"The hero of our time" is the first Russian socio-psychological novel. An essay on the topic: "Hero of our time" as a social and psychological novel M.Yu

"The hero of our time" is the first Russian socio-psychological novel. An essay on the topic: "Hero of our time" as a social and psychological novel M.Yu

"Hero of our time- Social and psychological novel Many writers different epochs And the peoples sought to capture their contemporaries, through him a dense of us, their ideas, their ideals. What is he, a young man, different epochs? Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin filled young man 20s: smart, dissatisfied with the existing reality, the life of which has passed without benefit.

Following them, a whole gallery of the heroes of his time appears in the literature: Turgenev Bazarov, Natura is completely opposite to Onegin and Pechorin, Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierbesukhov - the best representatives of the advanced nobility from the Roman L. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Why is the disputes about Onegin and Pechorin are very topical, although the lifestyle is currently completely different. All other: ideals, goals, thoughts, dreams.

In my opinion, the answer to this question is very simple: the meaning of human existence worries everyone, no matter what time we live, we think about and dreaming. A particularly in-depth psychological analysis is characterized by the central part of the novel - "Pechorina Diary".

For the first time in Russian literature such a merciless exposure of the hero of his personality appears. The experiencies of the hero are analyzed by him with the "strictness of the judge and a citizen".

Pechorin says; "I still try to explain what kind of relocation boils in my chest." The habit of self-analysis is complemented by the skills of indiffered surveillance.

In essence, all the relations of Pechorina with people are peculiar psychological experiments who are interested in the hero in their complexity and have a good time. Such is the story with Bala, the story of victory over Mary. There was a psychological "Gamemba Grushnitsky, whom Pechorin fools, stating that Mary is not disseminated, to then prove his crying mistake. Pechorin argues that" ambition is nothing more than a thirst for power, and happiness is just a pompous pride " .

If A. S. Pushkin is considered to be the creator of the first realistic poems of the novel about modernity, then, in my opinion, is the author of the first social psychological novel In prose. His novel has a depth of analysis of the psychological perception of the world.

Portraying your era, Lermontov exposes her deep critical analysis, not leaving any illusions and communities. Lermontov shows all the most weak sides His generation: the coldness of hearts, egoism, the infertility of activity.

Realism "The hero of our time is much different from realism pushkin novel. Making in the direction of household elements, the history of the life of heroes, Lermontov focuses on their inner world, disclosing the motives in detail that prompted this or that hero to any actions. The author depicts all sorts of overflows of feelings with such a depth, penetration and detail, which has not yet known the literature of his time.

Many considered Lermontov predecessor Lion Tolstoy. And I absolutely agree, because Lermontov Tolstoy has learned to the disclosure of the inner world of characters, portrait skill and speech style.

Of creative experience Lermontova proceeded and Dostoevsky, However, Lermontov's thinking about the role of suffering in the spiritual life of a person, about the split consciousness, about the collapse of individualism strong personality Dostoevsky turned into the image of painful tensions and painful suffering of the heroes of his works. Rebellious refuses joys and peaceful peace. This hero is forever "asks the storm." His nature is too rich in passions and thoughts, too much to be content with small and not demand from the world of big feelings, events, sensations.

Samoenalysis is needed to be a modern person to correctly relate his fate and the purpose of real lifeTo understand your place in this world. The lack of beliefs is a real tragedy for the hero and its generation. In the "magazine PechistoProducts Live, Complex, Rich, analytical work Mind. This proves us not only what the main character - The figure is typical, but also the fact that in Russia there are young people, which is tragically alone. Pechorin gives himself a pitiful descendants who wander around the ground without beliefs.

He says: "We are not capable of more to great victims for the good of mankind, nor even for our own happiness." The same thought is repeated from Lermontov in the poem "Duma": we are rich, barely from the cradle, the mistakes of fathers and their late mind, and life is tomit, like a smooth way without a goal, like a feast on a celebration of someone else. Each truly Russian man becomes in itself from the thought that M. Yu. Lermontov went away early. Solving moral problem The goals of life, the protagonist of His works of Grigory Pechorin could not find applies to his abilities.

