Mediterranean Sea: map, beaches, rest. Where is the Mediterranean Sea

Mediterranean Sea: map, beaches, rest.  Where is the Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranean Sea: map, beaches, rest. Where is the Mediterranean Sea

The best resorts, the best vacation spots

In our latitudes, the beach holiday season in September is coming to an end. However, the Mediterranean map is full of a wide variety of sunbathing spots until late autumn.

Let's talk, what has the Mediterranean Sea and its map in store for us?

Firstly, these are gentle sea waves. Here you can relax in a variety of ways: lie on the beach, run on interesting excursions, find out about local and world famous sights, buy all kinds of gifts, learn more than a dozen foreign languages, try a lot of all sorts of delicacies of Mediterranean and Eastern cuisine.

Mediterranean Sea: Leisure Card

Benefits of a Mediterranean holiday :

  • you can come to almost any country on the map of the Mediterranean Sea on a Schengen visa (joint Schengen visa space)
  • in some countries on the coast during the high season (or all year round) you can generally get there without a visa (Israel, for example)
  • short flight duration (no more than 4 hours)
  • the most affordable resort destinations in a financial sense for our not particularly wealthy citizens (the so-called budget vacation). Even 200 EUR for each traveler may be enough!
  • Where are the best quiet beaches in the Mediterranean

    You know, the Mediterranean and its best beaches are not always noisy. The northeast coast (Albania and Croatia) offers many quiet and cozy beach spots.

    The variety of these places will delight you: the most beautiful coasts, sandy and pebbly beaches on the Mediterranean shores are carefully surrounded by rocks that do not allow the sea winds to rage and frighten the resting people; respectful attitude from the local population, special courtesy, excellent Mediterranean, Slavic and Turkish cuisine (with a large selection and a large amount of delicious dishes).

    About the ancient island of Malta - a separate conversation. Here you will find not only great beaches, but also the opportunity to learn English and ride ultra-modern agricultural equipment through the well-groomed fields of the island.

    Mediterranean Sea: a fun and noisy holiday

    For such a pastime, the following are suitable:

    You can go to these countries for two or three days, and for an eternity ...

    Advantages of a beach holiday in the cheerful and noisy Mediterranean countries:

    • hotels with a wide variety of service levels and prices
    • gorgeous huge beaches
    • there is something to see (well-organized excursion programs)


    • some intrusiveness of representatives of the local population.

    Mediterranean Sea: Exotic Vacation Card

    If we are already talking about an exotic vacation, then let's move around the map of the Mediterranean Sea closer to North Africa. It is here that exoticism and color await you, complemented by a high level of European service from local hotels.

    Tourists on vacation immediately feel the intricacies of cultures, customs and traditions of the mysterious East and the advanced West in these unusual places.

    You should definitely include in your travel and leisure program:

    • relaxing on the beach
    • shopping for exotic souvenirs
    • try everything that you can from oriental sweets

    Which countries on the map of the Mediterranean Sea (in its southeastern part) deserve your attention?

    Of course, these are Tunisia and Morocco. Among all the Arab countries that used to be part of the Arab Caliphate, and now are members of the Maghreb Union (united by Islam), Morocco and Tunisia have excellent infrastructure for a beach holiday: cozy hotels, a well-equipped coastline, in general, an exotic and comfortable vacation in the East ...

    Mediterranean Sea and original beach holidays

    If you are fundamentally different from the average vacationer and want to sunbathe only on to you famous beaches, open the map of the Mediterranean Sea and take a look at the coast of Algeria.

    At first glance, this is not at all a beach, and even more so, not a tourist country. But we are not looking for easy ways ?!

    Originals - travelers will receive fantastic pictures of natural landscapes and human architecture as a reward for their courage.

    And in addition to a private beach, the Sahara Desert is a huge living organism that occupies more than 80% of the territory of Algeria.

    Holidays on the Mediterranean Sea in Israel: Taki - the best beaches

    Further we will focus on the Mediterranean Sea and its map of the coast of Israel. Probably, once you get here, you will immediately notice a lot of the most contradictory phenomena: the modern chic and conservatism of Orthodox Israel. This country will gladly offer you the best beaches in the Mediterranean Sea and the best nightlife on its coast, and sightseeing tours and attractions are beyond praise: what are the biblical holy sites alone ...

