The best time to trade binary. When is the best time to trade binary options? Choosing a suitable day of the week

The best time to trade binary.  When is the best time to trade binary options?  Choosing a suitable day of the week
The best time to trade binary. When is the best time to trade binary options? Choosing a suitable day of the week

Time is one of the factors that a successful trader must consider. Knowledge of time zones should lead the owner of the deposit to the idea that the world's stock exchanges open at about the same time. But still, everyone has their own. If you observe the bursts of activity, then they can just be associated with the entry of foreign traders into the market.

The ability to make a series of successful deals within one hour is not a myth, but a reality. On the other hand, it is the binding of your trades to an unsuccessful time interval that can threaten a trader with a financial fiasco.

The best time to trade

More recently, trade was unavailable in the evening. Each owner of Gazprom shares knew very well that the end of the change in quotations was at about 18.30 Moscow time. An increase in the interval for increasing the activity of traders, unfortunately, is nothing more than the desire of brokers to involve a larger number of participants with a deposit in trading.

Well, if we consider the question of what is the best time to trade binary options, you need to look at the market results. If a person has a desire to work at night, it is advisable to check this on a small investment. After that, you can look at the state of your deposit after a series of transactions. The correct choice of the frequency of trade is nothing more than the establishment of a personal work schedule.

Everyone must determine for himself at what time to trade binary options, and at what time it would be better to focus on currency pairs.

If we consider the possibility of round-the-clock participation in trading processes, then this is possible only in theory. The history of the stock markets is rich in cases in which there have been severe failures on large sites. The result of such events is well known - the overwhelming majority of brokers' clients lost part of their deposits due to canceled rates.

The increased load on the servers of stock exchanges is explained by the large number of admitted to trading and the fact that the data between the sites is subject to synchronization. This is the meaning of quotes. Therefore, the round-the-clock operation is most likely "provided" by the brokers themselves.

In any case, it is clearly not worth counting on the true value of the instrument in the middle of the night. Here it is best to remember one of the tips for a trader: you need to rest, and rest fully. At least in order not to get mental exhaustion.


Trading sessions around the world open at their own, strictly defined time. And such events are truly significant for every participant who is committed to active work. Asset values ​​are directly affected by the launch and open times of exchanges around the world.

It is at these moments that the special volatility of financial instruments is observed. By the way, many participants use it successfully. A particular revival of the market is observed during the opening of sites after the weekend. This is the result of enlightenment, new solutions emerging in the rested heads of traders.

Trading sessions on binary options (Moscow time, GMT +3)

The working timings of traders can be tied to the standard sessions of the world stock exchanges. When choosing the operating time of binary options, you need to remember about the parameters of the main four platforms:

1. The very first to start trading in the east. The Pacific trading session opens at 2 am Moscow time and lasts 9 hours. During this time, the shares of companies registered in Oceania and Australia are volatile. At the same time, you can earn extra money on the Australian dollar.

2. Next in time is the Asian trading session, which opens at 4 am Moscow time. Participation in this shopping area is 9 hours. During this period, news on the Japanese yen, as well as on well-known Asian stocks, is actively received. This is believed to be the best time to trade binary options.

3. The opening of European markets takes place at the usual time for Russian traders. Nine in the morning Moscow time is usually associated with high volatility. This is the best time to make deals. The instruments traded during this period are the stocks of large corporations in Europe, the Swiss franc and the British pound.

4. The American session opens later than everyone else, you can participate in it starting at 6 pm Moscow time. It lasts only 6 hours, during which time traders can hunt for tasty growth directions of the US and Canadian dollars against weakening currencies.

If we talk about switching to a round-the-clock operating mode, it should be borne in mind that such an opportunity is provided by overlapping trading sessions. It is believed that this time is the best suited for making transactions, since there is a special activity of players:

  • MSC time is 11-12 hours. During this period, auctions are held in Japan and in the UK. Instruments, on the forecast of which you can make good money, are pairs with the inclusion of the yen, pound and euro;
  • Moscow time 16-19. During this period, London is still active, but the Americans are already actively entering the game. It's time to make deals with pairs, where the dollar and the euro are involved;
  • For those who prefer to break the jackpot at night Moscow time - from 3 to 9 o'clock, it is best to focus on the pairs where the yen and the Australian dollar are involved.

