N. B.

N. B.

Natural School, literary direction 40 gg. 19th century, which emerged in Russia as "School" N. V. Gogol (A. I. Herzen, D. V. Grigorovich, V. I. Dal, A. V. Druzhinin, N. A. Nekrasov, I. with . Turgenev, etc.). Theorist V. G. Belinsky.

Main editions of Almanaha: "Physiology of St. Petersburg" (Part 1-2, 1845) and "Petersburg Collection" (1846).

The emergence of "Genuine School" is due to historically, rapprochement of literature with life in the first decade of the 19th century. Creativity Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol prepared development in the "Natural School" and her success. The famous critic of the 19th century Apollo Grigoriev The origins of the "Natural School" saw in the circulation of Pushkin and Gogol to folk beed. Critical image of reality becomes the main goal Russian writers. On the material " Dead souls»Belinsky formulated the main states of the aesthetics of" Natural School ". He chained the path of the development of Russian literature, as a reflection of the social side of life, the combination of the "spirit" of the analysis and the "spirit" of critics. The activities of Belinsky, as a ideological inspirer, was aimed to provide all-friendly support for writers walking along the path of Gogol. Belinsky welcomed the appearance in the literature of Herzen, Turgenev, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, immediately determining the peculiarities of their talent. Belinsky provided support for koltsov, a comb, gale, Kudryavtsev, Kokareva and saw in their work the celebration and values \u200b\u200bof the "genuine school". The creativity of these writers amounted to a whole epoch in the development of Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century, but the origins refer to the 40s of the 19th century. These writers were printed in the journal first Domestic notes" They formed a "genuine school." Sympathy and compassion to the poor and humiliated person, disclosure spiritual world little man (peasants, small officials), anti-refresh and anti-dvoryan motifs are the main signs of "Natural School". Poetry in the 40s makes the first steps towards rapprochement with life. Nekrasov performs in the spirit of "Natural School" with poems about poor and humiliated people. The term "Natural School" was nominated by Fadel Bulgarian in order to humiliate the writers of Gogol school. Belinsky picked up this term and secured the realism for writers. The influence of "genuine school" was felt in recent decades.

1840-1849 (2 stages: from 1840 to 1846 - until Belinsky's departure from the journal "Domestic Notes" and from 1846 to 1849)

Literary and social movements in the 60s of the 19th century.

The period of the Board of Nicholas I is characterized by bureaucracy.

Nikitenko helped Gogol Print " Dead Souls"When Gogola refused the Moscow censorship.

1848-1855 - Gloomy Seven Year

In 1855, Nicholas I die

The first period of the reign of Alexander II is called "Liberal Spring". The Company covers optimism, arises a dispute about ways of developing literature on Pushkin and Gogol direction.

3 flows: Liberal democracy and liberal aristocracy (preventive class), revolutionary democracy.

Obrah - on non-black earth lands

Bornhouse - Peasants work on landowner

Development of literature

The 60s of the 19th century - a decisive democratization of artistic consciousness. Qualitatively changing during these years the pathos himself. From the question "Who is to blame?" Literature appeals to the question "What to do?".

With complication public Life Differentiation occurs with increasing political struggle.

The art department of Pushkin turned out to be unique. There is a sharper specialization of literature. Tolstoy entered the literature as the creator of the "war and the world". Ostrovsky is implemented in drama. Save Pushkin University, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev - Poet, Lirik, Epic, Realist, Author of the Agenda, Drama, Pochness in Prose, but Turgenev was forced to limit psychological analysis.

Attention to the "little man"

Almost always special attention of others does not attract forgotten, all humiliated people. Their life, their little joy and big troubles seemed to all insignificant, unworthy attention. Such people and this attitude towards them produced the era. Brutal time and tsarist injustice made "young people" to close in themselves, to leave completely into their soul, pronounced, with the pesting problems of that period, they lived an inconspicuous life and also imperceptibly dying. But it is precisely such people sometimes by the will of circumstances, obeying the shout of the soul, began to fight against strong Mira This, appeal to justice, stopped being a vet. Therefore, after all, their lives were interested, writers, gradually, began to pay some scenes in their works to these people, their lives. With each work, the life of the "lower" class has shown more and truthful. Little officials stationery, "Little people" who are crazy, not in their will, began to leave the shadows, surrounding world Brilliant hall.

Karamzin laid the beginning of a huge cycle of literature on "small people", took the first step in this unknown to this topic. It was he who opened the way to such classics of the future as Gogol, Dostoevsky and others.

