The most truthful romance about the war. The best books about the Great Patriotic War

The most truthful romance about the war. The best books about the Great Patriotic War
The most truthful romance about the war. The best books about the Great Patriotic War

War is the hardest and terrible word, of all famous humanity. As well, when the child does not know what the aircraft is, how the machine sounds, why people are hiding in bomb shelters. However, the Soviet people faced this terrible concept and know about him not to be bleak. And it is not surprising that many books, songs, poems and stories have been written about this. In this article we want to tell about what works still reads the whole world.

"And dawns here are quiet"

The author of this book is Boris Vasilyev. The main characters are Zenitchitsy. Five young girls themselves decided to go to the front. At first they did not even know how to shoot, but in the end they committed a real feat. It is such works about the Great Patriotic War remind us that there are no age, gender and status on the front. All this does not matter, because each person moves forward only because it is aware of his duty to the homeland. Each of the girls understood that the enemy should be stopped at any cost.

In the book, the main storyteller is Vaskov, the commandant of the road. This man saw all the horrors that work during the war. The worst thing in this work is his truthfulness, his honesty.

"17 moments of Spring"

There are different books about the Great Patriotic War, but the work of Julian Semenov is one of the most popular. The main character is the Soviet intelligence officer of Isaev, working under the fictional name of Stirlitz. It is he who exposes an attempt to collusion of the American military-industrial complex with leadership

This is a very ambiguous and complex work. Documentary data and human relationships are intertwined in it. The prototypes of the characters were real people. According to the novel, Semenov was shot by the series, which was at the peak of popularity for a long time. However, in the film the characters it is easy to understand, they are unequivocal and simple. In the book everything is much more confusing and more interesting.

"Vasily Terkin"

This poem was written by Alexander Tvardovsky. A person who is looking for beautiful poems about the Great Patriotic War is first of all to pay attention to this product. It is a real encyclopedia, which tells how the simple Soviet soldier lived on the front. There is no pathos here, the main character is not embellished - he is a simple man, a Russian man. Vasily sincerely loves his depreciation, with humor refers to troubles and difficulties, can find a way out of the most difficult situation.

Many critics believe that it is these verses about the Great Patriotic War, written by Tvardovsky, helped to support the morale of ordinary soldiers in 1941-1945. After all, in Terkina everyone saw something his own, native. It is easy to find out the person with whom he worked together, a neighbor, with whom he was smoking on the staircase, a combat comrade, who was lying with you in the tag.

Tvardovsky showed the war as it is, without embelling reality. His work, many consider a peculiar military chronicle.

"Hot Snow"

The book at first glance describes local events. There are such works about the Great Patriotic War, which describe some one, a specific event. So here - tested only about one day, who survived the Drozdovsky battery. It was her fighters who knocked out the tanks of the fascists who approached Stalingrad.

This novel tells how to love the birthplace yesterday's schoolchildren, young boys. After all, it is the youth unfortunately believe the orders of bosses. Probably, that is why the legendary battery was able to stand under enemy fire.

In the book, the topic of war is intertwined with stories from life, fear and death are combined with farewells and frank confessions. At the end of the work the battery, which practically frozen under the snow, find. The wounded go to the rear, the heroes are solemnly awarded. But, despite the happy final, we remind us - the boys continue to fight there, and their thousands.

"There are no lists"

Books about the Great Patriotic War read every schoolboy, but not everyone knows this works by Boris Vasilyeva about a simple 19-year-old Guard Nikolai Plugnikov. The main character after the Military School receives an appointment and becomes a platoon commander. He will serve in the part of a special Western district. At the beginning of the 41st, many were confident that the war would start, but Nikolai does not believe that Germany will dare to attack the USSR. The guy falls into the Brest Fortress, and the next day the fascists are attacked. From this day began great Patriotic War.

The young lieutenant here gets the most valuable life lessons. Nikolai now knows what a small mistake can cost, how to correctly assess the situation and what actions to do how to distinguish sincerity from betrayal.

"Tale of this man"

There are different works dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, but only the book of Boris Polevoy is such an amazing fate. In the Soviet Union and in Russia it was reissued more than a hundred times. This book was transferred more than one hundred fifty languages. Its relevance is not lost in peacetime. The book teaches us to be courageous, helping anyone who was in a difficult situation.

After the story was published, the author began to receive letters that he sent from all cities then another huge state. People thanked him for the work that talked about courage and great love for life. In the main hero, the pilot Alexei Maresyev, many who lost their relatives in the war recognized their loved ones: sons, husbands, brothers. Until now, this work is considered to be legendary.

"The Fate of Man"

You can recall various stories about the Great Patriotic War, but the work of Mikhail Sholokhov is familiar with almost every person. The real story that the author heard in 1946 was legally in his foundation. Her he was told by a man and a boy whom he met at the crossing.

The main character of this story was called Andrei Sokolov. He, leaving the front, left his wife, and three children, and excellent work, and their home. Once at the forefront, the man behaved very adequately, always performed the most difficult orders and helped his comrades. However, the war does not spare anyone, even the most bold. Andrei burns the house, and all his relatives die. The only thing that kept him in this light is a small Vanya, whom the protagonist decides to adopt.

