Sentimentalism in the Western European literature of the XVIII century. Russian literature of the XVIII century (sentimentalism and classicism)

Sentimentalism in the Western European literature of the XVIII century. Russian literature of the XVIII century (sentimentalism and classicism)
Sentimentalism in the Western European literature of the XVIII century. Russian literature of the XVIII century (sentimentalism and classicism)

In the process of its development, literature, both Russian and world, was held many stages. Features of literary creativity, which were repeated on a certain period of time and were characteristic of a large number of works, determine the so-called artistic method or literary direction. The history of the development of Russian literary creativity directly echoes Western European art. The flows that dominated in the world classics, sooner or later were reflected in Russian. This article will consider the main features and signs of such a period as sentimentalism in Russian literature.

In contact with

New literary current

Sentimentalism in the literature belongs to the most notable directions, he originated in European art in the XVIII century, under the influence of the era of the enlightenment. The country of the emergence of sentimentalism is considered to be England. The definition of this direction occurred from french word santimentas.which translated into Russian means "".

This name was elected due to the fact that the focus of style adherents paid to the inner world of man, his feelings and emotions. Charged from the Hero-citizen characteristic of classicism, reading Europe with delight adopted a new vane and sensual man depicted by sentimentalists.

In Russia, this course came at the end of the 18th century through artistic translations of Western European writers, such as Werker, J.Zh. Rousseau, Richardson. This direction arose in the Western European art in the XVIII century. In literary works, this flow manifested itself especially brightly. It has spread to Russia thanks to the artistic translations of the novels of European writers.

The main features of sentimentalism

Number new schoolwho preaching the refusal to look at the world was the answer to credit samples of the mind of the era of classicism. Among the main signs you can allocate the following features Sentimentalism:

  • Nature is used as a background that shades and complementing the internal experiences and state of a person.
  • The foundations of psychologism are laid, the authors put in the first place internal feelings of a separate person, his reflection and torment.
  • One of the leading topics sentimental works The theme of death becomes. Often there is a motive of suicide due to the impossibility of resolving internal conflict Hero.
  • The environment that surrounds the hero is secondary. It does not have much influence on the development of the conflict.
  • Propaganda initial spiritual beauty simple man , His wealth inner world.
  • A reasonable and practical approach to life is inferior to sensory perception.

Important! Straight classicism generates completely opposite to himself in spirit the flow in which the internal states of the individual overlook, regardless of its lowest possible origin.

The uniqueness of the Russian version

In Russia this method Preserved its basic principles, but two groups have selected in it. One represented a reaction look at the serfdom. The leads of the authors entering into it, depicted fortress peasants very happy and satisfied with their destiny. Representatives of this area - PI Shalikov and N.I. Ilyin.

The second group had a more progressive view of the peasants. It was she who became the main driving power In the development of literature. The main representatives of sentimentalism in Russia - N. Karamzin, M. Muravyev and N. Kutuzov.

Sentimental direction in Russian works glorified the patriarchal lifestyle, sharply criticized and emphasized high level spirituality among the low-class representatives. He tried through the impact on spirituality and internal feelings to teach the reader to something. The Russian version of this direction performed the educational function.

Representatives of the new literary direction

Having come to Russia at the end of the XVIII century, the new course found many adherents. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin can be called the most bright follower. It is he who is considered the operator of the era of literature of feelings.

In his novel, "Letters of the Russian Traveler" he used the favorite Genre of Sentimentalists - travel notes. This genre allowed to show everything that the author saw during his journey, through his own perception.

In addition to Karamzin, quite bright representatives of this flow in Russia - N.I. Dmitriev, M.N. Muravyev, A.N. Radishchev, V.I. Lukin. At one time, this group belonged to V.A Zhukovsky with some of his earliest leaders.

Important! N.M. Karamzin is considered the most striking representative and founder of sentimental ideas in Russia. His creativity caused a lot of imitations ("Poor Masha" A.E. Izmailov, G.P. Kameneva "Beautiful Tatyana", etc.).

