Life searching for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Beszhova. The spiritual quest for Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel "War and the world" The meaning of spiritual quest for Bolkonsky and Pierre

Life searching for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Beszhova. The spiritual quest for Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel
Life searching for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Beszhova. The spiritual quest for Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel "War and the world" The meaning of spiritual quest for Bolkonsky and Pierre

Educational institution

High School No. 118

2001-2002 Uch. year

On literature

Topic: "Life searching for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Proghova"


student 10 "a" class

Perova Anna

1 Introduction. Pierre Duzhov and Andrei Bolkonsky - the main heroes of the novel.

2 Life searching for Pierre Progness. Various views on life.

3 Life Searches Andrei Bolkonsky. The principles established earlier are crumbling.

4 conclusion. General and different in the quest for heroes.

"War and World" is one of the rare creations of the Human Spirit. It could be created if you use the words of Bunin only "one of the most extraordinary people ever lived on earth."

"War and World" - the central work of Tolstoy. Everything created by him to "war and the world" can be considered as peculiar etudes to this grand canvat. In it we find themes and problems, future creatures of Tolstoy.

It affects its sizes. It has more than five hundred heroes a lot of events of large and small affecting fate of individuals and entire peoples. It seems that it is possible to find everything: children's games and military battles Pacific Family happiness and merciless paintings of war cruelty Light clean love and low-alberty intrigues friendship and hatred Birth and death. What is usually depicted in the works of various genres, Tolstoy managed to merge into one.

How to study such a grand creation How to comprehend his general meaning? And here the author himself will help here, who was not only an artist, but also the theorist of art critic and teacher.

It has long been noticed that the beginning of the Great Book seems to not correspond to its scale: some non-community entrance is in the grandee and majestic constructions. Indeed, why is Tolstoy begins his story from an absolutely insignificant event with the description of a secular round with a fuses phrase in French spoken by Freillan Anna Pavlovna Sherler?

This is explained by the principle of composition, i.e. Building all the work: from insignificant to the Great from the ghostly to the real from false and lies to the truth. In this way, the heroes of Tolstoy and, above all, Pierre Duhov and Andrei Bolkonsky. Truth and beauty opens to the reader gradually, as they comprehend the characters in their lively experience.

Pierre and Andrei commit the spiritual path of searching and finding truth, freeing from faith in great people. Completely justified at school from year to year they offer the topic for the composition of the "Spiritual Searches of Pierre and Andrei" or "the search for advanced nobility youth in the" war and the world ". If we (students) are traced the path of Heroes L. Tolstoy, we think about their thoughts, we divide their feelings, we will approach the understanding of the Great Book as a whole. At the same time, it is absolutely necessary to agree with the views of the writer and his heroes, but it is important and necessary to understand them. In the salon, A.P. Sheer Pierre Duhov is a hot defender of Napoleon. His thoughts of confused, the words are inaccurate, but his sympathy is obvious on the side of the French emperor, which is "great, because he became higher than the revolution, suppressed her abuse, keeping all the good - and equality of citizens, and freedom of speech and press - and only therefore acquired power "

Pierre is ready to forgive much to his idol, because the essence of him is hidden and unclear to him. He finds justifying Napoleon's crimes. It should be noted that the Logic of Pierre lives so far in the reasoning of our contemporaries when they discuss the actions of historical figures of the twentieth century.

The execution of the Duke of Engine, - said Pierre, - was

state necessity: and I see exactly

the greatness of the soul is that Napoleon was not afraid

take on one responsibility in this


Pierre, who defended Napoleon in a circle of people, tuned by monarchistially and therefore hated French usurper, was subjected to a friendly attack. His prince Andrei helps him, completing the dispute as a conciliatory phrase: "Napoleon as a person is great on the Arkolsk bridge, in the hospital in Jaffa, where he gives his hand, but ... there are other actions that are difficult to justify."

Not only different people look different things, but also one person has no constancy in views. Life, bringing the writer's heroes a new experience, destroys their beliefs and makes it developing new ones. The spiritual movement of man, his opportunity to approach the truth due to doubt, disappointment and despair. Faith-Wrong, faith -whelming - this is the rhythm of the life of the best characters of the "War and Peace" of Pierre and Andrei, this is the rhythm of human life.

Pierre and Andrei pass through a number of losses and gains. Vital troubles, unhappiness, suffering break their beliefs and make it look for new, more perfect, more true, which give them harmony, meaning and joy of life. Duel with Doolov, the gap with his wife was for Pierre the collapse of his hopes, his happiness. He lost interest in life, and the whole world seemed to him meaningless and ugly. In the misfortune, the heroes of the Tolstoy World always appear to be such and finding happiness, it will know, gain harmony and communication with the world. Tolstoy, telling about the state of Pierre, first does not report what he thought. He only strongly emphasizes the importance and seriousness of the thought of the hero. It is such thinking, more important than which there is nothing for a person, Tolstoy considers this capable of leading to the result. Pierre is looking for salvation from grief pain and suffering. He is not interested in thought, as it was at the reception at Anna Pavlovna Sherler, does not want anyone to surprise or hit with his views, but he thinks so persistently and stubbornly as fighting for life.

"He thought back at last station and everything continued to think about the same thing - about so important that he did not pay any attention to what was happening around him." Pierre is looking for answers to the most simple and urgent questions, the solution of which people were engaged, and would be apparently forever. "What is bad? What well? What do you need to love what to hate? What is death that life? What power manages to all? He asked himself. "

For answers to these questions, it is not necessary to go far. All that surrounds man is what happens to him becomes the subject of his thought, since life is always in man and around him. The caulistant station, where Pierre stopped waiting for horses, obviously deceived him, saying that there were no horses. "Was it bad or good?" - asked himself Pierre. "For me, good for another passing badly, and for him the very inevitable, because there is nothing: he said that he was nailed for this officer. And the officer nailed for the fact that he had to go rather. And I shot in Dolokhov for what I found myself offended. And Louis XVI was executed for the fact that he was considered a criminal, and a year later they killed those who executed him too for something. "

Pierre does not find a response to the questions that bad and what is good? So it's not for anything to live. Everyone to strive for his goal is haunting their interest and that good for one is inevitably bad for another. There are no truth anywhere in private life or in history. Some are considered a criminal of Louis XVI, executed by the French Revolution, others call the criminal of his killers. Who is right? No answer. Maybe this is the truth that everyone has its own goal, in the desire and achieving which the meaning of life, giving a man joy? No, such a decision is not satisfied with Pierre. Because all this kind of private personal goals are vain. Their achievement never brings a man genuine joy and happiness.

