The dramatization "What a child will teach, then you will get from it" based on the work of M. Gorky "Vorobanyshko

The dramatization
The dramatization "What a child will teach, then you will get from it" based on the work of M. Gorky "Vorobanyshko

State educational institution Primary school №300

Saint Petersburg

central District

Open lesson for students

according to literary reading

M.Gorky "Vorobanyshko"

Teacher: Klyveriainen T. V.

3D class

2013 - 2014 school year

The abstract of the lesson of reading in the 3rd grade on the topic "M. Gorky." Vorobanyshko ""

Purpose: Analyze a fairy tale: help understand the children, as it should be treated to those who love them, values \u200b\u200bthem. To absorb the sense of humor. Developing the skills of expressing your attitude towards heroes.
During the classes
1. Organizational moment.
- I give you my smile, and you have my own. Collect your mood.
- Today, the hero of our lesson will be a representative of the first world. Listen to the riddle.
Chigrik! To the branches jump! Keys, not Roby! Who is it?
Children. Sparrow.
- That's right, or rather, a whole family. Choose single words.
(Painting Sparrow)
D. Sparrow, Sparrobyenok, Sparobushki.
(I write down on the board).
- Well done, how many words were called. And today we will get acquainted with one of the work of Maxim Gorky "Vorobanyshko".
(I finish on the board).
2. Working with the work.
- What do you think the author called his hero so?
D. He was small, and maybe Gorky loved him very much. He treated his hero well, he loved Vorobiev.
- We now find out who was right.
(Listening to the record)
- What did you feel? Why was it ridiculous?
D. When the sparrow fell, I was afraid of the sparrow. I was sorry for mom-sparrow. I was funny, because Vorobanyshko was stupid. He knew nothing about the world.
- Who was right? Prove.
D. We correctly reasoned about the puddle. He was small. We were right.
- Re-read once again, check yourself unfamiliar words with a pencil, pass your own mood-perception in parts (reading about yourself).
- Do you have questions?
D. What is a packle?
- Who knows what a packle is?
D. This is used in the structure of the house, laid for insulation between logs.
- Who is most of all lucky? Why? Prove?
D. I think the cat, he remained without lunch. And I think Mom-Sparrow, she was left without a tail.
- And who is lucky? Prove?
D. Pudika, he learned to fly.
- What kind of work? Why?
D. This is a fairy tale. Birds do not speak, only in fairy tale animals and birds as people talk.
- Let's imagine that we are puddles and sing a song.
(Sing everything together)
- Here you said a puddle small. Find words in a fairy tale that indicate that.
D. He has not tried to fly yet, but already wings waved and everything peeking out of the nest.
- How did you pretend it? Why? Prove? Find the word in the text.
D. He shakeped the wings and, looking to the ground, tweeted ...
Fallen dad, brought a puddle with a puddle ...
Pudkik thought: "What is the fight - a worm with legs gave - a miracle."
Why do the trees swing? Let them stop the wind will not be ...
Purely wings triggered the cat, some bones remained.
Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone must have wings. When I grow big, I will make everyone flew.
- Think what allowed him so reasoning, criticize everything he was surrounded?
D. He thought he was the best. Mom and dad love him, they take care of him. Everyone must love him.
- Interesting questions asked Puddle? So what is he? Prove?
D. Curious. He was all overwhelmed from the nest, I was interested in everything. Cheerful. Everything was fine, there was nothing to be afraid.
- Find the words of Padik's parents who warned about danger.
D. Wind blows on you - chirk! And reset to the ground - a cat!
Chado, Chado, - Look, Cheburahnah.
- Did the puddle believed to the parents?
D. did not believe parents. He thought he was frightened.
- Let's read, the place where the puddle fell out of the nest.
D. He was sitting on the very edge of the nest and the verses of his own essay disappeared. Sang, sang, and fell out of the nest.
- What do you think, why Maxim Gorky in two places writes "no tail"? Find these places and read.
D. Probably he was sorry for her mother's puddle.
Here mom flew up - without a tail ...
Everything ended safely if you forget that my mother was left without a tail ...
- And why the tail?
D. In order to fly. For beauty.
- And the tail of mom will grow?
D. Probably like this without a tail.
- No, the guys tail in mom will not work.
D. Then it will be difficult to fly without a tail. Sorry mom.
- Who is the puddle like? And Sparrow?
D. Pudick looks like a child. Yes, he looks like a naughty child. Sparrows looks like our mother.
- What is common between Sparrows and your mom?
D. Mom Pudika and our mom all the time we are taught. We are worried about us, we wish everything good. They are strong and decisive.
- Who learned what?
D. Pudick learned to fly. He realized that he had to obey the elders.
- Does the puddle be corrected? Why?
D. Yes, he will fix. He will become obedient. He was very scared of cats. He will look different at the world, his attitude to his parents will change, will love his parents.
- How is your mood? Draw. How has your mood changed?
D. At the beginning of the lesson, my mood was a restless, timid. And now I have fun, bright, warm, fabulous. I was interested to reason about the puddle, about his actions. And my mood is sad, because I feel sorry for my mother's mother.
- You see that with us makes a good work. That's why children love to read fairy tales, and people are merry humorous and satiristic works. Read more.
3. Nationality in the story of Maxim Gorky "Vorobanyshko"
1. Where did the sparrow poudlica live? Above the bath box on the thick oak branch next to the fence
2. What did the sparrow tweak, looking out of the nest to the ground? "Something there, what?" "I want to go there!" "All-round black"
3. How did the puddle explained what the wind blows? Old janitor Metage yard and raises the wind someone because of the house blows trees swing and make wind
4. Which Puddle describes this: "Purely wings cut a cat, some bones remained"? Horse man goat
5. What did the puddle decided to do for everyone when it grows up? So that everyone had wings and everyone flew so that everyone was full that everyone was healthy
6.What is the puddle fall out of the nest? After a conversation with the crow after the song of his own essay after saw a cat and frightened
7. What was the color of the cat, which decided to enjoy the collapsed pouring from the nest? Redhead black and white gray, striped
8. What raised a puddle into the air and helped him fly on the window? Wings fear his mom
9.What lost in battle with a cat Mom Sparrows? Voice a few feathers tail
10. How did the conclusion made a puddle from this situation? "You can not learn everything!" "Cat for birds - Lutchy enemy" "you need to learn to fly!"

