What you need to do to organize a concert. How to organize concerts in your city? How to organize a concert group? How to organize a charitable star concert? How to do business on the organization of concerts

What you need to do to organize a concert. How to organize concerts in your city? How to organize a concert group? How to organize a charitable star concert? How to do business on the organization of concerts
What you need to do to organize a concert. How to organize concerts in your city? How to organize a concert group? How to organize a charitable star concert? How to do business on the organization of concerts

The organization of concerts as a business today is not only interesting, but also extremely profitable. Just think about: doing such a thing, you can kill two hares - get money and pleasure from listening to your favorite music.

What qualities need to be posted to organize a similar business?

Immediately it is worth noting that the organizer of concerts is not an easy profession. First, it requires a lot of time and strength, and secondly, a person who is engaged in such a thing must have certain qualities. First of all, we are talking about stress resistance.

After all, in order to make the organization of concerts with a business that brings good income, you will have to communicate with different people. Including with the stars, as well as their producers and representatives. Some of them are pretty pavicious personalities.

In addition, before becoming a concert organizer, it should be understood that it is not a place for shye and unavigable people in this area. After all, you will need a dedication, a healthy share of perseverance, competent speech, as well as the ability to rapidly make the right decisions.

Do you think that such a thing is on the shoulder? Then you should learn more about how to organize an artist concert and earn on it, where to start and how to please the performer and public.

Before organizing an artist concert on your own, you should decide on what plan the event you are going to conduct. Whether this is a performance of one famous personality, group, ensemble or festival with several performers. Only then should begin to think about how to start organizing the concert. Here are some simple recommendations that will help you embody your dream to life and make money at the same time:

  • It should be started, of course, from the choice of a suitable platform. Do not dwell on one embodiment. If you organize a similar event in your city, do not be lazy to meet the directors of clubs and halls personally. Discuss the rental issues, inspect the dressing rooms or other rooms in which artists will be able to settle.
  • Contact the director, producer or other representative of the artist (musical group). Contacts of these people can be found on the Internet on the official website or on disk covers. Discuss with representatives of stars size of their fees, rider and other nuances.

It is worth noting that it is initially better to stop their choice on little-known performers who are in demand in narrow circles. This experience will be enough before organizing a concert of stars or groups that are in the literal sense of stadiums.

First actions

Make a detailed commercial offer that you will need to search for sponsors. This happens according to the following scheme. The space-leased space for the time of the concert belongs to you, which means you can attract sponsors the possibility of placing advertising in the hall, on stage and so on. In addition, you can offer representatives of some companies to conduct promotions and other promotional activities. With the aggravated sponsors, be sure to conclude a contract.

Before organizing a group's performance, you will need to take care of an advertising campaign. Speak billboard, give ads in the media and social networks, distribute free flyers high school students and students who will also help you disseminate information about the upcoming event.

  • For ten days before the start of the event, spend a press conference with journalists. It is also possible to distribute invitations and flyers, organize a small buffet, and provide representatives of the fifth power all the necessary information that will be needed to write articles and release reports on TV and radio.
  • Before organizing a concert in your city, deal with counting and distribute the means to be obtained from the sponsor. It is necessary to immediately calculate profits, as well as the gorers of stars and the remuneration of the work of their assistants.
  • In the long-awaited day of the concert, try to personally take stars on the site and conduct them after.

Now you know how to organize a concert and where to start. Do not feed big hopes about the first profit - perhaps it will not be too big. But the first organizational experience gained by you is much more expensive.

Hey! Recently, I took up my group more actively and faced some problems in organizing concerts. It turns out that when you have a group that can perform at least every day, other difficulties arise. These difficulties and how to cope with them, I will tell you in this small article.

So. The most difficult behind. You have gathered a cool team, you will easily find a common language with one-logbooks and you get together cool music. You are rushing and not only you not only. Excellent. I must say that the units reach this stage. Most merges along the way: do not find musicians, they get tired to start everything first, throw music, tie with concerts, fuck themselves and those who surround the brains and all so much.

The path is the first - sit on the Pop smoothly.

This way is another 90% of the remaining survivors. This is an excellent strategy if your plans do not have the conquest of the world and the Olympic Sport Complex scored. I can not judge such people. Leadership is not for everyone. All people have different eggs. Someone has steel, someone from Paper-Masha. Actually, therefore, not everyone is able to start their business and devote life to him, preferring to work at work to a pension, on which an inevitable collapse of hopes and ambitions awaits you, the extreme drop in your own standard of living and generally continuous disappointment in the selected life path. Well, okay, it's all from another article, maybe someday then I have a wider smear on this topic.

What is the bad version of the seating on the Pop smooth? And nothing is bad. Everything is as always - that is, no way. You have a group, it seems to be even doing something, it appears somewhere and once, waiting until they invite, feed, go and go to sleep. It doesn't matter if you have recordings, or not. One zinic uncle with the dark past in the show business somehow said that "just no one needs songs." And no matter how hurts it, it does not fight for pride, you have to agree with him. Even if you have 100% hit, this is not enough. Need a legend, you need a bright image, I need PR, and otherwise everything is ten.

