E ticheeva. Soviet composers - Children

E ticheeva. Soviet composers - Children

Software content.Teach children to coordinate movements with the nature and form of programmatic works; expressively embody the images of the game.

Tasks.Improve music perception skills; Educating attention, exposure, orientation in space, develop creative activity.

But once arrived in the forest of beasts to catch animals for the zoo. They arranged the beasts their camp on the edge and carefully entered the forest. They go through the forest, stop, to the rustling of forests listened. I went to the very trap and lay down in the bushes. And in the forest quietly. Only the cuckoo is dug, and poultry is twitched. But came from the beggar of their bears. They go through the forest, roll over. The bushes approached ... They jumped here the deft hormones from the bushes, threw large networks on the bears and they caught them all. We sent the bears to your camp, and they themselves hid again. Again the silence has come.

Suddenly the wolves jumped out of the thicket. They crossed the Polyana with big jumps, stopped and pulled out. Sung beasts from bushes and wolves of all caught. They were also sent to the camp, and themselves again in the bushes were hidden near the beautiful glade. Long they were waiting. The forest was quietly quiet. But the bunnies jumped into the glade. They circled on green grass and turned out to be very close to bushes. And the beasts are already here. All bunnies caught and led to their camp. There, the beasts planted all animals in the cells, loaded the cells on a large truck and were taken to the zoo. "

Method for learning.At the first lesson, children listen to a figurative story and music for the game. The distribution of roles is carried out at the desire of children (all the characters movement are tested in advanced exercises). The teacher monitors the course of the game without stopping it. After completing the game gives an explanation and again holds the game. If there are inaccuracies in the actions of children, in subsequent classes, the teacher reappears a number of figurative exercises. In the future, when improving the game, you can go a figurative story with listening to music, use musical riddles, the story of the plot is one of the children, the execution of the game in subgroups (artists - viewers) with the assessment of movements by comrades. An intertwined game is recommended to use as a performance, including it in the script of the evening of leisure or holiday.

Ticheeva E. N.

Elena Nikolaevna (r. 4 (17) XI 1909, Moscow) - owls. composer. CHL CPSU since 1952. In 1937 he graduated from Moscow. Conservatory according to the class of composition at A. N. Alexandrov (previously engaged in R. M. Gliera). In 1937-41 and 1943-47 taught music. Accessory them. M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanova in Moscow, in 1941-43 - in Tomsk Muses. Accessories. Advantages. Attention in creativity pays music for children. The author of a variety of songs and the content of songs and choirs for children of school and pre-school ages. Many of her mod. Firmly entered the repertoire of children's choir. collectives, numerous. Radio station with Music T. am Sat. "Play with us" (M., 1954). An important methodology. Material for musical education. Works are sat. T. "Little Songs" (1961, 1968), as well as songs placed in SB "Music Cover" (M., 1961, 1973) and "School of Choral Singing" (Vol. 1-2, M., 1966 -71, Vol. 1, 1973).
Works : for soloists, choir and orc. - Oratorio of the memory of the dead heroes (S. S. I. Closej, 1942), cantata (for children) thanks, native country (L. L. V. Nekrasova, 1959), Lenin (Sl. M. I. I. Ivensen, 1960) , Pioneer salute heroes (Sl. Ya. A. Khaletsky, 1974); For Orc. - Symphony (1937); Chamber instant Ensembly - Sonata (1938) and plays (for children) for the TCR. and FP., Strings. quartets (1946, 1956); Rooms (A Cappella) Motherland (1976), evening song (1978), you are beautiful, the fields of the Earth of the Native (Sl. M. Yu. Lermontova, 1979), Choir with FP., Including on S. S. A. Yesenin; For voice and orc. - New Year's songs (Sl. E. F. Trutneva, 1949); For voice and FP. - Romances to the words Rus. and owls. poets, song cycles for children, including about spring (Sl. A. A. Kardashova and N. P. Foundedovova, 1945), Mishin day at the cottage (words of T., 1946), Rainbow (words People, 1948 ), Winter (L. L. V. Nekrasova, 1947), calendar (S. S. Ya. Marshak, 1947), our day (People's words, 1953); Music to the dram. performances, radio stations. Literature : Karysheva T., creativity dedicated to children, "MZH", 1969, NO 20; Her, Elena Nikolaevna Tychyeva, in Sat.: They write for children, no. 1, M., 1975; Viktorov V., Art of Elena Nikolaevna Tilicheeva, "Preschool Education", 1978, NO 3. T. I. Karysheva.

Music encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, Soviet composer. Ed. Yu. V. Keldysh. 1973-1982 .

Watch what is "Ticheeva E. N." in other dictionaries:

    Rod. November 17, 1909 in Moscow. Composer. In 1937 he graduated from Moscow. Cons. on cl. Compositions A. N. Alexandrova. Teacher music. Schools of Tagansky r at Moscow (1937 1941) and music. School of school. M. M. Ipolitov Ivanova (1937 1946). Op.: Oratorio ... ...

    - (Rod. 1888) A modern composer who experienced the influence of Tchaikovsky, then Debussy, Metric and a partly of Scriabin. Until 1924 published over 20 covers of its writings (string quartet, romances, plays for piano, including 5 sonatas). Alexandrov, ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Andrey Yakovlevich Abolin Latvian. Andreis āboliņš ... Wikipedia

    It took from the old nobility. Having entered in 1795 to the Page Corps, he was released from the chambers of the Fajes to the corneets of the Alexandrian Gusar Regiment, and on August 21, the same year was translated, with the rank of ensign, ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (5.3.1803 28.6.1867). Michman GW. crew. Brought up in the maritime cadet. Corp., where 25.6.1812, Gardemaryan 23.6.1817, Unter Officer 16.2.1820, was produced in Michman and defined in 1 FL. Crew 23.2.1820, translated into GW. Crew 15.3.1823, ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (25.3.1796 1870 or 1871). Returning captain, former adjutant led. kn. Konstantina Pavlovich. Father Stats Secretary, Poet Yuri Alexandrovich Nelocesky Meltssky (6.9.1752 13.2.1829), Mother Prince. Ek. Nick. Khovanian. Army Unter Officer (1812), ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Anatoly Nikolaevich (p. 13 (25) V 1888, Moscow) Soviet composer, pianist, teacher. Nar. art. USSR (1971). Doctor of Art History (1941). He was engaged in the theory of music in N. S. Zhilyeva and S. I. Taneyev (1907 10), in 1916 he graduated from Moscow. ... ... Music encyclopedia

    Music designed for hearing or execution by children. Its best samples are characterized by concreteness, alive poetic. content, figurativeness, simplicity and clarity of the form. Instrumental D. M. Property, elements ... ... Music encyclopedia

    Nikolai Pavlovich Tilicheev (1810 (1810) after 1850) Director of the Demidov Lyceum in Yaroslavl in 1848 1850. Biography was born in 1810; It came from the nobles of the Tula province. Education got homemade. In 1827 ... ... Wikipedia


the formation of rhythmic walking skill, the development of auditory attention, the ability to start and finish moving to the music.

