Thaw "in the spiritual sphere. Question: What did the policy of "thaw" in the spiritual sphere

Thaw "in the spiritual sphere. Question: What did the policy of "thaw" in the spiritual sphere

The event occurred, a radically changing the course of the USSR external and domestic policy. I. Stalin died. By this time, the repressive methods of the country's management have already exhausted themselves, so the stalnie courses were urgently needed to conduct some reforms aimed at optimizing the economy and the implementation of social transformations. This time got the name thaw. What did the policy mean thawed to what new names appeared in the cultural life of the country, it is possible to read in this article.

XX CPSS Congress

In 1955, after the resignation of Malenkov, the head of the Soviet Union becomes in February 1956, at the 20th CPSU Congress, his famous speech about the cult of personality sounded. After that, the authority of the new leader was noticeably strengthened, despite the resistance of the Stalinist Ukrainians.

The XX Congress gave the start of various reformists in our country, reviving the process of cultural reformation of society. What did the policy mean to thaw in the spiritual and literary life of people, you can learn from new books and novels published at the time.

Politics thaw in literature

In 1957, the publication of the famous work B. Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago" is published abroad. Despite the fact that this work was forbidden, it dispened with huge circulations in samizdate copies, made on old typewriters. The same fate suffered the works of M. Bulgakov, V. Grossman and other writers of that time.

The publication of the famous work of A. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich" is indicative. The story in which the terrible weekdays of the Stalinist camp are described, the chief political scientist Souslov rejected immediately. But the editor of the new world magazine was able to show the story of Solzhenitsyn personally N. S. Khrushchev, after which permission was given to the publication.

Works, exposing finding their reader.

The opportunity to convey their thoughts to readers, publish their works in spite of censorship and authorities - this is what the policy of thawed in the spiritual sphere and literature of that time.

The revival of theater and cinema

In the 50s and 1960s the Theater is experiencing its second birth. The fact that I mean the policy thawed in the spiritual sphere and theatrical art, the repertoire of the advanced scenes of the middle of the century will be better. The classic repertoire and the work of the 20s of the 20th century returns to the scene, the classic repertoire and works of the 20s of the 20th century are returned to the scene. But still in the theater dominated the team style of work, and administrative posts were engaged in incompetent and small official officials. Because of this, many performances did not see their viewer: Plays Meyerhold, Vampilov and many others remained lying under the cloth.

Thaw beneficially affected cinema. Many films of that time became known far beyond our country. Such work, as "flying cranes", "Ivanovo Childhood", won the prestigious international awards.

The Soviet cinema returned our country the status of the kineljava, which was lost since the times of Eisenstein.

Religious persecution

Reducing the political pressure on the various sides of the life of people did not affect the religious policy of the state. The persecution on spiritual and religious figures intensified. The initiator of the antirefall company was Hrushchev himself. Instead of the physical destroying of believers and religious figures of various denominations, the practice of public ridiculation and debunking of religious prejudices was used. Basically, everything that meant the policy thawed in the spiritual life of believers was reduced to "re-education" and condemnation.


Unfortunately, the period of cultural heyday lasted not long. The final point in the thaws put a sign event of 1962 - the defeat of the art exhibition on the Manege.

Despite the folding of freedoms in the Soviet Union, the return to the dark Stalin's times did not take place. What meant the policy thawed in the spiritual sphere of every citizen can be described by the feeling of wind of change, a decrease in the role of mass consciousness and appeal to a person as a separate person who has the right to his own views.

Foreign policy conducted by N.S. Khrushchev, also wore a contradictory and sometimes spontaneous character (scheme 245). Two contradictory trends accounted for its essence: peaceful coexistence and an irreconcilable class struggle with the forces of imperialism in the conditions of the continued "cold war". Apparently, we can talk about a certain liberalization of the foreign policy.

Scheme 245.

In 1955, diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia were restored, torn to I.V. Stalina, and a peace treaty with Austria was signed, in accordance with which its neutral international status was established and Soviet and other occupying troops were displayed from the Austrian territory.

In response to the introduction of Germany in NATO May 14, 1955 The military-political organization of socialist countries was created - Warsaw contract.

1956 became very difficult for the USSR foreign policy, in Poland and Hungary under the influence of the decisions of the XX Congress of the CPSU began the processes of dedication, which led to the strengthening of anti-Soviet sentiments. If Poland managed to stabilize the situation in mainly by peaceful means, then in Hungary had to introduce troops and to suppress people's performance with the use of military force.

The situation in the center of Europe, which is associated with the split from Germany and the division of Berlin remained acute and explosive. The western sector of Berlin was under the rule of the occupation forces of the United States, England and France. East Berlin was controlled by the GDR and the USSR. Essentially, it was a direct confrontation of two military-political blocks. As a result, in August 1961, the leadership of the USSR and the GDR made a decision on the construction of a dividing Berlin Wall, which became the symbol of the "Cold War" until the end of the 1980s.

From the late 1950s. The relationship between the USSR and China began to deteriorate. It was associated with the rejection of the Chinese leadership of critics of the cult of the personality I.V. Stalin, the struggle for leadership in the international communist movement and the refusal of the USSR to transfer to China nuclear weapons.

In the fall of 1962, the Caribbean crisis broke out, who put the world on the edge of the Rocket and Nuclear War. The Soviet leadership decided to accommodate nuclear missiles on Cuba aimed at the United States. Cuba, where the rebels headed by Fidel Castro came to power in 1959, announced the construction of socialism and was an ally of the Soviet Union. N.S. Khrushchev, perhaps, took possession of the desire to somehow correct the balance of strategic forces, increase the number of nuclear carriers, which could hit the territory of the United States from closely. "Let's run hedgehogs in the pants of the Americans," said Khrushchev, which completely determined the meaning of the planned operation. Moscow clearly improved its nuclear strategic positions, but the moves opposed the moves little.

United States of America installed the naval blockade of Cuba. Wars managed to avoid only thanks to mutual concessions of the leaders of the countries (N.S. Khrushchev and D. Kennedy). The Soviet Union brought the rocket, the United States guaranteed the security of Cuba and promised to eliminate missile databases in Turkey aimed at the USSR.

The Caribbean confrontation has proved the impossibility of using nuclear weapons to achieve political goals and forced politicians to take a fresh look at atomic combat components and their tests.

On August 5, 1963, in Moscow, the USSR, the USA and the United Kingdom signed an agreement on the prohibition of nuclear tests in the atmosphere, space and under water. It was a very important step in the case of international monitoring of deadly weapons of mass lesion.

"Thaw" in the spiritual and cultural sphere

The period of post-storey development was symbolicly designated in the consciousness of people as a "thaw", marked with serious changes in spiritual life (scheme 246). It was the famous writer I. Ehrenburg called this time that had arrived after the long and harsh Stalinist "winter", in his work "thaw".

Ideological pressure was weakened on literature and artthat gave a sip of freedom to society. New literary works appeared. The real contradictions of the Soviet society were sought to show D. Granan in the novels of "seekers" and "Introduce on a thunderstorm", V. Dudintsev in the novel "not bread together."

In the period of "thaw" the work began creativity of such well-known writers and poets, like V. Astafyev, Ch. Aitmans, Baklanov, Y. Bondarev, V. Winovich, A. Voznesensky, E. Evtushenko, etc.

There were new literary and art journals: "Youth", "Young Guard", "Moscow", "Our Contemporary", "Foreign Literature".

But at the same time the party leadership ensures that this process is controlled and did not go out for certain frameworks. The "Case of Pasternak" clearly showed the limits of detonation in relations between the authorities and the intelligentsia. The writer, who received the Roman "Dr. Zhivago" in 1958, the Nobel Prize was excluded from the Writers' Union and subjected to opal. For ideological doubtfulness and formalism, A. Voznesensky, D. Granin, V. Dudintsev, E. Evtushenko, E. Unknown, B. Okudzhava, V. Bykov, M. Ground and many other prominent representatives of the creative intelligentsia were repeatedly subjected.

Scheme 246.

In sciencethe priority value had nuclear power and rocket education (circuit 247). The peaceful use of the atom began. In 1954, the first nuclear power plant in the world was commissioned, after three years, the Lenin atomic icebreaker was lowered. Impressive were progress in the development of cosmos. On October 4, 1957, the whole world found out about the successful launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth. On April 12, 1961, the first flight of a person in space took place. Yu.A. Gagarin, sunbathing land in 1 hour and 48 minutes, opened the path to outer space to humanity. The domestic space program was led by Academician S.P. Queen.

Scheme 247.

Outstanding achievements of scientists in the field of natural sciences were marked by the world community. In 1956, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the creation of the theory of chain reactions N.N. Semenov, in 1958, in the field of physics, PA was obtained. Chenkov, I.M. Frank and I.E. Tamm, in 1962 - for the creation of the theory of condensed matter (especially liquid helium) Physico theorist L.D. Landau, in 1964 - for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics Physics N.G. Basov and A.M. Prokhorov.

Khrushchev reforms also affected the educational sphere (scheme 248). Since 1958, reform has begun in the field of education. Instead of compulsory seven-year education and a complete decade, a mandatory eight-year-old polytechnic school was created. Middle Education Youth could now get either through the school of working (rural) youth without separation from production, or through the technical schools who operated on the base of eight-year-olds, or through the average three-year labor education school with industrial training. For those who want to receive a higher education introduced a mandatory production experience. The reform temporarily ensured the uninterrupted flow of labor for production, but he gave rise to even more complex social problems (the staff turnover increased, the level of labor and technological discipline of young employees turned out to be catastrophically low.).

Scheme 248.

In August 1964, reform was adjusted and restored in high school a two-year-old duration of eight-year training. The full secondary school again became a decade.

The rise of discontent in society and the removal of N.S. Khrushchev from power

Evaluating the reforms N.S. Khrushchev as a whole, it is necessary to note their distinctive features:

  • reforms were carried out within the framework of the administrative command system and could not go beyond its framework;
  • The reforms themselves were sometimes impulsive and illiterate, which led not to improving the state in certain areas, but, on the contrary, sometimes confused and aggravated the position.

By 1964, the reports arrived at the KGB from party organizations, and simply writing people to the highest party and government instances testified to the growth of discontent in the country (Scheme 249).

We give one of these appeals:

"Nikita Sergeevich!

You are respected in the people, therefore I appeal to you.

We have enormous achievements in a state of spending. We are warmly happy to the changes that occurred after March 1953. But so far we all live only for the future, but not for yourself.

Everyone should be clear that one enthusiasm will not live. Improving the material life of our people is absolutely necessary. The solution to this question cannot be postponed.

People live badly, and the state of mind is not in our favor. With food across the country is very tight.

We, Russia, we carry meat from New Zealand! Look at the collective farm yards, on the courtyards of individual collective farmers - ruin.

Let's spend real elections. Let's choose all the people who put forward mass, and not lists, lowered from above ...

With deep respect for you and faith in your loyalty to the people.

M. Nikolaev, teacher. "

Citizens were unhappy with the increase in food prices and the actual rationing of products, and Selyan - the desire to deprive their ability to keep cattle and cut off household plots, believers - a new wave of closure of temples and melon houses, creative intelligentsia - constant (often in degrading human dignity) criticism and Threats to send from the country, the military - a rivable reduction in the armed forces, officials of the party-state apparatus - permanent personnel and unprotected reorganizations.

Scheme 249.

Removal N.S. Khrushchev occurred as a result of the conspiracy of the highest party and state managers. The main role in his preparation was played by Chairman of the Committee of Party Control and Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU A.N. Shelepin, Head of the State Security Committee V.A. Seven, secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU M.A. Suslov et al.

So far in September 1964 N.S. Khrushchev was on vacation, conspirators prepared his displacement. He was summoned to the plenum of the Central Committee of the Party to Moscow, where opponents demanded his resignation from the post of first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. October 14, 1964 N.S. Khrushchev was removed and did not fight for power. This happened through a simple voting, without arrests and repression, which can be considered the main outcome of the Khrushchev decade. Defalinization "Rained" society, made an atmosphere in it more free, therefore the news of the resignation of N.S. Khrushchev was met calmly and even with some approval.

On March 5, 1953, Stalin died. Stalin's death ended the whole era in the life of the country. Stalin's heirs who came to power after his death, on the one hand, understood that the preservation or strengthening of the system is impossible and even disastrous, but on the other hand, they were ready to abandon only some of the most common elements (the cult of the leader's personality, mass terror and Repression, full suppression of commodity-money relations, etc.). The first with proposals on partial rehabilitation of prisoners, revising the fundamentals of foreign policy, the adjustment of agrarian policy was performed by G. M. Malenkov, who became Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR after the death of Stalin, and L. P. Beria, from the late 30s. He led by a punitive system. In July 1953, Beria was arrested and soon shot. The first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU N. S. Khrushchev, who was applied by force, to achieve victory over the main competitor - Malenkov. By this time, tens of thousands of people were liberated from prisons and camps, the victims of the "doctors' business", "Leningrad business", warlords convicted after the Great Patriotic War were rehabilitated. The transformations were promised to agriculture: procurement prices were raised, debts were written off, investments were increasing in the collective farm economy, taxes on personal subsidiary farm reduced and allowed to increase its size five times. The development of virgin and landfill lands in Kazakhstan and Western Siberia began (1954).

On February 25, 1956, N. S. Khrushchev acted as a closed meeting of the XX Congress of the CPSU with a report "On the Cult of Personality and His Consequences". The report contained the Leninsky "Testament" ("Letter to the Congress"), with criticism of Stalin, was told about the execution of the overwhelming majority of the delegates of the XVII Congress, about the behavior of Stalin in the first days of the war, about the repression of the 40s. And about many other things.