. Subscribe a picture

- You today wonder about the puddle, his actions. I suggest you at home to draw a puddle as you imagine it.
5. Very well argued ...
Thanks for the active work.

Staging based on the fairy tale M. Gorky fairy tale "Sparrows"

Purpose: Educating in children observation, modesty, the ability to evaluate their actions.

Structure occupation

I. Introductory word caregiver.

Today we have a very interesting occupation.

Guess the riddles:

Whole day catching beetles

I eat bugs, worms.

I do not fly to winter

Under the cornice, inhabit. (Sparrow.)

In the gray fur coat feathers

And in the frost he is a hero:

Jumps on the summer sports

Not an eagle, but still a bird. (Sparrow.)


Legs has

And you can't walk.

Wants to make a chamber -

It turns out a jump. (Sparrow.)

II. Conversation about sparrows.

Educator. Before you, the image of the sparrow flock. What can you tell about these birds?

Children talk about sparrows habits.

III. View a video about the habits and life of Vorobev.

IV. Sparrow dance.

Song sounds J. Antonova "Sparrow disco".

By the melody of the song, children dance, performing the following movements: jumping, cotton, cramped with hands (wings), turns of the head to the right, left. They depict Sparrow.

V. Staging a fairy tale. "Sparrow".

Characters: Talener, Sparrow Mom, Puddle, Sparrow-Dad, Cat.

Storyteller. He lived, was a yellow sparrow, called his puddle. He could not fly yet, but the wings waved and everything peeking out of the nest: I wanted to know what the world is?

Sparrow Mom. I'm sorry, what?

Puddle (looks at Earth). Alsome black, too!

Sparrow-dad (brought the son of the bugs, boasts). Chive I?

Sparrow Mom (approves). Chive, Chive!

Puddle (to the side). What is honored! Worm with legs Dali - Miracle! (Slips from the nest.)

Sparrow -Mama (Restless). Look, Cheburahnah!

Puddle. What?

Sparrow-dad (explains). Yes, nothing, and fall to the ground, the cat is chick! And Sills! (Flies to hunting.)

