Why Vitaly Gogunsky left the university's new dorm. Kuzya leaves "Uni"

Why Vitaly Gogunsky left the university's new dorm. Kuzya leaves out
Why Vitaly Gogunsky left the university's new dorm. Kuzya leaves "Uni"

This fun hero remembered and loved to many. The series associated the series and the series did not imagine without Kuzi. Even all sorts of change in the project while he was there. But suddenly he gone. And the reason for the care of Kuzi from the plot was stretched and implausible. Why did he leave

"Univer" remained, and Kuzya went ...

Such students are in every university. They are big, strong, fond of any sport, poorly managed to basic subjects, but always interested girls. Therefore, Kuzya became his relatives and relatives of the main audience of the series, unlike the girls of model appearance and in addition, it is the Kuze who belongs to the songs from the project, joking and original words. The light humorous atmosphere of the series likes almost everyone, and love lines give the plot of piquancy.

End of storyline Edward Kuzmin

In the new season of the series "Univer: New Dorm" found a new love - Masha, who played a miniature Anna Hilkevich. In the plot, he forbid her love for a long time, and in the end it did not resist. Romance lasted quite a long time until Masha gave Eduard reason for jealousy. Jealous and offended Kuzya got drunk before the obstacles of the mind, which is not like him at all, since he is an athlete. Returning late in the evening in a hostel, he managed, swinging on a neighbor, hit Masha, which he did not forgive himself and therefore quickly went to his native Agapovka. A loyal girl even went to the village to him, hoping to return, but he himself came back in a couple of days. Such a turn of events seemed to many television viewers somewhat "attracted by the ears", so questions about why Vitaly Gogunsky left "Universa," did not subside.

Rumors about the care of Vitaly from the series

The perplexed fans of the series and the character who performed Vitaly was overcome by the editorial board and the career care was discussed everywhere. A variety of rumors appeared about why Vitaly Gogunsky left "Universa", among which the most popular information about the abuse of actor alcoholic beverages and the scandals with the director arising on this basis. Also, the public excited rumors about the "starry disease" of the artist, who supposedly from year to year demanded wages.

According to the TNT channel, the actors of the Sitkom and so do not dare and for five years they have managed to buy themselves in Moscow. And the greed of Gogunsky did not know the borders and producers lost patience. So on the question of why Vitaly Gogunsky left the "University" can be given and such an answer. The continuation of this hearing was the information that Vitaly broke the relationship with his wife and left it with a small daughter Milan for some blonde Anna.

The reason for the rupture of the contract, according to Vitaly himself

The actor gave his fans for some time to worry, and then spoke with the official refutation of rumors, saying that he himself refused to prove the contract with the canal. He starred in the "University" for 5 years to 12 hours a day. Stressful work resulted in 390 episode serial series. Such a schedule did not allow to focus or at least just pay attention to the family and other working proposals.

In addition, Vitaliy in the fall of 2012 realized that he became too adult for the student series. He overcame the thirty-year-old frontier, was happy in marriage and raising a little daughter Milan, who wants to give time. He is also tired of the image of Edward Kuzmina, from the fact that fans associate him with a stupid good-natured guy from the village, without taking into account that Vitaly himself is an educated and well-read young man. In a word, the causes of the care were personal.

In his interview, Vitaly Gogunsky left the topic of agreements with the producers of the series, which were very unhappy with his departure from the project, because his character had a lot of interesting moments. On the part of the creators of the series to Vitaly, several angry attacks were received, reproes in irresponsibility. And he himself celebrates with bitterness, which was stronger than the fact that none of the shooting partners with whom he was friends during their work was not contacted in the midst of the scandal. Therefore, after leaving the series, Vitaly stopped communicating with former colleagues.

Further plans in personal life and work

Rumors that Vitaly Gogunsky leaves the "Uni", appeared earlier, and then
the actor called the reason for the desire to try himself in highlighting. There are similar intentions with him now: in collaboration with friends on Vgik Vitaly prepares a scenario for the series, and also devotes the released time to shooting in the Sasha + Tanya project. Many do not understand why Vitaly Gogunsky left the "Univer" and continues to be filmed on the same channel in a similar area. This is because he got the opportunity to select the proposed material and agree on age roles, as well as a free time, which can be given to the family and the receiving work proposals.

In the new season, "Universes" fans will not see the Kuzu. Single unhappy, stupid, but very good and funny pitching. Actor Vitaly Gogunsky decided not to extend the contract for the continuation of the filming. For what reason did he accept this decision? Why is Kuzya left "Univer"?

Who is Kuzya?