Examples and themes of works

New literary current It has predetermined a new attitude towards nature: it becomes not just a place of action, against which events develop, but acquires a very important function - satisfy feelings, emotions and internal experiences of characters.

The main theme of the works was in the image of the beautiful and harmonious existence of the person in the world of nature and uninstalistic of the spoiled behavior of the aristocratic layer.

Examples of the works of sentimentalists in Russia:

  • "Letters of the Russian traveler" N.M. Karamzin;
  • "" N.M. Karamzin;
  • "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter" N.M. Karamzin;
  • "Maryina Grove" V. A. Zhukovsky;
  • "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" A.N. Radishcheva;
  • "Journey through Crimea and Bessarabia" P. Sumarokova;
  • "Henrietta" I. Svoschinsky.

"Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" A.N. Radishchev


The emotional and sensual perception of the world forced to use new literary genres and sublime-shaped vocabulary, corresponding to ideological load. The emphasis on the fact that natural principles should prevail in the person, and that the best habitat is natural, predetermined the main genres of sentimentalism in the literature. Elegy, Diary, Psychological Drama, Letters, Psychological Tale, travel, pastoral, psychological RomanThe memoirs became the basis of the works of "sensual" authors.

Important! Mandatory condition The absolute happiness of the sentimentalists considered virtue and high spirituality, which should be naturally present in man.


If for predecessor this area, classicism, was characterized by the image of a citizen's hero, a man whose actions are subordinated to the mind, new style In this regard, he made a revolution. Not citizenship and mind comes to the fore, and the internal state of a person, his psychological background. Feelings and naturalness erected in the cult contributed absolute disclosure of hidden feelings and thoughts of man. Each image of the hero became unique and unique. An image of such a person becomes the most important goal of this flow.

In any product of the Sentimentalist writer, you can find a subtle sensitive nature that faces the cruelty of the surrounding world.

The following features of the image of the main character in Sentimentalism are distinguished:

  • Clear distinction of positive and negative heroes. The first group demonstrates direct sincere feelings, and the second is selfish liars who have lost their natural origin. But despite this, the authors of this school retain faith in the fact that a person is able to return to true naturalness and become a positive character.
  • An image of opponents' heroes (serf and landowner), the confrontation of which clearly demonstrates the superiority of the lowest class.
  • The author avoids the images of certain people with a concrete fate. Often the prototypes of the hero in the book are real people.

Fortress and landowners

The image of the author

The author plays big role in sentimental works. He openly demonstrates his attitude towards heroes and their actions. The main task facing the writer is to give the opportunity full emotions of heroes, His sympathy for them and their actions. This task is implemented by calling compassion.

Features of vocabulary

For the language of the sentimental direction is characteristic of the presence of common lyrical deviationsIn which the author gives its assessment described on the pages of the work. Rhetorical questions, appeals and exclamations help him arrange the right accents and pay attention to the reader on important moments. Most often in such works prevails expressive vocabulary using spaticrous expressions. Acquaintance with literature becomes possible for all layers. This brings it to a new level.

Sentimentalism as a literary direction



The new literary direction completely outlived itself to eND XIX. century. But, expecting a relatively short time, sentimentalism became a kind of push, which helped all arts, and literature in particular, to make a huge step forward. Classicism, who shoved creativity with his laws, remained in the past. The new course has become a kind of preparation of world literature for romanticism, to the work of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov.

The main representatives of this area in Russia - Karamzin and Dmitriev. Sentimentalism appeared in Europe, as opposed to the French philosophical rationalism (Voltaire). A sentimental direction in England originates, then distributed in Germany, France and penetrates Russia.

In contrast to a false-classical school, the authors of this direction choose the plots from ordinary, everyday life, heroes - people of ordinary, medium or lowered classes. The interest of sentimental works is not in the description of historical events or acts of heroes, but in the psychological analysis of the experiences and senses of an ordinary person in the setting everyday life. The authors set forth the goal of the reader, showing deep and touching experiences of ordinary, inconspicuous people, attracting attention to their sad, often dramatic fate.

