Singer light: biography and personal life. Singer Light: Biography and Life Life Light Interesting In Contact

Singer light: biography and personal life. Singer Light: Biography and Life Life Light Interesting In Contact
Singer light: biography and personal life. Singer Light: Biography and Life Life Light Interesting In Contact

Those whose childhood and youth came to zero, now with particular warmth remember this era. As well as the music of those years, which has already become part of the story today. Among the popular performers of the 2000s, many distinguish the singer to light, biography, the personal life of which is still interesting and fans, and just curious. What should be noted, her star did not have rolled out the dispersion of zero, the performer to this day pleases the lovers of his creativity as old hits and new compositions. And let's still follow her creative way.

Meet the light!

We will begin the story from the disclosure of the full name - Koltunov Svetlana Alexandrovna. Let yourself ignorance to indicate for the reader the date of her birth - this is May 28, 1980.

Music creativity in the biography of singer's lights are attributed immediately to several directions:

  • pop rock;
  • dance music;
  • house;
  • synthy-pop;
  • trans-vocals.

The main leitmotif of all the songs of the performer is love: gentle, unhappy, passionate, unrequited, eternal, emerging and dying. Does not leave indifferent and her tender, charming voice having peculiar beneval notes.

What should be noted in the biography of the singer's lights, words, like music, to many of their compositions, she herself writes. Sometimes Russian composers and DJs work with it in Tandem. Such cooperation is aimed at creating music, various processing of compositions.

The beginning of the way

The heroine of our story was born in Rostov-on-Don, 37 years ago. The biography of the singer Sveta symbolic began with music. Being a very small child, the girl managed to walk in two musical schools immediately - she studied vocals and the game on the piano. Next, in her fate was the Rostov School of Arts. After him - the Institute of Culture and Arts is already the city of St. Petersburg, which light graduated with a red diploma.

As the singer remembers, the first time she was on stage for 5 years. And after a decade, after that, the girl heard the composition in his execution on the local radio. According to her, it was the first big reason for pride.

For a big scene!

A steep turn in the biography of Singer Sveta occurred in 1999. They were the way out of her first album "Love". A year before that, the girl met the participants of the PPK group - Alexander Polyakov and Sergey Pimenov. They helped her in creating an album. Words and music to all compositions were composed exclusively light, but the musicians highlighted in creating high-quality and modern arrangements.

It rarely happens in show business, but the world's first album has already brought the light! Songs did not go from the upper lines of the charts, and the circulation of discs quickly bought up the connoisseurs of her creativity. The most important thing is the light surrounded with the proposals of the cooperation of the radio station, recording companies, leading newspaper publications.

Second Wave Success

And in 2001, the biography of the singer Sveta is illuminated by a new gift for listeners - singles "your eyes" and "What should I do today?". And so far it is the most recognizable singer compositions that many remember and love.

In the same 2001, the Light presents the new album called "Other". The concert dedicated to his exit was held in Rostov, in the Palace of Sports. Surprisingly, but a large building could not accommodate everyone wanting to hear and see the talented native of the city!

Then the "other" will take the first lines of the charts on Russian radio stations, and on the song itself will be removed the video clip, which you probably saw on popular music TV channels.

New stage of creativity

We continue to represent a biography, photo singer Sveta. In 2002 it comes out of the second music album called "Return, my love." It is especially the fact that it was created by a talented Rostovchanka solely independently, without the help of the Duet "PPK".

From this, his outlet was especially exciting for the light. But the experiences were in vain: the listeners fell in love with her creation, as well as previous, - already in the first weeks three songs from "Return, my love" were in charts of radio stations, incl. and popular then "dynamite. PM".

Later, especially for the dance floors, the compositions from the album appeared in the arrangement of V. Tyurina, DJ Groove, DJ Vartan.

Music career singers

  • For Valentine's Day in 2003, the singer presented a gift to connoisseurs of his creativity - the lyrical album "the most gentle". A lot of listeners loved these compositions about lovers. "Sinegylase dolphins", "fly for the clouds" (there was also a clip on this song) became favorites on radio stations.
  • A year later, in 2004, the light rejoices the public with the release of a new album - "Where to find love?". On the most popular songs - "You are not mine", "and maybe yes ..." clips were removed, which were broadcast on TV channels of Russia and the CIS. It is worth noting the composition of the music to her was written not to the light, but Vyacheslav Turin (producer "Reflex").
  • As if by tradition, in 2005 the new album comes out - he was called "no more". "Sky and the sea", "How are love?", "Month" - these songs are slightly distinguished against the background of the entire creativity of the singer with a heavier sound, saturated electronically inclusions. In the same year, the singer rersees the album by adding two songs to him - "What are you?" And "tanned".

