Jean Tatlyan is a singer. Pop singer Zhan Tatlyan: biography, creativity, personal life

Jean Tatlyan is a singer.  Pop singer Zhan Tatlyan: biography, creativity, personal life
Jean Tatlyan is a singer. Pop singer Zhan Tatlyan: biography, creativity, personal life

Jean Tatlyan (born 1943) is a Soviet and French pop singer. Biography: Jean Arutyunovich Tatlyan was born in 1943 in Thessaloniki (Greece) into an Armenian family. They moved to Soviet Armenia when Jean was 5 years old (1948). He began to study music professionally even before he came of age. At the age of 18 he became a soloist of the State Jazz of Armenia. Soon he moved to Leningrad, where he began to work in Lenconcert, creating his own orchestra. The young singer is preparing a concert consisting of songs of his own composition, which he performs 350-400 times a year. A lot of performances brought in good money and love from fans and female fans. With the proceeds, Jean buys an apartment in the center ...

Jean Tatlyan (born 1943) is a Soviet and French pop singer. Biography: Jean Arutyunovich Tatlyan was born in 1943 in Thessaloniki (Greece) into an Armenian family. They moved to Soviet Armenia when Jean was 5 years old (1948). He began to study music professionally even before he came of age. At the age of 18 he became a soloist of the State Jazz of Armenia. Soon he moved to Leningrad, where he began to work in Lenconcert, creating his own orchestra. The young singer is preparing a concert consisting of songs of his own composition, which he performs 350-400 times a year. A lot of performances brought in good money and love from fans and female fans. With the proceeds, Jean buys an apartment in the city center and a boat. Songs: "Street Lights", "Autumn Light", "Song of the Drop" and many others performed by him in apartments, on dance floors and in restaurants. The circulation of the records reaches fifty million. In 1971 he moved to Paris with one suitcase. He sang in the cabaret "Rasputin", "Moscow Star". Armenian, Gypsy, Russian folk made up most repertoire. He quickly mastered French and made important acquaintances. Abroad, the creative destiny is developing quite successfully. He represents France at the 200th anniversary of the United States in Washington DC. Signs a 5-year contract with Imperial Palace, one of the best casinos in Las Vegas, under which he must sing 180 days a year. Tours all over the world. After his departure in the Soviet Union, it was ordered to forget about him. All records were destroyed: demagnetized and erased. In the early 1990s, Jean flew to St. Gorky, after which he returns to Versailles. On April 14, 2000 he comes again and gives only one, but sold-out, concert at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall. His appearance caused a fairly strong resonance in the press, he managed to take part in many programs of the central Russian television... Jean Tatlyan performs songs in Russian, Armenian, French and Yiddish. As of early XXI century the singer continues to perform and record music albums... February 6, 2009 - Jean Tatlyan's concert in Moscow at the Variety Theater. WIKIPEDIA: TATLYAN Jean Arutyunovich (1943, Thessaloniki, Greece). Crooner, composer. In 1948 he and his parents immigrated to Armenia (USSR). Graduated from the Kiev Variety School. From the age of 18 he was a soloist of the State Jazz Orchestra of Armenia, then he lived in Leningrad, gave concerts in the USSR, released records. Since 1971 in exile, he lived in France and Italy. In Paris he performed in the cabaret "Rasputin" and "Moscow Star". In the 1970s he opened a restaurant "Deux guitares" ("Two Guitars"), performed with solo programs. In 1977 in the editorial office of the newspaper "Russian Thought" spoke at Christmas tree for the children of employees. Left for the USA, sang in largest casinos New York and Las Vegas. Owner of the St. Petersburg restaurant in New York. Since the 1990s he has been giving concerts in Russia.

Jean Tatlyan - artist, pop singer of Armenian origin... The peak of the musician's popularity came in the second half of the twentieth century.

Jean Harutyunovich Tatlyan was born in August 1943 in Greece. He was youngest child in family. Jean's father emigrated from Armenia to France in the twenties of the last century. In Marseille, the elder Tatlyan learned that his family, saved from the Turkish genocide, was in Greece. He found relatives and settled in Thessaloniki. There he met his future wife. She was also Armenian. The couple had three children. By the time Jean was born, his father was already 56 years old.

The Tatlyans moved to Soviet Armenia after the end of the Great Patriotic War... They hoped for a calm, well-fed life, but the reality turned out to be less positive. Hunger and post-war devastation forced Arutyun, together with his children and wife, to move to Abkhazia.


Jean Tatlyan knows more than five languages. In the Soviet Union, the singer became famous thanks to the compositions "Street Lights", "Autumn Light", " Best city Lands ”,“ Song of the Drop ”,“ Paradise of Love ”,“ The Sea Calls ”and others. His repertoire includes songs in French, Russian, Greek, Italian, English and Armenian.

In the sixties, the singer's records sold in millions of copies. The Western press called Tatlyan Soviet Union... Crowds of fans greeted him after the concerts, they left love confessions with lipstick on the windows of his car, pasted his photos on the walls of their rooms, sent gifts and flowers.

In the early seventies of the last century, Jean emigrated to Paris, where he continued musical career... The singer had to enter into a fictitious marriage with a French woman in order to go abroad. Tatlyan arrived in Paris without knowing the language, but quickly got used to it. He performed at the Moskovskaya Zvezda restaurant and the Rasputin cabaret. Jean quickly gained useful contacts and popularity in Paris. This helped him open his own restaurant, which he called Two Guitars.

After the singer's departure from the USSR, the recordings of his songs were withdrawn from sale. Musical albums of Tatlyan were consigned to oblivion, concert records were destroyed. Only a few materials have survived. In Paris, Jean recorded only one album, which was released in 1977.

In the eighties, the musician performed several touring tours around the world. Tatlyan became the first Soviet singer, who signed a major five-year contract with the American Imperial Palace casino.