1. Started legs - TOP, TOP, TOP!

Well, more fun - top, top, top.

That's how we can - Top, Top, Top.

2. Started legs - Top, TOP, TOP!

Right along the track - top, top, top.

Shop boots - top, top, top.

It is puffy legs - top, top, top.

For the singing of the teacher, children are marching around the room and at the end of music stop - stop.

2 . Holder

On the melody of the Russian folk song "I went on a slide"


This exercise contributes to the establishment of warm, trusting relationships between the educator and the child.

1. Give my palm, my tiny,

I will stroke you on my palm.

2. on - palm, my tiny,

You push me on my palm.

The teacher suggests showing his palms, children stretch them out. The tutor on the first verse strokes the palms of children with two hands, and on the second verse pulls his palms to children, and they stroke. We must have time to greet all children!

3. Yes, yes yes!

Words of Yu. Ostrovsky, Music E. Tilseeva

The exercise develops auditory care in children, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm.

1. We are clapped with handles - yes yes yes!

We tray with legs - yes yes yes!

2. Feel the handles - yes yes yes yes!

Punning with legs - yes yes yes!

Children perform movements in the text, the conclusion is running and squatted.

Words I. Ploky, music T. Lomova

Exercise develops coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm. It helps to increase the emotional tone, creating a good mood.

1. Where, where are our legs, Children are squatting,

Where are our legs? grasing his knees.

Where, where are our legs -

There is no our legs.

Here, here are our legs, Get up and put on legs.

That's where our legs!

Dance, our legs dance,

We dance our legs.

2. Where, where are our handles, Hiding handles behind the back.

Where are our pens?

Where, where are our handles -

There is no our handles.

Here, here are our hands, Show pens

In-of our handles, rotating brushes.

Dance, dance our hands,

Dance our pens!

3. Where, where are our kids - Close your eyes with palms.

Where are our kids?

Where, where are our kids -

There is no our kids.

Here, here are our kids, Open eyes

In - from our kids! caught by I.

Plyashug, Plyashug Our kids, clap your hands.

Little babes!

5. Chek yes chock!

Words and music by E. Makshantseva

Exercise forms elementary dance skills in babies, expands their motor experience, develops the ability to coordinate movements with music.

1. Chek Yes Chek - children dance. Put legs


Chok yes chok - kids dancing,

Exhibiting a heel.

Chorus: Our children ran Children run in a circle

Faster and faster for each other.

Our children dug out

Veleering, fun!

2. Floating and clap - children dance. Children chlo in your hands

Floating and clap - went to dance, two cotton on the right and left.

Floating and clap - kids dancing,

Very fun with us!


3. Sat our children, Children make semi-mans

Sat a friendly enemy. pens on belt.

Sat our children -

That's how you have fun!

Chorus. Children run in a circle each other.

4. Chek Yes Chek - children dance. Repeat movement

Children squeeze the educator.

Near the Christmas tree Green

Hanging fun crows:


Because of the crust,

Very loudly broke up:



Friend friend - Sparrow

Bread was taken from pigeons.

Ate the hill all before the crumb,

And on dinner there will be midges.

Browse, children, groove.

The game "The bird flew" (p. 10)

Educator. Duckling has the most cheerful friend - a kitten. (Shows Kitten.)

In the house all flies upside down -

The cat is played with a ball.

Rest then slightly -

Drills the bowl of milk.

Educator. Another friend of Duckling is a mouse. (Shows a mouse.)

Mouse, know everything for a long time,

Eats and crumbs, and grain.

But it is known for the whole world

How mies like cheese.

Mouses play with a kitten.

Game "Kot.and mice "(see Appendix, p. 112)

Educator. But as soon as the rain starts to go, duckling and his friends rush home.

Game "Sunnyand rain "(p. 20)

Educator. That's how much friends have a duckling. Let's call them.

The tutor shows toys, children call them.

Lesson 9.


Toys: cat, kitten, squirrel.

The educator shows toy cats.

Educator. Look, guys who came to us today. (Strokes cat.)

Quotes-Kotok -

Serious pubis.

Teas of Vasya and Chiter,

Spare paws,

Oster marigolds.

Vazutki ears a bit,

Mustache long,

Silk coat.

Caress cat, wound up,

The tail is wisers

Eyes closes

Singo sings.

K. Ushinsky

We are also a cat in Song.

Song "Cotten" (see Appendix, p. 111)

Educator. Cat Vasily has little guys - gray kittens. (Shows Kitten.)

Kittens, kittens,

Small guys!

And who is your bigger?

And who is you smaller?

We are all growing,

We will go behind mice.

Russian folk pita

Send kittens to seek mice. Senior kittens went large steps, and small kittens are small.

Exercise "Feet and legs" (p. 15)

Educator. The mouses heard the big kittens to the windy, and everyone was hugged. Met kittens Duckling. (Shows Duckling.) He treated them to fish.

Educator. Cat Vasily began to teach kittens catching mice. He ordered them to walk sickly, so as not to refuse the mouse.

You get, mouse - do not proceed!

The eyes are big

Paws that steel,

Teeth are curves

Claws prom!

K. Ushinsky

Educator. He learned the kittens of mice to catch up, and went with a cat for a walk. On the edge of the forest, they saw surrendered squirrels, who jumped from the branch to the branch. (Shows the protein.)

Exercise "Squirrels" (p. 24)

Educator. Squirs taught kittens to dance.

Educator. Kittens danced all day. The rain began, and the kittens ran home.

Do not go in the rain,

Do not wet your paws.