The report of Khrushchev was an accusatory character and made a strongest impression on the delegates of the congress. Before the people, the content of the report was decided not to bring, limited to reading it at meetings of party assets. However, a few days after the congress, the full text of the Khrushchev report "On the cult of personality and its consequences" appeared in foreign newspapers and was transferred to Western radio stations. In our country, the report of Khrushchev was published only in 1989

After the XX Congress, the process of detonation went faster. Many political prisoners were released from the camps, many categories of special settlers were removed from the record. The CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a decree that improved the legal status of the former Soviet prisoners of war. In 1957, Kalmyk, Kabardino-Balkarskaya, Karachay-Cherkess, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Republic were restored. The improvement of the moral climate was occurring favorable conditions for the development of science and culture, which allowed publicists to determine this period of Soviet history as a "thaw". A good name of many figures of science and art was restored, the work was published under the ban, A. A. Akhmatova, M. M. Zoshchenko, S. A. Yesenin.

In the second half of the 50s. International cultural ties significantly expanded: Festivals of foreign films, theatrical tour, exhibitions of foreign arts were held in the USSR. In 1957, the World Festival of Youth and Students took place in Moscow. Soviet figures of science and culture began to be abroad again. In Moscow and Leningrad, informal circles of student youth arise, the participants of which were sought to comprehend the political mechanism of the Soviet system deeper. In Moscow, young people began to gather at the monument to V. V. Mayakovsky, established in 1958, participants in these meetings read their poems, prose, and political discussions. It was from the student medium that those who later began to call dissidents later.

In 1959, a new charter of the CPSU was adopted, in which he was first mentioned about the possibility of internal discussions, refreshments of personnel, etc. In 1961, the XXII Congress Congress, having adopted a new party program - "Communism Construction Program", adopted a resolution on Stalin's Body Refrigeration Square and on the intensification of the fight against the cult of personality. Molotov, Kaganovich, etc., were excluded from the party. Finally, in 1962, Khrushchev proposed to start developing a project of a new constitution.

A social policy held by Khrushchev was a departure from the Stalinist model: a passport system was distributed to the collective farmers, the pension provision was ordered, massive housing construction was deployed, the settlement of utilities began.

However, detonation was not consistent. In the industrial policy, Khrushchev adhered to a course on the priority development of severe and defense industry, retained management team methods. In the agrarian sphere in 1958-1959 Return to administrative management methods has occurred. The famous campaign on the violent introduction of corn, the reorganization of machine-tractor stations, the struggle against personal subsidiary farms was manifestations of the policy-style leadership and caused tremendous harm to agriculture. The consequences of ill-conceived solutions were difficulties with the supply of cities with food and bread, grain procurement began abroad (1963). There was an increase in retail prices for products. The unrest caused by this in Novocherkassk was suppressed by force (the participants in the protest demonstration were shot).

There was an inconsistent course for detonation in the field of culture, ideology, spiritual life. "Thaw" was perceived with caution, it saw unwanted "fermentation of the minds", "undermining the foundations." That is why the ideological campaign against B. L. Pasternak was deployed, published abroad "Dr. Zhivago", the painters-abstrasts, criticized writers and poets, who tried to move away from obsolete dogmas. "In the culture, I Stalinist," Khrushchev said. But at the same time, it was he who gave permission to publish a story A, I. Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich", directed against Stalinism.

Khrushchev was released from the post of first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and Chairman of the USSR Council at the Plenary of the Central Committee in October 1964. The totalitarian system, inherited from the time of the Renovation of Stalin, has undergone some changes, but essentially not changed. The spiritual cultural life of society in the period of the Khrushchev "thaw" was controversial. On the one hand, the renewal process, liberalization in politics could not but cause the revival of culture, weakening ideological control, lifting science and education. On the other hand, the general approach to the cultural sphere was distinguished by the previous desire to put it on the official ideology service. All the same, especially before the early 1960s, there was a spiritual revival of the creative intelligentsia. The Magazine "New World" was the spiritual center of the sixties, which was headed by A. T. Tvardovsky. In Moscow, the Sovremennik Theater under the leadership of O. N. Efremova began working. Many writers, artists, scientists were able to visit the border. Memoirs of Soviet military leaders began to be published: In previous years, none of the state and military leaders decided to even record their memories. In historical science, there was a departure from the dogma "Brief course of the history of WCP (b)", the role of Stalin in the history of the Soviet state was revised. New magazines "Youth", "Moscow", "Our Contemporary", "Young Guard", "History of the USSR", "New and the New History", "Culture and Life", Almanachi and Newspapers began to be published. New creative unions were created. In 1958, a resolution of the CPSU Central Committee was adopted "On the correction of errors in the assessment of the opera" Great Friendship ", Bogdan Khmelnitsky," from the bottom of my heart. " The time of time was the rehabilitation of part of cultural figures convicted under Stalin. Forbidden poems S. Ahmaynin, D. A. Akhmatova, M. I. Tsvetaeva, Stories M. M. Zoshchenko, etc. In the period of "thaw" for the first time, F. A. Abramov, V. P. Astafev, E. A. Yevtushenko, R. I. Christmas, A. A. Voznesensky, B. A. Akhmadulin, V. P. Aksenov, and others. However, the inconsistency of cultural policy gave itself to know. Some works of literature and art were accepted by N. S. Khrushchev, his advisers and a number of cultural figures in the bayonas (novels V. Dudintseva "not bread united", B. L. Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago", film M. M. Huziyev " Zastema Ilyich, "etc.). The talented painters of E. Belyutin, B. Zhututsky, sculptor E. Unknown, undeservedly fell into opal. Significant achievements were in the development of science and technology, especially in astronautics (launch of an artificial satellite; flight Y. A. Gagarin; Successes in rocket lights). In Dubna, a major International Research Center was created - the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Much attention was paid to the Middle and Higher Education: a fee for training in universities, technical schools and high school grades was canceled; Instead of seven years, a universal mandatory eight-year education was introduced. The number of universities and scientific institutions has increased. The reform of a general education school (eleventh outlet instead of a decade) began in 1958 with an emphasis on industrial training and student training was not scientifically substantiated. In 1964, they refused it. In general, the spiritual liberation of Soviet people during the period under review was not and could not be complete. In the early 1960s There was an increase in ideological dictate in the field of literature and art, intolerance was manifested for dissent. For these years, there is the beginning of the dissident movement.

The changes originated after the death of Stalin in the spiritual and political life of the Soviet society were called "Thaw". The emergence of this term is associated with the publication in 1954. I. G. Ehrenburg "Thaw"In response to the call of Critica V. M. Pomerantsev to put into the center of attention of human literature," raise the true theme of life, to bring conflicts in life in novels, occupying people in everyday life. The spiritual life of society in the period of the Khrushchev "thaw" was controversial. With one The parties, destalinization, the opening of the "iron curtain" caused the revival of society, the development of culture, science and education. At the same time, the desire of party-state bodies to put culture to the official ideology service.

development of science and education

In the middle of the twentieth century Science has become a leading factor in the development of social production. The main directions of science in the world were a comprehensive automation of production, management and control based on the wide use of computers; creation and introduction into the production of new types of structural materials; Opening and use of new types of energy.

Soviet Union succeeded in 1953-1964. To achieve major scientific achievements in nuclear energy, rocketism, exploration of outer space. 27th of June 1954 G. In the city of Obninsk Kaluga region began to operate the first in the world Industrial power plant for atomic energy. The scientific leader of works on its creation was I. V. Kurchatov, the chief designer of the reactor - N. A. Dollezhal, the supervisor of the project - D. I. Blochintsev.

Nuclear power plant Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In the city of Obninsk, Kaluga region.

The 4th of October 1957 G. The USSR was launched first in the world artificial satellite land. A group of scientists led to S. P. Korolev, M. K. Tikhonravova, N. S. Ladenko, G. Yu. Maksimova, V. I. Lappko, B., . Chekunova, A. V. Buyovarova.

Postage stamps of the USSR

In the same year laid on the water atomic icebreaker "Lenin" - The world's first surface vessel with nuclear power installation. The main designer was V.I. Neganov, the supervisor of works - Academician A. P. Alexandrov; Atomic installation was designed under the leadership of I. I. Africantov.

IN 1961 first in history flight of man in space; they became the Soviet pilot-cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin. The ship "Vostok", on which Gagarin was sheltered around the Earth, was created by the leading designer O. G. Ivanovsky under the direction of the General Designer of the OKB-1 S. P. Korolev. In 1963, the first flight of Women-Cosmonaut V. I. Tereshkova took place.

Yu. A. Gagarin S. P. Korolev

IN 1955 G. In the Kharkov aircraft plant began a serial release of the world's first turbojet passenger aircraft " Tu-104."The design of new, ultra-speed aircraft was engaged in aircraft designers A. N. Tupolev, S. V. Ilyushin.

Airplane "Tu-104"

The introduction of the Soviet Union in the era of the scientific and technological revolution was marked by the expansion of the network of research institutions. A. N. Nesmeyanov, the largest chemist-organizing, in 1954, opened the Institute of Elementorganic Compounds of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In May 1957, in order to develop the productive forces of Siberia and the Far East, the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was organized. In March 1956 G. Dubna was created by the International Research Center - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research In order to study the fundamental properties of matter. The famous physicists A. P. Alexandrov, D. I. Blochintsev, I. V. Kurchatov participated in the formation of JINR. Appeared near Moscow Scientific Centers in Protvino, Obninsk and Trinity. I. L. Knunyantz, the well-known Soviet chemist-organogen, founded the scientific school of ftoriorians.

Syncrophasotron, built in JINR in Dubna in 1957

Significant achievements were in the development of radiophysics, electronics, theoretical and chemical physics, chemistry. Were awarded Nobel Prize For works in the region of quantum electronics A. M. Prokhorovand N. G. Basov - Together with American physicist Ch. Towns. A number of Soviet scientists ( L. D. Landau in 1962; P. A. Chenkov, I. M. Frankand I. E. TammAll in 1958) received Nobel Prizes in Physics, which testified to the recognition of the contribution of Soviet science to the world. N. N. Semenov (together with the American researcher S. Khinshelwood) became in 1956 the only Soviet Nobel laureate in chemistry.

After the XX, the CPSS Congress was opened with the possibility of studying closed documents, which contributed to the emergence of interesting publications on domestic history: "Essays of historical science in the USSR", "History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 1941-1945" and magazine "History of the USSR"

The characteristic feature of the "thaw" became stormy scientific discussions. The crisis of agriculture, disappointment in the councils, the need to find balanced solutions to a large number of problems contributed to the revival of economic thought in the USSR. Two directions were formed in scientific discussions of economists. At the head of the theoretical direction stood Leningrad scientists L. V. Kantorovich and V. V. Novozhilovspeaking for widespread use Mathematical methods in planning. The second direction is practitioners - demanded greater independence for enterprises, less than tough and compulsory planning, allowing to develop market relations. A group of scientists began to study the economy of the West. However, completely free from certain ideological attitudes of historians, philosophers, economists could not.

L. V. Kantorovich

The official Soviet propaganda considered the achievements of Soviet science not only as symbols of scientific and technological progress, but also as evidence of the advantages of socialism. To ensure the implementation of the fundamental restructuring of the technical foundations of material production in the USSR facility failed. What caused the country's technical lag in subsequent years on the most promising directions.

Much attention was paid to the period "thaw" to the middle and higher education, the fee was canceled in universities, technical schools. According to the data of the All-Union Census of the 1959 population, higher, secondary and incomplete secondary education had 43% of the population. New universities were opened in Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Nalchik and other cities.

Grew prestige of higher education, especially engineering, while the attractiveness of working professions for graduates of schools began to fall. To change the situation, measures were taken to approach the school to production. In December 1958 Universal compulsory 7-year education was replaced by a mandatory 8-year education. Graduates of eight-year-olds could finish vocational school (PTU) or technical school to obtain full secondary education and a working specialty.

At the school lesson in autodel

In high school grades, mandatory production practice was introduced. However, the choice of professions offered at the school (cook, seamstress, the car mechanic, etc.) was narrow, did not allow the necessary preparation to be obtained by the necessary modern production. In addition, the lack of funds did not allow the opportunity to equip schools with modern equipment, and enterprises could not fully carry the pedagogical burden. In 1964, in connection with the ineffectiveness of school reform, the overload of training programs returned with a decade of school.


The focus of writers in the 1950s. It turned out to be a man, his spiritual values, everyday life collisions. Scientific research, searching, struggle between seeking, principled scientists and people are new, careerists, bureaucrats were devoted to novels. D. A. Grann. ("Seekers", "I go on a thunderstorm"). In the spotlight Yu. P. Herman (Roman-trilogy "The business you serve", 1957, "My dear", 1961, "I am responsible for everything", 1964) - the formation of a person of high ideas and civil activity.

Interesting works about the life of the post-war village (Essays V. V. Ovechkin "District weekdays" and "Agronoma's notes" G. N. Troypolsky). In the genre of rustic prose wrote during the years "thaw" V.I. Belov, V. G. Rasputin, F. A. Abramov, Early V. M. Shukshin, V. P. Astafiev, S. P. Zaligin. Works of young writers (Yu. V. Trifonov, V. V. Lipatov) about the young contemporaries formed "city" prose.

