Farewell to elementary school is a good script. Farewell to elementary school

Farewell to elementary school is a good script. Farewell to elementary school

"Farewell to Primary School"

Host: Good evening, dear guests!

Host: Good evening

Years fly by, fly inexorably.

Like a light breeze over the mast of the ships!

Like a fabulous prima ballerina

It takes off over its obedience.

There is still no gravity of attraction in them

And a load of restless failures

They have one awkward embarrassment

And someone's very touching cry.

Host: We welcome everyone who is attending our Farewell to Primary School celebration

Four years passed like four days.

And then came the day of parting.

But life is a road that has no end

And the world of knowledge in it is inexhaustible.

Control works have been completed.

Parents were distracted from their daily worries.

The teachers became a little sadder and more thoughtful, and the children became more serious.

The words became more agitated ... And the silence was felt more sharply, as if before leaving ... (pause)

-… before going on stage for those who say goodbye to elementary school,

ready to enter a new, more adult life!

Solemn music sounds, to which the graduates enter the hall.

To bring joy to you, the 4th grade has come!

Their faces are kind and happy, the soul sings with each other

It is impossible not to fall in love with such people, not to marvel at their beauty.

Nimble, athletic, bold, active,

Smart, inquisitive,

In general, attractive,

Everything is smart, beautiful,

Crafty, happy!

(the presenters took their places)

Dear Guys! Dear parents and guests!

Now the day of your farewell to elementary school has come! Four years ago, you entered first grade. Here you and I climbed the difficult steps up the ladder of knowledge. You learned to read and count, learned to be friends, learned to live by strict school rules. Today we are both sad and happy. It's sad because in the fall you will go to the fifth grade, you will have new teachers, and new students will come to me. It is joyful because you have all matured, become smarter and learned a lot. Today is your graduation party!

Today is a very special day

We gathered here, friends,

To say goodbye to elementary school

You and me will do this.

Everything in life begins with a school bell ...

Desks sail away on a long journey.

There, ahead, there will be more abrupt starts

And more serious. Until then ...

Dictations and tasks, good luck, bad luck,

Adverbs, Verbs and Ancient Ages.

That word is not inclined, then the Volga will be lost.

It all starts with a school bell.

A cheerful bell sounds

We are leaving for the fifth grade.

Thank you initials,

We will not forget you!

To the fifth grade, to the fifth grade

School invites us.

Goodbye, dear class,

We say goodbye to you.

We say goodbye and dance

We don't cry, we sing

Because failures

We leave it overboard.

Dear parents, to your attention WALTZ dance

Years will pass and it will ring

Call for the last time.

Rehearsal today -

Goodbye fourth grade.

Song about school "What do they teach at school"

We ask very much now

Everyone to listen to our story,

How we lived all these 4 years

But we remember how yesterday

Together we all walked here

And by the hand of the kids 2 times

We were brought

We will tell you today

But how the years run

We did not notice how they rushed

So we all grew up 2 times

Already went to the fifth grade

Well, we just have to finish singing a verse

Different letters to write

Rita Khazretovna taught us long ago

And then multiply

Solve examples with a column 2 times

For all this, we want to say thank you!

The last lesson is over today

The last bell rings in the corridor.

We are bags under the arm and we skip

And we walk together over the school threshold.

And wherever I am, wherever I go,

Whatever new friends I find

On the river and in the field - I remember about the school,

I remember that I went to the fifth grade!

Everyone is very excited today

This happens in moments of separation.

Do not be sad, now it will congratulate you

Our director, teacher and friend!

Poem dedicated to the headmaster.

**** Our unspent cup of feelings,

And the living breath of spring

Both love and our gratitude

We are addressing you, Madina Mukhamedovna.

The floor for congratulations and presentation of diplomas is given to the director of the school, Madina Mukhamedovna Zaubidova.

(hand over a bouquet)

You loved all of us equally

My love, sharing equally with everyone.

For the fact that you sculpted people out of us.

Chorus: Thank you teacher!

And it was not kinder and stricter than you,

When the world was opened to us from scratch.

For the fact that we are like you,

Chorus: Thank you teacher!

We all disturbed you a little,

Sometimes angry, sometimes merry.

For taking us on the road

Chorus: Thank you teacher!

For the eternal multiplication table

For giving us the Earth,

For the fact that we are all your continuation.

Chorus: Thank you teacher!

Head teacher service is dangerous and difficult

And at first glance, it seems invisible.

And if someone here and there we sometimes

Skips school

So you need to fight an invisible battle -

So destined for you alone:

The service forces!

The floor will be given to Zhanna Ramadovna, the head teacher of Maleeva's school. (presentation of certificates)

(handing flowers)

Teacher first

Each has its own

Everybody has it good

But best of all is mine!

We are grateful to Madina Muratovna, the first teacher Kitova, for teaching us to see in everything a particle of beauty and grace. The floor is given.

(handing flowers).

We are grateful to the English teacher Kardanova Svetlana Mazanovna for teaching us to speak English beautifully. (handing flowers)

We are grateful to the teacher of informatics Urumova Zuleta Shagobanovna

We are grateful to the teachers of the extended day group Vykova Anzhela Aslanbekovna and Kencheshaova Oksana Mukhadzhirovna

We are grateful to the music teacher Kikova Rita Khamidovna.

Thank you, our first teacher,

For your great work that you have invested in us.

Of course, the first issue is yours,

And yet we fell in love with each other.

The song "Oh-oh-oh!"

Load more and more of us

For some reason, they have become.

Today our fourth grade -

Like an institute.

We have to decide

With X's tasks ...

Dads with moms from them

They cry with us!

What will happen in the fifth? (3 times)

Oh oh oh! (Whole chorus 2x)

2) Us boys sometimes

Tugging at the braids

And the girls to us then

Didn't give demolition

We will grow up over the summer

Let's get bolder

In the fifth grade we will come to you

A little more skillful.

What will happen in the fifth? 2 times

3) Wish teachers

We want patience

And forgive us sometimes

Stormy fun.

We're adults already

Steel against their will

New things await us

At our high school.

What will happen in the fifth? 2 times

Today we say thank you

Of course, to his parents.

Your care and attention and patience

This is how they always help us.

All these four years, guys, they studied with you and your parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, older brothers and sisters helped you in everything.

Girls and boys!

Let's be together yourself!

Thank you mom!

Thank you dad!

Thanks to the grandmothers!

Thank you grandfathers!

For troubles, for affection,

For songs and fairy tales!

For delicious cheesecakes!

For new toys!

Children (in unison) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you so much for your patience, support and attention that you have shown us. After all, it is not without reason that it is said that the very first teachers are mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers. Without your participation, we would not have been able to raise such wonderful children - our primary school graduates. So let me give thanks

For you, dear parents, MODERN DANCE.

The word for congratulations is given to our dear parents.

I'd like to please all our guests today,

And we have prepared a lot of festive events for everyone.


The guys sat on a log in a row

And the three of us talk quietly about school.

I like school, Natasha said.

All my life, guys, I dreamed about school.

I like the teacher, Petya said.

He is strict, I have never seen such a person.

And to me, after a little thought, Lena said,

My favorite is CHANGE!


Teacher: Hello guys! Sit down! Get your notebooks, textbooks. Good…

(Majid holds out his hand) What do you have there Majid?

Majid (rummaging in the briefcase): Rita Khazretovna, but my grandmother forgot to put the notebook for me! She is old ...

Teacher: It's time, Majid, you take care of your grandmother, and not vice versa! Here's a notebook for you. And so that this no longer happened ... So they opened the notebooks ... Okay ... (Majid holds out his hand again) What, Majid?

Majid: Rita Khazretovna, and my grandfather left my textbook at home ...

Teacher: What does grandfather have to do with it? You are already big yourself. How embarrassing! Here's a tutorial, but for the last time ... So we took the pencils ...

Majid (rummaging through the briefcase): Rita Khazretovna! Mom promised to put it down, but she probably forgot ...

Teacher: What is it? Because of you, there is no way we can start the lesson! Here's a pencil! Everything! We took the rulers ...

Majid (rummaging through the briefcase): Rita Khazretovna, my dad is responsible for the line ...

Teacher: Horror! Grandma, grandfather, mom, dad, where are you, Majid - a student? Or does everyone have a bad memory?

Majid: No, we all have a good memory ... And yesterday they were collecting my briefcase in front of me ... Where did it all go?

Teacher: So, do you have an empty portfolio at all?

(Majid with surprise takes a children's pistol, a pie, cubes, a shoe from his portfolio ... classmates laugh, most of all Eldar)

Eldar: Like a movie! Well, Majid! None of the adults are looking after me, and I have everything!

Teacher: Maleev, do you even have a diary with you?

Majid: I'll take a look (happily takes out a rumpled diary) Here! (bears to the teacher)

Teacher: Diary of a 4th grade student ... Khapantsev Eldar ...

(everyone is at a loss. Then a burst of laughter).

Teacher: Khapantsev, what is written on your diary?

(Eldar takes a diary from the same portfolio, reads)

Eldar: Diary of a 4th grade student Maleev Majid ...

Majid: I took my briefcase in the corridor! Take your toys! Because of you, I got caught ... I, Rita Khazretovna, said that I myself saw how my portfolio was collected in the evening! Eh, Khapantsev! And not ashamed?

Russian language

Teacher: What was asked at home?

Student: Find all nouns in the text and determine the case in them.

Teacher: Read. Pupil: "Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was guiltily silent, and then made a promise to improve."

Teacher: Keep going!

Disciple: "Dad and Mom." Who? What? Parents. Hence, the case is genitive.

Scolded whom, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. Hence, the case is nominative.

Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that "behavior" has an instrumental case.

Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here "Vova" has an accusative case.

Well, and the "promise", of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!

That's all!

Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring the diary, Yegor. I wonder what rating you would suggest to give yourself?

Disciple: Which one? Of course, the top five!

Teacher: Five, then? By the way, in what case did you name this word - "five"?

Disciple: In the prepositional!

Teacher: Prepositional? Why is that?

Disciple: Well, I suggested it myself!

Teacher: Nika, why does your father always do the lessons for you?

Nika: And mom has no free time!


Teacher: The problem is going to be solved ... Inna. (Inna goes to the blackboard) Listen carefully to the problem statement. Dad bought 1 kilogram of sweets, and mom bought another 2 kilograms. How many ... (Inna goes to the door) Inna, where are you going ?!

Inna: I ran home to eat candy!

Teacher: Dima, if you have ten rubles, and you ask your brother for another ten rubles, how much money will you have?

Dima: Ten rubles.

Teacher: You just don't know mathematics!

Dima: No, you don't know my brother!

Teacher: Mitya, please answer how to find the area of ​​a rectangle?

Mitya: Marya Ivanovna, I will answer your question only in the presence of my lawyer!

The world

Teacher: What are dense forests? Answer me, Nastya!

Nastya: These are forests in which ... it's good to doze.

Teacher: Veronica, please name the parts of the flower.

Veronica: Petals, stem, pot.

Seryozha stretches his hand.

Teacher: What do you want, Seryozha? Do you want to ask something?

Seryozha: Mary Ivanna, is it true that people descended from a monkey?

Teacher: True.

Seryozha: That's what I'm looking at: there are so few monkeys!

Teacher: Vlad, please answer, what is the lifespan of a mouse?

Vlad: Well, Mary Ivanna, it completely depends on the cat.

A few minutes later, the classroom door opens and a latecomer enters.

(To the tune of the song from the movie "I. V. Changes his Profession")

Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the door creaked.

Everything became clear to me now.

I was late for class again.

I didn't want to, but I lied again:

That the alarm clock let me down

The elevator is stuck, the bus is gone

And then I ran quickly.

But, alas, I was late again.

The bell rings. Turn!

(A support group sings to the tune of the song "Chase")

Fatigue is forgotten, the lesson is over

The guys got off the chain at last.

Do not stand on the doorstep, otherwise you will be lost.

Rush, rush, rush, rush

And you can't calm them down.

School-themed jokes.

Mother. Son, have you already corrected the two you got in math?

A son. Corrected, mom, but only in the diary. It was not possible in the magazine, because the teacher does not leave the class during recess, and if she does, she hides the magazine.

