Abstract: Population of the globe, distribution, density, human race. Distribution of races on the surface of the earth

Abstract: Population of the globe, distribution, density, human race. Distribution of races on the surface of the earth
Abstract: Population of the globe, distribution, density, human race. Distribution of races on the surface of the earth

1. Race composition of the world's population
Race - a historically established group of people having similar, inherited external and internal signs.
The division of a person on races began in prehistoric time, tens of thousands of years ago. Perhaps, local natural conditions have an impact on the emergence of CAP, although it is not always easy to install.
Currently, three types of races are distinguished: basic (large), mixed and transition. On the globe, four main or large, races are distinguished: the Europeanoid (about 40% of the world's population), the mongoloid (about 20%), the Negroid (10%), Australoid (less than 1%). Thus, these four races combine about 70% of the world's population.
The rest of its residents belong to transitional races. These races were formed for a very long time, in prehistoric time, a result of a long interracial mixing. There are many transitional races, but by the number of representatives and areas of the area, they are significantly inferior to the main races. The transitional belongs to Ethiopian, Malay and other races.
Another racial category is sometimes called mixed races, formed as a result of interracial marriages in historical time, that is, relatively recently. Especially intensively educated races passed in America in the process of its colonization by Europeans and moving a large number of blacks - slaves from Africa. From here and the name of transitional races: Metis, Mulatto, Sambo. The descendants of interracial marriage, the transfer of racial signs by inheritance is not always. That is why some specialists consider mixed races with real races.
Initially, the distribution ranges of the fundamental sources looked as follows:
- Evropoyoida Race spread within the limits of North Africa, almost all of Europe and South-West Asia;
- Negroid race developed in Africa south of Sahara;
- Mongoloid race dominated north of Himalayas.
As a result of a long process of resettlement of people on the planet, the boundaries of the ranges have changed strongly, the number of races increased.
Anthropologists based on the main suggestions (skin color, the structure of the front of the head, the nature of the hair cover, the proportion of the body) allocate large races of people: the Europeanoid, mongoloid, non-terrible and Australoid.
The races began to form at the end of the Stone Age on the basis of the largest territorial populations. It is possible that there were two main primary reasaling centers: West (Eurofrikan) and East (Asia-Pacific). In the first center, neurodes and Europeanoids were formed, and in the second - Australoids and Mongoloids. Later, during the development of new lands, mixed racial populations arose. For example, in Northern and Eastern Africa, and in the south of Front Asia, the mixing of europeoids with neurodes began, in Industane - European views with Australoids, and partly with Mongoloids, in Oceania - Australoids by Smonongoloids. Subsequently, after the opening of America, Australia and Oceania, the Europeans, Australia and Oceania, emerged new community zones of interracial methiization. In particular, in America, the descendants of the Indians were mixed with European and African immigrants.
The history of the development of the population of a modern species is happening not only in the natural - geographical, but also a socio-cultural environment. In this regard, the relationship between the two types of intravidal communities - reproductive (populations) and historical and genetic (races) is rooted. Human races are a large domed community of people allocated in genetic relationship, which externally manifest themselves in a certain similarity of physical signs: leather color and iris eye, shape and color of hair, growth, etc.
The greatest (by quantity) race is a rayoid -46.6% of the population (together with transitional and mixed forms). The Europeanoids have straight or wavy soft hair of shades from light to dark, they have a bright or dark skin, a big variety of the iris (from dark to gray and blue), the tertiary hairpro (beard in men) is very developed, insufficient or medium. .

Ramsa - a human population system characterized by the similarity of a complex of certain hereditary biological symptoms having an external phenotypic manifestation and formed in a certain geographic region. Features characterizing different races often appear as a result of adaptation to various conditions of the medium that occurred for many generations.

The difference criterion for the differences of the race is the lack of significant obstacles to create a fruit offspring, which leads to the formation of a set of transitional forms in the field of mixing races.

Typological concept of race

The typological concept of the race historically appears first. According to a typological approach, describing the features of a particular person, it is clearly attributed to this or that race: racial types are distinguished, and each individual is estimated according to the degree of approach to one or another "pure" type. For example, the width of the lips and the nose is greater than a certain value in combination with a low head pointer, a lot of face-ahead, curls and skin with a darker of a certain standard standard is regarded as evidence of belonging to a disheveled race. According to such a scheme, you can even determine the racial affiliation of a particular person in percent. The complexity of the typological concept lies in the allocation of "clean" types, clearly different from each other. Depending on the number of such types and features defined as racial, the racial definition of a person will change. Moreover, a consistent strict application of the typological principle leads to the fact that the native brothers can be attributed to different races. As noted the prominent domestic anthropologist V. P. Alekseev, the typological concept of the race "The nature of an anachronism becomes increasingly in the history of anthropological science."

A number of hypotheses in the framework of the typological concept (for example, the existence of the Equatorial race) were refuted by modern genetic studies.

Population Race Concept

The population concept of the race dominates in the modern domestic emission. According to it, Race is a totality of populations, not individuals. Race is seen as an independent education having its own structure. Signs within the race are folded into other combinations compared with an individual.

In the US, the departure from the typological concept of the race to population-genetic dates back to 1950. In the USSR, the foundations of the population concept of the race were formulated back in 1938. V. V. Bunac. In the future, the concept was developed by V.P. Alekseev.

Caucasoid Race

The natural range of the Europeanoids - from Europe to the Urals, North Africa, South-West Asia and Industan. Include Armenoid, Nordic, Mediterranean, Falilla, Alpine, East Baltic, Kavkaya, Dinar and other subgroups. It differs from other races primarily a strong profiling of the face. The remaining signs are widely vary.

Needo Race

Representative of the Negroid race - Native Kenya.

Natural range - Central, Western and East Africa. Characteristic differences - curly hair, dark skin, extended nostrils, thick lips, etc. Eastern subgroup stands out (the nylon type, tall, narrow-seated) and Western subgroup (black type, round, medium height). A group of Pygmeys (Negrille Type) is a mansion.

Pigmeys in comparison with medium height European

The natural range of Pygmeyev is the western part of Central Africa. Height from 144 to 150 cm for adult men, leather light brown, curly hair, dark, lips are relatively thin, large torso, hands and legs are short, this physical type can be classified as a special race. The possible number of pygmeys can be from 40 to 200 thousand people.

Capoids, bushmen

COIDS (Bushmen, Koisan Race). Natural Area - South Africa. Sharply, with infantile features of the face. Have the shortest and swirling hair. The skin is yellow-brown, not elastic - wrinkles appear quickly, the fold will respond to the pubic ("Gottentotian apron"). Characterized by steatopyagia (preferential fat deposition on the buttocks), strong Lordoz. The special fold of the century, protruding cheeks and yellowish skin give the Bushmen some similarity with the Mongoloids. These are parallel to the adaptations to life under similar conditions of semi-desert.