Huge efforts were worthwriters for the resurrection of a "little man" for readers in their books. The traditions of classics, the titans of Russian literature continued writers of the city direction of prose, those who wrote about the fate of the village during the years of the Total Tarism and those who narrated the world of the camps. They were dozens. It is enough to name the names of several of them: Solzhenitsyn, Trifonov, Tvardovsky, Vysotsky, to understand what huge scope has reached literature on the fate of the "Little Man" of the Twentieth century

Natural school - the designation of the new stage in Russia in the development of Russian, the designation in the 40s of the 19th century critical realismassociated with creative traditions N.V. Gogol and Aesthetics V.G. Belinsky. Name "N.Sh." (For the first time, F.V. Bullgarine was used in the newspaper "Northern Bee" from 26.II.1846, No. 22 on a controversial purpose to humiliate the new literary direction) was rooted in the articles of Belinsky as the designation of that bed of Russian realism, which is associated with the name of Gogol. Formation "N.Sh." Refers to 1842-1845, when a group of writers (N.A.Nekrasov, D.V.Grigorovich, I.S.Turgenhev, A.I.Grenz, I.I. Panayev, E.P. Grebenka, V. . Dal) united under the ideological influence of Belinsky in the journal "Domestic Notes". Someone later, F.M.Dostoevsky and M.E. Saltykov were published there. These writers also performed in the collections "Physiology of St. Petersburg" (part 1-2, 1845), Petersburg Collection (1846), which became software for N.Sh.. The first of them consisted of the so-called "physiological essays", representing direct observations, sketches, as if pictures from nature - the physiology of life big City. This genre originated in France in the 20-30th years of the 19th century and provided famous influence on the development of the Russian "physiological essay". The collection "Physiology of St. Petersburg" characterized the types and life of workers, minor officials, declared people of the capital, was penetrated by a critical attitude to reality. The Petersburg Collection was distinguished by a variety of genres, the originality of young talents. It printed the first story of F.M.Dostoevsky "Poor People", the works of Nekrasov, Herzen, Turgenev, etc. From 1847 by the N.Sh. authority The magazine "Contemporary" becomes. It published "Notes of the Hunter" Turgenev, " Ordinary History"I.A.Gongcharov," Who is to blame? " Herzen and others. Manifesto "N.Sh." "Introduction" to the collection "Physiology of St. Petersburg", where Belinsky wrote about the need for mass realistic literaturethat would be "... in the form of travel, trips, essays, stories ... I got acquainted with various parts Infinite and diverse Russia ... ". Writers should, according to Belinsky, not only to know Russian reality, but also to understand her, "... not only to observe, but also to judge" (full. Said., Vol. 8, 1955, p. 377, 384). "To take the right to serve the right to serve the public interest," Belinsky wrote, "he means not to rise, but to humiliate him, because it means to deprive him of the most lively strength, that is, thoughts ..." (ibid), t. 10, p. 311) . Presentation of the principles of "N.Sh." It is contained in the articles of Belinsky: "The answer" Moskvatian "," look at Russian literature of 1846 "," a look at Russian literature of 1847 "and others (see ibid., Vol. 10, 1956).

Propaging Gogol Realism, Belinsky wrote that "N.Sh." consciously than before, used by the method critical image reality laid down in the Satire of Gogol. At the same time, he noted that "N.Sh." "... was the result of all the last development of our literature and the answer to the modern needs of our society" (ibid., Vol. 10, p. 243). In 1848, Belinsky has already argued that "N.Sh." It is now in the foreground of Russian literature.
Under the motto of "Gogol Direction" "N.Sh." united the best writers of that time, although different on the worldview. These writers have expanded the area of \u200b\u200bRussian life, which has eligible for an image in art. They turned to reproduction of the lower layers of society, denied serfdom, the destructive power of money and ranks, vices public building, Reliating human personality. In some writers, the denial of public injustice has surrendered into the image of the growing protest of the most disadvantaged ("poor people" of Dostoevsky, "confusing business" Saltykov, verses of Nekrasov and his essay "Petersburg corners", "Anton Gorryka" Grigorovich).