V. Shukshin and V. Belov

Lieutenant prose continued to develop. Writers who have passed war ( Yu. V. Bondarev, K. D. Vorobiev, V. V. Bykov, B. L. Vasilyev, G. Ya. Baklanov, K. M. Simonov), rethinking his experience, reflected on the world's globility in the war, about the price of victory.

In the process of detonation in the literature, the topic of repression was raised. Large public resonance caused Roman V. Dudintsev "Not bread together", 1956, story A. I. Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich", 1962.

On November 18, 1962, the magazine "New World" publishes the story "One day of Ivan Denisovich" A. I. Solzhenitsyn

The popularity of young poets grew: E. A. Yevtushenko, A. A. Voznesensky, B. Sh. Okudzhava, B.A. Ahmadulina, R.I. Christmas. In his work, they appealed to contemporaries and modern topics. Great attraction in the 1960s. There were evenings of poetry at the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow. Poetic readings at the stadium in Luzhniki in 1962 gathered 14 thousand people.

E. A. Yevtushenko B.A. Ahmadulina A. A. Voznesensky

The revival of cultural life contributed to the emergence of new literary and art journals: "Youth", "Neva", "Our Contemporary", "Foreign Literature", "Moscow". Magazine "New World" (chapters Ed. A. T. Tvardovsky) published works by democratically confined writers and poets. It was on his pages that Solzhenitsyn's work ("One day Ivan Denisovich", 1962, "Matrenin Dvor" and "Case at the Station of Krecheivka", 1963). The magazine became the refuge of the antistaline forces in the literature, the symbol of the Sixtiets, the body of the legal opposition of Soviet power.

Some cultural figures of the 1930s were rehabilitated: I. E. Babel, B. A. Pilnyak, prohibited verses of S. A. Yesenin, A. A. Akhmatova, M.I. Tsvetaeva appeared in the press.

However, the "thaw" in the cultural life of the country had a certain framework established by the authorities. Any manifestations of dissent were destroyed by Cancer. So happened to B.c. Grossman, the author of "Stalingrad Essays" and Roman "for the right thing. The manuscript of Roman" Life and Fate "about the tragedy plunged into the war of the people in 1960 was withdrawn from the author to the authorities of the state security. This work was published in the USSR only during the years of restructuring.

From the document (from the speeches of N. S. Khrushchev to the figures of literature and art):

... It does not mean that now, after the condemnation of the cult of personality, it was time for Samotek, which would have been weakened by the Brazuds of the Board, the public ship sails through the will of the waves and everyone may be toastic, behaving behave as it pleases. Not. The party conducted and will firmly carry out the Leninsky course produced by it, is irreconcilable against any ideological shutters ...

In the late 1950s. The literary samizdat arose - typewritten or handwritten publications that did not pass the censorship of the works of translations of foreign and domestic authors, and Tamizdat - the work of Soviet authors who printed abroad. Roman B. L. Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago" about the fate of the intelligentsia in the years of revolutions and civil war first spread to Samizdat lists. After prohibiting the publication of the novel in the magazine "New World", the book was transferred abroad, where was published in November 1957 in Italian translation. In 1958, Pasternak received the Nobel Prize for the Literature. In the USSR, the campaign was organized by N. S. Khrushchev, the campaign was organized by the writer. He was excluded from the Union of Writers of the USSR, demanded to leave the country. Pasternak refused to leave the USSR, but under pressure the authorities was forced to abandon the award.

At the dacha of Pasternakov on the day of awarding the Nobel Prize: E. Ts. And K. I. Chukovsky, B. L. and Z. N. Pasternaki. Peredelkino. October 24, 1958.

"Case Pasternak" became a signal to a new tightening of censorship. In the early 1960s There was an increase in ideological dictate in the field of literature, an even greater impatience of dissent was manifested. In 1963, at the official meeting of the party's leadership with the creative intelligentsia in the Kremlin Khrushchev made a sharp criticism of the poet A. Voznesensky and offered him to emigrate from the country.

Theater, music, cinema

Moscow began to work new theaters "Sovremennik" under the leadership of O. N. Efremova (1957) and the theater of drama and comedy on Taganka under the leadership of Yu. P. Lyubimov (1964), the performances of which enjoyed the vast popularity of the audience. In the theatrical productions of young teams of "Contemporary" and "Taganka", a reflection of the mood of the Sixtiene era was reflected: a sharpened sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, an active civil position.

Theater "Contemporary"

Large success reached domestic cinema. Films about the ordinary fate of a person in the war were released on the screens: "Freak cranes" (dir. M. K. Kalatozov), "Ballada about a soldier" (G. I. Chukhray). "Frees cranes" Kalazovova became the only Soviet full-length film, received in 1958 the prize "Golden Palm Branch of the Cannes Film Festival.

Frame from the movie "Fly Cranes"

In the best films of the early 1960s. The topic of finding a life path to the young generation was raised: "I walk in Moscow" (dir. G. N. Delialia), "Zaspasya Ilyich" (dir. M. M. Huziev), "Nine days of one year" (dir. M. and . Romm). Many artists were able to visit the border. In 1959, the Moscow Film Festival was resumed. After the Caribbean crisis, the exposure of the "ideological shutters" of literature and artists increased. So, the disapproving assessment of the party-state leaders received a feature film M. M. Huziyev "Zasva Ilyich", one of the symbols of the era "thaw" about young people of the sixties.

From the document (S. N. Khrushchev. Father's trilogy):

As it happens with strong natures, the father seemed to feel the weakness of his position and became even sharper and irremissible. I was attended once when talking about the film "Zasva Ilyich" directed by Marlene Hutsiyev. All style, the aggressiveness of this parsing made on me a painful impression that I remember to this day. On the way home (the meeting was held in the house of receptions at Vorobievskoe highway, we lived nearby, for the fence) I objected to my father, it seemed to me that there was nothing antisetty in the film, moreover, he was Soviet and at the same time high-quality. Father was silent. The next day, the analysis of "Ilyich's outpost" continued. Taking the word, the Father complained that the ideological struggle goes in difficult conditions and even at home he does not always meet an understanding.

Yesterday, Sergey, my son, convinced me that we were wrong in my attitude to this film, "said the father and, looking around the darkness of the hall, asked: -Ivively?

I sat in the rear rows. I had to get up.

So, right, the film is good, - Sticking from the excitement, I said. It was my first experience of participating in such a big meeting. However, my intercession only poured oil into the fire, the speakers one after another branded director for ideological misfortune. The film had to remake, the best pieces cut, he received the new name "We are twenty years old."

Gradually, I was increasingly convinced that my father was tragically mistaken, loses his authority. However, to do something far from just. It was necessary to choose a moment, carefully express his opinion to him, try to convince him of the harmfulness of such daily judgments. In the end, he must understand what hits his political allies, for those who support his business.

From the late 1950s. Neofolorism developed in Soviet music. In 1958, the Central Committee of the CPSU adopted a resolution "On the correction of errors in the assessment of the opera" Great Friendship "," Bogdan Khmelnitsky "," from the bottom of my heart ". Ideological accusations with composers S. Prokofiev, D. Shostakovich, A. Khachaturian were removed. In 1955-1956 In the United States passed the tour of the outstanding Soviet musicians: D. F. Sustrah and M. L. Rostropovich.

Soviet people were popular with songs written in the VI World Festival of Youth and Students: "Moscow Region" (V. Soloviev-Grayova, M. Matusovsky) performed by V. Troin and E. Piekhi, "If the guys of the whole land ..." ( V. Soloviev-Grayova, E. Dolmatovsky), "Zori Moscow ..." (A. Ostrovsky, M. Lysyansky), "Rights guitar over the river ..." (L. Oshanin, A. Novikov) and others. In this period, creative begins Activities of composers E. Denisova, A. Petrov, A. Shnitke, R. Shedrin, A. Eschpaya. The works of G. Sviridov and songs A. Pakhmutova on the verses of N. Dobronravova were enjoyed.

In the formation of the spiritual atmosphere of the turn of the 1950-60s. An important role was played by author's song creativity. Audience B. Sh. Okudzhava, N. N. Matveyeva, Yu. I. Victor, Yu. Ch. Kima, A. A. Galich became the younger generation of "physicists" and "lyrics" who aroused about the problems of scientific and technological progress and humanistic values.

B. Okudzhava A. Galich

painting, architecture, sculpture

In the late 1950s - early 1960s. In the works of the artists-sixties from the youth section of the Moscow branch of the Union of Artists, our reflection of the labor weekdays of contemporaries, the so-called "stern style" originated. Pictures of representatives of the "harsh style" V. E. Popkov, N. I. Andronova, T. T. Salahova, P. P. Osovo, V. I. Ivanova, and others. He chased the fate of contemporaries, their energy and will, "Heroic of labor everyday life. "

V. Popkov. Builders Bratsk

On December 1, 1962, N. S. Khrushchev visited the anniversary exhibition of the Moscow Organization of the Union of Artists in Manege. He collapsed with rude, incompetent attacks on the young painters-avant-gardeists of the studio E. M. Belyutina: T. Ter-Gevondyan, A. Safokhina, L. Gribkov, V. Zubareva, V. Preobrazhenskaya. The next day, the newspaper "True" published a crushing report, which served as the beginning of the campaign against formalism and abstractionism in the USSR.

From the document (from the speech of Khrushcheva during a visit to the exhibition in Manege on December 1, 1962):

... well, I do not understand, comrades! So he says: "Sculpture." Here he is an unknown. Is it a sculpture? I'm sorry! ... I have done a position in 29 years when I felt responsible for the country, for our party. And you? You are 29 years old! Do you all feel that you go to short pantals? No, you are already in the pants! And so answer! ...

You do not want to keep up with us - get your passport, go ... We are not sent to prison! You are welcome! Do you like the West? Please! ... Let's imagine it. Does it cause any feeling? I want to spit! Here are these feelings - causes.

... You will say: everyone plays, so to speak, in his musical instrument - this is the orchestra? This is a capochony! This ... This is a crazy house! This jazz will be! Jazz! Jazz! I do not want to offend blacks, but here, uh, in my opinion, is the music Negritanskaya ... Who will fly on it roasted that you want to show? Who! Flies that are thrown on Padal! Here they know, huge, fatty ... So flew! .. The one who wants to be able to settle our enemies - he can take on this weapon ...

Monumentalism blooms in the sculpture. In 1957, the UN Building in New York appeared the sculptural group E. V. Vuchetich "Skip Swords on Oral". Military topics was represented by the sculptural portraits of the commander, created in the Soviet cities of E. V. V. V. V. Tomsk, the best masters of this genre.

"Slug swords on the oral" Sculptor - Vuchetich E. V.

Soviet sculptors at this time captured historical personalities and cultural figures. S. M. Orlov, A. P. Anthropov and N. L. Stamin - authors of the monument to Yuri Dolgorukov in Moscow in front of the Moscow Council (1953-1954); A. P. Kibalnikov completes the work on the Monument to Chernyshevsky in Saratov (1953) and V. Mayakovsky in Moscow (1958). Sculptor M. K. Alikushin in a realistic manner performed a monument to A. S. Pushkin, established on the Art Square in Leningrad, at the building of the Russian Museum.

Monument to Pushkin. Sculptor M. K. Alinishin

Over the framework of social realism, the creativity of the sculptor E. Unknown: "Suicide" (1958), "Adam" (1962-1963), "Effort" (1962), "Mechanical Man" (1961-1962), "two-headed The giant with the egg "(1963. In 1962, an unknown man was an excursion to Khrushchev at the exhibition. After the defeat of the exhibition, he did not exhibit it for several years, Opala ended only with the resignation of Khrushchev.

E. Unknown tombstone N. S. Khrushchev, E. Unknown

After the death of Stalin, a new stage begins in the development of Soviet architecture. In 1955, a resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council "to eliminate excesses in the design and construction", "contrary to the democratic spirit of life and culture of our society" was adopted. A functional typical Soviet architecture has come to replace the Stalinsky Ampuria, which with those or other changes have been preserved before the collapse of the USSR. According to such a principle, Khimki-Hovrino (arch. K. Alabian) and the south-west quarters of Moscow (Arch. Ya Belopolsky, E. Stamo, etc.), Dacha district of Leningrad (Arch. V. Kamensky, and . Zhuk, A. Machett), neighborhoods and quarters in Vladivostok, Minsk, Kiev, Vilnius, Ashgabat. During the mass construction of panel five-story buildings, standard projects and cheap building materials "without architectural excesses" were used.

State Kremlin Palace

In 1961, in Moscow, a hotel "Youth" (ARH Y. Arndt, T. Bausheva, V. Burovin, T. Vladimirova; Engineers N. Dykhovichnaya, B. Zarkha, I. Mishchenko) using the same large panels What was used in housing, the cinema "Russia" ("Pushkinsky") with his visor put forward. One of the best social facilities of this time was the State Kremlin Palace, 1959-1961 (Arch. M. Posokhin), in the construction of which the problem of the combination of modern construction with historical architectural ensembles was rationally solved. In 1963, the construction of the Palace of Pioneers in Moscow was completed, which is a complex of several buildings of different heights, combined with a spatial composition.

Expansion of cultural ties

Liberalization of social and political life was accompanied by the expansion of international cultural ties. In 1955, the first issue of the magazine "Foreign Literature" came out. It became for the Soviet readers the only opportunity to get acquainted with the work of many large western writers, the books of which in the USSR were not published on censorship.

