Gilza. New album

Gilza. New album
Gilza. New album

Hi friends!

I began to make music for another 15 years, although the first "conscious" song composed only in three years. Then I collected in my hometown, Taishet, the group "Sther" - we played something like an alternative rock. Of course, this group existed for a short time: the space for creativity has stopped very soon. Few people generally know where the Taynet is located (and this is the Irkutsk region), and that there is some kind of rock scene, almost no one suspects. That is why I decided and in 2006 moved to Moscow.

In the capital, I continued to write music, and, we can say, the Gilza group began with it. These songs heard Oleg Nesterov, headed by the musical company Snegiri.

They liked it so much that he introduced me to Dmitry Groysman - the producer who collaborate with the Teiffe and Pilot groups, also being a co-producer of the festival "invasion". It was Groesman who introduced me to our future guitarist, Sergey writing, and was spinning: the first concerts in small clubs, then performances at large festival sites: "Dobroofest", "invasion", "wings" ... After one of them, Dmitry Emmanuilovich became our producer, And under his leadership, our first record came out.

Now we are ready to release the second, and I would like it to become not just a "producer", but a truly folk, created by many people who love music in all its manifestations. Some tracks from the new album you could already hear at our concerts, but they never went out in the record - it was already repeatedly played "Pigeons". There will be invited musicians - for example, we have already recorded another excellent duet with B-2 shura. Everything else will be new in all senses: we not only prepared a wonderful material, but also want to experiment a little with the form of the album and with the sound in general.

Actually, create this sound to us with you and to be. To record high-quality sound, you need appropriate means. We need to collect 400,000 rubles. Any support from you will be simply invaluable, but we will not leave indebted. For fans, we have prepared a lot of remuneration: branded flash drives, discs with a new album and digital records - if you want, even sing a duet or write a special video for you! There will be other surprises, but we will still save them for later, so participate in the project, tell friends about him and watch the updates! Let's unite and release this album together!

The frontworms of the Gilza Lesia Gismatulina group quickly proven itself as one of the most prominent and strong rock vocalists on the domestic scene. At the beginning of winter, Lesya was among the nominees of the Schartov Dress Award in the Soloist category, and the group fans rather actively showed their fighting spirit, participating in the voting. April 15, Gilza will play for Pieters a large spring concert in the Aurora hall. All these important events in the life of the team became a reason to ask the forest a few questions about what is happening in the work of the group now, as our radio affects the success of Russian rock artists, and with whom the guilza is flying forward.

I eat: Hello, Lesya! After a few days you are collecting a St. Petersburg concert hallAurora with the concert program "We are together". With whom a group of sleeves together, and with whom apart?

Lesya Gismatulina: Hi, Eatmusic! I, together with my friends, family, listeners ... With those who have a heart, a soul, and in the shower - a real and sincere love, with those who remain primarily by a person in any situation.

EM: What is new to enter the program "We are together", and how will it differ from the fact that the listener will see today at concerts?

Lesya: We have already played the program "Together" at the solo concert in early December. Differences will be, but not significant ... it is more modifications.

EM: Not so long ago, you participated in the Schartov Dress Award in the "Soloist" nomination. The vote accompanied the excellent flash mob in which the listeners laid out their pets with the signals. Why was this topic been chosen?

Lesya: Absolutely spontaneous solution. Just decided to attract your dog to the vote. Then friends and fans already joined with their pets. It turned out a small flashmob.

EM: Any contests are not only competition and spirit of competition, but also the opportunity to discover the work of other people. Which of the contestants on the past "dozen" allocated for themselves? Who wanted to meet personally, and who were happy to see?

Lesya: Allocate - it means to give a greater value. For me there are no more or less talented people. Absolutely all contestants worthy rivals. But the one always wins the army of fans more. The one who has already crighted with his audience, who managed to become one whole world of many years. And with whom I will introduce me to my universe in this life, it is known only to her! And I trust her!

EM: General estimating the situation with rotation. Still, it is difficult to develop thanks to only one format radio station, or vice versa so even more comfortable? Our radio is a win-win version, or still hitting there - is it a drop in the sea?

Lesya: Such a difficult question in our time with you. The new generation storms the endless field of information on the Internet. In my opinion, most. Little listens to the radio. And someone listens to our Russian performers, someone Western. The development of the artist today depends on all segments at once: a format radio station, Internet and outdoor advertising. If we are talking about the acquaintance of the public with the artist, "our radio" is a great platform, a stable and efficient organization today. And personally, I am grateful to "our radio" for support.

EM: In addition to a concert schedule, what is the chalise group in the near future?

Lesya: We plan a duet with one famous performer. Now the song is in the information stage. I think at the time of spring streams you can hear it on "our radio".

EM: Thank you for the interview! That finally wish your fans and readersEatmusic?

Lesya: I always wish you all love and happiness !!! Thank you.