Sentimentalism in literature

From the permanent appeal to the experiences and feelings of heroes, the authors of this area developed cult feeling - from this and the name of the entire destination (sense - Sentiment) happened, sentimentalism . Along with the cult of feelings develops cult nature , Describes of nature paintings of nature, which has a soul to sensitive reflections.

Sentimentalism in Russian poetry. Video track

In the literature, sentimentalism is expressed mainly in the form of sensitive novels, sentimental travels and so-called meshchansky drams; In poetry, in the elegions. The first author of sentimental novels was English writer Richardson. His novels, Charles Grandison, " Clarissa Gallow"Pushkinskaya Tatiana was read. These novels contain types of simple, sensitive heroes and heroines and nearby bright types of villains that follow their virtue. The lack of these novels is their extraordinary stretchability; In the novel "Clarissa Gallow" - 4,000 pages! (The full name of this work in Russian translation: "The attraction of the maiden Clarissa Garlov, a true story"). In England, the first author of the so-called sentimental travel was Stern.. He wrote. " Sentimental journey in France and Italy "; In this work, attention is drawn mainly on the experiences and feelings of the hero in connection with the places on which he drives. In Russia, Karamzin wrote his "letters of the Russian traveler" under the influence of Stern.

Sentimental Meshchansky Drama, nicknamed by "tear comedies" (Comedies Larmoyantes), who appeared first in England, spread in Germany and France and appeared in translations in Russia. Even at the beginning of the reign of Catherine, the Great in Moscow was put by the play of Bomaigsk "Eugene", translated by Pushnikov. Sumarokov, a convinced supporter of false-classicism, reigned for the production of this "tear comedy" and was looking for sympathy and support of Voltaire.

In poetry, sentimentalism was mainly expressed in elegians . These are lyrical poems and reflections, most often sad. "Sensitivity", sadness, melancholy, here are the main distinctive features Sentimental Elegia. The authors of Elegi often described the night, the Moonlight, the cemetery, - everything that could create a mysterious, dreamy atmosphere, corresponding to their feelings. In England, one of the most famous poets Sentimentalism was Gray, who wrote a "rural cemetery", which was subsequently translated by Zhukovsky.

The chief representative of Russian sentimentalism was Karamzin. In the spirit of this literary direction They are written "Letters of the Russian Traveler", " Poor Lisa"(See summary and full text) and other stories.

It should be noted that any artistic and literary "school" brighter expresses its characteristics In the works of "pupils - imitators," as large artists, school leaders "School", the "directions" excretions, are always more diverse and wider than their students. Karamzin was not exclusively an "sentimentalist", even in their early works, "reason" he assigned an honorable place; In addition, he has traces and future romanticism ("Borngolm Island") and neoclassicism ("Athenian life"). Meanwhile, numerous students did not notice this width of Karamzinsky creativity and brought to the ridiculous extreme exclusively its "sensitivity". Thus, they emphasized the shortcomings of sentimentalism and led this direction to a gradual disappearance.

From the students of Karamzin are most famous - V. V. Izmailov, A. E. Izmailov, KN. P. I. Shalikov, P. Yu. Lviv. V. Izmailov wrote to the imitation of the "letters of the Russian traveler" Karamzin - "Travel into the midday russia". A. Izmaylov composed the story "Poor Masha" and the novel "Eugene, or the detrimental consequences of spiritual education and community." However, this talented work is distinguished by this realism that it can be found to " realistic»The direction of this era. Prince Shalikov was the most typical sentimentalist: he wrote and sensitive poems (the collection "Fruit of free feelings"), and a story (two "travels to Malorusia", "Journey to Kronstadt"), characterized by extreme sensitivity. L. Lviv was a more talented novelist, "several leads remained from him:" Russian Pamela ", Rosa and Love," Alexander and Julia.

