Lion Tolstoy Children's Years Life Biography. Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy - biography, information, personal life

Lion Tolstoy Children's Years Life Biography. Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy - biography, information, personal life

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy Born on August 28 (September 9) of 1828 in the estate of the Mother of the Casual Polyana of the Krapyven County of the Tula province. Tolstoy family belonged to the bagatom and aware of the County Child. By the time of the birth of Lion in the family, there were already three senior sons: - Nikolai (1823-1860), Sergey (1826 -1904) and Dmitry (1827 - 1856), and in 1830 the younger sister of Lion Maria was born.

A few years later, mother died. In the autobiographical "childhood", the Mother of Hirtienev dies when the boy turns 10 - 12 years and he is quite conscious. However, the portrait of the mother is described by the writer exclusively from the stories of his relatives. After the death of the mother, the divergent children took on the upbringing of the far relative T. A. Yergolskaya. It is represented by Sonya from the "War and Peace".

In 1837, the family moved to Moscow, because The older brother Nicholas was necessary to prepare for admission to the university. But in the family suddenly there was a tragedy - a father died, leaving things in poor condition. Three younger children were forced to return to a clear polar to the upbringing of T. A. Ergolskaya and the aunt of the Father, Countess A. M. Osten-Saken. Here Lion Tolstoy remained until 1840. This year, Countess A. M. Osten-Saken and children moved to Kazan to the sister of Father P. I. Yushkova. This period of his life L. N. Tolstoy quite accurately handed over in the autobiography "Childhood".

Tolstoy at the first stage received education under the leadership of the rude governor-French Saint-Tom. It is depicted by a certain M-R press from "Defense." In the future, he was replaced by a good-natured German Reselman. His Lion Nikolayevich depicted in the "childhood" under the name of Karl Ivanovich.

In 1843, after Brother Tolstoy entered Kazan University. There, until 1847, Lion Tolstoy was preparing for admission to the only eastern faculty in Russia on the category of Arabic-Turkish literature. For the year, Tolstoy's studies showed itself as a better student of this course. However, between the family of the poet with the teacher of Russian history and German, some Ivanov, there was a conflict. This resulted in the fact that, according to the results of the year, L. N. Tolstoy had unsuccessful to the relevant subjects and was to re-pass the first course program. To avoid full repetition of the course, the poet is translated into the Faculty of Law. But there are problems with the teacher of German and Russian to continue. Soon Tolstoy loses all interest in study.

In the spring of 1847, Lev Nikolayevich throws the university and settles in a clear Polyana. Everything was engaged in Tolstoy in the village, you can find out by reading the "Morning of the landowner", where the poet itself is in the role of Nehludov. There was a lot of time left for couments, games and hunting.

In the spring of 1851, on the advice of the elder brother Nicholas, to reduce costs and pay off the debts, Lev Nikolaevich leaves for the Caucasus.

In the fall in 1851, he became a junker of the 4th battery of the 20th artillery brigade, which was standing in the Cossack Stanza Stanogladov under Kizlyar. Soon L.N. Tolstoy became an officer. When the Crimean War Lev Nikolayevich began at the end of 1853 to translated into the Danube army, participated in battles with Oltenice and Silistrics. From November 1854 to August 1855 participated in the defense of Sevastopol. After the assault on August 27, 1855, Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy was sent to St. Petersburg. There began a noisy life: battleships, cards and couments with Gypsies.

In St. Petersburg, L.N. Tolstoy met with the employees of the magazine "Contemporanik" with N.A. Nekrasov, I.S.Turgenyev, I.A. Balovov, N.G. Chernyshevsky.

At the beginning of 1857, Tolstoy goes abroad. In the roads around Germany, Switzerland, England, Italy, France, he holds a year and a half. Traveling does not bring him pleasure. He expressed his disappointment of European life in the story "Lucerne". And returning to Russia, Lev Nikolayevich took up the improvement of schools in the Casual Polyana.

