The interweaving of human destinies with legends in the work of M. Gorky "Old woman Izergil

The interweaving of human destinies with legends in the work of M. Gorky "Old woman Izergil

»Refers to masterpieces early creativity M.Gorky. The writer here is not interested in the manifestation of the individual character of the hero, but in the generalized features of the ideal person. So, the story presents three heroes, each of whom has his own philosophy of life: Larra, the son of a woman and an eagle, the son of man, and the old woman Izergil, a contemporary of the narrator.

Larra is the embodied lack of spirituality. He imagines himself perfect, so he destroys those who are unwanted to him: "I am alone ... I do not worship anyone in life ... for I am the first in it!" Thoughtless adherence to instinct, striving to achieve a goal at any cost, an existence devoid of past and future - all this devalues ​​both pride and beauty inherent in Larra. He could not and did not want to compromise, did not try to adapt his desires to the laws of society. Selfishness is understood by him as a manifestation of personal freedom, and his right to any action is from birth the right of the strong. He is undoubtedly an exceptional romantic person, ideal in terms of his negative spiritless, immoral content.

Danko is a hero with diametrically opposite life positions, a qualitatively different type of romantic ideal of a person. From deep compassion for fellow tribesmen who have lost their will and courage, for their dying souls, a fire of love lit up in Danko's heart. The anger that flared up in the tribesmen towards the brave young man, when he led his fellow tribesmen to the light, caused this love to flare up to a bright torch that illuminated their path.

The source of Danko's feat is a deep belief in the possibility of awakening the human principle in people. Therefore, the hero leads his people from darkness, cold and death to light, sun, warmth, harmony. But Danko's self-sacrifice, his love for people was not appreciated. The "careful man" imperceptibly tramples the coals from the burning heart of the hero, trying to kill even the memory of him. Apparently, the memory of Danko, an honest and courageous young man, would always make people remember their own cowardice and baseness. Danko, on the other hand, gives his life in the name of people and, dying, experiences true joy. Here he is - the romantic ideal of a positive hero, a person capable of disinterested feat!

Between these two legends, the story shows the life story of the old woman Izergil. She too romantic heroine, her ideal is freedom. She is a proud person and lives the way she wants. But for the sake of a loved one, Izergil is capable of feat and self-sacrifice. In this she is close to Danko. In the way she thoughtlessly abandoned her loved ones, in the selfish desire for love and the thirst for pleasure, Izergil is like Larra. Her whole life is a search for love, but, in fact, an attempt to find a bright personality in life, capable of a bold act. But real world not rich in such people, and the search turned out to be fruitless. The weakness, colorlessness of the people around them dried up this once beautiful woman but did not kill her dream of a proud man.

So, I tried to show three fates, three characters, three types of the romantic ideal of a person. The only problem is that although “in life ... there is always room for feat,” ideal personalities are not perceived by people in society. The ideal person, according to Gorky, is doomed either to exile, or to death, or to loneliness.

The main merit of M. Gorky lies in the fact that he introduced into literature heroes who are bold, freedom-loving, ready for exploits in the name of a great idea. It was new to literature late nineteenth century. Gorky's images were painted vividly, bright colors, which contributed to the selection of any separate, very main feature in the hero.

The story "The Old Woman Izergil" refers to the early romantic works of Gorky. Main motive works are a thirst for achievement in the name of the happiness of people. In this, the writer sees a positive ideal of a person, therefore the main characters in the story are semi-fairy people.

The story consists of three parts: the legend of Larra, the legend of Danko and the story of the life of the storyteller, Izergil. It turns out, as it were, "a story within a story."

Larra, the hero of the first legend-parable, is the son of a woman and an eagle. He is possessed by pride, arrogance towards the people with whom he lives. The hero shows an extreme degree of selfishness when he kills a girl just because she did not want to go with him. He, who considers himself the most outstanding on earth, saw in this an insult to his honor.