"Blood book"

The authors of this book have become (now it is an honorary citizen of St. Petersburg) and Alesa Adamovich (writer from Belarus). This work can be called a collection in which stories about the Great Patriotic War are collected. It contains not only records from the diaries of people who survived the blockade in Leningrad, but unique, rare photos. To date, this work has acquired a real cult status.

The book was reprinted many times and even promised that it would be available in all libraries of St. Petersburg. The garde noted that this work is not a history of human fears, it is the history of real feats.

"Young guard"

There are works about the Great Patriotic War, which is simply impossible not to read. Roman describes real events, but it is not the main thing. The name of the work is the name of the underground youth organization, the heroism of which is simply impossible to evaluate. During the war years, she operated in the city of Krasnodon.

You can talk a lot about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, but when you read about boys and girls who were not afraid to arrange sabotage in the hardest time and prepared for an armed uprising, tears are in their eyes. The most youngest member of the organization was only 14 years old, and almost all of them died from the hands of the fascists.

In this selection, we collected the best books about the war in 1941 - 1945. The list of the most interesting works about the Great Patriotic War, the children of heroes, pioneers and more largely - about the second world war.

Valentin Pikul. Odean patrol. The first book. Ascoolheads. Volume 1.

Before the reader appears the Great Patriotic War near the sea. Heroes are playing the battle not only against enemies, but also against natural whims. To fight at once with two enemies is much harder and more dangerous. Each fleet character is important for their loved ones, which they expect them on land. Further

Vladimir Karpov. Take alive!

This product is written by the former Frontovik Vladimir Karpov and is a certain collection of various narratives about the difficult days of the simple scout of Vasily. Many of the events described look difficult at imaginable, but the author convinces them in their authenticity. Further

Valentin Kataev. Son Shelf

This story tells about the share of the usual peasant boy Ivan Solntsev, who became the orphan during the Great Patriotic War, which made orphans of many children. Vanya also orphaned and when he grew up, decided to go in the footsteps of his father, to keep his memory to his act - he entered the military school. Further

Svetlana Aleksievich. The last witnesses. Solo for children's voice

This work has become the second in the documentary cycle "Utopia's voice." Here, the reader appears memories of the Great Patriotic War of the youngest witnesses - children. All that children's eyes were able to convey was a terrible and merciless spectacle. Further

Victor Kurochkin. In war as in war

The author is known to the reader as one of the extraordinary writers of the time of war. This story comes to the reader everyday affairs during military reality, as well as as far as the real heroism of ordinary people was great. The famous feature film is removed based on the book. Further

Valentin Rasputin. Live and remember. Stories and stories

The prose of this writer affects morality issues. The stories and stories of Rasputin are fighting for the preservation of Russian customs and traditions and are the component of the Gold Foundation of Domestic Literature. The language he was worked was very alive, and bright colors betrayed the reader the inexplicable beauty and passion of the world. Further

Victor Astafiev. Curses and killed

Several adolescent-recruits arrived at the front. There they are waiting for the tough relationship of the commander, wild cold and merciless hunger. Over time, the crowd of boys becomes a real soldier's fraternity and acts together. Their subsequent fate will leave the mark in the soul of each reader. Further

Vasil Bulls. Live to dawn

On the road lay soldier Ivanovsky, while holding a grenade. The wagon was approaching him, and he was ready for the fact that he would be seen by the Germans. He tried his best to be fixed and even stopped breathing. The Germans shouted something in his direction, but he did not respond. What happens to him next? Further

Nadezhda hope. Guerrilla Lara.

This story shows us a young guerrilla Lara in the times of the Great Patriotic War. For many, she has become the symbol of the courage of the guerriana. The girl wanted a peaceful life and did not want to fight at all, but the enemy got to her village, breaking access to it. She had to help her loved ones. Further

The author of this story itself visited the front. It is the events of their history that became the basis for the plots of books. His story tells about a man who tortured the icy water of impassable marshes, dirt of the trenches and wilderness of the forest. But the most important torture is the unknown of the outcome of hostilities. Further

This book tells about the fate of a little girl. This in the future talented actress became famous as a sensitive and wise man who loving his homeland and people. Life is such an outstanding person as a gulya (so it was nicknamed) worthy of the reader's attention. Further

This is the first book about the war from the "Utopia Voice" cycle. This is the last edition, in which the writer has finalized the book by adding new episodes and adds women's confession to some of the pages of their diary. This book is a guide to the spiritual world of a woman who survives in the conditions of war. Further

The author fell to the front at the age of 17 and decided to write about those who fought in one trench. Nikolai's protagonist, like the author, is a young guy who grows on the front. Losing friends, he wiping his native land with enemy blood. Thanks to the author, the main character became almost immortal. Further

The book tells about the Soviet military counterintelligence. This group was able to neutralize German agents. While the fighters of our army were involved in the liberation of the Baltic States, Russian counterintelligents were able to discover the German grouping "Neman". Further

This book is an autobiographical story. In it we can learn about the life of the inhabitants of the Solovetsky Islands. The author was presented in the role of the main character of Saving Ogurtsov, who lived at the Jung School. Further