With the development of "N.Sh." Prognise genres begin to dominate the literature. The desire for the facts, to accuracy and reliability, the new principles of plugs are put forward - non-novelistic, and outlines. Popular genres In the 40s, essays, memoirs, travels, stories, social and domestic and socio-psychological stories are becoming. An important place begins to occupy a social and psychological novel, whose flourishing in the second half of the 19th century predetermined the glory of Russian realistic prose. At that time, the principles "N.Sh." It is transferred to poetry (verses of Nekrasov, N.P. Harev, Pooms of Turgenev), and in drama (Turgenev). Democratizes the language of literature. The language of newspapers and journalists, spacious, professionalism and dialectisms are introduced into an artistic speech. Social Paphos and Democratic Contents "N.Sh." influenced the advanced russian art: Fine (P.A. Fedotov, A.A. Agin) and Music (A.S.Dargomyzhsky, M.P.Morusorgsky).

"N.Sh." caused criticism of representatives different areas: She was accused of "to low people" addictions, in "dirtfilm", in political unreliability (Bulgarian), unilaterally negative approach to life, in imitating the newest french literature. "N.Sh." Subjected to ridiculous in the waterman P.A. Kratygin "Natural School" (1847). After the death of Belinsky, the name "N.Sh." It was forbidden to censorship. In the 50s, the term "Gogol Direction" was used (the name of the work of N.G. Chernyshevsky "Essays of the Gogolian period of Russian literature"). Later, the term "Gogol direction" began to be wider than the "N.Sh.", applying it as a designation of critical realism.

Brief literary encyclopedia in 9 volumes. State Scientific Publishing House Soviet Encyclopedia", T.5, M., 1968.


Vinogradov V.V., Evolution of Russian Naturalism. Gogol and Dostoevsky, L., 1929;

Belletsky A., Dostoevsky and Natural School in 1846, "Science in Ukraine", 1922, No. 4;

Glagolev N.A., M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and the Natural School, "Literature at School", 1936, No. 3;

Belkin A., Nekrasov and Natural School, in the collection: Creativity Nekrasova, M., 1939;

Proskov N.I., Stages of the development of the Gogol Direction in Russian Literature, "Scientific Notes of the Grozny Pedagogical Institute. Philological series ", 1946, c. 2;

Gin MM, N.A.Nekrasov-critic in the struggle for a genuine school, in the book: Nekrasovsky collection, t. 1, M.-L., 1951;

Daline A.S., Herzen and Belinsky. (On the question of the philosophical foundations of critical realism of the 40s), "Scientific Notes of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute", 1954, vol. 9, c. 3;

Falkovsky B.V., Natural School of Belinsky and Saltykov, "Scientists of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute of Herzen", 1949, vol. 81;

Mordovchenko N.I., Belinsky in the struggle for genuine school, in the book: Literary inheritance, vol. 55, M., 1948;

Morozov V.M., "Finnish Bulletin" - ideological associate "Contemporary" in the struggle for "natural school", "Scientific notes of Petrozavodsky University", 1958, vol. 7, c. one;

Pospelov G.N., History of Russian xIX literature century, vol. 2, part 1, M., 1962; Fokht U.R., the path of Russian realism, M., 1963;

Kuleshov V.I., Natural School in Russian Literature of the XIX century, M., 1965.

The natural school is the conditional name of the initial stage of the development of critical realism in the Russian literature of the 1840s, which arose under the influence of the creativity of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Grigorovich, Herzen, Goncharov, Nekrasov, Panayev, Dalya, Chernyshevsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin and others were counted to the "Natural School".

The term "Natural School" was first used by Faddey Bulgarine as a disregarding characteristic of the creativity of young followers of Nikolai Gogol in Northern Pchele dated January 26, 1846, but was rethought by Vissarion Belinsky in the article "A look at Russian literature 1846": "Natural", then There is a rampant, strictly truthful image of reality. The main idea of \u200b\u200b"genuine school" was proclaimed the thesis that the literature should be imitated reality.

The formation of "Genuine School" refers to 1842-1845, when a group of writers (Nikolai Nekrasov, Dmitry Grigorovich, Ivan Turgenev, Alexander Herzen, Ivan Panayev, Evgeny Grebelka, Vladimir Dal) united under the ideological influence of Belinsky in the journal "Public Notes". Fedo Dostoevsky and Mikhail Saltykov were published somewhat later. These writers also performed in the collections "Physiology of St. Petersburg" (1845), "Petersburg Collection" (1846), which became software for "genuine school".

It is to Gogolo - the author of the "dead shower", "Auditor", "Sineli" - how the Belinsky's natural school was erected as a generic team and a number of other critics. Indeed, many writers ranked in a genuine school experienced a powerful influence of various sides of Gogol's creativity. Such is his exceptional strength of satire on the "vile raise reality", the sharpness of the problem of the problem of the "small man", his gift to portray "prosaic substantial debrity of life." In addition to Gogol, there were influence on the Writers of the Genuine School, such representatives of Western European literature as Dickens, Balzac, Georges Sand.

