Quotes. Quotes attitude of ordinary people to Ermile

Quotes. Quotes attitude of ordinary people to Ermile
Quotes. Quotes attitude of ordinary people to Ermile

Yermil Girin in the poem N.Anekrasov is hidden among secondary characters. The author specially created the difficulty reader. He needs to comprehend the entire intention of the ingenious poet himself.

The image and characteristic of Yermil Girin in the poem "Who in Russia live well" combines the features, which considered the most important Nekrasov, in him he saw one of the contenders for the title of a happy man.

Features of happiness

Yermil (Yermilo) Ilyich Girin - young and not by year. According to the social situation, the hero is a simple man. There are no princely or count roots in it. The decisiveness of the character allowed him to become a respected person. I first chose it with a burramist unanimously in 6 thousand souls. To achieve confidence in the peasants is difficult, and Ermil was able. What did the Girin deserve such attitude:

"... strict true";

"Mind and kindness";

responsiveness and unconscious.

Yermil was able to advise, recognized the necessary information for ordinary people. He did not demand gratitude and did not take money for the help. For happiness, the man was, according to the people, all: calm, honor, money.

Character of Hero

To understand the happiness of the character, you need to consider its character traits. What is so special in a man than it differs from others. What character can claim the role of lucky in real?

Sophistication. The Russian man saw the hidden trick, he knew how to quickly paint dishonest intentions. He's on her eyes, behavior assessed man. Silently brought to honesty, did not break the scandals, but left to the side, leaving the cunning against anything.

Not the ability to flatter and bow. Yermil was not amenable to the tricks of the attain and other rich merchants. He did not attend the sugary, fallen speech, did not pay for flattery and pleasant lies.

Honesty. Seven years serves the peasant Burmistrome, does not take into his hands not a single "worldly penny".

Justice. Yermil did not exege the weak, defended the poor. On the other hand, if a person was guilty, "he did not paint" to him a sin and black affairs.

Respect. Girin applies to all estates equally. He respects peasants, landowners, merchants. The main thing for him is not the status, Chin, and the person himself.

Working on the mill, Ermil accepted strictly in turn and in one price. The poorest people, managers, the clerks did not argue with Melnik, seeing a fair approach to each.

Sincerity. Making a bad act, Ermil repents before all the people. He asks for himself a fair trial, even the forgiveness of countrymen does not allow him to stay in the service. He himself finds himself a punishment.

Fate Girin

Ermila is chosen by the burmist. He is honest and devoted to the people seven years. When it came to the youngest brother to go to recruits, the burmart from the people does not withstand checking the power of power. He decides to take advantage of it. Instead of a relative, to serve the son of a rustic peasant. The conscience begins to torment the hin, brings it to the decision to hang, but corrects the position of the barin. He returns the son of an offended mother. Yermil leaves the service and goes to the mill. Peasants do not cease to respect the peasant. The evidence is the episode with the collection of money on the redemption of the mill, which they decided to sell. A thousand rubles, a huge amount of the sum, collects Girin for half an hour. No one regretted him the last penny. Help the peasants surprises. Girin wins litter with merchants, returns everything to a penny to those who gave him money. He remains the extra ruble. All day, Girin walks through the area in the hope of finding some kind of ruble, but does not find it. In this scene, it can be seen how great confidence in the hero. Nekrasov shows how the Russian people can make a solution to the whole world. As far as the spirit of the simple people is strong. He opened his trouble Ermil, and every kind person answered him. Silen Russian man is selfless, the ability to support, unite. But it is not destined to even be happy in Russia. The rose rose in the village, Yermil refused to pacify the peasants. It is arrested and sent to the cautious. The story about fate is completed by the sad news:

"... he is sitting in an acute ...".

I could not become a truly happy person with such a bright character.

Reality image

Literary crowns found evidence that the hyperina has a real prototype. This is the management of the County estates of Orlovy - A.D.Potanin. He came out of the peasant bottoms. Potanin is known in history by unconscious towards residents of estates, honesty of behavior and justice of the Board. The poet introduces the character of thought, close to the facts from the Potanina biography:

"Hoody conscience is needed ... to have ... a peasant with a peasant penny to extort";

"... He became the former people of any ...".

Yermil and Grigory Dobrosaklons are two close characters. It can be assumed that Yermil Ilyich could be in the future revolutionary, a fighter, a man who is waiting for Russia. But the cautious, prisons and the ostrity of many similar men will break, deprive health and faith in the future. Wanderers are looking for happy, but pass by Ermila, although he is closest to their understanding of happiness.

Among the images of Russian peasants created by Nekrasov, the image of the Ermilah hinril is especially distinguished. He, as stated in the work, "not a prince, not a graf is a rocky, but a simple man," but, nevertheless, enjoys a huge honor from the peasants. On the example of the image of Yermila Girin in the poem "Who in Russia live well" Nekrasov can be analyzed, what features of the character were considered important for the Russian people, how did the people of their heroes seen.