You can call other then literary workswritten in the imitation of "poor Lisa": "Sewish Henrietta, or a triumph of deception over weakness and delusion", "Beautiful Tatiana, living near the sole Sparrow Gor."," History of poor Mary "," Inna "," Maryina Grove "Zhukovsky, A. Popova" Lily "(1802)," Poor Lilla "(1803), A. Krophotov" Spirit of Russian "(1809), A. E . "Cute and tender hearts" (1800), the Clacinsky "Ukrainian orphan" (1805), "Roman of my neighbors" (1804), Prince Dolgorukova "Unhappy Lisa" (1811).

Pleiad of sensitive poets in the Russian audience had fans, but had many enemies. It was ridiculed and old-pseudoclassics, and young realist writers.

The theorist of Russian sentimentalism was V. Shemvalov, a contemporary and a literary ally of Karamzin, at one time with him made magazines ("Reading for taste and mind", "Pleasant Transportation of Time"). According to the same program, like Karamzin, in 1796 he printed an interesting reasoning: "sensitivity and fancy", in which he tried to determine the difference between the present "sensitivity" in false "manners", "fancy".

Sentimentalism affected us at this time in the prosperity of the "Meshchansky Drama". In vain were the efforts of pseudoclassics to deal with this "illegal" Chad of Dramaturgia, "the public defended her favorite plays. The translated dramas of the Kotceb ("Hate for People and Raskaya", "Son of Love", "Hussites under Naumburg") were especially popular. In continuation of several decades, these touching works willingly looked at the Russian audience and caused numerous imitation of Russian. H. Ilyin wrote a drama: "Lisa, or a celebration of gratitude", "generosity, or recruit set"; Fedorov - Drama: "Lisa, or a consequence of pride and seduction"; Ivanov: "The family of old man, or for the god of prayer, and for the king the service does not disappear," etc.

The literature of sentimentalism brought up in a person worthy and respect for its forces, abilities, experiences of obviously visible from the situation in society. That is why in European Lithuania, educational sentimentalism contributed to the development of opposition ideas. In Russia, this direction of sentimentalism is associated with the activities of Alexander Nikolayevich Radishcheva (1749-1802) and its famous book "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow" (1790), for which he was by order of Catherine II ARE-Stava and Symbar to Siberia. This book, in the form representing the co-battle of the traveler's notes about his impressions, meetings, demon-dah with different people During a trip from one capital to another, essentially is a satirical chief of autocracy and a serfdom. Pictures of the arbitrarians, the suffering of peasants are penetrated by Paphos of Love to the Motherland and the people. The position of the author is expressed unequivocally: "Beasts are greedy, the pensions are insatiable that we leave the peasant? What can I take away, the air ". It is not surprising that the book was forbidden, the circulation was arrested, and the author was sent to the link.

But besides the opposition to the government of ideas, sentimentalism carried another very important progressive idea - the concept of the value of the person actually: "The person is great for his feelings," said that french writer And Philosopher J.-Zh.RUsso, and in Russian literature this thought reflected the work of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766-1826), the heads of Russian sentimentalism.

The poet, prose, the author of the famous "History of the Russian State-Skogo", Karamzin at the same time was the reformer of the Russian ledity language. Karamzin style, light, elegant, favorably distinguished from a sufficiently heavy Radishchev language. No wonder. After all, the Language reform of Karamzin is based on the occasional book style with the conversational speech of the educated nobility. At the same time, Karamzin insisted for excluding outdated words and grammatical revolutions and common words and youth. The great merit of Karamzin was introduced into the Russian literary language of words, allowing to transfer thin, exquisite feelings. The writer himself created them according to the sample of the relevant foreign (mainly French) words: interesting, torn, refined, shade, influence, need, etc.