A son. Mom, the teacher was wrong today.

Mother. Like this?

A son. She asked me what it would be if you subtract five from eight. I didn't answer. Then she said: “Two! Sit down! " And there will be three, not two.

Mother. Son! Why does the diary record that you did nothing in class?

A son. How is it - did nothing ?! And who pushed Lenka?

Scene "mom and son"

A student runs to his mother's home:

Mom, give me all the sweets, I'll eat them!

Why is it all? Leave a little for tomorrow, the mother advises.

But the teacher told us: "never leave for tomorrow what you can do today"

Why are you so gloomy, something happened to you?

No, I'm worried about you: they call you to school tomorrow.

Scene "Know the rules of the Russian language"

(A girl comes out, her throat is wrapped in a scarf).

Masha: I really want to go to school as soon as possible, to the guys. It's time to take the medicine. (Takes a bottle of medicine, reads the label and starts to squeak. Tanya runs in)

Tanya: What happened Masha? Why are you beeping?

Masha: Yes, I was taking the medicine, but here it is written (reads): "Three times one spoon at a time, after a meal."

Tanya: Oh, you're silly! You probably read: "After eating, not / eating"

Masha: Oh, the teacher told us at school that the meaning of words can change from the permutation of the stress. Yes, it is useful to know the rules of the Russian language.

Drama homework

Well, son, what did you do at school today?

Son: We were looking for spelling in words

Dad: Spelling in words ?! Wait, let me remember!

There we also looked for them, when I was in school ... .. This is necessary,

thirty years have passed! Really still not found!

Here's a damn task!

Fought, fought - failure.

There were circles in my eyes ...

Sit down, dad, help!

Head up, son!

You are not alone with dad. (Sits down for a lesson)

We were told to emphasize parts of speech in the exercise.

Do it, mom, a favor - be more careful!

Parts of speech to emphasize?

We'll figure it out somehow. (Sits down for a lesson)

And you, granny, paint,

Here, granny, don't sleep.

Draw a picture for a fairy tale:

The cat walks along the chain.

No, old - not that eye.

(Pavlik is crying)

Okay, okay, there will be a cat!

I'll go out for a minute.

Where is my jacket?

In the morning Pavlik walked merry

With a blue bag on my back

But not fun from school

He was returning home.

Mom: - What have you brought?

Pavlik: - Look yourself!

Dad: - No, report first!

Pavlik: - Daddy five,

four for mom, and you, granny - two

Today he says goodbye to us

Who knows how to keep secrets

Our first teacher

What could teach us

Hope, believe, love.

What lies ahead is unknown

But we will never forget

Those good songs that we sang together

We will cherish and love them.

My teacher!!!

1) An affectionate bell calls for desks

The cheerful light is silent for a while

The teacher starts his lesson

And everything around seems to freeze

All the years we've been taught to understand

Both hard and easy subjects

The teacher does not know how to get tired

She checks her notebooks before dawn!

My kind teacher

Well, why are you silent

2) We were sometimes not bearable

As if a devil took possession of our souls

The teacher will quietly say: "no problem"

After all, my teacher is the best.

The years passed in quick succession

And it's time to say goodbye

Teacher, we didn't know what happened to you

We will be very sad to part ...

My kind teacher

Well, why are you silent

Tears suddenly flashed in my eyes

You opened the world to us and where we would not live,

And the school will always be in our hearts!

The answer from the teacher.

My dear guys!

Today I say goodbye to you.

Maybe she was too strict in something

You will forgive. Let's be friends.

I was with you in happiness and sorrow.

Your "deuces" upset me,

And when in the diaries "five" -

Sorrows were suddenly forgotten.

Do not forget your compositions,

Sometimes you wrote in poetry.

And I was happy, admired

And, of course, it grew with you.

And I will remember good things about you,

All bad things will remain in the past.

You will go to study with others,

But our hearts will not part.

You loved funny poems.

Mothers came to us for a holiday

And also ... birthdays, remember?

How they went differently.

We walked quickly through the lessons,

And sometimes they ran or raced.

We strove for deep knowledge

We always got more

So I want you to remember

Friendly class, and lessons, and holidays,

And the literature you love

And, of course, mathematics.

It won't all come back

This will now remain in the past ...

We will not part until the eleventh.

So the fourth year of study has come to an end. We all moved up to fifth grade.

Attention! A solemn moment is coming. Now you have to give "The Oath of the 5th Grader".

Children solemnly pronounce the oath.

“As I join the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyred parents, in the face of toiling teachers, I solemnly swear:

1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not missing a single question, even the most difficult and tricky one. I swear!

2. Don't bring teachers to a boiling point of 100 "C. I SWEAR!

3. Be fast and impetuous, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving along school corridors! I swear!

4. To pull out of teachers not veins, to squeeze out not sweat, but strong and accurate knowledge and skills. I swear!

5. Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the depths. I swear!

6. Be worthy of your teachers I SWORE! ”.

Leading: 4 years we passed from class to class together. And on this day we boys want to say to girls

You are so glorious with us,

You girls are just awesome !!!

Because we really want

Be like you!

You are beautiful as stars

And eyes shine with fire

And your smiles are lovely

Darken the sun during the day

We wish you only happiness

And let us tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

The whole school just doesn't.

Presenters: We girls want to say the answer

And we are under your protection

We can live quite calmly.

As long as your backs are strong

We will have nothing to grieve.

Therefore, friends, let's

With all my heart, without further ado

Protect us from all adversity

But just, mind you, no bruises!

Our dear boys,

Congratulations to you not from a book,

And from the heart, our congratulations

And on top of that, respect.

Song "Childhood"

Dear Guys! So our festive concert dedicated to the end of elementary school ended, many beautiful and useful words were said to you. Remember them always! Do not forget your primary school, come to us, we will be glad to see these meetings. I wish you success in your further studies.

Dear Parents! I am grateful to you for your cooperation, for the help you provided to me in the upbringing and education of your children.

Take care of your daughters and sons, help them, be attentive and patient to them. Health to everyone, happiness, peace, warmth of the sun. Thanks to everyone who came to the holiday.

Farewell to Primary School - Grade 4 Matinee Scenario

On the chalkboard poster:
All rejoice for us,
We moved to the 5th grade.
The Radetzky (Strauss) March sounds, the children enter the class. Uch.- Hello, mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! Uch. - Good evening, dear parents! 1 Ved. ... - Today we have gathered in this hall, in our native school for a holiday! 2 Ved. - On a sad holiday, because we say goodbye to elementary school, to our first teachers! 1 Ved. - And I do not agree with this: we say goodbye - then we figuratively. We will come to them, and their first graders will be our friends. There are no sad holidays. Let's have fun! 2 Vedas. - Do you remember the first time your mothers and fathers brought you to school? 1 Ved. -And how afraid we were not to find our class ?!
2 Ved. ... They praised us this way and that, 1 Vedas. Not soon our supply ran out

1. It's not all over soon - Studies continue, Fourth grade - the last Today came.
2. Again in the confusion of mom, Again in the excitement of dad! What will their children grow up to be? Who will teach them?
3. Today we are trimmed, combed, slicked. Must cross the threshold. How hard! Who would have thought!

The song “School. Throw open the doors "

(Bell rings) 4. The bell rings for us again, But this is not a lesson. The touching farewell hour has come. We entered the hall solemnly. We should all have fun, But for some reason sadness is hidden in our eyes.
5. Primary school, where are you? Where are our childhood dreams? And the first teachers? We part, loving you.
6. The last bell will ring, Will not call you for a lesson, And tears are falling from our eyes, We are looking, we are all looking at you.
2 leads-Let's remember these unforgettable 4 years. Let's tell our family how we lived at school this time. 1 lead - Opening 1 page of our oral journal " The first time in first class!"

(Bell rings)

7. Do you remember the yellow autumn? When you came to the 1st grade And the first bell - a magic bell - For us rang for the first time.
8. Our mothers corrected the bows by dropping tears from their eyes, And we dreamed of studying excellently, To please you.
9.I'm in class for the first time, now I am a student. The teacher entered the class - Get up or sit down? They say to me: "Go to the blackboard." I raise my hand. And how to hold a crayon in your hand, I do not understand at all.
This is my first time in class, Now I am a student. At the desk I sit correctly, Although I can’t sit!
2 ved... - But the first days of meeting with the school passed, and we learned that learning is not always easy.
10. The most difficult - first grade, All the harder first grade, Because the first time! (chorus)
2 leads 2 page of the oral journal "Parade of School Sciences"
(The bell rings) 2 leads Reading lesson
1 ved... - And who helped us from the very first days? Well, of course - the Primer!
11. We ran to this class as funny kids. We were presented with an ABC book with pencils for the first time.
12. With this book the very first Each path began its own way, To pass the correct route To the cherished pass.
13. Laughter and Tears, Joy and Sadness
Over the years we have experienced
But we are not sorry for our efforts -
Books are now easy for us to read. 14. Reading is a wonderful lesson. Lots of useful stuff in each of the lines. Whether it's a verse or a story, you teach them, they teach you!
Uch.- And now, attention: literary riddles.

    Whose song is this?
“If I scratch the back of my head, it doesn't matter. Sawdust in my head: yes, yes, yes! " (Winnie - the Pooh) 2. What was the name of the girl who got into the "Through the Looking Glass"? (Alice) 3. What is the name of the literature about the future? (science fiction) 4. What song did the squirrel sing "Honestly in front of all the people?" (“Is it in the garden, in the orchard) 5. Where did the seventh goat goat hide? (in the stove) 6. What fairy tale ends with the words: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson for good fellows! " ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel") A.S. Pushkin

1 lead Scene "In the lesson".

Teacher, student. Who wants to read their favorite spring poem? Student I! I! Teacher You read it wrong, you need to talk about spring. Start again. Student Late autumn, rooks are snarling. Teacher Wrong, at first. Student Late autumn, rooks are snarling. Teacher Why are they blown away? Student And it was not frequent to curse, so they were blown away!
(Bell rings)1 lead

Writing lesson

2 leads We have completed more than one notebook in four years. And how difficult it was to begin! How the letters did not obey! Remember how we once called for help wands, magic wands.
15. Help out, sticks, magic sticks!
Become in order in my first notebook!
Do not get out of the line! Keep your back straight!
What are you standing, anyhow? I got it for you again!
But my teacher doesn't know
And even mom doesn't know
How hard it is to teach you
To make you stand straight!

16 scold Sasha
For small letters,
They scold and groan
And the letters are tiny
They play hide and seek in his notebook.
Here is "O" tiny so lurking,
As if a bead had fallen into the grass.
17 scold Dima
For the letters are long,
For the letters are different -
The curves are dirty
And the letters are devils
Well, not otherwise!
Rubbed with rubber
They jump along the line!
1 lead - Yes, writing letters is very difficult!

(Bell rings) 2 leads Russian language lesson
18.Grammar, grammar -
Science is very strict.
Grammar textbook
You always take it with anxiety.
It is difficult, but without it
Life would be bad.
You should know the cases
Punctuation marks.
Keep your head higher
In the hour of memorization.
19 it was a wonderful day
And I'm learning prepositions ...
I must firmly know the lesson:
Our teacher is strict!
And I whisper with my eyes closed
With your legs crossed under the chair:
What does "by" mean?
What do you mean - "for"?
And "for" and "on" are prepositions ...
And it would be good for the threshold
And rush along the road! ..
What excuse to invent
So as not to learn prepositions?
2 ved . Probably, you guys remember that there are words in Russian that "You can never change in different cases", otherwise it will turn out like this:
1.Kak that early in the morning With a friend we sat down in the meter And went to the meter A film to watch about a kangaroo.
2. Here we are sitting with him in a cine without a coat and without a muffler Or rather, you and me Without a muffler and without a coat.
3. Loves kina kids, If in kinah kangaroo, Walks, wanders along the highway Carries chimpanzees in bags.
4. Kangaroo entered the cafe He took the last table there And sits at the domina With a chimpanzee and a cockatoo.
5. Suddenly a huge monkey Began to play the piano. Here and an adult, taking off his pince-nez, I was laughing at all!
6. An interesting movie! It's a pity that it ended! It's time to run into the wardrobe, - They will give out polta!

