The value and origin of the surname of thermal achibitions. The origin of Armenian surnames

The value and origin of the surname of thermal achibitions. The origin of Armenian surnames

Armenian surname phenomenon is relatively new. Officially, the names began to be recorded only in the 19th century, during the first censuses of the population, when there was a need for people registration. Later there were passports where the names were also indicated along with the names.
It can be said that before the 19th century, there were no names in our current understanding. Meanwhile, the word "Azganun" (surname) itself means "name" ("AZG" - Rod, "Anun" - name). Mostly the names of Armenians originate on behalf of the authoritative generic ancestor, to whose behalf of suffixes expressing affiliation. In ancient, it was mostly the suffix "EANT", which was then transformed into "UC", and in modern Armenian - in the phonetic form of "Yang", and then only "Yang" remained. For example, if someone said that he was from the genus Aram, in order to show affiliation to this race, Aramarans or Aranz said. In Armenian villages, this phenomenon is to this day, that is, to the question "Whose will you?" The answer is - Daviden or Ashotenz.
When in the 19th century began to record surnames, the end of "C" began to be automatically discarded. Meanwhile, some Armenians, the ancestors of which have long left Armenia and moved to Russia (where the names appeared earlier than in Armenia) the surnames retained the end of the "Yanz".
Until now, in the south of Armenia, in the area of \u200b\u200bZangezur, a large number of surnames are preserved in the "UC", "OC", "ONTS", for example, Adonz, Bakuntz, Calwarenz. According to scientists, these are dialectful forms of education that are preserved in the area.
In addition to the most common form of education, the names of the names, part of Armenian surnames comes from the names of those or other professions. The craft, as a rule, moved from generation to generation, and the name of the crafts turned to the name of the genus or family. It also happened that someone from the kind or several representatives were so famous for their skill, which became famous jewelers, bricklayers or bakeries and their descendants were unarked by the same names of Rosechyan ("Roshlerich" - Jeweler), Kartashyan ("Kartash" - Camer) , Ekkyyan ("EKOK" - doctor), Zhaumagantyan ("Zhamagorts" - a chapter), etc.
It is worth mentioning the origin of West Armenian surnames. Centuries Eastern and Western parts of Armenia developed separately from each other and were part of various empires. Eastern Armenia was under the rule of Persia, and then Russia, and the Western - Ottoman Turkey. Separate existence of two parts of the Armenian people affected the names. So, in many West Armenian surnames, many of which today are representing the Armenian diaspora today, the end of "EAN" was not replaced by "Yang", but on - "Ian". In addition, very often in such a type of surnames, which indicate the craft, there are Turkic roots and such roots many in Armenian surnames. This is due to the fact that Armenians in the Ottoman Empire very thoroughly held a niche of artisans. Therefore, the names of many Armenians, the ancestors of which come from Western Armenia, mean the name of the crafts, and in Turkish.
For example, the surname of the former Armenian communist leader, and then the speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Karen Demirchyan, comes from the Turkish word "Demirchi", that is, the blacksmith. Most likely, the ancestors of the former Armenian leader took place from Western Armenia, which is part of the Ottoman Turkey, and were blacksmiths.
According to the corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Etnographer Levon Abrahamyan, the presence of the letter "h" in Armenian surnames, and such a lot, as a rule, points to the craft, because in Turkish it is the end of the "Chi" is an indicator of the craft. For example, Bardakchyan's surname occurred from "Bardakchi", that is, potter.
One of the quarters of Yerevan, in which the Muslim population lived in a significant number at the beginning of a century, so far is called silica, translated from Turkish "silica" means a dye. In this area of \u200b\u200bthe Armenian capital once lived dyeers.
Some surnames also formed from nickname. For example, the name of Svadan originated from the word "Shat". Apparently the ancestors of the current Svaddanov received their nickname, because they had many children.
But, if there were no names for the villagers and artisans up to the 19th century, for it was assumed that the common people were not needed by the surname, it was otherwise the situation with noble childbirth. In contrast to the versators, the names of noble childbirth were sealed to deep antiquity. But the form of education was the same, that is, it was identified to those or another kind, and in the case of king to one or another dynasty.
Already in antiquity and in the Middle Ages, noble names were necessarily named afternarms - Mamikonan, usually representatives of this kind were military orders, Horchoruni - King's bodyguards, Gnuni were royal winnuricles, etc.
Belonging to the noblence was denoted by the suffix "Uni". Thus, the surnames with the suffix "Uni" in antiquity and in the Middle Ages were inherent in noble childbirth - Amatuni, Bagratuni, Rstuni, Arzruni, Hororuni, etc.
A number of scientists believe that the names of this type occur from the URART language, in which the belonging was denoted by the end of the "Uni". Meanwhile, the people have their own, far from scientific, but a peculiar interpretation of the origin of the names of Armenian nobility. According to folk etymology, the end of "Uni" comes from the word "Unlen" - to have, in this case, have a wealth. According to Levon Abrahamyan, this is an incorrect interpretation, since the security is in no way expressed in the names or surnames: "It is not typical for education names."
Some of the Armenian surnames were formed from the locality name, often such names were ancient or medieval Armenian scientists and writers. For example, Anania Shiracatsi Armenian geographer, mathematician and astronomer, who lived in the VII century, Grigor Tatevatsi - a philosopher and theologians, who lived in the XIV century. The surnames also wore other Armenian scientists, such as the creator of the Armenian alphabet and writing - Mesrop Mashotots, who lived in the V century.
In some Armenian surnames still preserved the prefixes "Melik", indicating the noble origin and "ter", which was used by spiritual persons and makes sense "father", "Vladyka", "Batyushka". Now many of them are those whose grandfathers fearing the wrath of Soviet power, got rid of the prefix "Melik" and "ter", re-return their original names. Some Armenians were assigned to children names by the name of the grandfather, but later, this tradition disappeared due to problems associated with paper fiber. There is another tradition that remains unchanged: the overwhelming majority of Armenians, coming married, in a sign of respect for their parents continues to wear devili family names.