In October 1956 in Moscow in the museum. Pushkin I. Erenburg organized an exhibition of paintings by P. Picasso. For the first time in the USSR, the canvas of one of the most famous artists of the XX century were shown. In December of the same year, Picasso was sent to Leningrad to Hermitage, where the exhibition provoked a student rally in the city center. Students publicly shared their impressions.

Poster VI World Festival of Youth and Students

In July 1957, the VI World Festival of Youth and Students was held in Moscow, whose symbol became invented by P. Picasso Pigeon. The forum has become in every sense of a significant event for the Soviet young men and girls, they first met with the youth culture of the West.

In 1958, the first international competition was held in Moscow. P. I. Tchaikovsky. The victory was won by a young American pianist X. Wang Klibern, a graduate of the Juliard School, where he studied at R. Levina, the Russian pianist, who left Russia in 1907 in America wrote this victory so: "He became unexpectedly famous, winning the Tchaikovsky Prize in Moscow in 1958, became the first American who had gained triumph in Russia, where he turned into the first favorite; on his return to New York, he was met as a mass demonstration hero. "

Winner of the Competition. Tchaikovsky H. Wang Klibern

Large resonance in world musical life was caused by the first foreign tour of the teams of the Bolshoi and Kirov theaters. In the performances of the classic repertoire and productions of modern composers ("Spartak" A. I. Khachaturian, "Carmen-Suite" R. K. Shchedrin, "Legend of love" A. D. Melikova) in front of the Western spectator appeared M. M. Plisetskaya, E. S. Maksimova, V. V. Vasilyev, I. A. Kolpakova, N. I. Immortalov. In the late 1950s - early 1960s. Ballet turned into a "business card" of Soviet art abroad.

M. Plisetskaya

In general, the period of "thaw" became a beneficial time for domestic culture. The spiritual ascent facilitated the formation of the work of the literature and art of the new generation. The expansion of scientific and cultural contacts with foreign countries contributed to the humanization of Soviet society, the increase in its intellectual potential.

"Not bread together"

K. M. Simonov

"Alive and Dead" E

V.P. Aksenov

"Star ticket", "It's time, my friend, it's time"

A. I. Solzhenitsyn

"One day Ivan Denisovich"

B. L. Pasternak

"Doctor Zhivago"




Artistic director


O. N. Efremov

Leningrad Big Drama Theater

G. A. Tovstonogov

Theater on Taganka

Yu. P. Lyubimov

1957 Creation of the world's largest synchrophasotron.

1957, the creation of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

"Rehabilitated" genetics.

Awarded Nobel Prizes:

    1956 N.N. Semenov for the theory of chemical chain reactions

    1962 D.L. Landau for the theory of liquid helium

    1964 N.G. Basov and A.M. Prokhorov for research in the field of quantum radiophysics.


In 1957, the first artificial satellite of the Earth was launched.

1963 First Flight Women Cosmonaut. She became Valentina Tereshkova.

Overcoming Stalinism in Literature and Art, Science Development, Soviet Sports, Education Development.

Overcoming Stalinism in literature and art.

The first postown decade was marked by serious changes in spiritual life. The well-known Soviet writer I. G. Ehrenburg called this period "thaw", coming after the long and harsh Stalinist "winter". And at the same time, it was not "spring" with its full-flowing and free "spill" of thoughts and feelings, namely "thaw", followed by a "light frost" again.

For the changes, which began in society, the first responded by representatives of literature. Even before the XX Congress, the CPSU appeared works that marked the birth of a new direction in the Soviet literature - renewed. Its essence consisted of the inner world of man, his everyday worries and problems, unresolved issues of the country's development. One of the first such works was published in 1953 in the magazine "New World" Article V. Pomerantsev "On sincerity in the literature", where he first raised the question of which "honestly write is not to think about the expression of high and low readers. " The question of the need for the existence of various literary schools and trends was also rising.

In the magazine "New World", Articles of V. Ovechkin appeared (back in 1952), F. Abramov, who became well-known works by I. Ehrenburg ("Thaw"), V. Panova ("Seasons"), F. Panferova ( Volga-Mother River) and others. Their authors moved away from the traditional varnish of the real life of people. For the first time in many years, the question of the disadvantage of the atmosphere, which developed in the country was raised. However, the government recognized the publication of these works "harmful" and removed A. Tvardovsky from the management of the magazine.

Life itself has set the question of the need to change the style of leadership by the Union of Writers and his relationship with the Central Committee of the CPSU. Attempts by the head of the Writers' Union A. A. Fadeeva to achieve this led to his opal, and then to suicide. In his suicide letter, he noted that art in the USSR "ruined the self-defense-ignorant leadership of the party", and the writers, even the most recognized, granted to the position of the boys, destroyed, "ideologically scolded and called it party." This was told in their works by V. Dudintsev ("not bread united"), D. Granin ("Seekers"), E. Dorosh ("Rustic Diary").

The development of space, the development of the latest samples of the technique made a favorite genre of readers science fiction. Novels and Tale I. A. Efremova, A. P. Kazantseva, Brothers A.N. and B. N. Strugatsky, etc. Opened for the reader the veil of the future, allowed to turn to the inner world of a scientist, man. The government was looking for new techniques for the intelligentsia. Since 1957, regularly became the meeting of the management of the Central Committee with the figures and artists. Khrushchev's personal tastes speaking at these meetings with verbal speeches acquired the nature of official estimates. The unceremonious intervention did not find support not only in the majority of the participants themselves of these meetings and in the intelligentsia as a whole, but also in the widest segments of the population.

In May 1958, the Central Committee of the CPSU issued a resolution "On the correction of errors in the assessment of the opera" Great Friendship ", Bogdan Khmelnitsky and" from the bottom of the heart ", in which they were recognized as unrequitable and unfair evaluations of D. Shostakovich, S. Prokofiev, A. Khachaturian, V. Muradel, V. Schebalina, Popova, N. Messkovsky, etc. At the same time, the appeals of the intelligentsia will cancel other decisions of the 40s. According to ideological issues, rejected. It was confirmed that they "played a huge role in the development of artistic creativity on the path of socialist realism" and "retain the actual value." The policy of "thaw" in spiritual life, therefore, had completely defined borders.

From the speeches of N. S. Khrushchev to literature and artists

It does not mean that now, after the conviction of the person of the personality, it was time for samotek, which would have been weakened by the Brazuds of the Board, the public ship sails by the will of the waves and everyone can need to wonder how he pleases. Not. The party conducted and will firmly carry out the Leninsky course developed by it, is irreconcilable against any ideological tents.

One of the bright examples of the permissible limits of "thaw" was the "case of Pasternak". Publication in the west of his prohibited novel "Dr. Zhivago" and the award of the Nobel Prize put a writer literally outlawed. In October 1958, B. Pasternak was excluded from the Writers' Union. He was forced to abandon the Nobel Prize to avoid expulsion from the country. A real shock for millions of people was the situation of the works of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich", Matrenin Dvor, who set the problems of overcoming Stalin's heritage in the everyday life of Soviet people.

In an effort to prevent the massive nature of the antistali publications, which beat not only in Stalinism, but also throughout the totalitarian system, Khrushchev, in his speeches, turned the attention of writers to the fact that "this is a very dangerous topic and difficult material" and they need to do, "observing the sense of measure " Official "limiters" acted in other spheres of culture. A sharp criticism for "ideological doubt", "the underestimation of the leading role of the party", "formalism", etc., not only writers and poets were regularly undergone (A. Voznesensky, D. Granin, V. Dudintsev, E. Evtushenko, S. Kirsanov , K. Powesty, etc.), but also sculptors, artists, directors (E. Unknown, R. Falk, M. Hutsiev), philosophers, historians.

Nevertheless, in these years a lot of literary works appeared ("The Fate of Man" M. Sholokhov, "Silence" Y. Bondarev), movies ("flying cranes" M. Kalazozova, "Forty-first", "Ballad about a soldier", "clean Heaven "Chukhraya), paintings that received popular recognition precisely because of their life-affirming strength and optimism, appeal to the inner world and the daily life of a person.

Development of science.

Party directives focused on the development of scientific and technological progress, stimulated the development of domestic science. In 1956, the International Research Center was opened in Dubna (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research). In 1957, the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences with a wide network of institutions and laboratories was formed. Other scientific centers were created. Only in the system of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR for 1956-1958. 48 new reeds were organized. They expanded and their geography (Urals, Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Yakutia). By 1959, there were about 3200 scientific institutions in the country. The number of scientists of the country approached 300 thousand. The largest achievements of the domestic science of this time include the creation of the most powerful synchrophasotron in the world (1957); Descent on the world's first atomic icebreaker "Lenin"; launch into space of the first artificial satellite of the Earth (October 4, 1957), sending to space of animals (November 1957), the first flight of a person in space (April 12, 1961); exit on the highway in the world of reactive passenger liner Tu-104; The creation of high-speed passenger ships on underwater wings ("rocket"), etc. Resunted work in the field of genetics.

However, as before, the priority in scientific developments was given to the interests of the military-industrial complex. Not only the largest scientists (S. Korolev, M. Keldysh, A. Tupolev, V. Houseay, A. Sakharov, I. Kurchatov, etc.), but Soviet intelligence officers worked on his needs. Thus, the space program was only an "application" to the program for the creation of means of delivery of nuclear weapons. Thus, the scientific and technical achievements of the "Khrushchev era" laid the foundation for achieving military-strategic parity from the United States in the perspective.

The years of "thaw" were marked by the triumphal victories of Soviet athletes. Already the first participation of Soviet athletes in the Olympiad in Helsinki (1952) was noted by 22 gold, 30 silver and 19 bronze medals. In the unofficial team event, the USSR team scored the same number of points with the US team. The first gold medalist of the Olympics was the thrower of Disc N. Romashkova (Ponomareva). The best athlete of the Olympics in Melbourne (1956) was named Soviet runner V. Kutz, who became a two-time champion in running on 5 and 10 km. The gold medals of the Olympics in Rome (1960) were awarded P. Bolotnikov (Running), sisters T. and I. Press (disc throw, running with barriers), V. Kapitonov (cycling), B. Shahin and L. Latynina (gymnastics) , Yu. Vlasov (heavy athletics), V. Ivanov (academic rowing) and others.

Brilliant results and world fames have achieved at the Olympics in Tokyo (1964): in the height of V. Brumber, the weightlifter L. Zhabotinsky, Gymnast L. Latinina, etc. These were the years of the Triumph of the Great Soviet football player L. Yashina, who played at the sports More than 800 matches career (including 207 - without missed heads) and who became a silver medalist of the European Cup (1964) and the Champion of the Olympic Games (1956).

The successes of Soviet athletes called the unprecedented popularity of the competitions than created an important prerequisite for the development of mass sports. Encouraging these sentiments, the leadership of the country drew attention to the construction of stadiums and the palaces of sports, the mass discovery of sports sections and children-youth sports schools. It laid a good foundation for future world victories of Soviet athletes.

Development of education.

As the foundations of the industrial society are built in the USSR, which has developed in the 30s. The education system needed updating. It had to meet the prospects for the development of science and technology, new technologies, changes in the socio-humanitarian sphere.

However, this was a contradiction with an official rate for the continuation of the extensive development of the economy, which demanded annually new workers for the development of enterprises under construction.

To solve this problem, the reform of education was largely conceived. In December 1958, a law was adopted, according to which an obligatory eight-year-old was created instead of the seven polytechnic school.The secondary education of young people received, ending either a school of working (rural) youth without separation from production, or technical schools who operated on the base of eight-year-old, or an average three-year labor education school with industrial training. For those who wish to continue education in the university introduced a mandatory production experience.

Thus, the sharpness of the problem of the influx of labor for production was temporarily removed. However, for enterprises, it created new problems with personnel fluidity and low labor and technological discipline among young workers.

Article Source: Tutorial A.A. Danilova "History of Russia". Grade 9.

Overcoming the Stalinism in literature and art. The first post-inletsy decade was marked by serious changes in the spiritual life of society. The well-known Soviet writer I. Erenburg called this period "Thaw", which comes after the long and harsh Stalinist "winter". And at the same time, it was not "spring" with its full-flowing and free "spill" of thoughts and feelings, namely "thaw", followed by a "light frost" again.

For the changes, which began in society, the first responded by representatives of literature. Even before the XX Congress, the CPSU appeared works that marked the birth of a new direction in the Soviet literature - renewed. One of the first such works was published in 1953 in the "New World" article by V. Pomerantsev "On sincerity in the literature", where he raised the question that "honestly write is not to think about the expression of people of high and low readers " The question of the vital necessity of various literary schools and trends was also rising.

In the "New World" appeared written in the new key of V. Ohchkin, F. Abramova, M. Lifshitsa, and also became well-known works by I. Ehrenburg ("Thaw"), V. Panova ("Seasons"), F. Panferova ("Volga-Mother River") and others. In them, the authors left the varnishing of the real life of people. For the first time, the question of the disadvantage for the intelligentsia of the atmosphere, which developed in the country was raised. However, the government recognized the publication of these works "harmful" and removed A. Tvardovsky from the management of the magazine.

The life itself has set the question of the need to change the style of the leadership of the Writers and his relationship with the Central Committee of the CPSU. Attempts by A. Fadeeva to achieve this led to his opal, and then to death. In his suicide letter, he noted that art in the USSR "ruined the self-defense-ignorant leadership of the party", and the writers, even the most recognized, granted to the position of the boys, destroyed, "ideologically scolded and called it party." This was told in their works by V. Dudintsev ("not bread united"), D. Granin ("Seekers"), E. Dorosh ("Rustic Diary").

