"Who lives well in Russia," what features of the people are shown in the image of the Sovelius of the Bogatyr? Thank you in advance. Analysis of the head "Peasant

"Who lives well in Russia," what features of the people are shown in the image of the Sovelius of the Bogatyr? Thank you in advance. Analysis of the head "Peasant

The great Russian poet Negrasov N.A., touched on the global problems of society, uniting them in one poem "Who lives well in Russia." It is difficult not to allocate the main heroes of the poem on which the story is built.

Watching the life of the usual people with the authorities of an unfair ruler, it is difficult not to take into account the fate of the Svyatourus hero of Savelia.

In the poem, the reader meets the old man who lives with the Son and his family. The attitude of the son to his father and on the contrary, can not be called friendly and family. Ironically, Grandfather Savely becomes the culprit of the death of great-grandfather. The feeling of guilt eats the old man, and he goes into the monastery. Then returns home and soon dies.

In his youth, the bogatyr was endowed with a huge force, while his main advantages were: fearlessness, nobility, justice, patience. Love for nature, complemented the hero courage.

Previously, grandfather Savelia had a carefree life. The peasants in all had their own freedom of action, before the appearance of the manager. Big exchange fees began.

The life of the peasants turned into essential cautious.

The struggle for justice changes the character not only to Sovelius, but also the whole people. Fabric inhabitants lose faith and weaken in spirit. Meanwhile, patience on the outcome, and the Bogatyr spirit is tempered by a dream of a violence.

After reprisals with the ruler, the Savely has been in slavery for 20 years, performing severe physical work. After an unsuccessful escape, 20 years spends on the subsidence.

But in his mind there is a hope of a bright future.

Bravery, pride, faith, endurance, patience characterize the old-year Savlia long-liver.

Life as a barbed coin, never guess what will happen next. But despite all the curiosities of Fate Saveli did not break down, he was able to remain invincible heroic, the hero of that time.

Writing the image of the Savlia of the hero of the Svyatourus reasoning

The great Russian writer Nekrasov introduced the image of Santa Savely in his work by an ironic statement, which immediately shows the attitude towards this hero and its meaning in this work. This hero is represented by an adult who has almost lived his own and life, which now in the end simply lives his age, in the family of another heroine of this work.

It is worth noting that the image of this hero is very important, as it shows the idea of \u200b\u200bRussian heroes, which was so important for Russian people at a certain point in time.

Savely is a man who, in his origin, is a leaving of the deaf forests, the road in which sometimes it is not possible.

Externally, this hero resembles something of the bear, but it is also impossible not to say that it can be compared with other animals, but no less dangerous and predatory.

In his actions, phrases reflect the love of his homeland, to his land, on which he grew up and lived. The times were not simple, many peasants suffered serious humiliation from people of other classes and were not subject to their will and their desires. According to our hero, a lot of people can endure a Russian man, which is why they are called heroes. He expressed such phrases to all his loved ones and just around him, to which the strongest ridicule received, because people answered such statements that even cockroaches could be offended by such warriors.
In general, all the characteristics of this hero coincides with the characteristic of the most immobile, clumsy hertie, who, in essence, can and knows how much, but nevertheless considers himself a real Russian rich.

The life and fate of this hero were very not bright and beautiful, he spent more than twenty years of their life for the boat, even about half of this period was in the settlement. But, in spite of everything, Savely never desperate, he tried to honestly everywhere and was able to build some state to build home and for himself, and for his family a pretty decent hut, which was not only strong and warm, but also Completely considered his personal achievement.

Nevertheless, the fate of this hero can hardly be called happy. The attitude towards him all his life was as long as he could work and accordingly earn money, he loved and respected, but as soon as he lost this ability immediately began to get ridicule and reproach to his address.

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The head of the "peasant woman" was created by Nekrasov on the eve of the second democratic lift, when the true knowledge of the folk medium, the essence of a folk nature became particularly necessary. What conclusions led a long-term study of Nekrasov's folk life?