Pierre looks at the merchant offering him his goods, and his thought takes a new turn. "I have hundreds of rubles, which I have nowhere to do, and she stands in a torn fur coat and looks at me timidly," Pierre thought. - And why do he need this money? Exactly on one hair can add happiness to the calmness of the soul of this money? Does anything in the world make it less susceptible to evil and death? Tolstoy himself shared the beliefs of his hero and he also had to fight and seek salvation.

Pierre comes in his thinking to the last feature, until the deepest foundation of the entire civilization, the character of which is primarily determined by the attitude towards life and death. Death displays and devalues \u200b\u200blife. Therefore, all religions defined the life of peoples over the centuries and millennia always solved, first of all, the problem of death and taught how to treat it to defeat it. Regardless of whether a separate person knows about whether or not, whether he ever thought about these recent issues, or not, his life eats from this source.

These questions have always been for a separate person and humanity as a whole, the most important and main ones, on which everything else depended: science state, etc. So it was always.

In the eyes of Pierre, the inevitable death makes life meaningless. Is it possible to give serious importance to the fact that instantly, which will inevitably be sure to pass and disappear forever? The result, to which Pierre comes, disappointing. He cannot find the truth and stops at the famous thought long ago: "We can only know what we know nothing. And this is the highest degree of human wisdom. "

So the hero of Tolstoy passes in a circle, it seems that all life answers, but can not be satisfied with any of them and in this painfulness of his condition. "What would he be started to think he returned to the same issues he could not allow and could not stop asking himself."

So, Pierre can neither solve issues or refuse their existence. It is necessary to overcome the temporaryness to gain connection with infinity, and once there is at least the slightest chance to find salvation Doesn't you give a person for this all your strength?

We have now became fashionable words "spiritual", "bad-minded", uttering at every step and, for anyone, they lost all meaning and found the nature of the ritual spell. All the main characters of Tolstoy live a spiritual life, feeling their relationship with infinity or seeking to find it, like Pierre Duhov and Andrei Bolkonsky.

The truth for Pierre and Andrei is the path running through a series of crises and revival consisting of a sequence of losses and gains. The Pierre station came the unfortunate, who did not see the meaning in life, and leaving her joyful to the goal of his life. On several pages, Tolstoy was able to convincingly, while remaining strict realist Show deep and radical transfiguration of the hero without causing the reader with the slightest doubt in the truthfulness of the scene.

The epic "War and Peace" rose from the thoughts of Tolstoy to write the novel "Decab Rista". Tolstoy began to write his work, left him, again he turned to him, until the Great French Revolution turned out to be in the center of his attention, the theme of which he sounds from the first pages of the novel, and the domestic war of 1812. The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a book about the Decembrist was swallowed by a wider design - Tolstoy began to write about the world, a shocked war. So it turned out a novel-epic, where in the history scale is shown the feat of the Rus-Russian people in the war of 1812. At the same time, "War and Peace" is "Family Chronicle", showing the noble society represented by several generations. And finally, it describes the life of a young nobleman, his views and spiritual formation. Many of those traits who, in the opinion of the author, should have a Decembrist, Tolstoy Natu-Lil Andrei Bolkonsky.

The novel shows the whole life of Prince An-Dree. Probably, every person once in life thinks about questions: "Who am I? Why live? In the name of what I live? " These and many other questions are trying to respond to the Hero of Tolstoy on the pages of the novel. The author with sympathy refers to the young prince of Blåns. This confirms the fact that Tol-Stop endowed Prince Andrew by many of his own views and beliefs. Therefore, Blocks is as it were for the conduct of the author's ideas.

We get acquainted with Andrey Bolkonsky in the salon Anna Sherler. Already then we are Vi-Dim, that this is an extraordinary person. Prince Andrei is good, he is flawless and fashionable dressed. He perfectly owns the French language that at that time it was considered a sign of education and culture. Even the surname of Kutuzov he pro-delivered with an emphasis on the last layer, as a Frenchman. Prince Andrei - a light-sky man. In this sense, he brought wives to all the influences of fashion not only in clothing, but also in behavior and style of life. Tolstoy turns our attention to his slow, quiet, senile step and aku-ku in view. On his face, we read pre-viewing and self-confidence. He considers himself below himself, and hence the Hu-same, hence boredom. Soon we understand that all this is applied. Seeing in the Pierre salon, Prince Andrew is transformed. He is glad to the old friend and does not hide it. The prince's smile becomes "unexpectedly welcome and pleasant." Despite the fact that Pierre Younger Andrei, they talk, they are equal, and the conversation gives pleasure to both. At the time of our meeting with him, Andrei - a fully formed personality, but he will still fall a lot of tests in life. Knya Zyu Andrei will have to go through howl, wound, love, slow umira, and all this time the prince will have to see himself, to look for that "the moment of truth", through which he will open the truth of life.