Storyteller. Once the wind blew. Trees were injected.

Puddle. I'm sorry, what?

Sparrow Mom. The wind blows on you - chirk! And threw a cat to Earth!

Puddle (capricious). Why do the trees swing? Let them stop, then the wind will not be ...

Sparrow Mom. It is impossible to do this. It does not depend on us.

Puddle (observes from the nest, he sees a man). Oh, what is it? Purely wings drank a cat. Some bones stayed!

Sparrow Mom. This is a person, they are all outless!

Puddle. Why?

Sparrow Mom. They have such a rank to live without wings, they always jump on their feet, Chu!

Puddle. What for?

Sparrow Mom. Whether they have wings, so they would catch us as us with dad midges.

Puddle. Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! Everyone must have wings. Earth worse than in the air! When I grow big, I will make everyone flew.

Storyteller. Pudik did not believe mom: he still did not know that if his mother could not believe that it would face badly. He was sitting on the very edge of the nest and the poems of his own essay disappeared into all the throat.

Oh, harshly man,

You have two legs

Although you are very great

Eating you midges!

And I'm small at all,

But I myself am midges.

Storyteller. Sang, sang and fell out of the nest, and the Sparrow behind him, and the cat is red, green eyes - here as here.

Cat. Meow!

Puddle (wings spread, tweet). I have the honor, I have the honor ...

Sparrow-Mama (repels the puddle aside, the beak revealed, the cat is aimed in the eyes). Rough away! Fly, Pudik, fly on the window, fly ...

Puddle (once - and on the window). I'm flying, mom, fly!

Cat. Meow! Meow meow! (There is enough sparrow per tail.)

Sparrow Mom (breaks out of the cat's paws, sits down next to the puddle, pecks it in the back of the head). I'm sorry, what!

Puddle. Well! We will not immediately learn everything.

Cat (looks at them). My-a-action of such a grooming, as if we are singing, I ...

Storyteller. And everything ended well if you forget that my mother was left without a tail.

Vi. Conversation on a fairy tale.

Why did Sparrow stayed without a tail?

How did parents take care of the saying?

What was Sparrow?

What was the saying?

What feelings do this fairy tale cause?

What does she teach?

VII. Drawing illustrations for a fairy tale.

At the end of the lesson - a contest of drawings.

VIII. Reflection lesson.

Quiz with answers by the story of M. Gorky "Vorobanyshko" for younger students class 3

Author Lyapina Victoria Olegovna Educator MBOU School No. 79 of the City District Samara
DescriptionThis material can use primary class teachers for the lesson of extracurricular reading in grade 3.
Purpose:Formation of general cultural competence through the perception of fiction.
- "Open" the student of the work of M. Gorky;
- develop the ability to analyze information, formulate its own point of view;
- contribute to the formation of observation in the environment;
- organize emotional and aesthetic perception;
- study the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work;
- develop students' students; develop the skill of conscious and correct reading;
- to form the ability to respond to questions on the content of the text;
-Ship love to the whole living, the need for moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world around the world, interest and respect for the writer as the creator of the artistic work.

Quiz. Questions

1. How does the youth live at Vorobev?
(As well as people, young people live by their mind)

2. Where was the nest of the glastial sparrow puddle?

(Above the bathroom, behind the upper platband)

3. Why did the puddle look out of the nest?
(I wanted to seek to know - what is God's peace and whether he is suitable for him?)
4. What did the Padik about the Earth say?
(Too black, too)
5. What was worried about the Mom Sparrow, when the puddle was supervised from the nest?
(That he will fall to the ground, and the cat shines)

6. What did not like the puddle when the wind blew once?
(That trees are swing, so the wind blows)
7. What did you like to make a puddle?
(Loved to explain everything in his own way)
8. Why, according to Pudika, the person has no wings?
(He thought they broke their cat and left some bones)

9. What dreamed of a puddle?
(When he becomes big, he will make everything fly)
10. Because of what the puddle fell out of the nest?
(He sat on the very edge of the nest, sowed his poems and fell out)

11. Why did the puddle populate the wings and began to tweet in front of the cat?
(He was very frightened)

12. What helped the puddle to raise from the ground?
(Precisely fear and helped)
13. Why was Mom glad?
(That she saved a puddle from a cat)