"Why did I live? For what purpose I was born ... But, right, it was a high appointment to me, since I feel in the soul of the immense", "he writes. In this dissatisfaction, the origins of Pecherin's relationship towards others are the origins. It is indifferent to their experiences, so he, without thinking, hoverings other people's fate.

Pushkin wrote about such young people: "Two-legged creatures millions, for them name one." Using Pushkin's words, he can say about Pechorin that in his views on life "the eyelids reflected, and modern man It is pretty right, with its immoral soul, self and dry. "

So I saw my generation of Lermontov.

M. Yu. Lermontov was not only great poetBut also a prose, in whose work was reflected by the reaction of the reaction, changes in the psychology of people. The main goal The young genius was a desire to deeply reveal the difficult nature of his contemporary. The novel "Hero of our time" became a mirror of Russia's life of the 30s of the 20th century, the first Russian, socio-psychological novel.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe author led to a peculiar construction of the novel. Lermontov deliberately broke the chronological sequence so that the reader's attention was shifting from events to the inner world of heroes, to the world of feelings and experiences.

The main attention in the novel is given Pechistan. Lermontov initially makes it possible to find out the opinion of other people about Pechorin, and then what this young nobleman is thinking about himself. Belinsky said about the hero of the novel: "This is Onegin of our time, the hero of our time." Pechorin was a pre-order of his era, his fate is more tragic than the fate of Onegin. Pechorin lives at another time. The young nobleman had to either lead the life of a secular slacker, or to miss and wait for death. The era of the reaction imposed his imprint on the behavior of people. Tragic fate The hero is the tragedy of all generation, generation of unrealized opportunities.

The effect of light has affected the behavior of Pechorin. The person is uncommon, he soon made sure that in this society a person will not be able to achieve either happiness, nor fame. Life depreciated in his eyes, (they mastered the longing and boredom - the right satellites of disappointment. The hero is choking in the stuffy atmosphere of the Nikolaev regime. Pechorin himself says: "In me, the soul is spoiled by the light." It is the words of a person of the 20th century .

Pechorin - gifted man. He has a deep mind capable of analyzing, steel will, strong character. The hero is endowed with self-esteem. Lermontov speaks of his "strong addition, able to endure all the difficulties of nomadic life." However, the author notes the oddity, the inconsistency of the character of the hero. His eyes who "have not laughed when he laughed," suggest how deep hero was burned in all the common areas of the world, with what hopelessness looks at his own life prospects.

This doomed has developed in it even in the period of life in the capital. The consequence of complete disappointment in everything was "irrevicious weakness". Fearless Pechorin scared the knocking stood, although one hunted onto the boar, she was panically afraid. This inconsistency characterizes the "disease" of a whole generation. In Pechorin, there are two people, the mind and feeling, mind and heart are struggling. The hero claims: "I have long lived not with heart, but a head." I weighed, deal with my own passion and actions with strict curiosity, but without participation. "

The ratio of the hero to faith shows Pechorin by a man capable of a strong feeling. But faith, and Mary, and Cherkhenka Bale Pechorin brings misfortune. The tragedy of the hero is that he wishes to de-fine, but brings people only evil. Pechorin dreams of the fate of a person who is capable of great affairs, and makes actions that diverge with the ideas about high aspirations.

Pechorin eager to the completeness of life, looking for the ideal, which at that time was unattainable. And no wines of the hero, and his trouble that life passed fruitlessly, the forces were invented. "My colorless youth flowed in the struggle and light; The best feelings, afraid of mockery, I buried in the depths of my heart: they died there, "said Pechorin with bitterness.

In the novel, the main hero is opposed to all other characters. Good Maxim Maximych is noble, honest and decent, but he cannot understand the soul of Pechorin because of his uneducation. Against the background of the scoundedness of the Grushnitsky, the wealth of the Pechorin nature, the power of the character of the main character appears even stronger. Only Dr. Werper is something similar to the people. But the doctor is not fully consistent, he has no courage that distinguishes Pechorin. Supporting the hero in front of a duel with Hushchnitsky, Werner after a duel did not even file his hands, refused friendship with those who "had the courage to take over the whole burden of responsibility."