Neither in one of the chapters of the epic "Who in Russia ..." the author did not claim so inspirements that in the folk medium there are inexhaustible sources of moral beauty, durability, heroic power and freedom. The latter with a special force is revealed in the central episode of the head of the "peasant", the story about Savelia, the Bogatira of Svyatourus. It is completely natural that it was in the chapter that characterizes the life of the peasantry, told by a peasant woman and closely connected with folk creativity, a semi-mounted (and such specifically real!) The image of the "hero of the villagers", Savelia is one of the best and most dramatic creatures of Nekrasovsky genius .

From the very first words, Matrain about Savelia is born a feeling of the heroic of his power. A huge, "With a big scent grivy, / with a big beard", a century-old old man not only "looked like a bear," but it seemed to be "terrible to soha". Epic, widely summarizing the meaning of the image of Savelia is emphasized in the title of chapter - "Savely, Bogatyr Svyatruz". What are the origins of the birth of this image and what place does he take in the development of the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe poems?

Impulses that stimulated the work of creative fantasy Nekrasov are very diverse. It is possible that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe introduction to the chapter "peasant" the image of the peasant-hero is suggested by Fedosovsky crying. So, in the crying "about killed Thunder-Molvia" the image of the Ilya-prophet is drawn, who asks God of permission to pull the arrow fiery in the Beast's chest peasant mighty. Words of the poems:

And chest? Ilya Prophet


On the fiery chariot ...

All tolerate the boys! -

undoubted Otzvuk Fedosovsky Crying.

But not as much from the book, how many from life was Nekrasov. As clarified in one of the most interesting studies, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe chapter on Savelia is sharply joined. The events of which are told in the chapter "Savelius, Bogatyr Svyatourus" are deployed in the northwestern part of the Kostroma region, as evidenced by the names: cigarette, buoy, sand monastery, Kostroma. It turns out that the choice of a place of action, so to speak, "Kostroma Topography" is not accidental in the poem. Having come to the city ("Governor"), Matrena is surprised to stop in front of the Susanin monument:

Stands from copper forged,

Extremely Savely Grandfather,

Guy on the square.

- Whose monument? - "Susanina".

The fact that Savely is compared with susanin, it was repeatedly noted in the literature, but scientific research showed that the internal connection of the sovereign image with susanin is much deeper and more difficult than it seemed. It is in it that the mystery of the birth of the image is hidden.

Kostroma "Sights" chapters have a special meaning. The fact is that Ivan Susanin was born in the same places, in the village of Village Bouysky county. He died, judging by legend, kilometers forty from buoy, in the swamps under the village of Yusupov.

As you know, the patriotic feat of Susanin was interpreted in the monarchical spirit, the love of the king and the willingness to give life for him was declared the devils expressing the essence of the Russian peasantry. In 1851, a monument to Susanin (Sculptor V. I. Deut-Malinovsky) was set in Kostroma. At the foot of the six-meter column crowned by Bust Mikhail Romanova, the crankshake figure of Ivan Susanin. Former in Kostroma, Nekrasov has repeatedly seen this monument.

The plot of the chapter "Savely, Bogatyr Svyatruzsky", the action of which focuses in a deaf bearish corner, the thick of the Kostroma forests and the swamps, the poet says that he wakes up in the most deaf side. The image of Savelia is also talking about this - the epically generalized image of the rising Russian peasantry.

Nekrasov gives an unusually deep analysis of the peculiarities of the peasant movement of his era, the peasant Russia in its strength and weakness in the poem. The author of Epopea draws attention to the heroic power of the "hero of the nursery" (Russian peasant), it would seem difficult to compatible with it the long-suffering and the elemental nature of its rebounds. Russian man patient. The crich is silently tolerant laminate of Shalashnikov. About the inner strength, pride ("That there were proud people!") Specifies this ability to restrain the growing anger, get up above the beatings and tortures:

Like a Derie, a dog son,

And all the souls do not beat ...

In this patience - no humility and slave blood, and common sense and strength of the Spirit.