Teacher.- And now the grammatical riddles.
1. Only two notes and an excuse I could build at the dacha. (DO - MI - K) 2. How does the day end and the night begins? (b) 3. Uncover the meaning of the winged expressions: - With all your might (quickly) - Give with your hand (close) - Bite your tongue (shut up) - Crocodile tears (fake tears)
(Bell rings) 2 leads Music lesson.
24. The music teacher entered the spacious classroom,
And with music we enter the class together,
And pure sounds are pouring with us,
And we sing better every year.
Children perform a song that was taught in music lessons "Barbariki »

1 lead Lesson mathematics.
20.And beautiful and strong
Math country,
Work is in full swing everywhere here,
Everyone is counting something.
21. The case is very interesting,
How can I find the unknown?
I am looking for X in all tasks,
Wish me good luck.
I have a faithful friend:
The compass will draw a circle
And the multiplication table
Earned respect.
Solve these tasks:

    How many ears do three mice have? (6) How many ears do 7 old ladies have? (14) How many fingers do 5 boys have? (fifty)
4. To the question: "How many fish have you caught?" - the fisherman replied: "Half eight, six without heads, nine without a tail." How many fish did the fisherman catch? (0) 5. The alarm clock was started at 11 o'clock. The man went to bed at 22 o'clock. How many hours will he sleep? (1 hour) 6. There were 3 apples and 2 bananas on the tree. The crow picked one apple. How much fruit is left on the tree? (apple and ban cannot grow on the same tree.)
2 ved... In addition to the Russian language, mathematics, reading, we studied the world around us and the person himself in natural history lessons.

(Bell rings) 1 lead The world around
23. There are eyes to see,
Sometimes a tear will flash in them.
There is character, skin, hair,
Nerves, feelings, sleep and voice.
To listen - there are ears,
If only the message became good ...

22. We are friends with history, Without it, neither you nor I would never know How our Russian land originated and where it came from. Tasks:-Who made up the "Tale of Bygone Years"? (Nestor is a chronicler) - Who baptized Rus? (Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko) -What year was the war with Napoleon? (1812) - Why did Prince Dmitry Ivanovich get the nickname Donskoy? - In what year did our people defeated Nazi Germany? (1945)

- Remember how many continents there are on the globe? (6) - What is the name of the device for determining the sides of the horizon? (compass) - A flower in which two names merge? (Ivan - yes - Marya) - What plants are air purifiers? (poplar, sunflower) - In which natural zone is Armavir located? (STEPPE)

(Bell rings)

1 lead Physical education lesson

"For fun exercises!"

(bell rings)

1 lead Lesson of Kuban studies.
25. Fatherland! Cherry sunrises, Two seas and blue sky. For you, the Kuban poets Have saved the best words.
26. Kuban, Kuban - joy to my souls, Fields filled with radiance of the dawn. I don't need anything in the whole world, Your song would float above.
Poem of his own composition uch. 4 "V" CL
2 leads PAGE 3 "We have a rest and dream"

(The bell rings)

27. Change, change! Children all climb up the wall. Very amicably, not in a dream, All are on their heads!

Scene "Change"

4. "Change! Change!"
The call is flooded.
The first Vova will certainly
Flies out the door
Seven knocking down.

5. Is it really Vova,
Dozing the whole lesson?
Is this Vova
Not a word five minutes ago
Couldn't tell at the blackboard?

6. If he, then undoubtedly,
A great change with him!
You can't keep up with Vova.
Look how bad he is!

7. He made it in five minutes
Redo a bunch of things:
He set up three steps
Vaska, Kolka and Seryozha.
Rolled somersaults
He sat astride the railing,

8. Famously plopped off the railing,
I got a slap on the head
I gave someone back right off the bat,
I asked to write off tasks -
With a word, he did everything he could!

9. Well, here - again the call.
Vova is dragged into the classroom again.
Poor! No face on it!
"Nothing, - Vova sighs, -
We'll have a rest in the lesson. "

28. Wet hair, disheveled look, A droplet of sweat runs down my neck. Maybe Misha, Seryozha and Borya Dived during the whole break in the pool? Or were they plowed on the unfortunate? Or were they shoved into the crocodile's jaws? No! During recess they rested!
Ved. And this is what children want from the Minister of Education:
29. If I were the Minister of All Primary and Secondary Schools, I would be in schools very quickly. Uncheck the QOL mark.
To my order I would attribute the words, What else should be destroyed to be rated "TWO".
30. And then, thinking at night, From dawn to dawn, I would have ordered without delay Abolish the assessment "THREE".
31. So that learning is not a torment, So that moms do not grieve, To learn with pleasure And 12 to receive!
(Bell rings)
2 leads 4 Page. " Our parents" 1 lead We would not have achieved such success in our studies if you dear parents, grandmothers, older brothers and sisters did not help. I know that together you went through the elementary school program once again. Thank you so much for your help. We dedicate these lines to you. 1. Dad, my workman, dad is not bored. My dad can do everything - Golden hands.
2. Mom is made of mine From warmth and affection: I often fall asleep With my mother's tale. Kohl resentment awaits me: I did not solve the problem- On my mother’s shoulder, I At least cry a little.

3. With my grandfather I go to Urup, We have fishing there, Only fish do not bite, Which, of course, is a pity!
4. My grandmother knows A lot of legends. My grandmother teaches knitting skills. We cook dinner with her, Borsch, cutlets, vinaigrette, And also ... lessons!

Song "Parents"

The answer from the parents.
31. Our dear children, you are the best in the world. You are joy, you are hope and our whole, our whole life. And on this spring day, accept congratulations. It's great that you were once born with us.
You knowledge and skill, a teacher of patience! And so that all wishes come true someday. We didn’t have time to blink, you have matured a lot. It's great that you were once born with us.
(Bell rings) 5 page "Our teachers".
2 ved . First teacher! She, as a true friend, will never be forgotten. It was she who taught us to write the first words, count, read, work hard and be friends.
32. For four long years you taught us, Leading to the vast country of Goodness and Knowledge. We remember how we entered the class for the first time, But today we will say "Goodbye."
33. You met the kids with a smile, Diligently write, taught to read. Do you remember the smiles from ear to ear, When we got the first marks?
34. How difficult it was for us to write words - The letters did not obey us and fell. No wonder they say: It's dashing trouble to start. But look - we all learned.
35. Thank you, our first teacher, For the tremendous work that has been invested in us! Everyone has their own first teacher, everyone has a good one, BUT BETTER THAN ALL MY! (CHORUS)1 lead Don't you dare forget the teachers!
May life be worthy of their efforts.
Russia is famous for its teachers,
The disciples bring glory to her!
36. To all who taught us good, who raised and fed us, And to those who simply loved us, We THANK YOU! talking.

Song "Primary School"

Teacher. 3 months will pass, and you will meet again, you will come to school for lessons, but in this class you will only come to visit. We would like you to always remember those first four years at school, when you became friends, when you grew up, grew smarter. You will get older, but may a particle of childhood always live in you, may your future be bright and clean!

(Bell rings)

2 leads 6 The page "Our successes".
- The most solemn, and I think, the most exciting moment has come. YOU graduated from elementary school!
And as a result of our labors, we want to inform you that all our children and their parents have been transferred to the 5th grade, with the exception of….
Presentation of the Certificate of Merit. - For excellent academic success and exemplary behavior, the Certificate of Merit is awarded ……………….
Presentation of letters of gratitude to students who succeed in "4" and "5" ……… ..Order to give thanks for extracurricular and extracurricular work ……… Presentation of the portfolio to the rest of the students.
Anthem of 3 schools. Although there are many best schools in this world,But there is nothing to grieve about this.After all, betrayed by our beloved third,The school we can't live without!You decide my fate,You are the only one to judge me.You are a school of knowledge and discoveryYou are the school we cannot live without!

(The bell rings.)

1 lead Next page “Hurray! Holidays!"
38. The last lesson is over today
The last bell rings in the corridor.
We have bags under the arm.
And we rush skipping.
And we walk together over the school threshold.

39. And there, beyond the threshold, stirring foliage,
Maples sway, poplars rustle.
And all this means that the summer has begun.
That forests and fields await us.
40. But wherever I am, wherever I go.
No matter what new friends I find
On the river and in the field, I remember the school,
I remember that I went to the 5th grade.
41. CLASS 5! CLASS 5! School accepts us! Goodbye, our fourth, We say goodbye to you. We say goodbye and dance We don't cry, we sing Because failures We leave behind!2 Veda... Attention! A solemn moment is coming. Guys, now you have to take the fifth grader vow.

Oath of the fifth grader.
Joining the ranks of secondary school students, in front of my comrades, in front of my parents, in front of teachers, I solemnly swear:
1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not missing a single question, even the most difficult and tricky one. I swear!
2. Do not bring teachers to the boiling point - 100 C. I swear!
3. Be fast and impetuous, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving along school corridors. I swear!
4. To pull out of teachers not veins, to squeeze out not sweat, but strong and accurate knowledge and skills. I swear!
5. Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the depths. I swear!
6. Be worthy of your teachers. I swear!

Teacher: So our holiday has come to an end.
I want to wish before a long journey
Not so little, not so much;
So that the sun shines, so that it is joyful
Walk the ladder of knowledge with friends.
So that grief-misfortune bypasses you all,
So that it was fun to grow and dream!

And finally, I will ask you a comic riddle,
What happens if you add bong and bong? (bom, bom).
And if you add dzin and dzin? (dzin, dzin).
Will it come out? (Bell).
The bell informed us that elementary school was over!
I wish you all the best on your way!
2 leads We will say goodbye to school with a funny song,
1 lead To return to school again in the fall!

(Bell rings)

Song "We're Leaving Primary School"

Teacher:Listen to some statistics. During these four years that the guys studied at school:
- they ate 4 tons of buns;
- have grown by 2100 centimeters;
- have grown fat by 135 kilograms and now weigh 3.5 tons;
- if you add all the textbooks that the guys have studied over these 4 years into a ruler, then its length will be equal to the distance to the Moon and the way back to Earth!
And the guys also got smart, learned to be friends, have fun, dance, put on performances. And when they sing, the good energy from the songs can replace several nuclear power plants in terms of capacity.

Teacher:Dear Guys! Dear Parents! The day of your farewell to elementary school has come! Four years ago, you entered first grade. Here you and I climbed the difficult steps up the ladder of knowledge. You learned to read and count, learned to be friends, learned to live by strict school rules. Today we are both sad and happy. It's sad, because in the fall you will go to study at different schools, you will have new teachers, and new students will come to us. Happy because you all have matured, become smarter and learned a lot. Today is your graduation party!

Scene "Change"

4. "Change! Change!"
The call is flooded.
The first Vova will certainly
Flies out the door
Seven knocking down.

5. Is it really Vova,
Dozing the whole lesson?
Is this Vova
Not a word five minutes ago
Couldn't tell at the blackboard?

6. If he, then undoubtedly,
A great change with him!
You can't keep up with Vova.
Look how bad he is!

7. He made it in five minutes
Redo a bunch of things:
He set up three steps
Vaska, Kolka and Seryozha.
Rolled somersaults
He sat astride the railing,

8. Famously plopped off the railing,
I got a slap on the head
I gave someone back right off the bat,
I asked to write off tasks -
With a word, he did everything he could!

9. Well, here - again the call.
Vova is dragged into the classroom again.
Poor! No face on it!
"Nothing, - Vova sighs, -
We'll have a rest in the lesson. "

Song "Birthday" No. 12. (Disc 13)
Summer birthday people come out.
We wish you lucky in life,And the sun shone on all the clouds in spite.So that trouble never entered the house.May luck always be your companion.
We wish you from the bottom of our heartsThe wide path and the blue sky.Smiles, sun, joy, love!And the greatest happiness in life.
Presentation of gifts.

The song "You, yes I, yes we are with you"

Song "Graduation" (lyrics and music by S. Zhukov, Potekhin) No. 26. (Disc 10)

Scenario of the holiday "Farewell to primary school"

Lead 1

There is no empty space in our class.

This means - a holiday

A long-awaited holiday, but which one?

