The man came to this world Shukshin. from

The man came to this world Shukshin. from
The man came to this world Shukshin. from

A wonderful actor and writer who left us too early.

1. Man is a complete idiot. In the morning gets up - grieves, goes to bed - grieves. Always everything is dissatisfied with everything, grunts, hates everyone. They say - character.

2. Here you live - forty-five years already - you think everyone: nothing, someday I will live well, easy. And the time goes ... and so come to this very day, in which we must go to bed - and I waited for any life. It is asked what it was necessary to wait, and not to do such joys as you can do?

3. With sleek living easier. You can hate - it is easier. And with good - difficult, ashamed somehow.

4. The storyteller writes one big novel all his life. And then they estimate it when the novel is completed, and the author died.

5. No old age is respected by itself, but lived life. If she was.

6. No mind, no truth, no power of a real, none living idea. Yes, with what they rule right by us? One explanation remains - with our own nonsense. This is why it is necessary to beat and beat our art.

7. When we feel bad, we think: "And somewhere someone is good." When we are good, we rarely think: "Somehow someone is bad."

8. I am looking for a hero of our time and, it seems, groped it; The hero of our time is demagogue.

9. The Epoch of the Great Offensive Meshan. And in the first rows of this terrible army - women. It is sad, but so.

10. Each real writer, of course, is a psychologist, but the patient itself.

11. In general, there is a lot of just in life. Here you regret: Yesenin lived little. Exactly - with a song. Whether she, this song, long, she would not be so tight. Long songs does not happen.

12. Nothing to be poor, I am ashamed to be cheap!

13. Lie, lie, lie ... False - to salvation, lie - in the redemption of guilt, lie - the goal achievement, lies - career, well-being, ordinary, apartment ... FALS! All Russia was covered with a fair.

14. Strong in this world will find out everything: shame, and flour, and a trial of oneself, and the joy of enemies.

15. Here you want all people to live in the same way ... Two are full and then they burn unenocomy, and you want people to live in the same way!

17. Not afraid of the stupidity of the ruler, for he is always divinely stupid, if he does not know another joy, except to polish and catch. It is terrible that people suffer.

18. There is no time to come to the time when you need to smell your hand and say that you can't do anything here. You can always do.

19.Critical attitude towards yourself - this is what a person is doing truly smart. Also in art, and in the literature: they know their share honestly - there will be a lot.

20. Incidentally, the great people determines, among other things, the fact that they suffer next to the devise.

Information and Methodical "Tips" dedicated to V. M. Shukshin

Although the year is neurubilanny, but it is not necessary to do everything only for the anniversary dates ... it is possible for the soul, if you like the work of a writer or poet ...
Information and methodological "Tips" include: the ideas of headlines, the names of book exhibitions, other forms of mass events dedicated to; statements of the writer and quotes about him and his work; Plan of book-illustrative exhibition, information list of publications about Shukshin, poems about him, the main dates of life and activity. We hope that this material will be useful to librarians in the work.

Basic dates of life and activity

"I read a lot at all times. I decided that I could, perhaps, pass the external exam on the certificate of maturity. I passed ... I think it's my little feet - the certificate. I never experienced such a voltage of the strength. " (Shukshin V. Questions yourself. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1981. - P.97.)

1953 - 1954, October - June - teaches Russian, literature, history in the Srekkinskaya school of rural youth, at the same time - the director of the school.

"One time I was a rural school teacher for adults. The teacher I was, honestly, Nevaznetsky (without special education, without experience), but I can not forget now, as well, gratefully looked at me who worked for the day guys and girls, when I managed to tell them anything important, interesting and I wonder ... I loved them at such moments. And in the depths of the soul, not without pride and happiness believed: now, at these moments, I do real, good deal. It is a pity, we have little in the life of such minutes. Of them are happiness. " (Shukshin V. Questions to myself. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1981. - p.45.)

1954, June - Leaving to Moscow, gives entrance exams at the All-Russian Cinematography Institute.

December - Shukshin was awarded the State Prize named after Vasilyev's brothers for the film "Your Son and Brother."

1968 - The "Soviet writer" publisher came out the collection "There, away."

1968 - 1969 - V. Shukshin removes the film "Strange People" according to his scenario.

1969 - For merits in the field of Soviet cinematography awarded the title of Honored Arts Worker of the RSFSR.

1971 - For the execution of the role of the Black Engineer in the film S. Gerasimov "At the Lake" was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

1972 - V. Shukshina "Stoves-shop" came out.

1973 - A collection of stories "Characters" came out in the Publishing House "Contemporary"

1974, January - came out the film "Kalina Red", who received the first award at the All-Union Film Festival; The book "Conversations with a clear moon" published in the Publishing House "Soviet Russia".

The end of May - on the Don began shooting the film S. Bondarchuk "They fought for their homeland, where V. Shukshin was invited to the role of Peter Lopakhina.

June - in the publishing house "Soviet writer put in a set of Roman" I came to give you will. "


Book-Illustrative Exhibition Plan

"Lading the song Vasily Shukshina"

Total quote: "The best goes as if the world is crazy,

As if he could not understand them

The best, do not sleep last songs,

Invite a native land mother ... "

I. Nabiyev. "Memory Shukshina"

1 section: "True. Truth. Justice ": Selection of Vasily


Quote: "... live folk joy and pain, think, as it thinks

People, because people always know the truth ... "

Quote: "We would not forget the soul.