In the nineties, Jean Arutyunovich flew to Russia and gave several concerts, all tickets were sold out. In 2000, after another sold-out concert in St. Petersburg, the singer decided to return to the country of his youth for good.

Personal life

The personal life of Jean Tatlyan is kept in the strictest confidence by the musician to this day. The singer admits that he had many novels, as for creative person love is the main source of inspiration. Tatlyan got married late. In an interview, he admitted that he made many mistakes, but found his chosen one.

Jean hides his wife's name from the press. It is known that Tatlyan's wife appeared when the musician was already fifty years old. The singer is happy with his wife and is trying to make up for the time spent without her. Whether Jean has illegitimate children is unknown. According to Tatlyan, the taboo on the topic of his personal life is his attempt to protect his well-being from the evil eye.

Jean Tatlyan now

The singer has dual citizenship, but now spends more time in Russia. In St. Petersburg, the singer has his own apartment, which he furnished and decorated according to his personal taste. The singer loves to spend time in his house on Ladoga, which he also updated with his own hands.


  • 1966 - Songs of Arno Babajanyan
  • 1967 - Jean Tatlyan sings his songs
  • 1977 - Russian songs
  • 2001 - Night Stagecoach
  • 2001 - Autumn Light
  • 2001 - Russian blues
  • 2001 - Bridge of Love
  • 2002 - Mirror of Life

Jean Tatlyan
(fate and songs)


My memory, "how reliable historical novel where there is a romantic fog in places ”. It is impossible not to quote these lines of the poem by Yuri Levitansky, which perfectly illustrate my old love for the radio program "After Midnight". Everything got mixed up here - time, people, songs ... And no wonder - the radio program, according to various sources, appeared in 1967. This very time was the peak of the popularity of Muslim Magomayev, who often acted as the host of the program "After Midnight" at the invitation of the main host - singer and poet Anatoly Gorokhov. Anatoly Gorokhov - co-author of many songs by Jean Tatlyan, rising star on the musical horizon. Composer Arno Babajanyan combined the repertoire of Magomayev and Tatlyan with his songs, and now only they themselves can tell which of them was the first to sing this or that song. In 1966, the most popular hit was already written, which was often "played" in the radio program - "Nocturne" (A. Kublinsky, Y. Brezhgis, Russian text by G. Gorsky).

At night in the narrow streets of Riga I hear the footsteps of the echoing centuries. I hear for centuries, but you are far from me, So far, I cannot hear you. All birds are silent at night. At night, the lanterns only sparkle ...

Simultaneously with the "Riga lanterns", the Leningrad "Lanterns" by Jean Tatlyan sounded from the radio receivers. And somewhere ahead he could already see his "Old Tower". Now I think that it was this song that made me look for the authors of the Riga Nocturne not in Riga - after all, I was sure for a long time that its text was written by Anatoly Gorokhov, the author of the poems of the Old Tower. The consonance of both songs is amazing!

Freezes on the roofs, on the sleepy streets Moonlight. The old tower slouches in the night, Waiting for the dawn ... Arched backs Above the old dome of the cloud. In the tower of the ancient Immobiles have slept for centuries ...

Jean Tatlyan still owns the hearts and souls of listeners today. I can't imagine our Island without his songs, especially after midnight ...

Maria O.

"Hayes Tsnvel - High Kmernes"
(Jean Tatlyan about himself)

I feel warmer when I can talk about my parents. One must not forget one's roots, although there is a lot of bitterness in my memories. When we arrived in Yerevan, I was only 5 years old. I remember my father selling his business and house in Greece before repatriation.

Father traveled all over Earth... In the early 1920s, he had a shoe factory and was a patriot to the point that he used the word “Armenia” as the logo of his shoes. And when the Bolsheviks came, and with them chaos and revolution, he dropped everything, took the diplomat, jewelry - and on board. Swam 40 days to Marseilles. My father saw many countries, was very sociable, spoke different languages. My father had three children, I am the youngest. When I was born, my father was 56 years old. And he brought me up like this: "My son, haes tsnvel - hai kmernes" ("you were born an Armenian - an Armenian and you will die"). Your history, culture, language - you need to know everything, but never stoop to primitive chauvinism.

My mother, the kingdom of heaven to her, was an eight-year-old girl when the Turks slaughtered the Armenians. She told me how the crowd ran to Mediterranean, and the Turks on horseback kept driving them, chasing them and chopping off their heads with sabers. And in this crowd my mother was running. Those who survived and reached the sea were rescued by the Greeks, who met them on their ships and boats. Father's relatives are also from Turkey, from the city of Afyon Karasar, and also fled to Greece, to Thessaloniki. My father came there and looked for his own people in this chaos. He found his mother, sister, and soon met my mother.

And in 1947, we all repatriated, became agpars, as they said then. First, Stalinist propaganda was at work. He sent his emissaries to all the Armenian diasporas of the world, who urged people to go to Armenia. He needed this to show the whole world how powerful the Soviet Union is, what a happy future awaits everyone under socialism. But when we arrived, we were strangers among the locals. Everyday life, morals, tastes, even language - everything was absolutely different. They came very much different people: both the poor and those who were persecuted in the countries from where they repatriated, like the jazzman Artur Safaryan, who was imprisoned in Iran as a communist, was released in the early 60s and returned to his homeland. But mostly, the repatriates came rich, prosperous, who sold real estate and business for a penny - because there were a lot of people leaving. And in Yerevan, they were entitled to coupons of 500 grams of bread per person. And then many ended up in Siberia instead of Armenia - after they began to talk about how people live abroad. Guys of draft age were not taken into the army - they could decompose Soviet Army such stories. Victory Bridge in Yerevan - if he could speak, he would tell how many visiting Armenians threw themselves from him, committing suicide. It was a terrible life.