Smear home will go

And put on sneakers,

Warm slippers

On feline paws.

Song "Rain" (see Appendix, p. 107) Children overlook the hall, imitating the movements of the cat.

Lesson 10.

Cat Vasily


Toys: cat, mouse, baby in a cradle; drum for each child; Recording a lullaby song.

The educator shows a cat-toy and leads a dialogue with him.

Educator. Hello, Vassenka! Cat. Meow!

Educator. Go here, my good, my handsome. (Strokes the cat.) We are talking about you now SPOO.

Song "Cotten" (see Appendix, p. 111)

The teacher refers to the poem "Cat Vasily" A. Krylov.

Cat Vasily, where have you been?

I walked mice ...

Why are you in sour cream?

Because I was in Chulana ...

Long was there?

Half an hour...

So what's there?


And where does the sour cream?

Answer without cheating

Tell us as soon as

How did you catch mice there.

I sat there near the kvass ...

Snuff fried meat

Just looked at cottage cheese -

I see a mouse on the threshold!

I am behind the mouse in the Chulana

And stumbled upon sour cream,

Caped for a bag.

Overturned the pot,

Salo fell on me ...

Where is the mouse?

Ran away ...

Game "Kot. and mice "(see Appendix, p. 112)

The tutor shows a mouse. Educator


And got drum

Play - tram-there-there!


We are not afraid of a cat!

We are cat-scorch

Finish per gate.

Russian folk pita

« March "E. Tilseeva (Collection" Music and Movement ", p. 23)

Educator. Cat Vasily dissatisfied that mice laugh over him. But the hostess found him a job.

You, Kottenka-Kotka,

Cat, sulfur lobok,

Come, cat, spend the night,

My baby is swing.

I love you, cat,

For work I will pay:

Dame Jug Moloka

And a piece of cake.

Russian lullaby song

Kitty and says: "First, let the milk drink and treat the pupbry." Half the mistress for Vasily Pyshki.

Finger game "Push"


You eat, not crumbs,

More, cat, do not ask.

I attempted the cat and began to swing the cradle, sing a song to the baby.

Song with movements "Lullaby"

Educator. He sleeps baby. Curled the cat with a glomerulus and threatened. And we will rest with you.

Children lay on the carpet, close their eyes and rest under the sound of a lullaby (the cassette "Lullaby"). Then they sit down, sway, get up and calmly leave the hall.

Lesson 11.

Cat and cat


Toys: cat, cat, duckling; drum for each child; Record the lullaby melody.

The teacher plays the drum.


Shields in arms,

Bay on the skin on the sides.

"Tram Taram Ban Bang!" -

The drum will respond.

"March" E. Tilicheva (p. 30)



The drum will tell us

About cat cat

About Timoshko-Vocotte.

Song "Cotten" (see Appendix, p. 111)

The educator leads a dialogue with a toy.


Cat, cat, cute cat,

Cat - velvet tummy,

Munty paws,

Claws - scratches.

Want, cat, milk?

And sour cream, cottage cheese?

Maslian foiled?

Meow! Meow!

Sala of unsalted?

Meow! Meow!

Call the chopper's seafood cat?

Moore! Moore! Moore!

And the dog-lever?

Chur! Chur! Chur!

A. Bogdarin

Does not want a cat to play with a dog. She barks loudly, the cat scares. Better our kitten will play with mice. A cat pretended to sleep. Mouses immediately ran out of mink.

Mice water dance. On the laying a dreaming cat.

Hush, mouse, do not make sure! Cat Vaska will not be.

How will the gray cat wake up

Breaks your dance!

Moved the ears cat -

And all the rounds disappeared.

Russian folk pita

"Cat and Mouse" game (see Appendix, p. 112)

Educator. The cat raided, played out, came ran to the guys and asks:

Meow meow! Tick!

Meow meow! HOW!


Give a little!

We are not greedy. Kushi, cat, pyshki, treat!

Educator. Catched, still became more painted. Gathered on a visit to his familiar kitty.

In TiMoshi, at the cat

Cap with fur at least where.

Shub striped,

Morcling pretty.

Fucked satin tail,

Hail to visit the Moir.

(Shows the toy cat.)

And Miru East ears,

Hat with a bow on the painter,

Drip mustache

Towels tiny.

Mura will help her mouth,

Timosh cat goes to her.


Go along the road

Past pigs by chickens

And talk: "Mur-Moore ..."

Children, who went to visit the cat? Children answer.

Duckling saw cats and kitty walk along the path, and was very surprised. (Shows Duckling.)

Finger game "Duckling" (p. 23)

Educator. Duckling loved to dance very much. He invited the cat and porch with him.

Tops tops, paws,

Munty slippers.

Potted cat and dance cat.

Wear, Baby, A little!

Dance "Merry Dance" (see Appendix, p. 113)


Very fun danced,

But everyone is tired of dancers.

Seen, it is necessary to rest.

We will, children, hard to sleep.

Children lay on his back on the carpet, close their eyes and rest under the sound of any lullaby melody. Educator Against the background of music reads a poem.

Dorming the tail, dorms the paws,

Sleep, my kitty, on the shop.

You will purr in your ear

So as not to dream wolf and owl,

So that the mouses do not scraper,

So that the ships dreamed,

Fabulous, bright

Ships with gifts.

Rested, borrowed, and then the guys got up.

Educator. Look, children, cat sleeps. Let's go quietly so that he does not wake up.

Children quietly leave the hall.

Lesson 12.

Ducks - White breasts based on poem 3. Alexandrova


Two or three toy openers; drum for each child; Record voice duck.

Educator. Ends fall. It's cold outside. Falls first snow.

Pooh with movements "Snow drops"

Snow drops, Raise hands up and
White chill slowly omit them, de
And snowflakes fly on the track. Laya soft brummers
My dear friend Stretch forward one
Little friend hand, then another.
Substitut rather than you palm. Rotate hands hands.
Let the snow flies
Let the snow flies
In the air spins and flies, Pull hands forward and
And how on palm
Ours will fall Turn the palm of T.
up, then down.
Immediately that snowball melts. Press palm to each other
Friend on the last word.


Snow sprinkled in November,

So everything is in order.

There will be a slide in the yard,

Take out the blades.

E. Avdinko

We will show what we will do in the winter.

