Why Noize MC lost Versus. Noize MC (Noise MS): Biography, Personal Life, Family, Wife, Children - Photo

Why Noize MC lost Versus. Noize MC (Noise MS): Biography, Personal Life, Family, Wife, Children - Photo
Why Noize MC lost Versus. Noize MC (Noise MS): Biography, Personal Life, Family, Wife, Children - Photo

Ivan Alekseev is a Russian singer and composer, working under the noise MC pseudonym. In his music combines two styles - hip-hop and rock. The name of the group comes from the English word noise - "noise", this is the concept, according to Ivan, most accurately characterizes the style of his team.


Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC) was born on March 9, 1985 in the small town of Yartsevo, located in the Smolensk region. The artist's father was associated with art, engaged in music, and his mother worked at the chemical enterprise. At the nine-year-old age, Ivan survived the divorce of the parents and wrote his first poems. The first musical hobbies appeared in the ten years, then Ivan Alekseev entered the local music school (classic guitar class). In 1997, together with his mother went to Belgorod. It was there that the performer received his first awards in the musical sphere - in 1998 and 2000 at the Competition of the performers in the class of classical guitar.

Ivan made his first steps to create their own group Ivan at 13, self-collected the musical team. At the age of 15, the musician joins the Rychigy Mashyn group as a bass guitarist and back vocalist. According to Ivan himself, a popular influence group Prodigy has a huge impact on his work. Track Diesel Power pushed Noize MC to writing rap. Later, together with Odnoklassnik, Ivan Alekseev created a popular Face2face group on the Internet space.

After graduating from the secondary school, Ivan moved to Moscow and entered RGGU. In connection with his relocation, Face2Face group broke up.

Student. First serious steps

Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC), whose biography is rich in interesting facts, lived in a university dormitory and engaged in solo execution. In the first courses, the musician organized his Protivo Gunz group playing alternative directions, and it was then that most texts are written in popularity now. At the senior courses in the life of the singer there were many club hip-hop contests with prizes, Ivan's group performed in the suburbs on various venues.

At 20, the musician became the leading project "Snikhers Urbania". This right he earned a victory over the MS young in Battle Hip-Hop performers. The next two years, Ivan traveled with a new team with touring throughout Russia, and the material was able to record its material in the studio. In 2006, in the summer, the RESPECT PRODUCTION concluded a contract with a musician as a solo performer.

In May of the same year, Ivan Alekseev moved from the dorm to a removable apartment on the old Arbat, arranging improvised concerts in the city center.

First video clip

In September 2006, the Respect Production group wins in the All-Russian Competition Urban Sound and as a prize is able to remove the first video clip. After long disputes, one of the early compositions of Ivana was chosen - "Song for Radio". The clip hits the MUZ-TV channel and on the DFM radio station, where it will last for four months.

Six months later, by decision of the channel, the video was rented, and Hindrere Maasik, who worked with Bandera and Disco Crash teams and the director. In the frame of the clip throughout the song there are semi-nailed people who have intimate places covered with signs with the inscription "Noize MC", and this video reaches the fifth place in the Top Chart Channel Muz-TV.

Signing a contract, first album

In the symbolic date, Friday 13, in 2007, Ivan Alekseev concluded a contract with Respect Production and a UNIVERSAL GROUP division in Russia. At the same time, Noize Mc won the competition on the Internet portal Hip-hop.ru, bypassing about three thousand Russian-speaking performers from all over the planet.

A few months later, in the summer of 2007, Ivan was invited to one of the main roles in the film "Raffle", where Vanya had to play a young guy from the eleventh grade, who fonds music and moved to Moscow after the death of his parents. Ivan was also responsible for soundtracks in this picture.

Second video

The second clip Noize MC was removed on the song "behind the closed door". The track contains the motives of the song Chizh - "Eternal youth", elements of black humor and characteristic of the artist Irony. According to the plot, this is a story about a group playing in the rock direction and suddenly become popular. The video came to the top ten songs of the MTV 2007 channel, and the song came to the rotation of such radio stations as "Next FM", M-Radio.

The Union of Ivan Alekseeva and Universal Group lasted a little less than a year, in May 2008 Noize MC terminates the contract and begins to promote its label independently. After a month, the debut album "The Greatest Hits Vol. 1 ", which leading printed publications noted as an" album of the year. "

Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC) and his wife met in the same 2008.