Lead 2

If there is again

Smiles and songs are cramped

This means - a holiday

There is a holiday in our class


high school graduation.


Dear Parents! Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to

this wonderful and a little sad celebration of the end of elementary school in your class. I want to invite my pupils here, students of 4th B grade. (The children enter the class to the music "Little Country").

SONG "Little Country"

1. We call our school

"Little country":

There are people with kind eyes,

There, the life of love is full.

Children can have fun there

There is no evil and sorrow,

They didn't let us be lazy

And they gave light to everyone.


Small country (2 p)

It is good for children to study here,

She is their second home.

Small country (2 p)

The doors are always open for us here-

The school of friends is full.

2. We can in this class today

We give will to words

But don't come back to us

By his childhood years.

Children come and go

And there will be our first teacher

Meet the kids again.


It seems that just recently you guys came to the 1st grade - small, timid, inept. And so 4 years passed unnoticed. All this time we have been climbing together the first, most difficult steps of the ladder of knowledge.

During this time, we managed to make friends, get used to each other. I will remember each of you, because after 4 years spent together, students become as dear as their own children. Of course, in our school life, everything was not always smooth, problems arose, but only all the best, the best that is in each of you, will remain in our memory.

Lead 1

Together with you, we made discoveries, received new knowledge, learned a lot of interesting things.

Lead 2

And also you learned to be friends, understand and forgive each other.

Lead 1

In short, there is something to remember.

Lead 2

So let's remember how it all began.

Apprentice 1

The most difficult 1st grade!

All the hardest are 1st grade!

Because we came to the 1st grade for the first time!

Apprentice 2

We remember that funny call

That rang out to us for the first time

When they came to school with flowers

To your very best 1st grade!

Apprentice 3

As the teacher met at the door,

Our faithful friend for many days

And the noisy family is big

Girlfriends new and friends.

Apprentice 4

We are funny kids

We ran into this class.

ABC book with pencils

Gave it 1 time.

With this book, the very first

Each path began its own

To follow the correct route

To the cherished pass.

Apprentice 5

We have filled up more than one notebook during these 4 years! And how difficult it was to start, how the letters did not obey, how difficult it was to solve my first problems, examples.

Alla Pugacheva "First grader's song"

1. For some reason, they began to load more and more of us,

The teacher assigns us problems with Xs,
Candidate of Sciences - and he cries over the problem.
Chorus: Whether it will still be,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning
Oh oh oh!
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning
Oh oh oh!
2. And we have a trouble: the composition again.
Leo Tolstoy did not write such a thing in my years.
I am nowhere, I do not breathe ozone,
I am engaged at work with a synchrophasatron.
Chorus: Whether it will still be,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning
Oh oh oh!
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning
Oh oh oh!
3. For some reason, they began to load more and more of us,
Today the school is in the first grade like an institute.
I go to bed at twelve, no strength to undress,
I wish I could become an adult right away, take a break from childhood ...
Chorus: Whether there will still be,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning
Oh oh oh! 2 times

Apprentice 6

But time flew by quickly

And now you won't recognize us.

And solve the equations.

Apprentice 7

And on a fine September day,

And when February is sweeping

School, school, you look like

On a ship running into the distance.

Apprentice 8

Every year we come in together

The new class is like a new port.

And again dreams and songs

As always, we take on board.

Apprentice 9

We grew up, we learned.

And today in our class

To you, our faithful friend, teacher,

We say thank you.

Farewell song "Hope" (to the tune of the song "Hope")

A familiar star shines for us

What is called Primary School,

We were always happy here

The sun warmed us with rays.

But we're moving into 5th grade,

The time is coming for parting

A lot of kind words and phrases

I would like to say goodbye to you!

Chorus: Teacher! You are always there.

A cool mom will help us.

We were sometimes wrong

Sometimes they are a little stubborn.

But 4 years behind

We have become more serious and smarter.

Thank you for those gardens

That they brought up, sparing no soul.

It's time for you to harvest

And it's time for you to take stock.

Send pets to the 5th grade -

Thank you, our teachers!


Lead 1

Every day, at different lessons, the children received new knowledge.

Lead 2

We will tell you now,
What they taught us at school:

Lead 1 Literary reading lesson

Apprentice 10

Reading is a wonderful lesson.

A lot of useful things in each of the lines,

Whether it's a verse or a story

You teach them, they teach you.

Apprentice 11

In every house, in every hut,
In cities and in the countryside
Inquisitive reader
Keeps a book on the table.

Apprentice 12

You open the book
Her sheets rustle.
On sheets - behind a row -
The letters are black.

Apprentice 13

The book will tell you everything
Talking to her will not get boring.
She will show her native land
And he will teach you to love.

Lead 2

And this is how we once learned poetry.

Staging "Vanya rode on a horse" (3 students)

Apprentice 1

Everyone knows that we have

We will read a poem -

And we will remember all that hour!

Vanya rode on a horse,

Leading the dog on a belt

And the old woman at this time

Ficus soap on the window.

Apprentice 2

Well, what is there to talk about?

I would praise myself

I have a story about Vanya

Very easy to repeat!

Vanya rode on a belt,

I drove the old woman on a horse

And the dog at this time

Ficus soap on the window ...

Apprentice 3

Well, what an eccentric you are

Only show off the wizard!

You better listen to me:

It was not like that at all!

A ficus rode on a horse,

Leading the old woman on a belt

And the dog at this time

Soap Vanya on the window ...

Apprentice 1

Everyone knows that we have

Memory is simply top class!

Well, repeat yourself!

What will you get?


But in our class all the same it is possible to single out the guys who are friends with the book, read a lot. These are Dvurechenskaya Sasha, Kozyakova Sophia, Komogorova Nastya, Fabrichnykh Nikita. We present them with medals as lovers of reading fiction and educational literature.

Lead 1 And here is our favorite mathematics.

Apprentice 14

And beautiful and strong

Math country,

Work is in full swing everywhere here,

Everyone is counting something.

Apprentice 15

The case is very interesting,

How can I find the unknown?

I am looking for X in all tasks,

Wish me good luck.

Apprentice 16

I have a faithful friend:

The compass will draw a circle

And the multiplication table

Earned respect.

Apprentice 17

All tasks and examples
We love to decide without measure.
We have mathematics -
It's just top class!

Apprentice 18

I will write examples,
I will add the numbers in a column.
I will multiply everything, I will share,
I will draw a triangle.

What a pleasure
It's an equation!
My math is
Most beloved!

Lead 2 A scene at a math lesson. (3 persons)

Teacher: Let's start with verbal counting. Denis, if you have 100 rubles

and you will ask your brother for the same amount. How much money will you have?

Disciple: As before, 100 rubles.

- You just don't know mathematics!

- No, you just don't know my brother.

Teacher: Now we will solve the problem.

Maxim, please tell me the formula for finding the area of ​​a rectangle.

Disciple: I'm sorry, but I don't remember her.

- Then go to the board and find H.

- Found! There he is!! (pulls out of his pocket and points to X).

Song to the tune "Blue Carriage"

Slowly the minutes float away

Water flows from pipe to pipe.

My problem is not being solved,

Oh, this is my plumbing!


I stand at the board for half an hour,

I multiply and divide again

And in the pipe the water is already running out,

I cannot understand anything.


Slowly, slowly, our lesson drags on.

They will give me a deuce, because there is no solution!

Everyone, everyone believes in the best ...

Maybe someone can tell me the answer.


In our class, one can single out children who are very fond of mathematics and successfully cope with various tasks and exercises. These are Evgenia Gribkova, Daniil Bolotov, Mikhail Grevtsev. As a keepsake, we present them with the medals of the best mathematicians.

Lead 1 Now let's take a break from our lessons. Many guys in our class are talented and artistic. Let's see an oriental dance performed by Pshennikova Yulia.

Lead 2 Back to the lessons.Before usRussian language lesson.

Apprentice 19

Here is our native Russian language!
Rich, wise he is.
There are so many words in the world!
So many that it will never be counted!
We need different words
To express your thoughts.
Our Russian language is beautiful,
The vocabulary in it is great.
Of course, the secrets of the language
We have not yet opened everything.

Apprentice 20

Grammar, grammar -

Science is very strict.

Grammar textbook

You always take it with anxiety.

It is difficult, but without it

Life would be bad.

You should know the cases

Punctuation marks.

Keep your head higher

In the hour of memorization.

Presenter 1 Scene "Russian language lesson" Cases "

Characters : teacher and student Petrov

Teacher: Petrov, go to the blackboard and write down a short story that I will dictate to you.

Student goes to the blackboard and prepares to write.

Teacher (dictates): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was guiltily silent, and then made a promise to improve. "

Student writes dictation on the blackboard.

Teacher: Wonderful! Underline all nouns in your story.

Student emphasizes the words: "dad", "mom", "Vova", "behavior", "Vova", "promise".

Teacher: Ready? Determine in which cases these nouns stand. Understood?

Student : Yes!

Teacher: Get started!

Student : "Father and mother". Who? What? Parents. Hence, the case is genitive.

Scolded whom, what? Vova. “Vova” is a name. Hence, the case is nominative.

Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has an instrumental case.

Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here “Vova” has an accusative case.

Well, and the “promise”, of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!

That's all!

Teacher : Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Take the diary, Petrov. I wonder what grade you would suggest to put yourself?

Student : Which one? Of course, the top five!

Teacher: So the top five? By the way, in what case did you name this word - “five”?

Student : In the prepositional!

Teacher: In the prepositional? Why is that?

Student : Well, I suggested it myself!

(A song to the tune of "Chung-Chang" is played)

I'm sitting in class again.

I don't take my eyes off the window.

It's already spring there, the streams are ringing.

Well, they keep telling me: teach, teach.


I'm tired of declination

I'm tired of conjugation

I'm tired of adverbs and verbs.

I'm tired of studying

I want to fly like a bird

Eh, I wish I could finish this school!


In our class, one can single out children who love the Russian language and successfully cope with various grammatical tasks and exercises. This is Alekseeva Vika, Vlasova Valeria. As a keepsake, we present them with the medals of the best grammarians.

Host 2 Next lesson - the lesson of the world around.

Apprentice 21

This lesson taught us

To love and observe nature,

Do not offend animals and birds,

Protect fields, forests and water.

Apprentice 22

We talked about everything:

About mushrooms and flowers

About birch, about aspen,

About fields and about meadows.

Presenter 1 Scene "At the lesson of the surrounding world"

Teacher. Where is water found in nature, Sasha?

Student. You said yourself: in nature.

- Lena, name six animals that live in the Arctic?

- Two seals and four polar bears.

Jura, what substances do not dissolve in water?

- Fish.

- Sveta, who is called the king of beasts?

- Director of the zoo.

- Denis, you disturb the others. Read to yourself.

“But nothing has been written about me here.


In our class, we can distinguish children who love and study their native nature and its protection. These are Popova Alina, Kiseleva Polina, Gridneva Amalia, Kostina Vlada. As a keepsake, we present them with the medals of the best nature lovers.

Lead 2

And now for a fun break. Hear ditties about our school life.

All (in chorus)

We are girly laughter

We are always funny

Let's sing ditties to everyone now

Yes, about school affairs.

1. I have a rose in my pocket

Loose rose

I have such a character

Like stinging nettles!

2. I walked outside the village

I saw Vanya there.

I sat under a bush and cried -

The chicken offended.

3. Letters in the Machine Notebook

Do not stand like a parade

Letters jump and dance

Masha are waving their tails.

1. I let you write off on the test

All the problems for Kolletshka,

And now in our notebooks

Both have two.

2. Our teacher was waiting for an answer

It's a long time from Vasily.

No answer, no hello -

It’s no use.

3. A slob has a mess

It's not like that and not like that

And the shirt is wide open

And a jacket without buttons.
All (in chorus)

We sang ditties to you,

Is it good or bad

And now we ask you,

To be applauded.

Lead 1 We continue to travel through the lessons further.

Song to the tune of "Buratino"

I attended the lesson

I saw the gym

And the teacher was strict with us,

But this is an important lesson.

We're developing dexterity here.

Tell me what is his name?


Lead 2 Dramatization "What is physical education".


What is physical education?

Training and play.

What is physical education?


