What good to read from the classics. Russian and Foreign World Classics: Books (Best List)

What good to read from the classics. Russian and Foreign World Classics: Books (Best List)
What good to read from the classics. Russian and Foreign World Classics: Books (Best List)

Surely, many believe that classic works in their definition are long, boring, have many years of writing statute, and therefore are not always clear for the modern reader. This is a common mistake. After all, in fact, the classic is all that is not subject to time. Themes revealing in such works are relevant for any century. And the author of the 19th century would have written such a book now, she would have become a bestseller again. Your attention is provided with the best classic. They conquered millions of readers. And even those who claim that they are dissatisfied with the creation of the author, believe me, did not remain indifferent.

The novel consists of two different, but intertwined parts. The first time is modern Moscow, the second is the ancient Jerusalem. Each part is filled with events and characters - historical, fictional, as well as terrible and amazing creatures.

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What strength drive the people? They are the result of the actions of individual personalities - kings, commander - or such a feeling as patriotism, or there is a third force, which determines the direction of history. The answer to this question is painfully looking for the main characters.

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The novel was based on the experience that Dostoevsky received at Katorga. The student of the Raskolnikov, who stuck in poverty for several months, is convinced that a humane goal justifies the most terrible act, even the murder of the greedy and no one who does not need the older old woman.

The novel who was ahead of his time and went long before such a cultural phenomenon as postmodernism. The main characters of the work - 4 sons born from different mothers - symbolize those irrepressible elements that can lead to the death of Russia.

Whether to stay with her husband, who was always indifferent to her inner world and never loved her, or to surrender to all his heart to someone who made her feel happy? Throughout the novel, the heroine is tormented by such a choice - the young Aristocrat Anna.

A poor young prince returns to the train home to Russia. In the way, he meets the son of one of the rich merchants, who is obsessed with a passion for one girl, and the content. In the metropolitan society, looped for money, power and manipulation, the prince turns out to be a stranger.

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Despite the name, the work itself is not connected with mysticism, which is mainly inherent in the work of this writer. In the traditions of "harsh" realism described the life of landowners in the Russian province, where a former official comes to turn his own science.

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Young Petersburg Has, having resulted in love and secular entertainment, leaves for a village where friendship is tied with one poet, who is in love with one of the daughters of the local nobleman. The second daughter falls in love with Hist, but he does not respond to her feelings.

The famous Moscow surgeon decides to spend in its large apartment, where he takes patients, a very risky experiment on the homeless dog. As a result, the animal began to turn into a person. But at the same time he acquired all human flavors.

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People come to the provincial town who seem to be connected with nothing. But they are familiar with each other, as they consist in one revolutionary organization. Their goal is to arrange a political riot. Everything goes according to plan, but one revolutionary decides to get out of the game.

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The cult work of the XIX century. In the center of the story - a student who does not accept the traditional public morality and opposes the entire old, unpropractical. For him, only scientific knowledge is the price that can explain everything. Besides love.

By profession, he was a doctor, by calling - a writer, whose talent was completely revealed when creating short humorous stories. They quickly became a classic worldwide. They have an affordable language - the language of humor - the human vices are revealed.

This work is in one row with a Gogol poem. In it, the main hero is the young adventurer who is ready to promise all of what, in principle, it is impossible to do. And all for the sake of treasure, about several more people know. And no one is going to share them.

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After a three-year separation, young Alexander returns to the house of his beloved Sophia to make her proposal. However, she gives him a refusal and says that now he loves the other. The rejected in love begins to blame the society in which Sophia has grown.

How should the real nobleman do if the life of a young noble girl depends on it? Donate yourself, but do not drop the honor. This is guided by a young officer when the fortress, in which he serves, attacks the king of self-director.

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A terrible poverty and hopelessness staggering the old resident of Cuba. In one day, he, as usual, goes to the sea, without hoping on a big catch. But this time his hook came across large mining, with which the fisherman fights for several days, without giving her the opportunity to leave.

Ragin selflessly serves as a doctor. However, his zeal comes on no, he does not see sense to change around himself, because it is impossible to heal that madness, which reigns around. The doctor begins to visit the Chamber daily, where there is a mentally ill.

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What is more detailing - do nothing and only indulge in dreams about how to live, or get up from the sofa and start implementing your plans? The young and lazy landowner Ilya Ilyich first occupied the first position, but after he fell in love, he woke up from his drowsy state.

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You can write magnificent works not only about the life of a big city, but also about the life of a small Ukrainian farm. In the afternoon, there are usual orders in the afternoon, and at night the power goes to supernatural forces that can and take care at the same time.

A talented surgeon settles on illegal foundations in Paris, but at the same time he does not interfere with medical practice. Before moving, he lived in Germany, from which he fled, but at the same time gave to die his beloved. In a new place, another novel is quickly tied.

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Russian Gutener goes on a journey with the family in which it serves. At the same time, he secretly in love with Polina girl. And that she understood all his nobility, he begins to play roulette in the hope of getting big money. And it managed to him, but the girl does not take a win.

The world of family coziness, nobility and real patriotism breaks under the onslaught of social catastrophe in Russia. The concerned Russian officers settle in Ukraine and hope that they do not fall under the power of the Bolsheviks. But one day the protection of the city weakens, and the enemy goes to the offensive.

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A cycle of small works, which are written in a different artistic manner. Here you can find a romantic duelist, and sentimental stories about eternal love, and the harsh picture of the reality in which the money they rule, and because of them, a person can lose the most important.

The fact that in due time failed to Pushkin, it turned out from Dostoevsky. The work is fully a correspondence between a poor official and a young girl who also has a small earnings. But at the same time heroes are not poor soul.

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The story of the invincibility and perseverance of a person who does not want to be someone's faithful soldier. For the sake of freedom, Haji Murat goes to the side of the imperial troops, but it does this in order to save not himself, and his family, which is in captivity of the enemy.

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In these seven works, the author leads us along the streets of St. Petersburg, which was erected by force and ingenuity on the swampy terrain. Under its harmonious facade, deception and violence are hidden. Residents confusing the city himself, giving them false dreams.

This collection of small stories is the first major product that has gained recognition to the author. It is based on personal observations during the hunt in the estate of his mother, where Turgenev learned about the ill-treatment of peasants and injustice of the Russian system.

The main character is the Son of the landowner, whose property confiscated the corrupt and insidious general. After the death of the father, the hero becomes a criminal. To achieve the ultimate goal - revenge - it resortes to more cunning means: he seduces the daughter of his enemy.