I, as the British say, a self made man, a man who made himself. Music was literally pouring out of my ears. But my childhood was poor and nomadic - when we repatriated, my father was over 60, my mother was ill, she became depressed, and the doctor told her to change the climate and go to the sea. In 1956 we moved to Sukhumi. This kind of life gave me a good life school. Today I am a life-lover and an optimist - I appreciate every moment, every day when the sun shines.

And then I studied at the Sukhumi Armenian school (that's why today I speak Armenian well and write texts in native language) and participated in amateur performances. You know, some children are beaten on the fingers with a ruler to force them to play music, and I dreamed about it. But at home there was no opportunity for this, and I, having worked in school break, bought a guitar for 10 rubles and went to the Sukhum Philharmonic. I didn’t even graduate from a music school, when I, self-taught, was admitted to the Philharmonic. He worked as a guitarist in a quartet, and also sang several songs as a singer. Each of my performances caused a storm of applause from the audience. The success was greater than that of the official soloist with a conservatory education. I even remember an Armenian from Baku named Antonyan, who showed me the first chord on the guitar - he worked there.

Then he went to Kiev to study at the pop studio, which had just opened. This is where the State Jazz Orchestra of Armenia came on tour. He graduated from the Kiev Variety School, at the age of eighteen he became a soloist of the State Jazz of Armenia - my friend the singer Jacques Duvalyan recommended me to the head of the orchestra Konstantin Orbelian. I came to the audition with a guitar, sang a few songs, and was invited to tour Ukraine. I was 19 years old, and I was already finishing the second part of the concert with songs by Babajanyan and Orbelian. I was an aspiring singer and it was an honor for me to sing Babajanyan's songs. But Arno himself chose the performer. I sang all his songs, I was the first to sing "The Best City of the Earth", and a year later Muslim Magomayev covered this song. Arno's wife Teresa preferred Magomayev's voice and singing, and Arno preferred mine.

I performed at Lenconcert until the end of the 70s, all my main hits were written at this time: "Autumn Light", "Castles in the Air", "Paper Dove", "Autumn Traces", "You Believe" ... When I handed over the programs to the artistic council , many were ready to vote against. They asked me: why don't you want to sing songs Soviet composers? I replied that I write songs myself, cited as an example French chansonniers... And to me: we are not in France, we are in the Soviet Union. Then they did a favor: they allowed me to sing their songs in one section, and Soviet songs in the second. I, a stubborn Armenian, resisted everything ... I had a principle: why can't I sing my own songs if people like them?

Then all the big cities - Kiev, Moscow, Leningrad were generally closed, it was impossible to get a residence permit there. I went on tour with my orchestra in Moscow, but when I arrived in Leningrad, I fell in love with this city.

I was a singer restricted to travel - I never sang so-called "ideological songs", I did not like to adjust, I was always sincere with my listeners. And they hid me and didn't let me go anywhere. Yes, I was very popular in the 60s and 70s, and at the same time I was strangled from all sides. All my love songs. Some of my colleagues, only thanks to the party theme, made their way to the musical Olympus. When they asked me in the West what the Soviet Union was, I cited the following image as an example. Imagine a crowd of people with 200 million heads. All of them are of the same height, stand upright, look like an ocean during a calm period. And in the middle of the crowd there is a rod-blade that rotates slowly. Only someone's head (and this is talent, individuality, personality) will get out of the crowd - the blade immediately cuts it off. And in response to me: "You have become popular there." Yes, but I'm tired of being tricky to duck when noticing the blade. I wanted to be free from the crowd and not breathe on orders from above.

In 1968, I was punished, as the newspapers put it, "for behavior unworthy of a Soviet artist." The tour of the USSR was canceled for a year. It all happened due to the fact that I did not get along with the director of the Oryol Philharmonic - the legendary bandersha Soviet stage... She demanded that I give additional concert December 30, but in this case 16 musicians of my orchestra did not have time to return home to Leningrad for New Year... She didn’t give us a bus to the hotel, she sent letters after us to the authorities. It said that I behave cheekily - I walk around the stage with a microphone in my hands and - oh my God! - I talk to the audience. This wave was picked up by the newspapers: "The star in trouble!"

I guess I had a feeling of freedom in my genes. After all, I was brought to the USSR from Greece at the age of five. From the cradle I've been free man... And I missed this feeling of freedom in the Union. When I left the country, there was an order from above to demagnetize all my records in the music libraries. And my name was forbidden to be mentioned, as if he did not live and did not sing. But I am glad that, despite the prohibitions and censorship ticks, the listeners remember me.

My solo concert then it cost 39 rubles, more than a thousand rubles accumulated in a month. At that time - just crazy money. I was in the top ten highest paid authors. I had everything that others never dreamed of: the best cars, even my own big boat. But all these material values ​​do not matter when there is no main thing - freedom.

I never liked parties, there was always one soldier in the field, going his own way. I didn't like it: a stranger, proud. Any label can be hung. Was a black sheep, in general. I am still the same loner, I do not participate in the so-called show business. I don’t sing to the soundtrack, I just don’t know how, I am a mediocre person!

Mom remained in the USSR, but she was a wise woman. Upon learning of my decision, she said: "Leave if you think that it will be better for you abroad." I couldn't even come to her funeral, because then I would have to buy a one-way ticket.

When I arrived in Russia after a break, one woman said: “I loved you so much, and when I found out that we had left, I condemned you. And only many years later I realized that you did the right thing. " Now there are people who condemn that he has returned. I jokingly say that it will take them another 19 years to figure it out.