We would be a little kind to be ... "

2 Section: "I carry the homeland in the shower ...": Life and creativity

Quote: "... all my life I carry my homeland in my soul, I love her, alive

She, she gives me strength when it happens difficult


3 Section: "One in three persons: Shukshin - writer, actor,


Quote: "We have not been in the last decades of such an artist, who would be so confident and mercilessly broke into every human soul ... The reader and the audience Vasily Shukshin remains all Russia ..., His talent is, first of all, the voice of the recovery conscience." V. Rasputin

Quote: "If Vasily Shukshin was only an actor, only the director, only a screenwriter and playwright and, finally, just a prose, then, in this, in this case, we would have an outstanding talent. But all these donations belong to one person. Our art has not yet known such a striking combination. " S. Zaligin

Ideas of headlines, titles of exhibitions and forms of mass events dedicated to

exhibition-portrait "He loved Birch Bare and Red Dresses Kalin ...": Life and Creativity Vasily Shukshina "

exhibition-view "He called us in the distance Light ...": Vasily Shukshin

exhibition-Travel "Shukshin and Cinema"

exhibition-Panorama "V. Shukshin in life - in photographs "

evening-thinking "Vasily Makarovich Shukshin - a look from the twentieth century"

the oral magazine "loved life with pain for living ...": about

literary and musical composition "Kalina Red Breasts about Shukshin ..."

book Exhibition-Reflection "Everything Printed in the Soul ...": Life and Creativity V. Shukshina

"... live folk joy and pain, thinking as people thinks, because the people always know the truth."

"I generally wants a rural man, leaving the village, nothing would have lost anything expensive that he gained from the traditional recipient, that he managed to understand that he had time to love; Would not lose the love of nature. "

"My dear homeland ... It's hard to understand, but what they say" Altai ", so flinches, the heart is lying to the pain instant hot feeling. When I will die if I am conscious, at the last moment I have time to think about my mother, about children and about the motherland, which lives in me. I have nothing more expensive. "

"Never, never in my life I have not allowed to live relaxed, lounging. Always tense and assembled. It can end badly, I can crack from the voltage. "

"The Russian people selected for their history, retained such human qualities to the degree of respect, which are not subject to revision: honesty, hard work, conscientiousness, kindness ... We made up of all historical catastrophes and retained in the purity of the great Russian language, he was transferred to us by our grandfathers. And the fathers - whether it is worth giveing \u200b\u200bhim for a certain cracker, the so-called "urban language", which own all the same deft people, which is how to live as if they can, and through fake. In vain that everything was not in vain: our songs, our fairy tales, our incredible gravity of victory, our sufferings - do not give all this for some tobacco ... We knew how to live. Remember this. Be human".

"... all my life I carry my homeland in the soul, I love her, alive, she gives me strength when it happens difficult and sorely ..."

"Where do such talents come from? From whished folk. Russian people live on Earth - and even one. He will talk for everyone - he is a memorandum of people's memory, wise people wisdom ... "

"No, literature is still the life of the soul of human, no idea, not considerations of even the highest moral order."

"Rinse for me is all life."

"All the time lives the desire to turn literature into sports. Who is longer? Who is easier? Who is more difficult? Who are bold? And the literature is true. Revelation. And here is absolutely anyway - who is brave, who is difficult, who "epic" ... There is truth - there is a literature ... "

I - Son, I - Brother, I - Father ...

The heart of meat has grown to life,

True, hurt - leave.

Not now, no.

It is important to break into future Russia.

"The narrator writes one big novel all my life. And then they estimate it when the romance is completed and the author died. "

"The need to take the pen itself ... lies in the shower in the shower."

"Mother is the most respected that neither is in life, the most native one - the whole consists of pity. She loves her child, respects, jealous, he wants goodness to him - a lot of things, but invariably, all his life regrets"

"And in his books, and I only spoke about those who know who is tied to whom. Shared, as he knew how his memories, his attachments. "

"It is necessary to nail your nail into the fracture of history." (From work entries).

Hug yourself to genius. (From work entries).

"Morality is true ..."

And my homeland is beautiful - Altai ... some rare, pristine beauty. It is useless to describe it, it is impossible to understand it. "

"We would not forget about the soul. We would be a little kind to be ... "

"We send those who stopped lying"

"Now I will say beautiful: you want to be a master, macay your feather in the truth. No one else will be surprised anymore"

"I'm like a Pachacora, sitting on my table, I dwell - I start working. It's fine."

"I can't live in the village. But I love there - the heart burns"

"Form? Shape - it is a form: you can cast a gold box. Not in the form of a business"

"Those who I do somehow help, do not even suspect how they help me"

"For what a person does not regret neither forces, neither funds, nor health? For pleasure. Only in his youth, he is ready for this health to give, in old age - to give pleasure for health"

"Works of art is when something happened: in the country, with man, in your destiny"

"A man who gives, wants to experience joy. It is impossible to take this joy in any way"

"Critical attitude towards yourself - this is what a person does truly smart. Also in art and in the literature: you know my share honestly - there will be a lot

"And some kind of huge power is melted to me there, in the homeland, some kind of life-giving force, which should be touched in order to find the lost pressure in the blood ..."

"And my homeland is beautiful - Altai: as I happen there, so it seems to rise a little to heaven"

"The writer should not, can not avoid the days and atmosphere of his childhood"

"It's not afraid of the ruler's stupidity, for he is always divinely stupid, if he does not know another joy, except to polish and catch. It is terrible that people suffer"

"Those who die, leave behind their blessings and carry their sins with them"

"No old age is respected by itself, but lived life. If she was"

"Why is the shame of those who imitate? No, the glory of those who imitate, they worked for the future"

"Try to write thousands so that one has become a writer"

"What is brevity? Skip, but let it be and the fool is clear - which is missing. The missed and understandable is understood and pleased."

