-old Daja Dimant, moved to Berlin for several months, in the hope of moving away from the influence of the family and concentrate on writing; Then he returned to Prague. Tuberculosis deteriorated at this time, and on June 3, 1924, Kafka died in the sanatorium under Vienna, probably from exhaustion. (Throat pain did not allow him to eat, and in those days, intravenous therapy was not developed to feed it with artificially). The body was transported to Prague, where it was buried on June 11, 1924 at the new Jewish cemetery.

During the life of Kafka, he published only a few short stories, who made up a very small share of his works, and his work attracted little attention, as long as his novels were not pos important. Before his death, he instructed his friend and literary showpric - Max Brod - to burn without exception everything was written (except, perhaps some copies of works that owners could leave themselves, but not republish them). His beloved Dormant Damant really destroyed the manuscripts with which she had (although not all), but Max Brother did not obey the will of the deceased and published most of his works, which soon began to attract attention to themselves. All his published creativity, except for several Czech-friendly letters Milena Esensk, was written in German.

(ratings: 1 , average: 5,00 out of 5)

Franz Kafka appeared on July 3, 1883, becoming the first child in the family of a successful German kafki merchant. He, his father, became the most terrible punishment of not only childhood writer, but also his whole life. Since the infancy of Kafka, he learned that such a strong father's hand. Once at night, being very small, Franz asked the Father of the Water, after which he got angry, locked a poor boy on the balcony. In general, Herman fully controlled his wife and children (there were three more girls in the family), mocked and morally pressed on households.

Because of the constant pressure, Franz early began to feel his own nonentity and feeling of guilt in front of the Father. He tried to find a way to hide from the evil reality, and found him - oddly enough, in the books.

During his studies in classical gymnasium, Kafka is accepted for writing activities, and in recent years it constantly created new works. In the mug of the liberal Jewish student of the University of Prague, where Franz studied jurisprudence, he meets Max Brod. This energetic, strong well done soon becomes the best friend of the young writer, and later will play the most important role in the transfer of the creative inheritance of Kafa to the public. In addition, it is thanks to Max Franz continues to live, contrary to the sad work of a lawyer and the general absence of inspiration. Brod, in the end, almost makes the young writer start publishing.

Father pressing did not stop even after Franz became an adult. He constantly reproached the Son that he earns very little. As a result, the writer is arranged to work ... into the asbestos factory. In vain sheltering its energy and time, Kafka begins to seriously think about suicide. Fortunately, the performances of the Lviv nomadic theater distract him from such thoughts.

The father's ban on intimate relationships with women was so much influenced by the Franz's psyche that he was already standing on the threshold of a married life, he fed back. It happened twice - for the first time with Felicia Bauer, and for the second time - with Yulia Vochorki.

In the last year of life, Kafka met his best girlfriend - Dora Diamant. For the sake of her, he can still say, at last a mature, leaving his parents in Prague and going to live with her to Berlin. Even a short time, the remaining pair, they could not live happily: the attacks were studied, tuberculosis progressed. Franz Kafka died on June 3, 1924 - after the week could not have anything and finally lost his voice ...

Franz Kafka, Bibliography

Everything books Franz Kafki:

"Description of one struggle"
"Wedding Cooking in the village"
"Talk with praying"
"Talking with drunk"
"Airplanes in Brescia"
"Prayer room of women"
In collaboration with Max Brod: "The first long-distance railway trip"
In collaboration with Max Brod: "Richard and Samuel: a little journey through Central Europe"
"Big noise"
"Before the law"
"School teacher"
"Blumfeld, old bachelor"
"Watchhel Scoop"
"Hunter Grakhch"
"How the Chinese wall was built"
"Riding on the bucket"
"In our synagogue"
"In the attic"
"Studies of one dog"
"It. Records of 1920 "
"To the series" He ""
Collection "Caras"
"In a correctional colony"
Collection "Contemplation"
"Children on the road"
"Exposed undergoing"
"Sudden walk"
"Walk to the mountains"
"Mount Bachelor"
"Scattered looking out the window"
"Way home"
"Runing by"
"Riders to think"
"Window to the street"
"The desire to become an Indian"
Collection "Rural doctor"
"New Lawyer"
"Rural doctor"
"On the gallery"
"Before the law"
"Shakaly and Arabs"
"Mine's visit"
"Neighboring Village"
"Imperial Message"
"Care of the head of the family"
"Eleven Sons"
"Report for the Academy"
Collection "Horodar"
"First Mountain"
"Small woman"
"Singer Josephine, or Mouse People"
Small prose
"Knock on the gate"
"New lamps"
"Rail passengers"
"Ordinary History"
"True about Sancho Panse"
"Silence silence"
"Commonwealth of Scounders"
"City coat of arms"
"At night"
"Refined petition"
"To the question of laws"
"Set of recruits"
"Sophisticated Chet"
"Comment (not nading!)"
"About the parables"
"America" \u200b\u200b("missing")

The biography of Franz Kafka is not saturated with events that attract the attention of the writers of the current generation. The Great Writer lived quite monotonous and short life. At the same time, Franz was a figure of a strange and mysterious, and many secrets inherent in this master of the pen, excitement of the minds of readers to this day. Although the books of Kafki are a great literary heritage, in life the writer did not receive recognition and glory and did not recognize what real triumph is.