The contribution of Karamzin to the formation of Russian literature is associated with the statement artistic principles Sentimentalism. He "The first in Russia began to write a story in which Lu Di was acted, the life of the heart and passions in the midst of ordinary life" (V.G. Belinsky). In "poor liza" (1792) - classic sample "Sensitive Tale" - Karamzin for the first time discovered the world of senses of a simple person. Famous phrase - "and love the peasant women" - determines the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story. The main gerory is acting as an embodiment of a sentimental idea of \u200b\u200ba "natural person", simple and immediate, living in harmony with nature and people who have internal purity and mental strength. The nobility and wealth of feelings were wealth and noble origin. The plot is traditionally for literature sentimentalism: the reader with excitement meets with tragic fate peasant girl tempting a young nobleman. Contemporaries struck novelty in the image of the inner world of heroes, lyrical landscape, Kraso-Ta and ease of language. Material from site.

Karamzin also owns the merit of introducing new genres to Russian literature. Among them, such as psychological in the news ("Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter", "Poor Lisa"), a journey, the Slary ("Letters of the Russian Traveler"), confession ("My Spit-after all"). Historical story "Marfa Posalman, or the conquest of Novgorod" defined the future ways of Russian historical prose. The poetic heritage of Karamzin is small, but his camera is a lyrics, which creates the image of a dreamer's poet, is a big step in the development of new, romantic, literature. The late works of Karamzin are connected with prolonantism - story-miniature "Borgonolm Island" and the story "Sierra-Moraine".

The value of Karamzin for Russian literature is determined by the fact that he paved the road writers XIX. century - primarily Zhua Cup and Pushkin.

Sentimentalism (from FR. sent -sensitive feeling , english sentimental sensitive) artistic direction In art and literature, which came to replace the classicism.

Already by the name it is clear that the new direction in opposition to the cult of the mind will proclaim the cult of feelings. In the first place there are feelings, not great ideas. The author focuses on the perception of the reader and his feelings arising during reading.

The origins of the directions fall on Western Europe in the 20th years of XVIII. century, to Russia, sentimentalism reached the 70s, and in the first three decades XIX. The century took the leading position.

By the appearance of sentimentalism preceded romanticism. It was the completion of the Epoch of Enlightenment, therefore, educational trends remain in the works of sentimentalists, which manifests itself in edification, morality. But completely new features appeared.

The main features of sentimentalism

  • The head of the corner is not a mind, but feeling. The ability to sympathize, addressed the writers as the most important advantage of the human person.
  • The main characters are not venomazb and kings, as in classicism, but ordinary people, ignore and poor.
  • The cult of congenital cult was glorified moral purity and unspoedness.
  • The focus of writers is aimed at a rich inner world of man, his feelings and emotions. As well as soul quality Man does not depend on his origin. Thus, new heroes appeared in the literature - simple peoplewho are in their moral qualities Often exceeded the heroes-nobles.
  • The glorification in the works of writers of sentimentalists of eternal values \u200b\u200b- love, friendship, nature.
  • Nature from sentimentalists is not just a background, but a lively entity with all its trifles and features, as if re-opened and felt by the author.
  • His main goal Sentimentalists saw in to console a man in his life, full of sorrows and suffering, to turn his heart to good and beauty.

Sentimentalism in Europe

The most complete expression is this direction in England, in Romanov S. Richardson, L. Stern. In Germany bright representatives There were F. Schiller, I. V. Guete and the pre-revolutionary France, sentimentalist motifs found the most complete expression in the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

The very name of the literary direction was rooted after writing by the authors of numerous "travels", which opened the reader the beauty of nature, disinterested friendship, family idyll. They affected the most tender feelings of readers. The first novel "Sentimental Journey" was written by L. Sternaya in 1768.

Sentimentalism in Russia

In Russia, representatives of sentimentalism were M. N. Muravyev, I. I. Dmitriev, N. M. Karamzin with its most famous work "Poor Lisa", Young V. A. Zhukovsky. The enlightenment traditions of sentimentalism brighter appeared in the works of A. Radishchev.

In Russia, there were two directions of sentimentalism:


The direction that did not speak for the abolition of serfdom. Nikolai Karamzin, the author of the story "Poor Lisa" in the conflict between the estates nominated for the first place social factor, and moral. He believed: "And the peasants can love ...".


In the literature, this direction emphasized the abolition of serfdom. The basis of the whole culture, as well as the basis of public existence, considered Radishchev, is a person who declares his right to life, freedom, happiness, creativity.