Pechorin is a person who distinguishes the perseverance. The psychological portrait of the hero is completely revealed in the novel, reflecting socio-political conditions forming the "time hero". Lermontov little interests household, external straight-in the lives of people, and worries them inner world, Psychology of the actions of the names of the novel.

"The hero of our time" was the predecessor of the psychological novels of Dostoevsky, and Pechorin became a natural link in a row " unnecessary people», « younger Brother Onegin. " You can treat the hero of the novel in different ways, to condemn it or regret the exterpressed by society human soul, but it is impossible not to admire the skill of the great Russian writer, who gave us this image, psychological picture Hero of his time.

"The hero of our time" is a work born in the football era. Heroic attempt to change the advanced nobles public system In Russia turned the tragedy for them. The years that followed this event were a difficult period of Russian history: a brutal response, political oppression. But, despite everything, the thought during this period worked hard. All the energy accumulated in Russian society and potentially capable of turning into action was shocked in the sphere of intellectual life. The formed part of people sought to work out a wide view of the world, comprehend the world in all its complexity.
In the "Hero of our time" Lermontov deliberately disrupts the chronological sequence, thereby forcing the reader to shift his attention from the plot to the inner world of heroes, on their intellectual life. For this reason, the work is considered the first in Russia "Analytical Roman" (B. Eikenbaum), the first Russian socio-psychological novel.
The main goal that the author put was deeply revealing the complex nature of his contemporary, to show the problem of the fate of the volitional and gifted person in the era of timeless. It was not by chance that V. G. Belinsky called the Lermontov work of the "Sad Duma about our time." B. Eikenbaum noted that "subject artistic study Lermontov ... Personality endowed with the features of heroes and confronts with its age. " And this is true: Lermontov Hero is initially unusual, "strange", and all the events in which he participates is as amazing, extraordinary. The author is not interested in the ordinary hero, to which the reader is used to, but the identity of the powerful and titanic - "Hero of the Century".
However, no less occupied the author and the other problem is the definition of the features of the "Our Century". His Lermontov characterizes as an era into which smart, educated people Dooming for life fruitless and worthless, since historical reality can not give the exit of their passions and gust. This is "extra people", ahead of the era, in which they are destined to live. From this they who are not understandable by contemporaries who are not able to find with them mutual language, condemned for loneliness.
The hero of time, the representative of his era in the novel is Pechorin - the personality is strong and volitional. The young man soon is convinced that in this society a person cannot achieve either happiness, nor glory. Life depreciated in his eyes, they were mastered the longing and boredom - the faithful disappointment satellites. Pechorin chips in the stuffy atmosphere of the Nikolaev regime, he says: "In me, the soul is spoiled by the light." Pechorin is looking for people all the time who could confront him with something, understand it. The hero is trying to put people along with themselves, but as a result, he only makes sure that he is largely higher. There is no decent Pechist of the opponent - it is bored by him. In addition, experiencing people, the hero sees all their lowness, petty, inability to noble actions. This is even more oppressing. Rebel soul Pechorina refuses joys and calm. The hero is too crowded with passions and thoughts, too free to be content with small and not demand from the world of big events, sensations. He is a person who has not found a high goal. It is high, because such personalities do not attract ordinary everyday joys.
Gifted by nature, endowed with a deep mind, ability to analyze, with strong character And Steel Will, he has some, according to the author, oddity: his eyes "did not laugh when he laughed." This "oddity" is another proof of how deep Pechistan burned in all seductions of the world, which hopeless he sees his life prospects.
In an effort to the fullness of life, dreaming about the ideal, Pechorin, meanwhile, holds life fruitlessly. Sitting is forced to state the hero: "My colorless youth flowed in the fight against him and light; The best feelings, afraid of mockery, I buried in the depths of the heart: they died there. "
Pechorin all the time in the search. He is looking for the ideal of nobility, cleanliness everywhere. peace Beauty. And mistaken, and disappointed, considering first that this ideal is Bal. It turns out that this girl is not able to rise above the coachable love for Pechorin, and it quickly cools the feelings of the hero. Pechorin - Egoist, you can not disagree with this, but this did "our time", which is not able to satisfy his looking, deeply feeling nature.
Relationships with Pechorina and Maxim Maxim are not addressed: heroes are not too similar to each other. These two people in the novel are two sides, two plates of Russian life: Russia, folk, uneducated and Russia noble. That is why they do not understand each other, because they cannot make friends. There is no present sense of affection between them: the limitations of one and the temptation of another exclude such relations. Even more clearly, the wealth of Pechorinskaya nature is manifested, its strength on the background of the scoundrel and the scoundrel of the Pereshnitsky.
All the events that occurred with the furnace demonstrate with the evidence of the fatal course of life, and their fragmented character only emphasizes the power of the circumstances that do not depend on the personal will of the hero. All situations confirm some general laws Life. All the collisions of Pechorina with people are random, but each case convinces it in the patterns of those concepts about the life that the previous experience gave him.
In the novel, the psychological portrait of Pechorina is fully revealed and the socio-political conditions forming the "hero of time" are reflected. This Lermontov work anticipated the psychological novels of Dostoevsky, and Pechorin continued a number of "extra people" in Russian literature. Despite the duality of my attitude towards Pechorina (and the Egoist, and noble), it is impossible not to pay tribute to the skill of Lermontov, who was able so much to finely portray the contradictory person.

Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time" consider the first Russian socio-psychological and philosophical novel. In connection with the desire of the author, to reveal the "History of the Human Soul" Roman Lermontov turned out to be a rich intense psychological analysis. The author explores the "soul" not only the main character, but also all the rest acting persons. Lermontov psychologist is specific to the fact that it does not act as a form of self-expression writer, but as an object artistic image. Analysis is subjected to I. exterior appearance Hero, and his customs, and his acts, and his feelings. Lermontov is attentive to shades of experiences, the state of a person, his gestures and poses. The author of the author can be called psychological and analytical.

Pechistan's self-analysis is very deep, all independent state written in detail and in detail, analyzes its own behavior and psychological reasons, motives and intentions of action. Dr. Vernera Pechorin is recognized: "In me, two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, another thinks and judges him ..." For visible in the work, it is revealed substantial, for external - internal. Psychologist serves here in the way the detection and knowledge of the fact that in the first perception seems mysterious, mysterious and strange. An important place in the novel, where the action is performed in different geographical points (by the sea, in the mountains, in the steppe, in cossack Stanitsa), takes a landscape. The perception of nature in the work helps to reveal the inner world of the hero, its condition, its susceptibility to the beautiful. "I remember, he writes in his magazine Pechorin," this time more than ever before, I loved the nature. " The hero of the novel is close to nature with all its diversity, and it acts on his inner world. Pechistan is convinced that the soul depends on the nature and its strength. The landscape of each part of the novel is subordinated to the plan that is implemented in it. So, in Bale, the Caucasian nature (rocks, cliffs, Aragva, snow vertices) was drawn, which is opposed to the northern nature and disharmoniously arranged society.

The beautiful and majestic nature is contrasting the small, unchanged interests of people and their suffering. Restless, the capricious element of the sea contributes to the romanticity, in which the smugglers appear to us from the head of Taman. The morning landscape, filled with freshness, including gold clouds, is the exposition of the chapter "Maxim Maximych". Nature in the "Princess Mary" becomes psychological means Pechorin's character disclosures. In front of a duel - in contrast - shine is introduced sunlight, And after the fight, the Sun will seem to the hero in dull, and the rays are no longer heated. In the "fatalist" cold light of shining stars on a dark blue arch suggests Pechorin on philosophical reflections About predestination and rock.