Days to trade

Of course, the exchange is directly dependent on many factors. The study of the factors that are influenced by non-trading processes have been studied for more than a dozen years. Based on long-term observations, standard prescriptions for market participants were drawn up. Let's consider which days are best to trade binary options:

So, Monday is considered the most unlucky day for making large transactions. At the beginning of the week, participants set the so-called swing. There are no major breakouts on this day, the market is preparing for Tuesday.

The second day of the week is usually characterized by high dynamics, participants are active, instruments are volatile. It is believed that during this period they show themselves best. Wednesday is recognized as a similar day.

Two whole days of active trading require a respite to comprehend the events that have taken place. Thursday is the inactive period for the stock market. Friday can remind participants that it makes sense to get involved in trading processes.

However, it is not recommended to make deals at the very end. At this time, the calculation of the results of trading on world markets begins; at these moments, fluctuations in the price value of instruments are explained solely by the collection of data, but do not depend on the trading volume.

The strongest factor that has a direct impact on the work of the global market is news. Of course, it is quite difficult for beginners to navigate the sea of ​​events, but for yourself you can understand the periods of release of the most important information. Significant events can give a predictable trend reversal. Regular news, which other market participants are eagerly awaiting, is no less important.

Binary options are a unique tool that provides a trader with a wide range of options that make his activity as comfortable as possible, taking into account all individual characteristics and requests. In forming his trading system, a trader relies on various components. This is the size of the deposit, which will not be a blow to his financial condition, and the time he can devote to trading, and psychological characteristics of his character.

One of them is that they can be traded 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The choice of the best trading period depends on the strategy that is preferable for the trader and which will help him consistently make money in this market. Day and evening sessions, when the European and American exchanges are open, are the most volatile. Particularly sharp price movements are observed during the opening of exchange trading and the first few hours; then in the last hours of the sessions.

Pacific and Asian sessions are less active, with the exception of important news releases for the region. Many traders prefer to make their trades during the night hours, when price movements are calmer and more predictable. During this period, the markets are mainly in flat, so channel strategies are most often chosen for. Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channel are the most suitable for overnight strategies.

An important factor that determines the time of transactions is the choice of the underlying asset. It is better to trade, for example, during the Asian session with assets including the Japanese yen and Asian indices. In the Pacific - choose instruments with Australian and New Zealand currencies. In the European and American sessions, most of the assets are traded - these are currency pairs, and stocks, and commodities, and indices trading in the euro and amer. exchanges.

For traders who, despite the increased risk, the time of making deals depends on. The release of statistics on unemployment, inflation, key rates provokes explosive activity in the markets, especially those related to the news publication. Almost all brokers post calendars on their websites, and traders can determine in advance what news they will try to make money on. Some of them choose the most significant events that cause a manifold increase in market volatility. Others trade on less significant ones, but the influence of which, on the behavior of the underlying asset, can be traced, and its further movement can be predicted for a certain perspective.

Hi friends! In my blog, I have already repeatedly told HOW to trade binary options and WHAT is needed for this. And today I would like to focus on one more interrogative pronoun: WHEN can and should you trade BO?

The profitability of options trading transactions can be significantly influenced by the time of the contract. You need to be able to choose the right time, which will create opportunities for the implementation of successful streaks.

If you buy an option at the wrong time, you can destroy carefully prepared preparation, a specific trading plan.

Many beginners who have only recently begun to engage in such activities do not at all attach importance to the competent selection of the optimal time. But this is a mistake that needs to be corrected.

A wide variety of influences can be exerted on financial instruments. This happens at a variety of times, which is important to keep an eye on.

What I'm talking about today:

What is the best time to trade binary options?

For successful trading, you still need to choose the right time!

Modern companies usually try to provide decent conditions for users. They also want to attract as wide an audience as possible, which is why they declare the opportunity to trade on the platforms around the clock.

In theory, the implementation of this plan is quite possible, but in practice, some difficulties may arise. We must be aware that the actual price depends on a variety of instruments and their cost.

The changes take place according to a special scheme. More often than not, all jumps occur due to the fact that traders who work on various sites are activated, trade there, etc. There are a lot of events that are directly related to assets, which also cannot be ignored.

Such events can be various reports on profitability, news and much more.

There are changes, the reasons for which will be quite obvious.

For example, news of a reduction in the amount of oil produced slipped somewhere. This may affect the increase in its value. Due to such news, quite sharp jumps in value can occur.