At the end of the 1850s, Tolstoy was called with Sofia Andreevna Bers of 1844, the daughter of the Moscow doctor from the Ostsey Germans. He was almost 40 years old, and Sofa is only 17. It seemed to him that this difference was too large and sooner or later Sophia would love the young inener guy. These experiences of Leo Nikolayevich are set out in his first novel "Family Happiness".

In September 1862, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy still married 18-year-old Sophia Andreevna Bers. For 17 years of life, 13 children were born. In the same period, "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" were created. In 1861-62 Finishes its story "Cossacks", the first of the works in which the great talent of Tolstoy was recognized as ingenious.

At the beginning of the 70s, Tolstoy again shows interest in pedagogy, writes "Azbuka" and "new alphabet", compounds fables and stories that made up four "Russian reading books".

To give an answer to the radiating questions and doubts of a religious nature, Lev Nikolaevich began to study theology. In 1891, in Geneva, the writer writes and publishes a "study of dogmatic theology," in which the "Orthodox-Dogmatic theology" criticizes Bulgakov. He first interviews with priests and monarchs, read the Godoslav paths, studied the ancient Greek and Hebrew languages. Tolstoy gets acquainted with the splitters, premges to the peasants sectors.

At the beginning of 1900 Holy Synod Lev Nikolayevich was excommunicated from the Orthodox Church. L. N. Tolstoy lost all interest in life, he was tired of embodying well-being achieved, the thought of suicide arose. He is fond of simple physical labor, becomes a vegetarian, gives the family all his sickness, refuses the rights of literary property.

On November 10, 1910, Tolstoy secretly left the clear clearing, but on the road heavily sick. November 20, 1910 at the station Astapovo Ryazan-Ural Railway Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy died.

Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born on August 28, 1828 in the estate of his father with a clear clearing, in the Tula province. Tolstoy - old Russian nobility name; One representative of this family, head of the Petrovsky Mystery Police Peter Tolstoywas produced in graphs. Tolstoy mother - nee princess Volkonskaya. His father and mother served as best practices for Nikolai Rostov and Princess Maryi in War and the world (see a summary and analysis of this novel). They belonged to the highest Russian aristocracy, and the generic belonging to the highest layer of the ruling class sharply distinguishes the thick of other writers of his time. He never forgot about her (even when his awareness became completely negative), always remained an aristocrat and kept aside from the intelligentsia.

Childhood and adolescence of Lion Tolstoy passed between Moscow and the clear clearing, in a large family, where there were several brothers. He left unusually living memories of his early environment, about his relatives and servants, in wonderful autobiographics notes that P. I. Biryukov wrote for his biographer. His mother died when he was two years old, his father - when he was nine years old. His further education was the aunt, Madmoiselle Yergolskaya, allegedly served by the sony's prototype in War and the world.

Lion Tolstoy in youth. Photo 1848

In 1844, Tolstoy entered the Kazan University, where he first studied oriental languages, and then right, but in 1847 he left the university without receiving a diploma. In 1849, he settled in a clear clearing, where he tried to become useful to his peasants, but soon realized that his efforts did not benefit, because he lacks knowledge. In the student years and after leaving the university, he, as it was found in the young people of his class, led a messy life, filled with chase for pleasures - wine, cards, women, - a little similar to that life, which Pushkin led before reference to the south. But Tolstoy was unable to make life as it eaten with a light heart. From the very beginning, his diary (existing since 1847) testifies to the incompletent thirst for mental and moral justification of life, thirst, which forever remained the guide of his thoughts. The same diary was the first experience of producing the technique of psychological analysis, which was subsequently the chief literary weapons of Tolstoy. The first attempt to try itself in a more purposeful and creative kind of writing belongs to 1851.

Tolstoy lion tragedy. Documentary

In the same year, experiencing disgust to his empty and useless Moscow life, he went to the Caucasus to the Terek Cossacks, where he entered the Junker to the garrison artillery (Juncher means a volunteer, solid-definite, but noble origin). The following year (1852) he graduated from his first story ( Childhood) and sent it to Nekrasov to publish in Contemporary. Negrasov immediately accepted it and wrote about this thick in very encouraging colors. The story had immediate success, and Tolstoy immediately moved to a noticeable place in the literature.