There is a peculiar contest in strength and durability between the Corches and Chalashnikov, and the rude strength of the Shalashnikov is not able to defeat the inner perseverance of the men, the strength of their spirit: "The fool you, shahamnikov!" - Mockingly declare the crigneys, while having fun over Barin. but

Peasant patience

Hardly, and time

There is an end to him

the peasant "axes lie to the pore." Elemenious nature conjugate evil, but the folk medium constantly puts forward people who arise to fight him. These people begin to understand that excessive patience often develops into a habit, gives rise to the psychology of the slave. "Thread-abyss ..." - formulates this thought of Saveli, who has risen on the path of protest.

The Russian man is patient, but once deciding whether obstacles are no longer afraid. For the limit by the mockery of the "German-ruler", patient cigarettes, silently agreeing to settle with the hated fogel, show an amazing determination and unanimity in actions. The initiative belongs to Savely. This is the first one gently pushed the shoulder of Christian Christian to the pit. And this easy push, sparks, so that the flame of the people's wrath broke out, they earned together under the replica "Rady!" nine shovel ...

Arriving the moral right of the people on the struggle, to massacre with oppressors, admiring the strength and determination of the criesters, Nekrasov, however, shows the doomes of such outbreaks of peasant wrath. Savely with comrades

German Fogel

Christian Christian

Live buried.

Cabac ... Ostrog in a buoy city,

... twenty-rigorous cavities,

About twenty settlements. "

Having killed Fogel, the crigs opened against themselves the action of the stream behind Fugher, the terrible force of an autocably landlord state, with which even warriors cannot cope if they are singles. Old Man Savely reflects:

Where are you, power, do it?

What did you come in handy?

- under the rogging, under the sticks

Over the little things left!

Therefore, the Bogatyr Svyatruzsky and loves to repeat: "Lader - the abyss ..." Yes, the spontaneous and scattered peasant rebounds will not lead to an excess of Sel. This knows Nekrasov and still with a huge poetic inspiration talks about the power and freedom and freedom, about the enormous potential strength of the wrath of the Russian peasant.

In the story of Savelia there are words:

Then ... I ran from the cautious ...

The image of the peasant - rebellion, the Folk Avenger for the age-old insults was initially conceived even more sharp. In the manuscripts, there was an episode, which tells how Savely, the third time falsing from the cortic, "decently walked." Walking in the winter in a taiga, he comes out for the hut, in which some kind of officials who hated him, and, carrying out their revenge, Savely burns their enemies.

It is believed that to refuse to introduce this episode to Nekrasov's poem forced the vision of censorship. But I want to notice the other. There is something creepy in the painted picture, throwing sinister glare, an ominous shadow on the appearance of Savelia, contrary to the Nekrasovsky concept of a folk nature. The Russian man is rather complacent than cruel, thoughtful and deliberate cruelty is not characteristic of him. Yes, brought to the limit, in the rustling of the righteous anger, the crigs are buried in the land of Fogel. But the psychological drawing here is different. The shovels of the criesters work under the influence of a spontaneous impulse, they perform the will of the team, although each of the participants in the dilapidation of the internally embarrassed by the cruelty of this fair (after all, the "amp" years suffered!) Will:

We did not look at each other

In the eyes...

He was sensed and "overcame" they only when the case was done. It seems that not a look for censorship, and the artistic flair forced the poet to refuse to introduce into the final text of the poem of the fragment "And the doors of the stones ...", contrary to the humane basics of the hero nature.

There is no strength capable of breaking the Savelia. "Twenty-rigorous cavities, / year old twenty settlements" only strengthened natural freedom in it, expressed in words: "Claim, yes not a slave!" Becoming and a countertime of the old man, he was all thoughts to the past, reflects on the fate of the peasantry, "about the bitter share of the pahacary," about the way of struggle and even in the monastery, where he left, Win himself in the death of Demechka, praises "for all the suffering Russian peasantry." True, at the end of the life of Savely, sometimes comes to the bitter and irreparable conclusions.

Tespi, long-suffering!