The artist did not leave his usual street performances and continues to perform on Arbat. Noize MC also performs a tour of the city of Russia.

Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC) Photo with his wife thoroughly hides, only single pictures made in the network, made several years ago before the birth of children.

Further successes Noize MC

Ivan's second album went out two years after the first, in May 2010. It is called the "last album", songs from which Noize MC performed in eleven cities throughout the country.

According to the Russian version of Forbes magazine, Ivan's annual income for 2009 amounted to 0.9 million dollars, and together with the number of search queries in Yandex, it put it for 41 rows in the "Star and Money" chart.

Fame of senior people have brought socially-directed songs, such as Mercedes S666. The track was written on the topic of the accident that took the lives of two people, and Andrei Barkova, the musician presented as an "Angel in the flesh", whom the people unreasonably admitted guilty of incident.

Peak popularity

In the winter of 2012, Noize MC announced the release of two plates at once next year - in honor of the Ten-year anniversary of Protivo Gunz with a reissue of old tracks and an album with rap tracks. On April 10, they were released into the rotation of the "Swimming pool" video clip, and the next day the albums were available on iTunes.

April 2013 was filled with a concert tour. The 6th and 7th took place two concerts in Minsk, the 25th - in Kiev, then there were concerts in Russia - in Krasnodar, Moscow, Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Abakan and Kazan.

The fourth album is "confusion," came out the day before the official date - October 28. On the Internet, the songs from the album have become available for download for four days earlier - October 24.

In November 2013, Ivan was a special guest in freestyle-fight "Word".

At the end of 2013, on New Year's Eve, MTV TV channel showed a forty-minute segment from a concert dedicated to the decade of Noize MC.

In September 2014, Ivan Alekseev released the sixth album. It is called "Hard Reboot" and includes tracks performed together with the American artist Astronautalis.

In the fall of 2014, Ivan Alekseeva's MTV canal at the top five nominated

In November of the same year, Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC), whose personal life remains a mystery, played in the musical "Juliet and Romeo" according to the novel. The performer got the role of a drug police that sold a magical elixir, bringing happiness to a person who will drink it. Despite the fact that Ivan has no acting education, the director of the musical noted his acting data by visiting the concert Noize MC.

2015 year

In January 2015, a new clip was released for the song "Pouring Leash". This track was recorded as a soundtrack for the film "Shaggy Christmas Trees". All money collected from the sale of this track on the Internet was sent to the Sunflench Charitable Foundation.

March 9, 2015, Ivan was 30 years old. He celebrated his birthday with two large concerts in St. Petersburg and in Moscow. The day after the birthday, a clip was published on the track "Robots".

On March 20, a new reprinted album was released, which included such songs like "Jordan" and "breaking the leash." The album also included several new mixes and rewritten old songs.

In April, Ivan Alekseev took part in Total Dictation, where he acted as a speaker. Dictation was held in the native Institute of the Contractor.

In June 2015, a new clip was released on the "Talking Heads" track. The video was filmed in an unusual place - in the "House-Transporter" at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The premiere showed on the A-One TV channel.

In August, Noize MC showed a new format of performance. The concert was held in Moscow, in the Museon Art Park, in the open sky. In September, the team again supported the charitable Foundation "Sunflower", performing a concert that was broadcast on the AFISHA.RU website.

In October, the film "Save my speech forever", which tells about the life of the poet of Osip Mandelstam. The main soundtrack for the film was the song Ivan "Save my speech", which combined poetic poems and the text Noize MC.

In November, in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the premiere of the concert program "Make Noyz himself" was held, the main single of which was the same track.

On November 13, a new collection "Kostik" was released, consisting of selected songs in acoustic performance. To select songs, the group fans were involved, which for a month voted on social networks for their favorite songs Noize MC. Together with selected songs, the single "Merin" was released.

On November 14, 2015, Noize MC was heated at the city of Orenburg. November 19 Noize MC won the nomination "Hip-Hop of the Year". The premium presentation took place within the framework of the Music Box 2015 on the state scene

Personal life

Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC) and his family try not to cover their personal life. It is known that Ivan got acquainted with his wife Anna Alexeeva in 2008 at a concert. Two years later, the couple played a wedding. In 2010, the first son of Vasily, the second son, Ivan, in two years, was born. There is no information about the spouse, except that it is engaged in the house and raising children. A woman is trying not to fall under the sight of photodigaphs.

