Watch interview with Nikita Alekseev. Alekseev: a beautiful song needs a case, a moment of someone's fate

Watch interview with Nikita Alekseev. Alekseev: a beautiful song needs a case, a moment of someone's fate
Watch interview with Nikita Alekseev. Alekseev: a beautiful song needs a case, a moment of someone's fate

The artist of rare beauty, with a snow-white smile - Alekseev (Nikita Alekseev) - at the nearest Eurovision contest will present Belarus. The path of the wildly popular artist on the top of the focus was lined not only with hearts from numerous fans. Under the pressure of competitors Alekseev had to change the primordial competitive track Forever: he was accused of executing this composition not according to the rules, ahead of time. The final decision remains for the European Broadcasting Union.

Perhaps, with the help of EBU, once again, Alekseev will confirm its reputation between the "Big Mud" and the competition will fulfill Forever in the original version. Colleagues on show business in his native Ukraine every time he is reminded at the meeting, as he was lucky, hinting at experienced producers near and hit the "drunk sun". The boy singing turned out to be also speaking - it is already fortunately for our readers. In an exclusive interview with Sat ", the artist welcomed us to his private territory, where he first spoke about his adoptive family, complex relations with his own father, infinite thanks to his mother and fans surrounding his love.

- Nikita, once again revised your performance in the final of the national selection - the excitement is noticeable ...

- So it was. I do not like the competitive effect in music, although I am aware that this is a competition, these are the rules of the game and I need to take them. The atmosphere itself around the selection was incredibly tense, and it bothered to enjoy the process. And for the musician, the most important thing is to dissolve in my song. This is a very rigorous state, it is easy to break it, and it is impossible to understand the nature at all. I am sure, everything will be different in Lisbon.

Are you already thinking about the organizers team that you have to change the competition? Do you succeed in Lisbon mobile to realize all technical fags and creative solutions?

- Over our number, one of the best director-producers of modernity and part-time is my creative producer - Oleg Bodnarchuk. Behind his shoulders more than three thousand productions of the most varying complexity, including the number for America's Got Talent with projecting the image on the water screen and for M1 Music Awards, where I soared over the scene in the geometric space. These performances merged a lot and discussed on the network. I am sure his experience will help us come to a better decision. While I can not tell anything about the room, I know exactly exactly exactly - we will go to Lisbon with a new idea.

I was very touched by the story of your father: he left mom when she was pregnant. And you have never seen him for 24 years?

- Yes, the native father did not raise me up. But I can not say that it was not in full family. My vocal teacher always said that I was enveloped with a huge and warm blanket of immense love, which my family gave me - Mom and Aunt. They did everything so that I never need anything: I had a happy and carefree childhood, an unforgettable youthful period. Now I am firmly standing on my feet and I am doing a favorite thing in many ways due to their care and faith in me.

- Do you know where your father is now, what country does he live in?

As far as I know, in Israel.

The story knows many examples when children who did not know their father's love become famous and the dads are recognized in the end. Do you have such a dream - talk to my father's souls? What makes you think your meeting?

Nikita with adoptive parents in Spain. 1997

Yes, I often thought about it at different stages of my life. When I was 12, my mother had problems at work, we were hard, and I had to call the Father to help. I remember that I was very scared then, myself could not dial the number, I asked my mom to do it. I was completely not ready for a conversation and did not know where to start ... Then the father refused to help us, he did not want to communicate with him. After some time, Mom's affairs went to the way. But she always said that I should not be angry with him and at the first opportunity it is necessary to meet him. While this did not happen, but I think that once we will definitely meet and let each other's hands.

Well, God forbid. In an interview with the well-known English blog of the Eurovision contest, you called our Belarusian fans "drum", which means, truthful and sincere. And tell me honestly, was ready to face such a frantic reaction of competitors in the National Choir?

We understood that no one guarantees us an exit to the final part of Eurovision. Therefore, they prepared for any outcome. In addition, the level of performers in the final was high. At rehearsals, I was convinced of this final. The chances were all. I am very glad that the audience and the jury believed in me and gave the opportunity to present Belarus this year.

On the eve of the qualifying round in Minsk, you had a meeting with Alena Lanskaya, Dima sorcerer and NaviBand. Each of them behind their shoulders have experience in Eurovision. What are you sputted?