Rosenberg clusters

The races of the Eastern Barrel are characterized by two differences: a greater evolutionary archaic region (in particular, the universal process of teeth simplification) and increased migrain proceeds slowly. This is caused by the geographical features of the eastern focus. The abundance of geographical barriers - seas, mountains, huge rivers, as well as shelves, which were exposed during the glaciation period, they hung up, gave advantages to more migrant groups. And in the conditions of disgracefulness of the population, the infantilization factor, which camouflaged a modern person, was weaker.

Mongoloid Race

Initially inhabited East Eurasia, formed on the territory of modern Mongolia. The appearance reflects the adaptation to the desert conditions (the Gobi Desert is one of the largest deserts in the world of the world; located in Mongolia and North China, whose territory is mainly inhabited by Mongoloids). Main features - eye protection from high insolation, dust, cold, etc. It serves a narrow section of the age, an additional fold - Epicatus, dark iris, dense eyelashes, protruding cheekbones with fat pillows, long (if not cut) straight And black hair. Two contrasting groups are distinguished: Northern (massive, high, lateral, with a large face and low Skull arch) and southern (graceful, low, dark, small face and high forehead). This contrast is caused by the action of the infantilization factor in the overcrowded southern regions. Young race - about 12 thousand years.

Americanoid race

American-shaped race - rasa, common in North and South America. Americanoids are characterized by straight black hair and "eagle" nose. Eyes black, wider than Asian Mongoloids, but already with the European one. Epicatus is relatively rare in adults, although quite frequent in children. The growth of americanoid is often very high.


Australoids (Australo-Oceania Race). Ancient Race, having a huge range, limited by the regions: Industan, Tasmania, Hawaii, Kuriles (that is, almost half of the globe). Everywhere I was supplanted and mixed with migrants. Includes groups: Polynesian, Melanesian, Australian, Vedoid, Ainskaya. Extremely diverse race. The features of the appearance of indigenous Australians are brighter leather brown shades, a large nose, long wavy hair, burning out like a panel, massive Visbrovier, powerful jaws distinguish them from African blacks. Great between them and genetic distance. However, among Melanesians (Papuans), they often encounter spiral hair, which, along with genetic proximity, indicates a small influx of migrants from Africa. Vedoidoids are more graceful Australoids, initially inhabiting indostan. As Industance settled, they were oppressed as representatives of the lower caste. In Indonesia and Indochita, the loadoids were mixed with southern Mongoloids.

Ancient and relices

Modern population genetics assumes that now existing races do not exhaust the entire historical morphological diversity of people of modern type, and that there were races in antiquity, which either disappeared without a trace, or the signs of which were later blurred as a result of assimilation by carriers of other races. In particular, Urshrist V. V. Natolovsky highlighted the hypothesis of the existence in the past Paleoural race, the signs of which are currently blurred between the Ural-Siberian European views and Western Mongoloids, but are not peculiar to either for Europeoids as a whole, nor for the Mongoloids in general. Biologist S. V. Drobyshevsky indicates that the morphological diversity of people in Paleolith was perhaps even more pronounced than at present, and that the skull of people of the time does not fall under the classification signs of modern races. In particular, only in Europe he highlights at least the following disappeared prehistoric races

As a result of mixed marriages, mixed races appear. Mulati - the result of the combination of the Negroid and Caucasian race, metis - the Mongoloid and Caucasoid, and Sambo - Negroid and Mongoloid. Moreover, there are whole nations, currently changing their racial affiliation. For example, the inhabitants of Ethiopia and Somalia are moving from the Negroid to the Europeanoid, and Madagascar residents are from the Mongoloid to the Negroid. It should be borne in mind that in the post-column era, huge masses of the population left their natural ranges. Therefore, Bushman can accommodate in Saskatchewan, and in Nukulyof - Dutchman. But this is already the result of the action not anthropological, but historical factors. In addition, a considerable share of modern humanity is methuses, the result of interracial mixing (for example, Africanias). Even in Decolumbov's an era on the border of races, methis transition types were formed - Ethiopian, Aynsky, Yuzhnosibirsky and others. The active resettlement and conquest of Europeans strengthened the process of mixing and migration. Most of the most methome population in South and North America.

Racial differences

Each race in its own way is better adapted for survival in specific conditions: Eskimos in the Arctic deserts, and nilots in Savannah. However, in the era of civilization, such possibilities appear among representatives of all races. Nevertheless, facts belonging to racial physiology still have their own impact on the lives of people.

Throughout the entire history of mankind, the population of the Earth grew very slowly. Acceleration came during the period of the new history and especially in the XX century. The population of the world is about 6.1 billion people. Annual increase is approximately 85 million people or 1.4%. Almost 90% is due to developing countries. The population of Africa and Muslim countries in Asia is growing especially high. According to the forecast estimates, the population of the world in 2050 will reach 9.3 billion people, of which 58% will live in Asia, 22 - in Africa and only 7% in Europe, including Russia. According to the number of residents of the largest (million people): India - 1535, China - 1523, Pakistan - 380, USA - 350 and Nigeria - 340.

The population on the globe is located extremely uneven: about 70% of all people live on 7% of the land of earthly sushi. Along with this, about half of the entire surrounding sushi has an average population density of less than 5 people per 1 km2. In absolutely not mastered areas of the region occupy 15% sushi. On the globe allocate 4 areas of the large population density: South and East Asia, Western Europe and the eastern part of North America. Natural conditions of the territory, employment in agriculture, and transport and trade routes have been strongly influenced by the population. For example, in a 200-kilometer strip along the coarse seas and oceans, more than half of the population are concentrated, and in a 50-kilometer - almost 30%. The average population density of the Earth is 40 people at I km2. This averages are hiding very large differences between the hotel regions and countries.

Currently, the population of countries and parts of the world is very uneven: Asia - 3786 million people, Africa - 822, America - 829, Europe - 700, Australia and Oceania - 30. The largest (more than 100 million people) by the countries of the world in 2000 were: China - 1285, India - 1027, USA - 281, Indonesia - 228, Brazil - 175, Pakistan - 156, Russia - 145, Bangladesh - 131, Japan - 128, Nigeria - 127, Mexico - 104. Among the major (more 50 million people) Highlighted Philippines - 83, Germany - 82, Vietnam - 80, Egypt - 69, Iran - 68, Turkey - 67, Ethiopia - 66, Thailand - 62, United Kingdom - 59, France - 59, Italy - 58.

People are not the same in appearance, in color of the skin, hair, eye, in shape of a skull, face. These external signs that one group of people differ from the other is called racial signs. Groups of people with similar racial signs are called human races. Basic human races three: Coresoid, Mongoloid and Equatorial. The majority of Eurasia peoples belong to the Europeanid race. Many Europeans century ago moved to other continents. Current Europeoids inhabit most of North America and South America, Australia. Many people of Asia belong to the Mongoloid race, as well as the Indians - the indigenous inhabitants of America. The main areas of resettlement of the peoples of the Equatorial race Africa, Australia, New Guinea Islands and Madagascar. Negros belonging to this race are descendants of slave taken from Africa - live in North and South America.