Undoubtedly, Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC) and his family, the photo of which the performer hides so carefully, all free time spend together. The artist does not know what he knows what to live without a father, so he tries with all their might not to deprive his sons attention.

Hip-Hop performer Ivan Alekseev, better known as Noize MC, infrequently talks about his personal life and especially shows his children press. So when the next day the musician and his sons of Vasily and Mikhail became the guests of the attraction of the virtual reality "Mission Mars", which opened in Artplay, we decided to see the guys better.

Noize MC with sons Vasily and Mikhail

Ivan was not against - gladly posed with the sons of photographers, told about how time with children spends time.

The new attraction of the virtual reality "Mission Mars" is valid in the framework of the interactive Space Space of Solaaris. In order to feel like the first person on Mars, you just need to wear special glasses. Effects adds the fact that the space on "Mars" allows you to explore it - to wander, consider the details.

We most liked the planet with increased gravity and a mirror corridor, - shared the impressions of Noize MC. - And, of course, the planet, where you can create your own animals. I painted them together with the children and could not break away. And I did not take a risked in the 18 -th-Timest hole in the attraction "Mission Mars".

Noize MC (Noise MS) is a rather scandalous and incredibly talented personality, while many people think that this is a foreign singer and actor. Little who knows that an ordinary Smolensk boyfriend Ivan Alexandrovich Alekseev is hidden for a sonorous pseudonym.

The young man became known for his interesting musical compositions. In which the styles of music in the style of rock and rap closely intertwined with a recitative and freestyle.
At the same time, Noize MC (Noise MS) is a caring father and an exemplary family man, he claims that it is not going to destroy his quiet happiness even for the sake of loud of glory or a dizzying career.

Growth, weight, age. How many years Noize MC (Noise MS)

The fans seek not only to understand the one who is hidden behind the sonorous pseudonym, but also clarify its growth, weight, age. How many years Noize MC (noise ms) - to find out will be easy, so the information will be reliable.

Ivan Alekseev was born in 1985, so he has already been thirty-two years old. About what noize MC (Noise MS): photo in youth and now, it is still very early to say, because the guy is too young and getting out of the children's age is not going to.

The zodiacal circle is able to give Ivan the sign of inspired, dreamy, slightly unsure and creative fish. At the same time, the Oriental horoscope is able to give a young man with features characteristic of bulls, including performance, stability, perseverance, a tendency to creativity and artistism.

The growth of Noize MC (Noise MS) is currently a meter and eighty-five centimeters, and weighs a young man just 78 kilograms.

Biography and personal life Noize MC (Noise MS)

Biography and personal life Noize MC (noise ms) are spheres that the guy does not reveal too much, but does not hide before his fans. His father - Alexander Alekseev - a musician, and the mother - the chemist was forced to divorce when the boy was nine.

At the same time, the guy never felt disadvantaged in something and did not suffer from a lack of paternal attention. Vanya wrote wonderful poems and songs, he independently mastered the guitar and, only later, was admitted to the music school.

Already living with Mom in Belgorod, Ivan constantly participated in musical competitions, occupying the first and second places. It is worth clarifying that he tried to enter any musical group, but he was lingering in them for a long time, so he created his own team of thirteen years.

In those years, young people from the creativity of the Nirvana Group and The Prodigy, who liked the future Noize MC (Noise MS). At the same time, the guy with his classmates wrote rap and played in their own musical team. Face2Face, which quickly became popular in the city and region, thanks to frequent performances.

After graduating from school in 2002, the young man moved to Moscow, where he became a student of RGU and lived in a hostel. Here he could not sit without affairs and created the team "Protivo Gunz", who took part in Freestyle Battle and toured in the country.

The first album was recorded in 2006, and the funds won in the Competition were able to remove the first clip, which, like all the next, was incredibly provocative.

Since 2008, he played in three movies - "Raffle", "Baby", "About Love", and also released thirty-two full-fledged albums, single and collection. As for the clips on musical compositions, they were removed simply an incredible amount.