Nikita with mom (Photo from the home archive)

First of all, I want to thank them for the fact that the artists responded to my proposal to meet and supported at such an important point. We mainly talked about the preparatory stage, about the nuances of the rehearsal process. Naviband, Alena and Dmitry, in one voice, claimed that it was necessary to make focus on stage plastic and acting skills no less than on vocal lessons. Everything is important on the television competition, not only pure singing, but also the ability to take possession of the viewer. The guys shared their impressions, some curious cases were told. We laughed a lot, and the conversation turned out to be soulful. Agreed to meet again, but after I will tell you.

In childhood, you spent a lot of time in the Spanish family, such a practice to send children to Europe for the summer "on exchange" and we had popular. But one day mom banned you to ride there, too you loved Spain. Saw the other day in Instagram your photos from Lisbon. How did you feel in this city? Was the memories of Spanish childhood?

Thanks for the question. For three days spent in Lisbon, it's for sure, I woke back in my childhood. Pictures from Mulu (cities where lived in Spain) something and the matter awakened my imagination. Architecture, people, the general mood of the city is very similar. Immediately wanted to return to the carefree time, and now I am looking for meetings with Pope Fernando and Mama Pepoy - adoptive parents in Spain, my second family. This year, during the preparation for Eurovision, one of the countries of my promotion is Spain. I really hope that we will have time in order to come to Mulu. It is very important for me. I am in all and everywhere inspiration, and a meeting with Spanish parents will definitely be very wrong. So many solar and bright memories remained from those times. We have not seen 15 long years. Stopped contacting when I was eight. Last year, they found me in social networks, and from the moment we support relationships. Imagine, they recognized me after 15 years. What was the surprise of Fernando and Pepa, when they realized that I became an artist. Six months ago, we talked with a translator. So worried then, it was very difficult to choose words. In general, we agreed that I would soon come to visit.

As a certified marketer, Nikita, tell me what you need to take to take first place on Eurovision? What song want to hear Europhanes this year?

The last two years defeated performers who were in natural harmony with themselves and their composition. They did not play a role, were honest with the audience, and they believed them. Their image was remembered due to individuality. Intente, technologically complex numbers will probably lose sincere performance and a holistic work. And this I say not as a marketer, but I feel like an artist.

- Thank you for your openness and good luck at the competition!

His voice touched not one female heart! All winter girls were guessing, who is this mysterious prince, who sings about unhappy love? The performer of the acclaimed hita "Drunk Sun" It turned out to be young, incredibly beautiful and no less fabulous than the song itself, the Ukrainian singer, who, charming smiling, asked him just Nikita. Whether the Kiev air is all wines, or just good upbringing, but the young artist struck the film crew his sincere and friendly attitude, it is impossible to not fall in love with him! And today we will reveal the secrets of this mysterious hero with a stunning voice. Sweater and trousers - Strellson, jacket - Joop!, Sneakers - New Balance.

I was born and grew up in Kiev. It was there two years ago and my career began. My parents doctors, they have no relation to music.But Mom always believed in me and allowed me to do what I liked, if only I was busy. I was very lucky with my family. Parents always allowed me to choose your way. Even when I was engaged in vocals for a long time, and then suddenly decided to become a marketer, they did not move. Then, of course, I understood what mistake made. Thank God, now I can do the music. I do not know how to play the tools very well, I will say honestly.Therefore, I say that just a brack. And I sing for a very long time, began to engage in 10 years.

T-shirt - Asos, Jeans - BLK DNM, Points - Ray-Ban, Hat - Stylist Property. I never sought to become popular and, in fact, was not popular at school.

I was a unbelievable musician who missed mathematics and disappeared in the storage room, where there was a piano. Our school concertmaster understood my desire for music and secretly allowed to leave some items that I didn't like. So we hung with my friend in the storage room. At school there were some friends with which I was musitized, at the university - others. Now at the professional level, I met on the third, and thank you very much for believed in me. I was early to grow up early. The fact is that I started working from 17 years. To become a promoter, I faked a photocopy of a passport and added a year.It was physically, and emotionally hard. These experiences are now trying to throw out in my songs. I am sure that very many people were approximately the same situation.

Suit and belt - Strellson, Long Slot - Zara, Lofer - Louis Leeman.