As a result of communication of the peoples of different races, mixed races appeared. There are 3-4 thousand peoples in the world, or ethnic groups. Ethnic groups are called the established sustainable community of people. The classification of peoples (ethnic groups) is usually carried out by their numbers. The overwhelming majority of peoples are small. People with more than 1 million people in the world are 310, but they constitute 96% of the entire population of the Earth. Among all the peoples are 18 largest, the number of more than 50 million each, which account for about 60% of the population of the Earth. More than 100 million people have only 7 nations: the Chinese (over 1 billion), Hinduscan, Americans, Bengaltsy, Russian, Brazilians and the Japanese.

Nowadays, the placement of the population is increasingly determined by the geography of cities. When evaluating the urban population, it is necessary to take into account that the concept of "city" does not exist for all countries. For example, in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, the city is considered to be a settlement with the number of residents of more than 200 people, in Canada, Australia - over 1000, in Germany, France - over 2000, in the United States - over 2500, in India - over 5,000, in Switzerland - over 10,000, and in Japan - over 30,000.

Urbanization (from lat. City) is called the growth of cities and an increase in the specific gravity of the urban population, as well as the emergence of increasingly complex networks and systems of cities. Modern urbanization has three common features characteristic of most countries of the world. The first feature is the rapid growth rates of urban population. The second trait is the concentration of the population and the farm mainly in large cities. Among the large substasters, it is decided to highlight the city - "Millionaires" (with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants). The third feature is the "sprawling" of cities, the expansion of their territory, the formation of urban agglomeration - territorial groups of urban and rural settlements. The largest city agglomerations of the world have developed around Mexico City, Tokyo, Sao Paulo and New York; Each of them lives 16-20 million people. In Russia, the largest agglomeration is Moscow (13.5 million people). In terms of urbanization, all countries of the world can be divided into three large groups: highly urbanized (Kuwait, United Kingdom, Sweden, Australia, Japan, USA, Russia, etc.), that is, with the shares of the urban population of more than 50%, secondary urbanized (20-50 %) and weakly urbanized (less than 20%). The urbanization rate is largely dependent on its level. In most economically developed countries that have achieved a high level of urbanization, the share of urban population has recently grow relatively slowly or even decreases. In developing countries in Asia and Africa, where the level of urbanization is significantly lower, it continues to grow stirre and the urban population increases rapidly. This phenomenon that received the name of the urban explosion in science was one of the most important factors of the socio-economic development of the entire developing world.

For rural settlement, two main forms are characteristic: group (rustic) and scattered (farmer). The rustic form prevails in Russia, foreign Europe, China, Japan, in the vast majority of developing countries. Farm form of resettlement is most common in the USA, Canada, Australia.

The increase in population population depends on the nature of its reproduction. Reproduction (natural movement) of the population, a collection of fertility processes, mortality and natural growth, which ensure uninterrupted resumption and change of human generations. In the most simplified form, you can talk about two types of population reproduction

The first type of population reproduction is characterized by relatively low birth rates, mortality and natural growth. It is common in economically developed countries of North America, Europe, in Russia, Australia. At the same time, in some countries of foreign Europe (Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Hungary, etc.) the natural population growth is so low that there is even a natural loss of the population.

For the second type of population reproduction, high and very high fertility rates and natural growth are typical. It is characteristic of developing countries, where, after the independence of independence, mortality decreased rather sharply and the birth rate remained at the same very high level. Such a phenomenon of the rapid growth of the population in the countries of the second type of reproduction from the middle of the XX century. Received a treason-shaped name of the demographic explosion.

A great impact on the placement of the population, as well as its number and the composition, have migrations of the population, which are divided into external and internal. External population migrations emerged in ancient times, continued in the Middle Ages, the visits of the new and the latest history. Until the middle of the XX century. The main source of emigration was Europe, the second - Asia. First of all, the USA, Canada, Latin America, Australia served primary immigration. After World War II, the geography of external migrations changed noticeably. Intercontinental decreased and in-district migration increased, especially in Europe, where 12-13 million foreign workers are now occupied. In the second half of the XX century. A new form of external migrations has spread, called the name of the minds. Its essence is to lure foreign scientists, engineers, doctors and other highly qualified specialists. Especially negatively "leakage of the minds" affects developing countries, where the interlentication layer is small. In the late 1980s - early 90s, "leakage of minds" in Russia and other CIS countries increased due to the economic and political crisis. Internal (domestic) population migration are several species. It is the movement of the population from the countryside to the city, the colonization and development of new lands and others.

Placing the population - distribution of the population through the land area. To a large extent, it depends on natural conditions. And since such conditions are not the same on the planet, the population is posted extremely unevenly. In addition, the history of the territory and the level of economic development, etc. has important importance.

In view of this, not all areas of the globe are favorable for human life. So, only 7% of the Sushi area lives 70% of the world's population, and 37% of the territory are not populated at all.

Population density - Number of people living by 1 km2. This is the main indicator of the placement of people on the planet. The most closely populated the territory of ancient farming - the Nile Valley, the Great Chinese Plain, Indo-Gangskaya Lowland, etc. ... Here are favorable natural conditions, so the population density exceeds 300 people per 1 km2. At the same time in polar and tropical deserts, where the extremely switched climate and limited conditions for the management of the economy, the deception of less than 1 person is 1 km2. The most nasal part of the world is Europe, the smallest - Australia.

Human races - Groups of people who have certain general external signs. External signs that one group of people differ from the other is called racial signs. These include different skin color, hair, eyes, head shape, etc.

Racial signs are not random and formed a very long time as a person population of various geographical areas of the Earth. Thus, the residents of the hot regions of the globe over time there were devices that defended the organism from overheating by sunlight. They have dark skin, thick and curly hair, thickened lips and wide open nostrils. All these are signs of representatives of the Negroid (Equatorial) race.

Residents of cold countries belong to the European-like race. They have light skin, soft hair of different colors. A narrow nose limits inhalation of cold air. These adaptations gave more chances to survive and strip in Europe, at a significant territory of which the climate is characterized by significant closality and a relatively smaller amount of heat.

Representatives of the Mongoloid race yellowish skin color, black straight hair. They have a narrow eye cut, since it has long been dwelling on open spaces with strong winds and dust storms.

With an increase in the population of the Earth, the peoples of different races are more and more closely communicated. Therefore, mixed races appeared.

There is a high probability that in the past in the Arctic archipelago there were only four large islands populated by tribes of primitive man. Each of the islands became unsuitable for existence at different times, therefore four mass migration process occurred in the prehistoric era with an interval of 0.5 million years. Each migration process led to the formation of a new race. In total, four races of people are on the globe: Black (African Race, Africans, Africaoids), Redhead (American Race, American Indians, Americanaanoids), Yolkolois (Mongoloid Race, Mongoloids or Asians) and Belocreen (European Race, Europeans or Euro). From everyday practice it is known that the more time a naked man spends under the rays of the sun, the way its skin becomes darker. Several million years ago it was very warm at all continents of the northern hemisphere, except for the land of North Atlantis. Therefore, all primitive people, getting from a cold mainland into the warm areas of Europe, Asia or Africa, removed from themselves clothes from the skin of animals and went naked.