Fiz, and -kul, and -tu, and -ra.


Hands up, hands down.


This is physical,


We twist our neck like a steering wheel


This is a culture


Jump high dexterously.


This is that-


Run half an hour in the morning.


This is RA!


Doing this business,

You will become dexterous, strong, courageous.

Plus - a good figure.

Here's what it means:


Physical training!


In our class, we can single out the guys who like to exercise, jump and run all day. These are Nastya Barabanshchikova, Artyom Echevsky, Vika Lazareva, Artyom Protsko, Julia Pshennikova, Dima Firsov. As a keepsake, we present them with medals of sports fans.

Presenter 1 The next lesson is a lesson in technology.

Apprentice 23

The boy went to school
I took paper and cardboard
He was going to tinker
Bunny, bear and bud.
Technology lesson
You can do a lot
One has only to want.

Apprentice 24

I'm in technology class

I waited for the call for almost an hour.

You will be understanding

Not all of us are masters of labor.


In our class, we can single out the guys who like to study ... ... These are Chursina Kristina, Merkulov Maxim, Volokitina Nastya. As a keepsake, we present them with the medals of the best amateurs….

Lead 2 Music lesson.

Apprentice 25

In music lessons

We were taught to sing together

Dance, play and listen

Don't look at your neighbor.

Various composers you have revealed to us a secret.

And without music, there is no great joy in life.

Apprentice 26

The music teacher entered the spacious classroom,

And with music we enter the class together,

And pure sounds are pouring with us,

And we sing better every year.

Leading 1 Song "Cool company"

Lead 2 Oriental dance performed by Polina Kiseleva.

Lead 1

Now is the time to talk about our parents. After all, all these years, every day, from lesson to lesson, from quarter to quarter, from trimester to trimester, your mothers and fathers studied again with you.

Lead 2

They, like you, and maybe even more than you, worried, experienced failures, rejoiced at your victories ... Together with you they are now here at the holiday, and we say great things to all of them ...

Everyone (in chorus): Thank you!

Apprentice 27

Today we say thank you

Of course, and to his parents.

Your care, understanding and patience

They always helped us, no doubt!

Apprentice 28

Here they are, those who sat with us at night over a book ...

Here they are, those who wrote essays for us ...

The best moms and dads in the world,

Thank you very much for your children.

Apprentice 29

We thank the parents.

They helped us.

And the requests are very different

They did it with pleasure.

Apprentice 30

They'll make a dance costume

Pancakes will be baked for us,

And if we ask you very much -

And they will come to speak.

Lead 1

Staging "It was in the evening ..."

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.

Jackdaw sat on the fence

The cat climbed into the attic.

Suddenly mom Olya just said:

And in our notebook 5, what about you?

And we have a threefold again, and what about you?

And our son wrote an essay yesterday.

I came up with the beginning, then dad wrote.

Well, ours plays chips.

And everything shouts: "U-E-FA!"

From such terrible screams

My head ached.

My son got into a fight yesterday

Yes, lying on the floor.

I washed my pants for two hours,

Yes, I sewed a shirt.

Ours does not like vermicelli - this time.

Making your bed is two.

And fourthly, I asked my son to wash the floor,

Answers: "I won't have time, I have to teach the rule."

I have to go, because my son needs to draw something there.

Well, my son told me to write a statement.

I solve problems 2,

Sew up the school uniform.

All (in chorus)

We really need moms!

Mothers are important to everyone!

Apprentice 31

I wish they were given their labor,

To relieve their nervous stress

Precious medals ...

Do we have medals?

Everything. There is!


Of course, for your parents, these medals are countless, since they were always with you in all sciences and at any moment they went to your aid. But let me hand over letters of thanks to my parents.

Leading together: Attention! Attention! A solemn moment is coming!Lead 2 Elementary school diplomas are awarded.

Lead 1 Today in our classwe say goodbye to elementary school and move to grade 5 middle school.

Lead 2 We open the door to a new world, where we will meet new teachers, new academic disciplines.

Leading 1 Now is the most solemn moment. All future fifth graders are asked to stand up. You must take the “Fifth Grader Oath”.

Oath of the 5th grade student

Lead 2

Joining the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of my parents-martyrs, in the face of teachers-workers, I solemnly swear:

Leading 1 Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not missing a single question, even the most difficult and tricky one.(Swear)

Host2 Do not bring teachers to a boiling point of -100 degrees.(Swear)

Leading 1 Be fast and impetuous, but not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving along the school corridors! (We swear)

Leading 2 Swim “good” and “excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the depths.(Swear)

Leading 1 Be worthy of your teachers!

We swear! We swear! We swear!

Teacher Dear parents, guests. So our holiday has come to an end.

I would like to wish the guys

Not so little, not so much

So that the sun shines, so that it is joyful

Walk along the ladder of Knowledge with friends.

So that grief - misfortune, bypassed you all,

So that it was fun to grow and dream!

Dear Parents!

I wish you one of a thousand stars - the brightest!

I wish you from a thousand tears - one - the sweetest!

I wish you from a thousand meetings - one - the happiest!

I wish you one joy, but the longest, longest!

And most importantly, health, happiness, love and well-being in your family.

The song "Goodbye, Primary School!"

The class is decorated with balloons, children's drawings. On the blackboard is a photo reportage "Kaleidoscope of School Life", certificates of honor received by the class in 4 years.

Event progress

Music sounds: "They teach at school." Children enter the classroom and stop.

1 student:

4 years flashed by

Like someone's huge wings.

Imperceptibly how we all managed

Grow up already.

We are no longer chicks that are barely

They only opened their eyes.

We stand on our feet

And a little bit we can fly into the sky.

2 student:

4 years is a period

This is our prelude to life.

This is an important milestone

And for everyone it is a step.

And now it's no coincidence

Sad notes sang in us:

We are a part of ourselves

In the first grades

Let's leave it forever.

Teacher: Dear guys, dear parents! Today we are all a little worried: today is our day of farewell to elementary school. For 4 years, together with you, we climbed the most difficult steps of the ladder of knowledge: we learned to read, write, count, be friends, learned to live according to school rules.

Everything from A to Z in our life happened during these 4 years. Therefore, our prom program is called "From A to Z". Take, for example, the letter A. Alphabet, Arithmetic, Algorithm, Atmosphere ... Tell your friends, what is the atmosphere in our class today? (Let's show it with a round of applause and kick off our evening with a sold-out Star Factory song.)

The music "Cool you hit" sounds, all the children sing 2 lines.

This is no coincidence

And there is no secret in this

One simple secret

We will shine a light tonight.

Foolish, yellow-mouthed

They brought us to grade 1,

Lessons did not break us

We are all smart now.


Our children have matured

Matured - do not know

I'm like a brood hen

I sincerely want to say:

“As a mother, I fell in love with you,

Spoiled sometimes

She taught eternal truths

I didn’t always understand ”.


Cool! We're going to 5th grade

Higher nose, wider step.

Everything will be just Atas.

A series of complex subjects

They stormed as best they could.

Who is joking and who is serious

He conquered the tests.

These years lived together

Every day we rushed to class.

We taught teachers

Well, they taught us.

We don't know for sure yet

What else awaits us at school:

Glitter of victories or grief

Grade 5 will bring us.

We finished the program

But let's not lose heart.

We passed the first exam

How many more to take.


Colorful and cheerful

Impervious to all years

This world is called a school

He is as old as we are.

Everything here is new, interesting,

Many discoveries await us

And he lives in it, to be honest,

Amazing people.

In this class we were taught

Without fear of obstacles, live

In a sea of ​​knowledge effortlessly

Find the island of friendship.

Childhood will wave its hand to us

And it will leave us for others.

We are with our primary school

We do not want to leave.

Children take seats in the auditorium.

Teacher: The letter A has an amazing word - arithmetic. We studied 2856 lessons together, learned dozens of rules, solved hundreds of problems and thousands of examples, a lot of scientific facts stuck in your heads, and some still do not fit there. You spent 1896 hours at your school desk. 322 years 7 months and 14 days is our total age. 43 meters 13 centimeters - this is our total height, and over 4 years of elementary school, everyone has grown by about 15 cm and gained 4 kg.

856 kg 300 g is our total weight.

1970 and more written notebooks and diaries, and not all of them were shown to parents.

Scene "Pharmacy"

Mother: Well, come on, sonny, diary, let's see what you have there.

A son: I can't show it to you today.

Mother: Why?

A son: The pharmacy was closed.

Mother: And what does the pharmacy have to do with it?

A son: How does it have to do with it? Katya said that today my diary can be shown to my parents only with the valerian. Mom: Valerian!

Teacher: On our holiday, valerian will not be needed, because the next letter in the alphabet is the letter B.

This is a balm for the soul, these are special words of gratitude to parents for raising their children. (Parents are awarded letters of thanks and certificates of honor.)

Student 1:

From all of us sad and funny,

Lucky, unlucky

Calm, very mischievous,

But we all know, dear ones,

Please accept our bow to earth.

Student 2:

Dads and mothers, addressing you,

We want to say thank you today.

We have saddened you so many times

But you have always forgiven us,

For the gray hair, forgive me for everything.

We love you deeply, deeply!

Parents' receipt

We, the undersigned parents of today's graduates of elementary school No. ..., issue a receipt that we really receive in 201 ... a year ago our children, who were sent to school in 201 ... for storage, education and training. There are no complaints about the school, but there are gratitude, and very big ones.

The parent committee for accepting children back notes only one circumstance: we deposited small-sized children, and we get back large-sized ones - it is more difficult to feed them, put on shoes, clothe them and give further education in the conditions of market relations. But, nevertheless, looking at the satisfied, beautiful and soulful faces of children, we hope that the knowledge gained in elementary school, our children will soon give for the good of society, and the society, you see, will give something to parents from these benefits. ... For this we thank and subscribe.

Mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents of graduates of the 4th "..." grade of elementary school 201 ....

Teacher: That's great, that's good! We all gathered here and are grateful to each other for this.

And here is the letter B (true, universal). Let's all, together with the Guitar we sing the song "The Bend of the Yellow Guitar".

One of the parents plays the guitar, and everyone sings.

Teacher: So amicably, all together we got to the letter D. These are dictations, diaries, fractions, divisions and the sweet word childhood, so hastily escaping from us somewhere.

The musical piece "Childhood" is performed by a student on a synthesizer.

Teacher: What letter did we stop at?

Everything: E!

Teacher: Yes, that is, everyone loves to eat, especially sweets. Yes? I can not hear!

Parents invite everyone to a sweet table.

Teacher: Speaking about the letter Ж, the first thing to remember is the word life, interesting, rich, extraordinary. Do you love life? How do you love her? So now from every table you will hear wishes starting with the letter J. Such that your life will become even better!

1st toast: Once upon a time there was a little bear cub Monya. When he was still very small, clumsy, he was often told that he could not do anything. And he believed in it. He, in fact, did not succeed. When Monya grew up, kind people said that he was very nice and he would succeed. Monya believed in this and began to work. Everything began to work out for him.

Believe in yourself and good people. Let such people meet you as often as possible.

As long as E and F fit in your stomachs, I want your head not to get bored either. So, letter 3. Let's check your knowledge, whether you know your school well enough. For each wrong answer, a fant is taken from the table.

What is the address of our school?

What year was it opened?

What is the phone number in the director's office?

How many entrances and exits are there in the school building?

Director's office number.

How many classrooms are there in the school?

Where can lessons take place in the school?

How old is the director?

How many steps does the main entrance have?

What is the name of the school chef?

Teacher: What letter did we stop at? Letter I. These are games, a foreign language, interesting stories, X's and many, many interesting things.

The game "Famous Person" is being played.

One person comes out from each table and the press conference of famous personalities is considered open. On the back of each of them a sign is attached, which they do not see. These are singers, writers, politicians, athletes, actors, literary heroes: Buratino, A.B. Pugacheva, Winnie the Pooh, V.V. Zhirinovsky, Harry Potter, Sergey Bezrukov, Raul, Dima Bilan, etc. All these heroes have amnesia, and instead of answering reporters' questions, they start asking them themselves. "Where I am?" "Who am I?". Reporters are “speechless” and can only answer “yes” or “no”. If the person could not determine who he is, let her contrive and get the plate from the back.