I went to Paris. After big scenes, after the orchestra I took the guitar and changed my repertoire. I started working for Russian variety shows in Paris. Thus, he earned his piece of steak. I started all over again. Simultaneously with my work in the Rasputin cabaret, I worked in the Moskovskaya Zvezda cabaret, and this is a great privilege for an artist. I started earning more than the average Frenchman. Then it started concert activity, trips to different countries... In addition, I was in business, I had a restaurant "Two Guitars" in the center of Paris, near the Arc de Triomphe. It was difficult. I did not hesitate to do any work. Of course, about my songs and about Soviet hits I had to forget there. My repertoire consisted mainly of folk songs - Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Armenian and Gypsy songs. it good school and a brilliant practice for the voice. I had no complexes about this, although in the USSR they said with a grin that I had become a “tavern star”. But, by the way, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and Louis Armstrong sang in the same cabaret and nightclubs, and in our opinion - "in pubs".

Then, in the early seventies, I opened a restaurant in downtown New York and named it St. Petersburg, after my favorite city. But then he was still Leningrad.

I signed a five-year contract with one of the best casinos in Las Vegas, the Imperial Palace, according to which I was supposed to sing 180 days a year. There I met legendary stars: Sinatra, Tom Jones, Cher. Awesome masters! On stage they are kings, and in ordinary life- simple and pleasant people. We even became friends. On weekends we went to visit each other. But, despite the bright prospects, I turned down the contract. The fact is that the climate in Las Vegas is destructive for singers. Desert, dryness, heat ... I felt fine in the room, but as soon as I left the hotel I began to choke. The threat of losing my voice, the emerging health problems were worse than the loss of money that I earned in the United States.

I sing in six languages, and not just memorizing the lyrics - I am fluent in these languages. I love languages. I speak six languages: Armenian, Greek, Russian, French, English, Turkish. When I arrived in France, I could not say anything but "Cherchet la femme". And after some time, he already spoke fluently with friends in French.

There is different languages, but listeners of any countries will always understand songs from the heart and for the heart. I started working with French, English, American poets. For example, I wrote the ballad “How many roads” in French, which I consider to be the best in my repertoire. I have released several discs in French and English... I write the music myself, and the words - with partners. Not because I know languages ​​poorly - I speak them well. To compose a song, you have to create an image, which I do. And the co-authors "polish" my texts. I can go back to Russian scene just like American, French or Canadian.

I have dual citizenship - Russia and France. Now I live with my family in St. Petersburg. In the city of lights and fogs. I generally adore northern countries. I love fog, cloudy weather, rain. I am most likely a citizen of the world. Was born in Greece to an Armenian family. At the age of five he came to Soviet Armenia, then he lived in Leningrad, Kiev, emigrated, and lived in France for 30 years. So who am I? You know better. It was in the context of the accusation that the words were thrown in my face: "You are a cosmopolitan, Jean Arutyunovich!" By the way, this word in the years of my youth was almost synonymous with the concept of "enemy of the people." Fortunately, the situation has now changed. Everything goes to overcome the alienation between countries and nations, so that people can become more open.

I always said about myself that I don't sing, I don't perform, but I work. So the work is like this. And until now, “what you were, you remain so” ... All my life I have been looking for justice and love. I am still looking for it. However, the enthusiasm diminished. But I still believe. And I'm waiting ...

Jean Tatlyan

On air music program
"After midnight"

The sea is calling

Calm down for a moment The sea is at your feet ... A seagull floats Above the blue wave. After troubles, After roads I feel good at this hour Next to you. Tomorrow I will leave again Into the misty distance, And again you will wait, Hiding the sadness. The surf will dazzle, Like a tear. I will keep Your eyes in my soul! ..

The Sea is calling me again. I am connected with him, As with you, - to the end. And beauty, And breadth We took forever from him Our hearts. Tomorrow I will leave again Into the misty distance, And again you will wait, Hiding the sadness. The surf will dazzle, Like a tear. I will keep Your eyes in my soul! ..

“Translated from French,“ chanson ”is a song. Chansonnier is a singer. The chanson genre is very ancient. Only earlier, centuries ago, such singers were called troubadours. And in the Caucasus, in the Middle East - ashugs. They were just street singers. They, in their own songs composed by them, told everyday stories... Each song has its own little plot, the script is lyrical, dramatic, comic. Chansonnier is a small theater. Every time the singer has a special state. Can “plywood” convey this changing state?

What I have sung since the beginning creative path, refers to chanson. I am a representative of this trend in its classical sense. My songs are nothing more than echoes of my own biography, a lyrical diary of my life.

I was striving for this back in the 60s, when I was in the USSR. The peculiarities of this style relate not only to music, but also to the relationship with the listeners. It is very confidential, sincere. This is probably why I was successful with the public. "

(A Babadzhanyan - G. Registan) - 3.48 Mb, 128 kbps - link

Autumn footprints

The wind brought rains again, The cold bound The shoulders of the birches, The cry of the crane Frozen in the distance ... Autumn washes away our tracks from Our paths. Autumn to winter Will line the path. It is a pity that Summer cannot be returned ... Autumn takes away My dreams, Autumn from Our paths washes away traces. Foliage withers, Grass withers, Apparently, now Autumn is right, - If you leave your heart, Autumn washes away traces from Our paths.

(J. Tatlyan - A. Gorokhov) - 4.60 Mb, 160 kbps - link


Maybe in vain Night and day Last autumn In my heart? Maybe the wind brings me in vain A silly fairy tale that you will come. There, outside the window, Last fall Only rain is very similar, Only rain. Past autumn, Past pain, Past autumn - Meeting you. Maybe the wind brings me in vain A silly fairy tale that you will come. There, outside the window, Last fall Only rain is very similar, Only rain.

Showers and thunderstorms, Days and years I will not give up last autumn. Maybe the wind brings me in vain A silly fairy tale that you will come. There, outside the window, Last fall Only rain is very similar, Only rain.