Statements about V. M. Shukshin

"Shukshin is a writer outwardly affordable, and in fact very complex. It is not difficult because it is not a photographic life-to-container, but the beholder exceptions. He takes a man in his closed zone and, telling about him, reaches an extraordinary effect: amazing vitality and charming noness ... "

Mikhail Ulyanov

"Shukshin, with all the evidence, one of the most mysterious writers. He was surprisingly able to comprehend the human souls and to influence our souls. "

Sergey Zaligin

"Shukshin, in contrast to all of us, gives us an image with its own, and not by our logic, and not our concepts," this is his great feature discovery. "

Sergey Zaligin

"If it was necessary to show a portrait of a Russian in spirit and a facility for some testimony at a global one, where only one person decided to judge the nature of the people, how many would come together, that he should be shuchshin ..."

Valentin Rasputin

"We didn't have such an artist in the last decades, which would be so confident and mercilessly broke into any kind of human soul and offered her to check that she was, in what expanses and Dahlch she got lost, which one succumbed to the temptation or, on the contrary, he helped her And stay in loyalty and clean. The reader and the audience Vasily Shukshin remains all Russia, from the highest minds to the most fallen, his talent is, first of all, the voice of the recovery conscience. "

V. Rasputin

"If Vasily Shukshin was only an actor, only the director, only a screenwriter and playwright and, finally, only a prose, then, in this, in this case, we would have an outstanding talent. But all these donations belong to one person. Our art has not yet known such a striking combination. "

S. Zaligin

"... years will be held, there will still be a birch noise, everything will also roll the water Katun, everything will also stand a commune, but I am sure that the glory of this person will be, the appearance of it will be in years more than noble and bright, and on this Mount every year will come more and more people. Not necessarily at the invitation, but just as they go to Pushkin. Because the value of the artist Shukshin is not fully consciously ... "

Viktor Astafiev, 1979.

Shukshin readings. Mount Picket

"Shukhin managed to hurt us for the living, break into our souls and make us awake asking us:" What happens to us? " I did not gear myself, hurried to have time to say the truth and this truth to bring people. "

V. Gorn, Writer's Creativity Researcher

"Creativity Vasily Shukshina - Writer, director, actor - is a sample of amazing wholeness, trinity."


"His talent is so high as the sky over the Altai, the mighty, as the mountains, is spacious, as an immense steppe, clean and leveled, like his native Katun. Only such land is uniquely beautiful - and could give birth to such a unique talent, such a different way, as Shukshin ".

A. Sobolev

"... the sudden world, opening in the books of Shukshina (and in films), is sudden, like the most fate of the author."


"Shukshin is a coded writer. The problems affected by them, the riddles of the human spirit and give the work to our mind and heart - for self-impact and self-exclusion; they do not become obsolete, they are eternal."


"There is Russia, there are search for truth, Shukshin"

A. Bobrov

"Shukshin, no matter how shorting his life in art, helped us once again look into the sacrament of life, in themselves - and see, to understand something, without anything we were the poores. He left us his books ...".


"He loved his homeland immensely

And she was true to the end "

"Picket is our bell!

His tongue - Shukshin! "


"Became a conscience by the post of sentient,

Pitch truth and good. "

V. Bayanov

"Here, on the natural intersection,

At the junction of destinies and roads

It is a village with the name of the Scycle -

Altai mountain threshold. "

E. Zhdanov

"He lived so much to repeat in others, appealing to kindness!

V. Timofeeva

"Vasily Shukshin was an unusual and unique. For a long time, everything he did in the literature, in the movie, in the theater."

"Shurshan tire. And noise vertices.

And hears: Shishkov, Shukshin.

The literature is a fact:

Altai as renovated.

Shukshin cut the Chuyet path,

Shukshin taking it appeared. "

"Shukshin is a great phenomenon of world art."

J. Sera.

"How about Ryazan sang Yesenin,

So about Altai sang Shukshin. "

B. Stukachev

"They lead to the picket Russian road today."

On the Internet (overview of Internet resources)

Year Shukshina in Altai

Site of the All-Russian Memorial Museum-Reserve (s. Surekkaya, Biyan district).

Project Coordinator: Russian Literary Network. On the site you can find full texts of works.

"Vasily Shukshin on the Internet."

On the site increased attention is paid to the electronic collection of the writings of Vasily Shukshin. To full extent (with the preservation of original formatting, comments and page numbering) Published Shukshin novels ("I came to give you the will" "and" Lubavina ") and journalism. In the near future, it is planned to place the hostess stories on the site. The site consists of sections: life The main dates of life and activity; Literature Collected Works; Cinema Actor, Director, Writer; Publications What I wrote and write about the life and work of Shukshin; Photo archive photos of different years; announcements of new events and press releases. Author and editor of the site Rustam Gabbasi.

The site is dedicated to life and creativity.

Information about the site "Famous Persons of Russia".

on the site "People"

on the Soviet Cinema Actors website.

Site "Vasily Makarovich Shukshin".

The site presents the full texts of the popular story of the writer.

V. Shukshin in the library Moshkov.

V. Shukshin in the library Alexei Snezhinsky.

In the library Alexei Snezhinsky, you can find almost all works, with the exception of journalism.

Information about the free encyclopedia "Wikipedia".

Biography and filmography of River V. Shukshin on the site "Kinomag".

Presentation "Life and Creativity"

Presentation "Vasily Shukshin"

Mount Picket

Mountain Picket - Poklonnaya Mountain.