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor such situations, to be always ready for virtually any surprises.

If the exchange, where specific assets are usually traded, has a break or is already closed, then prices will be in a state of complete calm. These days most often include weekends and holidays.

If the exchanges are closed, then the activity for options will be minimal. This excludes a good earning opportunity. Sometimes there are some spikes in the market, but they are extremely rare.

Trading sessions and their schedule

NOTE! The opening of the site and its closure is the most important time factor that has a direct impact on the value of assets.

At the moment, the price movement is very sharp, unexpected and lively. After the weekend, when they open, very sharp jumps are possible, even significant changes in price charts.

In the East, there is an emergence of activity in terms of finance. When it's around lunchtime in Moscow, all sessions in Asia are already closed. But gradually, exchanges in other countries begin to function, which maintains activity in the corresponding market.

Therefore, almost at any time on a weekday, you can pick up good assets that are characterized by high activity rates.

You can earn BIG BOOS on BO almost around the clock!

Due to the stable activity of exchanges and the fact that their sessions overlap with each other, binary options can be traded virtually throughout the whole day.

You can schedule some contracts, close a deal, and more at the optimal time. Everything is usually done on the basis of a specially developed strategy that allows you to achieve results.

For some strategies, you can find the ideal time of day when price movements are most appropriate.

Each user should ideally have a special schedule at hand, which will indicate the details of the trading sessions. Finding it is completely simple, because most often it is laid out for free access on brokerage resources.

There you can find other useful information, but this particular one should always be in the field of visibility.

The timing of the functioning of the exchanges is also considered an important factor. Therefore, it is desirable for traders of different levels to have such information. Options are based on special assets such as indices, commodities, stocks, and more.

They are traded on exchanges, the schedule of which will be very useful to know.

For example, if someone is trading gold-type options, the time when European markets are open will be useful information. There, precious metals are traded most actively. Anyone who prefers indexes should know information about other exchanges.

Best time to trade binary options

So what is the most appropriate time?

Each asset has its own characteristics of volatility, which depend on a specific time.

To find the best time, you need to carefully understand the key trading-type sessions:

  • Pacific.

Its start is at two o'clock in the morning Moscow time. The end is at eleven in the morning. Australia is at the center of this trade. Therefore, the shares of companies that operate in the area, currency pairs of this type can be a good tool for trading.

But the session is distinguished by minimal volatility indicators, which is why you don't even need to start option trading.

  • Asiatic.

Start at four Moscow time and end at one in the afternoon. Accordingly, the shares of local companies and other similar assets will be volatile. For options trading, this option can be very interesting.

  • European.

For traders from the post-Soviet space, it is the closest and most interesting option. Therefore, most users are activated at this time. Work begins at noon and ends at nine in the evening.

Currency pairs in which the euro is present, the pound is becoming the most volatile, as are the shares of local firms.

  • American.

Work starts at five o'clock in the evening Moscow time. It lasts until two in the morning. The shares of companies located in North America are very popular trading objects at this time. The respective currency pairs are also highly volatile.

The optimal time for work may be the moments when the work of a pair of sessions overlaps with each other. Therefore, every trader should know when it comes to start trading.

For example, you can work around noon when the European and Asian sessions are working together.

How to trade binary options successfully?

The desire to trade successfully is certainly present in every trader. But not everyone knows how to create the appropriate conditions for this. There are a lot of nuances that must be taken into account.

You cannot come into the BO trade unprepared and start EARNING A LOT.

IT IS IMPORTANT to undergo training, study the key points of trading and all other points.

  • Thorough market research- an important point.

To choose the right option, you need to track the news, the main nuances in the market. This will allow you to purchase options, the behavior of which is extremely clear. You need to understand the market situation almost thoroughly for trading to be successful.

There are many factors that affect asset values. If you study all of them, you can eliminate errors, or at least reduce them to a minimum.

  • Choosing a good expiration time.

The investor can pick up virtually any time, but the forecast should be correct in the end.

After choosing the term, you must wait for the end of the contract. Nowadays, short-term trading is popular, which allows you to make profits quickly enough.

  • Necessary completely control the situation, exclude haste and other impulsive actions.

The options market abhors unnecessary fuss and rush. Each decision should be as balanced and thoughtful as possible. Also, do not spend large sums, because in the end they can simply be lost.