Pooh with movements "Snow House"

Educator. Look at what kind of house we blind from the snow. (Plays on the drum.)

Drum drum:

"Come, guests, to us!"

« March "E. Tilseeva (p. 30) Educator

Came ducks -

Whiten breasts.

Ducks on the snow

On high sacks,

Serious ducks

Whiten breasts.

Finger game "Duckling" (p. 23)

3. Alexandrov

Dance " Cheerful dance "(see Appendix, p. 113)


He worked dance,

Slim ice broke.

Duck duck in the pond -

Whiten breasts!

Sweep duck to our ice house. Let's feed the ducks with dushes-pellets.

Treat ducks -

Whiten breasts.

Fingeringthe game "Push" (p. 30)

Educator. Stone clarified Pyshki and floated through the pond.

An old pond came to life again

There ships float -

These are our ducks -

Whiten breasts.

Soon it will become quite cold, the pond will freeze, covered with sturdy ice. You will not be able to swim ducks in winter. Specifier flights to the south, in warm countries, where there is no cold winter.

Goodbye duck -

Whiten breasts!

Lesson 13.

Bunny visiting the guys


Toy bunny; rattles for each child; tambourine; Recording a lullaby song.

Educator. Guys, look at the street. On the ground is snow, quickly darkens, cold. It came Winter.

Hello, winter winter!

Have you left all the houses,

Christmas trees in the caps dressed up,

White Shawl Courtyard Shelled,

Snow in the driflest walked.

All Belo - Winter came!

A. Berlova

Winter children rejoice: you can sculpt snowmen, ride on sledding, to build a snowy house.

Educator. Bunny in the forest is cold and hungry. (Shows Bunny.)

Stitches tracks

Blizzard cooked.

I want to want

Bunny in warmth.

D. Novikov

Song "Zainka" M. Krasov (Collection "Songs for kindergarten", p. 37)

The action is accompanied by a toy show.

Jumping Zainka,

White jumps.

Bunny Jump! Bunny Skok!

Cold Zaineka,

Cold white.

How to be me in winter

Freezes my tail?

Hungry Zaine

Hungry white.

Who fed me

Jump no longer forces!

Oh, you, our Zainka!

Oh, you, our whlen!

Come to kindergarten

You're the guys!

L. Nekrasova


White, white

Running snowball.

Poor, poor

Bunny, my friend.

D. Novikov

Children show how snow falls.


Poor Zaine

We will invite visit

Sweet carrots

Bunny treats

Bunny as heard that his children are waiting, quickly crushed into kindergarten.

Educator. I ran a bunny to kindergarten, and the guys became hot, tea treat.

With raspberry jam,

With crumbly biscuits,

With pretzels, with buns,

With gingerbread, with bagels.

Heat, long-legged! ..

D. Novikov

Finger game "Push" (p. 30)

Educator. Bunny warmed up, having fun. Became to consider toys. I liked it toys not simple, but musical. There are no such toys in the forest. Let's say the bunny as they are called.

The teacher makes the riddles and plays on the appropriate tool, the children call it.

We will hit the palm

Answer very ringing ... (tambourine).

Treked near the ears

Our loudly ...


Teach, children, bunny to play a rattle and on the tambourine.


Play-ka with kids,

Bunny, Zainka, Bunny!

Zainka game (see Appendix, p. 110)


And now it's time to finish,

It is necessary to rest children.

Bai Bay, behind the river

The sun was hiding on peace.

And our gates

Bares water dance.

Russian folk children's song

Dance "Merry Dance" (see Appendix, p. 113)


Zaine, Zaine,

Is it time for Binki?

You - Under Osinka,

And the kids are on the peril.

Russian folk lullaby song

Song with movements "Lullaby" (p. 31)


Here and Zainka is asleep,

Sweet spit spit.

Bay-Bay, Binky!

Sleep you tight, Zainka!

Children quietly leave the hall under the record "Lullaby", trying not to wake a bunny.

Lesson 14.

Zaikin House


Toys: Bunny, a few small bunnies, wolf; flannelph; Flangegraf image of an ice house; tambourine; rattles for each child; Record any lullaby melody.

Educator. Guys, what time of year is it? Winter snow goes every day.

In the evening winter

Stars fall

Fall from the sky

On the city of frosty.

Melting silently

Stars snowflakes

And on the palm

Shine like tears.

V. Stepanov

The poem with the movements "falls snow" (p. 34)

Educator. A bunny lives in the forest. Tell me, guys, what color began the fur coat in Zaine?

Children answer.

In the summer, the bunny wore a gray coat, and in the winter she put on white. But cold bunny in the forest in the forest.

There was a bunny,

Long ears.

Restored bunny

Nose on the edge.

V. Khorova

Song "Zainka" (p. 38)


Poor bunny!

Spore spam

Restressed the tail

And I went to warm up

To guests to visit.

There warmly and nice,

Wolf no.

And give carrots

V. Khorova

Let's show how the bunny rushed to the guys.

Exercise "Bunnies" (p. 39)

Educator. They fed the guys bunny carrot. (Feeds bunny.) Bunny told about his live - to be.

The hare is cold in winter.

I decided myself oblique: -

That will come spring, then

I will build a house to yourself.

I. Krasnobeeva

Do not, bunny, wait for spring. We will build a house from snow for you now.

Poem with movements "Snow House" (p. 35)

The tutor lays out an ice house on the flannelhemph.

Educator. Look, Zainka, what a beautiful house turned out. All bunnies will live in a new house. (Puts in front of the bunny house.)

Fun begins.

There will soon be a housewarming.

For the holiday bunny all calls,

Pyshki for guests bake.

Finger game "Pyshki" (p. 30)


Bunny holiday starts.

For guests, the orchestra will play.

Song "Tuben and Rattles" (see Appendix, p. 115)


Tired of the Zaineka stand,

Bunny wants to pay.

Educator. Heard about the wolf housewear. He came to visit, treated with dresses and began to play with a bunny.