On the battery, the Lion Tolstoy led the rather light and high-life of the Junker with the means; The place for it was also pleasant. He had a lot of free time, most of whom he spent on hunting. In those few battles in which he had to participate, he showed himself very well. In 1854, he received an officer rank and at his request was translated into the army, fought with the Turks in Valahia (see the Crimean War), where he took part in the siege of the sylistria. In the autumn of the same year, he joined the Sevastopol garrison. There, Tolstoy saw a real war. He participated in the defense of the famous fourth bastion and in the battle on a black river and ridiculous a bad command in a satirical song - the only one known for us in verses. In Sevastopol they were written by the famous Sevastopol storieswho appeared in ContemporaryWhen the siege of Sevastopol still continued, which was very strengthened the interest in their author. Shortly after the restoration of Sevastopol, Tolstoy went on vacation to St. Petersburg and Moscow, and the next year came out of the army.

Only during these years, after the Crimean War, Tolstoy communicated with the literary world. The writers of St. Petersburg and Moscow met him as an outstanding masters and a fellow. As he confessed later, the success was very praised by his vanity and Gordin. But he did not come down with the writers. He was too aristocrat, so that he could face this semi-hydrain intelligentsia. For him, they were too awkward plebeans, they were indignant that they clearly prefers to their company. On this occasion, they with Turgenev exchanged prolite epigram. On the other hand, his most his mind warehouse was not the heart of progressive Westerns. He did not believe in no progress or culture. In addition, his displeasure literary world increased due to the fact that their new works disappointed them. All he wrote after Childhood, no movement to innovations and development has not shown, and the criticism of Tolstoy failed to understand the experimental value of these imperfect works (see more detail in the article, the early creativity of Tolstoy). All this contributed to its cessation of relations with the literary world. The culmination was a noisy quarrel with Turgenev (1861), which he called on a duel, and then brought his apologies for it. All this story is very typical, and the character of Lion Tolstoy appeared in it, with his coded confusion and sensitivity to the offended, with his intolerance to the imaginary superiority of other people. The only writers with whom he retained friendly relations were the reactionary and "Land Lord" Fet (in the house of which a quarrel with Turgenev) and Democrat-Slavophil Strahov - People who do not sympathize with the main direction of the then progressive thought of the main direction.

Years 1856-1861 Tolstoy spent between Petersburg, Moscow, clear clearing and abroad. He traveled abroad in 1857 (and again - in 1860-1861) and made out there disgust to egoism and materialism of the European bourgeois Civilization. In 1859, he opened a school in a clear Poland for peasant children and in 1862 began to publish a pedagogical journal Yasnaya Polyanawhere the progressive world was surprised by the statement that non-intellectuals should teach the peasants, but rather the peasants of the intellectuals. In 1861, he accepted the post of world mediator, the post introduced to monitor the liberation of peasants. But unsatisfied thirst for moral strength continued to torment him. He threw rampant his youth and began to think about marriage. In 1856, he made the first unsuccessful attempt to marry (on Arsenyeva). In 1860, he was deeply shocked by the death of his brother Nikolai - it was his first meeting with the inevitable reality of death. Finally, in 1862, after a long fluctuations (he was convinced that since he was old - thirty-four years old! - and ugly, no woman will love him) Tolstoy made the proposal Sofa Andreevna Bers, and it was accepted. They got married in September of the same year.