This classic novel about war is written on behalf of a young German soldier. The hero is only 18 years old, and he, under his head of his family, friends and society, enters the military service and goes to the front. There he witnesses such horrors, which does not dare to tell anyone.

Naughty and energetic volume enjoys children's cereals and games with their friends. Once on the city cemetery, he becomes a witness to the murder, which commits local tramp. The hero gives vow, which will never tell about it, and so begins his way in adulthood.

The story of the pitiful St. Petersburg official who stole his expensive chinel. No one wants to help him return the thing, from which the hero in the end seriously ills. During the lifetime of the author, criticism adequately appreciated the work from which the whole Russian realism was born.

Roman is in one row with another product of the author - "Call of ancestors." Most of the "white fang" is also written from the point of view of the dog, whose name is made in the title. This allows the author to show how animals see their world and as they see.

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The novel tells the story of the 19-year-old Arkady - the illegitimate son of the landowner and the maid, - about how he struggling to correct his position and "become Rothschild", despite the fact that Russia is still tied to its old system of values.

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Roman about how the hero, which is very broken and disappointed because of an unsuccessful marriage returns to his estate and is in love again - just to lose it. This reflects the main topic: a person is not destined to experience happiness, except for something ephemeral.

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The gloomy and exciting story tells about the struggle of an indecisious, alienated hero in the world of relative values. The innovative work introduced moral, religious, political and social topics, which dominate the author's late masterpieces.

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The narrator arrives in Sevastopol, located in the siege, and makes a detailed examination of the city. As a result, the reader has the opportunity to explore all the peculiarities of military life. We get to the dressing point where the horror reigns, and on the most dangerous bastion.

37. $
The work is partially based on the author's vital experience, who participated in the war in the Caucasus. The nobleman disappointed in his privileged life comes to the service in the army to escape from the superficialness of everyday life. Hero in search of full life. 38. $
The first social novel of the author, who partly is an artistic introductory word for those who belonged to the previous era, but lived in times when political and social movements began. About this era have already forgotten, but it is worth remembering about it.

39. $
One of the greatest and successful dramatic works. The Russian aristocrat and her family return to their estate to trace how public bidding go, on which their home and a huge garden for debts are exposed. Old owners lose in the struggle of new life trends.

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The hero on charges of the murder of his wife was sentenced to execution, but subsequently exiled to the Siberian Catherega for 10 years. Life in prison for him is hard - he is an intellectual and experiencing an anger of other prisoners. Gradually, he overcomes disgust and is experiencing spiritual awakening.

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On the eve of his wedding, the young aristocrat learns that his bride had a novel with king. It was a blow to his pride, so he reversed from all worldly and kneads into monks. So there are many years of humility and doubt. While he is not solved to become a hermit.

In the hands of the editor gets a manuscript, which tells about the young and depraved person who worked as a court investigator. It becomes one of the "corners" in the love triangle, in which the married couple is involved. The end of the story becomes the murder of his wife.

The work prohibited until 1988, in which, through the fate of one military doctor, the history of the people who fond of the revolution in the confusion is told. From the universal madness, the hero, together with his family, runs deep into the country, where the one, which he won't want to let go.

The main character, like all his friends, is a veteran of war. In the soul, he is a poet, but he works for a friend who holds a small office for the production of tombstones. There are few of these money, and he gets additional earnings, giving private lessons and playing a body in a local mental hospital.

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On someone else's war, Frederick falls in love with the nurse and tries to seduce her, after which their relationship begins. But once the hero is wound off by a smoking of a mortar projectile, and he is sent to Milan hospital. There, away from the war, he is healed - and physically, and morally.

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During breakfast, the barber detects a human nose in his bread. With horror, he recognizes him for the nose of a permanent visitor who carries the rank of college assessor. In turn, the affected official discovers the loss and gives an absurd announcement in the newspaper.

The main character, the boy, striving for independence and freedom, runs away from his father-alcoholic, stating his own death. And so begins his journey to the south of the country. He meets a ragless slave, and they together are melted down the Mississippi River.

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The plot of poems is based on those events that really happened in St. Petersburg in 1824. Political, historical and existential issues that formulate author with dazzling force and conciseness continue to be the subject of critics.

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In order to save his beloved, which was forcibly taken by the evil sorcerer, the warrior Ruslan would have to go to an epic and dangerous journey, encountered with many fantastic and terrible creatures. This is a dramatic and witty retelling of Russian folklore.

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In the most famous play, the family of aristocrats, who, with difficulty find any meaning in their lives, are described. Three sisters, as well as their brother live in a deaf province, but they struggle to return to the sophisticated Moscow, where they grew up. The play is captured by the "owners of life".

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The hero is obsessed with all-absorbing love for one princess, which is hardly guessed about his existence. Once the secular lady receives on his birthday expensive bracelet. The husband finds a secret adanor and asks him to stop compromising a decent woman.

52. $
In this classical literary representation of gambling, the author explores the character of an obsession. Secret and otherworldly tips alternate with the history of fermented Herman, who wants to make its condition behind the card table. The secret of success is known to one old woman.

53. $
Moskvich Gurov is married and has a daughter and two sons. At the same time, he is not happy in family life and often changes his wife. Resting in Yalta, he sees a young lady walking along the embankment with her little dog, and is constantly looking for opportunities to meet her.

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This collection is in some way the culmination of the work he did throughout life. Stories were written on the eve of a terrible world war in the context of the collapsed Russian culture. The action of each work is concentrated on the love topics.

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The story is told from the point of view of an anonymous narrator who recalls his youth, in particular, staying in a small town to the west of Rhine. Critics consider the hero of a classic "external person" - indecisive and not determined their place in life.

56. $
Four laconic plays, later known as "small tragedies", were written at the time of the rise of creative forces, and their influence is difficult to overestimate. As an author's transfer of the Pieces of Western European authors, "Tragedy" offer readers current problems.

57. $
This story takes place in Europe, in a hedonistic society in the times of "turbulent twenties". A rich girl suffering from schizophrenia falls in love with his psychiatrist. As a result, a whole saga of problem marriages, love adventures, duels and incets are unfolding.

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Some scientists allocate three poems in the work of this author, in which one original idea is embodied. One of them is of course "MTSI". The main character is a 17-year-old monk who as a child was forcibly taken away from his aula, and one day he would escape.