We do not find truth, -

he says Matreya, and to the peasants mentally drawn with the words:

How do you lie, stupid,

What is written on the family

Togo not to power!

But the fatalism and religiosity are so characteristic of the ideology of the patriarchal Russian peasantry and religiosity in Savelia next to the anger and contempt for those who are not capable of fighting:

Oh, you, Aniki-Warriors!

With old men, with babami

You just fight!

The image of Savely is correlated in the poem not only with Ivan Susanin, but also with the images of the Russian epic. He is the Bogatyr Svyatruzsky. This poetic parallel is approved by the warming of the people and faith into its inesen powers. It has long been established that in the characteristic of the peasant Savely (you think Matorenushka, a man is not a bogatyr? ...) The szvuk was heard about Svyatogore and the terrestrial. Svyatogor-Bogatyr feels immense strength.

Kaba I found traction,

So all the earth raised! -

he says. But, trying to raise the SUMA traveled with a burden of earth

And on the knee saint in the ground

And on the belly, the face is not tears, and blood flows ...

In the poem:

Showing a terrible thrust

Raised something raised

Yes to the ground he left his chest

From Natuha! In the face of it

Do not tears - blood flows.

The image of the Siberian Republic helps to express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe strength and weakness of the Russian peasantry, about its mighty, but still dormant forces and non-segments, the inconsistency of his social consciousness. To observation, a comparison of the Russian man with Svyatogor is present in the poem as the reasoning of Savelia. Sovelius, the consciousness of which is characterized by non-denimity, and intense many years of painful work of thought, the result of which was contempt for anicam-soldiers, not capable of fighting, consciousness that is better hard stamp than spiritual slavery. Therefore, the shaped parallel of Svyatogor - the Russian man can not be distributed in any way on the Savlia itself, also the richar of Svyatourzsky, but other, not dormant, and effective power.

Hired walkers about the fate of Savelia Matrena Timofeevna. He was his husband's grandfather. He often looked for help and asked for advice. He was already a hundred years, he lived apart in his gorny, because his family disliked. Reaching prayed and read the salty. Huge, like a bear, born, with a huge gray mane. First, Matrain was afraid. Yes, and teased relatives to his branded, religious. But he was kind to the daughter-in-law of his son, became a nanny for her firstborn. Ironically called him mature lucky.

Savely was the serfs of the Salashnikov destroyer in the village of Koreg, which was lost among the impassable forests. Therefore, the life of the peasants was relatively free. Barin canceled the peasants abolished, who dragged the lifts from him, because because of off-roads, it was difficult to get to them. But after his death, it became even worse. The heir sent the manager of the Fogel, who turned the life of the peasants in essential cautious. The crap German convinced the men to work out debts. And they silent the swamps in their innocence, paved the road. So the Barsk hand reached them.

The Germans suffered eighteen years old, who with her dead grip almost all allowed the world. One day, a decent well, Savely carefully pushed Fogel to the pit, the remaining feet. And on the cries of the German "nine shovels answered", burying alive alive. For this received twenty years of cortic and as many settlements. Even there worked a lot and managed to drive money to the construction of the flavor. But his relatives loved him, while there were money, then he began to spit in the eyes.

Why does this chill-blood killer of Nekrasov call the Svyatarusky richnoe? Savely, possessing the true heroic physical strength and power of the Spirit, for him the intercessor of the people. Savely himself says the Russian man in his patience is hero. But his thought will be warm that "Peasiks on the supports there are axes, but they are silent to the pore." And smiles at himself in the beard: "Stone, yes not a slave." For him and notice, and endure all one that the abyss. With condemnation, he opposes the humility of the current men, who the Day of His Day, the disappearance of the warriors, who only with the old men and Baba are able to fight. All their strength on trifles went under the rogues and sticks. But his wise folk philosophy led to Bunta.

Even after the cowards, Savely retained his inconceived spirit. Only the death of Demech, who deceased by His wine, she donated a man who had a cautious suffering. He will spend their last days in the monastery and in wrapping. So the topic of people's long-suffering was expressed in the fate of Savelia.