To the soundtrack of the singer in his costume, the student sings a song in a foreign language.

Teacher: Attention! A solemn moment is coming. Now you must give me and your parents the oath of a future fifth grader, and it will be read by children whose first and last names begin with the letter K.

5th grade vow

Joining the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyred parents, in the face of toiling teachers, I solemnly swear:

1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not missing a single question, even the most difficult and tricky one.

2. Do not bring teachers to the boiling point - 100 "C.

3. Be fast and impetuous, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving along school corridors!

4. To extract from teachers not good grades, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills.

5. Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the depths.

6. Be worthy of your teachers and parents. We swear, we swear, we swear!

Teacher: The next letter in the alphabet L. The most cherished word is love. Love for subjects, classmates, teachers. Our children have different favorite subjects. The song "My Bunny" is being performed.

You are my ball - I'm a pump,

You are my bar - I am a bar,

Pool you are mine - I am water

I can swim and not get drunk.

My lounge - I am the loop,

My barbell - I am a dumbbell.

Everything is good in this song

We are together forever

My physical education.


I sleep badly at night

Because I love sports,

Because I have loved him for a long, long time.

I haven't slept in the daytime

And I don't sleep at all

Because I love sports very, very much.

My note - I am your song.

Do, mi, fa, salt is better to sing together.

Flute, button accordion - I'm a balalaika,

Marches and dances come on play.

The star factory is not a threat to us

We all sing like ... Glucose.

Everything is good in this song

We are together forever

The music is mine.


I sleep badly at night

Because I love to sing

In the afternoon I sing all the songs

Sing along to the wolf at night

Because I love to sing very, very much.

Brush and gouache - I'm water

Ink, watercolor - everything will come in handy,

Portrait and landscape - I'm a sketch

You are still life - I am a drapery.

Graphics, charcoal - I'm paper

Studying in art requires courage.

Everything is good in this song

We are together forever

IZOSHKA is mine.


I sleep badly at night

Because I love to draw,

Because I love to draw very much.

The song "About Love" is performed for the teacher.

Why are we sad?

Another bell will sing

But we keep in memory

Our very first lesson.

Sitting at the desk for the first time,

We did not know troubles and torments.

All the good things in us

We took it from your hands.


And the love that is in the hearts

We will carry and strengthen over the years,

No matter how many years have passed.

The joy of meeting, the taste of victories

And you shared the successes with us,

Leaving a good trace in my memory

And love.

They told us: "Hold on!"

They helped with all my heart.

Our little life

With you it suddenly became big.

Will be remembered more than once

Your kind eyes.

It will be difficult for us without you,

And we keep love

All lessons learned with you

They will be remembered in many years.

We will leave, but you,

Pass our childish secret

And love.


And the love that is in the hearts

We will carry and strengthen over the years.

No matter how many years have passed.

We will leave, but you,

Meeting with other kids

Pass our childish secret

And love.

Teacher: The letter M stands for mathematics, music, musical parents who have prepared a few surprises for you.

Parental misery

So far, your whole life has been excellent,

And now where are we giving you?

With sadness we sing about that.

Everyone is hysterical,

The historical moment has now come:

You finally moved to the fifth grade -

We are very happy for you.

In front of us, all the guys are great.

Very adults, completely unusual.

You go to them with an open mind -

They will repay with great love.

Oh, you are our wretched little children,

The scores so far have been excellent.

And what will be next year?

You will be appreciated for your work.

Teacher: The letter H is a mood, nostalgia. And many dads today remembered themselves as junior schoolchildren.

To the music "Dance while you are young" daddy and his sons are dancing on chairs, head dance, leg dance, torso dance.

Teacher: The letter O is grades and of course mischief.

Mischievous contests:

1. Get to know your children by their knees.

2. Who will hold the pencil on the nose longer.

3. Which of the mothers will spin the hoop longer.

4. Which parent is the best jumping rope.

Teacher: P. What is your favorite word in elementary school?

Students: Turn!

Teacher: During breaks, we experience extraordinary transformations. Students:

Where Zhenya and Sasha were,

Ninja Turtles are galloping

Someone got out from behind the closet,

It turned out - Diman Willis.

I will boldly twist a light curl,

I'll be like Tanya Aguilera.

Step, stop, still stop.

Vlad the terminator marched deftly,

I catch a click on the top of the head with a diary,

I'm making a quantum leap right there.

Who rushed in the hallway like a rocker?

Now on assignment Kostya Walker.

The attendants came out, they look bravo.

What are the trainees in the vice police?

Where are the directors?

What are they waiting for?

After all, Hollywood will disappear without us!

Teacher: Parents are in no way inferior in talents to their children. The letter P is a parental surprise.

Parents impromptu show the fairy tale "Do not cut trees, do not chop" (based on the song of the group "Lube").

Don't chop wood, don't chop

main characters: Call, Curtain, Trees in the grove, The sun, Breeze, Lumberjacks, Leaves, Birds, Bear, Hair, Hands, Feet, Silence, Finale.

The bell rings for the start of the performance. The bell runs out and loudly shouts: "Dzin-Dzin-Dzin". The curtain opens.

The Curtain comes out in the middle, stretching out its arms in different directions, and depicts that it has been rolled into a roll.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful birch Grove.

Trees come out and stand up in a semicircle, like girls in Russian folk dances, resting their cheeks with their hand.

In the mornings, a smiling Sun looked into her.

The Sun appears, comes close to each Tree and looks into the eyes.

A friendly Breeze blew and tickled the trunks of the Trees with its breath.

Breeze runs out and blows powerfully on the Trees, and then he can try to tickle them slightly, if he does not get a branch on the nose.

But one day the Lumberjacks appeared in the grove.

The Lumberjacks arrive, making terrible faces.

Trees trembled with fear (trees begin to convulse), and all the Leaves flew from them.

Leaves suddenly appear on trees and then fall spectacularly to the floor.

The Lumberjacks began to saw and chop down Trees,

It is advisable to use only sham saws, without real tools.

And one was pulled out of the ground right by the roots.

Lumberjacks tear the Tree off the ground.

The forest dwellers were indignant.

The Birds flew in and began to wave their wings at the Lumberjacks.

The Bear came and began to growl at the Lumberjacks with a wild roar.

Horror at the Lumberjacks Hair stood on end ...

Hair appears above the head of the Lumberjacks and begins to bristle in all directions..

Hands trembled,

Hands come out, lean against the body of the Lumberjacks and begin to tremble.

And the Feet themselves carried them away.

Legs catch the players and carry them off the stage.

And the long-awaited Silence came to the forest.

Bouncer Silence comes out and induces silence.

The forest again began to live its usual life: the Trees rustled Leaves under the breeze of the Breeze, the Sun shone affably from behind the Trees, the Birds sang on the branches of the Trees, and the Bear climbed the Trees and collected honey from the hives.

A general dump, as all the characters try to settle around the Martyrs of the Trees.

The Finals man comes out and shakes everyone's hands: “Finals, very nice, Finals”.

The curtain is closing.

The curtain enters the stage and unfolds from a roll back to its full width.

Teacher: The letter C is the most serious page of today's meeting. Primary school graduation certificates and souvenirs are now being awarded.

And now - dancing!

Pop dances prepared by children and a disco 2-3 dances.

Teacher: The letter U is a teacher.

Well, why does it come out like that -

Have I not cherished for years?

The fourth goes to the fifth -

I come back to the first,

Again I'll start all over again

And I'm not afraid of repetition.

For the eighth time, like a second year.

I'm staying in first grade.

But everything is different, different,

Dozens of new faces and eyes

After all, I am a teacher - an eternal repeater

I'll go back to first grade.

The song "Teacher" is performed by a student.

Do you remember the yellow autumn

When we came to first grade

And the first bell, magic bell,

It rang for us for the first time,

For us it rang for the first time

Our mothers straightened the bows for us,

Tears dropping from my eyes.

And we dreamed of studying perfectly well,

Just to please you,

Just to please you.


Teacher, teacher, teacher!

At least another year, teach

We don't want to part

After this class.

Teacher, teacher, teacher!

Forgive us for pranks,

Please, forgive us,

Do you remember the yellow autumn

The kids came to the first grade.

Bouquets of flowers were given to you with a smile

From a pure and childlike soul

From a pure and childlike soul.

And the sun smiled at us

It warmed me with its warmth.

We set off on a difficult life path

Under your reliable wing,

Under your reliable wing.


Teacher: Letter F. At the beginning of the holiday, we collected forfeits, and now it's time to win them back.

Culling through the keyhole.

Depict a lunar rover.

Shout out through the window: “Hurray! We have a vacation "...

The tables give tasks to each other. If the capabilities of the class permit, you can arrange a festive fireworks display on the street.

Teacher: Our class is Artistic and this name was not given to us from the word “bad”.

To prove this, the children will give each other friendly cartoons by the end of the holiday.

The letter C in school is most often numbers, and personalities are hiding behind them. In our school ... fourth grade. And how are we different from them?


There is Vitalik in our class,

Dima is two, and Zhenya was three,

Lesha, Tanya, Masha, Dasha,

Vera, Jeanne and Natasha

We also have two Nastias

Let's not forget about Vlast,

Katya, Kostya and Christina,

Vlad, Nikita and Ilya -

A friendly family together.

Sasha two, one Alena,

The class is slightly smaller than a battalion.

You guys don't yawn.

How many of us are there in the class?

Count it!

Teacher: The letter H is honor, pure friendship.

Children perform a song to the music "Black Cat"

Our class lives in high school,

This class consists of all of us

And today we sing a song

Only about how we live together.


They say no luck

If a friend does not go next to you.

It will be the other way around

If you have a friend next to you, you will definitely be lucky.

We sit quietly in lessons

And in the dining room we eat together.

Change is like a fairy tale with us,

Make it come true at least once.


We know how to teach lessons,

We know how to be friends with each other.

If it is difficult for one of us,

Then friends will help us this hour.


A contest "Check your friendship" is held between pairs of friends th.

Friends need to explain words to each other without naming the phenomenon itself.

Sea, seagulls, waves, rolling, thirst, rain, puddle, ice, drought, etc.

Peel the orange, together, but use one hand of each, and then eat it as quickly as possible.

Teacher: The letter Ш is charades, jokes, school ditties.


We are funny guys

We will sing ditties to you,

Like in your favorite school

We live wonderfully.

Vasya was late for school,

But he won't say that he slept

Just now, as luck would have it,

It's dawn too late.

Our Sergey with great success

He performed in cross-country skiing,

I was skiing halfway,

I lay halfway in the snow.

We asked Ringtone:

- Where did you get the "two"?

Kolya answers gloomily:

- All "fives" are not enough!

Once the teacher Yulia

He explained that knowledge is light.

Julia went to bed in the light,

And I woke up - there was no knowledge.

Trained monkeys

Olya saw

And now she is boys

She trains at school.

Lena finished business

Today ahead of schedule:

One hundred braids braided

In just three lessons ...

Teacher: We also had a chance to meet with the letter E in 4 years - these are excursions, relay races, exams and performances on the stage.

A pop number is performed - a clip for any famous song.

Teacher: All 4 years Humor helped us. With him we learned the rules, participated in KVN, competitions and contests.

A competition is held among parents for the funniest story from the life of their children. The teacher reads excerpts from children's essays.

Teacher: The saddest moment of tonight is coming: we say goodbye to you. I want to keep all your clear eyes and bright statements as a keepsake. We'll tape them. This page is called "And finally, I'll tell you ..."

Children in front of the camera say whatever they want to say to friends, parents, teacher.

If someone finds it difficult, he is asked leading questions.

For example:

What do you remember the most in 4 years?

What was your favorite subject?

Did you want to study in another class?

What do you want to wish your friends?

At the end of the holiday, a farewell song to the tune "Moscow Windows" is performed

The sky is already darkening,

So the windows in the neighborhood lit up.

Evening, graduation evening

A sad holiday, and with longing (2 times)

We say goodbye to primary school.

Build, glue, think and dream.

Let's be honest, without concealing:

We are one family now, (2x)

And we can’t part.

We will dream of you at night

We wish you a lot of happiness.