"Natural School" aroused the criticism of representatives of different directions: she was accused of the addictions "to low people", in the "dirt film", in political unrealiousness (Bulgarin), unilaterally negative approach to life, in imitating the latest French literature. After the death of Belinsky, the name "Natural School" itself was prohibited by censorship. In the 1850s, the term "Gogol Direction" was used (the name of the work of N. G. Chernyshevsky "Essays of the Gogolian period of Russian literature") was used. Later, the term "Gogol Direction" began to be wider than the actual "Natural School", applying it as a designation of critical realism.

The most common signs, on the basis of which the writer was considered belonging to a genuine school, were the following: social and significant topics that captured more wide circleThe even a circle of social observations (often in the "low" layers of society), a critical attitude towards the social reality, the realism of the artistic expression, which fought against the embellishment of reality, self-astate, romantic rhetoric.

In the works of participants of the "Natural School", new areas of Russian life opened before the reader. The choice of topics testified to the democratic basis of their creativity. They exposed fasteners, the increasing power of money, the injustice of the entire public defendant, oppressing the human person. The question of a "little man" has surrendered into the problem of social inequality.

For a genuine school, predominantly attention to the genres of art prose ("Phiological essay", story, novel). Following Gogol, the natural school writers were subjected to satirical ridiculous officials (for example, in the verses of Nekrasov), they portrayed life and morals of the nobility ("notes of one young man" A. I. Herzen, "Ordinary History" I. A. Goncharov), criticized dark sides Urban civilization ("Double" F. M. Dostoevsky, essays Nekrasova, V. I. Dalya, Ya. P. Butkova), with deep sympathy depicted a "little man" ("Poor people" of Dostoevsky, "confusing business" M. E . Saltykov-Shchedrin). From A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontova Natural school perceived the theme "Hero of time" ("Who is to blame?" Herzen, "Diary excess person"I. S. Turgenev et al.), Emancipation of women (" Soroka-Worch "Herzen," Polynka Sax "A. V. Druzhinina). N. Sh. The innovatives solved traditional theme for Russian literature (so, the "Hero of Time" became the difference: "Andrei Kolosov" Turgenev, "Dr. Kraisov" Herzen, "Life and adventure of Tikhon Tykhon," Nekrasov ") and advanced new (truthful image of the life of the fortress village:" Notes Hunter »Turgenev," Village "and" Anton-Gorryka "D. V. Grigorovich).


Among the writers ranked with N.Sh., three currents were allocated in the literary encyclopedia.

In the 1840s, disagreements have not yet sharpened to the limit. While also the writers themselves, united under the name of the natural school, were not aware of the clearly all depth of their contradictions. Therefore, for example, in the collection "Physiology of St. Petersburg", one of the characteristic documents of the genuine school, the names of Nekrasov, Ivan Panayev, Grigorovich, Dalya stand nearby. From here it is rapprochement in the consciousness of contemporaries of urban essays and the associates of Nekrasov with the officials of Dostoevsky.

By the 1860s, the sizing between writers, ranked in a genuine school, sharply worsen. Turgenev will take an irreconcilable position in relation to the "contemporary" of Nekrasov and Chernyshevsky and will determine as an ideological artist "Prussian" path of development of capitalism. Dostoevsky will remain in the camp supporting the dominant order (although the democratic protest was also characteristic of the Dostoevsky 1840s, in the "poor people" for example, and in this regard he had binding threads with Nekrasov).

And, finally, Nekrasov, Saltykov, Herzen, the works of which will put the path of the wide literary products of the revolutionary part of the allocations of the 1860s, will affect the interests of the "peasant democracy" fighting for the "American" path of the development of Russian capitalism, for the "peasant revolution".