In this novel, the writer who himself fought in Russia and Poland tells about the events in Stalingrad, namely, one of the decisive events of the Great Patriotic War. Each death is perceived as a violation of justice. Further

This novel is the last in the trilogy "Live and Dead". The writer holds the main characters of the victorious paths of the last summer of the Great Patriotic War. All the power of the Soviet army began to gain momentum and under glorious music goes to the long-awaited victory. Further

Boris Vasilyev. Tomorrow was war (Collection)

The author who himself visited the battlefields, tells about the war very realistic. It shows the problems of love and loyalty, as well as morality that oppose cynicism and official. All these problems are described on the one hand during the time of war, and on the other - in peacetime. Further

A very famous story about the pilot Alexei Maresyev, who was the hero of the Soviet Union. The basis of the story is its limitless self-dedication to his work. The main character was able to turn in the air a lot of brilliant military operations and even after the amputation of both legs, he continued to fight! Further

Julian Semenov. Seventeen Moments Spring (Collection)

This romance about the legendary Soviet intelligence of Stirlitz won the sympathy of the mass of readers. The main character became a real folk favorite. Nowadays, jokes are often found about him and argue about its prototypes. Colonel Maxim Isaev is the famous Soviet intelligence officer who used to risk his life. Further

These were the best books about the war of 1941 - 1945. The list must be added to the bookmarks. And if you know more novels about the Great Patriotic War and in general about the second world war, write to us in the comments.

"Airport" is not a chronicle, not an investigation, not the chronicle. This is an artistic fiction based on real facts. There are many characters in the book, many intertwining dramatic storylines. The novel is not only and not so much about the war. He is about love, about betrayal, passion, treason, hatred, rage, tenderness, courage, pain and death. In other words, about our today's life and yesterday's life. The reality of the novel begins at the airport and unfolds in minutes over the past five days more than a 240-day siege. Although the novel is based on real facts, all the characters are the fruit of artistic fiction, as well as the name of the airport. Little Ukrainian Barrison of Airport Danish and Nosnially reflects the attacks of the enemy, which is repeatedly superior to him in a living force and technology. In this destroyed to the base of the airport, insidious and cruel enemies face what they did not expect and what could not believe. With cyborgs. The enemies themselves called the airport defenders for their inhuman vitality and stubbornness of doomed. Cyborg, in turn, the enemies nicknamed orcs. Together with cyborgs at the airport there is an American photographer, which for a number of reasons is experiencing this optional war as a personal drama. Its eyes, as if in a kaleidoscope, in the breaks between battles at the airport, the reader will also see the entire story of the fact that objective historians will not be called otherwise as a Russian-Ukrainian war.

The basis of the book is the story of the life of a real person. The former prisoner, the fighter of the penalty company, and then the PCA and one of the leaders of the Kengir uprising of the prisoners of the Gulag, Engels Ivanovich Skrevenkov. There are amazing fate. They are similaradventure Roma, accompanied by fanstatic escaps and incredible turns. FateEngels Diekhenkov Wasa from this series.Around his name was thrown out of lies.His fate on one side looks like a feat, on the other, like betrayal. But theyfromaM Convening or unconsciously was the culpritthese confused metamorphosis.

But to understand Dieselkov, as a person, not to justify, but only to understandwhat it became possible, that he is a Soviet citizen and the Soviet soldier went to fight against Stalin. In order to understand the reasons forthat many thousands of Soviet citizens during World War II decided wear enemy shape and take into hands weapons, against your own brothers and friends, we must live their lives. Find out in their place and in their skins. We must be transferred to those times when a person is forced It was one thing to think, to talk another and, in the end, to do the third. AND at the same time, to preserve the ability to be ready once to resist such rules. behavior rebel and sacrifice not only your life, but also a good name.

Vladimir's novels PRSHANIN "Penfin from a tank company", "Pantry, tanker, a suicide" and "The Last Fight of the Fitter" is the history of the Soviet man during the Great Patriotic War. Yesterday's student, who in June 41, fell into a tank school and having passed the terrible tests of the war, become a real tanker.

In the center of Roman "Family" - the fate of the main character of Ivan Finogenovich Leonov, grandfather's grandfather, in its direct connection with the largest events in the current village of Nikolsky from the end 19 to the 30s of the 20th century. The scale of the work, the novelty of the material, the rare knowledge of the household of the Old Believers, the correct understanding of the social situation was nominated to a number of significant works about the peasantry of Siberia

In August 1968, two cadet battalions were formed in the Ryazan School of Airborne School of Cadets (4 companies in each) and a separate number of cadets of the special surveillance parts (9th company). The main task of the latter is the preparation of commanders of groups for parts and units of GRU special forces

The ninth company is perhaps the only one who went into the legend with a whole unit, and not a specific list of composition. Already more than thirty years have passed since she stopped existing, but the glory does not fade about her, but rather, on the contrary, it grows.

Andrei Bronnikov was a cadet of the legendary 9th company in 1976-1980. After many years, he honestly and described in detail about everything that happened to him during this time. Starting from the moment of receipt and ending with the delivery of lieutenant pursuit ...