By the will of the heart and in the call of the word

Here the people go without stopping,

Although the July heat is worth.

Russia honors cherished places.

And his sons were not glad, -

While still the soul did not attend

And did not dry the song on the lips.

And the pain is alive! .. about the conversation:

We still need to hold on again

After all, he went beyond his homeland

And not returned to the commune so far.

In the country is a discord. And - I need an eye yes eye!

Sometimes not to the poems and songs of gentle,

Because Russia and now

Do not consider enemies and internal and external.

Direct ticking beaten by beauty,

Poison filled charges ...

No, not on a nameless height

He still fights for the truth.

His words - covenant for every day,

His steps - come to hearing ...

Mountain Picket - another step

To the top of the Human Spirit.

You want to quench thirst and you can not.

You will fall to the soveser - it is not ...

Man that is no more expensive

You knew Mount Picket.

Choking and rushing in the spacious

Chuy turns into a spiral of the library ...

You are palms of flat

He shown his star.

Spirching the scars of the naughty, sigh,

Silence shuddered ...

You meet today,

On the birthday of Shukshina.

Son of the motherland, son of the century,

This holiday is a trail ...

Bosnian man.

You knew Mount Picket!

biysk. Pavel Jawetsky

Chuyet path buzzing with an airfield,

Rushing to the mountains, rushes into blue.

On him, having resolved with stepfather house,

He left the spray to Moscow.

And, as a warrior, was always in the campaign,

In death, I do not believe it by a moment:

He lives and will live in the people

In the film, on the pages of books.

Every year, spring comes into a fragment,

Penius birds and gomon is full.

And noisy on the streets of birch

Street is called - "Shukshina".

The hum of cars does not quiet in the field,

Wave splash comes from the river,

Name Shukshina today school

Gratefully gave countrymen.

On the river in the spring rake water,

Removing the layers of heavy ice floes.

I again meet with the ship,

What is borne by the name - "Shukshin".

Swim in the sky

A friendly caravan of cranes ...

Beauty and Glory will not die

Grateful Srostin Earth.

from. Bulanich. Mikhail Mokshin

Memory of Vasily Shukshina

To the extreme threshold

He was led, hurrying -

Altai breed

And the kind soul.

Please reply,

Interrupting the huddle:

Upon learning of death, -

Did you read it first?!

Please say,

Having reconciled the dust:

Surely ON.

In life

Although in something worse there?!


Suffoon ringing ...

Talenter - what -

Became in the black frame he?

Murderly cruel

Intentionally bitter

Posthumous enthusiasm

Tombous buds.

Pillars of verbal dust

And the Family Smoke.

And where were you before, -

When was he alive?

Siberia in autumn gold,

In Moscow - tire noise.

In Moscow, in Siberia, in Vologda

Tremble and breaks in the wire: -

Shukshin ... Shukshin ...

Under the sobbing tube abandoned

Lose Tver ...

Yes what she is yes that she

Doplel, death?!

What long is the whole yes about

Wood - lying!

Took. such falcon.

Stunned flew.

He was ready for battles,

But not under the knife.

He lived not at a decline.

On takeoff completely!

He has nothing

To the warmth of the Earth.

But what about ... But how do we

Not saved

Witnesses and viewers,

We are hundreds of hundred!

Did not think they did not see.

What is coming

Highed our severity

On your ridge ...


Clearness -

There is no other...

Death Shukshina

Khoronila Moscow Shukshina,

buried the artist, that is

khoronila Country Men

and active conscience.

He lay under flowers on a third,

included from now on.

He is his surprised death

predicted popularly in the picture.

In every city he lay

on the sheer Russian sheets.

It was not called the cinema -

just everyone came and said goodbye.

Not called screen -

if the ground fall in the ground.

If it is razin, he played,

it would be today's refine.

He today is like a double.

When Zyabko smoked chinarik,

also choking, raising the collar,

the whole country in trains and on the hijah.

He learned economic

the edge as a house is where birch and boys.

Curting black Baikal,

as if the mirror in the house of the dead man.

Andrei Voznesensky. 1975.

Memory of Vasily Shukshina

Yet - neither cold weather, nor ice floes

Heat land, Red Kalina, -

And in the ground lay one more

On Novodevichy man.

It should be, he will not know -

Militars idle Sueslit -

The death of those of us before catching

Who was dying to die.

Since, Makarych, - do not rush

Pull the rings, weaken the clips,

Rear, rewrite,

Replay, - Stay alive!

But, in the tears of men robing,

He bullet in his stomach carried

Rished to the ground, like a faithful dog ...

And near the Kuste Kalina Ros -

Kalina red one.

The death of the best outlines -

And pulls one by one.

Such our brother went to darkness! -

He did not have long

Does not buff and does not bored.

And would be "Razin" this year ...

Where? Onega? Naroch?

All - stoves - benches, Makarych, -

So your boyfriend does not live!

That's after the time hitch

Rock straightened through the lip:

"Remove with a School taboo -

For seeing in a coffin

All memories and commemoration.

Togo with a big soul in the body

And with a serious cargo on the hump, -

So as not to experience fate -

Take in the morning warm with bed! "

And after an indispensable bath,

Clean before God and dressed,

Suddenly took yes he died seriously -

Decisive than on the screen.

Vladimir Vysotsky. 1974.


Tie butterfly on me.

Boots - on Shukshin.

Latina Krza Latana.

Frightened eyes.

First meeting.

We are about to shock.

Put me Shukshin

"I tell you

i did not know that you are Pijon -

neigh the neck! "

Dirty sculptor basement.