The most interesting thing is that the group "Protivo Gunz" with his frontman Noize MC (Noise MS) in 2013 has already noted the ten-year anniversary, so it is preparing to play in the film about his work.

Ivan never ceases to fall into scandalous stories, it is capable of very extravagant acts, for example, to go on the scene naked or throw the syringes in the hall filled with energy. At the same time, Noize MC (Noise MS) or Ivan Alekseev a man with a stable personal life, he does not start stormy novels and does not change his beloved wife.
He dedicates all his free time to the spouse, children and active rest, while the guy has been engaged in the workday and adores to prepare for his family.

Family and Children Noize MC (Noise MS)

The family and children Noize MC (noise ms) is his support and hope. He loves his parents and kids, constantly devoting to them songs. He grew up in the family, where the notion grades and chemical elements got along, because the Lyrics were so closely intertwined with chemistry.

All members of the small family of Alekseev lived incredibly friendly, and the creative gusts of the guy from the very early age were noticed, supported and developed. At the same time, the boy was a frequent guest at concerts and father rehearsals, so early learned to play guitar and sing.

Children Noize MC (noise ms) is his two sons, which he is very proud of. But in no hurry to demonstrate to their fans and fans to not harm them. The fact is that Ivan Alekseev wants to give his boys the opportunity to grow self-sufficient and bright, without miring in the shadow of his famous Father.

Noize MC (Noise MS) is not only a creative and famous person who is busy with his musical career, but also a magnificent caring father. With his children, he flows into childhood, so he loves to draw and visit various amusement parks with interactive attractions.

Mom kids constantly reads them, in the house of Alekseev a huge library of children's literature is collected.

Son Noize MC (Noise MS) - Vasily Alekseev

The son of Noize MC (Noise MS) - Vasily Alekseev - was born in 2010, and his mother became the legal spouse of singer Anna. At the same time, the fans for a long time could not understand the name of the heir of Rapper, because along with Vasily, the name of Artemy sounded. When the boy had colic, and he cried, his dad burned him to freestyle.

The boy visits the usual school where the humanitarian sciences are given very well, especially well the Humanitarian science. The guy loves to travel along with his parents, and most of all he likes Thailand.

Vasily is a very sporty boy, he daily makes the morning gymnastics and is fond of workout. Young Alekseev is engaged in the origami circle, and also, seriously engaged in chess and even participates in a variety of chess tournaments.

Son Noize MC (Noise MS) - Mikhail Alekseev

The son of Noize Mc (Neuz MS) - Mikhail Alekseev - was born two years after his brother, namely, in 2012. He is insanely similar to his famous dad, because it grows by a hooligan and musical guinea.
Misha often holds, so parents are going to give it to the Section of Oriental Martial Arts or Boxing. Currently, the boy is engaged in gymnastics and a workout under the guidance of his father.

The five-year-old guy loves to listen to punk music, including Eminem and Twenty One Pilots. He is crazy about the guitar, so it is quite possible that the second Noize Mc (noise ms) can grow out of it.

Wife Noize MC (Noise MS) - Anna Alekseeva

Wife Noize MC (Noise MS) - Anna Alekseeva is the most mysterious woman show business, because Ivan is trying not to spread about his wife.
It is known that young people met in 2008 at one of the concerts, then the guy remembered how she had seen her in a hostel of the RGU back in 2002, where she printed the report.
The most interesting thing is that Anna hated rap and the creativity of the future spouse, but he did everything to make a positive impression on the girl.

It is worth clarifying that Noize MC (Noise MS) and Anna got married in 2009, the girl is completely given to family life. Anna - a man of non-public, she shoots the video for his spouse's clips and raises children. Ivan argues that his wife is her love, assistant, girlfriend and critic, and the very first listener.

Instagram and Wikipedia Noize MC (Noise MS)

Instagram and Wikipedia Noize MC (Noise MS) - Of course, there are at the official level. Since all the data specified in them are relevant and reliable. In the article in Wikipedia, you can find carefully selected information that concerns childhood, education, parents, personal and creative life at various stages of life. There are also data on its filmography, discography and clips of a young man.

At the instagram, the scandalous singer and actor is currently signed at least than 168,000 people. They can fully enjoy photographs and video materials that are devoted to the personal and creative life of the scandalous singer.