The inability to act by repressive methods forced the party leadership to look for new techniques for the intelligentsia. Since 1957, regularly became the meeting of the management of the Central Committee with the figures and artists. N. S. Khrushchev's personal tastes, speaking at these meetings with numerous speeches, acquired the nature of official estimates. Such unceremonious intervention did not find support not only in the majority of the participants themselves of these meetings and in the intelligentsia as a whole, but also in the widest layers of the population.

After the XX Congress of the CPSU, ideological pressure and musical art, painting, cinematography were somewhat weakened. Responsibility for the "inflection" of the previous years was entrusted to Stalin, Beria, Zhdanov, Molotova, Malenkov, etc.

In May 1958, the Central Committee of the CPSU issued a resolution "On the correction of errors in the assessment of the opera" Great Friendship ", Bogdan Khmelnitsky and" from the bottom of the heart ", in which they were recognized as unrequitable and unfair evaluations of D. Shostakovich, S. Prokofiev, A. Khachaturian, V. Shebalina, Popova, N. Meskovsky, etc.

At the same time, in response to calls in the intelligentsia environment, other resolutions of the 40s are canceled. According to ideological issues, it was stated that they "played a huge role in the development of artistic creativity along the path of socialist realism" and in its "main content are relevant to the actual value." This testified that the policy of "thaw" in spiritual life had completely defined borders. Speaking about them at one of the meetings with the writers, Khrushchev said that the achieved in recent years "does not mean that now, after the conviction of the cult of personality, it was time for Samotek ... The party spent and will spend consistently and firmly ... Leninsky course , irreconcilable speaking against any ideological shutters. "

One of the bright examples of the permissible limits of "thaw" in spiritual life was the "Pasternak case". Publication in the west of his forbidden by the authorities of the novel "Dr. Zhivago" and awarded to him the Nobel Prize put a writer literally outlawed. In October 1958, he was excluded from the Writers' Union and forced to abandon the Nobel Prize to avoid expulsion from the country.

A real shock for many people was the situation of works by A. I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich", "Matrenin Dvor", in full growth of the problems of overcoming Stalin's heritage in the everyday life of Soviet people. In an effort to prevent the massive nature of the antistali publications, which beat not only in Stalinism, but also throughout the totalitarian system, Khrushchev, in his speeches, turned the attention of the writer to the fact that "this is a very dangerous topic and difficult material" and they need to do, "observing the sense of measure " Official "limiters" acted in other spheres of culture. A sharp criticism for "ideological doubt", "the underestimation of the leading role of the party", "formalism", etc., not only writers and poets were regularly undergone (A. Voznesensky, D. Granin, V. Dudintsev, E. Evtushenko, S. Kirsanov , K. Powesty, etc.), but also sculptors, artists, directors (E. Unknown, R. Falk, M. Hutsiev), philosophers, historians.

Nevertheless, there were many literary works in these years ("The Fate of Man" M. Sholokhov, "Silence" Y. Bondarev), movies ("fly cranes" M. Kalazozova, "Clean Sky" in Chukhray), paintings received by the National Recognition is due to its life-affirming strength and optimism based on the new course of the Soviet leadership.

Development of science. Particular directives stimulated the development of domestic science. In 1956, an International Research Center was established in Dubna (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research). In 1957, the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences with a wide network of institutions and laboratories was formed. Other scientific centers were created. Only in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences for 1956 - 1958. 48 new reeds were organized. They expanded and their geography (Urals, Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Yakutia). By 1959, there were about 3200 scientific institutions in the country. The number of scientists of the country approached 300 thousand. Among the largest achievements of the domestic science of this time include the creation of the most powerful synchrophasotron in the world (1957); Descent on the world's first atomic icebreaker "Lenin"; launch into space of the first artificial satellite of the Earth (October 4, 1957); sending to space of animals (November 1957); satellite flights to the moon; The first flight of a person in space (April 12, 1961); exit on the highway in the world of reactive passenger liner Tu-104; The creation of high-speed passenger ships on underwater wings ("rocket"), etc. Resunted work in the field of genetics. As before, the priority in scientific developments was given to the interests of the military-industrial complex. Not only the largest scientists (S. Korolev, M. Keldysh, A. Tupolev, V. Houseay, A. Sakharov, I. Kurchatov, etc.), but Soviet intelligence officers worked on his needs. Even the space program was only an "application" to the program for the creation of means of delivery of nuclear weapons.

Thus, the scientific and technical achievements of the "Khrushchev era" laid the foundation for achieving military-strategic parity from the United States in the perspective.

Development of education. Scribed in the 30s. The educational system needed updating. It had to meet the prospects for the development of science and technology, new technologies, changes in the socio-humanitarian sphere.

However, this was a contradiction with the official exchange rate of PA continuing the extensive development of the economy, which was demanded annually hundreds of thousands of new workers for the development of thousands of enterprises under construction throughout the country.

To solve this problem, the reform of education was largely conceived.

In December 1958, a law on its new structure was adopted, according to which an obligatory eight-year-old polytechnic school was created instead of the seven-year-old. The secondary education of young people received, ending either a school of working (rural) youth without separation from production, or technical schools who operated on the base of eight-year-old, or an average three-year labor education school with industrial training.

For those who wish to continue education in the university introduced a mandatory production experience.

Thus, the sharpness of the problem of the influx of labor for production was temporarily removed. However, for the company executives, it created new problems with personnel fluidity and low labor and technological disciplineamong young workers.


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Russian history. XX - early XXI century

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Danilov A. A.
D18 History of Russia, XX - early XXI century: studies. For 9 cl. general education. institutions / A. A. Danilov, L. G. Kososulina, A. V. Pyzhikov. - 10th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2003. - 400 p. : Il., cards. - IS.

Russian Empire at the turn of the centuries and its place in the world
Territory and administrative division of the Russian Empire. At the beginning of the XX century. The territorial design of the Russian Empire has ended. In her composition, in addition to Velikorsia, entered the Baltic States, Right Bank

On the need for industrialization. From the letter S.Yu. Witte Nicholas II.
Currently, the political strength of the great powers, which are designed to solve the grand historical tasks in the world, is created not only by the power of the spirit of their peoples, but also their economic device.

Economic development of Russia at the beginning of XX
The role of the state in the Russian economy. The most part of Russia was the presence of a huge public sector in the economy. His kernel was the so-called government plants, mostly special

From the report of the Minister of Finance S.Yu. Witte
... Recently, there are voices against the tide of capital from abroad, insist that it causes damage to the main popular interests that he seeks to absorb all incomes growing

Domestic policy in 1894 - 1904
Nicholas II.20 October 1894, Emperor Alexander III died. The son of Nicholas II entered the throne. Nikolay Aleksandrovich Romanov was born on May 6, 1868 I, and the day of St. Ion of the Multiplay

The social structure of Russian society at the beginning of XX
Features of the structure of Russian society. In the beginning of the XX century. There were significant changes in the social structure of Russian society. In official state documents, the entire population of the country

From the memories of the largest entrepreneur Vladimir Ryabushinsky
The Moscow industrialist was sitting in his barn or in the factory, as a specific prince in his principal, snorted into St. Petersburg and did without him. Meanwhile, the Petersburg banks are increasingly binding

Foreign policy. Russian-Japanese war
The "great intent" of Nicholas II. The most important policy of Nicholas II and the first period of its reign was determined by at least three important factors. First, sincere intention to continue foreign policy

From the notes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia: August 12, 1898
The increasing burden of financial gravity in the root loosens public well-being. Spiritual and physical forces of peoples, labor and capital are distraved in a greater part of natural

The first Russian revolution
The causes and nature of the revolution. The first revolution in Russia began as a result of a sharp aggravation of the political and socio-economic situation. The reasons for this were preceding the period.

From the petition of workers and residents of St. Petersburg Nikolai II. January 9, 1905
It is necessary to be a national representation ... Let everyone be equal to and free in the right of election - and for this they led the elections to the Constituent Assembly, under the condition of universal, secret and

Changes in the political system of the Russian Empire
"The tops" in the context of revolution. Education of the State Duma. In terms of the growing revolution, the royal government has chosen the tactics of the split-looking uniform revolutionary front. With one S.

From the program of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party
1. The abolition of redemption payments, as well as any contests that are currently falling for the peasantry as a submortive estate. 2. The abolition of all laws constraining the peasant at its disposal

From the program of the Socialist Revolutionaries
... in matters of agrarian policy ... The party of socialist revolutionaries aims to use in the interests of socialism and the struggle against bourgeois-proprietary began both communal and acts

Tablepin reforms
The Council of People's Hope.27 April 1906 in the presence of Nicholas II held the grand opening of the State Duma The greatest seats received Cadets - 179 Denu Tatov and Labor

From the Decree of the Governing Senate November 9, 1906
1. Each householder who owns land in community law may, at all time, demand strengthening about him in the personal property of the land due to him from the same land ... 2. In total

Speeches of the peasants of the village of Podbitzia Sviyazhsky County of the Kazan province
Kazan, January 22. Famous disturbances ... There was a consequence of the arrangement to the middle of the community of thirty householders. Society, not agreeing, demanded the removal of the bailiff and the Zemstvo

Russia in the First World War
Rapid of Russia and England. The aggravation of Russian-German relations. After the end of the Russian-Japanese war, the sphere of interests of the Russian foreign policy has again moved to Europe. In diplomacy

From the memories of A.A. Brusylov
The offensive exceeded all expectations. The front fulfilled his task to him - to save Italy from defeating and exit her from the war, and in addition, facilitated the position of the French and the British on their front, forced R

The rise of the internal political crisis
The failed union. The industriality of Russia pretty quickly rebuilt into a military way. In 1916, despite the loss of a number of industrial centers in the West of the country, economic growth rates

From speech P.N. Milyukov uttered at the meeting of the State Duma. November 1, 1916
We lost faith in the fact that this power can lead us to victory ... When you have been waiting for the speeches of Romania for a whole year, insist on this speech, and at a decisive minute we do not have

Silver Age of Russian Culture
The spiritual state of society. Incited XX century. - Return time not only in the political and socio-economic life of Russia, but also in the spiritual state of society. Industrial era dictated her

From February by October
Revolutionary events of February 1917 in Petrograd. In early 1917, universal discontent caused by fatigue from war, rising prices, speculation, queues, increased even more due to the constant

The formation of Soviet power
II Congress of Soviets. The first decrees of Soviet power. The second All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers and Soldier deputies opened on October 25 on October 25. Of the 739 delegates 338 amounted to Bolsheviks, 127 mandates

On the emergency powers of the People's Commissar for Food. From the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of May 13, 1918
... 2) to encourage all workers and the poor peasants to immediately unite for merciless fighting fists. 3) declare all having surpluses and not exporting it to the reference point

Civil War: White
The reasons and the main stages of the Civil War. After the elimination of the Menshevik monarchy and the esters were most afraid of the Civil War, so they went to the agreement with Cadets. Bolsheviks considered civilians

General reasons for the political program of General L.G. Cornilova. January 1918
I. Restoration of the rights of citizenship: - All citizens are equal to the law without sex and nationality differences; - the destruction of class privileges; - Preservation of inviolable

Civil War: Red
The creation of the Red Army. January 15, 1918 Decree of SNK proclaimed the creation of the working and peasant Red Army, and on January 29 - the Red Fleet. The army was built on the principles of voluntary and class

A.I. Denikin about the Red Army
By the spring of 1918, the final inconsistency of the Red Guard was completely discovered. The organization of the workers' and peasant red army began. It was built on the principles of old, reversed revolution

Order of the Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic of the Troops and Soviet institutions of the South Front No. 65. November 24, 1918
1. Every villain, which will teach to retreat, desertion, failure to fulfill the combat order, will be shot. 2. Any soldier of the Red Army, who opens the battle

Between white and red
"Democratic counter-revolution". Formerly after the speech of the Czechoslovakia corps, the front stage of the Civil War was characterized by the struggle between the socialist forces - the Bolsheviks and the

From the resolution of the rally participants on the Anchor Square of Kronstadt. March 1, 1921
1. Due to the fact that these Councils do not express the will of workers and peasants, immediately make re-election of advice with secret ballot, and before the election to carry out free preliminary agitation

New Economic Policy
Lessons of Kronstadt. The consequences of the Civil War. Spring 1921 were regarded by the Bolsheviks as a serious political crisis. Kronstadt rebellion, by definition V. I. Lenin, was more dangerous for

From the report V.I. Lenin "New Economic Policy and Tasks of Politprosvetov". October 17, 1921
In part, under the influence of the military tasks that fucked on us, and the desperate position seemed to be the republic then, at the time of the end of the imperialist war, under the influence of these

Development of the political process in the 20s
The political meaning of the NEPA. The next economic policy was perceived ambiguously. Liberal intelligentsia saw in NEP recognition by the Bolsheviks of the fact that Russia is not ready for the rapid

K.B. Radek about the bureaucratization of WCP (b). 1926
... What is the bureaucratic regime in the party? In Tom: 1. That the party apparatus solves per game. 2. What on the parties each member of the party is afraid to speak with the criticism of the party governors and party

Foreign policy
Comintern. Determining the reasons for the victory of the Bolsheviks in the Civil War, it is necessary to keep in mind the international factor. Wide-scale intervention of foreign states did not take place in many ways.

