Birmak - About the artistic technique of pianist - professional diseases of pianists Treatment. Great Pianists of the Past and Real Professional Pianists

Birmak - About the artistic technique of pianist - professional diseases of pianists Treatment. Great Pianists of the Past and Real Professional Pianists

Pianist (~ ka) - musician, performer on the piano. Professional pianists can act as independent performers, play accompanied by an orchestra or ensemble, accompany one or more musicians.

Usually, the pianists begin learning the game tool even at an early age, some sit down for the piano for three years, as a result of which "wide palm" develops in a more mature age, that is, more developed hands with increased stretching fingers, due to What it seems that the palm has a pianist more.

"Wide palm" and narrow long fingers are also considered one of the signs of a good pianist. Many famous composers were simultaneously talented pianists. For example, Franz Peter Schubert, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Ferenz Leaf, Johann Brahms, Frederick Chopin, Robert Schumann, Sergey Rakhmaninov and other composers were virtuoso piano games.

Most pianists specialize in the music of certain composers or certain times. However, the repertoire of many pianists is not limited to classical music, but includes works of such styles as jazz, blues, popular music.

The pianist must own an extensive material, freely navigate in it, feel and understanding various musical styles. The game on the piano requires a student of such personal qualities as musical gifting, character hardness, will, dedication, the ability to work for a long time and concentrate, it is interesting to think.

In a diploma at Pianist, continued learning in the Conservatory, a soloist, a concertmester, an ensemble and a teacher of a musical school.

The pianist soloist conquers the right speech with solo concerts at musical competitions or fruitful labor in educational institutions and concert organizations (Moskoncert, Lenconcert, etc.). But the right to enter the philharmonic scene, he must confirm each of his performance. And this is achieved by titanic labor, constant improvement of skill, self-education and self-development. In addition to high professional qualities, excellent technical equipment, a good school (for which there is a lot of physiological data - the structure and shape of the hands, the magnitude of the brushes, the length of the fingers), the pianist soloist must have a bright creative personality, to be a person.

A person is not born, the personality becomes. From what is the person, what is his moral principles, how hard it is His conviction and strong character depends on the scale of the personality. And this scale is clearly stuck in the work of any artist, including a pianist.

I and my profession
  • 1) Profession is a musician.

  • 2) Pros of the profession is a musician.

  • 3) Cons Profit Musician.

1) Profession is a musician.

At all times in Russia, and not only, it was best to have jams and musicians (schomoroids), because it is Humor and Music - these are those things from which the feeling of human happiness and joy depends on the whole of financial and emotional security. Only here is a vital philosophy that allows you to devote yourself almost always unstable and low paid profession of the musician, it is rare, because of what guys and girls, men and women with a musical instrument in a coffee maker on the street always make passers-by turn around.

Professional pianist musician (specialty - piano) can have qualifications: accompanist, soloist, artist chamber ensemble, concert soloist, as well as teacher. Professional activity - musical art. The main task of the performer is to convey the composer's intent, bring it to the listener through the game on the piano.

A professional musician must own the skills of the execution of musical works using various game techniques; Skills of musical text analysis in order to preserve, transmission when performing a musical product of its stylistic features. When working with a vocalist from the accompanism, knowledge of the specifics of execution, vocal repertoire, the skill competently accompanied. When working with instrumentalists, the ability to work in the ensemble is necessary. The musician also participates in the creation of musical design and accompanied by cultural events.

Characterized static working posture, load on the spine and hand. Concert makers are in demand in educational institutions and cultural institutions. As teachers, musicians are also easily employed in schools, additional education institutions, as well as specialized music educational institutions. It is possible to work as a concert performer - soloist or as part of ensembles.

Should be able to

Should be able to
  • Perform works on musical instruments in various techniques of the game, understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba musical work and express its image and emotional depth, work individually and in the orchestra, etc.

Professionally important qualities
  • ear for music;

  • sense of rhythm;

  • musical memory;

  • good coordination;

  • motor fluency;

  • preferabity, patience, purposefulness;

  • developed imagination, creativity (tendency to improvisation);

  • pedagogical abilities.

Medical contraindications
  • hand diseases (arthritis);

  • reduced rumor;

  • strong scoliosis with contraindications of work in a static pose and high loads on the spine and hand.

Ways to receive a profession
  • Music school, college.

Related professions
  • Soloist, artist chamber ensemble, teacher of music, singer.

2) Pros of the profession is a musician.

1) A musician gives joy and inspiration.

2) Music changes the mood of people, interacts with their feelings.

3) Music cleans the consciousness of man. A real musician helps this life, to this world to be brighter and lives himself and breathes only by it.

3) Cons Profit Musician.