Three bottles pushed.

Looking for a spoon with a tulle.

"You are a butterfly with myself!

You - from the winter station,

and with such a phytulka! "


i do not pass without a fight.

I speak, not the skis:


Throw off a butterfly

boots you throw off! "

Likewise in one eye

stekshin became his kirm

take a stubborn.

Did not attack a slid!

And dived butterfly

in the top right.

Under the ports he is BOS,

and he laughs to tears:

"You, however, shelm!"

Good for cognac

if the feet

and barefoot neck!

We broke into one broke,

but even a laser dir

break fraught without a trace.

My God, how easy it is

if somewhere far

glory, death, immortal ...

Evgeny Yevtushenko. 1976.

"Memory Shukshina"

The best goes as if the world is crazy,

As if he could not understand them

The best, do not sleep last songs,

Invite a native land mother ...

We reread the created by them

And burns the eyes of a hot string ...

The best leaves, leaving the name,

Loss pain and memory for centuries.

And still in their afflicted story,

We are trying to wander the way ...

The best leaves and torments us conscience,

As if we could save them ...


I love my soul my light rus,

Both fields and meadows, T native birch.

But it has a corner, a long time ago,

That Shukshinsky Motherland is a commune.

All invisibly calls the cute picket heart.

In the mornings on the grass Silver Rosinki.

In the summer there are forget-butt so gently bloom

And the cucks in the bridges drop tears.

Sitting here barefoot on the top of the mountain,

Recalled his childhood and adolescence formerly

How to bathe in the river, how we fell in love,

How dreamed of going to life big.

And the picket is all manites all of Russia to himself,

And go on the paths of human streams,

To take a look at the village, worship the earth,

Governed son of the Great Russia ...

Life literature and creativity

Vasily Shukshina

1. Andoshulov, V. "My deer diet ...": - about the son / V. Ashcheulov // Literature lessons. - 2009. - №6. - p.1-3.

2. Basinsky, P. We are all looking for salvation: Vasily Makarovich Shukshin - 80 years: letters, articles, interviews / P. Basinsky // Russian newspaper. - 2009. - №- July 29). - p.24-25.

3. Ownernikova, O. "Shukshin at: Do you need a soul? I can sell!" / O. Vedernikova // Komsomolskaya Pravda. - 2009. - July 24. - p.3.

4.Vikulov, S. Death did not give any day: (25 years without V. Shukshin) / S. Viculov // Our contemporary. - 1999. - №10. - p.231-237.

5.Gurn, Shukshin: Strokes to the portrait. - M.: Enlightenment, 1993. - 128 p.: Il. - (Schoolchildren - about modern writers)

6. Grychukhina, Yu. Such a guy: Vasily Shukshin would have been 80 years old / yu. Grechukhina // Volgogr. truth. - 2009. - July 24. - C.1, 6. - (memory)

7.Grishaev, V. Love love will respond: Shukshinsky readings in Altai / V. Grishaev // Our contemporary. - 1998. - №6. - p.269-271.

8.Dyakonov, Y. Do not speak with longing: they are not; But with gratitude: there were: Hangehogs. Pyriev. Bondarchuk. Shukshin / Yu. Dyakonov // Our contemporary. - 1998. - №6. - C.260-268.

9.Melyanov, L. Vasily Shukshin: Sketch of creativity: monograph / l. Emelyanov. - L.: Art. lit., 1983. - 152 p.

10.ERMOLAHEVA, N. L. About the work of Vasily Makarovich Shukshina // Literature at school. - 2006. - №3. - C.2-7

11.Bolotsky, an. Everything is printed in the shower ...: Reflections after the anniversary / An. Zabolotsky // Roman-journal XXI century. - 2005. - №4. - P.84-92.

12.Bolotsky, an. Shukshin in life and on screen: notes of the cameraman / en. Zabolotsky // Roman-newspaper. - 1999. - №10. - C.1-48.

13.Salgin, S. Hero in Kizzoy boots: To the work of Vasily Shukshin: [Intr. Article] / s. Zaligin // Shukshin Works: at 5 tons. T.1. /. - Ekaterinburg, 1992. - S.5-12.

14.Solotussky, choice: prose / // Literature at school. - 1996. - №4. - S.60-67. - (literature of our days)

15.Syuzin, S. from the Kremlin to Shukshin: The presidential regiment was performed at the opening of the Shukshinsky holiday // Russian newspaper. - 2009. - July 24. - p.7.

16. Cartova, Life: Vasily Shukshin - Proseca /. - M.: OV. Writer, 1986. - 304 p.

17. Corobov, V. I. Vasily Shukshin. - M.: Contempor, 198s: Il. - (library "lovers of Russian literature").

18. Corobov, Shukshin: Creativity. Personality. - M.: OV. Russia, 1977. - 192 p. - (writers of Soviet Russia).

19. Corobov, V. "Morality is true": [Essay on] / c. Boxes // Laureates of Russia: Avtobiography Ros. writers. Kn. 3 / Sost. E. Ostrov, N. Popov. - M., 1980. - P. 362-431.

20. Curtain, V. Vasily Shukshin and Stepan Razin / in. Kunitsyn // Young about young: Sat. lit.-Critical articles of young critics / Sost. M. Zubavin. - M., 1979. - C.176-194. - (young writers).

21.Levashova, to his native land: "Rustic Prose" V. Shukshin // Literature lessons. - 2009. - №6. - p.4-6

23.News, V. "Judgment" over Shukshin / V. Neverov // Our contemporary. - 2006. - №7. - C.280-283.