Ivan Alexandrovich Alekseev - Russian rapper, known under the pseudonym Noize MC, author of the seven studio solo albums, four singles.

Ivan was born on March 9, 1985 in the city of Yartsevo Smolensk region. The newborn father was engaged in music, mother worked on chemical production. In 1994, the family broke up, and Mom, together with his son, moved to Belgorod, where Vanya began writing poetry, and then music. In a new place, the boy went to learn to a music school in the class of academic guitar. In 1998 and 2000, Ivan participated in the regional competition of young musicians and every time he received first place.

In 1998, under the impression of the Creativity of the rock bands Nirvana and The Prodigy, the young man gathered the first musical team. Two years later, Alekseev received a place of bass guitarist and back vocalist in the ensemble "Levers of Machines". But more and more Ivan is fascinated by rap, and the young man tries to write the first compositions independently.

In 2001, Alekseev ends with a music school and becomes a member of Belgorod hip-hop team V.i.p. Together with another Arkady. For the work of the young men, the pseudonyms are taken: Ivana is beginning to learn under the name Noize MC, a classmate chooses Nick ADIK 228. During the year, young people create a rap-duet Face2FACE, which appear on various fields of the region, and also leave the countries of the near abroad.

In 2002, Alekseev ends up a school with a gold medal and enters the Faculty of Modern Technologies of the Russian State Humanitarian University in Moscow. At the end of the first year, Ivan gathers the Protivo Gunz musical ensemble from Students of the Hostels of RGUGU.

In the early 2000s, rapper protrudes solo to hip-hop festivals, competitions and freestyle battles, where he often becomes the winner. In the spring of 2005, the circle of noize MC fans expands after his victory over the MS young in the street battle Snickers Guru Klan. At the Snickers Urbania festival, the musician falls the honor to work a member of the jury and leading.

After graduating from 3rd courses, Ivan Alekseev moved to the old Arbat area. In a removable room, rapper stores all the equipment of the group and is satisfied with Protivo Gunz with the musicians, experimented with genres and form of musical compositions.

During the year, Ivan continues to ride the country with the concerts of the Protivo Gunz group and accumulates the material for solo work, which allows the musician to sign a contract with the Respect Production label in mid-2006. After winning the Competition, Urban Sound, Ivan Alekseev gets the opportunity to remove the clip on the song "Song for Radio", which falls into the rotation of the MUZ-TV TV channel.


In 2007, the musician signs a contract with Respect Production and the Russian Universal Music Group division, which is regarded by the fans of the Russian rap as an unprecedented event. In the same year, Alekseev becomes the winner of a large Internet battle of Russian-speaking rappers. The song "Behind the Closed Door" entered the top ten of the "100 best songs of MTV-2007" rating.

In 2007, the film director Andrei Kudinenko invites the charismatic leader of the rap group on a major role in the film "Raigrysh", the remake of the film of 1976. Ivan Alekseev coped with the acting task, and also wrote several musical compositions to the picture: "Summer in the capital", "money", "it was rain", "Exhale", "What a pity", "I can't find you." On the song "My Sea" in 2008, the musician took off the video, which was broadcast on the music channel a-one.

In the late spring of 2008, Alekseev announces the departure from Universal Music and at the sound recording studio "Miscellaneous Sound" produces the first album "The Greatest Hits Vol. 1 ", in which 20 tracks entered, including" behind the closed door "," from the window "," Kantemirovskaya "," Skinhead ". In addition to solo performances, rapper participates in joint songs with singer, "cockroaches!" Groups And Lapis Trubetskoy. In 2009, Alekseyev is awarded awards to the A-One Ramp channel in the "Respect Runet" and "Steppe Wolf" nomination in the Lyric nomination.

In 2010, the musician creates the song "Mercedes S666", which attracted attention to the loudness of the accident, which occurred due to the fault of the Vice President of LUKOIL, Anatoly Barkova. After the scandalous clip, the older generation of listeners was interested in the artist's creative biography. The singer is beginning to be invited to the ether of public programs "Echo Moscow", radio "Freedom". At concerts, the musician often behaves provocatively, which leads to the arrest of 10 days for hooliganism.

