Andrei Gubin personal life. Andrei Gybina want to kill or he kills himself? Show Korchevnikova

Andrei Gubin personal life. Andrei Gybina want to kill or he kills himself? Show Korchevnikova
Andrei Gubin personal life. Andrei Gybina want to kill or he kills himself? Show Korchevnikova

Andrei Gubin. Wikipedia tellsthat the Russian singer was born on April 30, 1974 in Ufa. Up to 8 years, Andrei family lived in his hometown, the boy spent his holidays at his grandmother in the village of Nikolo-Berezovka. In 1981, Rubins moved to Moscow.

Pop singer Gubin Andrei Viktorovich - songs, beginning of the creative path.

The first song Grin has become a popular All-Russian hit. "Boy-tramp" teenager wrote in the seventh grade. Before the public, Andrei first appeared in the TV program "up to 16 and older". The second ether of Gyuba occurred in the TV program "Look", where the young man performed "our school with a military bias."

The first album of Gybina under the guitar, which was called "I am homeless" The singer recorded in the 15th age. This plate was published in a limited essay - 200 copies. At the end of the school, the talented young man went to learn to Gnesinka to the vocal department, but he was expelled for the restlessness after the first year. Therefore, Gubin never managed to get a special musical education.

At the age of 18, the young man recorded the second album, which called Ave Maria. Already in 1992, Gubin prepared a third album, which was supposed to be called "Prince and Princess", but he did not get into the world, as the singer did not have enough money for his release. When the artist won popularity from Russian listeners, he went on tour. During breaks, he created new hits. Song "Winter - Cold" Andrei Gubin performed in the radio in 1998. She immediately entrenched in the first positions of domestic charts. After that, the album of the singer "Only you" came out to the light, which the musicians, critics and fans appreciated.

How does Andrei Gubin live now (2015)? Photo of once popular pop artist.

For more than a decade, the singer no longer gives concerts and does not appear on TV screens. The reason why the country lost such an artist, how Andrei Gubin is a diseaseAnd very hard. At the star 90s a serious neurological disease: his face hurts (on the one hand). Therefore, Gubin is hard to smile, just talk, and sing - especially. The artist bypassed numerous Russian and foreign doctors, but none of them could cure the disease.

Despite the fact that Andrei Gubin today lives in pinching, does not interview and does not flash on the pages of the "yellow press", recently the public spoke again. And the reason for this was the photos of the singer, on which it is almost impossible to know the once popular rush. Fresh photo of a 41-year-old artist just shocked fans.

And indeed, the performer today looks older than his years, and long hair and multiple wrinkles add years still quite young man. And even fashionable, modern clothes are not saved. Andrei Gubin's life went about various rumors, and the singer himself confessed that in his life he had a chance to go through everything, starting by alcohol parties, the use of marijuana, treatment in a psychiatric hospital, and ending with the search for spiritual equilibrium and calm in Buddhist monks' society.

By the way, the ruin of the lull is not only in his career, but also in personal life. Once he produced an ex-soloist of the Pop Group "Arrows" Yulia Beretta. With the singer they had love relationships, however, the girl left Gyuba, motivating it by saying that he could not "pull" such an adult man. However, friendly, warm relations are preserved between the artists. In general, in his personal life, the Contractor never was lucky, once he was considered a real womanist for a long time, because he was not delayed with any girl for a long time.

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The real legend of the 90s, the dream of all schoolgirls, the singer, whose songs still know by heart, and whose name has become already nominating - Andrei Gubin after the rapid takeoff and loud glory for the whole country at one point became a real hermit, forcing many fans to guess that happens to him. But recently, the artist invited the Starhit journalists home and spoke about his deep loneliness.

"With women, I have no relationship. Although I love them very much. Nobody communicates with me. I have all the time coming to contact with girls and in life, and in social networks, but they merge everything in a row. Once, in order to reduce the time for the process of dating, I left the announcement: "I am ready to become a sponsor. Andrew". And you know, not a single answer. On the one hand, it pleased me. So women are not so agreed, "said the singer to journalists.

Care with a large scene Andrei Gubin explains serious health problems. For more than ten years ago, he was diagnosed - left-sided transopalgia - the disease of the nervous system, due to which the artist is experiencing permanent facial pain. The cause of the disease doctors was called inappropriate, overwork, chronic stress.