Among the numerous artistic works about the Great Patriotic War, Roman Aculov "Baptism" is allocated by the incorruptible objective truth, in which tragic and heroic are connected in monolith. This could create only a gifted artist of the word, who personally passed through the floss of fire and metal, through the frozen blood frosty snow, not once saw death in the face. The significance and strength of the novel "Baptism" gives not only the eventful truth, but also the classical artisticness, the wealth of the Russian folk language, the bulk and diversity of the characteristics created and images.

His characters, both ordinary and officers, are highlighted by a bright light penetrating their psychology and spiritual world.

The novel recreates the events of the first months of the Great Patriotic War - the offensive of the Nazis near Moscow in the fall of 1941 and rebuffed, who gave him Soviet soldiers. The author shows how sometimes it is difficult and confusing human fates. Some become heroes, others get up on the fancy path of betrayal. Through all the work passes the image of a white birch - a beloved tree in Russia. The first edition of the novel was published in 1947 and soon received the Stalinist Prize of the 1st degree and truly nationwide recognition.

Military Prose

War. From this word, death, hunger, deprivation, disaster comes from. No matter how much time has passed after its end, people will remember it for a long time and mourn losses. Writing debt does not hide the truth, but to say how everything in war was in fact, remember the feats of heroes.

What is a military prose?

Military prose is an artistic work affecting the topic of war and a person in it. Military prose is often autobiographical or recorded from eyewitnesses of events. In the works about the war rises by universal, moral, social, psychological and even philosophical topics.

It is important to do to make the generation that did not get in touch with the war knew that their ancestors were held. Military prose is divided into two periods. The first is to write stories, leads, novels during hostilities. The second refers to the post-war spelling period. This is the time of rethinking the occurred and unbiased view from the side.

In modern literature, two main areas of works can be distinguished:

  1. Panoramic . The action in them occurs in different parts of the front at the same time: on the front line, in the rear, in the headquarters. Writers in this case use genuine documents, cards, orders, and so on.
  2. Dailed . In such books there is a story about one or several main characters.

The main topics that are revealed in the books about the war:

  • Military actions on the advanced;
  • Partisan resistance;
  • Civil life in the rear of the enemy;
  • Life of prisoners in concentration camps;
  • Life of young soldiers in war.

Man and War

Many writers are interested not so much to significantly describe the combat missions of fighters, how much to explore their moral qualities. The behavior of people in extreme conditions is very different from their usual image of a quiet life.

In war, many manifest themselves the best side, others, on the contrary, do not withstand the tests and "break". The task of the authors to explore the logic of behavior and the inner world of those and other characters . This is the main role of writers - to help make the right output readers.

What is the importance of literature about war?

Against the background of horrors of the war in the foreground, a person speaks with his problems and experiences. The main characters not only commit feats on the front line, but also make heroic actions in the enemy's rear and sitting in concentration camps.

Of course, we all have to remember what price is paid for the victory and make out of this s. Everyone will benefit for themselves, reading the literature about the war. In our electronic library there are many books on this topic.

  • Lion Cassil;

    The new Father Lizel turned out to be a decent person. He hated the Nazis and hid in the basement of a runling Jew. He also instilled Lizel's love for books, which in those days mercilessly destroyed. On the days of the Germans during the time of war, read is very interesting. Many things are rethinking after reading.

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- In the book - not a poster-glossy picture of the war. Frontovik Astafyev shows the whole horror of the war, all that I had to go through our soldiers, endure and from the Germans and from our own leadership, which often did not put human life in anything. Piercingly tragic, the terrible work does not accommodate, as some believe, but on the contrary, even more elevates the feat of our soldiers who won in such inhuman conditions.

At one time, the work caused ambiguous responses. This novel is an attempt to say the whole truth about war, to say that the war was so inhuman, tough (and on both sides) that it is impossible to write a novel about it. You can only create powerful fragments that are approaching the very essence of the war.

Astafyev in some sense answered the question, which very often sounds in criticism, and in reader reflections: why do we have no "war and peace" about the Great Patriotic War? About that war of such a novel and it was impossible to write: it was too heavy this truth. The war cannot be sealing, covered with a gloss, cannot be distracted from its bloody essence. Astafiev is a man who passed the war was against the approach, in which it becomes the subject of the ideological struggle.

Pasternak has the definition that the book is a slim of smoking conscience, and nothing else. Astafevsky Roman deserves this definition.

Roman called and cause controversy. This suggests that in the literature about war, the point can never be delivered, and disputes will continue.

"Dies a squad." Tale Leonid Borodina

Borodin was a convinced opponent of Soviet power. But at the same time - a patriot, nationalist in a good sense of the word. It is interesting for him the position of those people who did not take Hitler, nor Stalin, nor Soviet power, no fascist power. From here - a painful question: how do these people find the truth during the war? It seems to me that he very accurately described in his story and Soviet people - charming, incredibly cute for the reader, - they are communists, believe in Stalin, but they are so many sincerity, honesty; And those who are Stalin not accepting.

The action takes place on the occupied territory, the partisan detachment should break out of the environment, and only a person who began to work by German old-age and who used to be the owner of the estate, where the action unfolds. And in the end, he helps Soviet soldiers, but for him it is not a simple choice ...