You need to focus on your market, where you have experience and knowledge to make a profit.

  • Can't chase instant profits which is often quite deceiving.

Sometimes you want to get the maximum amount in a minimum amount of time. This negatively affects many users who forget about everything and rush into the pool headlong. The result will be a loss of money. It is rare to get a prize.

Binary Options Trading Rules

Do you want to eventually become a successful trader? Please allow me to observe certain nuances!

For the work to be successful, you need to consider the basic rules. Among them are written and unwritten. A good trader is obliged to know everything in order to navigate in any situations, to receive stable profits.

Among the main rules are:

  • The need to fully concentrate on assets that have been selected.

This point, perhaps, can be called the most important. This is due to the fact that well-chosen assets allow you to work successfully in the long term.

There is no need to be led by the opinion of the majority, which chooses some popular assets on specific types of options. You need to look for something to match your knowledge, experience and skills. After all, the modern choice is really the most extensive.

There are many stocks of firms, indices, commodities, and more. We must remember about the long-term format options, where there is a good potential for stable earnings.

  • Using financial management.

We need to think over an approximate schedule, the size of our own investments. If you follow the main principles of such management, you can greatly reduce the risks of losing your capital.

  • It is important to understand when to trade binary options and how to do it.

There is a lot of information on finding the perfect time that is easy to use.

  • Strong psychology.

It is necessary to switch from a virtual account to a real one without side effects. Don't worry about the rates.

  • Choosing a quality, proven and reliable broker.

It should guarantee stable payments, a convenient trading platform and many similar parameters. Now there are many brokers on the market, which, on the one hand, simplifies the choice, and on the other, makes it even more difficult.

  • Use of quality analytical tools.

It is important to learn how to qualitatively analyze the situation on the market, to track basic trends. Sometimes you can use special signals and everything else for this.

A successful trader must be a good psychologist

When a trader understands how to profitably trade binary options, then it will be possible to achieve the goals set. Compliance with the above rules can be an effective tool for profitable trading.

If you adhere to your principles, use competent strategies, the result will not be long in coming.

Also, everyone should know when is the best time to trade binary options. This has already been discussed in detail above. Therefore, it is unlikely that there will be problems in understanding the main trends and features of option trading.

But what the traders themselves say about the time of BO trading

What do you need to know to trade binary options?

There are several STANDARD MOMENTS that every trader should have knowledge about.

These include:

  • Basic terminology.
  • Trading principles.
  • Strategies.
  • Existing assets.
  • Types of options and much more.

Should you trade binary options?

Everyone should give their own answer to this question.

But, if we consider it through the prism of potential and stable financial income, it is definitely worth it.

Options can, in the good hands of a non-lazy user, be a productive tool to make money. Do not think that BIG EARNINGS on BO are fictions. Read my blog, replenish your theoretical baggage, try your hand at practice!

The profitability from the conclusion of contracts for the purchase and sale of binary assets is greatly influenced by the time of the transaction. The right moment is the key to successful trading activities, entailing an increase in the series of contracts that will bring colossal profits. Consequently, an inaccurately chosen time frame can violate the established trading system in the financial market, which can reduce the level of profitability or lead to a loss of capital.

When to Trade Binary Options: Session Schedule

The change in the trend of assets and the price chart of binary options depends on such a circumstance as the opening and closing times of exchanges. It was during this period that a revival in the market was noted, which was favorable for the conclusion of contracts. In addition, traders should take into account that the beginning of the trading day may be accompanied by a sharp drop in the lines in the price chart.

Today there are four trading sessions, which are conventionally divided taking into account individual characteristics. According to the schedule, the beginning of trading in one economic zone is characterized by the end of the session in another. Due to the presence of different types of sessions, trading in the financial market is conducted 24 hours a day. Among them, it is worth highlighting the following periods:

  1. Asian session. The trading time interval starts at 04.00 am and lasts until 13.00 Moscow time. It is suitable for transactions in shares of the largest Asian holdings, as well as currency pairs with the participation of the Australian dollar and the Japanese yen.
  2. Pacific session. Its activity on the market starts from 02.00 am and ends by 11.00 am Moscow time. In the center of exchange trading are companies and enterprises in Australia and the Oceania archipelago. The main currency of transactions is the Australian dollar.
  3. European session. A significant number of traders trade during this period of time - from 09.00 to 18.00. This is the most convenient session for investors living in the CIS countries. The activity in the financial market is observed during the periods 09.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00. For exchange participants, shares of well-known European holdings are available, as well as monetary units: euro, British pound, Swiss franc.
  4. American session. The period is considered the most voluminous in terms of the number of transactions concluded. It starts at 17.00 and ends at 00.00, it is at this time that the shares and securities of American companies, as well as currency pairs in which the American dollar participates, are most active.