Marriage is one of the two main milestones of Tolstoy's life; the second milestone was his appeal. He was always pursued by one concern - how to justify her life before her conscience and to achieve persistent moral well-being. When he was a bachelor, he hesitated between two opposite desires. The first was a passionate and hopeless aspiration to the one-piece and ungraining, "natural" state, which he found among the peasants and especially among the Cossacks, in whose village he lived in the Caucasus: this condition does not seek self-defining, for it is free from self-consciousness, this excuse requiring. He tried to find such not asked by the state in conscious submission to animal impulses, in the life of his friends and (and then he was closest to his achievement) in his beloved lesson - hunt. But he was unable to be satisfied with this forever, and another as a passionate desire - to find a rational justification of life - he widdled him aside every time he seemed to him that he had already reached his satisfaction. The marriage was for him the gates into a more stable and prolonged "natural state". It was a self-defense of life and permission to the painful problem. Family life, who does not like her acceptance and subordination to it from now on, has become his religion.

The first fifteen years of his marriage life of Tolstoy lived in the blissful state of satisfied predominance, with a peaceful conscience and who defined the need for a higher rational excuse. The philosophy of this vegetable conservatism is expressed with a huge creative force in War and the world (see a summary and analysis of this novel). In family life, he was extremely happy. Sofya Andreevna, almost yet a girl when he married her, without difficulty, was what he wanted to do it; He explained her new philosophy to her, and she was her disadvantaged hard and unchanged custodian, which led to the eventually to break the family. The writer's spouse turned out to be an ideal wife, mother and hostess at home. In addition, she became a loyal husband's assistant in literary work - everyone knows that she rewritten seven times War and Mir from the beginning to the end. She gave birth to a thickness of the many sons and daughters. She did not have a personal life: the whole she was dissolved in the life of the family.

Thanks to the Tolstovsky reasonable management of estates (Clear Polyana was just a place of residence; income brought a large Valvian estate) and selling his works The condition of the family increased, as the family itself. But Tolstoy, although absorbed and satisfied with his self-elevant life, although glorified her with an unsurpassed artistic force in the best of his novel, nevertheless was not able to completely dissolve in family life, as his wife was dissolved. "Life in art" also did not absorb him as his fellow. The worm of moral thirst, although communicated to tiny sizes, never died. Tolstoy constantly worried about the questions and requirements of morality. In 1866 he defended (unsuccessfully) before the soldier's military court, accused of hitting the officer. In 1873, he published articles about folk education, on the basis of which insightful critic Mikhailovsky He managed to predict the further development of his ideas.

On November 20 (November 7, on the old style), there is an exactly one hundred years since the death of the Russian writer Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

Great Russian writer, playwright, publicist, Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born on September 9 (August 28 in the old style) of 1828 in the estate of the Casual Polyana of the Historian County of the Tula province (now the Shchekinsky district of the Tula region) in one of the most significant Russian nobility families. He was the fourth child in the family. The childhood of the future writer passed in the Casual Polyana. He is early orphaned, having lost her mother first, who died when the boy was two years, and then the father.

In 1837, the family moved from the clear Polyana to Moscow. The guardian orphaned children became their aunt, the sister of the father of Alexander Ilyinichna Osten-Saken. In 1841, after her death, the young Tolstoy and her sister and three brothers moved to Kazan, where another aunt lived - Pelagia Ilyinichna Yushkov, who became their guardian.

In Kazan, the fat man was held. In 1844, he entered the Kazan University for the Department of Eastern Languages \u200b\u200bof the Faculty of Philosophy, then transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied the incomplete two years: the classes did not cause him interest and he indulged in secular entertainment. In the spring of 1847, disappointed in university education, he filed a petition for dismissal from the university "on upset health and home circumstances" and went to the Casual Polyana, received by him in the Section of the Father's Inheritance.

In Casual Polyana Tolstoy engaged in self-education; He tried to reroach the life of the peasants, however, who was disappointed with an unsuccessful experience of business, in the fall of 1847 he left first to Moscow, where a secular life was led, and in the spring of 1849 he went to St. Petersburg to keep exams at the University of Candidate of Law. The image of his life during this period often changed: he was preparing and surrendered exams, he was passionately given to music, he intended to start an official career, determined in the fall of 1849 by the stationery service to the Tula noble deputy meeting, he dreamed of entering a juncher to the Connogvardesky Regiment. The religious moods of Tolstoy during this period, reaching asceticism, alternated with couments, cards, trips to the gypsies. In his family, he was considered "the most trivial small", and then he managed to give only many years later. However, it was during these years that he had a serious desire to write and appeared the first unfinished artistic sketches.