Kuzya, or Edward Kuzmin, a student, a resident of the dorm, one of the heroes of Sitkom "University". The role was performed by Gogun, a thirty-five-year-old actor, composer and singer.

All childhood Vitaly spent on Poltava region. From the Small years he was fond of music, he studied at the local music school, where he was engaged in the piano. In Poltava, Gogunsky became a nominee in the children's music competition. At the same time actively engaged in karate and football.

From twelve years, Gogun worked. And not because there was nothing to eat the son of the deputy. First, a loader and utility workers, then leading on a local radio station. Subsequently, he was invited to conduct an informational program on the channel "Russia".

Gogunsky did not immediately chose the path of a creative person. According to the instruction of the father, he graduated from the technical university, received a specialty "Engineer-technologist". Only then entered the pop department of Vgika. He graduated in 2007.

As a film actor made his debut in 2004. Gogunsky played the seventeen-year-old son of the head of the Construction Enterprise Anton in the film "Forgive, Dr. Freud!". The boy is completely unmanaged, so psychoanalyst is invited to him.

Another image actor creates in the film "Permaretatic" film. His hero is a young boy. Roman wolves - I decided to quickly and easily disrupt a large kush. Drama is the history of the elevation and fall of the novel, the search for happiness by other families.

The episodic roles and roles of the second plan Gogunsky played in the films "Heir" (2006), "Thunderstorm Gate" (2006), "Bear Hunting" (2007). In parallel with acting, Vitaly carried out composer. In particular, he owned songs from "Dr. Freud!" ("Think about me", "I will indicate the wind") and "Universes" ("Schnyaga Snayhouse", "about the end", "about parachutists").

Since 2008, Vitaly has starred in the "University" series. But there was a rumor that we will not see the hero in the new season. Why?

Causes of screen and real

In the plot of the movie Kuzya misunderstood the conversation between Masha and Martynov. He thought that the guys were lovers. I got drunk to hell, I wanted to go on Martynov's face, but I accidentally got on Masha.

In the upset feelings of Kuzya, among the night gathered his belongings, wrote a farewell note and went to his native Agapovka. In the note, he wrote that he could not have anything in Moscow, there is no normal work, with study stranded and in personal life everything is bad. Therefore, he leaving home.

Masha is going after day after him, but comes soon. She says that you need to live on, and the Kuze is good there. He will not return. Beautiful and logical care of the actor from the TV project.

Logical because to Gogunsky for so many years of participation in the project "University", a label of a stupid and eternal student has already been attached. The actor himself confirms this fear. But not only the boring role made him leave. Vitaly wants to move on: to be filmed in other films, write songs, to engage in directed. Yes, and thirty-five years for a student and for the youth series, not quite suitable age.

Work on the "Univer" set was too tense. It often had to be filmed at twelve hours a day all week. There was simply no time to participate in other projects. Even rumors crawled around that because of the stress schedule, Gogunsky began to apply to the bottle. For alcohol passion, he was asked from the project. Fortunately, these are only rumors.

"University" for Vitaly became a good acting practice and made it recognizable. True, on vacation in the Dominican Republic, everyone took an actor for Brad Pitt. He was not against such confusion and with pleasure responded ...

2012 was the year of losses for the Univer. And not only. Ekaterina Gamova said about his care. Why did Gamova leave the Russian national volleyball team?

But back to the "Unillire". Shortly before Kuzmin's departure, the project left Allochka (Maria Kozhevnikov). She, too, decided to move on, develop, starve in other films. And she succeeded. After Univer, Maria Kozhevnikova starred in the films "Dark World" and "Wedding".

Too far, Gogunsky has not yet managed to "move away" from Univer. Still, thanks to this series, he became world famous. But the actors do not deny the roles in their creative fate of the Univer. In 2013, Vitaly is removed in the new Sitkom "University. Sasha-Tanya. "

Well. Young and talented guys have the right to leave old and spaced places. The youth project is good. But so long to develop one hero is impossible. Students grow up, leaving the hostel, new ones are settled in their place ... so it should be.

Currently, Vitaly Gogunsky works at the Theater Agency "Lecker", writes music, composes songs, rides a rink with the stars (show "Dancing with the stars"; his partner is Ekaterina Osipova) and plans to open his own theater. The actor announced this after his couple was removed from an ice-dance show. Guess how will his theater be called? That's right, "Kuzya." The public is children. Actors are only comrades and friends of the Gogunsky shop on the creative workshop. He himself plans not only to lead the theater for young spectators, but also go on stage. In addition, in a new institution will give the lessons of acting skills.