The young man kills not because of love, but because of selfishness. He sees in the girl only a thing that should belong to him, because he so wants. When the residents asked why he killed the girl, Larra replies: “I killed her because it seems to me that she pushed me away ... And I needed her ... Do you only use yours? I see that each person has only speech, arms and legs ... and he owns animals, women, land ... and much more. "

Then people gathered to come up with an execution for the proud man, worthy of his deed. The wisest said: “Let him go, let him be free. Here is his punishment! " At first Larra (his name means "outcast") laughed loudly, as it seemed to him, at the stupidity of people.

For many years the hero walked alone, death had no power over him, even when he himself wanted it: “… he has already become like a shadow and will be like that forever! He does not understand people's speech or their actions - nothing. And he seeks everything, walks, walks ... He has no life, and death does not smile at him. And there is no place for him among people ... This is how the young man was amazed for his pride! "

Larra refuses the freedom given to him, tries to perish, just to free herself from the hated will. Life becomes hard labor for him.

The hero of the second legend is the young man Danko. For the freedom of his tribe, he makes the greatest sacrifice, while experiencing happiness. If Larra's shadow was left to wander on the ground, then beautiful blue sparks remind descendants of Danko's feat.

People of the tribe in which Danko lived began to die from the swamp stench. It was terribly and hopelessly around. Exhausted people already wanted to bow to the enemy, sacrificing their will. And only one, a young handsome man named Danko, did not want to lose his will, and decided to lead his fellow tribesmen out of the dark forest. He was not embarrassed by the upcoming difficulties.

But when it became very difficult and scary along the way, fellow tribesmen attacked Danko with accusations: he, young and inexperienced, should not have taken on such a difficult task. Furious, they stood around him, no mercy could be expected from them.

The young man was not afraid own death- his fellow tribesmen seemed pathetic and helpless to him, but he loved people. Danko tore his chest with his hands and tore his heart out of it. It blazed like the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by "this torch of love for people":

“- Let's go! - Danko shouted and rushed forward to his place, holding his heart high and illuminating the way for people. "

The burning heart of the young man saved people from inevitable death. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then, and the feat of the daredevil Danko remained to live among the people. And all because he “loved exploits. And when a person loves feats, he always knows how to do them and will find where it is possible. In life ... there is always a place for exploits. "

Gorky saw the main task in showing the potential capabilities of a Man, in selfless love to others, in the ability to sacrifice oneself when necessary. In his story "Old Woman Izergil" the writer expressed all this in the form of legends about Larra and Danko.

51. The Romantic Ideal of the Man in the Story M. Gorky"Old Isergil". (Ticket 3) Option 1

Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil" is a story-reflection on the meaning of life. In it, Gorky is a romantic, in love with the beautiful, strong, free people, creates the romantic ideal of a person who is able to sacrifice himself in the name of people, to accomplish a feat.

The story consists of three independent parts. The first part is the legend of Larra, the second is the story of the old woman Izergil about her life, and the third part is the legend of Danko. Moreover, the first and third parts - “the legends of Larra and Danko - are opposite to each other. souls - to the "fiery heart" a true hero Danko and the "stone heart" of cruel Larra. Heroes are definitely antipodes.

Larra “considers herself to be the first on earth and sees nothing but herself. Everyone even got scared when they realized what loneliness he had doomed himself to. " Alienation from one's own kind is the root of the tragedy and the meaning of punishing this person. An eagle, a lonely, predator, was thoughtfully chosen as the father of a young man. Larra tried to despise the sacred laws of humanity, love, unity. And he was defeated. In the destruction of ties between people, M. Gorky sees the loss of the meaning of life. It becomes dull, meaningless for those who want to withdraw into themselves.