Natural School

Natural School

Natural school - a contemptuous nick, thrown by F. Bulgarin at the address of the Russian Lithuanian Youth of the 40s. And then, rooted in criticism of the pore, without any kind of a kind of hue (see eg Belinsky V., look at Russian literature 1846). Arriving in the era, increasingly aggravated contradictions between the serfs and the growth of capitalist elements with the development of the process of overjoying landlords, so-called. N. Sh. With all its social inhomogeneity and contradictory, repelled the growth of liberal and democratic sentiment, which manifested themselves in different class groups.
N. Sh. In the extended application of the term, as it was used in the 40s, does not indicate a single direction, but is a substantial conditional concept. To N. Sh. They counted such heterogeneous by their class-based and the artistic appearance of writers, like Turgenev and Dostoevsky, Grigorov and Goncharov, Nekrasov and Panayev, etc. The most common signs, on the basis of a writer, was considered belonging to N. Sh., were the following: social and significant topics, who captured a wider circle than even a circle of social observations (often in the "low" layers of society), critical attitude To the social reality, the realism of the artistic expression, fantastic against the admissioning of reality, self-defense aesthethy, romantic rhetoric. Belinsky distinguishes the realism of N. sh., Arguing the most important feature "Truth", not "false" images; He pointed out that "our literature ... from rhetorical sought to become natural, natural." Belinsky emphasized the social orientation of this realism as its peculiarity and the task, when, protesting against the use of "art for art", argued that "in our time, art and literature more than ever, and the expression of public issues." Realism N. Sh. In the interpretation of Belinsky democratic. N. Sh. It is not drawn to the perfect, fictional heroes - "pleasant exceptions from the rules", but to the "crowd", to the "mass", to people ordinary and most often to the people of "low title". Completed in the 40s. All sorts of "physiological" essays satisfied this need for a reflection of other, short-life life, at least just in reflection of externally domestic, superficial. Chernyshevsky especially sharply accents as a material and main feature of the "literature of the Gogolian period", its critical, "negative" attitude to reality - "Literature of the Gogolian period" is here another name of the same N. Sh.: It is to Gogol - the author of the "dead souls", "The Auditor", "Sineli" - as a generic team was erected by N. Sh. Belinsky and a number of other critics. Indeed many writers ranked at N. Sh., Experienced the mosper influence of various sides of Gogol's creativity. Such is his exceptional strength of satire on the "vile raise reality", the sharpness of the problem of the problem of the "small man", his gift to portray "prosaic substantial debrity of life." In addition to Gogol, influenced on writers N. Sh. Such representatives of the Zap.-European petty-bourgeois and bourgeois literature as Dickens, Balzac, Georges Sand.
The novelty of the social interpretation of reality, although different in each of these groups led to the hatred of N. sh. On the part of the writers, fully supported the bureaucratic regime of the feudal-noble monarchy (N. Kupolnik, F. Bulgarin, N. Greek, etc.), for the abuse of naturalistic details of the deprecation of N. Sh. "Meschille."
In the presentation of the modern criticism of N. Sh. So. arr. was a unified group united above common features. However, a specific social and artistic expression of these features, which means the degree of sequence and relief of their manifestation were so different that N. Sh. As a whole, it turns out to be convention. Among the writers, it was counted for it, it is necessary to highlight three currents.
The first, represented by the liberal, capitalized nobility and adjacent to it social strata, was distinguished by the superficial and cautious nature of the critics of reality: this is either harmless irony in relation to individual parties of noble reality or a beautiful, writing to good feelings and noble-limited protest against serfdom. The circle of social observations of this group is not wide and is habit. He is still limited to the bosom estate. Essential news is the detailed show of the types of peasants, their lives. Writers of this current N. Sh. (Turgenev, Grigorovich, I. I. Panayev) often depict the estate and its inhabitants with the intonations of light mockery then in the poem ("landowner", "Parasha" Turgenev et al.) That in the psychological story (works of I. I. Panayev). Special scenes occupied essays and stories from peasant life ("Village" and "Anton Gorryka" Grigorovich, "Hunter's Notes" Turgenev), although not free from a barnic sentimental "regret" of a man, from humanistic fattening of peasant types and aesthetic image of rural nature. Realism in the works of writers of this group - noble realism, deprived of acute and courage in denial of surrounding reality, infected by the desire for the aesthetization of life, to smoothing its contradictions. The writers of this group continue to line of liberal-noble literature 20-30s. Only at the new stage and nothing qualitatively new in the socio-artistic sense is not carried with him. This is the literature of the dominant class in the face of its advanced group, taking into account new phenomena in social Life And trying to adapt to them through the amendments to the existing system.