Tlen is when you are not serious about your music and are not ready to risk everyone for the sake of it. If you are sitting and waiting for someone to call you to play a concert, you have no need to live. Kill yourself and your lazy musicians, free the place on the stage for more active guys :) Ok-ok, I did not mean those for whom Music is just a hobby, but the article is not about them.

Path number 2 - Jedi path.

You have sufficiently leaving the sides in anticipation of a miracle and have already managed to miss a fat and gain some immobility and badness in your actions and decisions. Well, good news is what you are ready to change. As they say, Oparysh realized. Take yourself for the top and begin to methodically pull out your own cozy swamp.

Go to the main one.

How to stir concert with your group.

Here is your action plan:

  1. We draw up a list of all clubs, bars, concert halls, where theoretically you could organize your gig.
  2. We find contacts art directors and organizers who work in these clubs / bars / restaurants, etc. We write to them letters or call on the phone if the letters they do not read. We learn the alignment of the concert. If someone has a problem with competent speech and writing, trust someone who does not pick up. You need to make the right impression first and your first question should not sound stupid. It would seem simple logic, but logic as literacy is far from universal trait.
  3. You received answers to your questions. Someone immediately sent you, someone asked "and what for the group something?", Someone has gone to you quite acceptable requirements of the percentage type from the entrance, and someone unacceptable, such as rent a room for the evening, and there you at least Drunk orgies Mutit.

If someone did not understand me, the "percentage of entrance" scheme is the best for a novice musical project. You bring a nic number of people to a concert, they buy tickets. Part of the revenue from the sale of tickets takes itself a club, the rest is yours. Of course, the club still earns on the bar. The more the club earned at the bar, especially since their art director and the more he wants to communicate with you in the future. So, the drinking public is good, no matter how blasphemous it sounds.

  1. We complement our sign with contacts and addresses of information on sampling and prices / conditions. How, you have not started such a sign? I'm annoyed.

Be interested in, it is possible to spend a concert tomorrow - it is useless. Specify a month for a minimum, better by 1.5-2. If the site is large - half a year ahead. But most likely, this is not your scale yet, so do not worry. When it comes to them, they will call you themselves.

With which you will inevitably encounter at the stage of collecting information:

  1. Part of the clubs will refuse to you under the pretext "not the format of our institution", which is essentially a complete garbage. There is no such thing "family format", there is money or losses that you can bring the club. If your group has no name (\u003d art director did not hear about you) and you are potentially unprofitable for the club, they will tell you "let's up to date" at the first stage of communication with them. Sad. I encountered this, organizing concerts for my gang. But this is not a reason to despair. And that's why.
  2. Part of the clubs will offer you to speak on their terms. Someone will give you the evening under the solo concert, and someone can offer participation in the next Slander. Some clubs themselves make concerts and choose groups for the evening. There are no name clubs, new institutions that have not yet formed an audience and they grabs for any opportunity to earn. You need to work with such institutions. It is beneficial to you and them. A small group is useless to rent a sports complex Olympic, if three acquaintances and a couple of family members come to the concert. Equal cooperates with equal. A simple rule that is generally useful to know and repeat yourself in life more often.

In any case, you must understand 2 simple things

  1. Your group is your business. If you are not ready to begin to treat your music as a business, re-read the point about the killing yourself about the wall.
  2. For the club, your speech is their business. They have no euphoria and donate from your creative porses and will never be. There is only a dry residue - cashier after the event is completed. There is money at the checkout - everything is ok. A lot of money is hurt. Club went to minus? You have not led guests? They paid the bartender / waiter / sound engineer / cleaner / guard. And you stupid even did not work in zero? What conclusion will do an art director of the club. Right. He will no longer want to work with you. Standing on the carpet at the owner of the institution, he will report to your facap, which became His Fakap, who became a facap of the establishment and put the owner on the loot. Law of reporting vessels.

Welcome to the entertainment industry!

Yes, I almost forgot about the prefabricated Soliants. There are quite a few such events. They represent concerts on 4-7 groups, it happens more. Everything happens in complete turmoil, the sound is impossible to customize, to make a proper impression on the public with his performance - especially. The organizers of such festivals are often engaged in the sale of tickets to the groups themselves so that they have already spread them further. In general, this is the most pioneer, the most terrible option. He is bad because there is no professionalism here, nor among the organizers or the organizers or the sound engineer. Everything is a solid shkolota. Exhaust from such events - zero. On the image they do not work in any way. Attraction of a new audience? Doubtful. I have a bad imagine of a man who travels to such a fest. What for? Piva drink? Therefore, I just don't consider such a mountain of organizers at once and I immediately send away or put a barrage price on our performance. Questions disappear by themselves.

Learn to be professionals. Learn to spend your concerts yourself. Learn to put your show and keep a listener in tension. It is much more important than to speak in front of the crowd of adolescents who do not care about you. Very selective approach to such events. I will not say that they are all sucks, but in most part it is.