This question is quite interesting. The fact is that many Armenian noble and princely gods used the prefixes "Ter-" (not proven, but in the Union of Armenian nobles, it seems to be lit, descendants of old sacred childbirth). In general, the priests belonged to a separate class at the same time the highest clergy was purely from noble prince, and the lower equal to the nobility - Aznavakanam. Also, there is a prince's prefix "Melik-" could wear it, only the princes, if they do not have this title, rather nobles. In general, all the Meliki was one way or another were princes, maybe small but princes. The end of "... Yantz" was given, only the descendants know, so also, most likely a nobility or principality.
True, it was often found that "Meliki-" could retire from the noble estate in merchant, such as - Melik-Murodian and Melik-Hakobyan. Although their roots are still princely and they are descendants of the princes from Karabakh.

With the prefix "Ter-" is also not everything clear, although it is known that it is very ancient and used in Armenians as an appeal to the clergyman (father), and in Kilician, as an appeal to the nobles (Mr.), but contemporary became the prefix in the names of hereditary priests But since the ancient prefix and was given somewhere before the beginning of the XIX century, just in the same century, representatives with this prefix took a prominent place in service and had long been almost equal to the nobility as clergy. Some of the prominent representatives - "Princes" Ter-Khachatryani (in the male line of the genus Ugas, the descendants live in the kingdom of the Netherlands, although the genus is not nexicious, maybe the noble), Ter-Asaturov (Terguakasy), Ter-Ghukasyans -Sukiasyany (Sukiaasyanitsa, Sukians, Sukiassyans), Terra Yasayantsy (Jasiantz, Iskayanz, ISAYANTS), Many of them besides the recognition of the status of Arzavuram-Aznvakanam (Georgian "Aznoruri"), heard the nobility of the Russian Empire in the military and civil service. As a rule, the local one to know on some particular territory - Laurie, Kars, Tiflis, Erivanian, Elizavypol province. There are exceptions to the prince's genus Ter-ovakasians, the descendants of the Archpriolence of KN.Aarsen Bagratuni (Ter-Ovakamyan). But one can also be the same name.

It is also the case with the end of the "... Yant", without exception treated the highest estates in pre-revolutionary Armenia. Also, with the end of the "... Uni", without exception, the ancient princely (royal) Roda-Baghagratuni, Rstuni, Arshakuni, Arzruni, Arartuni (Rod Preskyy), Aikazuni (Rod Ugas in 331 BC).

But this is not all, among ordinary Armenian surnames there are noble, such as for example, Mirzabekyan (Mirzabekov), the surname translates Mirza - Prince, Beck - Jr. Prince (title was given to the younger prince's sons in the family) from which it follows that in The family was the junior princely son, which became the founder of the genus. But with these surnames you need to be careful during the rule of Persians, the Islamized names were common among Armenians: Mirzabek, Amirkhan, Mirzhank (so besides princes, can be the descendants of the peasants).
Someone well-known those who were in the Russian service - Princes of Argutinsky-Dolgorukov (Argutian, Argutyanters and possibly Aratunyani, after the revolution), Princes of Arapetyov (Ayrapetyany), Princes Madatov (Madatians), Akhverda (Ahverdian, presumably from the head of the heads, the descendants of the Lori Prince Melik-Dai), etc. Very much among the Russian and Georgian nobility; Bugged birth - nobles of Ivanov (descendants of the ovansian brothers, diplomats under Peter I), Lazarev (Lazarlas), Serebryakov (the descendants of the admiral of the Kazara Markosovich (Lazar Markovich) of the Artsatoguben (translated from Armenian-silver business)), etc. etc.
There are childbirth unrecognized in the nobility, as they received from foreign ruler - Minasyan (descendants of Mirza Minasyan), the surname is common, there may be descendants, both no nobility and peasants with this surname. I would especially like to highlight the genus of the descendants of the famous Mameluk and Adjutant Napoleon I Bonaparta - Janis Petroza (Ovasan Petrosyan), Rhodes from Karabakh received a nailence from Napoleon, but later the title was lost, his straight descendants live in the city of Shushi under the name of Petrosyan or Jionesyan (ovineyan ???).
So the only thing that can help is the prefix and ending - "Melik-", "Ter-", "... Yant" and "... Uni". With the names without these consoles, the situation is more complicated and remains only to believe in the genealogical tree, documents or in extreme cases of family legends. Not to mention the descendants of the women's lines ...