Game "Hares and Wolf"

(on the motive of the song "Little Christmas Tree" M. Krasov, Collection "Songs for kindergarten", p. 38)

Little Zainikov Children - "Hares" jump on
Cold in winter both legs throughout the hall.
Zainki jump
Under the big pine.
Pasta about nappa Standing in place clap
They clap Palms of each other.
Very cold Shake omitted
Days came. Hands ("trembling").
Listen to bunnies: Put palms
This wolf goes. to one ear, then to the other
But in a snow bunny Fresh finger.
Gray will not find. From the snowdrift long "Hares" are squatted. Between
The ears stick out. The teacher is walking with them
I will catch small Toy wolf.
Catchy will be engaged. Children "hares" run away from
"Wolf" to the place.


Includes evening on the threshold,

In the sky, he lit.

The house quietly, quietly.

Sounded mother-bunny.

I. Bivovarova

Quick, bunnies, in bed!

In a new house we will sleep!

Song with movements "Lullaby" (p. 31)

The educator lays bunnies to sleep. Chicks on tiptoe leave the hall under the "lullaby" record.

Lesson 15 Belkin Assistant


Toys: bunny, squirrel, wolf, Santa Claus; The basket in which the walnut lie, bump, acorn, berry, fungus; flannelph; Flangegraf pictures: Christmas tree, Christmas tree toys (fungus, berry, walnut, bump, acorn, ball, lanterns), icy house; tambourine; Rattles for each child.

The tutor shows a bunny toy and a squirrel.

Educator. Friends lived in the forest - squirrel and bunny. The squirrel knows how to jump, and the bunny also jumps well. In the summer they often jumped and played on the clearing. Let's try so much.

We are proteins today,

We are bunnies today

Jump and jump

Never cry.

Educator. One day, the squelch splash from the scyed rod basket.

Why do you need a basket? - Surprised bunny.

This basket is not simple, she is my assistant, "the squirrel replied.

Like this? Why basket assistant.

But you will see himself, "the squirrel said mysteriously and began to collect bumps and nuts in a basket.

Far back winter

But not for fun

Tarn protein in the crust

Berries, nuts ...

Knows a little animal:

It is necessary to store on time.

V. Stepanov

Full basket in squirrel. Let's see that the squirrel made up.

The teacher pulls out of the basket of berries, nuts, cones, mushrooms, acorns. Children call them.

The hare was not clear why the squirrel was collected all this. He himself never did any reserves for the winter. But under the warm, summer sun having fun with his brothers-bunny, sang songs and played on tools.

Song "Tuben and Rattles" (see Appendix, p. 115)

Educator. Summer passed.

For him passed autumn. Winter came.

All looked chubby snow

As if warm, white fur.

V. Fetisov

The poem with the movements "falls snow" (p. 34)

Educator. A squirrel sits in his voupel, nuts from a basket pulls and nibble them - like this.

Children knocking teeth, showing how nuts gnaw.

Bunny changed the fur coat. What color did he become? Children answer.

That's right, white. White snow, white bunny. When the wolf goes, the bunny is immediately hiding in the snow. (Shows the wolf.)

In the woods, the wolf is cold!

In the forest wolf hungry!

So howls on the moon

Winter at night: "U-U-U, U-U, U-U-W!"

Game "Hares and Wolf" (p. 42)

Educator. Soon the new year will come. (Shows Santa Claus.)

Look, December has come,

And frost came,

Santa Claus painted

We are on the windows of roses.

A. Berlova

Educator. Steel beasts in the forest prepare for the New Year holiday. Chose the Christmas tree the most fluffy, the most slender. They wanted to decorate her, and there is no toys. The squirrel brought her basket and began to hang bumps and nuts golden, berries. Multicolored, mushrooms and acorns. Here is a basket and came in handy. Santa Claus hung balls and lanterns.

Educator. For Santa Claus, animals built! Ice house near the Christmas tree.

Poem with movements "Snow House" (p. 35)

Educator. A squirrel from his basket pulled the pies with berries and pyshki.

The game "Push" (p. 30)

Educator. Eats Bunny Pyshki and senses: "Well, and a basket of a squirrel! Real assistant: in it and Belkin food, and toys for the Christmas tree, and pies for everyone. "

Then the beasts rose in the dance and dug around their elegant Christmas tree.

New Year's round dance (optional)

Lesson 16 Miracle Tree Pooh A. Bogdarina


Flannelph; Pictures for flannelhemph: Large tree of velvet paper, squirrel, hedgehog, bunny, bird, mouse, cat, dog, Firefly, Santa Claus, Christmas tree toys (snowflake, beads, apple, flags, rowan berries, pies, fish, bone, flashlights); toy wolf; tambourine; Rattles for each child.


Again to visit us will come

Cheerful new year

And gifts whole

Captures Santa Claus.

Look, children, the Christmas tree is preparing for the holiday. (Shows the Christmas tree from velvet paper.) Snowflakes flew, dropped on the Christmas tree. (Attaching snowflake to the Christmas tree.)

The poem with the movements "falls snow" (p. 34)


Come to us, animals,

Bring to us toys -

We will have a holiday closer:

Let's dress up!

Guys, let's call us animals. We will play in the orchestra so that they heard us and run.

Song "Tuben and Rattles" (see Appendix, p. 115)

Educator. The first squared squirrel and bunny.

Educator. Behind them and other animals came. Stated animals to dress up a Christmas tree.

The teacher attaches to the Christmas tree decoration and puts pictures of the animals, tells the poem.

Protein left the heap -

Protein Beads brought.

Hedgehog - apples-balls,

Hares - flags from the bark,

Birds - Ryabinka berries,

Mice - bread grains,

Fish in a bank cat brought

Bone from booth - old dog ...

Only the candles are not in the Christmas tree -

Do not shine her needles.

Help, Fireless!

Night lights!

That's how the Christmas tree was decorated!

Educator. Santa Claus appears near the Christmas tree.

A friendly Christmas tree dressed up -

Santa Claus pleased.

He gives gifts,

He sings from joy.

Song with movements "Santa Claus" (see Appendix, p. 115)


Ay yes Zori - Well done!

Ay yes kids - clever!

Santa Claus pleased:

The wonderful christmas tree dressed up.

Like the tree!

Miracle tree!


And now it's time to play,

Like bunnies, jumping.

Game "Hares and Wolf" (p. 42)


And under the Christmas tree dance

Having fun and sings

Because it is coming

Nice holiday

New Year.

New Year's round dance (optional)

Lesson 17 Gifts Grandfather Frost


Decorated tree; Toys: Santa Claus, Squirrel, Bear, Bird, Bunny, Wolf; Gifts of Santa Claus: cones, honey barrels, rowan berries and raspberries, boots, pie; Rattles for each child.