14. What did mom donate for the sake of Salving Son?
(With your tail)
15. What conclusion can be made in the end of the story? What was he written for?
(We will not learn everything to all. It is necessary to listen to the tips of the elders, they have a lot of life experience)

State educational institution Primary school №300

Saint Petersburg
central District

Open lesson for students

According to literary reading

M.Gorky "Vorobanyshko"

Teacher: Klyveriainen T. V.
3D class

2013 - 2014 school year
The abstract of the lesson of reading in the 3rd grade on the topic "M. Gorky." Vorobanyshko ""

Analyze a fairy tale: help understand the children, as it should be treated with those who love them, values \u200b\u200bthem.
Rail a sense of humor.
Develop the skills of expressing their attitude towards heroes.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

- I give you my smile, and you have my own. Collect your mood.

- Today, the hero of our lesson will be a representative of the first world. Listen to the riddle.

To the branches jump!
Keys, not Roby!
Who is it?

Children. Sparrow.

- That's right, or rather, a whole family. Choose single words.

(Painting Sparrow)

D. Sparrow, Sparrobyenok, Sparobushki.

(I write down on the board).

- Well done, how many words were called. And today we will get acquainted with one of the work of Maxim Gorky "Vorobanyshko".

(I finish on the board).

2. Working with the work.

D. He was small, and maybe Gorky loved him very much. He treated his hero well, he loved Vorobiev.

- We now find out who was right.

(Listening to the record)

- What did you feel? Why was it ridiculous?

D. When the sparrow fell, I was afraid of the sparrow. I was sorry for mom-sparrow. I was funny, because Vorobanyshko was stupid. He knew nothing about the world.

- Who was right? Prove.

D. We correctly reasoned about the puddle. He was small. We were right.

- Re-read once again, check yourself unfamiliar words with a pencil, pass your own mood-perception in parts (reading about yourself).

- Do you have questions?

D. What is a packle?

- Who knows what a packle is?

D. This is used in the structure of the house, laid for insulation between logs.

- Who is most of all lucky? Why? Prove?

D. I think the cat, he remained without lunch. And I think Mom-Sparrow, she was left without a tail.

- And who is lucky? Prove?

D. Pudika, he learned to fly.

- What kind of work? Why?

D. This is a fairy tale. Birds do not speak, only in fairy tale animals and birds as people talk.

- Let's imagine that we are puddles and sing a song.

(Sing everything together)

- Here you said a puddle small. Find words in a fairy tale that indicate that.

D. He has not tried to fly yet, but already wings waved and everything peeking out of the nest.

- How did you pretend it? Why? Prove? Find the word in the text.

D. He shakeped the wings and, looking to the ground, tweeted ...

Fallen dad, brought a puddle with a puddle ...

Pudkik thought: "What is the fight - a worm with legs gave - a miracle."

Why do the trees swing? Let them stop the wind will not be ...

Purely wings triggered the cat, some bones remained.

Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone must have wings. When I grow big, I will make everyone flew.

- Think what allowed him so reasoning, criticize everything he was surrounded?

D. He thought he was the best. Mom and dad love him, they take care of him. Everyone must love him.

- Interesting questions asked Puddle? So what is he? Prove?

D. Curious. He was all overwhelmed from the nest, I was interested in everything. Cheerful. Everything was fine, there was nothing to be afraid.

- Find the words of Padik's parents who warned about danger.

D. Wind blows on you - chirk! And reset to the ground - a cat!

Chado, Chado, - Look, Cheburahnah.

- Did the puddle believed to the parents?

D. did not believe parents. He thought he was frightened.

- Let's read, the place where the puddle fell out of the nest.

D. He was sitting on the very edge of the nest and the verses of his own essay disappeared. Sang, sang, and fell out of the nest.

- What do you think, why Maxim Gorky in two places writes "no tail"? Find these places and read.

D. Probably he was sorry for the mother of Pudik.

Here mom flew up - without a tail ...

Everything ended safely if you forget that my mother was left without a tail ...

- And why the tail?

D. In order to fly. For beauty.

- And the tail of mom will grow?

D. Probably like this without a tail.

- No, the guys tail in mom will not work.

D. Then it will be difficult to fly without a tail. Sorry mom.

- Who is the puddle like? And Sparrow?