    Also add the exceptional convenience of communication: Russian-speaking people - the population and service personnel!

    And finally, you can diversify your beach and family vacation in Israel by visiting another sea - the Dead Sea, whose waters have miraculous powers for healing, and diving in the warm sea depths of the Red Sea.

    Oh yes, we have forgotten about one Israeli solar zest ... From which a divine drink is made - wine! Be sure to taste ...

    The Mediterranean Sea is located between Europe, Asia Minor and Africa. It is surrounded on all sides by land, with the exception of two narrow straits - the Strait of Gibraltar (connects the Mediterranean with the North Atlantic) and the Bosphorus (connects the Mediterranean with the Black Sea) - and the Suez Canal (connects the Mediterranean with the Red Sea).

    Mediterranean Sea area 2965.5 thousand km2, Average depth 1500 m; the deepest (5092 m) is the depression of the Ionian Sea, located to the west of the Peloponnese (part of the Hellenic depression). The shallow threshold of the Sicilian Strait and the narrow Strait of Messina divide the Mediterranean Sea into two parts - east and west (and, accordingly, into two basins). The boundaries of the seas that make up the Mediterranean Sea are set arbitrarily.

    In the western part of the Mediterranean Sea there are the Alboran, Balearic, Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas, in the east - the Adriatic, Ionian, Aegean and Marmara seas, located between the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits. The Mediterranean Sea is characterized by numerous small islands, especially the Aegean and Ionian Seas.

    Largest islands: Sicily, Sardinia, Cyprus, Corsica and Crete. The main rivers flowing into the Mediterranean are the Rhone, Nile and Po. The waters of the rivers that flow into the Black Sea enter the Mediterranean Sea through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles.

    Bottom relief

    The Mediterranean Sea has many morphological features that are characteristic of the oceanic basin. The continental shoals are rather narrow (less than 25 miles) and moderately developed. Continental slopes are usually very steep and cut by underwater canyons. The canyons along the French Riviera and the western coast of Corsica are some of the best known.

    Fan loops are located at the continental foot of the large deltas of the Rhone and Po rivers. The fan of the Rhone River extends into the sea towards the Balearic Abyssal Plain. This abyssal plain with an area of ​​over 78 thousand km2 occupies most of the western basin.
    The steepness of the slopes of this plain suggests that the deposition of sediments carried by the turbidity currents from the Rhone takes place to a large extent through the channels that cut the fan. However, to the Balearic Abyssal Plain, sedimentary material to some extent comes from the canyons of the Cote d'Azur and the canyons of the North African coast (region of Algeria).

    In the Tyrrhenian Sea there is a central abyssal plain with several small plateaus, on which the highest seamount rises 2850 m above the sea floor (depth above the mountain is 743 m). There are many other seamounts in this sea; on the mainland slope of Sicily and Calabria, the peaks of some of them rise above the sea surface and form islands. Columns of soil taken from the central abyssal plain show distinct ash layers that correspond to historic volcanic eruptions in the Apennine Peninsula.

    Bottom morphology the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea differs markedly from the morphology of the bottom of the western basin. In the western basin, apart from a small abyssal plain in the center of the Ionian Sea, no other large areas with horizontally lying and undistorted terrigenous sediments have been found. Vast areas of the bottom represent either a complexly dissected median ridge, or a series of collapsed depressions located in an arc parallel to the Hellenic archipelago.

    Deep sea trenches stretch from the Ionian Islands and pass south of the islands of Crete and Rhodes in the Gulf of Antalya (Hellenic depression). One of these depressions with a flat bottom (filled with sediments) has the greatest depth of the Mediterranean Sea - 5092 m. Sediments began to fill another depression to the south of the island of Rhodes (depth 4450 m).