In the meantime, Andrei Bolkonsky is looking for fame. It is in pursuit of glory, he caught on the war of 1805. Andrei Zhazh-Children become a hero. In his dreams, he Vi-diet, as the army falls into a dangerous position and he saves her alone. Quicker's idol, the subject of his worship is Napoleon. It must be said that many young people of that time were fond of Napoleon's personality. And-Rey wants to be like him like and trying to imitate him. In such a raised mood, the young Bol-horse and goes to war. We are Vi-Dim Prince Andrew in Austerlitsky Solvy. He runs ahead of the attacking soldiers with the banner in his hands, then Fad is wounded. The first thing he sees Andrei after the fall is the sky. Highly, infinite sky, according to which the clouds be-gut. It is so calling, manit, Zavoru-lives with His greatness that the prince of And-Rey is even surprised by opening it for the first time. "How did I not see before that of this high sky? And as I am happy, I finally found out, "And-Rey thinks. But at that moment another truth opens the princess. All what he was stranded to, for which he lived, now it seems a trifle that does not deserve attention. He is no longer interested in the political life, to which he sought, does not need a military career, which he recently wanted to devote himself entirely. His recent idol Napoleon seems small and insignificant. Prince Andrei begins to rethink life. His thoughts return to the native house in the Lya Mountains, where the Father, wife, Sesta Ra and the child were not yet born. The war was not at all what Andrei presented it. Justified glory, he idealized a military life. In fact, he had to face death and blood. Ozes-sharpened contractions, the embittered persons of Lyu dei showed him a real appearance of the war. All his dreams about military exploits now seem to him a children's game. Prince Andrei returns home. But at home is waiting for him another blow - the death of his wife. At one time, Prince Andrei could not cool to her, and now he reads pain and reproach in her eyes. After the Summary of Wife, the prince closes in himself, even a little son does not bring him joy. To somehow take yourself, he introduces new characters in his village. The spiritual co-standing of Prince Bolkonsky, his feeding and disappointment sees Pierre. "He was struck by the change in the change in Prince Andrei. Words were gentle, the smile was on the lips and face ... But the glance was extinct, dead ... "Pierre tries to return Andrei to life. True, from the moment of their last meeting there was a lot of time and friends somewhat from-given from each other. Nevertheless, the conversation in Bogucharov forced Bolkon-Skogo to think about the words of Pierre "... if there is God and there is a future life, that is, the truth, there is a virtue; And the happiness of a person is that he would strive for achieving them, "" I need to live, you have to love, you have to believe. " I looked at the fact that the prince Andrei then showed by controversial, he realizes the correctness of Pierre. From this Momen begins the revival of Andrei to life.

On the way to Otradnaya Prince, Bolkonsky sees a huge oak "With broken ... by bits and with a broken crust, overgrown with old sores", which "old, angry and contemptuous freak standing between smiling birchings." Oak is a symbol of Andrei's mental state. This tree seems to say that there is neither spring nor happiness on earth, or only deception remained. And the prince Andrei agreed with the oak: "... Yes, he is right, one thousand times this oak ... let others, young, again givend to this deception, and we know life, - our life is over!"

In the opposite prince saw Natasha. This little girl was full of happiness, energy, cheerfulness. "And there is no case to my existence!" - I'll be Mal Prince Andrei. But he already throws the fate. He understands that it is impossible to bury him alive in the village, you just need to be able to live, enjoy life as Natasha does. And the symbolic oak "All transfigured, risks, having a tent of a juicy, dark greens, Mel, a little breaking in the rays of the evening sun." Natasha in one moment changed the life of Andrei, made him wake up from the hibernation and again believe in love. And-Rey says: "Not only ... What is in me, it is necessary, so that everyone knew this ... so that my life was not for me ... so that at all she reflected and that they all live with me together "

But while Bolkonsky leaves Natasha and leaves for St. Petersburg. There, he meets the advanced people of his time, participates in the preparation of transformation projects, in a word, diploma in the political life of the country. In St. Petersburg, he spends more time than he intended at the beginning, and, returning, Andrei learns that Natasha changed him, carried away by Anatola Kuragin. Bolon-sky loves Natasha, but he is too proud and arrogant to forgive her change. Therefore, they are forced to part, having everyone in their soul anegous wound.

Prince Andrei once again meets Pierre. Now before the Boro-Dean battle. Pierre feels that Andrey is not destined to live, it seems, Pony-Male is Andrei. In Borodinsky, Bolkonsky again receives rapid. Now he stretches to the ground. He envies the grass, flowers, not proud, power clouds. He himself now has nothing left of the pride that made him break up with Nata-Shey. For the first time, Prince Andrei thinks not about himself, but about others. It is now that he is from the truth that Pierre spoke about him. He forgives Natasha. Moreover, he forgives And Anatol. Already on the verge of death, Andrei realizes that he "has opened new happiness, an integral from Chelch ... Happiness, located outside of the Mate Forces, outside the material influences on a person, the happiness of one soul, the happiness of love! He could understand him anyone, but aware of him and to prescribe him could only God. " Andrei once again meets on-tash. Minutes spent with her, the observes for Andrey the most happy. Natasha once again returns him to life. But it remained to live, alas, very long. "Prince Andrei died. But at the same moment, as he died, the prince An-Dray remembered that he was sleeping, and at the same moment, as he died, he, having made an effort on himself, woke up. " From this minute, "began for Prince Andrei along with awakening from sleep - awakening from life."

Thus, the novel shows two concepts about the happiness of Prince Andrei. At first, Andrei believes that it is necessary to live for himself that everyone should live in his own. There are two misfortunes in life: a thieves of conscience and illness. And happy man-eyelid only when these misfortunes are missing. And only at the end of the life of And-Rey realized true happiness - to live for others.

The meaning of life ... We often think about what could be the meaning of life. It's not easy to search for each of us. Some people understand what the meaning of life and how and what should I live, only on the mortal apparent. The same happened with Andrei Bolkonsky, the most striking hero of Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

For the first time we meet Prince Andrei at the evening in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler. Prince Andrei sharply differed from all those present here. It does not have insincerity, hypocrisy, so inherent in the highest light. In his glance, there is only a bored, "all the former in the living room were not only familiar, but it was already tired of him so that it was very boring to listen to them." But the most of all he was tired of his wife Lisa. He despises the highest light, and Lisa constantly reminds him of him. "Whatever I gave now to not be married!" - he exclaims.

It is in order to escape from this adult life, Andrei wants to go to war. But this is just one side of the medal. The main reason is the thirst for glory, the same as Napoleon has achieved. Napoleon eclipsed by the mind of Prince Andrew. Prince is building ambitious plans. In his dreams, he presented himself with the Savior of the Russian Army, the Russian people. But after a panic and confusion, which was after Shenagraben's battle, everything turned out to be not so heroic, as he dreamed.

In the battle of Austerlitz, the fate provided the case to Prince Andrei to show himself. Decisive minute came! Bolkonsky picked up the banner from the hands of the killed soldier and led the battalion in the attack. "Hooray! - Shouted Prince Andrei, barely holding a heavy banner in his hands, and ran ahead with undoubted confidence that the entire battalion would run behind him. " Death, wounds, personal life - everything went to the background. Ahead is only a hero, Prince Andrei, and his feat, who (as he dreamed) will never forget.

And only the wound helped to understand how he was mistaken. Only a high Austerlitsky sky with gray nondescript clouds made him feel his insignificance before eternity.

"Yes! All empty, all deception, except for this endless sky. " Prince Andrei came to this conclusion. And Napoleon, who was so admired by Bolkonsky, seemed insignificant to him. Diligently erected ideals collapsed in an instant.