D. Pudick looks like a child. Yes, he looks like a naughty child. Sparrows looks like our mother.

- What is common between Sparrows and your mom?

D. Mom Pudika and our mom all the time we are taught. We are worried about us, we wish everything good. They are strong and decisive.

- Who learned what?

D. Pudick learned to fly. He realized that he had to obey the elders.

- Does the puddle be corrected? Why?

D. Yes, he will fix. He will become obedient. He was very scared of cats. He will look different at the world, his attitude to his parents will change, will love his parents.

- How is your mood? Draw. How has your mood changed?

D. At the beginning of the lesson, my mood was a restless, timid. And now I have fun, bright, warm, fabulous. I was interested to reason about the puddle, about his actions. And my mood is sad, because I feel sorry for my mother's mother.

- You see that with us makes a good work. That's why children love to read fairy tales, and people are merry humorous and satiristic works. Read more.

3. Nationality in the story of Maxim Gorky "Vorobanyshko"

1. Where did the sparrow poudlica live?
Above the bathhouse
On the thick branch of oak
Next to the fence

2. What did the sparrow tweak, looking out of the nest to the ground?
"Something there, what?"
"I want to go there!"
"All-round black"

3. How did the puddle explained what the wind blows?
Old janitor Metage yard and raises wind
Someone blowing away from the house
Trees swing and make wind

4. Which Puddle describes this: "Purely wings cut a cat, some bones remained"?

5. What did the puddle decided to do for everyone when it grows up?
So that everyone has wings and everyone flew
To all be full
So that everyone was healthy

6.What is the puddle fall out of the nest?
After talking with the raven
After the song of its own essay
After saw a cat and scared

7. What was the color of the cat, which decided to enjoy the collapsed pouring from the nest?
Black and white
Gray, striped

8. What raised a puddle into the air and helped him fly on the window?
His mother

9.What lost in battle with a cat Mom Sparrows?
Several pitfalls

10. How did the conclusion made a puddle from this situation?
"You can not learn everything!"
"Cat for birds - bite enemy"
"You need to learn to fly!"

4. Subscribe a picture


- You today wonder about the puddle, his actions. I suggest you at home to draw a puddle as you imagine it.

5. Very well argued ...

Thanks for the active work.

Topic: M. Gorky "Vorobanyshko"

Objectives: to expand the knowledge of children about the life and work of M. Gorky,

improve the skills of a quick conscious reading;

educate in children such qualities as the ability to be merciful, empathize, the desire to come to the rescue of the needy;

develop speech and thinking students.

Planned results:

Subject: The ability to predict the content of the text, read out loud and to yourself. analyze the artistic text; draw up the characteristic of the main characters; determine the main thoughts;



Take, understand and solve the learning tasks of the lesson;

Carry out control of their actions;

Formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.


Predict the content of the text by its header;

Understand the content of the read work;

Draw up the characteristic of the main characters;

Restore the sequence of events described in the story;

Determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work;

Formulate output.


Retell text for a given plan.


Interest in creativity M. Gorky;

Sense of responsibility for their actions.

- formation of moral qualities.

Mood Moods:

What mood came to the lesson?

Read the riddle:

Chick - Chirik!

To the branches jump!

Keys, not Roby!

Who is it? (Sparrow) Findonomatopoeia


What do you know about sparrows?

Messages of pre-prepared children.

What did you remember?

And today, another genre - you yourself say what ...

Today we will get acquainted with the work of M. Gorky.russian writer, known to the whole world.The writer had a very difficult childhood. He had to work as an adult person from 11 years old. He worked as a loader, soap dishes on the steamer, worked as a baker in the bakery. I did not have to learn. From all this fragility and appeared a pseudonym - Maxim Gorky.

Maxim Gorky writer They consider one of the founders of modern children's literature - although it is not so many works written for children. These are fairy tales"Vorobanyishko", "Samovar", "Tale about Ivanushka-Durachka", "Case with Esay", "Grandfather Archka and Lyong", "Fairy Tales about Italy" and some others.

Gorky sincerely loved children. Was the organizer and editorthe first Soviet magazine for children "Northern Lights » , first children's publishing house "Detgiz" .

What remember the writer?