At the same time, the singer does not go through the doctors for several years, he helps to cope with the disease Sport: "They could not understand what was with me. Gave $ 40 thousand - the result of zero. The year lay at home, read books, and then sore, and began to ride on a large. Everything has become improved. "

Andrei trains in a sports club: "I got angry there crawled as a VIP client. The back hurts, but I do not reduce the load to develop muscles. Sometimes I do not want to go, but I understand that the water does not flow under the lying stone. What can a guy in my situation? He can at least move. "

In general, the artist seriously took up his recovery and tries to follow any changes in the body: "I try to play chess on the computer, I watch my intellect. While the level does not fall. "

Do not forget the singer and write music, travel. He said that, tired of the noisy Moscow, lived in Egypt for several years, in the mountains: "But I didn't get there ... there is a mosque, where prayers sing five times a day. I wanted to write music and could not listen when the notes fall past. "

In general, he admits that he lives now that he earned in the years of his career activity. "I smelled ten years. Estimated then grabs. " In this case, the artist admits that he doesn't need a lot: he spends nothing on entertainment and alone lives: "I am alone. I do not communicate with anyone, because shy, I'm afraid to disturb someone. The reverse side of this - I do not like when you worry me. "

Back in the 90s, Andrei Gubin won the hearts of millions of fans with their romantic songs, however, the idols of youth no longer gives concerts and does not show interest in various secular events. The recent appearance of an artist on TV projects has revealed many secrets that took place in his personal life in recent years. In his interview, Gubin told that she did not start the family. Now the singer suffers from serious illness of the nervous system, so I don't even dream about my wife and children.

Andrei was born in 1974 in Ufa. His upbring was engaged in stepfather, whom he considered his real father. Stephip was a researcher, and Mom was engaged in homemaking. When the future artist became a schoolboy, the whole family moved to Moscow, where the stepfe had to work by the cartoonist in magazines.

In the children's and school years, Andrei seriously fond of football and played chess, however, because of the injury about the sport career had to be forgotten. It was at that time that the young man plunged into the music, to which he had experienced from children's years. Father bought him a guitar, after which Gubin began to record the first songs. In 1986, in the transfer "to sixteen and older" he performed his song "Brojaga". From this time, his musical career began to gain momentum.

Andrei Gubin in childhood and youth

After graduation, the young singer successfully enrolled in the Gnesin Music School, but it was excluded for bad attendance. Having become acquainted at the festival with Leonid Agutin, he released his first studio album with the support of the singer, and at the same time began to tour on the mill. During his musical career, many of the songs of Andrei became hits, which served the first lines of hit parades for a long time. The singer wrote a few songs for Mike Mironenko and Zhanna Friske, and was also producer of the singer Yulia Beretti. In 2017, he became a hero of different talk shows, where he frankly spoke about himself after a successful career.

Lucy Kobevko

In the personal life of the idol of young people of 90s, which has a height of only 166 cm and the weight of 50 kg, there were a lot of novels with both colleagues in the workshop and with ordinary beautiful girls. However, Gubin himself admitted that all his relationship was short and evolved quite hard, and the beloved never borrowed the status of the official wife. According to him, a big love for him was a soloist of the Karamel group - Lucy Kobevko. He dedicated many of his hits with his beloved girl, despite the fact that the relationship with her was not quite ordinary. Young people sometimes did not understand why they need this novel and whether to continue it.

Schi-singer in the consequence was his producer and owned several sound recording studios. The man died in 2007. In 2012, a tragedy occurred with her mother, and she also left life. The younger sister of the singer - Anastasia graduated from studying in Vgik and received a diploma in the specialty "Manager for the production and implementation of audiovisual products."

Fans, having lost their pet, soon learned that his early care with a large scene is explained by serious health problems. Doctors put Andrei diagnosis - left-sided propalgia of the face, which is why it is constantly being tormented from strong facial pain. As it turned out, the causes of the ailment are chronic stress, overwork and lack of sleep. The musician tried to cope with the disease, however, the doctors of many countries were powerless to help him.

On the photo Andrei Gubin and his intended extramarital son Maxim. / Frames from the program "Stars come together" on NTV.

In 2017, it also became known that a certain 21-year-old young man named Maxim considers Grub his father. The young man made a statement on the broadcasting "Stars came together", told that his mother was a fan of the artist, who at that time came to her native city of Donetsk. The night spent with the star ended in that the girl gave birth to his son. Andrei himself does not yet recognize paternity, although it does not deny his short-term novels with fans.

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Published 06/14/2017

In the 90s, the name Andrei Gubin thundered to the whole country. His songs knew at heart, it was impossible to get to his concerts. Today, he rarely appears in the public and prefers to lead a lesseric way of life. And one of the reasons for such behavior of Andrei Gubin is a disease of the nervous system.