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A completely young jook runs away from his permanent owner and finds himself a new one. They turn out to be an artist who acts in a circus with numbers in which animals participate. Therefore, for an intelligent dog, a separate room is immediately coming up.

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In this story, among many of her, such as the Europeanized Russian society, adultery and provincial life, the topic of a woman is coming to the fore, and rather, the planning of the murder of a woman. In the title of the work there is a reference to the Shakespeare Piesel.

61. Lion Tolstoy - Fake coupon
The schoolboy Mitya desperately needs money - he needs to return duty. Depressed by this situation, he should be the evil advice of his friend, who showed him how to change the nominal banknote. This act gives rise to a chain of events that affect the lives of dozens of other people.

The most outstanding work of the prunuer, which is known for its length and the theme of involuntary memories. Roman began to form back in 1909. The author continued to work on him up to his last illness, which forced to stop working.

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A surround poem tells the story of seven peasants who have been removed to ask various groups of the village population, whether they are happy. But wherever they come, they always gave an unsatisfactory answer. From the plans of 7-8 parts, the author wrote only half.

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The story about the sad life of a young girl who lived in extreme poverty and in one moment became a orphan, but her rich family would be ahead. When she meets his new pivot sister, Katya, she instantly falls in love with her, and both are inseparable.

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The main character is the classic hero Hemingway: a cruel guy, an alcoholic beeman, caring smuggling a weapon and carriage of people from Cuba on the island of Florida Kis. He risks life, dodges from the coastal bullets and manages it to overcome.

66. $
During a trip by train, one of the passengers overhears the conversation in the coupe. When one woman argues that marriage should be based on true love, he asks her: What is love? In his opinion, love quickly develops in hatred, and tells his story.

67. Lion Tolstoy - Marketer Notes
A storytellor is a simple marker, a person who conducts an account and puts balls on the billiard table. If the game is right, the glorious and players come across are not stingy, then it overlays a good remuneration. But one day a very gambling young man appears in the club.

68. $
The protagonist is looking for peacefish in Woodland, which should cheer it up. But in the end gets one unbearable boredom. But one day, having gotting up from the way, he climbs on the hut, where the old woman and her beautiful granddaughter are waiting for him. After such a magical meeting, the hero becomes a frequent guest here.

69. $
The focus is the janitor of high growth and powerful physique. He falls in love with a young laundry and wants to take her to his wife. But the lady decides in a different way: the girl gets eternally a drunk shoe. Hero finds his consolation in taking care of a little dog.

70. $
Once in the evening, three sisters shared with each other with their dreams: what would they do if they became the king's wives. But Molbi only was heard of the third sisters - her marry Tsar Saltan takes to a certain time to give birth to the heir. But envious sisters begin to dirty.

Books are one of the greatest heritals of mankind. And if only the elected caste of people were available until the invention of the book printing of the book, then the books began to spread everywhere. In each new generation, talented writers were born, who created world masterpieces of literature.

Great works reached us, that's just we read the classics and less. Bite's literary portal presents to your attention 100 best books of all times and peoples that need to read. In this list you will find not only classic works, but also modern books that left their mark in history quite recently.

1 Mikhail Bulgakov

A novel that does not fit into the usual literary framework. In this story, philosophy and life, theology and fiction, mystic and realism, mystic and lyrics are mixed. And all these components are intertwined by skillful hands in a solid and bright story, which is able to turn your world. And yes, this is a favorite book book!

2 Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The book from the school program, which is difficult to understand in a tender adolescence. The writer showed the duality of the human soul when black is intertwined with white. The story of Raskolnikov, who is experiencing an internal struggle.

3 Antoine de Saint-Exupery

A small story in which enormous life sense is concluded. The story that makes something different look at the usual things.

4 Michael Bulgakov

Surprisingly thin and sarcastic story about people and their vices. The story of the experiment, which proved that a person can be made from the animal, but it is impossible to bring an "animal" from a person.

5 Erich Maria Remarque

To tell about what tells this novel is impossible. Roman needs to read, and then understanding that this is not just a story, but confession. Confession of love, friendship, pain. History of despair and struggle.

6 Jerome Salinger

The story of a teenager, who shows his perception of the world with its own eyes, the point of the worldview, renunciation from the usual principles and maintenance of morality of society, who do not fit into his individual framework.

7 Mikhail Lermontov

Lyric-psychological novel, which tells about a person with a complex character. The author shows it from different sides. And the violated chronology of events, makes it completely immersed in the story.

8 Arthur Conan Doyle

Legendary investigations of Sherlock's great detective, which reveal the meanness of the human soul. Stories that tell me and assistant detective Dr. Watson.

9 Oscar Wilde

The story of pride, egoism and durable soul. A story that clearly shows that it can happen to a human soul suffered by vices.

10 John Ronald Ruel Tolkien

Fantastic trilogy about people and nonhumans who fell under the power of the ring of all-in-law and his lord of Sauron. The story of those who are ready for the sake of friendship and salvation of the world, sacrifice the most expensive and even their lives.

11 Mario Puzo

Roman about one of the most powerful mafia families of America last century - the family of Corleon. Many is known for the film, so it's time to take reading.

12 Erich Maria Remarque

After World War I, many emigrants were in France. Among them and the talented German surgeon Ravik. This is the story of his life and love against the background of the war.

13 Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The history of the Russian soul and nonsense. And an amazing style and tongue author causes proposals to play with paints and shades that fully reveal the story of our people.

14 Colin Maccalo

A stunning novel, which tells not only the love of men and women and complex relations, but also about feelings for the family, to native places and nature.

15 Emily Bronte.

A family living in a secluded estate, who has a tense atmosphere in the house. Complex relationships have deep roots that are hidden in the past. Hitclyf's history and Catherine will not leave any reader indifferent.

16 Erich Maria Remarque

Book of war on behalf of a simple soldier. The book about how the war breaks and cripples the soul of innocent people.

17 Herman Hesse

The book simply turns all the ideas about life. After reading it is already impossible to get rid of the feeling that you have become one step closer to something incredible. This book has answers to many questions.

18 Stephen King

Paul Edgecomb Former prison officer, which served in a block for convicts for the death penalty. He tells the history of the life of suicide borneers who were destined to pass a green mile.

20 Victor Hugo

Paris 15th century. On the one hand, he is full of greatness, and the other is similar to the waste hole. Against the background of historical events, the story of love - Quasimodo, Esmeralda and Claude Frollo unfolds.