Children stand around the decorated Christmas tree. Under the Christmas tree is Santa Claus.


In January, invites

Long-awaited New Year -

With sledding, ice skates

With snowmen.

A. Berlova

For the holiday, we and the Christmas tree with you. Here it is what beautiful!

Finger game "Christmas tree" (p. 45)

Educator. Guests from the forest are going to New Year's Eve.

Exercise "Forest Guests"


Well, a Christmas tree, light

Burn lights

To the paws in the beasts

We dug yourself.

M. Klokova

New Year's round dance (optional)


Santa Claus under

New Year

All gifts distributes.


He gave a bump.

The action is accompanied by a toy show.

Rada the squirrel to a gift, jumps along with the bunnies.

Exercise "Squirs and bunnies" (p. 43)

Educator. Bunnies and squirrels jumped so loudly that he was awakened by a bear sleek in Berorrod.

Yoo-oh! - Bear roared. -

How not to nursing here?

I saw such a dream ...

Woke up to spring!

Santa Claus presented a barrel of fragrant honey and a rattle. Bear immediately played on a rattle.

The game "Silent and Loud Rattles"

(on the motive of the Ukrainian folk song "Oh, Lopno Obruch")


And for birds Santa Claus

Sweet berries brought:


And delicious Malinka.

Song with movements "Bird"

T. Popatenko (Collection "Music in kindergarten. First younger group", p. 14)

Santa Claus for Zaine

Prepared boots,

So that he did not hold the legs,

In warm felt boots walked.

Looked back in the bag

Pulled out a wolf patty,

The piper is tasty

With meat, not with cabbage.

The wolf today is kind, no one offends, even playing with the hares.

Game "Hares and Wolf" (p. 42)


Did not forget the grandfather

All gifts presented.

And then Santa Claus

Prank the guys behind the nose.

Song with movements "Santa Claus" (see Appendix, p. 115)

Educator. So the holiday ends. Now Santa Claus will go further, there will be other children to merge. Beasts in the forest will leave. Only the snowball will fall on our palms.

The poem with the movements "falls snow" (p. 34)

Lesson 18 Bird Christmas Tree


Flannelph; Pictures for flannelhemph: Christmas tree, woodpecker, sparrow, tit, bullfinch, feeder; rattle for each child; Toy cat.

Educator. Children, what holiday we recently celebrated? Who came to us on the Christmas tree? (Children answer.) We are danced with you near the Christmas tree, played, dance drove, the point, probably, too, would also like to dance with us.

Would have a Christmas tree legs

Would run on the track.

Would she dug with us,

It would be clamped.

Would be spinning on the Christmas tree toys -

Multicolored lanterns, flapper.

K. Chukovsky

Let's tell you what toys hang on the Christmas tree.

Finger game "Christmas tree" (p. 45)


And recently at the gate

The new year knocked.

Children, be thrown by hands,

Create a dance.

New Year's round dance (optional)

Educator. In the winter garden, too, there is a Christmas tree.

At the silver track

Only a new year will come,

On a high thin leg

The wonderful Christmas tree gets up.

This Christmas tree is not simple,

And she is not for the guys.

Near the Christmas tree, flying,

Birds whistling fun.

3. Alexandrov

Sit down, children, in Sanki,

The game is repeated.

Educator. We arrived to the Christmas tree. Let's see what birds come to her.

The teacher tells the poem and lays out an image of birds on flannelhemph.

Here and woodpecker, and tits,

Snegiri and Sparrow -

Everyone wants to have fun

Near his Christmas tree.

Do not shine toys on it

And the star does not shine,

But but for bird feeders

We hung there!

3. Alexandrov

(Attaches to the Christmas tree image of the feeder.)

The birds flew to the trough, became the grains to peck and thank for the treat. Guys, tell me what birds flew.

Children call birds.

Song S. the movements of the "bird" T. Popatenko (p. 50)


Bird packs arrive

To us on the Christmas tree in the winter garden,

And in the garden is not silent

The bells are ringing.

3. Alexandrov

Birds sing like bells. Rattles answer them.

Educator. Foreign animals learned about the Christmas tree in the garden and also came to her.

Educator. Birds are happy to guests. Only the cat they do not want to brush, because she often hunts the birds.

"Cat and birds" game

Educator. That's what kind of pussy! I wanted to catch birds! We will come to the bird Christmas tree with you. And now it's time for us to go home. Sitted on the sosao. Go!

Children get up in pairs, forming sosales, and leave the hall.

Session 19 frost and birds


Illustrations: Children ride on sledding, animals in winter, birds in winter; Toy cat.

Educator. Now winter. It's cold outside. Strong frosts in the yard. And the kids frost are not afraid. When it is very cold on the street, they are at home in warmth, but they sweat over the frost.

Song with movements "Santa Claus" (see Appendix, p. 115)

Educator. A little frost will go back - kids already on sleds from the mountains ride, laugh, having fun, frost

afraid. (Shows the illustration of children riding n and sledding.)

Sledge Game (p. 52)

Educator. Forest animals frost are also not terrible - they have a warm fur coat. (Shows the illustration of the "animals in winter.") Can not frow frost through a fur coat, no matter how hard it tries, and it does not work to freeze the animals. Beasts also laugh above the frost, hope for your feet: always run away from the cold.

Exercise "Forest guests" (p. 49)

Educator. Birds in the frost are bad: they do not have warm fur to warm up, no worm bugs to eat. (Shows the illustration of "birds, winter.") What to do? It is necessary to help the birds.

But birds! So cold

In the air they!

Will we help


They need to feed,

It will be easy to survive cold.

E. Blaginina

So now the bird-pan flew to our window.

Yellow bird knocks on the window,

The bird from the track is tired slightly.

From the forest of the far flew to us,

Heat hard and there was wanted.

Baby girl opened the window,

Polyshki lash with palm palm.

In this cake a lot of heat -

Grandmother granddaughter baked her.

D. Novikov

Finger game "Pellet"


Grandmother of good granddaughter said:

Crumbs latter fall in the snow -

So, pellets are enough for everyone.

D. Novikov

Educator. Treat the guys birds with bread crumbs and branches and warned: "Beware, cats! She is hunting for birds! " That cat appeared.