At the end of May 2010, a presentation of the second disk Noize MC "The Last Album" was held at the Moscow club "B1 MAXIMUM", which included the musical compositions of "Devs", "Singer and actress", "on Mars Cool", "Red October". The interest of fans caused not only an album, but also a book with the same name written by a member of the group of Pasha Treterin, as well as the "Underground" role-playing audiobook, created on the plot of the work of the drummer.

Noize MC receives award from the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper, Muz-TV channel, Radio "Silver Rain", portal indarnb.ru and another steppe wolf award. In 2010, the singer falls on the 41th place in the Rating of the Forbes of the Star and Money section. According to analysts, the earnings of Rapper for 2009 amounted to $ 0.9 million.

In 2011, the musician is working on recording tracks to the next disc, and also removes clips for the songs "Rugan because of the wall", "Self", "Bryn-Bryn-Bryn", "Pushkin Rap", "Shlakvashklassika!" And the "anthem of the provincials of the provincials." On March 30, the release of the "new album", which included tracks announced earlier on musical channels. In 2012, clips are removed on the songs "Swimming pool" and "Universe of Infinite".

In 2013, the Protivo Gunz group celebrated the 10th anniversary of creative activities by the release of two albums - the disk of the same name, on the song from which "Zhwumka" was removed the video clip, and the disk of "confusion". On April 13, 2013, an anniversary concert of the Noize MC team at the Stadium Live Moscow Concert Hall, which was broadcast on the night of January 1, 2014 on the MTV channel.

In 2014, the noize MC discography is replenished with the sixth album "Hard Reboot", many tracks of which were created in the Commonwealth with other performers: "Jordan" FEAT Atlantida Project, "ABV & Euja" together with the poetess, "ne2da?" In collaboration with MEWARK. In addition, the album includes solo compositions Noize MC "BORE", "Speaking heads", "Lesse's" owner, whose authorship belonged to the musician Alexander Petrunin. In 2014, Ivan Alekseev fulfilled the role of a drug dealer in 3D Studying the Musical "Romeo and Juliet" in the XXII century.

2015 began for artist with speeches at the International Music Festival in Norway Barents Spektakel. In mid-March, two solo concerts of the musician in the clubs A2 (St. Petersburg) and Stadium Live (Moscow) dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Noize MC took place. In April, the rapper presented the first Russian-speaking clip "Yes Future!" On the Youtube channel, shot in the "360-degrees" technique. In November, the premiere of the "Make Some Noise" single, accompanied by an orchestra at the concert venues of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The musician participates not only in commercial projects. Ivan collaborates with the Sunflower Charitable Foundation, which regularly lists the fees from the sale of disks or singles on the network. In April 2015 Noize MC was invited to the annual action "Total Dictation". In October, the singer prepared the musical composition "Save my speech", which was included in the biographical film about "Save my speech forever." In mid-November, Noize MC received the Music Box 2015 major award in the nomination "HIP-HOP of the Year" at the awards ceremony held in the State Kremlin Palace.

Personal life

In 2008, at one of the concerts, Ivan Alekseev met the girl Anna, who soon became his wife.

In 2010, the firstborn of Vasily was born in the family of Rapper, and in two years Anna presented to Ivan Mikhail's second son. Noize MC relevant to households and tries to devote free time to communicate with children and spouse.

Noize MC now

In 2016, the artist presented the seventh album "King of the Mountains", which includes the tracks of St. Petersburg roofs, "" Nails "," acid rain "," favorite color ". On the songs of "Rake" and "Childfrey" (Feat Coin) in 2017, video clips were created. In the spring, the release of the Kaver version of the song "The Last Hero" took place.

Now the singer is engaged in preparing the next album, composing a new musical material. At the hip-hop festival, held on May 1 in Luzhniki, Noize MC presented the song "Marathon".


  • "The Greatest Hits Vol. 1 "- 2008
  • "Last Album" - 2010
  • "New Album" - 2012
  • "Protivo Gunz" - 2013
  • "Study" - 2013
  • "Hard Reboot" - 2014
  • "King Mountains" - 2016

Week later in the Petersburg "chaplub" e "the song was performed already without the help of the phone and under the accompaniment of living musicians - but it was not only to learn it for this week himself Noize MC.. The track based on an accident involving Vice-President LUKOIL Anatoly Barkova, made a lot of noise in Runet and the media, breeding many questions. Ivan replied Fuzz to the main one.