What is the popular singer sick?

Today, Andrei Rubin 42 years old. He still lives alone. The singer does not work and does not deal with creative activities. According to him, he lives on author's money. In addition, he remained some of the money since he actively toured with concerts.

In April 2017, Andrei Gubin came to the transfer of "Oh, Mamulls" to tell about his illness. The audience immediately noticed that something was wrong with the artist. He led himself very strange, argued that he was pursued by fans. The features of the face have changed. And the point is not at all that since its popularity has passed many years. The puzzle face looks asymmetric and non-external. Andrei Gubin's face disease can be seen in the photo:

In the TV broadcasting, the singer told that he now feels very bad. And in this he does not see anything surprising, because his fans hunt him.

He has to hide from them. As a result, it is in constant stress. In order not to see the boring fans, he leaves even beyond the country. At the same time, Andrei Gubin argues that he still loves people.

The singer complains that he "floats" the left side of the face, the stripes appeared on the neck, lips shine. He is tormented by constant pain in the field of face. Recently, he generally began to seem that he was falling apart from his whole body. Due to the fact that Andrei Gubin had a person's disease, they began to pay attention to others, although before that he did not feel such attention to his person. The singer is not surprised at this, because instead of his face he has a "face", which is simply impossible not to pay attention.

In the transfer of "Oh, Mamulls", the singer also stated that he did not regret that by 42 years he did not get a family. "Children are responsibility. Behind them you need to follow. And I can not keep track of. Therefore, it's good that I do not have them. " There were also rumors that Andrei Gubin suffers from Parkinson's disease, but they were not confirmed.

The disease of the nervous system appeared at Andrei Gubin in early 2000. It was this that he was the reason that he left the scene at the peak of his popularity. After leaving the scene, he walked for a long time, spent huge money for treatment, but it did not give a special result. The disease is still concerned about the artist, as before.

Andrei Gubin came to tell about himself and their illness and the transfer of "direct ether". Here he also claimed that he was not just hunting, but they want to kill. In confirmation, he told about the terrible accident, which happened to him. According to him, she could adjust it.

Andrei Gubin told the following: "I drove into a taxi, next to the driver. The road was empty. And here, neither with this with this, the car crashes and crashes right "in the forehead". Considering all the events that have happened to me during this time, it is not toys. I worry about my own life. Guys, what do you create? I want to live calmly! "Podlansa" began in my direction for a long time, but since I was too young - I did not notice them. Now it all became obvious. "

Now in the medical card Andrei Gubin is a disease "Left-sided transopalgia". These diseases can be caused by several reasons: damage to nerves, disease of the vascular system, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, constant voltage of the face muscles, etc.

Which of these reasons affected the development of the disease, Andrei Gubin is unknown. At least, the artist himself claims that he walked for a long time, but they did not answer anything intelligible.

The main symptom of the disease is a constant or parlor pain in the field of face. It can only occur at a certain time of the day, intensify with chewing or swallowing.

Other symptoms are added to the pains in the face:

  • headache;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite.

To cure the disease, it is necessary to block pain in the left side of the person. Anesthetic pills, unfortunately, will not help remove pain. Sometimes physiotes are appointed. That from this is used Andrei Gubin to treat the disease is unknown. However, in one of the interviews, he told: "The only thing that saves me from permanent pain is a holiday."

Here's what photo of the face of Andrei Gubin is today:

The artist is often abroad. He does not use the services of travel firms, and simply removes budget housing in one of the countries and lives there for several months. In the program "Secret by Million", he stated that he lives not rich, so he does not have to rest in five star hotels. However, calm and measured rest is quite suitable. He has time to think about life, gain strength.

Despite the fact that the disease of the face Andrei Gubin is actively discussed in 2017, not everyone believe that the artist correctly diagnosed. There is an opinion that the cause of the strange behavior of the singer is the disease of the nervous system, and the use of prohibited drugs. These rumors commented on the famous narcologist Yakov Marshak:

"I carefully looked at the transfer with Andrei Gubin. He behaved fussy, constantly tried something in his hands. If he were a drug addict, he would behave differently. For example, I would try to raise yourself at the expense of others. I think Andrei has severe spiritual experiences with which he cannot cope. He needs a good doctor who will help them cope with them.

Help the help artist will not work, it is necessary that he himself want to work on his own problems. It is very sympathetic to me, so I will gladly help him cope with all life difficulties and gain peace of mind. You can transfer it to him. "

June 17, 2017, 22:02

I remained in bewilderment, to be honest.