"And young, and the smart" - from such words begins in the poem Description Yermila Girin. Then the peasant who spoke about Yermile, tells the guys to the wanderers history, testifying to the limitless confidence of the people to him. Ermil kept the mill, which a merchant altynnikov was going to buy for debts. Yermil won the court, but the strangling set up the case so that he had no money with him for paying. Then he rushed to the square, to the people and outlined her trouble. Please, Yermila: "If Yermila know, / if Yermil believe, / so help out that it is! .." How it is impossible to better testify to his love and confidence in your compatriots. In this episode, the psychology of the Russian man, who preferring to worry about the troubles and make decisions "to all the world"

Yermil opens in front of the crowd - and gets help, everyone who was on the square brought him at least five. This was enough to redeem the mill.

The main feature of Yermila is its incorruptible honesty and love for the truth. Seven years he served as a writer, and for all this time, "a worldly penny did not cut under the nail." Everyone could seek advice to Yermil, knowing that he would never require money and would not be offended by innocent. When Yermil left his position, it was hard to get used to a new unsatisfied wrist. "Hoody conscience is needed - / peasant with a peasant / a penny to extort" - such a sentence makes the people of "Chinners-Hapugam".

Ermil deserved by his faith with his faith, and they repulsed him with good: unanimously elected Yermila Burmistr. Now he is Girin Yermil Ilyich, honestly reigning over the whole behavior. But the test of the power of Yermil does not withstand. One and only time he retreats from his conscience, sending to the soldiers instead of his brother of another person. And although he soon repents and aligns the evil caused by him, the peasants remember this act. It is difficult to restore your kind name, which is considered at the people with the highest value - this thought is transmitted by Nekrasov in the image of Ermila.

Nikolai Nekrasov's poem "Who lives well in Russia" is replete with various characters, among whom Ermil Girin. The characteristic of this hero is very important for the whole work, since the author makes it one of the probable applicants for the title of a happy person.

About poem

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov created the poem about the horses of peasant life, trying to portray all those torments that fall out to the rustic man. And at the same time illustrate the life of the former serfs. One of these village people - Yermil Girin. The characteristic of the character takes not the last place in the understanding of the mistake of the life of the time. Yes, and Nekrasov himself highlights it from a number of others. About how and why, let's talk below.

Ermil Girin: Characteristics

This character arises in the first part of the poem. However, the reader personally does not meet him, but he hears only a story about him. Yermil Girin (characteristic according to the plan must necessarily include this moment) - the chairman of the village, which is put forward by a candidate in the lucky. Ermila elected to his position for honesty and the mind of the burmart. And the man completely justified hopes assigned to him, seven years regularly and rightly fulfilling his duty, for which he had deserved and the love of the entire community.

Once only abused Girin authorities. When his younger brother came to pick up in recruits, he gave the son of a local peasant instead. But here the best moral qualities of the hero appeared. It began to torment conscience. And he brought himself to the point that he almost hanged himself. Saving the position of the Barin, who returned the mother unfairly sent to the service of his son.

But after this incident, he no longer felt the right to be the chairman, so he left the service, and then became a miller. However, in spite of everything, Girin continued to enjoy the confidence and respect of other peasants. In this regard, an indicator is the case with the sale of the mill. The fact is that the mill on which Yermil worked, he rented. And the owner decided to sell his property. Bidding began, and Girin won them. However, with the necessary amount of the deposit, he did not have. Then the men came to the rescue, which for half an hour they managed to collect far from a small amount - a thousand rubles. Only their help and saved the hypotion from ruin.

However, this joyful story turns on the fact that Ermila was arrested for refused to pacot, which happened in his village.

Nekrasov specially shows the strength and height of the moral leader of the hero (the quotation characteristic of Ermilah Girin confirms it). However, the injustice of power does not allow you to live happily even such a person.

Hero prototype

Yermil Girin, whose characteristic was set down above, was not in an empty spot invented Nekrasov. A. D. Potanin became the prototype - the leaving of the peasant, which managing the estate of Eagle colums. This man became famous for his unattitude, justice and honesty. Potanina and Girin relate to Potanina, for example, such quotes from the poem: "Houdoous conscience is needed - a peasant with a peasant to extort a penny", "he became the most former people of any."

This is a measure of happiness for which, according to Nekrasov, it is necessary to be honest, fair, disinterested and respected people.

"Who lives well in Russia." In Poem, we are talking about how the seven peasant men went to wander in Russia to find at least one happy man. Yermil Girin is one of the secondary heroes, a peasant, whose story is told in the chapter called "Happy".