(A. Babadzhanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky) - 4.56 Mb, 160 kbps - link

Autumn light

Dewy dawns, months are passing away, We met with you in the distant autumn. But the days gone by do not return, Dreams come true - and do not come true. Love melted in a fog like ice, And it left me gray-haired sadness ... Autumn light broke through the foliage, Above us, the leaves are flying into the blue, Autumn light - why words, The head is full of autumn light. Old birches glisten with gray, Tired whiskey covered with hoarfrost, Ah, gray autumn awaits a white winter, Ah, heart, heart, what have you done to us. Love melted into a fog like an ice floe, And left me gray-haired sadness ...

“When, after emigration, I started giving concerts in Russia again, the audience - mostly fans - brought me old records of the Melodiya company with the words:“ They were destroyed, the records were erased - take them, we saved them ”.

But mostly my repertoire consisted of my own songs. I was the first person on the stage who did not sing songs of Soviet composers - only my own. In 1968, I retried the program five times in front of the artistic council, they found fault with it terribly. For example, I had the song "Castles in the Air": "Everything is simple in a fairy tale: a beggar, a rich, an honest and a rogue live nearby" - they hung it on it as "abstract humanism". They found fault with the songs "Autumn Light" and "Autumn Traces" because a young guy from the stage sings about continuous sadness, autumn and autumn is with him, but where is optimism?

My songs are not sad, they are romantic. When I was invited to the Soviet Union on tour, I met with my former musician friends, and we decided to restore my old songs. And we were convinced: they are not outdated. How can this be explained? It seems to me, first of all, because they are sincere. Probably, this is why the Soviet public welcomes me so warmly after such a long break. "

(J. Tatlyan - S. Lyasov) - 3.38 Mb, 455 kbps - link

Somewhere in the distance the sunset is burning out, And the lanterns are burning brighter. And they do not allow People to go astray, Night satellites are lanterns. The night city is silvery in the river ... The arches of bridges in a fabulous dream. The windows of the big houses Extinguished the lights, Only the lights are on relentlessly. How not to love the color of night patrols, How not to love the light of lanterns! May they always shine for People on the way, My night friends are lanterns ...

“In the darkest time of the year - in December - the Leningrad landscape suggested to me one of the most popular songs“ Lanterns ”. Fog, cloudy, flickering lights: Lovely!

When I arrived in St. Petersburg in the fall of 1989, on the first night I could not sleep at all - I went to wander around the city ... I walked along the Nevsky, along the Moika embankment, looked at the Griboyedov Canal. For me, these are places where every corner, every arch is familiar. Feelings are different, mixed - good and evil, friendship and betrayal, love and separation, as if all the past years have gone through in a few hours ...

In 62, having written "Lanterns", I took a guitar and went to TV in Armenia, alone with a guitar, and sang. Now, it’s probably funny to watch this recording: I’m standing under huge spotlights ...

Yes, I go up to the flashlight with my guitar and start singing (this recording has been preserved, it was recently recorded for me). And suddenly, a month after the broadcast, I got into a trolleybus in Yerevan, gave the conductor money, and he ripped off and distributed tickets, whistling "Lanterns". This impressed me so much! A good hit, I think, should be "infectious", stick to a person, right to the skin. Do you know what a hit is? When four notes are not enough, and the sixth is already superfluous. At one time, I also proved to Arno Babajanyan - good song may consist of five notes, but the secret and the art is whether they will form a melody. Like chess pieces. "

(J. Tatlyan - Yu. Garin) - 3.71 Mb, 128 kbps - link

Old tower

Midnight at the tower. And again she dreams of an old dream: The swift swords of jealous knights, Steel ringing, The sounds of the guitar And the soft rustle of gentle words ... The world is very old, And as old as the world, love. The midnight ringing floats over the rooftops For many years, the Old Tower has heard a lot of "Yes" and "No". We saw many Hours of ancient meetings, parting, But always strict There was an indifferent knock on the clock. Freezes on the roofs, on the sleepy streets Moonlight. The old tower slouches in the night, Waiting for the dawn. Time takes away Wrinkles-cracks into the depths of the stones, Time is running out, And love does not come to me ... Sleepless clock on the tower again Strikes midnight, Lovers are hurrying to goodbye again Here and there. All the same, I believe that I will meet my love suddenly, - Happiness will measure Me the hours of an indifferent knock. Freezes on the roofs, on the sleepy streets Moonlight. The old tower slouches in the night, Waiting for the dawn ... Arched backs Above the old dome of the cloud. In the tower of the ancient Immobiles have been sleeping for centuries. Only sleepless hours do not sleep, Strike midnight, Here, under the clock, again lovers Meetings await. Again, the old moon hangs above them, In the blue gloom The clock is indifferently knocking.

“Without inspiration, you cannot write what the public wants. And the source of inspiration, of course, is a woman. A woman is like a bird. A man should hold her in his hands not tightly, so as not to strangle, but not weakly, so that she does not fly away. This rule is the same for any creative person. "

(J. Tatlyan - A. Gorokhov) - 4.08 Mb, 128 kbps - link

"I did not leave the river ..."

I am not a star or a planet. I am just a singer and composer, but I can say with confidence that many grew up on my songs, which were once sounded all over the country. People often sit in tears at my concerts, they have not forgotten me, and many thanks to them for that. At my concerts, I always ask that they give a little light to the hall, I want to see my audience. And in the eyes of my listeners, tears glittered, neither men nor women were ashamed of them. Why are there spectators, I myself could not perform the song to the end - there was a lump in my throat. And I have never had a star fever.

My listener has no age. The audience comes to my concerts different generations: youth of the 60-70s, youth of the 80s and youth of the 90s. If a song has a plot, harmony, feelings, it suits everyone, because everyone can experience the same feelings at any age. There is case example... Some of my acquaintances brought their 18-year-old daughter to the concert, she resisted at first, but after the concert she came up to me and said "thank you."

