Where to start learning French. How to learn french language yourself from scratch

Where to start learning French. How to learn french language yourself from scratch
Where to start learning French. How to learn french language yourself from scratch

Why teach French? This is a crotch with a pronunciation, a bunch of exceptions in grammar, absolutely incomprehensible (well, what it is, when the usual word "photo", i.e, photo turns into Topho, and then the vowel is removed, and we get Toph)? Yes, and with the current political situation, learn better Arabic, it will be more or rather. Not? Want to parler Francais.? Then I offer you my vision of learning any foreign language:

Immerse yourself in the linguistic environment. Start with a simple - change your tongue on the phone to foreign. I do not know how on android, but on the iPhone, please note that it was ordinary French, without Suisse, Belgique, Canada. First, it will be unusual, but so you will gradually be easy to find everything that was so familiar.

Subscribe to French podcasts and listen at least 15 minutes daily. Do not like this format, listen to the radio. I really like to do it. There is a good selection of different radio stations, but some may seem too fast, so I advise you to look at the "France Culture" and "FIP". But as they say des Goûts Et Des Couleurs Il Ne Faut Pas Disputer,therefore, look for what you personally like.

Cancel active vocabulary as they did in childhood. This is where you are now? I am writing this answer in a cafe and in front of me a coffee machine. I once had B2, but I no longer remember such things. What am I doing? That's right, opening the dictionary (I recommend it). I open and see that this (f)machine à café.Pay attention to the strange letter in brackets is a genus. It is very important to know what kind of word you found, because everything is not so simple in French, as it seems (the table is La Table, that is, the female genus). Also, also once a day, describe the items that see around. And even better, use what you love. I like to draw, so I sketch new words. Under hand there was nothing suitable, but it looks like this:

I know the guys who come up with rhymes to new words, because they write poems and those who find a song where there is this word and memorize the line.

By the way, the option with music is not bad, but I can't advise anything here. In language schools, Joe Dassin, Edit Piaf and traditional French songs are taught. I personally like them, and you may like something else. You can also see your favorite films in French. Go to and write the name of your movie and Regarder en Ligne Gratuitement. But I will immediately say that it will not be possible to find everything that wanted.

But that all this was effectively, you should not just look, but to write out and teach new words / expressions. In VK / FB subscribe to thematic groups. There are a lot of them, so I will advise this with this. You can still watch French bloggers. On the Internet a lot of articles on the topic "Top 5 YouTube Channels for We study French." I like the Russian-speaking. Oh, this part turned out even more than I came to life. Let's go to the next one.

Determine why you need it. It is necessary to consistently move towards the goal and know than to measure the effectiveness of your learning. Want to go to study in France? It will be necessary not lower than B2. Before it can be handed over A1, A2 and B1. Take every six months or once a year. Tasks can be found in special collections, or on the Internet.

If you want to learn French for travel, then after a long (at least 3 months) of the training period, go where they wanted and practice. At the end, appreciate how successful you were, what else should you work on and whether it is necessary for you at a more serious level.

If necessary for work, you will need a professional vocabulary. Find a person in LinkedIn or Facebooke, who works in this area and ask him to phon with 15 minutes. If he understands everything, then this is a success) Okay, it is a strange method. But if you want to work in this country, then you will probably have people with whom it can be practiced.

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If you ever heard a conversation in French, you will definitely want to learn it. There is no one regarding the complexity of this language, does not exist. After all, his study is given differently. Like any other language, French can be learned in a short time. The main thing about the desire and perseverance.

You will be useful:

  • Scientific literature;
  • French dictionary;
  • Films and music in French accompanied by subtitles.

You will need:

Start with ...

Decide how best you perceive and remember information.

You will have to choose from: textbooks, audio and video tutorials.

Track efficient techniques. The more you narrow the circle, the easier it will begin.

Independently training provides that you will write a lot. But do not forget and speak, since communication in the language studied is the best practice.

If you are important to conversational French, pay more attention to the study of vocabulary and pronunciation.

Grammar and spelling can be given the time at the end of the course.