Three these works are Astafieva, Vladimov and Borodin are wonderful in that they show a very complex, not coordinated to the unified plane picture of the war. And in all three mains is love and knowledge that our business was right, but not at the level of primitive slogans, this right thing is dying.

"Life and fate" Vasily Grossman.

- This novel gives a completely realistic description of the war and at the same time not just "household sketches". This is a cast from society and the era.

Tale of Vasil Bykov

- Frontovik Bykov speaks of war without unnecessary emotions. Another writer is one of the first to show the invaders, the Germans are not as abstract monsters, but as ordinary people, in peacetime we own the same professions that Soviet soldiers, and this makes the situation even more tragic.

Works of Bulat Okudzhava

- Book of Frontovik Okudzhava "Be healthy, Scholyar!" attracts an unusual, intellectual look at the horrors of war.

The touching story of the oquesawa Bulat "Be Skolyar!". She is written in a genuine patriot, who faked his passport: increased the age to go to the front, where he became a sapper, was injured ... In Soviet times, the story stands out for his sincerity, frankness and poetry against the background of a variety of treekized stamps. This is one of the best artistic works of war. And if I spoke about Okudzhava, then what his heartfelt and the songs of the war he had. What is "ah, war, what you did, mean ..."!

Military prose and poetry Bulat Okudzhava are associated with filmcensions. Topic: Little Man and War. A man going forward without a splashing "neither bullets or grenades" and ready to "not stand up for the price" - give life for the victory, although I really want to go back ...

Tale: "Be healthy, Scholyar!" "Music lessons". And, of course, the poems that everyone knows. I will give only four, it may not be most often executed.


S. Scrasadin

Jazist went to the militia,
civile without throwing clouds.
Trombones and Chechet Kings
in the soldiers were not injured.

Clarinets Princes, Like Prince of Blood,
masters of saxophones walked
and, except, there were drum sticks sorcerers
squeezing switches of war.

To change all the concerns
the only ripe is ahead,
and violinists went to the machine guns,
and machine guns fought on the chest.

But what to do what to do if
attacks were in fashion, not songs?
Who could then take into account their courage
when did they fall out of honor?

Barely calmed down the first fights,
they lay row. Without moving.
In pre-sewing suits,
as if pretending and joking.

Redlie their ranks and decreased.
They were killed, they were forgotten.
And yet to the music of the Earth
they were brought in remembrance,

when on the patch of the globe
under the May march, solemn
beat off heels, dancing, couple
for the rest of their souls. For rest.

Do not believe the war, boy,
do not believe: She is sad.
She is sad, boy,
like boots, tesne.

Your dashing horse
nothing will be able to:
you're all - like on the palm,
all bullets are in one.
* * *

Rider was driving on horseback.

Artillery Oral.
Tank shot. Soul burned.
Hummer on the gum ...
Illustration for war.

I, of course, do not die:
you get the wounds to me,
the word is affectionate.
Everything will delay the morning ...
Illustration of good.

The world is mixed on the blood.
This is our last coast.
Maybe who will not believe -
do not turn a string ...
Illustration for love.

Oh, something I can not believe that I, brother, fought.
Or maybe this schoolboy drew me:
i swear with handles, I dry with legs,
and I hope to survive, and I want to win.

Oh, something I can not believe that I, brother, killed.
Or maybe just in the evening in the movie I visited?
And lacking weapons, someone else's life is cruel,
and my hands are clean, and the soul is righteous.

Oh, something I can not believe that I do not fell in battle.
Or maybe a shot, I have long lived in paradise,
and bush there, and groves there, and curls on the shoulders ...
And this life is beautiful only dreams at night.

By the way, the birthday of Bulat Schalvovich - May 9th. His heritage is a peaceful spring sky: the war should never repeat:

"Spring again on white light -

Take the chinel, went home! "

P.S. Wonderfully Bulat Shalvovich was baptized before the end of his earthly life. In baptism he is John. Kingdom of heaven!

"Camnation number five, or a crusade of children" Kurt Vonneguta

- If we talk about the great domestic as part of the Second World War. The autobiographical novel of the American Writer is about meaninglessness, the silence of war.

"I fought on the fighter. Taking the first blow. 1941-1942 "And" I fought with Assa Luftwaffe. To change the fallen. 1943-1945 "Artem Drabkin

The action of the story takes place in 1945, in recent months of war, when Andrei Guskov returns to his native village after injured, but it turned out that he was returning to Deserter. Andrei simply really did not want to die, he fought a lot and had seen a lot of deaths. Only the Wizen's wife knows about his act, she is now forced to hide her husband-fugitive even from relatives. She visits him from time to time in his shelter, and soon it turns out that she is pregnant. Now she is doomed to shame and torment - in the eyes of the whole village, she will become a walking, an unfaithful wife. In the meantime, rumors crawled that Guskov did not die and did not disappear, but hiding, and he was starting to look. The story of Rasputin about serious spiritual metamorphoses, about the moral and philosophical problems that have stuck in front of the heroes was first published in 1974.