The song “The bridge of love”, which I sing in English, includes the words “Let's build a bridge of love - this will be our first and only bridge. We will paint it with all the colors of the rainbow, so as not to forget a single color. This will be a bridge across which the most fearsome enemies can walk side by side, hugging and kissing. But you can't stand at different ends of this bridge, you have to go at least halfway to meet in the middle. This is a bridge through which each of us can freely walk in one direction or the other. "

Such a plot is relevant, eternal theme: she was, is and always will be. I sing and see how the spectators' eyes shine with delight. States are changing, dictatorships and regimes are changing, but a call for friendship, for love will always be necessary. There is also a song dedicated to the victims of the earthquake in Armenia. Spectators are given free lanterns: during the performance of this song, the lights are extinguished in the hall, and the lanterns symbolize candles. At the same time, the entire audience (many in tears) usually stands on their feet, and in the hall there is an amazing spectacle - an ocean of lights. People remember their departed loved ones too. The inner feeling is that you are in a temple.

Last time I sang in Yerevan in 1964. In the autumn of 1970 he came to say goodbye to Armenia before leaving. After that for 36 years I have not been there. Now it is a completely different country. I was leaving my homeland, but I came as a foreigner.

I didn’t leave the river, and I don’t have to go there a second time. Of course, the water leaked, but the river remained! In India there is a ritual - once a year, on a sacred day, to plunge into the waters of the Ganges. Well, maybe I didn't get it “once a year”, but I regularly entered the river that carries me through life. I stayed the way I was. Moreover, I believe that my audience has remained the same. She wants to see me the same. Although, of course, we change all the time. Everything on earth is changing. Only the romantic state of mind does not change. After all, old wine tastes better and is stronger. I feel like a reborn singer. I would like to tour Russia and the CIS again, record discs, perform ...

Love life, love each other. Enjoy every morning when you wake up and everything will be great. Do not do evil and do only good. Good luck to you!

Jean Tatlyan

From the reviews of listeners and fans

“And the idols of my childhood were Maya Kristalinskaya, Vladimir Troshin and especially Zhan Tatlyan. I was 14 years old when he appeared and sparkled with his "Lanterns". I immediately became a fan of Tatlyan, I was not in love, but I liked the flair that came from him. I remember my mother took me to the city of Nikolaev, I saw his posters there. I bought a photograph of him, and on back side wrote a dedication to herself allegedly from him. I came and told the girls: they say, he gave me his photo, but then we had a fight, and I want to send it back to him. I wrote to him like this: Yanka! You behave in such a way that I don’t want to talk to you anymore! ” The girls didn’t even notice that “Tatlyan” wrote to me in my own children's handwriting ”(singer Lyudmila Senchina).

“I was happy to read a few lines about Jean Tatlian, my favorite singer of the 60s and 70s. At this time I collected all his records, I still have them. I have two letters from him and an autographed photograph. He was a huge star. I know that our singer Wieslawa Drojecka, known in the Soviet Union thanks to her tours, helped him. We must not forget about artists of such magnitude as Jean Tatlyan! Congratulations to all his fans and, of course, Jean himself ”(Mieczyslaw from Poland).

“I haven't heard most of the songs. Thanks! Thank you for the gift, I have long dreamed of listening to Tatlyan. Thank you very much for a gift for me and my whole family. Be healthy and happy. Just super! In the distant childhood I listened. Beauty! Thank you - these are the songs of my youth. In 1966-1969 I started my concerts with "Street Lights", finished "The Sea Calls". Today I would pay any money for the opportunity to listen to J. Tatlyan "live". Melodies of our youth, our Love! Didn't think it would be so cool for young man... Swung at random and was stunned - so hooked! OK! Thank you very much. This is a real, honest chanson. Not a rogue, but a chanson. I still sing songs of Zhan Tatlyan in the restaurant. I sing for the soul and from the heart. Because these songs are kind and eternal. Thanks - I found a treasure! More music like that. Thank you, my girls liked it. I enjoy listening. Thank you so much for the gift for me! How many years have I been looking for my favorite song from my early youth, “Paper Dove”, which has sunk into my soul once and for all. The last time I heard it before the army was in 1969. Fantastic thanks! Good times, good music, good songs, good people- in a word, - nostalgia for the time when we were young. Please, if you have the song "Old Tower"! Let me hear her. Jean Tatlyan is my youth and love. The voice is unforgettable. Many human thanks! I didn’t even know such a performer, I was looking for it by order of my mother. She will be just happy! Thanks. I have been looking for it for a long time. A real balm for the soul. I am sincerely grateful. We listened to Tatlyan with friends from England during their holidays in Spain. Everyone was pleased and happy. I remembered my youth, I'm 65. Thank you! " (Internet users).

Jean Tatlyan- Soviet and French pop singer.

Jean Harutyunovich Tatlyan was born in 1943 in Thessaloniki (Greece) into an Armenian family. He was the youngest of three children. In 1947, the family moved to Soviet Armenia.

He began to study music professionally even before he came of age. He graduated from the circus school in Kiev. In 1956 he moved with his family to Sukhumi, where he worked at the local philharmonic society. In 1961 he became a soloist of the State Jazz of Armenia. Subsequently, he moved to Leningrad, where he began to work in Lenconcert, created his own orchestra.

Also hits were the songs "Street Lights", "Autumn Light", "Song of the Drop", "Old Tower" and many others. The circulation of the records has reached fifty million.

In 1971, the artist emigrated to Paris, having entered into a fictitious marriage with a French woman. He sang in the Rasputin cabaret and the Moskovskaya Zvezda restaurant. Later opened in the center of Paris, near Arc de Triomphe, its own restaurant "Two Guitars". Along with songs of his own composition, a significant part of the repertoire was made up of Armenian, Gypsy and Russian folk songs... Quickly mastered French, made important acquaintances. Among the friends are film and pop stars Michel Mercier, Charles Aznavour, Liza Minnelli.