Article KNS.Sergei Zagat-Dadian.

I) Achverdian (Akhverdian) - Armenian antique and notable nobility of the Tiflis province on some information, originates from Lori Prince Melik-Dai XVI century. Entered the Russian service to the reign of Empress Anna John, in 1739. The first of Achverdovy in Russia was Isaiah Vasilyevich, who served to the rank of captain and dismissed in 1753 to resign by Major. The eldest of two sons of him, Nikolai Isaevich Akhverdov, a famous statesman.
Rod has several branches:
1) the famous branch of Achverdovy in the Russian service, the descendants of Isai Vasilyevich.
From family archives * about this branch says so - "Ahverdovy - the Russian noble race, originating from Armenia, who arrived in Moscow OK.1739 adopted citizenship. Rod has been submitted to the pedigree Book of Moscow and Voronezh province.

Akhverdov Fedor Isaevich (1774-1820). The general commanded the artillery of the Caucasian corps. Wife of Praskovya Nikolaevna Arsenyev. Daughter: Nina (1805-1828), husband from 1824 Golitsyn Andrei Borisovich (1791-1861); Sophia (1810-1830) Male General from Infanteria Nikolai Nikolaevich Muravyev-Karasky.
Akhverdova Nina Fedorovna (1805-1828), Kursk. Husband from 1824 Golitsyn Andrei Borisovich (1791-1861). ", Through the KN.Golitsyna consists of related to Davydov and through them with me.
Among the descendants, ISAI Vasilyevich, the Military Minister of Armenia Achverdov (Akhverdyan) Ivan Vasilyevich (1873-1931) stands out.
Armenian-Gregorian religion. From the nobles. Education received in the 1st Cadet Corps. The service joined 09/01/1890. He graduated from the 1st Military Pavlovsk School (1892). Released in the 147th pekh. Samara regiment. Podororuk (Art. 04.08.1892). Lieutenant (Art. 05.08.1895). Stack captain (Art. 05/05/1900). He graduated from the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff (1902; in the 1st category). The camp fee was departed in St. Petersburg. The casual command of the Rota was serving 147th pekh. Samara Regiment (10/17/1902-17.02.1904). Member of the Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905. Ober officer for special instructions at the headquarters of the 1st Siberian Arm. Cases (02/17/1904-27.06.1906). He took part in all battles of the corps. Lieutenant Colonel (Art. 04.04.1906). Headquarters for instructions at the headquarters of the troops of the Semirechensk region. (06/27/1906-09.10.1909). The valuable command of the battalion was serving in 85th. Vyborg regiment (01.06.-27.09.1909). Art. Adjatant headquarters of Turkestan in (09.10.1909-23.07.1913). Colonel (Art. 04/18/1910). Head of the headquarters of the 1st Turkestan Kaz. divisions (from 07/23/1913). Member of World War. Commander of the 3rd Finnish page (from 05/01/1915). He was awarded the Order of St. George 4th Art. (VP 03.02.1916) and St. George weapon (VP 02.03.1916). Produced in Chin Major (between 01.01. And 03/01/1916; Art. 22.10.1915). Head of the headquarters of the 2nd Caucasian KAV. Cases (07/26/1916-20.02.1917). In 20.02-24.06.1917, he served the headquarters of the 7th cave. arm. Cases (renamed from the 2nd Kavk. Kav. Cases). In 24.06-10.10.1917, he commanded the 5th Finl. p. Division. From 10.10.1917 commanded the 3rd Finl. p. Division. Military Minister of Armenia (04.1918-03.1919). Then the head of the Armenian Army headquarters. Assistant Military Minister (05.1920-11.1921). Lieutenant Generator Armenian Army (1919). The emigrant returned to the USSR (by other data taken captive). Served in the Red Army. Then Armenorga's account in Leningrad. Arrested in the Leningrad case (1930). In 1931 convicted.

Awards: Orders of St. Anna 4th Art. (1905); St. Stanislav 3rd Art. with swords and bow (1905); St. Anna 3th Art. with swords and bow (1905); St. Vladimir 4th Art. with swords and bow (1906); St. Stanislav 2nd Art. with swords (1906); St. Anna 2nd Art. with swords (1906).

2) Karabakh family of Becks Ahverdovy (Rather Masulman religion) of them are known to Akhverdov Abdul-Rakhim-Beck, Turkic writer and playwright.
Abdurragim Beck Akhverdov. Rod. In 1870 - in Shushe, where he received secondary education. At one time was a member of the State Duma from Handjunskaya (formerly. Elizavetpolskaya) lips., Old teacher, theatrical figure. Ahverdov in the Turkic literature came as an ideologist of liberal bourgeoisie. In his drama, the "scattered union" gives a successful picture of the decomposition of the Russian nobility. In a number of stories, he shows the life of the old time, the types of "former people". In one of his last works, "Marallary", published by Azerbaijani Giza (Baku, 1927), he draws his material from Soviet reality. Yaz. Beck Akhverdova is characterized by simplicity and clarity. In his direction, he belongs to the group of Turkic writers who united around Molla Nasreddin.