A concert for 1-2-3 groups is approx. More than 3 - this is already busting. Or this is already an open-air festival type invasion. That is, so far not our format.

So, you have knocked yourself a date for the speech yourself. And now the most fun begins.

How to fill in the Human Hall?

You make a poster, make events on Facebook and inkontakia, put all your friends with a message about the upcoming wonderful gig. And you observe how much person seizes the desire to go to the concert, some part will say "maybe." Most of the most part will do not care about your concert. Excellent checking loyalty of your friends.

At this stage, I stop my narration, because I can not give any recommendations about PR events, so far this topic is not disclosed. This is what I think most of all recently. Experimenting is not so often, because It makes no sense to perform more than 1 time per month, people quickly get tired of your music, and access to a new audience is a complicated thing. If you have thoughts on this account - share in the comments, I will be glad to discuss with you the way of expanding the fan base and attracting a new audience to your creativity.

If you think in economic categories, then your group is a new brand that you promote the market. The brand must give the consumer some value to want to buy it. Here there is a bunch of questions about the formation of the image, the neiming (aha, as you called the group - it is very important), a unique trading offer. This is the same work on the recognition of the brand, promo campaign, creating content, promotion of content. Your content is music, video, photo materials and interviews. This is the same direct advertising (posters, flyers, Internet (PPC, SMM)), etc. As you can see, this is a pretty serious game and in general is very expensive. There must be partisan methods that will allow you to make the first steps before you break will be (leave for self-sufficiency, you will pass the break-even point). What works, and what you can not find out only on your experience and errors. Nobody wants chips.

I read many articles about the musical business. And by and large, they are all about anything. And this is why: this business is treated for a certain undeserved aura of exclusivity and unusual. And in fact - the same eggs, only in the profile. You are an artist, you are a product. You are responsible for the quality of the product, but that it is bought, it must be promoted. And this is all in textbooks in economics, management and marketing, just a little in other words. There are two ways to work from demand and be a group of "Ivanushka". They earn OK, but the music is shit full. + In such projects have a high cash threshold entry into the market. In other words, you need to empty a lot of money in promotion at the first stage so that he goes. The second way is to create your brand and your trend slowly, gradually .. The path of Steve Jobs. The path of complicated and life may not be enough. This is the path of creative people. If the craft is more important for you - just sell the producer. Just be prepared that it will choose from hundreds of the same as you. And you can not be the most genetically valuable material.

Respect for reading and patience :) Music is cool. The creation of a group is just the beginning.

tell friends



I do not know how in the big cities of our country everything happens. There are a good movement in the city of Petrozavodsk.Internet. Everything depends on what kind of expanses want to cover the group itself ... in the sense of acting in Europe or else anywhere. .. I simply simply write my ideas on this topic ... It makes sense to write not only demo, singles. But the video. For example, write a group in different angles at the rehearsal, just lose one thing that in the view of the group is your hit so say from An existing repertoire, pick up the stage image and pump, how would you do it at a concert. When you try to show the director's talent, repelled from your concept as a whole or contact anyone for help to be removed from the soul. After all, probably through acquaintances there is a photographer who can help well and it will be someone familiar and he will be interested, especially if he didn't take it, and it will experience him and it turns out a mutual assistance, it is also possible to move with a video operator. In our opinion There are such people than God's glory. It is not for free, but for a democratic price as experience there is shooting in humans. Yes, it will not be a super duper clip like the promoted gangs, but this can be done in acceptable underground quality, it will be small But the movement that can and is strongly shifted. All depends on how much it competently to work out. Also with singles, demos. And lay out the so-called product on YouTube in the social network, where only maybe. This is a very good help! About the concerts. The best is the best to get to the warming up of the famous group, you may have to pay, but everything depends on situations, but as an option can be considered! Or Concerto with two or three unknown gangs and hadleiner (there is also no sense to participate in incomprehensible Solyankas, at the end, there will be all overwhelming who played there, someone will get drunk, and someone will be bored, because for example, comrades played so that the ears have no longer ashamed of this mockery). It makes sense to make bayer not a large size with the name and logo of the group and hang during your speech over the impact installation or in another visible for all the place, unless of course the organizer will allow this to do. If you have to do To taste to anyone your music, so as not to ask the question - "What is this group?" There is a problem with sound along the course not only in our PTZ, but in St. Petersburg, according to my friends of the musicians who ride Or perform in St. Petersburg clubs. I am not aware of Moscow as there. Not everyone has the opportunity to carry the backline with you, and most of it is not yet. .. But also it does not always be able to save the situation. But a larger percent of the fact that you still stand out from the other participants and this will attract the attention of the listener. Especially when you have a device rebuilt, the sound will be displayed on my own bypass and you still say, thanks to you, What does not need to do anything). And carrying a floor preamp with you, which is a little but the situation will save ....

I try myself in promoting a very successful musical project and looking for all the information that this concerns :) Your article shed light on some remaining questions :)

Maxim, thank you. Much of your article I was understandable, but I found something useful for myself.