I can not call myself a painka, but I also did not have a malicious hell. I am for peaceful ways to solve conflicts and almost never fought. I believe that a person should not show aggression in any situation. We must understand that only love will save the world. Even if you have a bad mood, you can go somewhere and shout, but with people you should always behave adequately. I do not know how I look at me, and I do not react to criticism. I always have eyes to the floor so as not to fall. From the scene I see that people are open to me and they like my creativity. I see an understanding of my music, my promise, with whom I go to the listener. Until I met only benevolent people.
Getting to the project "Voice of the country" did not immediately, only with the second attempt.Even then they did not want to take me: I came to the first editor, but he did not miss me for a look at the producers. It was late, people have already disengaged. Then I thought: "Now or never!" He turned to the administrator, he told her everything, she believed me and had a risk to her risk to producers. So everything started. Of course, this is fate, because I could just turn around and leave. But I felt that today I should have something to happen.
I had a lot of confusion and doubt. For example, in the student period of life. I understood what made a mistake by choosing not a creative profession. But I always believed that I could go to a big scene. I believe in fate and think that it was her presented me with people with whom I work now. For me, everyone decided the stars.
Composer Ruslan Kvinta, who wrote the song "Drunk Sun", is my musical producer. Ruslan has dreamed of Ruslan, and when he woke up, he immediately recorded her on the recorder. And I managed to feel her, she immediately smelled to my soul. But we wrote down this song for quite a long time. But the clip "Drunk Sun" was removed very quickly. Many thanks to the director Alan Badoev, he was a very good mentor and taught us a lot. When we shot a clip in a boat, there was a storm warning. And I lay in her with knitted hands and a missed mouth. There was a moment when we almost turned over, and I had already started to dislike from some documentaries Dolphin technique to pay. Then I started to wash through Scotch, and my Dubler says: "Coldly, Nikit? Be patient a little more. " And I think: "What is" cold "there, we will turn over!" Now I, of course, remember it with a laugh, but then it was scary.
Sweatshot - Asos, Glasses - Ray-Ban, Jeans -Asos, Sneakers - New Balance.

Once I was so raised to the record, which fell into the puddle, and I had to dry half an hour to get into the studio.I always sing live.

I do not want to judge anyone, everyone comes as it seems necessary. I just had such a vocal school since childhood, where everything was always fulfilled. I do not see anything unusual in this, for me it is in the order of things.Of course, a little sorry that in the show business, many are used to working under the phonogram. But this is only due to the fact that in our countries there is little good equipment that allows you to sing without a phonogram. I am sure that in the future everything will change, and more and more actors will sing truly. Of course, I am pleased with feminine attention.I am very glad that my music likes the public. And Many thanks to my mom for everything!

I easily tend to people.Not because I am so cunning, I just have experience with people and I can recognize the character of a person, for example, by voice. At the same time, I have a very narrow circle of communication. Probably because of my specific humor, few people understand it. With the arrival of fame, I became a tyrant! Just kidding, of course. I have a lot of work, but with my close and friends communicate the same way as always, and everything remains in their places. They support me and rejoice at my victories. I have no star disease.
First of all, we must love the creator, and then ourselves and their parents. Of course, there are people who have become a sample for me. I, like many vocalists, studied on the songs of Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, Robert Plant. But I do not have idols. I am a person who does not think about the future at all. The only thing I'm afraid is to do something wrong. But I do not think about what will happen in five years. It is important for me what will happen tomorrow.
In my free time, I try to develop and fill my spiritual world.Now, for example, a colleague gave me a task: I have to watch movies that received Oscar since the 50s. I watch movies, doing the analysis, then communicate with him. When there is a mood, I go dance with friends. And of course, I always try to give a family time.


Alekseev continues to delight his fans. Today he presented his new track "Dreams of Shards". About how the work was on the recording of this composition, the artist told in an interview with the first music.

- This track is a kind of recognition in the love girl. There are many motives from Indian culture, "Says Alekseev.

- Why is Indian? Was there recently?

"No, just the author of this work, Ruslan Quint, was inspired by his long stay in India and decided to embody these emotions in the song" Dreams of Shards ". He involved in the arrangement of the ancient Indian instrument - Sitar. What added a special color to this work.

- Is it a newly lyrical composition? Or did you decide to try something new, dance?

- Despite the fact that the song about the lyrical feelings and gusts of a person in love, she is dance. For me, this is a new direction. Singing only slow songs for several years I was not going.

- Are you not afraid that this will not like your listeners?