* A document on the Russian branch of the kind of Achverdovy, was taken from the family archive of the kind of princes of Golitsynye in close relationship with my great-grandmother the hope of Vasilyevaya Davydova through her mother KN.Maria Andreevna Golitsyn.

Some given on the origin of the graph M.T. Loris Melikova.

A lot of time ago, in the Georgian kingdom, the locality of Laurie, now the component of the Burchalin district, the Tiflis lips., Played a rather outstanding role in the region. This corner was overwhelmed by nobles, among which were the Armenians of Calantarov, who worn their last name from their grandfather of them, who was once a local "calentar", which in Persian means the ruler. One of these calentarists, by the name, who enjoyed in society with great honor, was awarded the highest title "Melika" by Armenians. Subsequently, the descendants gave separated from the rest of the calentar and became known as Melikov. To distingvia from other nobles - Melikov, who lived in different localities and subordinate to the provincial Khanam, they added the word "Laura" to the new name, i.e. Loria, and in this way the last name Loris-Melikov was formed. During one raider of Persian on Laurie, Calantarov and Laura Melikov were forced to leave their homeland and to flee into the current Batumi region with all their good. Here they settled in the village of Artvin, but not long; Frequent raids of Persian and Lezgin forced them to throw this village and spare at different places. Descendants giving, Laura-Melikov, for a while they hid in a huge cave located in the neighboring area, and then moved to Tiflis.

After some time, the rest of the relatives - calentar followed the example of them. According to the Russian rule in the region of Calantarov, they returned to Artvin and resumed their dwellings and farms, and Laura Melikov remained in Tiflis. Upon arrival, descendants giving in Tiflis, they were all approved by the Georgian king in the noble rank with the name of the name "Loris-Melikov". The "IP" particle on the Georgian ending the parental case, so Loris Melikov means Loria Melikov, and in Armenian Laura Melikov. Currently, the place of Artvin, inhabited exclusively by the Armenians, as reported by the "Armenian" correspondent, is divided into two quarters, from which one is called "Calantarovsky", and the other - Daianz and belong to Calantar and Loris Melikov. Many of the locals and now do not know about the existence of the Loris-Melikov family and call members of this surname simply by Dialyans, named by name. In addition to Arvina, the Count Loris-Melikova belongs to the intentions and villages of Akora and a part of the three villages: Chanakhi, Rornak and Checchiki. All these estates went by inheritance and in the bold. Two years ago, the Armenian Church was built in chakery to the county count. The population of these villages has always enjoyed the love of the late graph, who took the economical welfare of countrymen.

Ii) Serebryakov (Artsatagodzyanya)- The old nobility genus in the same version of the ancestor of their Turkish Armenian Armenian Artsatagorkyan, the Silver Affairs Master of the Turkish Sultan moved in the XVIII century in Crimea and the nobility received. On another, more, plausible descendant of the princes of Arzruni. His great-class Russian Admiral and Hero of the Crimean War 1853-1856 Kazar Marcosovich Arzatagorin accepted the name and surname of Lazari Markovich Serebryakov (1775-1862). His descendants began to be written by silver. The genus of Serebryakov was entered into the pedigree book of St. Petersburg province, lived in the Crimea, where they had land, as well as in the current city of Pushkino near Petersburg.

My grandfather of my grandfather Alexandra was Serebryakov Mikhail, who erected his origin just from Admiral Lazarus Markovich Serebryakov, the same continued the case of his grandfathed and was a sea military officer.

Iii) Zolotareva (golden) - The noble genus on family legends, occur from the Turkish warlord Zolotakan Beei according to some information originating from the genus of the Lori Princes of Argutian (Argutin-Dolgoruki). In the XVII - XVIII century, his descendants left for Russia, presumably with Archbishop KN.OVSEP, Argutian (Joseph Argutinsky-Dolgoruky). They lived and had land in the Kursk province and the area of \u200b\u200bthe Troops of the Troops. At the moment, the descendants of this kind of golden (Zolotokyanov), only on the female line.

My grandmother from the father of Tatyana Danilovna Zolotareva, she was born as far as I know, in Nizhny Novgorod. Her father Danil (Daniel?) Zolotarev, erected his genus to Golden-Bey, the Turkish warlord (XVII century), he or his descendants were one of those who arrived in Novo Nakhichevan, from the words of Genealogue K. Serbrenitsky, could occur and be vassals of the genus KN. Argutian. Her ancestors were officers, like father. Also, her ancestor had a small land of 36 tents of the Earth (a small nobleman). Danil himself was an officer in the rank of ensign (centurion). He served in the Caucasus, was married to the Armenian Princess. Presumably from the genus of Argutin-Dolgoruky.

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Hello dear.
Slowly we will turn our topic :-) Last time I stopped here here:
And today we will talk about the east. A little far and near :-))
Let's start with Armenian consoles. The most famous 3.
Ter or Turn - [տեր], in the Old Armenian original TEARN (տեարն), "Vladyka", "Mr.", "Host". This prefix was put in front of the surname, when the owner of this name was the son or a descendant of the priest. For example: Ter-Petrosyan (տեր-պետրոսյան).
Melik - Prefix in front of princely surnames. Melik-Agramyan
Nor-[ո ր], the unpropered form of the prefix in Armenian surnames.