We have known you for many years

You are not kinder in the world! (2 times)

You've Proven Learning Is Light


It's time to say goodbye to us.

"Goodbye!" - I tell you.

You will be back in September.

We will meet in the yard (2 times)

But you will not go to my lessons.

Teacher: So our holiday has come to an end. I would like to wish you all the best and success in your studies. Good luck! Until next time!

Music sounds. The students enter the hall.

Children sing a song to the melody "Little Country".

There are behind the houses, behind the forests

Little country.

There are people with kind eyes,

There, the life of love is full.

I really want to study there

Ten wonderful years.

The Firebird lives in the school palace

And gives light to knowledge.

Chorus: Small country, (2x)

Everyone will tell and show -

Here she is, here she is!

We often dream of this country

But the moment will come to leave.

Our graduate, it's time to say goodbye -

Your flight has begun.

The hour of parting is appointed

In your school country.

May has come, which means -

Sad for you and me!

Chorus: Small country, (2x)

Everyone will tell and show -

Here she is, here she is!

Small country, (2x)

Where the soul is light and clear,

Where it is always spring.

Lead 1 : Dear Guys! Dear parents and guests!
Now the day of your farewell to elementary school has come! Four years ago, you entered first grade. Here you and I climbed the difficult steps up the ladder of knowledge. You learned to read and count, learned to be friends, learned to live by strict school rules. Today we are both sad and happy. It's sad because in the fall you will go to a big school, you will have new teachers, and new students will come to us. It's joyful because you all have matured, become smarter and learned a lot. Today is your graduation party!

The hall is bright today with smiles!
How many moms, how many dads and sisters.
Even my brother, though very busy,
He came to us today for a holiday!

Today is a very special day
We gathered here, friends,
To say goodbye to elementary school
You and me will do this. (School bell rings)

Everything in life starts with a school bell ...
Desks sail away on a long journey.
There, ahead, there will be more abrupt starts
And more serious. Until then ...

Dictations and tasks, good luck, bad luck,
Adverbs, Verbs and Ancient Ages.
That word is not inclined, then the Volga will be lost,
It all starts with a school bell.

SONG on the motive "Cool you hit"(performed by all)

    Why is everything so beautiful

All the girls dressed up

And the boys match them.

This is not a ball or a party

Not a worldwide festival

Grade 4 finished school -

Give us a medal.

There are people around here

You want to laugh, you want to cry.

So the cake is on a platter,

Both sweets and rolls.

So solemn for the evening

I invited mom and dad.

Congratulations to everyone today

Because I got it.


Cool you got into the 5th grade.

You are a star, start

Let the people entertain.

Cool you got into the 5th grade.

You are a hero, begin.

Dance and sing, have fun.

    Flew by imperceptibly

These are glorious days.

Look how you matured

Your daughters and sons.

School is over

No worries and no problems.

Relax, have fun

We sincerely wish everyone.

We dream of summer at night

The camp and the river are dreaming.

It will be very soon

We know for sure.

And of course our teacher

I'm a little tired too

But he's happy for us today

Because I got hit.


What is school for you and me?
Probably a road without beginning or end.
And on the way we will meet seas and cities,
There are unknowns on the map, but this is only for now!

School is me and you.
Songs that have not yet been sung
School - endless dreams
From a thousand questions and answers.

And formulas and rules are coming to meet us.
In distant school wanderings, they are waiting for us somewhere.
And let the school road last for many years.
And on the way we will meet its distant light.

On a fine September day
And when February is sweeping, -
School, school, you look like
On a ship running into the distance.

Every year we come in together
To a new class, as to a new port,
And again dreams and songs
As always, we take on board.

Leading 2: I'd like to please all our guests today,
And we have prepared a lot of festive events for everyone.
Something will seem sad to you, something will make you laugh to tears,
After all, our concert is called: "Both in jest and in earnest."

A potpourri on a school theme.

On the first fine September day

I entered timidly under the bright arches,

First tutorial and first lesson

This is how the school years begin.

Different letters to write

With a thin feather in a notebook

They teach at school (3 times).

Do not offend kids

They teach at school (3 times).

Twice two four, twice two four

Everyone in the whole world knows this. (2 times)

Where does childhood go? Which cities?

And where can we find a means to get there again?

It will leave silently when the whole city is asleep

And he will not write letters, and is unlikely to call.

Part one is serious.

A cheerful bell sounds
We are leaving for the fifth grade.
Thank you initials,
We will not forget you!

To the fifth grade, to the fifth grade
School invites us.
Goodbye, dear class,
We say goodbye to you.

We say goodbye and dance
We don't cry, we sing
Because failures
We leave it overboard.

Chalk, board, pictures, cards
Together with us they will pass
The desks will be a little higher,
They will grow up with us.

We fell in love with each other
We have strong friendship!
Together with us is our friendship
Goes to the fifth grade.

SONG OF FRIENDSHIP (composer V. Shainsky)

A strong friendship will not break
Will not come apart from rains and blizzards.

A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much -

We will quarrel and make up
Do not spill water - everyone is joking around.
At noon or midnight, a friend will come to the rescue -
This is what a true faithful friend means!

A friend can always help me out
If something happens suddenly.

This is what a true faithful friend means!
Need to be someone in difficult times -
This is what a true faithful friend means!

(Children sit in their places)

Leading:The floor is given to parents.

In September, oh, they sent
We go to school for our children.
Who will pity them there?
Suddenly everyone will cry?
Oh how good they are
The guys are with us.
Nothing that made some noise
In the lesson last time.
Flew unnoticed
These are glorious days.
Look how you matured
Our daughters and sons.
And we have a concern again:
To transfer them to the fifth grade.
How will they study next?
We have to worry again.

Parents' wishes:

So the fourth grade is over.
You have matured for a whole year.
May the friendship that binds you
Will save you from any adversity.

Be kind, be humble
And help each other in everything.
Good journey through life, ... and we -
We are always waiting for you with victory!

Don't worry daddy, mommy

For deuces in our diaries,

We are the smartest and most stubborn

We are the most, the most class in school!

Exaggerated a little

We praise ours now,

but do not judge us harshly,

And wish: "Good hour!"

Leading : The floor is given to your teachers.

1st: I want to wish before a long journey
Not so little, not so much:
So that the sun shines, so that it is joyful
Walk along the ladder of Knowledge with friends.
So that grief-misfortune bypasses you all,
So that it was fun to grow and dream!

2nd: I wish you bloom, grow,
Save up, strengthen your health.
It is for a long journey
The main condition.
May every day and every hour
You will get something new,
May your mind be kind,
And the heart will be smart.

3rd: But somehow sad and sad,
That you are leaving us.
When your mothers brought you,
How small they were
What adults are now!
I know: in your new life
You will remember about the first class
And our sweet word
And sometimes a stern look.
And maybe in the autumn cold
Being proud of the new five
You will come running to us and soon
You will please us very much.

4th: Years will pass, you will become an adult
And you will often remember
How good and simple it was
We walk through the school together.
How did you get used to work
And he sang at a merry holiday.
Be happy my dear friend
Your next stage -
high school!

The teacher sings a song to the tune of the song "I can not do otherwise."

one . Oh, how nice it is for us, friends,
See in a huge hall
How are your daughters and sons
We were all gathered together.
We helped them gain I
Their first victory.
Sometimes it's hard to endure
School relay.

Chorus : If something happens, we will come,
Let's spread the pain with our hands
We will tell them everything, we will understand everything,
Our heart is not a stone.
And we don't hide secrets
We know that life is not a fairy tale.
And always works wonders
Our love and affection.

2. And if we had something,
It will sink in the Terek river,
Only all good things now
She kept our memory.
Let the years fly away
With my hot heart.
We will always love you,
We cannot, we, otherwise.

Leading : The floor is given to the students. (Five students enter the stage)

1st: You loved all of us equally
My love, sharing equally with everyone.
For the fact that you sculpted people out of us.
In chorus: Thank you teachers!

2nd: And it was not kinder and stricter than you,
When the world was opened to us from scratch.
For the fact that we are like you,
In chorus: Thank you teachers!

3rd: We all disturbed you a little,
Sometimes angry, sometimes merry.
For taking us on the road
In chorus: Thank you teachers!

4th: For the eternal multiplication table,
For giving us the Earth,
For the fact that we are all your continuation.
In chorus: Thank you teachers!

5th: Thank you for your love, work and knowledge,
For everything that you gave to the disciples.
May your cherished wishes come true!
In chorus: Teachers, thank you for everything!

Leading : The floor is given to parents .

Elementary school flew by

A string of sunny days

Are you on the high seas tonight

Letting go of our children.

Together with you they began

You often replaced us with them,

After school you played with them

And we went for a walk.

And today we are a little sad:

The parting has come ...

The big road is waiting for the kids

And it won't be easy for us without you,

Because in these three years

We all became a family

And now in your school worries

There will be someone else ...

We are very grateful to you for everything

And, saying goodbye, we want to wish

Be loved by teachers

And remember us more often!

The song "Moscow Windows".

The sky is already darkening,

So the windows in Terskaya all lit up.

Evening, graduation evening,

A sad holiday, and with longing

We say goodbye to primary school.

We learned to read together here,

Build, glue, think and dream.

Let's be honest, without melting,

We are one family now

And we can’t part.

We will dream of you at night

We wish you a lot of happiness.

We have known you for many years

You are not kinder in the world,

You have proven that learning is light.

It's time to say goodbye to us.

"Goodbye!" - we tell you.

We'll be back in September

Let's meet autumn in the yard

And we will go on the way on the school ship.

The first teachers perform a song to the melody "Weather in the House"

You came to us to study as kids,

During this time, how did you grow up.

You learned a lot from us,

We do not want to part with you.


We say goodbye to you!

The time has come to say goodbye.

We wish you happiness and health

And remember us from year to year.

We wish you happiness and health

And remember us from year to year.

2 buy.

What's the forecast?

What awaits you in 5th grade?

What kind of teachers will there be?

But we believe in you, you won't let you down,

After all, we wereted our nerves!

Etc. the same.

Leading: Part two, humorous!

Q1: Good afternoon, we are glad to welcome you to the NTV studio.

B2: In the initial television studio.

Q1: This year our channel ends its work. Today we go on air for the last time.

B2: We will try to do everything to make this day in your memory.

Q1: Today you will have an unforgettable meeting with your favorite artists.

B2: You will meet all those who have delighted you throughout the years of our channel's work.

Q1: Actually, you are greeted by ...

В2: 4th class MOU secondary school of the village of Terskoy.

Q1: Let's turn on our TV. You are ready? We turn on!

Leading. And now a news release.

Sounds music screensaver.

1 leading. An interesting discovery was made by the students of our class. They found that all good things begin with the letter "K". Cinema, candy, vacations, swing, strawberry, capital, treasure, kinder surprise. But the letter "D" is different in the opposite direction: a fight, a deuce, a diary, duty, homework.

2 leading. The parents of one student were extremely upset when they opened the diary of their son and found in it units in three different subjects. The ashamed boy promised to pull himself up and redouble his diligence and attention in the classroom. A week later, in his diary for the same subjects, there were two instead of ones.

1 leading. There are also innovators among children. One of the students wrote at quarter three
dictation. For the first he received "two", for the second - "two", for the third - "one". Without opposing the marks, he only insisted on a more rational use of the space in the diary. To do this, he asked to give him a total mark for a quarter, adding three marks together.

2 leading. Indeed, students often perceive grades differently than adults. Many students have their own suggestions for how to display them.

1 leading.Listen to one student.

If I were a minister
All primary and secondary schools,

I would go to schools very quickly

Canceled the stake mark.

At your disposal

I would ascribe the words

What else is destruction

To be rated "two".

And then, thinking the night,

From dawn to dawn

I would tell without delay

Abolish the grade "three".

So that learning is not a torment,

So that moms do not upset

To learn with pleasure

Four and five.

A song about a school.

Moose. A. Zatsepina, lyrics L. Derbeneva

Load more and more of us

For some reason, they have become.

Today is the fifth grade at school

Like an institute.

The teacher asks us

With "X" tasks.

PhD and that

Crying over the task.