  • In 2007, Svet once again surprised listeners - cooperation with the Rostov Rock group "Amsterdam". However, despite the active support of fans, she still returned to dance rhythms.
  • In 2009, the singer released a wonderful album "My Heart", which caused delight not only from her devotee, but even at random listeners. In the collection were both new compositions and reprinted loved. For the main song of My Heart, she was awarded the prestigious Golden Gramophone Prize. Especially interested in the biography, the personal life of the singer Sveta was released a gift edition of the collection - with the texts of the compositions, posters, video clips, a slide film from personal, family and concert photos of the girl.

And what about today?

Currently, the singer lives an active creative life - tour, concerts, work on new programs. Of the most ambitious plans - the release of a large album. The collection will be both the favorite students of the composition, and their unexpected arrangements and remixes, as well as a surprise - something from unnecessary songs.

If you ask the world itself, then she wants, as before, to please and surprise fans as much as possible, to walk along the way with music for many more years.

Personal life

We told the creative biography of singer Sveta. The family is the topic that has not yet been touched.

Today, the light is married to Mikhail Teplitsky (more known as DJ Jump). She has three children: the son of Nikita (2001) from the first marriage, Diana (2009), Yaroslav (2012).

"What should I do?", "Other", "And maybe yes ...", "Road to the airport", "Enough, pretty", "My heart", "Your eyes" ... these songs that We listened on tape recorders and players, on the air of radio stations, which were danced on discos in a country camp, will always be stored in our hearts with a special warmth. And the singer light remains to wish you a good union with a muse and a successful creative way!

The singer of light is the owner of a pure, voice voice, which in the first decade of the new century collected the full halls. Beautiful brunette drove a male half of the fans crazy, and the girls sought to imitate her. Themes (all singles are devoted to love) and sincere execution Svetlana managed to easily reach each heart of the young generation.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Koltunov was born and grew up in Rostov-on-Don. The singer's parents do not say, trying to protect the fans from unnecessary attention. The musical talent and the feeling of rhythm manifested themselves in early childhood. The baby came out for the first time on stage at five years old, a song in her execution later turned on the local radio.

The abilities demanded a cut, and the light joined the students at once two music schools: in one studied to play the piano, the vocals were grinding. Early met the touring life, speaking as part of a folk ensemble in Russian cities and even abroad.

At the end of the high school, the question of where to go to learn, did not even arise. The long-term deal - of course, in the School of Arts. There was nothing to go anywhere, there is a good institution of culture in their hometown.

In the Rostov School, the girl received a diploma in the specialty "choir conductor" and left for the city on the Neva for more knowledge. In St. Petersburg University Svetlana Koltunov received another profession - director director.


Creative biography went to take off in 1999. The girl made friends with the musicians Sergei Pimenov and Alexander Polyakov, who played in the Rostov group "PPK". The guys once heard soft, but at the same time, the deep voice of Svetlana and offered cooperation. Koltunov joined the creative duet, the fruit of collaboration was the album "Love".

After the presentation of the plate, the wave of the love of Russian music lovers spangled, the songs instantly turned into hits. This album has developed half a million edition, providing musicians and popularity, and money.

Songs "What should I do?" And "your eyes" were indispensably sounded from radio receivers. Svetlana began to assemble the full halls, the listeners wanted to see the performer "live". And in the fall of 2001, the Rostov Palace of Sports broke away from the influx of the people - the light arranged a presentation of the new album "Other".

Song Sveta "What should I do?"

The discography was replenished rapidly, the singer's energy was enough to produce records annually. 12 months did not pass, as the light saw "Return, my love!". The famous hand was attached to the creation of this work, the composer and director Vyacheslav Tyurin helped. The singer was already waiting for in every corner of Russia. But she arranged the first large-scale tour of the Black Sea coast.

In 2003, all in love with Light presented a chic gift - created an incredibly romantic, lyrical album "The most gentle", which saw the light to the day. And a year later, combined popular songs, especially liked fans, under the cover "Where to find love?"