FUZZ: First of all - the main question that is asked in connection with the song: Why did you immediately accuse the Barkov, if the consequence then did not even start, the dispenive of evidence of Mercedes's guilt in an accident, and the driver was at all?
Noize MC: If there were no decisive actions immediately, there would be no effect. Obviously there is a hiding evidence. The version that initially sounded on the radio was replaced after a few hours to be replaced by the infamous "official", radically different from the first - directly say, much more believable. Suggly, Topopic Attempts Lighting Tracks. The absence of some timely, clear comments from Barkov himself. Sophisticated, striking with his cynicism press release from LUKOIL. All this says not in favor of the crew of Mercedes. Everyone is trying to hang on the driver, but, in fact, his real participation in this accident is in doubt. It is rather strange that the driver did not suffer at all, while Barkov himself, who was sitting, in theory, for him - that is, at the most safe place, got a leg injury. In any case, in such situations, the decision to travel to the oncoming lane takes the one who is taken away, and not a man behind the wheel. In addition, the traces of certainly noticed by the driver himself, and obviously not from the desire to "smear" him. Anyway, Barkov in this story is a key figure.

Fuzz: What will you do in the event that suddenly it turns out that in fact he is not to blame?
Noize MC: I will release another song. I already have the first two lines: "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Barkov Anatoly / above my head I have a Nimb - you do not see, or what?"

FUZZ: Now your opinion about what happened is the same as at the time of the song recording? Do you allow you, for example, the possibility of a mutual violation?
Noize MC: repeatedly observed personally, as such machines with special operators cynically and brazenly violate the rules. Departure to the "oncoming" - this is not the "highest pilot", sometimes more abruptly. In the "Mercedes" band, there was a traffic jam, but "Citroen" was absolutely no need to break. Therefore, I believe that the girl behind the wheel "Citroen" is not with what. My clear opinion both at the time of recording and the present, fully reflected in the track. They are the same, these opinions.

FUZZ: If it is obvious that the case is "fason", but everything is not clear with the items, it would not be better to write a song about the notice of traces, and not about all mortal sins right away?
Noize MC: We are dealing with the classic formula "on the Warmer and the hat burn." Why is it "Zamina", if you are innocent? Why not contact the relatives of the dead personally to, at least, to express their condolences in human and on time? The correct song on notice did not work for various reasons. The main of them is that the relatives of my friend died, Nastya Alexandrina, it hurt me very much, I was incredibly angry with the behavior of Barkov himself, Lukoil and the traffic police in relation to this business.

Fuzz: What are you friends with Anastasia Aleksadrina (famous in the hip-hop world as Staisha), your fans learned this year when you recorded a joint track "Ctrl + Alt + Delete" - and in fact you are familiar for a long time ?
Noize MC: We are familiar about 5 years, recorded on the same studio and to this day we work there. I heard her song, I really liked it, I wanted to make a remix on her, asked our common sound engineer to introduce me with Nastya on this reason that he actually did. Since then, we are friends, periodically speaking and recorded together, well, there, I do not know, let me give each other gifts for holidays - ordinary human relationships.

FUZZ: Some editions claim that the song is written at the request of Anastasia. Do I understand correctly that in fact she only told about what happened?
Noize MC: You understand correctly. A gluable girl who has just lost close relatives, through tears asked me "Vanya, write about that song" - they imagine so so, interesting? No one asked me anything.

Fuzz: Some accuse you that "came to protect their own", and it would not care about strangers. How do you think a personal meeting with injustice affects creativity? For those of your "protest songs", in which there are no specific names, are there any vital cases, or only general observations from the parties?
Noize MC: If I wrote a song, then I was somehow inspired by some particular case. Life must be sniffed, and not read the press releases of "perfumers" about her smell. Personal meeting with injustice makes songs honest and reasonable. It can be inspired by the release of news, but only when the said there turns out somehow connected with the fact that you survived you.