Maxim, thanks. You had to answer, you can understand.)))

Interesting article, thanks. Pay attention to ".. And you get together cool music." And how are you convinced of the coolness of your music? From the beginning of the 2000s, on my hearing, no one did not appear. In addition, there is a feeling that all niches are busy, and nobody wants to do young people, and without them well. It remains to wish patience.

Still, promotion promotion, and the quality of the material should be very good. No matter how sad, in our scene, listening bands can be counted on the fingers, and those who want to be listed, and is less. And these groups, at best, part of the speeches are carried out abroad, at worst - stop playing. So in my opinion there are two ways: - to grope the local niche and squeeze all the juices of the promotion, and other non-viscous means, and the earnings may be, since the audience here will be large; - Critically refer to your music, compare it with foreign, and more often to ask yourself a question, whether it would be possible to listen to it, whether something outstanding or the next passing material was created. In the second case, with positive answers to all questions, the main thing is to ensure the maximum availability of the material. Regarding concert Solokov (as it takes place in Moscow) I agree. It is not suitable for training to perform on the stage in bad conditions. But the thematic festles for which the necessary audience walks can be a good intermediate step towards their solo concerts.

Intra group psychology of interpersonal relationships, PR, PRs marketing This is of course interesting .. But damn is boring). I then thought to see the title) - that your store organizes a meeting-party-concert of his buyers!. Where and you will play and buyers and in general - we will have all the "club" and the club meeting) - that would be interesting) I would pay for a ticket with pleasure)

I agree with the article, but only partially. First, it can be what has been described for Moscow or Peter, but since I live on a happy periphery in the city of Krasnoyarsk, this format promotion will be very heavy for us. Of all groups in our city, only 2 groups can be distinguished, which really went along the path of solo concerts and promotion and achieved some recognition. However, the fact remains a fact, more than a part, over the years of existence, they spend more money for music than they earn it. Secondly, in our city there is only 1 (with a population of Million) a club in which concerts of groups playing their music are constantly held. Everything else is a kabachi for Labukhs and 90% of musicians earn money from this. Periodically, concerts of the Emerjanza type or the festa are held, as described in the article with the "prefabricated Salons", but they are wildly steep and the most motive gangs seek to play there. Therefore, I consider the feature about "not performing on Salonans", as the market will always dictate its conditions, and in these conditions you need to perform at any opportunity, especially if it is a steep fest, even with 10 groups. And most importantly: I have never seen a single group that plays my material, and which begins to make money from the first concerts, also giving solico. Making sol butt in clubs, and even in order to go to you when you are not known to anyone, except for your friends, it's just unrealistic. The only way out for this option is to shoot a club at your own expense, make advertising at your own expense, pay minor costs at your own expense, pay for the shooting of the performance and parties at your own expense, and everything else ... Naturally at your own expense.

The ability to organize an event is an important skill of each modern person. For the musician, the concert is the main format of his work and the source of income. Many creative people resort to help professionals. Agents and managers can properly organize an advertising campaign, find resources, sell tickets. And the task of the artist is to light the hall with its inspirational creativity. In the history of art, a natural symbiosis of the musician and the manager has developed.

I see a goal, I believe in myself

The easiest option - you want to acquaint friends with your music. How to organize concerts in this case? It is easiest to hold the apartment. Home concerts were very popular in the USSR in the second half of the last century. Moscow and St. Petersburg rockers did not enjoy the official culture and were forced to speak secretly.

Home concert, or back to the USSR

In those days, the tradition of the apartment was developed. Several musicians played acoustic instruments. Sound equipment was not used. Spectators were little. They could freely talk to the musicians, and often concerts passed into a feast or just friendly communication.

Today, within the framework of the apartment, it is possible to use sound recording equipment. And the columns and amplifiers violate the social order and prevent their neighbors. Exception - private home ownership. For the apartment, it is not necessary for the official permit, rental hall, advertising, in general, any expenses. There is enough free space, which will provide anyone from your friends. Minus apartment only one is the lack of income.

Help a non-profit organization

How to organize concerts if you need to collect money for a good deed? Urgently need a small amount? Contact your friends and acquaintances. But instead of tritely asking for a debt, organize a concert feast in your apartment. Let it be a small party. Tell those gathered about your problem or arrange a presentation of the project. Install the box for collecting money. It should look bright and attract attention. For those who prefer electronic payments, bank details should be printed. Hang the sheet to the prominent place, and also distribute each of those present.

Consider the ability to control friends for your expenses. They must understand what their money will go. How to organize concerts for charitable societies and non-commercial organizations? Here, a simple apartment can not do. It is necessary to attract a lot of money. Therefore, we need a competent advertising campaign.

What to show the viewer

Determine the target audience. Studies show that people of all ages and social sequins of society donate for charity, but most of all are young men and women after forty. Both citizens' categories belong to the middle class. Unfortunately, these are completely different target audiences. Create a common advertising campaign for them is possible.