In general, this work is a socio-psychological and philosophical novel, a related novel-journey, close to travel notes. The genre of psychological novel demanded the creation of a new romance structure and a special psychological plot, where Lermontov separated the author from the hero and placed a story in a special sequence. Bal is a work that connects the travel essay and the euro for the love of Europeans to the Dicark.

Maxim Maximach is a story with the central episode, this close-up.

Taman - Synthesis of Novels and travel essay With an unexpected ending.

"Princess Mary" - "Square Tale" psychological character With the diary of the hero and satirical essay of the "Water Society" of the "Water Society"

"Fatalist" - philosophical story, connected to the "mystical story" about the fatal shot and the "mysterious case."

But all these genre forms, individual narratives of steel in Lermontov parts of the Single whole - Research spiritual world modern hero, the personality and fate of which unite all the narration. The history of Pecherin is intentionally excluded that she gives his biography features of mystery.

It is interesting to know what is in Pechorin the second person, thinking and condemning himself. In the "magazine of Pechorina", the character of the hero is "from the inside", the motives of his strange actions are exposed in it, his attitude towards himself, self-esteem.

For Lermontov, not only human actions were always important, but their motivation, which for one or another reasons could not be implemented.

Pechorin is favorably different from other characters by the fact that it is disturbed by the questions of conscious human being - about the purpose and sense of the human life, about his appointment. He is concerned that his only appointment is the destruction of other people's hopes. Even to his life, he belongs indifferently. Only curiosity, waiting for something new worries him.

However, claiming his human dignityPechorin actively operates, resists circumstances throughout the novel. Pechorin judges himself and execute himself, and this right is emphasized by the composition in which the last narrator - Pechorin. Everything important that was hidden from people surrounding him, who lived next to him, who loved him, was transferred to the peopling themselves.

The creation of the novel "Hero of Our Time" Lermontov made a huge contribution to the development of Russian literature, continuing Pushkin realistic traditions. Like his great predecessor, Lermontov summarized in the image of Pechorin typical traits young generation his era by creating bright image man of the 30s XIX century. The main problem The novel was the fate of an outstanding human person in the era of a rampant, hopelessness of the position of gifted, intelligent, educated young nobles.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Lermontov novel is connected with its central way - peopurines; Everything is subordinated to the task of the comprehensive and deep disclosure of the character of this hero. Belinsky very accurately noticed the originality of the description by the author of Pechorin. Lermontov, but the expression of criticism, depicted the "internal man", performing a deep psychologist and an artist-realist. So, Lermontov for the first time in Russian literature used psychological analysis as a means for the disclosure of the character of the hero, his inner world. Deep penetration into the psychology of Pechorin helps it is better to understand the sharpness social problemsput in the novel. This gave the foundation to Belinsky to name Lermontov "Demander of important contemporary issues."

Draws attention to the unusual composition of the novel. It consists of individual worksin which there is neither a single plot, no permanent individuals, not a single narrator. These five leaders are combined only the manner of the main character - Gregory Aleksandrovich Pechorin. They are located so that the chronology of the hero's life is clearly violated. In this case, the author was important to show Pechorin in various settings in communication with the most different people, choose to describe the most important, significant episodes of his life. In each story, the author places his hero in a new environment, where he faces people of a different public situation and mental warehouse: mountaineers, smugglers, officers, noble "water society". And every time Pechorin opens with a reader from a new side, revealing new faces of character.

Recall that in the first story "Bal", we introduce us to the Pechist, who served with Gregory Alexandrovich in the fortress and was an involuntary witness to the abduction history of Bail. An elderly officer is sincerely tied to Pechorin, it takes his actions close to heart. He draws attention to the external oddities of the character of the "thin guard" and can not understand how a person, easily carrying and raining, and the cold, who walked one on one on a boar, can shudder and pale from the random knock of the shutter. In history with Baba, Pecherin's character seems to be unusual and mysterious. The old officer cannot comprehend the motives of his behavior, since it is not able to comprehend the depth of his experiences.