The skin color of all nations, tribes and races on the territory of the snow-covered North Atlantis were white. The sooner the person left the "North Motherland", the longer he "tanned" under the sun on other continents, and, even the more dark color, his skin acquired. The difference in the color of the skin in CAP depends on the amount of melanin organic substance in it, which is produced in skin cells due to the effects of sunlight (mainly ultraviolet). Based on these reasoning, it is suggested that the very first left the Northern Atlantis of the Black Race. For approximate estimates, this occurred 4 million years ago. Redornan American Indians migrated to America second - 3.5 million years ago, Yolkoliya Asians are third - 3 million years old, and Belarusian Europeans are the most recent - 2 million years ago .. Blackheads settled Africa, Red-Man - America, Yolkolia - Asia, White-skinned - Europe. The reason for such a "fair distribution" of continents is that each of the four islands of the Archipelago of North Atlantis, populated with primitive people, was at a considerable distance from others. Therefore, one island was exactly opposite the territory of the continent of North America (Alaska), the other closely faced Europe, the third to Asia (Siberia).

At the same time, Africa occupies a special position. It is located at a distance of 5,000 kilometers from the former continent of the Arctic (Northern Atlantis) when measuring the distance in a straight line (through Europe). How could the tribe of an ancient person from North Atlantis on the African continent before in North America, Europe and Asia? There is a very simple explanation for this. The fact is that about 10,000 years ago there was another continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, which is called the Atlantis (or South Atlantis). He began from the Arctic, where he connected with the continent of the Arctic. He continued a thin strip of a width of 500 - 1000 kilometers in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, passed through Island Island, had a huge plateau of 5000 × 2000 kilometers at the level of the Pyrenean Peninsula, and then connected to Africa. South Atlantis was currently immersed at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and turned into a mid-Atlantic ridge.

Consequently, there is a high probability that African blacks are immigrants from the North Island of Svalbard. Based on the geographical conditions of the Arctic Archipelago, which pretended on Earth in a period of 3-5 million years ago, it can be argued that the Northern Atlantis archipelago, a primitive person could populate continents using the southern direction of migration. Briefly describe the path of spreading each of the races.

Direction of the Migration of the Black Race (Africans)

The first island of the Archipelago of Northern Atlantis (hyperborea), populated by primitive man, began to dive at the bottom of the North Ocean Ocean 5 million years ago. Apparently, this island was about. Spitsbergen. Presumably, at first the tribes were settled along the continent of South Atlantis, the length of which is about 10,000 kilometers. About 4 million years in this place developed the very first civilization on the planet - the Negroid Civilization of Atlantov. By approximate calculations, the total population of South Atlantis 4 million years ago reached 0.2 million people. Atlantis directly connected with Africa in two places: the Atlantic coast of North and Central Africa. Starting about 1 million years ago, this continent began to slowly dive into the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and finally Atlantis, as the continent ceased to exist 5 - 10 thousand years ago. This caused death to 80% of the population of Atlanta.

The ancient continent of Atlantis turned into an underwater mid-Atlantic ridge. Due to the flooding of the islands of the Arctic, the Atlanta tribes - Negroids were forced to hastily migrate on African mainland. For 4 million years ago, Central (Equatorial) Africa was populated with primitive people. Consequently, the African continent settled with an ancient man from the West "Negroid Atlants". That is why archaeologists find a large number of stone worms of labor with age 0.5 - 3 million years in Central Africa, and they are not in South and North Africa. Ancient people for 3 million years old have inhabited 20% of Africa's territory and only Central Africa.

By the way, another 50,000 years ago, the Sahara desert did not exist, and in this place there was a savanna with a large number of lakes, swamps, with high grass and a variety of vegetative and animal world. The color of the skin of Africans changed in the following order: White skin color was 4 million years ago on the lands of snow-covered Arctic, yellow - 3 million years ago on the lands of hot Atlantis, red - 2 million years ago at the first settlers on the ground Africa, black - starting with 0 , 1 million years ago in the areas of Central Africa. The population of Africans is 0.5 million years ago reached millions of people. From a long stay at the sunny African continent (for 4 million years) white leather white-skinned Africans became black. All other races (Americans with red leather, Asians with yellow leather and Europeans with white skin) lived on warm continents less than 1-2 million years old than Africans, and therefore their skin did not bother the black color. However, the Arabs and Indians are representatives of the European race with white skin, but after several millennia of existence in hot countries (for example, in Africa), they acquired a dark skin color (Algerians, Egyptians, Sudanese, Somalis).

Direction of migration of the red race (American Indians)

Many scientists mistakenly argue that people came to America from Siberia (Asia). Scientists put forward a hypothesis that primitive people were over 30000 years ago by boats from Chukotka to Alaska through Bering Strait. But it is well known that Siberia in the period from 3 million years ago to 1000 of our era was inhabited by tribes of exclusively asian race. A classic representative of the Asian race has a small growth (150 centimeters), a narrow eye cut, a wide, not outstanding forward and a short nose, a smoothed face of the skull with convex in both sides of the cheeks, men almost absent beard and mustache. American Indians have completely different forms of face and body. These are high and strong people, their growth reaches almost 2 meters, the cut of the eye of the European type, the eagle nose is issued far ahead and so on. American Indians are absolutely not like narrow-eyed Asians and Africans with thick noses and lips. They are more like the Europeans, and if it were not for the skin color, there would be difficult to distinguish them from Europeans. Therefore, the hypothesis of Asian origin of the American Indians is erroneous.

More believable different hypothesis. American Indians are representatives of the European race, which the first "boiled" from the EuroCidi's treated continent's EuroCIDs and moved to the territory of North America in the Alaska region (or Greenland). Events unfold in the following sequence. The second island of the Archipelago of North Atlantis (Hyperborea - site), populated with primitive people, began to dive at the bottom of the North Ocean Ocean 3.5 million years ago and was at a distance of about 100 kilometers from the territory of Alaska or the northern land of Canada. North America was settled by the tribes of the future red-friendly American Indians from Alaska and in the direction of the West to the East (from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Coast). It is necessary to emphasize that the first reasonable person arose in the territory of Northern Atlantis 5 million years ago, for 1.5 million years of the ancestors of the red race developed on "their" northern territory, and there were migration on North America lands only 3.5 million years ago.

As archaeological excavations show, American civilization for 3 million years has developed exclusively in North America (modern Canada and the USA). Such a conclusion is made on the basis that the highest concentration of stone tools in North America is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Rocky Mountains (West USA). Number of 1 million people The population of America reached 0.5 million years ago. In South America, primitive people did not fall. The Amazon River, Mountains and the Durable Tropical Forest surrounding it served as a natural barrier to primitive people for mass distribution on the southern continent. For this reason, the territory of modern South American states (Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile) do not have absolutely no signs of the stay of a primitive person. In South America, people appeared only 3 thousand years ago, and in North America - 3 million years ago. The skin color of the American Indians changed in the following order: white skin color was 3.5 million years ago on the lands of snow-covered Arctic, yellow - 3 million in the first settlers to American land, red - 0.1 million years ago. The population of American Indians 0.5 million years ago reached millions of people.