In the spring of 1851, on the advice of the elder brother Nikolai, Lev Nikolayevich entered military service in the Caucasus. In the autumn of 1851, he became a junker of the 4th battery of the 20th artillery brigade, and then passing the exam for the junior officer rank, became an officer.

In 1851-1853, Tolstoy participated in hostilities in the Caucasus (first as a volunteer, then an artillery officer), and in 1854 he went to the Danube army. Soon after the start of the Crimean War, he was in a personal request, translated into Sevastopol.

From November 1854 to August 1855, he participated in the defense of Sevastopol (in the departed city, he fought on the famous 4 m bastion). He was awarded the Order of Anna and medals "for the protection of Sevastopol" and "in memory of the war 1853-1856.". More than once, he was represented by the Award of the Boat Georgievsky Cross, but he did not receive "Georgy".

The impression of the writer from the Caucasian War was reflected in the stories of the "raid" (1853), "Riding Forest" (1855), "demoted" (1856), in the story "Cossacks" (1852 -1863), art essays "Sevastopol in December" (1855 ), "Sevastopol in May" (1855) and "Sevastopol in August 1855" (1856). These essays called "Sevastopol stories", made a huge impression on Russian society. In the Caucasus, the story "Childhood" was completed, which was published under the title "History of My Childhood" in the magazine "Contemporary" for 1852 and brought a lot of great success and the glory of one of the most talented Russian writers. Two years later, also in the "contemporary" there was a continuation - a story "adolescence", and in 1857 the story "Youth" was published.

In November 1855, Tolstoy arrived in St. Petersburg and immediately entered the "Contemporary" circle (Nikolai Nekrasov, Ivan Turgenev, Alexey Ostrovsky, Ivan Goncharov, etc.).

In the fall of 1856, Lion Tolstoy, having resigned in the rank of Lieutenant, went to a clear clearing, and at the beginning of 1857 went abroad. He visited France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany (Swiss impressions are reflected in the story of "Lucerne"), in the fall returned to Moscow, then in a clear clearing, where he was engaged in the improvement of schools.

In 1859, he opened a school in a clear Poland for peasant children, and then helped open more than 20 schools in the surrounding villages. To direct their activities on the faithful, from his point of view, the path, he published the pedagogical magazine "Clear Polyana" (1862). Tolstoy wrote eleven articles about school and pedagogy ("On folk education", "Education and education", "On public activities in the field of public education", etc.).

In order to study the formulation of a school case in foreign countries, the writer in 1860 secondly went abroad.

In May 1861 (the year of the cancellation of serfdom), he returned to a clear clearing, where, having accepted the position of world mediator, actively defended the interests of the peasants, solving their disputes with landowners about the Earth. Soon the Tula nobility, dissatisfied with his actions, demanded that his post from office and in 1862 Senate issued a decree on the dismissal of Tolstoy. The secret observation of it on the part of the III branch began.

In the summer of 1862, after a police search, the Tolstoy had to close the Yasopolyan school and stop the publication of the pedagogical journal. The reason was the suspicion of the authorities in the fact that students who taught at school were engaged in anti-government activities.

In September 1862, Tolstoy married the daughter of the Moscow doctor Sophie Andreevna Bers and immediately after the wedding, he took his wife from Moscow to a clear clearing, where he was completely given to family life and economic concerns. For 17 years of life, 13 children were born.

From autumn 1863 to 1869, Lion Tolstoy worked on the novel "War and Peace".

In the early 1870s, the writer again became fascinated by pedagogy and he creates a "alphabet" and "new alphabet" and constitutes a "book for reading", where he included many of his stories.

In the spring of 1873, Tolstoy began and after four years finished work on a big novel about modernity, calling him named the main character - "Anna Karenina".