How to organize a charitable concert and determine your target audience? Spend your own research. Start with the experiment. Try to spend an advertising campaign on the main square of the city. It can look different. Distribute passers-by booklets and free demonstration records of artists. Entertain the walking people, and they will be grateful for it. You can arrange a small auction. Sale made by their hands toys, unassicular drinks, calendars, magnets and all sorts of other trifles will attract the attention of citizens.

Target audience and repertoire

Note who sacrifices most of all others. You can attract a special observer to study. So you will define your target audience. Such an advertising campaign requires the investment of considerable funds. To avoid this, try to attract volunteers.

Studied. But how to organize a concert? The next step is the image and the repertoire of the artists. Examine the musical tastes of your future spectators. To do this, it suffices to monitor social networks. Pay attention to the profile communities. For example, ladies are collected in groups dedicated to the family, children, culinary recipes. Check in what other communities they consist, whether music is postponed. Bikers, hipsters, Jappers, as well as representatives of other subcultures and social sections of society have their own groups.

Structure of speech

The musical taste of the target audience has been studied. Before organizing a concert, introduce the actors with the repertoire. Together with the musicians, make a list of songs in a specific sequence. Do not forget that concert numbers must be contrasting - behind the rapid work should certainly be slow. Include actors of other genres: dancers, humorists, circus. Male rooms should alternate with female. Do not forget that such an event does not last more than one hour. Do not take breaks between departments. Otherwise, after intermission, you do not count the audience.

Image of musicians and product challenges

ATTENTION should be given to the appearance of the artists. If you are interested in how to learn how to organize concerts, take care not only about the costumes and grima of the group, but also to hold onto their manner on the scene. For a young audience, sharp movements and extravagant appearance of musicians are appropriate. Spectators at the age will not like it. They will appreciate the calm and contemplative mood of the event. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the rental of high-quality sound equipment, hiring professional lighting and even to control the cleaning of the auditorium.

How to organize concerts? It is quite difficult. Among managers and organizers, the winged expression is popular: "You want everything to be good - do it yourself." This wise aphorism records the main problem of all managers. Find responsible performers is one of the most difficult tasks. Therefore, the organizer requires assistants supervising different areas of work. It is desirable that you have completely trusted these people.

As you know, creativity and discipline are incompatible concepts. Exceptions from this rule are rare. Artists can deliver a lot of trouble. Want to know how to organize concerts in your city? Get success on the field of produce. Earn money yourself and artists. And then the best musicians will contact you. Of these, you should choose the most talented and disciplined. Then success is provided.

Where to spend a concert

Separate problem - rental hall. Well, if the city is the Palace of Culture, Club, Stadium, Philharmonic or something like that. And you have money for rent. If there is no professional concert hall, it is necessary to include fantasy. Want to know how to organize a concert group, performing rock or pop music? It needs a rehearsal room. Most likely, the group already has a spacious garage or warehouse where they are regularly collected. You can enjoy this room and hold a concert there. Each city has a large warehouse or manufacturing workshop. He must be cleaned well. And then he is ideal for rock speech.

How to organize a concert of the group, tells the practice of holding the festivals of contemporary art. Often they are on the territory of abandoned factories and factories decorated in the style of Loft. Huge premises almost do not have partitions. Functional zones are allocated only by scanty scenery. Musical performances pass in a small hall. There are also exhibitions of installations, souvenir trays and canopies with fast food. Try to take this practice. For rent part of the premises to merchants. To do this, you need to have a formal permission. To get it, you will have to work hard. But the profit is provided to you.

Lead - it means to foresee

Well at the entrance to the hall to organize the sale of discs with the records of the group. If the team is known only in your city, it is likely that there are still no of their music on the Internet. Just no one has time to download. Therefore, fans will gladly buy liked songs. A concert in an abandoned production room can cause some problems. For example, there may be no sockets for connecting sound equipment. All possible problems must be carefully studied long before the start of the concert. And try to eliminate them. A good manager will foresee all possible difficulties in advance.

High guests

How to organize a star concert? And which date is limited by the amount of the fee? Such questions often ask young art directors of numerous nightclubs, which today appear in every city as mushrooms after the rain. Beginner managers should be aware that expenses will not be limited to the star fee.

Big funds will be spent on the crossing of the artist and its team, as well as to accommodation. Star will not stop in a cheap hotel and eat in the dining room. There is no guarantee that you get a profit. More likely that will be losses. Another difficulty is to draw up a contract. It should be entrusted with an experienced lawyer who worked with such documents earlier. This is another cost of expenses.

Artist's fee may vary depending on the circumstances. The date of the concert is of great importance. For example, the amount of payments increases several times. Much depends on the time of finding the artist on stage and the number of songs that he must fulfill. The number of viewers and the density of the tour of the star is taken into account. What they are more, the more expensive the concert to the customer will cost. If you still decided to invite the star, you should book the dates of the speeches in advance and agree with the musician. A clear organization is the key to the success of the event.