From the report of N.I. Bukharin at the IV Congress Comintern. November 18, 1922
We want to clearly establish in the program that the proletarian state must be defended not only by the proletarians of this country, but also by the proletarians of all countries ... then we must say

From the statement of the Soviet delegation at the first plenary session of the Genoese Conference. April 10, 1922
Staying at the point of view of the principles of communism, the Russian delegation recognizes that in the current historical era, making it possible to parallel existence of an old and nasty new Socia

Spiritual Life: Achievements and Loss
Fighting illiteracy. Construction of the Soviet school. V.I. Lenin called the illiteracy of the population of Russia one of the main enemies of the socialist revolution. Popular became a decisive, almost

From the note V.I. Lenin. March 19, 1922
It is now that only now, when people eat in hungry areas and hundreds of roads are lying on the roads, if not thousands of corpses, we can (and therefore should!) Conduct the seizure of church values \u200b\u200bwith the best

Economic system in the 30s
The breadpore crisis. In 1927, the sale of grain peasants and other products was sharply reduced. It was caused by low procurement prices for grain, lack of industrial goods

From the performance of N.I. Bukharin on the United Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Committee of the WCP (b) April 18, 1929
The full law of citizenship in the party was now received by the notorious "theory" that, the farther to socialism, the more the exacerbation of the class struggle should be and the more difficult

Political system in the 30s
Features of the political system of the USSR in the 30s. The role of the party in the life of the state. Provided by the country. Grand Objectives demanded centralization and voltage of all forces. They led to formy

Social system in the 30s
The working class. For the implementation of Stalin's industrialization plans, a huge amount of labor was required. The lack of qualified workers was compensated by their number. On the execution of Pyat

From the population's letters to the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M.I. Kalinin. 1937
Dear leaders, you see very blindly, you just hear on different all kinds of congresses, meetings some quantity in all satisfied people in the face of delegates, as well as our entire press rubs you

Foreign policy of the USSR in the 30s
"New course" of Soviet diplomacy. In 1933 I. In connection with the coming to power in Germany, the Fascists headed by A. Hitler changed the alignment of political forces in Europe. In Soviet foreign policy so

Secret Additional Protocol between Germany and the Soviet Union of August 23, 1939
When signing the non-aggression agreement between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the following issues submitted to both parties discussed in strictly confidential

Spiritual life of the Soviet society
Development of education. 30th. We went to the history of Pasha country as a period of the implementation of the cultural revolution. Under this concept, a significant increase was meant compared with pre-revolutionary BP

About socialist realism. From the letter A.V. Lunacharsky in the Organizing Committee of the Union of Soviet Writers. February 1933
Imagine that the house is built and when it will be built, it will be a magnificent palace. But he is not yet completed, and you draw it in this form and say: "Here is your socialism - and there is no roofs."

USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War
The beginning of World War II and the Soviet Union. September 1, 1939 to Germany began a war against wormwood. This day is considered the beginning of World War II. Polish troops were quickly broken, ruler

From the report of V.M. Molotova at the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. October 31, 1939
It turned out to be a rather short strike in Poland from the side of the German Army first, and then the Red Army, so that nothing remains from this ugly brainchild of the Versailles.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War
On the eve of the war. 1941, the approach of the war was felt by everyone. Soviet intelligence almost daily reported Stalin about Hitler's plans. Soviet intelligence officer Richard Zorge reported not only about the pass

From the speech I.V. Stalin at the reception in honor of graduates of military academies. May 5, 1941
We conducted a line on defense until we reoperated our army ... and now we need to move from defense to the offensive. Questions and tasks: 1. Why and V. Stalin believed that

German offensive 1942 and the first prerequisites of the root fracture
The situation at the front of the spring of 1942 by the plans of the Parties. Pobeda near Moscow gave rise to the Soviet leadership of the hope of the possibility of rapid defeat of the German troops and the end of the war. In January 1942, Stalin

From the comments and suggestions on the General Plan "Ost" Reichsführer SS Himmler
It's not only about the defeat of the state with the center in Moscow ... The case is likely to defeat Russians as a people, disagree them ... It is important that in the Russian territory of the population

Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War
Soviet Society in the first period of war. Germany radically changed the life and life of Soviet people. In the first days, not everyone was realized by the reality of the threat: people believed in Dovonen

From the speech on Radio I.V. Stalin. July 3, 1941
Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Fighters of our army and fleet! I appeal to you, my friends! The treacherous attack of Hitler's Germany on our homeland, started on June 22, continues ... The enemy is cruel

From the memories of General A.P. Beloborodova about the work of transport
Twelve long days and nights were waiting for this hour. They knew that we were going to defend Moscow, but the final item of the route was not reported to us. Neither when the 78th Rifle Division was loaded into the echelons nor

Native Fracture during the Great Patriotic War
Battle for the Caucasus. The situation of 1942 is a catastrophic for the Red Army, the situation has developed in the North Caucasus. After the fall of Rostov-on-Don, the road for the Germans to the south turned out to be open, because no Ukrainian

From the memories of the member of the Military Council of the Don Front A.S. Chuynova on the end of the Stalingrad battle
The ring of the environment is compressed every day. The fascist command sends food and ammunition to the "boiler". Pilots drop "gifts" in containers on parachutes ... I witnessed that

Peoples of the USSR in the fight against the German fascism
Multinational Soviet people on the fronts of war. Planning an attack on the USSR, Hitler believed that the multinational Soviet power would fall apart under the strike of his armies, "as a card house." But this

USSR at the final stage of the Second World War
The military-strategic environment by early 1944. The beginning of 1944 Germany suffered significant losses, but was still a strong opponent. Almost 2/3 of their divisions (up to 5 million people) she holds

In honor of the commanders of the Red Army. May 24, 1945
Our government had a lot of mistakes, we had the moments of the desperate position in 1941 - 1942, when our army retreated, left our village and cities to us ... Because there was no other out

Restoration of the economy
The state of the economy of the USSR after the end of the war. Wang turned into huge human and material losses for the USSR. She claimed almost 27 million human lives. 1710 cities and pos were destroyed

From the responses of Soviet people to reducing retail prices for food products in 1952
Voznesensky R. N., Student: Congratulations to all with a decline in prices. Despite the difficult international situation, our country is growing, built and growing. Vadyukhin P.V., economist glavous

Political development
"Democratic impulse" of war. Wang managed to change the socio-political atmosphere that established in the USSR in the 30s. The atmosphere on the front and in the rear made people think creative, act

From the Decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. February 21, 1948
1. To oblige the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR of all serving sentences in special camps and prisons of spies, saboteurs, terrorists, Trotskyists, Right, Mensheviks, Socialist Union, Anarchists, Nationalistanist

Ideology and culture
Restoration of the Iron Curtain. Wound in the intelligentsia hope for the weakening of the party and ideological press. Cultural figures were calculated that the trend towards relocated during the war

Foreign policy
At the origins of the "Cold War". The concessional end of the war has significantly changed the international situation of the Soviet Union, which began to play the role of one of the recognized leaders of the world community. Office

From speech I.V. Stalin at the XIX Congress of the CPSU. October 1952
Previously, the bourgeoisie allowed himself to liberally, defended bourgeois-democratic freedoms and thus created popularity in the people. Now there is no trace from liberalism. No more so on

Changes in a political system
The death of Stalin and the struggle for power. The death of Stalin on March 5, 1953 ended a whole epoch in the life of the country. The struggle for power among the heirs of the leader was continuous in nature until spring 195

Contemporaries about N.S. Khrushchev
I believe that Khrushchev was right, and Beria is even right. Even worse. We had evidence. Both right. And Mikoyan. But these are all different faces. With all that Khrushchev is the right person through rotten.

USSR economy in 1953 - 1964
Economic course Malenkov. In the early 50s. In front of the economy of the country stood serious problems. After the death of Stalin, economic discussions broke out in the leadership with a new force. In August 195.

From the memories k.f. Katushev who worked in the 50s. Secretary of the Gorky Automobile Plant
At the first stage, when the joints were created taking into account the existing administrative division in each field, they had a beneficial effect on the economic activity of the regions by the fact that

Before literature and art
In matters of artistic creativity, the Central Committee of the Party will seek from all ... a steady holding party line. Does not mean that now after the conviction of the cult

Peaceful coexistence policy: Successes and contradictions
In search of a new strategy. In the first days after the death of Stalin, two different lines began to be viewed in the leadership of the country's foreign policy. Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov, believing that "ne

From the message F. Castro N.S. Khrushchev. October 27, 1962
If aggression occurs ... And the imperialists will attack Cuba for the purpose of its occupation, the danger, melting in such aggressive politics, will be so great for all mankind that the Soviet

Conservation of political regime
Strengthening the position of the party-state nomenclature. With the displacement of N. S. Khrushchev and the arrival of the L. I. Brezhnev arrival for the party and state apparatus, a peculiar "golden age" came. Beginning

From the Politburo directive of the Central Committee of the CPSU Soviet ambassadors and representatives abroad. December 1976
When you set up your interlocutor of questions about the so-called "dissidents", on the procedure for the departures of citizens from the USSR and other issues, with which the bourgeois propaganda is trying to present in false

From the note of the KGB and the USSR General Prosecutor's Office in the CPSU Central Committee. November 1972
In accordance with the instructions of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the bodies of the Committee of State Security are leading greater prophylactic work on the prevention of crimes, curbing attempts by conducting an organized sub-

Social life in the mid-60s - mid 80s
The concept of "developed socialism". The exchange rate in October 1964 was to inevitably entail a new ideological justification. Initially coagulation of the democratic beginnings of Khrushchev

Devalition Policy: Hope and Results
Relationships with the West.Keredinny 60s. The international environment remained for the USSR in contradictory: a single "socialist camp" was in the state of split due to "

From the memories of Colonel-General B.V. Gromova - Commander of the limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan
Based on the oral orders of the Minister of Defense Marshal Soviet Union D. F. Ustinova in December (1979), more than thirty different directives were given, in accordance with which in the territory of the Wed

Reform of the political system: goals, stages, results
Prehistory of Perestroika. After the death of Brezhnev at the head of the party and the state, Yu. V. Andropov rose. In one of the first speeches, Andropov recognized the presence of many unresolved problems. Taking measures

At the XIX All-Union Conference of the CPSU. 1988
The existing political system turned out to be unable to protect us from increasing stagnation in economic and social life in recent decades and requested to fail

From the pre-election platform A.D. Sakharov. 1989
1. The elimination of the administrative and command system and replacing its pluralistic with market regulators and competition ... 2. Social and national justice. Protection of personal rights. ABOUT

From the speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU IK Polozkova - First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP RSFSR. January 31, 1991
Now it is already clear to all that the restructuring, conceived in 1985 and started by the party and the people as a renewal of socialism ... did not take place. So-called Democrats managed to replace the goals

Economic reforms 1985 - 1991
Acceleration strategy. In April 1985, the New Soviet leadership proclaimed a course on the acceleration of the country's socio-economic development. His main levers saw scientific and technological progres

From the decision of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On the situation in the country and the tasks of the CPSU in connection with the transition of the economy to market relations." October 1990
CPSU Central Committee sees the main meaning of the market transition to the framework of a socialist choice, first of all, improve the lives of people, to ensure full restraint of their initiative and business activity, with

From the program "500 days". Summer 1990
The main goal of the reform is the economic freedom of citizens and the creation on this basis an effective economic system capable of ensuring the dynamic development of the national economy and the decent level of bl

Glaznost's policy: achievements and costs
On the way to "publicity". In the economy, the restructuring began with the formulation of the tasks of acceleration, then in the spiritual and cultural life, its leitmotif was "publicity". Large openness in activities

From the resolution XIX of the All-Union Conference of the CPSU "On Publicity". 1988
The conference believes that publicity has fully justified itself, it must be developed in every possible way. To this end, consider it necessary to create legal guarantees of publicity, for what to provide for the creation

From the speech IK Polozkova. January 31, 1991
If before the monopoly on the publicity possessed the CPSU, now this monopoly has forces opposing with it. Questions and tasks: 1. What is "publicity"? What does it differ from the freedom

At the origins of the new Russian statehood
Democratic elections of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. On March 4, 1990, the election of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR took place. From the elections of the previous years, they differed in that they were on an alternative basis. G.

Russian economy on the road to the market
From the Soviet Economic System to the market. The elections of the President of the RSFSR and the August political crisis of 1991 created prerequisites for decisive actions in the economy. October 28, 1991 on V Congress

From the Decree of the President of the RSFSR
"On measures for the liberalization of prices" (December 3, 1991) in accordance with the Resolution of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR of November 1, 1991 "On Social and Economic Regulations

Russian political life in the 90s. XX B.
Development of a new constitution. The development of the new Russian Constitution was taken already at the I Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR in June 1990. The congress has established a constitutional commission led by

In Russian federation". September 21, 1993
The Russian Federation has developed a political situation that threatens the state and public security of the country. Direct opposition to the implementation of socio-economic reform

The spiritual life of Russia in the last decade of XX
Historical conditions for the development of culture. In the ideas and images of the Russian culture, the peculiarities of the spiritual life of the people affected the era - the collapse of the USSR and the movement to democracy, changing the models of public

Construction of an updated Federation
Peoples and regions of Russia on the eve and after the collapse of the USSR. Perestroika clearly revealed the need to decisively update the Federal Device of Russia. Construction of an updated Fede

Geopolitical position and foreign policy of Russia
The position of Russia in the world. The provision of the USSR and the role of Russia in the world has changed. First of all, the world has changed: ended the "Cold War", went to the past world system of socialism, the property of East

CIS countries and the Baltic States in the 90s. Russian abroad
Baltic countries. In independent states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania should have solved many difficult problems. 90% of their turnover was associated with the CIS countries. Decline in production had a catast

Russia on the threshold of XXI in
Russian President V. V. Putin. Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on October 7, 1952. After graduating from the Law Faculty of Leningrad State University, he from 1975 to 1

From the Message of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly. 2000
The strategic objective of last year was the strengthening of the state - states in the person of all institutions and all levels of power ... Today it is already possible to say: the period of "spreading" of the state

Text of the State Anthem of the Russian Federation
(Words S. Mikhalkov) Russia - Sacred Our Power, Russia is our beloved country. Mighty will, Great Glory - Your property for all times! Single

From the Message of the President of Russia V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly. 2002
Our goals are unchanged - the democratic development of Russia, the formation of a civilized market and a rule of law ... The most important thing is to increase the standard of living of our people, creating conditions that

"Warm Wind Changes", which picked up from the Tribune of the XX Congress of the CPSU in February 1956, dramatically changed the lives of Soviet people. The writer Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg gave an accurate characteristic of Khrushchevsky time, calling him "Thaw." In his novel with the symbolic name "Thaw", a number of questions were raised: what should be said about the past, in which the mission of the intelligentsia, which should be its relationship with the party.