The spiritual crisis experienced by Tolstoy in late 1870 - early 1880, ended with a fracture in his worldview. In the "confession" (1879-1882) the writer speaks of a coup in his views, the meaning of which he saw in the gap with the ideology of the noble class and the transition to the side of the "simple labor nation".

In the early 1880s, Tolstoy's family moved to Moscow to enforce to educate children. From this time, the winter was held in Moscow.

In the 1880s, there was a tiny "death of Ivan Ilich" and "Holtomer" ("Horses History"), "Creichera Sonata", the story "Devil", the story "Father Sergius".

In 1882, he participates in the census of the Moscow population, it becomes close to the life of the inhabitants of the city slums, which described in the treatise "So what do we do?" (1882-1886).

In patrimony, in the likeness of themselves, people from the people of Tolstoy saw the purpose and debt of nobles, intellectuals - everyone who enters the preferred estates. During this period, the writer comes to a complete denial of his previous literary activity, is engaged in physical labor, plows, sews boots, goes to vegetarian food.

In the 1880s, a conflict arises between the Tolstoy and Sofia, the conflict arises due to the property and income from the essays of the writer. On May 21, 1883, he gave his wife a complete power of attorney to maintain all property cases, two years later divided all his property between his wife, sons and daughters. He wanted to distribute all his property to those who need, but he stopped the threat to his wife to declare him crazy and establish custody over him. Sophia Andreevna defended the interests and well-being of families and children. Tolstoy provided to all publishers the right to free publication of all its writings, published after 1881 (this year Tolstoy considered the year of his own moral fracture). But Sofya Andreevna demanded the privileges for themselves for the publication of the collection of husbands. In relations between Tolstoy and his wife and sons, mutual alienation increases.

The new world of the writer is also reflected in his articles "On the census in Moscow", "about hunger", "What is art?", "Slavery of our time", "about Shakespeare and Drama", "I can't be silent." In these and subsequent years, Tolstoy also writes religious philosophical writings: "Criticism of dogmatic theology", "What is my faith?", "Connection, translation and study of the four Gospels", "God's kingdom inside you." In them, the writer not only showed a change in his religious moral views, but also criticized the main dogmas and principles of the teachings of the official church.

Socially religious and philosophical quest led Tolstoy to creating their own religious philosophical system (hoodies). Tolstoy preached in life and artwork the need for moral improvement, universal love, non-resistance to evil violence, for which they were attacked both by the revolutionary democratic figures and from the Church. In the early 1900s, he writes a number of articles that expose the entire system of government. The government of Nicholas II makes a decree on which Holy Synod (the Higher Church Establishment of Russia) in February 1901 leaves the Tolstoy from the Orthodox Church as "heretics".

In 1901, the writer lived in Crimea, was treated after severe illness.

In the last decade, he wrote the story "Haji Murat", the play "Live Corpse", "Power of Darkness", "Fruits of Enlightenment", "After Bala" stories, "For what?", Roman "Sunday".

In the last years of life, Tolstoy was in the center of intrigue and contention between the "Toppers", on the one hand, and his wife who defended the well-being of his family, children on the other.

On July 22, 1910, Tolstoy made a will, in which he provided to all publishers the right to publish their works - as written after 1881 and earlier. A new testament exacerbated relations with his wife.

On November 10 (October 28, on the old style), 1910 at five o'clock in the morning, Lion Tolstoy, accompanied by only a personal doctor of Dushan Makovitsky, secretly left a clear clearing. In the path, Tolstoy fell ill, he rose a temperature and he was forced to get off the train, which followed Rostov-on-Don. On the small railway station Astapovo Ryazan-Ural Railway in the house of the head of the station Station, the writer spent the last seven days of his life. Doctors identified inflammation of the lungs.

November 20 (November 7, in the old style) of 1910 at the station Astapovo (now the station Lev Tolstoy) Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy died. His funeral in the Casual Polyana became an all-Russian scale event.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich (28.08. (09.09.) 1828- 07 (20) .11.1910)

Russian writer, philosopher. Born in Casual Polyana, Tula province, in a rich aristocratic family. Entered the Kazan University, but then left him. At the age of 23, went to war with Chechnya and Dagestan. Here I began to write the trilogy "childhood", "adolescence", "Youth".