Music is very difficult to earn, in general it is physically hard, they rude themselves. True, prases, too, often, but it is not always plus. The instability of earnings is sometimes forcesing to tighten the lines at full or exit the transition with a cap (panama, hat, etc.). In addition, "Do not shoot a pianist - playing, as can" - an appeal, which is not unreasonable hung at the time of the wild West in many Texan bars. Today you have a bad voice, tomorrow "And Space Dembelskaya ...", the day after tomorrow can and "meet" a knife. Our drunken people in this kind of establishments are not always kind, affectionate and generous to tips. And, nevertheless, the understanding of the human soul in combination with the mind and sometimes the wonders are sometimes creating. That is why on the verge of a conscious and subconscious can always be found and pressed on the point that reminds the person about his humanity, if he even smits drunk and just as stupid. To someone, as not a musician playing on human emotions, on the nerves with the same ease, as in the strings of their guitar (violin, cello, etc.), know these points?

So even in the minuses there are posses. Sing, play, live not only for yourself, but also for others, and you will be happy.

4) I choose a profession a musician.

    And let this profession is not so highly paid, let it be unstable and will not provide me with a decent pension, but the point is not in this. The bottom line is that every time going to work, I will do this with the feeling of the correctness of what is happening. After all, a musician is one of the few people who are able to experience their emotions not independently, not alone, but to share them with the whole world, with everyone who hears how the sound flows out of his tool.

I want to become a musician, or rather, a pianist.

"In order to make music and achieve success in this case, Tchaikovsky said, it is necessary to have talent, hearing, musical deposits. It is impossible in art and without patience and perseverance."

Indeed, what is all the gamma, technically difficult etudes. It is especially difficult at the very beginning of its path to overcome the problems of transitional age. For example, many of my acquaintances, studying at school, threw out the music and now they are very sorry for this. After all, in addition to actually, the piano, it is necessary to visit Solfeggio, vocals, music history, choral classes.

Not everyone can give their forces on such a thorough work. But the music classes are worth it, because they bring tremendous pleasure. Being in this environment, you feel a special atmosphere, meet many interesting and creative people. The profession of the musician very attracts me, and perhaps I would like to try myself in this activity.

orchestra or ensemble , accompaniro

  • Professional pianists can act as independent performers, play accompanied by orchestra or ensemble , accompaniro

    In fact, all the professional diseases of art workers, no matter what kind of music, theater, theater, art or other, very terrible and most of them are chronic. And we must pay tribute to these people who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of life of life, for the sake of the wonderful thing that we can enjoy and at the same time receive aesthetic, cultural education.

Great pianists of the past and present They are truly the brightest example for admiration and imitation. Everyone who is enjoiced and fond of musitizing on piano always tried to copy the best features of great pianists: how they fulfill the work, as they could feel the secret of every note and sometimes it seems that it is incredible and some kind of magic, but everything comes with experience: if yesterday it It seemed unreal, today a person and himself can perform the most complex sonatas and fugues.

Piano is one of the most famous musical instruments that penetrate a variety of music genres, and with its help a lot of most touching and emotional compositions have been created in history. And people playing on it are considered the giants of the musical world. But who are these the greatest pianists? When choosing the best, many questions arise: it should be based on technical abilities, reputation, the latitude of the repertoire or the ability to improvise? There is another question, is it worth considering those pianists who played in past centuries, because then there were no recording equipment, and we cannot hear their performance and compare with modern. But during this period there was a huge number of incredible talents and if they received world fame long before the media, it is quite justified to give them respect. Taking into account all these factors, we offer a list of the 7 best pianists of the past and present.

Frederick Chopin (1810-1849)

The most famous Polish composer Frederic Chopin It was one of the greatest virtuosos, a pianist performer of his time.

The overwhelming majority of his works are created for solo on the piano, and although there are no records of his game, one of his contemporaries wrote: "Chopin Creator of the piano and composer school. In truth, nothing can compare with ease and sweetness with which the composer started playing Piano, moreover, you can not compare his work complete originality, features and grace. "

Ferrenz Sheet (1811-1886)

In rivalry with Chopin for the crown of the greatest virtuosos of the 19th century was Ferenz Sheet - Hungarian composer, teacher and pianist.

Among his most famous works is an insanely complex Sonata for Piano Si-Minor Années De Pèlerinage and Waltz MEPHISTO WALTZ. In addition, his glory as the performer became a legend, even invented the word of leaf. For the eight-year period of tour in Europe in the early 1840s, the sheet gave more than 1000 ideas, although in a relatively young age (35 years) stopped his pianist career and fully focused on the writing.

Sergey Rachmaninov (1873-1943)

The style of Rachmaninov was, perhaps, quite controversial for the time he lived, because it sought to maintain romanticism of the 19th century.