For many viewers, he was an eternal student, a naive and scattered Dobrybar Kuzey from the series "University". Last year, Vitaly Gogunsky announced his care from Sitkom. Now the actor participates in the showing show "one in one". Moreover, not one, but with his daughter Milan. Thinking with Vitali above managed with a break between the shooting. In life, this young man turned out to be very serious, intellectual and eloquent. Vitaly, how did you decide to participate in the TV project "one in one"?

I have finished a music school. In childhood, even sang in the school chore. And then on the pop vocal studied at the Kiev Institute. Also, the project is very helpful in reincarnation Acting skills. I do not feel problems. In the first season of the project, participation took mainly some singers, and I did not think that the actor could get. I participated in Casting, which was held for four months. Performed five tasks and passed.

In the last release of "one in one", the image of the Solist of the SCORPONS group of Claus Main brought you a brilliant victory. How did you manage such reincarnation?
It was very interesting to me. And when something is interesting, you just do not pay attention to difficulty. Now I work on the way Gregory Lepsa. By the way, he will perform with Ani Lorak, the image of which will present my daughter Milan. I am very waiting for this moment and, of course, worry. The record has already taken place. Milan coped brilliantly. She had the first success.

Cameras did not embarrass little Milan?
Daughter did everything for the sake of Pope. She really wanted to won the dad, so for the sake of me with a television show. Milan did not pay attention to his constraint, so much she wanted to give everyone to the dad.

Your daughter, what is she?
I'm afraid to be a biased father. I mean such as all parents who praise their children. I am not an exception ... we really like to be with each other. In my free time, we walk in a cafe in a cafe, the yoo daughter loves the zoo. Together we spend time very fun and great. Love to travel. I really raise these moments ...
Now I spend most of the time at the shooting. While my thoughts are mainly about work. Often the shooting go from nine in the morning to two o'clock in the morning.

Around your departure from the television series "Univer" walked a lot of rumors. So all the same, why did you decide to leave Sitkom?
The contract ended, it was necessary to take a pause. I had a lot of suggestions. Now I am engaged in my own production project. But I see that interest in the "Univera" does not fade. I am pleased to continue to work again, if I called me. I always loved Kuzyu. It all started with him. I only have a sense of gratitude and love for the character, as well as to the guys with whom I worked. I write "Vkontakte", that, they say, we love you, and you threw us. I want to return to the "university" at least a couple of episodes.

So, there is hope to see you again in the "University"?
Sure! In a fairy tale, you should always believe (laughs).

It is no secret that between you and the villages often spend parallels, or vice versa, are looking for differences. What do you like in this image?
Kuzya cool! Just watch the series and make sure that. The more I played Kuzu, the more I saw that we practically do not differ. True, we are very similar. This role gave me a lot in a professional plan. This is a great experience. Every day for 12 hours. If long to suffer, something will turn out!

Vitaly, I can not not mark your stunning physical form. What types of sports prefer?
I would not say now about the amazing physical form (smiles). I really love to play football. Despite the fact that it is attempting, I can't do anything. Sometimes we are playing airsoft with the guys. By the way, my friend Misha Galustyan organized this story. Very extreme sport. I really like that there you can run with a machine gun that shoots ceramic balls. I still love the sea. I dream to do surfing, but it does not work while you find time. I really want to be like guys with a pumped press from Hollywood. I grew up at sea. I really miss this. I think that in Moscow it is necessary to dig up the sea. Moscow must afford it.

Do you have bad habits?
I do not drink and do not smoke. Although when we rest with your wife in Italy, I can allow red wine. And if with oysters, then white ... But if you still have a drink in Moscow, then you just do not have time to recover. There are no bad habits, because you need to always be in working mode.

Will Watch Football World Cup?
There were even plans to go to Brazil. Irakli Pizkhalava called. But, probably, it will not work because you need to prepare for shooting. I will look on TV. But I will definitely visit the next world championship.

What are your forecasts?
Strong teams are a lot. But I think that Brazil or Argentina will win. I am the fan is not emotional, but rational. Our footballers are involved in the fact that you should not worry about football. It will turn out to be more expensive. Therefore, I do not hurt our team. Just look, I am glad for individuals. This is Mourinho, Costa, Ronaldo, Simeon.

Gogun Vitaly Evgenievich, Russian actor.
Date and place of birth: July 14, 1978, Kremenchug (Ukraine).
Education: VGIK, Alexey Batalov Workshop.
Family: Anna Gogun's wife, Milan's daughter (born in 2010, from the former wife of Irina).
Hobbies: music, sports (karate, football, airsoft).

In the new season, "Universes" fans will not see the Kuzu. Single unhappy, stupid, but very good and funny pitching. Actor Vitaly Gogunsky decided not to extend the contract for the continuation of the filming. For what reason did he accept this decision? Why is Kuzya left "Univer"?