Sentimentalists created many new genres in the literature. This household romance, story, diary, novel in letters, essay, travel and others, in poetry is an elegance, a message. Since in counterweight, the classicism did not have clear rules and restrictions, very often the genres mixed.

Since the heroes of the works of sentimentalists were ordinary people, received a significant simplification and the language of works, even appeared in it.

Distinctive features of Russian sentimentalism

  • Preaching conservative views: if all people, regardless of their position in society, are capable of high feelings, it means that the path to universal happiness lies not in the change state Device, and in moral self-improvement, moral education of people.
  • Vividly expressed educational traditions, teaching, instruction, morality.
  • Perfection literary language By introducing spoken forms.

Sentimentalism Played important role In the literature, appeal to the inner world of man, in this regard, he became a precursor of psychological, confessional prose.

Details Category: A variety of styles and directions in art and their features Published 07/31/2015 19:33 Views: 8068

Sentimentalism as an artistic direction arose in Western art in the second half of the XVIII century.

In Russia, his flourishing came for the period from end of XVIII before early XIX. in.

The value of the term

Sentimentalism - from FR. Sentiment. The ideology of the mind of the Epoch of Enlightenment in Sentimentalism is replaced by the priority of feelings, simplicity, secluded reflection, interest in " little man" The ideologist of sentimentalism is considered J. Zh. Rousseau.

Jean Jacques Rousseau
The chief hero of sentimentalism becomes a natural person (living in the world with nature). Only such a person, according to sentimentalists, will be able to be happy, gaining inner harmony. In addition, it is important to raise feelings, i.e. Natural began man. Civilization ( urban environment) It is a hostile environment for people and distorts its nature. Therefore, a cult arises in the works of sentimentalists private life, rural existence. Sentimentalists considered the concepts of "History", "State", "Society", "Education". They were not interested in historical, heroic past (as it was interested in these classicists); Everyday impressions were the essence for them. human life. Sentimentalism literature hero - a common person. If it is even a man of low origin (a servant or a robber), then the wealth of his inner world is no longer inferior, and sometimes surpasses the inner world of the highest estates.
Representatives of sentimentalism did not suit a person with an unequivocal moral assessment - a person is complex and is capable of both the elevated and low deeds, but from nature in people there is a good start, and evil is the fruit of civilization. However, each person always has a chance to return to its nature.

Development of sentimentalism in art

Motherland sentimentalism was England. But in the second half of the XVIII century. He became a pan-European phenomenon. The most brightly sentimentalism manifested itself in English, French, German and Russian literature.

Sentimentalism in English literature

James Thomson
In the late 20s of the XVIII century. James Thomson wrote the poems "Winter" (1726), "Summer" (1727), "Spring" and "Autumn", later published under the name "Seasons" (1730). These works contributed to the reading English public to look closely on native nature and see the charm idyllic rustic life Unlike the fume and spoiled urban. The so-called "cemetery poetry" (Edward Jung, Thomas Gray) appeared, in which the thought was expressed about the equality of all before his death.

Thomas Gray
But more fully sentimentalism expressed himself in the genre of the novel. And here first should be remembered by Samuel Richardson, english writer And the printer, the first English novelist. Usually he created his novels in the epistolar genre (in the form of letters).

Samuel Richardson

The main characters exchanged long frank letters, and through them Richardson introduced the reader into the innermost world of their thoughts and feelings. Remember how A.S. Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" writes about Tatyana Larina?

She was too early to novels;
They replaced her all;
She fell in love with cheating
And Richardson and Rousseau.

Joshua Reynolds "Portrait of Lorenz Stern"

Laurens Stern was also known, the author of Tristram Shender and Sentimental Travel. "Sentimental journey" himself stern called "peaceful wandering of the hearts in search of nature and for all mental entrepreneurs that can inspire us more love To the neighbor and to all of the world, than we can usually feel. "

Sentimentalism in French literature

The origins of French sentimental prose stands Pierre Carle de Chamble de Marvo with Roman "Life Marianna" and Abbot Preview with Manon Lesko.