Then the performer suddenly decided to add electronics to music, making a larger "not need more" as an experiment. Expectations were justified: not only faithful fans appreciated, the audience was noticeably replenished with newbies.

Fruitfully cooperation turned out to be a team of Amsterdam. With this group Svetlana created a whole album in which creativity has acquired unexpected, but pleasant features. In 2009, the last Disk of the singer was released today - "My heart". This is a collection, which mixed up new compositions with remixes of old popular songs. The talent of the Rosovchanka in the same year noted the Golden Gramophone Prize.

Song Sveta "And what about love"

The next decade, the artist though did not please the albums, but continued to write songs and arrange concerts. In an interview, I promised to make a fan gift - reissue all the plates by adding the composition pending in the far.

Light skillfully mixed different genres. The songs are traced in the motifs of synthes-pop, pop rock, house, vocal trance and, of course, dance music. The feature of creativity is that the actress independently writes texts and melodies for songs.

Personal life

Around the personal life of a bright, high brunette (the growth of the singer is 174 cm, and the weight of 65 kg) has always walked many rumors. Fans attributed to the girl marriage with oligarch. They said that she had long left Russia and happily lives in Europe. But it is no more than speculation.

Light actively leads a saturated photo and video page in "Instagram", which introduces all its margin of today's life.

The singer remains loyal homeland, lived for a long time in Rostov. Twice managed to be married and raising three children. The family with the first husband quickly broke up, the son of Nikita was born in this marriage.

Soon the light was married again, the chosen was the popular DJ Jump, he was Mikhail Teplitsky. In 2009, a pair was born daughter Diana. Three years later, the news appeared in the network that the performer was again pregnant - the son of Yaroslav was born.

Light now

Svetlana continues to delight fans with creativity: speaks on Russian scenes, writes new songs, sometimes accounts for other musicians. So, in 2017, Light along with presented fans the clip "Road to the airport". Tours the actress and by the cities of Europe, in recent years managed to speak at venice sites, Paris, Germany and Holland.

Song of Sveta and Timati "Road to the airport"

From time to time, beautiful brunette decorates fashionable magazines. Does not hide from journalists, with pleasure tells about the events of life. From Rostov, the performer though moved to Moscow, but does not forget about a small homeland: along with his family often comes to the city of childhood to visit or just relax on vacation. And the girl managed to receive the second higher education. Now she is also a psychologist, and with a red diploma.

The summer of 2018 began the light of the light from the "big disco 2000s", which turned rare at the Yakutsk stadium. And on July 21, together with colleagues, popular at the beginning of the "zero", became the guest of the show "Hello, Andrei!". In the transmission, which came out on the channel "Russia 1", the artist met with singer, performers and, participants and other stars of the early 2000s.


  • 1999 - "Love"
  • 2001 - "Other"
  • 2002 - "Return, my love"
  • 2003 - "The most tender"
  • 2004 - "Where to find love?"
  • 2005 - "Don't need more"
  • 2007 - "Lights and Group Amsterdam"
  • 2009 - "My heart"

On May 28, not very far in Rostov-on-Don, the stars was born, which became a real star to the current moment. The name of this star is very simple, but, nevertheless, very bright - light. Her songs are known to everyone, its popularity is understandable and obvious to everyone: any lyrical composition of the lights are saturated with true, genuine feelings that are close to many. In her songs always current topics, because ... Read everything

On May 28, not very far in Rostov-on-Don, the stars was born, which became a real star to the current moment. The name of this star is very simple, but, nevertheless, very bright - light. Her songs are known to everyone, its popularity is understandable and obvious to everyone: any lyrical composition of the lights are saturated with true, genuine feelings that are close to many. In her songs, there are always current topics, because love, according to the singer itself, is a feeling that will always live among people. In a different and can not be. Love is immortal. Another component of success is a soft, amazing voice of light, which is harmoniously combined with a deep, multifaceted lyrics. Well, a third component of popularity is a very obvious element. Can there be music without music? In the songs, light music is always the highest sample - arrangements make the most fashionable and demanded DJs.