21 Daniel Defoe

Sailor's diary of the cracked ship and lived alone on the island of 28 years. He had to survive too much trials.

22 Lewis Carroll

A strange and mysterious story about a girl who in pursuit of a white rabbit turns out to be in another and wonderful world.

23 Ernest Hemingway

On the pages of the Book of War, but even in the world full of pain and fear, there is a beautiful place. An excellent feeling called love that makes us stronger.

24 Jack London

What can love make? Martin's love to the wonderful ruff forced him to fight. He overcame the many obstacles to become somehow big. The story of the spiritual development and formation of a person.

25 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

A fantastic and fascinating fairy tale in which magic is intertwined with reality.

26 We Evgeny Zamyatin

Roman Anthutopia, in which the perfect society is described, where there is no personal opinion, and everything happens on the schedule. But even in such a society there will be a place for freezers.

27 Ernest Hemingway

Frederick voluntarily went to war, where he became a doctor. In the sanitary part, where even air is saturated with death, love is born.

28 Boris Pasternak

The beginning of the twentieth century. The Russian empire has already embarked on the path of revolutions. The story of the life of the intelligentsia of that time, as well as the book raises the issues of religion and affects the mystery of life and death.

29 Vladimir Nabokov

An instructive story about people who betrayed their ideals. The book about how light and beautiful feelings evolve into something dark and disgusting.

30 Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The greatest work, which delays in the story of Faust, who sold the soul to the devil. Reading this book can be passed on the path of knowledge of life.

31 Dante Aligiery

The product is three parts. First we fall into hell, so that the dates are all 9 circles. Then we are waiting for a purification, passing which you can redeem your sins. And only reaching the top you can get to heaven.

32 Anthony Burgess

Not the most pleasant story, but it shows the human essence. The story, as from any person you can make an obedient and silent doll.

33 Victor Pelevin

A difficult story, which is difficult to understand the first time. The story about the life of the decadene poet, who is looking for his way, and Chapaev leads to the enlightenment of Peter.

34 William Golding

What will happen to children if they are quite alone? In children, a subtle nature, which is pronounced quite strongly. And pretty good children turn into real monsters.

35 Albert Kama

36 James Clarell

The history of the English seaman, who will be the will of fate in Japan. Roman-epic, where there are historical realities, intrigue, adventures and secrets.

37 Ray Bradbury

A collection of fantastic stories telling about the life of people on Mars. They almost destroyed the land, and what awaits another planet?

38 Stanislav Lem

There is an ocean on this planet. He is alive and he has a mind. Researchers have a difficult task - to convey the knowledge of the ocean. And he will help embody their dreams ...

39 Herman Hesse

A book about the inner crisis that can happen to each. Internal emptying can destroy a person, if one day the person will not meet, who will give only one book to his hands ...

40 Milan Kundara

Immerse yourself in the world of sensations and feelings of a libertine Tomasha, who used to change women, just no one dared to pick up his freedom.

41 Boris Vian

Each friend has their own fate. Everything goes easily and simple. Friendship. Love. Conversations. But one event can change everything and destroy the usual life.

42 Ian Banks.

Frank tells the story of his childhood and describes the present. He has his own world who can collapse at any time. Unexpected turning points in the plot, give a special taste of the whole story.

43 John Irving

This book climbs the themes of family, childhood, friendship, love, treason and betrayal. This is the world in which we live with all the problems and disadvantages.

44 Michael Ondatja

There are many topics in this book - war, death, love, betrayal. But the main leitmotifs is loneliness, which can acquire a variety of forms.

46 Ray Bradbury

Books our future, and what will happen if they are replaced by TV and one opinion? The answer to this question gives a writer who was ahead of his time.

47 Patrick Zyuskind

The story of a crazy genius. All his life is smell. He will go to everything to create the perfect fragrance.

48 1984 George Orwell

Three totalitarian states, where even thoughts are controlled. The world of hatred, but there are people who else can resist the system.

49 Jack London

Alaska late 19th century. The era of the gold fever. And among the human larding lives a wolf named White Fang.

50 Jane Osten

In the family of Bennet there is only daughters, and the heir is a distant relative. And it is worth the head of the family, like young girls will remain with nothing.

51 Evgeny Petrov and Ilya Ilf

Who does not know the Ostap Bender and Kisu Vorobyaninov and their eternal failures that are associated with the search for ill-fated diagrants.

52 Fedor Dostoevsky

53 Charlot Bronte.

Jane has become an orphan early, and life in the house of aunt was far from happy. And love for a strict and sullen man is far from romantic history.

54 Ernest Hemingway

A small story of the life of the most ordinary person. But reading this work, penetrate the amazing world, which is full of emotions.

55 Francis Scott Fitzgerald

A magnificent novel that is filled with feelings. On the pages of the book waiting for the beginning of the 20th century, when people were full of illusions and hopes. This story about life values \u200b\u200band real love.

56 Alexandr Duma

We are all familiar with the adventures of D'Artagnan and his closest friends. Book of friendship, honor, devotion, loyalty and love. And of course, as other works of the author did not cost and without intrigue.

57 Ken Kizi.

This history will tell the patient of a psychiatric hospital. Patrick McMurphy enters the psychiatric department. That's just some think that he simply simulates his illness.

59 Victor Hugo

Roman describes the life of a runaway convict who is hidden from the authorities. After the flight, he had to survive a lot of tight, but he was able to change his life. That's just the Maver Police Inspector is ready to go to everything to catch the criminal.

60 Victor Hugo

The actor-philosopher met on his way of a worried boy and a blind girl. He takes them under his custody. Against the background of physical disadvantages, the perfection and purity of souls are clearly visible. And also this is an excellent oppression of the life of the aristocracy.

61 Vladimir Nabokov

Roman delays her unhealthy web of passion and unhealthy love. The main characters gradually go crazy, subject to their lowland desire, as well as their world around. In this book, I will definitely not be a happy end.

62 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

A fantastic story that describes the life of Stalker Radric Shukhart, which extraterrestrial artifacts extract from the abnormal zones on Earth.

63 Richard Bach

Even a simple seagull can bother gray life, and the routine has come. And then the seagull dedicates his life to a dream. The seagull gives all his soul on the way to the cherished goal.

64 Bernard Verber

Michel got to the court of Archangels, where he would have to go through the weighing procedure of the soul. After the trial, he stands before the choice - to go to the ground in a new embodiment or steel angel. Angel's way is not simple as the life of ordinary mortals.