Essay of Savely in the poem who lives well in Russia

Nekrasov set himself a huge task - to show how it was overwhelming the cancellation of serfdom to the life of ordinary people. To do this, he creates seven peasants who go throughout Russia and ask people, whether they live well. One of the respondents becomes Grandfather Savely.

Externally, the Savely looks like a huge bear, he has a big gray "mane", wide shoulders and big height, he is a Russian warrior. From the story of Savelia, the reader understands that he is not only an externally boggy, he is warmer and internally, by nature. He is very resistant, hardy and filled by the vital wisdom man. A person who survived many sadness and many joy.

In the youth of Savely, there lived far away in the forest, where the hand of evil landowners did not get. But one day a manager was appointed to the settlement. Initially, the manager did not even require money from the peasants, laid under the law of Dani, but forced them to chop forest for it. Nearby peasants did not immediately understand what was happening, but when they cut down all the trees, the road was built into their forest wilderness. Then the managing German and came from all his family to live in the wilderness. Only a simple life now the peasants could not boast: the German rushed them into them. Russian Bogatyr is able to endure a lot and for a long time, so talks on Savely in this stretch of life, but it is necessary to change something. And he is solved on the riot against the manager, whom all peasants are buried in the ground. There is a huge will of our hero, which is even stronger than its limitless Russian patience.

For such a keenness, he is sent for 20 years to the catguard, and after that, 20 years old it works in settlements, no money. Not every person is able to plow 40 years old for the sake of one goal - return home and help your family with money. It is worthy of respect.

Upon returning home, the worker is found very welcome, he builds a hut for a family and everyone loves him. But as soon as the money end, they begin to laugh at him, which is very insulted by Savelia, he does not understand what he deserved such a relationship.

The end of the life of the grandfather ends in the monastery, where he poured the sins, which His grandson died in his fault. Savely is the image of a true Russian hero, capable of much suffering, but ready to rush into the fight for freedom of neighboring. The author calls it a "lucky" with irony, and this is true: he is unhappy until the end of his life.

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Savnelius, Svyatourzsky Bogatyrus with a huge cross grivy, tea, twenty years, not cut, with a big beard, grandfather's grandfather, who came to the bear, who came out ... Yes, the grandfather could not straighten: he was spooking in fairy tales, one hundred years. Grandfather lived in a special hill, the family disliked. I did not let any corner;

The life of Savelia was very difficult, fate did not indulge him. In the old age Sovelius lived in the family of his son, Matrinet Timofeevna. It is noteworthy that Grandpa Savely dislikes his family. Obviously, all households have far from the best qualities, and honest and sincere old man feels great. In his native family, Savelia is called branded, religious. And he himself, no offense at this, says: Heart, yes not a slave.

It is interesting to observe how the Savely is not averse to a jerked over members of your family: And firmly will jerk him hangs: look like a matchpiece to us! Unmarried golden to the window: An instead of the woven beggars! From the tin button, the grandfather crashed a dumplings, threw a beeto-father on the floor! Not drunk out of the pee shoved!

What does the relationship between the old man and his family indicate? First of all, the eyes rushes that Savely differs from both his son and from all relatives. The son does not possess any exclusive qualities, no drunkenness bends, almost completely deprived of kindness and nobility. And Savely, on the contrary, kind, smart, unauthorized. He will avoid his household, seems to be pretended by the petty, envy, the evil characteristic of his relatives. Old man Savely is the only one who in the family of her husband was kind with Matrey. The old man does not hide all the burrs that fell on his share:

The old man Savely is very freed by. It combines such qualities as the power of physical and mental. Savely Real Russian Bogatyr, who does not recognize any pressure on himself. In the youth of Savely, he had an incomplete force, no one could compete with him. In addition, life was previously different, the peasants were not burdened with the hardest responsibility to pay luggage and work out the bargains. As Savely himself says:

Nature itself defended the peasants from the invasion of the barin, police and other violators of calm. Therefore, the peasants could safely live and work, without feeling on themselves someone else's power. When reading these lines, fabulous motives are remembered, because in fairy tales and legends, people were absolutely free, they themselves managed their lives. The old man talks about how the peasants with bears coped:

Savely, as if a real fabulous bogatyr, presents his rights to the forest around him, it is the forest with his faint-blooded paths, powerful trees is the real element of the hero of Savelia. In the forest, Bogatyr is not afraid of anything, he is a real owner of the silent kingdom around him. That is why in old age he leaves the family and goes into the forest.