    There are well-developed channels on the Nile fan, which form a large branched system. The channels lead to a very narrow abyssal plain at the base of the fan, in contrast to the western Mediterranean basin, where the Rhone alluvial fan feeds the great Balearic abyssal plain. At present, the narrow abyssal plain at the base of the Nile fan fan is actively deformed; some of its sections are the middle ridge, or a series of collapsed depressions located in an arc parallel to the Hellenic archipelago. Apparently, in the recent past, the process of sedimentation proceeded more slowly than the tectonic deformation of large parts of the Eastern Mediterranean.

    Hydrological regime... The Mediterranean Sea is surrounded by countries with dry climates, the result of which the amount of evaporation significantly exceeds the amount of precipitation and river runoff. The resulting water shortage is replenished through the Strait of Gibraltar by the influx of North Atlantic surface waters. An increase in water salinity due to evaporation causes an increase in its density. Denser water sinks deeper; thus, the western and eastern basins are filled with a homogeneous and relatively warm water mass.

    Temperature and salinity deep and intermediate waters vary in very insignificant limits: from 12.7 to 14.5 ° C and from 38.4 to 39 prom.

    Water circulation

    North Atlantic surface waters entering the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar move along the coast of North Africa and gradually spread over the surface of the Mediterranean Sea; part of the waters extends into the Lugirian Sea; part of the Tyrrhenian Sea. There, cooling due to evaporation and the influence of dry polar air masses coming from Europe, the waters submerge, forming a certain type of water mass in the western Mediterranean. North Atlantic waters through the Sicilian Strait also enter the eastern sector of the Mediterranean Sea. where some of them deviate to the north into the Adriatic Sea. As a result of evaporation, they also cool down here and sink to a depth. North Atlantic waters sporadically overflow over the threshold of the Strait of Otranto, forming a deep water mass in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The distribution of dissolved oxygen in the deep waters of the Ionian Sea indicates their circulation counterclockwise.

    The remaining North Atlantic waters on the surface, now greatly altered by evaporation, continue to move eastward to the island of Cyprus, where they sink in the winter months.

    North Atlantic surface waters carrying large amounts of dissolved salts must eventually return to the North Atlantic, since the salinity of the Mediterranean Sea does not increase over time.

    Outflow of waters from the Mediterranean Sea occurs through the threshold of the Strait of Gibraltar at a depth below the incoming stream (300 m). The Mediterranean water leaving the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar, despite the higher temperature, is significantly saltier and denser than the Atlantic, which is at the same level. As a result, Mediterranean water, entering the Atlantic Ocean, flows down the continental slope, until finally, at a depth of 1000 m, it encounters Atlantic deep water of the same density. Then the Mediterranean water rises and spreads to the north, south and west, forming a layer that is found southward in the Atlantic for several thousand miles.

    Biogenic elements... The waters of the Mediterranean Sea are poor in nutrients. Phosphates in them are much less than in the waters of the North Atlantic. This is explained by the fact. that waters from the North Atlantic enter the Mediterranean Sea through a shallow rapids, therefore only the North Atlantic surface waters pass through the Mediterranean Sea, which are themselves severely depleted. The accumulation of nutrients in deep waters is also hindered by the continuous outflow of water returning back through the Strait of Gibraltar. It takes about 75 children to fully ventilate the entire Mediterranean basin by removing water.

    Tides in the Mediterranean predominantly semi-daily. The east to west basins have separate systems of standing waves. In the Adriatic Sea, there is a progressive (forward) tide of about 1 m. Moving around the aifidromic point located near the center of the Mediterranean Sea. In other points of the Mediterranean Sea, the tide is about 30 cm.

    Bottom sediments off the coast include the following components: 1) carbonates, consisting mainly of coccolithophorids, as well as foraminifera and pteropods; 2) detritus carried by wind and currents; 3) volcanic substances; and 4) end products of weathering of land rocks, mainly clay minerals. The average carbon content in the soil columns of the eastern Mediterranean basin is about 40% and in the soil columns of the western basin about 30%. Detritus content varies from zero to maximum; in general, it is higher in the soil columns of the western Mediterranean basin. Sometimes, sandy horizons can be recognized in soil columns and compared from core to core. Volcanic ash forms more or less distinct layers and is also found in non-volcanic material. The amount of volcanic products is small, except for areas close to volcanoes (Vesuvius and Etna).