In the second half of the 1950s. The Company covered the feeling of delight from sudden freedom, the people themselves completely did not understand this new and, undoubtedly sincere feeling. He gave a special beauty to him precisely. This feeling dominated one of the characteristic films of those years - "I walk in Moscow" ... (Nikita Mikhalkov in the lead role, this is his one of the first roles). And the Song from the film: "It happens everything is good in the world, what's wrong to understand ...".

"Thaw" reflected, first of all, on the literature. New magazines emerged: "Youth", "Young Guard", "Moscow", "Our contemporary". A special role was played by the magazine "New World", headed by A.T. Tvardovsky. It was here that the story A.I. was published Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich". Solzhenitsyn became one of the "dissidents", as they were later called (dissent). Its writings set forth the truthful picture of the labor, suffering and heroism of the Soviet people.

The rehabilitation of writers S. Yesenin began, M. Bulgakov, A. Akhmatova, M. Zoshchenko, O. Mandelstam, B. Pilnyak and others. Soviet people began to read more, more thinking. It was then that the statement that the USSR was the most reading country in the world. The style of life was the massive passion for poetry, the performances of the poets were held at stadiums and in huge halls. Perhaps after the "Silver Age" of Russian poetry interest in her did not rise so high as in the Khrushchev Decade. For example, E. Evtushenko, according to the testimony of contemporaries, he spoke 250 times a year. The second idol of the reading public was A. Voznesensky.

The "iron curtain" before the West began to be opened. The works of foreign writers E. Hemingway, E.-m. began to be published in the journals. Remarika, T. Drier, J. London, etc. (E. Zola, V. Hugo, O. De Balzac, S. Collega).

Remarque and Hemingway influenced not only on the minds, but also on the way the life of some groups of the population, primarily young people who tried to copy Western fashion, behavior manners. A lines from the song: "... he wore trousers narrow, read Hemingway ...". This is an image of styles: a young man in narrow trousers, in the long-axis shoes bent in a strange pose, imitating Western rock and roll, twist, cervy, etc.

The process of "thaw", the liberalization of literature was not unambiguous, and it was characteristic of the whole life of the Society of Khrushchev time. They remained banned by such writers like B. Pasternak (for the novel "Dr. Zhivago), V.D. Dudintsev ("not bread together"), D. Granin, A. Voznesensky, I. Erenburg, V.P. Nekrasov. Attacks on writers were connected not so much with the criticism of their works, as with a change in the political situation, i.e. With the folding of political and public freedoms. In the late 1950s. Started the sunset "thaw" in all spheres of life of society. In the intelligentsia environment, all the louder sounded voices against N.S. Policy Khrushchev.

Boris Pasternak for many years worked on the novel about the revolution and civil war. Poems from this novel were printed back in 1947. But the novel himself could not be printed, because Censors saw a digression from "socialist realism." The manuscript "Dr. Zhivago" fell abroad and was printed in Italy. In 1958, Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature for this not printed in the USSR Roman. This caused an unambiguous condemnation by Khrushchev and the party. The campaign of the beat of Pasternak has unfolded. He was expelled from the Union of Writers. Almost all writers were forced to join this campaign, exposing Pasternak insults. Pasternak's estate reflected the party's attempts to maintain full control over society, not allowing any dissent. Pasternak himself wrote a poem on these days, which became known years later:

What i dreamed to put out

Pakosnik me and villain?

I made the whole world to cry over the Red of My Earth.

The Khrushchevsky period has changed noticeably. People often began to go to visit, they "missed communication, missed the opportunity to speak loudly about everything that worried." After 10 fear, when the conversation even in a narrow and, it seemed, a trust circle could end and ended with camps and executions, the opportunity to talk and chat. The new phenomenon was hot spores in the workplace after the end of the working day, in small cafes. "... Cafe has become on the manner of aquariums - with glass walls to all for review. And instead of solid ... [titles], the country was tied up with frivolous "smiles", "Minutes", "Wind". In "glass" spoke about politics and art, sports and heartfers. Organized forms took communication and in the palaces and houses of culture, the number of which increased. Oral journals, disputes, discussion of literary works, filmtin and performances - these forms of communication were noticeably revived compared to previous years, and the statements of participants were distinguished by a certain share of freedom. "Associations on interests" began to arise - clubs of philatelists, scuba whales, booklers, flowerfields, song lovers, jazz music, etc.

The clubs of international friendship were the most unusual for Soviet times, also the brave children. In 1957, the VI World Festival and Students was held in Moscow. He led to the establishment of friendly contacts between the Youth of the USSR and other countries. Since 1958, the Day of Soviet youth began to celebrate.

The characteristic stroke "Khrushchev thaw" was the development of satire. History to the public took the speeches of the clowns of Oleg Popov, Tarakunki and the plugs, Arkady Rykin, M.V. Mironova and A.S. Menacher, P.V. Rudakova and V.P. Nechaeva. Country Rahlebi repeated Raykin's words "I'm already laughing!", And "Bo'Delano!".

There was television in life. Televisions were rare, they were watching them together with friends, familiar, neighbors, the transmissions were engaged lively. Incompractive popularity has gained the game KVN, which appeared in 1961, this game itself in the 1960s. acquired the nature of the universal epidemic. Everywhere played in KVN: students of junior and high schools, students of technical schools and students, workers and employees; In schools and red corners of the hostels, in student clubs and the palaces of culture, in recreation homes and sanatoriums.

In the cinema was removed the installation on shooting only unconditional masterpieces. In 1951, he became particularly noticeable in the cinema - for a year only 6 artistic full-length tapes. In the future, new talented actors began to appear on the screens. The audience got acquainted with such outstanding works as the "Quiet Don", "cranes flying", "the house in which I live", "Idiot", etc. In 1958, the film studios released 102 arts. Film ("Carnival night" with I.I. Ilinsky and L.M. Gurchenko, "Man-amphibian" with A. Vertinskaya, "Hussar Ballad" with Yu.V. Yakovlev and L.I. Golubina, "Dog Barbos and an extraordinary Cross "and" Moonshoes "L.I. Gaidai).The high tradition of intellectual cinema was laid, which was picked up in the 1960-1970s. Many masters of domestic cinema gained wide international recognition (Chukhray, M. Kalatazov, S. Bondarchuk, A. Tarkovsky, N. Mikhalkov, etc.).

In cinemas began to show Polish, Italian (Federico Fellini), French, German, Indian, Hungarian, Egyptian films. For Soviet people, it was a sip of a new fresh western life.

The general approach to the cultural environment was controversial: he was distinguished by the previous desire to put it on the service of administrative and command ideology. Khrushchev himself sought to attract wide circles of the intelligentsia to his side, but he considered it as "party car gunners", which said right in one of his speeches (that is, the intelligentsia was to work for the needs of the party). From the late 1950s. Began to strengthen the control of the party preparation for the activities of the artistic intelligentsia. In meetings with its representatives, Khrushchev was in-second instructed by writers and artists, spoke to them how to work. Although he himself was weakly understood in matters of culture, had medium tastes. All this gave birth to distrust of the politics of the party in the field of culture.

Opposition sentiment intensified, primarily in the intelligentsia environment. Representatives of the opposition considered the necessary conduct of a more decisive dealerization, which the authorities envisaged. The party could not not respond to the public speeches of opposition: "Soft repression" (exception from the party, dismissal from work, deprivation of metropolitan regulation, etc.) was applied to them.

The period of some weakening of hard ideological control over the sphere of culture and change in the domestic and foreign policy, which began after the death of Stalin, entered the domestic history called "Thaw". The concept of "thaw" is widely used as a metaphor to describe the nature of changes in the spiritual climate of the Soviet Society after March 1953. In the fall of this year, an article critic V. Pomeransva "On sincerity in literature" was published in the magazine "New World" To put into the center of attention of human literature, "raise the true theme of life, to introduce conflicts in the novels that occupy people in everyday life." In 1954, as if in response to these reflections, the magazine printed the story of I.G. Ehrenburg "Thaw", which gave the name to a whole period in the political and cultural life of the country.

The report of Khrushchev at the XX Congress of the CPSU made a stunning impression on the whole country. He marked the border in the spiritual life of the Soviet society on the time "to" and "after" the XX Congress, divided people on supporters and opponents of the consistent exposure of the cult of personality, on the "updates" and "conservatives". The criticism formulated by Khrushchev was perceived by many as a signal to rethink the previous stage of domestic history.

After the XX Congress, the direct ideological pressure on the sphere of culture from the party leadership began to weaken. The period of "thaws" swept about ten years, but the processes mentioned went with different degrees of intensity and were noted by numerous retreats from the liberalization of the regime (the first one already had to autumn the same 1956, when the Soviet troops supplied the uprising in Hungary). The return of change was the return from the camps and the references of thousands of those who lived before this day repressed. From the press almost disappeared mention of the name of Stalin, from public places - its numerous images, from bookstores and libraries - his works published by huge circulations. The renaming of cities, collective farms, factories, streets began. However, the exposure of the cult of personality raised the problem of the responsibility of the new leadership of the country, which was the direct successor of the previous regime, for the death of people and for the abuse of power. The question of how to live with a load of responsibility for the past and how to change life, not 149 to allow the repetition of the tragedy of mass repression, huge deprivation and hard dictates over all the areas of people's lives, was the focus of the attention of the public. A.T. Tvardovsky in published in the Soviet Union only during the restructuring of the poem-confession "On time and about himself" "on the right of memory" on behalf of the generation shared these painful thoughts:

For a long time, the fathers were children, but for a universal father we were all responsible, and the court of decades lasts, and not see another end. The literary tribune in the USSR largely replaced the free political controversy, and in the absence of freedom of speech, literary works were in the center of public discussions. In the years of "thaws" in the country, a large and interested reading audience was formed, who declared his right to independently assessments and to choose from sympathies and antipathies. A wide response was published on the pages of the magazine "New World" Roman V.D. Dudince is "not bread together" (1956) - books with alive, not a wet hero, a carrier of advanced looks, a fighter with conservatism and cosnosis. In 1960-1965 IG Ehrenburg publishes in the "New World" with interruptions and large bills made by Censure, the book of memoirs "People, years, life." She returned the names of the leaders to the official obligation of the era of the Russian avant-garde and the world of Western culture of the 1920s. The publication was a big event in 1962. On the pages of the same magazine, "one day of Ivan Denisovich", where A.I. Solzhenitsyn, on the basis of his own camp experience, reflected on the victims of Stalin's repression.

The appearance in open printing of the first artwork about the camp life was a political solution. The Higher 150 Guide authorized the publication (the story was printed by the order of Khrushchev) recognized not only the fact of repression, but also the need to attention to this tragic page of Soviet life, which did not have time to become a story. Two subsequent works of Solzhenitsyn (Matrenin Dvor and "Case at the Station of Krecheivka", 1963) fastened behind the magazine who was led by the Tvardovsky, the reputation of the center for the attraction of democratic endeavors. In the camp of critics, the "second-pellery" literature was (since 1961), the magazine "October", which became the ruger of conservative political views. Around the magazines "Banner" and "Young Guard", supporters of appeal to national origins and traditional values \u200b\u200bwere grouped. Such

searches marked the work of the writer V.A. Solowkina ("Vladimir Caps", 1957) and artist I.S. Glazunov, who became a famous illustrator of Russian classics at that time. Disputes around the problems of literature, theater and cinema were a mirror reigning in the society of sentiments. The confrontation of the cultural groups grown around the journals indirectly reflected and the struggle of opinions in the country's leadership around the ways of its further development.

"Thaw" prose and dramaturgy paid a growing attention to the inner world and private human life. At the turn of the 1960s. On the pages of "thick" magazines that had a multi-million-dollar reader's audience, works of young writers about the young contemporaries begin to appear. At the same time, there is a clear division into the "rustic" (V.I. Belov, V.G. Rasputin, F.A. Abramov, Early V.M. Shukshin) and "City" (Yu.V. Trifonov, V.V. Lipatov) prose. Another important topic of art was reflections on the world's consumption in the war, about the price of victory. The authors of such works were the people who have passed war and rethinking this experience from the standpoint of the existing events of people (therefore, this literature is often called "lieutenant prose"). War write Yu.V. Bondarev, k.d. Vorob'ev, V.V. Bykov, B.L. Vasilyev, G.Ya. Baklanov. KM Simonov creates the trilogy "Live and Dead" (1959-1971).