24.News, Ya. Vasily Shukshin dug his heart: an outstanding actor and writer lived and died with his heroes / J. Nevskaya // Inter. - 2009. - №28. - C.11.

25.Nextlive letters // Roman-journal of the XXI century. - 2005. - №4. - C.10-12.

26.Onetsev, A. Shukshin and Song / a. Novoselites // Roman-magazine XXI century. - 2005. - №4. - p.32-47

27.Pankin, corner in the palms ...: (About publicism Vasily Shukshin) / // Strict literature: lit.-Critical articles and essays. - M., 1982. - C.211-224.

28. Pononarev, Yennaya Lyubsha Shukshina. - M.: Eksmo, 2003. - 416 p.: Il.

29.Sigov, V. K. "Big Roman": (to the 70th anniversary of the birth) / // Literature at school. - 1999. - №5. - p.39-49

30.Smirnov, S. R. "... Mother Son Never": Byalizing the song of Alexander Vampilov and Vasily Shukshina // Literature at school. - 1997. - №5. - P.86-89

31.stlkovkova, I. Truth, True, Justice: About the secret in Prose Vasily Shukshina / I. Shatkova // Literature at school. - 2003. - №6. - C.20-23.

32.Chudnova, L. Museum in Roshop 25 years / l. Muswinal // Roman-journal XXI century. - 2005. - №4. - p.6-8.

33.Vasiliiy Shukshin // Leiderman, Russian literature: 1950 - 1990s: in 2t. 0: 1968 - 1990: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. institutions / ,. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M., 2006. - P.84-97.

34.Vasiliiy Shukshin () // Apukhtina Soviet prose (60-70s): studies. Manual for philologist. Faculties un-tov /. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M., 1984. - P.127-153.

Scenic material about V. M. Shukshin

1.Serinina, M. Humanism Shukshin: Lesson-reader conference on the stories of the writer in 11 CL. / M. Granina // Literature. - 2001. - №40. - C.10-11.

2. Makarova, B. A. "Lives such a guy": lit. - MUZ. The script dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the writer V. M. Shukshin // We read, learn, play. - 2009. - №4. - p.31-39.

3.Sofronova, T. V. "He looks like his homeland": scenes. Evening about / // literature at school. - 1999. - №5. - P.82-86.

4. Mustache as a song: lit. The evening dedicated to // We read, learn, play. - 1998. - №7. - S.74-77.

Vasily Shukshin. Quotes ...

And tried a man? (...)

I can not live in the village. But I love there - the heart burns. (...)
Great Power, Power

The era of the great attack of the mesh. And in the first rows of this terrible army - women. It is sad, but so. (...)

"Not us to lose heart!" - Grew a pig, stacking in a puddle. (...)

Drunk also does not know how to firmly walk like a child. But no one has the desire to compare it with the child. They say: like a pig. (...)
Alcoholism, drunkenness

Understand yourself to genius. (...)
Idleness, work - idleness

Nothing, the disease is not so afraid: for some time it will be possible to go on the karachets. (...)

In three cases, I especially clearly understand that in vain spending time: 1. When I stand in the queue. 2. When I read someone's a mediocre manuscript. 3. When I sit at the meeting. (...)

It never comes, never should come to the time when you need to smell your hand and say that you can't do anything here. You can always do. (...)

The most observant people are children. Then - artists. (...)
Children and parents, parents

Good, kind ... This medal is worn through one. Good is a good deed, it is difficult, it is not easy. Do not praise kindness, do not even do evil! (...)

Regard ... It is necessary to regret or do not regret - this is the question of fake people. You still find the strength to regret. Weak, but the feet invents what it is necessary to respect. Sorry and then respect, but even more. (...)

East and West: When you have a day, we have a night. Do not forget only that the new day comes to us earlier before - night. (...)
Westerners, Foreign Ministers, Slavophiles

Form? .. Shape - it is a form: You can cast a golden thing, and you can - in it - cool the cold. Not in the form of a deal. (...)
Soul and body, body
I consider all my life as a fight in three rounds: youth, maturity, old age. Two of these round should be won. I already lost one. (...)

They say when they want to praise: "The writer knows life." Lord, but who does not know her! Her everyone knows. Everyone knows, and therefore distinguish writers - bad and good. But only because: talented and less talented. Or at all - launch. And not because he does not know life. Everybody knows.(...)

Life seems to me an endless chatty mass - a warm jelly, permeated by billions of blood weaves, nervous residences ... indiscriminately shuddering, pulsating, coilencing. If the artist breaks out a piece of this mass and blinds a little man, the little man will be dead: all the veins, umbilical cords, the nerve endings are coated and littered. But if you immerse yourself in this life-giving mass, - immediately start - with it together - shudder, pulsate, swell and turn over. And die there. (...)

Never, in my own life I did not allow myself to live relaxed, lounging. Always tense and assembled. And good, and bad. Good - did not allow to stake yourself; Bad - I start to twitch, I sleep with clamping fists ... It may not end, I can crack from the voltage. (...)

I'm not afraid of death. So life is mine. (...)

I am a son, I am a brother, I am a father ... The heart of meat has grown to life. Heavy, hurt - leave. (...)

Grammar errors with a beautiful handwriting - like lice in a nylon shirt. (...)
Error, mistakes

I still can not choose time - when I have the right to thread? I do not have everything. (...)
Treason, betrayal

Intellect, Mel.