Shortly before his death, Franz bequeathed to the best friend - journalist Max Brod - burn the manuscript, but the ferrod, knowing that in the future every word kafki would be valued for the weight of gold, dried up the last will of the buddy. Thanks to Max Creation, Franz saw the light and had a tremendous effect on the literature of the 20th century. The works of Kafki, such as Labyrinth, "America", "Angels do not fly", "Castle", etc., are required to read in higher educational institutions.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born the firstborn on July 3, 1883 in the large economic and cultural center of the Multinational Austro-Hungarian Empire - the city of Prague (now the Czech Republic). At that time, the empire was inhabited by Jews, the Czechs and the Germans, who, living side by side, could not peacefully coexist each other, so in the cities reigned the depressed mood and sometimes anti-Semitic phenomena were traced. The kafku did not worry political issues and interethnic patterns, but the future writer felt elected to the side of life: social phenomena and the emerging xenophobia left a mark on his character and consciousness.

Also on the identity of Franz influenced parents: being a child, he did not get love of his father and felt his burden in the house. Franz Ros and brought up in a small quarter of Josephs in a German-speaking family of Jewish origin. The Father of the Writer - Herman Kafka - was the merchant of Middle Hand, retail traded clothes and other haberdashery goods. Mother of the writer Julia Kafka took place from a noble kind of prosperous brewer Jacob Levi and was a highly educated young lady.

Also, Franz had three sisters (two younger brothers died in early childhood without reaching two years). While the head of the family disappeared in the cloth shop, and Julia watched the girls, the young Kafka was granted to himself. Then, in order to dilute the gray linen of life with bright colors, Franz began to invent small stories, which, however, did not interest anyone. The head of the family influenced the formation of literary lines and on the nature of the future writer. Compared to a two-meter man who also had a bass voice, Franz felt his plebem. This feeling of physical inferiority pursued kafku throughout his life.

Kafka-senior saw in the successor of the business heir, but a closed, shy boy did not comply with the requirements of the Father. Herman used harsh education methods. In a written parent writing, which did not come to the addressee, Franz recalled how night was put on a cold and dark balcony due to the fact that he asked water. This childhood insult caused a sense of injustice in the writer:

"After years, I still suffered from the painful idea, like a huge man, my father, the highest instance, almost without any reason - at night, can come to me, pull out the bed and take it on the balcony - that means that I was for Him, "the memories of Kafka shared.

From 1889 to 1893, the future writer studied at elementary school, then entered the gymnasium. As a student, a young man participated in university amateur activities and organized theatrical performances. After receiving the certificate of maturity, Franz accepted the University of Faculty of Faculty of Karlov. In 1906, Kafka received a doctoral degree right. The head of the scientific work of the writer was the German sociologist and economist.


Franz Kafka considered literary activities the main goal in life, although he was considered a high-ranking official in the insurance office. Due to the disease, Kafka retired before the time. The author of the Process was a hardworking worker and was highly appreciated by the boss, but Franz hated this position and unflattered responded about the leaders and subordinates. He wrote Kafka for himself and believed that literature justifies his existence and helps to slip away from the harsh realities of being. Franz did not in a hurry to publish the works, because he felt pristently.

All his manuscripts carefully collected Max Bard, with whom the writer met at the meeting of the student club dedicated to. Bard insisted that Kafka printed his stories, and in the end the Creator surrendered: in 1913 the collection "Contemplation" comes out. Critics responded about Kafka as an innovator, but the self-critical master of the pen was dissatisfied with his own creativity, which considered the necessary element of being. Also during the life of Franz, readers became acquainted only with a minor part of his work: many significant novels and kafki stories saw the light only after his death.

In the autumn of 1910, Kafka, together with Brod, went to Paris. But after 9 days, due to sharp pain in the stomach, the writer left Cesanna's country and parmesan. At that time, Franz and begins his first novel "Missing Missing", which was later renamed to "America". Most of their creations Kafka wrote in German. If you contact the originals, it is almost everywhere that there is a blessing language without pretentious revolutions and other literary delights. But this gray and triviality is combined with absurd and mysterious unusualness. Most of the works of the master is impregnated from crust to crust fear in front of the outside world and the highest court.

This feeling of anxiety and despair is transmitted to the reader. But also Franz was a subtle psychologist, more precisely, this talented person scrupulously described the reality of this world without sentimental glitters, but with impeccable metaphoric turnover. It is worth remembering the story "Transformation", at which in 2002 the Russian film was withdrawn with in the lead role.