The legend of Danko is preceded by the memories of the old woman Izergil of the past. Some of the old woman's impressions are bleak. She was surrounded by indifference, greed, lust, meanness. She herself lived with high feelings, in the name of love, she was not afraid to sacrifice herself. He keeps only a few lovers in his memory old woman... She speaks with delight about people with a strong will, powerful and bright characters, capable of feats. She recalls her beloved: “He loved exploits. And when a person loves feats, he always knows how to do them and will find where it is possible. In life, do you know, there is always a place for exploits. "

The legend of Danko summarizes the woman's long observations. Danko leads his people to freedom from a slave life. On the way, there are extraordinary difficulties, insurmountable obstacles. And when, weary the hard way, people lost heart when they began to reproach Danko for their inability to control them, hesitated and were ready to turn back, the hero's heart flashed with fire of desire to save them. Romantic hero does not run away from his bankrupt environment, but gives strength to miserable, cowardly creatures, dreaming of awakening bright impulses in their souls. The feat is crowned with the liberation of the tribe. It seems that the inner improvement of the saved should begin. But they are cruel: they do not notice Danko's death, and someone even steps on a proud heart with their foot.

Two legends frame the story of the old woman's life. The fate of the old woman Izergil is in many ways similar to the fate of Larra and Danko. First, she lived a "rebellious" life and was never a "slave to anyone." Without a doubt, condemning Larra's individualism, the old woman Izergil thinks that her own life and fate tends rather to the Danko pole, which has embodied the highest ideal of love for people and self-sacrifice.

The people among whom Izergil lives in old age love her, they need her beautiful stories: after all, in their today's life there is no that power and that fire that used to be in people. Today's people “do not live, but they all try on ... and put their whole life on it. And when they rob themselves, having wasted time, they will start crying at fate. What is fate here? Everyone is his own destiny, ”says the old woman Izergil.

Both she and Danko created their own destinies, and no matter how sad the outcome of their life was, they still lived, and did not "try on", and each lived his life for people, and this, according to Gorky, is the real feat.

Option 2

The central image of the romantic works of M. Gorky early period is the image heroic man, ready for a selfless feat for the good of the people. These works include the story "The Old Woman Izergil", with which the writer sought to awaken an effective attitude to life in people.

The plot is based on the memories of the old woman Izergil about his life and his narrated legends about Lar-re and Danko. The legend tells about the brave and handsome young man Danko. He is happy that he lives among people, because he loves them more than himself. Danko is courageous and fearless, he is attracted to feat by a noble goal - to be useful to the people. When gripped by fear, weakened by wanderings through impenetrable forest the tribe already wanted to go to the enemy and give him their will as a gift, Danko appeared. Energy and living fire shone in his eyes, the people believed in him and followed him. But tired of the difficult path, people again lost heart, stopped believing Danko, and at that moment when the angry crowd began to surround him more densely in order to kill, Danko tore his heart out of his chest. "Let's go!" Danko shouted and rushed forward, holding his burning heart high and illuminating the way for people. They followed him, enchanted ... And Danko led them out of the dark forest to the sunny, free land. Danko will penetrate true love to people willing to sacrifice. The image of Danko embodies the ideal of a humanist and a personality of great spiritual beauty.

Gorky contrasts Danko's positive image negative image Larra is the image of a self-lover and an egoist. He considers himself the first on earth, and looks at other people as if they were pitiful slaves. When asked why he killed the girl, Larra replies: "Do you only use yours? I see that each person has only speech, arms and legs, and he owns animals, women, land and much more." For the crime he committed, the tribe condemned Larra to eternal loneliness. Life outside of society creates in Larra a feeling of inexpressible melancholy. "In his eyes," says Izergil, "there was so much melancholy that one could poison all the people of the world with it." Larra was doomed to loneliness and considered only death for himself happiness.

Ideological meaning the story is complemented by the image of the old woman Izergil. Her memories of her life path is also a kind of legend about a brave and proud woman. The old woman Izergil values ​​Freedom above all else. She proudly declares that she has never been a slave. Izergil speaks with admiration of the love of exploits: "When a person loves exploits, he always knows how to do them and will find where it is possible." In the story "Old Woman Izergil" Gorky draws exceptional characters, exalts the proud and strong in spirit people for whom freedom is above all.