In the Caucasus participated in hostilities, being an artillery officer. During the Crimean War, went to Sevastopol, where he continued to fight. After the end of the war went to St. Petersburg and in the magazine "Contempor" published "Sevastopol stories", in which his outstanding writer talent brightly reflected. In 1857, Tolstoy went on a journey through Europe, which disappointed him.

From 1853 to 1863 He wrote the story of "Cossacks", after which he decided to interrupt literary activities and become a landowner landowner, engaging in the village. To this end, he left for a clear clearing, where he opened a school for peasant children and created his own pedagogy system.

In 1863-1869. He wrote his fundamental work "War and Peace". In 1873-1877 Created a novel "Anna Karenina". At the same years, the worldview of a writer, known as the "Topstone", is fully formed, the essence of which is visible in the works: "Confession", "What is my faith?", Crecera Sonata.

The doctrine is described in the philosophical and religious works "Study of dogmatic theology", "Connection and translation of the four Gospels", where the main emphasis is made on the moral cultivation of a person, the evidence of evil, the absence of evil by violence.
Later the Dilogy was published: the drama "Power of Darkness" and the comedy "Fruits of Enlightenment", then a series of stories-Proverbs about the laws of being.

From all over the corners of Russia and the world, the writers of creativity of the writer, to whom they treated, as to the spiritual mentor. In 1899, Roman "Resurrection" was published.

The latest works of the writer are the stories "Father Sergius", "After Bala", "Posthumous notes of the elder Fyodor Kuzmich" and the drama "Living Corpse".

The confessional journalism of Tolstoy gives a detailed view of his sincere drama: drawing pictures of social inequality and the fear of the educated layers, thick in tough form put questions about the meaning of life and faith in the society, put all state institutions, reaching the denial of science, art, court, marriage, Achievements of civilization. The social declaration of Tolstoy relies on the idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity as a moral teaching, and the ethical ideas of Christianity are meaningful to them in the humanistic key, as the basis of the world's world fraternity. In 1901, the Synod reaction was followed: the world-famous writer was officially excommunicated from the church, which caused a huge public resonance.

On October 28, 1910, Tolstoy secretly left the family with a clear clearing, the road fell ill and was forced to get off the train on the small railway station Astapovo Ryazan-Ural Railway. Here, in the house of the station's head of the station, he spent the last seven days of his life.

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born in 1828, September 9. The writer belonged to the noble class. After the mother died, Leo and his sisters with the brothers raised his father's cousin. Their father died after 7 years. For this reason, the children were given to raising aunt. But soon the aunt died, and the children left for Kazan, to the second aunt. The childhood of Tolstoy was difficult, but, however, in his works he romanticized this period of his life.

Basic education Lev Nikolayevich received at home. Soon he entered the Imperial Kazan University at the Faculty of Philology. But he was not successful in study.

While Tolstoy served in the army, he would have quite a lot of free time. Already then, he began to write an autobiographical story "Childhood". This story contains good memories of publicist childhood.

Lion Nikolayevich also participated in the Crimean War, and during this period created a number of works: "Defense", "Sevastopol stories" and so on.

"Anna Karenina" is the most famous creation of Tolstoy.

Lion Tolstoy fell asleep by eternal sleep in 1910, November 20. He was devoted to land in a clear clearing, in the place where he grew up.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is a famous writer who has created other than recognized serious books, works useful for children. It was, first of all, the "alphabet" and "book for reading".

He was born in 1828 in the Tula province in the estate of the Casual Polyana, where his home-museum is still located. Leva became the fourth child in this noble family. Mom his (nee princess) soon died, and after seven years and father. These terrible events led to the fact that the children had to move to the aunt in Kazan. Memories of these and other years later Lion Nikolayevich will collect in the story "Childhood", which will be the first to be published in the magazine "Contemporary".