The educator shows a toy cat and leads a dialogue with it:

Cat, cat! Do you want a pyshku?

Meow! Better give the mouse!

Cat, cat! Want to karya?

Meow! I taste Ptashka!

A. Usachev

The game "Cat and birds" (p. 54)

Educator. I did not catch the cat bird, gone dissatisfied. And the children hung on a tree near the kindergarten feeder and every day the birds were fed. Now the branches are also not terrible. Sees frost that no one is afraid of him, and did not cry so much, it did not become an ice cold. Another month will pass, and the spring will come.

Lesson 20 Tanyushka


Illustrations: The girl sits on the crib, riding a slide on the sledding, feeds from the pigeon window; rattles for each child; toy cat; Recording a lullaby melody

Grandfather, grandmother

There was a granddaughter Tanya.

In the morning waking up

Everyone immediately smiled.

A tutor shows illustration of a girl sitting on the bed.

Poem with the movements of "Pot"



Bakers Babushka Bakers

For breakfast of cute Tanya.


Tanya man

And on the highchair:

Where are my toys,

Rattles toys?

The game "Quiet and loud rattles" (p. 50)


Tanya, walk time.

On the yard we are waiting for the game.

But on the street frost,

You can frozen nose.

Warm dress up

Go for a walk.

Song with movements "Santa Claus" (see Appendix, p. 115)

The tutor shows an illustration "Children ride cai kah from a slide."


Sledge rolled down.

Stronger, tanya, hold on,

You look, do not fall -

There is a groove ahead.

Sledge Game (p. 52)


Sees Tanya,

Pich tug flies.

Flew to her dove.

Flew pigeon from the sky

Asks the pigeon crust bread: -

Give crumbs! I am hungry...

Or you do not lie down!

A. Usachev

There is no bread with me bread. The pigeon was offended and flew away

Pooh with movements "Flyer"

Educator. Tanyushka came home, opened the window, called the pigeons. (Shows the illustration of "Girls feeds pigeons.")

Guli-Guli-Guli-Guli ...

Tanya feeds pigeons.

Flocks lungs felt

And fly towards her.

Guli-Guli-Guli-Guli ...

Tanya Pshalchi them.

Cat is spinning on a chair

Requests to release the window.

3. Alexandrov

Song with the movements "Bird" (p. 50)


Here is the window open,

Cat came out on the cornice.


The sky was swayed in the sky.


Cat deftly deceived.

3. Alexandrov


Bird Tanya fed

And he herself,

And then lay down in the crib.

It's time for our Tame.

Children lay on the carpet, cover their eyes and rest under the record "lullaby". The tutor tells against the background of music.

Fuck a month. Time to sleep...

Everyone falls until the morning.

Our kids in the bedroom,

Cat - on Zavaling,

Bird - in a moonlock nest,

Sleepy fish - in water.

Close the eyes.

Good night everybody!

Lesson 21 delicious porridge


Toys: doll, goose, chickens, bird, dog, cat; School bed, table with dishes, dress and shoes., The tutor shows a doll lying in the crib.


Wakes up Tanya.


Tanya rises,

Washed, dressed.

Game "Pluckle"

The tutor dress up a doll.

Educator. Let's see that the grandmother came to Tanyushka for breakfast. (Seats a doll at the table, puts a dish with cakes and a plate with porridge.) Grandmother of a pellek jailed and porridge.

Finger game "Pellet" (p. 55)


Porridge from buckwheat.

Where was cooked?

Hooked, stolen,

So that the tanya ate

Porridge praised

At all divided ...

3. Alexandrov

Song with movements "Breaking, baked, bash"

E. Tumanyan (Collection "Music in early childhood", p. 12)

Baked, baked, bash, Water index palm
In a blossom cup, Come on the palm of another hand
Bore as soon as ("Cookp").
Bulkay Merry!
Loss. Compress and squeeze
Fingers and pronounce:
"Bul! Bul! .. "
Baking, bash, sweet "Cookp." cook. "
NZ thick milk,
From thick milk,
Yes, from the small grunette ...
(Talking.) Threaten with your finger.
have someone who kicash
All teeth will grow! Click teeth.
A. Christmas


Flew a bird

Cute pan

Song with the movements of the "Bird" T. Popatenko (p. 50)


And yellow chickens

Small guys

Kashi want


How do chickens come?

Children answer: "Pi-Pi ..."

Calls Tanya Chickens to eat porridge.


Gray goose on the track

Asks porridge at least a spoon.

Because of the goose buckwheat

And swam on the river.

Exercise "Goose"


And the dog came running,

The tail was obeyed: -

Give the bug of Kashk

In a blossom cup.

Song "Doggy" M. Ruhverger (Collection "Music in kindergarten. First younger group", p. 77)


A dog came to us,

Smart dog

Playing with kids

Very loudly!

Gav! Gav! ..

N. Commissioner

Give Kaski Chiske

In a blue bowl.

Pussy kishash all smeared

And behind the bird ran.

The game "Cat and birds" (p. 54)

All Tanya treated.

It went on a spoon

Goose on the track

Chickens in Lukshka,

Title in the window.

Enough on a spoon

Dog and cat,

And Tanya dapel

Recent crumbs! 3. Alexandrov

The game "Quietly - Loud" E. Tychilyeva (Collection "Music in kindergarten. First younger group", p. 19)

Lesson 22 Alenushka and Horse


Toys: Baby doll, chicken, bird, rocking horse; Toy stroller, basque, towel, table, plate with pancakes, blue cup, spoon.

The action is accompanied by a toy show. The tutor shows the baby doll in the stroller.


And we have a girl

Call her alenushka.


Round head.

All day "UA-UA" -

That's all her words.

E. Blaginina

Exercise "Our daughter"


How the sun wops,

Alyonushka will stand

Pull up will

Little will not remain.

Poem with the movements of "Pot" (p. 57)


Alenka wakes up

Alenka washed.

(Wash out a doll from the basin.)

Warm water

Pour on our bird.

Oh, with goose water,

From Alenushka Huddoba!

E. Blaginina

Game "Pluckle" (p. 60)


Ladushka, ladies,

Bake pancakes,

Bake pancakes

We are for our paws.

Finger game "Pellet" (p. 55)

We will eat,

And chickens treat.