- Many mastic producers advised our team to walk the trotted path and sing three songs about the same in the mood to strengthen their audience. We seemed boring this path. I have a desire to express myself in different genres.

- So it can be a song in the style of rock?

- Everything can be. If I have it, I do not want to deny myself in this pleasure. I still show the listeners your musical opportunities.

- Did you write the lyrics on your own?

- The text was created in conjunction with the reference Lion, the author of many songs Ivan Dorna. The plot of the composition is built on the proposal of the hero of this work read it as a mantra of love. In the text, many words with Indian ancient mythology.

- Are you sure that fans will understand their meaning?

- Not sure. The most curious listeners will have to look for their meaning in Wikipedia, -laughing alekseev. - There will be a reason to expand the horizon. But the main line, marking the "Dreams of Shards", invented the poet Vitaly Kurovsky. Her chief sending is a guy to the girl: "I want, so I want your love to raise to the Sun."

- This song is somehow connected with your personal life?

- Certainly. I honestly tell the listeners about your feelings. When I'm in love, I really want to raise our relationship with your girlfriend to the sun.

- When to wait for the clip on this song?

Frank interview with Nikita Alekseev Viva at a 23-year-old handsome a whole army of fans departing after the concert of his dressing room ... Nikita is in demand and happy, but all this could not be, if at one time the mother of our hero would compromise and made a mistaken solution. .. - Nikita, I heard that Alekseev is a pseudonym, and your real name is different. N: My passport is the name of Alekseev, but it is not completely mine. My grandfather in the name Chumak took himself the name of Alekseev, after the soldier's front, with this surname, departed him from bullets. Since then, we are all Alekseev. I am sure that some kind of magic is in this name and many of my successes are connected with this story. - They say you are gripping. I flew to Kiev this morning, and at night you have another flight. Well, at least not at the airport we meet. N: Yes, it happens. Unfortunately, I rarely began to be in Kiev, but fortunately, a lot of work. Over the past three or four months I had about 50 concerts. - Where do you stand? N: in Ukraine, Estonia, Moldova, Israel ... I visited all CIS countries. - There are differences in the reaction of Estonia Hall from, for example, Israel? N: The girls arrive at my concerts, so warm welcome everywhere. I do not even know what it is connected with. Maybe I get to get to their hearts, and maybe there is some special energy exchange between us ... - Nikita, maybe you can reach the hearts to reach, but don't you think that such a warm reception of the virgin audience you Is obliged first of all his appearance? You understand that handsome? N: (laughs) For this, I, of course, grateful to my mother, I have the most beautiful. Thank you so much for making me girls. But without a good song, without music, able to awaken emotion, nothing would have happened. No appearance here will help. Whatever it was, but people know and love artists not only for beautiful eyes. There must be more than more. Sometimes in the comments, I read very sincere words ... it costs dear when people believe you. It helps a lot in achieving the goals set by him. - And what, Nikita, do you have the highest goal? What do you see the top of your creative path? H: She's so far that I do not have enough notes to reach it. - Too abstract. Let's specifically: Grammy, World Tour, 10 Platinum Albums? N: and "Grammy", and the world tour, and large stadiums - all this is my dream. From early childhood, I represented how I go to a big scene and people squeeze me. - What songs are you sang in front of a mirror with my mother's hairdryer? N: I grew up in Western music: Queen, Led Zeppelin, from pop music: Michael Jackson, Timberlake, George Michael. Another question is how in my children's performance it sounded. I tried very hard, I was engaged in a teacher. There was one song that I taught four months. As a result, I still mastered her. It was Lenny Kravitz. - And you have enough patience? N: I was brought up in such a way that you need to go to my goal, it is impossible to stop. Perhaps this hardening remained since more times when I was engaged in tennis. Sport significantly affected my character. After all, sometimes the party in tennis can last three or four hours. My personal record - one and a half hours, I was engaged at the amateur level. But believe me, it was very hard, because tennis is a non-smoked game, mostly everything depends on you, from the soloist. It is very powerful, huge tension - and physical and psycho-emotional. But you bring up a sports spirit, excerpt. - Listen, you love you not only gave birth to a handsome man, but also provided you with a luxurious education - tennis, vocal lessons ... You did not do horse riding and fencing? N: (laughs) No. I was completely enough for me. - And who is your mother? H: She is a beautician. - That is, everything that earned, invested in his beloved son. Not in vain at your solo concert in Kiev, you from the scene so much warm words addressed mom. N: So there is. I will always remember that good that she did for me, keep the heat that she gave me in childhood. This is a man who devoted his whole life to me, so for me the worst. I must say that not only Mom played an important role in my fate. This is my aunt - Mine sister. It so happened that she has no children, and it treats me like a son. I also call her mom. So I have two moms in life and two in show business. - Who are your parents in show business? N: This is Ani Lorak, who has pressed the fateful button on the project "Voice of Kraiba". She only believed in me from four coaches, and I will always remember this. Well, and Irina Bilyk, whose song "And I swim", chatting me, strengthened the faith in me in what I can become a famous singer. I am sure that these two points have become decisive in my life. If I did not go to this project and then did not sleep this song, I would start with music. It was a period of doubt, and I finished the university. - What is the specialty? N: marketer. I never stopped making music, played in a student group. But I began to understand that I would not care about two hares and still need to decide what is my way - music or marketing? - I would sit now in the office ... n: Yes, so it would be. Although I can not imagine myself in this area. Of course, I would work, perhaps, would become a professional, but a happy person - no. I have something to compare with. When I went free listener to the Institute of Culture on the specialty of the director's director, I realized that I got into my element - acting skills, the basis of the director ... When I was really interested to listen to, watch, watch, experiment, I understood what kind of lectures I made a mistake, deciding to study on the marketer. Then I thought that in my hands there should be a real profession that there would be no applied formation. It was self-deception, as it turned out, misleading. I suffered a year, two, three. For the fourth year, I already bother with the fact that you have to work by the marketer. Was sad. I walked on the "voice of the kiev", realizing that I had to get an answer to my question - what's next? And in fact, Carolina replied, showed me the world of show business, in which I fell in love and so I grabbed it, that I could not open me. - Whether you have such an opportunity, would you change something in your destiny? H: No. First, at the university I met the guys with whom we created a music group. It was my creative family, the only joy at that time in life. After couple, I immediately ran to the rehearsal and spent all my time there. With the guys, I was very grew in a professional plan and in spiritual. I believe in fate and understand that everything in this world is no coincidence. Never regret anything. Any error is allowed so that later a person can analyze it and draw conclusions. Just so acquired experience. I would not change anything in life. - Tell me about your happiest moments in life? When did you understand what is absolutely happy? About the "voice" I already understood. N: When, being another child, I learned one of the first songs and did it either at school, or in the camp. Seeing that people liked it, I got such a portion of adrenaline! - You tell you about creativity. And if about something material? The child is happy when he is buying the first phone or tablet, bike, sneakers. You had such moments that you got what I had long dreamed of? N: Of course, it was a bicycle, which I was very waiting, and he was tired of me two days later (laughs) - Are you a material person? Are you important things? Rider? Comfort? N: Recently, the administrator did a new rider and asked what I would like? I say: "pistachios". She laughs: "And that's all that will make you happy?" In fact, I can not eat them before the performance. And after the speech, there are no longer - the guys eat, the team is big. And so I don't need anything more, I have everything. - What other victims have to go for the sake of star status? N: My career was so rapidly started that from the subway I had to cross the planes right away. To this it was necessary to get used very quickly. What are the "deprivation"? It was forced to refuse chocolate after twelve, and it is very hard for me. Also, I can no longer afford to sleep an extra hour. Unfortunately, recently it rarely see with relatives, but again, we all understand that such a way of life is good. I talked about the fact that there are posts in front of loved ones. And all that happens to me, for the benefit of my professional becoming. - Do you remember your first earnings? What was he received for? N: For singing. I was 12 years old, I performed within the Open Air, on which Hedliner was