What is the best time to trade

An important and rather responsible task for many traders is choosing the best time to trade binary options. To achieve positive results, it is worth considering certain factors when trading binary options:

The trader's desktop should always have a schedule of the main trading sessions, which can be found on the website of any brokerage company. A conveniently compiled schedule allows you to take into account the opening and closing times of exchange-traded funds in certain countries and continents. It is of great importance for the formation of the direction of prices of different assets, as well as the monetary denomination of the state in which the currency and commodity exchange is located. In addition, financial market participants should always take into account the time zone and the specifics of winter / summer time.

Days of the week

There are favorable and unfavorable days of the week for trading on the binary options exchange. For example, professional traders take Monday as a day of flat movement. When conducting a technical analysis of the market, it can be noted that there are no sharp price movements. The reason for this is the minimal publication of macroeconomic indicators, which was facilitated by the weekend. Accordingly, on Monday, traders are advised to play with the use of trading systems operating in a flat. The main days for trading binary options in the financial market are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. These days, strategic decisions aimed at conducting trading activities in a trend are relevant. Friday is the last day of trading, which is characterized by strong and directional price movements. Such activity is associated with closing deals on the eve of the weekend.

Weekends and holidays

During the New Year celebrations and other popular events, the financial market is quite volatile and completely different from traditional everyday life. A flat movement with sharp price impulses occurs during the Christmas period from December 20 to January 5. Flat on the binary options exchange is explained by the low activity of traders, and the situation with sharp price fluctuations speaks of large infusions of funds into the foreign exchange market.

First Friday of the month or non-farm

This is one of the fundamental indicators of the US economy. It belongs to the American labor market and provides information on labor reserves and new jobs in the economic sector. On the first Friday of the month, traders can observe sharp impulses for all currency pairs in which the dollar participates. It is difficult to predict the market situation on this day, so many participants try to refrain from trading. Hot news, which can be the impetus for opening an option, will help increase the chances of making a profit on Friday.

Now, traders will be able to determine when is the best time for binary options. This will help regulate the work plan and know the periods in which it is recommended to refrain from entering the foreign exchange and stock markets. Trading session time is an important parameter that should be taken into account when forming a competent strategic decision on trading.
With the right approach, there is a high probability of making a good and stable profit.

What is the relationship between time and profit

Market makers are large and influential participants in the financial market who are able to make significant changes in the price trend. Their peculiarity lies in the conduct of trading activities on the stock and currency exchange in a certain period of time. That is why it is worth carefully monitoring the periods when large-scale financial sharks enter the market in order to start making deals on serious stock exchanges. It is thanks to market makers that there is a strong fluctuation in prices, favorable for trading.

Before entering the financial market, a trader must study the price tables of daily trading, which will help to carry out comparative analysis and choose the winning tactics. If you carefully look at the intraday charts, you can see how in a certain time interval the growth and fall of its quotes occurs.

Considering the above types of trading sessions, it can be noted that the beginning of transactions for the conclusion of transactions will fall on Monday night. Operations in the foreign exchange market begin with the Pacific session, when the trading platforms of New Zealand, Singapore and Australia are provided to traders. The Tokyo Stock Exchange picks up the baton of trading at four in the morning, but it is not very dynamic, except for the moments of the presence of strong news in binary options.

After that, the stock exchanges of London, Frankfurt and other European cities enter the world financial market. It is during the period from 10.00 to 18.00 that the largest trades take place, allowing you to conclude profitable deals. The exchange offers currencies of different countries and assets of world famous corporations. The peak of activity in the financial market is reached at about 16.30, from the opening of the American trading session. At this time, exchanges such as Amex, Nyse and Nasdaq begin their work. Together with the European time frame, powerful price movements are recorded in the market, which are a signal for profitable trading activities.