Direction of migration of the yolk-axis race (Asians)

The third island of the Archipelago North Atlantis (hyperborei), from which the tribes of the Mongoloid (Asian) race 3 million years ago are now an existing group of islands called Novosibirsk Islands. The islands will be distorted from the North Pole per 1000 kilometers and are separated from the Asian continent of the Sannikov Strait of 80 kilometers wide. At that time, the Novosibirsk Islands was a very large part of the sushi, exceeding the modern area of \u200b\u200babout 8 times. On this whole and the huge island of Arctic, a reasonable person also arose 5 million years ago, but for 2 million years developed in the conditions of Polar Tundra. The main reason for its migration is not the flooding of sushi by the waters of the ocean, but the climate cooling with all the consequences arising from here. The continuous evolutionary process of development of the tribes in the territory of the Novosibirsk Islands within 2 - 5 million years contributed to an increase in the population to 30 thousand people. The same number of people overwhelmed Sannikov's strait 3 million years ago and settled the lands of modern Yakutia.

Gradually, the tribes moved to the West to the Ural Mountains, east on the Earth of Chukotka and south on the territory of modern Mongolia. For 3 million years, the civilization of the Mongoloid race developed on an extensive space, which is between rivers Ob and Kolyma. In 1982, stone tools of labor were found in the archaeological excavations in the area of \u200b\u200bDiring Yuras (140 kilometers from Yakutsk), the age of which was determined by specialists in 1.8 - 3.2 million years. The population of Asians 0.5 million years ago reached millions of people. In a period of 0.5-3 million years ago, mixed forests were grown in this area with an unprecedented variety of a vegetable-animal world. The primitive people living there were in abundance meat food, berries, mushrooms, nuts, fish. The significant cooling climate on this territory has caused mass migration of Asians to South, Southeast and East. Migrate to the West, in Europe, the ancient Asian tribes prevented five obstacles: the River Yenisei and Ob, in the north of the wider sea bay, a width of 100 kilometers wide and a length of 900 kilometers, the Ural Mountains and the endless rods of swamps between Yeniseem and Ory with the influx of Irtysh.

The Swamp of the West Siberian lowland width of 1500 width and a length of 3000 kilometers are the main and natural barrier, which did not "let" the race of Asians to the European territory. Below the zone of the swamps, exactly in the direction of the north to the south, stretches the "solid wall" of the High Mountains: Sayan, Pamir, Tian-Shan, Himalayas. Thus, geographical barriers exist throughout Asian mainland, "marsh and mountain barriers" extend towards from north to south. Distance from Yamal Peninsula (Northern Arctic Ocean) to Bangladesh (Indian Ocean) is almost 7,000 kilometers. About 2.5 thousand kilometers of this distance occupy the swamps, and about 4 thousand kilometers - mountains. There is a narrow gap of 500 kilometers in the south of Siberia, which does not have natural barriers to migrate Asians from East to West. Because of the natural barriers, primitive people of the Mongoloid race were absent for a long time on the territory of Central Asia and Europe. The color of the skin of the Mongoloids changed in the following order: white was 3 million years ago on the lands of snow-covered Arctic, Yellow - 0.1 million years ago at the tribes who inhabited the warm (at the time) territory of Mongolia and China. The population of Asians of 0.5 million years ago reached millions of people. The main directions of their migration were the following.

Direction of Migration No. 1. A small amount of tribes (5% of the Mongoloids) migrated to the east: Yakutia → Chukotka → Kamchatka Peninsula → Aleutian Islands. Part of the Asian tribes penetrated even on Alaska through narrow beergov Strait. However, at that time, North America has been populated by American Indians for $ 0.5 million, so after numerous military clashes, the migration of Asians to Alaska was discontinued.

Direction of Migration No. 2. The second few direction of migration (15% of the Mongoloids) occurred in the southeastern direction: Yakutia → Far East → Sakhalin Island → Japan → Korea.

Direction of Migration No. 3. The main direction of migration of the Mongoloid race (80%) took place to the south: Yakutia → Lake Baikal → Mongolia → China → Indonesia → Philippines → New Guinea → Australia. The migration process of Asians from the districts of Central Siberia over the last 0.5 million years occurred mainly in the southern direction. From recent history, it is possible to give an example: numerous tribes of Manzhur and China, who settled earlier areas of Central Siberia near the River Lower Tunguska, moved to China just a few millennia ago.

Direction of migration of white-faced race (Europeans)

The fourth island of the Archipelago of Northern Atlantis (hyperborei), which migrated the tribes of the European race 2 million years ago - this is now an existing island called New Earth. This is the most southern island of Arctic Arkipelago. It is located on 2 thousand kilometers of the south of the North Pole of the Earth, so it later established a cool climate, which was the main reason for the migration of primitive people. In the past, the New Earth island in its size was about 5 times more. On this island, a person has also arose 5 million years ago, but for 3 million years developed in the conditions of the Polar region. Due to the more southerly location of the island, the need to leave him at a primitive person appeared only 2 million years ago, as severe cold began and mass extinction of the vegetation-animal world. Up to this point, on the island, the new land was good conditions for human life.

The island of the new land is separated from Eastern Europe by the corporal gate, 70 kilometers width. About 2 million years ago, the strait was overpowered by boats and roofs allegedly 100 thousand primitive people. In the north of the European continent, a person has found favorable conditions for life. The climate on the coast of the Arctic Ocean 2 million years ago was a fairly warm, climate-like modern Italy. Tundra at that time did not exist. In the north of Europe, Tundra appeared only 0.3 million years ago. The Arctic coast of Europe was covered with dense forests. This geographical area is located 1.5 thousand kilometers of the south of the Arctic coast, and therefore 2 million years ago there was many times warmer than the climate on the island of New Earth. Two million years ago, the area between rivers Ob and Northern Dvina was much warmer modern, covered first tropical, and after 1 million years ago - mixed forests with an abundance of berries, berries, mushrooms, nuts, in the rivers there were many fish. In the summer in the forests there was an abundance of wild apples, drain, pears, grapes, cherries, cherries. Vegetables grew in the glades: beets, carrots, pumpkin, watermelons, onions, garlic.

The Pechora River Area has become the main center of primitive European civilization for millions of years. Quite a long time (for 1 million years), the center for the development of the ancient peoples of the European race was in the area between the rivers of Pechora and Northern Dvina. There archaeologists find a huge amount of stone tools, rocky rice., Places of numerous parking of primitive people. Millions of years ago the climate in the north of America, Europe and Asia was such as now in Italy - warm and wet .. In the primitive community era, a person was poorly armed (a battle and stick), and at the same time he was "tight" surrounded by major predators, which in The past was thousands of times more than now. Paleontological studies prove that there have once been huge saber tigers and cave bears weighing up to several tons (Siberia), predators up to two meters high, similar to very large boar (Central Asia), predators in the form of huge ostrichs up to 5 meters high (South America) and so on.