The next meeting with the hero takes place in the story "Maxim Maximych", where we see it through the eyes of the author-narrator. He no longer acts as a hero of some story, says somewhat nothing meaningful phrasesBut we have the opportunity to look closely in the bright, original appearance of Pechorin. Angry, the author's insightful look notes the contradiction of his appearance: a combination of light hair and black mustache and eyebrows, wide shoulders and pale thin fingers. The attention of the narrator is caught by his look, the oddity of which manifests itself in the fact that his eyes did not laugh when he laughed. "This is a sign or evil in the lava, or a deep constant sadness," the author notes, opening the complexity and inconsistency of the character of the hero.

To understand this extraordinary nature helps the Pecherin's diary, which unites the three recent Novels. The hero writes about himself sincerely and fearlessly, not afraid to expose his weaknesses and vices. In the preface to the "Journal of Pechorina", the author notes that the history of the human soul is perhaps not more useful and not curious stories whole people. In the first story, Taman, telling about the random collision of the hero with " peaceful smugglers", difficulties and contradictions of the Pechorin nature, as it were, move to the background. We see an energetic, bold, decisive person who is full of interest in the people around people, is eager for action, trying to unravel the secret of people with whom he accidentally encounters his fate. But the finals of the Tale of Banalen. Pechorinsky curiosity destroyed the established life " honest smugglers", Observing a blind boy and an old woman on a beggar existence. Pechistan himself writes in a regret in the diary:" As a stone, thrown into a smooth source, I alarmed their calm. "In these words, pain and sadness are heard from the consciousness that all the actions of Pechorina Chalks And insignificant, deprived of a high target, do not correspond to the rich opportunities of his nature.

Immediateness, the identity of the peopling personality, in my opinion, brighter is manifested in the story "Princess Mary". It is enough to read his valid, accurate characteristics, data from Pyatigorsk noble "Water Society", its original judgments, amazing landscape sketchesto understand that it stands out from the people around him by the strength and independence of character, a deep analytical mind, high culture, erudition, developed aesthetic feeling. Pechistan speech is full of aphorisms and paradoxes. For example, he writes: "After all, it will not happen worse than death - and death is not passing."

But what is she cleaned his mental wealth, his immense forces of Pechorin? On the love adventures, intrigue, skirmishes with pears and drago captains. Yes, he always comes out the winner, as in history with Grucnitsky and Mary. But this does not bring him neither joy or satisfaction. Pechorin feels and understands the inconsistency of his actions of high, noble aspirations. This leads the hero to the split personality. It closes on his own actions and experiences. Nowhere in his diary we will not even meet the mention of our homeland, the people, the political problems of modern reality. Pechorin is interesting only its own inner world. Permanent attempts to understand the motives of their actions, the eternal merciless self-analysis, constant doubts lead to the fact that he loses the ability to simply live, feel joy, completeness and power of feeling. From himself, he made an object for observations. He is no longer able to experience unrest, because, as hardly felt it, he immediately begins to think about what else is capable of worrying. So, the merciless analysis of their own thoughts and actions kills the impedition of life to the perception of life in Pechorin, enters it into a painful contradiction with himself.

Pechorin in the novel is completely lonely, as it repels those who are able to love and understand it. But still, some records of his diary talk about what he needed close personthat he is tired of loneliness. Roman Lermontova leads to the conclusion that the tragic disorder in the soul of the hero is caused by the fact that the rich forces of his soul did not find a worthy application that the life of this original, extraordinary nature is embedded on trifles and is completely empty.

Thus, the history of Pechorina's soul helps to dend the tragedy of the fate of the younger generation of the 1930s of the XIX century, makes you think about the reasons for this "Centers' Disease" and try to find a way out of moral deadlock in which Russia has launched a reaction.

The hero of our time is a few frames embedded in one big frame, which consists in the name of the novel and the unity of heroes.