History of creation

The poem "Who in Russia live well" Nekrasov wrote for ten years, from 1866 to 1876, and perhaps longer. The author spent a lot of time collecting material, and the first sketches could be made back in 1863. For the first time, the passage of the poem appeared in the press in 1866, in the January issue of the literary magazine "Contemporary". At this point, Nekrasov just finished work on the first part. The publication of finished materials was stretched over long four years, and all this time of Nekrasov was subjected to persecution and censorship attacks.

In the 70s of the XIX century, Nekrasov resumed work on the poem and began to write a continuation. From 1872 to 1876, parts were entitled by the author "Fat", "Peasanthi" and "PIR - for the whole world." The author was going to work further and stretch the poem for three or four parts, but the state of health did not allow Nekrasov to implement these plans. As a result, the author was limited to the fact that she tried to give the finished look of the last of the poem written and stopped at it.

"Who lives well in Russia"

Yermil Ilyich Girin is a simple peasant man, but the person is proud and decisive. The hero contains a mill, where it honestly works, no one is deceiving. The peasants trust Girin, and the landowner belongs to the hero with respect. The surname "Girin" probably refers to the reader to the physical and mental strength of the hero.

Girin is young, however, the smartness and trained diploma, thanks to which five years serves in the office of the writer. When you have to choose a burmist, the peasants are unanimously choosing a hin to this position. In this post, the hero remained seven years and showed himself a fair and honest person, deserving the respect of the people.

The hero is not bad for the peasant, however the surroundings appreciate the guin not for wealth, but for the kindness of people, the mind and truthfulness. When the peasants turn to the Girin for help, he invariably helps with advice or affair, speaking a kind of folk intercessor. At the same time, the hero does not require gratitude and refuses to accept the fee for their own benefits.

Girin does not assign someone else's. Once the hero has a "extra ruble", with whom Girin is bypassing everyone to return the money to the owner, but it does not find the owner. At the same time, the hero himself is not naive and sees when another person is trying to join and deceive, not bought on flattery.

Girin conscientious and truthful, with indignation refers to peasants who "extort a penny" from other such men, and judges the conscience of others. The aggravated sense of justice does not allow the Girin to exist the guilty or offend right. The hero is also very self-critical and ready to call the villain himself when he comes against conscience.

The case when the hero shouted the soul, in the life of the hin was only one. Girin "hurry" his own younger brother from "Recructacles" (helped to sleep from the army). Hero himself considers this act dishonest and suffer from what he committed him, as a result, without imposing his hands. Ultimately, the hero gives her own brother in the soldiers, and the other peasant son returns home from the army.

Without feeling that the wines are redeemed, Girin leaves the Burmister, takes a rent of a mill and is accepted there. The hero works honestly, on the conscience takes over the grinding. Girin believes that people are equal, and therefore lets the flour in turn, without looking, who is a poor man or manager in front of him. The hero is respected in the district, so contacting it honestly, regardless of the status, adhere to the queue set.

Later to the mill begins to "assign" a certain merchant altynnikov. The mill decide to sell, and the Big Girin participates in the auction that wins. However, the hero in his hands does not turn out to be money that needs to make a deposit. The love of a simple people to Girin was manifested here, because the peasants who were present at the bazaar were collected in just half an hour to collected a thousand rubles for a hurry - a huge amount of the sum.

The hero has everything that is needed for happiness, but Girin was offended by those who tried to take a mill from him. The offense pushes the hero to abandon the happy fate and peaceful life and to support the popular uprising that broke out in behalf. The hero refuses to pacify the peasants and in the end falls into the progress. Further biography Girin is unknown.

There are in the poem and other notable characters, for example, with a naked - antipode of the hin. It is up to half amenities a drinking man with an abscess and buroys, the skin of the hero looks like a tree bark, and the face is on a brick. Nekrasov depicts an exhausted man whom drunkenness and exhausting work have deprived of health and strength.

Skinny drinks because it doesn't find anything good in life. Once the hero lived in St. Petersburg, but it was broken, found himself in prison and was forced to return to the village where Yakim had no alternatives, besides the emulsive work of the pahahar. In the image of Yakima embodied the tragic side of the peasant shock.

It is also interesting to the image - "governors" and "kinda" women, about which others think think that she lives having fun and freely. The heroine itself adheres to other opinions and believes that the "worst happiness" in Russia is lost.

Yaps and the image of the Popovsky Son and the poet, who dreams of raising the simple people from the knees. Grisha grew up in extreme poverty and almost died with hunger, so the meaning of his own life sees in the ministry of peasants and facilitating the fate of the simple people, whose life is full of troubles and adversity.


"A man that bull: take it
In the tank, which bliss -
Kolich her Ottudova
Do not choose: rest,
Everything is worth it! "
"He works to death,
Before half seeing drinks. "
"The crowd without red girls,
What rye without Vasilkov. "
"How young was, waiting for the best,
Yes, forever so happened,
That the best ended
Nothing or misfortune. "