A concert capable of claiming one of the most memorable events is the result of carefully planned work. Zoya Skobeelsyna and Svetlana Yarevich told Jazzpeople, where to start a young specialist, about the most difficult in the work of the organizer and the success in the concert sphere.


Where to start?

Stages of work

About versatility

About advertising

The most difficult

The need to be constantly involved in the process. It is impossible to open the PR-company and do not follow it. You must always keep your hand on the pulse, and if it lasts 2-3 months, then psychologically it is not easy enough.

Control all stages of preparation at the same time. Collect the audience is also not always a simple task. The best option when the musician has a plane outlet, a song premiere or shooting clip. Collaborations with other artists, the synthesis of different types of art also attract people.

Female or male profession

This is a big responsibility, especially when there are several thousand people on your event. Not every girl is able to withstand such a load and operatively act in a critical situation.

Definitely it is hard physically. Personal life suffers. There are emotional breakdowns, physical exhaustion and overvoltage. I tend to the fact that the profession is more male.

Selection of artists

In the "Quarter" we conducted children's birthdays, and then I immediately realized that I would not take it seriously for this kind of events. But everything can change. I do not do weddings, corporate.

I will not take under your wing and artist, whose music, conventionally speaking, I do not listen to the car. You need to burn what you do, otherwise the result will be appropriate.

I have a practical personal approach. I can not work with the musicians whose creativity is not close to me. I am engaged in many projects, not only jazz, and I can say with confidence that it is definitely not mine - this is a music that promotes violence, has a political background or carries an aggressive emotional message.

Year of work

I'm not a very good example. If I'm wondering, I'm missing without thinking. Often began to think about what sometimes you need to be able to stop and carefully approach the choice of artists, with whom I start working. Much depends on the format of the event, its duration, the number of participants.

This is affected by the number of projects that are currently doing. After all, each artist may have 3 and more concerts per month. If I imagine a platform, then, of course, we are talking about almost daily speeches, responsibility for which you. This is a continuous work with musicians.

Concert and Festival: What is the difference?

Educational activities

I realized that I like to train. The musical market due to the economic situation now has changed very much. The demand for competent music managers is growing. I like the task of developing Russian independent music, and for this, the young groups need management. Now I read a lot of lectures and seminars not only in St. Petersburg and Moscow, speaking on the forums. A online course was born in my head, which in my opinion will allow from scratch to get the necessary knowledge, take an artist and start working with it.

As such educational projects, I do not have yet, but are planned. In February, we will launch together with the art space "BM50" project for future organizers of events in the cultural sphere.

I am a fan and electronic music. Last year we conducted a festival of experimental music. In addition, I cooperate with the Non-Profit Festival of the Shortential Cinema Potential - one of the few in Russia who takes not ready-made films, but selects the best scenarios (or synopsis) and highlights the budget for shooting.

Music work

And where without her! Music is associated with the feeling of happiness. We are making people happy!

This is my life! I can not imagine that it would work in another sphere. Music is a live sphere, and from people who surround me, colleagues and friends, I get an incredible charge of energy.

About prospects

For example, on the Roof Music Fest, which represents all the musical directions, a separate attention is paid to jazz concerts. Prospects are excellent, I think jazz is becoming more and more popular, well, in St. Petersburg for sure.

Jazz began to attract people more, but not all teams that include the concept of "jazz" in the description of their repertoire, these are. It is quite obvious that this has become a trend. There is a public that loves the "refined" jazz, and there are those who prefer to listen to pop jazz, Smooth Jazz, Nu Jazz. Fusion is always unusual, this is exactly what helps to expand the audience.

About success

From a technical point of view, this is the quality of sound, the audience and its number, the reaction of the public to the concert, the work of the artist. But there is an intangible criterion - this is an events atmosphere, which is difficult to convey words, the feeling that just needs to be caught. For this, we work.

For me, the emotional component is important how satisfied people. Success - when listeners and musicians understand each other, exchanging positive energy. When the audience did not regret what they came, they did not conduct the entire concert in the conversations or at the bar, and when they give part of themselves and their time by Artist.

Professional motto

Need to risk! When you make a challenge, the universe answers you. She knows exactly what is needed, the main thing is to ask the right question.

For me to love your work - it means to invest your soul. Without a soul, a successful project will not work. In every case, for which I take, you can see me.

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For many people, the organization of concerts seems to be a very easy occupation - the "stars" arrived, played, the money received, the part received the owner of the premises, part is the performer (s), the rest went to the organizer. Everything. However, the work of the latter is conjugate with the solution of a large number of tasks, and this is not only a platform search, but also to ensure the concert with everything necessary - from lighting to the hotel for musicians. The organizer assumes the responsibilities for the fact that the event will not just happen, but will also be properly organized and included everything you need. In essence, the organizer is the person who does not have anything other than the offer of his work. Given that not a single participant wants to deal with such a global issue, the services of concert organizers are popularly in demand. And in the first stages, this business can be almost alone.