Text from site around .The

The singer and sex symbol of the 90s Andrei Gubin has long disappeared from television screens. The artist had to leave the scene due to the neurological disease. For you already fifteen years old, he is led by an effort and thinks only about how to improve health. The author and performer of the hits "Lisa" and "such girls like the stars" tries without any need to not leave their apartment in the east of the capital and not to meet with journalists. However, yesterday, Gubin made an exception and appeared in the "Direct Ether" show, where he spoke about his health, love relationships and future plans for life. We have gathered the most heartbreaking singer's statements.

About health

Andrei Gubin spent an impressive amount on his treatment abroad, but no one could help him. That's just pain in the muscles of the face - not all that worries the artist. The Contractor admitted that the society was mocked:

"I have pain, not stopping 15 years. 15 years and still mock me to the heap. Here is a hurry, the jet, the Christmas tree sticks. "" What I'm doing now, is called "swallow a nail". I do not destroy myself, I create myself. "

Moreover, Gubin is convinced that someone wants to kill him. The reason for paranoia served as an accident, which with an artist happened in Sochi:

"I was driving in a taxi, I was not driving and sat next to the driver. It was an attempt on my life. I ask just an elementary some kind of cleanness so that I was not killed. Podlansa to my address began a long time ago. I then did not notice them, I was small. Well what do you create?! Well, at least, you should not put me to Kamaz the street. "

Experts sitting in the studio suggested that the cause of Andrei Grin's disease was the use of prohibited drugs. The artist itself this assumption is categorically denied:

"I never suffered alcoholism, addicts - too, I think. I'm on the bike here every summer in Moscow ride. The drinker here is so riding 40 km per day. "

Andrei Gubin argues that he has black stripes on his face. However, except for the artist himself, nobody saw them:

"What are you doing, christmas trees? What do you think, I do not see these black lines that go here? I understand what it is and why it hurts. "

Gubin values \u200b\u200bits condition for the moment:

"I need to recover or get into the finally." "I gradually lose hearing, and here I feel from this happiness that I will not hear all this nonsense."

Andrei Gubin

About women

Despite the last popularity, now the personal life of Andrei Gubina is completely not glued. In some women, the singer can not see the mother of his children, others - just do not cling. And about some singer and responds at all like this:

"A woman is seven times patient than a man. And since there you need to work, write songs, and if the woman comes and with the whip of you there, it is constantly over - once, then you will turn out in 5-7 years in this type of a dude clogged, which: "Yes, dear, Good expensive. "" Third I just feel like a bulldozer for me going around, frightened. I'm a coward, immediately say. "

However, Tyran Gubin does not consider himself:

"I am not a woman's destroyer with his beloved. If it is once lucky to marry, I do not want my woman there is a type of my servant. This is never like that. But then I really met one. A nice girl was. Well done. I really straight proud to her. So in the morning gets up. Here, my mother is sitting, so it means the kitchen, and so she walked the dishes so many times, so looked in the kitchen everything is in order, Chick went away. Well done, behaved correctly. "I like a lot of girls now, at the moment. I am strong enough, despite the modest sizes, the guy. And, of course, I and the girl looking for yourself not so there know such, and I am looking for a girl so to admire it. You look carefully for yourself then. What are you thinking about? Now? And my face hurts. I generally think that my face hurts and what to do.

By the way, the fans of the Griber still have. When Boris Korchevnikov asked the artist: was the chance to become a father? Husband? Gubin not thinking to answer: "There were chances every year, in principle, several times."

That's just the idol of the 90s at all up to love, health needs to be engaged.

"Still for me a family: caring for a woman, care for the child. And what is the concern for a woman? What is the concern for a child? I only care about myself! In the morning I barely get up. And you want me to marry now. Andrei, marry! How I will marry here, what are you crazy, what? "" When you have a pain of 15 years to continue, what is the support? There will be awesome at all. "

Andrei Gubin

About career

Andrei Gubin continues to write songs, but everything is in the table. The fact is that the artist for his work is offered too little fees. The singer himself can not oppose the pain and the question:

"When concerts?" Replies sharply: "It would not be fun. Not to concerts. "

About relationships

With doctors and guests of the studio, Andrei Gubin did not come to contact. When one of the experts offered him his help, the artist declared that he did not suffer from depressions.

"If you are trying to learn me to love women, then I will also get out of it, but in principle I returned, because as if like, from there you just do not hear."

Yes, and to the comments of colleagues, the artist was not very listening to: "Listen, tele the microphone from Andrei Razin, I ask you. This is my competitor, I do not want my airtime to spend on Andrei Razin. Select my microphone! "