Chorus: It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning

Oh oh oh!

And we have a trouble

Writing again

Leo Tolstoy in my age

Didn't write that.

I am nowhere,

I don't breathe ozone.

Doing work


Chorus: It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning

Oh oh oh!

Load more and more of us

For some reason, they have become.

Today is the fifth grade at school

Like an institute.

I go to bed at 12

There is no strength to undress.

I wish I could become an adult right away,

Take a break from childhood.

Chorus: It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning

Oh oh oh!

2 leading. We bring to your attention the scene "Where did it all go?"

On the teacher's desk - a notebook, textbook, pencil, ruler. On stage, the guys sit down at their desks. Everyone except Vitya takes textbooks, notebooks, pencil cases with a ruler, pen, pencil from their portfolios. Viti and Bykov have two identical portfolios. Viti's portfolio contains a children's pistol, a pie, a cube, a shoe, Oleg Bykov's diary. In Bykov's portfolio is the diary of Viti Smirnov.

Teacher: Hello guys! Sit down! Get your notebooks, textbooks. Good...
(Vitya holds out his hand.) What have you got there, Vitya?
Vitya (rummaging through the portfolio): Lydia Ivanovna, but my grandmother forgot to put my notebook! She is old ...
Teacher: It's time, Vitya, to take care of your grandmother, and not vice versa! Here's a notebook for you. And so that this no longer happened ... So, they opened the notebooks ... Ok ... (Vitya holds out his hand again.) What, Vitya?
Vitya: Lydia Ivanovna, my grandfather left my textbook at home ...
Teacher: What does grandfather have to do with it? You are already big yourself. How embarrassing! Here's a tutorial, but for the last time ... So, took the pencils ...
Vitya (rummaging through the portfolio): Lydia Ivanovna! Mom promised to put it down, but she probably forgot ...
Teacher: What is it? Because of you, there is no way we can start the lesson! Here's a pencil! Everything! We took the rulers ...
Vitya (rummaging through the portfolio): Lydia Ivanovna, my dad is responsible for the line ...
Teacher: Horror! Grandma, grandfather, mom, dad, where are you, Vitya, a student? Or do all the Smirnovs have bad memories?
Vitya: No, we all have a good memory ... And yesterday they were collecting my briefcase in front of me ... Where did it all go?
Teacher: So what, your briefcase is empty at all?
(Vitya is surprised to pull out a children's pistol, a pie, cubes, a shoe from his briefcase ... Classmates laugh, most of the Bulls).
Bykov: Like in the movies! Well, Smirnov! None of the adults are looking after me, and I have everything!
Teacher: Smirnov, do you even have a diary with you?
Vitya: I'll take a look. (He happily takes out the rumpled diary.) Here! (Carries the teacher.)
Teacher: Diary of a student of the 4th "b" grade ... Bykov Oleg ...
(Everyone is at a loss. Then a burst of laughter).
Teacher: Bykov, what is written on your diary?
(Bykov takes a diary from the same briefcase and reads it.)
Bykov: Diary of a student of the 4th "6" grade Victor Smirnov ...
Vitya: I took my briefcase in the corridor! Take your toys! Because of you, I got caught ... I, Lidia Ivanovna, said that I myself saw how my portfolio was collected in the evening! Eh, Bykov! And not ashamed?

1 leading. What is the favorite activity of all children at school? Change, of course!
Change! Change! Relax well:
You can run and make noise, dance and sing songs,
You can sit down and be silent, Only - mind you! - You can't get bored!


The guys sat on a log in a row
And the three of us talk quietly about school.
I like school, Natasha said.
All my life, guys, I dreamed about school.
I like the teacher, Petya said.
He is strict, I have never seen such a person.
And to me, after a little thought, Lena said,
I like the most CHANGE

2 leading. We bring to your attention a scene in the Ossetian language.

1 leading. Now listen to the Ossetian song _____________ performed by ___________________________.

2 girls (boys) come out.

1st boy: Over the four years of study, we have become so wiser that even Russian folk proverbs can ourselves adapt in a new way. Do not trust?

2nd boy: I do not believe.

1st boy: So check it out! Give me the beginning of a proverb, and I will finish it for you in a new way.

2nd boy: You can't spoil porridge with butter ...

1st boy:... said the quick-witted, putting an extra comma in the dictation just in case.

2nd boy: Who seeks will always find...

1st boy:... thought the quick-witted, looking during the test in the notebook to a neighbor.

2nd boy: Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth ...

1st boy: ... exclaimed the polite, knocking over a glass of tea from his friend at the break in the buffet.

2nd boy: A penny protects the ruble ...

1st boy: thought thrifty and decided not to donate money for gifts to girls by March 8.

2nd boy: You will know a lot - you will soon grow old ...

1st boy: ... decided calm when he got another deuce in the lesson.

2nd boy: Business time - fun hour ...

1st boy:... said the cheerful one, getting home from the lesson.

2nd boy: Time is money...

1st boy: Decided by the sensible, who went to football, instead of doing homework.

2nd boy: If you want to be healthy - temper ...

1st boy: ... exclaimed the caring one, pushing his friend into a puddle.

2nd boy: To walk in step - not to know fatigue ...

1st boy:... Declared a business, loading classmates during a camping trip with axes and a sack of potatoes.

Sounds screensaver of the TV magazine "Yeralash".

The action takes place at the school. Break.

Dina. Have you heard? The teacher put a blot in the magazine on the very front page. I saw it myself.

Natasha. That would be my unit!

Rita. That would be my unit!

Vitaly. Ouch! If only not on my C grade.

The bell rings, the students sit down. The lesson begins.

Teacher. Find the roots in the word "locomotive".

Vasya. It has no roots, but it is full of wheels. And there are two shift drivers.

Teacher. Alyosha, you tell Pavel. For hint "two" I give you.

Alyosha."Two?" But I also suggest to Kira. Maybe put "four"?

Teacher. Sasha, your essay on the dog is word for word similar to your brother's.

Sasha. So after all we have one dog for two.

Q1: Look at the announcement: “Lost diary. I ask you not to return the finder. "

B2: Do you know how to correct or mitigate the teacher's complaint in the diary? If, for example, an entry is made in the diary “Speaks in the classroom”, then it can be forwarded to “Well done! Doesn't speak in class. "

Q1: Not a bad idea. The entry “Doesn't do anything in the classroom” can be corrected to ...

B2:… “Well done! Nothing in the classroom does anything inappropriate! "

В1: "I ask the parents to come to school!" on the…

B2:… “Worker! I ask parents: the son should come to school with a new soccer ball "

В1: Yes, we loved to play pranks.

B2: For four years of study, so many things happened.(Scene "Problem in Mathematics".)

Q1: Yes, the day of farewell to elementary school is a special day.

Q 2: But, unfortunately, our channel ends its broadcast.

"Space" music sounds, Stargazer (parent) enters.

Astrologer . Listen, children, what the future holds for you. Astrological signs will tell
a lot of interesting things about your destiny. ( Looks through the spyglass.) Oh what I see! Grade 5
goes to high school. Here they are warmly welcomed by the director, head teacher and classroom
supervisor. The doors of 20 classrooms will open before the children. Here they will be
sit at computers, sewing and typewriters, stand by
woodworking machines, learn to drive, knit, sew and cook.
2020 ... Spring is coming ...
We will read your names in the newspapers ...
Cyril became a famous scientist.
Vanya served - and already a general!
Christina in Paris at the dance competition
Has struck all foreigners with grace.
Sergey became the owner of the car fleet,
But with gasoline, as before, park ...
Madina and Vika plunged into science,
For some reason they discovered the theory of sound,
After working on the theory of light,
And they became laureates for this.
Just think: our Sasha,
The one that was smarter and more beautiful than everyone,
Lives and works here, next door -
Chief physician of the children's polyclinic!
And Lera is coming to us on tour,
Plays only the first roles ...
Vadik, that is so quiet and gloomy,
Now a deputy of the State Duma!
And Sasha is a star in the chess world,
And there are only 64 cells ...
He will substitute a leg for the champion,
To be on the throne a little!
And Vitaly is the director of this school!
He is already the head of teachers' councils.
Lena works at the institute,
Knows all the school tricks:
She has students with her cribs
Eliminates quickly and deftly ...
It will only take a few years
How spring comes -
We will read your names in the newspapers.
Oh, my dear gentlemen! We live in hard times, but remember to always stay
people, remember that only good and justice will help you overcome evil and
injustice. Let this shower of stars illuminate your life with good luck, joy, health!

Leading: Part three, parting!

The last lesson is over today
The last bell rings in the corridor.
We are bags under the arm and we skip
And we walk together over the school threshold.

And there, beyond the threshold, rustling foliage,
Maples sway, poplars rustle ...
So all this, that summer has begun,
What forests and fields await us!

And wherever I am, wherever I go,
Whatever new friends I find
On the river and in the field - I remember about the school,
I remember that I went to the fifth grade!

Teacher: Today we have to initiate our students into high school students. Get ready for the oath!

(all the kids go out)

I, ... in front of our comrades, solemnly swear:

Be kind, honest, fair.

Remember your first teacher.

Love your homeland.

We swear! We swear! We swear!

(children are awarded diplomas and gifts)

Leading: The floor is given to the director of the school.

I want to do you the honor -

Announce school orders

By the power given to me by the people,

I declare to you that

What an elementary school course

You children are complete.

In middle school about toys

You have to forget.

There will be new items

I'll have to teach them.

You got older, smarter

And now must have

Hard work, patience,

To spare no effort in studying.

Be strong, healthy,

Try not to get sick

And then all the failures

You can overcome.

I give you an order:

Fourth grade students

Going to ... the fifth grade!

The choir sings a song to the tune of Vereshchagin's song from the film "White Sun of the Desert".

Your honor, dear director!
We want to confess to you the feelings of fireproof.

You will take us to the fifth grade with parting words.
You are not in a hurry to say goodbye to us early,
Help us to continue living in the fifth grade!
Lyudmila Nikolaevna! You are our hope!
You are so kind, who will support us?
We know it's difficult with us, but we promise
Make every effort - we will not disappoint!
We know: we are not angels, but we promise -
We will not disgrace you, we will not disappoint!

Classroom teacher

Each of you will have to walk along the sweet roads of good luck and luck, along the acidic soils of life's disappointments, along the bitter and salty paths of resentment and grief. Everything will be ahead. But let there be more sweet and happy minutes in your life.

Parting words from cl. supervisor to senior teachers.

First teacher: And now I would like to turn to high school teachers .

We taught them all four years.
Read, write, taught them to be friends.
And now we will have more worries -
It's time for them to go to the fifth grade.
Love them as we loved them all,
And we know that this idea is not new.
After all, it has always been like this in this world:
Love is responded to love.
Let them all be so different
And it's hard for them to sit still:
Funny, crazy, mischievous ...
And we believe that it will be so in the future.
After all, anything can happen in our life -
Do not rush to make your judgment.
Maybe they just miss our friendship,
Maybe you just need to love them.
We know we have a difficult job,
But try to understand everyone.
You will surround everyone with your care,
Then the children will trust you.

Leading: Part four, farewell!

The teacher. Guys! All these years and days from lesson to lesson, your
parents. They, too, and maybe more worried about you, worried about your
failure and rejoice at your victories. They are here now, on a holiday, and everyone
we say a huge "thank you" to them.

Song "Farewell to Primary School"

(to the tune of A. Pakhmutova's song "Goodbye, Moscow")

It's getting quieter in our school
Even the beating of hearts can be heard.
Goodbye elementary school
This school is a road of miracles.
We are sad, we roar, parting
Remembering happy days
How we came here as babies
And how we left you.

Friends are parting
Tenderness remains in the heart.
We will cherish friendship
Goodbye, see you soon!

In this class you dreamed with us
And led the way of knowledge,
Here we met our friends,
Here we made discoveries.
Do not be sad, our beloved teacher,
We will come running to you, and more than once,
Let others come to replace us,
We are the only one with you.

Friends are parting
Tenderness remains in the heart.
We will cherish friendship
goodbye, see you soon!

Leading: This concludes our concert. I ask all students to go through this gate that you entered elementary school four years ago. Bon voyage to grade 5!