How to become a star? All his conscious life of the world was predicted with music. She studied at once in two music schools in classes: vocals and piano. She then graduated from the Rostov School of Arts, and later - St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts with a Red Diploma. Light began his creative activity in his hometown. For the first time on the scene, she came out at the age of five. Fifteen she heard her voice on the waves of a local radio station. And very proud of it. But truly about the world spoke in 1999, when her debut album was released called "Love". It was a joint work with the musicians Sergei Pimenova and Alexander Polyakov - participants of the famous project "PPK". Light wrote words and music, "PPK" made arrangements. "Love" brought its fruits: the first lines in all sorts of musical charts, huge and irrevocable popularity. The album was partitioned by multi-million edition, which led to the interest of many record-companies, radio stations, presses, television.

In the fall of 2001, a presentation of the new album "Other" was held in Rostov-on-Don. The Palace of Sport, where the concert was held, could not accommodate everyone. The song with the same name becomes the leader of the charts of the country's main radio stations. A little later, a video clip was removed on the song "Other", which could be seen on the air of all musical channels.

In the summer of 2002, Light releases a new disk "Return, my love." Before the release of the album, the light was worried about more than ever. After all, this plate becomes a new stage in the work of the singer: previous works were the fruit of joint efforts with the PPK group. Now she worked without their participation. Fears and experiences were in vain - immediately three songs at the same time came to the chart-parade of the radio station "Dynamite FM". Everyone without exception has become clear that the album was successful. And it is not surprising: the arrangements made DJ Grub, Vyacheslav Tyurin and DJ Vartan. Under these songs danced the most fashionable discos of the country.

In the breaks between the tours, the lights write songs to the new album "The most gentle", which comes to Valentine's Day - February 14, 2003. He devoted his songs to everyone in love. Several songs, namely, "fly for the clouds" (on this song also removed the video) and "Sinegylase dolphins" became absolute hits. And again success, and again the first places in all the charts.

May 28, 2004 A new album of Sveta "Where to find love?" On his birthday, the singer conducted an autograph session in one of the major stores in Moscow. On songs from this album - "Or maybe, yes ..." and "You are not mine" - video clips were removed, which were in the rotation of all music TV channels of the country. Also on the disk was presented the fruit of the joint work of Sveta and Vyacheslav Tyurin, the producer of the Reflex Group - the song "Where to find love?" - Something new in the work of the singer. Before this song, the author of music and words has always been light. Vyacheslav offered his music singer, and the words of the world wrote again.

On May 1, 2005, the disk "Don't need more", which includes such songs as the "month", "as love", "sky and the sea" and other hits. By the way, the album differs from the previous ones more electronic to some extent heavy sound. Nevertheless, the experiment succeeded at all: the album was happy to be adopted by fans, and later the reprint of this popular album was released, which completed two new hits - "tanned" and "What are you?".

2007 was marked by a new experiment - light recorded an album with the Ntanzanal Rostov Group "Amsterdam". Sveta Rock! And again, successful experience - fans liked such a new, although unusual music. Next year, light, however, decides to return to its traditional sound. Still, dance music is its main element.

In February 2009, the company "Mistema Sound" released a new album of Sveta - "My heart". The disc was the best gift for the fans of the singer. It entered both completely new works and remixes on the songs that became the real hits of our time. They sound in a new way, but with the same heartfelt and fascinating voice. The gift edition of the album includes a lot of bonuses, including a poster, lyrics, a clip on a title song and a unique gift for all fans - an exclusive slide show on a DVD, consisting of children's and family photos of lights, replacing each other under the acoustic version of the song " Do not say".

It is difficult to determine or highlight the main, fateful songs in the work of the lights. Since almost all of them, after the release of each new album, became famous and favorite listeners. And yet, you can call those that still remain important as for the world itself, and of course, for fans, it is: "Road to the airport", "Your eyes", "Other", "What I do" "Enough, pretty" and the new composition is "my heart." Creative plans at the singer a lot. Already ready a new concert program.

A magnificent gift for fans is preparing to release - reprint all singer's albums. The owners of this updated remand publication are waiting for a lot of surprises: besides famous tracks, there will be early unanswered songs, a lot of remixes who have not included in the first editions and completely fresh arrangements of old, kind hits.

In short, the light will continue to only please their fans, the army of which grows from the album to the album. And we, to all fans, only remains to wish the light of great creative success, endless inspiration, inexhaustible cheerfulness and, of course, huge love!

"I do not know what they love me. I love yourself for the fact that I am a good man. "