The unity of the hero of Sovelius and the surrounding nature seems to be undoubted. Nature helps Savely to become stronger. Even in old age, when years and adversity bent the back of the old man, still there is an incomplete power. Savelius tells how in his youth his fellow villagers managed to deceive the Barin, hide the available wealth from him. And let it accounted for a lot to endure, but no one could reproach people in cowardice and bravery. The peasants were able to assure landowners in their absolute poverty, so they managed to avoid complete ruin and enslavement.

Savely is a very proud person. It felt in everything: in his attitude to life, in his durability and courage, with whom he defends his own. When he talks about his youth, he remembers how the people only weak the spirit survived. Of course, he himself did not relate to such people:

Young years of Savelia passed in the atmosphere of freedom. But the peasant freedom was not long. Barin died, and his heir sent a German who first behaved quietly and imperceptibly. The German gradually moved away from the local population, gradually watched the peasant life. Gradually, he continues in confidence in the peasants and told them to dry the swamp, then cut out the forest. In short, the peasants were sensed only when a magnificent road appeared, at which they could be easily reached by their god of a forgotten seat.

Fresh life ended, now the peasants have fallen completely all the tights of the pyal and existence. The old man Savely speaks about folk long-suffering, explaining him by the courage and spiritual power of people. Only truly strong and courageous people can be so patient to endure such bullying, and so generous, so as not to forgive a similar attitude towards themselves.

And therefore we endured that we are warriors. In that richness is Russian. Do you think Matreushka, a man is not a bogatyr "? And his life is not rational, and death is not written in battle and hero!

Nekrasov finds amazing comparisons, speaking of folk long-suffering and courage. He uses the folk epic, speaking of heroes: hand circles are twisted, feeded iron, back ... Forests Dundaging passed on it broke. And chest? Ilya-prophet in it rattles-ride on the chariot of fire ... everything suffers the hero!

The old man Soveley tells how for the past eighteen years tolerated the peasants of the German-manager. Their whole life was now in power of this cruel person. People had to work without donating hands. And the manager every time was dissatisfied with the results of work, demanded more. The German mockery of the German cause the strongest indignation in the soul of the peasants. And once the next portion of bullying forced people to make a crime. They kill the German manager. When reading these lines, the thought of higher justice comes. The peasants have already managed to feel absolutely powerless and bright. They were taken away with everything that they treated. But over a person, it is impossible to mock completely unpunished. Sooner or later you will have to pay for your actions.

The life of Sovelius, the hero of Svyatruzsky, after the cortica was very difficult. He spent twenty years in captivity, only closer to old age was free. The whole life of Sovelius is very tragic, and in old age he turns out to be an involuntary of the death of a little grandson. This case once again proves that, despite all its strength, Savely cannot withstand hostile circumstances. He is just a toy in the hands of fate.

N. Nekrasov created a lot of wonderful peasant images in the poem "Who lives well in Russia." From their number it is allocated a centenary old man, a lot of survivors in his century. But despite age, he retained the strength and fortress of the Spirit. "Bogatyr Svyatruzsky" - such a definition receives in the work of Grandpa Saveli.

"Who lives well in Russia": Summary of chapters 3.4 parts 3

Men - Wanderers, who decided to find an answer to the question that delivered in the name of the poem, learned about this hero from a young woman, Matrena Timofeevna. "Also the lucky man was," she notes during the story of his life.