Every day an ancient man became a witness, like someone from the relative (child or a woman) eaten predatory beasts. But most often the men suffered from predators, who alone went far from the location of the tribe on hunting and fishing. A single hunter, armed with a stone ax or a spear, almost always died, since millions of years ago, he instantly surrounded dozens of hungry and large predators. Resistance was short and useless. The danger forced people to unite in the childbirth and tribes, forced to live and hunt collectively, 10 - 30 people.

Further cooling climate in the north of Eastern Europe made people migrate from the Pechora River area. People of the White Race began to be intensively dispersed on the European continent. Spread to the east, on Siberian lands, the ancient europeans prevented the same natural barriers as the Mongoloid race to the West: the Swamp of West Siberian lowland, the River Yenisei and Ob, the wide sea bay of the Obskoy Lip, the Mountains of Sayan, Pamir, Tian-Shan, Himalayas.

For 1 million years, the population of Europeans in Pechorsky district increased to about 0.7 million people. The hypothesis of the existence of the Pechora center of the ancient European civilization has many confirmations.

For example, Hungarian tribes 3 thousand years ago moved to Central Europe from the cold regions of the Ural Mountains, 11 thousand years ago from Eastern Europe to Mesopotamia (Iran) was moved to the Sumerians. In Central Europe, and then to the north of Italy swore Etrusca.

An archaeological confirmation of the resettlement of an ancient person from the Pechurch Center for the Primary Relief of the European Race on the territory of Western Europe and the Malaya Asia (Middle East) is the spread of absolutely the same in the form of microlith. Microliths are very sharp stone fragments of obsidian or silicon, which are firmly attached on one side with a short wooden stick (long no more than half a meter). It was a stone prototype of a modern sickle, harvested knife. The stone Sickle was the most common stone tool of ancient agricultural peoples in the European and Majual Jewelry territory. Before the emergence of the era of agriculture (0.2 million years ago), stone sickles were widely used to cut the stalks of various cereals with huge wild wheat fields, barley, oats, rye and so on. When the archaeologists from different countries compared the stone microliths from the Urals and microliths found in the most ancient cultural layers of the Earth in France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and India, they did not find the slightest difference between them. These were stone products made according to the technology of the uniform people of the European race, the primary center of which was located in Northern Europe.

Three directions of the earliest migration of the European race can be distinguished.

The southern direction of the Migration of Europeans (in Egypt and India). The main routes of Europeans settlement were directed to the south, which migrated, probably 60% of the population of the Pechist district. In this direction, the Indian Migration Road is allocated (North Eastern Europe → Kazakhstan → Turkmenistan → Iran → Afghanistan → Pakistan → India) and Arabian Migration Road (North Eastern Europe → Volga region → Transcaucasia → Turkey → Iraq → Saudi Arabia → Egypt → Sudan → Somalia) . At the village of Tripolie (Ukraine, under the city of Kiev) archaeologists excavated an ancient settlement of the farmers of the Neolithic era. They called this culture of Tripolskaya. It was later established that tripolls occupied the huge territory of Moldova and Ukraine, and the tribe-related tribes (Boyan, Köresh, Kukutni, linear and tapes) lived in the Balkans and in the south of Western Europe. Trepolian settlements found residues of grain and dice of pets. The most interesting thing is that trypoles and their rations were decorated with dishes just like people of Mesopotamian cultures (Hassunskaya and Khalafskaya), that is,
Not squeezing drawings on raw clay, but by painting with colored paints. They made from clay and figures of the goddesses, mostly sitting, as in Calta Guiyuk (Iraq), and bull figures, as in Crete and in Greece. These archaeological findings prove once again that Europeans resettlement from the Pechurch Center mainly occurred south: Ukraine → Greece, Ukraine → Iraq.

It is interesting to note that the territory of Egypt was first settled with neurodes, and then Europeans. In confirmation of the said there is such information from the history of the Ancient East. The territory of Africa, including Egypt, was settled with the peoples of the black race in the period from 1 - 3 million years ago. Archaeologists in North Africa found a large number of graves of the ancient man of the early period. The deceased person was buried in a position head south and on the left side, that is, face west. By this position of the body, ancient people indicated the place of their appearance - the face was directed towards the Atlantic Ocean, towards the location of the ancient continent of Atlantis. The head was directed to the south, which indicated that the people of the African race came to the territory of Egypt from Central Africa, from the south. After 1 million years ago, the territory of Egypt was already populated by the peoples of the "White Race", which arose in the north of Europe and settled Africa by the Arabian Peninsula, that is, from the east.

Therefore, the custom of burial has changed much. The dead began to bury, having their body head north and also on the left side, that is, face east, face to the Arabian Peninsula. From here we can conclude that after 1 million years ago, the territory of modern Egypt began to settle with Europeans who came to Arabia from the Nordic Lands of Eastern Europe, and Africa came from Arabia, that is, from eastern territories in relation to Africa. That is why the face of the deceased person was directed to the east, towards the location of the Arabian Peninsula. Thus, the pose of the deceased person pointed out the place from which the migration of the ancestors of the European race on the African continent began. In addition, the deceased person was buried in a position with the direction of the head not south (not towards the location of Central Africa), but north, that is, in the direction of the location of Eastern Europe, the Arctic Ocean, towards the location of the first Motherland of the European race - Arctic. On the basis of these archaeological documents, it can be argued that after 1 million years ago, the territory of Egypt began to settle the tribes of the European race. This opinion is also confirmed by the fact that the ancient Egyptian language has some proximity with the Visible Languages \u200b\u200b(Phoenician, Akkadian, Assyrian and Hebrew).

Western direction of European migration in Scandinavia. In the western direction (on the Scandinavian Peninsula) migrated, probably 10% of the ancient Europeans from the Pecher River area. The Scandinavian migration path begins with the North of Eastern Europe → Finland → Sweden → Norway. From 4 million to 0.2 million years ago, the climate on the Scandinavian peninsula was relatively warm, especially on the Baltic Sea coast. The peninsula is washed by the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean, so the winter were very short (1 - 2 months) and soft (no more than 5 degrees of frost Celsius). In the summer it was very hot - about forty degrees Celsius. The territory was covered with dense forests, where the wild beast was abound, and in rivers and lakes there were a lot of fish. Ancient Varyags in the winter dressed in the skin of animals, in the summer they went in coarse named clothes. Viking sailing boats still in very ancient times swam the Baltic Sea, reached England, Iceland and Greenland. Probably, immediately after the occupation of Scandinavia, Vikings began to pay iron tools. The Scandinavian migration path has a certain historical continuation of its development.

South-West Direction of Europeans Migration. Probably, more than 30% of the population of the European race left Eastern Europe in a period of 1 - 2 million years ago and settled through the territory of Western Europe. Europeans from the Pechora River for 2 million years settled to the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Migration Road began from the north of Eastern Europe → Ukraine → Romania → Yugoslavia → Germany → Italy → France → Spain → Portugal.