Evgeny Mironov in the film on the book of Franz Kafka "Transformation"

The plot of the story rotates around Gregor, a typical young man who works as a community and financially helps his sister and parents. But irreparable happened: Gregor turned into a huge insect in the morning. Thus, the protagonist became an outcast, from which relatives and relatives turned away: they did not pay attention to the beautiful inner world of the hero, they were worried about the terrible appearance of a terrible creature and inspired flour, which he was unconsciously obscured (for example, could not earn money on their own In the room and scareta guests).

Illustration to the novel Franz Kafka "Castle"

But during the preparation for the publication (which was not fulfilled because of disagreements with the editor) Kafka put an ultimatum. The writer insisted that there was no illustrations with insect on the cover of the book. From here there are many interpretations of this story - from the physical ailment to spiritual disorders. Moreover, events to the metamorphosis of Kafka, following its own manner, does not disclose, but puts the reader before the fact.

Illustration to the novel Franz Kafa "Process"

Roman "Process" is another significant work of the writer, published posthumously. It is noteworthy that this creation was created at the moment when the writer was engaged in the engagement with Felicia Bauer and felt as an accused, who should everyone. And the last conversation with the beloved and her sister Franz compared with the Tribunal. This product with a nonlinear narrative can be considered unfinished.

In fact, initially Kafka worked on the manuscript continuously and entered the short fragments of the Process in the notebook, which was recorded and other stories. From this notebook, Franz often pulled out sheets, so it was almost impossible to restore the landing of the novel. In addition, in 1914, Kafka admitted that it was visited by a creative crisis, so work on the book was suspended. The main hero of the Process - Josef K. (It is noteworthy that instead of a full-fledged name, the author gives his heroes initials) - wakes up in the morning and finds out that it is arrested. However, the true reason for the detention is unknown, this fact is circumscribed by the hero on suffering and flour.

Personal life

Franz Kafka treated Pretchily to his own appearance. For example, before leaving the university, the young writer could stand in front of a mirror for hours, scrupulously examining the face and combing hair. In order not to be "humiliated and offended", Franz, who always considered himself a white crow, dressed in the latest fashion trends. The contemporaries of Kafka made an impression of a decent, intelligent and calm person. It is also known that the fragile health is a thin writer supported himself in shape and, being a student, was fond of sports.

But I did not get a relationship with women, although Kafka was not deprived of the attention of lovely ladies. The fact is that the writer for a long time remained in ignorance relatively intimate proximity to the girls, until he had come to the Silk to the local "Lupanarium" - the quarter of the Red Lanterns. Looking through the carnal joy, Franz instead of the laptop experienced only disgust.

The writer adhered to the line of the behavior of Askta and, like, ran out of the crown, as if fear of serious relationships and family obligations. For example, with Freulein Felicia Bauer Master Feather broke his engagement twice. Kafka often described this girl in his letters and diaries, but the image that appears in the heads of readers, does not correspond to reality. Among other things, the famous writer had amur relations with the journalist and the translator Mylena Esenskaya.


Kafki was constantly tormented by chronic diseases, but it is unknown whether they were psychosomatic. Franz suffered from obstruction of the intestines, frequent headaches and lack of sleep. But the writer did not give his hands, but tried to cope with the ailments with the help of a healthy lifestyle: Kafka adhered to a balanced diet, tried not to use meat, he was engaged in sports and saws pair milk. However, all attempts to bring their physical condition to the appropriate appearance are vain.

In August 1917, doctors diagnosed in Franz Kafki a terrible disease - tuberculosis. In 1923, the Master of Feather left his homeland (went to Berlin) Together with a certain Diamond and wanted to concentrate on writing. But at that time, the health of the kafki was only aggravated: the pain in the throat became intolerable, and the writer could not take food. In the summer of 1924, the great author of works died in the hospital.

Monument "Franz Kafka Head" in Prague

It is possible that exhaustion was the cause of death. The grave of Franz is located on the new Jewish cemetery: the body of the kafka transported from Germany to Prague. In memory of the writer, not one documentary filmed, monuments were established (for example, Franz Kafka's head in Prague), and the museum was erected. Also, the creativity of Kafka had a tangible impact on writers of the next years.


  • I am writing differently than I say, I speak differently, what I think, I think differently, what should think, and so to the darkest depths.
  • Understand the neighbor much easier if you don't know anything about him. Conscience then does not torment ...
  • As it could not be worse, it became better.
  • Leave me my books. That's all I have.
  • The form is not an expression of the content, but only the bait, gate and the path to the content. It will raise an action - then the hidden back plan will open.


  • 1912 - "Verdict"
  • 1912 - "Transformation"
  • 1913 - "Contemplation"
  • 1914 - "In a correctional colony"
  • 1915 - "Process"
  • 1915 - "Caras"
  • 1916 - "America"
  • 1919 - "Rural doctor"
  • 1922 - "Castle"
  • 1924 - "Horodar"