He represented France at the 200th anniversary of the United States in Washington. The first Soviet singer to sign a 5-year contract with Imperial Palace, one of the best casinos in Las Vegas, under the terms of which he sang 180 days a year. Has toured all over the world.

After Tatlyan's departure to the Soviet Union, it was ordered to destroy all of his records, and only thanks to the dedication of some radio and television workers, some of the recordings of Tatlyan's speeches were preserved.

In the early 1990s, Jean flew to St. Petersburg and gave seven sold-out concerts at the Gorky Palace of Culture, after which he returned to Versailles. On April 14, 2000 he came again and gave a sold-out concert at the Oktyabrsky Big Concert Hall. His appearance caused a great resonance in the press, he took part in many programs on central Russian television and decided to return to Russia. Lives in St. Petersburg.

Jean Tatlyan performs songs in Russian, Armenian, French, Italian, English, Greek and Yiddish. The singer continues to perform and record music albums. In 2004 he was an honorary guest of the Festival " Slavic Marketplace"In Vitebsk, where he performed" Black Eyes ". On February 6, 2009, Jean Tatlyan gave a concert in Moscow at the Variety Theater. On February 11, he participated in the talk show "Meetings on Mokhovaya" - popular program Channel 5, which is filmed in the famous Educational theater St. Petersburg Theater Academy on Mokhovaya Street. On January 21, 2010 he took part in a concert in memory of the composer Arno Babajanyan at the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. On November 11 and 12, 2011, two concerts by Jean Tatlyan took place in St. Petersburg. The singer Armine Sargsyan also took part in the concert, performing several works together with Jean. Also recorded new album"My Romances".

Official website:

Jean Tatlyan was born in 1943. in Greece in an Armenian family who moved to Soviet Armenia when he was 5 years old.
His musical ability appeared very early. At the age of 18 he became a soloist of the State Jazz of Armenia. Soon he moved to Leningrad and fell in love with this city. Working in Lenconcert, he creates his own orchestra. Before reaching adulthood, he prepares a solo program - an author's concert, where he performs only songs of his own composition (a rarity at that time). The result is stunning - 350-400 concerts a year and all "live", with 17 musicians. There was no time to rest, but the fee, thank God, was appropriate. An apartment in the city center, a boat, although not new, and, of course, the love of hundreds of thousands of fans and female fans not only in the Union, but also abroad. Songs: "Street Lights", "Autumn Light", "Song of the Drop" and many others sounded not only from all windows, but not a single dance floor, not a single restaurant could do without the performance of these hits. In the shortest possible time, more than 50 million of his records are sold.
However, Jean felt unfreedom. In 1971, he flew to Paris with one suitcase. He sang in the cabaret "Rasputin", "Moscow Star", however, many of his songs had to be forgotten for a while, but Armenian, Gypsy, Russian folk made up a large part of the repertoire. He quickly mastered French, made friends with interesting people, found a job that brought joy and pleasure, and most importantly, he felt freedom, which was never the case in the USSR. And the epithet "restricted to travel abroad" haunted the artist.
Abroad, the creative destiny is developing quite successfully. He represents France at America's 200th Anniversary in Washington DC. Signs a 5-year contract with Imperial Palace, one of the best casinos in Las Vegas, under which he must sing 180 days a year (by the way, Jean was the first Soviet artists"broke" to Las Vegas). Tours all over the world. After his departure in the Soviet Union, it was ordered to forget about him. All the recordings were destroyed: demagnetized and erased, although there was not even a hint of politics there - all the songs are about love.
Fortunately, today he gives us the opportunity to meet with his old and new songs. Gives hope, joy, love.
In the early 90s, Jean unexpectedly flies to St. Petersburg, gives 7 sold-out performances in a row at the BKZ, after which he disappears again, returns to Versailles. Longing for the Motherland, for family and friends, of whom there are very many in St. Petersburg, influenced Tatlyan's next visit to Russia, to Leningrad. Having missed the wave of popularity of "old songs about the main thing", but without regretting it, Jean comes to another, but still hospitable Petersburg. Gives only one concert in the same Big Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky" April 14, 2000 - Full house! Tatlyan is still remembered and loved (his appearance caused a fairly strong resonance in the press, despite the fact that most journalists were not yet born during his wild popularity) - during his stay in Russia, he managed to participate in many programs on central TV. Conversations with this truly talented person with a difficult creative destiny bring pleasure to correspondents.
Now the program includes old and everyone's favorite songs, as well as completely new ones - in Russian, Armenian, French and Yiddish. Fortunately for all connoisseurs beautiful songs and "live" performance, Jean Tatlyan did not lose beautiful voice on the contrary, he acquired special qualities and talent as a composer and poet.


Vinyl records:

"Song of the Drop / Street Lights" 1965 (EP) Melody 44131-32
"Sunday / The Sea Calls" 1965 (EP) Melody - 44127-28
"I love to dance samba / Street lights / Guitarovo / My song about the Motherland" 1965 (EP) Melody –33D-00014943-4
"Songs of A. Babajanyan" 1965 (EP) Melody - D-00016745-6
"Jean Tatlyan sings his songs" 1966 (EP) Melody - D-00019053-54
"Djan Tatlan Chansons Russes / Zhan Tatlan Russian songs" Production Deux Guitares - DEG 2.002 1977 (LP)

Compact discs (CD):

"Autumn Light" 2000
"Night Stagecoach" 2001
"Russian Blues" 2001
"Bridge of Love" 2001
"Mirror of Life" 2002
"Golden collection of retro" 2003
"Ararat" 2007
"Russia" 2007
"Destiny" 2010
"My Romances" 2011

Jean Tatlian (May 2, 1943) - French pop singer, who then moved to the territory of Soviet Armenia and became there incredibly popular performer.