No, guys, "mighty bunch" did not work. Sorry.(...)
Coalitions, Unions and Coalitions

We send those who stopped lying. (...)
Truth, truth

Incomprehensible, wild, strange reasons encourage people to hide the truth ... and even more expensive, people, relative, when they do not pretend, do not invent themselves, do not crawl away from the truth aside, they are not wrapped all their lives. Such me admire me. Please. (...)
Truth, truth
The story chooses unsuccessful performers on the role of their apostles. (...)

A stupid phrase is very popular to the stupid person: "Full lack of information." (...)

We all regret clean and love, you love living and dirty. (...)

Do not turn to people with your back - bite. (...)

I can not relate to the crowd indifferent. And heavily command it - there are people. There - peeks - people! What are they doing?!! And never see, I will not refuse to look into the eyes. (...)

It would be possible so to speak: I donated the fate. (...)
Dreams and dreamers

No old age is respected by itself, but lived life. If she was. (...)

When we feel bad, we think: "And somewhere someone is good." When we are good, we rarely think: "Somehow someone is bad." (...)
Morality, morality, ethics

I am militantly shore my tenderness. And how more? (...)

Opposition, yes. It would not be left from the whole opposition - one posture. (...)

The older generation shares their experiences with the younger ... Yes, but not a robbiness to share! (...)

We praise for the elemental talent, without guessing, or hiding that in our face the Russian people acquires their expressives, the accusers of a stupid "cultural" foliation. (...)

Try to write thousands so that one has become a writer. (...)

Each real writer, of course, is a psychologist, but the patient himself. (...)
Writers about writers

Who could be a politician on the tendency of the soul in the ancients? Fool who interfered with everyone to hunt! (...)
Politicians, politicians

The truth is always a few. Lie - yes. (...)

It's not terrible the stupidity of the ruler, for he is always divinely stupid, if he does not know another joy, except to polish and catch. It is terrible that people suffer. (...)

No mind, no truth, no power of real, not a single alive idea! .. Yes, with what they rule, they rule us? One explanation remains - with our own nonsense.

When we feel bad, we think: "And somewhere someone is good." When we are good, we rarely think: "Somehow someone is bad." (...)

We must respect the comma. Union "and" diminishes what follows him. The reader is used to that "and" only slightly strengthens what he knows before the Union. He stumbles about the comma ... and ready to perceive further with new attention. "It was overcast and uncomfortable." "It was overcast, uncomfortable." (...)

Difficult - simple, not simple - difficult. (...)

And Russia will still live: dance and cry under the fence! (...)
Russia and Russians

Lie, lie, lie ... Lies - to salvation, lie - in the atonement of guilt, lie - achievement goal, lies - career, well-being, ordinary, apartment ... FALS! All Russia was covered with a lie as a cord. (...)
Russia and Russians

It is necessary to completely calmly - without a chivalry and arrogance - say: Russia has their own way. The path is heavy, tragic, but not impassable in the end. Proud of us until nothing. (...)
Russia and Russians

Damn it! - In the native country, as in a foreign land. (...)
Russia and Russians

Yes, I would like and laugh, and hate, and I do it. But after all, I judge the judgment of high, the so-called simple, medium, the normal positive person does not suit me. Nauseous. Boring. (...)

When I will die, "I will say:" Fu-y, naughty, tired! " Do not die.(...)

I do not remember who among the great things: on the tombbobs it is necessary to write not, by whom the person was, and who he could be. (...)

Now I will say beautifully: you want to be a master, macay your feather truth. No other will surprise anymore. (...)

For what person does not regret neither forces, no means, nor health? - For pleasure. Only in his youth, he is ready for this health to give, in old age - to give pleasure for health. (...)
Passion, pleasure

Here's another from Revelations: "There is no happiness in the world, and there is peace and will." (...)

They still hold it on grazing. Then they will shut down. And eat. (...)

In life - with age - you begin to understand the strength of a person permanent thinking. This is a huge force that conquers. Everything dies: youth, charm, passion - everything agrees and destroys. Thought does not die and beautiful man who carries her through life. (...)
Intellect, Mel.

State Worker with the sad face of Impotent. (...)

About distribution. If the concept of intelligence includes painful conscientiousness and the ability to suffer from foreign suffering, he was deeply intelligent man. (...)

In a fool, which walks on our street, more time - era, than in some minister. (...)

Critical attitude towards yourself - this is what a person is doing truly smart. Also in art and in the literature: they are aware of their share honestly - it will be sense. (...)

If one who said the words of good and truthful and did not hear him - it means he did not say them. (...)

87 years ago, July 25, 1925, Vasily Makarovich Shukshin was born - director, actor, screenwriter, who in every film, spoke of people in every role, revealed the essence of the human soul.

With sleek live easier. You can hate - it is easier. And with good - difficult, ashamed somehow.

Man is a complete idiot. In the morning gets up - grieves, goes to bed - grieves. Always everything is dissatisfied with everything, grunts, hates everyone. They say - character.

No old age is respected by itself, but lived life. If she was.

So live - forty five years already - you think everyone: nothing, someday I will live well, easy. And the time goes ... and so come to this very day, in which we must go to bed - and I waited for any life. It is asked what it was necessary to wait, and not to do such joys as you can do?

When we feel bad, we think: "And somewhere someone is good." When we are good, we rarely think: "Somehow someone is bad."

The era of the great attack of the mesh. And in the first rows of this terrible army - women. It is sad, but so.

In general, there is a lot of fair. Here you regret: Yesenin lived little. Exactly - with a song. Whether she, this song, long, she would not be so tight. Long songs does not happen.

Nothing to be poor, I am ashamed to be cheap!