    The sedimentation rate at Levanto and in the Ionian Sea is small, the same as in the central part of the North Atlantic; in the western Mediterranean, it is several times larger.

    The structure of the earth's crust... Analysis of seismic measurements by the method of refracted waves, carried out in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea, showed that the earth's crust here has an “oceanic nature”. Throughout the Balearic Abyssal Plain, the surface depth of Mohorovichich is less than 12 km from sea level. This value increases towards the mainland and reaches more than 50 km under the Maritime Alps, which abruptly drop off at the Cote d'Azur.

    In the Mediterranean Sea, a layer of sediments (thickness 1-1.5 km) with a low velocity of longitudinal waves (1.7-2.5 km / s) is underlain by a thick stratum with an average velocity of longitudinal waves (3.0-6.0 km / s). with). Precipitation with low wave velocity is much more powerful in the western basin of the Mediterranean Sea than in the eastern one. If a layer with an intermediate wave velocity marks the bottom of the sediment stratum, then their thickness is extremely small, given the large area over which the Rhone River flows. (In the deep-water part of the Gulf of Mexico, the sediment thickness is more than 6 km.)

    However, if the reflecting layer is represented by consolidated sediments or volcanic rocks within the sedimentary strata, then it indicates a significant change in the geological history of this basin. The magnetic field in the Mediterranean is remarkably uniform, especially in the tectonically active eastern basin. However, in the Tyrrhenian Sea, there are strong anomalies over the seamounts.

    A wide strip of negative Faya gravity anomalies is confined to the central part of the Hellenic depression. They are associated with the large subsidence of crustal blocks within this depression. Seismic studies in the northern part of the western basin of the Mediterranean Sea revealed its subsidence relative to the European continent by 3 km. The main reason for such large vertical movements is not well understood. Faye's weak gravity anomalies in the western Mediterranean suggest that the basin is in isostatic equilibrium. It is extremely difficult to imagine how the modern “oceanic” crust could have retained the previous uplift without any redistribution of density within the deep part of the crust or the upper mantle.

    Geotectonic development... The Mediterranean Sea is a relict sea, the remnant of a huge water basin that used to stretch from Portugal to the Pacific Ocean (through the Alps, Southeast Europe, Turkey, Iran, Himalayas, Southeast Asia). It is believed to have been associated with the Maori Geosyncline in New Zealand. Suess called this ancient sea basin the Tethys Sea.

    Its history is well known since the Triassic, but even in the Paleozoic there are traces of such a connection, and many authors speak of proto- or paleo-Tethys. The Tethys separated the northern continents (Eurasia and, possibly, the continuation of North America, i.e. Laurasia) from the southern continents, originally united in Gondwana.

    Between the two aforementioned giant continental blocks of the primary "Protogen" there has apparently been a constant interaction, at least for the last half a billion years. Different authors understand these relationships in different ways. Proponents of continental drift, for example Argand, Wegener, believe that there was a constant convergence of the two original earth masses, which led to the subsidence of deep-sea depressions and, as a result, to the formation of alpine folding, which arose at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous period and resumed in several phases of the Tertiary period.

    In the opinion of others (for example, Staub, Glanzho), the so-called "ebb and flow" took place, that is, the processes of compression and extension.

    Mediterranean Sea surrounded by earth on all sides. One glance at the map is enough to agree with this judgment. This was known more ancient Greek scholars.

    Features of the geographical location and climate

    Mediterranean Sea named for a reason, from all sides it touches with continents.

    Nowhere else in the world has this been found large indoor pool, which is connected to the ocean only by a tiny, for such a scale, a jumper - Strait of Gibraltar.

    The sea in its own way geographic location is between: Asia, , Africa.

    Total area - 2,500 square kilometers... The maximum depth is 5 121 meters.

    It connects with channels and straits, Red and Marmara seas.

    Concerning bottom relief then he has everything typical for the sea peculiarities:

    1. continental slope indented by canyons;
    2. shelf narrow.

    Part Mediterranean Sea includes and inland seas:

    • Aegean;
    • Alboran;
    • Adriatic;
    • Balearic;
    • Ionian;
    • Ligurian;
    • Tyrrhenian.