Boris Vasilyev. "There were no lists"

The time of action is the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Brest Fortress deposited by German invaders. Together with other Soviet soldiers, Nikolai Plugs, a 19-year-old Lieutenant, a graduate of the Military School, who received an appointment to command a platoon. He arrived in the evening on June 21, and the war begins in the morning. Nikolai, who did not have time to contribute to the military lists, has the full right to leave the fortress and take away his bride away away from trouble, but he remains to fulfill his civic debt. The fortress, expired by blood, losing his life, heroically kept until the spring of 1942 and Plugs became her last warrior-defender, whose heroism was amazing his enemies. The story is dedicated to memory to all unknown and nameless soldiers.

Vasily Grossman. "Life and Fate"

The epic manuscript was completed by Grossman in 1959, was immediately recognized by the anti-Soviet due to the sharp krtka of Stalinism and Totalitarianism and was confiscated in 1961th KGB. In our homeland, the book was printed only in 88th, and then with abbreviations. In the center of Roman Stalingrad Battle and the family of Shaposhnikov, as well as the fate of their relatives and acquaintances. In the novel, many heroes, whose life is otherwise connected with each other. These are fighters who are directly involved in the battle, and ordinary people, not ready for the troubles of war. They all show themselves in different ways in the conditions of war. Roman turned a lot in mass views about the war and the victims for which the people had to go in the desire to win. This, if you want, revelation. It is scaled to cover the events, scale in freedom and courage of thought, according to true patriotism.

Konstantin Simonov. "Live and Dead"

Trilogy ("live and dead", "soldiers are not born", "Last Summer") chronologically covers the period from the beginning of the war to July 44th, and in general - the path of the people to the Great Victory. In his epopea, Simonov describes the events of the war as if he sees their eyes of their main characters of Serpilin and Sintin. The first part of the novel almost fully corresponds to the Personal Diary of Simonova (he served the war with the military correspondent), published under the name "100 days of war". The second part of the trilogy describes the preparation period and the Stalingrad battle itself - a rebound moment of the Great Patriotic War. The third part is devoted to our offensive in the Belarusian front. War checks the heroes of the novel on humanity, honesty and courage. Several generations of readers, including the most preissary of them - those who have passed the war, recognize this work great truly unique, comparable to high samples of Russian classical literature.

Mikhail Sholokhov. "They fought for their homeland"

The writer worked on the novel from 1942 to 69th year. The first chapters were written in Kazakhstan, where Sholokhov came from the front to the evacuated family. The theme of the novel is incredibly tragic in itself - the retreat of Soviet troops on the bottom in the summer of the 42nd. Responsibility to the party and the people, as she was then understood, could induce the smoothing of sharp corners, but Mikhail Sholokhov, as a big writer, openly wrote about unsolvable problems, about degraded mistakes, about chaos in front-line dislocation, the absence of a "strong hand" capable to clean up. The retreating military units, passing through the Cossack Stitsa, felt, of course, not pleased. Not at all understanding and mercy fell out on their share by the inhabitants, and indignation, contempt and anger. And Sholokhov, dragging an ordinary person through the war of war, showed how its character crystallizes during the testing process. Shortly before the death of Sholokhov burned the manuscript of the novel, and only individual pieces came to the seal. Whether there is a connection between this fact and the strange version that this work of Sholokhov at the very beginning helped writing Andrei Platonov - not even important. It is important that in the domestic literature there is another great book.

Victor Astafiev. "Cursed and killed"

On this novel in two books ("Damn Yama" and "Bridgehead"), Astafyev worked from 1990 to 1995, but never finished it. The name of the product covered by two episodes from the Great Patriotic War: Preparation of recruits not far from Berdsk and crossing the Dnieper and the battle for holding the bridgehead, gave a line of one of the old-supplies texts - "it was written that everyone who sow on Earth Troubles, War and Fratoebide, Will be cursed and killed by God. " Viktor Petrovich Astafyev, man is not court of court, in 1942, the volunteer went to the front. Winned and experienced overpowed in deep reflections on the war as a "crime against the mind." The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel begins in a quarantine camp of the reserve regiment near the Berdsk station. There are recruits Leshka Shestakov, Kolya Romadin, Ashot Wasquean, Petka Musikov and Lech Buldakov ... They will have hunger and love and violence and ... the main thing, they will have a war.

Vladimir Bogomolov. "In August 44th"

The basis of the novel, published in 1974, there are real documented events. Even if you did not read this book on any of the fifty languages, which it is translated, then a film with the actors of Mironov, Baluyev and Galkin, everyone probably watched. But the cinema, believe me, will not replace this polyphonic book, giving a sharp drive, the feeling of danger, a complete platoon and at the same time the sea of \u200b\u200binformation about the "Soviet state and military machine" and on weekdays of employees of the special services.So, the summer of 1944. Belarus has already been released, but somewhere on its territory, a group of lazutchists is broadcast, transferring strategic information about the Soviet troops who preparing a grand offensive. In search of spies and the desired radio, a detachment of intelligence officers led by the Soloral officer was sent.Bogomolov - Frontovik himself, so it was terribly retracted in the description of the details, and in particular, the work of counterintelligence (much of the Soviet reader learned from him for the first time). Vladimir Osipovich simply faced several directors who tried to shield this exciting novel, he "sawing" then the main team of Komsomolskaya for inaccuracy in the article, proving that it was he who first spoke about the reception of Macedonian shooting. He is an elegant writer, and his book without the slightest damage for historicity and ideologicalness became a real blockbuster in the very good sense.