Alena Vinnitskaya. I performed a couple of world hits Queen, Scorpions. I remember I praised Alexey big, said that for a 12-year-old boy, I perfectly coped with such an adult repertoire. This compliment was very picky by me, became determining in the desire to continue vocal training. I paid 50 or 100 euros per speech. But I did not spend them - my mother said that the first fee should remain in memory, and hid them somewhere in the book. Perhaps they are still stored in the home library. - Do you like to spend money? H: Yes, I am terrible trains. I do not know how to save. I went to the aunt. Mom is crushing that I descend money and do not know how to postpone them. And I honestly, I never bother about this. In the student, it happened, I will get some kind of money for a song in karaoke or for part-time by the operator in the number - and immediately with a girl or friends I go to the nightclub. All the way and all week again I go without money: I sit at home, I read, listen to music. I know for sure: the more you spend, the more you come to you. - Are you friends with mom? H: Yes. This is a very close person to me. I probably say a lot in an interview about this. But all because she, though, made a person from me. She devoted my life to me. - Mom tried to do everything so that you could not feel deprived. After all, you grew up without a father. Sorry if I touched the topic painful for you. H: Nothing terrible. My story is the most common. This is quite accurate. I do not know my father. He did not want a child, refused me before my birth. We are not familiar, but maybe I will once be able to talk with him. At least I really want it. And absolutely not offended by him. I have no anger, negative, hatred. Everything happened as it should have happened. I know that he lives not here - abroad, he has a family and two twin children. So I have two brothers. I really want to meet the guys, I wonder with them to communicate. Mom says I am very similar to my father. I want to look at them. Honestly, perhaps I found them in Facebook. I know their names and surnames. True, I probably can't say, whether they are. And I'm not sure that the right moment came to get acquainted with them. - He gone when it became known that mom is pregnant with you? N: He did not want a child, insisted that mom makes an abortion. "I am sure, he knows that such a wonderful guy will be born, everything would be different. N: It was Mamino's decision. She did not accept the Father's ultimatum: or he or a child. They quarreled on this soil, and the father left. And soon I moved abroad at all. Somehow once I met with a good friend of my father, he met me very warmly! And he said: "If his father saw you now, wanted to change everything." This man suggested help me so that I spoke on the phone with my father. But I was 15 years old, and I was not ready for communication. Complex age. It is unlikely that I could normally talk to him. I am not sure that I will be able to properly build a dialogue. This should happen spontaneously. - Mom with him communicated all these years? N: She called him one day when I was a teenager. In the material plan, we were hard, there was not enough money, and my mother asked her father to help, he had a sufficiently secured person, a successful doctor, he had his own business. But he refused. Said: "You had a chance that everything was fine, you did not use it. Now decide your problems myself." That is, he did not feel sorry for money, it was simply the question of the principle - to punish mom for inconsistency. - I know that all childhood you spent in Spain. How did you get there? N: In Spain, I lived from 3 years of age. It was the initiative of aunt who wanted me to know the language. And indeed, in Spanish, I spoke on my own. After all, in one of the arrival I lived in Spain for eight months. For several years in a row I was sent to the same family. They did not have their children, and they were treated as native there. At some point, they wanted to leave me. Mom called, said that they loved me, they urged that I would be better from them, because it is difficult for her to raise a child. Yes, I also poured oil into the fire: once again flew to Kiev and began to darid that I wanted back. Right in Borispol stated that it is bad and I will gladly come back to Spain. Mom burst out, very badly quarreled with aunt. After all, it was her idea so I traveled to Spain to learn the language. In short, one day I did not fly anywhere - my mother broke out any communication with the Spanish family. But again: everything happens as it should happen. It was destined to be born - I was born. It is destined to stay in Ukraine - and I am here. How to know what would happen to me if at one time mom took a completely different solution ... but I understand the price of this chance and even more appreciate all the benefits that I get from life today. I am ready to fight every second for myself, your loved ones and friends and thank every day for what he has come.