After the injury, Prince Andrei returned home and drew his thoughts for eternity and love. Bolkonsky came to the conclusion that a person, like a tree, should live in his age patiently and persistently. The main thing is not to bring an evil to anyone and do not require participation. But the life of Prince Andrei has changed cool: he met Natasha Rostov loved her. Thanks to Natasha, he continues to live and, it seems, is about to touch with happiness. But suddenly the fact that Prince Andrei cannot forgive Natasha, - treason.

It is the treason of Natasha encourages Bolkonsky to re-go to war, and during the Borodino battle, he again gets wound, this time serious. And this is to blame for its excessive pride. When the pomegranate fell near him, he did not go to the ground, as he thought he would show the wrong example to other officers. "Is it really death?" ... He thought it and at the same time remembered what was watching him. Pride did not let him save himself. Prince Andrei was wounded in the stomach. And in the moments of suffering, he opened everything that he had not previously understood. "Something was in this life, which I did not understand ..." - thought Bolkonsky. Then he realized that what and how God loves people. And he, Prince Andrei, also loves them all, not sharing on loved ones and enemies. "Compassionation, love for brothers, to loving, love for hate us, love for enemies, yes, the love that God preached on earth, which was taught by Princess Marya, and which I did not understand; That's what I feel sorry for life, here it is what else remains me, if I would be alive. But now it's too late. I know it!" - These are the thoughts of Prince Andrew.

Andrei Bolkonsky experienced everything in his life, learned everything that was possible, and on his life would be meaningless. And such a person did not remain anything but to die. And he died, but in our hearts he will remain forever.

Life Search Andrei Bolkonsky

Andrei Bolkonsky is commonplace, hypocrisy and lies reigning in a secular society. These low, meaningless goals that it pursues.

The ideal of Bolkonsky is Napoleon, Andrei wishes like him, saving others to achieve fame and recognition. This is his desire and there is a secret reason for which he goes to war 1805-1807.

During the Austerlitsky battle, Prince Andrew decides that the hour of His glory came and rushes his head under the bullet, although not only ambitious intentions were the impetus to this, but also shame for their army, which began to run. Bolkonsky was wounded. When he woke up, he began to realize the world around differently, he finally noticed the beauty of nature. He comes to the conclusion that wars, victories, defeats and glory - nothing, emptiness, vanity fuss.

After the death of his wife, Prince Andrew is experiencing a strong spiritual shock, he decides for himself, which will live for the closest people, but his live nature does not want to put up with such a boring and everyday life, and in the end all this leads to a deep soulful crisis. But meeting with a friend and sincere conversation help partly overcome him. Pierre Duhov convinces Bolkonsky that life is not over, which needs to be afraid, no matter what.

Moonlit night in Otradnaya and a conversation with Natasha, and after a meeting with the old oak return Bolkonsky to life, he begins to realize that he does not want to be so "old oak." In Prince, Andrei again appears ambition, thirst for fame and the desire to live and fight, and he goes to the service in St. Petersburg. But, Bolkonsky, participating in the compilation of laws, understands that it is not what people need.

Natasha Rostov played a very important role in the spiritual formation of Prince Andrew. She showed him the purity of thoughts that need to follow: Love for the people, the desire to live, do something good for others. Andrei Bolkonsky passionately and gently loved Natalia, but could not forgive betray, because he decided that Natasha's feelings were not so sincere and disinterested, as he believed before.

Going to the front of 1812, Andrei Bolkonsky does not pursue ambitious intentions, he rides to defend his homeland, protect his people. And already in the army, he does not strive for high ranks, but fights next to ordinary people: soldiers and officers.

The behavior of Prince Andrei in Borodino battle is a feat, but the feat is not in the sense, as we usually understand it, but the feat before himself, before His honor, the indicator of the long path of self-improvement.

After a deadly injury, Bolkonsky imbued with a long-faced religious spirit, changed a lot, revised his views on life as a whole. He gave the forgiveness of Natasha and Kuragin, and died with the world in his heart.

In the novel "War and Peace", you can explore the first to see the life path and the spiritual formation of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky from the secular, indifferent and vain to wise, honest and deep spiritually.


L. N. Tolstoy - a writer of a huge, global scale, since the subject of his research was a man, his soul. For a thick man - part of the universe. It is interesting for him what path the soul of man passes in the desire for a high, ideal, in the desire to know the most.

Pierre Duckers - an honest, highly educated nobleman. This is a direct nature, able to sharpen, it is easy to excite. Pierre is peculiar to deep meditation and doubt, the search for the meaning of life. The life path is complicated and tortuous. At first, under the influence of youth and the environment, he performs a lot of mistakes: leads the reckless life of a secular ride and a slacker, allows the prince of Kuragin to scroll himself and marry her daughter Helen. Pierre shoots duel with Doolokh, rustles with his wife, disappointed in life. He is hated by everyone recognized by the lie of the secular society, and he understands the need to struggle.

At this critical moment, Pierre enters the hands of Mason Basdayev. This "preacher" deftly puts up before the gullible graph of a network of religious-mystical society, which called for moral improvement of people and uniting them on the basis of fraternal love. Pierre understood Freemasonry as a doctrine of equality, fraternity and love. It helped him to direct his strength to the improvement of serfs. He freed the peasants, established hospitals, shelters, schools.

The war of 1812 forces Pierre again to take care of the work again, but his passionate call to help his homeland causes universal discontent of the Moscow nobility. He will fail again. However, embraced by a patriotic feeling, Pierre's money is equipped with a thousand militias and himself remains in Moscow to kill Napoleon: "Or perish, or to stop the misfortune of all of Europe, which happened, according to Pierre, from one Napoleon."

An important stage on the way of the quest Pierre is to visit the Borodino field at the time of the famous battle. He understood here that the story creates the most powerful strength in the world - the people. Lyuhov approvingly perceives the wise words of a soldier: "All the people want to feel, one word - Moscow. One end to make want. " The view of the lively and sweaty men-militias, with a loud laughter and talking on the field, "focused on Pierre, the strongest thing that saw and heard so far about solemnity and significance of this minute."

If closer rapprochement of Pierre with simple people occurs after a meeting with a soldier, a former peasant, Plato Karataev, which, according to Tolstoy, is a particle of popular mass. From Karataeva, Pierre is recruited with peasant wisdom, in communication with him "takes care of the calm and satisfaction with himself, to which he in vain sought before."