Anatoly Kuznetsov. Babij Yar

Documentary novel, written in childhood memories. Kuznetsov was born in 1929 in Kiev and with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, his family did not have time to evacuate. And within two years, 1941 - 1943, he saw the Soviet troops devoted to destroyingly, then, after being in the occupation, saw the atrocities, nightmares (for example, the sausage was made of human flesh) and mass executions in the Nazi concentration camp in Babi Yar. It is terrible to realize, but this "ex-in occupation" stigma fell for all his life. The manuscript of his truthful, uncomfortable, terrible and piercing novel he brought into the journal "Youth" during thaw, in the 65th. But there the frankness seemed excessive, and the book was blocked by throwing some pieces, so to speak "anti-Soviet", and inserting ideologically verified. The name of the novel Kuznetsov managed to defend a miracle. It came to the point that the writer began to fear arrest for anti-Soviet propaganda. Kuznetsov then just shoved sheets into glass jars and buried them in the forest under Tula. In the 69th, he, walking on a business trip from London, refused to return to the USSR. After 10 years died. The full text of "Babiy Yara" came out in the 70th.

Vasil Bulls. Tale "dead not hurt", "Sotnikov", "Alpine ballad"

In all the names of the Belarusian writer (and he basically wrote a story) the action takes place during the war, the participant of which he himself was, and the focus of the meaning is the moral choice of man in the tragic situation. Fear, love, betrayal, victim, nobility and lowness - all this is intended in different heroes of Bykov. The tale of "Sotnikov" talks about two partisans who captured the policemen, and how in the end, one of them in full spiritual light hangs the second. For this story, Larisa Shephenko removed the film "Climbing". In Test "dead", the wounded lieutenant is sent to the rear, ordered to convect the three prisoners of Germans. Then they bump into the German tank part, and in a shootout, the lieutenant loses and the prisoners, and its companion and the secondally injured in his leg. His message about the Germans in the rear no one wants to believe. In the "Alpine Balland" from the fascist concentration camp, the Russian prisoner of war Ivan and Italian Julia were fled. Persecuted by the Germans, exhausted by cold and hunger, Ivan and Julia come closer. After the war, the Italian señora will write a letter to the fellow villagers of Ivan, in which he will tell about the feat of their countryman and about three days of their love.

Daniel Granin and Ales Adamovich. "Blockade Book"

The famous book written by the branches in collaboration with Adamovich is called the Pravda book. For the first time, she was printed in a magazine in Moscow, the book was published in "Lenizudate" only in 1984, although it was written in 77th. The "blockade book" in Leningrad was prohibited until the city was led by the first secretary of the regional committee of Romanov. Daniel Garin called 900 days of the blockade of "Epopea of \u200b\u200bHuman suffering." The pages of this stunning book seem to come to life memories and flour of exhausted people in a deposited city. It is based on the diaries of hundreds of blockade, including the records of the deceased boy Yura Ryabinkina, the historian of Knyazev and other people. The book contains blockade photos and documents from the archives of the city and the Fund of Grann.

"Tomorrow was war," Boris Vasilyev (Eksmo Publishing House, 2011) "What a difficult year! - Do you know why? Because leap. The next will be happy, here will see! - The following was a thousand nine hundred forty-first "piercing story about how they loved, were friends and dreamed of 9-b students in 1940. About how important it is to believe people and respond to their words. How shamefully be a coward and a scoundrel. The fact that betrayal and young can cost life. Honor and mutual assist. Beautiful, alive, modern teens. The boys screaming "Hurray" when they learned about the beginning of the war ... And the war was tomorrow, and the boys died in the first days. Short, without drafts and second chances, rapid lives. Very necessary book and a film of the same name with an excellent cast, the graduation work of Yuri Kara, shot in 1987.

"And the dawns here are quiet" Boris Vasilyev (Publisher "Azbuka Classic", 2012) The story of the fate of five Zenitchits girls and their commander Fedot Vasvasov, written in 1969 by Frontovik Boris Vasilyev, brought the author fame and became a textbook work. The story is based on a real episode, but the author's main characters made young girls. "After all, the most difficult for women, Boris Vasilyev recalled. - There were 300 thousand on the front! And then no one wrote about them "their names became nominable. Beauty Zhenya Komelkova, Young Mom Rita Osyanina, Naive and touching Lisa Brichkin, Dweomovka Galya Court, formed by Sonya Gurvich. Twenty-year-old girls, they could live, dream, love, raise children ... The story story is well known thanks to the film of the same name shot by Stanislav Rostotsky in 1972, and the Russian-Chinese TV series 2005. Read the story to feel the atmosphere of time and touch the bright female characters and their fragile destinies.