What you need to do daily

Pay attention to the rules

Read on how to properly combine nouns and other parts of speech. You have to study 3 forms of verbs, without this knowledge you will always talk with errors.

For example, in English, we say the guest room, and in French it will be better - a guest room.

Pronunciation is very important for the French. He needs to pay a lot of attention.

Since writing and pronunciation of quite unlike each other. For example, the vowel "OI" is pronounced not as "oh" or "oi", but sounds like "UA".

Read a lot and write in french

In order to remember the words faster, you need to register them several times, and the best page. This will save them faster in memory.

For reading, use books for children, they will launch a good start.

Another option is to choose your favorite book in French. It will interest you and will allow not so much to sit with the dictionary, because you already know what they say there.

Do not take complex books. After all, if it seems to you that you do not understand anything, you can lose interest in learning a language.

You can also keep your diary on the language of interest. Try to write offers. After some time, you will notice your progress.

French audio recordings

If you are doing a charge in the mornings, turn on the lesson with a trainer in French.

This will be interesting for you and using the shown exercises, it will be easier for you to understand what it is said. At the same time, do not forget to remember the words, and then watch their exact designation in the dictionary.

Love music - turn on French performers, after listening to see the lyrics with translation and write strangers. Music will also help you memorize pronunciation.

When watching movies, use subtitles. It will help you learn how to write words that pronounce the actors.

Talk as often as possible

Without the practice of speaking, you are far away. Try to talk as much as possible. You can just tell your friend as it will be in French or another word.

If you talk to him in Skype, ask him to correct your pronunciation. It will enable you to understand your mistakes and correct in the future.

Without practicing nowhere

  • Highlight a certain amount of time you dedicate practice.
  • Try to engage every day.
  • You can perform different tasks. On a day, this can be exercises for grammar, and in the other - checking vocabulary.
  • Try to configure any social network to French and sfish.
  • Translate the use of the phone will also be a good option.

This material was sent to us by our regular reader Sanzhar Surshanov (his twitter @sanzhars), which shared very interesting ways to learn a new language for you.

Since the beginning of this year, I started exploring French. I do it with the help of English, since I started to keep English confidently, I can say I found the key to numerous Internet resources.

Below I want to list and describe how I learning French:

1. Duolingo.

The site founded Captcha and Recaptcha, students of the University of Carnegie Melon. By the way, each time Introducing Recaptcha, you help the digitization of thousands of old books. The main idea is that people simultaneously learned languages, translated the Internet to different languages.

All material is divided into different categories.

After you finish the exercises, you will be given to the translation of real material taken from the Internet. First, simple sentences, as learning more difficult. Transfering proposals You strengthen your knowledge and help translate web pages. You can also look at the translations of other users.

Exercises include text transfers, speaking, listening. As such, there is no pass on the grammar.

In addition to French, you can learn - Spanish, German, English, Italian and Portuguese.

Audio lessons pass like this: 2 students come to him who do not know French. It turns out, you become the 3rd student. Michel leads a conversation with students and so they learn the language. He explains the difference between English and French, first tells about new words, then asks to translate from English to French.

The main difference and the rule of the method of Michel - do not try to memorize words, phrases, etc.

I do not know how to explain, but after the first lesson, at the intuitive level you yourself begin to guess how it will be in the language studied.

I personally really like this method.

3. Memrise.

To replenish the vocabulary stock, I use the Memrise site.

On the site you can find a lot of different courses, you can even learn how the Morse code. I'm learning - Hacking FRENCH.

Studying new words, you "grow flowers." Put seeds, watering, etc.

The main chip is that you create memes for strangers and spend an association with English. I didn't create memes themselves using the creations of other users.

Grow flowers approximately like this: at the beginning you remember the meaning of words, then repeatedly repeat. Click on the correct answer, write the translation yourself, listening to the phrase choose the correct answer from the list. This ends the first part.

After 4-5 hours, the email comes to you a notice that you need to repeat the past. Repeat the above, if you make a mistake in translation, the word goes to repeat. That's so about everything happens.


Thanks Twitter, literally recently found a link to another wonderful resource.