Who is Kuzya?

Kuzya, or Edward Kuzmin, a student, a resident of the dorm, one of the heroes of Sitkom "University". The role was performed by Gogun, a thirty-five-year-old actor, composer and singer.

All childhood Vitaly spent on Poltava region. From the Small years he was fond of music, he studied at the local music school, where he was engaged in the piano. In Poltava, Gogunsky became a nominee in the children's music competition. At the same time actively engaged in karate and football.

From twelve years, Gogun worked. And not because there was nothing to eat the son of the deputy. First, a loader and utility workers, then leading on a local radio station. Subsequently, he was invited to conduct an informational program on the channel "Russia".

Gogunsky did not immediately chose the path of a creative person. According to the instruction of the father, he graduated from the technical university, received a specialty "Engineer-technologist". Only then entered the pop department of Vgika. He graduated in 2007.

As a film actor made his debut in 2004. Gogunsky played the seventeen-year-old son of the head of the Construction Enterprise Anton in the film "Forgive, Dr. Freud!". The boy is completely unmanaged, so psychoanalyst is invited to him.

Another image actor creates in the film "Permaretatic" film. His hero is a young boy. Roman wolves - I decided to quickly and easily disrupt a large kush. Drama is the history of the elevation and fall of the novel, the search for happiness by other families.

The episodic roles and roles of the second plan Gogunsky played in the films "Heir" (2006), "Thunderstorm Gate" (2006), "Bear Hunting" (2007). In parallel with acting, Vitaly carried out composer. In particular, he owned songs from "Dr. Freud!" ("Think about me", "I will indicate the wind") and "Universes" ("Schnyaga Snayhouse", "about the end", "about parachutists").

Since 2008, Vitaly has starred in the "University" series. But there was a rumor that we will not see the hero in the new season. Why?

Causes of screen and real

In the plot of the movie Kuzya misunderstood the conversation between Masha and Martynov. He thought that the guys were lovers. I got drunk to hell, I wanted to go on Martynov's face, but I accidentally got on Masha.

In the upset feelings of Kuzya, among the night gathered his belongings, wrote a farewell note and went to his native Agapovka. In the note, he wrote that he could not have anything in Moscow, there is no normal work, with study stranded and in personal life everything is bad. Therefore, he leaving home.

Masha is going after day after him, but comes soon. She says that you need to live on, and the Kuze is good there. He will not return. Beautiful and logical care of the actor from the TV project.

Logical because to Gogunsky for so many years of participation in the project "University", a label of a stupid and eternal student has already been attached. The actor himself confirms this fear. But not only the boring role made him leave. Vitaly wants to move on: to be filmed in other films, write songs, to engage in directed. Yes, and thirty-five years for a student and for the youth series, not quite suitable age.

Work on the "Univer" set was too tense. It often had to be filmed at twelve hours a day all week. There was simply no time to participate in other projects. Even rumors crawled around that because of the stress schedule, Gogunsky began to apply to the bottle. For alcohol passion, he was asked from the project. Fortunately, these are only rumors.

"University" for Vitaly became a good acting practice and made it recognizable. True, on vacation in the Dominican Republic, everyone took an actor for Brad Pitt. He was not against such confusion and with pleasure responded ...

2012 was the year of losses for the Univer. And not only. Ekaterina Gamova said about his care. Why did Gamova leave the Russian national volleyball team?

But back to the "Unillire". Shortly before Kuzmin's departure, the project left Allochka (Maria Kozhevnikov). She, too, decided to move on, develop, starve in other films. And she succeeded. After Univer, Maria Kozhevnikova starred in the films "Dark World" and "Wedding".

Too far, Gogunsky has not yet managed to "move away" from Univer. Still, thanks to this series, he became world famous. But the actors do not deny the roles in their creative fate of the Univer. In 2013, Vitaly is removed in the new Sitkom "University. Sasha-Tanya. "

Well. Young and talented guys have the right to leave old and spaced places. The youth project is good. But so long to develop one hero is impossible. Students grow up, leaving the hostel, new ones are settled in their place ... so it should be.

Currently, Vitaly Gogunsky works at the Theater Agency "Lecker", writes music, composes songs, rides a rink with the stars (show "Dancing with the stars"; his partner is Ekaterina Osipova) and plans to open his own theater. The actor announced this after his couple was removed from an ice-dance show. Guess how will his theater be called? That's right, "Kuzya." The public is children. Actors are only comrades and friends of the Gogunsky shop on the creative workshop. He himself plans not only to lead the theater for young spectators, but also go on stage. In addition, in a new institution will give the lessons of acting skills.