Singer Nikita Alekseev, famous for the alekseev's pseudonym, is the perfect new hero of the musical world.

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

He is young, talented and is good. And ambitious and confident. The song "Drunk Sun", which now hits records in Russian and foreign charts, brought a guy to a deafening popularity, but the success of him came not himself.

Nikita Alekseev comes from Kiev. He is 22 years old, he is seriously engaged in music. In 2014, Nikita became a member of the Ukrainian show "Voice of the country. Reboot, "where his mentor was Ani Lorak. Alekseev did not reach the final, but in just six months after the project, the song "Drunk Sun" strongly expanded the boundaries of his fame. We met with Nikita to one of his recent arrival in Moscow. Each minute of the singer's stay in the Russian capital was on the account: shooting, ethers, interviews. However, he did not look tired, on the contrary, it was noticeable that Nikita had a tremendous pleasure.

Nikita, I have been interviewed for more than ten years and, I confess, for the first time during this time I communicate with the artist in the presence of His producer and PR manager.

They just like our table. Want, will you defeat them if they are confused? ( Laugh.)

If they promise not to answer you for questions, they do not embarrass me.

No, there will be no total control, do not worry.

Your song "Drunk Sun" fell in Tor-100 world charts. It rarely succeeds even by our eminent performers. Did you predict a similar success, or so the stars agreed?

Is it possible to predict success? Probably, we have happened by randomly, and maybe because we just did not predict anything, but simply did this song from the soul, like everything you do. We get great pleasure from our work, laid out at the maximum, and we do not think about what place in the charts will take the song if it will fall into the world chart and what it is necessary to make it specially. We sincerely want to create, and this sincerity helps us.

Who are "we? We are Nikita Alekseev?!

We are Nikita Alekseev, my producer, director-producer of large-scale show Oleg Bodnarchuk, with whom we met at the competition "Voice of the country. Reboot ", and my musical producer, composer Ruslan Quinta, author of the music for the song" Drunk Sun ".

To sincerely fulfill this song, pass pain so that you need a certain emotional experience. Are you in love?

As a child, I was in love and always fell in love as the last time. If the girls did not answer me, I closed at home, he listened to sad songs, he composed them himself, recorded on the recorder, then showed these girls in the hope that they would understand how I suffer ... Recently, these girls gathered together, recorded "drunk sun" and sent Me with the signature "Nikita, I'm sorry." ( Laugh.)

Bite elbows. Listen, the video on the song "Drunk Sun" ends with the phrase "Every time you throw me, must kill yourself to live on." Your experience is much more serious than telling you now. Is this song dedicated to a specific girl?

Yes, I had a favorite girl with which we met for quite a long time - From seventeen years. In some sense, we grew together. I wanted to be next to her further, I saw support in it, support, but she was not ready to share the new circumstances of my life with me. We were going to spend a romantic weekend in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut he ended with our parting. She needed more attention, and at that time I had already started tightly engage in a musical career, it happened immediately after the competition ... I had to let her go. Now I understand that it was the right decision, because today I have a much less free time than then. "Drunk Sun" was recorded immediately after our parting, and, probably, therefore the song turned out to be so dusty.

Your girl is difficult to blame: she did not subscribe to your popularity. Have you been ready for new circumstances in your life?

I was ready for this one hundred percent, because for a long time it was going to do this. I sing from ten years. Every time she went to bed, represented the stage, the public ... Of course, I did not understand what kind of work is behind a beautiful picture, what experiences, but I wanted to stand insanely on stage.

Tell me, when did you understand what matured: after parting with your beloved or before?

I think that was still before - seventeen years, when I had to earn money to help the family. Who I just did not work. He began in the retail trade of alcohol, for which I even had to lift a little with the documents to hide my true age. Then he worked as an operator of the call-center, sold satellite antennas. It was extremely useful experience: there I learned to communicate with people. But the work in the karaoke bar turned to me into hell: the song "Wallowing Vodka on the table" I still dreamed of at night. ( Laugh.) Then I settled in the call-center again, but already in the banking structure.

Did you study at this time?

Yes. On the marketer. We had to work before couples, and always when it was free time. I also managed to rehearsals. Of course, terribly stuck and tired emotionally and physically. At the same time I had a difficult period when I stopped believing in my talent, disappointed in myself. I didn't hit the "Voice of the Country" from the first time, I first dropped me at all. Probably, then I was just not ready.

And why did you decide that you can not become a musician, and the marketer is obliged?

(Laugh.) It was a period when I was looking for myself. It seemed to me that music was not mine. Therefore, I chose a profession, which seemed to me will help me earn, keep in the future family. After about six months, I realized that I was wrong.

But did the diploma receive?

Yes, I received. I just got acquainted with the guys with whom we created our rock band. And it was my intense. In the afternoon I studied and worked, and in the evenings I was engaged in music. Recently I was looking for some kind of document and found my diploma - in two years I never got it. The next time, probably, I will take it in hand, when I will show my children with the words: "I have a diploma, it means that you also have to be."

How many times have you tried to contest "Voice of the country"?

Two years after the first failure, I came to break through this time to producers, bypassing the editors that participants were selected at the initial stage. Frankly, there were people who did not understand anything in music at all. "You have a weak member", - I told me one editor girl, remembering my first failure. But I managed to convince her. When she asked how many songs I prepared for listening, I replied that thirty-five, and then she was on her fear and risk sent me further. And already there were people who appreciated my talent.