The life path of Pierre Tychova is typical for the best part of the noble youth of that time. It was from such people that an iron cohort of the Decembrists was compiled. Much relating to them with the author of Epopea, who was faithful to them in the youth of the oath: "To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confuse, fight, make mistakes, start, and again throw, and again start and throwing and throwing it again and forever. And calm is spiritual meanness. "

Pierre's life quest

Pierre Duhov was an extramarital son of one of the richest people in Russia. In society he was perceived as an eccentric, all laughed at his convictions, aspirations and statements. No one was considered with his opinion and did not perceive him seriously. But when Pierre got a huge inheritance, in front of him began to enjoy everything, he became a welcome fiance for many secular coquettes ...

During his stay in France, he imbued with the ideas of Freemasonry, Pierre seemed to have found like-minded people that with their help he could change the world for the better. But soon he was still disappointed in Freemasonry, although his desire for equality among people and justice in everything was inexperienced.

Pierre Duhov is still very young and inexperienced, he is looking for the goal of his life and being in general, but, unfortunately, it comes to the conclusion that nothing can be changed by this world and falls under the bad influence of Kuragin and Dolokhov. Pierre begins simply to "burn life", spends his time on balls and secular evenings. Kuragin marries him to Helen.

Bezukhov was painted with passion for Helen Kuragin, the very first silent beauty, he was happy to marry her happiness. But after some time, Pierre noticed that Helen is just a beautiful doll with an icy heart, drawn by a smile and cruel hypocritical temper. Marriage with Helen Kuragina brought Pierre Bezuhov only pain and disappointment in the female field.

The charter from the rampant life and the inaction of the Pierre's soul rusts to work. He begins to spend the reform in his lands, trying to give forty freedom, but that is very regrettable, people do not understand him, they are so accustomed to slavery that they don't even imagine how without it you can live without it. People decide that Pierre with "faders."

When the war began in 1812, Pierre Duhov, although he was not military, went to the front to see how people were fighting for their Fatherland. Being on the fourth bastion, Pierre saw a real war, he saw how people suffer because of Napoleon. Bezukhova struck and inspired patriotism, zeal and self-sacrifice of ordinary soldiers, he began to hurt together with them, Pierre's fiercely with hatred of Bonaparte, he wanted to kill him personally. Unfortunately, he failed to him, and instead he was captured.

In prison, Luzhov spent a month. There he met a simple "soldier" by Plato Karataev. This acquaintance and stay in captivity played a significant role in the life of Pierre. He finally understood and realized that the truth that was looking for: that each person has the right to happiness and should be happy. Pierre Duhov saw the true price of life.

Pierre acquired his happiness in marriage with Natasha Rostova, she was not only his wife, his children and his beloved woman, she was big - she was a friend who supports him in everything.

Lyuhov, like all the Decembrists, fought for the truth, for the freedom of the people, for honor, these goals were the reason for his entry into their ranks.

Long Way of Wandering, sometimes erroneous, sometimes funny and ridiculous, nevertheless led Pierre Dunzhanov to the Truth, which he had to understand, having passed difficult trials of fate. We can say that, no matter what the end of the life of Pierre's life quest is good, because he reached the goal she pursued initially. He tried to change this world for the better. And each of us should also strive for this purpose, because the house consists of small bricks, and they are from small grain, and the sandbanks are our kind and fair actions.

Each writer has his own glance at one time, to choose from heroes. This is determined by the personality of the author, his worldview, his understanding of the appointment of a person on Earth. Therefore, there are books that are not authorized. There are heroes that will always be interesting, whose thoughts and acts will worry about not one generation of descendants.

Such for me are the heroes of Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". What attracts me in the characters of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Zuhova? Why do they seem like alive and close to almost two centuries? Why Natasha Rostov is not perceived by some distant countess, completely from another life, other education, and my pemer? Why every time going back to the novel, do I open something new in it for myself? Probably because they are really lively for me, not static that they live not only today, they strive not only to privileges, award-winning, material willing, but not "sleeping" to the soul, reflect on their lives, they are stressful looking for the meaning of life. The Great and Unique L. Tolstoy, who himself did not stop looking for good and learn, analyze himself, his era and generally human life, teaches us, readers, watch life and analyze our actions. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov immediately attract attention to themselves, stand out by their sincerity, higher decency and mind. Despite the fact that they are so different - severe, arrogant prince Andrei, who very respects himself and is therefore coming from people, and so awkward, at first, naive Pierre, who does not perceive the light, - are real friends. They can talk about high matters, turn each other mystery of the souls, protect and maintain in a difficult moment.

It would seem that each of them has their own way, their victories and defeat, but how many times their fates are intertwined, how much like in different life ambitions, how much in common in the feelings! A talented officer, Prince Andrei goes to war to find the use of its forces and mind, find "his toulon", become famous. He took himself a rule not to interfere in other people's affairs, do not pay attention to the bustle and disputes, "not to descend." But in the headquarters of the corridor, the prince will obverse the gloomy adjutant, who dared offensively respond about the defeated ally: "We or officers who serve their king and the Fatherland and rejoice in common success and pepper about the overall failure, or we are a lacker, which are no case to the Lord!"

After conveying the order to evacuate, Prince Andrei can not throw the battery of Captain Tushina and remains to help them, without hiding behind the dust and powder smoke with his adjutant position. And when discussing in the headquarters of the Shenagraben battle, he will defend Tushina.

Maybe it is this meeting and participation in hostilities (under the bullets of the enemy) side by side with simple soldiers and younger officers helped and fulfill the father's feet, so that "there was no shame", and raise the banner, turning back back, not only because It was "Starry Hour", but because he, like Kutuzov, feels pain for the army's retreat. Maybe, therefore, Andrei Bolkonsky deliberately did not notice the offensive words about Nikolai Rostov's staff officers and powerfully, with dignity, suggested him to calm down, because another duel will be held - with a common enemy, where they can not feel their opponents. So exactly and Pierre, striving for self-improvement, trying to do so much for his peasants, must come to understand the difference between good deeds for himself and dissolve in the general affairs and aspirations of many people. Therefore, he comes to Masons, hoping that this is a real focus of good. What is bad? What well? What should I love to hate? Why live and what is "me"? What is life and what is death? What power manages to all? Of course, a person who set up these questions, worthy of respect, even if his searches lead first to denial, to his rejection ...