OUTPUT. So, in the period from 3 to 5 million years ago, humanity (besides the Negroid race) was concentrated on the northern lands of the three continents: American Indians - on the territory of modern Canada and the United States (North America), Mongoloid Race - on the territory of Yakutia (North Siberia), European Race - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Pechora River (North of Europe). Over the next 2.7 million years, slow sequestment of continents occurred. This was primary, free and peace process of migration of humanity By eminent expanses of the continents - the site. The primary and free migration of humanity in continents was very slow during the period 3 - 5 million years ago. The American Indians settled North America and only significantly later (30 thousand years ago) part of South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru). The Amazon River has become a serious obstacle for the ancient people of America, as the south of the river ancient people settled only 2 thousand years ago. The tribes of the Mongoloid race spread to the south of China. The tribes of the European race from the Pechora River "spread" to Spain in the West and to India in the East.

I have questions why there are only 4 races on earth? Why do they differ so much from each other? How do different races have skin color corresponding to the area of \u200b\u200baccommodation?


First of all, we explore the map of the settlement of "modern races of the world". In this analysis, we will not know the position of nor monogenism, nor polygenism. The purpose of our analysis and the whole study is generally just that the emergence of mankind occurred and its development occurred, including the development of writing. Therefore, we cannot and do not rely in advance on what kind of dogma - let scientific, albeit religious.

Why do four different races exist on earth? Naturally, four types of different races could happen from Adam and Eve ....

So, under the letter "A" on the map, races are marked, which, according to modern studies, are ancient. These races include four:
Equatorial Negroides (hereinafter referred to as "Negroid Race" or "Negorids");
Equatorial Australoids (hereinafter referred to as "Austaloid Race" or "Australoids");
European -ide races (hereinafter referred to as "Europeanoids");
Mongoloid races (hereinafter "Mongoloids").

2. Analysis of the modern mutual settlement of races.

It is extremely interesting to modern mutual resettlement of four major races.

Negroid races are resets exclusively in a limited territory located on the center of Africa to its southern part. Nowhere outside Africa there is no room-free race. In addition, it is the areas of resettlement of the Negroid race that the "suppliers" of the Stone Age culture - in South Africa still have such areas, within which the population still exists in primitive-communal vital structure.

We are talking about the archaeological culture of Wilton (Wilton, Wilton) of the late Stone Age, common in South and East Africa. In some areas, neolithic with ground axes was changed, but in most areas there existed until the new time: arms tips from stone and bones, clay dishes, beads from Ostrich eggs; The people of Culture Wilton lived in grottoes and outdoors, engaged in hunting; Agriculture and domestic animals were absent.

It is also interesting that on other continents there are no foci of resettlement of the Negroid race. This, naturally, indicates the fact that the focus of the origin of the Negroid race was originally in the part of Africa, which is located south of the center of the continent. It is worth noting that here we do not consider the later "resettlement" of the Negroids to the American continent and their modern entry through the fields of France to the territory of Eurasia, since this in time is quite insignificant in the extended historical process.

Australoid races are resets exclusively in a limited territory, located holistic in the north of Australia, as well as in extremely small fluctuations in India and on some single islands. The islands are so insignificantly populated by an Assaultoid race that they can be neglected when the entire focus of the distribution of the Australoid race can be disseminated. This source, quite reasonable, can be considered the northern part of Australia. It should be noted here that Australoids, as well as neurodes, at an unknown today, the reason is located exclusively within one common range. Among the Australoid race are also found cultures of the Stone Age. More precisely, those cultures of Australoids who have not experienced the impacts of the Europeanoids are mainly in the Stone Age.

Caucasoid races are resettled in the territory located in the European part of Eurasia, including the Kola Peninsula, as well as in Siberia, in the Urals, in Yenisei, in Amur, in the upper reaches of Lena, in Asia, around the Caspian, Black, Red and Mediterranean Seas, in the north of Africa , in the Arabian Peninsula, in India, on two American continents, in South Australia.

In this part of the analysis, it should be discussed at the expense of the settlement of the Europeanoids in more detail.

First, for obvious reasons, we will exclude from historical assessments the territory of the distribution of European views in both America, since these territories were occupied by them in not so distant historical time. At the very history of the original settlement of peoples, the last "experience" of the Europeanoid does not affect. The history of settlement in general, humanity took place long before the American conquests of the European enhow and without their account.

Secondly, as the two previous ones on the description of the race, the territory of the distribution of European views (from this place and further under the "territory of the spread of the Europeanoids" we will understand only its Eurasian part and the northern part of Africa) is also clearly indicated by the area of \u200b\u200btheir settlement. However, in contrast to the Negroid and Australoid Racing, the European-like race has reached the highest among the existing races of the flourishing of culture, science, art, etc. Stone Age Within the habitat of the Court of Europe, the overwhelming majority of areas passed 30 - 40 thousand years before our era. All modern scientific achievements of the most advanced nature are committed precisely by the European-like race. You can, of course, mention and argue with this statement, referring to the achievements of China, Japan and Korea, but we will be honest, all their achievements are purely secondary and use, we must pay tribute - with success, but still use the primary achievements of the European en.

Mongoloid races are resets exclusively in a limited territory, located holistic in the North-East and East of Eurasia and both American continents. Among the Mongoloid race, as well as among the Negroid and Australoid Races, the cultures of the Stone Age are found to this day.
3. On the application of laws of organisms

The first thing that rushes into the eyes to an inquisitive researcher, which looks at the Rasselling card, is that the rasure ranges of RAS do not intersect so that it concerned any noticeable territories. And, although on the mutual boundaries, the contacting races give a product of their intersection, referred to as "transitional races", the formation of such mixing is classified and is purely secondary and significantly later than the formation of the ancient races themselves.

In a significant part, this process of mutual penetration of ancient races resembles diffusion in the physics of materials. We apply to the description of the races and peoples, the laws of organisms, which are more united and give us the right and opportunity to operate with the same ease and accuracy, both materials and peoples, and races. Therefore, the mutual penetration of peoples is the diffusion of peoples and races - quite subject to law 3.8. (Numbering of laws, as accepted by C) Organizers, a stack: "Everything is moving."

Namely, not a single race (now we will not argue about the initialness of one or the other) under any circumstances will not remain without movement in any "frozen" condition. We will not be able to follow this law, to find at least one race or the people who would have arose in a certain territory at the time of "minus infinity" and remained within this territory to the "plus infinity."

And hence it follows that it is possible to work out the laws of movement of the populations of organisms (peoples).
4. Laws of the population of organisms
Any people, any race, as, however, not only real, but also the mythical (disappeared civilizations), always has a point of its occurrence other than those considered and as earlier;
Any people, any race are not represented by absolute values \u200b\u200bof the number of numbers and their some range, and the system (matrix) of n-dimensional vectors describing:
directions of settlement on the surface of the earth (two dimensions);
temporal intervals of such a resettlement (one dimension);
... n. The values \u200b\u200bof mass transfer of information about the people (one complex dimension; here refer to both the numerical composition and national, cultural, educational, religious, etc. Parameters).
5. Interesting observations

From the first law of movement of populations and, taking into account the attentive consideration of the map of modern settlement, we can withdraw the following observations.