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This niche is relatively busy, so the newcomer will certainly be difficult to take its place. The main limitation is pop culture, performers who have gained popularity are already supervised by rather large firms, and drag on behalf of the work in this case it is unlikely to succeed. And here they will not even help more favorable conditions - neither the musicians nor their producers want to risk, tie to anyone an unknown company. In this case, it is better to start with the organization of concerts while no one else has known groups that want to go on the stage, and there are many prospects, if you properly approach your work. It also depends on the degree of activity of the organizer, if he is not waiting until it comes to it for services, but is looking for customers on their own, he can count on success. It is worth noting that the scheme of work depending on many factors may differ slightly.

In order to start your business, it is worth registering as a business entity. The form of entrepreneurship can be any, although customers with a much larger hunt will work with a legal entity, the partners and landlords will be more confidently. However, according to the law, it is possible to remain an individual by registering as an individual entrepreneur. From legal entities, a limited liability company is preferable - as well as in the case of IP, a simplified tax system is available in this, which allows to deduct 6% (from income) or 15% (from operating profit).

Registration of a legal entity will be somewhat longer, will require more significant investments, and the document flow in this case is more serious. In general, if several people are united to organize a business, then they need to be issued a legal entity, otherwise at the business of one person it is worth calculating the future plan to determine the form of entrepreneurship. It is also important to correctly indicate OKVED codes, and such activities are suitable for encoding (OKPD 2) 93.29 Other entertainment and recreation services.

It is desirable to have its own premises, it will become a place where employees work and negotiate with customers. However, work can be established without your own office, which often advocates simply as a representative office. But it raises the prestige of the institution in the eyes of partners. But in any case, the room does not have to be greater, unless it is planned to store props for concerts. Some companies organize their own printing house for printing of posters and leaflets, but it is not always economically appropriate.

Work can be conducted in two direction: the organization of the ordered concert and the organization of the concert with the invitation to him by performers. In the first case, these will have their own concerts of groups and musicians, in the second - festivals and prefabricated concerts, on which teams of a similar genre, subjects or simply focused on a certain category of listeners. What to choose for myself, decides every entrepreneur himself, but no one forbids to engage in both directions at the same time. Only the second type of concert organization is an order of magnitude difficult to first and require significant experience in this area and the ability to attract many performers. Therefore, to start better with the organization of concerts for specific groups, and after starting to engage in our own festivals. They can bring much more profit, as sometimes it lasts a few days, and not a couple of hours, but also require a much more serious approach. And almost all risks fall on the organizer itself, because he performs the instigator of the event.

So, for your work it is immediately desirable to find partners who are willing to provide their sites for the needs of concerts. However, in big cities to agree on the constant granting of the scene, it is unlikely that there are many other people who want to take advantage of rental squares. Therefore, the platform every time, most likely, will have to find and negotiate with the owners every time it will be needed. But this does not mean that this question should not be engaged to directly prepare for the expected event, it is necessary to have a list of possible objects, as well as keep information about their workload. In this case, at least the informal good relationship with the platform owner is very desirable to establish, this will allow to negotiate the lease on the earliest need.

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But it should be noted that the requirements for the room in all artists are different, and therefore you need to have several options on the decision - from relatively inexpensive to elite halls with a large number of audience accommodated. Depending on the format of the concert, the types of sites are selected: it is possible to bring a conditional example that for symphonic music you need a lounge with seating places, and the site with a simple dance floor is enough for a rock concert. Therefore, the latter are often organized on sports arena or in acts. Music lovers rarely refuse themselves the pleasure of visiting the concert of the favorite group only because it takes place in the "uncomfortable" in their opinion, but in other cases the consumer can make a lot of conclusions on where the event passes.

Recently, events held in clubs have become very popular with this option is attractive for listeners, as a rule, like musicians themselves, and the organizer greatly simplifies work, because in clubs, unlike the same sports arenas, there are already lighting and sound equipment. And therefore, the increased cost of renting the club for one evening is reimbursed by the lack of need to rent part of the equipment. Moreover, many concerts spend on weekdays (when the club does not work or works in a slightly different format, bar, for example) and therefore a negotiated discount is much easier.

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The cost of playgrounds will vary greatly and depends on many factors. The most important is the location, then there is a size, format, possibilities of additional equipment, location of the place. All this must take into account the organizer, and this is all interested in producers and musicians. The concert may refuse to give if there is no place worthy in the opinion of the artists, and here we are talking primarily about the profit, and not about its prestigiousness. Yes, and the organizer himself is probably interested in the Arena brought as much money as possible, why many famous musicians do not come to smaller cities: it's not just that the population will not be able to buy expensive concerts, and sometimes the opposite that will be Absolutely, but their playground is not accompanied, and its placement opportunities are unlikely to cover even their own expenses.

The following should search for sponsors of its event. At this stage, there are many options for cooperation up to the point that the sponsors independently conduct an advertising campaign (true, in only the channels available to them) and provide the organizer with the necessary capacities: printing house, equipment, staff, ticket distribution. In principle, any partner can speak the sponsor, except for the actual musicians with their producer or label. A rare sponsor gives directly money to the organization, usually it is a barter when for the placement of their logo, reports about the sponsor at the event and carrying out promotions are provided by one or other assistance.