Jean Harutyunovich was born on May 2 in Thessaloniki, one of the Greek cities, into an Armenian family. His parents were labor emigrants and refugees who, during the war years, tried to hide from persecution where possible. Before the outbreak of World War II, Jean's father worked as a journalist for one of the Armenian newspapers.

But with the transition of the country to a war footing, the editorial office almost completely went bankrupt and was forced to cut the staff by exactly half. Jean's father, who at that time was just starting a career in the publicistic sphere, also fell under the layoff.

Having lost his job, his father transports the family to Greece, where he again tries to get a job as a journalist. Despite not knowing the language and traditions new country, he was accepted into a small editorial office, where he later became the chief editor. Tatlyan's mother gets a job as a teacher in Kindergarten, because big family did not allow her to go to a stable full-time job.

Since childhood, Zhan Arutyunovich has been seriously interested in music. For the first time he goes to music school back in Greece, before the family moved again. The Thessaloniki Academic Music School was famous for the fact that it produced only professional pianists and musicians, so the boy, wanting to learn everything, deliberately went there. But a year later, Jean realizes that he never wanted to be associated with classical music and piano. Variety performance is much closer to him, and not works famous composers... After that, Tatlyan dropped out of music school, never finishing it.

Youth and early career

This was followed by a new move to Sukhumi, which took place in 1956. Already as a teenager, Jean tries to enter the Variety and Circus School of the city, and he is enrolled almost immediately. Here, according to the singer himself, begins best years his life. He meets many novice actors and performers who will become very popular and recognizable in the future. Tatlyan gets the opportunity not only to learn something new and interesting, but also to perform on stage, side by side with experienced teachers and prominent artists.

After graduating from the Variety and Circus School, Zhan Arutyunovich worked for some time at the Philharmonic Society of the city of Sukhumi. He did not stay here for long - only two months, after which he was invited as a soloist to the State jazz orchestra Armenia. But this was not the ultimate dream of Tatlyan, since he always preferred to be an independent and independent person. That is why the jazz orchestra loses its soloist in six months, and in the meantime he moves to Leningrad, where he triples to work in Lenconcert and even creates his own orchestra.

Due to the fact that Jean, as a soloist, by that time was already familiar with everything related to pop activity, it was relatively easy to manage his own team. The orchestra has recorded such hits as "The Old Tower", "Autumn Light", "Street Lights", "Song of the Drop" and many others, which were sold in the CIS countries in millions of copies, making the collective recognizable in many countries.

Moving to France

However, the popularity of the orchestra was rapidly declining, and Jean Arutyunovich makes the most important and difficult decision in his life - he leaves the band and emigrates to Paris, where he becomes solo artist... At first, he is forced to sing in restaurants and pubs, since upon arrival he had neither money nor fame. But by 1975, having accumulated a substantial amount, Tatlyan opened his own restaurant, “Two Guitars,” not far from the Arc de Triomphe, where gypsy, Russian and Armenian songs are performed.

Tatlyan is the first entertainer with whom he entered into an agreement with Imperial Palace, one of the most popular and sought-after casinos in Las Vegas. In accordance with the signed document, Jean can perform his compositions in the institution for 180 days a year for five years. In addition, he was one of the first emigrant singers to represent France for the 200th anniversary of the United States of America. The grandiose event took place in Washington, where such world celebrities in the music industry and show business as Michel Mercier, Liza Minnelli, Charles Aznavour and many others were invited.

To date, Jean Tatlyan has successfully toured many European and Western cities performing compositions in English, French, Italian, Russian and Armenian. He owns such famous singles as "Bells", "Bridge of Love", "My Grandmother", "Castles in the Air", "We Were, We Are, We Will Be", "In Love with Love", "Night Stagecoach" and many others ... Discs and vinyl records artist still sold millions of copies around the world.

Tours in Russia

As soon as Jean Tatlyan emigrated to France, the government of the former Soviet Union issued a decree to destroy any albums, records and even lyrics of the artist. All over the country, records and disks were seized, where at least the name of Jean Tatlyan was mentioned. However, thanks to some selfless radio station workers, the recordings still partially survived, and then, when the artist was forgotten in Russia, they began to be played again.

Jean's first visit to his homeland took place in the early 2000s, when the artist came on tour to St. Petersburg. His appearance caused a great stir in the press and among the general public. Thanks to Tatlyan's PR agent, the singer took part in several TV shows, where he gave interviews and partially spoke about his further plans... According to the artist, he would like to return to Russia if the government approved such a decision. However, there were no official statements from the state regarding the return of Tatlyan, so he was forced to return to Versailles.

Since 2004, the artist increasingly appears on the territory Russian Federation giving a tour in different cities. So, at the beginning of 2004 he came to Vitebsk, where he performed the hit song “Black Eyes” at the “Slavianski Bazaar” event. Five years later, Jean Tatlyan can be seen already in the capital, in the pop theater, and then in the talk show "Meetings on Mokhovaya", where he becomes the main actor the whole project. In 2010-2011, he drives alongside charity concerts in Russia, and also participates in concerts in memory of the composer Arno Babajanyan and Armine Sargsyan.

Personal life

In order to settle in France, Jean Tatlyan was forced to conclude a fictitious marriage with a French woman. According to the singer himself, they saw each other several times after his appearance in Paris, and a year later the marriage was terminated at the request of the girl, who got married for the second time, now successfully.

Jean Tatlyan is credited with many office romances and intrigue. However, the singer himself has always admitted to the press that he has not yet found the one that he would want to marry. This is why up to the present moment the heart talented singer and remains free.