V. Belinsky each literary hero (if a we are talking About big literature) - Always your favorite creation of your author. Any writer puts a part of his soul in his hero, his views, beliefs, ideals. And each literary hero invariably carries the features of his era and their surroundings: lives in accordance with himself like or "climbs" from the generally accepted schemes of social behavior. So, in the novel of Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" there is a young man of the 20s: smart, educated, belonging to the highest aristocracy, but dissatisfied with the existing reality that has spent best years His life to meaningless and aimless existence. The appearance of such a hero caused in society and literary circles For the twenties, a whole storm of passions. Did not have time they still calm down as the light appeared new hero, but already the hero of the thirties of the XIX century - Grigory Pechorin from Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time."

Why is the disputes about Onegin and Pechorin are very topical, although the lifestyle is currently completely different. All other: ideals, goals, thoughts, dreams. In my opinion, the answer to this question is very simple: the meaning of human existence worries everyone, no matter what time we live, we think about and dreaming.

A particularly in-depth psychological analysis is characterized by the central part of the novel - "Pechorina Diary". For the first time in Russian literature such a merciless exposure of the hero of his personality appears. The experiencies of the hero are analyzed by him with the "strictness of the judge and a citizen". Pechorin says: "I still try to explain to myself, what kind of feelings are boiled in my chest." The habit of self-analysis is complemented by the skills of indiffered surveillance. In essence, all the relations of Pechorina with people are peculiar psychological experiments who are interested in the hero in their complexity and have a good time. Such is the story with Bala, the story of victory over Mary. Looking like a psychological "game" with the Grucnitsky, whom Pechorin fools, stating that he is not disseminated, to then prove his crying mistake. Pechorin argues that "ambition is nothing more than thirst for power, and happiness is just a pompous pride."

If A.S. Pushkin is considered to be the creator of the first realistic novel in verses about modernity, then Lermontov is the author of the first socio-psychological novel in prose. His novel has a depth of analysis of the psychological perception of the world. Depicting your era, Lermontov exposes its deep critical analysis, not leaving any illusions and seductions. Lermontov shows all the weakest sides of their generation: the coldness of hearts, egoism, proceedability of activity.

The realism of the "Hero of Our Time" is largely different from the realism of the Pushkin novel. Making in the direction of household elements, the history of the life of heroes, Lermontov focuses on their inner world, disclosing in detail the motives that prompted this or that hero to any actions. The author depicts all sorts of overflows of feelings with such a depth, penetration and detail, which has not yet known the literature of his time.

Rebel Natura Pechorina refuses joys and peace of mind. This hero is forever "asks the storm." His nature is too rich in passions and thoughts, too much to be content with small and not demand from the world of big feelings, events, sensations. Self-analysis is needed by a modern person to correctly relate his fate and the purpose with the real life to understand its place in this world. The lack of beliefs is a real tragedy for the hero and its generation. In the "Pechorina Diary" offers a lively, complex, rich, analytical work of the mind. This proves to us not only that the main character is typical, but also the fact that in Russia there are young people who are tragically alone. Pechorin gives himself a pitiful descendants who wander around the ground without beliefs. He says: "We are not capable of more to great victims for the good of mankind, nor even for our own happiness." The same thought is repeated from Lermontov in the "Duma" poem:

We are rich, barely from the cradle

Mistakes of fathers and late their minds

And life is tomit, like a smooth way without a goal,

Like a feast on a celebration of someone else's holiday.

Each truly Russian man becomes unable to think about the fact that M.Yu. Lermontov went away so early. Solving the moral problem of the goal of life, the protagonist of His works of Gregory Pechorin could not find applications to his abilities. "Why did I live? For what purpose I was born ... But, right, it was a high appointment to me, since I feel in the soul of the immense", "he writes. In this dissatisfaction, the origins of Pecherin's relationship towards others are the origins. It is indifferent to their experiences, so without thinking, hoverings other people's fate. Pushkin wrote about such young people: "Two-legged creatures millions, for them name one."

Using Pushkin's words, it can be said about Pechorin that in his views on life "the eyelids reflected, and the modern man is depicted quite true, with his immoral soul, self and dry." So I saw my generation of Lermontov.