Chip-Tsypa's finger game (p. 61)


Sparobushki flew

Pooh with movements "Flyer" (p. 58)

Educator. He arrived once to Alyonushka a horse.


Rowed horse -

With the crow, wit

Gold bangs

So noble

But very hungry!

So beaten hooves:

Bon Appetit!

Let's show how the horse is jumping.

Exercise "Food to the Baba, to my grandfather"


Skat to Lena OUR

Asked porridge.

Let's, children, weld porridge for the horse.


Asks the horse:

You do not squeeze

And take a spoon

Yes, myself and I do with me:

Alenka - Spoon,

And I'm a little!

Alenka - Spoon,

And I'm a little!

(Feeds the horse.)

Bon Appetit!

Bon Appetit!

Bon Appetit!

The Alyonushka itself, Kashki, roasts and fed the horse. I chlopala Alenka, it rejoins that the horse is now fed.

The game "Quiet - loud" (p. 63)

Educator. The full horse has become children roll.

The horse can ring

Stubbornly maggling

For the entrance it is difficult to keep

Already the horse is our.

3. Alexandrov

Game "Rental, horse, us!" V. Agafonnikova and K. Kozyreva (Collection "Music in kindergarten. First younger group", p. 113)

Educator. Rocked the horse guys and rowed home. Let's say goodbye to her. (Says together with children.) Goodbye, horse!

Lesson 23 horse


Toys: Doll, Rocking Horse; Blue cup, bucket, "grass"; Check boxes for each child.

The tutor shows a doll.

Educator. There was a girl, so good, such a fitting.

Exercise "Our daughter" (p. 64)

Educator. In the morning I woke up, rose, squeezed.

Poem with the movements of "Pot" (p. 57)

Educator. The girl had a horse girlfriend. How the girl wants to see the horse, sculpts into his hands, the horse will hear and resorts to her. Let us and we guys praise.

The game "Quiet - loud" (p. 63)

The tutor shows a rocking horse.

Educator. The horse snaps, the ears hang, she told her eyes, wondering gnawing, neck, like a swan, burns, the ground of the earth. Mane on the neck of the wave, behind the tail of the pipe, between the ears - bangs, on the legs - the brush, the wool is silver. In the mouth, I wondered, on the back the saddle, stirrups gold, steel horses. (K. Ushinsky.)

Take us, horse!

Game "Rental, horse, us!" (p. 66)

Educator. The girl can jump like a horse. She taught other guys to run so much.

Jumping gallop! Jump Yesch!

Puskala son!

On the track straight, right

Sun rushed from mom.

To the wicket shotcal

And came running back: -

M. Druzhinina

Exercise "Food to the Baba, to my grandfather" (p. 65)

Educator. The horse beggars, gets tired, and the guys play out, they also get tired. So, you need to eat well, for the guys a delicious porridge is boiled.

Song with movements "Breaking, baked, bash" (p. 60)

Educator. The horse will feed herbs, go to a water.

Song "Playing Horse" I. Kishko (Collection "Teach Children to Sing", p. 41)

The tutor accompanies the action by showing.

I will feed the horse

Fresh grass,

Widget a horse

Pure water.

And now get enough

Believe the buberets

Bearing horse

And I will go to mom.

You go, horse,

Above, above legs.

We will go with you

Right along the track!

N. Kuklovskaya

Educator. Horse will go and go to gifts 1 for guys. What brought us a horse?

Children answer.

Flags are multicolored. (Shows flags, children call them color.)

Burns on the sun flag

The task of the musical strip is to introduce a child into the world of music and bring up an emotional and conscious attitude towards it.

Previously published music trap (8th edition of 1972 and earlier) pursued a narrower goal, directed mainly on the development of musical hearing and preparing children to teach singing on notes.
The new keynament is distinguished by a wide musical and aesthetic approach, although the material of the former editions is partially preserved in it.
The letter is designed for preschool children. It can be used in the senior groups of kindergarten, in the preparatory classes of the secondary school, in preschool groups of the music school, as well as at home.

Methodical instructions
I part. Music - the language of feelings
E. Ticheeva - Sunny
E. Ticheeva - rain
E. Ticheeva - Thunderstorm
E. Ticheeva - Mom sings
E. Ticheeva - We are walking to the parade
E. Ticheeva - a man goes
E. Ticheeva - in the movies
E. Ticheeva - Winter Forest
E. Ticheeva - Charging
E. Tilyaeva - will cost me without me
E. Ticheeva - what the rain is crying
E. Ticheeva - Autumn wanders on the forests
E. Tilyaeva - That in the autumn in the basket
E. Ticheeva - Sad song
E. Ticheeva - hot
E. Tilseeva - Ruffy, Lei!
II part. What does music tell?
I. Armeyev - Border Guard
I. Armeyev - Pipes Brought Tube
I. Arceyev - Spring Leaflets
I. Armeyev - Elephant and Pug
I. Armeyev - Red Cap and Gray Wolf
I. Arkeyev - Three Bear
I. Arkeyev - Machines Day
I. Arceyev - Morning
I. Armeyev - Day
I. Armeyev - Night
III part. How does music tell?
E. Tilseeva - Pedes
E. Ticheeva - Swing
E. Ticheeva - Echo
E. Ticheeva - Watches
E. Tilseeva - Pipe
E. Ticheeva - Lullaby
E. Ticheeva - Harmonica
I. Armeyev - Caledochka
E. Ticheeva - Bubakers
E. Tilseeva - our home
E. Ticheeva - Lestenka
E. Ticheeva - High Staircase
Cockerel. Processing of the Russian folk song (Processing I. Armeyev)
E. Ticheeva - I am going with flowers
E. Ticheeva - Skiing
E. Ticheeva - at dawn
E. Ticheeva - Snegiri
E. Ticheeva - I will be a pilot
I. Armeyev - Pipe and Echo
I. Armeyev - Boys dance
I. Armeyev - Girls Dance
I. Arceyev - soldiers marching
I. Armeyev - Grandfather and Grandson
I. Arkeyev - to visit
I. Armeyev - on foot
I. Armeyev - by bike
I. Armeyev - by car
I. Armeyev - Train
I. Armeyev - Tip
I. Armeyev - Dad and Mom talk
I. Armeyev - Rooster and cuckoo
I. Arceyev - Balalaika and Harmoshka
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