    In winter the weather is very changeable, regularly storms happen, and pass heavy rainfall... The temperature drops significantly due to the influence northern winds.

    Summer observed here dry fog and a small amount precipitation.

    Tourists come in droves to these places closer to the middle of summer. By july the reservoir warms up to +27 degrees.

    Countries and islands

    Towards the Mediterranean include vast territories of countries and islands. We will give examples of some of them below.


    • ... There are resorts that are very fond of Russian tourists. Most of the attendants speak in Russian, which simplifies the rest in a foreign country for our tourists. There are many excellent beaches, inexpensive hotels and one of the best in the world kitchens... The reservoir washes the following large Turkish cities - Mersin, Istanbul, Antalya and Izmir.
    • Italy... It is located in the west of the Mediterranean. People come here to eat delicious pizza and spaghetti and also enjoy warm sun... Resort cities are Rome, Sicily and Milan.
    • Spain. Ibiza, Barcelona and Majorca- these are exactly the settlements where travelers come who want to have fun and have a good time. Especially it concerns youth loving noisy parties.
    • Croatia... Country attractive for tourists primarily rapidly gaining momentum yachting... For this, the state allocates multimillion investment.
    • Montenegro... Especially it is worth taking a closer look at the beach Ada Bojana... Here the purest sand, which can only be found throughout Adriatic... In addition, tourism is actively developing here among nudists.
    • Albania... Chic kitchen, beautiful landscapes- this is how local resorts are characterized.
    • In ancient times it was believed that the Mediterranean Sea is located in the center of the world... Roman aborigines called him Inland sea, since all its shores were conquered by them.

    • ... Intersect here European and islamic traditions and culture. This fact attracts tourists. According to statistics, people also come here to look at cultural attractions... Especially popular Casablanca.
    • Tunisia... The ancients museums, mysterious artifacts, monuments memorable architectures markets- at the local resorts which are not found miracles.


    Kara is clickable, click on it to enlarge.

    There is also lots of large and small Mediterranean islands interesting for travelers. Among them stand apart:

    • Djerba... Located in the north Of Africa... From the ancient Arabic language it is translated as "Wheat city"... The island is mentioned in the famous "Odyssey" Homer. Pink flamingos, ancient synagogue, fireballs, local delicious rice- something like that simply cannot be missed if you find yourself on Djerba.
    • Sardinia... Located next to Dirk and Sicily... Archaeologists constantly find various tombs and ziggurats... These are the main attractions of the island.
    • Vulcano... Tourists come here to see the many volcanic craters.

    Scientists have found out that because of the catastrophic floods, which happened 5.3 million years ago, just filling occurred Mediterranean Sea. In two years formed such a large water basin! of useful salts and No dangerous poisonous plants and animals.

    You can inspect Attraction completely different countries of the world and get to know their culture... After all, the Mediterranean Sea washes the shores of a good half continents of the world.

    The resorts of the Mediterranean are very developed health resort infrastructure... Therefore, people suffering diseases of various origins can easily find a place for relaxation and recovery.

    There are no cons... Unless, of course, the scorching summer sun is considered a disadvantage.

    Mediterranean Sea surrounded by earth on all sides. One glance at the map is enough to agree with this judgment. This was known more ancient Greek scholars.

    • Countries and islands
    • Country
    • Islands
    • Eastern Mediterranean

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    Features of the geographical location and climate

    Mediterranean Sea named for a reason, from all sides it touches with continents.

    Nowhere else in the world has this been found large indoor pool, which is connected to the ocean only by a tiny, for such a scale, a jumper - Strait of Gibraltar.

    The sea in its own way geographic location is between: Asia, Europe, Africa.

    Total area - 2,500 square kilometers... The maximum depth is 5 121 meters.

    It connects channels and straits with Black, Red and Marmara seas.

    Concerning bottom relief then he has everything typical for the sea peculiarities:

  • continental slope indented by canyons;
  • shelf narrow.
  • Part The middle sea includes and inland seas:

    • Aegean;
    • Alboran;
    • Adriatic;
    • If you are going to relax on the Adriatic Sea, find out detailed information about its resorts from this article.