Levon Ter-Petrosyan

In Azerbaijan, and many more peoples (Turkmen) have two familial features "-EGLU" and "-Giz". Accordingly, the "Son" and "Daughter". This is instead of patronymic.
In general, in many Eastern peoples, the name of the person is written by the name-name-name Father-oglu. Oglu is a boy, son. For example, Aliyev Ahmed Oktay oglu- This means Aliyev Ahmed Son Oktai, in Russian Aliyev Ahmed Oktayevich. And the women are added by the Gyza - what the girl means.
The Turkmen is sometimes written "-Kyza", and sometimes "-Giz".

Paul Bul Bul-oglu
Where less often are used, but there are options "Gil" and "Soy", which means "from the kind", "Rod", "representative of the kind" or "Lar" - from the kind.

Sometimes there is a "-pash" or "Bay" at the end of the last name, and sometimes at the beginning Pasha is a shortened form of the title "Padishah", used by Ottoman Sultans. They are called, as a rule, governors or generals. As an honorary title "Pasha" is approximately equal to "Sir" or "Mr.". Only Ottoman Sultan and Hediv Egypt could complain to Pasha title.

Allahshukür Pashazade

Initially, the title was used exclusively for military leaders, but later devalued and could be applied in relation to any high-ranking official or generally the face of an unnecessary, awarded such honor. Above Pasha were Hediva and Vizier, below - Bai. Well, then the title was just part of the last name.

Sabir Huseyn-Zade

Persian-speaking and their relatives also often use such consoles at the end of the last name, "-Zul" and "-Far"
Zade is a son. A "-Zul" and "Headlights" is "".
Well, finally remember Tuva. There is an oole prefix, which also means "Son"

Sholban Kara Ool

To be continued...

So, my first post, which is not a copy-pasted made of magazine. And precisely thanks to which my bluer appeared (what is written in the first post blog).

It all started with the fact that one day my girlfriend Zoana, like I am fond of fanfucked, asked me: What do the consoles mean to surnames in some characters in a particular work? I was also interested in the question, but at first I didn't want too much. However, literally every other day I wondered - why do some characters have more than one or two names? The response to the friend did not give the results, and I decided to relate to the Internet, and praise by these two questions, after writing to her and for others, the results of the research "Research".

Also, for fairness, I will indicate that a considerable part of the information presented here, I am learned from the Internet, and together with my own reflections, a kind of mini-abstract was obtained.

Number of names

I decided to start a question from "my" - why some characters have one or two names, and some three, four or more (the longest thing I came across in history about two Chinese boys, where the poor called just Chon, and the name of the rich Five probably).

I turned to Mr. Google, and he told me that the tradition of several names today takes place, mainly in English-speaking and Catholic countries.

The most visible is the "naming" system in the UK, presented in many books. According to her, according to statistics, all English children traditionally receive two names at birth - personal (First Name) or second name (Second Name). Currently, the average name plays the role of an additional distinctive feature, especially for persons who wear widespread names and surnames.

Custom to give the child the average name, as I found out everything in the same place, goes back to the tradition to assign a few personal names to the newborn. It is known that, historically, the name of the person was of particular importance, as a rule, testifying to the life of the child, as well as communicated with the name of God (or another sense of a patron), for the patronage and the protection of which parents were counted ...

Distracting - At this moment, I did some stuffing and the little was the thought of the thought that if someone could not find the meaning of my life, then maybe you need to study your name in more detail and act on the basis of it? Or (if seriously), on the contrary, you can give your next character a name that will be clearly or hidden to testify to its destination (which, by the way, have been done by some well-known authors, giving the heroes of their work speaking names and / or surnames).

In addition, as I read when I interrupted reflections, the significance in society could depend on behalf. So, often, if the idea of \u200b\u200bpatronage was not contained in the name, the carrier was considered doubtful on the genealogion or insignificant and did not use respect.

Several names, as a rule, was given an important person recognized to fulfill several glorious cases - as much as he had names. For example, several names could be an emperor, king, prince and other representatives of the nobility. Depending on the audience and number of titles, the complete form of the name could be a long chain of names and alleged epithets. The monarch of the Main Primary name was the so-called "Throne Name", which officially replaced the name received by the heir to the throne at birth or baptism. In addition, a similar tradition is observed in the Roman Catholic Church, when the elected dad chooses a name to him, under which he will be known from this moment.

Of course, the church name and naming system is much wider, and it can be considered much more detailed (which only the system "worldly name is the church name") is, but I'm not strong in this and I will not go deep into it.

It should also be noted that the church is traditionally the keeper of such customs. For example, a custom partially preserved in the already mentioned Catholic Church, when a person often happens three names: from birth, from baptism in childhood and from the world-building to enter the world with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

By the way, at the same stage there was no time and an additional - "registered" - social bundle. The problem was that, historically, for each unnecessary name at one time it was necessary to pay churches.

However, the poor people were sharpened, and this "restriction" went away - in part, therefore, there is a French name that unites the patronage of all Saints - Tusten.

I, of course, for the sake of justice, would remember the saying "at seven nannies child without an eye" ... I don't decide, of course, although I could have a good story about the fate of the character with the same name, the patrons of which could not agree on joint patronage. Or maybe even there is - I did not read the works in my life so much.