The spiritual crisis is experiencing prince Andrei after the revaluation of his idol - Napoleon and after the death of his wife. Changes in the estate (at the beginning of the XIX century, he translated his fortress-free blades), the education of the baby's baby, reading books and periodic publications could fill the life of an ordinary, doorgin to the edges. Bolkonsky However, presses the ceiling of limitations - it is necessary for a high blue sky. Like a spark, the words of Pierre will flash in a conversation on the ferry: "We must live, you have to love, you have to believe," and will burn a new interest in life! Now he knows the criterion for the usefulness of this work and, applying a highly appreciated by the Committee of the Speransky project to specific people, "Remembering the men, drone-headman, and, applying the rights of the persons he distributed to the paragraphs, he became strange as he could do in such vain labor. " Hope for personal happiness raises Prince Andrew as on the wings and proves that "life is not over the thirty-one." How to change his credo, his yesterday's Napoleonic "I am above all", "My thoughts and efforts as a gift for everyone" - to another: "It is necessary that everyone knows me to not for one thing for me so that they do not live like this girl, regardless of my life, so that she reflected on all and so that they all live with me together! " This is "all through me", this path from arrogant-egoistic to the egoistic will give Blocks another perception of the world will teach to see and understand the feelings of other people: and dreamy Natasha on the lunar night, her bright person, which so lacked him, and girls with green Plums who needed to be quietly passing by him, and Timokhin, and all officers and soldiers of their regiment. Maybe, therefore, he will not lose interest in life, immersed in the personal grinding of a gap with his beloved, when it will face the common world of the Motherland, with enemy invasion.

So, the Pierre, whom everything was deceived - from the estate managers to his own wife, - it was necessary to feel the threat of not only his own "I", and at least a close person so that he would find in himself and the strength and hardness, and real tact, and, Finally, the ability to manage the situation, as in the case of Anatoly Kuragin - so that he does not ink the reputation of Natasha and did not meet with Prince Andrey, did not have the threat of a friend's life.

When the enemy attacked his homeland, Pierre, to the brain of bones, the civilian man acts as a real patriot. He not only goes to his funds a whole regiment - he himself wants to stay in Moscow to kill Napoleon. It is symbolic that, looking for an answer in the Apocalypse to the question: who will win the Bonaparte, Pierre finds the answer - "Russian Bezukhov", emphasizing not only his name and title, but it is the belonging to the nation, that is, feeling part of the country. On the Borodino field, on the battery, Pierre, with his desire to help bring the shells, something resembles Prince Andrei under Shengrab.

Andrei Bolkonsky also feels likely part of his people. In a conversation with a new man for him, he is amazed by frankness, simplicity of words, closeness to ordinary soldiers. Prince Andrei refuses to offer Kutuzov to serve him with an adjutant, wanting to stay in the shelf. He will learn to fight on the front line, appreciate the warm attitude towards himself a soldier, their gentle "our prince." Once giving great importance to the military strategy and the calculation, Andrei Bolkonsky indignantly discard it to the Borodino battle: Napoleonic comparison of regiments with chess pieces and words of staff officers about "War in space". Protect the small homeland (his home, estate, city) and the great depression will be able, according to Prince Andrew, only one feeling that "is in me, in it, in every soldier." This is a sense of love to the homeland and the feeling of unity with the fate of the people.

Bolkonsky stands under the bullets, counting "his duty to excite the courage of soldiers." He will forgive Anatoly Kuragin his personal insult when he meets him wounded, in the hospital chamber at the forefront. And love for Natasha, aggravated by common grief and shared losses, flashes in Prince Andrei with a new force. The great cleansing of physical and moral suffering was to go to the captive Pierre Duzhov, to meet with Plato Karataev, immersed in the life of a simple people and understand that "he looked at his whole life somewhere over his heads around him, and it was necessary to strain the eye, but only to look in front of you. " With new eyes, he will see a real way to goal, the scope of application of its own forces. He, like many of the heroes of the Patriotic War, hurts to look at the riots in the debris: "In the courts theft, in the army one stick: Pigacity, settlements, - the people are tormented, education is dear. What young, honestly lick! " Now Pierre becomes close to everything that happens in his country, and he arises to defend this "young and honest", leaning over the glorious past, fights for the purity of the present and the future.

Bezukhov is one of the organizers and managers of the circle of the Decembrists. He deliberately chooses a dangerous and restless way. It is symbolic that next to him "to glory", through the swords of the reactionaries, goes, in the representation of the Nikolinki Bolkonsky, and a teenager himself, and Prince Andrei.

I think if Pierre stayed alive, he, without hesitating, would take part in a speech at the Senate Square. It would be a logical result of ideological quest, spiritual self-improvement and the growing "I" in general "we". At the new stage of development, L. N. Tolstoy shows, on the same path arises their continuation - Nikolinka. And so close and understandable for each of us, his cherished words sound: "I just ask God for one thing to be with me what was with People Plutarch, and I will do the same. I will do better. Everyone will recognize, everyone will love me, everyone will admire me. " The meaning of the spiritual quest of a real person can not have the end.

Pierre Ducheov At the beginning of the novel, a massive young man with a smart, timid and observation look appears in front of us. Pierre Duhov is emotional, soft, easily succumbing to someone else's influence, it stands out among the other visitors of the secular salon with its naturalness, sincerity, simplicity, liveliness. The writer shows us in constant movement, in doubt and search, in continuous domestic development. 2.

In the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler. Pierre Bezuhov is a hot defender of Napoleon. His thoughts are mounted, the words are inaccurate, but his sympathy is obvious on the side of the French emperor, which is "great, because he became higher than the revolution, suppressed her abuse, holding all the good - and equality of citizens, and freedom of speech and press - and only therefore acquired power " Pierre is ready to forgive much to his idol, because the essence of him is hidden and unclear to him. He finds justifying Napoleon's crimes. Pierre, who defended Napoleon in a circle of people, tuned by monarchistially and therefore hated French usurper, was subjected to a friendly attack. His prince Andrei helps him, completing the dispute as a conciliatory phrase: "Napoleon as a person is great on the Arkolsk bridge, in the hospital in Jaffa, where he gives his hand, but ... there are other actions that are difficult to justify." 3.

Search for yourself, your destination and the meaning of life. Freed life in the company Dologov. Friendship with Andrei Bolkonsky. Attention to the father, relatives. Neotability to marry.