Matrena met grandfather Savely, when he turned about a hundred years. He lived separately from the family of his son, in his Hubber, and the only gentle and carefully treated the young wife of the grandson. The hero always loved the forest, where and at the time of the deep old age loved to collect mushrooms and berries, put the fun on birds. Such is the first characteristic of the Savlia.

"Who lives well in Russia" - the poem about the life of the peasants before and after the referees of 1861. The history of the elder's life, which he told the daughter-in-law, introduces times when and the men were considered an increase in more-time, and the boat was not so strong: "Once every three years we will give a landowner and enough," said the hero. And although there are a lot of difficulties on his share: and a fortress life, and a long-term Katorga, and the settlement - however, the main test was waiting for Savelia ahead. In old age, he was not heated for the great-grandfather whom the pigs bred. After that, he left the house, and soon settled in the monastery, where until the last days he prayed for sins in this world: his own and strangers.

What attractive the image of Sovelius in the work "Who lives well in Russia"?

Hero appearance

According to Matrena, the old man and in a hundred years looked awesome and strong, so it looked more like a huge bear. With a large, long-haired silent mane. Bent, but still hitting his greatness - in his youth, according to his stories, he alone spoke against the Medoli and raised her on Hortheyn. Now, of course, the power was not the one: the hero often asked the question: "Where is the silicon of being done?" Nevertheless, Matrene seemed to straighten his grandfather to the whole height, would certainly break his head in the beveyment. This description complements the characteristics of the Savlia.

"Who lives well in Russia" tells about the young years of the hero, including the story about how he found himself at Katorga.

Free life

In the days of his granddaughter, his relatives were deaf and non-coming. The forests of the marsh, spread around, were well acquainted with local peasants, but they prevented fear for strangers, including a barrine. Nekrasov does not just introduce into the poem - from this, in fact, the characteristic of Savelia begins - "Who lives well in Russia" the Korean Korean combination. It in itself already symbolizes incredible physical strength and endurance.

So, the landowner of the shahamnikov did not look at the men at all, and the police came once a year to collect Dani. The serfs equated themselves to the free: paid little and lived in incubation as merchants. At first, they also gave the lifts with honey, fish, animal skins. Over time, as the hour of payments approached, dulled by the worshi. And although there are podlovniki flaws so that the "skin" harden for the whole century, the peasants who were standing for their behavior, turned out to be adamant. "Like a Derie, but you don't exist with all my hearts," Savnelius thought so. "Who lives well in Russia shows that the character of the hero hardened and the crepe in conditions when he and his comrades felt his freedom. And therefore, before the end of life, it was impossible to change this belief, nor proud of the wrong way. In a hundred years, Savely also advocated the right to be independent, including relatives.

In his story, the grandfather drew attention to another moment - she did not always tolerate the mockery of the man's man. He remembered the time when the people wanted and could stand up for himself.

Protest against self-government

After the death of Shalashnikov, the peasants hoped that now completely freedom would come. But the heirs sent the German manager. He first attached a quiet and calm, no longer demanded. And he himself forced the peasants to dry the marshes and cut into a dope. When everyone came to mind, it was too late: for nonsense themselves, the roads themselves laid. Here, they ended their merchant live - notes in his story Savelius.

"Who lives well in Russia" - the work that the best is presented in the case with German shows the same unity of the people who have always dreamed of. It turned out that the men who were accustomed to the free life of men were not easy. For eighteen years, they somehow demolished the power of the manager, but the limit and their patience came. One day, Christians of Christian forced them to dig a pit, and by the end of the day, he was indignant that nothing was done. In the tired people, they worked not to twist the hands - boiled the harrow accumulated over the years, and the decision suddenly came. Savely light, shoulder, pushed the German to the pit. Standing next to nine his comrades immediately understood everything - and after a few minutes of the hated Fogel, they were buried in that very pit. Of course, the punishment followed such an act, but in the soul of each there was satisfaction from what was not submitted. It is not by chance an old man for the word "convict", addressed to him, answered to him, every time he answered: "Stone, yes not a slave." And this is one of the main qualities of the hero, which he always was proud.