65 Ethel Lilian Wagoney

The story of freedom, duty and honor. And about different types of love. In the first case, this is the love of his father to his son, which survived many tests and passes through generations. In the second case, this is the love between a man and a woman who looks like a bonfire, he swears, then flashes again.

66 John Falez.

He is a simple town hall, lonely and lost. He has a passion - collecting butterflies. But one day he wanted to his collection of a girl who conquered his soul.

67 Walter Scott

The story of the novel will lead the readers in the distant past. At the time of Richard, the lion's heart and the first crusades. This is one of the first historical novels, which is obliged to read each.

68 Bernhard Slink

The book has a lot of questions that remain unanswered. The book makes thinking and analyze not only what is happening on the pages, but also your life. This is a story about love and betrayal that will not leave anyone indifferent.

69 Ayn Rand.

Socialists come to power and take a course on equal opportunities. The authorities believe that talented and rich should impose the well-being of others. But instead of a happy future, the familiar world is immersed in chaos.

71 Somerset Maugham

The story of the actress, which all his life works in the theater. And what is the reality for her play on stage or a game in life? How many roles do you have to play every day?

72 Oldhos Haxley

Roman Antiutopia. Roman Satire. The world where Henry Ford became God, and the beginning of time is the creation of the first Ford T car. People are simply grown, and nothing about feelings do not know anything.

75 Albert Kama

Merso lives a removed life. It seems that his life does not belong at all. He is all indifferent and even his actions are impregnated with loneliness and renunciation.

76 Somerset Maugham

The history of the life of Philip. He is an orphan and throughout his life he not only seeks the meaning of life, but also himself. And most importantly understand the world and people.

77 Irwin Welsh

History of friends who once discovered drugs and euphoria. Each character is unusual and quite a smart. They appreciated life and friendship, but exactly until the moment when Heroin rose to first.

78 Herman Melville

Ahav Captain Whaling Ship set the purpose of his life - to the revenge of Whale named Mobi Dick. Wit Pueby too many lives to leave him alive. But it is worth the captain to start the hunt, how mysterious, and sometimes terrible events begin to occur on his ship.

79 Joseph Heller

One of the best books about World War II. In it, the author was able to show the meaninglessness of war and the monstrous absurdity of the state car.

80 William Falkner

Four characters, each of whom tells its version of events. And to understand what we are talking about, you need to read to the end, where the puzzles will be in a single picture of life and secret desires.

82 Joanne Rowling

83 Roger Zelazny

Classic fantasy genre. The chronicles are divided into two volumes of 5 books. In this cycle, mono find travel in space and time, war, intrigue, betrayal, as well as loyalty and courage.

84 Angey Sapkovsky

One of the best fantastic series. The series includes 8 books, while the latter is the "season of thunderstorms" is better to read after the first or second book. This is a story about the Witcher and his adventures, his life and love, and more about the girl Cirins, which can change the world.

85 Honore de Balzac

An amazing story about the infinite and sacrificial love of the Father to the children. About love that has never been mutual. About love that destroyed Father Gorio.

86 Gunter Grass

The story of the boy named Oscar Macerat, who, with the arrival of the National Socialists in Germany, refuses to grow in protest. Thus, he expresses his protest changes in the German society.

87 Boris Vasilyev

Piercing story war. About real love for parents, friends, and homeland. This story must be read to feel the entire emotional component of this story.

88 Standal

The story of Julien Sea and the soul, in which the confrontation of two feelings is coming: passion and ambition. These two feelings are so intertwined that they are often impossible to distinguish.

89 Lev Tolstoy

Roman-epic, which describes a whole epoch, deepening in the historical realities and the artistic world of the time. War will replace the world, and the peaceful life of the characters depends on the war. Many heroes with unique characters.

90 Gustave Flaubert

This story is recognized as the greatest work of world literature. Emma Bovarie dreams of a beautiful secular life, but her spouse, a provincial doctor, cannot satisfy her requests. She finds lovers, but can they fulfill the dream Madame Bovarie?

91 Chuck Palanik

No matter how they scold the work of this author, it is impossible to deny that his book "Fight Club" is one of the characters of our generation. This is a story about people who decided to change this dirty world. The story of a person who was able to resist the system.

92 Marcus Zusak

Winter Germany is 1939, when death is too work, and after six months, work will be added somewhat. The story of Lizel, about fanatical Germans, about the Jewish Drachun, about the theft and the strength of words.

93 Alexander Pushkin

Roman in verse tells a story about the fate of the noble intelligentsia with their vices and egoism. And in the value of history, a love story without a happy end.

94 George Martin

A fantastic story about another world rule the kings and dragons live. Love, betrayal, intrigue, war and death, and all for power.

95 David Mitchell

The history of the past, present and future. Stories of people from different times. But these stories make up a single picture of the whole world.

96 Stephen King

Fantastic cycle of horror lords. In this series, weave the genres. In the books are closely neighboring horrors, western, science fiction and other genres. This is the story of the Roland Arrow, who is looking for a dark tower.

97 Haruki Murakov

The story of human destinies in Japan in the 60s of the twentieth century. History of human losses. Memories of the torus who will introduce a reader with different people and their stories.

98 Andy Weyr

By the will of the case of an astronaut remain one on the space base on Mars. He has a limited number of resources, but there is no connection with people. But he does not give up, he believes that he will return.

100 Samuel Bekket.

Amazing play, where everyone itself determines the mysterious personality year. The author makes it possible to find the answer itself to the question "Who is he?". Concrete person? Strong personality? Collective image? Or God?

In this top, I want to include many more books. Therefore, dear readers, write in the comments about those books that you consider the best. We will add books to the top and with your help to expand it to 1000 best books of all times and peoples.

Works of classics as good wine - they are withstanding and tested by time and a huge number of readers. Many of these books are universal: they healed the soul, looking for answers to the eternal questions of being, entertained, relax, raise the mood, make you think and give the invaluable opportunity to acquire a unique life experience.

Russian classics

"Master and Margarita", Mikhail Bulgakov

Brilliant masterpiece of world classical literature. An extraordinary meaningful mystical novel, the outlining of human sins and vices. It was intertwined in the eternal themes of the struggle of good with evil, death and immortality, as well as an incredible line of love, which began with a random meeting of people created for each other.