Lie, lie, lie ... Lies - to salvation, lie - in the atonement of guilt, lie - achievement goal, lies - career, well-being, ordinary, apartment ... FALS! All Russia was covered with a fair.

Strong in this world will find out everything: shame, and flour, and the trial of oneself, and the joy of enemies.

Here you want all people to live in the same way ... Two are full and then they burn unenkyly, and you want people to live in the same way!

I am looking for a hero of our time and it seems to grope him; The hero of our time is demagogue.

No mind, no truth, no strength of a real one, not a single alive idea. Yes, with what they rule right by us? One explanation remains - with our own nonsense. This is why it is necessary to beat and beat our art.

Each real writer, of course, is a psychologist, but the patient himself.

The narrator writes one big novel all my life. And then they estimate it when the novel is completed, and the author died.

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin:

The narrator writes one big novel all my life. And then they estimate it when the novel is written, and the author died.

Where do such talents come from? From whished folk. Russian people live on Earth - and even one. He will talk for everyone - he is remembered by people's memory, wise people's wisdom ...

V.M. Shukshin.

Cinema, as well as literature, have an attractive force: the possibilities of an instant conversation with millions are a writer's dream. However, the essence of things and the truth of life is such that the book works slowly, but deeply and long.
If you answer the main question: "What is the most important thing for you now?" - So: in front of me now this problem is worth - what to choose? How to continue to build your life? Hunting to use it .. Well, more efficiently. But now is the time when I can not understand what is a more accurate result. And maybe I am expensive for this uncertainty ... I still tell you under the charm with Sholokhov ... When I left him, first of all, what I swore is to work. It is necessary to work ten times more than now.

V.M. Shukshin.

Life seems to me an endless chatty mass - a warm jelly, permeated by billions of blood weaves, nervous residences ... indiscriminately shuddering, pulsating, coilencing. If the artist breaks out a piece of this mass and blinds a little man, a person will be dead: all the veins, umbilical cords, nerve endings are coated and lit. But if you immerse yourself in this life-giving mass, - immediately start - with it together - shudder, pulsate, swell and turn over. And die there.

V.M. Shukshin.

When I want to imagine exactly what I remember particularly firmly from this life, which I lived in the homeland in those of my years, in which our muming, especially tenacious, has the ability to hold for a long time that it struck it, then I have to put up cumbersome and several Uncertain, although for me this accuracy and concreteness is complete: I remembered the way of life of the Russian peasantry, the moral departure of this life ...

V.M. Shukshin.

Here are swallows: rapid, capricious LTT - play? They work: they catch the midges, who, too, probably, know how to dodge. And we are about people who rub his pants in chairs - work! Who?!!

V.M. Shukshin.

In comprehending complexity - and the inner world of a person, and its interaction with surrostium - the experience and interaction of humanity are gained. It is not by chance that art in all centuries intently examined the soul minting and - necessarily - the search for the exit from these confusion, these doubts

V.M. Shukshin.

Easy and simply obeying the truth of the Belov's heroes .. there is some such freedom, such a liberty, really Rodation of classes, quite clearly understand: one memory here is little, whether it is still perfect. Rumor, sense of measure, feeling of truth, tactful - everything is fine, all to business, but all this is not enough. Without love to those men, without compassion, hidden or explicit, without respect for them, genuine - so do not write about them. Not. So - so that they got up in the flesh: screaming, boastful, workers, patient, conscientious, warm, relatives ... their own. No, so not to write. Love and compassion, only they suggest such a piercing truth. And here you will not pretend that they are, if there is neither one or the other.
... Where does the writer have a stock of good strength? From the same people .. and people are given.

V.M. Shukshin.

The whole thing (well, not everything is a lot) is to extract the actor from terrifying responsibility to the nervous, very tense moment of shooting. It sounds paradoxically: here then, it seems, and it would be necessary to maximally collect, sorganize, etc. But he was assembled, long ago assembled, tens of times repeated the text, went tambouried him under his nose ... He was tired of tension, hesitated. And here the most recent damn moments before shooting: everyone is excited, the voices are increased, joggle products, costumes - to fix the hair on your head, wrap your shirt ... No, you need to invent something. In this painful overvoltage, the joy of creativity will die somewhere the necessary freedom, which makes the view of meaningful, and intonation of living and accurate.
... I hopefully rely on the actor. In the end, all art for me is a free way out of this help. In my opinion, attention to the actor, the emphasis on him in the work is a straight road to the viewer. I believe in the deepest way.

V.M. Shukshin.

From the first collection of stories to the novel "I came to give you the will" and fairy tales "to third roosters", from the films "lives such a guy" and "strange people" to "Kalina Red" many times arises the name of razin as a hint, like a metaphor, like Link to historical melt. There was a moment when Shukhin realized that he had a difference with some farewees of his nature, which was the concentration of the national characteristics of the Russian people. And this precious discovery writer wanted to convey to the reader.

Razin - "Hero, whose personal destiny does not belong to him nor historians or artists: it is the doodence of the people. How can it be able to love the difference - such strongly the love of the people who broke it; however, the fear and slavery can be solid - they are as initially damned they and the people . What made a raid by the folk hero? Rare, amazing, almost incredible ability to complete self-denial. There are few characters in human history. Able to self-denial, he goes to death without fear and lives in a grateful memory of human, in a song, legend. "

V.M. Shukshin.

In comprehending complexity - and the inner world of a person, and its interaction with the surrounding reality - the experience and mind of humanity are gained. It's not by chance that art in all centuries intently examined the confusion of the soul and - necessarily - the search for the exit from these sizes, these doubts.