    • Balearic;
    • Ionian;
    • Ligurian;
    • Tyrrhenian.

    In winter the weather is very changeable, regularly storms happen, and pass heavy rainfall... The temperature drops significantly due to the influence northern winds.

    Summer observed here dry fog and a small amount precipitation.

    Tourists come in droves to these places closer to the middle of summer. By july the reservoir warms up to +27 degrees.

    Countries and islands

    Towards the Mediterranean include vast territories of countries and islands. We will give examples of some of them below.


    • Turkey... There are resorts that are very fond of Russian tourists. Most of the attendants speak in Russian, which simplifies the rest in a foreign country for our tourists. There are many excellent beaches, inexpensive hotels and one of the best in the world kitchens... The reservoir washes the following large Turkish cities - Mersin, Istanbul, Antalya and Izmir.
    • Italy... It is located in the west of the Mediterranean. People come here to eat delicious pizza and spaghetti and also enjoy warm sun... Resort cities are Rome, Sicily and Milan.
    • Italy is a great holiday destination not only in summer but also in winter. Read about the winter resorts of this country here

    • Spain. Ibiza, Barcelona and Majorca- these are exactly the settlements where travelers come who want to have fun and have a good time. Especially it concerns youth loving noisy parties.
    • Croatia... Country attractive for tourists primarily rapidly gaining momentum yachting... For this, the state allocates multimillion investment.
    • Montenegro... Especially it is worth taking a closer look at the beach Ada Bojana... Here the purest sand, which can only be found throughout Adriatic... In addition, tourism is actively developing here among nudists.
    • Albania... Chic kitchen, beautiful landscapes- this is how local resorts are characterized.
    • In ancient times it was believed that the Mediterranean Sea is located in the center of the world... Roman aborigines called him Inland sea, since all its shores were conquered by them.

    • Morocco... Intersect here European and islamic traditions and culture. This fact attracts tourists. According to statistics, people also come here to look at cultural attractions... Especially popular Casablanca.
    • Tunisia... The ancients museums, mysterious artifacts, monuments memorable architectures markets- at the local resorts which are not found miracles.


    In the Mediterranean also lots of big and small islands interesting for travelers. Among them stand apart:

    • Djerba... Located in the north Of Africa... From the ancient Arabic language it is translated as "Wheat city"... The island is mentioned in the famous "Odyssey" Homer. Pink flamingos, ancient synagogue, fireballs, local delicious rice- something like that simply cannot be missed if you find yourself on Djerba.
    • Sardinia... Located next to Dirk and Sicily... Archaeologists constantly find various tombs and ziggurats... These are the main attractions of the island.
    • Vulcano... Tourists come here to see the many volcanic craters.

    Scientists have found out that because of the catastrophic floods, which happened 5.3 million years ago, just filling occurred Mediterranean Sea. In two years formed such a large water basin!

    Eastern Mediterranean

    Most often to Eastern Mediterranean include the shores of Greece, Italy and Turkey, this opinion is wrong... If we come to this question in terms of geography and look at the map, it turns out that the Eastern Mediterranean includes:

  • Syria;
  • Palestine;
  • Cyprus;
  • Have you decided to relax in Cyprus? Find out what others think of the island's hotels with this article

  • Lebanon;
  • Jordan.
  • Israel;
  • Pros and cons of relaxing in the Mediterranean

    On the mediterranean sea perfect to have a rest in September... At this time already the heat subsides, moreover, the water remains warm. An additional plus is that the reservoir contains a large amount of useful salts and No dangerous poisonous plants and animals.

    You can inspect Attraction completely different countries of the world and get to know their culture... After all, the Mediterranean Sea washes the shores of a good half continents of the world.

    The resorts of the Mediterranean are very developed health resort infrastructure... Therefore, people suffering diseases of various origins can easily find a place for relaxation and recovery.

    There are no cons... Unless, of course, the scorching summer sun is considered a disadvantage.