Gorky's life was full of adventures and events, tight turns and change. My literary activity he began with a hymn to the madness of the brave and with stories glorifying the man-fighter and his desire for freedom. The writer knew the world well ordinary people... Indeed, together with them, he walked many miles along the roads of Russia, worked in ports, bakeries, with wealthy owners in the village, spent the night with them under open air often falling asleep hungry. Gorky said that his walk in Russia was caused not by a desire for vagrancy, but by a desire to see where he lives and what kind of people around him. It was this period of the writer's life that was reflected in such early works like “Makar Chudra”, “Chelkash”, “Old Woman Izergil”, and others.

These stories are not only poetic legends, in them - living life with her ideological quest and contradictions. With his early romantic works with bright, passionate and freedom-loving heroes, Gorky strove to awaken the souls of the bourgeoisie. The author contrasts them with his selfless heroes: Danko, the gypsy freeman, the proud natures of freedom-loving people who prefer death to submission even to a loved one.

The daring fellow Loiko and the beautiful Radda perish, refusing love and happiness, for the sake of which freedom must be sacrificed. Radda and Loiko strive to be free as the wind, the companion of their camp. Their independence and pride delight and attract attention, but also doom these heroes to loneliness and the impossibility of happiness. They do not become slaves to their feelings. They are ready to give their lives for freedom. And “handsome Loiko cannot catch up with proud Radda”, because he had two ways before him: to kill Radda or to kill himself, and he chose the most cruel way, forgetting about the girl's father, Danila. By their death, they claim that happiness is freedom. Gorky expressed this thought through the mouth of Makar Chudra, who precedes his story about Loiko and Radda in the following words: “Well, falcon, do you want me to tell you one story? And you will remember it and, as you will remember it, you will be a free bird for your age ”. Freedom for Murder? It would seem a paradox, but in other stories this concept is interpreted ambiguously.

Among the proud and freedom-loving heroes, old Izergil, wise in life, with particular force expresses the writer's idea of ​​man's responsibility for himself, his actions and deeds. This heroine, telling wonderful legends and so loving the “beautiful and strong”, lived a life filled with “greedy love”. She was subordinated to this insatiable passion, but did not allow herself to be humiliated or even subdued. She perfectly understood people, appreciated the best in them, but she was looking only for love, and when love passed, the person seemed to die for her. “I have never met those whom I loved. These are not good meetings, as with the dead. " Throughout her life Izergil carried a feeling human dignity; neither the vicissitudes of fate, nor the danger of death, nor the fear of losing a loved one, losing love could break him. Yet sometimes there is a "slave note" in her voice. Where does such a dissonance come from in a seemingly integral image? Maybe her free love was it really a manifestation of extreme selfishness? Like Larra the eagle's son? Gorky does not give unambiguous answers, but suggests thinking. Freedom? Yes! But freedom from what and for what? For himself or for the sake of other people, like the second hero from the legends of the old woman Izergil - Danko?

The hero of Gorky, captured in the story "Chelkash" and in many other works ("Konovalov", "Former People") crimes. In Chelkash, the author is attracted by the fact that he is able to seek the truth and meaning of life. This hero is, of course, romantic. He is strong, courageous, courageous, noble in his own way, capable of throwing all his money to the cowardly and pitiful Gavrila, who almost killed him. Chelkash, like all the heroes of Gorky's early work, seeks freedom, but his freedom is flawed: it is based on the same primitive instinct of the owner as in Gavrila, whom he envies: “his own master”. Again we see the ambiguity of the image of a “free” person.

On the whole, Gorky, as it were, revealed to us that there is somewhere, not beyond the seas and oceans, but in Russia we have proud and freedom-loving people. These free heroes confront the society that rejected them with their independence, breadth of soul and humanity. It is real, not fictional, life that appears before us. But while exalting the concept of freedom, the writer does not free us from the question: for whose sake is freedom? So Gorky connects this concept with the concept of morality. Freedom, which rejects love for people, turns into extreme individualism.