The best films of the first years of "thaw" also show the "human face" of the war ("cranes" on the play by V.S. Roshova "Eternally Living", dir. M.K. Kalatozov, "Ballad about a soldier", dir. G.N . Chukhray, "The Fate of Man" on the story of M.A. Sholokhov, dir. S.F. Bondarchuk).

However, the attention of the authorities to the literary and artistic process as a mirror of public sentiments did not weaken. Censorship carefully looked out and destroyed any manifestations of dissent. In these years, V.S. Grossman, the author of "Stalingrad Essays" and the novel "For the right case", works on the epic "Life and Fate" - about fate, victims and tragedy plunged into the war of the people. In 1960, the manuscript was rejected by the editors of the magazine "Banner" and withdrawn from the author by the authorities of the state security; According to the two copies preserved in the lists, the novel was published in the USSR only during the years of restructuring. Summing up the battle on the Volga, the author talks about the "brittleness and fragility of the life of a person" and about the "values \u200b\u200bof the human person", which "was described in all its power." Philosophy and artistic means of the Gossman's Dilogy (Roman "Life and Fate" preceded published in 1952. The novel "For the right-hand" novel) is close to the "war and the world" of Tolstoy. According to Grossman's thoughts, the battle won commander, but the war is only the people.

"Stalingrad battle determined the outcome of the war, but the silent dispute between the victorious people and the victorious state continued. The fate of a person, his freedom depended on this dispute, "the author of the novel wrote.

In the late 1950s. There was a literary samizdat. Thus called in lists in the form of typewritten, handwritten or photocopy of the publication of non-censorship of the works of transferable foreign and domestic authors. Through the samizdat, a small part of the reading public was able to get acquainted 152 with the works of both famous and young authors who were not adopted to the official publication. Poems MI spread in Samizdat copies. Tsvetaeva, A.A. Akhmatova, N.S. Gumileva, young modern poets.

Another source of acquaintance with non-evalurate creativity was Tamizdat - the work of domestic authors who returned abroad, returned to their home to their reader. This is exactly what happened to Roman B.L. Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago", which since 1958 distributed in Samizdat lists in a narrow circle of interested readers. In the USSR, the novel prepared for publication in the "New World", but the book was banned as

"The disagreement of the socialist revolution is imbued with the spirit." In the center of Roman, who Pasternak considered the business of life, is the fate of the intelligentsia in the vortex of events of revolution and civil war. The writer, according to him, wanted to "give the historical image of Russia for the last forty-feathering.", Express your views "on art, on the gospel, on the life of a person in history and much more."

After awarding B.L. Pasternak in 1958 of the Nobel Prize in literature "For outstanding services in modern lyrical poetry and on the traditional field of great Russian prose" in the USSR, a campaign was launched by the writer's injury. At the same time, Khrushchev, as he later admitted, did not read the novel, as he did not read it and the vast majority of submantive "readers", since the book was not available to a wide audience. In the authorities, the press poured the flow of letters with the condemnation of the writer and with calls to deprive his Soviet citizenship; Many writers took an active part in this campaign. Pasternak was excluded from the Union of Writers of the USSR.

The writer categorically rejected the requirements of the authorities to leave the country, but was forced to abandon the premium. Organized by the conservative forces in the highest party leadership defeat the novel was to clearly indicate the borders of the "permitted" creativity. 153 "Dr. Zhivago" received world fame, and the "Pasternak case" and the new tightening of censorship marked the "beginning of the end" expectations of political liberalization and became evidence of the brittleness and reversibility of the emerging, as it seemed after the twentieth congress, changes in the relationship of power and creative intelligentsia.

During these years, the meeting of the party leaders and the state with representatives of the intelligentsia was included in the practice. Essentially, in the state policy of cultural management, there has been little, and Khrushchev did not premiece at one such meeting, he "Stalinist" in matters of art. "The moral support for the construction of communism" was viewed as the main task of artistic creativity. The circle of the writers and artists approximate to power was determined, they held senior posts in creative unions. Direct pressure on cultural figures were used. During the anniversary exhibition of the Moscow Organization of the Union of Artists in December 1962, Khrushchev collapsed with rude attacks on young painters and sculptors who worked outside the "understandable" realistic canons. After the Caribbean crisis, the Higher Party Guide considered it necessary to once again emphasize the impossibility of the peaceful coexistence of the socialist and bourgeois ideology and point out the role that the culture was assigned to the culture of the "Communism Builder" after the adoption of the new CPSU program.

The campaign of criticism of "ideologically alien effects" and "individualistic arbitrariness" was deployed in print.

Of particular importance, these measures were attached also because new artistic trends were penetrated from the West, and, together with them, the opposite official ideology of the idea, including political. The authorities simply were obliged to take this process under control. In 1955, the first issue of the magazine "Foreign Literature", which printed the work of "progressive" foreign authors was published. In 1956

154 In Moscow and Leningrad, an exhibition of paintings P. Picasso took place - for the first time in the USSR, the paintings of one of the most famous artists of the twentieth century were shown. In 1957, the VI World Festival and Students was held in Moscow. The first acquaintance of Soviet youth with the youth culture of the West, with a foreign fashion. Within the framework of the festival, exhibitions of modern Western art were organized, almost unknown in the USSR. In 1958, the first international competition for them was held in Moscow. P. I. Tchaikovsky. The victory of the young American pianist Wana Kliberna became one of the signs of "thaw".

In the Soviet Union itself, unofficial art originated. Groups of artists appeared, tortured to move away from rigid canons of socialist realism. One of these groups worked in the Creative Studio E.M. Belutina "New Reality", and it is the artists of this studio who fell under the fire of Khrushchev criticism at the exhibition of Mosha (at the same time with representatives of the "left wing" of this organization and the sculptor E. unknown).

Another group united artists and poets that were collected at the apartment in the suburb of Moscow Lianozovo. Representatives of "unofficial art" worked in Tarusa, the town, located at a distance of more than 100 km from the capital, where the representatives of the creative intelligentsia returned from the reference were settled. Hard criticism for the notorious "formalism" and "excideracy", which turned into a print after the scandal at the exhibition in Manege in 1962, drove these artists in the "underground" - for apartments (from here there appeared the phenomenon of "apartment exhibitions" and the name "other art" - Underground from English. Underground - dungeon).

Although the audience of samizdat and "other art" was mainly a limited circle of representatives of creative professions (humanitarian and scientific and technical intelligentsia, a small part of the students), the influence of these "swallows thaws" to the spiritual climate of Soviet society can not be underestimated. Appeared and began to fix the alternative to official objective art, the right personality was approved for a free creative search. The reaction of the authorities was mainly reduced to tough criticism and to "outbagging" those who came to the sight of critics, from the audience of readers, spectators and listeners. But from this rule there were also serious exceptions: in 1964, a trial against the poet I.A. Brodsky, accused of "Tunes", as a result of which he was sent to the link.

Most socially active representatives of creative youth were far from the open opposition of the existing power. The conviction remained widespread that the logic of historical development of the Soviet Union requires an unconditional refusal to the Stalinist methods of political leadership and return to the ideals of the revolution, to the consistent embodiment of the principles of socialism (although, of course, there were no unity in the environment of supporters of such views, And many considered Stalin direct political heir to Lenin). Separating such moods of representatives of the new generation is customary with the sixties. The term for the first time appeared in the title published in the journal "Youth" in December 1960. Article S. Rearman about young writers, their heroes and readers. Sixtiets united the aggravated sense of responsibility for the fate of the country and the conviction of the possibility of updating the Soviet political system. These moods were reflected in the painting of the so-called harsh style - in the works of young artists about the labor weekdays of contemporaries, which distinguishes the restrained color gamut, large plans, monumental images (V.E. Popkov, N.I. Andronov, T.T. Salakhov and Dr.), in the theatrical productions of young teams of the "Contemporary" and "Taganka" and especially in poetry.

The first post-war generation that joined adult life considered himself a generation of discoverers, conquerors of unknown heights. The poetry of the major sound - 156 and bright metaphors turned out to be the "co-author of the epoch", and the young poets themselves (E.A. Evtushenko, A.A. Voznesensky, R.I. Christmas, B.A. Ahmadulin) were the peers of their first readers. They are vigorously, they appreciated contemporaries and modern topics. Poems were intended to read out loud. They were read out loud - in student audiences, in libraries, in stadiums. Evenings of poetry at the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow collected full halls, and 14 thousand people came to poetic readings at the stadium in Luzhniki in 1962.

The lively interest of the youth audience to the poetic word determined the spiritual atmosphere of the 1960s turn. There was a period of the heyday of the "coming polarity" - author's song creativity. Trustful intonation of the executing authors reflected the desire of a new generation to communicate, openness, sincerity. Audience B.Sh. Okudzhava, Yu.I. Victor, Kima, A.A. Galich had young "physics" and "lyrics", fiercely arguing about the worried problems of scientific and technological progress and humanistic values. From the point of view of the official culture of the author's song did not exist. The songs of the evening passed, as a rule, in apartments, in nature, in friendly companies close to people in the spirit. Such communication was the characteristic approach of the sixties.

Free communication splashed outside the close city apartment. The horror symbol of the era was the road. It seemed that the whole country came in motion. We drove to the virgin, on the construction of the seventels, in the expedition and exploration parties. The work of those who opens the unknown, conquering heights, - centers, geologists, pilots, cosmonauts, builders - perceived as a feat that is a place in a peaceful life.

We drove and just travel, went to distant and neighboring trips, preferring hard-to-reach places - Taiga, Tundra or Mountains. The road was perceived as the space of freedom of spirit, freedom of communication, freedom of choice, not coward, paraphrasing the popular song of those years, everyday worries and everyday bustle.

But in the dispute of "physicists" and "lyrics", the victory, as it seemed, remained for those who represented scientific and technical progress. The years of "thaw" are noted by the breakthroughs of domestic science and outstanding achievements of design thought.

It is not by chance that one of the most popular literary genres during this period was science fiction. The profession of scientist was heated by romance of heroic accomplishments for the benefit of the country and humanity. Selfless service of science, talent and youth answered the spirit of the time, the image of which is captured in the film about young scientists "nine days of one year" (dir. M.M. Romm, 1961). An example of life burning became the heroes of D.A. Brank. His novel "I go on a thunderstorm" (1962) about young physicists engaged in atmospheric electricity studies was very popular. It was "rehabilitated" cybernetics. Soviet scientists (LD Landau, P.A. Chenkov, I.M. Frank and I.E. Tamm, N.G. Basov and A.M. Prokhorov) received three Nobel Prizes in physics, which indicated recognition The contribution of Soviet science to the world on the most advanced strokes of research.

New scientific centers appeared - Novosibirsk Academgorodok, Dubna, where the Institute of Nuclear Research, Protvino, Obninsk and Troitsk (Physics), Zelenograd (Computer Engineering), Pushchino and Liagensk (Biological Sciences) worked. In the sciences, thousands of young engineers and designers lived and worked. Here, a scientific and social life was boiling. Exhibitions were held, the concerts of the author's song, who were not published on the general audience studio performances.

The period of the Khrushchev thaw is the conditional name of the period in history, which has been launched from the mid-1950s in the mid-1960s. The peculiarity of the period was partial retreat from the totalitarian policy of the Stalinist era. Khrushchev Thaw is the first attempt to aware of the consequences of the Stalinist regime, which has disclosed the features of the socio-political policy of the Stalinist era. The main event of this period is the XX Congress of the CPSU, which criticized and condemned the cult of the personality of Stalin, criticized the implementation of repressive policies. February 1956 marked the beginning of a new era, which puts its task a change in socio-political life, a change in the internal and foreign policy of the state.

Events of Khrushchev thaw

The period of Khrushchev thaws is characterized by such events:

  • The process of rehabilitation of victims of repression began, the amnesty was submitted innocently convicted people, the relatives of the "enemies of the people" became innocent.
  • The Republic of USSR received more political and legal rights.
  • 1957 was marked by the return of Chechens and Balkarians to their lands, from which they were evicted in Stalin's time due to the accusation of betrayal. But such a decision did not concern the Volga Germans and the Crimean Tatars.
  • Also, 1957 is famous for the International Festival of Youth and Students, which in turn, talks about the "opening of the iron curtain", softening censorship.
  • The result of these processes is the emergence of new public organizations. Trade union bodies are submitted by reorganization: the state of the top link of the trade union system has been reduced, the rights of primary organizations have been expanded.
  • Passports were issued to people living in the village, collective farm.
  • The rapid development of light industry and agriculture.
  • Active construction of cities.
  • Improving the standard of living of the population.

One of the main achievements of the 1953 - 1964 policy. It was the implementation of social reforms, which included the solution of the issue of pension provision, an increase in the income of the population, the solution of a housing problem, the introduction of a five-day week. The period of Khrushchev thawed was a difficult time in the history of the Soviet state. For such a short time (10 years) there were many transformations and innovations. The most important achievement was the exposition of the crimes of the Stalinist system, the population discovered the consequences of totalitarianism.


So, the policy of Khrushchev thawed was superficially, did not affect the basics of the totalitarian system. The dominant single-party system was preserved using the ideas of Marxism-Leninism. Nikita Khrushchev was not going to fulfill the complete destalinization of Nikita, because it meant the recognition of their own crimes. And since, renounce Stalin's time it did not work completely, then the Khrushchev transformations did not take long for a long time. In 1964, there was a conspiracy against Khrushchev, and from this period a new era begins in the history of the Soviet Union.