Audio recording

Did you like? Why? What feelings were tested? (green leaf)

What is the product genre? Why is this a fairy tale? What did Sparrow in speech notic?


Concubine - Putting plank around the window or door

Tow- Rough threads derived from plants

Chin - order, position

Safely - successfully, successfully

Spread wings- clumsy pushed the sides.

Run feathers- sticking, raising up.

Reading text in children.

Questions in the first part:

Who is the leading hero?

What did you know about him?

How did the puddle seek you?

Can you compare myself with Him and his life?

Whether similarities?

So you said a puddle small. Find words in a fairy tale that indicate that.

(He has not yet tried to fly, but already wings waved and everything looked out of the nest.)

Questions on the second part:

How did you pretend it? Why? Prove? Find the word in the text.

(He stroked the wings and, looking at the ground, tweeted ...

Fallen dad, brought a puddle with a puddle ...

Pudkik thought: "What is the fight - a worm with legs gave - a miracle."

Why do the trees swing? Let them stop the wind will not be ...

Purely wings triggered the cat, some bones remained.

Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone must have wings. When I grow big, I will do everything fly away.)

Think what I allowed him to reason so, criticize everything he was surrounded?

(He thought he was the best. Mom and dad love him, they care about him. Everyone should love him.)

Interesting questions asked a puddle? So what is he? Prove?

(Curious. He all overwhelmed from the nest, I was interested in everything. Cheerful. Everything was fine, there was nothing to fear.)

Find the words of Padik's parents who warned about danger.

(The wind blows on you - chirk! And will reset to the ground - a cat!

Chado, Chado, - Look, Cheburahna.)

Did she believed a puddle to parents? How did he listen to her advice?

(I did not believe parents. He thought he was frightened.)

Work in groups: Choose from all the characteristics of those suitable for our hero.

active implantthoughtful

naughty obedient crumbish

bragging greedywise

stupidbold cowardly

curious calm capricious

Curious: (everything was supervised from the nest, everything looked at everything)

naughty (Padik did not believe mom, loved to explain everything in his own way)

Boastful: (When I grow up, I will do everything to fly).

Questions on the third part:

What feelings did you experience?

How did it happen that he fell out of the nest?

What could it end?

(He sat on the very edge of the nest and the poems of his own essay had sang in all her throat. Sang, sang, and fell out of the nest.)

What was the punishment puddle? How did it happen?/ Did not believe mom /

What did the disobedience of the puddle led? Is it just a puddh? Because of whom Mom suffered?

Was the moment when you became particularly sorry for Padik? (Read how mom defended a puddle.)

What do you think for whatMaksim Gorky in two places writes"No tail"? Find these places and read.

(Probably he was sorry for Mama Pudika.

Here mom flew up - without a tail ...

Everything ended safely if you forget that my mother was left without a tail ...)

And why the tail?

(In order to fly. For beauty.)

And the tail of mom will grow?

(No, the guys tail in mom will not work.)

Who looks like a puddle? And Sparrow?

What is common between Sparrow and your mom?

Will the puddle be corrected? Why? (Yes it will fix it. He will become obedient. He was very scared of cats. He will look at the world in a different way, his attitude to parents will change, will love his parents.)

- "Everywhere you will not learn to immediately" - whose words are it? - Why did they pronounce them? justified

Determine the topic of fairy tales?

Find the words in the text that the author's main idea is expressed. (... he still did not know that if mom does not believe, it will end bad ...)

Who owes Vorobanyshko? (Mom)

Why didn't mom be afraid?

- What made her strong? (love for son)

You see that parent love is capable! For this we must respect them, but not only mom, and all those we love, and who love us.

Think about how you communicate with your loved ones.

Indeed, we are not always restrained with your loved ones, sometimes you allow themselves to raise your voice, we are too sharp. Who had such in life. How can I fix? How can we please?

The purpose of our lesson was to think about why the author wrote this fairy tale for us. What did he want to teach us?

- C. that author meant when writing lines: Vorobev is quite as in humans.
- What should we remember?
(If you don't believe my mother, it will end badly.)

let's make a characteristic of his mom.

brave loving lazy devotee

smart wise brave brave

bold caring cowarder faithful


slide J. - the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text

Self-satisfaction sheet of self-esteem

mood Dictionary