Continuing the same story, it is worth noting that the average names may also denote the generation of the activity or the fate of a man wearing them.

As medium names, both personal names and geographical names, nominal names, etc. can be used. The average name may be meaningful "Rodov" - when the child is called the name that did not have the next relatives, but which from time to time appears in Sign, foreshadowing a man of one or another role. The name may be "family": when children call "in honor of" someone from relatives. Any direct name association with its already known carrier certainly connects to the named after, in honor of whom it, or her, called. Although coincidences and similarity here, of course, are unpredictable. And, often, the more tragic in the end is perceived incompleteness. In addition, the names of people are often used as middle names, in honor of which they are assigned.

There is no law limiting the number of medium names (or at least I did not find this), but more than four additional medium names are usually not assigned. However, traditions and rules are often designed to violate them. In the fictional worlds "legislator" is generally the author, and everything written lies on his conscience.

As an example of several names from the real world, a fairly famous professor of John Ronalda Ruel Tolkina can be remembered.

Another indicative - but already fictional - an example is Albus Percival Wolfric Braij Dumbledore (Joan Rowling - Harry Potter series).

In addition, I recently recognized such an interesting fact that in which countries "sexuality" of the average name does not matter. That is, a female name can be used as the middle name of the man (male character). It happens, as I mean, all of the same fact of imputations in honor of the highest patron (patronage in this case). I somehow did not meet feedback (or I do not remember), but according to the logic of a woman with medium "male" names can also be.

As an example, I remembered only Ostap-Suleiman --Bert Maria-Bender-Bay (Ostap Bender, Yeah)

Personally, I will add the fact that nothing, in principle, does not interfere with the author of a specific work, come up with and justify your naming system.

For example: "In the world, randomies, especially sacred is the number of four and, so that the child was happy and lucky, the parents try to give him four names: the first is personal, the second - on his father or grandfather, the third - in honor of the Saint patron and the fourth - in honor of one of Great Warriors (for boys) or diplomats (for girls) of the state. "

The example is invented absolutely going away, and your fictional tradition can be much more thoughtful and interesting.

I'll go to the second question.

Family consoles

The question that my girlfriend Zoana puzzled me, and which I once wondered himself, although it was lazy to find out what the matter is here.

To start the definition " Family consoles - In some world registered formulas, constituting and integral part of the name.

Sometimes indicate an aristocratic origin, but not always. They are usually written separately from the main family word, but sometimes they can merge with it. "

At the same time, as I found out for myself from the read, the family consoles differ from the country to country and may have different meanings.

Also, I note that there were much more copy-paste and excerpts in this part of the article, since this question has a much closer connection with history and languages, and my non-core to the topic of education is unlikely enough to recover in a more free style.


Fitz - "Son someone", Distorted FR. FILS. dE. (for example: Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick) .


Ter - Ter [տեր], in the ancient Armenian original Tearn (Arm. տեարն), "Vladyka", "Mr.", "Host". For example: Ter-Petrosyan.

This prefix may have two similar, in general, values, and mean:

1) The title of the highest Armenian aristocracy, similar to the British Lord. This title was usually put before or after the generic name, for example, Tern Andzewats or Artzruneats Ter, and most often belonged to Naaretu (head of the clan or the leader of the tribe in ancient Armenia), Tanutor (in ancient Armenia, the head of the aristocratic kind, patriarch) or Gaherec Ishkhan (in IX-XI centuries The head of the nobleman, which corresponded to the earliest Naareu and Tanutor) of this kind. The same title was used when referring to the face of the highest aristocracy.

2) After the Christianization of Armenia, this title was also used by the highest clergy of the Armenian Church. Unlike the initial designation of the aristocrat, the title "ter" in church use began to be added to the names of the chickens. In a similar combination, "ter" is similar to the church "Batyushka", "Vladyka" and is not an indicator of the noble origin of the navigation carrier. Now present in the names of those who in the ancestors in the male line was a priest. The word "ter" itself is used today when applying to the Armenian priest or, when mentioning it (akin to the more familiar to our hearing, the appeal "[Saint] Father").


Background (eg: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

CSU (eg: Karl-Teodor Tsu Guttenberg)

Mostly family console "Background", as it turned out He is a sign of noble origin. She expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bland ownership of representatives of an old nobility, for example "Duke von Württemberg," Ernst Auguston von Hannover. But there are exceptions. In the north of Germany, many "common-procracy" are called "background", which indicates only a place of residence / origin. Also compared to nobles, initially burgher origin, which were erected by sovereign to noble dignity with the presentation of the instance of the noble diploma (adelbrief) and the wake of the coat of arms (WAPPEN), the name prefix "Background" and Mr. Müller turned into Mr. Background Muller.

Unlike the "background" predicate "CSU" Be sure to include the attitude to a certain inherited land ownership, mainly a medieval castle - for example "Prince Background and Tsu Liechtenstein" (Liechtenstein \u003d Principality and the Family Castle).

Currently, the titles of aristocrats became parts of the composite surnames in Germany. Such surnames often include a "background", "background tree" particle, "background dem" (translated as "from"), less often "CSU" (translated as "in") or a mixed version of the B UB TSU. "

It is usually believed that "VON" indicates the place of origin of the surname (family), while "Zu" means that this territory is still in possession of the kind.