Babij Yar Anatoly Kuznetsov (Scriptorial Publishing House 2003, 2009) In 2009, in Kiev at the intersection of Frunze and Petropavlovskaya streets, a monument dedicated to the writer Anatoly Kuznetsov was opened. Bronze sculpture of a boy who reads German Decree, prescribing all the Jews of Kiev to appear on September 29, 1941 with documents, money and valuable things ... In 1941, Anatoly was 12 years old. His family did not have time to evacuate, and for two years Kuznetsov lived in the occupied city. Babij Yar was written in children's memories. The retreat of the Soviet troops, the first days of the occupation, the explosion of the Khreshchatik and Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, shootings in Babi Yar, desperate attempts to feed, sausage from a human flesh, which was speculated in the market, Kiev "Dynamo", Ukrainian nationalists, Vlasovsky - Nothing hid from eye Teenager. A contrast combination of children's, almost everyday perception and terrible, non-logic events. In abbreviated form, the novel was published in 1965 in the journal "Youth", the version was full for the first time published in London five years later. After 30 years of death of the author, the novel was translated into Ukrainian.

"Alpine Ballad" Vasil Bykov (Publisher "Eksmo", 2010) You can recommend any story writer Vasily Bykov: "Sotnikov", "Obelisk", "dead", "Wolf Floss", "Go and not return" - More than 50 works of the People's Writer of Belarus, but "Alpine Ballad" deserves special attention. The Russian prisoner of war Ivan and Italian Julia fascinated from the fascist concentration camp. Among the harsh mountains and alpine meadows, pursued by the Germans, exhausted by cold and hunger, Ivan and Julia come closer. After the war, the Italian senir will write a letter to the fellow villagers of Ivan, in which there will tell about the feat of their countryman, about three days of love, the lightning of the darkness and fear of war. From the memories of Bykov "Long Road Home": "Anticipate sacramental question about Fear: was afraid of? Of course, I was afraid, but maybe sometimes a coward. But there are many fears in war, and they are all different. Fear in front of the Germans - what could be captured, shoot; Fear due to fire, especially artillery or bombing. If the explosion near, so, it seems, the body itself, without the participation of the mind, is ready to break into pieces of wild flour. But there was also a fear that went from behind the back - from the bosses, all those punitive bodies, which was no less in war than in peacetime. Even more".

"In the lists did not mean," Boris Vasilyev (Publishing House "ABC", 2010) The film "I am Russian Soldier" was filmed. Tribute to all unknown and nameless soldiers. The Hero of the story Nicholas Plugs arrived in the Brest fortress in the evening before the war. In the morning the battle begins, and Nicholas do not have time to contribute to the lists. Formally, he is a free person and can leave the fortress along with his beloved girl. As a free person, he decides to fulfill his civil debt. Nikolai Plugs became the last defender of the Brest Fortress. A nine months later, on April 12, 1942, he ended the cartridges, and he went up: "The fortress did not fall: she just bleed. I am the last of her drop. "

"Brest Fortress" Sergey Smirnov (Publishing House "Soviet Russia", 1990) Thanks to the writer and historian Sergey Smirnov, the memory of many defenders of the Brest Fortress restored. For the first time on the defense of Brest, it became known in 1942, from a staffing German report captured with documents of the crushed part. The Brest Fortress, as far as possible, a documentary story, and she realistically describes the mentality of Soviet people. Readiness for a feat, mutual assistance (not in words, but giving the last sip of water), put your interests below the interests of the team, to protect the birthplace of the price of your life is the qualities of the Soviet person. In the "Brest Fortress" Smirnov restored the biographies of people who were the first to accepted the German blow, turned out to be cut off from around the world and continued heroic resistance. Returned their honest names and gratitude to the descendants.

"Madonna with soldering bread" Mary Glushko (Publishing House "Goskomizdat", 1990) One of the few works in which the life of women in the war is told. Not heroic flyers and nurses, but those who worked in the rear, hungry, raised children, gave "everything for the front, all for victory," received a funeral, restored the country into ruin. In many ways, autobiographical and last (1988) Roman Crimean writer Mary Glushko. Her heroines, morally clean, courageous, thinking, is always an example for imitation. Like the author, sincere, honest and kind person. The heroine "Madonna" - 19-year-old Nina. The husband goes to war, and Nina in the last months of pregnancy is sent to evacuation to Tashkent. From a prosperous secured family - to the most thick of human misfortune. Here, pain and horror, betrayal and salvation, who came from the people she used to despised - non-partisan, beggars ... There were those who cradle a piece of bread from hungry children, and those who gave their laces. "Happiness does not teach anything, teaches only suffering." After such stories you understand how little we did to earn a fishing quiet life, and how little appreciate what we have.

The list can be continued for a long time. "Life and fate" Grossman, "Coast", "Choice", "Hot Snow" Yuri Bondarev, who became the classic shields "Shield and Sword" Vadim Kozhevnikova and "Seventeen Moments of Spring" Julian Semenova. Epic three-volume "War" Ivan Stadnyuk, "Battle for Moscow. The version of the General Staff "Edited by Marshal Shaposhnikova, or three-volume" memories and reflections "Marshal Georgy Zhukov. There is no number attempts to understand what happens to people in the war. There is no full picture, no black and white. There are only special cases illuminated by rare hope and surprise from what such you can survive and remain a person.