To make the right timing for trading binary options, you need to familiarize yourself with the trading sessions. This will help you align with the natural cycles of the financial market using a unique trading strategy. For example, a trading system based on the method of entering a rebound from the borders of a price channel works favorably during quiet trading sessions such as the Asian and Pacific ones. Therefore, if you need to get increased volatility and high income, you will need to wait for the opening of the London Stock Exchange.

Binary options trading strategy on the news

The timing of news releases is an impulse that has a strong impact on the financial market. It is capable of detecting long-term and short-term price changes. Since the business and trading of binary options have a lot in common, not only traders, but also large entrepreneurs may be interested in the news.

For investors making transactions in the foreign exchange market, an important indicator is the exact time of an economic event that is directly related to the trading asset. A trader should not exchange for unnecessary information and make deals in difficult times. Its task is to closely monitor the release of the necessary news, because during this period there is panic and disorder in the financial market.

There are several types of news that have unique features and differences. For example, regular news is characterized by the frequency of publication: once a month, quarterly or annually. They can cover industry data, the economic performance of a specific country, or corporate financial statements. A trader working on a certain type of financial assets should closely monitor the events in this industry and be aware of the time of their release. During this period, it is very important not to miss the moment of reaction of exchange participants to the release of regular news. In addition, the investor should take into account that a sharp increase in the value of binary assets is possible.

A convenient solution is to monitor the websites of well-known brokerage companies that regularly release a calendar with upcoming financial news expected in the coming month. On the brokers' website, you can analyze the schedule of recurring financial news that will help you choose the right time to trade binary options. Experts do not recommend for beginners to go into the evaluation of regular news in detail, since due to inexperience this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

All brokers allow you to work with options around the clock, some give you the opportunity to trade even on weekends. But the effectiveness of trading strongly depends on time, and today we will study this issue in more detail.

Working hours of world exchanges

If you look at the chart of any currency pair, you can see that the activity during the day is distributed extremely unevenly. The main movement occurs precisely in the daytime, and at night the price moves in a horizontal channel, there are no large market players, there is simply no one to move it.

So the best time to trade binary options is the opening hours of the main financial centers of the world. At 09:00 London comes into play and this is clearly visible on the chart. Areas where the working hours of several exchanges overlap are characterized by increased volatility.

For example, the New York and Chicago stock exchanges come in before Europe is closed. A second wave may begin in the same direction that was set at the opening of Europe.

Much also depends on what kind of currency pair you are working on. If only for majors and major crosses, then the proposed mode of operation will do. You can trade from the morning until the close of the American stock exchanges. During the Asian session, volatility drops sharply.

Everything written above was related to intraday trading. But market activity is also not uniformly distributed over the days of the week.

The period from Tuesday to Thursday is ideal for trading, in most cases it is on these days that the main weekly movement occurs. Monday and Friday form candlestick shadows on the weekly timeframe. On Monday, the market has not yet decided, and on Friday many fix profits before the weekend, hence a small pullback.

As for what time it is best to trade binary options, it is not necessary to ignore Monday and Friday. Just reduce the size of your usual bet these days and be especially careful when choosing signals.

Is it worth trading on weekends and at night

Some binary options brokers, such as Binomo, allow trading on weekends as well. Usually, work can only be carried out using Bitcoin.

But it just doesn't make any sense. At this time, there are no strong movements, which means that you can try trading strategies for a quiet market, for example, trade on a rebound from the boundaries of a horizontal channel. Safety brokers are simply cutting interest these days.

As a result, instead of payments at the level of 70-85%, the trader will receive, at best, 40-50%, and maybe less. That is, the percentage of winning trades must be higher than usual in order to work profitably.

With regard to night trading, the problem is the same, only the percentage of payments on options in the money will be even lower. Profit can drop to 10-30% depending on the asset and its volatility. As a result, the ratio of winning trades to losing trades at night should be at the level of 1 / 7-1 / 10 in order to keep in positive territory. In addition, if the chart moves in the range of 20-30 points at night, then it becomes much more difficult to make a forecast, the result of the transaction is highly dependent on random price fluctuations.

Do not forget that the trader needs rest. Working on weekends and at night is not conducive to this.


As for when it is best to trade binary options, the best option is to trade from Tuesday to Thursday during the European and American exchanges. In the case of binary options, it does not matter how much the price moves in the right direction, but the main movement occurs precisely during this period of time and it will be easier to predict the price behavior. You will be less dependent on random price fluctuations.