With a particle " und."I, how much I did not read, did not fully understand. Although, as far as I understood, she plays simply the role of a bundle, denoting either mixing the family consoles, or the combination of surnames at all. Although it may be prevented by just ignorance.


Ben - - Son (presumably following the example of English fits) (for example: David Ben-Gurion)


ABOUT - Means "grandson"

Poppy - Means "Son"

That is, both consoles in Irish last names usually indicate their origin. Regarding the spelling of the Poppy console, I read that in most cases in Russian it is written through a hyphen, but there are exceptions. For example, a generally accepted fusion writing such surnames such as McDonald, Macdaull, Macbeth, and others, does not exist, and writing in each case individually.


In the case of Spain, the situation is even more complicated, since, based on the surnames read by me, the names of the Spaniards are usually two: paternal and maternal. At the same time, the father's surname ( apellido Paterno.) is put in front of the maternal ( apellido Materno.); So, with the official handling, only the father's surname is used (although there are exceptions).

Similar system exists in Portugal, With the difference that in the double surname, the first name of the mother, and the second - father goes.

Returning to the Spanish System: Sometimes the father's and maternal surnames are separated by a particle "and" (for example: Francisco de Goya-and-Luciates)

Further, in some areas there is a tradition to add the name of the area, where the carrier of this surname was born or from where his ancestors come from. The particle "de" used in these cases is not an indicator of noble origin, but is only an index of origin (and, indirectly, antiquity of origin, since we know that the terrain sometimes have a property of changing the names for one reason or another ).

In addition, in the marriage of the Spanish, the surname does not change, but simply add to the "Apellido Paterno" surname of the husband: for example, Laura Riario Martinez, having married a person by the name Marquez, Laura Riario de Marquez or Laura Riario, Señora Marquez, where a particle De "separates the last name to marriage from the name after marriage

Limits the "rampant naming" the fact that according to the Spanish legislation, no more than two names and two surnames can be recorded in the documents in humans.

Although, of course, any author, creating his own history and guided by the Spanish model of the naming for his characters, may simply ignore this law with the foregoing tradition of average names. Remember such entertainment as double names? And the tradition of double surnames in some languages \u200b\u200b(in Russian, for example)? Have you read the above names about the number of names? Yes? Four double names, two double surnames - imagine already?

And you can also come up with your tradition of naming, as I wrote above. In general, if you are not afraid that your character will look unnecessarily extravagant - you have a unique opportunity to reward it or her family and registered design at least half-foot.


In Italian, historically consoles meant the following:

De / di - Belonging to the surname, family, for example: de Filippo means "one of Filippo family",

Yes - Belonging to the place of origin: Da Vinci - "Leonardo from Vinci", where Vinci meant the name of the city, terrain. Subsequently, and de became just part of the name and now nothing is denoted. Completely due to the aristocratic origin.


Van - a particle that is sometimes a prefix to the Netherlands surnames produced from the name of any locality; Often it is written to the surname itself. Corresponding to the grammatical meaning of the German "background » and the French "de » . It is often found in the form of Wang de, Van der and Wang Den. Means all the same "out." However, if in the German language "background" means the nobility (for mentioned exceptions) origin, then in the Netherlands naming system, the simple prefix "Van" is not related to the nobility. Noborskaya is the double prefix van ... that (for example, Baron Van Wrist is so vast).

The value of other common consoles, such as Van den., Van der. - see above


French consoles, for me personally, are the most famous and indicative

In France, the consoles for the surnames, as already mentioned earlier, denote the noble origin. Translated into Russian consoles denote the genitive case, "from" or "... sky." For example, Cesar de Vandom - Duke of Vandoma or Vandomsky.

Most used consoles:

If the surname begins with the consonants



If the surname starts with vowels



In addition, there are still a number of different family nominal consoles, the origin of which I find out, unfortunately, failed.

Only some of them are listed below.

  • Le (?)
  • Yes, Du, Shower (Portugal, Brazil)
  • La (Italy)

So, as I found out in the end, the traditions of naming and "picking" the names are quite extensive and diverse, and most likely I only considered the top of the iceberg. And even more extensive and varied (and, often, no less interesting) may be the author's derivatives from these systems.

However, in conclusion I will add: before anticipating to bring hands above the clave, think about it - and how do you need your name to the half-page? Alto itself, the long name of the character is a loworiginal idea and, if this is not worth anything except the author's "Wishlist", it is quite stupid.

The history of the origin of Armenian surnames

Armenian surname phenomenon is relatively new. Officially, the names began to be recorded only in the 19th century, during the first censuses of the population, when there was a need for people registration. Later there were passports where the names were also indicated along with the names. It can be said that before the 19th century, there were no names in our current understanding. Meanwhile, the word "Azganun" (surname) itself means "name" ("AZG" - Rod, "Anun" - name). Mostly the names of Armenians originate on behalf of the authoritative generic ancestor, to whose behalf of suffixes expressing affiliation. In ancient, it was mostly the suffix "EANT", which was then transformed into "UC", and in modern Armenian - in the phonetic form of "Yang", and then only "Yang" remained. For example, if someone said that he was from the genus Aram, in order to show affiliation to this race, Aramarans or Aranz said. In Armenian villages, this phenomenon is to this day, that is, to the question "Whose will you?" The answer is - Daviden or Ashotenz.