FUZZ: When did you write a song, relied only on publicly available materials, or Anastasia reported any details, which are not on the Internet? She herself was already confident in the full fault of Barkov, or did other options allow?
Noize MC: I relied on what Nastya was told to me, our common friends who were at the scene at the scene and, only last, on the internet materials. No other options allowed any other options. I have already said a lot on this topic, I will not repeat.

Fuzz: For you, is it a song about a specific barkna, or about all the people like him?
Noize MC: Initially, the song was written about this particular case, but he, to great regret, is trendy. Therefore, it happened that both the "Barkov" as a class, as a result, got into nuts.

FUZZ: Charges in the "Piara on the Blood" difficult to consider seriously - but do you have any desire to say anything that put forward them?
Noize MC: This tragedy touched me personally. And I know well what to lose a loved one. This year began to me from the death of the mother. She has long and painfully died of cancer. All doctors refused it. I have half a year old colole anesthetia, the blinked that everything will be fine, distracted her, as he could, from gloomy thoughts and was looking for any methods of non-traditional treatment. New Year we met together, and it was a terrible holiday. And on January 3, it was no longer it. If it was not a disease in her death, but some particular person, I would just extort this shorter.
When I found out what happened to the Nastina sister and her mother-in-law, I took it very sharply. And I did what I did, in the impulse of the senses, completely by passing this situation through myself.
As an artist, whatever you do, how sincerely and honestly, if your actions cause a powerful public resonance, you are immediately accused of an indecent and inappropriate PR. It is more convenient to shut up and sing P **** Stradal songs a la beasts and others like them, not allowing themselves no decisive, socially significant actions. In Piara will not blame. Probably it is cool. So it is necessary. Sorry, guys that I am aligning here with my pain, responsibility, a sense of violated justice and other showing x *** yew.

Fuzz: Are you not afraid that Barkov in any way get to you?
Noize MC: Wolves fear - not to go to the forest. I'll have time to rest in the trunk of the car or on the edge among the pines. Now is not time to be afraid - you need to act.

FUZZ: With the help of the song, you just wanted to help accomplish justice at the state level, or also independently punish the Barkov the only possible way?
Noize MC: both. Whatever the outcome of the case (there is reason to doubt the justice of the court, of course), the name of Barkov has already become nominative, and this is something, it is worth it.

FUZZ: Can you comment on the situation with the removal of Troitsky from the Ether "Echo Moscow" because of his desire to put your song?
Noize MC: It is necessary to notice that I need to notice that I personally did not transmit any discs to Artemia (I could not do it purely physically), it was a bluff to "sell" software director. I am not surprised by such a reaction - many were afraid to illumine this incident. We were refused on the Radio "Lighthouse", and in several places. Trinity is a big well done, it is very good that he so seriously took up this case, the participation of the Public Chamber in this process, in principle, his merit.

Fuzz: The song was recorded "in the hotel room for a dead laptop", or was it possible to organize quite decent conditions for recording?
Noize MC: My familiar rappers from Vladivostok helped me - Dima MS Count, a locally famous hip-hop performer and radio lead, and Kostya Zur, who wrote tool to the song. The record was made on their home studio, "Shtrikh Code Records". Although the laptop is always with you, and not the opportunity to sign up better, the song would still see the light on the same time.

FUZZ: In the song you compared Barkov with Esyukov, and then the lawyer Igor Trunov, who previously engaged in Evysukov, was engaged in this case. Is this a coincidence or not?
Noize MC: This is rather regularity. Just Igor Trunov is one of the few lawyers in our country, who are not afraid of being taken for such complex things.

FUZZ: Are you satisfied with how events are developing now, or when writing a song I wanted to achieve more?
Noize MC: In general, satisfied. The song performs his mission. The world press has already risen on the ears - there will soon be an extensive report on National Public Radio in the United States, including, among other things, full translation of text into English. Also called from CNN and the popular German radio station. Igor Trunov said that if the truth would not succeed here, the case will be solved at the world level.

FUZZ: Do you think that the song can change the situation with the "barn on the roads" as a whole, or a maximum that is possible to achieve a honest investigation of one specifically brought?
Noize MC: I sincerely hope that this case will become quite illustrative to really change the situation. It is difficult and unlikely, but I really hope.

FUZZ: Now, a week later, after writing a song, do you think that everything did it right?
Noize MC: Yes. YES! And once again yes !!!

Evgeny Trifonov