He remembered the ability to many stretch your hand on 13 notes (Oktawa plus five notes) and even gladly glancing on the etudes and the concerts that he wrote, you can make sure to authenticate this fact. Fortunately, the records of the execution of this brilliant pianist have been preserved, starting with his prelude to Diez Major, recorded in 1919.

Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982)

This Polish-American pianist is often cited as the best performer Chopin of all time.

At the age of two years, he discovered an absolute hearing, and when he was 13 debuted with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. His teacher was Karl Henry Barth, who in turn he studied at the sheet, thus you can safely consider it part of the great pianoset tradition. Rubinstein talent, combining elements of romanticism with more modern technical aspects, turned it into one of the best pianists of his time.

Svyatoslav Richter (1915 - 1997)

In the struggle for the title of the best pianist of the 20th century, Richter is part of the powerful Russian performers who appeared in the middle of the 20th century. He showed a huge commitment to composers in his versions, describing his role as a "performer", and not an interpreter.

Richter was not a big fan of the recording process, but his best live speeches were preserved, including 1986 in Amsterdam, 1960 - New York and 1963 in Leipzig. For himself, he held high standards and realizing that at the Italian Bach concert, played not the note, insisted on the need to fail to print a product on a CD.

Vladimir Ashkenazi (1937 -)

Ashkenazi is one of the leaders in the world of classical music. Born in Russia, at the moment it has Icelandic and Swiss citizenship, and still acts as a pianist and conductor around the world.

In 1962, he became the winner of the Tchaikovsky International Competition, and in 1963 left the USSR and lived in London. Its extensive record catalog includes all the piano works of Rachmaninov and Chopin, Beethoven Sonats, the piano concerts of Mozart, as well as the writings of Scriabin, Prokofiev and Brahms.

Martha Argerich (1941-)

The Argentine Pianist of March Argerich struck the whole world with his phenomenal talent, when at the age of 24 in 1964 won on the international competition named Chopin.

Now she is recognized as one of the greatest pianists of the second half of the 20th century and famous for passionate game and technical abilities, as well as the performance of the works of Prokofiev and Rakhmaninov.

How to choose the way to decide! But for starters -


Pianist (Ku) - musician, performer on piano. Professional pianists can act as independent performers, play accompanied by an orchestra or ensemble, accompany one or more musicians.

Usually, the pianists begin learning the game tool even at an early age, some sit down for the piano for three years, as a result of which "wide palm" develops in a more mature age, that is, more developed hands with increased stretching fingers, due to What it seems that the palm has a pianist more.

"Wide palm" and narrow long fingers are also considered one of the signs of a good pianist. Many famous composers were simultaneously talented pianists. For example, Franz Peter Schubert, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Ferenz Leaf, Johann Brahms, Frederick Chopin, Robert Schumann, Sergey Rakhmaninov and other composers were virtuoso piano games.

Most pianists specialize in the music of certain composers or certain times. However, the repertoire of many pianists is not limited to classical music, but includes works of such styles as jazz, blues, popular music.

Famous and great pianists:

  • Prokofiev Sergey Sergeevich
  • Weber Karl Maria Background
  • Goldmark Peter.
  • Rubinstein Arthur
  • Rakhmaninov Sergey Vasilyevich
  • Debussy Ashil-Claude
  • London Jack
  • Balakirev Miliya Alekseevich
  • Scriabin Alexander Nikolaevich
  • Grieg Edward.


Pianist Responsibilities - Professional Performance of Music Material.

In addition to this main duty, he takes part in the development of thematic plans and programs

He can also lead both teaching activities.


Personal qualities

The game on the piano requires a student of such personal qualities as musical gifting, character hardness, will, dedication, the ability to work for a long time and concentrate, it is interesting to think.

Professional knowledge and skills

The pianist must own an extensive material, freely navigate in it, feel and understanding various musical styles.


In a diploma at Pianist, continued learning in the Conservatory, a soloist, a concertmester, an ensemble and a teacher of a musical school.

The pianist soloist conquers the right speech with solo concerts at musical competitions or fruitful labor in educational institutions and concert organizations (Moskoncert, Lenconcert, etc.). But the right to enter the philharmonic scene, he must confirm each of his performance. And this is achieved by titanic labor, constant improvement of skill, self-education and self-development. In addition to high professional qualities, excellent technical equipment, a good school (for which there is a lot of physiological data - the structure and shape of the hands, the magnitude of the brushes, the length of the fingers), the pianist soloist must have a bright creative personality, to be a person.

A person is not born, the personality becomes. From what is the person, what is his moral principles, how hard it is His conviction and strong character depends on the scale of the personality. And this scale is clearly stuck in the work of any artist, including a pianist.