Evgeny Onegin, Alexander Pushkin

Good work for those who choose a classic product for self-development. The novel in verses, in which two characters are opposed to: the festered bored young man Yevgeny Onegin and a pure naive girl Tatyana Larina that followed sincere feeling. The story of the growing and development of one personality and internal devastation of the other.

"Anna Karenina", Lion Tolstoy

Married Anna Karenina falls in love with the young officer of Vronsky. He meets her reciprocity. But the environment turns away from the "fallen woman." Desperate attempts of lovers to reunite against the background of the morals and the orders of the nobility of that time were not crowned with success.

"Dr. Zhivago", Boris Pasternak

The history of the generation of the beginning of the 20th century, which was part of a new era with faith in big changes. However, the tests that they had to go through (Civil and First World War, Revolution), brought only disappointments and broken hopes. But, in spite of everything, people acquired invaluable experience. The book is full of reflection on the fate of people and the state.

"12 chairs", Evgeny Petrov, Ilya Ilf

The story of two adventurers looking for diamonds hidden in chairs of a living room headset Madame Petukhova. Roman-Faken is incredibly fascinating, saturated with sharp humor and inexhaustible optimism. Provide a few exciting evenings, those who have not read the book, and will raise the mood to those who took it again.

"Dog Heart", Mikhail Bulgakov

Professor Preobrazhensky explores the methods of rejuvenation. Once he leads from the streets of the homeless PSA of the ball and makes him a limitation pituitary of the deceased Klima Cutlekina, drunkard and hooligan. Instead of a good fitful animal, a creature is obtained with absolutely disgusting character and habits. The novel demonstrates the history of the relationship of the intelligentsia with a "new breed" of man.

"Life and extraordinary adventures of the soldier Ivan Chonkina", Vladimir Winovich

Wonderful choice of work to read on vacation, such a light romance joke. Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in a small village, due to breakdowns, a plane is sitting. It is not possible to tow it, therefore, it is placed innocent and ridiculous posting Ivan Chonkin, who over time transfers the place of his service to the house of the postman Nura ...

"And dawns here are quiet", Boris Vasilyev

The tragic story about an unequal confrontation between the five Zenitchits girls and the detachment of German saboteurs consisting of 16 people. Dreams of future and women's stories about loved ones create a stunning contrast with the brutal reality of war.

"Nonmennica", Alexander Ostrovsky

A play, about a woman who was forced to connect his destiny with an inconspicuous, uninteresting and unloved person only because it does not have dowry. The man whom she loves and considers ideal, only having fun with her, without having intentions to change the rich bride on her.

"Pomegranate bracelet", Alexander Kurin

Seeing once in the beds of the circus, the princess faith, George Yolkov fell in love with her without memory. He gone to her letters, without hoping, as she was married. Love lasted for several years while he decided to give her a pomegranate bracelet. A wonderful work that is suitable for those looking for what to read for the soul.

Foreign literature

"Singing in the Thurning", Colin McCalow

Epic History of the Family of the Poorheads who later managed the managers of a large Australian estate. The plot of the novel is based on strong, complete drama of the feelings between the main heroine of Maggie and the Catholic priest Father Ralph. What will love or religion win? The work became one of the most sought-after admirers of love romance.

"Gone by the Wind", Margaret Mitchell

Roman about a strong woman Scarlett O'Hara, who has brightened into his shoulders care about his relatives in the difficult years of the Civil War in America. The book tells about the incredible history of love and demonstrates the evolution of the feelings of the main character against the background of the war test.

"Pride and Prejudice", Jane Osten

England 18th century. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, who raised five daughters, are thinking about the marriage of young young ladies. Mr. Bingley settled in the neighborhood, as it is impossible to suit the role of the groom. In addition, he has many buddies. The book is about how the feelings originate, and how love helps to overcome pride and prejudice.

"Great Gatsby", Francis Scott Fitzgerald

The action of the book takes place in America in the time of the "Jazz Epoch". The author shows the opposite side of the notorious "American Dream". In the center of the story, the story of the rich and trange of Gatsby, who is trying to return the beloved woman who left him when he was still successful. Unfortunately, wealth never brought him happiness.

"A little sun in cold water", Francoise Sagan

This excellent version of the work of modern classics. The story of the novel of the Paris journalist Zhilly Lantser with a married woman who left her husband. In the work raised the topic of fatigue from life, what is customary to be called depression. It seems that relationships helped live to overcome the disease. But is his chosen one?

"Triumphal Arch", Erich Maria Remarque

German emigrant Ravik illegally lives and works by a surgeon in Paris of pre-war time. Returning back home, he notices a woman who is trying to rush from the bridge. So, the novel between the actress named Johan and the German refugee begins. Unusually beautiful, passionate and sad love story, full of philosophical reflection.

"Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady", Viktor Hugo

This is a real classic of a historic novel describing medieval Paris. In the center of the narration, the incredible romantic story of the rhodes of Gorbun Quasimodo and the street dancers of the Gypsy Esmeralda. However, the author's chief hero is positioning the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God, thereby attracting public attention to him.

"Wine from dandelions", Ray Bradbury

Moments of summer, closed in bottles - this is the wine from dandelions. Wake-up from large and small stories occurring throughout the summer, everyday discoveries, most importantly of which we live, we feel, we breathe. The narrative itself is warm and leisurely. The Douglas Brothers and Tom live in a provincial town and through them we see the world through the eyes of 12-year-old children.

"Roasted green tomatoes in the cafe" Films ", Fanni Flagg

Evelin, a middle-aged woman, lost interest in life and he finds depression chocolate. Once a week, she is forced to visit their mother-in-law in the nursing home. There Evelin meets 86-year-old Ninny, which is full of love and interest in life. Each time the old woman tells stories from his past, which helps Evelyn reconsider its worldview.

"Over the cuckoo nest", Ken Kizi

The main hero of Randle rashly chooses between the prison and the latter's psychic chain. Here he is trying to change the established rules and teach to enjoy the lives of other patients. The elderly sullen nurse opposes the innovations of the freedom-loving patient because of fear of losing power over staff and sick.

In the modern world, there are fewer reading people. Sadly, but the fact. If you used to meet a person in public transport with a book, there was something in the order of things, now it is a real rarity. Gadgets pushed out literature, leaving it somewhere on the backyards. After all, it is much easier to turn on the toy or climb on social networks than to plunge into a complex invented world. Reading has become a job, not available to entertainment. It is sad. After all, the books form a point of view on the world, religion, politics, art, love. They allow you to expand the horizons and gain experience on other people's mistakes, educate humanity and compassion. No computer game or "Facebook" will not give this.