Twenty years of cortics and the same settlement - this was the verdict to the rebel. But he could not change the relationship to life in people who belonged to Savely. The image of the hero from the work of "who in Russia live is good" in new trials hardened even more. Spanking in an acute, and then in Siberia after failed shoots in comparison with the punishments of Shalashnikov, he just seemed to him only with anything Mazani. Heavy labor was also not new. Savely even managed to scat the money for which, returned to his native places, built a house. The previous desire for independence and freedom remained. Probably, therefore, from the whole family, the old man allocated only his wife's wife, Matreus. She was the same as he: recalcitrant, purposeful, ready to fight for his own happiness.

Relations with households

This is another important component of the story of the hero - as a result, it is precisely from small parts in a small chapter of the characteristic of Savelia.

"Who lives well in Russia" - the poem about the "lucky." But is it possible to attribute a man who felt lonely in his family? Matrena noted that the grandfather did not like to communicate with the relatives and therefore settled in the Hornishche. The reasons were simple: a pure soul and kind on nature Soveneli could not accept the evils and envy who reigned in the family. The son of the old man did not possess any of the qualities inherent in his father. It did not have any kindness, nor sincerity, no traction to work. But there was no indifference to everything, a tendency to idle and drink. The wife and remaining daughter left in the old girls were different from him. To somehow teach relatives, Savely sometimes began to joke. For example, told the son of a tin "coin" made of buttons. As a result, the latter returned from the bubbled. And the hero just laughed.

Later, the loneliness of Sovelius will scream Matrain and Demechka. Already after the death of the child, the old man admits that his elasticized heart and soul were tent on his grandson, and he again felt like full strength and hopes.

History with Demechka

The death of the boy became for the old man of a real tragedy, although the origins of what happened should be sought in the direction of the Russian life of that time. The mother-in-law banned Matrene to take a son in the field, allegedly interfering to work, and he began to look at the centenary Savneli for the child.

"Who lives well in Russia" - the characteristic of her heroes is not always happening to be fun - this is a poem about heavy trials, to cope with which not everyone on the shoulder. So in this case, the hero who had a lot in his army suddenly truly felt herself a criminal. He could not forgive himself for the fact that she fell asleep and did not rebel for the diet. The week did not leave the Sovelius of his Kamork, and then went to the forest, where he always felt freer and more confident. In the autumn settled in the monastery to repent and pray. He asked God to be squeezed by the heart of the Mother of Stradalitsa and so that she forgive him, unreasonable. And the soul of the elder was sick for all the peasantry Russian, suffer, with a difficult fate - he will tell about it at a meeting, which happened several years after the tragedy, Matrey.

Thoughts about the people

Characteristic of Savelia from the poem "Who lives well in Russia will be incomplete if not to mention the attitude of the hero to the Russian peasantry. He suffered and how courageous calls him the people who can endure any test in this life. Hands and legs were always apparent, on the back, as if passed, and in the chest - "Ilya-prophet ... rattling ... on the chariot of fire". So describes the peasant hero. Then adds: True Bogatyr. And completes his speech with the words that, after death, human suffering does not end up - in this, unfortunately, the motives of humility of the elder-novice are heard. For the same "hellish torments" are waiting for the light, "said Sovenelius.

"Who lives well in Russia": the characteristic of the "Holy Bogatyr" (conclusions)

Summing up, it can be noted that the appearance of the Hero embodies the best qualities of a Russian person. The narrative itself reminds the folk fairy tale or epic. Strong, proud, independent, he rises above the rest of the heroes of the poem and, in fact, becomes the first rebellion of the retention of popular interests. However, the comparison of the hero with Svyatogor is not accidental. It was this bogatyr that was considered to be in Russia at the same time the strongest and most dustling. In his reflections on the further fate of the people of Saveli, comes to a little indentation: "God know". Consequently, this image from the poem "Who lives well in Russia" is quite controversial and does not give a response to the question of the wanders. Therefore, the story about the search for a happy does not end until the young and active gris will not meet men.