Other N. sh. It relied mainly on the city boss of the 40s, strangled, on the one hand, still tenacious fortresses, and on the other - the growing industrial capitalism. A certain role here belonged to F. Dostoevsky, the author of the row psychological Romanov and leaders ("poor people", "twin" and others). The work of writers of this flow undoubtedly differs in much greater peculiarity, the novelty social issues, the novelty of the world depicted by them - small officials, urban meshness, etc., which became the central object here artistic image. Socially directed, addressed to "low" reality Realism, the denial of individuals of social reality, these features of a qualitatively new "original" literature N. Sh., Opposed literature of the dominant class, as if given in works this flow N. Sh., For example In the "poor people" Dostoevsky. But already at this stage, the literature of this group in an undiluted form concluded those contradictions, which do not bring it from under the influence and union with ruling class: Instead of a decisive and consistent struggle with the existing reality in it, sentimental humanism is poured in it, later - religion and union with reaction; Instead of an image of the essential parties to social life - deepening in chaos and confusion of the human psyche.
Only the third flow in N. Sh., Represented so called. "Allocyns", ideologists of revolutionary peasant democracy, gives in his work the most clear expression of trends, which were associated with contemporaries (Belinsky) with the name N. Sh. And opposed the noble aesthetics. Further and sharply, these trends showed themselves in Nekrasov (urban stories, essays - "Petersburg corners", etc., - especially the same anti-refresh poems). Burning, biles protest against serfs, dark corners of urban reality, a simple image of which is a sharp accusation against the rich and full, heroes from the "low" classes, merciless exposure of the wrongness and erasing the aesthetic glorical culture gluits, manifested in the images and stylistics of his works, make from Nekrasov a genuine representative of ideological and artistic features connected by contemporaries with the name N. Sh. To the same group, the Herzen should be attributed ("Who is to blame?"), Saltykov ("confusing business"), although the trend typical for a group is expressed less sharply than in Nekrasov, and will find themselves in its entirety later.
So. arr. In the motley conglomerate of the so-called N. Sh. It is necessary to see various and in certain cases hostile class flows. In the 40s Disagreements have not yet sharpened to the limit. While also the writers themselves, united under the name N. Sh., Was not aware of the distinct all depth of their contradictions. Therefore, for example, in Sat. "Physiology of St. Petersburg", one of the characteristic documents N. Sh., We see near the names of Nekrasov, Yves. Panayev, Grigorovich, Daly. From here it is rapprochement in the consciousness of contemporaries of urban essays and the associates of Nekrasov with the officials of Dostoevsky. By the 60th year. Classicism between writers, ranging to N. sh., sharply aggravate. Turgenev will take an implacable position in relation to the "contemporary" Nekrasov and Chernyshevsky and will determine as an ideological artist "Prussian" path of development of capitalism. Dostoevsky will remain in the camp supporting the dominant order (although the democratic protest was also characteristic of the Dostoevsky 40s., In the "poor people" for example, and in this regard he had binding threads with Nekrasov). And finally, Nekrasov, Saltykov, Herzen, the works of the reasons will put the path of the wide literary products of the revolutionary part of the allocations of the 60s, will affect the interests of the peasant democracy fighting for the "American" path of the development of Russian capitalism, for the peasant revolution.
So. arr. Not about all these currents, which were included in the concept of N. Sh., It is possible to speak with the same right as representatives of new trends opposing the noble literature in its ideological and artistic features and expressing new stage in the development of social reality. Features N. Sh. In the content of them, which is given by Belinsky and Chernyshevsky as a real form of a democratic, associated with the denial of serfdom and the struggle against the noble aesthetics, the most sharply represented by Nekrasov and his group. It is this group that can be called the expressive of the principles of a new aesthetics that has already nominated in the criticism of Belinsky. Others or come to support the existing structure or, as a group of Turgenev - Grigorovich, embody, albeit at the new stage, the principles of the noble aesthetics, representatives of the revolutionary democracy are fighting against Ki-Roy. This opposite will detect himself with all persuasiveness later, in the 60s, when the literature of the revolutionary peasant democracy will sharply stand against the noble camp. See "Russian literature", section about the 40s. Bibliography:
Chernyshevsky N. G., Essays of the Gogol period of Russian literature (several ed.); Cheychin-Wind, forties, art. in the "History of Russian literature of the XIX century", part 2, M., 1910; Belinsky V. G., a look at Russian literature 1847, "Full Cons. Sochik. ", Edited by S. A. Wengerova, t. XI, P., 1917; His answer "Moskvatian" (about the genuine school at Gogol), in the same place; Beletsky A., Dostoevsky and Natural School in 1846, "Science in Ukraine", Kharkov, 1922, No. 4; Zeitlin A., Tale of the poor official of Dostoevsky, M., 1923; Vinogradov V., Evolution of Russian Naturalism, "Academia", L., 1928. See also the reference literature. In the text of writers.