Therefore, to expand the boundaries of its own consciousness, it is necessary to read. At least world famous works, the so-called books of classics that everyone should read.

Russian literature

Not everyone can turn through the debris of the ancient Greek or ancient Roman cultural heritage and understand the works of Socrates, Aristotle or Plutarch. Therefore, it is better to start with the fact that the mentality is closer: the books of Russian classics that everyone should read. It can be as works known from the school program, but quite otherwise perceived in adulthood, when no one makes read from under the stick. So books recognized as modern classics.

"Eugene Onegin"

First love, mental torments, jealousy, choice - all this is on the pages of the famous novel in verses. And the fact that she used to elude, will play with new colors and make them make the heroes.

In addition, the novel perfectly reports the spirit of its time and describes the realistic life of the nobility.

"Crime and Punishment"

One of the first psychological novels, enjoying worldly popularity, was written by Dostoevsky back in 1866. This work is included in the list of "100 books of classics that everyone should read."

Anyone can decide what has the right to finish justice, but what is the price of these actions? Internal this freedom or crime? The face between evil and good is so blurry that it is easy to stupid. And the hand will give a one who is considered already beyond.

"Fathers and Sons"

In Roman Turgenev addresses the issue of generations: "They are not as we" and the desire to prove that the new, better than the old one. However, the ideological struggle is fading when feelings come into business. What will chose the main character: following ideals or love for a woman, the desire to change the world and rebuild it anew or calm life in his native village? After all, there may be ideals of fathers are not so bad, as it seems.

"Master and Margarita"

If you are interested in more modern novels with elements of mysticism and fiction, pay attention to Bulgakov. This is a classic that everyone needs to read. There is everything here: partings and meetings, atrocities and retribution, execution and resurrection. Several parallel lines, one more interesting, the other, ambiguous heroes ... The novel was repeatedly shielded, the theatrical productions are put on it. And the disputes around the meaning and the main characters are still being carried out.

"Silent Don"

Which should read everyone so diverse and diverse that you can find what you like. Those who are interested in history will be interested in this work Mikhail Sholokhov. Together with the main characters, the reader will live the first world and civil war, see events with the eyes of the participants.

"There were no lists"

In the story of Boris Vasilyeva, it is told about a simple Russian guy who, instead of a slight path, chose difficult and first put civil debt to his homeland.


Now the genre of anti-nightopy is popular, but few people remember that the Russian authors have this kind of work.

However, such a work was written by Evgeny Zamyatin back in 1920 and still did not lose the relevance. It also enters the list of books "Classic, who should read each."

Thirty second century. Society with tough totalitarian control over all and each. No names - instead of them numbers. There is no freedom of choice, even in clothes - instead of a uniform. There is no personal space. Even in his own house it is impossible to find salvation from the all-seeing eye - the glass walls do not hide anything. There should be no place for love and affection for something. But what if they occur? Either convey or join opponents of an existing building. However, can a small group be withstanding a huge and working machine?

Foreign literature

"Romeo and Juliet"

A young girl and a young guy from opposing families should have been a priori to wave each other, but instead fell in love. Instead of submissive followed by the parental will, they decided to go to the traditions of tradition and fight for their happiness.


The cult book has repeatedly shielded, but nothing can eclipse the impression of the printed primary source.

The main character rides in Transylvania to sell the house to his client - a strange eccentric old man of Dracula. Without listening to the warning of random travelers, the young man finds himself in the epicenter of terrible events, which began to put himself. But who could assume that his client is the most real evil. I miraculously breaking out of the captivity, the young man returns home. But the nightmare does not stop even in London.


The work of George Orwell is suspiciously reminded by a jam. The same atmosphere of hopelessness, the same attempts to break out due to control, pre-doomed to failure.

In the world, where every step of a person is known almost in advance and the future is predetermined, it is difficult to resist the system. Hard and scary. What happens to those who go against the current? They disappear ... and then appear with washed brains. The main character tried to be like everything, allowing himself only a little dissent. Maybe because he knew a little more than others. Meeting with an unusual girlfriend, completely changed his life. She made new paints into it, became a catalyst for many events.

"Little Prince"

The list of "Books is a classic - which everyone should read" includes this unusual fairy tale for adults. Saint-Exupery talks about the adventures of a little prince, about his acquaintance with the Earth, but at the same time says about more important things: love, friendship, loyalty.

"Three Musketeers"

Alexander Dumum's adventure novel is known to many thanks to numerous screen vendors. But nothing can pass better atmosphere of medieval France than the book. Finding heroes come to life on her pages and disclose the details that films are silent.

Young d'Artagnan come to Paris from the province in search of a better life and finds it, enrolling for military service in a privileged part. And at the same time faithful friends for many years, no less faithful and insidious enemies, and, of course, adventures.

"The Catcher in the Rye"

Roman Sallinger Some refer to but not every teenager can understand him.

The story comes from the face of an ordinary seventeen-year-old Holden guy, a student of a closed American school. Once he was kicked out for behavior, and he had to spend several days in New York alone.

It's hard to say what this novel is about. About everything and nothing in particular. The hero reflects on the meaning of life, his place in it, about the goals and aspirations. Thoughts from him for the most part depressive. However, the story delays and does not let go to the end.

For kids

It makes no sense to read or give children of younger school age sophisticated works, how many parents love to do. It is unlikely that they can understand and appreciate them. In addition, there are many wonderful literature calculated on small readers. So what are the then books (classics) that every child should read?

"The Wizard of Oz"

The story of the adventures of the little Ellie and the Totomy will not leave indifferent. The girl, by the will of the case, produced in a magical country, are waiting for the complete hazards of the adventure. The road from the yellow brick was not as simple as he saw first. However, new friends will help to overcome all the difficulties and find the way home.

"Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

The restlessness brings his family to some problems, so he is a restless and ingenious boy. Even the punishment is capable of wrapped in a favorable side. Tom managed to find adventures even where they could not be! But together with her faithful friend, he is able to overcome any difficulties. Even withdraw on the clean water of the terrible Indian Joe.

"Adventures minor and his friends"

In the flower city, everyone is engaged in his own business: Zakina is inventing, Victor and tongue, the tube draws, Dr. Pilyulkin treats ... One Dunno is idle and composes noby. But he has the most beautiful hat and tie - there is no one else. Because of the pregnancy, the remaining residents of the flower city often fall into alterations. But he is not with evil ... and it will correct to fix it.