Tell me, who opened talent in you? Who said he has it?

The first, probably, my love for music was noticed by parents: Mom took me to a steep vocal teacher. We were told that if I had a talent, then the teacher would work with me, and if not, it doesn't matter how much we will pay him. But parents especially could not fork. On listening, I performed the "black boomer", to which he said that he was taken away, but the "black boomer" eradicate. ( Laugh.) It is necessary to give him due: he not only engaged in vocals with me, but let me listen to different discs, disassembled songs with me, taught them to understand, feel.

Nikita, to a conversation about competitions. From the editors of projects like "voice," I know the stories when people come to the selection, absolutely confident in their talent, but not having any idea of \u200b\u200bsolfeggio. And even without hearing.

Different people come. I have a hearing, thank God, everything is fine, but I did not learn Solfeggio in my time. I regret it very much, because it is the base. I can sing without it, although there are some difficulties here, but most importantly, I can not write without it. While I position myself exclusively as an artist, but I also want to write my music - it seems to me that I have something to say.

So now you, what is called, again sat down at the desk?

And it's never too late. How much I do vocals, the classes have never stopped. Wash the skills need all the time. Talent is ten percent of success. The rest is persistence and work on yourself.

Almost sports motto. Have you never been involved in sports?

Engaged in childhood. Tennis. Five years.

Why did you leave the sport?

I had to choose between music and tennis, because my mentors - and the teacher on vocal, and coach - Required big results, since they predicted to me a big future. It was necessary all the time to devote to something alone. Tennis is not a teamwater sport, it all depends on you. He raises the Fighting Spirit, there are really very serious loads. If I'm not mistaken, record - Five hours of continuous game. I am grateful to tennis for the fact that he has developed endurance, strategic thinking and rhythm, who was then very useful to me in music.

Tell me, did you decide that you need to leave tennis and make music? Parents normally reacted to this?

Parents never imposed anything to me. Any choice in your life I did myself. Could, of course, say, they say, she was doing five years, so much money was spent, and suddenly you decided to quit everything. But they supported my decision, and I am very grateful for it.

What do your parents do who they areby profession?

They are doctors.

And you never wanted to go to some chemical biological class?

No, I do not even carry blood type. And I repeat: I was always given complete freedom of action. Parents did not dissuade me, even when, at seventeen, I decided to study on the marketer, and did not enroll in Gliera (Kiev State Higher Music School named after R. M. Gliera. - Approx. OK!) or in a conservatory. It was important for them to get a higher education. And what - I chose yourself.

Carolina (real name Ani Lorak - Approx. OK!) One click of the button has changed my destiny. She only believed in me. And it did it on my first strong note. During the project, Carolina gave me a lot of professional advice, but one of her advice I will try to remember always. On the set of my first video, which she gave me, was the moment, which in the end did not enter the video: I was worn in my hands and twisted. Carolina after this scene approached me and said: "Nikita, remember, the ovation does not mean anything yet. You need to develop and work on yourself, because today you are worn on your hands, and tomorrow you can be needed to be anyone. "

Nikita, in show business, pretty tough rules of the game, it is not a secret. What are you ready for your success and what is not ready for?

Not ready to play naked for the magazine. (Laughs.) And ready to work a lot. It seems to me that this is the most important thing.

And if tomorrow some wealthy person will offer you his patronage?

Now they ask a lot about it, because Philip Kirkorov wrote about my blog in Instagram. Everyone ask a question: "But if he proposes you cooperation?" I am definitely pleased that a person noted me such a magnitude, but this does not mean that at the first opportunity I brag the people who believed me, who did so much so that I now give you an interview. As far as I know myself, I am not capable of betrayal.

But the contract is not necessarily divorced, he will ever end.

We have a contract for forty years - while death will not give us. Joke. (Laughs.)

Last week I got your mini-album, and when to wait a full-fledged disk?

Eighteenth May, on my birthday, we plan to release a full-fledged plate with new and already famous songs. We have a grand idea to invite all my friends to the concert, my teachers, all familiar, relatives. I want to say thank you all, thank everyone for what helped me was there. I am sure that it will be great. True, you need a lot to finish, there are still a lot of sleepless nights ...

Makeup and hairstyle: Svetlana Benechenko