Roman M.Yu.Lermontova "Hero of our time" is considered the first Russian socio-psychological and philosophical novel. In connection with the desire of the author, to disclose the "history of the human soul" Roman Lermontov turned out to be a rich in deep psychological analysis. The author explores the "soul" not only the main character, but also of all other actors. The psychologist Lermontov is specific to the fact that it does not act as a form of self-expression writer, but as an object of an artistic image. The external appearance of the hero, and his customs, and his actions, and his feelings are being analyzed. Lermontov is attentive to shades of experiences, the state of a person, his gestures and poses. The author of the author can be called psychological and analytical.

Pechistan's self-analysis is very deep, every mental state is written in detail and in detail, analyzes its own behavior and psychological causes, motives and intentions of action. Dr. Verneru Pechorin admits: "In me, two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, another thinks and judges him ..." For visible in the work, a substantial one is disclosed, for the external - internal. Psychologist serves here in the way the detection and knowledge of the fact that in the first perception seems mysterious, mysterious and strange. An important place in the novel, where the action is performed in different geographic locations (by the sea, in the mountains, in the steppe, in the Cossack Stanza), takes a landscape. The perception of nature in the work helps to reveal the inner world of the hero, its condition, its susceptibility to the beautiful. "I remember, he writes in his journal Pechorin," this time more than ever before, I loved the nature. " The hero of the novel is close to nature with all its diversity, and it acts on his inner world. Pechistan is convinced that the soul depends on the nature and its strength. The landscape of each part of the novel is subordinated to the plan that is implemented in it. So, in Bale, Caucasian nature (rocks, cliffs, Aragva, snow vertices) were drawn, which is opposed to the Northern nature and disharmoniously arranged society.

The beautiful and majestic nature is contrasting the small, unchanged interests of people and their suffering. Restless, the capricious element of the sea contributes to the romanticity, in which smugglers appear to us from the head of Taman. The morning landscape, filled with freshness, including gold clouds, is the exposition of the chapter "Maxim Maximych". Nature in the "Princess Mary" becomes a psychological means of disclosure of the character of Pecherin. Before the duel - in contrast - the radiance of sunlight is introduced, and after the fight the sun will seem dim, and the rays do not heale it. In the "fatalist" cold light of shining stars on the dark blue arch suggests Pechorin on philosophical reflections on predestination and rock.

In general, this work is a socio-psychological and philosophical novel, a related novel-journey, close to travel notes. The genre of psychological novel demanded the creation of a new romance structure and a special psychological plot, where Lermontov separated the author from the hero and placed a story in a special sequence.

Bal is a work that connected the way essay and the euro for the love of Europeans to the Dicarka.

Maxim Maximach is a story with the central episode, this close-up.

Taman - Synthesis of Novels and Travel Essay with an unexpected ending.

"Princess Mary" - a "secular story" of a psychological character with a diary of the hero and a satirical essay of the "Water Society" of the Mravov.

"Fatalist" is a philosophical story connected to a "mystical story" about the fatal shot and the "mysterious case."

But all these genre forms, separate narratives of steel in Lermontov parts of a single whole - the study of the spiritual world of the modern hero, the personality and fate of which unite all the narration. The history of Pecherin is intentionally excluded that she gives his biography features of mystery.

It is interesting to know what is in Pechorin the second person, thinking and condemning himself. In the "magazine of Pechorina", the character of the hero is "from the inside," the motives of his strange actions are exposed in it, its attitude towards himself, self-esteem.

For Lermontov, not only human actions were always important, but their motivation, which for one or another reasons could not be implemented.

Pechorin is favorably different from other characters by the fact that it is disturbed by the questions of conscious human being - about the purpose and sense of the human life, about his appointment. He is concerned that his only appointment is the destruction of other people's hopes. Even to his life, he belongs indifferently. Only curiosity, waiting for something new worries him.

However, claiming his human dignity, Pechorin actively acts, resists circumstances throughout the novel. Pechorin judges himself and execute himself, and this right is emphasized by the composition in which the last narrator - Pechorin. Everything important that was hidden from people surrounding him, who lived next to him, who loved him, was transferred to the peopling themselves.