Duel with dolokhov. Of course, one of the tests of Pierre is a duel with dolokhov. The Count thinks that Doolov and his wife Helen are lovers, and after a toast spoken by his "enemy": "For the health of beautiful women and their lovers," Duhov understands that his suspicions are not in vain. Pierre causes an offender for a duel, but it makes it insecure, timidly, you can even think that words: "You ... you ... Scoundrel!. . I call you ... "- inadvertently broke out from him. He does not realize what this fight can lead to, it is not aware of this and the seconds: Nesvitsky - Pierre, Nikoloiai Rostov - Dologov. five

The state of the duelists before the Pierre duel "has the form of a person engaged in some considerations, not at all relating to the upcoming case. The face of it is yellow. He, apparently, did not sleep at night. "Doolov on the eve of the duel all night sits in the club, listening to the Gypsy and Songniks. He is confident in himself, in his abilities, comes with the firm intention to kill the opponent, but it is only visibility, he has anxiety in his soul. 6.

Despite the refusal of reconciliation, the duel does not begin for a long time because of the unconsciousness of the act, which Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy characterizes as: "Three minutes everything was ready, and still slowed to begin. All silent. " The indecisiveness of the characters conveys and Description of Nature: Fog and Thaw. Started. Shelahov, when they began to disperse, was slow, his mouth had a similar smile, he realizes his superiority and wants to show that nothing was afraid. Pierre is going fast, confronted from the trotan walkway, he seems to be running away, finish all as soon as possible. Perhaps that is why he shoots first, while at random, shuddering from a strong sound, and the rival wounds. Pierre is absolutely not ready for the role of "judges" and "executioner" at the same time, he repents in what happened, thanks God that she did not kill Dologov. 7.

"With the word" three "Pierre went ahead of the fast step ... he held a gun, stretching forward his right hand, apparently, fearing, as if from this gun, do not kill himself. He diligently pressed his left hand ... After passing the steps six and getting up from the track in the snow, Pierre looked at his feet, again looked at Dolokhov again and, pulling his finger, as he was taught, shot ... "The response shot did not follow. "... Dolokhova's hurried steps were heard ... He kept his one hand for his left side ..." Shooting, she missed. Pierre does not understand anything, he is full of repentance and regret, barely holding back his sobs, granting his head, goes back somewhere in the forest, that is, runs away from the deed, from his fear. She does not regret anything about anything, does not think about himself, about his pain, but is afraid for the mother, which he hurts suffering.

Without finding no longer the meaning of life, Pierre is torn, and because of his naivety, gullibility, inability to understand people makes mistakes. It seems to me that one of these mistakes was his marriage to Helen Kuragin. This rapid act Pierre deprives himself any hope of happiness. He realizes that he does not have a real family. Pierre grows discontent itself. He dispersed with his wife, gives her a significant proportion of his state, after which she seeks to find the use of its forces and abilities in other areas of life. nine

Meeting with the Basmey True for Pierre and Andrei is the path going through a series of crises and revival consisting of a sequence of losses and gains. Pierre arrived at the station in Torzoke, who did not see the meaning in life, but left her joyful, who acquired the goal of the life of a person. It is not by chance that this change occurs at the station. This is a kind, intersection: Pierre chooses the path for which it will go, asked for a difficult question: "What is bad? What is good? What should I love, what to hate? For what to live, and what I am..." Looking for truth and The meaning of life lead him to Mason Basdeww, who, knowing his misfortunes, offers him help. In the teachings of Pierre Masons attract the ideas of "equality, fraternity and love", it gives the hero to faith in the fact that the world should have the kingdom of good and truth, and the Higher happiness of a person is to strive for their achievement. Therefore, Pierre Duhov begins to search for opportunities for the incarnation of fair and humane ideas into a particular case. 10

First of all, he decides to alleviate the fate of serfs. He sympathizes them and cares about the cancellation of corporal punishment, so that the men were not burdened by unbearable work and hospitals, shelters and schools were established in each estate. It seems to him that he finally found the meaning of life: "And only now, when I. . . I try. . . Live for others, only now I understood all the happiness of life. "This conclusion helps Pierre to find a real path in his future quests. But soon there comes frustration and in Masonry, since the republican ideas of Piera were not divided by his" brothers ", and besides Pierre Sees that in the medium of Masons there are hypocrisy and careerism. All this leads Pierre to a rupture with Masons and to the fact that it falls into a life deadlock and immersed in a state of hopeless longing and despair. 11

Not being a military, like Andrei Bolkonsky, wanting to divide the destiny of the country, express his love for Fatherland, Pierre takes part in the Borodino battle. He forms the regiment to his funds, takes it to security, and himself remains in Moscow to kill Napoleon as the main culprit of folk disasters. And it is here that we see how the player of Pierre is fully revealed. He can not see numerous human dramas, while remaining a passive witness, and therefore, without thinking about his own security, protects the woman, stands up for an obsessed, saves the child's burning house. In his eyes, the violence and arbitrariness will be revealed, executed people accused of arson, whom they did not commit. All these terrible and painful impressions are further exacerbated by the setting of captivity, where the faith of Pierre is being collapsed into a fair device of the world, in man and God. 12

"Since Pierre saw this terrible murder, perfect by people, who did not want to do this, in his soul, it seemed to have suddenly survived the spring, on which everything was held and seemed alive, and everything fell into a bunch of meaningless Sora. In him, although he did not give himself a report, destroyed Vera and in the improvement of the world, and in human, and in his soul, and in God. " Pierre met in a barrack for prisoners with a simple Russian soldier Plato Karataev, who helped him return to faith in life. Plato's speech is simple and simple, it does not keep any comparison with the smart deep reasoning of Basdayev or Pierre himself, when he expressed his faith Bolkonsky. 13

Karatayev says banal well-known things, his speech consists mainly from sayings and proverbs. But for Pierre, he was "incomprehensible round and eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth." After the first meeting with Plato Pierre "felt that the previously destroyed world was now with a new beauty, on some new and unshakable foundations, erected in his soul."