When in the 19th century began to record surnames, the end of "C" began to be automatically discarded. Meanwhile, some Armenians, the ancestors of which have long left Armenia and moved to Russia (where the names appeared earlier than in Armenia) the surnames retained the end of the "Yanz". Until now, in the south of Armenia, in the area of \u200b\u200bZangezur, a large number of surnames are preserved in the "UC", "OC", "ONTS", for example, Adonz, Bakuntz, Calwarenz. According to scientists, these are dialectful forms of education that are preserved in the area.

In addition to the most common form of education, the names of the names, part of Armenian surnames comes from the names of those or other professions. The craft, as a rule, moved from generation to generation, and the name of the crafts turned to the name of the genus or family. It also happened that someone from the kind or several representatives were so famous for their skill, which became famous jewelers, bricklayers or bakeries and their descendants were unarked by the same names of Rosechyan ("Roshlerich" - Jeweler), Kartashyan ("Kartash" - Camer) , Ekkyyan ("EKOK" - doctor), Zhaumagantyan ("Zhamagorts" - a chapter), etc.

It is worth mentioning the origin of West Armenian surnames. Centuries Eastern and Western parts of Armenia developed separately from each other and were part of various empires. Eastern Armenia was under the rule of Persia, and then Russia, and the Western - Ottoman Turkey. Separate existence of two parts of the Armenian people affected the names. So, in many West Armenian surnames, many of which today are representing the Armenian diaspora today, the end of "EAN" was not replaced by "Yang", but on - "Ian". In addition, very often in such a type of surnames, which indicate the craft, there are Turkic roots and such roots many in Armenian surnames. This is due to the fact that Armenians in the Ottoman Empire very thoroughly held a niche of artisans. Therefore, the names of many Armenians, the ancestors of which come from Western Armenia, mean the name of the crafts, and in Turkish.

For example, the surname of the former Armenian communist leader, and then the speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Karen Demirchyan, comes from the Turkish word "Demirchi", that is, the blacksmith. Most likely, the ancestors of the former Armenian leader took place from Western Armenia, which is part of the Ottoman Turkey, and were blacksmiths. According to the corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Etnographer Levon Abrahamyan, the presence of the letter "h" in Armenian surnames, and such a lot, as a rule, points to the craft, because in Turkish it is the end of the "Chi" is an indicator of the craft. For example, Bardakchyan's surname occurred from "Bardakchi", that is, potter.

One of the quarters of Yerevan, in which the Muslim population lived in a significant number at the beginning of a century, so far is called silica, translated from Turkish "silica" means a dye. In this area of \u200b\u200bthe Armenian capital once lived dyeers.

Some surnames also formed from nickname. For example, the name of Svadan originated from the word "Shat". Apparently the ancestors of the current Svaddanov received their nickname, because they had many children. But, if there were no names for the villagers and artisans up to the 19th century, for it was assumed that the common people were not needed by the surname, it was otherwise the situation with noble childbirth. In contrast to the versators, the names of noble childbirth were sealed to deep antiquity. But the form of education was the same, that is, it was identified to those or another kind, and in the case of king to one or another dynasty.

Already in antiquity and in the Middle Ages, noble names were necessarily surnames - Mamikonan, usually representatives of this kind were military orders, Horchoruni - King's bodyguards, Gnuni were royal winnuricles, etc. Aubility to noblence was denoted by Suffix "Uni". Thus, the surnames with the suffix "Uni" in antiquity and in the Middle Ages were inherent in noble childbirth - Amatuni, Bagratuni, Rstuni, Arzruni, Hororuni, etc.

A number of scientists believe that the names of this type occur from the URART language, in which the belonging was denoted by the end of the "Uni". Meanwhile, the people have their own, far from scientific, but a peculiar interpretation of the origin of the names of Armenian nobility. According to folk etymology, the end of "Uni" comes from the word "Unlen" - to have, in this case, have a wealth. According to Levon Abrahamyan, this is an incorrect interpretation, since the security is in no way expressed in the names or surnames: "It is not typical for education names."

Some of the Armenian surnames were formed from the locality name, often such names were ancient or medieval Armenian scientists and writers. For example, Anania Shiracatsi Armenian geographer, mathematician and astronomer, who lived in the VII century, Grigor Tatevatsi - a philosopher and theologians, who lived in the XIV century. The surnames also wore other Armenian scientists, such as the creator of the Armenian alphabet and writing - Mesrop Mashotots, who lived in the V century.

In some Armenian surnames still preserved the prefixes "Melik", indicating the noble origin and "ter", which was used by spiritual persons and makes sense "father", "Vladyka", "Batyushka". Now many of them are those whose grandfathers fearing the wrath of Soviet power, got rid of the prefix "Melik" and "ter", re-return their original names. Some Armenians were assigned to children names by the name of the grandfather, but later, this tradition disappeared due to problems associated with paper fiber. There is another tradition that remains unchanged: the overwhelming majority of Armenians, coming married, in a sign of respect for their parents continues to wear devili family names.