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    • Larra Danko Character Brave, decisive, strong, proud and too selfish, cruel, arrogant. Not able to love, compassion. Strong, proud, but able to sacrifice his life for the people he loves. Courageous, fearless, merciful. Appearance Nice young man. Young and handsome. Look Cold and proud like the king of beasts. Illuminates with strength and life fire. Family ties Son of an eagle and a woman Representative of an ancient tribe Position in life Does not want to [...]
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  • What is the positive ideal of Gorky the romanticist, and what does the writer oppose to this ideal? (Based on the story of A.M. Gorky "The Old Woman Izergil")

    For the early A.M. Gorky is characterized by an appeal to romanticism. A romantic piece, for example, is the story of the writer "The Old Woman Izergil". The characters in it are written out in contrasting, “black and white” colors, in line with romantic tradition... However, unlike real romantics, the writer poeticizes not evil, but good. Therefore, negative characters receive from Gorky an unambiguous assessment, condemnation, which was at one time characteristic of classicism.

    A.M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil" is built in a peculiar way: inner unity ideas, it consists of three, as it were, independent parts. The first part is the legend of Larra, the second is Izergil's story about his youth, the third is the legend of Danko. In this case, the first and third parts are contrasted with each other.

    Larra is the embodiment of extreme individualism. The son of a woman and an eagle, he is distinguished by pride, arrogance, contempt for people. He

    "Dexterous, rapacious, strong, cruel." The character traits of the hero are emphasized in his external appearance: "His eyes were cold and proud, like the king of birds." Larra kills the girl for pushing him away. They decided to punish the individualist Larra with eternal loneliness. And at first the young man laughed loudly at the people who abandoned him, laughed, being alone. And only later did he realize what terrible torment he was doomed: “… he has already become like a shadow and will be like that forever! He does not understand people's speech or their actions - nothing. And everything seeks, walks, walks ... And there is no place for him among people ... ”. Loneliness turned out to be unbearable for him: he began to seek salvation in death, but death did not come to him either. "He has no life, and death does not smile at him ... This is how the man was struck for pride!"

    The real hero, according to the author, is not an aggressive individualist. Life becomes a continuous torment if a person is cut off from people, from the world, from society - this is the idea of ​​the legend of Larra. In the image of this hero, Gorky debunked selfishness, selfishness and individualism. According to the writer, a person's life is outside human society empty and meaningless. True heroism consists in the readiness of a person to perform a feat in the name of a lofty goal.

    Such a hero for the writer is Danko, a man leading his people to freedom. On the way of people, difficulties arose, seemingly insurmountable obstacles: a dense forest, darkness and cold, the menacing sound of lightning. And when people lost heart and wanted to turn back, the hero took out his heart and raised it above his head. “It blazed as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch great love to the people, and the darkness scattered from his light and there, deep in the forest, trembling, fell into the rotten mouth of the swamp. People, amazed, became like stones.

    - Let's go! - Danko shouted and rushed forward to his place, holding his burning heart high and illuminating the way for people. "

    In Gorky's story, the symbolism of light and darkness is very important. She is of romantic origin, but the writer positive hero associated with light. Larra appears in the night, the old woman Izergil sees his shadow, Gorky's negative hero is associated with darkness. And this theme - the movement "from darkness to light" - was one of the key for literary era turn of the century.

    The legend of Larra, the story of Izergil and the legend of Danko at first glance seem to be independent, existing independently of each other. In fact, this is not the case. In each of these parts of the story, the author asks the same question: what is human happiness? For the first hero, Larra, happiness lies in individualism, in the assertion of his own will, in proud solitude. This, according to the author, is a deep delusion, an ideal unworthy of a person. The old woman Izergil lived a bright, eventful, adventurous life. She was full of strength, cheerful, energetic, open, loved to help people. But in her life there was no real meaning, no lofty, spiritualized goal. And only Danko symbolizes in Gorky the highest manifestation of the beauty of the human spirit. This hero embodies historical and metaphysical daring (revolution). Thus, the composition of the story reveals its idea.


    • experience and mistakes old woman Izergil
    • old woman Izergil experience and mistakes
    • the image of a proud Danko (based on the story of M. Gorky, the old woman Izergil) an essay on literature

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