Sometimes it is even more profitable for the organizer, because the sponsor has the capabilities that allow not to refer to third-party companies, and then spending decline thanks to the advertisement of the partner. Sponsor logos are usually placed on billboards and banners - it is almost always a prerequisite for cooperation. With a successful mutual settlement, sponsorship can be very good savings or additional funds. True, when organizing concerts of little-known groups or just a concert, which is not particularly popular among the population, some good from the point of view of sponsorship companies can refuse to cooperate or set very disadvantageous conditions.

Sponsors will have to sell the future event, and the main criterion, as a rule, for them is the number of visitors. In addition, serious requirements are presented to the advertising campaign; But it must be large enough for the benefit of the organizer. The most common, at least a little outdated, but still an effective way of advertising is the opening of posters on the places specifically provided for this and place the placement of banners in the city. Usually, advertising agencies are engaged in these, which have sufficient relationships and cooperation agreements to ensure information placement about the upcoming event throughout the city. Still, the personally opening of the poster - is already gradually displaced by more perfect and modern methods. If there is its own website, it is certainly worth placing information on it, although the site of the organizer is usually its business card for partners, and not for visitors to concerts, for them all information about the event is posted on their portal distributor of tickets.

Ready ideas for your business

Further should agree with the companies that are ready to lease and put lighting and sound equipment. As already noted, some sites and themselves have them, in some (for example, in thematic clubs) and everything is usually ready for any concert at all - come and play. But more often it is necessary to find delivery equipment for renting a company, negotiate the supply, installation and subsequent export. The equipment itself is paid either by packages (that is, to an example, a complete set for a jazz concert), or is ordered separately, and the rental of each device is paid separately. In addition to standard light, you can get a laser, fiery or some more spectacular show (and will have to hire the relevant employees), and the sound is selected depending on the genre and features of the game (and even the concert itself) of musicians. Thus, the symphony orchestra plays live, but the rock band will require the presence of amplifiers, complex electronics, drum installation, bringing with them only guitars (and not always). Therefore, at this stage, it is necessary to have not only a prisoner with a group or their producer, but also to discuss the exact concept of the event.

The following is the search for a ticket distributor. Some companies generally combine this activity - the distribution of tickets and the organization of concerts, but strictly speaking are completely different companies. Sell \u200b\u200ba large number of tickets without having every opportunity, it is almost impossible, therefore a contract is concluded with a firm that will ensure the sale of tickets for the concert. With this office, you will have to cooperate very closely, because it will partially assume responsibility on advertising, it will be it that will accept money for tickets, which means that it is necessary to demand particularly strict reporting. Doing the sale of tickets only at the checkout site (which may not be) will not work, the scheme is needed.

Negotiations with the musicians themselves are either personally or through their producer - it is always so if it is. The promoted group will make a huge number of requirements for his visit to a city, they need a hotel, meals, as well as the placement of the props. Usually it is brought immediately to the site, where all the preparations are held in a few hours (less often). Thus, in addition to treaties with many companies that ensure the event, they will have to agree with organizations that will provide services to musicians themselves, and this is a prerequisite for artists before visiting the city - so that everything is established by the organizer himself. Thus, in such a scheme, a huge number of enterprises are commonly involved, between which the organizer runs and tries to launch this fairly bulky scheme.

It is better to start with little-known groups, speaking for them as a substitute for the producer, but in this case it is best to find several young talented groups and arrange either a prefabricated concert (that is, including several teams similar to genre), or a local festival. True, in the latter case, the rate is sometimes not on sale of tickets (and the entrance may even be free), but for the sale of additional services at the festival. This comes down to the fact that the organizer simply gives places at the festival to the sellers who are made at the expense of a large number of people in one place. Many beginner teams are sometimes ready to speak only for the idea, wanting to declare themselves peace, and do not require an organizer of any part of revenue. But here and he strongly risks, organizing an event for which no one may come (usually, of course, friends and relatives invited by the musicians themselves, but this does not save this). It is worth starting with completely local events, when you do not have to risk large means and there is an opportunity if you do not profit, then at least get experience.

It will take a lot of time before it is possible to work individually for each team with its feed; Usually, famous musicians work only with major players who may in the shortest possible time to organize an event (and sometimes even the entire tour), collect a lot of money and start selling a few months before the concert. Newbies do not take into account in this case. Festivals and at all, in the usual understanding of this word, can be full, if they are located in a convenient location, are surrounded by the necessary infrastructure, are interesting to visitors and there are a sufficient number of well-known teams. Calculated for many days of the event, a novice player, as a rule, is unable; But no one forbids their new format to come up.

Business on the organization of concerts initially will certainly be very heavy, and for a long time will have to work for the idea by investing their strength (and sometimes money) to just earn a name. However, in this case, there are a lot of perspectives, because, sowing to establish the organization perfect at all stages, it is possible to successfully compete even with well-known companies that are not excluded, there are deficiencies in one area or another.