Literary encyclopedia. - at 11 tons; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friece, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .

Natural School

Designation arose in the 1840s. in Russia literary Movementassociated with creative traditions N. V. Gogol and aesthetics V. G. Belinsky. The term "Natural School" was first used by F. V. Bulgarian As a negative, negative characteristics of the creativity of young writers, but then it was picked up by V. G. Belinsky, who polemically rethought its importance, proclaiming the main goal of the "Natural" school, that is, not a romantic, strictly true image of reality.
The formation of a genuine school refers to 1842-45, when a group of writers (N. A. Nekrasov, D.V. Grigorovich, I. S. Turgenev, A. I. Herzmen, I. I. Panayev, E. P. Grebelka, V. I. Distance) united under the ideological influence of Belinsky in the journal " Domestic notes" A somewhat later printed F. M. Dostoevsky and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Soon, young writers released their program compilation "Physiology Petersburg" (1845), which consisted of "physiological essays", represented living observations, sketching from nature - the physiology of the life of a large city, mainly by the life of the workers and St. Petersburg poor (for example, "Petersburg janitor »D. V. Grigorovich, Petersburg Harbors V.I. Dalya, Petersburg Angles N. A. Nekrasova). Essays expanded the presentation of readers about the boundaries of literature and were the first experience of social typing, which became a consistent method of studying the Company, and at the same time represented a holistic materialistic worldview, with the approval of the primacy of socio-economic relations in personality. Opened the collection of the Belinsky article, explaining creative and ideal principles Genuine school. The critic wrote about the need for massive realistic literature, which would be "in the form of travel, travel, essays, stories acquainted with various parts of the infinite and diverse Russia ...". Writers must, according to Belinsky, not only to know Russian reality, but also to understand her, "not only to watch, but also to judge." The success of the new association was consolidated by Petersburg Collection (1846), which was distinguished genre diversity, included artistically more significant things and served as a kind of readers to readers of new literary talents: The first story of F. M. Dostoevsky "Poor People" was published, the first poems of Nekrasov about the peasants, the story of Herzen, Turgenev, etc. From 1847 by the authority of the Natural School becomes a magazine " Contemporary", Whose editors were Nekrasov and Panayev. It publishes "Hunter's Notes" Turgenev, "Ordinary Story" I. A. Goncharov, "Who is guilty?" Herzen, "Intended Business" M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrin et al. The presentation of the principles of a genuine school is also contained in the articles of Belinsky: "The answer" Moskvatian "," a look at Russian literature 1840 "," A look at Russian literature 1847 . ". Not limited to a description of the urban poor, many authors of the genuine school took up the image of the village. The first one opens this topic by D. V. Grigorovich with its own agents "Village" and "Anton-Gorryka", very vividly perceived readers, then follow the "Notes of the Hunter" Turgenev, the peasant verses of N. A. Nekrasov, the story of Herzen.
Propaging Gogol Realism, Belinsky wrote that the natural school consciously, the earlier, was used by the method of a critical image of reality laid in the Gogol satire. At the same time, he noted that this school "was the result of all the last development of our literature and the response to the urgency needs of our society." In 1848, Belinsky has already argued that a natural school occupies a leading position in Russian. literature.
The desire for the facts, to accuracy and reliability, new principles of plotting were put forward - non-nominal, and outlines. Popular genres in the 1840s. Essays, memoirs, travel, stories, social and domestic and socio-psychological stories are becoming. An important place begins to occupy the social and psychological novel (the first, entirely owned genuine school are "Who is to blame?" A. A. A. Glezen and "Ordinary History" by I. A. Goncharov), whose flourishing in the second floor. 19th century predetermined the glory of Rus. Realistic prose. At the same time, the principles of the genuine school are transferred to poetry (verses of N. A. Nekrasov, N. P. Ogareva, Pooms I. S. Turgenev), and in drama (I. S. Turgenev). The language of literature is enriched due to the language of newspapers, journalists and professionalism and decreases due to widespread use by writers spacious and dialectisms.
The natural school was subjected to the most diverse criticism: she was accused of addiction to "Low People", in "Little Film", in political unauthorized way (Bulgarin), unilaterally negative approach to life, in imitating the latest French literature.
With the second floor. 1850s. The concept of "Natural School" is gradually leaving the literary consideration, since writers who once made up the core of the association, or gradually cease to play a significant role in literary processor go further in their artistic quest, every one's own way, complicating the picture of the world and philosophical issues Self early works (F. M. Dostoevsky, I. S. Turgenev, I. A. Goncharov, L. N. Tolstoy). Nekrasov - the direct successor of the traditions of the genuine school is becoming more radical in the critical image of reality and gradually moves to the position of revolutionary population. It can be said in such a way that the genuine school was the initial phase of the formation of Rus. Realism 19 V.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .

designation arose in the 1840s. In Russia, the literary movement associated with the creative traditions of N. V. Gogol and aesthetics V. G. Belinsky. The term "Natural School" was first used by F. V. Bulgarin as a negative, dismissive characteristics of the creativity of young writers, but then he was picked up by V. G. Belinsky, who polemically rethought its importance, proclaiming the main goal of the school "Natural", i.e. . Not romantic, strictly truthful image of reality.

The formation of a genuine school refers to 1842-45, when a group of writers (N. A. Nekrasov, D. V. Grigorovich, I. S. Turgenev, A. I. Herzzen, I. I. Panayev, E.P. Greb , V. I. Dahl) united under the ideological influence of Belinsky in the journal "Domestic Notes". F. M. Dostoevsky and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin were published somewhat later. Soon, young writers released their program compilation "Physiology Petersburg" (1845), which consisted of "physiological essays", represented living observations, sketching from nature - the physiology of the life of a large city, mainly by the life of the workers and St. Petersburg poor (for example, "Petersburg janitor »D. V. Grigorovich, Petersburg Harbors V.I. Dalya, Petersburg Angles N. A. Nekrasova). Essays expanded the presentation of readers about the boundaries of literature and were the first experience of social typing, which became a consistent method of studying the Company, and at the same time represented a holistic materialistic worldview, with the approval of the primacy of socio-economic relations in personality. Opened a collection of the Belinsky article, explaining the creative and ideological principles of a genuine school. The critic wrote about the need for massive realistic literature, which would be "in the form of travel, travel, essays, stories acquainted with various parts of the infinite and diverse Russia ...". Writers should, according to Belinsky, not only to know Russian reality, but also to understand it, "not only to observe, but also to judge." The success of the new association was consolidated by the Petersburg compilation (1846), which was distinguished by genre diversity, included artistically more significant things and served as a kind of readers of new literary talents: the first story F. M. Dostoevsky "Poor people" was published, the first poems of Nekrasov The peasants, the story of Herzen, Turgenev, etc. Since 1847, the organ of the natural school becomes the magazine "Contemporary", the editors of which were Nekrasov and Panayev. It publishes "Hunter's Notes" Turgenev, "Ordinary Story" I. A. Goncharov, "Who is to blame?" Herzen, "Intended Business" M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrin et al. The presentation of the principles of a genuine school is also contained in the articles of Belinsky: "The answer" Moskvatian "," a look at Russian literature 1840 "," A look at Russian literature 1847 . ". Not limited to a description of the urban poor, many authors of the genuine school took up the image of the village. The first one opens this topic by D. V. Grigorovich with its own agents "Village" and "Anton-Gormanka", very vividly perceived readers, then follow the "Notes of the Hunter" Turgenev, peasant verses N. A. Nekrasov, Herzen's lead.

Propaging Gogol Realism, Belinsky wrote that the natural school consciously, the earlier, was used by the method of a critical image of reality laid in the Gogol satire. At the same time, he noted that this school "was the result of all the last development of our literature and the response to the urgency needs of our society." In 1848, Belinsky has already argued that a natural school occupies a leading position in Russian. literature.

The desire for the facts, to accuracy and reliability, new principles of plotting were put forward - non-nominal, and outlines. Popular genres in the 1840s. Essays, memoirs, travel, stories, social and domestic and socio-psychological stories are becoming. An important place begins to occupy the social and psychological novel (the first, entirely owned genuine school are "Who is to blame?" A. A. A. Glezen and "Ordinary History" by I. A. Goncharov), whose flourishing in the second floor. 19th century predetermined the glory of Rus. Realistic prose. At the same time, the principles of the genuine school are transferred to poetry (verses of N. A. Nekrasov, N. P. Ogarev, poems I. S. Turgenev), and in drama (I. S. Turgenev). The language of references is enriched at the expense of the language of newspapers, journalists and professionalism and decreases due to the widespread use of literators of spacious and dialectisms.

The natural school was subjected to the most diverse criticism: she was accused of addies to "Low People", in "Mud Film", in political unrealities (Bulgarian), unilaterally negative approach to life, in imitating the latest French literature. Excellent definition

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