Abbot Preview

But the highest achievement in this direction was the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), french philosopher, writer, thinker, musicologist, composer and botany.
Main philosophical works Rousseau, where his public and political ideals are presented, there were "New Eloise", "Emil" and "Public Agreement".
Rousseau first tried to explain the causes of social inequality and its views. He believed that the state arises as a result of a public contract. According to the contract, the supreme power in the state belongs to the whole people.
Under the influence of the ideas of Rousseau, such new democratic institutions, as a referendum, etc.
J.J. Rousseau made the nature of an independent image object. His "Confession" (1766-1770) is considered one of the most frank autobiographies in the world literature, in which he pronounced the subjectivistic installation of sentimentalism: work of fiction - This is a way to express the author's "I". He believed that "the mind can be wrong, a feeling - never."

Sentimentalism in Russian literature

V. Tropinin "Portrait of N.M. Karamzina "(1818)
The era of Russian sentimentalism began N. M. Karamzin "Letters of the Russian traveler" (1791-1792).
Then the story "Poor Lisa" (1792) was written, which is considered a masterpiece of Russian sentimental prose. She had big success Readers and came the source of imitation. Works appeared with similar names: "Poor Masha", "Unfortunate Margarita", etc.
Karamzin's poetry also developed in line with European sentimentalism. The poet is not interested in external, physical world, and internal, spiritual world man. His poems say "in the Head Language", and not reason.

Sentimentalism in painting

The artist V. L. Borovikovsky was especially strong influenced by Sentimentalism. In his work prevails a chamber portrait. IN female images V. L. Borovikovsky embodies the ideal of the beauty of his era and the main task Sentimentalism: the transfer of the inner world of man.

On the double portrait "Lizonka and Dashenka" (1794) the artist portrayed the maid family of Lvy. Obviously, the portrait is written with large love To the models: he saw soft curls of hair, and white face, and a light blush. Smart look and lively the immediacy of these simple girls - in line with sentimentalism.

In many of their chamber sentimental portraits, V. Borovikovsky managed to transfer the diversity of feelings and experiences of the people depicted. For example, "Portrait of M.I. Lopukhina "- one of the most popular female portraits artist brushes.

V. Borovikovsky "Portrait of M.I. Lopukhina "(1797). Canvas, oil. 72 x 53.5 cm. Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow)
V. Borovikovsky created the image of a woman who is not connected with any public status is just a beautiful young woman, but living in harmony with nature. Lopukhin is depicted against the background of the Russian landscape: Birch trunks, Ear of Rye, Vasilka. The landscape echoes the appearance of a loop: the bending of its figure eats tenders, white birchs are reflected in the dress, blue cornflowers are echoing with a silk belt, a gentle-livid shawl - with dumped rose buds. Portrait full of life reliability, the depths of feelings and poetry.
Russian poet Ya. Polonsky almost 100 years later dedicated to the portrait of poems:

She has long passed, and no already those eyes
And there is no smile that silently expressed
Suffering - the shadow of love, and thoughts - the shadow of sadness,
But her beauty Borovikovsky saved.
So part of the soul did not fly away from us,
And this look will look and this beauty body
To her indifferent offspring attract,
Learn to love him, suffer, forgive, silence.
(Maria Ivanovna Lopukhina died quite young, at the age of 24, from Chakhotka).

V. Borovikovsky "Portrait of E.N. Arsenyeva "(1796). Canvas, oil. 71.5 x 56.5 cm. State Russian Museum (Petersburg)
But in this portrait, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Arsenyev - eldest daughter Major General N.D. Arsenyev, the pupil of the Society of Noble Maiden at the Smolny Monastery. She will later become Freillan Empress Maria Fedorovna, and in the portrait is depicted by a flavored flirtatious shepherd, on a straw hat - the ears of wheat, in his hand - an apple, an aphrodite symbol. It is felt that the girl's character is light and cheerful.