    It is not easy to find any other place on our planet besides the Mediterranean, where crowds of multinational tourists tend to visit throughout the entire calendar year. Thanks to the incredible variety of Mediterranean resort areas, travelers - even the overly demanding ones - will find it easy to find wonderful beaches here for a pleasant and at the same time rewarding pastime.

    It is not easy for tourists to determine which of the picturesque cities of this wonderful land are worth visiting more than others, because in each of them a variety of entertainments and the delights of rest on long sandy and pebble coasts await vacationers. And yet the most active and knowledgeable travelers manage to highlight several Mediterranean resort towns that are considered real gems this amazing land.

    Travelers choosing a vacation in hospitable Cyprus are attracted to these lands, first of all, by the opportunities for a quiet pastime, necessary for many contemporaries, away from the noisy and overcrowded large and medium-sized cities. However, for the majority of young tourists who come to picturesque Ayia Napa - a cozy resort town famous for its fine sandy coastline - these places are primarily associated with bright and varied entertainment.

    Most often, young people prefer to have a noisy and fun vacation on Nissi, a rather crowded two-kilometer beach. Thanks to fashionable British DJs, in the evenings, almost the entire coastline turns into a stylish disco, where famous melodies of various styles and trends of advanced Western European music sound.

    The beach also offers plenty of fun activities for aficionados of solitary fishing and windsurfing, a favorite of young travelers. The same entertainment awaits vacationers at the glamorous Makronissos, a rather long sandy beach known for its uncrowdedness and excellent conditions for diving that has become fashionable.

    The resort will delight all vacationers with a variety of local club life. It is unlikely that some of the young travelers would not want to visit fun parties in a medieval fortress or a cozy ice cave. It is in this exotic style that the halls and facades of the giant Castle and the small and cozy Ice, two famous clubs, are decorated. Both in them and in other similar entertainment establishments of the hospitable resort, vacationers are waiting for meetings with famous European DJs and progressive musicians.

    Russian tourists have long been accustomed to relaxing in the magnificent resorts of the picturesque Turkish Riviera. In each of them, a wide variety of entertainment awaits vacationers both on sandy and pebble beaches and on the almost always warm azure sea. Most often, most tourists who know Turkish resorts well, dream of a serene pastime in Kemer and its picturesque surroundings.

    Both in the town itself and in the neighboring villages, multinational travelers will be surprised by the harmonious coexistence of ancient buildings and modern comfortable pebble beaches. On the sea, near the central embankment of the resort, you can always see many luxury yachts, for the sake of sailing on which groups of wealthy Europeans come here. Lush pine forests and orange orchards make the beaches here look like giant manicured parks.

    Young people have chosen the small-pebble beaches of the cozy Tekirova and the famous ancient buildings of Olympos - two hospitable villages that are part of the resort area of ​​the above-mentioned Kemer. In the last of them, young travelers are attracted not only by noisy evenings at local discos, but also by a unique opportunity to live a little in one of the tree houses.

    Here vacationers can, unexpectedly for themselves, become grateful participants in a short but fascinating journey into the little-known past, having visited the remains of the Pirate Fortress and the ruins of the once gigantic temple complex. Adult travelers and their kids will be delighted by the shallow sea and cleanliness of several sandy-pebble beaches of the mentioned Tekirova.

    The real legends are about "Moonlight" - a picturesque park complex, located along the long sandy coast of Kemer. Little tourists are attracted here, first of all, by a sincere desire to visit a bright and memorable performance in their favorite Dolphinarium. Adult travelers are also always in a good mood during the incendiary performance of two talented dolphins and a good-natured sea lion.

    In endless streams, travelers of different ages head to the territory of "Dino" - a giant park that looks like a fantastic city. Walking past the huge figures of dinosaurs moving and frightening with strange sounds, visitors feel like they are on our planet during the period of the domination of these gigantic creatures.

    For the majority of Russian travelers, rest on the North African coast of the Mediterranean Sea is associated, first of all, with well-developed Egyptian resorts. But none of them are associated with the Mediterranean coast. Throughout the African Mediterranean, tourists are attracted by a long coastal strip, on which several fairly well-known resorts of ancient Tunisia are comfortably located.