For teenagers

The list of "Books (Classic), which should read every teenager" includes works recognized by the "Gold Fund" of literature.

"Lord of the Flies"

Roman Golding should like those who love the book of the genre of Young Edult. He is one of the first books written in this direction, and his echoes can be found in many authors.

A group of boys miraculously survived in a plane crash and was on a uninhabited island. At first everything was fine: the sea, palm trees, hunting, fruit, hope for salvation, organization of life in the image and likeness of Robinson Cruz. Two boys who want to be leaders, and understand that they can have only one. From the tiny spark, the whole bonfire of hatred broke out, in which any idea of \u200b\u200bhumanity burned down.

"Treasure Island"

Pirates, treasures, dangers at every step - not this was looking for the young searched chest guest in search of money. But besides the desired young man finds the island's battered map, where the location of the treas is noted. Having enlisted by the help of senior comrades, he goes to search for treasures. But together with them, pirates are sent to the island ... Who will get to the found treasure?

Modern classic

"Do not let me go"

There are books (classics) that everyone should read. And this one of them. Created a stunning product by atmospheric. At first, it is not entirely clear what we are talking about, but then it is impossible to break away, even realizing the whole horror of what is happening on the pages.

These children grew up, not knowing parents, not knowing love, but convinced that they have a special purpose. They talked about it since childhood, and they were accustomed to considering this something ordinary, not strange and not terrible.


This is a very unusual story from the English writer Joann Harris. Mystical, beautiful, with an indescribable feeling of immersion in the Middle Ages, although the effect of the novel occurs in the early 1960s.

A new resident arrives in a small French town with her daughter. She opens the sweets shop, which prepares herself according to ancient recipes. All who tried them are definitely returning to the delicacy, and it looks very suspicious in the eyes of a local priest. Yes, and the woman is not so simple, as it seems. She and her daughter hide a big secret.

"Perfumer. The story of one killer "

The history of the genius, which turned into a monster, wanting to create the perfect fragrance. Even if for this I had to go for a crime, the main character did not doubt a minute. What does the life of a young innocent girl mean? Nothing. It is only the desired ingredient of a complex perfume composition.

After the released screening, the book made the effect of a broken bomb: stunning, disgust, delight. Indifferent was not.

Instead of pre-school

The books of the classics that each educated person should read are difficult to assemble in the list, limited by any framework. There are too many worthy works, all people have different tastes, so you just need to read and look for your own, not limited to the "brain gum". Books forcing and leaving a mark in memory are time spent on them.

Being an active reader, I will try to take the role of assistant and paint a few ideas, making a list of the most recognized and most successful, from my point of view, works of both domestic and foreign literature. Most of these novels have already won, and continues to gain popularity, which means that it is those books that need to be read for discovering and knowing this magical, mysterious and such a tempting world of literature.

  1. What to read from the classics? The relevance of the question.

Usually, a similar question arises from those who suddenly realized the need for self-education or decided to fill their gaps from the school course on Russian literature.

This is where the main complexity arises. Everyone wants to read something from the collection of world masterpieces. But is there any such concept as a literary masterpiece? Critics argue that it is impossible to definitely answer this question: someone likes Russian literature, and someone is foreign, someone reads someone to the hole and someone cannot imagine the evening without an exciting love novel.

By visiting one of the major buckinistic stores of the capital, I asked the sellers, which questions most often asked visitors. As it turned out, one of the most common appeals is the request to advise what to read from the classics.

It turns out, in fact there are many people who want, the literature of such a plan is in demand, but low awareness sometimes scares potential customers.

First of all, we will stop on the novels. Under them, by the way, it is necessary to understand the more brief form of the presentation of the events that happens than, for example, a story or a story. For this type of narration, the presence of only one storyline is characterized, and the number of actors is very limited.

I would allocate the following works:

  1. Augustine "TRACTS"
  2. D. Swift "Travel Gullyer"
  3. F. Kafka "Process"
  4. MD Montin "Full Essay"
  5. N. Hotorn "Letter Scarlet"
  6. Melville "Moby Dick"
  7. R. Descartes "initial philosophy"
  8. C. Dickens "Oliver Twist"
  9. G. Flaubert "Madame Bovari"
  10. D. Austin "Pride and Prejudice"
  2. Sofokl "Myth About Odipe"
  3. Eurypid "Medea"
  4. Aristophane "Birds"
  5. Aristotle "Poetics"
  6. W. Shakespeare "Richard III", "Hamlet", "Sleeping in the Summer Night"
  7. Moliere "Tartuf"
  8. W. Congre "So come in the world"
  9. Henrik Yuhan Ibsen "Puppet House"

Dreamers and romance very often in verses are trying to find answers for themselves. What to read from the classics in the poetic genre? Many things. But I would singly allocated:

  1. Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey"
  2. Horace "ODD"
  3. Dante Aligiery "hell"
  4. W. Shakespeare "Sonnets"
  5. D. Milton "Lost Paradise"
  6. Wordsworth "Favorites"
  7. S.T. Kalridge "poem"

What applies to works of our country, is there nothing worthy? - Well, of course, no! "If I were asked to answer the question of what to read from the Russian classics, I would, of course, recommended the" Master and Margarita "M. Bulgakov," Mc Mermontov ", verses and poems A. Pushkin.

3. Reading masterpieces of world literature. What does it give us?

Is it worth returning to this direction or is it better and more correctly focused on modern works? Answer unequivocally on this question is very and very difficult.

Sometimes opinions are simply shared radically.

For example, opponents claim that it is already completely outdated, lost the relevance, gradually turning into a kind of utopia. In turn, philologists and students of linguistic universities defend the masterpieces of the world epic, insisting that, without studying the history, culture and subtleties of the language, it is impossible to understand and comprehend our today's world.

Well, well ... each side of the right in its own way ... Probably, everyone will agree that, say, "Odyssey" of Homer is not the so-called boulevard for vacation or empty pastime. It is difficult to read the work of such a plan and do it thought thoughtfully, slowly and without distracting, comprehending and remembering the details. Far from all this is under power.

It is these books that can introduce the reader with the world as native and foreign literature, will help to better understand the traditions, culture and mentality of peoples. And they will also open the beauty and wealth of the paints of the language of the narrative, thus replenishing the vocabulary of the reading.

Undoubtedly, reading all the books mentioned in this article may take several years, but in any case it will certainly not be time spent in vain.