First, and at present historical time, all four ancient races are extremely isolated on the ranges of their distribution. Recall that we do not consider here and further colonization by neurodes, European views and the Mongoloids of both Americas. These four races have the so-called cores of their ranges that do not coincide in any case, that is, none of the races in the center of its range does not coincide with similar parameters of any other race.

Secondly, the central "points" (area) of the ancient racial regions and now remain "clean" in composition. Moreover, the mixing of races occurs solely only at the boundaries of adjacent races. Never - by mixing races, historically not in the neighborhood. That is, we do not observe any mixtures of the Mongoloid and Negroid races, since the European-like race is located between them, which, in turn, has mixesters and with neurodes, and with Mongoloids just in places of contact with them.

Thirdly, if the central points of resettlement are determined by a simple geometric calculation, it turns out that these points are located at the same distance from each other, equal to 6000 (plus-minus 500) kilometers:

Nero-shaped point - 5 ° Yu.Sh., 20 ° V.D.;

European dot - with. Batumi, the extreme eastern point of the Black Sea (41 ° S.Sh., 42 ° V.D.);

Mongoloid point - ss. Aldan and Tomkot in the upper reaches of the Aldan River, the influx of Lena (58 ° S.Sh., 126 ° V.D.);

Australoid point - 5 ° Yu.Sh., 122 ° V.D.

Moreover, it is also equidistant (and about the same distance) the points of the central regions of the settlement of the Mongoloid race on both American continents.

Interesting such a fact: if all four central points of resettlement of races, as well as three points located in South, Central and North America, to connect, then the line will be a line that resembles the Constellation Constellation "Big Malar", but reversed with today's position.
6. Conclusions

Assessment of the ranges of settlement of CAP makes it possible to make a number of conclusions and assumptions.
6.1. Conclusion 1:

It does not seem legitimate and reasonable possible theory, involving the birth and resettlement of modern races from one common point.

We are currently observing the process that leads to mutual averaging races. As, for example, experience with water when a certain amount of hot water is poured into cold water. We understand that through some finite and completely estimated time hot water is mixed with cold, and there will be averaging temperature. After that, the water, in general, will become somewhat warmer than cold to mix, and somewhat colder than hot before mixing.

It is also possible now and with four old races - we are currently observing the process of mixing them, when the races mutually penetrate each other, like cold and hot water, form grateful races in places of their contact.

If four races were formed from one center, then we now did not observe mixing. Since in order for four entities to form four, the process of separation and mutual dispersal, separation, accumulation of differences should occur. A mutual methisization, which is currently happening, serves as an obvious proof of the reverse process - mutual diffusion of four races. Points of inflection, which would separate the earlier process of separating the races from the later process of their mixing, until it was found. Convincing evidence in the objective existence of some moment in history, from which the process of separation of the RAS would change their association, not found. Therefore, it should be considered a completely objective and normal process precisely the process of historical mixing races.

And this means that initially four ancient races were to be inevitably separated and separated from each other. The question of the strength that such a process could have been done, we will leave it yet open.

This is our assumption convincingly confirms the Map settlement map itself. As we have previously revealed, there are four conditional points of the initial settlement of the four ancient races. These points in a strange chance are located in a sequence with a clearly pronounced nearby patterns:

first, each border of mutual contact of the RAC serves as a section of only two races and anywhere in a section of three or four;

secondly, the distances between such points along the strange coincidence of the circumstances are almost the same and are equal to about 6,000 kilometers.

The processes of development of the races of territorial spaces can be compared with the formation of a pattern of not frosty glass - from one point pattern applies to different directions.

Obviously, races, each of their way, but the general type of raising races was quite the same - from the so-called point of distribution of each race, it spreads in different directions, gradually mastering new territories. Through a completely estimated time, the races ranked 6,000 kilometers from each other with the boundaries of their ranges. So began the process of their mixing and the emergence of various methum races.

The process of building and expanding the races of races is quite due to the definition of the concept of the "Organization Organization Organization" concept, when there are patterns that describe such distribution of races.

The natural and most objective suggests the conclusion about the existence of four separate foci of the nucleation of four different - ancient - races located at an equal distance from each other. Moreover, the distances and points of the "sowing" are chosen in such a way that if we tried to repeat such "sowing", then they came to the same variant. Consequently, the earth settled by someone or something of 4 different areas of our galaxy or our universe ....
6.2. Conclusion 2:

Perhaps the initial placement of races was artificial.

A number of random coincidences in the distances and equidistant raises us to the idea that it was not random. Law 3.10. Organizers says: ordered chaos acquires intelligence. It is interesting to trace the work of this law in the reverse cause of the damage. Expression 1 + 1 \u003d 2 and expression 2 \u003d 1 + 1 are equally true. And, consequently, the causal relationship in their members works in both directions equally.

By this, law 3.10. We can reformulate as follows: (3.10.-1) Intellect is the acquisition due to ordering chaos. The fact that from three segments connecting four, like, random points, all three segments are equal to the same value, otherwise, as a manifestation of intelligence cannot be sold. So that the distances coincide, you must measure them accordingly.

In addition, and this circumstance is no less interesting and mysteriously identified by us "wonderful" distance between points of the races of races for some strange and inexplicable reason equals the radius of the planet Earth. Why?

By connecting the four points of the scent of the races and the center of the Earth (and they are all located at the same distance), we get a four-grade equilateral pyramid, vertex directed to the center of the Earth.

Why? Where in, like, chaotic world, clear geometric shapes?
6.3. Conclusion 3:

On the initial maximum isolation of races

We begin the consideration of the mutual pair settlement of races from the pair of Negroides-Core windows. First, Negorids are not in contact with any other race. Secondly, there is a region of central Africa between neurodes and Europeanoids, which is characterized by the abundant spread of lifeless deserts. That is, in initially the location of the blacks relative to the European enhow, so that these two races would be in the smallestly contacted among themselves. Some intent seems here. As well as additional arguments against the theory of monogenisism - at least in a part of the Negroid and European Couple.

In a pair, the Mongoloid Europeanoids also exist similar features. The same distance between the Conditional Centers for Education Ras - 6000 kilometers. The same natural barrier for mutual penetration of races - extremely frosty northern regions and Mongolian deserts.

In a pair of Mongoloid-Australoids, the maximum use of the conditions of the locality, which prevents the mutual penetration of these races, which are approximately the same 6000 kilometers from each other.

Only in recent decades with the development of means of transport and communications, the mutual penetration of races has become not only possible, but also took a massive character.

Naturally, during our studies, these conclusions may be subjected to revision.
Final conclusion:

It can be seen that the points of the scent of the races were four. They are equidistant both among themselves and from the center of the planet Earth. Races have only mutually and double contacts. The process of mixing races is the process of the last two centuries, before that, the race was isolated. If there was intent in the initial settlement of races, he was as follows: to settle the race so that they did not take contact as a long time as possible.

It was probably an experiment to solve the problem - which race is better adapted to earthly conditions. And also, what race will be more progressive in its development ....

Source - razrusitelmifov.ucoz.ru.