    Most often, lovers of distant wanderings choose a serene vacation on the ten-kilometer coast of ancient Sousse. Vacationers can enjoy the clean white sand and small waves of the turquoise sea in Bou Jafar, one of the two crowded beaches of this Tunisian resort. There are also many conventional and floating fish restaurants, always overcrowded with overseas visitors. On Las Vegas - another fine sandy beach of hospitable Sousse - fans of fashionable windsurfing will be delighted with the local rather strong waves.

    You can learn about the rich history of Tunisia, associated with the name of the famous and not fully explored Carthage, by visiting Medina, which amazes with its ancient age. This is how the Arabs call the ancient quarters of the city, where travelers have a unique opportunity to find themselves inside a fairly well-preserved Ribat, a fortress often visited by tourists. In the evenings, resort guests flock to the romantic musical fountains in nearby Port El Kantaoui.

    The coast of this famous suburb has long been chosen by numerous divers. To visit the local amazing variety of attractions "Hannibal Park" is a sincere dream of little travelers. Becoming miniature car drivers or children's train drivers is a real big and exciting adventure for naughty kids and their caring parents.

    Vacationers make up whole legends about the variety of recreation in the Spanish resort areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Travelers of different ages in conversations most often mention the beaches of picturesque Salou - a calm resort town, nestled on the famous Costa Dorado.

    Travelers usually rush to these wonderful lands not for the sake of a luxurious pastime on local beaches, but in order to visit the famous "Port Aventura" - a complex of attractions loved by both children and their compassionate parents. Finding yourself in the Enchanted Garden, the tangled Labyrinth of the Wild West or other unusual areas of this giant theme park is a sincere desire not only for young travelers, but also for representatives of other generations of different ages.

    Decorated with flowers and palm groves here, the coast is always both crowded and interesting at the same time. In the morning and afternoon hours, travelers enjoy a pleasant pastime on the local fine sandy beaches. On the kilometer-long East Beach, specially equipped and fenced-off areas are waiting for parents and their naughty children.

    Western European travelers, especially the British, can always be found on Long Beach. Lovers of solitude and silence will appreciate a pleasant and relaxing holiday on the miniature Lengudentse and Capellans, cut off by rocks from other places, - two cozy sandy beaches.

    Among the numerous French Mediterranean resorts, Russian travelers have a truly reverent feeling for luxurious Nice, which is closely associated with compatriots who emigrated to these lands. Along the Promenade des Anglais, favored by multinational tourists, there are several wonderful pebble beaches at once. Each of them belongs to one of the magnificent hotels on the coast.

    At the Blue Beach, located in the central part of the resort, vacationers can enjoy not only the delights of sunburn, but also the exquisite taste of drinks that are spread among vacationers by the waiters of the local luxury restaurant. Almost no different conditions await travelers on the extended Galion, wide Neptune and other cozy beaches of Nice.

    Divers who have chosen the resort are never disappointed with their rest here. Of the three local diving centers, they most often gather in Club nautique - a popular club, relatively expensive, but suitable even for picky fans of this extreme entertainment. Nice will delight connoisseurs of high art with a wonderful opportunity to become grateful spectators of the repeatedly reconstructed Opera House or visitors to the Museum of Modern Art, which always surprises with its avant-garde exhibitions.

    In the summer in the evening, not only tourists, but almost the entire city can be seen on the Promenade des Anglais, brightly lit with colorful lights. Travelers are no less delighted with walks in the medieval Place Massena. It surprises with the harmonious combination of old buildings standing here and colorful statues on special pillars, as if they came here from a fantastic movie.

    Which is the best Mediterranean seaside resort?

    Due to the multitude and variety of Mediterranean resorts located in the territories of noticeably different states, it is both easy and not entirely simple for travelers to choose a place for their long-awaited vacation. The difficulties are, first of all, in almost identical conditions of rest and comfort.

    Each resort tries to keep up with its neighbors, preparing for travelers many opportunities for entertainment and pleasant pastime, often not even quite foreseen. But thanks to the truly fierce competition that exists here, travelers in any of the mentioned and many other resort towns of the Mediterranean always remain enchanted by a wonderful holiday on this famous coast.