In the final of the novel, we see a happy person who has a good family, a faithful and loyal wife who loves and love. Thus, it is Pierre Duhov, it reaches the "war and the world" of spiritual harmony with the world and with himself. fifteen

Andrei Bolkonsky in the artistic world of Tolstoy there are heroes, persistently and purposefully seeking the meaning of life, seeking complete harmony with the world. They do not occupy secular intrigues, mercenary interests, empty conversations in the Great Salons. They are easy to learn among the arrogant, smug faces. To them, of course, applies to one of the brightest images of the "War and Peace" - Andrei Bolkonsky. True, the first acquaintance with this hero does not cause a special sympathy, because his beautiful face "with certain and dry features" spoils the expression of boredom and discontent. Prince Andrei, possessing, in addition to the mind and education, strong will, resolutely changes his life, enrolling in the headquarters of the commander-in-chief. Bolkonsky dreams of a feat and glory, but his desires are far from vanity, for they are caused by the desire for the victory of Russian weapons, to the general benefit. Possessing hereditary pride, Andrey unconsciously separates himself from the world of ordinary people. sixteen

The feat, perfect by him during Austerlitsky battle, when he runs ahead of all with the banner in his hands is filled with an external effect: he noted and appreciated even Napoleon. But why, having committed a heroic act, Andrei does not have any delight and mental lifting? Probably because at that moment he fell, heavily wounded, he opened a new high truth together with a high endless sky, spread over him a blue arch. On his background, all former dreams and desires showed Andrei small and insignificant, the same as the former idol. In his soul there was a revaluation of values. What seemed to him beautiful and sublime, turned out to be empty and vain. And then, from what he was so diligently, a simple and quiet family life - now it seems despicable, full of happiness and harmony. "There was nothing over him, except the sky, is a high sky, not clear, but still immeasurably high, with quietly creeping on it with gray clouds. "How did I see before that of this high sky? And as I am happy that I finally found out, "17 thought Prince Andrei."

It is not known how the life of Bolkonsky would have arisen with his wife. But when, "resurrected from the dead," he returned home more kind and soft, a new blow hit him - the death of his wife, in front of which he could not sway his guilt. After that, Andrei is sent by Bogucharovo. Objects Andrei Bolkonsky: - Construction; - Education of the Son with Father and Prince Marya; - Militia collection service under the head of the father. Opening of the wealth of peaceful life - without ambitious plans, in a family, house, among your favorite people. Happiness comes (incomplete - remorse of conscience before the dead in childbirth). Prince Andrei turns out to be attentive, soft and touching in communicating with his father, sister, son Nicholya. In his soul, he has the natural needs of love and good. But the active, active in nature, Prince Andrei lives in a closed world. Therefore, he suffers. "Extluous, dead look", in a smile "focusing and clever". eighteen

Changes in the serious mental state of Andrei begin with the arrival of Pierre, who, seeing the oppressed mood of a friend, tries to inspire him to the existence of the kingdom of good and truth, which should exist on Earth. The final revival of Andrei to life is due to his meeting with Natasha Rostova. By poetic, the beauty of the moon night and the first Bala Natasha. Communication with her opens Andrey a new sphere of life - love, beauty, poetry. But it was with Natasha that he was not destined to be happy, because there is no complete mutual understanding between them. Natasha loves Andrei, but does not understand and does not know him. And she also remains a mystery to him with his own, special inner world. If Natasha lives every moment, unable to wait and postpone the moment of happiness, then Andrei is able to love at a distance, finding a special charm in anticipation of the upcoming wedding with his beloved girl. The separation was too difficult for Natasha, for it, unlike Andrei, is not able to think about something else, take himself in some reason. History with Anatola Kuragin destroys the possible happiness of these heroes. Proud and proud Andrei is not able to forgive Natasha her mistake. And she, experiencing agile removal of conscience, considers himself unworthy of such a noble, ideal person. Fate disconnects loving people, leaving in their souls bitterness and frustration pain. nineteen

When Napoleon entered into the limits of Russia and began to move rapidly, Andrei Bolkonsky, who hated war after heavily wounded under Austerlitz, goes to the current army, refusing a safe and promising service at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief. Commander of the regiment, the proud aristocrat Bolkonsky comes closer with the soldiers and peasant mass, learns to appreciate and respect the simple people. If first the prince Andrei tried to excite the courage of soldiers, walking under the bullets, then seeing them in battle, realized that he had to teach them. He begins to look at the men in Soldier's Schinles as heroes-patriots, courageously and persistently defended their fatherland. Andrei Bolkonsky comes to the idea that the success of the army depends not on the position, weapons or the number of troops, but from that feeling that is in it, and in every soldier. It means that he believes that the mood of soldiers, the total combat spirit of the troops are a decisive factor for the outcome of the battle. But still, the complete unity of Prince Andrew with a simple people did not happen. No wonder Tolstoy introduces a minor episode about how the prince on a hot day wanted to swim, but because of a squeamish attitude towards the soldiers, climbing in the pond, he could not fulfill his intention. Andrei himself shakes his feeling, but can not overpower him. twenty

The death of Prince Andrei is symbolic that at the time of mortal injury, Andrei experiences a huge craving for a simple earthly life, but immediately thinks about why so sorry to part with her. This struggle between earthly passions and perfect cold love for people is especially sharpened before his death. Having met Natasha and ate her, he feels a tide of vitality, but this tremble and warm feeling is replaced by some kind of unearthly absence, which is incompatible with life and means death. Thus, the discontinuity in Andrei Bolkonsky many wonderful features of the nobleman-patriot. Tolstoy breaks his way of looking for the heroic death for the sake of rescue. And continue these searches of higher spiritual values, which remained unattainable for Andrei, destined in the novel to his friend and the like-minded-minded person Pierre Bezuhov. "Is this death? - thought the prince and at the same time he remembered that he was watching him. An explosion, whistling of fragments heard, and Prince Andrei rushed aside and, raising her hand up, fell on the chest. " He was wounded in the stomach. 21.

During the disease, he thought about life and death. His spiritual path continued, he was looking for the last truth that would reconcile him with death. Tolstoy handed the thought to which his hero came shortly before his death. These are thoughts of love, about God, about eternity. They are very important, they are comforting for Prince Andrew. The new and last knowledge of Prince Andrei special knowledge and in the Word is not expressed. But it is manifested by the immediate reality of the actions of the hero's life at how he leaves this world. The death of Prince Andrei convinces the people who are present to him that he recognized the truth. But not everyone who was next to him, but only the closest whose love for him let them penetrate into the essence of what is happening: Natasha and Princess Marry. 22.