At first, Leo studied at home among German and French teachers, he was also fond of music. Gone and entered the Imperial University. The older brother of Tolstoy convinced him to serve in the army. The lion even took part in real battles. They are described by it in the "Sevastopol Stories", in the Affiliation and Youth Positions.

Tired of wars, he declared himself an anarchist and went to Paris, where he lost all the money. Touching, Lev Nikolayevich returned to Russia, married Sofary Burns. Since then, he began to live in his native estate and engage in literary creativity.

The first large work was the novel "War and Peace". I composed his writer about ten years. The novel accepted both readers, and critics. Next, Tolstoy created the novel "Anna Karenina", which received even greater success of the public.

Tolstoy wanted to understand life. Desperate to find an answer in creativity, he went to church, but and there was disappointed. Then he renounced the church, began to think about his philosophical theory - "non-resistance of evil." He wanted to give all the property to the poor ... He was even followed by the secret police!

After going to the pilgrimage, Tolstoy fell ill and died - in 1910.

Biography of Lion Tolstoy

In different sources, the date of birth of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, indicates differently. The most common versions - August 28, 1829 and September 09, 1828. Born by the fourth child in the noble family, Russia, Tula province, Clear Polyana. In the family of thickness there were 5 children.

His pedigree tree originates from Rurikov, mother belonged to the Volkonian family, and his father was a graph. On the 9th year of life, Leo, together with his father, went to Moscow for the first time. The young writer was so impressed that this trip gave rise to such works as a childhood '', adolescence, youth.

In 1830, the mother of Lion died. Raising children, after the death of Mother, their uncle took over - the cousin of the Father, after whom the death, the guardian became aunt. When aunt died - guardian, the second aunt from Kazan began to take care of the children. 1873 Father died.

The first formation Tolstoy got at home, with teachers. In Kazan, the writer lived for about 6 years, 2 years spent on training to enter the Imperial Kazan University and enrolled in the Faculty of Eastern Languages. In 1844 he became a university student.

Language learning for Lion Tolstoy was not interesting, after he tried, tie '' his fate with jurisprudence, but also the training was not charged here, so in 1847 threw his studies, received documents from the school. After unsuccessful attempts to learn, I decided to develop farming. In this regard, returned to the parent house in a clear polar.

In agriculture I did not find myself, but it was not bad to lead a personal diary. Having finished working in the field of farming, I went to Moscow to focus on creativity, but everything was not intended yet.

Very young, managed to visit the war, along with her sorny brother Nikolai. The course of military events, influenced his work, this is noticeable by some works, for example, in the TIMES, Cossacks '', Haji - Murat, in the stories, degraded '', cutting the forest '', raid ''.

From 1855, Lev Nikolayevich became more skilled writer. At that time, the right of fortress was relevant, which was written in his stories Lion Tolstoy:, Polykushka '', Morning landlord 'and others.

1857-1860 soldered on travel. School textbooks prepared under their impression and began to pay attention to the publication of the pedagogical journal. In 1862, Lion Tolstoy took a young Sophian Bers - a doctor's daughter. Family life, at first, went to his advantage, then the most famous works, war and peace, Anna Karenina, were written.

The mid-80s was fruitful, drama, comedy, novels were written. The writer worried the topic of the bourgeoisie, he was on the side of the simple people to express his thoughts on this occasion, Lion Tolstoy created a lot of works: after the ball '', for which '', the power of darkness '', Sunday '', etc.

Roman, Sunday, "deserves special attention. To write it, Leru Nikolayevich had to work for 10 years. As a result, the work criticized. Local authorities, so much feared his pen, which was installed behind him, were able to remove from the church, but despite this, a simple person supported Lion as he could.

In the early 1990s, Lev began to root. In the fall of 1910 in the 82nd age, the writer's heart stopped. It happened on the road: Lion Tolstoy was driving in a train, he became bad, I had to stay at the railway station Astapovo. Sheltered the patient, at home, head station. After 7 days of stay visiting, the writer died.

Date biography and interesting facts. The most important thing.

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